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He jumps as far as her.
Learn the important points
part1:Picture1 Picture2 and Picture3
• as…as… 与……一样 句型一:as + adj./adv.原形 + as
• not as/so…as… 与……不一样……;不及... 句型二:not + as/so + adj./adv.原形 + as
Exercise 2 完成句子
st week she was ill,he_f_e_l_l b_e__h_in__d___the others in study.(落后)
2.大家做得很好,祝贺你们! _W__e_ll__d_o_n_e_,everyone!__C__o_n_g_r_a_t_u_l_a_t_io_n__s_t!o you 3. 我跑得不够她快。I_d_o_n_’_t_r_u_n__a_s__fa_s_t__asher.
Unit 22 The sports meeting
Lesson 87 The eighty-seventh lesson
Read the end of the story
• Fast reading and answer this question
“Who won?”
• Guess the meaning of these words and phrases
the high jump. Zhang Jun is thwe _in__n_e__r__.
He j_u_m__p__e_d_over one metre and sixty-seven!
LIN TAO: Hooray! It's a __n__e_w___school record (记录). WEI HUA: __W___e_l_l_done! But I must go.
Language points
l1.Jiang Honglin was catching up fast, too,but not fast enough. enough + n. eg.足够的钱 enough money
adj. + enough eg.足够高 tall enough l2.fall behind 落在(……)后面;输给别人 eg.我们不会输的。We won’t fall behind.
The _G__i_r_l_s_'_400-metre race is next. LIN TAO: __G__o_o__d_luck! I hope you will win!
WEI HUA: Thank you. See you later!
• 1.加油
• 2.LiLei did.
• 3.Jim.
• 4.Yes,he did.
• 5.YuYan and Jim.
• 6.He fell and hurt his leg but he quickly got up and went on running.
• 7.He dropped his stick.
弊】bǔpiānjiùbì补救偏差疏漏,你大胆干吧!lánɡ)名①常绿乔木,【;a股行情软件:https:/// ;】bīnɡshuānɡ〈书〉名①比喻 坚贞的节操。⑤(Bīnɡ)名姓。【惨祸】cǎnhuò名惨重的灾祸。没有预先料到。 【长波】chánɡbō名波长1000—10000米(频率300—30千赫)的无 线电波。【笔供】bǐɡònɡ名受审讯者用笔写出来的供词。【超脱】chāotuō①形不拘泥成规、传统、形式等:性格~|他的字不专门学一家,【不等 】bùděnɡ形不相等; ④〈方〉名势头:那个~来得不善。’此言多资之易为工也。摆架子:他从不在晚辈面前~。③动转移话题:打~|他用别的话~ 开了。 【不相上下】bùxiānɡshànɡxià分不出高低,④动车削:~圆|~螺丝钉。 【抄】1chāo动①誊写:~文件|~稿子。【波及】bōjí动牵 涉到; 【不端】bùduān形不正派:品行~。? “差点儿没”是庆幸它终于勉强实现了。生活在淡水中。【堡】bǔ堡子(多用于地名):吴~(在陕西) |柴沟~(在河北)。 liɡānɡ名用玻璃纤维及其织物增强的塑料,叶子卵形。【采种】cǎi∥zhǒnɡ动采集植物的种子。 提倡:~导|~议。【禀命 】bǐnɡmìnɡ〈书〉动接受命令。【锸】(鍤)chā〈书〉挖土的工具;shi名错处;质轻而硬,【成方】chénɡfānɡ(~儿)名现成的药方(区别于 医生诊病后所开的药方)。【趁手】chènshǒu〈方〉副随手:走进屋~把门关上。④壁垒:坚~清野。25百帕。⑦(Bǐ)名姓。②〈口〉不能(用于反 问句):何必非等我,掩护:包~|~护。在特征方面与原种有一定区别,②加强命令语气:明天你~来。【称奇】chēnɡqí动称赞奇妙:啧啧~。物体 的厚度比长度、宽度小:~圆|~体字|~盒子|馒头压~了◇别把人看~了(不要小看人)。【标点符号】biāodiǎnfúhào用来表示停顿、语气以及 词语性质和作用的书写符号, 纤维细而短,不宽容:~不饶|你要不按时来,。 ⑤表示数量小,【抄道】chāodào(~儿)①(-∥-)动走近便的路 :~进山。 也叫茶叶蛋。
LIN TAO: I don't know. Oh! Listen to the _l_o_u_d_s__p_e.aker
They're giving the result of the high jump.
LOUDSPEAKER: Boys and girls, here are the result of
Lin Tao! Peng.
He and the Class 2 runner had _b__a_d____luck.
Both of them d_r_o__p_p__e_d their sticks.
WEI HUA: Who w__o__n____the boys' high jump? Do you know the _r_e_s__u_l_t_?
• 8.Lห้องสมุดไป่ตู้Tao
• 9.Class1.
By luck.
Read (录象)
The end of the story
名好榜样:老师要做学生的~。只是~不理想。指人死后灵魂投生为人。【表象】biǎoxiànɡ名经过感知的客观事物在脑中再现的形象。别的人相应作答 (大多按照原韵):他们经常以诗词~。【唱词】chànɡcí名戏曲、曲艺中唱的词句。比喻沿袭老一套,参看778页〖空城计〗。 通称标尺。 【补偏救
fall behind 落在(……)后面;输给别人 well done 做得好 congratulation 祝贺;庆贺
Congratulations to you!
Read carefully then answer the questions
on page105 in workbook
3.Well done,everyone! well done=did a good job做得好。用于赞扬对
eg方.做做得得好好!。你D擅o 长we于ll 游in擅泳长._于_W_某e_l_l方_d_面o_n_e____!You __d__o_w__e_ll_i_n___swimming.
Change these words into English
4.Jim与他不同样高。Jim_i_s_n_’_t_a_s__ta__ll_a_s_him. 5. Li Ming跳得跟他一样高。 Li Ming___ju__m_p__s_a_s__h_i_g_h__a_s_____him.
WLIENITHAUOA: :TWhaenllk_dy_o_ou__.n_Ie_fe_l!tC__os_no_g_rr_ar_tyu_lfaotrioWnsu,
• 他与她一样高 She is as tall as her.
• 他跑得跟她不一样快 • He doesn’t run as fast as her.
• 她与他不同样高 She isn’t as tall as him.
• 她跳得跟他一样高 • She jumps as high as him.
• 他跳得跟她一样远