2018届高三英语(人教版)总复习随堂演练:1-4 含答案



9.grateful 10entire
1.I once studied some Japanese at college, but I’m afraid that I’ve ________ (entire) forgotten it now
2.European ________ (settle) began in 1840 when the British arrived
1.entirely 2settlement 3Germans 4outdoors
5.advice 6suffering 7dusty 8addition 9concerned
10.upsetting 11(in) figuring 12repaired 13crossing
14.on; in 15to; at 16has witnessed 17going
3.The teacher told the students to ________ (定下心)down and study the text
4.When he was abroad, his parents were __________ (担心)about his safety
5.____________ (确切地)speaking, I disagree with you on this matter
13.While ________ (cross) the road, he was knocked over
14.He let out the secret ________ purpose ________ order to earn money
15.I often talk with my daughter face ________ face ________ dusk

2018届高三英语(人教版)总复习综合能力测试4 Word版含解析

2018届高三英语(人教版)总复习综合能力测试4 Word版含解析


A(2017·河北省唐山市第一中学月考)I was 9 years old when I found out my father was ill.It was 1994 but I can remember my mother's words as if it were yesterday:“Kerrel,I don't want you to take food from your father, because he has AIDS.Be very careful when you are around him.”AIDS wasn't something we talked about in my country when I was growing up.From then on.I knew that this would be a family secret.My parents were not together anymore,and my Dad lived alone.For a while he could take care of himself.But when I was 12,his condition worsened.My father's children lived far away,so it fell to me to look after him.We couldn't afford all the necessary medication for him,and because Dad was unable to work, and I had no school supplies and often couldn't even buy food fordinner.I_would_sit_in_class_feeling_completely_lost._The_teacher's_words_ muffled(低沉)as_I_tried_to_figure_out_how_I_was_going_to_manage.I did not share my burden with anyone.I had seen how people reacted to AIDS.Kids laughed at classmates who had parents with the disease.And even adults could be cruel. When my father was moved to the hospital, the nurses would leave his food on the bedside table even though he was too weak to feed himself.I had known that he was going to die, but after so many years of keeping his condition a secret,I was completely unprepared when he reached his final days.Sad and hopeless,I called a woman at the nonprofit National AIDS Support.That day, she kept me on the phone for hours. I was so lucky to find someone who cared.She saved my life.I was 15 when my father died.He took his secret away with him,having never spoken about AIDS to anyone,even me.He did not want to call attention to AIDS.I do.21.What does Kerrel tell us about her father?A.He had stayed in the hospital since he fell ill.B.He depended on the nurses in his final days.C.He worked hard to pay for his medication.D.He told no one about his disease.22.What can we learn from the underlined sentences?A.Kerrel couldn't understand her teacher.B.Kerrel had special difficulty in hearing.C.Kerrel was too troubled to focus on the lesson.D.Kerrel was too tired to hear her teacher's words.23.Why did Kerrel write the passage?A.To tell people about the sufferings of her father.B.To show how little people knew about AIDS.C.To draw people's attention to AIDS.D.To remember her father.答案与解析本文通过对自己儿时父亲患艾滋后,家人及自己因害怕引起关注而隐瞒这一事实所面临的痛苦经历的描述,希望引起人们的关注,共同对抗艾滋。

2018届高三英语(人教版)总复习随堂演练:6-4 含答案

2018届高三英语(人教版)总复习随堂演练:6-4 含答案

Ⅰ.单词拼写1.Do you believe in the ________(存在)of God?2.I know I can trust her in any ________(情况).3.I ________(使神清气爽)myself with a glass of juice after running.4.In nature, there are lots of ________(现象)which can't be explained now.5.Keep the camera ________(平稳)while you take a picture.6.In production, we demand not only __________ (数量)but also quality.7.Some people prefer a wider ________ (范围)of views, and would choose to read more.8.As a ________(后果), the majority of today's mothers are in the labor market.9.So what do you think is the ________(趋向) of country music?10.On ______(平均), I spend $100 on books each month.答案1.existence 2.circumstance 3.refresh 4.phenomena5.steady 6.quantity7.range8.consequence9.trend/tendency10.averageⅡ.单句语法填空1.Some common ________ (phenomenon) in the world are still not completely understood by human beings.2.There are ________ (quantity) of goods in that shop for customersto choose from.3.He had been ill for a long time and ________ (consequence) he was behind in his work.4.She refused to make a ________ (state) to the police in case she incriminated (连累) herself.5.Her post as a general manager ________ (steady) after three months.6.Some experts thought that pollution poses a threat to the continued ________ (exist) of this species.7.The adequate rain contributed to the ________ (grow) of the crops.8.There's a lot of ________ (disagree) among politicians on this issue.9.No country can afford to neglect the ________ (educate) of its young people.10.They contributed a lot of food and clothing to the refugees (难民) and their ________ (contribute) will certainly help the refugees live through the winter.11.Quantities of water ________ (waste) every day.12.We received several answers, and we picked one ________ random.13.We are opposed to ________ (build) the factory near the village.14.There is no doubt ________ air pollution has a bad effect on our health.15.She subscribed to ________ (buy) a flat in the centre of the city.16.________ behalf of my whole family, I'll express my thanks to you.17.He advocated ________ (live) a simple but meaningful life.18.________ long as you work hard, you can win your manager's appreciation.19.________ the whole the meeting was a great success.20.It takes me twenty minutes ________ (walk) to school every day.答案1.phenomena 2.quantities 3.consequently 4.statement5.steadied 6.existence7.growth8.disagreement9.education10.contributions11.are wasted12.at13.building14.that15.buying16.On17.living18.So/As19.On20.to walkⅢ.单句改错1.Large quantities of air conditioners have sold since the temperature is high.________2.A big fire broke out last night; as the consequence, the house was completely destroyed.________3.Your support will certainly make difference in our cause.________4.There is no doubt acting before thinking always results in failure.________5.A number of new machines were introduced from abroad, resulted in an increase in production.________6.I have never subscribed the view that school days are the happiest days of my life.________答案1.have后加been2.as后面的the改为a3.make后加a4.doubt后加that5.resulted改为resulting6.subscribed后加toⅣ.语法填空Lionel Messi, __1__ player from the South American country Argentina, is one of the greatest soccer players alive today. At a young age, he __2__ (move) to Spain and now plays __3__ (profession) for the FC Barcelona. Messi started playing soccer at the age of 5 for a small soccer team __4__(own) by his father. Even as a young boy, he did very well. But when he was 11 years old, he found out he had a sickness which would prevent him from growing much __5__ (tall). There was a way to help him grow more, __6__ his parents did not have enough money to pay for his medical needs. So, they looked around for a soccer club __7__ would be able to do this for them. The clubs in Argentina couldn't help him, but the famous FC Barcelona in Spain offered __8__ (accept) Messi on the junior team and pay for the bills. The Messi family happily took the offer and moved to Spain. In the FC Barcelona, Messi was one of the best __9__ (play) through his teen years. __10__ his incredible talent, Messi has surprised the world.答案1.a 2.moved 3.professionally 4.owned 5.taller6.but7.that/which8.to accept9.players10.WithⅤ.短文改错Everyone has their favorite sport. My favorite sport is badminton, that brings me much happy. It was seven years ago I watched BeijingOlympics badminton games. I thought the sport was very cool that I became interesting in it. My favorite badminton athlete was Lin Dan. He has won many match and he is the pride of our country. I have joined in the badminton club of our school to improve our skills. As I often lose, I am still very happy. I have a dream that I can become a badminton player like Lin Dan.答案Everyone has their favorite sport. My favorite sport is badminton,that which brings me much happyhappiness. It was seven years ago ∧thatI watchedBeijing Olympics badminton games. I thought the sport was verysocoolthat I became interestinginterested in it. My favorite badminton athlete wasisLinDan. He has won many matchmatchesand he is the pride of our country. I have joined in\the badminton club of our school to improve ourmyskills.AsAlthough/ThoughI often lose, I am still very happy. I have a dream that I can become a badminton player like Lin Dan.。



