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Experiencing English III
Unit 5 Lifelong Education
Passage B Returning to College
Unit Five
Experiencing English III
Review Background information New lesson Exercises Assignments
Unit Five
Experiencing English III
Para. 4-5:Opinion Poll: College Life
Students Teachers Half the teachers are idiots. It stinks. There aren’t any nice girls/boys around. Being anxious to acquire knowledge to make a buck. Author Agree.
Having responsibility to no one but themselves; readyMany ready-made friends; Teachers trying to help them; Families at home waiting for them to return for Christmas to tell all about their triumphs; readyThree ready-made meals a day.
Unit Five
Experiencing English III
George Gordon Byron 拜伦--英国杰出的浪漫主义诗人) --英国杰出的浪漫主义诗人 (乔治•戈登•拜伦--英国杰出的浪漫主义诗人)
(1788-1824) was as famous in his lifetime for his personality cult (礼拜,狂热的崇拜)as for his poetry. Byron’s influence on European poetry, music, novel, opera, and painting has been immense(巨 大的), although the poet was widely condemned(谴责) on moral grounds by his contemporaries. His works include Childe Harold ’s Pilgrimage(恰尔德•哈罗德游记), and Don Juan(长篇叙事诗《唐璜》).
Unit Five
Experiencing English III
Related words:
大专生 junior college student 本科生 undergraduate 大一生 freshman 大二生 sophomore 大三生 junior 大四生 senior 研究生 post graduate (graduate student)
Unit Five
Experiencing English III
休谟— David Hume (休谟—苏格兰哲学家及历 史学家) 史学家) (1711-1776) British philosopher and historian who argued that human knowledge arises only from sense experience. His works include A Treatise(论文) of Human Nature(1739-1740) and
Unit Five
Experiencing English III
Part One: My plan of returning to college
Fill in the blanks:
I didn’t finish my college because I drafted was ________ into the Army at the end junior of my _________ year. After four years service inclination in the ___________, I had no ________ to return to finish college because I everything thought I knew ___________.
Unit Five
Experiencing English III
(384-322 B.C.) Greek philosopher. A pupil of Plato, the tutor of Alexander the Great, and the author of works on logic, metaphysics(形而上学、玄学), ethics, natural sciences, politics, and poetics, he profoundly influenced Western thought. In his philosophical system theory follows empirical(经验 主义的) observation and logic, based on the syllogism(三段论法,演绎推理), is the essential method of rational(推 理的,理性的) inquiry(探究).
Unit Five
Experiencing English III
Now I find I don’t know everything, so learning I want to spend some time _________. pick up I wouldn’t want to __________ where I left off all over ___________. I’d like to start ________ freshman again as a ___________. It is not just education the ____________ that appeals to me. college life It is ____________ that looks pleasant extraordinarily ___________.
Unit Five
Experiencing English III
洛克—英国哲学家) John Locke (洛克—英国哲学家) (1632-1704) English philosopher. In An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1690) he set out the principles of empiricism(经验 论), and his Two Treaties on Government (1690) influenced the Declaration of Independence.
Unit Five
Experiencing English III
New Lesson Outline:
Part I (1-2) My plan of returning to college. Part II (3-5) College students’ attitude towards college education. Part III (6-11) Courses I’d like to study in college.
Unit Five
Experiencing English III
John Dewey 杜威—美国教育家及哲学家) (杜威—美国教育家及哲学家)
(1859-1952) American philosopher and educator who was a leading exponent(倡导者、代表者、 拥护者) of philosophical pragmatism(实 用主义) and rejected traditional methods of teaching by rote(死记硬 背), in favor of a broad-based system of practical experience.
Unit Five
Experiencing English III
Background Information
) Greek philosopher. A follower of Socrates(苏格拉底), he founded the Academy(柏拉图哲学、 学园(柏拉图讲哲学的地方) (386 B.C.),where he taught and wrote for much of the rest of his life. Plato presented his ideas in the form of dramatic dialogues, as in the Republic.
Unit Five
Experiencing English III
斯宾诺莎— Baruch Spinoza (斯宾诺莎—荷兰哲学 家) (1632-1677) Dutch(荷兰的) philosopher and theologian(神学 家) whose controversial(争论的, 引起争论的) pantheistic(崇拜一切 神道的) doctrine advocated(拥护, 提倡) an intellectual(理智的) love God. His best-known work is Ethics(1677).
Reasons: I like the thinking process. I like philosophers. I’d like to take a course in which I had to read great thinkers.
Unit Five
Experiencing English III
Part Two: College students’ attitude towards college education Para. 3: year—— ——the College year——the best part of life
Political Discourses(论述、论说)
Unit Five
Experiencing English III
Hume’s Philosophy
Hume's basic belief was that Man is incapable of knowing anything for certain. We believe, we do not know, that the sun will rise tomorrow morning. We simply assume this because it has risen every other morning. Hume carried Kant's beliefs to their logical conclusion.
System Life
Agree. College life is idyllic. Knowledge can be a joy, independent of anything you do with it.
Unit Five
Experiencing English III
Part Three: Courses I’d like to study in college I’d like to take philosophy in college.
