1. 什么是道路宽度?
- 道路宽度是指路面两边的垂直距离。
2. 在高速公路上,什么是应急停车道?
- 应急停车道是专门为发生紧急情况下的车辆停靠而设立的道路位置。
3. 在驾驶中,什么是盲区?
- 盲区是指车辆后部或侧部驾驶员无法直接观察到的区域。
4. 在道路上遇到红色交通信号灯时,你应该怎么做?
- 在红色交通信号灯亮起时,驾驶员应停车并等待绿灯亮起。
5. 如果在驾驶过程中发现车辆前部有儿童经过,你应该采取什么行动?
- 驾驶员应减速并小心绕过儿童。
6. 如果有行人在斑马线上等待过马路,你应该怎么做?
- 驾驶员应停车并等待行人过完斑马线后再行驶。
7. 在夜间驾驶过程中,你必须开启哪些车灯?
- 夜间驾驶应开启前照灯和后位灯。
8. 在驾驶中,什么是倒车镜?
- 倒车镜是用来辅助驾驶员观察车辆后方的镜子。
9. 在高速公路上行驶时,限速标志的作用是什么?
- 限速标志用来告知驾驶员当前道路的最高限速。
10. 驾驶员在手机上发送短信时会造成什么危险?
- 驾驶员在驾驶过程中使用手机发送短信会分散注意力,增加
驾照考试题及答案英文题1. What is the minimum passing score for the written test ata DMV office?A) 70%B) 80%C) 90%D) 95%Answer: C) 90%2. Which of the following is not a requirement for obtaininga driver's license?A) Passing a written testB) Passing a vision testC) Paying a feeD) Having a valid passportAnswer: D) Having a valid passport3. When should you use your hazard lights?A) When you are parked on the side of the roadB) When you are driving in heavy fogC) When you are driving in heavy rainD) All of the aboveAnswer: D) All of the above4. What does the sign with a red circle and a white horizontal line mean?A) YieldB) StopC) Do not enterD) No parkingAnswer: C) Do not enter5. What is the legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit for drivers in most states?A) 0.01%B) 0.05%C) 0.08%D) 0.15%Answer: C) 0.08%6. Which of the following is the correct way to change lanes?A) Signal, check mirrors, check blind spots, steerB) Check mirrors, steer, signal, check blind spotsC) Signal, steer, check mirrors, check blind spotsD) Check blind spots, signal, check mirrors, steerAnswer: D) Check blind spots, signal, check mirrors, steer7. What is the maximum speed limit on most highways in the US?A) 55 mphB) 65 mphC) 75 mphD) 85 mphAnswer: B) 65 mph8. What does a green traffic light mean?A) Proceed with cautionB) StopC) Prepare to stopD) GoAnswer: D) Go9. When should you not overtake another vehicle?A) When the road ahead is clearB) When the vehicle ahead is signaling to turn rightC) When you are approaching a curveD) When the vehicle ahead is signaling to turn left Answer: C) When you are approaching a curve10. What is the primary reason for maintaining a safe following distance between your vehicle and the one in front of you?A) To avoid getting a ticketB) To allow time to react in case the vehicle ahead stops suddenlyC) To save fuelD) To be polite to other driversAnswer: B) To allow time to react in case the vehicle ahead stops suddenly注意事项:- 确保在考试前充分复习所有交通规则和标志。
7、在驾驶操作训练中,教练员主要结合___等教学项目来培养学员的车体感知能力。( )
31、强制性减档加空油的量要比自然调档大些。( )
22、驾驶机动车遇到这种情况怎样礼让?(如图)( )
23、在理论教学过程中,教练员布置作业是为了( )。
38、从事道路运输经营以及道路运输相关业务,应当遵循( )的原则。
39、机动车可以在高速公路应急车道或路肩上正常驾驶。( )
北美驾照考试题库及答案1. 驾驶时遇到红灯,你应该:A. 继续行驶B. 减速并准备停车C. 右转D. 停车等待绿灯答案:D2. 在高速公路上行驶时,如果前方有紧急车辆(如救护车、消防车)闪烁着警示灯并鸣笛,你应该:A. 保持原速行驶B. 减速并靠右行驶C. 停车D. 超越紧急车辆答案:B3. 当你看到“STOP”标志时,必须:A. 减速通过B. 停车并观察,确保安全后通过C. 直接通过D. 仅在有其他车辆时停车答案:B4. 在雨雪天气驾驶时,你应该:A. 加速以尽快到达目的地B. 保持正常速度行驶C. 减速并增加与前车的距离D. 开启危险报警闪光灯答案:C5. 如果你在一个没有交通信号灯的交叉路口,并且你右侧有车辆,你应该:A. 先让右侧车辆通过B. 直接通过C. 加速通过D. 停车等待答案:A6. 在夜间驾驶时,遇到对向车辆使用远光灯,你应该:A. 也使用远光灯B. 减速并靠边停车C. 保持当前灯光不变D. 切换到近光灯答案:D7. 当你看到“YIELD”标志时,你应该:A. 停车并等待B. 减速并准备停车C. 准备让行,但不必停车D. 直接通过答案:C8. 在学校区域驾驶时,你应该:A. 加速通过B. 保持正常速度行驶C. 减速并准备停车D. 遵守降低的速度限制答案:D9. 如果你在一个单行道上行驶,遇到前方有车辆,你应该:A. 超越前方车辆B. 减速并寻找安全地点停车C. 倒车D. 停车等待答案:B10. 在高速公路上行驶时,如果遇到雾天,你应该:A. 加速以尽快离开雾区B. 减速并开启雾灯C. 停车等待雾散D. 保持原速行驶答案:B以上是北美驾照考试的部分题库及答案,考生在准备考试时应充分理解和掌握相关的交通规则和安全知识。
美国考驾照试题美国考驾照试题1. 出售或转让车辆后几天内需要向DMV报告?5天2. 堵塞十字路口是永远不允许的。
3. 何时应该放弃合法的优先权?当这样做有助避免撞车。
4. 在没有出入口或控制措施的铁路交叉口处,你在平交口100英尺之内,而且看不到两侧400英尺铁轨。
5. 车辆避让道的目的是什么?允许你进入这条车道,以便车速快的司机可以通过。
6. 使用没有铺路面的路肩来超过右侧车辆是不允许的。
7. 油漆成黄色的'路边表明只有装/卸货物或乘客上车/下车才可停车或泊车。
8. 21岁以上,且血液酒精含量在0.08%或以上的司机驾车违法。
9. 如果小客货有露营套,人可以坐在后面。
10. 一个正在行驶的载客车辆的左转灯和右转灯同时闪亮。
11. 车上16岁或16岁以上的乘客没有系安全带。
12. 为了超车离开自己的车道时,在下面情况下你有足够的空间回到原车道上;在后视镜里可以看到你刚刚超过的车辆的前部。
13. 你必须注意在摩托车车道上的骑自行车者,原因是:他们有权分享此路。
14. 无论有无人行道,行人总有优先权穿过等角。
15. 防御性驾驶是保持生存的驾驶技术。
16. 加州车祸死亡中50%是酒后驾车的司机。
17. 在泊车处的此标记表明这个空间留给有特殊牌照或标贴的残障人。
18. 用吊销的或作废的驾照开车会有什么后果?罚款或坐牢。
19. 这个标记表明:此路上的车辆双向行驶。
20. 下面哪个不是行人?骑动力单车的人。
21. 你在有交通信号控制的十字路口等待左转弯。
22. 在隐蔽的交叉口,你应该:总是停车。
53、车辆在场地划线公路掉头的进退过程中可独立分解操作。( )
4、教练员在做动作示范时应( )。
5、设计时速低于100km/h的汽车转向盘自中间向左右自由行程最大各不得超过( )
6、在蝶形倒库操作考核时,可原地转动方向盘。( )
中,教练员对教学日志的使用包括___。( )
12、汽车静止时,检查发动机机油油平面,机油尺刻度值应表示不低于( )。
74、教练车除技术状况应满足相关规定要求外,还须配备( )。
75、驾驶机动车在这种道路上超车可借对向车道行驶。(如图)( )
76、运用讨论教学法时,教练员对讨论主题的把握至关重要。( )
【驾照笔试】中英文对照德克萨斯州Texas驾照笔试题Rules Test 1规则考试1. In a passenger car or truck (with a manufacturer’s rated carrying capacity of not more than 1500 pounds) which of the following must use safety belts?乘坐客车以及载重量低于1500磅的货车,以下哪个必须使用安全带?a. all occupantsb. only the driverc. only the front seat passengersd. the driver, front seat passengers and back seat passengers under 152. Even if you are not intoxicated and you are under the age of 21 and have any detectable amount of alcohol in your system while operating a motor vehicle, you may be charged with:在喝了酒但是没有喝醉的情况下开车,你会被处以怎样的处罚:a. public intoxicationb. intoxication manslaughterc. driving under the influence of alcohol by a minord. intoxication assault3. When choosing your drive speed, the most important thing to consider is:应当根据什么来控制你的车速:a. the time you have to travelb. the condition of the other driversc. the condition of the car you are drivingd. the condition of the weather, traffic, road, car and driverd. As you near an intersection you discover you are in the wrong lane for turning right as intended, therefore you should:临近十字路口时,发现走错道,错过右转的道路时,你应a. wait until other cars pass and then get into the proper laneb. drive on ahead until you can get into the proper lane, and then turn at another intersectionc. turn from the lane you are if no cars are comingd. move quickly into the proper lane5. What is the first thing that should be done when a motor vehicle starts to skid?车辆打滑时,你首先应a. apply brakes immediatelyb. steer in direction of skid and steadily apply brakesc. steer for the shoulder of the roadd. take your foot off the accelerator and steer in the direction of the skid6. Under favorable circumstances, including reaction time, a motor vehicle with good brakes, going 50 miles per hour can be stopped within;在最佳天气情况,最快的反应速度,良好的汽车刹车,将时速50mile每小时的汽车制动停下来的距离为:a. about 55 feetb. about 100 feetc. about 133 feetd. about 229 feet7. A person’s license will be automatically suspended if convicted of: 什么情况下,驾驶证会被自动暂停a. four or more traffic violationsb. attempting to flee from policec. possessing a false driver’s licensed. failure to maintain financial responsibility8. Marijuana use will:服用大麻将会a. adversely affect a driver’s concentration, judgment and perceptual skillsb. not affect a driver’s ability to safely operate a vehiclec. make a driver more alertd. none of the above9. The most a person (age 21 or older) will be fined for a first conviction of driving while under the influence of intoxicating liquor, with no death or injury involved is:第一次醉酒驾车,即便没有造成人员伤亡,也要被罚款a. $1,000b. $5,000c. $3,000d. $2,00010. Child passenger safety seats are required for all children under the age of:孩子安全椅被要求给多少岁以下的孩子:a. 6 monthsb. 