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(1) The anomalies of the situation afforded him gleam of pleasure—to a person of superior intellect, the idea that he or she has been weak or a foot in comparison with an inferior adversary is fraught with moral comedy and sardonic philosophic applications.
(2)Bringing the voice to life via the book is one of the subtler aspects of the reading magic, but hearing a book in the voice of another amounts to a silencing of that self---- it is an act of vocal tyranny.
(3) It was the usual mistake of a complex intelligence in assessing a simple intelligence, of an imagination that is capable of seeing and feeling on many levels at once, as opposed to an administrative mentality that feels operationally, through acts.
(4) Every modern observer, whether he or she was schooled in the traditions of the South Pacific or Zaire, of Hanover, New Hampshire or Vienna, Austria, was exposed at an early age to one or another form of folklore about Native Americans.
(5) For some, the very impressions about Native American tribes that initially attracted them to the field of American history are aspects most firmly rooted in popular myth and stereotype.
(6) It proposed that even though most buyers will never venture into territory any less trampled than the parking lot of the local shopping mall, the important goal of the marketing hype is to plant the image in customers’ minds that they can conquer rugged terrain.
(7) Indeed, in an age when many who can afford to do so live in limited-access communities in houses guarded by sophisticated surveillance
systems, the SUV is the perfect transportation shelter to protect us from fears both real and imagined.
(8) The belief that it is harmful to the Black community for authors to explore the humanity of our leaders can have troubling effects.
(9) Little wonder that a poll taken by The New York Times finds a majority of Americans seeing farm life as superior to any other kind of life in this country.
(10) That nineteenth-century French novelist Honore de Balzac could be financially wise in his fiction while losing all his money in life was an irony duplicated in other matters.
(11) Contemplating the consequences of that will give you a headache, and science fiction writers for decades have delighted in the paradoxes that can arise from traveling through time.
(12) Balzac’s fiction originally sprang from an intuition he first discovered as a wretched little school boy locked in a dark closet of his boarding school: life is a prison ,and only imagination can open its doors.巴尔扎克的小说源自于他的想象力,当他还在寄宿学校上学的时候,可怜的小巴尔扎克被关在黑暗的储藏室,那是他就曾说过:生活就像是监狱,只有想像能打开生活的大门。
(13) For instance, the very women who had been drawn to him by the penetrating intuition of the female heart that he showed in his novels were appalled to discover how insensitive and awkward the real man could be.例如,被他在小说中表现的女性心理入木三分的直觉所吸引来到他面前的女性,会惊骇的发现这个真实男人是多么的不敏感和笨拙。
(14) The one word that sums up the attitude of the silent filmmaker is enthusiasm,conveyed most strongly before formulas took shape and when there was more room forexperiments.
(15) There is nothing wrong with attempting to make the often difficult and complex findings of science available to a wider audience.
(16) This behavior demonstrates that dolphins are aware of their own individuality, indicating a level of intelligence that may be very near our own.(第十版OG-PT1)
(17) Savoring cities in ignorance or drinking them in visually is not enough.
(18) It’s as though we were all sworn to the same secret covenant, so secret we don’t even know what we belong to.就像我们每个人都向一个相同的秘密盟约发誓,如此神秘以至于我们不知道自己属于谁。
(19) Because this anticoagulant is not toxic to humans, vampire bats may one day play an important role in the treatment of heart patients—that is, if we can just get over our phobia about them.
(20) The long-standing fear that many people have about bats tells us less about bats than about human fear.
(21) Chauvinistic about our human need to wake by day and sleep by night, we come to associate night dwellers with people up to no good, people who have the jump on the rest of us and are defying nature, defying their circadian rhythms.
人类需要白天清醒晚上睡觉的盲目想法,我们就把夜猫子同坏人联系起来,那些超越剩余人的人是在挑战权威,反对自身的昼夜节律(have the jump on:超过,在。
(22) Unlike everyone else, the theorists has remained completely intact morally, can distinguish in a sovereign manner between deception and reality, and enjoys complete immunity in the face of the idiocy that he or she sorrowfully diagnoses in the rest of us. Or could—fatal loophole in the dilemma—the theories themselves be symptoms of a universal stupefaction?
(23)Douglass supported the society but took issue with the move held by Secretary Amelia Bloomer to limit to woman the right to hold its office.
Douglass支持这个协会,但是不同意秘书Amelia Bloomer领导的
(24)She circulated a petition for a meeting in 1858 to protest an impending execution and to support a law making life imprisonment the punishment for capital crime.
(25) I honestly do not think that blind luck of the kind enjoyed by someone who finds a winning lottery ticket for which he or she has not paid plays an important part in science or that many important discoveries arise from the casual intersection of two lines.
(26) We have heard people of position declare that individuals who criticize the actions of those who are
getting rich should be put in cement ship with leaden sails and sent out to sea.
(27)I cannot see much justice in the repeated claims that
it sugars the pill of a scientific education: most of the science is wrong anyway, and its amount is such that one might as well be reading Westerns in the hope of finding out about ranching methods
(28)Even as far back as Aristotle, it was observed that we fear things less the more distance they are.
