管道专业术语管道专业术语 1 总则为了确保压力管道设计质量,规范压力管道配管术语,特制定本规定。
2 一般部分配管 piping 按工艺流程、生产操作、施工、维修等要求进行的管道组装。
公称直径 nominal diameter 表征管子、管件、阀门等口径的名义内直径。
公称压力 nominal pressure 管子、管件、阀门等在规定温度下允许承受的以压力等级表示的工作压力。
工作压力 working pressure 管子、管件、阀门等在正常操作条件下承受的压力。
设计压力 design pressure 在正常操作过程中①,在相应设计温度下,管道可能承受的最高工作压力强度试验压力 strength test pressure 管道强度试验的规定压力。
密封试验压力(严密性试验压力) sea1 test pressure 管道密封试验的规定压力。
工作温度 working temperature 管道在正常操作条件下的温度。
设计温度 design temperature 在正常操作过程中①,在相应设计压力下,管道可能承受的最高或最低温度。
适用介质 suitable medium 在正常操作条件下,适合于管道材料的介质。
3 管子与管道管子 pipe 一般为长度远大于直径的圆筒体,是管道的主要组成部分。
管道(管路) piping (pipe line) 由管子、管件、阀门等连接成的,输送流体或传递流体压力的通道口。
管道系统(管系) piping system 单独一组设计条件相互联系的管道。
管道组成件 piping components 连接或装配成管道系统的元件,包括管子、管件、法兰、阀门、支撑件以及补偿器等。
管子表号 pipe schedule number 工作压力与工作温度下的管子材料许用应力的比值乘以一个系数,并经圆整后的数值,是表征管子壁厚系列的代号。
管道工程英文术语缩写管道工程英文术语缩写(中英对照)1.管子及管件P 管子 PipeEL 弯头ELL 长半径弯头ELS 短半径弯头MEL 斜接弯头(虾米腰弯头)REL 异径弯头T 三通 TeeLT 斜三通RT 异径三通R 异径管接头(大小头) ReducerCR 同心异径管接头(同心大小头) Concentric reducer ER 偏心异径管接头(偏心大小头) Eccentric reducer CPL 管箍 Coupling FCPL 双头管箍 Full couplingHCPL 单头管箍 Half couplingRCPL 异径管箍 Reducing couplingBU 内外螺纹接头 BushingUN 活接头 UnionHC 软管接头 Hose couplerSE 翻边短节 Stub endNIP 短节 Pipe nipple or straight nippleSNIP 异径短节 Swaged nippleCP 管帽(封头) CapPL 管堵(丝堵) PlugBLK 盲板 BlankSB 8字盲板 Spectacle blind (blank)RP 补强板 Reinforcing pad2.法兰 FLG 法兰 FlangeWNF 对焊法兰 Welding neck flangeSOF 平焊法兰 Slip-on flangeSWF 承插焊法兰 Socket-welding flangeT 螺纹法兰 Threaded flangeLJ 松套法兰 Lapped joint flangeREDF 异径法兰 Reducing flangeBF 法兰盖(日法兰) Blind flangeFSF 法兰密封面 Flange scaling FF 全平面 Flat face RF 凸台面Raised faceMFF 凹凸面 Male and female faceLF 凹面 Female faceLM 凸面 Male faceRJ 环连接面 Ring joint faceTG 榫槽面 T ongue and groove faceTF 榫面 T ongue faceGF 槽面 Groove face3.垫片 G 垫片 GasketNMG 非金属垫片 Non-metallic gasketAG 石棉垫片 Asbestos gasketRG 橡胶垫片 Rubber gasketTEG 聚四氟乙烯包复垫片 PTFE envelope gasketSMG 半金属垫片 Semimetallic gasketMJG 金属包垫片 Meta-jacket gasketSWG 缠绕式垫片 Spiral wound gasketMG 金属垫片 Metallic gasketFMG 金属平垫片 Flat metallic gasketSMSG 齿形金属垫片 Solid metal serrated gasketLER 透镜式金属环垫 Lens ring gasketOCR 八角形金属环垫 Octagonal ring gasketOVR 椭圆形金属环垫 Oval ring gaksetIR/OR 内外定位环 Inner ring and outer ringIR 内定位环 Inner ringOR 外定位环 Outer ring4.坚固件 B 螺栓 BoltSB 螺柱 Stud boltNU 螺母 NutTB 花蓝螺母 TurnbuckleWSR 垫圈 WasherSWSR 弹簧垫圈 Spring washer5.阀门 GV 闸阀 Gate valveGLV 截止阀 Globe valveCHV 止回阀 Check valveBUV 蝶阀 Butterfly valveBAV 球阀 Ball valvePV 旋塞阀 Plug valve (cock)CV 调节阀 Control valveSV 安全阀 Safety valveRV 减压阀 Pressure reducing valveST 蒸汽疏水阀 Steam trapPRV 泄压阀 Pressur relief valveBV 呼吸阀 Breather valveNV 针形阀 Needle valveAV 角阀DV 隔膜阀TWV 三通阀SGV 插板阀6.管道上用的小型设备SPR 气液分离器Separator FA 阻火器Flame arresterSR 过滤器 StrainerSRY Y型过滤器 Y-type strainerSRT T型过滤器 T-type strainerSRB 桶式过滤器 Bucket type strainerTSR 临时过滤器 Temporary strainerSIL 消声器 SilencerSG 视镜 Slight glassSC 取样冷却器 Sample coolerDF 排液漏斗 Drain funnelLM 管道混合器 Line mixerRO 限流孔板 Restriction orificeMO 混合孔板 Mixing orificeRD 爆破片(爆破膜) Rupture diskEJ 补偿器 Expansion joint7.隔热、伴热 INS 隔热 Thermal insulationH 保温 Hot insulationC 保冷 Cold insulationP 防烫伤隔热 Personnel protection insulationT&I 伴热 Tracing and insulationT 管道伴热(冷) TracingEST 蒸汽外伴热 External steam tracingIST 蒸汽内伴热 Internal steam tracingSJT 蒸汽夹套伴热 Steam-jacket tracingET 电伴热 Electric tracing8.配管材料和等级 M 金属材料 Metallic material CS 碳钢 Carbon steelCAS 铸钢 Cast steelFS 锻钢 Forged steelAS 合金钢 Alloy steelSS 不锈钢 Stainless steelAUSTSS 奥氏体不锈钢 Austenitic stainless-steelCI 铸铁 Cast ironMI 可锻铸铁 Malleable ironDI 球墨铸铁 Ductile ironAL 铝 AluminumBRS 黄铜 BrassBRZ 青铜 BronzeCU 紫铜 CopperLAS 低合金钢 Low alloy steelFLAS 低合金锻钢 Forged low alloy steelCLAS 低合金铸钢 Cast low alloy steelTHK 壁厚 ThicknessSCH 表号 Schedule numberSTD 标准 StandardXS 加强 Extra strongXXS 特强 Double extra strong9.装置布置 CN 建北 Construction northE 东 EastW 西 WestS 南 SouthN 北 NorthH 水平 HorizontalV 竖直、铅直、直立 VerticalGRD 地坪 GroundUG 地下 UndergroundBL 装置边界线 Battery limit lineESEW 事故沐浴洗眼器 Emergency shower and eye washer HS 软管站 Hose stationML 接续分界线 Match linePS 管道支架(管架) Piping supportPR 管桥 Pipe rackSTRU 构架(构筑物) StructureBLDG 建筑物 BuildingPD 清扫设施 Purge devicePT 池 PitSHLT 棚 ShelterCOFF 围堰 CofferdamFL 楼板 FloorPF 平台 Plateform10.尺寸标注 EL 标高 Elevation BOP 管底 Bottom of pipe COP 管中心Center of pipeTOP 管顶 Top of pipeFOB 底平 Flat on bottomFOT 顶平 Flat on topCL(屯) 中心线 Center lineTL 切线 Tangent lineSYM 对称的 SymmetricalBOS 支架底 Bottom of supportTOS 支架顶 Top of supportCL 净距(净空) ClearanceCTC 中心至中心 Center to centerCTF 中心至面 Center to faceCTE 中心至端部 Center to endETE 端到端 End to endFEF 法兰端面 Flange and faceFTF 面到面 Face to faceD 直径 DiameterDN 公称直径 Nominal diameterID 内径 Inside diameterOD 外径 Outside diameterDIM 尺寸 DimensionMAX 最大 MaximumMIN 最小 MinimumAVG 平均 AverageAPP 约、近似 Approximate点标高 Point elevation11.图表 PFD 工艺流程图 Process flow diagramPID 管道和仪表流程图 Piping & instrument diagramCOD 接续图 Continued on drawingDTL 详图 DatailSPDWG(ISODWG) 管段图 Spool drawing (each line isometric drawing) DWGNO 图号 Drawing numberDWGI 所在图号 Drawing identificationLOW 材料表 List of materialMTO 汇料 Material take-offAPPX 附录 AppendixJOB. No. 工号 Job NumberBEDD 基础工程设计数据 Basic engineering design dataDEDD 详细工程设计数据 Detail engineering design dataREV. No. 修改号 Recision numberREFDWG 参考图 Reference drawingSC 采样接口 Sample connection12.操作方式及工作参数 AUT 自动 AutomaticML 手动 Manual controlCHOP 链条操作 Chain operatedCSC 铅封关 Car seal closeCSO 铅封开 Car seal openLC 锁闭 Lock closedLO 锁开 Lock openNC 正常关 Normally closeNO 正常开 Normally openATM 大气压 AtmospherePN 公称压力 Nominal pressureA 绝压G 表压(T) 温度 Temperature(P) 压力 Pressure13.