英语高三年级第一学期Unit 3 Reflecting on History_教案1-新世纪版
莱茵河(TheRhine)发源于瑞士阿尔卑斯山中,穿过德国东部,流入北海,长约二千五百里。分上中下三部分。从马恩斯(Mayence,Mains)到哥龙(Cologne)算是 “中莱茵”;游莱茵河的都走这一段儿。天然风景并不异乎寻常地好;古迹可异乎寻常地多。尤其是马恩斯与考勃伦兹(Koblenz)之间,两岸山上布满了旧时的堡垒,高高下下的,错错落落的, 斑斑驳驳的:有些已经残破,有些还完好无恙。这中间住过英雄,住过盗贼,或据险自豪,或纵横驰骤,也曾热闹过一番。现在却无精打采,任凭日晒风吹,一声儿不响。坐在轮船上两边看,那些古色 古香各种各样的堡垒历历的从眼前过去;仿佛自己已经跳出了这个时代而在那些堡垒里过着无拘无束的日子。游这一段儿,火车却不如轮船:朝日不如残阳,晴天不如阴天,阴天不如月夜——月夜,再 加上几点儿萤火,一闪一闪的在寻觅荒草里的幽灵似的。最好还得爬上山去,在堡垒内外徘徊徘徊。
英语高三年级第一学期Unit 3 Reflecting on History_学案3-新世纪版
Unit 3 Reflecting on History【学习目标】1.能够基本掌握词汇、词组、句型。
【学习过程】翻译短语、句子I. Text(01) 出生在德国(02) 在4岁时(03) 记日记(04) 大约一个月、一个月左右(05) 去躲藏起来(06) 唯恐被发现(07) 其他没有人(08) 来帮助某人(09) 完全真诚地(10) 我到了不在乎生死的地步(11) 她日记记载中的一个部分(12) 在内心最深处(13) 发现……是真的(14) 形成对……的看法(15) 犹豫做某事(16) 坚持我们的立场(17) 做某事是难上加难(18) 尤其是在……的时候(19) 表现出最丑恶的一面(20) 坚信真善美(21) 感到非常沮丧(22) 找到问题的解决方法(23) (令人失望的)结果……(24) 这的确是个奇迹……(25) 放弃我所有的理想(26) 执行,贯彻(27) 尽管+名词(28) 内心善良(29) 仰望天空(30) 变好(31) 在……的基础上(32) 虽然这似乎是不可能的(as:让步状语从句,倒装语序)(33) 坚持自己的理想(34) 坚持自己的意见II. Additional Reading(35) 以防,以免(36) 有……的希望(37) 活捉,俘虏(38) 做体力活(39) 被剥夺受教育的权利(40) 手工(41) 致力于(42) 在最艰苦的条件下(43) 为……献出自己的生命(44) 帮助别人(45) 抓住……的喉咙(46) 隔离(47) 被隔离(48) 孤独、英勇地牺牲(49) 使……免于危险(50) 挽救……免受伤害(51) 坚持做,继续做(52) 物质财富。
高中英语真题:Unit3 History
Unit3 History一、单词——⇩二、短语——⇩三、句式——第一板块核心单词归纳集释1.terrify vt.使恐怖,恐吓[经典例句]He came to a stop and looked curiously up to the heavens. W hat he saw shocked and terrified him.他停下来,好奇地仰望天空。
(1)terrify sb. into doing sth. 威胁某人做某事(2)terrified adj. 感到恐惧的be terrified at/with 因……吓了一跳be terrified of (doing) sth. 对(做)某事感到惊恐be terrified that ... 对……感到害怕①She was terrified of living in the big house alone.她害怕独自一人住在这个大房子里。
②It has been confirmed that men are more_terrified (terrify) at the thought of being alone than women.已证实,男性比女性在想到独自一人时更惊恐不安。
2.inform vt.通知;告知[高考佳句]It was considerate of Michael to inform us of his delay in case we got worried.(2015·福建高考单选)为了避免我们担心,米歇尔告知我们他耽搁了,他想得很周到。
(1)inform sb.of/about sth. 通知某人某事inform sb.that ... 告知某人……(2)informed adj. 了解情况的;消息灵通的keep rmed of sth. 使某人知道某事(3)information n. 信息,情报,通知①Had I informed_him_of_the_exact_time for the meeting earli er, he wouldn't have been late yesterday.要是我早一点通知他开会的准确时间,昨天他就不会迟到。
若物体在运动过程中受到的合外力不为零,则。A.物体的动能不可能总是不变的B.物体的动量不可能总是不变的C.物体的加速度一定变化D.物体的速度方向一定变化 浇注混泥土时,若振捣不实容易出现。A、嘛面B、蜂窝C、露筋 [问答题,论述题]为什么说几何是认识和描述现实世界空间与图形关系的重要工具? 火灾自动报警系统一般由触发器件、火灾报警装置、火灾警报装置和等四部分组成。A、电源B、火灾报警控制器C、显示器D、灭火器 有线电视起源于,因为它们的电视发展较快。A.美国B.日本C.法国D.加拿大 颈动脉三角间隙内不含有A.颈总动脉B.颈内静脉C.舌咽神经D.迷走神经E.副神经 低渗性缺水时,体液的容量改变为。A.细胞外液正常,细胞内液减少B.细胞外液减少,细胞内液正常C.细胞外液显著减少,细胞内液轻度减少D.细胞外液轻度减少,细胞内液显著减少E.细胞内外液按比例减少 知情同意的内容不包括A.如实向受试者讲明试验的目标、方法B.预期好处、潜在危险及试验中的不适C.受试者无权退出试验D.受试者可以随时退出试验E.退出试验后不影响合理的治疗 小儿呼吸功能的特点不包括。A.年龄越小,潮气量越小B.正常婴幼儿每分钟通气量如按体表面积计算与成人相近C.小儿肺脏小,肺泡毛细血管总面积与总容量均比成人小,故气体弥散量亦小D.小儿气道阻力大于成人,随年龄增大而递减E.小儿肺活量为70~90ml/kg [问答题,案例分析题]李军是一位军事家,他带兵打仗的经历极富传奇色彩。甲出版社认为,若出版以李军的战斗经历为主题的传记,能获得较好的社会效益和经济效益,于是向李军约稿。李军所在的部队认为此事对部队建设很有意义,予以大力支持。考虑到李军年事已高且没有子女,还指派文 在循环流化床锅炉正常运行时应如何观察床层的着火情况? 应预测评价泥沙淤积的环境影响的工程是。A.调水工程B.灌溉工程C.水库工程D.多沙河流供水工程 用于气体灭菌的化学药品不包括A.环氧乙烷B.甲醛C.乙醇D.乳酸E.臭氧 下列工程任务不得分包的是。A.勘察工作B.设计工作C.施工工作D.监理工作 尸僵缓解出现的时间,是在患者死亡()A.4小时后B.6小时后C.8小时后D.12小时后E.24小时后 土壤固体物质由哪三部分组成? 急性化脓性腹膜炎最典型的症状是A.