(29)“Now …this ”is a phrase commonly used on television newscasts to indicate that what one has just heard or seen has no relevance to what one is about to hear or see or possibly to anything one is ever likely to hear or see.
(30)In many respects living Native Americans remain as mysterious, exotic and unfathomable to their contemporaries at the end of the twentieth century as they were to the Pilgrim settlers over three hundred fifty years ago.
(31) The familiar and reassuring kinds of written documentation found in European societies of equivalent chronological periods do not exist, and the forms of tribal record preservation available ---oral history, tales, mnemonic devices, and religious rituals---strike university-trained academics as inexact, unreliable, and suspect.
(32) Many anthropologists see this as proof of the Bering Strait migration theory, whichholds that between 11,000 and 6,000 years ago, ancestors of
Native Americans migratedsouthward from Asia to North America across
a land bridge that had jointed
6 千年到1 万一千年以前,印第安人的祖先跨越连接亚欧大陆的白令海峡南迁。
(33) In the first quarter of the twentieth century, some women scientists who engaged inresearch worked at the most prestigious institute of the period and enjoyed more careermobility than women researchers would experience again for several decades.
(34) Still, the officials were not clever enough, or suspicious enough, to check my sisterand me—lucky for us, since we are both carrying some silverware we were not allowed totake out of Poland in large pockets sewn onto our skirts especially for this purpose, andhidden under capacious sweaters.
(35) It is a feeling whose shades and degrees I’m destined to know intimately, but at thishovering moment, it comes upon me like a visitation
from a whole new geography ofemotions, an annunciation of how much an absence can hurt.
(36) Our estimate of the importance of luck is inherently biased: we know when we
benefit from luck, but in the nature of things cannot asses how often bad luck deprives us ofthe chance of making what might have been an important discovery.
(37) These individuals, by deliberate action, have enormously enlarged their
awareness—their candidacy for good fortune—and will now take into account evidence of akind that a beginner or a casual observer would probably overlook or misinterpret.
(38) He must prepare Gabriel for the disappointments of reality, and with consummatetact, without wounding his optimism, he sent him brief accounts of the island, entrusting himwith the maturity to form his own convictions.
他必须培养Gabriel 面对失望的现实。
为了不打击Gabriel 的乐观,他把这个岛的概况巧妙地传递给他,使他确信他能够树立自己的信念。
(39) Through ingenuity and dogged determination, in calculated symbolism and
unwitting remembrance, for over 300 years Black Americans have kept various ties to Africaintact.
300 多年来,美国黑人凭借非凡的才能和坚定的决心,通过精巧的象征主义和低调的缅怀,保持着与非洲各种各样的联系。
(40) Not without purpose had he come down to Yorkshire: his mission was clear, and heintended to discharge it conscientiously: he anxiously desired to have his niece married; tomake for her a suitable match; give her in charge to a proper husband, and wash his hands of her forever.
(41) Lewis’ hand took a pencil and marked out a small strong X in a place where someof the green bled away and the paper changed with high
ground, and began to workdownstream, northeast to southwest through the printed woods.
(42) The pencil turned over and pretended to sketch in with the eraser an area that musthave been around fifties long, through which the river hooked and cramped.
刘易斯手拿橡皮,笔锋一转,打算在50 多米长的地方动笔,那里河流转了个弯,变得狭窄。
(43) To take large chunks of time out of a child’s life—time during which he or she is
not positively, that is , educationally, occupied—means to interfere with healthful mentalgrowth.
(43) Of course, one can point to England's monarch, Queen Victoria, as a famous
example of a woman at work, and millions of working-class women worked for wages infactories and private homes, on farms, and in stores and markets.
(45) Middle-class women already shared with upper-middle class men the societal
stumbling blocks to active pursuit of business, which included the feeling that labor wasdemeaning and not suitable for those with aspirations to gentility.
(46) Although nineteenth-century women traveled for a variety of reasons, ranging froma desire to do scientific research to involvement in missionary work, undoubtedly a majorincentive was the desire to escape from domestic confinement and the social restrictionsimposed on the Victorian female in Britain.
尽管英国19 世纪维多利亚时期的妇女出于各种各样的原因去旅行,从希望从事科学研究到参加传教士的工作,但是毋庸置疑,最主要的动因是她们想挣脱强加在妇女身上的家庭束缚和社会限制。
(47) Despite her often outspoken distaste for the "new women" agitating for greater
freedom, the travel books that she and others had written still suggested, as Paul Fussell hasargued, "an implicit celebration of freedom."
(48) Chauvinistic about our human need to wake by day and sleep by night, we come toassociate night dwellers with people up to no good, people who have the jump on the rest ofus and are defying nature, defying their circadian rhythms.
(49) Though we are at the top of our food chain, if we had to live alone in the rain forest,say, and protect ourselves against roaming predators, we would live partly in terror, as ourancestors did.
(50) According to it, watching television not only undermines the viewers' ability to
criticize and differentiate, along with the moral and political fiber of their being, but
(51) To mention just one example, no one has yet succeeded in putting before us even asingle viewer who was incapable of telling the difference between a family quarrel in thecurrent soap opera and one at his or her family's breakfast table.