1 yearc. 18 monthsd. 2 years11. Your driver’s license may be suspended for:什么情况下,驾驶证可能会被暂停a. any violation of the motor vehicle lawsb. any moving violation of the motor vehicle lawsc. habitual reckless drivingd. causing a minor accident12. If a minor (a person under 21) refuses to provide a breath or blood specimen to a police officer, the minor’s driver’s license will be suspended for a first time refusal for:如果未成年人拒绝向警官提供呼吸或血液的标本,第一次违反,驾驶证将被暂停a. 120 daysb. 90 daysc. 60 daysd. 30 days 跟成人的6months不同?13. The maximum fine for a first conviction of driving without a valid driver’s license is:第一次无证驾驶将被最高罚款a. $100b. $200c. $50d. $50014. Including reaction time, the stopping distance is more than 20 feet at 10 miles per hour, at 20 miles per hour it will be: 20M行驶的车辆需要多长距离刹车,方能完全停下来a. 30 feetb. 63 feetc. 40 feetd. 75 feet15. When parking parallel it is best to leave the curb side wheels: 平行泊车时,轮子边缘最好距离路沿多远a. just touching the curbb. 6 to 18 inches from the curbc. 18 to 24 inches from the curbd. 24 to 30 inches from the curb16. The lights on your vehicle must be turned on at any time day or night when persons and vehicles cannot be clearly seen for:当你看不清前方的人或车时,你需要在距离他们多远的时候打开车灯:a. 350 feetb. 750 feetc. 1,000 feetd. 1,500 feet17. A minor’s driver’s license (under age of 17) may be suspended fora first offense of driving under the influence of alcohol for:第一次酒后驾车,未成年人(<17)的驾照将被暂停多久:a. 1 to 2 yearsb. 180 days to 2 yearsc. up to 12 monthsd. 2 to 4 years18. When approaching a green traffic light you should:当红绿灯快要变成绿色灯时,你应该a. look both ways as you go ahead carefullyb. watch mainly to the lightc. speed up to avoid holding up trafficd. watch mainly to the left19. Vehicle skids are most likely to be caused by:车辆打滑,是由于:a. too much ice or snow on the roadb. air pressure in tires too highc. air pressure in tires too highd. driving too fast on slippery roads20. If you are involved in an injury accident in a city, you must immediately notify:如果你在城市中遇到了交通事故并且有人员受伤,你因该第一个打电话给谁?a. the local policeb. the county sheriffc. the highway patrold. the Justice of Peace21. If you run off the pavement, you should:如果你开车驶离人行道,你应该:a. steer straight ahead and speed upb. turn the wheel quickly toward the roadc. apply brakes hard (you will want to!)d. steer straight and slow down before attempting to return to the pavement22. When turning left from a three lane, one way street, you should turn from the:当你从一个三车道的单行道转左弯时离开,你应该:a. right laneb. center lanec. left laned. either lane23. If a child ran into the street 60 to 65 feet ahead of your vehicle, what is the highest speed from which you could stop, with good brakes, before hitting him?如果前方60-65Feet有个小孩,在能安全刹车时,你最快的车速是多少?a. 20 mphb. 30 mphc. 40 mphd. 50 mph24. If you must walk on the highway you should:如果你必须在高速公路上步行,你应该:a. walk on the left side in order to watch the approaching trafficb. walk on the side that has widest shouldersc. walk on the right side in order that approaching vehicles may see you betterd. you should never walk on the highway25. When turning you should give the proper signal:你应该在多远距离时给出转向灯信号?a. at least 25 feet before turningb. at least 50 feet before turningc. at least 75 feet before turningd. at least 100 feet before turning26. In this picture, if you were driving vehicle #1, you should:如果你正在驾驶#1 号汽车,你应该:a. try to hold up vehicle #3 so you may turn in front of itb. try to hold up vehicle #4 so you may turn in front of itc. wait until is safe to turnd. always speed up and turn in front of vehicle #427. What do you need to have to be able to drive if you have had your license suspended?如果你的驾照被吊销了,你需要什么才能开车?a. you cannot drive at all if you have had your license suspendedb. an essential need licensec. you do not need to have any other documentd. your IDRule test 21. When approaching an intersection, bridge or railroad crossing, you should never drive on the left half of the roadway when within:当你接近交叉路口,桥或者是铁轨时,你不应该把车开到距离车行道最左半边多近之内:a. 100 feetb. 150 feetc. 200 feetd. 250 feet2. 4, alcohol‐related offense of possession or consumption of alcohol by a minor is:a. $1,000b. $750c. $500d. $2,0003. The headlights must be turned on:a. only after it gets completely darkb. 30 minutes before sunsetc. at sunsetd. never need to4. A flashing red traffic light means:a. stop until the green lightb. slow downc. detourd. stop, look, and yield before proceeding5. At 20 miles per hour the average driver, from the moment he sees danger until he hits the brake, will travel about:a. 10 feetb. 44 feetc. 55 feetd. 88 feet6. When making a long trip, you should stop for a rest:a. about every two hoursb. quickly, so as to reduce the time off the highwayc. only when you stop for meals and gasd. about every four hours or 200 miles7. The maximum fine for a person age 21 and older who is driving and drinking alcoholic beverage is:a. $50b. $200c. $500d. $1,0008. If a driver (age 21 or older) accidentally runs over and kills someone while DUI of intoxicating liquor, the worst offense with which the driver may be charged is:a. intoxication manslaughterb. negligent homicide (causing death by carelessness)c. drunkennessd. driving while under the influence of intoxicating liquor9. The maximum daytime speed limit for passenger cars on highway numbered by this state or theUnited States is:a. 45 mphb. 55 mphc. 70 mphd. 65 mph10. When the vehicle ahead of you stops to let a pedestrian pass in front of it, you should:a. sound and horn (immature)b. overtake to the right (risky)c. overtake to the left (stupid)d. stay in line and wait until the vehicle ahead proceeds11. You may lawfully allow an object to extend beyond the left side of your vehicle:a. 3 inchesb. 6 inchesc. 9 inchesd. 12 inches12. On multiple lane highways slow drives should drive:a. in a middle lane (stay out Bud, I’m here!)b. in the left‐hand lane (passing only now!)c. in the right‐hand laned. in whatever lane other slow drivers may be using13. Stopping a vehicle with good brakes from 20 miles per hour under good conditions requires about:a. 63 feet including thinking distanceb. 