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A caring mother is the single most important factor in Preventing teenagers from abusing(滥用)drugs and alcohol,researchers said on Friday. An international study showed that teenagers living with both parents are less likely to suffer from alcohol and drug problems,and a strong maternal bond is the most effective way to fight against them.
“These findings suggest that living with both parents may prevent drug use.”said ,of Newcastle University in northern England,who led the study.“They also suggest t hat attachment(情感眷念),particularly to mothers,is a more effective factor and that this is truly across cultures and substances.”The report,which is published in the journal Addiction,involved nearly 4,000 teenagers in England, Ireland, Italy,Germany and the were questioned about their use of several kinds of drugs and teenagers also filled in questionnaires about their relationship with their parents and grandparents,how well they were supervised(监护)after school and whether they were allowed to meet friends at home.
“Both the quality of family relationships and the structure of families have significant influences on youth drug use,”McArdle said in a he added a strong maternal bond offered the greatest protection against developing drug rate of drug abuse among teenagers living with both parents and who had a good relationship with their mother was either factor was
missing ,the drug abuse rate rose to 32 percent.More than 42 percent of teenagers living in one parent families who did not have a strong bond with their mother used drugs.
Drug prevention campaigns in British schools and on television warn teenagers about the danger of drugs and alcohol but McArdle said no one is dealing with the problem of their parents’ responsibility.
phrase“maternal bond”refers to__________.
edu cation of mothers supervision of mothers on children
C. whether the mother uses drugs guidance of schools on mothers


从第一段最后一句话“…and a strong maternal bond is the most effective way to fight against them.”和第二段讲的第二句话“They also suggest that attachment(情感眷念),particularly to mothers,is a more effective factor and that this is truly across cultures and substances.”能够推断出来,“maternal bond”指的是“母亲对小孩的管制”。

to McArdle,which is most likely to have the drug abuse problem?
Tom from a happy big family.
Kate supervised by her single mother.
Juliet living with her single father.
Mark cared by his parents.


注意题干所问的是“在McArdle看来,哪一种情形的青青年最有可能吸毒?”从第二段讲的第一句话“These findings
suggest that living with both parents may prevent drug use.”可知A、D选项不可选;从讲的第二句话“They also suggest that attachment(情感眷念),particularly to mothers,is a more effective factor and that this is truly across cultures and substances.”可知B选项不可选;只有C选项“和单身父亲一路生活的Juliet”最有可能吸毒。


3.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
with both parents won’t have the drug use problem.
from several countries filled in the questionnaire.
were asked about their relationship with parents.
in British schools are warned against drugs abuse.


从第二段“…involved nearly 4,000 teenagers in England, Ireland, Italy,Germany and the Netherlands.”可知B选项被提到了;从第二段最后一句话“The teenagers also filled in questionnaires about their relationship with their parents and grandparents,…”可知C选项被提到了;从最后一段“Drug prevention campaigns in British schools and on television warn teenagers about the danger of drugs and alcohol…”可知D 选项也被提到了。


last paragraph suggests that________.
should answer for the drug problem
and media are to blame
and the society are responsible for the drug problem
are the cause of youth drug use.


从最后一段“…but McArdle said no one is dealing with the problem of their parents’ responsibility.”可知,答案为C。

Antarctica has actually become a kind of space station – a unique observation post for detecting important changes in the world’s env ironment. Remote from major sources of pollution and the complex geological and ecological systems that prevail elsewhere, Antarctica makes possible scientific measurements that are often sharper and easier to interpret than those made in other parts of the world.
Growing numbers of scientists therefore see Antarctica as a distant-early-warning sensor, where potentially dangerous global trends may be spotted before they show up to the north. One promising field of investigation is glaciology. Scholars from the United States, Switzerland, and France are pursuing seven separate but related projects that reflect their concern for the health of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet – a concern they believe the world at large should share.
The Transantarctic Mountain, some of them more than 14,000 feet high, divide the continent into two very different regions. The part of the continent to the “east” of the mountains is a high plateau covered by an ice sheet nearly two miles thick. “West” of the mountain, the half of the c ontinent south of the Americas is also covered by an ice sheet, but there the ice rests on rock that is mostly well below sea level. If the West Antarctic Ice Sheet disappeared, the western part of the continent would be reduced to a sparse cluster of island.
While ice and snow are obviously central to many environmental experiments, others focus on the mysterious “dry valley” of Antarctica, valleys that contain little
ice or snow even in the depths of winter. Slashed through the mountains of southern Victoria Land, these valleys once held enormous glaciers that descended 9,000 feet from the polar plateau to the Ross Sea. Now the glaciers are gone, perhaps a casualty of the global warming trend during the 10,000 years since the ice age. Even the snow that falls in the dry valleys is blasted out by vicious winds that roars down from the polar plateau to the sea. Left bare are spectacular gorges, rippled fields of sand dunes, clusters of boulders sculptured into fantastic shapes by 100-mile-an-hour winds, and an aura o f extraterrestrial desolation.
Despite the unearthly aspect of the dry valleys, some scientists believe they may carry a message of hope of the verdant parts of the earth. Some scientists believe that in some cases the dry valleys may soak up pollutants faster than pollutants enter them.
is the best title for this passage?
[A] Antarctica and environmental Problems.
Antarctica: Earth’s Early-Warning station.
[C] Antarctica: a Unique Observation Post.
[D] Antarctica: a Mysterious Place.
would the result be if the West Antarctic Ice Sheet disappeared?
[A] The western part of the continent would be disappeared.
The western part of the continent would be reduced.
[C] The western part of the continent would become scattered Islands
[D] The western part of the continent would be reduced to a cluster of Islands. are the Dry Valleys left bare?
[A] Vicious wind blasts the snow away.
It rarely snows.
[C] Because of the global warming trend and fierce wind.
[D] Sand dunes.
of the following is true?
[A] The “Dry Valleys” have nothing left i nside.
The “Dry Valleys” never held glaciers.
[C] The “Dry Valleys” may carry a message of hope for the verdant.
[D] The “Dry Valleys” are useless to scientists.
sensor 远距离初期报警传感器
dune 沙丘
numbers of scientists therefore see Antarctica as a distant-early waning sensor, where potentially dangerous global trends may be spotted before they show up to the north.
【结构简析】see … as 把……看作。



