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1. A solution that is acidic has a pH of _______.
2.The chemical symbol for bromoform is ______.
3.I love to grow _____ (香草) at home.
4.Hamsters like to _______ on wheels.
5.What is the name of the famous novel written by J.R.R. Tolkien?
A. The Hobbit
B. The Chronicles of Narnia
C. Harry Potter
D. A Wrinkle in TimeA
6.What do you call a word that sounds the same as another word but has a different meaning?
A. Antonym
B. Synonym
C. Homograph
D. HomonymD
7.My __________ (玩具名) makes __________ (声音) when I play with it.
8.The children are _____ in the classroom. (learning)
9.The elephant uses its trunk to ______ (抓取) food.
10.Who is the king of the jungle?
A. Elephant
B. Giraffe
C. Lion
D. TigerC
11. A _______ can help to demonstrate the principles of energy transfer.
12.The first humans are believed to have lived in _______. (非洲)
13.The chemical symbol for chromium is ______.
14.The study of Earth's geology helps us understand ______ processes.
15.What is the name of the famous river in India?
A. Ganges
B. Yamuna
C. Brahmaputra
D. Godavari
16.My grandma grows ______ in her backyard.
17.The __________ (历史的启示) guides our actions.
18.He plays the ______ very well. (guitar)
19.I like to ______ new games with my friends. (try)
20.The Earth's crust contains valuable ______.
21.What do we call the process of a seed growing into a plant?
A. Pollination
B. Germination
C. Fertilization
D. PhotosynthesisB Germination
22.The pizza is very _____. (yummy)
23.Which animal is known as man's best friend?
A. Cat
B. Dog
C. Rabbit
D. Parrot
24.I want to _______ (学会)如何制作蛋糕.
25.We like ________ movies together.
26.My dad is very ________.
27.My teacher's favorite name is . (我老师最喜欢的名字是)
28.The _____ (水果) of the berry plant is very nutritious.
29.My cousin is a talented __________ (运动员) in basketball.
30.What do bees make?
A. Milk
B. Honey
C. Silk
D. WaxB
31.What is the capital of Norway?
A. Oslo
B. Stockholm
C. Copenhagen
D. HelsinkiA
32.What is 8 x 2?
A. 10
B. 12
C. 14
D. 16
33.I love to ______ with my friends. (hang out)
34. A __________ is a reaction that releases energy in the form of light.
35.What do we call the place where we can see historical artifacts?
A. Museum
B. Gallery
C. Library
D. ArchiveA
36.What phenomenon causes the Northern Lights?
A. Stars
B. Aurora Borealis
C. Solar Flares
D. Meteors
37.Many plants have been cultivated for ______ (观赏)。

38.I have a toy ________ (玩具名称) that can slide down.
39.What is the name of the fairy tale character who is a princess and falls asleep for 100 years?
A. Snow White
B. Rapunzel
C. Sleeping Beauty
D. CinderellaC
40. A _______ has thorns to keep animals away.
41.What do we call the visible part of a plant that produces flowers and fruits?
A. Stem
B. Leaf
C. Root
D. ShootD
42.What is the main ingredient in a smoothie?
A. Ice
B. Juice
C. Fruit
D. Milk
43.The _____ (clock) is ticking.
44.What do we call the water cycle's process of water vapor turning into liquid?
A. Evaporation
B. Condensation
C. Precipitation
D. CollectionB
45.What is the tallest mountain in the world?
A. K2
B. Kilimanjaro
C. Everest
D. DenaliC
46.I like _____ (to cook/to eat).
47.We enjoy visiting the ___. (aquarium)
48.Heat can change the state of ______.
49.The ______ has a strong sense of smell.
50.What is the name of the famous detective known for solving mysteries?
A. Hercule Poirot
B. Sherlock Holmes
C. Miss Marple
D. Sam Spade
51.I have _____ (one/two) brother.
52.The __________ is essential for studying the distribution of resources.
53.I enjoy ______ (watching) sports on TV.
54.city) is a large area where many people live. The ____
55.What do you call the process of changing from a liquid to a solid?
A. Freezing
B. Melting
C. Boiling
D. EvaporatingA
56.My favorite game is ________ (扑克牌) with my family.
57.The stars are ______ (shining) in the night sky.
58.She is wearing a lovely ___. (dress)
59. A rabbit's foot is considered a good luck ________________ (符号).
60.What is the name of the famous mouse created by Walt Disney?
A. Tom
B. Jerry
C. Mickey
D. DonaldC
61.My uncle is a __________ (人力资源专家).
62.What do we use to tell time?
A. Calendar
B. Clock
C. Ruler
D. Scale
63.I like to climb trees and look at _______ (我喜欢爬树,看_______).
64. A _______ can grow in different climates.
65.The rabbit thumps its _______ (后腿) when scared.
66.What do caterpillars turn into?
A. Frogs
B. Butterflies
C. Birds
D. MothsB
67.plate tectonics) explain how continents move. The ____
68. A _____ (果园) is where we grow fruits like apples and oranges.
69.What is the capital of Sweden?
A. Stockholm
B. Oslo
C. Helsinki
D. ReykjavikA
70.I enjoy playing __________ with my friends. (游戏)
71.What is the term for a baby turkey?
A. Chick
B. Poult
C. Calf
D. Kid
72.I love to draw ________ (风景) in my notebook.
73.I like to _______ (参加) workshops.
74.My dad cooks _____ (breakfast/lunch) on Sundays.
75. A _______ is a measure of the amount of substance in a solution.
76.The __________ (社区建设) fosters connection.
77.Many cultures celebrate the __________ (植物的生长季节).
78.中国的________ (myths) 常常包含教训与智慧。

79.The atomic mass of an element is the number of protons plus ______.
80.What is the capital of Sweden?
A. Oslo
B. Copenhagen
C. Stockholm
D. Helsinki
81.What is the name of the famous American author known for his works on the frontier?
A. Mark Twain
B. Willa Cather
C. Laura Ingalls Wilder
D. All of the aboveD
82.What do you call a baby horse?
A. Calf
B. Foal
C. Pup
D. KidB
83.What do we call the process of testing a hypothesis in science?
A. Experimentation
B. Observation
C. Analysis
D. ConclusionA
84.Some _______ are known for their unique characteristics.
85.The __________ is a large area of biodiversity in the world. (热带雨林)
86.What is the capital of Thailand?
A. Bangkok
B. Phuket
C. Chiang Mai
D. PattayaA
87.We go to the ________ (park) on weekends.
88.My grandma loves to bake ____ (bread).
89.My grandma loves to _______ (动词) with her friends. 她觉得这个活动很_______ (形容词).
ets have a bright tail that points away from the _______.
91.The _____ (bicycle/car) is fast.
92.What do we call a group of lions?
A. Pack
B. Pride
C. Flock
D. School
93.在中国,________ (philosophy) 和文学有着深厚的历史。

94.My dad loves to watch __________. (体育)
95.The ________ (冒险旅行) leads to new discoveries.
96.The dog wags its ______ (tail) when happy.
97.My teacher is very __________ (人性化).
98. A ________ (植物) can be a beautiful decoration.
99.We are going to ___ a hike. (take)
100. A solute can be a solid, liquid, or _____.。
