Save Configuration & Reboot:先将配置信息保存到文件然后重启。
Reboot & Load Factory Default Configuration:立即重启并恢复为默认配置。
Reboot & Load Factory Default Configuration Except IP Address:立即重启,除IP地址外恢复为默认配置。
网络管理设置(Net Management Setup)
用户管理(Setup User Accounts)
机架式分光器主要使用LC接口,也可定制为SC或FC接口设备。分光器上下两排,上排为主用,下排为空置或者备用。三列为一组,一进两出,IN进,OUT、MONITOR出。接入时,OUT口连接通道,MONITOR口用于监测口,连接DLMU600-F或DLMU 200-F。连接示意如图2-11所示。
VDDA1给阵列、行驱动器、列接收器、A / D转换、采样/保持放大器提供电源。
VSSA1是阵列、行驱动器、列接收器、A / D转换、采样保持放大器的接地端。
VDD1,VDD2,VDD3(引脚25,16和39)数字逻辑器和I / O驱动器的电源输入端。
VSS1,VSS2,VSS3(引脚24,15和40)数字逻辑器和I / O驱动器的接地端。
AIN(引脚4)替代A / D转换的模拟输入。
设置在寄存器CTRLA 的AINSEL位以选择AIN作为A/ D转换器的输入端。
5000W 5000W 10000W
2×D B U 1 0 0 -0 4 5 0- 4
2×D B U 1 0 0 -0 4 5 0- 4
2×D B U 1 0 0 -0 4 5 0- 4
FS200-030F-4-XX FS200-037F-4-XX
2500W 5000W
≥1 6 ≥8
DBU100-0300-4 DBU100-0450-4
FS200-055F-4-XX FS200-075F-4-XX FS200-093F-4-XX
伺服驱动器型号 功率等级
FS200-7R5F-4-XX 7.5KW
FS200-011F-4-XX 11KW
FS200-015F-4-XX 15KW
FS200-018F-4-XX 18.5KW
FS200-022F-4-XX 22KW
FS200-030F-4-XX 30KW
200 伺服油泵专用
标识 额定 功率(KW)
标识 额定 功率(KW)
7R5 011 7.5 11 045 055 45 55
客户定制版本 标识 电压等级
2 三 相2 20 4 三 相3 80 标识 编码器类型 F 增量式编码器 R 旋转变压器
z 接线前请确认输入电源已切断。
z 必须将变频器的接地端子 PE
z 确认变频器的额定电压和 AC 电源电压相一致。
z 必须将电源线接至变频器的 R、S、T 端子上,电机线接至 U、V、W
感谢您选用 FA200 系列高性能通用型变频器。 本手册为您提供变频器 的安装、配线、功能参数设定、日常维护、故障诊断与排除等相关细则及注 意事项。
为了充分发挥产品的功能并确保使用者和设备的安全,在使用变频器之 前,请您务必详细阅读本手册。 不正确的使用可能会造成变频器运行异常、 发生故障、降低使用寿命,乃至发生设备损坏、人身伤亡等事故!
(a) 正确
3-4 控制回路端子说明
+24V Y1 Y2 X1 X2 X3 X4 AO 485- 485+ ROA ROC ROB COM X5 X6 GND AI1 AI2 +10V
z 确认可靠连接端子和导线,主回路端子的螺丝确保锁紧。
z 严禁触摸主回路端子,否则有触电危险。
3-1 周边设备的连接
(+) (-)
USΒιβλιοθήκη VTW配置
FST200-00 系列传感器终端使用说明书
FST200-00系列传感器终端使用说明书此说明书适用于下列型号产品:客户热线:400-8838-199电话:+86-592-6300320传真:+86-592-5912735网址:地址:厦门集美软件园三期A06栋11层FST200-00系列传感器终端使用说明书文档版本密级V1.0.1产品名称:FST200共39页型号产品类别FST200-00LA 频段:410-510MHz ,电池供电设备,正常应用于国内FST200-00HA 频段:863-928MHz ,电池供电设备,正常应用于国外FST200-00LC 频段:410-510MHz ,DC 供电设备,正常应用于国内FST200-00HC频段:863-928MHz ,DC 供电设备,正常应用于国外文档修订记录日期版本说明作者2022-09-23V1.0.0初始版本CYD 2022-02-21V1.0.1更新LoraWan信息,透传、FT模式ZJX著作权声明本文档所载的所有材料或内容受版权法的保护,所有版权由厦门四信通信科技有限公司拥有,但注明引用其他方的内容除外。
目录第一章产品简介 (6)1.1产品概述 (6)1.2产品特点 (6)1.3工作原理框图 (7)1.4产品规格 (7)第二章安装 (10)2.1装箱清单 (10)2.2外观 (10)2.3产品尺寸(mm) (11)2.4按键说明 (11)2.5产品安装 (11)第三章参数配置 (13)3.1配置工具 (13)3.2配置步骤 (14)3.3LoRa配置 (16)3.4基本设置 (18)3.5接口设置 (21)3.6维护(批量配置) (23)第四章四信传感云 (25)4.1快速添加设备 (25)1、选择F8926-L定制版 (25)4、通过四信传感云平台,添加网关设备 (25)第五章对接客户平台配置 (27)5.1网关“API”模式 (27)1、“工作模式”选择“API” (27)3、“服务端地址”和“服务端端口”填写要连接的服务器 (27)5.2网关“TRNS”模式 (28)1、“工作模式”选择“TRNS” (28)3、“服务端地址”和“服务端端口”填写要连接的服务器 (29)第六章应用层数据通信协议 (30)6.1透传模式 (30)1.不开启数据合并 (31)2.开启数据合并 (31)2.1.整包合并 (31)2.2.Modbus方式合并 (32)6.2FT模式 (33)第一章产品简介1.1产品概述FST200-00系列传感器终端采用工业级32位通信处理器,集成四信自研LoRa模组,具备边缘采集、多样化接口,NFC配置等多种功能的传感器终端,结合IP67高防护等级防水防尘外壳,适用于各种恶劣外部环境。
二、分辨率1. 在0.1μΩ~199.9mΩ范围内,分辨率可达0.1μΩ。
2. 在200mΩ~2Ω范围内,分辨率可达0.1mΩ。
3. 在2.0Ω~2000Ω范围内,分辨率可达0.1Ω。
三、精度1. 在0.1μΩ~199.9mΩ范围内,精度为0.5±5位。
2. 在200mΩ~199.9Ω范围内,精度为0.5±3位。
3. 在2.0Ω~2000Ω范围内,精度为0.5±5位。
四、测试电流1. 当测量范围为0.1μΩ~100mΩ时,测试电流为10A。
2. 当测量范围为100mΩ~1Ω时,测试电流为1A。
3. 当测量范围为1Ω~2000Ω时,测试电流为10mA。
七、环境要求1. 工作温度:-20℃~50℃。
2. 相对湿度:≤80。
3. 工作电压:220V±10,50Hz±2Hz。
八、安全防护1. 大电流微欧表TP_DMO200具有多项安全防护措施,包括过载保护、短路保护、过热保护等,确保操作者和设备的安全。
2. 符合国际安全标准,通过CE认证。
九、通信接口1. 支持RS232接口,方便与计算机或其他外部设备进行数据传输和分析。
2. 可选配GPIB或USB接口。
十、外形设计1. 采用严谨合理的外形设计,结构紧凑,便于携带和操作。
2. 采用优质材料制造,经久耐用,稳定可靠。
MF-SERIESGENERAL PURPOSE METAL FILM RESISTORS Small SizePRODUCT BULLETIN REV C12/27/99Continued on reverse sideWILLOW TECHNOLOGIES LTD.SHAWLANDS COURT, NEWCHAPEL ROAD LINGFIELD, SURREY, RH7 6BL, ENGLANDTel. + 44 (0) 1342 835234 Fax. + 44 (0) 1342 834306E-mail rob@ Website REV D 1/20/99Characteristic Specificati on Test Method(All resistance measurements should be performed after stabilization or conditioning periods.) DC RESISTANCE Within specifiedtolerance.MIL-STD-202Method 303 TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT As buyer requested±25PPM/°C ±100PPM/°C ±50PPM/°C ±200PPM/°C MIL-STD-202 Method 304DIELECTRIC STRENGTHNo flashover or damageMIL-STD-202 Method 3011/8W 300V 1 minute 1/4W 500V 1 minute 1/2W 700V 1 minute 1, 2W 750V 1 minute INSULATION RESISTANCE At least 1000M ΩMIL-STD-202 Method 302 100V 1 minute CURRENT NOISE TEST 5.11Ω to 9.99Ω less than 0.05µV/V10Ω to 9.99K Ω less then 0.1µV/V 10K Ω to 1M Ω less then 0.2µV/V MIL-STD-202 Method 308VIBRATION∆R within ±(0.25% + 0.05Ω)MIL-STD-202 Method 201 10~ HzX.Y.Z. 3 directions 2 hours each. TERMINAL STRENGTHNo broken or loosened terminals.MIL-STD-202 Method 211 RESISTANCE TO SOLDERING HEAT ∆R within ±(0.25% + 0.05Ω) MIL-STD-202 Method 210350°C, 3 ±0.05 seconds SOLDERABILITY At least 95% coverage MIL-STD-202 Method 208230°C, 5 seconds THERMAL SHOCK∆R within ±(0.5% + 0.05Ω)MIL-STD-202 Method 107 -55°C, +155°C 5 cyclesSHORT TIME OVERLOAD ∆R within ±(0.05% + 0.05Ω)MIL-R-10509 Para, times rated working voltage, 5 seconds HUMIDITY∆R within ±(1% + 0.05Ω) NO mechanical damage MIL-STD-202 Method 10340°C, RH 95% 500 LOW TEMPERATURE OPERATION ∆R within ±(0.5% + 0.05Ω)MIL-R-10509 Para 4.6.5 Rated workingvoltage, @ -65°C 45 minutes. LOAD LIFE∆R within ±(1% + 0.05Ω)MIL-STD-202 Method 108 Rated workingVoltage 1 ½ hours on. ½ hour off for total 1000 hours RESISTANCE TO SOLVENT Color bands legible. No mechanical damage.MIL-STD-202 Method 2151.00.320.100.0320.0100.003101001K10K100K1M0-10-20-30-40-50Nominal Resistance (Ω)u V/VdBCURRENT NOISE。
目录Infinite 200 Pro多功能微孔板检测仪简介 3 M200 Pro和F200 Pro的性能和技术指标 5 技术详解91. 关于M200 Pro的四光栅系统92. 关于M200 Pro的荧光顶部Z轴自动连续聚焦103. 关于F200 Pro的优异性价比114. 关于F200 Pro的智能滤光片盒115. 关于荧光底部的Optimal read 126. 关于Infinite 200 Pro的发光光路127. 关于Nanoquant微量检测板138. 关于GCM 14 销售策略151. 产品定位与目标用户152. 关键卖点15Infinite 200 Pro多功能微孔板检测仪简介Infinite系列多功能微孔板检测仪由Tecan集团下属的奥地利公司设计并生产。
Infinite 200 Pro包括M和F两个型号,分别对应光栅型(monochromator)和滤光片型(filter)。
Infinite M200 Pro光栅型多功能检测仪提供以下检测功能:●全波长连续可调的光吸收检测●全波长连续可调的荧光顶部检测●全波长连续可调的荧光底部检测●全波长连续可调的时间分辨荧光检测●荧光顶部自动Z轴聚焦●OR(Optimal Read)增强荧光底部检测●闪光和辉光型发光检测,包括双色发光和BRET●支持6-384孔、立式比色杯和卧式比色杯●Nanoquant 微量检测板,可进行核酸、蛋白定量,及荧光探针标记效率测定●气体控制模块,可控制仪器内部O2和CO2浓度●有效的温控和振幅可调的振荡功能●双自动进样器Infinite F200 Pro滤光片型多功能检测仪提供以下检测功能:●光吸收检测,滤光片覆盖紫外至远红外●荧光顶部检测,滤光片覆盖紫外至远红外●荧光底部检测,滤光片覆盖紫外至远红外●时间分辨荧光检测,●均相时间分辨荧光检测●荧光偏振检测●AlphaScreen/AlphaLISA检测●OR(Optimal Read)增强荧光底部检测●智能滤光片盒,内置芯片记录滤光片信息,仪器自动识别●闪光和辉光型发光检测,包括双色发光和BRET●支持6-384孔和卧式比色杯●Nanoquant 微量检测板,可进行核酸、蛋白定量●气体控制模块,可控制仪器内部O2和CO2浓度●有效的温控和振幅可调的振荡功能●双自动进样器Infinite 200 Pro系列的突出特点Infinite M/F200 Pro专注于仪器性能以及科学家的需求,受到严肃、有经验、追求优异实验结果的科学家的深度认可。
Microsoft Windows2000 Professional中文版--SN:PQHKR-G4JFW-VTY3P-G4WQ2-88CTWMicrosoft Windows 2000Server--CD-KEY:H6TWQ-TQQM8-HXJYG-D69F7-R84VMMicrosoft Windows98序列号--K4HVD-Q9TJ9-6CRX9-C9G68-RQ2D3 Microsoft WindowsNT Server4.0--CDKEY:727-1111111Microsoft WindowsNT workstation--输入任意合适数目的数码后,最后一位从0到9试一遍,最多试十次即可。
Microsoft Office 2000 简体中文企业版--序列号:J2MV9-JYYQ6-JM44K-QMYTH-8RB2WMicrosoft(微软)通用序列号--微软OEM通用序列号425-1234567微软OEM通用序列号03697-0020401-XXXXX(X为任意数)微软服务器通用序列号020-*******(Exchange Server等)微软OEM通用序列号11000-0123456-11000微软OEM通用序列号00100-0123456-00100微软通用序列号1112-1111111微软通用序列号0123-0123456微软通用序列号425-0052563(VB,VC等)微软通用序列号425-0022172(PWin95,PVFP,PVB)微软通用序列号400-1234567(后7位任意)微软通用序列号000-1234567微软通用序列号757-1234567微软通用序列号755-1234567微软通用序列号727-1111111微软通用序列号111-1111111微软通用序列号123-1234567Windows 98 SE(Upgrade) - CD-Key:F73WT-WHD3J-CD4VR-2GWKD-T38YDWindows 98 BOXED RETAIL FULL INSTALL - CD-Key:W7XTC-2YWFB-K6BPT-GMHMV-B6FDYWindows 98 BOXED RETAIL FULL INSTALL - CD-Key:K4HVD-Q9TJ9-6CRX9-C9G68-RQ2D3Windows 98 BOXED RETAIL FULL INSTALL - CD-Key:PYDMY-DVJ9J-996VH-JX66P-9TWKWWindows 98 BOXED RETAIL FULL INSTALL - CD-Key:VD4WG-Y998T-3MGWX-GPW2Q-3QVC8Windows 98 BOXED RETAIL(Upgrade) - CD-Key:C3HJX-FPCVK-V7KKQ-3GCYQ-9Y6HPWindows 98 BOXED RETAIL(Upgrade) - CD-Key:CCW67-GWQY3-9TG6G-3P7YP-728JXWindows 98 BOXED RETAIL(Upgrade) - CD-Key:CQKDD-TJC3J-3Y7YJ-8CG9M-22MFFWindows 98 BOXED RETAIL(Upgrade) - CD-Key:G2FGT-6HYRW-X2W2C-RT7HW-RF7WX Windows 98 BOXED RETAIL(Upgrade) - CD-Key: HCGYX-8Q23F-237WM-WJ6TV-9KK72 Windows 98 BOXED RETAIL(Upgrade) - CD-Key: TFYX7-9GG6R-PHK2H-TBR44-T6Q79 Windows 98 Build 1708/Build 1720 - CD-Key: HGBRM-RBK3V-M9FXV-YCXDK-V38J4 Windows 98 Build 1708 - CD-Key:BBH2G-D2VK9-QD4M9-F63XB-43C33 Windows 98 Build 1720 - CD-Key:HGBRM-RBK3V-M9FXV-YCXDK-V38J4 Windows 98 Build 1723 - CD-Key:HGBRM-RBK3V-M9FXV-YCXDK-V38J4 Windows 98 FINAL(Dutch) - CD-Key:GB7WP-RRQCB-HVY29-2K2PX-VGCG8 Windows 98 FINAL(French) - CD-Key:GDXPD-T99JH-82TMX-BCY9M-4RKW7 Windows 98 FINAL(German) - CD-Key: FXMKC -FF2F7-86DJY-Y86FC-824MBWindows 98 FINAL(Retail) - CD-Key:B4DWD-2B3KX-KT7MR-GQXVB-WFMFY Windows 98 FINAL(Retail) - CD-Key:BBH2G-D2VK9-QD4M9-F63XB-43C33 Windows 98 FINAL(Retail) - CD-Key:D4Y9Q-4QYBY-22WBG-249HD-VGGD8 Windows 98 FINAL(Retail) - CD-Key:F2HFQ-2Q82W-MQVJM-JYBGV-JRXM8 Windows 98 FINAL(Retail) - CD-Key:FT9CH-XVXW7-7BFCM-RPR49-VDHYD Windows 98 FINAL(Retail) - CD-Key:HGBRM-RBK3V-M9FXV-YCXDK-V38J4 Windows 98 FINAL(Retail) - CD-Key:JHVBP-T6TMP-GX8XJ-CMGDP-K8CCX Windows 98 FINAL(Retail) - CD-Key:K4HVD-Q9TJ9-6CRX9-C9G68-RQ2D3 Windows 98 FINAL(Retail) - CD-Key:K8F92-DRTF8-D2T6X-R2QX6-2W46B Windows 98 FINAL(Retail) - CD-Key:PTX6T-WTQ9G-C7B2Y-TC3K8-YT4GB Windows 98 FINAL(Retail) - CD-Key:QCRFR-GG62T-V43B8-MFW8K-7HV66 Windows 98 FINAL(Upgrade,Italian) - CD-Key: RJMY9-VV4TY-48JCK-MRTJD-7TGJH Windows 98 FINAL(Upgrade) - CD-Key:QJGPC-3PGVF-3XDXJ-FFDGR-GRYJP Windows 98 FINAL(Upgrade) - CD-Key:TKG6R-B4YBJ-Y7626-HF7CB-PG3Q3 Windows 98 FINAL(Upgrade) - CD-Key: VPVDT-FVCHY-CWBP3-JP6Y6-7398Q Windows 98 OSR Beta Refresh - CD-Key:C9TCH-G72Y6-G4DQK-QCQRM-K7XFQ Windows 98 OSR1 Beta 2 - CD-Key:C9TCH-G72Y6-G4DQK-QCQRM-K7XFQ Windows 98 OSR1 Build 2150 - CD-Key:C9TCH-G72Y6-G4DQK-QCQRM-K7XFQ Windows 98 OSR1 v4.10.2126 - CD-Key:C9TCH-G72Y6-G4DQK-QCQRM-K7XFQ Windows 98 OSR1 v4.10.2131 - CD-Key:C9TCH-G72Y6-G4DQK-QCQRM-K7XFQ Windows 98 SE Full Retail - CD-Key:F73WT-WHD3J-CD4VR-2GWKD-T38YD Windows 98 SE Full Retail - CD-Key:K4HVD-Q9TJ9-6CRX9-C9G68-RQ2D3 Windows 98 SE Full Retail - CD-Key:VD4WG-Y998T-3MGWX-GPW2Q-3QVC8 Windows 98 SE Full Retail - CD-Key:PYDMY-DVJ9J-996VH-JX66P-9TWKW Windows 98 SE Full Retail - CD-Key:T98GF-R6C7Y-3MCV2-7C9DK-VC2F8 Windows 98 SE Full Retail - CD-Key:FQD88-4X7FK-9HV9K-Q28FF-T3JC3 Windows 98 SE OEM - CD-Key:FT9CH-XVXW7-7BFCM-RPR49-VDHYD Windows 98 SE OEM - CD-Key:PW3DW-PC9D8-Q7VMQ-8YTMY-RTR9G Windows 98 SE OEM - CD-Key:M4G3G-77CGM-9FY8T-PMWBC-JJYDM Windows 98 SE OEM - CD-Key:TBXVP-MB6YG-MH8W4-VXGW2-QYB9W Windows 98 SE OEM - CD-Key:CMT3F-GYCQP-BP29T-TJQY6-WHBMW Windows 98 SE OEM - CD-Key:F2WQC-WTPDW-TC9QC-RKPTB-PKHRTWindows Millennium (Final WinME)RBDC9 - VTRC8 - D7972 - J97JY - PRVMG KKK3F - QKXGY - WHG99 - B92WK - GFK4C HBTD9 - 6P338 - XT2MV - QBTTF - WPGGBB6BYC - 6T7C3 - 4PXRW - 2XKWB - GYV33P8DJW - RQXXM - T8JCW - HFB29 - 4FK3Y CB3TB - C26HP - 32V98 - 3H2BQ - KVJ6M (WinME Dutch / NL)CKYQC - VM4WJ - 3Q3XH - CY4J8 - 6P3WD GYYKR - VP62W - VK7HM - 2BPFY - CBFH6 (WinME Danish / DK)PRMVK - TC29W - RVXX7 - MW8X8 - XQPD3 (WinME French / FR)B2Y42 - 8HPDV - 92C7C - 2GCT9 - XJ4RY HVVYC - 9P8KJ - B399C - GJXVJ - WRH23 (WinME Portugese / PT)RBDC9 - VTRC8 - D7972 - J97JY - PRVMGMT2FH - 839YQ - KY33Q - 9D7FY - B4733 Windows Millennium ProCD-Key: 975 - 4769754CD-Set: 236 - 075 - 240Windows Millennium UpgradeCD-Set: x05 - 60894DVVQH - 3GVKG - TD24K - TQK4P - WDCMW JWH3C - WC37T - MC9T2 - 9XQ8G - FW39W B6BYC - 6T7C3 - 4PXRW - 2XKWB - GYV33 HBTD9 - 6P338 - XT2MV - QBTTF - WPGGB RBDC9 - VTRC8 - D7972 - J97JY - PRVMG JWH3C - WC37T - MC9T2 - 9XQ8G - FW39W VKM8H - QDCH7 - YC9Y8 - V4G8F - QDB8J BVGVW - 9HPQT - T9KWT - K4FGQ - 7THW6 Q9M3B - CQ8RQ - 63DPP - VDMYV - JW7CFWindows NT 4.0 - Server07499 - OEM - 0040764 - 8534107499 - OEM - 0040764 - 8534210699 - OEM - 0041583 - 4524610699 - OEM - 0041583 - 4558110699 - OEM - 0041583 - 45339Windows 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[OEM 1-2 CPU]£oRM233-2PRQQ-FR4RH-JP89H-46QYBWindows 2000 Pro [Service Pack 1 Retail]:QP8X3-HFQPH-7R6X7-MJXYB-FDGQGWindows 2000 Professional Final 2195 Cd-Key :XFD2W-W7VH8-MVC47-KY7DQ-P8Y4JWindows 2000 Server Final 2195 Cd-Key :RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMGWindows 2000 Advanced Server Final 2195 Cd-Key : RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMGWindows 2000 Professional - Full Version / RETAILMT93V - GXPJQ - W4HQ3 - DV2Q7 - 8G64YTQ4CV - XPJR3 - KPG3Q - HGH74 - BMYWTVXKC4 - 2B3YF - W9MFK - QB3DB - 9Y7MBF6PGG - 4YYDJ - 3FF3T - R328P - 3BXTGWFX8X - J8FHX - RY234 - RBPPB - QZWBMF2T26 - BMK6H - 69QX8 - FYV8D - TY4CMRWRTK - 2RRQC - C4RHF - C7BQF - WP6TBRM233 - 2PRQQ - FR4RH - JP89H - 46QYBWindows 2000 Professional UpgradeF6PGG - 4YYDJ - 3FF3T - R328P - 3BXTGWindows 2000 Professional RC3VXKC4 - 2B3YF - W9MFK - QB3DB - 9Y7MBWindows 2000 Server RC3H6TWQ - TQQM8 - HXJYG - D69F7 - R84VMWindows 2000 Advanced Server Final & all Multi-Language VersionsH6TWQ - TQQM8 - HXJYG - D69F7 - R84VMR7MPM - R36DT - F38FC - RPPCX - XJG7MKRJQ8 - RQ822 - YRMXF - 6TTXC - HD2VMRBDC9 - VTRC8 - D7972 - J97JY - PRVMGMicrosoft FrontPage 2000 SR-1A V9.0X 中文(简体)完整正式版S/N:GC6J3-GTQ62-FP876-94FBR-D3DX8Microsoft FrontPage 2000 SR-1A V9.0X 中文完整正式版S/N:GC6J3-GTQ62-FP876-94FBR-D3DX8Microsoft Office 2000 DEVELOPER V9.0 SR1(A)中文旗舰程序开发完整正式版S/N:GC6J3-GTQ62-FP876-94FBR-D3DX8 Microsoft Office 2000 Premium V9.0 SR-1 日文完整企业正式版S/N:GC6J3-GTQ62-FP876-94FBR-D3DX8 OFFICE 2000 Server ExtensionS/N:4678-0000502Microsoft Office 2000 S/N:gc6j3-gtq62-fp876-94fbr-d3dx8Microsoft Office 2000 Server Extension S/N:4678-0000502Microsoft Office 2000 Sr1 中文企业版5CDS/N:KY7XV-6PF6K-FQDGJ-4PYQY-QDFYMs/n:Q3PX2-T7Y8Q-8X2VR-PQCTP-YQCYQS/N:H3X78-Q23HJ-TGT6Q-DK2H4-T2BQ8Microsoft Office 2000 STANDARD V9.0 SR-1 日文完整标准正式版S/N:GC6J3-GTQ62-FP876-94FBR-D3DX8Microsoft Office 2000 STANDARD V9.0 SR1(A)S/N:GC6J3-GTQ62-FP876-94FBR-D3DX8Microsoft Office 2000 中文企业版S/N:GC6J3-GTQ62-FP876-94FBR-D3DX8Microsoft Office 2000 简体版系列S/N:GJ627-VB478-VJX8D-CFQGK-JHPG8Microsoft Office2000【3片装】S/N:GJV8J-DRRCG-MVTRJ-G33HM-8BCVMMicrosoft Office 2001 for Mac Japanese 日文光盘完整正式版S/N:545-465-4655Microsoft Office 2001 For Mac 完整正式版S/N:545-465-4655Microsoft Office 97 日文版S/N:2601-6686117Microsoft Outlook 2000 V9.0 SR-1A 中文完整正式版S/N:GC6J3-GTQ62-FP876-94FBR-D3DX8Microsoft PhotoDraw 2000 中文正式版S/N:111-1111111Microsoft PhotoDraw 2000 日文正式版S/N:KBTP4-2KJ29-BPWV4-HM6M8-MDJYTMicrosoft PhotoDraw 2000 第二版中文版S/N:KBTP4-2KJ29-BPWV4-HM6M8-MDJYTMicrosoft PhotoDraw 2000 第二版日文专业完整正式版S/N:KBTP4-2KJ29-BPWV4-HM6M8-MDJYT OFFICE 2000 Server ExtensionS/N:4678-0000502Microsoft PROJECT 2000 中文完整正式版S/N:DT3FT-BFH4M-GYYH8-PG9C3-8K2FJMicrosoft PROJECT 2000 中文版S/N:GC6J3-GTQ62-FP876-94FBR-D3DX8Microsoft PROJECT 2000 日文完整正式版S/N:DT3FT-BFH4M-GYYH8-PG9C3-8K2FJMicrosoft PROJECT 2000 简体中文完整正式版S/N:DT3FT-BFH4M-GYYH8-PG9C3-8K2FJMicrosoft SQL Server 2000 中文企业版S/N:JCYFH-BYJMR-C4PVV-VD9G3-VXDYGMicrosoft visio 2000 V6.0X ENTERPRISE SR-1 中文顶级企业SR1完整正式版S/N:123165-500133Microsoft visio 2000 V6.0X Professional Edition日文专业完整正式版S/N:60903-111111Microsoft visio 2000 V6.0X Professional SR-1 中文专业SR1完整正式版S/N:60900-111111 or S/N:123035-111111Microsoft visio 2000 V6.0X Technical SR-1 Edtion 中文工程SR1 完整正式版S/N:123165-500133Microsoft Visual Basic V5.0 中文版S/N:0001-0000000Microsoft Visual Foxpro V5.0 S/N:0001-0000000Microsoft Visual Studio V6.0 企业完整正式版【6片装】S/N:442-1087991 OICQ 图形留言系统v3.5 注册名:dyiyd [CCG] 注册码:1538053898 OICQ 图形留言系统v3.2 Name:1key Code:50466173欧阳网络客户管家v2.0 注册码:4080340240803402Opera 5.10 Code:w-EeiCL-QyJFS-3mYfc-rFzFh-NMFWk批量文件设置器2.0 Name:刘健英Company:中国Key:453407438422099552100969Panda Antivirus Platinum 6.23(熊猫卫士)Code:4nzdcdpb6j5 PowerDVD 2000 V2.5 中/英文专业正式版S/N:DV3X417M28947802 PowerDVD V2.55 S/N:DV3X417M28947802PowerArchiver 2001 7.00.26 Name:Free User Code:131109CCPower User Pack Serial #: NS-100-002-996PolyView v3.56 Name: sn:3711381565Pictures Screen Saver(版本1.0) 注册名:zhengwenhua 注册码:780212PC GOD98计算机防护神中文版S/N:980508C30000004554Private Pix 2.11 name: code: d32B3r134r335或name: copyyour code: 097ACDA020QQ密码侦探终结者用户名:tulip 注册码:VnNhWEE9YVd4dmRtVk QQ密码记者V4.1 Name:flyfox Code:10FD3B62(手工输入)QQ密码记者V4.0 用户名:lllufh 注册码:A1544604QuickTime 5.02 完全版Name:LukeKey:UEAU-TMXW-REME-3UAW-5678强档优化II 注册码:bluesea218轻松试卷单机版v4.04 用户名:NicSoft 注册码:OUUEQ-NQQWCOTK 软件管理专家(flashsoft) 注册名:dyiyd [CCG] 注册码:1639517796RegRun II 2.96 Name:[Xorolc] E-mail:Xorolc@Code:49280RegRun II 2.93 Neme:[Xorolc] E-mail:Xorolc@Code:49280RegRun II 2.91 Name:1key email:caozcool@sn:1017479RealPlayer PLUS 8.0 SN:1268-05-6154 或者0608-65-1409Radio Wave v1.0 User Name: pSi/[CORE] Registration Code:495818180Real2Virtual Modeller v2.02 Name:sn:M2CW94306Real格式文件压缩至尊v1.40 TianYusoftware is goodReal格式文件压缩至尊V1.30 注册码:TianY usoftware is goodReadBook 1.43增强版Name: sn:2531612613神奇注册表V0.9 Name:fish SN:1229神奇注册表V0.8 注册名:copyyour 注册码:12070019神奇注册表V0.7 注册名:copyyour 注册码:12070019神奇注册表V0.5 用户名:copyyour 注册码:12070019神奇注册表V0.4 用户名:copyyour 注册码:12070019输入万码通(版本2.01) 姓名:梦晖地址:mssoft@密码:V20-427577765071914431四川省麻将(Kyodai Mahjongg) v15.25 注册名:注册码:002805471661672810617 或者注册名:Free User 注册码:445237065四川麻将游戏KYODAI MAHJONGG 11.56 Name:Free UserS/N:445237065算神4.21 name: fish sn: GDC4-1137实时语音提示&校对软件InsTalk V2.71 Name:opq98 公司名:sexS/N:1684B1400DA36142CDAFA7E53数据备份专家2.0 用户码:121212注册码:YanZhiYang1998System Mechanic v3.5f 中文正式版Name:SYSTEMCode:70746-ND054-7646168545Screen Saver Builder V2.41 正式专业版Name:CZYCode:010427FBC7123410F11C7D117CSygate Personal Firewall 序列号为:H1001001System Commander Pro 2000 V5.04正式版serial:SC2K5-ENE-1013673-XRRTSnappy Fax 2000 V2.11.5.1 Name:Free UserCode:8B4D0AF5CFC821E413Snappy Fax 2000 Name: Free User s/n: 8B4D0AF5CFC821E413Snag-It v5.20 Name: company:1keysn:CC73D1DBCD4D5924Super Tools v1.0 用户名密码:gOJnrcmotrpjO r76ZgMSwiffPEG 1.0 用户名:ning 注册号:7E23FF1E速存QuickSave1.0 我的注册码:756804618上网小管家(世纪2000版) 注册码:1a2b3czbokswxgj2000鼠标键盘录放机MousePlay 1.5 姓名:fpx 注册码:559880Trojan Remover 4.3.1 Number:22222 key:875873717Trojan Remover 4.3.0 Number:189891 Key:46339488573227112Toolbar Pro 4.61 Name:Reg:602032136032905109100太和威克名片卡证版S/N:26474-32326-95735-36476推箱子(版本1.54) 注册名:china 注册码:bUNA@3 By china天音怒放V2.15 Name:PaulYoung[CCG] Number:069-6447-98天网防火墙2.45 个人版name:fifa2k sn:7971天网防火墙2.42 beta Name:microke SN:3d8fTweak Me 1.2.2 s/n: 1-Z545136128-1128382-433听网1.0 序列号:41EF-2645-04560647Ulead VideoStudio V5.0 完整正式版S/N:11102-85000-00015330 Ulead VideoStudio V4.0 中文版S/N:11102-84090-66667775Ulead 我形我速3中文正式版S/N:12403-53000-00117164Ultra Edit 8.10b Name:软件万花筒SN:O4X9D-G8V0G-M2B0Z-T7E5Q UltraPad(版本2.0) code:12345678 key:18518394Virtual Drive V6.1 个人版零售版S/N:FSX31000000Virtual Drive 2000 V 6.1 中文商业版S/N:FSX31000000Visual DocBuilder 3.0 简体中文产品代码:tulip产品系列号:91579-5806-3347-81V optMe 6.20 Name:0000000000 Location:0000000000 PersonalKey:CE9391A5GCOBR6F00000 或者Name:w Location:[CCG] Code:C7D6623C37O2R16WSMKSV optMe 5.10 中文正式版Name:0000000000 Location:0000000000 Personal Key:CE9391A5GCOBR6F00000V opt99 4.3 Name:xxxx xxxxx(一定要有空格) Location:xxxxPersonal key:TRIAL.VisualRoute 5.2c SN:F92C46F0-V5P87-71C71CE9-DE6Windows 98(日文版) S/N:QFC4J-8RJC4-C2KYU-MK9TM-C9R3GS/N:K4HVD-Q9TJ9-6CRX9-C9G68-RQ2D3WinImp 1.21 Name:IMP Key1:3E8FC381 Key2:6884663CWinAmp 2.5 Name: WinAmp Reg code: 85265927WinXP 2520 Pro 英文版60天免激活序列号:RK7J8-2PGYQ-P47VV-V6PMB-F6XPQ WinBoost 2001 2.0 Name:kalei Code:A T9D3-D732-LX57-8L2U WinBoost 98 v1.2 Name: WinBoost Unlock code: 488745943 WinRescue 2000 2.04 Code:NashBOGvseMogysheeWinRescue Me 1.04 Code:myONEthingWinRescue 98 5.04 Code:SvetCHRISTAWinISO 3.5 Name:Free UserCode:9988be39150d1ffa0000006d00000000WinARJ 98 Name: KEIOS@LEAF s/n: 07756966746389737965WebZip Name:among s/n:1981862877Key:A7BB94087900WebZip 4.00版本通用注册码name:among Seria Numberl:1981862877Reg Key:A7BB94087900 或者name:1key serial:love1keycode:6ED1140C1600 或者姓名:sNoOFy [AmoK] 序列号:nICE tO sEEyOU! 注册码:A8EF3C7C1A00WebZip 4.10 Build 624 Name:Nemesis] No:tnt2001Key:FB8A8A362600WinZip 8.1 beta Build 4180 Name:x SN:00020000WinZip 8.0 Name:古仁SN:28BD04B3WinGate 4.4.0 Name:Free User SN:529C995767E75B260529C58BWindows Power Tools 3.75 Code:B8X687-ND98Y-NDKG6-PMVH8Windows Power Tools 2.85 Code:b87d789wnfijwefh87eyf87hWindows 进程管理大师v3.0.1 Name: 中华破解联盟sn:á37888WinDVD2000 v2.4 OEM国际版sn: NJZB3VEIWTK6RGTWindows LockUp 1.4 SN:70721****CWL ****这四位随便填Windows 整形专家V1.000 NAME:lllufh SN: 464646504445Winmsg 消息精灵v3.0 注册名注册码:09-2B-79-43-B5-1E-24-0C五子棋大战v2.16.127 注册码:g216lab031b5xup376五子棋(版本3.2) 注册名:china 注册码:`SL?