发热B.黄疸C.腹痛D.腹胀E.压痛、肌紧张、反跳痛 因肝属木,味酸,所以口酸只见于肝胃郁热。A.正确B.错误 在胸骨右缘第2肋间触及收缩期震颤可见于A.主动脉瓣狭窄B.二尖瓣狭窄C.室间隔缺损D.二尖瓣关闭不全E.肺动脉瓣狭窄 肺痈恢复期的治法是A.养阴清肺B.清肺化痰C.养阴补肺D.排脓解毒E.益气养阴 脊柱、四肢、肛门检查 某化合物的分子式是CO,其中碳元素和氧元素的质量比为3:8,则z的数值是。A.1B.2C.3D.4 外伤性牙折伴牙周膜挤压伤或撕裂伤者,可能有尖周反应,根充后应至少观察.A.7天B.10天C.14中的最大整流电流是指。A.长期运行时,允许通过的最大正向平均电流;B.长期运行时,允许通过的最大电流;C.长期运行时,允许通过的最大电流的有效值;D.长期运行时,允许通过的最大交流电流。 在模板及支架的变形限值中,对于结构表面外露的模板,挠度不得大于模板构件计算跨度的A、1/200B、1/300C、1/400D、1/500 [问答题,论述题]试论述如何与时俱进地认识“双基”。 休克患者使用热水袋保暖时,应加强观察()A.意识B.生命体征C.缺氧状况D.局部皮肤反应E.药物疗效 天王补心丹君药为()A.酸枣仁B.生地黄C.丹参D.当归身E.天门冬 当水深大于Cm,流速不小于m/s时,可用流速计测量流速。常用的流速计有旋杯式和桨式两种。 通货膨胀会使收入分配发生怎样的变化A.收入结构变化B.收入普遍上升C.收入普遍下降D.债权人收入上升 沥青底涂层的优点是能消音和预防飞石的冲击,目前在车身上使用这种防腐蚀材料。A.钢板B.铝板C.玻璃纤维塑料板 伤寒患者排菌最多的时期是A.起病后第1周B.起病后第2~4周C.起病前1周D.起病后第5周E.起病后第6周 男,37岁。左肾绞痛3天,应用解痉药物后好转。排泄性尿路造影:双肾显示好,左肾轻度积水,左输尿管上段结石1.0cm×0.8cm,非手术治疗两周,结石下移1cm。该患者现最佳治疗应是A.继续非手术治疗B.肾镜取石C.体外冲击波碎石D.输尿管镜取石E.输尿管切开取石 在一定数值范围内,-联酮类物质在酒中含量越多,酒质越好,是构成名优白酒进口、、的重要成分。 病案质量管理的特点叙述不正确的是。A.多学科融合的专业特点B.专业的独立性C.协调作用D.服务对象的多元性E.病案管理人员的专业性 有关献血护理说法不恰当的是。A.对献血者进行及时、正确的护理B.是对献血者精神上的安慰和体贴C.可减少或避免献血不良反应的发生D.包括献血者的自我保护E.仅在采血后需要护理 "入芝兰之室,久闻而不知其香"说明的是A.感觉过敏B.感觉适应C.感觉相互作用D.感觉减退E.感受性补偿 水汽是大气中唯一具有变化的气体,可以吸收来自于地表的辐射。 一般现场测定浊度的水样如需保存,应于4度冷藏。测定时要恢复至室温立即进行测试。A.正确B.错误 某患者眼睛偏斜,眼位检查如图,考虑麻痹肌为()A.左外直肌B.右外直肌C.左内直肌D.右内直肌E.左上斜肌
高三英语上册 Module 2 Unit 3 Reflecting on History(一)教学设计 上海新世纪版
Unit 3 Reflecting on History(一)一单元分析本单元的中心话题是War and Peace, 教学内容包括“Famous quotations about wars and their interpretation”, “passages about the D-Day Landings”, “reading and listening materials about the Blitz”, “a film review of ‘Saving Private 以及“a supplementary passage on the UN peacekeeping scheme”。
学习任务是giving a presentation on your opinion about war。
语法项目是“虚拟语气”;语言功能是“talking about memories”;学习方式是“group work”。
3.本教学设计着重于教学过程中的“外显 (Output)”,即学生自然真实地把获得的知识,技能和情感转化应用于实际交际活动,解决实际问题的过程。
英语高三年级第一学期Unit 3 Reflecting on History_学案1-新世纪版
Unit 3 Reflecting on HistoryPeriod 1【学习目标】1.能够基本掌握词汇、词组、句型及语法。
【学习过程】I. VocabularyWords1.痛苦、苦恼 ____________________ 2.残忍、残酷 ___________________3.全部的、完全的 ________________4.分析、剖析 _____________________ 5.文明状态 ____________________ 6.侵略 ___________________7.珍珠 ____________________ 8.祈祷、祈求 _____________________9.囚犯_________________ 10.青少年 _____________________Phrases11.无法实现的理想 _________________12.出生于 __________________13.写日记 ____________________ 14.躲藏起来 __________________15.害怕 _____________________ 16.帮助某人__________________17.被逮捕 ____________________ 28.改编的部分__________________19.在内心深处 ____________________ 20.坚持立场________________21.信仰 ___________________ 22.使……感到焦虑________________ II. Fill in the blanks with the phrases.1.During the discussion, Professor Liu _________ firmly and no one could change his mind.2.The old couple _________ with worries about their daughter’s addiction to drugs.3.All the rabbits ___________ as soon as they caught sight of some boys in the distance.4.Close all the windows before you leave_________ it rains.5.____________more snow in the next two days, they gave up their plan to climb the mountains.6.This letter can be typed, but the signature must be written ________.7.____________high school students, this task is too easy.8.Dial 110 whenever you are in great danger, and the police _______ immediately.III. Translation1.当听到那位女士的呼救声时,两名警察迅速赶过去救助。