2018届人教版高三英语总复习全套随堂演练40份(附答案)本资料为woRD文档,请点击下载地址下载全文下载地址Ⅰ.单词拼写.Businesshas________losssincetheeconomiccrisis happened.2.myfatherhasmadeafull________fromtheoperation.3.Theteachertoldthestudentsto________downandstudyt hetext.4.whenhewasabroad,hisparentswere__________abouthis safety.5.____________speaking,Idisagreewithyouonthismatter.6.Notknowingasinglepersonattheparty,hefelt________ byallthepeoplepresent.7.Alltheplanwas________bythesuddenchangeoftheweath er.8.Hepreferstowork________,forhecanhavemoretimetogetclosetonature.9.wewereso__________tohimforthehelphehadofferedtous.0.The____________companycanbemanagedbyacomputerwit hthehelpofmoderntechnology.答案.suffered 2.recovery 3.settle 4.concerned5.Exactly 6.ignored 7.upset 8.outdoors9.grateful 10.entireⅡ.单句语法填空.Ioncestudiedsomejapaneseatcollege,butI'mafrai dthatI've________forgottenitnow.2.European________beganin1840whentheBritisharrived.3.weallknowtheyare________fromGermany.4.Don'talwaysstayindoors.you'dbettergo________forf un.5.Sinceyouhavequestions,whynotturntohimforsome____ ____?6.withinafewdaysmarybecameseriouslyill,___________ _greatpain.7.Thewindowshaven'tbeencleanedforatleastayearandar e________now.8.Part­timeEnglishclassesareoffered.In________ ,studentscantakeclassesinword­processingandcomp uting.9.I'mrather________aboutmybrother'shealth.0.Hestoodupsuddenly,________acupoftea.1.Ihadtrouble________outwhathemeant.2.Herbikewasbroken,soshehadtogetit________.3.while________theroad,hewasknockedover.4.Heletoutthesecret________purpose________ordertoe arnmoney.5.Ioftentalkwithmydaughterface________face________ dusk.6.Itisthefirsttimeshe________suchaheavysnowstorm.7.It'snopleasure________campingonsuchafoggyday.8.wesufferedfrom________seriesofnaturaldisastersin ________1980s.9.wefell________lovewiththevillageandgotalongwell_ _______thelocalpeople.20.Heset________everythinghewent________inthesmall down.答案.entirely 2.settlement 3.Germans 4.outdoors5.advice 6.suffering7.dusty8.addition 9.concerned0.upsetting11.figuring12.repaired 13.crossing4.on;in 15.to;at 16.haswitnessed 17.going8.a;the 19.in;with 20.down;throughⅢ.单句改错.werefusedtolethimknowanyinformationconcernedt heresearchproject.________2.Ihaveneverheardofthenamesyouaddeduptothelist.___ _____3.Howlongwillitbesincetheprofessormakesanothervisi ttochina?________4.It'snopleasurestayathomedoinghomeworkallday.____ ____5.weallwanttogetthingsdobetter,fasterandmoreeasily .________6.whilereadthearticle,hefoundaspellingmistake.____ ____答案.concerned改为concerning 2.去掉up3.since改为before 4.stay改为staying5.do改为done 6.read改为readingⅣ.语法填空Iwasonaplanethatwasabouttotakeoffwhenmyphonerang.ItwasmyneighborsayingIneededtogettothehospital,formyw ifemary__1__tohospital,andwhenIarriveddoctorsweretr yingtomake__2__comebacktoconsciousness,butitwasnogo od.Iexplainedtomy__3__thatmummyhaddied.withinhoursthey wererunningaroundthegarden,__4__withtheirgrandadwhi leIwasinadeepsorrow.Iwentthroughthemotionsofbeingad ad—cooking,cleaning,washing—butinsideIfelthollow.oneofthehardestthings__5__with wasthattheboyshadlosttheirmother.maryandIwereeveryo ne'sfavoritecouple.Thephysicallossofnothavingheraro undwas__6__painful.Forayear,Iwasinthe__7__ofmisery. ThenIdecidedthatwehadtogetthroughthis.IbegantodateE mma,__8__hadbeenachildhoodfriend,andmickeycouldn'tw aitforustogetmarriedsohecouldcallhermum.Itwasn'tlon gbeforeGeorgewarmedtoher,too—sheiswonderfulwiththem.Twoyearslaterwegotmarriedand lifestartedtolookrosy.EmmaandIhavehadtwoboystoadd__ 9__ourfamily.weallhavetheconceptthatourlivesarefollowing__10__particularpath,butsometimesitturnsoutit'snotgoingthat way.答案.wastaken/hadbeentaken 2.her 3.children4.chatting 5.tocope 6.extremely 7.depth/depths8.who 9.to 10.aⅤ.短文改错Somestudentsdon'tliketalkingabouttheirparentsoftena siftheirparentslovethemverymuch.Areyougetonwellwith yourparents?youandyourparentswillbeveryhappilyifyou canbefriends.Herearesomewaytohaveagoodtalkwiththem. Findagoodtimetotalk,likewhenyou'rehavingdinner,goin goutforwalkandwatchingTV.Tellthemsomethingyou'reint erestedin,oraskthemabouttheirliveswhentheyareyoung. Theylovetotalkaboutourpast!meetthemfacetofaceandlis tentothemcarefully.Behonesty,andyourparentswilltrus tyoumore.答案Somestudentsdon'tliketalkingaboutwith/totheirparentsoftenaseveniftheirparentslovethemverymuch.Areyouge tgettingonwellwithyourparents?youandyourparentswill beveryhappilyhappyifyoucanbefriends.Herearesomewayw aystohaveagoodtalkwiththem.Findagoodtimetotalk,like whenyou'rehavingdinner,goingoutfor∧awalkandorwatchingTV.Tellthemsomethingyou'reinteres tedin,oraskthemabouttheirliveswhentheyarewereyoung. Theylovetotalkaboutourtheirpast!meetthemfacetofacea ndlistentothemcarefully.Behonestyhonest,andyourparentswilltrustyoumore.。

2018届高三英语(人教版)总复习随堂演练:1-3 含答案

2018届高三英语(人教版)总复习随堂演练:1-3 含答案

Ⅰ.单词拼写1.Tom has a good ________(态度) towards his schoolwork and always finishes his homework on time.2.When are you going to start out your train ________(旅行) to Tibet?3.Could you complete the project ahead of ________(时间表)?4.The ________(坚定)expression on his face suggested that the boy wouldn't give in.5.Traffic in cities is becoming heavier and heavier. People should be encouraged to use public ________(交通工具).6.Which sports do you ________(比较喜欢),swimming or rock climbing?7.After a long talk, I finally ________(说服) my stubborn grandfather to give up his idea.8.I thought the party was well ________(组织) and everything went well.9.Tim is a ________(可靠的)man; if he says he will do the job, he will try his best to finish it.10.After ________(毕业) from university in 2009, Bob went to New York for further study.答案1.attitude 2.journey 3.schedule 4.determined5.transport 6.prefer 7.persuaded anized9.reliable 10.graduatingⅡ.单句语法填空1.Living in a big city has many ________ (advantage), such as air pollution.2.It is three years since he ________ (graduate) from Harvard University.3.A teacher should not show ________ (prefer) for any one of his pupils.4.My teacher's talk woke me up, and I was ________ (determine) to study harder.5.They insisted on ________ (organize) an English Speech Contest.6.She ________ (bend) forward to pick up the newspaper.7.They talked about it for hours. ________ (final), they decided not to go.8.I found him an honest and ________ (rely) man.9.He has made up his mind to overcome his ________ (shortcoming).10.When you write, it is important to use words ________ (proper).11.My sister is fond ________ going for a walk after supper.12.Her attitude ________ learning English has changed.13.________ (dress) in a new dress, she looks more beautiful.14.Don't give ________ to difficulties, and you will succeed.。