>0 By china五行卫士sn:9771-90188521网页菜单工厂WebMenuShop V1.13 用户名:lllufh注册码:10210331142253360070网页菜单工厂WebMenuShop V1.12 Name: fishsn:02151322466522600711网络搜索软件HostSeek1.1中文版用户名fpx[CCG] 注册码6BA0-1380-5B03-3801 网罗天下v1.0 姓名 注册码55891930网络导航0.1 CSCKCXL-KANE-880116-REGNUM网络小吸星v1.0 用户名 密码:N89HN4WN3J网络主机扫描(HostScan) 注册名:FCG 注册码:48E0-1238-4702-2301网巢3.0破解版注册码:111111-IMUGAG-111111-111111 注册密码:UUOIWE网络快剑(版本1.0) 注册码:1B1-11222222222文企工资发放1.1 注册码:WQSOFT-77321-11115文企工资发放Name : SN :SupportAA-18万能五笔2000+通用注册码用户名:shenwei168 PASSWORD: 2546781324578124(可以是十六个任意数字)万码无忧(版本1.51)注册名opq98 注册码14097我也爱背单词2001+2.9 用户名:36382052xhs4661 SN:1364912107861641我i猜数字1.18 1.18 注册名:copyyour注册码:2J0Q0K1文件密使2.3 用户名: 注册码:4131484501小李注册表大师1.11 用户名:lllufh[BCG] 注册码:92383351小小助手1.3 姓名:hsxy 注册码:2272382432小小助手1.0 用户名 注册码2252352431下载软件管理盒(FlashSoft) V1.06 用户名注册码:873359396虚拟光驱(Virtual Drive) 2001 个人版安装序列号:FSX31000000系统救护神专业版密码:GOD30701000P30XMJSV象棋桥Name:CRACKAHO S/N:37844622象棋大战1.05 姓名:风飘雪注册码:AEfAX3IN4兄弟麻将V10.21 Name:ajj S/N:UNREGISTERED心理自测V1.0 Name:KONGJKD S/N:654909心弈(版本1.0) 注册名:opq98 注册码:404b7461现在就打字用户名:现在就打字注册码:175652125032音乐贺卡厂4.10 姓名: creazy2000 注册码: ECD668793748音画时尚(ICE Player)2.62c 注册码ICEst-yhss-style-98566-tst0i6686-FCJX-LDgs-1588sty-ice262c音乐贝贝(CDOK) 注册名:copyyour 公司:CCG 信箱:cncrack@注册码:7E868430邮件巡捕V3.53C 用户名:hsxy 邮件地址:hsxy911@注册码:.D[nc{{E-----vy"e7fka-----#9XKyX:T邮件巡捕3.51 用户名:CrackerABC[BCG] 邮件地址:crackerabc@注册码:kH;F_Azc-----RT:XSS!I-----[JTkU_Zf易表2000 V7.5 S/N:7100565193905213易经八卦占卜程序Name:opq98 S/N:\IzzT一拖即存3.6 注册码:ST-0791-8E3T01187-CCD元素屋3.0 注册名:注册码:050736524-65685-5122-3006鹦鹉螺网络助手用户名fpx[CCG] 注册码vohatmfyrk应收应付款管理V1.0 注册码注册码:80241029隐形杀手Ver1.0 姓名hsxy 注册码k5160521532硬盘清道夫1.00 注册名:雪儿注册码:637298203169友情强档6.0.1009 国际版Name=[CCG]推荐注册SerialNumber=1XZVRR20M32SPGIG友情强档6.0 姓名:guodong 注册码:191094-VEVXLLL友情强档V4.03NAME:软件不错CODE:345506-QBVHHOVYXHVZDVCOQXKLEQLVVOEVQQHOED 友情强档4.0 正式版(4.03.0500)注册名:Sun Bird [CCG]注册码:152601-YOLNV A VVXYEOSE紫微论断Name:GEric Tsai 身分字号:GA123456789 注册码:GRUPWI12514找别扭v4.0 Name:xiaolou SN:33225T2o5DvzvLH自动填表3.01 注册码: Crack007 7479788500中华神差DASO Mail(1.1企业版和1.0标准版通用)注册码S/N:V AR-143e4ed9中华压缩7.0 用户名 注册码:AKEM9752中华压缩(ChinaZip) 6.02 用户名 注册码:AKEM9752中文之星2001 S/N:310-121964037443中文版拼图游戏1.0 注册码:ffrjj_196418桌面放大镜用户名:gfh 注册码:i26hZ73e字符串替换机1.0 注册名: 注册码:EF126DA7资料管理器MyBase v4.56 用户名注册码R6J7-SB3D-7YK4-XBHA智能陈桥5.04 注册码:CCJXQ7X5SZ-File 档案伪装保密系统V3.0 中文正式版S/N:c848X2653612C(大小写要完全正确) ZipMp3Tools 1.0 注册码:438637045ZoneAlarm Pro 2.6.231 sn:aee0n-115r2-pnu58-4nep70-t962g0Adobe After EffectsV5.0--sn:EWE780A7645038-389-588或者SN:EWW471R7080005-040-498Adobe After Effects V4.1--sn:EWW400R4000123-666-922Adobe Acrobat 5.0.1 简体中文版--SN:KWC500R6538415-885Adobe Acrobat 5.0正式完全版--sn:AEB100R3498245-291或者sn:KWW500R7150122-128Adobe Acorobat full 4.0--sn:AOW301R7136978-298Adobe Acorobat read 1.2--sn:ARM100R3100034-100-397Adobe Acorobat distiller 2.1--sn:DEE100R3001172-010-496Adobe Acorobat capture--sn:WCW100R3101909-171Adobe Dimission 3.01--sn:DJW301R2100011-348Adobe Genesis--sn::44444 autoriznatincode:2077229778Adobe Illustrator 9.0繁体中文版--sn:ABT800R7100102-625Adobe Illustrator8.0中文版--sn:ABW800X7102095-685或者sn:EXX500R5900103198-517Adobe PageMaker.v7.0--S/N:1039-1121-2998-7586-7388-7545Adobe Pagemaker 6.0--sn:03W600R1124621-479Adobe Pagemaker NL v5.0--sn: 03-5025-303224614Adobe Premiere 6.0 final--sn:MBF500B7205104-998Adobe Premiere 5.1--sn:MXX500R145503-500-448Adobe Premiere RT 5.1 for 9x/NT--sn: MBF420U3000205-940Adobe PhotoShop v6.01中文版--PWC601R3382269-296或者PWC601R4999617-923或者PWW600R7105467- 948或者PWW550R7162534-100Adobe Photoshop6.0--sn:PWW600R7105467-948或者EXX600B6311279-428Adobe Photoshop 5.0--sn:PWW400R7106337-339Adobe Photoshop 4.0--sn:PWW250R3107069-312Adobe Photo deluxe--sn:HTW200R7100048-493Adobe Streamlinev4.0--sn:SBW400U7102000-766或者SBW400U7100000-392Adobe Streamline v3.0--sn:SBW300S1100640-184Adobe Type manager--sn:AWW400P0101591-292Adobe Wild type--sn:FHW251R31003373Macromedia Director 8.5--SN:WDW850-02044-87235-26475 Macromedia Dreamweaver 4.0完全正式版--安装授权号:DWW400-03771-57289-73501 Macromedia Dreamweaver UltraDev 4.0--安装授权号:UDW400-06066-07241-71420Macromedia FreeHand 9.02-- sn:FHW900-00010-47278-88947Micromedia FreeHand V8.0 中文版S/N:FHW800-08616-67028-30467Macromedia Freehand 10--SN:FHW100-00654-47258-19356 Macromedia Fireworks 4.0完全正式版--安装授权号:FWW400-02666-67248-02548Macromedia Flash 5.0最终正式版-- 序列号FLW500-13547-37838-54321 或者FLW500-03143-77238-80660Macromedia DreamWaver 2.05中文化版S/N:DWW200-09785-18274-81630Macromedia DreamWaver V3.0 可视化的专业网页设计工具S/N:DWW300-08610-27280-95766Macromedia Dreamweaver 4 Fireworks 4 Studio 中/英文正式版S/N:WBW400-06648-47236-27654Macromedia DreamWeaver V3.01 中文化完整正式版S/N:DWW300-08610-27280-95766Macromedia DreamWeaver V4.02 中文化完整正式版S/N:DWW400-74670-24489-39933(完整安装)S/N:DWW400-73539-37733-13290(升级安装)Macromedia Fireworks V3.0 网页图形设计工具S/N:FWW300-65137-37255-19336Macromedia Flash 4.0 多媒体网页制作软件S/N:FLW400-67963-17145-20486Macromedia Flash 5.0 中文正式版S/N:FLW500-03143-77238-80660 Macromedia Fontographer V4.1 字型创作编辑软件S/N:65241-0499-0166-2170221世纪字典V5.0 S/N:21DSTA-FXyH-0002933DMark 2000 中文正式版S/N:BRAPK-EDUNG-6X39D3DMark PRO 2001 中文化正式贩售版Name:Tom SolenSerial:9US0Y-B6H47-C4DYX-FZRKN3D字变形动态字"酷" S/N:ANM-22A100114-318Accounting98 全中文智能型会计软件S/N:ADMINACDSee 3.1 SR1 Power Pack 正式零售版S/N:243478918944730541 ACDSee32 2.4 S/N:4291020284 Name:hambocoreAceExpert 3.02i 正式版Name:CHZHYM Number:1234567890 Code:1UQU-L1Q4-KJGF-1YEYAdaptec DirectCD V3.0 中文版S/N:110010629931Adaptec Easy CD Creator Deluxe V4.02d 豪华正式版S/N:110001210122Adaptec Easy CD Creator Deluxe V4.02e 正式版(多国语言) ForWin98/NTS/N:11111111111Adaptec Easy CD Creator Deluxe V4.03A 多国语言豪华正式版S/N:110010629931Adaptec Easy CD Creator V4.01 中文版S/N:110010629931Adaptec Easy CD Creator V4.02 多国语言正式版S/N:110010629931 Adaptec Easy CD Creator V4.02C 中/英文双语完整正式版S/N:110010629931Adobe Acrobat V4.0 中文版S/N:AOW301R7136978-298Adobe Acrobat V5.0 中/英/日/韩多国语言官方正式版S/N:KWM400R7036733-314Adobe After Effects V4.1 正式版S/N:EWW400R4000123-666-922 Adobe Illstrator V8.0CT 中文版S/N:ABW800R7119160-874Adobe Illustrator V9.0.2 中文版S/N:ABW900R34859492-823-354orS/N:ABW900R71111141-999-830Adobe Illustrator V9.0.2 中文专业正式版S/N:ABW900R34859492-823-354or S/N:ABT800R7100102-625Adobe PageMaker V6.52 中文版S/N:03W650R7104326-845Adobe PageMaker V6.5C S/N:03T601R1100291-982Adobe PhotoDeluxe 3.0 Home Edition For Windows95/98/98SE/NT中文版S/N:HGW200B7100207-429Adobe Photoshop V4.01 中文版S/N:PWW401R7118354-414Adobe Photoshop V5.5 中文/英文版S/N:PWW500R7120878-681Adobe Photoshop V5.5 中文升级完整正式版S/N:PWW500R7120878-681 Adobe PhotoShop V6.0 中文完整正式版S/N:PWW600R7105467-948 Arctic Security+ V2.4.43 Name:opq98S/N:77678781D-7357D7F1D-73707D7F1C-607B7512ASUSTek ASUSDVD 2000 V1.05 中/英多国语文完整正式版CDKEY:MV26577281416440S/N:14049421Auto shutdown 3.83 中文正式版Name:FREE USERCode:AS3E-QT!-236-7170AutoCAD Mechanical Desktop 2000 V4.0 中文版S/N:220-60212555 CDKey:16LBRGAutodesk 2000 年最新AMD 2000 V4.0 正式版S/N:220-60212555 CD Key:16LBRG Product Key:VWMKJ0EWDLVEAutodesk Inventor R4 完整正式版serial:456-19791979cd-key:PLSQBSav98 for windos95/98/nt workstation Name:opq98公司: S/N:266B9AF893F7Becky Internet Mail v1.26.5 中文正式版S/N:0012-3437-A102Becky! Internet Mail 2.0 33RC 中文正式版S/N:0012-3437-A102 Becky! Internet Mail 2.0 Beta 27 中文正式版S/N:0012-3437-A102Becky! Internet Mail 2.0 Beta 31 中文正式版S/N:0012-3437-A102Becky! Internet Mail 2.0 中文正式版S/N:0012-3437-A102Borland C++ Builder 4.0 Professional S/N:200-000-0323 or。
FICHE TECHNIQUEFD400 RELAIS HERMETIQUE 2 RT DOUBLE COUPURE10 A/56 VccNOTES D'APPLICATION:001007SOCLE ASSOCIE:SFD400CE40ERelais hermétique monostable polariséCombinaison des contacts 2 R(DC) + 2 T(DE)Alimentation bobine Courant continuCARACTERISTIQUES TECHNIQUES PRINCIPALESPrévu pour commuter10 A / 56 VccMasse80 g maxDimensions max. du boîtier enmm26 x 25,7 x 26Armature à forces équilibréesBoîtier métallique hermétique protégé anti-corrosionNon chevauchement des contactsCARACTERISTIQUES ELECTRIQUES DES CONTACTSDurée de vie minimale Tension aux bornes du contact56 Vcc100 000 cycles20 000 cyclesPouvoir de commutation en Ampèressur charge résistivesur charge inductive (L/R=5ms)10650 cycles surcharge résistive40400 000 cycles sous 25% de la charge nominale résistiveLEACH®INTERNATIONALSolutions for Power Switching and ControlNorth America6900 Orangethorpe Ave.P.O. Box 5032Buena Park, CA 90622 USATel: (01) 714-736-7599Fax: (01) 714-670-1145Europe, SA2 Rue Goethe57430 SarralbeFranceTel: (33) 3 87 97 98 97Fax: (33) 3 87 97 84 04Asia-Pacific Ltd.20/F Shing Hing Commercial Bldg.21-27 Wing Kut StreetCentral, Hong KongTel: (852) 2 191 2886Fax: (852) 2 389 5803CARACTERISTIQUES DES BOBINES (Vcc)FD400 CODE A B C E N V Tension nominale (Un)281264828110 Tension maximale291475029125 Tension maximale d'enclenchement à +125° C19,810534,119,875 Tension de déclenchement assuré à -65° C1,50,50,221,55Résistance de la bobine en Ω ±10% à +25° C29070189552905000 Circuit suppresseur (Vcc)N/A N/A N/A N/A-42N/ACARACTERISTIQUES GENERALESGamme de température-65°C à +125°CRigidité diélectrique au niveau de la mer- Entre contacts et masse et entre contacts1250 Veff / 50 Hz- Entre bobine et masse1000 Veff / 50 Hz Rigidité diélectrique à 25 000 m (tous points)350 Veff / 50 HzRésistance d'isolement initiale sous 500 Vcc100 M Ω min Vibrations sinusoïdales (Sauf fixation G, O et R)30 G / 75 à 3000 Hz Vibrations sinusoïdales (uniquement fixation G, O et R)20 G / 75 à 3000 Hz Chocs (sauf fixation G, O et R)200 G / 6 msChocs (uniquement fixation G, O et R)100 G / 6 msDurée maximum d'ouverture des contacts sous l'influence des vibrations et chocs10 µsTemps d'enclenchement sous tension nominale15 ms maxTemps de déclenchement15 ms maxTemps de rebonds 1 ms maxChute de tension dans le contact sous courant nominal- Valeur initiale200 mV maxTYPES DE FIXATIONS FD400Dimensions en