回顾高一上期英语作文English:Reflecting on the English writing assignments I completed during my first semester of high school, I realize that I have made significant progress in my writing skills. At the beginning of the semester, I struggled with organizing my ideas and forming coherent sentences. However, with the guidance of my teachers and continuous practice, I learned the importance of brainstorming, outlining, and revising my work. As a result, my essays became more structured and engaging. Additionally, I also enhanced my vocabulary and grammar knowledge through reading more books and utilizing online resources. Looking back, I am proud of how far I have come in just one semester and I am excited to continue improving in the future.中文翻译:在回顾我在高一第一学期完成的英语写作任务时,我意识到我在写作技能方面取得了显著进步。
高中英语备课参考 Reflecting on history
Unit 3 Reflecting on history目标导学知识详解【课文情景描述】汉语描述反思历史英语描述Reflecting on history【课文内容全译】教材原文Anne Frank was born in Germany,but at the age of four she escaped with her family to Amsterdam.Anne started to keep a diary on June 12,1942——her 13th birthday.Only a month or so later,Ann her family,and some other German Jews had to go into hiding in a storehouse in Nazi—occupied Amsterdam.Anne Frank’s diary was published on June 15,1952.The following is an adapted part of her diary entry of July 15,1944,about a month before the family was discovered.Many people haven’t realized how heavily we are weighed down by our problems —problems we are much too young to find solutions to.It’s really a wonder that I haven’t dropped all my ideals,because they seem so impossible to carryout.The film about the earthquake is worth seeing.We won’t be able to finish the task in time unless we try our best.Eat more fruit, and (then) you needn’t be w orried about lacking vitamins.What moved all of us was that the scientist always thought of his country while he was abroad. There is no need to interfere too much with children’s activities, because they should experience success and failure, which is a kind of wealth for them.All the students are expected to master a foreign language.Campaigns have been started to save those endangered animals/ species (that are) threatened with extinction, since they are under the threat of being killed/ hunted.Only in China can pandas be found.// Pandas can only be found in China.Students should be encouraged to put forward different opinions and solve the same problem in various ways.汉语翻译安妮·弗兰克出生于德国,4岁的时候她和她的家人逃到阿姆斯特丹。
□handle pressure and improve fitness through sports
Express own opinions according to these three aspects.\
课题:Unit 3 On the move Presenting ideas & reflection
教科书:外研版(2019) Book 2(出版日期: 2022 年 7月)
【语言能力】Develop the ability of describing sports story.
Arouse students’interest.
Learn the tone and the attitude of the passage.
【学习能力】Remend a sport for your PE class.
【文化意识】Bea fsports.
【思维品质】Establish the correct outlook on values.
教学重点:Develop the ability of describingsports story.
教学难点:Remend a sport for your PE class.
