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few years. ◆Organic farmers plant crops to use different levels of (7)_s_o_i.l ◆Some organic farmers prefer planting (8) __g_r_a_ssbetween crops
to prevent wind or water from carrying away the soil, and then
2. 根据提示, 运用本单元词汇与句型完成短文。 (1)他过去很胖, 人们经常议论(comment)他的身材, 这让他很烦恼。(make+宾语 +宾语补足语)。 (2)妈妈告诉他他应该锻炼, 因为这有助于他增强体质(build up). (3)他按照妈妈告诉他的那样去做了, 减轻了(reduce)10千克体重。 (4)他成为了社区的焦点(focus)人物, 许多人问他是如何成功减肥的。
◆Long-term use of chemical fertilizers can cause Scientists’ discovery (1)_d_a_m_a_g_e_ to the land and people’s health.
◆They damage the land by killing the helpful
leaving it in the ground to become a natural fertilizer for the
next year’s crop.
Task 3 阅读思维升华: 主题实践 1. 结合课文主题, 回答下列问题。 What do you know about organic farming in general? _O_r_g_a_n_i_c_f_a_r_m_i_n_g__is_i_m__p_o_r_ta_n_t__a_s _m_o_r_e__a_n_d_m__o_r_e_p_e_o_p_l_e_f_o_c_u_s_o_n__t_h_e_q_u_a_l_it_y__o_f _th__e_f_o_o_d_w__e_e_a_t_. _It_m__e_a_n_s_g_r_o_w__in_g__c_r_o_p_s_w_i_t_h_o_u_t_u_s_i_n_g_a_n_y__c_h_e_m_i_c_a_ls_._T_h_e__m__a_in_ _r_e_a_so_n__f_o_r_u_s_in__g_o_r_g_a_n_i_c_f_a_r_m_i_n_g_m__e_t_h_o_d_s_i_s_t_o_g_r_o_w__g_o_o_d_f_o_o_d__a_n_d_a_v_o_i_d_ _d_a_m__a_g_in_g__th_e__e_n_v_ir_o_n_m__e_n_t_a_n_d__p_e_o_p_l_e’_s_h境用适当的词补全句子 1. In addition _to_my studies, I got involved in lots of social activities. 2. His confidence built _u_p_gradually as he gained more and more experience in teaching. 3. You’d better turn to your teachers and classmates _f_o_rhelp when meeting with any difficulties in study. 4. _A_s_ we all know, success lies in hard work while laziness leads _t_ofailure.
6. keep the _so_i_ldry保持土壤干燥 7. _re_d_u__ce_pollution and waste减少污染和浪费 8. _u_n_d_e_r_l_in_e_the topic sentence画底线标出主题句 9. _s_k_im__the passage略读课文 10. make a _co_m__m__e_n_t发表评论 11. the _r_o_o_tof the problem问题的根源
_H_e__u_se_d__t_o_b_e__o_v_e_rw__e_ig_h_t__a_n_d_p_e_o_p_l_e_w__e_re__a_lw__a_y_s_m__a_k_i_n_g_c_o_m__m_e_n_t_s_o_n__h_i_s _sh_a_p__e,_w__h_i_ch__m__a_d_e_h_i_m__a_n_n_o_y_e_d_._H__is__m_o_t_h_e_r_t_o_l_d_h_i_m__t_h_a_t_h_e__sh_o_u__ld__ta_k_e_ _e_x_e_rc_i_s_e_b_e_c_a_u_s_e_i_t_c_o_u_ld__h_e_l_p_h_i_m__b_u_i_ld__u_p__h_is__b_o_d_y_. _H_e__d_id__a_s_h_i_s_m__o_t_h_e_r_t_o_ld_ _h_im__a_n_d__r_e_d_u_c_e_d_h__is_w__e_ig_h_t__b_y_1_0__k_il_o_s_. _H_e__b_e_c_a_m_e__th_e__fo_c_u_s__o_f_h_i_s _c_o_m_m__u_n_i_ty_ _a_n_d__m_a_n_y__p_e_o_p_l_e_a_s_k_e_d_h_i_m__h_o_w__h_e__m_a_n__a_g_ed__t_o_l_o_s_e_w_e_i_g_h_t_.