施工 W 焊接 WeldingAW 电弧焊 Arc weldingGSAW 气体保护电弧焊 Gas shielded-acr welding EFW 电熔焊Elecric fusion weldingERW 电阻焊 Electric Resistance weldingGW 气焊 Gas weldingLW 搭接焊 Lap weldingBW 对焊 Butt weldingTW 定位焊 Tack weldingSW 承插焊 Socket weldingCW 连续焊 Continuous weldingSEW 密封焊 Seal weldingSFG 堆焊 SurfacingFW 现场焊接 Field weldingHT 热处理 Heat treatmentPH 预热 PreheatingSR 应力消除 Stress reliefPWHT 焊后热处理 Post weld heat treatmentEIT 检查、探伤和实验 Examination, inspection & testing VE 外观检查 Visual examinationUI (UT) 超声探伤 Ultrasonic inspection (test)RI (RT) 射线探伤 Radiographic inspection (test)MPI (MT) 磁粉探伤 Magnetic particle inspection (test)LPI (PT) 液体渗透检验 Liquid penterant inspection (test) HADT 硬度实验 Hardness testingHYDT 水压实验 Hydraulic testingPNET 气压实验 Pneumatic testingCE 焊条 Covered electrodeWW 焊丝 Welding wireASSY 装配、组合 AssemblyF 现场 FieldF/F 现场制造 Field faricatedSF 现场决定 Suit in fieldCSP 冷紧 Cold springBCT 螺栓冷紧 Bolt cold tighteningBHY 螺栓热紧 Bolt hot tighteningCO 清洗口 Clean outANNY 退火 AnnealedPE 平端面 Plain endBE 坡口端 Belelled endTHR 螺纹 ThreadHB 布氏硬度 Brinnel hardnessRC 洛氏硬度14.其他 FDN 基础 FoundationINF 信息(资料) InformationREF 参考 ReferenceREV 修改 RevisionSEQ 序号(顺序) SequenceW/E 设备带来 With equipmentW/I 仪表带来 With instrumentCM 色标 Colour markCA 腐蚀裕度 Corrosion allowanceUTL 公用系统 UtilityUC 公用工程接头 Utility connectionQTY 数量 QuantityWT 重量 WeightMHR 工时 Man hourBC 螺栓分布圆 Bolt circleHP 高点 High pointLP 低点Low pointSUC 吸入(口) SuctionDIS 排出(口) DischargeSO 蒸气吹扫(口) Steam outNPT 美国标准锥管螺纹 National standard taper pipe thread NPS 美国标准直管螺纹 National standard straight pipe thread DR 排液 DrainVT 放气 VentRTG (压力)等级 RatingCL 等级 ClassSMLS 无缝 Seamless螺旋缝。
管道工程常用术语管道conduit, pipeline, duct管道结构pipeli ne (con duit) stucture埋地管道,地下管道buried conuit (pipeline), under-ground conduit (pipeline)地上管道above=gro und con duit (pipeli ne)水下管道submerged pipeli ne, subaqueous pipeli ne海底管道submari ne pipeli ne架空管道overhead pipeli ne管桥pipe bridge工业管道in dustrial pipeli ne给水管道water supply conduit (pipeline)输水管道water transmission conduit (pipeline)酉己水管道water distribution pipeline排水管道sewer con duit (pipeli ne)雨水管道storm sewer con duit (pipeli ne)河流管道comb ined drain age con duit (pipeli ne)污水管道sewage con duit (pipeli ne)涵洞culvert建筑给水管道pipeli ne for water supply in buildi ng建筑排水管道pipeli ne for waste water (sewerage) in buildi ng雨落管down pipe, down spout冷去卩水管道cooli ng water pipeli ne输油管道petroleum tran smissi on pipeli ne输气管道gas tran smissi on pipeli ne供热管道heat-supply pipeli ne采暖管道heati ng pipeli ne通风管道ven tilat ing duct纟田颗粒固体输送管道fin ely divided solid tran smissi on pipeli ne管沟pipe duct电缆沟cable duct通行地沟accessible duct不通行地沟un passable duct综合管道,共同沟combi ned duct电工套管electrical con duits无压管道non-pressure con duit (pipeli ne)自流管道,重力流管道free-flow con duit (pipeli ne), gravity-flow con duit (pipeli ne) 管道穿越pipeli ne un der cross ing管道跨越pipeli ne aerial (over) cross ing管道支架pipeli ne trestle管道支墩pipeli ne pier刚性管rigid pipe柔性管flexible pipe半柔性管,半刚性管semi-flexible pipe, semi-rigid pipe内衬liner涂层coati ng, surface layer管道接头pipeli ne joi nt管件pipe fitting管道附件pipe accessory管道附属构筑物pipeli ne appurte nance止推墩,固定墩thrust blocks, an chor管道防腐corrosi on prevetive of pipes管道隔热,管道保温thermal in sulati on of pipes辛钢管steel pipe焊接钢管welded steel pipe无缝钢管seamless steel pipe螺旋焊接钢管spiral welded steel pipe直缝焊接钢管Ion gitudi nal welded steel pipe电阻焊electirc resistenee welding, ERW不锈钢管sta ini ess steel pipe合金钢管alloy steel pipe铸铁管cast iron pipe (CIP)灰口铸铁管grey cast iron pipe (CIP)稀土铸铁管rare earth cast iron pipe球墨铸铁管,可延性铸铁管nodular castiron pipe, ductile cast iron pipe (DIP)铸态球墨铸铁管unann ealed no dular (ductile) cast iron pipe混凝土管con crete pipe (CP)钢筋混凝土管rei nforced con crete pipe (RCP)预应力混凝土管prestressed con crete pipe (PCP)自应力混凝土管self-prestressed con crete pipe, chemically prestressed con crete pipe预应力钢筒混凝土管prestressed con crete cyli nder pipe (PCCP)内衬式预应力钢筒混凝土管lin ed type PCCP (PCCR-L), li ned-cyli nder pipe (LCP)埋置式预应钢管混凝土管embedded type PCCP (PCCP-E), embeded-cyli nder pipe (ECP) 石棉水泥管asbestos-ceme nt pipe (ACP)陶土管vitrified clay pipe硬聚氯乙烯塑料管un plasticised polyv inyl chloride pipe (UPVC 管)聚乙烯塑料管polyethylene pipe (PE管)聚丙烯塑料管polypropylene pipe (PP管)聚丁烯塑料管polybutylene pipe (PB 管)红泥聚氯乙烯耐候塑料管red mud plastic an ti-weather pipeABS 工程塑料管acrylonitrile butadiene stryrene pipe (ABS 管)玻璃纤维管,玻璃纤维增强热固性塑料管fiberglass reinforced pipe (FRP), glass fibre rei nforced plastics pipe (GRP)增强热固性树脂管rei nforced thermosetti ng resi n pipe (RTRP)增强塑料砂浆管rei nforced plastic mortar pipe (RPMP)复合管composite pipe混合结构管道mixed structure con duit圆形管道circular con duit (pipeli ne)矩形管道box (recta ngular) con duit马蹄形管道horseshoe con duit 半椭圆形管道semi-elliptical con duit椭圆形管道oval co nduit, elliptical co nduit 卵形管道ovoid con duit 波纹管corrugated pipe 螺纹状helical corrugation 圆圈状annular corrugation 单壁波纹管sin gle wall corrugated pipe 双臂波纹管double wall corrugated pipe 波纹钢管corrugated steel pipe 波纹塑料管corrugated plastic pipe 异型(肋型)塑料管profile (ribbed) wall plastic pipe 开孑L肋形管ope n profile pipe T 形肋T-rib section 竖肋vertical rib section 闭孑L肋形管closed profile pipe 发泡塑料管plastic san dwich pipe 保护套管protective cased pipe 双层管pipe in pipe 平口管straight butt (plain) end pipe 斜口管beveled pipe, splayed end pipe 承口管socket pipe 企口管tongue and groove pipe, rebated pipe 现浇管道cast-i n-place (situ) con duit 预制装配管道precast fabricated con duit 离心法centrifugal process 连续浇筑法continu ous casti ng process 砂型浇注法sand box casti ng process 悬辊法roller suspension process 径向挤压法,立式挤压法vertical compressed casti ng process立式振捣法vertical vibrated cast ing process 芯模振捣法core vibrated casti ng process 振动台振捣法table vibrated casti ng process震动挤压法vibrohydro pressed casti ng process 管芯缠绕法core winding process 纤维缠绕法filame nt winding process 挤出成型法shaped by screw rod extruder 单螺杆挤出机sin gle-screw extruder双螺杆挤出机double-screw extruder 注模成型法shaped by injecti on mold ing 管道截面con duitsection 管道宽度breadth of con duit 管道高度height of con duit 管长pipe length管有效长度effective len gth of pipe管直径pipe diameter公称直径norm inal diameter (DN)内径in side diameter夕卜径outside diameter平均直径mea n diameter管壁厚thickness of pipe wall顶点crown底点invert侧点springline拱沟矢高rise of arch con duit管道结构厚度thick ness of con duit structure管道荷载load on con duit (pipeli ne)管道恒荷载dead load on con duit (pipeli ne)管道活荷载live load on con duit (pipeli ne)竖向土压力,垂直土压力vertical earth pressure侧向土压力,水平土压力lateral earth pressure, horiz