2018届高三英语总复习随堂演练:1-5 含答案

2018届高三英语总复习随堂演练:1-5 含答案

Ⅰ.单词拼写1.Jack is often told by his parents to be friendly to anybody even if he is ________(抨击).2.Different people have different ________(看法)about open education.3.If you are interested in buying coloured business cards of high __________(质量)at a reasonable price, you need to use the Internet.4.We should give all children ________ (平等)opportunities to develop their special talents.5.Children should learn and obey the ________(原则)of the school first.6.The People's Republic of China was ________(成立)in 1949.7.In the end the soldiers succeeded in ________(逃跑) from prison and ran away.8.I promise that you will be __________(报答)for providing useful information about the missing child.9.I think Rose will become a good monitor, so I'd like to ________(投票)for her.10.Girls should have the right to be ________(教育)at school as boys do.答案1.attacked 2.opinions 3.quality 4.equal 5.principles6.catedⅡ.单句语法填空1.Her ________ (devote) to the job left her with very little time.2.Russia won the bid for the 2018 World Cup because they got the most ________ (vote).3.This position is ________ (equal) suitable for a school leaver or for somebody who has office experience.4.They succeeded in ________ (escape) from the burning bus, which was a terrible experience.5.In some parts of the city, teachers have to deal with ________ (violent) in the classroom.6.He can't stand the ________ (fair) treatment.7.The enemy planes ________ (attack) the city, causing many deaths.8.After retiring from the basketball field, Yao Ming decided to get further ________ (educate) in Shanghai Jiao Tong University.9.The boy was ________ (reward) for bringing back the lost dog.10.Some students will ________ (active) answer teachers' questions while others just keep silent when asked any question.11.It seemed as if nothing had been achieved, but he will never lose ________.12.It was a prison from ________ no one could escape.13.The owner of the garden allowed us ______ (enter) the garden.14.My mother devoted most of her time to ________ (care) for my sick father.15.As ________ matter of fact, he was ________ lawyer.16.Because he has been out of ________ for months, the young man now depends on his parents for a living.17.With no one to turn ________ in such a frightening situation, she felt very helpless.18.Free ________ worry, the woman lived a peaceful life.19.He was the first man ________ (explore) the outer space.20.I'm worried about ________ I can be admitted to the university.答案1.devotion 2.votes 3.equally 4.escaping 5.violence6.cation9.rewarded10.actively11.heart12.which13.to enter14.caring15.a; a16.work17.to18.of/from19.to explore20.whetherⅢ.单句改错1.Madame Curie, devoting to science, was a great woman.________ 2.After he heard the bad news, his face took on a worrying expression.________3.It worried the public was that Phelps should take drugs.________ 4.I became worried when I heard that he had attacked by an animal on the way home.________5.Only after they had discussed the matter for several hours they reach a decision.________6.The first time when I met him, he was working as a secretary in a big company.________答案1.devoting改为devoted 2.worrying改为worried3.It改为What 4.attacked前加been5.hours后加did 6.去掉whenⅣ.语法填空The air we breathe is freely available, without __1__ we could notsurvive more than a few minutes. For the most part, air is available to everyone, and everyone needs it. Some people use the air to sustain them while __2__ (sit) around and feel sorry for themselves. __3__ breathe in the air and use the energy it provides to make __4__ magnificent life.Opportunity is in the same way; it is everywhere. It is so freely available that we take it __5__ granted. Yet opportunity alone is not enough to create success; it must __6__ (seize) and acted upon in order to have value. So many people are so __7__ (anxiety) to “get in” on a “ground floor opportunity”,as if the opportunity will do all the work. That's __8__ (possible). Just as you need air to breathe, you need opportunity to succeed. __9__,it takes more than just breathing in the fresh air of opportunity. You must make use of it. That's not up to the opportunity; that's up to you. It doesn't matter what “floor” the opportunity is on, but __10__ matters is what you do with it.答案1.which 2.sitting 3.Others 4.a 5.for 6.be seized7.anxious8.impossible9.However10.whatⅤ.短文改错As is known to all, drunk driving is strictly prohibited. Unluckily, I saw a traffic accident on my way home on last night. A car hit a motorbike. The motorbike driver was bad hurt and sent to hospital. After a while, a traffic police man came. Under the help of the people who witnessed the accident, the police man found out a truth. The driver of the car was drinking and his car went out of control. At last he was taken to the police station. All the people there think the car driver was to blame for this accident.Which is reported in the news reports, drunk driving should be treated more seriously. It often causes many people lose their lives, suchas the accident that happened in Hangzhou and Chengdu. It is high time that we prevent drunk driving.答案As is known to all, drunk driving is strictly prohibited. Unluckily, I saw a traffic accident on my way home on \ last night. A car hit a motorbike. The motorbike driver was bad badlyhurt and sent to hospital. Aftera while, a traffic police man came. Under Withthe help of the people whowitnessed the accident, the police man found out a thetruth. The driver ofthe car was drinking drunkand his car went out of control. At last he was takento the police station. All the people there think thoughtthe car driver was toblame for this accident. Which Asis reported in the news reports, drunk driving should be treated more seriously. It often causes many people ∧tolose their lives,such as the accident accidentsthat happened in Hangzhou and Chengdu. It is hightime that we ∧should 或prevent preventeddrunk driving.。

2018届高三英语(人教版)总复习随堂演练:4-3 含答案

2018届高三英语(人教版)总复习随堂演练:4-3 含答案

Ⅰ.单词拼写1.Don't lose your sense of ________(幽默),because it makes your speeches really impressive.2.I was surprised that ________(贯穿)our whole visit to Australia we only saw one kangaroo.3.I would always keep my distance from drinkers on social ________(场合).4.Liu Wei, the famous armless piano player, has succeeded in having an ________(杰出的)career.5.Sadly, the man was soon ________(无家可归的)and unable to find a job.6.He ________(溜)out of the quiet reading room when he finished his reading.7.The teacher ________ (低语)to me, “You did a good job.”He didn't want the others to hear.8.The boy likes Hollywood movies and says that he wants to ________(导演)movies when he grows up.9.If they see a snake, men and women will ________(反应)differently.10.The artist created the interesting map just to __________(使娱乐) his friends.答案1.humour 2.throughout 3.occasions 4.outstanding5.homeless 6.slid 7.whispered 8.direct 9.react10.amuseⅡ.单句语法填空1.She is an outgoing, fun and ________ (humour) person to be around.2.We have to accept the facts no matter how ________ (astonish) they might sound.3.________ (fortunate), his mother died when he was very young.4.The restaurant is ________ (particular) popular with young people.5.He had been worn down by ________ (poor) and illness.6.He must have ________ (drink) too much; when he tried to stand up, he fell over.7.Running away is our instinctive ________ (react) when we meet danger.8.The western part of the country is very ________ (mountain).9.He wanted to get a satisfied __________ (explain), but was refused.10.The hotel offers its guests a wide variety of ________ (amuse).11.His family was badly ________ when he was a little boy.12.Up to now we ________ (plant) five thousand trees on the slope of the mountain.13.He is ________ (convince) of his bright future.14.The audience burst into ________ (laugh) on seeing his funny action.15.His room is ________ a mess and needs to be tidied.16.We don't know how John will react ________ such news.17.He went to France, ________ he learned some French.18.I was speaking to Ann on the phone when suddenly we were cut ________.19.He can play ________ piano as well as his teacher.20.This is one of the best places ________ he has been to.答案1.humorous 2.astonishing 3.Unfortunately4.particularly 5.poverty 6.drunk 7.reaction8.mountainous 9.explanation 10.amusements11.off 12.have planted 13.convinced ughter15.in 16.to 17.where 18.off 19.the 20.thatⅢ.单句改错。

2018届高三英语(人教版)总复习随堂演练:3-4 含答案

2018届高三英语(人教版)总复习随堂演练:3-4 含答案

Ⅰ.单词拼写1.Their education ________ (体系) was perfect.2.I hope you will recover soon under this enjoyable ______(气候).3.He felt ________(鼓励)by the progress he had made.4.The manager doesn't ________(允许)us to use the computer.5.The news that they were defeated ________(传遍)to the capital.6.Tornadoes are ________ (猛烈的)whirlwinds which vary in their width from a few yards to 1,300 feet.7.The small boat was ________(漂浮)on the surface of the water.8.A great ________(块)of rock had fallen from the cliff and now blocked the road.9.From these observations we conclude that the moon has little or no ________(大气层).10.These kittens look exactly ________(一样的). Can you tell them apart?答案1.system 2.climate 3.encouraged 4.allow 5.spread6.violent 7.floating 8.block 9.atmosphere 10.alikeⅡ.单句语法填空1.She is a very ________ (religion) person who goes to church every Sunday.2.This kind of plants has been in ________ (exist) for millions of years.3.I've been ________ (puzzle) over all the figures, trying to find what happened to the missing money.4.We live in a ________ (globe) village, but this doesn't mean that we all behave in the same way.5.Last night we had a discussion, which became more and more violent.Finally we reached an agreement that we will never use ________ (violent) whatever happens.6.Reading in the sun is ________ (harm) to your eyes.7.The wind is blowing ________ (gentle).8.It was my friends who gave me a great deal of __________ (encourage).9.The desertification accounted for good farmland's ________ (disappear).10.Her teacher pointed out her mistake with __________ (patient).11.The boy was lucky enough to escape ________ ( punish) by telling a lie.12.Over the past five years Tom ________ (go) through a lot of hardships.13.When I'm feeling sad, my mother tells me funny stories to cheer me ________.14.He described the three ways ________ the problem could be solved.15.Only by practising time and time again can you get the hang ________ the grammar rules.16.She married at 25 and gave birth ________ her first child shortly after.17.Tom got up late, thus ________ (miss) the early bus.18.Last night a fire broke ________ in the hotel across the street.19.The fireworks exploded ________ all directions.20.This garden is three times ________ big as that one.答案1.religious 2.existence 3.puzzling 4.global5.violence 6.harmful 7.gently 8.encouragement9.disappearance 10.patience 11.being punished12.has gone 13.up 14.that 15.of 16.to 17.missing18.out 19.in 20.asⅢ.单句改错。