80 feet including thinking distancec. 128 feet including thinking distanced. 186 feet including thinking distance14. When possible, pedestrians should walk:a. on the side of the road facing trafficb. on the right side of the road avoiding oncoming trafficc. on a sidewalkd. on the side of the road with the lightest traffic15. Drivers become subject to the liability insurance law when accident damages amount to:a. $25 to property of one personb. $50 to property of one personc. $100 to property of one persond. at least $1,000 to property of one person16. It is a violation of State law for pedestrians to:a. stand in the roadway for the purposes of soliciting a rideb. cross streets in groupsc. jaywalk on any street in any city (jaywalk: act of crossing streets with traffic in a careless and dangerous way)d. run while crossing the street17. Your driver’s license may be suspended for causing:a. one minor accidentb. one serious accidentc. one near accidentd. two near accidents (the 1st week!)18. When meeting a school bus which has stopped to pick up or discharge children you must:a. sound your horn and carefully passb. stop; then you may carefully pass at a speed of not over 10 mphc. stop, wait until the buss has started or you are signaled by the driver to proceedd. slow down; pass carefully at a speed not over 10 mph19. After overtaking another motor vehicle on a two‐lane road, you can best judge when it is safe to drive back into the right‐hand lane by:a. waiting until you can see the overtaken vehicle in your rear view mirrorb. waiting until you can no longer see the overtaken vehicle on your rightc. waiting one full minuted. waiting until you can no longer see the overtaken vehicle in your rear view mirror20. You must give a signal either by hand and arm or by signal device:a. only at nightb. only if other traffic is affected by your movementc. anytime you change lanesd. only if you are driving a car or truck21. When turning you should give the proper signal:a. at least 25 feet before turningb. at least 50 feet before turningc. at least 75 feet before turningd. at least 100 feet before turning22. A green arrow showing a red traffic light means:a. stopb. you may go ahead carefully in the direction showed by the arrowc. slow downd. after stopping, you may go ahead in the direction showed by the arrow23. If you damage an unattended vehicle you must:a. call a wrecker and have it towed to a garageb. locate the owner or leave a signed statement on the vehiclec. stay at the scene until the owner returnsd. advise an officer24. If you are being passed, you should:a. increase your speedb. blow your horn and wave at the other driverc. stay in your laned. let him hit you and call the officer25. A person who has been drinking alcoholic beverages will usually:a. have an accident if he drivesb. have much faster reactionsc. have impaired judgment and coordinationd. fall asleep within an hour26. In this picture the driver of the vehicle on the two lane street shoulda. always yield to the driver of the vehicle on the four lane streetb. take the right‐of‐way cautiously because he is on the rightc. stop only if there is a stop sign directing him to do sod. take the right‐of‐way if he is the first vehicle into the intersection27. In this picture the driver of the vehicle on the unpaved road shoulda. take the right‐of‐way cautiously because he is on the rightb. yield to the vehicle on the paved road in all instancesc. be prepared to stop if the vehicle on the paved road does notd. stop only if there is a sign on the unpaved road28. In an uncontrolled intersection you should give right‐of‐way toa. the vehicle that entered the intersection on or fromb. the vehicle that entered the intersection on or from your rightc. the vehicle that entered the intersection firstd. the fastest vehicle。
汽车类题库(1500题)通用试题(1315道题)1.道路交通安全法律、法规和规章(441题)1.1道路交通安全法(131道题)1.1.1选择题:(86题) 《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》是为了维护道路交通秩序,,提高通行效率。
A.保证车辆高速行驶B.圆满完成运输任务C.保护公民合法权益D.减少交通事故答案: C1.1.1.2 机动车经登记后,方可上道路行驶。
A.道路运输管理机构B.公安机关交通管理部门C.工商部门D.税务部门答案:B1.1.1.3 尚未登记的机动车,需要临时上道路行驶,应当。
A.取得临时通行牌证B.到公安机关备案C.直接上路行驶D.在车窗上张贴合格证答案:A1.1.1.4 申请机动车登记,机动车所有人不需要提交的证明或凭证是。
A.驾驶证B.身份证明和机动车来历证明C.整车出厂合格证明或者机动车进口凭证D.车辆购置税的完税证明或者免税凭证答案:A1.1.1.5 机动车在以下哪种情形不需要办理相应的登记。
A.所有权发生转移的B.用作抵押的C.进行大修的D.报废的答案:C1.1.1.6 已达到报废标准的机动车上道路行驶。
A.允许临时B.不得C.经维修后可以D.缴管理费后可以答案:B21.1.1.7 允许收缴、扣留机动车驾驶证的机构是。
A.道路运输管理部门B.公安机关交通管理部门C.工商部门D.税务部门答案:B1.1.1.8 驾驶人在道路上驾驶机动车时,。
A.可以不携带驾驶证B.可以不携带行驶证C.必须携带驾驶证、行驶证和强制保险标志D.应携带出厂合格证明或进口凭证答案:C1.1.1.9 驾驶人驾驶机动车上道路行驶前,应当对机动车的进行认真检查。
A.安全技术状况B.整体结构C.所有部件D.齿轮油答案:A1.1.1.10 机动车驾驶人车辆。
A.在没有交通信号时可以任意驾驶B.应当依法、安全和文明驾驶驾驶员试题网中国驾驶员考试题大全3C.在没有交通警察时可随意驾驶D.可按照自己的习惯驾驶答案:B1.1.1.11 驾驶人在可以驾驶机动车。
a 1. A diamond shaped sign means(a) warning.(b) stop.(c) yield right of way.c 2. An upside-down triangle means(a) warning.(b) stop.(c) yield right of way.b 3. An octagon shaped sign means(a) warning.(b) stop.(c) yield right of way.b 4. When you come to a STOP sign, you should(a) be prepared to stop if there is an approaching car.(b) make a complete stop and proceed when safe.(c) slow down and proceed when safe.d 5. What should you do when you come to a STOP sign at an intersection?(a) Slow down and proceed with caution.(b) Stop only if there are any vehicles approaching the intersection.(c) Slow down, sound horn, and proceed.(d) Make a full stop and proceed when safe.b 6. The hand signal for a right turn is:(a) Point the arm and hand down.(b) Hold the arm and hand up.(c) Put the arm straight out.(d) Make a circular motion the arm.c 7. The hand signal for left turn is:(a) pointing the arm and hand down.(b) holding the arm and hand up.(c) pointing the arm and hand straight out.(d) making circular motion with the arm.a 8. When you are stopping or slowing down you should signal by(a) pointing arm and hand down.(b) putting the arm and hand straight up.(c) putting the arm straight out.(d) making a circular motion with arm.a 9. When the arm is extended outward, it means(a) left turn(b) slow or stop(c) right turna 10. When the arm and hand is pointing downward, it means (a) slow or stop.(b) left turn.(c) right turn.c 11. When the arm is extended upward, it means(a) slow or stop.(b) left turn.