on tal earth pressure沟埋式土压力earth pressure on trench con duit上埋式土压力earth pressure on emba nkme nt con duit土拱压力earth pressure un der soil arch竖向土压力系数coefficie nt of vertical earth pressure管上土柱in terior prism管侧土柱exterior prism主动土压力active earth pressure静止土压力earth pressure at rest被动土压力passive earth pressure土的弹性抗力elastic reaction of soil车辆荷载traffic load轮压wheel pressure, type pressure动力系数impact factor堆积荷载surcharge load, heaped load施工荷载site load工作压力work ing pressure, serviceability pressure设计压力desig n pressure波动压力surge pressure静水压力hydrostatic pressure动水作用力dyn amic water pressure真空压力vacuum pressure三支承法试验three-edge beari ng test双支承法试验two-edge beari ng test裂缝荷载crack ing load un der three-edge beari ng test破坏荷载ultimate load un der three-edge beari ng test刚度等级stiffness class刚度试验stiffness test刚柔比flexural stiffness ratio压扁试验,扁平试验flatte ning test冲击试验impact test压力等级pressure class水压检验试验works hydrostatic test, hydrostatic proof test持续压力试验susta ined pressure test四点法荷载试验four-poi nt loadi ng test三点法荷载试验three-po in t load ing test弯曲试验ben di ng test横向计算tran sversal calculati on纵向计算Ion gituli nal calculati on 强度计算stren gth calculatio n 稳定验算stability calculati on 刚度验算stiffness calculation 裂缝宽度验算crack width calculation基础(基座、管基、管座)中心角beddi ng an gle素土平基flat subgrade土弧基础shapped subgrade混凝土管基(管座) con crete cradle槽宽breadth of trench覆土高度earth cover (height of fill) over con duit分布角spreading angle负载分布图形load ing distributi on diagram地基反力图形beari ng pressure distributi on diagram布氏压力图形Bouss in ecq pressure bulb奥兰特分布图形Ola nder 'bulb form distributio n弹性反力图形distributi on of elastic reactionD-荷载D-lead滞后系数lag factor 冈『性环stiffness ring 分离式基础separate foun dati on 跨越结构aerial cross ing structure 管道跨越pipe cross ing 结构跨越structural cross ing 组合跨越composite cross ing 固定支架fixed trestle 刚性支架rigid trestle 柔性支架flexble trestle 半固定支架partial fixed trestle 导向支架orie nted (guidi ng) frestle 刚性接头rigid joi nt 柔性接头flexible joi nt 伸缩接头expa nsion joint 插入式接头push-on type joint套管(筒)式接头collar type joint, sleeve joint 自锚式接头self-a nchori ng joint 活接头,活箍detachable type joint, slip-on coupli ng 热溶接头fusion joi nt 粘结接头solve nt ceme nt joint 法兰接头flanged joint 螺纹接头threaded joi nt 承插式接头socket (bell) and spigot joint 企口式接头ton gue and groove joint 机械接头mecha ni cal joint 抹带接头butt and strap joint 钢丝网水泥砂浆抹带接头ceme nt mortar with steel mesh strap joi nt套环接头outer sleeve joi nt 内套环接头inner sleeve joi nt 现浇套环接头cast in place collar joint 接头密圭寸料joint seala nt, jo int pack ing 密圭寸圈gasket ring, sealing gasket 填缝,捻缝caulki ng 接头角位移jointan gular deflect ion 接头角位移试验joi nt deflection test接头轴向位移joint axial deformati on 接头拉伸试验joi nt straight draw test 穿墙套管wall pipe chase 杯口连接sleeve connection 现浇接头(缝)cast in place joi nt 管托,管道支座pipe support 滑动管托,滑动支座slider support滚动管托,滚动支座roller support 固定管托,固定支座fixed support 肘管管托support feet, duck foot 异径管,渐缩管reducer弯管be nd 弯头elbow 三通single junction 四通double junction 乙字管offset 法兰flange 盖堵cap 补偿器compansator 弯管补偿器expa nsion loop, expa nsion bend 伸缩节expansion joint 松套伸缩接头sleeve expa nsion joint 套管式伸缩器pipe cas ing slip joi nt 卡箍式管接头coupli ng of hous ing波纹补偿器expa nsion bellows可曲绕橡胶接头flexible rubber expa nsion joi nt吊杆han ger弹横吊杆spri ng han ger管卡,管箍pipe clip检查井in spect ion chamber, man hole井室,检查室chamber井筒shaft缩颈盖板reducer slab井筒盖板cover slab, adaptar slab检查井盖1 man hole cover and flames踏步man hole steps雨水口road (street) gully雨水井gully trap雨水蓖gully gratings and frames出水口outlet开槽施工,沟槽敷设trench in stallati on不开槽施工,隧道法敷设tren chless in stallati on, tunn ell ing method in stallati on顶管法pipe jacking method 盾构法shield tunnelling method 新奥法New Austrian tunnelling method管棚法pipe roofing method沉管法施工sinking pipeli ne method浮拖法floating pulling method底拖法under water dragging method弹性敷管法elastic in stallati on pipeli ne method原状(始)地面n atural (origi na) ground surface原状土,未扰动土n atural soil, un disturbed earth降水,排水dewateri ng, water removal槽深trench depth超挖over excavation地基处理soil treatme nt, soil improveme nt顶进工作坑,起始工作坑thrust pit, starti ng shaft接受工作坑,终端工作坑recepti on pit, arrivi ng shaft中继间in termediate jack ing stati on导管leading pipe止推墙,反力墙thrust wall, reaction wall顶力jacking pressure管下腋角haun ches un der pipe未回填沟槽un backfilled trench回填土backfil胸控夯实compact ion the two sides of pipe中松侧实法compact ion around the pipe with relatively un tamped above the top of pipe 闭合温差max temperature differe nee betwee n con struct ion and operati on闭(灌)水试验water fight test 现场水压试验site pressure test 严密性试验leak test 气密性试验air-tight test水泥砂浆内衬ceme nt mortar lining。
管道行业38个常用术语详解01、公称直径(DN) :热塑性塑料管道系统管材的标定直径,表示管道内径、外径的大小或其近似值。
02、环向弯曲刚度 / 环刚度:管道抵抗环向变形能力的量度。
SDR=DN / en。
07、公称壁厚en :管材壁厚的规定值,单位为mm。
08、总使用(设计)系数C :一个数值大于1的总系数,它考虑了未在预测下限中体现的使用条件和管道系统中配件等组成部分的性质。
当σLPL小于10MPa, 按R10系列圆整,当σLPL大于等于10MPa时按R20系列圆整。
11、设计应力σs :在规定应用条件下的允许应力,MRS除以系数C,圆整到优先数R20系列中下一个较小值,即σs=[MRS] / C。
12、允许偏差 / 极限偏差:允许极限数值与规定数值之间的偏差。
管道专业术语1. “三通”,就像道路上的三岔口一样,能让管道里的流体从一个方向分成两个或三个方向呢!比如家里的水管,到了某个地方就通过三通分成几路去不同的地方用水。
2. “弯头”,这可是让管道能拐弯的好家伙呀!想想看,就像我们走路遇到拐角得转弯一样,管道遇到障碍也得靠弯头来改变方向呀。
3. “变径”,哎呀,它能让管道的粗细发生变化呢!这就好像我们走在路上,路突然变宽或变窄了。
4. “法兰”,这可是连接管道的重要部件呢,就如同把两块积木紧紧拼在一起!像工厂里那些大型的管道连接,很多都是用法兰连接起来的,多牢固呀!5. “阀门”,哇塞,它可以控制管道里流体的开关呀!就像家里的水龙头开关一样,想开就开,想关就关。
6. “波纹管”,这东西可神奇了,能像蛇一样伸缩扭曲呢!在一些需要有弹性的地方,波纹管就大显身手啦,比如热水器的连接管。
7. “止回阀”,它就像一个只准进不准出的卫士!防止流体倒流回去哦。
8. “保温管”,这可是给管道保暖的小天使呀!就像我们冬天穿厚衣服保暖一样,管道也需要保温管来保持温度呢。
9. “卡箍”,嘿,它能把管道紧紧地固定住呢!就像给管道系上了安全带。
10. “地漏”,这可是地面排水的小能手呀!就像一个小小的入口,让水流乖乖地流进去。
1. “管道直径”,哎呀,就像咱家里水管有粗有细一样,工艺管道也有不同的直径呀!比如输送大量物料的管道直径就得大一些,不然不就堵啦!
2. “管道材质”,这可重要啦!你想想,要是用错了材质,就好像让纸去挡火一样不靠谱嘛!不同的介质就得选合适的材质管道呢。
3. “管道连接”,嘿,这就好比把积木拼在一起,得牢固才行呀!管道连接不好,那不是会出大问题嘛!
4. “管道压力”,这压力就像给管道的一个挑战,压力太大了管道能受得了吗?所以得好好考虑和设计呀!
5. “管道坡度”,它就像走山路有上坡下坡一样,管道里的东西也得能顺利流动呀,不然堆在那里咋办?
6. “管道弯头”,这可是改变管道走向的关键呢,就像人在路上拐弯一样,没有弯头管道能那么灵活吗?
7. “管道阀门”,哇塞,这可是控制管道的开关呀,就像家里的水龙头一样,想开就开想关就关,多方便!
8. “管道保温”,这是给管道穿衣服保暖呢,不然有些介质在寒冷环境下不就出问题了吗?
9. “管道支架”,这可是管道的支撑呀,没有它,管道不就东倒西
10. “管道探伤”,这就好比给管道做体检,看看有没有毛病呀,可不能马虎呢!
