
一.油漆1. alkyd醇酸2. acrylic丙烯酸Modified epoxy改性环氧3. epoxy环氧4.epoxy filler环氧腻子5. polyurethane聚氨酯6. isocyanate异氰酸酯7. vinyl乙烯Chlorinated rubber paint 氯化橡胶油漆8. silicone硅树脂(Intersleek)9. zinc ethyl silicate硅酸锌10. coal tar煤焦油11. bitumen沥青bituminous含沥青的12. thinner稀释剂/稀料13. solvent溶剂14. levelling property 流平性15.atomization雾化16.sagging流挂17.cracking龟裂(较重/大)18.checking龟裂(较轻/小)19.blistering起泡20.detachment/ peeling off剥落21. chalking粉化22.overspray过喷23.dry spray干喷24.overlap重叠/搭接25.atomization雾化26.leveling property流平性27. CDP A/F= control depletion polymer A/F 控制消耗聚合物防污漆 (BQ)28. SPC A/F=self polishing copolymerA/F自抛光共聚物防污漆(BE)二.新造船术语1.Primary surface preparation and shop primer application初始表面处理和车间底漆施工2.Steel cutting钢板切割3.Plate bending/fairing and block sub-assembly - curved panel line板材弯曲/校正及分段次组装--曲板线4.Block assembly - flat panel line分段组装--平板线5.Block painting分段涂装6.Pre-erection/grand block assembly预合拢/大分段组装7.Block join up - secondary surface preparation and painting分段合拢--二次表面处理和涂装8.Building dock/building slipway造船坞/造船台9.Vessel launch, quayside outfitting and painting and vessel Delivery船舶下水, 码头舾装和涂装以及交船10.PDD=Pre-Delivery Drydocking= 交船前进坞11.Millscale氧化皮12. Oxy fuel cutting—propane丙烷, acetylene乙炔13.Plasma cutting等离子切割14.laser cutting激光切割15.sharp edge锐边16. Weld spatter焊接飞溅17. Weld slag焊渣18. lamination轧制夹层/迭片二.修船术语A. 船员称呼1.Superintendent机务代表Owner’s representative船东代表2.Capt.=Captain=Master船长3.C/O=chief officer大副4.2/O=second officer二副5.Radio offier电报员6.C/E=chief engineer老轨;轮机长7.2/E=second engineer二轨;8.Bosun=boatswain水手长9.carpenter木匠10.Seaman水手11.dock master坞长12.pilot引水员B. 船舶部位1.Bow船头2.Bulbous bow球鼻艏3.Bow thruster艏侧推4.Midship船舯5.Stern船尾6.E/R=engine room机舱间7.Port左/左舷8.Starboard右/右舷9.Forecastle艏甲板10.poopdeck尾甲板11.hawse锚链孔12.Tweendeck二层甲板13.superstructure / accommodation 上层建筑/ 生活区14.Bulwark舷墙15.gangway舷梯16.scupper(舷侧)流水口17.drain hole排水孔18.draught=draft吃水深度19.draught/draft marks 吃水标记20.topside / freeboard干舷21.Boottop=boottopping水波/水线间22.Vertical bottom/vertical sides直底/直侧面23.flats=flat bottom平底24.shell / hull船壳25.rudder舵26.propeller推进器/螺旋桨27.lifebuoy救生圈28.lifejacket救生衣29.lifeboat救生艇30.davit吊艇柱Skates吊艇架31.Derrick/boom吊杆/吊臂32.derrick clutch/derrick rest /boom rest吊杆/吊臂支架33.hatch cover舱口盖34.hatch coaming舱口围35.holds/cargo holds货舱36.corrugated bulkhead 波形/槽形舱壁37.cofferdam隔离藏38.void space空舱39.TST=topside tanks= 顶边舱/上边舱40.lower slope tanks下边舱41.tank top舱底42.ceiling/deck underneath 反顶43.fender碰垫/护舷材44.dolphin系缆桩,岸桩45.bollard双系缆桩46.OBM=onboard maintenance 在船保养47.floating dock浮坞48.dry dock干坞Tank Coating Systems1 喷砂前的钢结构表面处理Condition of steelwork prior to gritblasting2 通风及湿度控制Moisture control and ventilation3 脚手架/台Scaffolding / staging4 喷砂Grit blasting5 除湿De-humidification6 式玛货油舱涂料的施工Application of Sigma Coatings Tank Coating System7 货油舱上部涂层的检验Inspection of paint system on upper areas8 脚手架的拆除Dismantling and removal scaffolding9 货油舱底部涂层的施工及检验Application and inspection of paint10 舱底漆膜及甲板管道开口涂层的修补Remedial touching up of paint film in tank bottom and coating of ventilation doors and strums11 不锈钢Stainless steel12 海水试验Sea water test1 喷砂前的钢结构表面处理CONDITION OF STEELWORK PRIOR TO GRITBLASTING所有锐边要打磨至半径最少为3毫米的圆角All sharp edges to be ground off to approximately 3.0 millimeters radius as minimum.。