B. 4.
C. 5.
D. 6.
答案: (1)~(3)BBB
2. 运用语句知识解构课文中的长难句。
译文: _为__了__阻__止__风__把__土__壤__吹__走__或__水__把__土__壤__冲__走__, 使用有机耕作的农民们更喜欢 在作物之间种草并且把它留在地里成为下一年作物的天然肥料。
animals and humans.
◆Organic farming is simply farming (4) __w_it_h_o_u_tusing any
customers chemicals.
turn to
◆Organic farmers often prefer using natural waste from
(2)From the fourth paragraph, we know that _______.
A. it’s not good to plant grass between crops
B. peanuts use the ground’s surface
C. peas and soybeans should be grown together with corn and wheat
organic animals as (5) _fe_r_t_il_i_ze_r_.
◆They often change the kind of (6) _c_r_o_pin each field every
Other methods to keep the soil fertile.
Task 1 框架宏观建构: 整体理解
Task 2 文本微观剖析: 细节探究 1. 根据文章细节信息完成下列问题。 (1)From the passage, we can see organic farmers are those who _______. A. grow crops with chemical fertilizers B. grow crops with natural fertilizers C. produce organic fertilizers D. care for the environment
5. Although he tried to focus _o_n_his reading in the study, now and then his attention was attracted _b_y_the loud music outside. 6. The teacher often makes comments _o_n_/a_b__o_u_thow different the two boys are. 7. I hope you will keep yourself free _f_ro_m__/_o_f tobacco and alcohol. 8. We must keep in mind _t_h_a_tpride goes before a fall. 9. It was foggy, so the driver had to reduce speed _t_oforty kilometres an hour. 10. In the supermarket the foreign names of the products got mixed up and I was confused _a_b_o_u_twhat to buy.
D. vegetables that put down deep roots are harmful to the soil
(3)How many ways do the organic farmers have to keep their soil fertile and
A. 3.
Problems caused by chemical fertilizers
bacteria and pests as well as the (2)_h_a_r_m__fu_l_ ones. ◆Chemicals stay in the ground and underground water for a long time, which (3)_a_ff_e_c_t_s crops,
Unit 2 Working the land Using Language
Ⅰ. 用本单元适当的单词补全短语 1. _c_o_n_fu__se_the students使学生迷惑 2. have no _r_e_g_r_et_没有遗憾 3. _c_h_e_m_i_c_a_l change化学变化 4. at each stage of _p_r_o_d_u_c_t_io_n_在生产的每个阶段 5. make an important _d_i_sc_o_v_e_r_y_有重大发现
Ⅲ. 根据课文及汉语提示补全句子 1. Recently, however, scientists _h_a_v_e__b_e_e_n_f_in_d__in_g_(已经发现)that long-term use of these fertilizers can cause damage to the land and, even more dangerous, to people’s health. 2. In addition, fruit, vegetables and other food grown with chemical fertilizers usually _g_ro_w__t_o_o__fa_s_t_t_o_b_e__f_u_ll_o_f_m__u_c_h__n_u_t_ri_t_io_n_(生长得过快而营养不足).
3. Crops such as peas or soybeans put important minerals back into the soil, _m_a_k__in_g__it_r_e_a_d_y__fo_r__c_r_o_p_s_s_u_c_h_a_s__w_h_e_a_t_o_r__co_r_n__t_h_a_t_n_e_e_d_r_i_c_h_a_n_d__f_e_r_ti_le_ _so_i_l(从而使之适宜于种植要求土壤肥沃的农作物, 比如小麦或玉米). 4. They feel that this makes the soil in their fields _r_ic_h_e_r__in_(更富含)minerals and so _m__o_r_e_f_er_t_i_le_(更肥沃).