管道施工常用术语一、工业管道术语1 公称直径:表征管子、管件、阀门等管道组成件口径的名义直径。
2 公称压力:管子、管件、阀门等在规定温度下允许承受的以压力等级表示的压力。
3 操作压力:管子、管件、阀门等在正常操作条件下承受的压力。
4 设计压力:管道组成件压力设计时所用的压力。
5 计算压力:计算压力指在相应设计温度下,用以确定管道组成件厚度的压力,其中包括液柱静压力。
6 操作温度:管道在正常操作条件下的温度。
7 设计温度:管道组成件设计时所用的温度。
8 管道:由管道组成件、管道支吊架等组成,用以输送、分配、混合、分离、排放、计量或控制流体流动。
9 管道系统:简称管系,按流体与设计条件划分的多根管道连接成的一组管道。
10 管道组成件:用于连接或装配管道的元件。
11 跨线:连通两条管道(非端点)的管道。
12 旁通管(旁路):从管道的一处接出,跨过阀门或设备,又从另一处接回,具有备用或调节等功能的管段,如调节阀的旁通管等。
13 穿越管道:在铁路、公路、河流、沟渠等下方通过的管道。
14 跨越管道:架空通过铁路、公路、河流、沟渠等的管道。
15 公用物料管道:工艺管道以外的辅助性管道,包括水、蒸汽、压缩空气、惰性气体等的管道。
16 低压管道:管内介质表压为0至1.6MPa的管道。
17 中压管道:管内介质表压大于或等于1.6MPa、小于10MPa的管道。
18 高压管道:管内介质表压大于或等于10MPa、小于100MPa的管道。
19 真空管道:管内绝对压力低于大气压力的管道。
20 夹套管:由内管和套管组成的管道。
21 计算厚度:按公式计算得到的厚度。
22 设计厚度:计算厚度和厚度附加量之和。
23 名义厚度:设计厚度加厚度附加量后圆整至该组成件的材料标准规格的厚度。
24 有效厚度:名义厚度减去厚度附加量。
25 管件:管道系统中用于直接连接、转弯、分支、变径以及用作端部等的零部件,包括弯头、三通、四通、异径管、管箍、内外螺纹接头、活接头、快速软管接头、螺纹短节、加强管接头、丝堵(管堵)、管帽、盲板等,(不包括阀门、法兰、紧固件、垫片)。
1.PVC - 聚氯乙烯
2.CPVC - 氯化聚氯乙烯
3.PP - 聚丙烯
4.PE - 聚乙烯
5.PPR - 无规共聚聚丙烯
6.ABS - 丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯
7.PVC-U - 未增塑聚氯乙烯
8.PVC-C - 氯化聚氯乙烯
9.PB - 聚丁烯
10.PBT - 聚对苯二甲酸丁二醇酯
11.PEX - 交联聚乙烯
12.PP-R - 丙烯-丙二烯共聚物
13.PA - 尼龙
14.PEEK - 聚醚醚酮
15.PTFE - 聚四氟乙烯
16.PVDF - 聚偏二氟乙烯
1. 正压管道系统:这是一种通过给管道施加正压力来向目标地点输送液体或气体的系统。
2. 负压管道系统:这是一种通过在管道中产生负压来控制液体或气体的流动的系统。
3. 管道设计:指对管道系统的布置、尺寸、材料选择、支承和管道组装进行规划和设计的过程。
4. 管道布置:确定管道系统中不同管道的位置,以便在最优的空间利用条件下实现流体的输送。
5. 管道尺寸:指管道系统中各个管道的直径、长度和壁厚等尺寸参数。
6. 管道材料:指用于制造管道的材料,如钢铁、铜、塑料等。
7. 管道支承:指用于支撑和固定管道的设备和结构,以确保管道的稳定性和安全性。
8. 管道组装:指将管道系统中的不同管道部件进行连接和安装的过程,以建立完整的管道系统。
9. 管道检查:指对管道系统进行定期检查和维护,以确保其正常运行和安全性。
10. 管道清洗:指对管道系统中的沉积物、污垢和异物进行清除的过程,以保持管道的畅通和卫生。
11. 管道隔热:指在管道表面加装绝热材料,以减少热量传递和能源损失的过程。
12. 管道安全:指针对管道系统的设计、安装、操作和维护过程中采取的措施,以预防事故和保障人员和财产的安全。
管道工程常用术语管道conduit, pipeline, duct管道结构pipeline (conduit) stucture埋地管道,地下管道buried conuit (pipeline), under-ground conduit (pipeline)地上管道above=ground conduit (pipeline)水下管道submerged pipeline, subaqueous pipeline海底管道submarine pipeline架空管道overhead pipeline管桥pipe bridge工业管道industrial pipeline给水管道water supply conduit (pipeline)输水管道water transmission conduit (pipeline)配水管道water distribution pipeline排水管道sewer conduit (pipeline)雨水管道storm sewer conduit (pipeline)河流管道combined drainage conduit (pipeline)污水管道sewage conduit (pipeline)涵洞culvert建筑给水管道pipeline for water supply in building建筑排水管道pipeline for waste water (sewerage) in building雨落管down pipe, down spout冷却水管道cooling water pipeline输油管道petroleum transmission pipeline输气管道gas transmission pipeline供热管道heat-supply pipeline采暖管道heating pipeline通风管道ventilating duct细颗粒固体输送管道finely divided solid transmission pipeline管沟pipe duct电缆沟cable duct通行地沟accessible duct不通行地沟unpassable duct综合管道,共同沟combined duct电工套管electrical conduits无压管道non-pressure conduit (pipeline)自流管道,重力流管道free-flow conduit (pipeline), gravity-flow conduit (pipeline)管道穿越pipeline under crossing管道跨越pipeline aerial (over) crossing管道支架pipeline trestle管道支墩pipeline pier刚性管rigid pipe柔性管flexible pipe半柔性管,半刚性管semi-flexible pipe, semi-rigid pipe内衬liner涂层coating, surface layer管道接头pipeline joint管件pipe fitting管道附件pipe accessory管道附属构筑物pipeline appurtenance止推墩,固定墩thrust blocks, anchor管道防腐corrosion prevetive of pipes管道隔热,管道保温thermal insulation of pipes钢管steel pipe焊接钢管welded steel pipe无缝钢管seamless steel pipe螺旋焊接钢管spiral welded steel pipe直缝焊接钢管longitudinal welded steel pipe电阻焊electirc resistence welding, ERW不锈钢管stainless steel pipe合金钢管alloy steel pipe铸铁管cast iron pipe (CIP)灰口铸铁管grey cast iron pipe (CIP)稀土铸铁管rare earth cast iron pipe球墨铸铁管,可延性铸铁管nodular castiron pipe, ductile cast iron pipe (DIP)铸态球墨铸铁管unannealed nodular (ductile) cast iron pipe混凝土管concrete pipe (CP)钢筋混凝土管reinforced concrete pipe (RCP)预应力混凝土管prestressed concrete pipe (PCP)自应力混凝土管self-prestressed concrete pipe, chemically prestressed concrete pipe预应力钢筒混凝土管prestressed concrete cylinder pipe (PCCP)内衬式预应力钢筒混凝土管lined type PCCP (PCCR-L), lined-cylinder pipe (LCP)埋置式预应钢管混凝土管embedded type PCCP (PCCP-E), embeded-cylinder pipe (ECP)石棉水泥管asbestos-cement pipe (ACP)陶土管vitrified clay pipe硬聚氯乙烯塑料管unplasticised polyvinyl chloride pipe (UPVC管)聚乙烯塑料管polyethylene pipe (PE管)聚丙烯塑料管polypropylene pipe (PP管)聚丁烯塑料管polybutylene pipe (PB管)红泥聚氯乙烯耐候塑料管red mud plastic anti-weather pipeABS工程塑料管acrylonitrile butadiene stryrene pipe (ABS管)玻璃纤维管,玻璃纤维增强热固性塑料管fiberglass reinforced pipe (FRP), glass fibre reinforced plastics pipe (GRP)增强热固性树脂管reinforced thermosetting resin pipe (RTRP)增强塑料砂浆管reinforced plastic mortar pipe (RPMP)复合管composite pipe混合结构管道mixed structure conduit圆形管道circular conduit (pipeline)矩形管道box (rectangular) conduit马蹄形管道horseshoe conduit半椭圆形管道semi-elliptical conduit椭圆形管道oval conduit, elliptical conduit卵形管道ovoid conduit波纹管corrugated pipe螺纹状helical corrugation圆圈状annular corrugation单壁波纹管single wall corrugated pipe双臂波纹管double wall corrugated pipe波纹钢管corrugated steel pipe波纹塑料管corrugated plastic pipe异型(肋型)塑料管profile (ribbed) wall plastic pipe开孔肋形管open profile pipeT形肋T-rib section竖肋vertical rib section闭孔肋形管closed profile pipe发泡塑料管plastic sandwich pipe保护套管protective cased pipe双层管pipe in pipe平口管straight butt (plain) end pipe斜口管beveled pipe, splayed end pipe承口管socket pipe企口管tongue and groove pipe, rebated pipe现浇管道cast-in-place (situ) conduit预制装配管道precast fabricated conduit离心法centrifugal process连续浇筑法continuous casting process砂型浇注法sand box casting process悬辊法roller suspension process径向挤压法,立式挤压法vertical compressed casting process 立式振捣法vertical vibrated casting process芯模振捣法core vibrated casting process振动台振捣法table vibrated casting process震动挤压法vibrohydro pressed casting process管芯缠绕法core winding process纤维缠绕法filament winding process挤出成型法shaped by screw rod extruder单螺杆挤出机single-screw extruder双螺杆挤出机double-screw extruder注模成型法shaped by injection molding管道截面conduit section管道宽度breadth of conduit管道高度height of conduit管长pipe length管有效长度effective length of pipe管直径pipe diameter公称直径norminal diameter (DN)内径inside diameter外径outside diameter平均直径mean diameter管壁厚thickness of pipe wall顶点crown底点invert侧点springline拱沟矢高rise of arch conduit管道结构厚度thickness of conduit structure管道荷载load on conduit (pipeline)管道恒荷载dead load on conduit (pipeline)管道活荷载live load on conduit (pipeline)竖向土压力,垂直土压力vertical earth pressure侧向土压力,水平土压力lateral earth pressure, horizontal earth pressure 沟埋式土压力earth pressure on trench conduit上埋式土压力earth pressure on embankment conduit土拱压力earth pressure under soil arch竖向土压力系数coefficient of vertical earth pressure管上土柱interior prism管侧土柱exterior prism主动土压力active earth pressure静止土压力earth pressure at rest被动土压力passive earth