mmTolérances générales: ±0,25mmLa fixation k peut être utilisée avec les types de sorties 1 ou 8; elle inlut la fourniture de la cale isolante 10124TYPES DE SORTIESSCHEMA FD400SYSTEME DE REFERENCESFD400 J 2 NRéférence de base_________________________________| | | |1-Fixation (A,B,C,D,G,J,K,O,R)__________________________| | |2-Type de sortie (1,2,4,8)__________________________________| |3-Code bobine (A,B,C,E,N,V)_____________________________________|REMARQUES1. Les relais avec fixations B, D et la sortie 4 sont compatibles avec les socles des familles S400, SF400 et SFD 400.2. Possibilité de cales isolantes.3. Autres fixations ou sorties: nous consulter.CARACTERISTIQUES TYPIQUES DONNEES A TITRE INDICATIFq Variation de la résistance bobine en température: Voir note d'application n° 001q Constante de temps L/R des bobines: 11 msNote d'application N°001CORRECTION LIEE A LA VARIATION DE LA RESISTANCEDU CUIVRE EN FONCTION DE LA TEMPERATUREExemple: Le catalogue donne une résistance à 25°C de 935 ohms. Quelle valeur à 125°C?Le coefficient correcteur sur I'abaque est de 1,39 à 125°C. R devient: 935x1.39=1299 OhmsLa correction s'applique à la résistance bobine ainsi qu'aux tensions de fonctionnementNote d'application N°007DISPOSITIFS D'ECRETAGE POUR RELAISLes bobines de relais sont inductives, c'est ce qui leur permet de créer les efforts et les mouvements qui font fonctionner les contacts. Lorsque la tension est appliquée sur une bobine, le courant qui s'établit génère le flux magnétique créateur del'effort. A la coupure du circuit, la variation de flux inverse génère une tension qui tend à maintenir le courant qui circulait dans la bobine. La tension générée dépend essentiellement du dispositif de coupure. Plus cette coupure est rapide plus la surtension est élevée. Tous les dispositifs de limitation sont basés sur un ralentissement de la vitesse de décroissance du courant.Cette réduction peut présenter l'inconvénient de ralentir également le mouvement interne du relais, donc les conditionsd'ouverture des contacts, avec de ce fait, répercussion sur la durée de vie et la fiabilité.Il est donc important lors de la définition des dispositifs de commande des bobines de bien comprendre ces phénomènes. Caractéristiques typiques des bobinesSur le diagramme ci-contre, la courbe supérieure indique l'état des contacts. (état haut travail, état bas repos, étatintermédiaire en transfert). La courbe inférieure montre la tension qui apparait au bornes de la bobine lorsque le courant est coupé par un contact de relais.La surtension est écrêtée à -300V par la décharge luminescente qui se produit aux bornes de ces contacts. L'écrêtage a une durée de 200 µs après laquelle les variations de courant ne génèrent plus une tension suffisante. La tension décroît jusqu'au début du mouvement de l'équipage mobile, à ce moment la tension remonte du fait de la libération d'énergie des ressorts de contact travail. La tension chute pendant le transfert, puis croît de nouveau, lorsque le circuit magnétique se referme surl'aimant permanent.Les temps d'ouverture se décomposent en:- Temps jusqu'au début de mouvement: 1,5ms- Temps total de mouvement: 2,3ms- Temps de transfert: 1,4msLes différents types d'écrêteurDispositifs passifsLe circuit résistance - capacitéIl élimine le problème de la dissipation, ainsi que les fronts rapides de tension. Avec une bonne adaptation entre capacité et self, il ne ralentit pas l'ouverture. Dans certain cas de relais polarisés l'ouverture peut même être accélérée. La valeur de la capacité peut être calculée en utilisant la formule approximative:C =0,02 x T avec T = temps de réponse à l'enclenchement en ms R = résistance bobine en KOhmsR C = capacité en µFaradLa résistance série doit être comprise entre 0,5 et 1 fois la résistance bobine. Dans le cas de bobine de faible résistance, il faut faire attention au courant de charge de la capacité.Dans l'exemple ci-contre, effectué avec le même relais que précédemment, les temps deviennent:- Temps jusqu'au début du mouvement: 2,2 ms- Temps de transfert: 1,2 msIl y a donc eu une légère accélération de la vitesse de transfert.L'inconvénient principal réside dans le volume de la capacité. Notre exemple utilise un relais à bobine 290 Ohms et temps de réponse 8 ms. On trouve C=0,5 µF. Cette capacité non polarisée de 63 V au minimum, a un volume d'environ 3cm3.L'enroulement bifiliaireLe principe est de disposer, sur le circuit magnétique de la bobine principale, un second enroulement mis en court-circuit. Par une bonne adaptation de la résistance secondaire il est possible de trouver un compromis acceptable entre la surtension et le ralentissement. Cette méthode purement interne au relais présente des difficultés technologiques de réalisation. Pour être efficace aux variations rapides, le couplage entre les deux enroulements doit être parfait. Ceci implique pratiquement des enroulements imbriqués. Le volume occupé par le second enroulement diminue l'efficacité, et donc augmente la puissance nécessaire. Cette méthode ne peut être appliquée efficacement qu'à des produits étudiés spécifiquement pour cette caractéristique.La résistance (en parallèle sur la bobine)Pour présenter une certaine efficacité, la résistance doit être du même ordre de grandeur que la résistance de la bobine. Une résistance de 1,5 fois la bobine va limiter à 1,5 fois la tension d'alimentation. Le temps et la vitesse de retombé sont affectés modérement. L'inconvénient majeur est la puissance dissipée.Les dispositifs à semi-conducteursLa diodeC'est la méthode la plus simple et qui supprime toute surtension. Elle présente toutefois un inconvénient majeur qui est le ralentissement maximum de la vitesse d'ouverture. En effet la diode recycle la totalité de l'énergie dans la bobine elle-même. Le relevé ci-contre est toujours pris sur le même relais. Les temps indiqués par la courbe 2 deviennent:Temps jusqu'au début du mouvement: 14msTemps de transfert: 5msCes temps sont donc multipliés par un coefficient de 4 à 8.La courbe 1 montre le courant dans la bobine. La remonté indique la libération d'énergie des contacts travail. Au moment òu ils s'ouvrent, le courant redevient constant indiquant une ouverture des contacts à vitesse pratiquement nulle.Il résulte de ces caractéristiques que ce type d'écrêtage est absolument à proscrire pour les relais de puissance avec aimant de polarisation. Pour les petits relais ayant à commuter des courants faibles inférieurs à 0,2 A, la dégradation de durée de sa vie n'est pas significative, et la méthode est acceptable.Le réseau diode + résistanceIl permet d'éliminer l'inconvénient résistance seule cité précédemment, et de limiter l'inconvénient diode seule. Il est maintenant préférable d'utiliser le réseau diode + zener.Le réseau diode + zenerComme la résistance, la zener accélère la vitesse de décroissance du courant. En plus elle introduit un seuil de conduction qui permet d'éviter le recyclage de la libération d'énergie lors du mouvement de l'élément mobile.L'enregistrement ci-contre met en évidence ces caractéristiques. La courbe 1 monte la tension qui est écrêtée à -42 V. Les 2 remontées de tension lors de l'ouverture sont inférieures au seuil de conduction.Les temps d'ouverture se décomposent en:- Temps jusqu'au début du mouvement: 2,6ms- Temps total de mouvement: 2,4ms- Temps de transfert: 1,4msLa vitesse d'ouverture des contacts est donc inchangée.FICHE TECHNIQUE SFD400CE40ESOCLE POUR FD400/FD470 RELAISFAMILLE DE SOCLES POUR:Relais FD400 et FD470Socle pour montage sur circuit impriméCARACTERISTIQUES GENERALESTempérature d'utilisation-55°C à +125°CTempérature de stockage-70°C à +150°CResistance d'isolement> 1000 MΩRigidité diélectrique- Entre broches et fixations1500 Vrms / 50 Hz- Entre broches1500 Vrms / 50 HzVibrations sinusoïdales 20 g / 10 à 2000 HzChocs50 g / 11 msFixations livrées 6 vis M3-5. 6 rondelles onduflexLEACH®INTERNATIONAL Solutions for Power Switching and Control North America6900 Orangethorpe Ave.P.O. Box 5032Buena Park, CA 90622 USAEurope, SA2 Rue Goethe57430 SarralbeFranceAsia-Pacific Ltd.20/F Shing Hing Commercial Bldg.21-27 Wing Kut StreetCentral, Hong Kong。
心金魂银金手指口袋妖怪心金魂银金手指全冒险道具94000130 FFFB0000 62110DC0 00000000B2110DC0 00000000 00000700 03E70087 00000704 03E70088D5000000 03E70046C0000000 0000002AD6000000 00000654D4000000 00000001D2000000 00000000 94000130 FFFB0000 62110DC0 00000000B2110DC0 00000000D5000000 03E700D5C0000000 00000072D6000000 00000708D4000000 00000001D2000000 00000000全技能机器94000130 FFFB000062110DC0 00000000B2110DC0 00000000D5000000 00630148C0000000 00000063D6000000 000009B0D4000000 00000001D2000000 00000000 移动速度2倍包括NPC E2000400 00000018 6837AE06 D1012F03 60372709 D0022B02 085F0056 1C164770 02000418 47701C1F 52000418 47701C1F 02061F30 FA66F79ED0000000 00000000以下亲测有用!关于游戏快速化:打开金手指,输入以下金手指020DD9E4 E1A00000020D3820 E1A00000之后把RAW 和Action Replay DS打钩点ok 然后将金手指打钩点ok然后每次打开时记得启用金手指,这样速度就可以快不少了。
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Andor Dragonfly 200用户手册说明书