(52) One might have second thoughts about the theorists' influence when one watches
how the veterans of televised election campaigns fight each other for every single minutewhen it comes to displaying their limousine, their historic appearance before the guard ofhonor, their hairstyle on the platform, and above all their speech organs.
(53) They like a play when they become interested in the human destinies that are
represented, when the love and hatred, the joys and sorrows of the dramatic personages somove them that they participate in it all as though it were happening in real life.
(54) It was felt necessary by the founders to define the status of indentured servants,
slaves, and American Indians in regard to voting rights, but there was no need felt even tomention, much less to explain or justify, that while women were to be counted among "thewhole number of free persons" in each state for purposes of representation, they had no rightto vote or to be elected to public office.
(55) Bringing this voice to life via the book is one of the subtler aspects of the readingmagic, but hearing a book in the voice of another amounts to a silencing of that self—it is anact of vocal tyranny.
(56) Sometimes, to be sure, the fit is excellent—either because the reader achieves theright neutrality, allowing the voice to become a clear medium
for the text, or because theinterpretation somehow accords with my own expectations.
(57) He sprang to his feet and mimed the sentence aloud, triumphantly, in inverted
commas, bringing the whole force of his personality to bear on this specimen or exhibit of theincredible.
(58) For the truth was, as Mulcahy had to acknowledge, pacing up and down his smalloffice, that in spite of all the evidence he had been given of the president's unremitting hatred,he found himself hurt by the letter—wounded, to be honest, not only in his self-esteem but insome tenderer place, in that sense of contract between people that transcends personalanimosities and factional differences, that holds the individual distinct from the deed andmaintains even in the fieriest opposition the dream of final agreement and concord.
(59) Scent for many of us can be only a theoretical, technical expression that we use
because our grammar requires that we have a noun to go in the sentences we are prompted toutter about animals' tracking.
(60) The concept of two warring souls within the body of the Black American was as
meaningful for Du Bois at the end of his years as editor of Crisis, the official journal of theNational Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), as when he had firstused the image at the start of the century.
(61) The tension between race pride and identification with the nation as
a whole was
nowhere more dramatic than in the most controversial editorial ever printed in Crisis, "CloseRanks," which in July 1918 called on Black Americans to "forget our special grievances andcloy our ranks" with the White people "fighting for democracy" during the First World War.
《紧密团结》发表于1918 年7 月,是《危机》刊登过的最有争议的文章,最淋漓尽致地反映了种族骄傲和国家整体认同感之间的张力。
(62) Du Bois saw with amazement Garvey's success in persuading thousands of Black
Americans of the legitimacy of his back-to-Africa movement and in collecting funds for thepurchase of ships for his Black Star Line to transport people to Africa.
(63) Perhaps the most devastating single criticism of the authenticity of the museum
design has been that excavation of the original villa site has been so incomplete that there isinsufficient knowledge available even to attempt a legitimate re-creation.
(64) But recovery, in such circumstances. is by no means automatic, a simple process
like tissue healing—it will involve a whole nexus of muscular and postural adjustments, awhole sequence of new procedures (and their synthesis), learning, finding, a new path torecovery.
(65) However many directors and high officials of all sorts came and went, he was
always seen in the same place, at the very same duty, so that they used to declare that he musthave been born a perpetual titular councilor in uniform all complete and with a bald patch onhis head.
(66) The recording industry is unalterably convinced that the easy availability of freelydownloadable commercial songs will bring about the apocalypse, and yet since downloadablemusic began flooding the
Net,CD sales have risen by20 percent.
并且由于可供下载的音乐开始在网上泛滥,CD 的销量已经上涨了20 个百分点。
(67) One or two of the tradespeople even darted out of their shops, and went a little waydown the street before me, that they might turn, as if they had forgotten something, and passme face to face—on which occasions I don't know whether they or I made the worse pretence;they of not doing it, or I of not seeing it.
(68) The disgrace attendant on his immediately afterwards taking to crowing and
pursuing me across the bridge with crows, as from an exceedingly dejected fowl who hadknown me when I was a blacksmith, culminated the disgrace with which I left the town, andwas, so to speak, ejected by it into the open country.
(69)You do not fire a person who has challenged you openly at faculty meeting, who has fought, despite you and your cabal, for a program of salary increases and a lightening of the teaching load, who has not feared to point to waste and mismanagement concealed by those in high places, who dared to call only last week (yes, fantastic as it seemed, this was the background of the case) for an investigation of the Buildings and Grounds Department and begged the dietitian to unscramble, if she would be so good, for her colleagues, the history of the twenty thousand eggs….
(70) As soon as purely aesthetic elements predominate and the story of John and Susie grows elusive, most people feel out of their depth and are at a loss as to what to make of the scene
(71) I was by no means the first to notice that coyotes sometimes "pack-up" for seemingly no purpose than to enjoy one another's company.
(72) Everything written in self-conscious,writerly prose,
is now considered to be --"literary fiction"----always worthier of respectful attention than even the best-written thriller or romance.