(c) right turn.b 12. You must signal at least how many feet before making a turn?(a) 57 ft.(b) 877 ft.(c) 377 ft.a 13. What is the meaning of a flashing yellow light?(a) slow down and proceed with caution(b) be prepared for the light to change red(c) stopc 14. What is the meaning of a flashing red light?(a) caution(b) stop and wait for the light to change green(c) stop and proceed when safea 15. What is the meaning of a flashing red traffic signal light at an intersection?(a) Stop completely as at a stop sign and proceed when safe.(b) Slow down and proceed with caution.(c) Stop and wait for a green light.(d) Sound horn and proceed with caution.c 16. A red signal light with a green arrow means(a) stop and wait for green light before making turn in the direction of the arrow.(b) stop and then proceed.(c) proceed with caution in the direction of the arrow, yielding the right of way to pedestrians and vehicles in the intersection.(d) the green arrow is a signal for pedestrians only.a 17. When can you make a right turn on a red traffic signal ?(a) After a full stop, if there is no sign prohibiting right turn on red and way is clear.(b) When traffic light first change.(c) When yielding to pedestrians and traffics.b 18. You may turn right on a red light when(a) you stop and traffic is clear.(b) you stop, traffic is clear, and there is no sign to prohibit your turn.(c) you slow down and see that traffic is clear.a 19. What does a double solid yellow line indicate?(a) passing prohibited(b) passing permitted when safea 20. What does a broken line on your side and a solid line on the other side mean?(a) You can pass when safe.(b) passing prohibited(c) Cars coming the opposite direction can pass when safe.b 21. If a traffic signal is green and a police officer signals you to stop, you should(a) obey the traffic signal(b) obey the traffic officer(c) first obey the traffic officer, then the signal(d) do what the vehicle in front of you does.b 22. You are driving to an intersection where a traffic light is red. A policeman motions you to go through, you should(a) obey the traffic.(b) obey the traffic officer.(c) first obey the traffic officer, then the signal.(d) do what the vehicle in front of you does.b 23. You have reached on intersection in a lane marked left turn only, you should(a) Proceed straight ahead.(b) Make left turn.(c) Make right turn.(d) Drive into through traffic lane.c 24. In what position must you be when making a left hand turn?(a) near the middle(b) to the right(c) in the left most lane used by traffic going in your directionc 25. On a two lane roadway (one way traffic), the left lane is for(a) slow moving traffic.(b) only to be used when passing.(c) passing and preparing to make a left hand turn.a 26. On a one way two-lane road way, the left lane is for(a) passing and preparing to make left turn.(b) passing only.(c) fast moving traffic.(d) slowing down speed of traffic.a 27. You have reached an intersection in a lane marked left turn only, you should(a) make a left turn.(b) try to get out of the lane as quickly as possible.(c) signal and change lanes when it is safe.c 28. When making a left turn, you should drive(a) whenever the traffic is the lightest unless a special left turn lane is available.(b) several miles above the speed limit so you will not hold up the traffic behind you.(c) in the left-most lane used in the traffic going in your direction.(d) close to the right-hand side of the road.c 29. If you are in a passing zone you should(a) slow down to the posted speed limit.(b) signal to other vehicle to pass you if you are going below the speed limit.(c) make sure you are going within the posted speed limit.(d) keep steady even pressure on the gas pedal.c 30. The best way to tell whether or not you are permitted to pass another vehicle isto see if(a) there is a flashing green light.(b) the road is straight.(c) there are solid or broken lane markings.b 31. The best way to tell whether you are permitted to pass other vehiclesis to see if(a) there is a green flashing light.(b) there are solid or broken lane markings.(c) the vehicle ahead signals that it is ok to pass.(d) the road ahead is straight.b 32. The end of a no passing zone means(a) it is safe to pass.(b) you can only pass when it is safe.(c) passing is not permitted.a 33. Driving slower than the posted minimum speed limit when not necessary for safety is(a) a violation of the law.(b) the right of any driver.(c) not advisable.(d) a good rule to follow.c 34. When may you drive the maximum speed limit?(a) at all times(b) only during the day(c) if the vehicle, highway and weather conditions are idealb 35. If a traffic signal changes while a pedestrian is still in the street(a) vehicle making turn have the right of way.(b) pedestrian has the right of way.(c) vehicle coming from the right have the right of way.(d) vehicle coming from the left have the right of way.a 36. If a pedestrian is crossing the street in an unmarked crosswalk, you should(a) yield the right of way.(b) blow your horn and maintain speed.(c) slow down and blow your horn.C 37. If a pedestrian is crossing at an intersection where there are no traffic controls, you should(a) take the right of way but do not strike him.(b) slow down and proceed with care.(c) stop and give him the right of way.(d) blow your horn and take the right of way.a 38. You are driving up to an intersection where there is no signal light or policeman. In a cross walk, a pedestrian is crossing your half of the street, you should(a) stop and give him the right of way.(b) blow your horn and maintain speed.(c) slow down and blow your horn.(d) take the right of way but do not strike him.b 39. When two cars reach an intersection at the same time, the right of way should be given to(a) the car coming from the left.(b) the car coming from the right(c) the oncoming car.(d) the car traveling fastest.b 40. The law requires that you do not follow any fire engines traveling to a fire closer than(a) 377 ft.(b) 577 ft.(c) 8777 ft.c 41. On a short entrance to an interstate, where there is no acceleration lane.(a) Enter the far right traffic lane and speed up to the flow of traffic there.(b) Use the shoulder of main road to get up to the speed of the traffic.(c) Speed up to the entrance only after you have found a gap in traffic.(d) Come to a complete stop before entering the interstate.c 42. If there is a short entrance to an interstate where there is no acceleration lane, you should(a) stop and look for a gap in traffic.