Andor Dragonfly 200 User ManualVersion 1.2生物與軟物質物理公用實驗設施Biological and Soft Matter Physics Shared Facilities中央研究院物理研究所Institute of Physics, Academia SinicaHardware IntroductionAndor Dragonfly 200 is a high-speed confocal imaging platform that offers confocal, laser based widefield, transmitted light and deconvolution functionality in one system.System setup1. Dragonfly 200 confocal scanning unit2. Olympus IX833. ASI Piezo Z stage4. ASI Piezo Z stage controller5. Lasers6. Camera 1 (Zyla sCMOS)7. Camera 2 (Life 888 EMCCD)8. Incubator controller9. PC workstation 10. Monitor12367489510Edited by Arsene Chang (Andor Technology), Jie-Pan Shen (IPAS), Jung-Ren Huang (IPAS) © 2023 Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica (IPAS)3Objective SpecificationLaser WavelengthEmission Filter Specification Please visit Andor’s official website (https:///) or contact us (https://.tw/~bssf/) for more information.Edited by Arsene Chang (Andor Technology), Jie-Pan Shen (IPAS), Jung-Ren Huang (IPAS) © 2023 Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica (IPAS)4Software IntroductionThe system is controlled by Fusion. Imaris is also installed on the workstation for data visualizationIcons on the desktop:Fusion InterfaceAs Fusion is starting, click on the small triangle in the red box to expand the control panel.Wait for the warning signto disappear before starting any operations.Edited by Arsene Chang (Andor Technology), Jie-Pan Shen (IPAS), Jung-Ren Huang (IPAS) © 2023 Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica (IPAS)5The Fusion window is divided into 5 sections of different functions:1. Image display window2. Basic control panel3. Advanced control panel4. Image tools5. Menu1. Image display windowC lick on the icons on the upper left side to switch between different modes of displaying live or previously acquired images.Switch on/off the display of the filter channels by clicking on the corresponding color buttons at the bottom. Right-click on the color button to change the software setting for the color of the channel.Edited by Arsene Chang (Andor Technology), Jie-Pan Shen (IPAS), Jung-Ren Huang (IPAS) © 2023 Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica (IPAS)6Images taken at different Z positions (only in 2D display mode) or time points or XY positions can be displayed by moving the slider at the bottom.2. Basic control panel:▪ Acquisition Control ▪ Managing Files ▪ Warning2-1 Acquisition Control235678 9Edited by Arsene Chang (Andor Technology), Jie-Pan Shen (IPAS), Jung-Ren Huang (IPAS) © 2023 Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica (IPAS)72-2 Manage Files2-3 Warning12Edited by Arsene Chang (Andor Technology), Jie-Pan Shen (IPAS), Jung-Ren Huang (IPAS) © 2023 Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica (IPAS)83. Advanced Control Panel▪ Channel Manager ▪ Protocol Manager ▪ Analysis▪ Image Processing3-1 Channel Manager1 2 3Edited by Arsene Chang (Andor Technology), Jie-Pan Shen (IPAS), Jung-Ren Huang (IPAS) © 2023 Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica (IPAS)93-2 Protocol Manager1345Edited by Arsene Chang (Andor Technology), Jie-Pan Shen (IPAS), Jung-Ren Huang (IPAS) © 2023 Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica (IPAS)103-3 Analysis3-4 Image Processing4. Image Tools12344. Export current display as a snapshot picture or open current image in Imaris.5. MenuYou can visit “Imaging”, “Device Hub” and “Preference” interface by selecting from dropdown listImaging interface (Please see Sections 1-4 for details.)Device HubHere it shows all the hardware controlled by Fusion. Try to reconnect the corresponding hardware if there is connection issue showed in the warning. Please do not click on other buttons without first asking the system administratorPreferencesYou can change the file saving location in Preferences > File Manager. However, user should save data only in the folder designated by the administrator.Please do not change other settings without first asking the system administratorGeneral WorkflowSystem Turn-on SequenceStrictly follow the steps below for turning on the system to avoid hardware connection issue.1. Turn on the Olympus microscope controller.2. Turn on the Olympus microscope touch pad, and click on “Start Operation”.3. Turn on the ASI stage controller.4. Switch on the power strip.5. Turn on the workstation.6. Turn on EPI fluorescence light source if you need to check fluorescence sample using the microscope eye pieces.7. Turn on the monitor (if it is off).8. Start the Fusion software (shortcut is on the desktop of the workstation).System Turn-off SequenceStrictly follow the steps below for turning off the system to avoid hardware connection issue.1. Close Fusion software and wait until the “Shutting down” window disappears.2. Turn off the fluorescence light source (if it is on).3. Switch off the power strip.4. Turn off the ASI stage controller.5. Turn off the Olympus microscope touch pad.6. Turn off the Olympus microscope controller.7. Turn off the workstation if you don’t need to use it.Find sample under eyepieces1. Select the objective using the touch pad by clicking on the objective icon.Make sure the correct immersion medium is used for the objective you selected (Air/Oil/Silicone oil).2. Switch the microscope port to eyepiece by clicking on the port icon and the icon changes to “eye”.3. Place the sample (slide/dish) on the stage holder.4. Place the sample-loaded stage holder on the ASI microscope stage.5. Use the touch pad to select the bright field or epi-fluorescence mode.EPI FluorescenceBFChoose the color6. Use the ASI stage controller to move the sample.XY7. Use microscope Z controller to focus sample.8. Now it is ready to view the sample and set up acquisition parameters in Fusion.View sample & Set up acquisition parameters for eachchannel in Fusion1. After seeing the sample under eyepieces, go to Fusion and select the channel for live images in Fusion from the active channel dropdown list.Adjust exposure time and laser power properly (we recommend starting from values about 100ms and 10% for confocal, 50ms and 2% for WF), then click on “Live” to view live images.Sometimes it is easier to first focus the sample under WF and then switch to CF after you can see the sample in live view under WF. If needed, refocus the sample after switching from WF to CF.2. After the sample is in focus in live view, adjust camera exposure time and laser power for optimal imaging quality with this channel.Turn on auto-contrast function and check the histogram for this channel (Section 4). By adjusting camera exposure and laser power, the value of “Max” changes accordingly. We recommend having “Max” at least 3x larger than “Min”, meaning the SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) > 33. Repeat step 1-2 for all other channels you would like to use in a protocol for this sample* Note: If EMCCD is in use, set identical EM gains for all channelsChange from air objectives to oil-immersion objectives1. Before changing the objective, find the current stage XY coordinate from the2. Press the Escape button on touch pad to lower the objective.3. Switch to oil objective either via Fusion or touch pad.4. Move the stage to an open position where you can drop the oil on the objective (please use the correct oil for the objective).5. Enter the XY stage coordinate (recorded in Step 1) in Fusion navigation panel.6. Press Escape button again to rise the objective.7. Refocus the sample via eyepieces or live imaging.Set up Protocol1. After finishing setting up the acquisition parameters for each channel, go to “Protocol2134567Set up protocol channel for dual camera acquisition, an example of green and red colorsGreen (cam 2)/Red (cam 1) dual color acquisition can be achieved with 565LP dichroic mirror in position (Section 3-1: Channel Manager, Global Settings, Image Splitter -> select 565LP).1. Set camera 1 (Zyla) to 2x2 binning to match the chip size with camera 2 (iXon EMCCD)2. Make sure both emission filter wheel position settings are the same as the ones shown in the image below (561nm for camera 1 channel and 488nm for camera 2 channel in this example).3. Add cam 1-561 channel and then cam 2-488 channel to protocol channels.4. On the cam 2-488 channel, click on the “chain” icon on the right to link the two channels.Note: The images below are just for showing how to link two channels, which use 405nm and 640nm channels. For the example presented in the above (488nm and 561nm), the wavelengths in the images below “405nm” should be “488nm”, and “640nm” should be “561nm”.5. Now you can set up other protocols and start acquisition.Time repeat (time series) protocol setupOptions: use either “Interval” or “Frequency”, and “Repeats” or “Duration”.Ex: Acquiring all channels every 30 minutes and for 5 hours: Set “30m” in “Interval” and enter “11” in Repeats or “5h” in “Duration”.Interval unit in ms/s/m/h/d.Montage function can be enabled with time series.When montage is in use, please make sure the time needed to complete the montage at each time point should be less than the interval.You can enable Olympus ZDC for time series by turning on “Drift Stabilisation Settings”.Z scan protocol setupYou can run Z scan with time series and montage.132451. Choose either Piezo Z or microscope Z for z scan. We recommend using Piezo Z (as it is faster) unless the z scan range is > 500um.2. Choose scan mode “Start/End” or “Center/Size”.S tart/End: Set Z position for start and end position, scan size is automaticallycalculated.Center/Size: Set current Z position as center position and determine the scansize. Usually this mode is used for multi positions with Z scan protocol and when “Drift Stabilisation Settings” is enabled for long time series.3. Choose acquisition order, Z first (top one, slower but Z position is more accurate across channels, especially when the sample is not fixed) or Channel first (bottom one, faster but not suitable for moving sample).4. Set the z position for “Start/End” or “Center/Size” mode by live viewing.5. Select “Step Size” or “Step Count” or “Auto Step Size” for z step size between each z slices.Multi-position protocol setupYou can run multi position with time series, Z scan, and montage (the z scan setting and montage setting are the same for all positions).1. Enable “Drift Stabilisation Settings” if needed2. Find the XYZ position of interest and then click on “+” button to add to the position list.3. If combined with time series, determine time series setup parameters (p.29) and time interval of each position.4. Setup Z scan settings (the same for all positions). Select protocol type “Multi position (no Z) if Z scan is not needed.5. Modify positions in the list using the functions (icons under the “Multi-PositionSettings” title), e.g., update position information, change the order of positions, go to the selected position, delete the position.2 3 4 5Montage setupYou can run time series, Z scan, multi-position protocol with montage by enabling the montage in protocol setup.1. Choose “Fields” or “Edge” mode.F ields : Use current field of view as center (or specific corner) of the montage and acquire desired number of fields.Edge : User can define the edge of the montage (minimum 2 position) and Fusion will calculate the grid size automatically.2. Determine the Overlap percentage, default is set to 10%1 2How to correct Z shift between colors in Imaris1. Open the data file with “Open in imaris” button in Fusion or by double click the file in the folder.2. In Imaris, go to “Slice View”, in the slice view you can check the shift between each color by going through the Z series and check the Z position number, you can use one color as reference and find shift of other colors based this reference colorZ position of current slice3. Once you know the amount of Z shift (how many planes to be moved up or down) for each color, go to “Image Processing” menu > “Channel Shift”.4. Adjust Z shift for each color. For example, if the red color data should be moved 2 Z-slices up to match the blue color data, then you can enter 2 in the Z section.5. After the correction is done, remember to save the data.。