外贸英语词汇——油漆涂料下面是整理的外贸英语词汇;;油漆涂料,欢迎大家阅读!AAccelerate 促进剂Accelerator硬化剂,接触剂Acetic acid 醋酸Acetone 丙酮Achromatic color 无彩色Acid stain 丙烯酸树脂Acrylic丙烯酸Acrylics acid resin 丙烯酸(类)树脂Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene resin ABS树脂,丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯树脂Active agent 活性剂Additive 添加剂Additive mixture 加色混合Adhesive 胶粘剂Adhesive solvent 胶(料)溶剂Adjacent color 类似色Advancing color 进出色Aerosol spraying 简易喷涂After image 残象Air drying 常温干燥Airless spraying 无气喷涂Alcohol stain 酒精着色剂Alert color警戒色Alkyd resin 醇酸树脂Alligatoring 漆膜龟裂Amount of spread 涂胶量Anticorrosive paint 防锈涂料Antifouling paint 防污涂料Antique finish 古式涂料Automatic spraying 自动喷涂BBaking finish 烤漆喷涂Base boat 底漆Blistering 小泡Blushing 白化Body varnish 磨光漆Brilliant 鲜艳的Brushing 刷涂Brushing mark/streak 刷痕Bubbling 气泡Button lac 精致虫胶CCafé 咖啡色Carbamide resin adhesive 尿素树脂胶Catalyst 催化剂,触媒,接触剂Chalking 粉化Cherry 樱桃色Chipping 剥落Chromatic color 有彩色Chromaticity 色度Chromaticity coordinates 色度坐标Chromaticity diagram色度圆Clssing 补漆Clear coating 透明涂层Clear lacquer 透明喷漆Clear paint 透明涂料Coarse particle 粗粒Coating 涂料Cobwebbing 裂痕Cocos 可可色Cold water paint 水性涂料Color blindness 色盲Color conditioning 色彩调节Color harmony 色彩调和Color in oil 片种特(调色用)Color matching 调色Color number 色号(色之编号或代号) Color paint 有色涂料Color reaction 显色反应Color reproduction 色重现Color tolerance 色容许差Compatibility 相容性Complimentary color 补色Consistency 稠厚度Contractive color 收缩色Col color 寒色,冷色Cooling agent 冷却剂Covering power 覆盖力Cracking 龟裂,裂纹Cresol resin adhesive 甲酚树脂胶Crimping 皱纹Cure 硬化Curing agent 固化剂Curing temperature 固化温度DDark 暗Deep 深Degumming 脱胶Dewaxed shellac 胶蜡虫胶Diluent 稀释剂,冲淡剂Dilution ratio 稀释比例Dingy 浊色Dipping 浸渍涂层Dipping treatment 变色Discoloring 变色Discord 不调和色Drier 干燥剂Dry rubbing 干磨Drying time 干燥时间Dulling 失光Dusting 粉化EEgg-shell 埴孔亚光,显孔亚光electrostatic spraying 静电涂装emulsion adhesive 乳化胶emulsion paint 乳化涂料enamel 色漆,磁漆end-coating 端面涂层end-gluing 端面胶合epoxy finish环氧效果epoxy resin glue环氧树脂胶ethyl cellulose lacquer乙基纤维素喷漆FFading退色Filler 腻子,埴料,填充剂Finish code 涂料编号Finshing 涂饰Flaking 剥落Flat paint 消光涂料Flatness 消光Floor paint 地板涂料Foam glue 泡沫胶GGelatin 明胶,凝胶Glare 眩目Glue 胶粘剂,胶,胶料Glue and filler bond 动物胶及填料胶结Glue mixer 调胶机Glue spreader 涂胶机Gum 树胶,胶树HHardener 硬化剂Hide 皮胶High solid lacquer 高固体分漆Honey color 蜂蜜色IIlluminant color 光源色JJelly strength 胶质强度Joint strength 胶接强度LLac 虫胶Lac varnish 光漆Lacquer 漆Latex 乳胶Latex paint 合成树脂乳化型涂料Leveling agent 均化剂Light 光亮的Liquid glue 液态胶Long oil varnish 长性清漆Love