(b) pick up speed to match traffic.(c) speed up on the entrance only if you have found a gap in traffic.a 43. When leaving an interstate highway, you should(a) get into the right hand lane well before reaching exit and follow posted speed limit.(b) increase speed to pass vehicle not exiting.(c) signal and come to a gradual stop just before the exit.a 44. When leaving an interstate, you should(a) get into the right lane well ahead of time and follow the posted speed limit on exit ramp.(b) slow down on the main highway.(c) speed up as you enter the deceleration lane.b 45. When entering an interstate from a left entrance, you should(a) enter to road at a speed faster than the speed limit.(b) compare what you see in your mirrors with what you see when looking over your shoulder.(c) stop when the right lane is clear of approaching traffic.c 46. In general, you should stop before entering an interstate when(a) there is no special lane to use in order to speed up.(b) the entrance leads into the left lane of traffic.(c) waiting for a break in the traffic.(d) the entrance is short or has a low speed limit.a 47. What must a driver do before entering a street or highway from an alley, private road, or drive-way(a) Stop, yield right-of-way to pedestrians and vehicles.(b) Stop before entering the road only if there is a stop sign or a red light.(c) Slow down only when there is traffic on the road.(d) Slow down and sound your horn before entering the road.b 48. Before entering a street of highway from alley, private road, or driveway, you should(a) slow down.(b) stop and yield the right of way to the pedestrians and vehicles.(c) blow your horn to warn pedestrians and move into traffic when safe.b 49. On a street or highway where traffic is moving in both directions what position must you be in before a left hand turn?(a) close to the left side of the highway(b) to the right of and as close to the center line as possible(c) in the right hand laned 50. Under which of the following conditions would the road be more likely to be slippery(a) Center lines have just been painted.(b) New highway just opened for public use.(c) It has rained for several hours.(d) It has just started to rain or drizzle.b 51. Your following distance under normal conditions should be(a) one car length for every 27 mph.(b) 2 seconds.(c) 577 ft.c 52. Under normal road contitions, you should keep a following distance of(a) two car lengths.(b) 25 to 37 ft.(c) two seconds.a 53. When following a car in bad weather, you should(a) increase your following distance to 3 or 4 seconds.(b) stay 877 ft. behind.(c) keep your following distance the same.a 54. The distance you should follow another vehicle should be determined by(a) speed, weather, road, and vehicle mechanical conditions.(b) legal speed limit.(c) condition of vehicle.(d) type of highway.a 55. The distance between motor vehicles traveling on a highway should be how many vehicle lengths for each ten miles of speed?(a) one vehicle length.(b) two vehicle lengths.(c) three vehicle lengths.c 56. You are required to keep a safe distance behind the vehicle in front of you at 37 m.p.h.you should keep(a) one car length in back.(b) two car lengths in back.(c) three car lengths in back.(d) ten feet in back.a 57. Good drivers traveling in heavy fog at night always use the(a) low beams.(b) high beams.(c) parking lights.(d) no lights.a 58. When light are required on the open highway, a driver shall use the high beam(a) except when within 577 feet of an oncoming vehicle(b) except when within 477 feet of an oncoming vehicle(c) except when within 277 feet of an oncoming vehiclec 59. When driving a motor vehicle at night, you should dim your headlights when(a) 577 ft. from meeting an oncoming car.(b) 377 ft. behind another car.(c) both of the above.(d) neither of the above.a 60. When meeting a car with blinding headlights, you should(a) use quick glances, looking away from the bright lights.(b) stare at the oncoming headlights to make sure you will not go into his lane.(c) turn on your lights until the other driver dims his lights.a 61. Before changing lane in traffic, you should(a) see if it is safe, and then signal.(b) have your turn signal on for at least a minute.(c) sound your horn.(d) be stopped or driving slower than the other traffica 62. Under which of the following conditions would the road be most likely to be slippery?(a) It has just started to rain or drizzle.(b) It has been raining for an hour or more.(c) on a dry surface.b 63. You are driving on a slippery road and you have to make a stop quickly. The best way to do this is to(a) jam on your brake.(b) pump the brake pedal.(c) gradually hit your brake pedal.(d) apply brakes in normal manner.b 64. When approaching a curve, you should(a) pick up speed slightly.(b) decrease speed before entering the curve.(c) decrease speed as you enter the curve.d 65. Prior to entering a curve, a good practice is to(a) ride the center of the road.(b) maintain steady speed and apply brakes if necessary.(c) slow down only when pavement is slippery.(d) slow down and then increase speed after getting the feel of the curve.d 66. If you saw a vehicle stopped on the shoulder with its hood up, you should(a) Turn on your emergency flashers to warn other vehicles and continue at the same speed.(b) Speed up and change lanes.(c) Blow your horn to warn its driver.(d) Slow down and move to the left part of the lane.a 67. If you have a blow out while driving, you should(a) slowly let up on the accelerator(Gas Pedal) and look for a safe place to drive off the road.(b) apply the brakes as soon as you notice the blow out.(c) keep going at the same speed until you can get off the road.(d) continue driving on the shoulder until you get to the next exit.d 68. When a tire blows out, the safest thing to do is(a) drive on the shoulder of the road and apply brakes.(b) steer straight ahead.(c) apply brakes for a quick stop.(d) slow down gradually, pull off the roadway.a 69 When a tire blows, the safest thing to do is(a) look for a safe place to drive off the road.(b) pump your brakes and stop immediately.(c) stop gradually on the road and warn other drivers by turning on your emergency lightsa 70. If a car is disabled on the side of the road with its hood up, you should(a) slow down and move to the left side of you lane.(b) maintain speed.