2018届高三英语(人教版)总复习随堂演练:2-5 含答案

2018届高三英语(人教版)总复习随堂演练:2-5 含答案

Ⅰ.单词拼写1.Lots of disabled kids have grown up to be doctors, lawyers,________(音乐家), and athletes.2.Did you feel worried when you gave a ________(表演)to strangers for the first time?3.The young man ________(谋生)his living by working in a company in Qingdao.4.Little Bob likes music very much and can play many kinds of________(乐器).5.______(后来),they left their hometown and moved to a big city.6.After the failure in the National College Entrance Examination, he spent an ________(额外的)year in the same school.7.The China National Radio and China Central Television will________(广播) the event live at the same time.8.Unlike on TV, where actors just ________(假装) to fight, when kids kick and push each other, they can get real injuries.9.Children are very ________(敏感的) to parents' words. Remember to praise your child not only for a job well done, but also for the effort they put into the work.10.Your encouragement made me more ________(自信的)of my future.答案1.musicians 2.performance 3.earns 4.instruments5.Afterwards 6.extra 7.broadcast 8.pretend9.sensitive 10.confidentⅡ.单句语法填空1.The doctor performed the operation quite well and the director was very satisfied with his ________ (perform) and praised him as a real performer of difficult operations.2.The school is ________ (attach) to Beijing Normal University.3.I need you to message me your full name and address so that I can send you the ________ (invite) to their wedding.4.Many visitors are attracted by the beauty of the West Lake, saying that the beautiful scenery there is really __________ (attract).5.I want to touch ________ (brief) on another aspect of the problem.6.My teeth are really ________ (sense) to hot and cold food.7.That old man lives on the ________ (earn) of his daughter.8.Everyone admired her patience and unfailing good ________ (humorous).9.The teacher wants the children to feel ________ (confidence) about asking questions when they don't understand.10.Applying for jobs can be a long and ________ (pain) process.11.We attach importance to ________ (protect) the environment.12.________ be honest, I think the concert is a failure.13.Her friends are always playing jokes ________ her, which sometimes makes her angry.14.Not having been here for a long time, I had to rely on my friends ________ (help) me find a job.15.It is not difficult to sort ________ the materials as long as time permits.16.I hope the rain will keep off half an hour ________ so, for I've forgotten to bring an umbrella.17.He was saving his money for the house that they had dreamed ________ owning someday.18.Whether you pay for the purchase ________ cash or ______ cheque, it doesn't matter.19.Tom is sensitive ________ the change of the seasons.20.You should be kind and honest. ________ all, you should stick ________ the principle.。

2018届高三英语(人教版)总复习随堂演练:4-2 Word版含答案

2018届高三英语(人教版)总复习随堂演练:4-2 Word版含答案

Ⅰ.单词拼写1.He has been living here for a ________(十年).2.They hope to ________(扩大)their company.3.Time is valuable. ________(因此),we must treasure time.4.“We ________(出口) them and then we need to import them,”James said.5.The condition prevents the blood from ________(循环) freely.6.They have to ________(减少) expenses this year.7.I'm too tired to ________(专注于) on anything.8.Can you show anything to prove your ________(国籍)?9.The manager made no ________(评论)on my advice at the meeting.10.The girl ________(挣扎) in the water when I passed by the river.答案1.decade 2.expand 3.Therefore 4.export5.circulating 6.reduce7.focus8.nationality9.comment10.struggledⅡ.单句语法填空1.In some poor African areas, many children died of ________ (hungry) every year.2.I wouldn't think of ________ (disturb) them at this hour of the night.3.The ________ (circulate) of Learning English has reached ten million.4.The people there are fighting to gain their ________ (free) fromforeign control.5.He returned from Paris and found his office was under someone else's ________ (occupy).6.There's a ________ (confuse) look on her face.7.That was a history-making ________ (discover) in medicine.8.This is a ________ (chemistry) change, not a physical one.9.They tried to increase ________ (produce) by using better methods and tools.10.Having expected the problems, I was well ________ (equip) to deal with the situation.11.There was a ________ (satisfy) smile on her face.12.The heavy rain made ________ hard to go to work as usual.13.Since then, finding ways to reduce pollution ________ (be) his goal.14.I can't afford ________ (buy) such a big flat.15.He regretted ________ (waste) so much time playing computer games.16.It's important to get rid ________ bad habits.17.He avoided ________ (see) me by taking another way.18.He had no choice but ________ (work) hard.19.I focused ________ my lessons, which led ________ the progress.20.He became the first farmer ________ (grow) rice on a large scale.答案1.hunger 2.disturbing 3.circulation 4.freedom5.occupation 6.confused7.discovery8.chemical9.production10.equipped11.satisfied12.it13.has been14.to buy15.wasting/having wasted16.of17.seeing18.to work19.on; to20.to growⅢ.单句改错1.I hope you'll soon feel calm or carry on to achieve your goal.________2.Not only did we take a break from our heavy school work, and also we learned how to communicate with each other.________ 3.He is the only one of the five young men in the village that have been struggling to succeed in his business.________4.We students should equip with knowledge as the competition nowadays is very fierce.________5.Chinese farmers will never forget the great contributions Yuan Longping has made to rid them of hunger and poverty.________ 6.It is the lack of movement, along with fatty diets, that lead to putting on weight in most people.________答案1.or改为and 2.and改为but 3.have改为has4.equip后加ourselves 5.rid改为ridding6.lead改为leadsⅣ.语法填空Once upon a time there lived a painter named Bill. He was a bit __1__ (smart) than any other painter around him. In his city there lived a woman who was almost particular about anything.One day, when the woman __2__ (shop), she saw a vase that she loved very much. She __3__ (immediate) paid for it and took it home.She loved the vase so much that she decided to have her house __4__ (paint) the same color of the vase. Then she sent for a painter and told him what she wanted to do, __5__ the color of the vase was special and the painter couldn't find the paint the woman wanted. The woman sent for some other painters. But none of them managed __6__ (find) the paint the woman wanted. At last, Bill was sent for. The woman told him that she had asked some other painters to do the same work but none did the work __7__ (satisfying).Bill promised he'd do the work well. He said he'd go to look __8__ paint with the vase so that he'd find the exact paint he wanted. The woman agreed.Bill then bought some paint that was in the similar color of __9__ vase and repainted it. When the woman saw the paint, she knew it was what she wanted. Then Bill __10__ (ask) to repaint her house with the paint.答案1.smarter 2.was shopping 3.immediately 4.painted5.but 6.to find7.satisfyingly8.for9.the10.was askedⅤ.短文改错Yesterday, as I was queuing at the checkout at a store, there was an old lady in the front of me in line. She seemed very confusing when the cashier asked her pay US$38. She had about US$5 in her wallet. The cashier told her that she could not buy the items because she didn't have enough money. So, I told the cashier I would pay for that she bought. Afterwards, I paid for all the items. When I got outside, the lady was standing there. While I was talking about her, her daughter appeared. She told me that her mother had Alzheimer's disease. Then she noticed thather mother had three bag of groceries and wondered how she managed to pay for them with enough money. I told her that I had paid for it. The daughter wanted to pay me back, so I refused. I believe make others feel good makes me feel good.答案Yesterday, as I was queuing at the checkout at a store, there was an old lady in the \ front of me in line. She seemed very confusing confusedwhen thecashier asked her ∧topay US$38. She had about US$5 in her wallet. Thecashier told her that she could not buy the items because she didn't have enough money. So, I told the cashier I would pay for that whatshe bought.Afterwards, I paid for all the items. When I got outside, the lady was standing there. While I was talking about to 或withher, her daughter appeared.She told me that her mother had Alzheimer's disease. Then she noticed that her mother had three bag bagsof groceries and wondered how shemanaged to pay for them with withoutenough money. I told her that I had paidfor it them . The daughter wanted to pay me back, so butI refused. I believe make makingothers feel good makes me feel good.。