□talk about the benefits of doing sports
□ask questions and give explanations in an interview
高三英语上册 Module 2 Unit 3 Reflecting on History(一)教学设计 上海新世纪版
Title: The Timeless Lesson of Kong Rong's Offering Pears: A Reflection for Modern YouthIn the vast tapestry of Chinese history, stories of virtue and morality have been woven into the fabric of our culture, serving as beacons of wisdom for generations. Among these, the tale of Kong Rong's Offering Pears stands out as a simple yet profound example of selflessness, respect, and humility. As a high school student delving into the depths of cultural heritage, I find this ancient story not only inspiring but also highly relevant to the values we should cultivate in our modern lives.The story goes that Kong Rong, a renowned scholar and official in ancient China, was renowned for his exceptional character even at a young age. One day, when presented with a basket of pears by his father, Kong Rong did not immediately reach for the largest or ripest fruit. Instead, he chose the smallest one, explaining that he was the youngest among his brothers and thus should take the least. This act ofself-denial and consideration for others deeply impressed his family and became a widely circulated tale, teaching children the importance of humility, generosity, and family harmony.Reflecting on this story in the context of our contemporary society, where individualism and instant gratification often overshadow traditional virtues, Kong Rong's Offering Pears offers several invaluable lessons:1. The Power of Humility: In a world where achievements are often flaunted and competition is fierce, Kong Rong's humility serves as a reminder that true greatness lies not in what we possess but in how we conduct ourselves. By putting others before ourselves, we foster an environment of mutual respect and understanding.2. The Art of Sharing: The act of sharing, as demonstrated by Kong Rong, is a fundamental aspect of building strong relationships. By giving up the larger pear, he demonstrated that true happiness comes from making others happy too. This lesson encourages us to cultivate a generous spirit and recognize that sharing enriches both the giver and the receiver.3. Family Values: The story underscores the importance of family bonds and the role each member plays in nurturing a harmonious home. Kong Rong's considerate behavior towards his elders reflects a deep respect for family hierarchy and the value of unity within the family unit. In today's fast-paced world, where families are often scattered, this reminder is all the more crucial.4. Setting an Example: As young people, we have the power to influence those around us, both positively and negatively. Kong Rong's actions inspired his brothers and continue to inspire countless others throughout history. By embodying virtues like humility and generosity, we can set an example for our peers and contribute to a more harmonious society.In conclusion, Kong Rong's Offering Pears is a timeless tale that transcends generations, offering profound insights into the essence of human character. As we navigate the complexities of modern life, let us remember the simple yet profound lesson of this ancient story: by putting others before ourselves, we not only enrich their lives but also our own. Let us strive to emulate Kong Rong's example and cultivate a world where humility, generosity, and family values flourish.。
高三英语 读后续写主旨升华句式(各主题)清单
人与自我一、学习知识,挑战自我而成长1. It's never too late to learn. Each individual has the right to accept more challenges and make more attempts.学习永远为时不晚。
2.You could never tell me how exhilarating but daunting the experience was and all the efforts paid off when I eventually sensed the joy of hearing the wind whistling past my ears.当我终于感觉到听到风从我耳边呼啸而过的喜悦时,你永远无法告诉我,这段经历是多么令人振奋,所有的努力都得到了回报。
(2022 年汕头市高三年级第一次调研考试----学习骑自行车)3. If you are still trapped in the worry, do not be depressed but let the thing go and try to challenge yourself right now, just like my first flying javelin in the azure sky.如果你还被困在烦恼中,不要沮丧,而是要让事情过去,试着挑战自己,就像我在蔚蓝的天空中第一次飞行标枪一样。
(2022届浙江高三丽水卷--学习投标枪)4. At the end of the play, when the audience stood and applauded, I knew they were not just cheering for my performance that night, but for the performances they knew would come in later years because of my new found confidence. 在戏剧结束时,当观众起立鼓掌时,我知道他们不仅仅是为我那晚的表演欢呼,也是为他们知道几年后会因为我重新找回的信心而来的表演而欢呼。
全国通用2023高中英语必修三Unit3DiverseCultures知识汇总大全单选题1、The start of a new year is a good time to ________ on your success and failure of the past. A.dipB.reflectC.strikeD.occur答案:B考查动词词义辨析。
A. dip蘸;B. reflect思考,反省;C. strike罢工,击;D. occur发生。
根据“your success and failure of the past.”可知,此处表示反思过去成功与失败。
reflect on是固定短语,意为“反思,回顾”。
2、We have all come into the world with a/an ________ in life and we can all contribute to making the world a better p lace.A.missionB.substanceC.authorityD.collision答案:A考查名词词义辨析。
A. mission使命;B. substance物质;C. authority权力;D. collision碰撞。
3、He made a fortune by selling his house last year.A.命运B.大笔的钱C.运气D.机会答案:B考查名词。
根据不定冠词a可知,划线词是名词,结合“by selling his house”可知,他发了财,赚了大笔的钱,且make a fortune是固定短语,意为“发财,赚大钱”。
那是次日早饭后,天天读时,班长结合我们所执行的任务的特殊性,选学党的基本路线,强调要提高革命警惕,严防阶级敌人破坏。班长说,不能看这地方村子小人口少,麻痹大意,阶级斗争这根 弦,永远不能放松,否则,脑袋搬了家,也不知到是怎么掉的。班长讲话时,我瞪大眼晴睛,看着他的脸,听得极端认真,他的话使我觉得,好像一不小心,哪天晚上脑袋会真的掉下来似的。
关于佛寺的建造,事出有因。据《西夏书事》记载,"夏国天授礼延祚十年(公元1048)五月,西夏第一代皇帝嵬名元昊(又称李元昊),为太子宁令哥娶妻,因见儿媳美貌,便自纳为皇妃,于贺 兰山建离宫,台阔高十余丈,日与诸妃游宴其中"。西夏王室在贺兰山沿线建有诸多宫苑,以大水口最甚,拜寺口次之。拜寺口宫苑建筑在山口两侧的台塬上,高约四五十米,南北绵延长达4公里之多, 看似错落有致,格调天成。bbin开奖
走进北边沟谷,在离巷子百米西侧的台塬边缘,有几间瓦房,看似粗糙却也坚固,这就是营房。营房后面有条小径,蜿蜒而上可达岗亭,站在那儿附近周边,都能看个清晰。山脚两边分别依崖有几 幢大型建筑,里面堆满了军用物库之间,不仅有几十米的高差,相距少说也有百米之遥,使我纳闷的是这块也算 得上军事重地的区域,完全处于开放状态,周边既无高墙环绕,也无铁网围栏,白日虽能尽收眼底,晚上守护则是鞭长莫及。
2023 黄浦一模英语试卷
黄浦区2022学年度第一学期高三年级期终调研测试英语试卷(完卷时间:120分钟满分:140分)2022年12月第I卷(共100分)I. Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. In a coffee shop. B. On a farm.C. In a furniture store.D. In a theatre.2. A. Cleaning a house. B. Finding things in the house.C. Living a simple life.D. Doing housework efficiently.3. A. Calming the woman down. B. Playing bridge.C. Reading a book.D. Reflecting on himself.4. A. The man recommends people to speak the same language.B. The woman thinks it unnecessary to save dying languages.C. The woman admires those devoted to preserving dying languages.D. The man appeals for more action to be taken to protect dying languages.5. A. He has realized his own problem. B. The woman is sure to get a second job.C. He disagrees with the woman’s comments.D. The woman should care more about money.6. A. She has many friends to text. B. She can’t focus her mind on study.C. She can’t make long speeches.D. She has many classes to attend.7. A. Enjoy her college life. B. Put off hard assignments.C. Set a post-college goal.D. Ease academic pressure.8. A. It makes no sense. B. It needs training.C. It can’t solve her problem.D. It is worth trying.9. A. She is a music lover. B. She is good at asking questions.C. She prefers art to sports.D. She knows Brazilians well.10. A. The specials are the man’s best choice. B. She is fully confident of the quality-steak.C. Her house is a suitable place for having steak.D. The man should find by himself the nicest wine.