(c) blow your horn to warn the driver not to come into your laneb 71. Whenever the windows of your car become cloudy, obstructing your vision, you should(a) continue to drive your car but reduce speed.(b) stop and clear windows.(c) continue at normal speed.(d) slow down and drive to service station.a 72. If you become tired or sleepy while driving, you should(a) stop and rest.(b) drink coffee and tea.(c) drive more carefully.(d) turn on the radio.d 73. If you become tired or sleepy while driving, it is best to(a) take anti-sleep pills.(b) stop for a cup of coffee.(c) stop and exercise until you wake up.(d) rest or if possible change a driver.c 74. The first driving ability affected by alcohol is(a) knowledge.(b) skill.(c) judgment.a 75. Alcohol first effects(a) judgement and coordination.(b) knowledge.(c) skill.a 76. If you are convicted for operating a vehicle while under the influence of any alcoholic beverage, you will(a) lose your privilege to drive a motor vehicle.(b) be given a warning by the department of Motor Vehicles(c) be permitted to drive trucks or buses only.(d) be permitted to drive during daylight only.b 77. Before begining to pass you should(a) drive up close behind the lead vehicle.(b) judge the speed of the lead vehicle.(c) slow down so you will have more room to pass.(d) blow your horn and put on the bright lights.b 78. When deciding to pass, you should(a) see if there is an oncoming car.(b) judge the speed of the lead car.(c) accelerate to go faster than the car in front.c 79. You may pass a vehicle on the right only if(a) you use the shoulder when passing.(b) you are on a two-lane road and there is oncoming traffic.(c) the vehicle ahead of you is about to make a left turn.(d) the vehicle ahead signals that it is all right to pass.c 80. When overtaking a car going in the same direction, you may pass on the right(a) never.(b) if there is a shoulder.(c) when the car ahead of you has signaled for a left hand turn.c 81. When overtaking and passing another vehicle, you should(a) sound horn and pass when safe.(b) sound horn and wait until the other driver signals that it is safe.(c) you do not have to blow your horn.c 82. When passing, you should return to the right side of the road when(a) you are 85 ft. ahead of the car you are passing.(b) you are 877 ft. ahead of the car you are passing.(c) you see the headlights of the vehicle you just passed in your rear view mirror.d 83. When passing a vehicle, you should return to the right side of the road when(a) you are 57 feet in front of the passed vehicle.(b) the other driver signals you to do so.(c) you have cleared the front bumper by a rear view mirror.(d) you can see both its headlights in your rear view mirror.a 84. If you are driving a vehicle being overtaken, you should(a) give way to the right in favor of the overtaking vehicle.(b) speed up.(c) speed up and move to the right.c 85. If you decide to stop to a vehicle ahead of you pull into a parking space, you should(a) move up only behind it as it pulls into space.(b) come to complete stop directly behind it.(c) stop several vehicle lengths behind it.(d) move into the next lane, but wait until it has parked space.c 86. Before moving your car into traffic from a parked position, you should(a) sound your horn and go ahead.(b) signal and pull into the street.(c) signal, yield the right of way, and pull into the street.(d) signal, wait for first vehicle to pass, and then pull into the street.b 87. Before moving your car into traffic from a parked position or changing lanes, you should(a) signal and enter.(b) signal and proceed when safe.(c) go when it is clear.(d) blow your horn and then enter traffic.b 88. If following a car that has its signal on and is ready to park, you should(a) more to the left and pass quickly.(b) stop several vehicle lengths behind it.(c) pass the car on the right.c 89. When you are following vehicles which often stop (bus, post office car,etc.)(a) Do not pass, wait until turn off the road.(b) Blow your horn to warn.(c) Allow more following distance than usual.(d) Keep your emergency flashers turned on.c 90. When meeting a stopped school bus, you should(a) stop only when approaching from the rear.(b) stop only when approaching from the front.(c) stop when approaching from the front and rear.b 91. How can you see a car in your blind spot(a) by using both your side and rear view mirror.(b) by glancing over your shoulder.(c) by read justing the outside mirror.d 92. You should check your brakes, lights, and signals(a) only when required to do so.(b) about once a year.(c) about once every 8777 miles(d) each time you drive.c 93. You should check brakes, lights and signals(a) every 577 miles.(b) once a month.(c) each time you drive.c 94. When you see or hear an emergency vehicle with a flashing light, siren blowing or bell ringing, you should(a) maintain speed.(b) slow down.(c) pull over to the right.b 95. If you strike an unattended vehicle, you are required to(a) stay at the scene.(b) leave your name, address, and registration number, and notify the police.(c) leave your driver's license on the damaged car and call your insurance company.(d) not move your vehicle until the accident is investigated.c 96. A person whose driver license is refused, suspended, revoked or cancelled shall(a) drive only in an emergency.(b) only drive during the day.(c) not drive under any condition.(d) drive when there is a licensed driver with him.b 97. Driving in violation of any restrictions on your license is(a) the same as driving without a license.(b) more serious than driving without a license.(c) less serious than driving without a license.(d) permitted in unusual cases.c 98. What cards must you have with you when operating a motor vehicle?(a) registration card(b) driver's license(c) registration card and driver's licenseb 99. If your vehicle goes into a skid, you should(a) steer in the opposite direction that your rear is skidding.(b) steer in the direction that your rear is skidding.(c) jam on your brake.c 100. The best way to bring your car out of a skid is to(a) turn steering wheel first right, when left.(b) put brakes on quickly and hard.(c) turn the steering wheel in the direction of the skid.(d) increase speed.c 101. Generally, the safest drivers are those drivers who(a) are good auto mechanics.(b) have no physical defects.(c) are always alert and obey the traffic laws.(d) drive slowly at all times.b 102. Most traffic accidents are the result of(a) mechanical defects in automobiles.(b) errors in driver's judgement.(c) defects in the road.(d) bad weather contitions.以上美国考驾照笔试题目102道,附答案,方便大家查阅。
