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1. The Significance of Lifelong Education
Decades ago, due to the low standard of living in China, only a sm all percentage of the nation’s population could receive college educ ation。

Once given the opportunity, one would surely secure a w ell—paid and much—respected job, which he or she would probabl y do for a lifetime。

Therefore, to secure a college degree used to b e the ultimate goal of a person's education。

Today, however, we are living in what is called a ”knowledge socie ty”, where creative ideas and innovations are generated at a fanta stic speed。

One must constantly renew one’s knowledge and upgr ade one’s skills so as to meet the needs of the changing world. Mor eover, at the stage of general education, it is pointless for a pers on to attempt to know everything。

When one is required to settle down to be a specialist in a specific field, one has to make an in—d epth study of the subject one is supposed to know。

In this sense , general education can provide students with only a passport to li felong education。

As Robert Maynard Hutchins once said, the obj ect of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves thr oughout their lives.
In my opinion, life in modern society is not only a process of "lear ning to live" but also a process of ”living to learn". The slogan "Live
and Learn” can best reflect the concept of lifelong education。

2. Should Family Schooling Exist?
Meng Mu Tang, a private school in Shanghai, is modeled after the educational system of ancient Chinese home schools, which favore d rote memorization and recitation of classic works。

But the local education authorities in Shanghai have declared it illegal according to a report in 21st Century。

Should family schooling exist? What r ole should it play?
In my opinion, family schooling should be permitted to play a positi ve role in the current educational system in China。

Every family sh ould be free to choose the form of education that best suits their c hildren’s interests and natural gifts。

Although the existing educati on system in China has remarkably improved, it does not fit each child perfectly。

Since family schooling provides a means to develo p a person’s talents and unique interest, Meng Mu Tang, as a pri vate school geared to a specific group of children, should not be ba nned in haste。

In view of the current dynamic, quality-minded ed ucational reforms in China, we should permit family schooling to en rich and diversify our educational system。

On the other hand, home schooling should adapt itself to the mo dern world。

To prepare children for the future, it should equip t hem with knowledge and innovative power so that they can cope w
ith the development of the modern world。

While tapping children 's innate talents on an individual basis, family schooling should ne ver neglect their all—round development. Meng Mu Tang may not be a perfect private school, but we should let it live and have a try so that family schooling may eventually become an indispensable c omponent of our formal education。


My Views on Cultural Differences
In my opinion, cultural differences have more advantages than dis advantages. First of all, it is cultural differences that make our wor ld so colorful。

If you go to a foreign country, you will be impress ed not only by its physical environment but also by its cultural envir onment - its foods, clothes, customs, social practices, etc. Diff erences between cultures have always been a source of joy and ins piration。

Secondly, differences in culture enrich human civilization。

Different cultures compete with as well as learn from each other。

Roman culture was modeled on Greek culture, which had once bo rrowed a lot from Egyptian culture. American culture is also a blend of many different cultures.
Thirdly, differences in culture give each culture its unique identity.
A culture is usually seen in relation to other cultures. Chinese cultu
re distinguishes itself from others by its peculiar concepts and thing s that can hardly be found elsewhere. Of course, cultural differenc es may cause conflicts and misunderstandings。

But interdepende nce, common interests and mutual goals of different nations alwa ys outweigh differences in culture。

Nations with different cultures should learn from each other and live peacefully together。

To this end, we should be more tolerant to other cultures while preservi ng, protecting and developing our own。


My Views on the Influence of Western Culture
On weekends, I gather with my friends at MacDonald's or KFC。

We eat fried chicken, drink Coco—cola and talk about the latest r elease of Hollywood movies. We read foreign novels, listen to We stern music and watch NBA。

We admire Bill Gates, George Mich ael and Princess Diana。

We dress ourselves in the Western style an d celebrate Christmas and Valentine’s Day。

Our way of life has thu s changed. Indeed, the influence of Western culture is strongly felt i n our everyday life.
This influence in turn prepares us well to blend into the modern wo rld and participate in the world market competition. But we should not ignore its side effects。

Our national culture may gradually lose its ground if our attention is focused only upon Western culture。

I n following the trend of globalization we should maintain our own c
ultural identity, cherish our cultural tradition and develop our own culture. What Mahatma Gandhi once said can best sum up my view s on the influence of Western culture:”I do not want my house to be walled in on all sides and my windows to be stuffed. I want the c ultures of all the lands to be blown about my house as freely as pos sible。