pressure土的弹性抗力elastic reaction of soil车辆荷载traffic load轮压wheel pressure, type pressure动力系数impact factor堆积荷载surcharge load, heaped load施工荷载site load工作压力working pressure, serviceability pressure设计压力design pressure波动压力surge pressure静水压力hydrostatic pressure动水作用力dynamic water pressure真空压力vacuum pressure三支承法试验three-edge bearing test双支承法试验two-edge bearing test裂缝荷载cracking load under three-edge bearing test破坏荷载ultimate load under three-edge bearing test刚度等级stiffness class刚度试验stiffness test刚柔比flexural stiffness ratio压扁试验,扁平试验flattening test冲击试验impact test压力等级pressure class水压检验试验works hydrostatic test, hydrostatic proof test 持续压力试验sustained pressure test四点法荷载试验four-point loading test三点法荷载试验three-point loading test弯曲试验bending test横向计算transversal calculation纵向计算longitulinal calculation强度计算strength calculation稳定验算stability calculation刚度验算stiffness calculation裂缝宽度验算crack width calculation基础(基座、管基、管座)中心角bedding angle素土平基flat subgrade土弧基础shapped subgrade混凝土管基(管座)concrete cradle槽宽breadth of trench覆土高度earth cover (height of fill) over conduit分布角spreading angle负载分布图形loading distribution diagram地基反力图形bearing pressure distribution diagram布氏压力图形Boussinecq pressure bulb奥兰特分布图形Olander’s bulb form distribution弹性反力图形distribution of elastic reactionD-荷载D-lead滞后系数lag factor刚性环stiffness ring分离式基础separate foundation跨越结构aerial crossing structure管道跨越pipe crossing结构跨越structural crossing组合跨越composite crossing固定支架fixed trestle刚性支架rigid trestle柔性支架flexble trestle半固定支架partial fixed trestle导向支架oriented (guiding) frestle刚性接头rigid joint柔性接头flexible joint伸缩接头expansion joint插入式接头push-on type joint套管(筒)式接头collar type joint, sleeve joint自锚式接头self-anchoring joint活接头,活箍detachable type joint, slip-on coupling热溶接头fusion joint粘结接头solvent cement joint法兰接头flanged joint螺纹接头threaded joint承插式接头socket (bell) and spigot joint企口式接头tongue and groove joint机械接头mechanical joint抹带接头butt and strap joint钢丝网水泥砂浆抹带接头cement mortar with steel mesh strap joint 套环接头outer sleeve joint内套环接头inner sleeve joint现浇套环接头cast in place collar joint接头密封料joint sealant, joint packing密封圈gasket ring, sealing gasket填缝,捻缝caulking接头角位移joint angular deflection接头角位移试验joint deflection test接头轴向位移joint axial deformation接头拉伸试验joint straight draw test穿墙套管wall pipe chase杯口连接sleeve connection现浇接头(缝)cast in place joint管托,管道支座pipe support滑动管托,滑动支座slider support滚动管托,滚动支座roller support固定管托,固定支座fixed support肘管管托support feet, duck foot异径管,渐缩管reducer弯管bend弯头elbow三通single junction四通double junction乙字管offset法兰flange盖堵cap补偿器compansator弯管补偿器expansion loop, expansion bend伸缩节expansion joint松套伸缩接头sleeve expansion joint套管式伸缩器pipe casing slip joint卡箍式管接头coupling of housing波纹补偿器expansion bellows可曲绕橡胶接头flexible rubber expansion joint吊杆hanger弹横吊杆spring hanger管卡,管箍pipe clip检查井inspection chamber, manhole井室,检查室chamber井筒shaft缩颈盖板reducer slab井筒盖板cover slab, adaptar slab检查井盖manhole cover and flames踏步manhole steps雨水口road (street) gully雨水井gully trap雨水蓖gully gratings and frames出水口outlet开槽施工,沟槽敷设trench installation不开槽施工,隧道法敷设trenchless installation, tunnelling method installation顶管法pipe jacking method盾构法shield tunnelling method新奥法New Austrian tunnelling method管棚法pipe roofing method沉管法施工sinking pipeline method浮拖法floating pulling method底拖法under water dragging method弹性敷管法elastic installation pipeline method原状(始)地面natural (origina) ground surface原状土,未扰动土natural soil, undisturbed earth降水,排水dewatering, water removal槽深trench depth超挖over excavation地基处理soil treatment, soil improvement顶进工作坑,起始工作坑thrust pit, starting shaft接受工作坑,终端工作坑reception pit, arriving shaft中继间intermediate jacking station导管leading pipe止推墙,反力墙thrust wall, reaction wall顶力jacking pressure管下腋角haunches under pipe未回填沟槽unbackfilled trench回填土backfil胸控夯实compaction the two sides of pipe中松侧实法compaction around the pipe with relatively untamped above the top of pipe 闭合温差max temperature difference between construction and operation闭(灌)水试验water fight test现场水压试验site pressure test严密性试验leak test气密性试验air-tight test水泥砂浆内衬cement mortar lining。
管道专业术语(中英文对照)1 管道组成件 Piping component1.1 管子 Pipe管子(按照配管标准规格制造的) pipe 管子(不按配管标准规格制造的其他用管) tube钢管 steel pipe铸铁管 cast iron pipe衬里管 lined pipe复合管 clad pipe碳钢管 carbon steel pipe合金钢管 alloy steel pipe不锈钢 stainless steel pipe奥氏体不锈钢管 austenitic stainless steel pipe 铁合金钢管 ferritic alloy steel pipe轧制钢管 wrought-steel pipe锻铁管 wrought-iron pipe无缝钢管 seamless (SMLS) steel pipe焊接钢管 welded steel pipe电阻焊钢管 electric-resistance welded steelpipe电熔(弧)焊钢板卷管 electric-fusion (arc)-welded steel-plate pipe螺旋焊接钢管 spiral welded steel pipe镀锌钢管 galvanized steel pipe热轧无缝钢管 hot-rolling seamless pipe冷拔无缝钢管 cold-drawing seamless pipe水煤气钢管 water-gas steel pipe塑料管 plastic pipe玻璃管 glass tube橡胶管 rubber tube直管 run pipe; straight pipe1.2 管件 Fitting弯头 elbow异径弯头 reducing elbow带支座弯头 base elbowk半径弯头 long radius elbow短半径弯头 short radius elbow长半径180°弯头 long radius return短半径180°弯头 short radius return带侧向口的弯头(右向或左向) side outlet elbow (right hand or left hand)双支管弯头(形) double branch elbow三通 tee异径三通 reducing tee等径三通 straight tee带侧向口的三通(右向或左向) side outlet tee(right hand or 1eft hand)异径三通(分支口为异径) reducing tee (reducingon outlet)异径三通(一个直通口为异径)reducing tee(reducing on one run)带支座三通 base tee异径三通(一个直通口及分支口为异径) reducingtee (reducing on one run and outlet)异径三通(两个直通口为异径,双头式) reducing tee (reducing on both runs, bull head)45°斜三通45° lateral45°斜三通(支管为异径)45° lateral (reducingon branch)45°斜三通(一个直通口为异径) 45° lateral(reducing on one run)45°斜三通(一个直通口及支管为异径) 45° lateral (reducing on one run and branch)Y型三通(俗称裤衩)true “Y”四通 cross等径四通 straight cross异径四通 reducing cross异径四通(一个分支口为异径)reducing cross(reducing on one outlet)异径四通(一个直通口及分支口为异径) reducing cross (reducing on one run and outlet) 异径四通(两个分支口为异径) reducing cross(reducing on both outlet)异径四通(一个直通口及两个分支口为异径)reducing cross (reducing on one run and bothoutlet)异径管 reducer同心异径管 concentric reducer偏心异径管 eccentric reducer锻制异径管 reducing swage螺纹支管台 threadolet焊接支管台 weldolet承插支管台 sockolet弯头支管台 elbolet斜接支管台 latrolet镶入式支管嘴 sweepolet短管支管台 nipolet支管台,插入式支管台 boss管接头 coupling, full coupling半管接头 half coupling异径管接头 reducing coupling活接头 union内外螺纹缩接(俗称补芯) bushing管帽 cap (C)堵头 plug短节 nipple异径短节 reducing nipple; swage nipple1.3 弯管 Bend预制弯管 fabricated pipe bend跨越弯管(^ 形) cross-over bend偏置弯管(~ 形) offset bend90°弯管 quarter bend环形弯管 cirele bend单侧偏置90°弯管(? 形) single offset quarterbendS形弯管“S” bend单侧偏置U形膨胀弯管(| ?形) single offset“U” bendU形弯管“U” bend双偏置U膨胀弯管double offset expansion “U”bend斜接弯管 mitre bend三节斜接弯管 3-piece mitre bend折皱弯管 corrugated bend圆度 roundness。