part of the continent to the “east” of the mountain


aura of extraterrestrial desolation







B. 南极洲:地球最早的报警战。


D. 南极洲:神秘的地方。







A. 大陆西部将小时。

B. 大陆西部缩小。

D. 大陆西部将成为分散的岛屿。







A. 邪恶的狂风吹走了雪。

B. 它很少下雪。






B. 干谷内从没有冰河。

D. 按照科学家的看法,干谷毫无用途。

Dear Santa Claus,
My name is Amy. I am 9 years old. I have a problem at school. Can you help me, Santa? Kids laugh at me because of the way I walk and run and talk. I have cerebral
palsy. I just want one day where no one laughs at me or makes fun of me.
Amy At radio station WJLT in Fort Wayne, Indiana, letters poured in for the Christmas Wish Contest. When Amy's letter arrived at the radio station, manager Lee Tobin read it carefully. He thought it would be good for the people in Fort Wayne to hear about this special third grader and her unusual wish. Mr. Tobin called up the local newspaper.
The next day, a picture of Amy and her letter to Santa made the front page of the "News Sentinel." The story spread quickly. All across the country, newspapers and radio and television stations reported the story of the little girl in Fort Wayne, Indiana, who asked for such a simple, yet remarkable, Christmas gift --- just one day without teasing.
Suddenly the postman was a regular at the Hagadorn house. Envelopes of all sizes addressed to Amy arrived daily from children and adults all across the nation. They came filled with holiday greetings and words of encouragement. Some of the writers had disabilities; some had been teased as children. Each writer had a special message for Amy. Through the cards and letters from strangers, Amy glimpsed a world full of people who truly cared about each other.
Many people thanked Amy for being brave enough to speak up. Others encouraged her to ignore teasing and to carry her head high.
Amy did get her wish of a special day without teasing at South Wayne High School. T eachers and students talked together about how bad teasing can make
others feel.
That year, the Fort Wayne mayor officially proclaimed December 21st as Amy Jo Hagadorn Day throughout the city. The mayor explained that by daring to make such a simple wish, Amy taught a universal lesson. "Everyone," said the mayor, "wants and deserves to be treated with respect, dignity and warmth."
’s letter showed that_______.
schoolmates cannot understand her disability
school isn’t a good place for students like her
is often ignored in and out of class
wanted to win Christmas Wish Contest


从Amy的信中“Kids laugh at me because of the way I walk and run and talk. I have cerebral palsy.”能够明白,Amy 的同窗嘲笑她走路和跑步的方式,由此能够推断Amy 是残疾人。


postman was a regular at the Hagadorn house because _______.
went to encourage Amy frequently B. he was quite curious about Amy
C. he had to send letters to Amy daily
D. he was moved by Amy’s story


从正文的第三段开始两句话“Suddenly the postman was a regular at the Hagadorn house. Envelopes of all sizes addressed to Amy arrived daily from children and adults all across the nation.”可知,天天有小孩和大人的不同大小的信件寄给Amy, 因此邮递员成了Hagadorn
house的常客(regular),天天给Amy 送信。


3. We may infer from Amy’s story that__________.
A. people are easy to turn their eyes to the disabled
B. the news media played an important role in helping Amy
C. Amy will still be made fun of by others
D. there are few disabled people in Amy’s country


文章后文提到Amy 受到社会的关注,包括市长The mayor都对Amy的事件发话,这一切都是因为第一段中电台的manager Lee Tobin对此事的关注和第二段中“…a picture of Amy and her letter to Santa made the front page of the "News Sentinel."报纸对此事的报导。



4. The For Wayne mayor officially proclaimed Amy to Hadadorn Day________.
A. to tell how bad teasing can make others feel
B. to encourage people to carry their heads high
C. to explain h ow brave Amy was by making her wish
D. to call on the public to treat everyone properly


从最后一段最后一句话“"Everyone," said the mayor, "wants and deserves to be treated with respect, dignity and warmth." 可知,D选项是正确的。