2018届高三英语(人教版)总复习随堂演练:4-1 Word版含答案

2018届高三英语(人教版)总复习随堂演练:4-1 Word版含答案

Ⅰ.单词拼写1.There are some connections between his words and ______(举止).2.The expert was ________(直言的)and he said that he was against the new project.3.There is an ________ (争论)about whether we should support the new party.4.You need some kind of ________(娱乐)and it's worthwhile if you want to work better.5.His father is a very ________(考虑周到的)man and he is also very modest.6.Teaching is a ________(有价值的)job.7.I ________(观看) him entering the bank with a gun.8.The hospital has to treat ________(紧急事件)such as car accidents.9.Three thousand________(观众) crowded in the concert hall.10.Today, I ________(打算) to finish reading this book.答案1.behaviours 2.outspoken 3.argument4.entertainment 5.considerate 6.worthwhile7.observed8.emergency9.audience10.intendⅡ.单句语法填空1.I felt a great sense of ________ (achieve) when I reached the top of the mountain.2.I'm having problems with my Internet ________ (connect).3.The ________ (organize) of such a large-scale party takes a lot of time and energy.4.I like her attitude very much, and the ________ (behave) of the other students shows that they like her, too.5.She observed a man ________ (break) into the bank and she reported it to the police at once.6.After a long time of discussion they accepted the agreement without ________ (argue).7.Rough seas caused much ________ (sick) among the passengers.8.Books offered an excellent ________ (entertain) for idle hours.9.It is ________ (consider) of you to call on me from time to time.10.I think it would be a ________ (kind) to tell him the bad news straight away.11.His father died in the disaster, leaving his family ________ (suffer) a lot.12.The meal over, the managers went back to the meeting room to carry on ________ their discussion.13.She devoted her life to ________ (do) research on wild animals and plants.14.Either he or I ________ (be) to blame for this broken cup.15.Each boy and girl in my class ________ (be) present at the meeting yesterday.16.It was years of hard work ________ made her famous.17.________ made me annoyed was that she let out my secret.18.He is second ________ none in physics.19.She was permitted ________ (enter) the garden.20.Free ________ sickness, she lives a happy life.答案1.achievement 2.connection anization4.behaviour 5.breaking 6.argument7.sickness8.entertainment9.considerate10.kindness11.suffering12.with13.doing14.am15.was16.that17.What18.to19.to enter20.from/ofⅢ.单句改错1.The young girl devotes all her spare time to study English.________2.You'll work out the problem if you keep working it.3.He is an independent child, who does everything by his own.________4.Since you don't know how to read the word, why not looking it up in a dictionary?________5.The money we are raising is intended to the poor boy who was born with a weak heart.________6.Only when he returned we told that the war had ended and the army had come back.________答案1.study改为studying 2.working后加on3.by改为on 4.looking改为look5.to改为for 6.returned后加wereⅣ.语法填空Yangshuo, ChinaIt was raining lightly when I __1__ (arrive) in Yangshuo just beforedawn. But I didn't care. A few hours __2__,I'd been at home in Hong Kong, with __3__ (it) choking (窒息的) smog. Here, the air was clean and fresh, even with the rain.I'd skipped nearby Guilin, a dream place for tourists seeking the limestone mountain tops and dark waters of the Li River __4__ are pictured by artists in so many Chinese __5__ (painting). Instead, I'd headed straight for Yangshuo. For those who fly to Guilin, it's only an hour away __6__ car and offers all the scenery of the better-known city.Yangshuo __7__ (be) really beautiful. A study of travelers __8__ (conduct) by the website Trip Advisor names Yangshuo as one of the top 10 destinations in the world. And the town is fast becoming a popular weekend destination for people in Asia. Abercrombie & Kent, a travel company in Hong Kong, says it __9__ (regular) arranges quick getaways here for people __10__ (live) in Shanghai and Hong Kong.答案1.arrived 2.before/earlier 3.its 4.that/which5.paintings 6.by7.is8.conducted9.regularly10.livingⅤ.短文改错While taking a walk with my pet dog this morning, I found the middle-aged man nearby was shouting on his phone. Obvious, he had a bad day. Before he left, I noticed his keys were on the ground. So I immediately picked up and ran away to find the man. Several minutes later, I found him, whom was still shouting on his phone beside his car. I walked to him and asked if he could hold on a little seconds. At first, he was angry about my interrupt. Then I showed to his keys and explained the whole thing. On heard my words, he immediately hang up his phone and apologized for his rudeness.答案While taking a walk with my pet dog this morning, I found thea middle-aged man nearby was shouting on his phone. ObviousObviously,he had a bad day. BeforeAfterhe left, I noticed his keys were on the ground. So I immediately picked ∧themup and ran away to find the man. Several minutes later, I found him, whomwhowas still shouting on his phone beside his car. I walked to him and asked if he could hold on a littlefewseconds. At first, he was angry about my interruptinterruption. Then I showed to\his keys andexplained the whole thing. On heardhearing my words, he immediately hanghungup his phone and apologized for his rudeness.。

2018届高三英语(人教版)总复习综合能力测试1 Word版含解析

2018届高三英语(人教版)总复习综合能力测试1 Word版含解析


A(2017·湖南师大附中月考)Book 1: Diary of a Fly——By Doreen Cronin40 pages, US$15.99This is the diary of a fly.The fly, when she's not landing on your head or swimming in your soup, is trying to escape her 327 brothers and sisters who are driving her crazy.Even though she's little—just like her best friends, Worm and Spider—she wants to be a superhero.This is the story of a little fly who's not afraid to dream big.Book 2: Iggy Peck, Architect——By Andrea Beaty32 pages, US$15.95This book is a story about a kid whose head teacher does not recognize his great talent (though he makes buildings out of anything at hand, including table cloths, fruit and chalk) until it saves her life.With Andrea Beaty's rhyming text and David Roberts's interesting illustrations(插图), this book will charm creative kids everywhere.Book 3: The Chicken-Chasing Queen of Lamar County——By Janice N.Harrington40 pages, US$16.00Our character here loves to run after chickens, particularly Miss Hen, who's very fat.But, as all farming folks know, this is not a good way to produce happy, productive chickens.What will make her change her ways? The author is a professional storyteller and this book is full of fun, and has great illustrations.Book 4: Cherry and Oli v e——By Benjamin Lacombe32 pages, US$16.95Children's books can quickly take little readers into new worlds, such as the big city, 1930s Georgia, or outer space.This book takes us on a little trip to some European capitals.Cherry is fat and likes books, and she has few friends until she meets a Shar-Pei puppy(沙皮狗).She names it Olive.Through it she finds confidence and friendship.But what will happen when its owner returns?21.What do we know about the fly in Book 1?A.She is honest but stubborn.B.She is stupid but interesting.C.She is brave and ambitious.D.She is loyal and courageous.22.Whose book is recommended if you are interested in European cities?A.Doreen Cronin.B.Andrea Beaty.C.Janice N.Harrington.D.Benjamin Lacombe.23.The books mentioned above are for ________.A.children B.teachersC.parents D.architects答案与解析本文是一篇应用文。

