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1.The sky is very _______ (clear) today.
2.I enjoy __________ (动词) with my __________ (玩具名) during summer vacation.
3.The ancient Egyptians used ________ (象形文字) for writing.
4.Birds build _______ in trees.
5.The _______ of an object can be tested with a balance scale.
6.The process of ______ can lead to the formation of minerals.
7.There are many ___ in the sky. (clouds)
8.The _______ (小金雕) hunts for small animals.
9.The ______ (小鱼) swims gracefully in the aquarium.
10. A __________ (花丛) can attract many creatures.
11.The temperature at which a substance changes from solid to liquid is called ______.
12.What is the name of the famous river in France?
A. Seine
B. Thames
C. Danube
D. Elbe答案: A. Seine
13. A ____(community resilience strategy) prepares for emergencies.
14.We have a ______ (愉快的) experience during family get-togethers.
15. A __________ is a change in matter that produces one or more new substances.
16.ers are favored for their vibrant ______ and ability to attract visitors. (某些花因其鲜艳的颜色和吸引游客的能力而受到青睐。
) Some flo
17. A _____ (温室种植) can extend the growing season.
18. A cat's purring is often a sign of ________________ (放松).
19.The __________ (海上丝绸之路) connected Asia to Europe.
20.The symbol for palladium is _______.
21. A ________ is an area of land that is mostly covered in trees.
22.I like to eat ________ for breakfast.
23. A mixture is a combination of two or more substances that retain their ______ properties.
24.The Hubble Space Telescope has provided many stunning images of _______.
25.The country known for its biodiversity is ________ (以生物多样性闻名的国家是________).
26.I like to _____ (制作) crafts.
27.I enjoy playing __________ with my sister. (拼图)
28.Which fruit is yellow?
A. Apple
B. Banana
C. Cherry
D. Grape答案: B
29.中国的________ (myths) 常常包含教训与智慧。
30.The fish swims _____ (fast/slow).
31. A ______ (海豚) can perform tricks for people.
32.Many plants have __________ (药用) properties that can heal.
33. A __________ is a type of chemical reaction that occurs spontaneously.
34.The sun is very _______ (明亮) today.
35.My ___ (小仓鼠) loves to explore its cage.
36.The dog loves to bark at the ______.
37.They are ___ (happy/sad) about the trip.
38.My favorite flower is a _____.
39.The __________ (历史的回声) resonates deeply.
40.Which instrument has keys and is played by pressing them?
A. Guitar
B. Violin
C. Piano
D. Drum答案:C
41.Mushrooms are a type of ______ (真菌), not a plant.
42.The capital of Italy is _____ (26).
43.My aunt is a ______. She helps organize events.
44.My dog is my __________. (宠物)
45.The _____ (篮球) is bouncy.
46.The ______ studies the stars and planets.
47.The _______ (鹦鹉) is bright and colorful.
48.I saw a ________ in the garden today.
49.Sediment is made up of tiny pieces of ______, minerals, and organic matter.
50.My cat enjoys pouncing on ______ (玩具).
51. A mixture can be separated by ______.
52. A ______ has a unique way of moving.
53. A ____ is a small animal with a bushy tail that enjoys collecting nuts.
54. A gas can expand to fill its ______.
55.The burning of fossil fuels releases carbon ______.
56.We have a ______ (小狗) at home.
57.The girl loves to ________.
58.The ant works together in a _________. (群体)
59.The _____ (植物适应) can reveal insights into evolution.
60.She is __________ a picture.
61. A _______ is a chemical reaction that results in the formation of a new substance.
62. A kitten loves to play with ________________ (玩具).
63.The chemical formula for mercury(II) chloride is ______.
64.I enjoy playing ______ (棋类游戏) with my friends. It challenges our minds and is lots of fun.
65.I like to collect ________ shells.
66.The ________ Hemisphere contains all of Europe and Africa.
67._____ (foraging) can lead to delicious finds.
68.I have a toy _____ that can sing.
69.I love to listen to ______ (音乐) while I study.
70.On Sundays, we visit my __________. (家人)
71.My teacher is _______ and supportive.
72.What do we drink from?
A. Plate
B. Cup
C. Bowl
D. Fork答案: B
73.In art class, I love to _______ (动词) and express my creativity. It’s very _______ (形容词).
74.In conclusion, I believe that life is full of __________. Each day brings new opportunities to __________ and learn something new. I hope to continue exploring and experiencing all the wonderful things the world has to offer.
75.The ____ is often seen hopping along paths in the woods.
76.I enjoy making up stories with my __________ (玩具名).
77.I enjoy going to the ______ (电影院) to watch the latest ______ (电影).
78.I share my snacks with my ____.
79.The element with the symbol He is __________.
80.The freezing point of water is ______ degrees Fahrenheit.
81.My favorite subject in school is __________. I find it exciting because __________.
I look forward to learning more about it each day.
82. A _______ reaction occurs when two gases react.
83.She likes to eat ___ (apples/rocks).
84.The parrot is _______ (colorful).
85.The sun is shining _____ (brightly/darkly).
86.The Earth's surface is shaped by the forces of ______ and erosion.
87.The _____ (生态) is balanced by plants and animals.
88.I enjoy _______ (制作) greeting cards.
89.The main component of enzymes is _____.
90. A ______ (自然保护) effort can restore habitats.
91.What is the value of 12 ÷ 4 + 2?
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7答案:B
92.My birthday is in ______ (七月). I want to have a big ______ (派对) with cake and ______ (气球).
93. A _______ helps to measure the effects of temperature on materials.
94.The ice cream is melting ___. (quickly)
95.The girl is very ________.
96.What do we call a person who creates jewelry?
A. Jeweler
B. Goldsmith
C. Silversmith
D. Artisan答案: A
97.My cousin has a __________狗. (可爱的)
98.The ancient Greeks participated in ________ to foster community spirit.
99. A balanced chemical equation shows the conservation of ______.
100.The ________ is a significant structure in London.。