formaldehyde 低甲醛MMake up paint 调和漆Medium oil varnish 中油度清漆Melamine resin adhesive 三聚氯胺树脂胶,蜜胺树脂胶Melamine resin sheet 三聚氯胺树脂(片)Methyl alcohol 甲醛Multi-color 多彩漆NNatural clear lacquer 清漆N.C lacquer 硝化棉喷漆N.C lacquer enamel 硝色棉色漆N.C lacquer sealer硝化棉底涂料N.C lacquer surfacer 梢化棉中涂整面涂料Nitro-cellulose lacquer 硝化纤维漆,硝基榉Nitro-lacquer 硝基漆Nitrocellulose lacquer 硝化纤维(喷)漆Non toxix finishes无毒喷漆Novolac (线型)酚醛清漆OOff- color 变色的,退色的,不标准的颜色Oil paint 油性漆Oil putty 油性腻子Oil solvent 油溶剂Oil stain 油性着色剂Oil staining 油着色Oil stone 油石Oil varnish 油性清漆,上清漆Opacity 不透明度Opaque paint 不透明涂料PPaint 涂料,油漆Paint film 涂膜Paint nozzle 涂料喷头Penetrant 渗透剂Phenol aldehyde resin 酚醛树脂胶Polishing varish 擦光(亮)清漆Poly Urethane Resin 聚氨酯(PU) Poly ester 聚酯Polyester resin lacquer 聚酯树脂涂料Polypropylene 聚丙烯Polystyrene聚苯乙烯Polyurethane 聚氨酯Polyvinyl acetate adhesive 聚醋酸乙烯(树脂)胶Polyvinyl adhesive 聚乙烯树脂胶Polyvinyl chloride resin 聚乙烯树脂涂层Pre-coating 预涂Procuring 预固化Preservative 防腐剂Primer 底漆(下涂涂料)Putty 腻子Pyroxylin lacquer 硝基漆QQuick drying paint 速干漆RReady mixed paint 调和漆Refined shellac 精制虫胶Resin adhesive 树脂胶Reverse coater 反向涂料器Roller brush 滚筒刷SSample board 样板Sand blast 喷砂。

paint的意思n. 颜料,涂料,绘画作品,胭脂等化妆品,颜色,装饰vt. 涂色于,绘画,(用语言,文字等)描写,擦脂粉等vi. 描绘,绘画,化妆变形:过去式: painted; 现在分词:painting; 过去分词:painted;paint用法paint可以用作名词paint的基本意思是“油漆,涂料”,是不行数名词,没有复数形式。
paint还可表示“绘画作品”,“一幅绘画作品”是a piece of paint。
paints 指一套管状或块状的“颜料”。
paint用作名词的用法例句The wall requires a new coat of paint.这墙需要再涂一层新油漆。
Keep away from it. Dont you see the notice Wet Paint?离远点。
你没观察牌子上写著油漆未乾吗?Be careful, the paint may smear.当心,油漆会涂污的。
paint还可接以“(to be/as+) n./adj. ”或现在分词充当补足语的复合宾语。
作“涂油漆”解时,宾语补足语前常省略to be或as; 作“描绘”解时to be或as不行省略。
paint用作动词的用法例句I personally think we should paint the wall yellow.我个人认为墙壁应当粉刷成黄色。

颜色:Grey 灰色Plum 洋红Purple 紫色Red 红色Black 黑色Brown 棕色Green 绿色White 白色Silver 银色(metallic silver 金属银色)Cream 淡黄色Clear 透明Buff 浅黄色涂料种类:C: Conventional Paint 常规涂料B: Bituminous Paint 沥青系涂料C/R: Chlorinated Rubber Paint 氯化橡胶系涂料P/E: Pure Epoxy Paint 纯环氧涂料T/E: Coal Tar Epoxy Paint 环氧沥青系涂料V/T: Vinyl Tar Paint 乙烯沥青系涂料P/U: Polyurethane Paint 聚氨脂涂料I/Z: Inorganic Zinc Silicate 无机硅酸锌涂料SPC: Self Polishing Copolymer 自抛光涂料B/E: Bleached Type Tar Epoxy Paint 漂白型环氧沥青A.C: Anti-corrosive Paint 防腐漆R.P: Rust Preventive Paint 防锈漆A.F: Anti-fouling Paint 防污漆T.S: Topside Paint 干弦漆D.P: Deck Paint 甲板漆F.P:: Finish Paint 面漆U.C: Under Coat 底漆(中间漆)B.C: Binder Coat 过渡层漆H.P: Hold Paint 货舵漆H.R: Heat Resistance Paint 耐热漆O.R: Oil Resistance Paint 耐油漆A.R: Acid Resistance Paint 耐酸漆R.I: Rust Inhibitive Oil 防锈油A.P: Aluminium Paint 铝粉漆H.B: High-built Type 厚膜漆N.S: Non-slip Type 防滑型W.S: Water Soluble Type 水溶性涂料G.P: Paint For Galvanized Parts 镀锌件底漆N.B: Non-bleed Type 非渗色型S.P: Shop Primer 车间底漆Wash Primer: 磷化底漆Varnish: 清漆Luminescent Paint: 荧光漆Epoxy Paint: 环氧漆Alkyd Paint: 醇酸漆月份:一月Jan 二月Feb 三月Mar四月Apr 五月May 六月Jun七月July 八月Aug 九月Sept十月Oct 