But I refuse to be blown off my feet by any."
1. My favorite Sports Team: the Chinese Women's Volleyball Team In quite a few sports, Chinese women athletes outshine men athlet es。

As a girl, I always feel proud of our women table tennis playe rs, badminton players, women divers and gymnasts。

But my gre atest enthusiasm always goes to the Chinese Women’s Volleyball Te am, who, though it has undergone some ups and downs, always pre sents a positive, inspiring image to the public。

I’ve never missed an y major TV shows involving the Chinese women’s team。

I can’t hel p getting excited watching the girls shine in court, with their amaz ing spikes and blocks, and their never—ceasing courage and faith in winning the match。

There are times when they lose the game , sometimes with embarrassing result like 0:3; there are years when they suffer a lot of injuries and new playe rs do not match up to the veterans, yet, one must admit that the Chinese girls have been practising very hard all the way.
Recent years has witnessed a difficult period for the team when Rus sian, American, Cuban, and Brazilian teams are rising in rankin g and winning championships, but I still have faith in our team an d give them my support。

I wish them good luck in the coming Oly mpics。


Benefits from Hosting the Olympic Games
July of 2001 witnessed a wave of national excitement in our land:
Beijing had won the bid to host the 2008 Summer Olympic Games. I t
symbolized the strength of our country and roused our national pri de。

Since then a lot of changes have taken place in Beijing. Citizens of B eijing are now enjoying better transportation facilities, and the phy sical environment has improved significantly。

With the constructi on of athletic venues, municipal infrastructure and other relevant fa cilities, new job opportunities have been created。

A boom in Oly mpic-related businesses and industries has taken place not only in B eijing but also elsewhere。

Hosting the Olympic Games is also a mega cultural event。

It is a g ood opportunity to increase the international profile of the host cit y. Now more and more people are drawn to Beijing, and there has
appeared a new boom in tourism. Preparations for the 2008 Olymp ic Games have given rise to numerous cultural and
educational programs focusing on the citizens' commitment and de dication to this international event. Such programs have not only ge nerated a widespread interest in sports but have also promoted the citizens' social, cultural and ethical visions. We must try our best to capitalize on this opportunity as fully as we can.

How to Survive in a Competitive Society
Competition in present—day society is fierce and cruel。

It exists in different lines of work。

For example, different musicians compete for each seat in their orchestra, and different orchestras compete for the privilege of making recordings with prestigious studios. Foo tballers compete for positions within the same team, and they wo rk together to compete against other teams for championships. In s hort, whatever we do, we may feel the pressure of competition. However, instead of deploring competition, we should see the int errelationship between competition and cooperation. Cooperation and competition exist side by side and they are both u navoidable in human society。

For example, while competing wit h other factories, producers and distributors of the same factory mu
st cooperate and make coordinated efforts to satisfy
the needs of customers. Business rivals have to cooperate with one another when their common market is threatened。

Therefore, co mpetition alone will not bring us success in what we are doing.
In the face of competition, we should keep acquiring new skills an d updating our knowledge so as to enhance our competitive ability 。

At the same time, we should learn the techniques of cooperatin
g with others in the most effective manner。

2. Should We Offer Seats to Elderly People on the Bus During Rush H ours? I am amazed to read what a blogger says about offering bus seats to the elderly. He claims that "it's the young who need it mor e” because they go to work early in the morning and feel exhausted after a day’s work。

The blogger also argues that it is unfair to off er seats to the elderly since they already enjoy free rides, and sugge sts that during rush hours senior citizens be denied such treatment.
I could never bring myself to agree with the blogger. Taking good ca re of the elderly is a universally accepted standard of conduct. In m y opinion, offering seats to our elders is not just an indication of go od manners; it is a moral issue。

I always consider it my moral ob ligation to help others。

Yes, you may feel comfortable for a while by remaining in your seat, but you will lose your character and m
oral values in the long run. Respecting the elderly is also our social c onvention。

It is precisely out of our love and respect for the elderl y that such special benefits as free rides are offered to them. No on e can deprive senior citizens of their right to go out by bus at any ti me they like, and what’s more, we should make sure they get spe cial care when the bus is fully packed with passengers。

Caring for the elderly and being taken care of can be a mutually sati sfying experience for everyone involved. It is through performing such small acts as offering seats to the needy that we le arn to contribute to the building of a harmonious society.。