12、为了提高教学效率和效果,教练员运用教学磁板组织教学前,应该___。( )
1.图<4>表示什么? 答案:CA.合并道路B.靠右行车C.停车标志D.学校平交道2.图<14>表示什么? 答案:AA.前面有山坡B.靠右行车C.学校平交道D.单行路出口3.图<12>表示什么? 答案:DA.合并道路B.靠右平行C.火车平交道D.错入单程路出口4.图<8>表示什么? 答案:BA.停车标志 B .靠右行车 C.前路收窄 D.学校平交道5.图<7>表示什么? 答案:DA.让路标志B. 靠右行车C.火车平交道D.学校平交道6.图<3>表示什么? 答案:AA.合并道路B.停车标志C.前面有山坡D.前面路窄7.图<5>表示什么? 答案:BA.合并道路B.火车平交道C.单行路出口D.靠右行车8.图<1>表示什么? 答案:DA.靠右平行B.前面有山坡C.单行道出口D.前面弯路及窄路9.图<9>表示什么? 答案:CA.合并道路B.停车标志C.让路标志D.学校平交道1 当你到达十字路口而看到黄色的闪灯时,你一定要:1.停,如果你想转右2.保持同样的速度行驶3.停车,如果你想转左4.慢驶,然后小心前进④2 当你在变线行车路上驾驶,听到紧急信号的车,法律上要求你怎样做?1.加速,尽快离开2.打灯号,让驾驶者超越3.尽快驶向路的最右方停下4.保持同一速度行驶③3 当需要车头灯时,在什么情况下开低灯?1.与最接近你的车辆相距一公里(0.6哩)内2.与最接近你的车辆相距150公尺(500呎)内3.与最接近你的车辆相距300公尺(1000呎)内4.这是为安全而设,并不是法律规定②4 当你驶近“停牌”时,你应:1.慢驶,鸣笛然后前进2.慢驶,当安全才继续前进3.停车,鸣笛然后前进4.停车,当安全才前进④5 除非有标志指明,不然在城市、市镇、乡村或发展区内最高的驾驶速度应是:1.每小时30公里(20哩)2.每小时50公里(30哩)3.每小时40公里(25哩)4.每小时60公里(35哩)②6 当亮红灯时,你想驶过十字路口,你一定要:1.停车,让行人有优先权,然后小心前进2.停车,当交通安全才前进3.慢驶,交通安全才前进4.停车,直至灯号转绿色,同时安全才前进④7 当驶入高速公路时,你应该:1.停在加速线,看准有安全的位置才尽快驶入高速公路2.加速达到高速公路的速度,然后驶入公路交通中3.慢车,然后用直角方向驶入高速公路4.慢驶,随时准备停下来应付公路的交通②8 在公路,驾驶者不准在其汽车所拖的露营车或拖船上载有:1.枪械2.容易燃烧原料3.人(乘客)4.家畜③9 在双程路上,你想转左之前,你应在什么位置?1.靠近路的右手边2.靠近路的左手边3.尽量在最接近中线的右边行车路上4.没有关系,只要打灯号便可③10 在十字路口亮绿灯时,以下谁最有优先权?1.行人不守灯号过马路2.行人遵守灯号过马路3.正在转右的车辆4.正在转左的车辆②11 在单程路上你想转左之前,你应在路的什么位置?1.靠近路的右手边2.靠近路的中线3.靠近路的左手边4.不成问题,只要你打讯号③12 当电车停下让乘客上落,当时没有安全岛,你想驶过电车时,法律上要你怎样做?1.停在电车后面,然后前进2.响号,同时小心驶过3.由左边驶过,当交通安全4.在电车后门2公尺(6呎)之后停车,让乘客上落,直至安全才驶过④13 在十字路口闪着红灯,表示:1.慢驶,然后加倍小心驾驶2.慢驶,如有需要,让左右迎面的车辆有优先权3.灯号坏了,小心前进4.停车,直至安全才前进④14 当红灯可以转右时,在未驶入十字路口前,法律上你应怎么做?1.慢驶,小心前进2.停车,然后侧侧地进入交通中3.停车,打灯号,当不阻碍别地车辆及行人才转弯4.慢驶,打讯号及转弯③15 当你想转右时,你应驶在路的哪一条线?1.靠近路的左边2.靠近路的右边3.靠近路的中线4.不成问题,打灯便可②16 当到达十字路口,绿灯刚转黄灯,你应怎样做?1.停车,如果停车是危险的,前进要加倍小心2.加速,并尽快驶过十字路口3.继续驶过十字路口,不用慢驶或停下来4.响号,并警告行人和别的驾驶者,使他们知道你不会停车①17 某人的驾驶执照被吊销后他1.在非常紧急时,可以驾驶2.返工及放工时才准驾驶3.在有车牌的人陪同下才可驾驶4.在任何情况下都不准驾驶④18 在安大略省,是有安全带法例1.对2.不对3.只是在公路上驾驶时4.只是在市区内驾驶时①19 当两架车在大约同一时间驶到没有标志的十字路口,哪一架车有优先权?1.从左方驶来的车辆2.从右方驶来的车辆3.两者都不是4.驶得较快的车辆②20 在安全的情况下,可从别的车辆右方超越:1.任何街道及公路都准许2.如果可能在路旁驶过是准许的3.无论在什么情况下都不准许4.是准许的,当街道及公路有两条或以上同一方向的行车线④21 法律上,在什么时候需要把车头灯开着?1.在日落和日出时2.在黄昏及黎明之间和在任何时间150公尺(500呎)内看不清时3.在日落前半小时,在日出后半小时及任何时间在150公尺(500呎)内看不清事物时4.没有特别时间规定③22 驾驶者是否要负责车上乘客扣上安全带呢?1.只是乘客在十六岁以上2.只是乘客在五岁至十六岁3.只是乘客在前面的座位4.只是乘客在十八岁以上②23 当需要开车头灯时,驾驶者必要用低灯,当跟在别的车后面1. 30公尺(100呎)内2. 60公尺(200呎)内3. 120公尺(400呎)内4. 只是当接近其他车辆时②24 当驶近“让牌”时,在法例上你应怎样做?1.慢下,如有需要时停下及让路于有优先权者先行2.停,然后慢驶入交通中3.停,然后快速驶入交通中4.加速,并挤迫入交通中①25 酒精在人体血液中占什么份量,使你成为危险驾驶者及有罪?1. 0.03%2. 0.05%3. 0.08%4. 1.0%③26 在十字路口,亮红灯并有绿色箭头表示:1.停,先等候绿灯,然后向绿色箭头的方向转2.小心向着箭头的方向转,让路于有优先权的车辆及行人3.停车,然后前进4.绿色箭头只是给行人的讯号②27 一定要报警的交通意外是当有人受伤或损失超过1.一百元2.一百五十元3.二百元4.一千元④28 在十字路口,转左及转右都准许时,绿色闪灯表示:1.路上安全,你可转左2.路上安全,你可转右3.路上安全,你可直驶4.你可做任何以上的④29 如果交通灯转了,而行人仍然在过马路,以下谁有优先权1.驾驶者正在转弯2.行人3.驾驶者从右面驶来4.驾驶者从左面驶来②30 如果你被控醉酒行车,第一次会被罚停牌多久?1.一个月2.三个月3.六个月4.一年④31 在车上装有蓝色闪灯是表示:1.车内装有爆炸品2.铲雪的车辆3.救伤车4.有紧急事的警车②32 如果你置身于交通意外,而当时有人受伤,你一定要:1.立即报告意外于最近的省警察或当地警察2.在四十八小时内报告意外于最近的省警察或当地警察3.只是报告意外向你的保险公司4.只是报告意外事件给交通部①33 在离开城市,镇或乡村的高速公路同一方向行驶,除超越外,跟在商业汽车后面应保持什么距离?1. 30公尺(100呎)2. 60公尺(200呎)3. 120公尺(400呎)4. 150公尺(500呎)②34 持有驾驶执照而需要转姓名或地址,他需要在什么时间内通知交通部?1.六天之内2.十五天之内3.三十天之内4.在换新牌前任何时间都可①35 如果你置身在一件交通意外,而一定要报警,在什么时间内,你要报告给最近你的省警察或当地警察?1.立刻2.在二十四小时之内3.在四十八小时之内4.在七十二小时内①36 当货车在高速公路上不能开动时,照明器或反光器一定要放在货车的前面或后面多远呢?1. 15公尺(50呎)2. 30公尺(100呎)3. 40公尺(200呎)4. 90公尺(300呎)②37 以下什么情形下“u”转是危险和不合法的:1.在弯路或在斜坡,视力从两方向150公尺(500呎)内看不清楚时2.在火车路上或火车路30公尺(100呎)之内3.在桥、高架公路或隧道中150公尺(500呎)内,视力受阻碍时4.以上所有的情形都包括在内④38 驾驶者被停牌,而被控再次驾驶,他应受什么责罚?1.罚款五百元或入狱六个月或两样都罚2.将汽车扣留三个月3.再加多六个月不准驾驶的权利4.以上任何一点或全部④39 当驶近火车路时,看到有电动式的机械讯号或有人拿着旗号警告有火车来时,你应:1.停车在距离路轨最少1.5公尺(5呎)2.加速尽快驶过火车路3.停车在距离路轨最少5公尺(15呎)4.慢驶,小心前进③40 如果车主没有买汽车保险,他有什么保障?1.一万元保险赔偿2.二万元保险赔偿3.三万五千元保险赔偿4.全无保险赔偿④41 在什么情形下,驾驶执照会被取消?1.没有去重考2.持有改过的执照3.重考而不合格4.以上任何情形或全部都是④42 警察有权要求车主拿出什么文件:1.如汽车有买保险——保险纸2.汽车车主证3.如只是汽车驾驶者——有效驾驶执照4.以上任何一项都是④43 在什么情形下可将驾驶执照借给他人?1.永远不能2.可以借给正在学车者3.只可作表明身份用4.在紧急时①44 当你驶近十字路口,正亮着红色交通灯,而警察打手势指挥你通过,你应:1.等候绿灯2.服从警察的指挥,立即通过3.让警察知道当时亮着红灯4.停下来,确定他要你通过45 驾驶者犯上开快车,比限制时速超过五十公里(三十哩)或以上时,法庭会将怎样处罚呢?1.停牌六个月2.停牌三十天3.扣留汽车六个月4.驾驶者入狱六个月②46 当你接近十字路口时,发觉十字路口前面交通很挤迫,你应:1.贴着前面的车辆行驶2.慢慢驶入十字路口,直至前面交通畅通后才前进3.停在十字路口之前,等待前面交通畅通后才前进4.响号警告前面车辆前进③47 一辆“校车”闪红灯停在中间没有栏杆或障碍物的高速公路中,无论你是迎面而来或从后面超越,法律要求你:1.没有关系,只要你响号2.停车,直至校车前进或红灯已不再闪3.等待接近的车辆驶过4.减低速度,同时小心驶过②48 驾驶人可能需要被接见问话或重考驾驶技术:1.当驾驶过失而被记下的分数达到九点2.当驾驶过失而被记下的分数达到三点3.当驾驶过失而被记下的分数达到六点4.当驾驶过失而被记下的分数达到十五点①49当驾驶过失达到九点时,被接见问话后,交通部可能暂停驾驶人执照:1.当驾驶人不能提出充分的理由反对停用执照2.当驾驶人没有五年的驾驶经验3.如驾驶人的执照不是作商业用途4.驾驶过失除非达到十五点交通部时不能暂停执照的①50 当驾驶人的过失记录达到十五点或以上时,执照将受暂停:1.自动停牌,从退回执照起停牌三十天2.由交通部再审查3.如执照不是作商业用途4.三个月51 当过失点达到十五分时,牌照要吊销三十天恢复驾驶后的分数,将会1.减到七分2.减到零分3.减到五分4.以上全不是①52 卖汽车给别人,卖车者应该:1.在卖车后六日内通知交通部及改车主姓名2.和买车者到换牌处登记更换新车主姓名3.如汽车没有“安全合格证”应交还车牌及车证给换牌处,而用卖车者的名下取得“汽车未合格证”4.以上所有情形都是④53 你应保持一种速度行车,无论在任何情况下,你也能:1.在90公尺(300呎)内停车2.在60公尺(200呎)内停车3.在一个安全距离内停车4.在150公尺(500呎)内停车③54 不能随时换线除非先:1.发出正确灯号及肯定安全才能转线2.减慢速度及打出正确灯号3.只看倒后镜4.响喇叭及望后面①55 法律规定泊车距离救火喉多远才是合法的:1. 3公尺(10呎)2. 4.5公尺(15呎)3. 1.5公尺(5呎)4. 6公尺(20呎)①56 大多数汽车滑胎的原因是:1.车胎汽不够2.车胎太多汽3.路上有雪或冰4.驾驶速度太快④57 在什么时候可用泊车灯?1.什么时候都可以用2.在泊车时用3.在大雾中驾驶时用4.在光线充足的街道上驾驶时用②58 在湿滑或结冰的路上快速停车的最好方法是:1.在脚制上一踏一放的方法,直至车辆完全停下来2.把脚离开脚制,使车自动停下3.大力踏在脚制上,预防车辆滑行4.像你平时一样方法踏脚制①59 在大雾中行驶,你应用:1.泊车灯2.低灯3.泊车灯及高灯4.高灯②60 当你泊车在向下的斜坡在你离开车之前,你应:1.扭直前胎与路边平行2.扭前胎向左,并拉紧手掣3.只是拉紧手掣4.扭前胎向右,并拉紧手掣④61 当你知道另一辆车准备驶过或超越时,你应:1.驶向路的右边,让他超越2.加速使他不能超越3.打灯号暗示他不要超越4.驶向左边,阻止他超越①62 当你右边车胎驶入路边泥地,哪一个是最好的方法让车驶回路面:1.大力把方向盘扭去左边2.踏脚制并大力把方向盘扭去左边3.脚离开油门,让车辆慢下来时才驶回路面4.踏脚制以减慢速度③63 当你驾驶每小时50公里(30哩)应该和前面车辆最少保持多远才安全:1.七个车位的距离2.三个车位的距离3.一个车位的距离4.五个车位的距离②64 除非有特别标志,负责在城市镇、乡村或发展区以外的公路,最高的驾驶速度是:1.每小时100公里(60哩)2.每小时80公里(50哩)3.每小时60公里(40哩)4.每小时50公里(30哩)②65 当你把车驶出停车位前,你应:1.看交通情形,打灯号及立即驶离路边2.响号然后慢慢从路边驶出3.看清楚交通情形,打灯号,当安全的时候才从路边驶出4.打灯号,然后驶出路边③66 当汽车驶下斜坡时,最安全的方法是:1.用低波行驶及利用机器帮助煞掣2.扭熄汽车机器3.用中波行驶4.解脱汽车离合器,使车溜下①67 夜间在快速公路行驶时,你必须用低灯,当你:1.接近十字路口2.遇到迎面有车来或跟在别的车辆后时3.当其他车辆用低灯4.遇到迎面车辆的车头灯,使你看不清楚②68 在夜间以最高限制速度行驶比日间更危险,因为:1.一些非法驾驶者只用泊车灯行驶2.在夜间,你不能看得前面很远3.在夜间,路面更用以湿滑4.你的反应在夜间会较慢②69 以下哪一种手势讯号是表示慢驶或停车?1.手臂伸出向上2.手臂伸直向窗外3.手臂伸出向下4.转圆圈的动作③70 在夜间行驶,当你遇到迎面车辆车灯很强烈耀眼,使你看不清楚,最安全的方法是:1.迅速的将眼睛一张一合2.看着迎面车辆的车头灯3.把车灯转用高灯4.把视线稍为望向路的右手边④71 当车辆停下来让行人过斑马线时,你应:1.从左面超越停下的车2.响号指挥停车的驾驶者向前行驶3.从右面超越停下的车4.不能超越任何停下来让行人过马路的车辆④72 路的中间有断续的线是代表:1.不能超越2.可以超越,当交通安全时3.随时可以超越4.在日间才可以超越②73 除非你打算扒过及超越另一辆车,或想转左,否则你应:1.驾驶在路的中间2.时时靠路的右面行驶3.在公路的沙地上行驶4.时时靠路的左边行驶②74 当你决定“U转”与否之前,你首先应查看:1.交通规则2.有没有树,救火喉,或路边灯柱3.你的汽车转弯的范围内4.路边的高度①75 路的中间,有一实线,有一虚线,而你靠近实线,实线的意思是:1.扒头或超越是不安全的2.没有车辆时才可以超越3.扒头及超越是安全的4.随时都可以超越①76 由私家路驶入公路之前,驾驶者应:1.响号并小心前进2.尽快驶入或横过公路3.打手势及取优先权先行4.让所有驶近公路的车辆有优先权④。