For high-precision small-format flatbed printing market, It can be used on such as mobile phones, tablet computers, watches, glasses and other small commodities for digital inkjet printing, truly achieve the realistic effects of "What You See Is What You Get ". And it presents colorful bump effect and improve product quality and feel.2,支持白色打印功能,最高打印精度可达2880dpi,使用自主知识产权,led uv灯使用寿命高达3年以上。
It can support white printing functioin, The maximum print accuracy reach to 2880dpi,with proprietary intellectual property rights.The life of led uv lamp is more than three years.细节图:Details picture1,工业级设计,采用直线型静音导轨,稳定性高——工业级打印平台,直线型静音导轨,实现平稳打印,不左右摇摆,不重影走位,轻松达到高精度打印要求;Industrial design, using straight mute rail, high stability - industrial grade printing platform, straight mute rail, which can give smooth printing without swing around,banding, easy to achieve high precision printing requirements;2,高节能LED UV灯固化系统——采用先进的冷式紫外固化,智能照射,长寿命、低功耗,一年可省4万元,三年可省12万;High energy-saving LED UV light curing systems - Adopt advanced cooled UV curing, intelligent exposure, long life, low power consumption, It can save 40,000RMB a year and 120,000RMB 3 years;3,照片级输出精度,色彩纷繁——采用晶体微压电式喷头,可打印1024×1024dpi影像级精度;Photo-output precision, color intricate –Micro piezo electric printhead can print 1024 × 1024dpi image-level accuracy.4,无需制版,全彩一次成像——支持白墨、光油、彩墨同步打印,一次成型,超低废品率;No plate,full-color imaging - support white ink, varnish, color ink synchronous printing, molding, low scrap rate.5,3d羽化技术——先进的墨滴控制方式及高容错式羽化技术相结合,确保输出品质更加完美,可适应更多特殊材料打印输出;3D eclosion technology——Combined advanced dot control with high fault-tolerant eclosion technology,ensure a more perfect quality with more special materials.6,智能高度调节系统——小车高度实时可调,双高度调节控制,最大可调高度达9cm;Intelligent height adjustment system –cartridge height adjustable, dual height adjustment control, the maximum adjustable height is up to 9cm7,colprint专为平板机多重应用定制的软件——专为平板机各类拓展式应用定制的rip软件,插件式安装方式,可直接在coreldraw、photoshop等各设计软件中直接使用,操作简单,功能强大。
IC= 200A, VCC= 600V Einschaltverzögerungszeit (induktive Last) turn on delay time (inductive load) VGE= ±15V, RG= 3,6Ω, Tvj= 25°C VGE= ±15V, RG= 3,6Ω, Tvj= 125°C IC= 200A, VCC= 600V Anstiegszeit (induktive Last) rise time (inductive load) VGE= ±15V, RG= 3,6Ω, Tvj= 25°C VGE= ±15V, RG= 3,6Ω, Tvj= 125°C IC= 200A, VCC= 600V Abschaltverzögerungszeit (induktive Last) turn off delay time (inductive load) VGE= ±15V, RG= 3,6Ω, Tvj= 25°C VGE= ±15V, RG= 3,6Ω, Tvj= 125°C IC= 200A, VCC= 600V Fallzeit (induktive Last) fall time (inductive load) Einschaltverlustenergie pro Puls turn on energy loss per pulse Ausschaltverlustenergie pro Puls turn off energy loss per pulse Kurzschlussverhalten SC data Modulinduktivität stray inductance module Leitungswiderstand, Anschluss-Chip lead resistance, terminal-chip Tc= 25°C VGE= ±15V, RG= 3,6Ω, Tvj= 25°C VGE= ±15V, RG= 3,6Ω, Tvj= 125°C IC= 200A, VCC= 600V, Lσ= 80nH VGE= ±15V, RG= 3,6Ω, Tvj= 125°C IC= 200A, VCC= 600V, Lσ= 80nH VGE= ±15V, RG= 3,6Ω, Tvj= 125°C tP ≤ 10µs, VGE ≤ 15V, TVj ≤ 125°C VCC= 900V, VCEmax= VCES - LσCE ·di/dt Eon Eoff ISC LσCE RCC´/EE´ tf 0,13 0,18 15 µs µs mJ td,off 0,55 0,65 µs µs tr 0,09 0,10 µs µs td,on 0,25 0,30 µs µs min. typ. max.
WF200 Wi-Fi Expansion Kit用户手册说明书
UG379: WF200 Wi-Fi® Expansion Kit User's GuideThe WF200 Wi-Fi Expansion Kit is an excellent way to explore and evaluate the WF200 Wi-Fi® Transceiver with a Raspberry Pi or an EFM32 MCU for your embedded application.The WF200 Wi-Fi® Transceiver is an easy to use and easy to interface Wi-Fi Network Co-Processor (NCP). Most of the associated complexity of Wi-Fi and the protocol stack is offloaded to the NCP and allows for easy Wi-Fi integration into any embedded sys-tem.The kit easily integrates and brings Wi-Fi connectivity to a compatible Silicon Labs MCU Starter Kit through the EXP header. The WF200 Wi-Fi Expansion Kit has also been designed after the Raspberry Pi Hardware Attached on Top (HAT) board specifi-cation, allowing the WF200 Wi-Fi Expansion Kit to connect to a Raspberry Pi.WF200 EXPANSION BOARD FEATURES•EXP connector for interfacing Silicon Labs Starter Kits•Selectable SPI or SDIO host interface •Allows board detection and identification•Raspberry Pi compatible HAT •40-pin header •HAT EEPROM for identificationTable of Contents1. Introduction (3)2. Hardware Overview (5)2.1 Hardware Layout (5)3. WF200 Wi-Fi NCP Expansion Kit (6)3.1 Host Interfaces (6)3.2 Power-on and Manual Reset Circuit (7)4. Connectors (8)4.1 EXP Header (9)4.1.1 Pass-through EXP Header (9)4.1.2 EXP Header Pinout (10)4.2 Raspberry Pi Connector (11)4.2.1 Raspberry Pi Connector Pinout (12)4.3 External FEM Connector (13)4.3.1 External FEM Connector Pinout (13)4.4 PTA Connector (14)4.4.1 PTA Connector Pinout (14)4.5 Secondary RF Connector (14)4.6 Power Supply (15)5. Schematics, Assembly Drawings, and BOM (16)6. Kit Revision History (17)6.1 SLEXP8022A Revision History (17)6.2 SLEXP8022B Revision History (17)7. Document Revision History (18)1. IntroductionThis user guide covers the WF200 Wi-Fi Expansion Kit. The kit connects to either a Silicon Labs EFM32 MCU starter kit (STK), a Sili-con Labs EFR32 wireless starter kit (WSTK) or a Raspberry Pi equipped with the 40-pin Raspberry Pi hardware-attached-on-top (HAT) connector. SDIO support is available only with selected hosts.The pictures below shows the kit connected to a Silicon Labs MCU STK through the Expansion Header and a Raspberry Pi 3, respec-tively.Figure 1.1. WF200 Wi-Fi Expansion Kit Connected to a Silicon Labs EFM32GG11 MCU STKNote: Do not connect the kit to both a Silicon Labs MCU STK and a Raspberry Pi at the same time.2. Hardware Overview2.1 Hardware LayoutThe layout of the WF200 Wi-Fi Expansion Kit is shown in the figure below.EXP-header for Starter Kits Power source select switchPass-through EXP-header Not mountedWF200 Wi-Fi TransceiverRaspberry Pi connectorOn bottom sideCurrent consumptionmeasurement headerNot mountedWF200 Wi-FiExpansion BoardHost interfaceselect switchSecondary RF outputcoaxial connectorTX/RX Activity LEDExternal FEM headerNot mountedPTA headerNot mountedReset buttonFigure 2.1. WF200 Wi-Fi Expansion Kit Hardware LayoutHardware Overview3. WF200 Wi-Fi NCP Expansion KitThe WF200 Wi-Fi® Transceiver is a Wi-Fi Network Co-Processor (NCP) transceiver from Silicon Labs.3.1 Host InterfacesThere are two available host interfaces (HIF) on the WF200 Wi-Fi Expansion Kit: SPI or SDIO. Which interface to use is selected using a slide switch, whose state is sampled during power-on reset or manually issued reset. The slide switch must remain in the same posi-tion throughout the duration of the session since it also controls HIF selection multiplexer circuits.When the WF200 Wi-Fi Expansion Kit is connected to an EFM32/EFR32 starter kit through the EXP header, the state of the HIF selec-tion switch can be read (but not controlled) by the kit mcu through a GPIO pin.The WF200 Wi-Fi Expansion Kit incorporates a set of multiplexer circuits which allows the user to use the same kit for evaluating the WF200 in both applications requiring SPI or SDIO connectivity to the host. These circuits will normally not be needed in an end-user application since in most cases the interface to use will be fixed.A simplified circuit diagram showing the host interface multiplexer circuits is shown below. The EXP_HEADER9 signal is connected to pin 9 on the EXP header, while the HIF_OEn output enable signal is controlled by the power-on reset circuit (explained later).Figure 3.1. Host Interface Multiplexer Circuit3.2 Power-on and Manual Reset CircuitTo ensure that the state of the host interface selection signal to be sampled correctly at the rising edge of the WF200 RESETn signal, a power-on reset circuit has been added to the WF200 Wi-Fi Expansion Kit. This circuit achieves this by•Adding a delay of 1ms to the rising edge of the RESETn signal compared to the rising edge of the power supply•Isolating the host from the WF200 DAT2/HIF_SEL pin during the rising edge of the RESETn signalThe figure below shows the circuit diagram for the power-on and manual reset circuit. Its functionality is as follows:•NCP_RESETn is the active-low reset signal of the WF200. The WF200 RESETn pin has an internal pull-up of approx. 70 kOhms.The on-board reset button is connected to this signal.