Unit 5 Lifelong Education
Passage B Returning to College
Unit Five
Experiencing English III
Review Background information New lesson Exercises Assignments
Unit Five
Experiencing English III
Para. 4-5:Opinion Poll: College Life
Students Teachers Half the teachers are idiots. It stinks. There aren’t any nice girls/boys around. Being anxious to acquire knowledge to make a buck. Author Agree.
Having responsibility to no one but themselves; readyMany ready-made friends; Teachers trying to help them; Families at home waiting for them to return for Christmas to tell all about their triumphs; readyThree ready-made meals a day.
Unit Five
Experiencing English III
George Gordon Byron 拜伦--英国杰出的浪漫主义诗人) --英国杰出的浪漫主义诗人 (乔治•戈登•拜伦--英国杰出的浪漫主义诗人)
(1788-1824) was as famous in his lifetime for his personality cult (礼拜,狂热的崇拜)as for his poetry. Byron’s influence on European poetry, music, novel, opera, and painting has been immense(巨 大的), although the poet was widely condemned(谴责) on moral grounds by his contemporaries. His works include Childe Harold ’s Pilgrimage(恰尔德•哈罗德游记), and Don Juan(长篇叙事诗《唐璜》).
Unit Five
Experiencing English III
Related words:
大专生 junior college student 本科生 undergraduate 大一生 freshman 大二生 sophomore 大三生 junior 大四生 senior 研究生 post graduate (graduate student)
Unit Five
Experiencing English III
休谟— David Hume (休谟—苏格兰哲学家及历 史学家) 史学家) (1711-1776) British philosopher and historian who argued that human knowledge arises only from sense experience. His works include A Treatise(论文) of Human Nature(1739-1740) and
Unit Five
Experiencing English III
Part One: My plan of returning to college
Fill in the blanks:
I didn’t finish my college because I drafted was ________ into the Army at the end junior of my _________ year. After four years service inclination in the ___________, I had no ________ to return to finish college because I everything thought I knew ___________.
Unit Five
Experiencing English III
(384-322 B.C.) Greek philosopher. A pupil of Plato, the tutor of Alexander the Great, and the author of works on logic, metaphysics(形而上学、玄学), ethics, natural sciences, politics, and poetics, he profoundly influenced Western thought. In his philosophical system theory follows empirical(经验 主义的) observation and logic, based on the syllogism(三段论法,演绎推理), is the essential method of rational(推 理的,理性的) inquiry(探究).
Unit Five
Experiencing English III
Now I find I don’t know everything, so learning I want to spend some time _________. pick up I wouldn’t want to __________ where I left off all over ___________. I’d like to start ________ freshman again as a ___________. It is not just education the ____________ that appeals to me. college life It is ____________ that looks pleasant extraordinarily ___________.
Unit Five
Experiencing English III
洛克—英国哲学家) John Locke (洛克—英国哲学家) (1632-1704) English philosopher. In An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1690) he set out the principles of empiricism(经验 论), and his Two Treaties on Government (1690) influenced the Declaration of Independence.
Unit Five
Experiencing English III
New Lesson Outline:
Part I (1-2) My plan of returning to college. Part II (3-5) College students’ attitude towards college education. Part III (6-11) Courses I’d like to study in college.
Unit Five
Experiencing English III
John Dewey 杜威—美国教育家及哲学家) (杜威—美国教育家及哲学家)
(1859-1952) American philosopher and educator who was a leading exponent(倡导者、代表者、 拥护者) of philosophical pragmatism(实 用主义) and rejected traditional methods of teaching by rote(死记硬 背), in favor of a broad-based system of practical experience.
Unit Five
Experiencing English III
Background Information
) Greek philosopher. A follower of Socrates(苏格拉底), he founded the Academy(柏拉图哲学、 学园(柏拉图讲哲学的地方) (386 B.C.),where he taught and wrote for much of the rest of his life. Plato presented his ideas in the form of dramatic dialogues, as in the Republic.
Unit Five
Experiencing English III
斯宾诺莎— Baruch Spinoza (斯宾诺莎—荷兰哲学 家) (1632-1677) Dutch(荷兰的) philosopher and theologian(神学 家) whose controversial(争论的, 引起争论的) pantheistic(崇拜一切 神道的) doctrine advocated(拥护, 提倡) an intellectual(理智的) love God. His best-known work is Ethics(1677).
Reasons: I like the thinking process. I like philosophers. I’d like to take a course in which I had to read great thinkers.
Unit Five
Experiencing English III
Part Two: College students’ attitude towards college education Para. 3: year—— ——the College year——the best part of life
Political Discourses(论述、论说)
Unit Five
Experiencing English III
Hume’s Philosophy
Hume's basic belief was that Man is incapable of knowing anything for certain. We believe, we do not know, that the sun will rise tomorrow morning. We simply assume this because it has risen every other morning. Hume carried Kant's beliefs to their logical conclusion.
System Life
Agree. College life is idyllic. Knowledge can be a joy, independent of anything you do with it.
Unit Five
Experiencing English III
Part Three: Courses I’d like to study in college I’d like to take philosophy in college.