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear one longer conversation and two short passages. After each conversation or passage, you will be asked several questions. The conversation and the passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper anddecide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 14 are based on the following conversation.11. A. Cars. B. Computers. C. Dollars. D. Services.12. A. It’s the real money paid to purchase items.B. Each Time Dollar records the value of trading stuff.C. Different music lessons equal different Time Dollars.D. It represents the service time you exchange with others.13. A. To provide him with a part-time job. B. To ensure him that he can serve others.C. To guarantee him that he can make a living.D. To demonstrate to him how barter is kept on.14. A. To apply for membership. B. To sign up for walking.C. To use the free pass.D. To check the time for barter.Questions 15 through 17 are based on the following passage.15. A. Have a whole idea of the character’s look. B. Examine the actor’s or the actress’ face and body.C. Try various colors on actors’ or actresses’ hair.D. Get a clear picture of the character’s skin tone.16. A. A film with a magic ending. B. A film stimulating her creativity.C. A film reflecting her delicacy.D. A film with several celebrities.17. A. They both lead the fashion. B. They both emphasize details.C. They both tell good stories.D. They both require harmony.Questions 18 through 20 are based on the following passage.18. A. The ability to recall. B. The invention of camera.C. The chance of revisiting.D. The application of wi-fi.19. A. To send us to sleep. B. To develop technology.C. To refresh our memory.D. To offer us comfort.20. A. Digital camera. B. Fantastic daydream.C. Memory journey.D. Virtual reality.II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.How Reading Saved MeDuring my first decade in prison, I busied myself with exercising and hanging out in the big yard. I hardly grew as __21__ person. It wasn’t until I began college in prison in my 30s that I started to realize my fu ll potential.Through my journey in college, I became engaged in reading and writing, striving to escape prison life by expanding my mind beyond the environments I __22__ (trap) in. I became good at using concepts and terms in conversations that were previously far over my head. More importantly, I eventually better understood __23__ I had used violence to solve my problems.Throughout the country, prison officials have rejected or tried every means __24__ (ban) books about biology, sketching, dragons and even the moon. __25__ (claim) such bans are necessary for the safety and security of prisons seems stupid. Practically every author I have encountered while in prison __26__ (play) a role in my efforts to grow and become a better person — someone who can live in society by adding to it, as opposed __27__taking from it.Without college and without access to books and materials __28__ expanded my mind beyond the towering concrete walls, I might still be wasting my time on the yard. My worldview would still be shaped by violence and harm. That’s not who I want to be __29__ I leave this prison. It’s not who I want to see __30__ (send) back into society.Section BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once.On Thursday, Amazon announced its first major acquisition(收购) under M r. Jassy’s occupation as C.E.O., spending $3.9 billion for One Medical, a chain of primary care clinics around the country. The deal is a sign of Amazon’s health care ambitions. As the company has __31__ from one business to another — including books, CDs, electronics, dog food and clothes — it has had to look in less obvious spots to find opportunities that can provide meaningful __32__.Health care has been __33__ to Amazon executives who believe it is an extremely large market, filled with inefficiencies and generally lacking the kind of __34__ approach that Amazon tries to take with its businesses. “We think health care is high on the list of experiences that need __35__,” Neil Lindsay, the senior vice president of Amazon Health Services, said in a statement announcing the deal. He also listed some of the __36__ of modern health care: booking appointments, sitting in waiting rooms, even finding a parking spot.Amazon wants to be the “front door” through which customers __37__ health care. That One Medical sees about five times as many virtual visits as __38__ appointments most likely made it attractive to Amazon. The company also has something Amazon values __39__: data. One Medical built its own electronic medical records system, and it has 15 years’ wor th of medical and health-system data. While individual patient records are generally protected under federal health privacy laws, the big data skill that has __40__ Amazon’s success can be powerful in health care — for predicting costs, targeting interventions and developing products and treatments.III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Colleges today often operate as machines for putting too many opportunities before already advantaged people. Our educational system focuses too much on helping students take the next step. But it does not give them adequate __41__ in thinking about the substance of the lives toward which they are advancing. Many institutions today have __42__ that it is an essential part of education to teach the young the art of choosing, and to train them to use __43__ to decide which efforts deserve the investment of their lives.We spent many years teaching on a college campus, trying to help students struggling with their confusion. Eventually, we sought to address this problem __44__, by designing a course intended to introduce the young to the art of choosing. The course begins with Plato’s “Gorgias” — a messy dialogue that turns on a(n) __45__ over whether the pursuit of virtue or of pleasure is the way to a good life. The dialogue ends __46__; no one is satisfied. But with remarkable regularity, it __47__ the kind of thinking that students need to better understand the choices that shape their lives.Students’ first reaction to the “Gorgias” is disbelief, sometimes even horror. It is the dialogue’s __48__ that alarms them: the idea that we can seriously argue about what represents the human good. Everything in theireducation has led them to believe that such arguments cannot bear fruit.Most students are __49__ to discover this art of choosing. Learning to reason about happiness is as delightful as discovering that one’s voice can be made to sing. Why, then, do institutions __50__ teach it? In some cases, intelligence members are encouraged to __51__ specialized research rather than thinking about the good life. In others, they share the belief that feeling is a more __52__ guide to happiness than the mind.Colleges should self-consciously prioritize initiating students into a culture of __53__ reflection on how to live. Doing so will hold them __54__ performing their proper work: helping young people learn to give reasons for the choices that shape their lives and to __55__ about the ends they pursue.41. A. assistance B. protection C. recognition D. treatment42. A. forgotten B. promised C. repeated D. responded43. A. determination B. imagination C. memory D. reason44. A. controversially B. effortlessly C. resistantly D. systematically45. A. argument B. lecture C. performance D. session46. A. automatically B. inconclusively C. indirectly D. unnecessarily47. A. abuses B. awakens C. demonstrates D. echoes48. A. assumption B. pattern C. progress D. variation49. A. grateful B. quick C. reluctant D. shocked50. A. commonly B. effectively C. rarely D. strictly51. A. direct B. emphasize C. review D. sponsor52. A. detailed B. formal C. qualified D. reliable53. A. logical B. moral C. spiritual D. theoretical54. A. eager for B. patient with C. responsible for D. skilled at55. A. complain B. experiment C. question D. reflectSection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have read.