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Unit 2

Professional Papers

1. Definition of professional papers

A professional paper is a typewritten paper in which professionals present their views and research findings on a chosen topic. It is variously known as the “research paper”, “course paper”, “thesis paper” or “library paper”. Despite the various names, the task of the author of a paper is essentially the same: to read on a particular topic, gather information about it, and report the findings in it.

A professional paper can not be written randomly. It must conform to a special format, which governs the entire paper from the placing of the title to the width of the margins, and to the notation used in acknowledging material drawn from other sources.

A professional paper differs from other non-professional essays in that it involves the u se of library sources from which facts, quotations, and the opinions of others are drawn to explain, support, or authenticate ideas in the paper. These sources are identified by num bered notes, places at the end of the paper or at the bottom of the page. A professional paper usually conclu des with a bibliography, and an alphabetical list of all sources cited.

2.Classification of professional papers

The four kinds of papers usually assigned in universities and colleges are (1) report papers; (2) research papers;

(3) course papers, and (4)thesis papers.

1) Report Paper

The report paper summarizes and reports the findings of an other on a particular subject. The writer neither judges nor evaluates the findings, but merely catalogs them in a sensible sequence.

2) Research paper

A research paper can be intelligent, well informed, interesting, and original in its conclusions. It draws its material from many sources and aims to assemble facts and ideas by studying them to draw new conclusions on the basis of obtained data observed facts, or to present the material in the light of a new interest.

3) Course Paper

Different from report papers and research papers, course papers are written after a specific course is learned or are designed at the end of a term. This type of paper is, therefore, also called “term paper”.

4) Thesis Paper

Unlike report papers, the thesis paper takes a definite stand on an issue. A thesis is a proposition or point of view that a writer or speaker is willing to argue against or defend. A paper that argued for ratification of a certain event would therefore be a thesis paper.

3. Linguistic Features of Professional Papers

1) Formal Style

A professional paper deals with the study of some objective facts or problems, and the conclusion that is drawn should be based on relevant data, not on personal likes and dislikes. It is particularly important in any kind of scientific inquiry; it does not matter who is conducting the experiment or investigation. Being impersonal and free from emotional factors is one of the important features in professional writing. The focus of professional writing is upon the data and upon the analysis of the data, for example, instead of writing:

I carried out an experiment to investigate the effect of light on plant growth.

It would be more conventional to say:

An experiment was carded out to investigate the effect of light on plant growth.

Generally speaking, formal writing sets an unusually high value on objectivity, meticulousness, accuracy, and restraint. It is directed to the reader’s mind and makes little efforts to appeal to his emotions. Its purposes are utilitarian, and it is usually intended for readers who already have, to some degree, a special interest in the subject matter or are even experienced colleagues in the same trade.

2) Specialized Terms