2018届高三英语(人教版)总复习随堂演练:4-5 含答案

2018届高三英语(人教版)总复习随堂演练:4-5 含答案

Ⅰ.单词拼写1.It is natural that almost every child enjoys watching ______(卡通).2.Every visitor is amazed at the ______(独一无二的)design of the temple.3.Some young people still lived in a world of ________(幻想)after they graduated from college.4.We should develop modern services and ________(旅游业)in this ancient city.5.As a nation, China has more than 50 ethnic ______________(少数民族)besides the Han nationality.6.Walt Disney World in Florida may be the world's largest ________(主题)park.7.Chinese people should make every effort to ______________(保存)their old traditions.8.My hobbies are listening to pop songs, going for ________(郊游) and reading novels.9.The novel has been translated into ________(各种各样的)languages around the world.10.A ray of ________(阳光)fell on the sleeping boy.答案1.cartoons 2.unique 3.fantasy 4.tourism5.minorities 6.theme7.preserve8.outings9.various10.sunlightⅡ.单句语法填空1.The coastal areas have mild winters, but by contrast the ________ (center) plains become extremely cold.2.He was a fit and ________ (athlete) young man who joined a physical culture club.3.My last job lacked ________ (various); I was doing the same things all the time.4.My daughter likes to describe her ________ (fantasy) dreams to me.5.The date of the meeting has been ________ (advance) from Friday to Monday.6.To my ________ (amuse), they couldn't get the door open.7.We have already discussed this matter at great ________ (long).8.I like John but I don't find him ________ (attract) physically.9.Sam has gained the ________ (admit) to a famous university.10.In the nursing profession, women are in a ____________ (major).11.He is familiar __________ this park, for he takes a walk in it every day.12.They like to have fun ________ (play) with snow in winter.13.Here are all my story books. You can choose ________ you like.14.________ he goes, he keeps safety in mind.15.News came ________ his grandfather passed away.16.The apples are on the top of the tree. They are ________ my reach.17.I want to talk with her face ________ face.18.You will need to buy tickets for the concert ________ advance,because the band is very popular.19.As is known to all, this education system is modelled ______ the French one.20.________ (found) in 1949, China has witnessed a great many changes.答案1.central 2.athletic 3.variety 4.fantastic 5.advanced6.amusement7.length8.attractive9.admission10.majority11.with12.(in) playing13.whichever14.Wherever15.that16.beyond17.to18.in19.after20.FoundedⅢ.单句改错1.Well, however happened between Mary and me is none of your business. ________2.He is the top student in our school. There is no wonder he has been admitted to Peking University.________3.He is famous both as a novelist and poet but he is more famous as his novels.________4.Everyone in the village is very friendly. It doesn't matter if you have lived there for a short or a long time.________5.We must take some measures to preserve the endangered animals from killed.________6.Only by improving education and high science technology can a country become a advanced one.________答案1.however改为whatever 2.There改为It3.his前as改为for 4.if改为whether5.from后加being 6.advanced前a改为anⅣ.语法填空In Hangzhou, borrowing books from the library __1__ (be) now as simple and convenient as shopping online: click, pay and wait for delivery. The city's public library __2__ (recent) started a program on WeChat, a popular Chinese messaging software, making __3__ (it) readers check out books online and get them __4__ (deliver) to their homes. To enjoy the service, one first needs to follow the library's official account, __5__ provides available books at low prices. After picking books, people __6__ (require) to provide certain information and then get their delivery within three days after payment of the books. Borrowers can keep up to 20 books __7__ total at a time for up to 40 days. Whoever fails to return the books __8__ the deadline will have their accounts frozen. Readers now can borrow the __9__ (popular) books of the library from this platform. What's more, the online books will be renewed and enriched gradually according to readers' borrowing __10__ (habit) and preferences.答案1.is 2.recently 3.its 4.delivered 5.which6.are required7.in8.before9.most popular10.habitsⅤ.短文改错It is five years now since I graduate from No.3 High School. Last Saturday, the class that I was on held a get-together, which took us a long time prepare. It was indeed not easy to get in the touch with everybody and set a well time for all of us. We all enjoyed this precious day greatly, remember the time we spent together and the people they were familiarwith. It was a pity which some of us were not present as they had gone abroad for further studies, but they calls back or sent greeting card from different places.答案It is five years now since I graduategraduatedfrom No. 3 High School. Last Saturday, the class that I was oninheld a get-together, which took us along time ∧to prepare. It was indeed not easy to get in the\touch witheverybody and set a wellgoodtime for all of us. We all enjoyed this precious day greatly, rememberrememberingthe time we spent together and thepeople theywe were familiar with. It was a pity whichthatsome of us werenot present as they had gone abroad for further studies, but they callscalled back or sent greeting cardcardsfrom different places.。

2018届高三英语(人教版)总复习随堂演练:2-1 含答案

2018届高三英语(人教版)总复习随堂演练:2-1 含答案

Ⅰ.单词拼写1.Have you seen the latest ________(设计)of the bridge over the Changjiang River?2.Lucy has a good sense of beauty, and always ____________(装饰)her bedroom in a comfortable manner.3.On her maiden voyage, Titanic knocked against a huge iceberg and ________(下沉)under the sea before the rescue ship arrived.4.While ________(移动)these valuable vases, you must be very careful, because they are easy to break.5.How was it that the two boys discovered the ____________(入口)to the cave of the ancient paintings in the 1980s?6.A team of rescuers were sent to that area to search for those who might ________(幸免于难)the flood.7.There was a lot of ________(证据)that could prove that the young man had stolen many things in the past five months.8.When the bomb hidden under the seat in the bus __________(爆炸),many passengers were killed or hurt.9.Five excellent students were ________(精选) to take part in the Spoken English Competition for our school.10.My sister likes to wear ________(奇异的)clothes, so you can recognize her in the crowd easily.答案1.design 2.decorates 3.sank 4.removing 5.entrance6.survive 7.evidence 8.exploded 9.selected 10.fancyⅡ.单句语法填空1.I'm afraid we've taken up too much of your ________ (value) time.2.There is no ________ that Catherine is ________ of her future, for she doubts whether she can continue to work. (doubt)3.Luckily, I ________ the terrible car crash last week and I was the only ________ of the accident. (survive)4.It was ________ that all the ________ we collected proved him to be guilty. (evident)5.Some drivers like to draw some special patterns as ________ (decorate) on their cars.6.Believe it or not, this is the most ________ (amaze) experience of my life.7.The shopping center has a wide ________ (select) of winter clothes.8.Florida's population ________ (explosion) after the Second World War.9.It's ________ (consider) of him to help me with my handbag.10.It's an ________ (formal) party, so you needn't dress up.11.The house ________ (belong) to Mr. Green was burnt to the ground.12.The passengers remained ________ (seat) until the bus came to a stop.13.The beautiful village is well worth ________ (pay) a visit to.14.There is no doubt ________ I can pass this competition, but there is some doubt ________ I can win the first prize.15.________ (consider) her age, she should be retired from her work.16.He had the dirt ________ (remove) from his shoes before coming into the room.17.He told us whether ________ (have) a picnic was still under discussion.18.The boy was bathing in the river ________ a crocodile attacked him.19.We think ________ (high) of this wise leader.20.There was a time ________ we lived a peaceful life in that remote village.答案。



