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1.What is the main ingredient in chocolate?
A. Cocoa
B. Sugar
C. Milk
D. Flour
2.How many legs does a spider have?
A. Six
B. Eight
C. Ten
D. Twelve
3.The __________ is a mountain range that runs along the west coast of North America.
4.I eat breakfast at ________ (七点).
5.The ______ teaches us about physics.
6.The fish swims _____ (slowly/quickly) in the water.
7.The capital of Nauru is _______.
8.What do we call the process of changing liquid to gas?
A. Condensation
B. Evaporation
C. Freezing
D. MeltingB
9.Which shape has four equal sides?
A. Triangle
B. Rectangle
C. Square
D. Circle
10.What is the opposite of "hot"?
A. Warm
B. Cold
C. Cool
D. DryB
11.What do you call a person who studies education?
A. Educator
B. Teacher
C. Professor
D. ScholarD
12.The _____ (volcano) is active.
13.My brother is learning to ride a __________. (自行车)
14.What do you drink from?
A. Plate
B. Cup
C. Table
D. ChairB
15.The _____ (小羊) follows its mother closely. It is very fluffy and cute. 小羊紧紧跟着它的妈妈。


16.__________ are used in the paper industry.
17.She has a ___ of shoes. (pair)
18.The ________ (花卉设计) is a creative art.
19.What do we call the part of the plant that provides support?
A. Leaf
B. Root
C. Stem
D. FlowerC
20.The __________ (历史的符号) represent cultural significance.
21.The ______ helps us understand mathematics.
22.What do you call a story set in the future?
A. Historical fiction
B. Fantasy
C. Science fiction
D. RomanceC
23.My favorite type of ________ (音乐) is pop.
24.My favorite _____ is a friendly dog.
25.The color of light can be changed by using a ______.
26.What is the opposite of hot?
A. Warm
B. Cool
C. Cold
D. Burning
27.Which fruit is tropical and often associated with Hawaii?
A. Mango
B. Pineapple
C. Papaya
D. CoconutB
28.The __________ is the area around the North Pole.
29._____ (春天) is when many plants start to bloom.
30.The trees are ______ in the fall. (changing)
31.I love my __________ very much. (家)
32. A ladybug is a ______ (益虫) in the garden.
33.The chemical formula for potassium hydroxide is _______.
34.The __________ was a period of political upheaval in France. (法国大革命)
35.The _______ of an object is how much space it takes up.
36.What is the opposite of "fast"?
A. Quick
B. Slow
C. Speedy
D. SwiftB
37.What is the capital of Mexico?
A. Cancun
B. Guadalajara
C. Mexico City
D. MonterreyC
38. A __________ is a property that describes how a substance behaves in a reaction.
39.We visit the ______ (图书馆) for research.
40.Which animal is known for its ability to fly?
A. Elephant
B. Tiger
C. Bird
D. FishC
41.Acid rain can harm ______ and buildings.
42.The protective outer covering of an egg is called the ______.
43.The _____ (自然) has a way of balancing ecosystems.
44.The man has a funny ________.
45.The rain is _______ (falling) outside.
46.What is the name of the famous musician known as the "King of Pop"?
A. Elvis Presley
B. Michael Jackson
C. Prince
D. Madonna
47.I enjoy ______ (与朋友一起玩).
48.The _____ (mountain) is home to unique plants.
49.What is the main source of light for Earth?
A. Stars
B. Moon
C. Sun
D. FireC
50.What do you call a story that is made up?
A. Fiction
B. Non-fiction
C. Biography
D. True story
51.The _____ (pen/pencil) is on the desk.
52.The chemical formula for table salt is ______.
53.The invention of the cotton gin revolutionized _____.
54.What is the name of the famous river in South America?
A. Amazon
B. Orinoco
C. Paraná
D. All of the above
55.The smallest unit of a compound is a _______.
56.I enjoy coloring in my ________ (涂色书) on rainy days.
57.I see a _____ (蜜蜂) in the garden.
58.My sister is my best _______ because we laugh together.
59.What is the capital of Paraguay?
A. Asunción
B. Ciudad del Este
C. Encarnación
D. Pedro Juan CaballeroA
60. A __________ is a mixture where the different parts are not visible.
61.My favorite food is ________ (披萨).
62.The smallest unit of an element is called an _____.
63.My grandpa enjoys sharing his .
64.Which number comes after 10?
A. 9
B. 11
C. 12
D. 13B
65.What is the capital of Russia?
A. Moscow
B. Saint Petersburg
C. Kiev
D. MinskA
66.Herbs can be used in both ______ (烹饪) and medicine.
67. A _____ (狮子) is known as the king of the jungle.
68. A __________ (植物园) showcases many different species.
69.My family has a ______ (小狗) named Max. He is very ______ (忠诚).
70.What do we call the warm-blooded animals that lay eggs?
A. Mammals
B. Reptiles
C. Birds
D. FishC Birds
71.Certain plants have ______ that allow them to survive in cold climates. (某些植物有耐寒的特性,使它们能够在寒冷的气候中生存。

72.The __________ (历史的动向) shapes our journey.
73.What is the boiling point of water in degrees Celsius?
A. 50
B. 75
C. 100
D. 125C 100
74.My sister loves to __________ (跳舞) at parties.
75.Mercury is a metal that is _______ at room temperature.
76. A ______ is a graphical representation of results.
77.The color of litmus paper turns red in an ______ solution.
78.What is the capital of the USA?
A. New York
B.Washington D.
C.Los Angeles
79.How many legs does a spider have?
A. Four
B. Six
C. Eight
D. TenC
80.The ______ (小鸟) builds its nest in spring.
81.What is the name of the famous bridge in San Francisco?
A. Golden Gate Bridge
B. Brooklyn Bridge
C. London Bridge
D. Tower BridgeA
82.They are _____ (playing) in the park.
83.__________ are used in food preservation techniques.
84.What is the most abundant gas in Earth's atmosphere?
A. Oxygen
B. Nitrogen
C. Carbon dioxide
D. HydrogenB
85.The tree is _____ (tall/short) and green.
86.The discovery of __________ (青铜) marked the beginning of the Bronze Age.
87. A metal's ability to conduct electricity is called ______.
88.The ______ helps distribute nutrients in plants.
89.The _____ (sprout) comes out of the seed.
90.The process of rusting occurs when iron reacts with _______.
91.Which shape has three sides?
A. Square
B. Circle
C. Triangle
D. RectangleC
92.The first female governor in the United States was ________ (娜奈·亨利).

94.What is the main ingredient in a Caesar salad?
A. Lettuce
B. Spinach
C. Kale
D. ArugulaA
95.In a reaction, the limiting reagent is the reactant that is completely _____ first.
96.I like to ______ my friends' birthdays. (celebrate)
97.My favorite fruit is ________ (桃子) in the summer.
98.My favorite fruit is ________.
99.I like to collect ______ (rocks) from the beach. 100.She likes to ________ in the park.。