(A)Julia Whelan climbed into the recording room in her home office. In preparation, she had avoided alcohol the night before, had avoided milk since waking at 6 a.m. and had run through the warm-up voice exercises.Whelan, 38, is the calm, confident female voice behind more than 400 other audiobooks, as well as the narrated versions(叙事版本) of many articles. Once she has taken on a project, she reads through the book once or twice, deciding on themes to highlight when she gets into the recording room by using different tones and accents, and emphasizing certain words. “Narrating a book really is a performance,” she said, “and it can be harder to do than acting, because I can’t use my eyes or facial expressions to convey something to the audience.”As she spent time subsuming herself in the writing of others, she began to think more about her own creative ambitions. Just before the pandemic, she began “Thank You for Listening,” combining her writing with the experiences she has collected as a narrator.Writers say that Whelan has helped them understand their own work. “When I listen to Jul ia read my stories, it sounds like she is calling you over to tell you a great story,” said Nuzzi, whose work has been narrated by Whelan. “When I write now, I try to think like that, that I am calling a reader over to tell him a great story. It has comple tely changed my approach.” Whelan said that she also learns about her writing when she experiences it as a narrator. “There is something about it that changes when you’re performing it,” she said. “I read the book out loud during every stage of its revisio ns but it’s different when you sit down and have the microphone in front of you,when I finally am in all the characters and the story comes to life.”56. Before recording a book, Whelan __________.A. acts out its narrated versionB. builds up strength through exerciseC. determines the focus of its subjectD. varies its emphasized words57. T he underlined phrase “subsuming herself in the writing of others” (paragraph 3) is closest in meaning to“__________ herself in the writing of others”.A. dismissingB. involvingC. maintainingD. presenting58. How does narrating help Whelan do her own writing better?A. It enables her to think in readers’ view.B. It inspires her to be absorbed in the story.C. It provides her with diverse life experiences.D. It reminds her to pursue her creative ambition.59. What can be concluded from Whelan’s experience as a narrator and writer?A. Excellent narration is based on convincing stories.B. Narrating is a more rewarding ambition than writing.C. An influential writer is definitely a wonderful narrator.D. Experiences as a narrator can change the writing approach.(B)PRIV ACY POLICYThe Bundaberg Privacy Policy explains how we collect, store and use yourpersonally identifiable information. Our Privacy Policy will be continuously assessedagainst new technologies, business practices and our customers’ changing needs.Accordingly, this Privacy Policy is subject to change over time without notificationbeing made to users, and therefore we encourage you to periodically review this Privacy Policy to become aware of any changes that may have occurred.➢Collection of Personal InformationWe will collect personally identifiable information from you when you knowingly provide it to us. The types of personal information we may collect, includes, but is not limited to your full name, address, email address and phone number.In terms of your personal information, we only collect information about individuals that is necessary for us to carry on our business functions. What information we collect depends upon the nature of our dealing with you. Importantly, in some circumstances if you do not provide the information that we request, you may not be able to engage with us. For example, if you refuse to provide some personal information as may be requested on the Bundaberg website, you may not be able to use all features or services of the website.➢Use and Disclosure of Personal InformationWe may use your personal information for the following purposes:⚫Billing purposes;⚫To enable us to develop our products and business, or to customize services to better meet your needs and preferences;⚫Statistical purposes.We will contact you by electronic or other means to get your agreement first for any purpose other than those above, including but not limited to:⚫Future promotional and marketing purposes;⚫To inform you of special offers, promotions and competitions;⚫Any other customer support purposes.Your personal information may be used by sub-contractors of Bundaberg for our business activities only; however, your information will not be disclosed to any other third party without your agreement, unless requiredto do so by law.60. In order to be kept informed of the privacy information, you’d better __________.A. examine the Privacy Policy regularlyB. check the official notification weeklyC. express your changing needs privatelyD. evaluate the business practices critically61. Which of the statements is TRUE about Bundaberg’s collecting users’ personal informatio n?A. You have no knowledge of what personal information is collected.B. Your personal information can promote Bundaberg’s business functions.C. All the customers are required to provide identical personal information.D. You may not get some services without providing requested personal information.62. Bundaberg will use your personal information for the purpose of __________ without getting youragreement first.A. attracting new sub-contractorsB. advertising its servicesC. sending bills to youD. letting you know about special offers(C)In 2020, OpenAI, a research lab in San Francisco, revealed a system called GPT-3. It is what artificial intelligence researchers call a neural(神经系统的) network, after the web of neurons in the human brain. A neural network is really a mathematical system that learns skills by locating patterns in vast amounts of digital data. By analyzing thousands of cat photos, for instance, it can learn to recognize a cat. “We call it ‘artificial