Ⅰ.单词拼写1.Tom has a good ________(态度) towards his schoolwork and always finishes his homework on time.2.When are you going to start out your train ________(旅行) to Tibet?3.Could you complete the project ahead of ________(时间表)?4.The ________(坚定)expression on his face suggested that the boy wouldn't give in.5.Traffic in cities is becoming heavier and heavier. People should be encouraged to use public ________(交通工具).6.Which sports do you ________(比较喜欢),swimming or rock climbing?7.After a long talk, I finally ________(说服) my stubborn grandfather to give up his idea.8.I thought the party was well ________(组织) and everything went well.9.Tim is a ________(可靠的)man; if he says he will do the job, he will try his best to finish it.10.After ________(毕业) from university in 2009, Bob went to New York for further study.答案1.attitude 2.journey 3.schedule 4.determined5.transport anized9.reliable10.graduatingⅡ.单句语法填空1.Living in a big city has many ________ (advantage), such as air pollution.2.It is three years since he ________ (graduate) from Harvard University.3.A teacher should not show ________ (prefer) for any one of his pupils.4.My teacher's talk woke me up, and I was ________ (determine) to study harder.5.They insisted on ________ (organize) an English Speech Contest.6.She ________ (bend) forward to pick up the newspaper.7.They talked about it for hours. ________ (final), they decided not to go.8.I found him an honest and ________ (rely) man.9.He has made up his mind to overcome his ________ (shortcoming).10.When you write, it is important to use words ________ (proper).11.My sister is fond ________ going for a walk after supper.12.Her attitude ________ learning English has changed.13.________ (dress) in a new dress, she looks more beautiful.14.Don't give ________ to difficulties, and you will succeed.15.It was my mother ________ put forward a good solution to the problem.16.How I wish I ________ (can) make up for the lost time.17.We found ourselves ________ (cycle) through clouds.18.He was about to close the window ________ a beautiful flower caught his eye.19.Ever since 1990, the Greens ________ (live) a peaceful life in this village.20.She insisted we ________ (keep) pace with society.答案1.disadvantages 2.graduated 3.preference4.determined anizing 6.bent7.Finally8.reliable9.shortcomings10.properly11.of12.to/towards13.Dressed14.in15.that/who16.could17.cycling18.when19.have lived20.(should) keepⅢ.单句改错1.The scientist prefers going to work on foot every day to drive his car.________ 2.To her great pleasure, it will be less than one year when her son graduates from Beijing University.________3.Once seeing, it is difficult to forget.________4.I don't care the price, so long as the car is in good condition.________5.The mother insisted that he finished his homework first, which made his son very angry.________6.That you will succeed in doing the work depends on your attitude to it.________答案1.drive改为driving 2.when改为before3.seeing改为seen 4.care后加about5.finished改为finish 6.That改为WhetherⅣ.语法填空Are you facing a situation that looks impossible to fix?In 1969,the pollution was terrible along the Cuyahoga River near Cleveland, Ohio. It __1__ (be)unimaginable that it could ever be cleaned up. The river was so polluted that it __2__ (actual) caught fire and burned. Now, years later, this river is one of __3__ most outstanding examples of environmental cleanup.But the river wasn't changed in a few days __4__ even a few months. It took years of work __5__ (reduce) the industrial pollution and clean the water. Finally, that hard work paid off and now the water in the river is __6__ (clean) than ever.Maybe you are facing an impossible situation. Maybe you have a habit __7__ is driving your family crazy. Possibly you drink too much or don't know how to control your credit card use. When you face such an impossible situation,don't you want a quick fix and something to change immediately?While there are __8__ (amaze) stories of instant transformation, for most of us the __9__ (change) are gradual and require a lot of effort and work, like cleaning up a polluted river. Just be __10__ (patience).答案1.was 2.actually 3.the 4.or 5.to reduce 6.cleaner7.that/which8.amazing9.changes10.patientⅤ.短文改错。



Unit 1 Festivals around the worldⅠ.单词拼写1.All the sunshine and rainfall promise a good ____________(收获)this year.2.The holiday may date back to the 14th century, but its exact ________(起源)is unknown.3.My mother still holds the ________(信心)that life is better abroad.4.Foreign countries have different ________(风俗)and food from what we have here.5.You need to get your parents' ________(允许)to go to the seaside.6.Upon your ________(到达)in Shanghai, please give me a call.7.There will be a ________(庆祝)if we win the competition tonight.8.Madam Curie is remembered and ________(钦佩)as a great woman scientist.9.If polar bears can't find any food, they will ______________(挨饿)to death.10.They ________ (聚集) on the playground and had a match.答案1.harvest 2.origin 3.belief 4.customs 5.permission6.arrival 7.celebration 8.admired 9.starve10.gatheredⅡ.单句语法填空1.You need ________ (permit) from the World Wide Web before you can access information.2.Seeing such extraordinary ________ (beautiful), I think every cell in my body woke up.3.In that country you shouldn't talk about politics and ________ (religious).4.The ________ (origin) picture is in the British Museum.5.Although he didn't play well at first, he entertained a firm ________ (believe) in final victory.6.The classroom was crowded with the pupils for the ________ (celebrate).7.She speaks English so well that her friends are filled with ________ (admire).8.I must make an ________ (apologize) to him for not going to his party.9.________ (obvious) you're worried about something; why not get it off your chest?10.Students should aim to become more ________ (independence) of their teachers.11.The food was difficult ________ (find) in winter, so they often starved.12.You ________ as well wait until the rain has stopped.13.He heard a voice ________ (call) for help when he was walking on the beach.14.Her daughter was married ________ a millionaire.15.If the neighbours do not give any sweets, the children might play a trick ________ them.16.I have been looking forward to ________ (return) to my homeland.17.He apologized ________ the teacher for his missing the lesson.18.If you pass the interview, you ________ get a job according to the rule.19.He requested I ________ (watch) over his pet while he was away.20.I would rather ________ (walk) home than ________ (take) a taxi.答案1.permission 2.beauty 3.religion 4.original 5.belief6.celebration 7.admiration 8.apology 9.Obviously10.independent 11.to find 12.may/might 13.calling14.to 15.on 16.returning 17.to 18.shall19.(should) watch 20.walk; takeⅢ.单句改错1.Either the judge or the lawyers was wrong on the case at that moment.________ 2.Many people agree that they make progress by singing English songs and that it is a good idea to have a fun with English.________3.Today, many young men in China also celebrate Christmas, regard it as just a holiday to have fun with their friends, rather a holiday about a belief.________4.The news which we looked forward to coming that Shandong Lu Neng Football Team was beaten by Shanghai Shen Hua Team.________5.We invited her to dinner but she hasn't been turned up so far.________ 6.I must apologize to you for not be able to meet you.________答案1.was改为were 2.去掉fun前的a3.regard改为regarding ing改为came5.去掉been 6.be改为beingⅣ.语法填空The mouse is __1__effective device used by people to communicate with a computer.Most people find it almost impossible __2__ (operate) a computer __3__ a mouse. First, a mouse is really handy, flexible and convenient. Only by simply __4__ (click) can we complete a lot of operations. Second, the functions like inserting, moving and copying __5__ (able) us to edit texts, browse web pages and download __6__ we want. Using it to email people, shop on line and chat with friends is fast. Besides, it can help us enjoy all kinds of entertainments like music, movies and games.Every coin has two sides. As a convenient tool, the mouse can make our work much __7__ (easy). __8__, using it too much can also be negative. For one thing, we may lack for thinking with so much ready information appearing in front of us. The ready answers may make us lazy and __9__ (will) to create new things. For another, using the mouse for too long will hurt our wrists. So we had better use it __10__ (proper).答案1.an 2.to operate 3.without 4.clicking 5.enable6.what 7.easier 8.However 9.unwilling 10.properlyⅤ.短文改错I think have at least one good teacher is very important. He or she can give them motivation to do well, even in a subject we may not always find easy. If we get on well our teachers, learning becomes a fun. On the other hand, if we find it hard to like our teachers, life at school will be awful but we'll feel we can't succeed at anything, no matter what hard we try. The teacher who helps me most was my English teacher, Mrs Kelly. She always made the lessons interested. I remember we laughed a lot in her classes and looked forward for them. I hope that I can be a good teacher just as her in the future.答案 I think have havingat least one good teacher is very important. He or she can give them usmotivation to do well, even in a subject we may not always find easy. If we get on well ∧withour teachers, learning becomes a \fun. On the other hand, if we findit hard to like our teachers, life at school will be awful but andwe'll feel we can'tsucceed at anything, no matter what how hard we try. The teacher who helps helpedme most wasmy English teacher, Mrs Kelly. She always made the lessons interested. I rememberinterestingwe laughed a lot in her classes and looked forward forthem. I hope that I can betoa good teacher just asher in the future.like。

2018届高三英语(人教版)总复习随堂演练:4-4 含答案

2018届高三英语(人教版)总复习随堂演练:4-4 含答案

Ⅰ.单词拼写1.If you do this every day, it will improve memory ________(功能).2.He has been spreading ________(虚假的)stories in an attempt to terrify us.3.Don't be too ________(好奇的)about the secret.4.He ________(辩护)himself by standing up.5.Race to the door when he comes home, as if you were waiting for him. Smile and ________(拥抱)him.6.You were always in the front ________(等级),and I was always behind.7.When he opened it, he found it was empty and again his ________(愤怒)burst.8.It has been said, and ________(真正地),that he laughs best who laughs last.9.We would do anything to ________(减轻)your sorrow if only we could.10.Each student has a different ________(面部的)expression and manner.答案1.function 2.false 3.curious 4.defended 5.hug6.rank 7.anger 8.truly 9.ease 10.facialⅡ.单句语法填空1.When you are playing, watch your tone of voice and ________ (face) expression.2.What makes me ________ (anger) is not what he said but the manner.3.Soon afterwards he made his first public ________ (state) about the affair.4.He is a member of Chinese Writers ________ (associate).5.She is not an outgoing person and she doesn't let anyone know what she ________ (true) felt.6.He opened the box out of ________ (curious).7.The body has natural ________ (defend) mechanisms to protect it from diseases.8.Her comfort put me at ________ (easy).9.The committee includes ________ (represent) from industry.10.The hurricane has ________ (power) strength to pull off the roof.11.His sincere smile put me ________ ease.12.He will deliver a speech, ________ (base) on what he has experienced.13.I'll take an umbrella with me ________ case it rains.14.Their criticism did not discourage me. ________ the contrary, I worked even harder.15.He was the first person ________ (enter) the park.16.The approach to ________ (deal) with this problem has been put forward.17.________ is amazing that he should fail the exam.。