1.1 管子Pipe管子(按照配管标准规格制造的) pipe管子(不按配管标准规格制造的其他用管) tube钢管steel pipe铸铁管cast iron pipe衬里管lined pipe复合管clad pipe碳钢管carbon steel pipe合金钢管alloy steel pipe不锈钢stainless steel pipe奥氏体不锈钢管austenitic stainless steel pipe铁合金钢管ferritic alloy steel pipe轧制钢管wrought-steel pipe锻铁管wrought-iron pipe无缝钢管seamless (SMLS) steel pipe焊接钢管welded steel pipe电阻焊钢管electric-resistance welded steel pipe电熔(弧)焊钢板卷管electric-fusion (arc)-welded steel-plate pipe螺旋焊接钢管spiral welded steel pipe镀锌钢管galvanized steel pipe热轧无缝钢管hot-rolling seamless pipe冷拔无缝钢管cold-drawing seamless pipe水煤气钢管water-gas steel pipe塑料管plastic pipe玻璃管glass tube橡胶管rubber tube直管run pipe; straight pipe二、管件活接头union内外螺纹缩接(俗称补芯)bushing管帽cap (C)堵头plug短节nipple1.4 法兰Flange (FLG)整体管法兰integral pipe flange钢管法兰steel pipe flange螺纹法兰threaded flange滑套法兰(包括平焊法兰)slip-on flange (SO); slip-on welding flange承插焊法兰socket welding flange 松套法兰lap joint flange (LJF)对焊法兰welding neckflange (WNF)法兰盖blind flange, blind孔板法兰orifice flange异径法兰reducing flange焊接板式法兰welding plate flange对焊环welding neck collar (与stub end相似)平焊环welding-on collar突缘短节stub end, lap翻边端lapped pipe end松套板式法兰loose plate flange压力级pressure rating, pressure rating class 压力—温度等级pressure-temperature rating 法兰密封面,法兰面flange facing突面raised face (RF)凸面male face (MF)凹面female face (FMF)榫面tongue face槽面groove face环连接面ring joint face全平面;满平面flat face; full face (FF)光滑突面smooth raised face (SRF)法兰面加工facing finish粗糙度roughness光滑的smooth齿形serratedroughness height (AARH)配对法兰companion-flange1.6 阀门Valve1.6.1 阀门结构、零件外螺纹阀杆及阀轭outside screw and yoke (OS & Y)阀杆stem内螺纹inside screw (IS)阀座valve seat (body seat)阀座环、密封圈seat ring整体(阀)座integral seat堆焊(阀)座deposited seat阀芯(包括密封圈、杆等内件)trim阀盘disc阀盘密封圈disc seat阀体body阀盖衬套bonnet bush螺纹阀帽screw cap螺纹阀盖screw bonnet螺栓连接的阀盖bolted bonnet (BB)活接阀盖(帽)union bonnet (cap)螺栓连接的阀帽bolted cap (BC)焊接阀盖welded bonnet (WB)本体阀杆密封body stem seal石棉安全密封asbestos emenen seal倒密封back seal压力密封的阀盖pressure-tight bonnet短型short pattern紧凑型(小型)compact type笼式环lantern ring压盖gland阀杆填料stem packing阀盖垫片bonnet gasket1.6.2 常用阀(1)闸阀gate valve平行双闸板double disc parallel seat开口楔形闸板split wedge挠性整体楔形闸扳flexible solid wedge整体楔形闸板solid wedge塞型闸阀plug gate valve直通型闸阀through conduit gate valve (2) 截止阀globe valve球心型阀盘globe type disc塞型阀盘plug type disc可转动的阀盘swivel disc(3) 节流闪阀throttle valve针阀needle valve(4) 角阀angle valve(5) Y型阀(Y 型阀体截止阀)Y-valve (Y-body globe valve)(6) 球阀ball valve三通球阀3-way ball valve装有底轴的trunnion mounted耐火型fire safe type浮动球型floating ball type防脱出阀杆blowout proof stem(7) 蝶阀butterfly valve对夹式(薄片型)wafer type凸耳式lug type偏心阀板蝶阀offset disc burerfly valve; eccentric butterfly valve斜阀盘蝶阀canted disc butterfly valve连杆式蝶阀link butterfly valve8) 柱塞阀piston type valve(9) 旋塞阀plug valve三通旋塞阀three-way plug valve四通旋塞阀four-way plug valve旋塞cock衬套旋塞sleeve cock(10) 隔膜阀diaphragm valve橡胶衬里隔膜阀rubber lined diaphragm valve直通式隔膜阀straight way diaphragm valve 堰式隔膜阀weir diaphragm valve(11) 夹紧式胶管阀pinch valve(用于泥浆、粉尘等)(12) 止回阀check valve升降式止回阀lift check valve旋启式止回阀swing check valve, flap check valve落球式止回阀ball check valve弹簧球式止回阀spring ball check valve双板对夹式止回阀dual plate wafer type check valve无撞击声止回阀non-slam cheek valve底阀foot valve切断式止回阀stop check valve; non-return valve活塞式止回阀piston check valve斜翻盘止回阀tilting disc check valve蝶式止回阀butterfly check valve1.6.3 其它用途的阀安全泄气阀safety valve (SV)安全泄液阀relief valve (RV)安全泄压阀safety relief valve杠杆重锤式lever and weight type引导阀操纵的安全泄气阀pilot operated safety valve复式安全泄气阀twin type safety valve罐底排污阀flush-bottom tank valve电磁阀solenoid valve, solenoid operated valve电动阀electrically operated valve, electric-motor operated valve气动阀pneumatic operated valve低温用阀cryogenic service valve蒸汽疏水阀steam trap机械式疏水阎mechanical trap浮桶式疏水阀open bucket trap, open top bucket trap浮球式疏水阀float trap倒吊桶式疏水阀inverted bucket trap自由浮球式疏水阀loose float trap恒温式疏水阀thermostatic trap金属膨胀式蒸汽疏水阀metal expansion steam trap液体膨胀式蒸汽疏水阀liquid expansion steam trap双金属膨胀式蒸汽疏水阀bimetallic expansion steam trap压力平衡式恒温疏水阀balanced pressure thermostatic trap热动力式疏水阀thermodynamic trap脉冲式蒸汽疏水阀impulse steam trap放气阀(自动放气阀)air vent valve (automatic air vent valve) (疏水阀用)平板式滑动闸阀slab type sliding gate valve 盖阀flat valve换向阀diverting valve, reversing valve热膨胀阀thermo expansion valve自动关闭阀self-closing gate valve自动排液阀self-draining valve管道盲板阀line-blind valve挤压阀squeeze valve(用于泥浆及粉尘等)呼吸阀breather valve风门、挡板damper减压阀pressure reducing valve, reducing valve控制阀control valve膜式控制阀diaphragm operated control valve执行机构actuator背压调节阀back pressure regulating valve差压调节阀differential pressure regulating valve压力比例调节阀pressure ratio regulating valve1.6.4 未指明结构(或阀型)的阀切断阀block valve; shut-off valve; stop valve调节阀regulating valve快开阀quick opening valve快闭阀quick closing valve隔断阀isolating valve三通阀three way valve夹套阔jacketed valve非旋转式阀non-rotary valve排污阀blowdown valve集液排放阀drip valve排液阀drain valve放空阀vent valve卸载阀unloading valve排出阀discharge valve吸入阀suction valve多通路阀multiport valve取样阀sampling valve手动阀hand-operated valve; manually operated valve锻造阀forged valve铸造阀cast valve(水)龙头bibb; bib; faucet抽出液阀(小阀)bleed valve旁路阀by-pass valve软管阀hose valve混合阀mixing valve破真空阀vacuum breaker冲洗阀flush valve第一道阀;根部阀primary valve根部阀root valve总管阀header valve事故切断阀emergency valve1.7 管道特殊件Piping Specialty1.7.1 管道特殊件(组件)粗滤器strainer过滤器filter临时粗滤器(锥型)temporary strainer (cone type)y 型粗滤器y-type strainerT型粗滤器T-type strainer永久过滤器permanent filter丝网粗滤器gauze strainer洗眼器及淋浴器eye washer and shower视镜sight glass阻火器flame arrester喷嘴;喷头spray nozzle取样冷却器sample cooler消声器silencer膨胀节expansion joint波纹膨胀节bellow expansion joint单波single bellow双波double bellow多波multiple bellow压力平衡式膨胀节pressure balanced expansion带铰链膨胀节hinged expansion joint轴向位移型膨胀节axial movement type expansion joint自均衡膨胀节(外加强环)self-equalizing expansion joint带接杆膨胀节tied expansion joint万向型膨胀节universal type expansion joint 球形补偿器ball type expansion joint填函式补偿器slip type (packed type) expansion joint单向滑动填料函补偿器single actionpacked slip joint1.7.2 管道特殊元件Piping Special Element 软管接头hose connection (HC)快速接头quick coupling金属软管metal hose橡胶管rubber hose挠性管flexible tube鞍形补强板reinforcing saddles补强板reinforcement pad特殊法兰special flange漏斗funnel排液环drip ring排液漏斗drain funnel插板blank垫环spacer8字盲板spectacle blind; figure 8 blind限流孔板restriction orifice爆破片rupture disk法兰盖贴面protective disc费托立克接头victaulic coupling膨胀螺栓expansion bolt 粗制的coarse精制的finished, fine螺母nut六角螺母hexagonal nut方螺母square nut螺孔tap3 材料、型钢及填料3.1 金属材料3.1.1 黑色金属Ferrous Metal碳素钢carbon steel (CS)低碳钢low-carbon steel中碳钢medium-carbon steel高碳钢high-carbon steel普通碳素钢general carbon steel优质碳素钢high-quality carbon steel普通低合金结构钢general structure low-alloy steel合金结构钢structural alloy steel合金钢alloy steel低合金钢low alloy steel中合金钢medium alloy steel高合金钢high alloy steel耐热钢heat resisting steel高强度钢high strength steel复合钢clad steel不锈钢stainless steel (S.S.)