intelligence,’ but a bette r name might be ‘finding statistical patterns from large data sets,’” said Dr. Gopnik, the Berkeley professor.More recently, researchers at places like Google and OpenAI began building neural networks that learned from enormous amounts of prose, including digital books and Wikipedia articles by the thousands. GPT-3 is an example. As it analyzed all that digital text, it built what you might call a mathematical map of human language — more than 175 billion data points that describe how we piece words together. Using this map, it can perform many different tasks, like penning speeches, writing computer programs and having a conversation.But there are limitations. If you ask GPT-3 for 10 speeches in the voice of Mark Twain, it might give you five that sound remarkably like the famous writer — and five others that come nowhere close. Computer programmers use the technology to create small snippets(一小段) of code they can slip into larger programs, but more often than not they have to edit and adjust whatever it gives them.Still, Dr. Gopnik described this kind of system as intelligent. “It is not intelligent in the way humans are. It is like an unfamiliar form of intelligence,” he said. “But it still counts.”Dr. Gopnik and many others in the field are confident that they are on a path to building a machine that can do anything the human brain can do. This confidence shines through when they discuss current technologies. He admits that some A.I. researchers “struggle to differentiate between reality and science fiction.” But he believes these researchers still serve a valuable role. “They help us dream of the full range of the possible,” he said.Perhaps they do. But for the rest of us, these dreams can get in the way of the issues that deserve our attention.63. Which of the following statements correctly describes GPT-3?A. It is meant to monitor human’s neuron webs.B. It stores limitless data in its mathematical system.C. It can identify images and employ human language.D. It studies pictures and digital books to invent patterns.64. In paragraph 3, the example of computer programmers is used to __________.A. illustrate GPT-3 is far from perfectB. warn programmers against technologyC. show the process of slipping code into programD. explain why GPT-3 fails to find Mark Twain’s speeches65. What does Dr. Gopnik think of the mathematical system of GPT-3?A. He finds it valuable because it maximizes the current technologies.B. He doubts its worth though it is remarkably similar to a human brain.C. He thinks highly of it because it plays a valuable role in A.I. research.D. He believes it will interrupt our thinking though it differs from science fiction.66. What’s the author’s attitude towards A. I.?A. Enthusiastic.B. Opposed.C. Supportive.D. Unconcerned.Section CDirections: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentenceHow to show others you careThe idea that kindness can boost happiness is hardly new. Studies have shown that prosocial behavior —basically, voluntarily helping others —can help lower people’s daily stress levels, and that simple acts of connection, like texting a friend, mean more than many of us realize. __67__“I have found that kindness can be a really hard sell,” said Tara Cousineau, a clinical psychologist, “People desire kindness yet often feel troubled by the thought of being kind.” __68__ They may question whether their gesture or gift will be misinterpreted, or whether it will make the recipient feel pressured to pay it back.__69__ Jennifer Oldham, who lost her 9-year-old daughter Hallie in July, recently created a Facebook group — Keeping Kindness for Hallie — that encourages participants to engage in random acts of kindness. People have bought groceries and donated school supplies in Hallie’s honor. “It will help your own heart, maybe even more than the recipients,” said Ms. Oldham.If you are not already in the habit of performing random kind acts, or if it does not come naturally to you, start by thinking about what you like to do. It’s not about you being like, ‘Oh man, now I have to learn how to bake cookies in order to be nice’. It’s ab out: __70__ And how can you turn that into an offering for other people?IV. Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.The risk of pre-schooling“Young children learning to read is one of the most important things primary education does. It’s fundamental to children making progress in life,” says Dominic Wyse, a professor of primary education at University College L ondon, in the UK. “While learning literacy is vital to childern, the way we teach it really matters.”In a 2022 report, he states that English school system’s intense focus on phonics – a method that involves matching the sound of a spoken word or letter, with individual written letters, through a process called “sounding out” – could be failing some children. A reason for this is that the tests used to assess that early learning may have little to do with the skills actually needed to read and enjoy books or other meaningful texts. For example, the tests may ask pupils to “sound out” and spell nonsense words, to prevent them from simply guessing, or recognising familiar words. Since nonsense words are not meaningful language, children may find the task difficult and puzzling. It doesn’t end up being meaningful, it ends up being memorising rather than understanding context.Children who attend intensive preschools do not have higher academic abilities in later grades than those who did not attend such preschools, several studies now show. Early education can however have a positive impact on social development – which in turn feeds into the likelihood of graduation from school and university as well as being associated with lower crime rates. In short, attending preschool can have positive effects on later achievement in life, but not necessary on academic skills.Too much academic pressure may even cause problems in the long run. A study published in January 2022 suggested that those who attended a preschool with a strong academic emphasis, showed lower academic achievements a few years later, compared to those who had not gained a place.第II卷(共40分)V. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.72. 这个问题至今已经困扰了我好几天。
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Unit 3 Reflecting on HistoryTeaching ContentA Young Girl’s Impossible IdealismTeaching Aims1.To develop the students reading ability.2.To improve the students speaking ability.3.To develop the students’ memory.4.To grasp some useful patterns.Teaching Important Points1.To develop the students reading ability.2.To improve the students speaking ability.3.To develop the students’ memory.Teaching Difficult Points1.To improve the students speaking ability.2.To grasp some useful patterns.Teaching ProcessStep 1.Lead inStudents:(Enjoy the song “The Internationale”)Teacher: What do you think of when listening to the song?Student: (学生可能有不同的答案,教师最后引导到所需要的答案) During the Second World War.Teacher: How much have you learned about the Second World War?Students:(本班是历史班,所以关于二战的知识应该相当熟悉,所以要求学生根据自己所学的内容给予答案。