•HIF_SEL_CTRL is the signal from the HIF selection switch•HIF_OEn is the active-low output enable signal of the HIF multiplexer circuits•WF200_DAT2_HIF_SEL is the combined SDIO DAT2 signal and HIF selection signal of the WF200•U114 is an open-drain active low output reset monitor which with the installed capacitor connected to the CD pin keeps NCP_RE-SETn tied to ground for about 1 ms after VMCU_NCP has exceeded the threshold voltage of 0.9 volts•U115 is a tri-state output buffer with an active low output enable signal connected to NCP_RESETn which pulls the CD pin of U116 low while NCP_RESETn is low•U116 is a push-pull active high output reset monitor which drives HIF_OEn high for 1 ms after the output of U115 is disabled•U109 is a tri-state output buffer with an active high output enable signal which connects the HIF_SEL_CTRL signal to the WF200_DAT2_HIF_SEL signal as long as HIF_OEn is highThe NCP_RESETn signal is available on both the EXP header and the Raspberry Pi connector and can be used for issuing a manual reset sequence by pulling it low for at least 1 ms.Figure 3.2. Power-on and Manual Reset Circuit Diagram4. ConnectorsThis chapter gives an overview of the WF200 Wi-Fi Expansion Kit connectivity and power connections.Pass-through EXP Header(Bottom side)External FEM connector Figure 4.1. WF200 Wi-Fi Expansion Kit Connector Layout4.1 EXP HeaderOn the left-hand side of the WF200 Wi-Fi Expansion Kit, a right-angle female 20-pin EXP header is provided to allow connection to one of Silicon Labs’ supported Starter Kits. The EXP header on the Starter Kits follows a standard which ensures that commonly used pe-ripherals such as an SPI, a UART, and an I2C bus, are available on fixed locations on the connector. Additionally, the VMCU, 3V3 and 5V power rails are also available on the expansion header. For detailed information regarding the pinout to the expansion header on a specific Starter Kit, consult the accompanying user’s guide.The figure below shows how the WF200 Wi-Fi® Transceiver is connected to the connector and the peripheral functions that are availa-ble.VMCUSPI_MOSI / SDIO_DAT1SPI_MISO / SDIO_DAT0SPI_SCLK / SDIO_CMD SPI_CS / SDIO_CLK SPI_WIRQ / SDIO_DAT3SDIO_DAT2Not Connected (NC)5V3V3GNDGPIO_WUP Not Connected (NC)RESETnHIF_SEL_CTRL Not Connected (NC)Not Connected (NC)Not Connected (NC)BOARD_ID_SDA BOARD_ID_SCL Reserved (Board Identification)WF200 I/O PinFigure 4.2. Expansion Header4.1.1 Pass-through EXP HeaderThe WF200 Wi-Fi Expansion Kit features a footprint for a secondary EXP header. All signals from the EXP header, including those that are not connected to any features on the WF200 Wi-Fi Expansion Kit, are directly tied to the corresponding pins in the footprint, allow-ing daisy-chaining of additional expansion boards if a connector is soldered in.4.1.2 EXP Header PinoutThe table below shows the pin assignments of the EXP header.Table 4.1. EXP Header Pinout4.2 Raspberry Pi ConnectorOn the bottom side of the WF200 Wi-Fi Expansion Kit, a dual row, female socket, 0.1" pitch connector is soldered in to allow the WF200Wi-Fi Expansion Kit to act as a Raspberry Pi Hardware Attached on Top (HAT) board.The figure below shows how the WF200 Wi-Fi® Transceiver is connected to the connector and the peripheral functions that are availa-ble.Reserved (Board Identification)WF200 I/O PinGNDSDIO_DAT2Not Connected (NC)RESETnGPIO_WIRQNot Connected (NC)RPI_ID_SDGND SPI_SCLKSPI_MISO Not Connected (NC)Not Connected (NC)SPI_WIRQGNDGPIO_WUP GNDRPI_ID_SC Not Connected (NC)SDIO_DAT1SPI_CSSPI_MOSI 3V3SDIO_CLKSDIO_DAT3 Not Connected (NC)GNDNot Connected (NC)Not Connected (NC) Not Connected (NC)3V3GNDSDIO_DAT0SDIO_CMD GNDNot Connected (NC)GPIO_FEM_5GPIO_FEM_6GND5V 5VFigure 4.3. Raspberry Pi Connector4.2.1 Raspberry Pi Connector PinoutThe table below shows the pin assignments of the Raspberry Pi connector, and the port pins and peripheral functions that are available on the WF200 Wi-Fi Expansion Kit.Table 4.2. Raspberry Pi Connector Pinout4.3 External FEM ConnectorThe WF200 Wi-Fi Expansion Kit features a 2x5-pin 0.1" pitch connector exposing the WF200 Wi-Fi® Transceiver's external front-end module (FEM) interface, which allows the connection of an external FEM board using a ribbon cable.The WF200 Wi-Fi Expansion Kit also features a TX/RX Activity indicator LED which is connected to the FEM_5 signal.The pinout of the connector is illustrated in the figure below.GNDFEM_PDETFEM_6FEM_5VMCU_NCPFEM_4FEM_3VMCU_NCPFEM_2FEM_1Figure 4.4. External FEM Connector4.3.1 External FEM Connector PinoutThe pin assignment of the external FEM connector on the board is given in the table below.Table 4.3. External FEM Connector Pin Descriptions4.4 PTA ConnectorThe WF200's packet transfer arbitration (PTA) interface for managing coexistence in a multi-transceiver application is exposed on a 1x5-pin 0.1" pitch header on the WF200 Wi-Fi Expansion Kit.The pinout of the connector is illustrated in the figure below.PTA_STATUS / PRIORITY PTA_RF_ACT / REQUESTPTA_FREQ / RHOPTA_TX_CONF / GRANT GNDFigure 4.5. PTA Connector4.4.1 PTA Connector PinoutThe pin assignment of the PTA connector on the board is given in the table below.Table 4.4. PTA Connector Pin Descriptions4.5 Secondary RF ConnectorThe WF200's secondary RF output is exposed on the WF200 Wi-Fi Expansion Kit through a Hirose u.FL coaxial connector. Matching components on the board ensure that a 50 ohm characteristic impedance is seen when connecting an external antenna or RF meas-urement equipment to this connector.For connecting the secondary RF output to an RF measurement instrument, a u.FL to SMA adapter cable (not included with the kit) can be used. Examples of such adapter cables are the Taoglas CAB.721 (100 mm) or CAB.720 (200 mm) cable assemblies.4.6 Power SupplyThere are two ways to provide power to the kit:•The kit can be connected to, and powered by, a Silicon Labs MCU STK •The kit can be connected to, and powered by, a Raspberry PiNote: Connecting the WF200 Wi-Fi Expansion Kit to both an EFM32/EFR32 STK and a Raspberry Pi at the same time is not a valid option.When connected to a Silicon Labs MCU STK, the WF200 Wi-Fi® Transceiver can either be powered by the VMCU rail present on the EXP header or through an LDO regulator on board the WF200 Wi-Fi Expansion Kit. If connected to the VMCU rail of the starter kit, the current consumption of the WF200 Wi-Fi® Transceiver will be included in the starter kit's on-board Advanced Energy Monitor (AEM)measurements. The LDO regulator draws power from the 5V net, and, hence, the power consumption of the WF200 Wi-Fi® Transceiv-er will not be included in any AEM measurements performed by the MCU STK.A mechanical power switch on the WF200 Wi-Fi Expansion Kit is used to select between Low Power (AEM) mode and High Power (LDO) mode. When the switch is set to Low Power (AEM) mode, the WF200 Wi-Fi® Transceiver is connected to the VMCU net on the Expansion Header. When the switch is set to High Power (LDO) mode, the WF200 Wi-Fi® Transceiver is connected to the output of the LDO. For applications requiring high power consumption or when the WF200 Wi-Fi Expansion Kit is connected to a Raspberry Pi, the power switch must be set to High Power (LDO) mode.A 0.1 ohm current sense resistor accompanied by a 2x2-pin 0.1" unpopulated header is provided in order to measure the current con-sumption of the WF200 Wi-Fi® Transceiver in situations where AEM is not available or when the current consumption exceeds the measurement range of AEM.The power topology is illustrated in the figure below.Expansion HeaderRaspberry Pi ConnectorFigure 4.6. WF200 Wi-Fi Expansion Kit Power TopologySchematics, Assembly Drawings, and BOM 5. Schematics, Assembly Drawings, and BOMSchematics, assembly drawings, and bill of materials (BOM) are available through Simplicity Studio when the kit documentation pack-age has been installed. They are also available from the Silicon Labs website and kit page.6. Kit Revision HistoryThe kit revision can be found printed on the kit packaging label, as outlined in the figure below.SLEXP8022A WF200 WiFi Expansion Kit19020204219-01-08A00Figure 6.1. Kit Label6.1 SLEXP8022A Revision History6.2 SLEXP8022B Revision History Kit Revision HistoryDocument Revision History 7. Document Revision HistoryRevision 1.02019-01-08•Initial document revision.Silicon Laboratories Inc.400 West Cesar Chavez Austin, TX 78701USASimplicity StudioOne-click access to MCU and wireless tools, documentation, software, source code libraries & more. Available for Windows, Mac and Linux!IoT Portfolio /IoTSW/HW/simplicityQuality /qualitySupport and CommunityDisclaimerSilicon Labs intends to provide customers with the latest, accurate, and in-depth documentation of all peripherals and modules available for system and software implementers using or intending to use the Silicon Labs products. Characterization data, available modules and peripherals, memory sizes and memory addresses refer to each specific device, and "Typical" parameters provided can and do vary in different applications. Application examples described herein are for illustrative purposes only. Silicon Labs reserves the right to make changes without further notice and limitation to product information, specifications, and descriptions herein, and does not give warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of the included information. Silicon Labs shall have no liability for the consequences of use of the information supplied herein. This document does not imply or express copyright licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integrated circuits. The products are not designed or authorized to be used within any Life Support System without the specific written consent of Silicon Labs. A "Life Support System" is any product or system intended to support or sustain life and/or health, which, if it fails, can be reasonably expected to result in significant personal injury or death. Silicon Labs products are not designed or authorized for military applications. Silicon Labs products shall under no circumstances be used in weapons of mass destruction including (but not limited to) nuclear, biological or chemical weapons, or missiles capable of delivering such weapons.Trademark InformationSilicon Laboratories Inc.® , Silicon Laboratories®, Silicon Labs®, SiLabs® and the Silicon Labs logo®, Bluegiga®, Bluegiga Logo®, Clockbuilder®, CMEMS®, DSPLL®, EFM®, EFM32®, EFR, Ember®, Energy Micro, Energy Micro logo and combinations thereof, "the world’s most energy friendly microcontrollers", Ember®, EZLink®, EZRadio®, EZRadioPRO®, Gecko®, ISOmodem®, Micrium, Precision32®, ProSLIC®, Simplicity Studio®, SiPHY®, Telegesis, the Telegesis Logo®, USBXpress®, Zentri and others are trademarks or registered trademarks of Silicon Labs. ARM, CORTEX, Cortex-M3 and THUMB are trademarks or registered trademarks of ARM Holdings. Keil is a registered trademark of ARM Limited. All other products or brand names mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective holders.。