2018届高三英语(人教版)总复习随堂演练:2-4 Word版含答案

2018届高三英语(人教版)总复习随堂演练:2-4 Word版含答案

Ⅰ.单词拼写1.The experienced hunter ________(检查)carefully the footprints and concluded that these belonged to the wolf.2.Professor Lee is so interested in plants that he __________(利用)almost all his spare time to plant flowers.3.The greenhouse gas mainly caused by cars really __________(危害)the environment where we live.4.A young man with a(n) ________(稳定的)job and salary might have the money to buy an apartment in the center of the city.5.Several natural ________(保护区)have been set up to protect those endangered plants and animals.6.Because human beings destroy the rainforest, the number of wild animals living there has ____________(下降)quickly.7.These bottles with an unpleasant smell were used to be the ________(容器)to hold petrol.8.Although smoking ________(影响)people's health, China has the largest number of people who are smoking.9.After the incident, children finally __________(感激) the importance of learning first aid.10.Having overcome so much difficulty, the group finally ________(成功)in catching the person who had killed two tigers in the wild.答案1.inspected 2.employs 3.harms 4.secure 5.reserves6.decreased7.containers8.affects9.appreciated10.succeededⅡ.单句语法填空1.The International Labour Organization helps to improve working conditions and create ________ (employ) opportunities.2.As we all know, smoking is ________ (harm) to our health.3.He opposes ________ (fierce) to flexible working hours and does not believe in working at home.4.I have a great ________ (affect) for my grandmother.5.He's going to make decisions that won't be altogether ________ (wild) popular with the American people.6.There's nothing like a good nap, or a long night's sleep to ________ (relief) tensions.7.We respect Dr. Jones, because he's devoted his whole life to the ________ (protect) of the rare animals.8.His talents are not fully ________ (appreciation) in that company.9.In view of what he has done, he will ________ (certain)succeed.10.The product was developed in ________ (respond) to customers' demand.11.He suggested ________ (make) a list of the things we needed.12.This is the only book ________ covers the information he needs.13.There is no time ________ (leave). Let's hurry.14.In the last five hundred years, a lot of wild animals and plants ________ (disappear).15.What is her reaction ________ this concert?16.The noise of the engine died ________ as the car disappeared in the distance.17.I'm curious to know when the dance club first came into ________.18.Having lost engine power, the boat's crew found themselves ________ the mercy of the wind.19.Tom succeeded ________ saving the girl from being drowned.20.Mr. Black was ________ a loss faced with the fierce flood.答案1.employment 2.harmful 3.fiercely 4.affection5.wildly 6.relieve7.protection8.appreciated9.certainly10.response11.making12.that13.left14.have disappeared15.to16.away17.being18.at19.in20.atⅢ.单句改错1.Daisy had always been longed to help the endangered species of wildlife.________2.Tom, it's late for school. Get up and get dressing quickly.________3.Almost all the animals have their special ways to protect them from their enemies.________4.You should pay attention about your pronunciation so that you can make yourself understood.________5.Justin suggested that I went with him to a private place where we could be alone.________6.School children spend too much time on video games, which would be harm to their eyes and affect their school achievements.________答案1.去掉been 2.dressing改为dressed3.them改为themselves 4.about改为to5.went改为go或should go6.be改为do或harm改为harmfulⅣ.语法填空The two-day G20 Summit was __1__(success) held as scheduled on September 4 in Hangzhou of East China's Zhejiang Province. The city made full __2__ (prepare) to host guests from around the globe with __3__ (it) fantastic scenery and food.G20 Summit is now an important platform that leaders from major economies gather together to find ways __4__ (promote) global growth. In recent years, the world economy __5__ (recover) gradually from the 2008 financial crisis, __6__ the economic situation is still complex and serious.China, __7__ the G20 presidency country this year, hopes to work out new solutions to these problems through this platform __8__ connects developed countries, emerging markets and __9__ (develop) countries. Chinese President Xi Jinping says on the 2016 Summit in China that the G20 economies should embrace the vision of a global community with a __10__ (share) future and ensure the benefits of economic growth will be equitably shared by the people of all countries.答案1.successfully 2.preparations 3.its 4.to promote5.has recovered 6.but/though7.as8.that/which9.developing10.sharedⅤ.短文改错Dear Mr. Jackson,I'm really sorry about my use the mobile phone in your lecture last week.I know any word mightn't sound a made-up excuse. But I don't use the mobile phone for no reason. I was trying to apply for some American universities last week. That day, I got an offer and they needed my further informations immediately. However I had no other choice but try sending them a text message in class. I promise it will never happen again. But I do need my phone back to get in the touch with others. Will you be kind enough to give one back to me?Hope you can accept my apologies or understand my situation.Li Hua答案Dear Mr. Jackson,I'm really sorry about my useusingthe mobile phone in your lecture last week.I know any word mightn'tmight sound a made-up excuse. But I don'tdidn'tuse the mobile phone for no reason. I was trying to apply fortosome American universities last week. That day, I got an offer and they neededmy further informationsinformation immediately. HoweverTherefore/ThusI had no other choicebut ∧totry sending them a text message in class. I promise it will never happen again. But I do need my phone back to get in the touch with others. Will you be kind enough to give oneitback to me?Hope you can accept my apologies orandunderstand my situation.Li Hua。

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1.All the failures ________(毁灭) all Jane's hopes for success.
2.If you can't keep your pet, you can give it to an animal ________(庇护所).
3.If your brain ________(判断)the information important, it places it in your memory “files”.
4.Although we are suffering such a severe natural __________(灾难),we will never lose heart.
5.Everyone can do something for our environment. For me, I should try to save ________(电)in my daily life.
6.The wildlife at night is very dangerous, so you have to be
________(极其) careful.
7.I had spent much time on the work but the manager told me it was ________(无用的).
8.On reaching the top of the mountain, we were __________(震惊的) to see the view after the big fire.
9.David tried to use his left hand to work because he __________(受伤) his right hand in a fire.
10.It's a good time to go hunting after it snows, because it is easier to follow the animals' ________(踪迹).
1.destroyed 2.shelter 3.judges 4.disaster
5.electricity 6.extremely eless 8.shocked
9.injured 10.tracks
1.Many students are ________ (trap) in the burning building.
2.After finishing my homework, I wandered into the dining room where you were ________ (bury) under piles of law books.
3.The man was too ________ (frighten) to stand up.
4.We sent our ________ (congratulate) to her when she passed the exam.
5.In my ________ (judge), it is a wise choice.
6.I wish you success in the future ________ (sincere).
7.I wish ________ (express) my delight on this occasion.
8.The pleasant and charming environment of the city makes many tourists ________ (burst) into it.
9.He got ________ (injury) in the right leg while playing football last week.
10.I was ________ (shock) when I heard about your accident.
11.I can't imagine ________ (live) without water.
12.My holiday is ________ an end and I must go back to work tomorrow.
13.He went through a lot of ________ (suffer) before new China was founded.
14.Shelters were put ________ for the victims.
15.He was proud ________ his hometown and took pride ________ the achievement he had made.
16.We should pay attention to________ (protect) the environment.
17.________ (bury) in doing research on wild plants, he seldom returned home.
18.The survivors ________ houses were destroyed were put up in the temporary tents.
19.The number of people who were killed ________ (reach) more than 40,000 so far.
20.Seeing his funny action, the audience burst out ________ (laugh).答案
1.trapped 2.buried 3.frightened 4.congratulations
5.judgement 6.sincerely 7.to express 8.burst
9.injured 10.shocked 11.living 12.at 13.sufferings
14.up 15.of; in 16.protecting 17.Buried 18.whose。