沸腾钢rimmed steel; rimming steel; open-steel锻钢forged steel铸钢cast steel铸铁cast iron (C.I.)灰铸铁grey cast iron可锻铸铁malleable iron (MI)球墨铸铁nodular cast iron; nodular graphite iron生铁pig iron熟铁,锻铁wrought iron铸件casting高硅铸铁high silicon cast iron3.1.2 镀层及制造方法锻造,型钢swage锻造的,锻造forging轧制rolling热轧hot rolling冷轧cold rolling挤压extruding冷加工cold working热加工hot working拔制drawing3.2 非金属材料Non-metallic Material 塑料plastic缩醛塑料acetal plastic尼龙塑料nylon plastic聚烯烃polyolefin (PO)热塑性塑料thermoplastic热固性塑料thermosetting plastics玻璃glass硼硅玻璃borosilicate glass耐火砖fire brick陶瓷ceramic搪瓷porcelain enamel木材wood3.3 型材型钢shaped steel, section steel, swage 角钢angle steel槽钢channel工字钢I-beam宽缘工字钢或H钢wide flanged beam T型钢T-bar方钢square bar扁钢flat bar角钢hexagonal steel bar圆钢round steel; rod钢带strap steel钢板plate网纹钢板checkered plate腹板(指型钢的立板)web翼缘(指型钢的缘)wing3.4 填料及填料函填料packing金属填料metallic stuffing。
管道基础知识培训第一章管道基本术语一、工业管道术语:1 管道:由管道组成件、管道支吊架等组成,用以输送、分配、混合、分离、排放、计量或控制流体流动。
2 管道系统:简称管系,按流体与设计条件划分的多跟管道连接成的一组管道。
3 管道组成件:用于连接或装配管道的元件。
4 公称直径:表征管子、管件、阀门等管道组成件口径的名义直径。
5 公称压力:管子、管件、阀门等在规定温度下允许承受的以压力等级表示的压力。
6 操作压力:管子、管件、阀门等在正常操作条件下承受的压力。
7 设计压力:管道组成件压力设计时所用的压力。
8 计算压力:计算压力指在相应设计温度下,用以确定管道组成件厚度的压力,其中包括液柱静压力。
9 操作温度:管道在正常操作条件下的温度。
10 设计温度:管道组成件设计时所用的温度。
11 管子表号:设计压力与设计温度下的管子材料许用应力的比值乘以1000,并经圆整后的数值,是表征管子壁厚系列的代号。
12 袋形管:呈“U”形,流体不能自行排尽的管道。
13 跨线:连通两条管道(非端点)的管道。
14 旁通管(旁路):从管道的一处接出,跨过阀门或设备,又从另一处接回,具有备用或调节等功能的管段,如调节阀的旁通管等。
管道施工专业术语管道施工的专业术语如下:1. 管道:conduit, pipeline, duct2. 管道工程:pipelining3. 管道结构:pipeline (structure)4. 埋地管道:buried pipeline, underground pipeline5. 地上管道:above-ground pipeline6. 水下管道:submerged pipeline, subaqueous pipeline7. 海底管道:submarine pipeline8. 架空管道:overhead pipeline9. 管桥:pipe bridge10. 工业管道:industrial pipeline11. 给水管道:water supply pipeline12. 输水管道:water transmission pipeline13. 配水管道:water distribution pipeline14. 排水管道:sewerage pipeline15. 雨水管道:storm sewerage pipeline16. 河流管道:combined drainage pipeline17. 污水管道:sewage pipeline18. 涵洞:culvert19. 建筑给水管:building water supply pipeline20. 建筑排水管:building sewage pipeline21. downpipe, downspout22. 冷却水管道:cooling water pipeline23. 输油管道:petroleum transmission pipeline24. 输气管道:gas transmission pipeline25. 供热管道:heat supply pipeline26. 采暖管道:heating pipeline27. 通风管道:ventilation duct28. 细颗粒固体输送管道:fine particle solid transmission pipeline29. 电工套管:electrical conduit30. 无压管道:non-pressure conduit31. 自流管道,重力流管道:free-flow conduit, gravity-flow conduit32. 管道穿越:pipeline under crossing33. 管道跨越:pipeline over crossing34. 管道支架:pipeline trestle35. 管道支墩:pipeline pier36. 刚性管:rigid pipe37. 柔性管:flexible pipe38. 半柔性管,半刚性管:semi-flexible pipe, semi-rigid pipe39. 内衬,涂层:liner, coating, surface layer40. 管道接头,管道附件,管道附属构件:pipeline joint, pipe fitting, pipeline appurtenance41. 止推墩,固定墩:thrust block, support pier for preventing thrusting force of the pipeline42. 管道防腐,管道隔热,管道保温:corrosion prevention of pipelines, thermal insulation of pipelines, heat preservation of pipelines。
管道术语知识点总结1. 管道系统概述管道系统是一种用于输送液体或气体的系统,由管道、阀门、管件、支撑和基础设施组成。
2. 管道术语2.1 管道管道是输送流体的管状结构,通常由钢、铸铁、塑料、玻璃纤维、混凝土等材料制成。
2.2 阀门阀门是用于控制流体流动的装置,可以用于调节流量、防止倒流、分流和切断流体。
2.3 管件管件是连接管道的装置,常用的管件包括弯头、三通、四通、异径管等。
2.4 支撑管道支撑用于支撑管道,防止管道振动或变形,常用支撑包括支架、吊杆、支吊架等。
2.5 膨胀节膨胀节是一种安装在管道上的装置,用于吸收管道因温度变化而产生的热胀冷缩,避免管道破裂或者变形。
2.6 泄漏检测系统泄漏检测系统是用于监测管道泄漏的设备,可以及时发现并报警,避免发生泄漏事故。
2.7 信号装置信号装置用于远程监控和控制管道系统,包括传感器、控制器和报警装置等。
3. 管道施工和安装3.1 管道设计管道设计包括确定管道的输送能力、材料选择、管道布局、支撑设计、阀门和管件选型等。
3.2 管道材料常用的管道材料包括碳钢、不锈钢、合金钢、铸铁、塑料等。
3.3 焊接管道的连接通常使用焊接工艺,包括电弧焊、气焊、TIG焊、MIG焊等。
3.4 管道安装管道安装包括管道支架、阀门、管件的安装和连接,以及对管道的保护和绝缘。
3.5 管道试压管道安装完成后需要进行试压,以确保管道的密封性和耐压性能。
4. 管道运行与维护4.1 管道清洗管道运行一段时间后需要进行清洗和冲洗,以清除管道内的污垢和沉积物,保持管道畅通。
4.2 管道检测管道检测是用于监测管道的运行状态和安全性能,包括管道内部腐蚀、外部损伤、泄漏等情况。
管道专业术语管道专业术语 1 总则1.1 为了确保压力管道设计质量,规范压力管道配管术语,特制定本规定。
1.2 本规定适用于本公司压力管道前期设计(基础设计)文件和施工图设计文件的设计。
1.3 引用标准《石油化工企业配管工程术语》(SH/T3051)。
2 一般部分2.1 配管按工艺流程、生产操作、施工、维修等要求进行的管道组装。
配管 piping 2.2 公称直径表征管子、管件、阀门等口径的名义内直径。
公称直径 nominal diameter 2.3 公称压力 nominal pressure 管子、管件、阀门等在规定温度下允许承受的以压力等级表示的工作压力。
2.4 工作压力管子、管件、阀门等在正常操作条件下承受的压力。
工作压力 working pressure 2.5 设计压力设计压力 design pressure 在正常操作过程中①,在相应设计温度下,管道可能承受的最高工作压力2.6 强度试验压力管道强度试验的规定压力。
强度试验压力 strength test pressure 2.7 密封试验压力管道密封试验的规定压力。
密封试验压力(严密性试验压力) sea1 test pressure 2.8 工作温度管道在正常操作条件下的温度。
工作温度 working temperature 2.9 设计温度设计温度 design temperature 在正常操作过程中①,在相应设计压力下,管道可能承受的最高或最低温度。
2.10 适用介质适用介质 suitable medium 在正常操作条件下,适合于管道材料的介质。
3 管子与管道管子与管道3.1 管子一般为长度远大于直径的圆筒体,是管道的主要组成部分。
管子 pipe 3.2 管道管道(管路) piping (pipe line) 由管子、管件、阀门等连接成的,输送流体或传递流体压力的通道口。
管道专业术语管道专业术语 1 总那么为了确保压力管道设计质量,标准压力管道配管术语,特制定本规定。
2 一样局部配管piping 按工艺流程、生产操作、施工、维修等要求进展的管道组装。
公称直径nominal diameter 表征管子、管件、阀门等口径的名义内直径。
公称压力nominal pressure 管子、管件、阀门等在规定温度下许诺经受的以压力品级表示的工作压力。
工作压力working pressure 管子、管件、阀门等在正常操作条件下经受的压力。
设计压力design pressure 在正常操作进程中①,在相应设计温度下,管道可能经受的最高工作压力强度实验压力strength test pressure 管道强度实验的规定压力。
密封实验压力(周密性实验压力) sea1 test pressure 管道密封实验的规定压力。
工作温度working temperature 管道在正常操作条件下的温度。
设计温度design temperature 在正常操作进程中①,在相应设计压力下,管道可能经受的最高或最低温度。
适用介质suitable medium 在正常操作条件下,适合于管道材料的介质。
3 管子与管道管子pipe 一样为长度远大于直径的圆筒体,是管道的要紧组成局部。
管道(管路) piping (pipe line) 由管子、管件、阀门等连接成的,输送流体或传递流体压力的通道口。
管道系统〔管系〕piping system 单唯一组设计条件彼此联系的管道。
管道组成件piping components 连接或装配成管道系统的元件,包括管子、管件、法兰、阀门、支撑件和补偿器等。
管子表号pipe schedule number 工作压力与工作温度下的管子材料许用应力的比值乘以一个系数,并经圆整后的数值,是表征管子壁厚系列的代号。
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主厂房地下水钻孔灌注桩放线钻机钻孔成孔钢筋笼混凝土灌注混凝土离析燃油空冷机组变电站地基土粘性土粉砂细砂粉细砂柴油机桩成孔旋挖钻机起重机钢筋切割机钢筋弯曲机电焊机动力三脚架导管贮料漏斗泥浆泵潜水泵清水泵发电机轮式装载机空气压缩机风镐全站仪水准仪高级工程师技术总负责健康安全部财务部后勤保障部机械设备部工程桩桩基凿桩头干作业成孔泥浆护壁成孔电焊条混凝土粗骨科装端持力层主筋间距箍筋间距桩砼活动板房打桩工作面婆梅氏比重计沉渣钢筋骨架长度用钢尺量三脚架天轮动力盘桩位孔径箍筋间距灌注充盈系数桩顶标高加劲筋螺旋筋砂球隔水球搅拌站缓凝剂粉煤灰配电箱旋挖成孔建筑桩旋挖钻机吊车闪光电焊机切断机旋挖头中粗砂卵石绑扎丝锅炉房区域烟囱区域油罐区工程量湿陷性机班长吊车工罐车司机电工材料员挖机司机吊车司机运输车司机给排水安护筒测量定位钢卷尺钻机提钻钻杆钻具动力头扭矩抗拉抗压强度骨料混凝土灌注受料斗清孔砂石料孔壁浇筑混凝土备用振动器地下管线下笼导管泄露导管接头密封圈埋管堵管钢筋焊接绑扎工程吊车罐车吊臂吊绳吊钩配电箱配电板安全保护罩触电保护器接地装置漏电开关工地料库油库弃土废浆流量电机功率必需气蚀余量离心泵卧式底座安装无自吸弹性联轴器介质进口法兰出口法兰轴承轴封填料函联轴器泵壳叶轮轴密封环轴套轴承体公共底盘泵头电机锅炉本体安装柱脚二次灌浆空气预热器分部试运暖风器风压试验送风机引风机电动葫芦负荷试验台板汽轮机扣盖励磁机发电机穿转子空冷冲洗水泵深水泵升压泵排泥泵反冲洗水泵除盐系统反渗透设备转动机体试运功能池(箱,灌)酸碱设备支吊架安装再热热段管道安装导汽管道共用热控安装盘(台、箱、柜)安装盘底座取源元件及敏感元件安装汽水液位取源部件安装接线盒就地仪电缆桥架电缆保护管管路敷设开关量仪表热控盘就地测量流量仪表调校封闭母线安装电压互感器避雷器二次回路检查支柱绝缘子引下线跳线母联断路器直流屏动力中心电动机控制中心控制屏不停电电源装置安装吹灰管道包墙过热器上部水冷壁前、后过热器省煤器刚性梁总图锅筒高温过热器出口集箱集中下水管汽水引出管过热器吊挂管备用减温器端盖管接头汽包板显示屏尺寸屏幕比例即插即用机箱主板内存硬盘分辨率接口网桥额定电压主抽头正序阻抗零序阻抗变电站金具导地线土建锅炉钢结构吊装主厂房出零米主产房封闭交安点火吹管回转式空气预热器安装空气预热器分部试运暖风器风压试验烟气再循环风机找正电动葫芦负荷试验汽封间隙测量调整汽轮机一体发电机联轴器找中心电动给水泵组试运除氧器再循环水泵加药设备凝结水处理系统澄清设备联箱共用热控安装汽水液位取源部件安装烟风压力和流量取源部件安装气动基地式仪安装汽缸及轴瓦金属测温元件安装恒温箱管路严密性试验盘装显示仪表调校热工信号回路调试引出线电阻柜交(直)流励磁母线封闭母线电压互感器蓄电池端子箱配电盘消防泵房主、副滑线回路通电电缆架柱脚二次灌浆火检机柜继电器柜电源柜吹灰动力柜中转台接收分路器发射合路器接收、发射天线手持对讲机分线盒总图暖通热控水环式真空泵普工仪控装置试验工高温开关盘柜保温压型板桔红绯红豆绿中粗砂层竣工图给水泵凝结水泵交流不停电电源系统板材码垛无收缩灌浆料粘结力高温再热器出口集箱过热器土方验槽土方回填墙体砌筑钢筋二次灌浆照明工程通风空调单层压型钢板屋面踱锌钢制落水管Power