57。车道标有钻石符号是预留: 紧急车辆 高速车辆 军用车辆 高承载车辆(HOV)线
58。在工作区的交通警示标志通常是: 绿色 蓝色 红色 橙色
慢下来,让路过的汽车安全返回驱动器线 保持你的速度和位置,并观察即将到来的危险
你搞防御性驾驶 你有助减低交通挤塞 您的行动将不会导致交通引文 你可以阻挠其它司机,让他们愤怒(不懂)
51。不断努力制动在冰雪可以: 帮助你更快地停止 防止冻结刹车 将您的刹车片寿命 锁定不与反车辆配备防抱死制动系统,前轮,转向造成的损失
31。当大卡车要通过你,你该怎么办? 加快 车停靠在路边 鸣笛停止,直到卡车试图通过你 减慢缩短所需的时间通过你
32。哪种情况下会遇到盲点? 只有老年人都受到盲点 他们被淘汰,如果你有一对每车侧镜外 盲点可以通过在您的汽车后视镜检查看 大卡车,比大部分客运车辆大盲点
66。调整您的后方和侧后视镜: 当你需要使用它们 在你的车 之前,在夜间驾驶 然后再开始驾驶
67。如果你是经营汽车,而受酒精或其它药物的影响,您是在车祸,在另一人 (死亡以后的结果),您可以: 有您的许可证暂停 被落案控车辆杀人 如果罪名成立,被处以罚款和判处了有期徒刑 这些答案都是正确的
很多地方翻得不清不楚.... 我也看不明白= = 但是大概能理解题目的意思,记一下答案就可以了。
16 当你遇到绿灯但两旁却交通堵塞时,你应该
并车至另一股车道,并尝试绕过拥挤 进入路口等待交通缓解 鸣笛,并迫使您的方式进入路口 留在交通路口,直到缓解
驾照模拟试题SamplesofDriverWritten Tests1您打算从一条仅限右转的车道上右转,这时您注意到您的车道有一个黄色箭头。
您应当怎么办?保持速度,但是留神其他车辆在通过穿插路口前停下减速并小心通过9在以下情况下,您应当扩大您的汽车与前面的车辆之间的距离:跟随小轿车后面的车盯得很紧而拥挤行车速度低于公布的限速10 一个黄色菱形信号显示一个左转箭头。
这一信号的意思是:道路左转您不能左转只能在出现绿色箭头时左转11 您在一条左转车道之上看到一个信号说:「左转在绿灯亮时让行。
」这一信号的是什么意思?您只能在绿灯亮时左转您可在绿灯亮起并且平安时左转您必须等到信号灯全绿时左转12 除非另有标志说明,在住宅区限速是多少?每小时35哩每小时25哩每小时30哩13 信号指向右边并显示「单向」,意思是:右转单车道道路单向街道一车辆右转所有车辆在前方都必须右转14 出现浓雾或沙尘时最好怎么办?在情况改善前不要开车不要开得太慢,因为其他司机可能会撞上您轮流翻开远光灯和近光灯,以提升能见度15 如果在铁路旁停下,您可在以下情况下穿过铁路:只有在您能够看清两侧方向时火车通过您的道路即可只有在火车完全消失时16 一个黄色菱形信号显示绕过一个障碍物。
北美驾照笔试题库及答案1. 交通信号灯显示黄色时,你应该:A. 立即停车B. 减速并准备停车C. 快速通过D. 保持当前速度答案:B2. 当你看到校车停车并闪烁红色信号灯时,你应该:A. 减速并观察B. 从校车左侧超车C. 停车等待D. 继续行驶答案:C3. 在高速公路上,如果遇到紧急情况,你应该:A. 立即停车B. 减速并寻找安全地点停车C. 继续行驶D. 快速驶离高速公路答案:B4. 在雨雪天气中驾驶时,你应该:A. 增加与前车的距离B. 减少与前车的距离C. 保持与前车相同的距离D. 无视与前车的距离答案:A5. 如果你在驾驶时感到疲劳,你应该:A. 继续驾驶B. 停车休息C. 听音乐提高注意力D. 打开窗户让风吹进来答案:B6. 在交通拥堵时,你应该:A. 紧跟前车B. 保持安全距离C. 从右侧超车D. 鸣笛催促前车答案:B7. 当你听到救护车或消防车的警报声时,你应该:A. 继续行驶B. 靠右停车让路C. 加速离开D. 鸣笛回应答案:B8. 在夜间驾驶时,你应该:A. 使用远光灯B. 使用近光灯C. 不使用车灯D. 交替使用远光灯和近光灯答案:B9. 当你看到行人在人行道上行走时,你应该:A. 减速并准备停车B. 继续行驶C. 鸣笛提醒行人D. 从行人左侧超车答案:A10. 在交叉路口,如果你看到交通信号灯显示绿色,你应该:A. 停车等待B. 减速并观察C. 继续行驶D. 鸣笛提醒其他车辆答案:C。
美国驾照考题1. 在换车道时,为了弥补在后视镜中的盲点,你应该:A、回头查看后视镜不能显示的东西。
第一部分:交通标志和标线(标志符号、颜色和形状)1. 请简要解释以下道路标志的含义:情景:一个红色的圆形标志上有一个白色的水平方向车辆指示:停止线解释:这个标志表示驾驶员需要在此处停车并等待,直到确保道路安全后再继续前行。
2. 请简要解释以下道路标线的含义:情景:一条双实线,其中一条实线是远离驾驶员指示:禁止超车解释:这条双实线表示驾驶员不得超车或越过车道分界线。
第二部分:驾驶规则和交通安全法律1. 当道路上有一个警察车辆使用警灯或声响器,或者公共汽车正在上下乘客时,你应该怎么做?答案:在这种情况下,你应立即减速并谨慎通过。
2. 何时可以使用手机或其他手持设备?答案:根据美国交通规则,使用手持设备(如手机)是危险和非法的。
第三部分:驾驶技巧和安全措施1. 行驶中,如果突然遇到汽车爆胎,你应该怎么做?答案:当汽车爆胎时,驾驶员应该保持冷静并遵循以下步骤:放松脚上的油门,轻轻握住方向盘,尽量保持直行,使用转向灯往安全地带驶离行驶道。
2. 在紧急制动情况下,如何正确使用刹车以避免与其他车辆发生碰撞?答案:紧急制动需要谨慎操作。
18、当行人出现交通违法行为时,机动车可以不给行人让行。( )
19、驾驶训练初期,为了保证学员动作的准确性,教练员可以适当放慢训练的进度。( )
3、示范教学通过学员的( ) ,增强其对动作理解和模仿的能力。
26、安全行车主要取决于驾驶技术的熟练程度,与人的情绪无关。( )
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
通过你时比限度车速快 通过您的允许 行驶在你身后(这个翻得不确定) 从你左边通过
21 以下,什么是最安全的预防措施,您就可以在手机和驾驶时使用: 使用免提装置,使你可以保持在方向盘上,双手 保持近便的电话,让您不需要脱掉你的眼睛的道路 发送短信息,只有在驾驶时,不以实际通话 拉在了一个安全区,停止使用您的移动电话
66。调整您的后方和侧后视镜: 当你需要使用它们 在你的车 之前,在夜间驾驶 然后再开始驾驶
67。如果你是经营汽车,而受酒精或其它药物的影响,您是在车祸,在另一人 (死亡以后的结果),您可以: 有您的许可证暂停 被落案控车辆杀人 如果罪名成立,被处以罚款和判处了有期徒刑 这些答案都是正确的
56。最好的办法,以防止打滑是: 你的速度增加 煞车坚决 反过来,以避免积水 减慢,湿滑的路面时
57。车道标有钻石符号是预留: 紧急车辆 高速车辆 军用车辆 高承载车辆(HOV)线
58。在工作区的交通警示标志通常是: 绿色 蓝色 红色 橙色
只能使用肩带 正确同时使用膝部和肩部安全带
64。当你接近一个交通信号显示一个稳定的黄灯,你必须: 停止如果它这样做的安全 穿过十字路口路要走变成红色 慢下来,小心行事 准备停止
65。行人使用导盲犬或携带的白色拐杖必须是: 什么时候告诉过马路 由于权利的路只有在角落 权利的路没有放弃 鉴于绝对权利的路
23。你为什么要清洁您的大灯? 肮脏的前大灯大大降低了您和您的车头灯的输出能够看到 头灯的感应器,以防止他们在肮脏的镜头转向 这是非法的驱动脏车头灯 您可以增加您的车头灯的使用寿命
24 如果你停在拥挤的路况下并且可能撞到后方,您应该: 保证自己在自己的座位上和在必要时刹车(这个我也没懂) 把你的汽车转向中间 高声鸣笛 从汽车运行
68。在没有当过门铁轨拦下,你可能交叉: 只有当列车完全脱离视线 一旦列车已通过您的巷道 在任何时候 - 你的权利路 只有当你可以清楚地看到在两个方向
69。为了避免被迎面驶来的汽车在夜间蒙蔽,你应该: 眯着眼睛,以减少眩光 穿偏光防眩光眼镜 集中在中心线 看看路的右边缘暂时以指导自己
70。如果您遇到轮胎爆了: 加快和鸣笛 煞车坚决 塔或以点刹 轻轻地应用制动压力,并不断拉交给公路旁
62。没有人行横道,你看到一个行人过路你的行车前进。你应该: 眼神接触,然后通过他/她 继续推动一般 - 你有权利通行 减慢你通过他/她 停止并产生的通行权的行人过街
63。如果你的车辆有两部分组成的安全带系统,你应该: 只能使用腰带 只有在你决定使用整个系统
15. 如果有行人进入行车道你应当 减速停车 不断鸣笛 换入其他车道 16 同时系肩部和腰部的安全带 比只系一根安全带保护性能好 可以预防危险的发生 和只系一根安全带保护性能一样好 17. stop sign 有一辆车它已经停下,你在它后面,它开走后 你需要停车后开走 直接开走 18 在高速公路行驶你发现后车与你的距离很近你应当 适当的减速,鼓励后车超车 加速前进 变换车道
37。总是在你停止过铁轨时: 您驾驶的卡车 您在旅客运输车辆两个或两个以上幼童 该铁路道口位于城市或乡镇曾经发生火车交通 您没有在对方的空间,完全跨轨道
38。在雾中驾驶时,您应该使用: 危险灯 雾灯只 梁高 低光束灯
39。道路是最滑: 当第一次开始下雨 之后一直在下雨了 在干燥,阳光灿烂的日子 在大雨过后
59。尾灯必须是可见从距离: 100 英尺 200 英尺 400 英尺 500 英尺
60。阿黄线旁边的破黄线是指车辆: 可能无法通过,不管他们在旅行的方向 在两个方向上可能会通过 旁边实线可能会通过 旁边折线可能会通过
61。除非另有张贴,什么是商业区内限速? 35 英里每小时 30 英里每小时 20 英里 25 英里
71。如果你的驾驶特权已被撤销,您可以: 驱动器只有在有执照的父母或监护人在场 不过驱动器,从上班或上学 驱动器只在紧急情况 再也不能合法驱动器在此状态
10. 以下在哪种情况下超车是最危险的 远处的车看似静止不动 远处的车看似越来越近 远处的车看似平行与你的车道接近 11 下雾天需要开车前灯的原因 以便让其他车更容易看到你 保证你有更好的视野 12.当你必须等待以后才能进入高速路的时候 在坡路上减速以加大你和前车之间的距离 保持原速迫使你的后车与你加大距离 在坡口处停车 13. 保持你和后车的车间距,你的行车速度应当 总是比后车慢 3-5 英里 保持恒定的速度 总是比后车快 3-5 英里 14. 以下三个车哪个车的视野最好? 大卡车 大卡车身后的小轿车 迎面从大卡车面前开来的小轿车
35。你可以合法阻挡一个十字路口: 当您输入在绿灯十字路口 在繁忙时间交通 在任何时候 在任何情况下
36。您已接近铁路,没有报警装置过境,无法看到 400 英尺下一个方向的轨道。 你应该: 驱动器在正常轨道
停止前行,直到前一列火车来了 拉过来的公路旁 慢下来,谨慎,在两个方向上寻找
45。为什么不应该依赖于另一名司机的信号灯显示其实际意图何在? 这些答案都是正确的 该车辆可能转向另一种方式 灯光可能无法正常工作 光线可能已经离开从早期的转
如果你不断被右侧获得通过,而在左侧的三线高速公路中心线行驶,您应该: 在你的行车残留,减缓 移动到左边车道 留在中心里 移动到右边的车道
25 黄实线是指: 你可以谨慎通过 你必须降低你的速度 您可以从右侧通过 不允许任何车辆从你这边(指有黄实线的一边)通过
26 当你在一个路口中间要左转时红灯亮起你应当
立即加速完成转弯 停车直到变成绿灯
回到了十字路口时,如果可能的话 在交通正常的情况下完成转弯
42。您想在即将举行的十字路口右转。你应该减慢: 在转弯前提示 驶上右肩 打开你的信号灯 走向你的左侧车道
43。你应该停止停止校车: 在学校天 即使在没有红灯闪烁 在学校区 当红色的灯光和/或白色的闪光灯的闪烁
44。如果您打算打开坚实与迎面而来的车辆绿灯离开,你应该: 左转一般 - 你有权利通行 停止在你的交集,使车辆转弯后清除 移回到了车道的继续通过路口直 输入略成交叉和迎面而来的车辆产量的前转向
5. 为什么要与大卡车保持更大的车间距 保持大间距可以保证有更好的视野 因为有小车总是想超越你进入你和卡车之间 6. 16 岁以下的儿童或者未成年人 只有在高速公路才应该使用安全座椅 由父母决定是否使用安全座椅 任何条件下都要使用安全座椅 7. 特拉华的法律没有规定先行权但是规定了 谁先让先 谁应先行 发生事故以后责任归结于谁 8. 安全的超车距离是 1s 4s 10s 9. 汽车和行人同时通过一街区,谁应该先行 行人 汽车 两者都不
27 反应力会在什么情况后变慢
睡眠 锻炼 读书 饮用含酒精的饮料
29。当服用任何药物,你应该: 驱动器一样快,让您迅速到达目的地 让人跟着你回家 打开窗口缓慢行驶 开车前谘询医生的影响
30。你不能停在铁路道口_多少英尺_________除非另有张贴。 30 feet
20 feet
15 feet
很多地方翻得不清不楚.... 我也看不明白= = 但是大概能理解题目的意思,记一下答案就可以了。
16 当你遇到绿灯但两旁却交通堵塞时,你应该
并车至另一股车道,并尝试绕过拥挤 进入路口等待交通缓解 鸣笛,并迫使您的方式进入路口 留在交通路口,直到缓解
33。你是准备作出右转。你应该: 放慢或停止,如有必要,然后进行转弯 切勿使用您的信号灯和转弯进入快速车道 停止在进入右车道,让所有其它车辆先行 停止,然后再进行时是安全的
在高速公路上的车速限制 在高速公路上的交通慢 5 到 10 迈 越快越好 位于或靠近的车辆在高速公路上同样的速度前合并
慢下来,让路过的汽车安全返回驱动器线 保持你的速度和位置,并观察即将到来的危险
你搞防御性驾驶 你有助减低交通挤塞 您的行动将不会导致交通引文 你可以阻挠其它司机,让他们愤怒(不懂)
51。不断努力制动在冰雪可以: 帮助你更快地停止 防止冻结刹车 将您的刹车片寿命 锁定不与反车辆配备防抱死制动系统,前轮,转向造成的损失
Delaware 驾照笔试中问题库 102 题
大蚂蚱留学社区 1. 闪烁的红灯表示:
减速慢行 顺利通行 准备停车 2. 饮用酒精会增加肇事的可能性的原因酒精会影响 视力 协调能力 警觉性和驾驶技能 3. 通过与铁轨平行的通道的时候,以下哪个必须停车 乳制品的货车 畜牧业的货车 校车 4. 行车过程需要与以下哪一个保持更大的间距 摩托车 小型轿车 旅行客车
18 如果你计划将在一个十字路口,应该何时反应: 约半英里远 当你进入转弯 不少于 100 英尺距离转 不少于 300 英尺的距离转
19.下列物质,可影响驾驶能力? 咳嗽糖浆和含有可待因或抗组胺药感冒药 啤酒,葡萄酒和烈性酒 镇静剂,大麻,镇静剂 这些答案都是正确的
54。连续两个双黄线,集两种或更多的脚分开: 可能是交叉进入或退出私人车道
应视为一个单独的车道 可在任何时候越过 不得以任何理由越过
55。在四地停止,你必须给偏右的方式: 到您的权利,驾驶员 对司机您的左边 没有人 - 你总是的通行权 该名司机在你之前抵达
40。如果你是一个未成年人,您的授权可予撤销,如果你的血液中酒精浓度(BAC) 的是这个或更高: 0.08