)Teacher: Just like what you said just now, during the Second World War a lot of people were injured or even killed.However, one little girl was perseverant enough to believe that the world will come back to peace in the end.And everything will come right in the near future. Who do you know she was? And what was she famous for?Students: (学生反馈)Step 2.Fast Reading1.提出问题Teacher:Up to now, all of you have previewed her diary before class, please answer the following question by using a very useful reading skill, that is, you should only read the first and last sentences of each paragraph in this diary. First, boys and girls, please have a look at the screen to see what the question is.(on the screen)Which of the following best summarizes Anne’s thoughts in this excerpt?(Directions: You should only read the first and last sentences of each paragraph in this diary and then give the correct answer.)A)The world puts more demand on the young than on the old.B)Despite the problems and dangers, I refuse to let go of my ideals.C)The problems confronting us have shattered my hopes and beliefs.D)Although I tried to uphold my ideals, the reality has reduced them to nothing.Students: (Reading)2.学生反馈Teacher: Time is up. Any volunteers?Student: BTeacher: Please read your answer in a complete sentence in a loud voice.Student: Despite the problems and dangers, I refuse to let go of my ideals.Teacher: Would you please transform the sentence by using some other sentence patterns?Student: In spite of the problems and dangers, I refuse to let go of my ideals.Student: In spite of the fact that I may meet with the problems and dangers, I refuse to let go of my ideals.Student: Although I may meet with the problems and dangers, I refuse to let go of my ideals.附:此步骤考验学生运用各种句型来表达同一个意思的能力。
Step 3.Intensive Reading.1.(Paragraph One)提出任务Students: (Read the first paragraph)Teacher: Time is up. My question is “What does the word ‘waver’ mean according to the context?”(板书:a) think b) hesitate c) suffer d) realize) Student: hesitateTeacher: Please read the paragraph again to pick out the most impressive and instructive sentence. You can use one of the following sentence patterns.What impresses me most is that… It implies that…What strikes me most is that… It indicates that…2.(Paragraph Two)提出任务Students: (Read the second paragraph)Teacher: In line five, there is a phrase “reduce it to nothing”. According to the context, please tell us what the pron “it” refer to?Students: (反馈)Teacher: Please read the paragraph again to pick out the most impressive and instructive sentence. You can use one of the following sentence patterns.What impresses me most is that… It implies that…What strikes me most is that… It indicates that…3.(Paragraph Three)提出任务Teacher: (The teacher read it to the whole class and the students listen attentively.)Teacher: In lines four and five, there are two important words: wilderness and thunder. What do they stand for or describe according to you? (采用填空的形式) (on the screen) They stand for the destruction resulting from the war, and the fighting that was going on at that time.Teacher: Please read the paragraph again to pick out the most impressive and instructive sentence. You can use one of the following sentence patterns.What impresses me most is that….It implies that…What strikes me most is that….It indicates that…4.(Paragraph Four)提出任务Teacher: Let’s read the fourth paragraph together.In this paragraph, the expression “hold fast to my ideals” is opposite in meaning to an expression in the first sentence of paragraph 3. What is the expression?Students: “drop all my ideals”Teacher: What do you think of the last sentence of this paragraph? Please explain it in your own words.For reference1.In its innermost depths, youth is lonelier than old age.2.I wish we young people were mature enough to hold our ground and maintain our opinions.3.However, it’s twice as hard for us to do so, especially in a time when all ideals are being smashed and destroyed, when people are showing their worst side, and when we do not know whether to believe in the truth, the right or the reality.4.Ideals, dreams, and cherished hopes rise within us, only to meet the horrible reality and be shattered.5.I keep them, because in spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart.6.If I look up into the heavens, I think that it will all come right, that this cruelty will end, and that peace and tranquility will return.7.Impossible as it seems,I must uphold my ideals, for perhaps the time will come when I shall be able to carry them out.Teacher: Good! You did a very good job just now. Meanwhile, we can draw a conclusion that although we may meet with a lot of difficulties in our daily life, we should not lose heart because our life is not always smooth and we must hope for the best and prepare for the worst. In other words, we must prepare for any difficulty and have the confidence to overcome it.巩固学习Teacher: Just now we learned many instructive sentences. Please read them again and then fill in the blanks with what you have learned.1.____________, youth is lonelier than old age.2.I wish we young people were mature enough to _____________ and ________ ouropinions.3.However, it’s ____________ for us to do so, especially in a time when all ideals are being ________ and ________, when people are showing ______________, and when we do not know whether to __________ the truth, the right or the reality.4.Ideals, dreams, and cherished hopes ____________, only to meet the horrible reality and be shattered.5.I keep them, because in spite of everything, I still believe that people are really ______________.6.If I look up into__________, I think that it will all _________, that this cruelty will________, and that peace and tranquility will__________.7._________ as it seems,I must ________ my ideals, for perhaps the time will come when I shall be able to _______them _______.Step 4.ConclusionTeacher: So far, we have known that in the diary Anne Frank was wondering why people in the world should hate each other or even wanted to kill each other, and why people should look down upon the other nations. We are the world. No one has the privilege. As we all know, love is more important than anything else. We are all friends and relatives. Just as the famous saying goes, blood is thicker than water. Let us be inspired by life and love. Now let’s repeat the sentence together on the screen----- (齐声朗读)If I look up into the heavens, I think that it will all come right, that this cruelty will end, and that peace and tranquility will return.Step 5.Homework1.Surf the Internet and answer the following questions.1)What fundamental rights was the Frank family denied?2)What social and psychological effects did the period have on them?3)What are your perception of Anne Frank’s experiences during the Holocaust?4)Describe the physical, psychological, and social barriers imposed on the Jewish community during the German occupation?2.Please collect as much information as possible about Anti-Japanese War. You can refer to additional reading.。