stationMain blockUnderground waterCast-in-place bored pileLine layingDrillerBoringHole boringSteel reinforcement cage Concrete groutingThe eduction of concrete Generator sets of gas and oil Transformer substationThe foundation soilClay silty sandFine sandSilty fine sandDiesel generator setHole excavationRotary drillerCraneSteel cutterSteel bending machineWelding machineMotor tripodTremieConcrete funnelSlurry pumpSubmerged pumpSubmerged pumpGeneratorLoaderAir compressorPneumatic pickTotal station instrument Leveling instrumentAdvanced engineerChief Engineering of technology Health & SafetyAccount DepartmentLogistics & Guarantee Department Machinery DepartmentWorking pileFoundation pilePile head breakingDry boringWall protection by slurryRam guidePile pipeWelding rodCoarse stuff of concreteThe bearing stratum of pile end The major bars' distanceThe stirrups' distancePile concretePre-fabricated housePile construction groud Baurne GravimeterThe bottom slagLength of steel bar frame Steel rulerTripodCrown pulleyDynamic boardPile positionPile diameterStirrups' distanceFilling coefficient of concrete Pile top elevationThe strengthening barThe spiral stirrupSand ballAquifuge ballThe concrete mixing plant RetarderFly ashThe distribution boxRotary boringBuilding pile foundation Rotary drilling rigCraneFlash butt welding machine Rear cutting machineDrill bitMedium and rough sand GravelSteel wireBoiler areaFunnel areaOil tank areaBOQ ( Bill of Quantity)CollapsibilityForemanCrane mechanicTanker driverReinforcement workerConcrete workerElectricianMaterial officerExcavatorTruck driverSurveyorWater supply and drainageCasing head insertionSetting outSteel tapeDrill rigLift the drill bitDrill pipedrill bitThe torque of the rotary driveDesign tensile and compressive strength AggregateConcrete placementHopperBorehole cleaningAggregatesBorehole wallPouring the concreteAlternative vibratorUnderground pipeworksLowerConcreting pipe leakagePipe jointSealConcreting pipe struck in concrete Blocking of concreting pipeRebar welding and tyingCraneTankerCrane beamCrane's steel wireHookDistribution cabinetDistribution panelSafety coverElectric shock protection device Grounding deviceResidul current deviceMaterial warehouseOil tankBackfills and waste mudCapacitySpeedShaft powerMotor powerNPSHrContrifugal pumpHorizontal mounted on base plateNon self-primingFlexible couplingLiquidInlet flangeOutlet flangeBearingShaft sealCable entryCouplingCasingImpellerShaftWear ringsShaft sleeveBearing houseBase plateBareshaft pumpDriverBoiler proper installment SecondaryGrouting of the base of the column Air pre-heater part test runHydrostatic test of steam air-heaterFD fanInduced fanElectric hosit load testBedplateCovering of the steam turbineExciterGenerator rotor threadingAir-cooled flushing water pumpDeep-well pumpMake up pumpMud pumpBachwash water pumpDeminerelized systemReverse-osmosis equipmentRotating machinery commissioning Feature pool (boxes, cans)Acid-base equipmentInstallment of hangerHot section piping installment (reheater) Steam guide pipeWater drainage piping installmentPublic thermal control installmentCabinet (bench, panel and cabinet) installment Cabinet baseMeasuring and sentitive elements installment Steam & water level part erection Termination boxLocal instrumentCable trayCable conduitCable laying outOn-off instrumentI & C cabinetLocal flow instrument calibrationIPB installmentVoltage transformerArresterSecondary loop checkColumn insulatorDownleadWire jumperMain bus barBreakerDC screenPC (Power Center)MCC (Motor Control Center)Control panelUPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply) installment Sootblower pipeBP enclosure wallUpper water wallFront/rear platen superheaterEconomizerBuckstayDrumFinal SH headerDowncomerSteam & water connecting pipe Superheater sling tubeStandby AttemperatorEnd coverPipe nozzleDrum plateViewable sizeImage aspect ratioPlug and playChassisCPU cardMemoryFDD (Floppy Disk Drive)HDD (Hard Disk Drive)ResolutionConnectivityGatewayRated voltageThe main tapPositive sequence impedanceZero sequence impedanceSubstationHardware fittingEarthing conductorCivilSteel structure of boiler erectionMain block uo to zero levelThe proof of main block closedSteam blowpipeThe heating surface of the rotary type air pre-heater installation Air Pre-heater Part Test RunHydrostatic test of steam air-heatershaft alligment of a gas recirculating fanElectric hoist load testAdjustment and measurement of the steam sealing gapsSteam turbine generator coupling to find centerBoiler feed water pump test runThe recirculation pump of deaeratorDosing EquipmentCondensate water treatment systemClarifier equipmentHeaderPublic thermal control installationSteam & Water Level Measuring Part ErectionFlue gas Pressure & Flow Measuring Part ErectionSite Pneumatic Regulator ErectionCylinder and Bearing Temperature-Measuring Apparatus Erection Thermostated containerPipeline leak testCalibration of indicating instruments on panel Commissioning of thermalmeasurement signal circuitOutgoing EquipmentResistor cabinetA(D) C Excitation Bus-barIPBVoltage transformersAccumulatorTerminal BoxSwitch PanelFire-fight Pump RoomMain/Minor Sliding WiresFlexible CableEnergized LoopCable TraySecondary Grouting of the base of the column Flame detection cabinetRelay cabinetPower supply cabinetSootblowers power cabinetRepeaterReceiver multicouplerTransmitter combinerReceiver/transmitter antennaHand heldTerminal BoxGeneral drawingHVACC&IWater-ring vaccum pumpUnqualified manMeter control gear test workerGIS panelThermal sandwich panelReddish orangeBright redDeep nutmeg greenMid-coarse sand layerAs-built drawingBoiler feedwater pumpCondensate water pumpAC uninterruptible power systemPlate stackingNon-shrink groutBond strength with reinforcingFinal RH outlet headerSuper-heater tubeEarth excavationEarth backfillWalling masonryReinforced barBack groutingLighting workVAC ( ventilation and air conditioning) Singer sheet uninsulated roofHot dip galvanised steel。