研华 FPM-200 系列 15.6 或 21.5 工业 LED 显示器 用户手册说明书
用户手册FPM-200 系列15.6" 或 21.5" 工业 LED 显示器配备投射电容式触摸屏及 HDMI 或VGA 直接操作端口顯示器申請商:研華股份有限公司地址:台北市內湖區瑞光路26巷20弄1號電話:02-27927818限用物質含有情況標示聲明書Declaration of the Presence Condition of the Restricted Sustances Marking PLM MDR NO:MDR-003688設備名稱: 顯示器 型號(型式): FPM-215W-P4AE Equipment name Type designation (Type)單元Unit限用物質及其化學符號Restricted substances and its chemical symbols鉛Lead(Pb)汞Mercury(Hg)鎘Cadmium(Cd)六價鉻Hexavalentchromium(Cr+6)多溴聯苯Polybrominatedbiphenyls(PBB)多溴二苯醚Polybrominateddiphenylethers (PBDE)電路板-○○○○○內外殼○○○○○○線材-○○○○○其它固定組件 (螺絲、螺柱)-○○○○○電源供應器-○○○○○分離式電源線組○○○○○○觸控模組-○○○○○液晶面板-○○○○○備考1.“超出0.1 wt %”及“超出0.01 wt %”係指限用物質之百分比含量超出百分比含量基準值。
Note 1.“Exceeding 0.1 wt %” and “exceeding 0.01 wt %” indicate that thepercentage content of the restricted substance exceeds the reference percentagevalue of presence condition.備考2.“○”係指該項限用物質之百分比含量未超出百分比含量基準值。
施耐德TM200CE40R一体型M200可编程逻辑控制器 集成1个以太网口 继电器输出数据表
Product data sheetCharacteristicsTM200CE40R一体型M200可编程逻辑控制器,集成1个以太网口,40点IO,继电器输出主要信息产品系列Easy Modicon M200产品类型可编程控制器额定电源电压 [Us]100...240 V AC 离散量I/O编号40离散量输入数量I2...I5: 4 快速输入I0, I1, I6, I7: 4 高速输入 I8...I23: 16 正常的输入离散量输出数量16 继电器离散量输入电压24 V 离散量输入电压类型直流离散量输入电流7 MA 适用 输入离散量输入逻辑阱或源 (正/负) 类别1 符合 IEC 61131-2离散量输出电压24 V 直流 220 V 交流离散量输出电流 2 A 固态输出类型继电器常开功耗 VA59…69 VA 在…上 100...240 V AC (最大输入/输出)补充信息I/O 拓展模块数 4 和 128 离散输出 适用 晶体管输出 4 和 80 离散输出 适用 继电器输出电源电压范围85…264 V 电网频率50/60 Hz 瞬间峰值电流50 A电压状态1担保>= 15 V 适用 输入电压状态0担保<= 5 V 适用 输入输入阻抗 3.3 kOhm 适用 离散量输入响应时间5 µs 关, I0, I1, I6, I7 端子 适用 高速输入 5 µs 开, I0, I1, I6, I7 端子 适用 高速输入 100 µs 关, I2...I5 端子 适用 快速输入 35 µs 开, I2...I5 端子 适用 快速输入100 µs 关, I8...I13 端子 适用 正常的输入 35 µs 开, I8...I13 端子 适用 正常的输入 10 ms 关, Q0...Q15 端子 适用 继电器输出 10 ms 开, Q0...Q15 端子 适用 继电器输出 125 µs 关, I14...I23 端子 适用 正常的输入 55 µs 开, I14...I23 端子 适用 正常的输入可配置滤波时间0 ms 适用 输入 3 ms 适用 输入 12 ms 适用 输入T h e i n f o r m a t i o n p r o v i d e d i n t h i s d o c u m e n t a t i o n c o n t a i n s g e n e r a l d e s c r i p t i o n s a n d /o r t e c h n i c a l c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f t h e p e r f o r m a n c e o f t h e p r o d u c t s c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n .T h i s d o c u m e n t a t i o n i s n o t i n t e n d e d a s a s u b s t i t u t e f o r a n d i s n o t t o b e u s e d f o r d e t e r m i n i n g s u i t a b i l i t y o r r e l i a b i l i t y o f t h e s e p r o d u c t s f o r s p e c i f i c u s e r a p p l i c a t i o n s .I t i s t h e d u t y o f a n y s u c h u s e r o r i n t e g r a t o r t o p e r f o r m t h e a p p r o p r i a t e a n d c o m p l e t e r i s k a n a l y s i s , e v a l u a t i o n a n d t e s t i n g o f t h e p r o d u c t s w i t h r e s p e c t t o t h e r e l e v a n t s p e c i f i c a p p l i c a t i o n o r u s e t h e r e o f .N e i t h e r S c h n e i d e r E l e c t r i c I n d u s t r i e s S A S n o r a n y o f i t s a f f i l i a t e s o r s u b s i d i a r i e s s h a l l b e r e s p o n s i b l e o r l i a b l e f o r m i s u s e o f t h e i n f o r m a t i o n c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n .输出电压限制30 V DC250 V AC连接类型-端子连接4 A电气寿命100000 次 AC-12, 240 V, 480 VA, 阻性(负载)100000 次 DC-12, 24 V, 48 W, 阻性(负载)开关频率0.1 Hz 带有最大负载机械寿命20000000 次 适用 继电器输出最小负荷10 MA 在…上 5 V 直流 适用 继电器输出存储容量512 byte 内部 闪存 存储 适用 程序备份数据存储设备32 GB micro SD 卡 (可选)电池类型BR2033 Li-CFx (锂氟化石墨), 电池寿命: 5 年累计运行时间 3 年 在…上 25 °C (通过中断电源)1K指令的执行时间0.3 Ms 适用 事件和周期性任务_0.2 µs _每个任务执行时间60 µs 响应时间时钟误差<= 90 s/月 在…上 25 °C调节回路可调的PID调节器 多达14个同步循环控制信号类型正交 (x1, x2, x4) 在…上 100 kHz 适用 快速输入 (高数计数模式)脉冲/方向 在…上 100 kHz 适用 快速输入 (高数计数模式)单相 在…上 100 kHz 适用 快速输入 (高数计数模式)CW/CCW 在…上 100 kHz 适用 快速输入 (高数计数模式)计算输入数 4 快速输入 (高数计数模式) 在…上 100 kHz 32 位集成连接类型USB 端口 和 mini B USB 2.0 连接器非隔离的串行链接 串行 1 和 端子模块 连接器 和 RS485 界面非隔离的串行链接 串行 2 和 端子模块 连接器 和 RS232/RS485 界面以太网Modbus TCP / IP 以太网 和 RJ45 连接器 和 1 以太端口 10/100BASE-T 界面独立串行连接 串行 2 和 端子模块 连接器 和 RS485 界面传输率 1.2...115.2 kbit/s (默认115.2 kbit/s ) 用于总线长度为… 15 m 适用 RS4851.2...115.2 kbit/s (默认115.2 kbit/s ) 用于总线长度为… 3 m 适用 RS23212 Mbit/s 适用 USB10/100 Mbit/s 用于总线长度为… 100 m 适用 以太网 Modbus TCP/IP通讯协议USB 端口: USB 协议 - SoMachine-Network非隔离的串行链接: 串口Modbus 协议 主/从 - RTU/ASCII 或 SoMachine-Network以太网Modbus TCP / IP: Modbus TCP/IP 协议 客户端/服务器本地信号指示 1 个LED (绿色) for PWR:1 个LED (绿色) for RUN:1 个LED (红色) for 模块错误 (ERR):1 个LED (绿色) for 可访问 SD卡 (SD):1 个LED (红色) for BAT:1 个LED (绿色) for SL1:每通道1 LED (绿色) for I/O 状态:2 LED (绿色) for 通信 (LK/ACT 10/100):电气连接Mini B USB 2.0 连接器对一个编程终端RJ45 连接器用于连接以太网络可拆卸 螺钉接线端子用于输入可拆卸 螺钉接线端子用于输出可拆卸 螺钉接线端子, 4 端子 用于串行连接可拆卸 螺钉接线端子, 3 端子 用于连接 100-240 V 交流电源Maximum cable distance between devices非屏蔽电缆: <50 m 适用 输入屏蔽电缆: <10 m 适用 快速输入屏蔽电缆: <10 m 适用 高速输入非屏蔽电缆: <150 m 适用 输出隔离输入之间无隔离输出与内部逻辑之间 在…上 1780 V AC输出组之间 在…上 1780 V AC供电与内部逻辑之间 在…上 1780 V AC输入与内部逻辑之间 在…上 500 V AC快速输入与内部逻辑之间 在…上 500 V AC输入组之间 在…上 500 V AC传感器电源24 V 直流 在…上 300 mA 由控制器供给标识CE安装方式顶帽类型TH35-15 导轨安装 符合 IEC 60715顶帽类型 TH35-7.5 板或有固定套件的板 符合 IEC 60715高度90 Mm深度70 Mm宽度175 Mm净重0.512 Kg环境IP 保护等级IP20 保护盖就位产品认证RCM[RETURN]IACS E10[RETURN]CSA[RETURN]cULus符合标准IEC 61010-2-201IEC 61131-2电磁兼容性静电放电抗干扰 - test level: 8 kV (空气放电) conforming to IEC 61000-4-2静电放电抗干扰 - test level: 6 kV (接触放电) conforming to IEC 61000-4-2抗辐射 - test level: 10 V/m (80 MHz...3 GHz) conforming to IEC 61000-4-3电源频率磁场抗扰试验 - test level: 30 A/m conforming to IEC 61000-4-8抗快速瞬变 - test level: 2 kV (电源线) conforming to IEC 61000-4-4抗快速瞬变 - test level: 2 kV (继电器输出) conforming to IEC 61000-4-4抗快速瞬变 - test level: 1 kV (E/S) conforming to IEC 61000-4-4抗快速瞬变 - test level: 1 kV (串行链接) conforming to IEC 61000-4-4抗浪涌 - test level: 1 kV (电源线 (DC)) conforming to IEC 61000-4-5抗浪涌 - test level: 2 kV (电源线 (AC)) conforming to IEC 61000-4-5抗浪涌 - test level: 2 kV (继电器输出) conforming to IEC 61000-4-5抗浪涌 - test level: 1 kV (E/S) conforming to IEC 61000-4-5抗浪涌 - test level: 1 kV (屏蔽电缆) conforming to IEC 61000-4-5抗浪涌 - test level: 0.5 kV (电源线 (DC)) conforming to IEC 61000-4-5抗浪涌 - test level: 1 kV (电源线 (AC)) conforming to IEC 61000-4-5抗导电 - test level: 10 V (0.15...80 MHz) conforming to IEC 61000-4-6传导辐射 - test level: 79 dBμV/m QP/66 dBμV/m AV (电源线 (AC)) conforming to IEC 55011传导辐射 - test level: 73 dBμV/m QP/60 dBμV/m AV (电源线 (AC)) conforming to IEC 55011传播辐射 - test level: 40 dBμV/m QP A类 (10 m) conforming to IEC 55011传播辐射 - test level: 47 dBμV/m QP A类 (10 m) conforming to IEC 55011抗快速瞬变 - test level: 1 kV (Ethernet线) conforming to IEC 61000-4-4抗冲击15 gn 适用 11 ms30 gn 适用 6 ms抗瞬时断电10 Ms抗振动 3.5 mm 在…上 5…8.4 Hz 在…上 均匀导轨1 gn 在…上 8.4…150 Hz 在…上 均匀导轨3.5 mm 在…上 5…8.7 Hz 在…上 面板安装2 gn 在…上 8.7…150 Hz 在…上 面板安装相对湿度10…95 %, 无凝结 (操作中)10…95 %, 无凝结 (存储期间)环境温度0…55 °C (垂直安装)贮存环境温度-25…70 °C污染等级<= 2工作海拔0...2000 m存储高度0…3000 M包装单位Unit Type of Package 1PCENumber of Units in Package 11Package 1 Height9.498 CmPackage 1 Width13.66 CmPackage 1 Length18.72 CmPackage 1 Weight771 GUnit Type of Package 2S03Number of Units in Package 212Package 2 Height30 CmPackage 2 Width30 CmPackage 2 Length40 CmPackage 2 Weight9773 GUnit Type of Package 3P12Number of Units in Package 3288Package 3 Height95 CmPackage 3 Width80 CmPackage 3 Length120 CmPackage 3 Weight243552 G可持续性产品类型Green Premium 产品REACh法规REACh 声明欧盟ROHS指令主动合规性(超出欧盟 RoHS 法定范围的产品)Mercury free支持中国 ROHS 管理办法中国 ROHS 声明RoHS exemption information支持环境披露产品环境文件流通资料产品使用寿命终期信息WEEE该产品必须经特定废物回收处理后弃置于欧盟市场,绝不可丢弃于垃圾桶中。
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Electrical Characteristics at Tamb = 25 ºC
PARAMETER Breakover Voltage * Breakover Voltage Symmetry Dynamic breakover voltage * Output Voltage * Breakover Current * Rise Time * Leakage Current * Peak Current * CONDITIONS IBO, C = 22nF ** (see Figure 1) IBO, C = 22nF ** (see Figure 1) DI = [IBO to IF = 10 mA] (see Figure 2) (see Figure 3) C = 22 nF ** (see Figure 4) VB = 0.5 VBO max (see Figure 1) see Figure 3 (Gate) Min. 28 5 5 50 2 10 0.3 Typ. 32 Max. 36 ±3 Unit V V V V µA µs µA A
FIGURE 4: Test circuit see Figure 3. Adjust R forp = 0.5 A I
0200Biblioteka MMYM00 TR
* Applicable to both forward and reverse ** Connected in parallel with the devices.
Oct - 04
+I F +V BO 10mA 0
+I BO V BO 0 -IBO t
FIGURE 1: Current-Voltage Characteristics FIGURE 2
500KW 90 % D.U.T .
220 VAC 50Hz
0.1 mF
R = 20W
10 %
FIGURE 3: Test Circuit for Output Voltage.
Oct - 04
Oct - 04
DIMENSIONS REF. Min. A B C D 3.30 1.46 0.30 1.37 Milimeters Typ. 3.50 1.50 0.35 1.40 Max. 3.70 1.54 0.40 1.43
Silicon bi-directional trigger device intended for use in thyristor (SCR and TRIAC) trigger circuits, energy saving lighting circuits and other switching functions.
-40 -40 10 £ max.
Thermal Resistance
R th (j-a) R th (j-l)
PARAMETER Junction to Ambient Junction to leads CONDITIONS Min. Typ. Max. 400 150 Unit ºC/W ºC/W
SPECIAL FEATURES: Low breakover Excellent symmetry. Very low leakage current. MARKING CODE Absolute Maximum Ratings, according to IEC publication No. 134
Ptot ITRM Tstg Tj Tsld
PARAMETER Total Power Dissipation Repetitive peak on-state current Storage Temperature Range Operating Junction Temperature Soldering Temperature CONDITIONS Ta = 50ºC tp = 20 µs, f = 100 Hz Min. Typ. Max. 150 2 +125 +110 260 Unit mW A ºC ºC °C