十一月Nov 十二月Dec星期:星期一Monday 星期二Tuesday 星期三Wednesday 星期四Thursday 星期五Friday 星期六Saturday 星期日Sunday相关术语:局部修补settling 修补touch-up刷涂brushing 漏涂holidays复涂overcoating 满涂full coat预涂stripe coat 空气喷涂air spray无气喷涂airless spray 光泽gloss失光loss of gloss 半光semi-gloss光滑glossy 开裂cracking/checking流挂sagging/running 起泡blistering出汗sweating/perspiration 结露condensation/dewing露点dew point 缩孔/露底crater发花floating 色差color difference色斑staining 渗色bleeding收缩/起皱shrinkage/ wrinkling 桔皮orange peel结皮skinning 遮盖力hiding power遮盖力弱lack of hiding 附着力adhesion咬底lifting 发白blushing剥落peeling 翘皮peeling off刷痕brush mark 烧损burn damage机械损伤mechanical damage 腻子putty飞溅spatter/spattering 打磨grinding/griting锈rusting 返锈rerusting除锈derusting 氧化皮mill scale绝缘insulation/illumination 抹布rag铲刀scraper 敲/铲chipping/scraping刷子brush 滚刷(筒)roller口罩mask/respirator 砂纸打磨sanding钢丝盘刷wire wheel 砂皮纸sandpaper盘型砂纸disc-sand 叉车fork lifter点蚀pitting 麻点/点蚀pocking/pitting/blister喷溅麻点spatting 手电筒flashlight/electric torch 针孔pinhole 气孔blowhole焊渣slag 熔渣burn slag焊条electrode 焊丝wire焊接weld 温度计thermometer湿度计hygrometer 测厚仪thickness gauge湿膜仪wet film thickness gauge 干膜厚度dry film thickness湿膜厚度wet film thickness 湿度humidity氧气oxygen 渗漏leakage轮机machinery 电气electricity车间workshop 平台platform/flat横梁beam 码头wharf/quay栏杆handrail/rail 梯子ladder吊杆boom 脚手架staging/scaffold脚手架踏板stage plant 跳板foot board天花板ceiling 三角板/接地支架bracketR孔scallop 流水孔scupper排水孔drain hole/scupper 小孔orifice角钢angle bar 槽钢channel bar扁钢steel flat 球边钢bulbangle球扁钢bulb plate/bar 工字钢H-beam高压淡水冲洗HPFW 酸洗picking酸洗池picking tub(bath) 化学清洗chemical cleaning外部external 内部internal脱脂degreasing 除油oil removing去油剂detergent 油脂/黄油grease砂sand/grit 锤子hammer砂斗container 斜面/有坡度sloping上斜坡upper hopper 下斜坡lower hopper搅拌agitation 搅拌器agitator/mixer喷漆泵spray pump 喷枪spray gun枪嘴spray nozzle 肋骨frame加强肋骨web frame 边肋骨side frame斜肋骨cant beam 斜梁cant beam加强衍stiffening girder 加强板stiffener/stiffening plate 加强筋stiffening rib 分段block水密的watertight 焊缝weld seam大接缝master butt 底座/基座foundation粗糙度roughness 除湿机dehumiditifier空调机air conditioner 压缩机compressor压缩空气compressed air 吸砂机vacuum recovery水分离器water-separator 集尘器dust collector灰尘dust 粉尘ash喷砂grit/sand blasting 扫喷砂sand sweeping点喷砂spot blasting 湿喷砂wet blasting棱角钢砂喷砂grit blasting 熔块/金属渣regulus表面处理surface preparation 表面处理surface treatment钢板表面steel surface 受热面heating surface挥发evaporate 粉化chalking雾化atomization 风化crosion风向wind direction 风力wind force自然干燥natural seasoning 复涂间隔recoating interval复涂间隔期recoating limits 间隔时间the time interval污染contamination 油漆配套paint scheme仓库wear house 施工application等级grade 配件attachment边(缘)edge 开口边缘eye edge切割边缘cutting edge 咬边/下陷under cut组装/装配assembly 条件condition咬口underout 毛刺lamination油迹oil residue 通风ventilation湿气moisture 建议recommendation相对湿度the relative humidity 保持maintain满意satisfactory 清洁clean标准standard 符合in accordance with 矿质磨料mineral abrasive 残留磨料spent abrasive锈层scale 电导率conductivity除湿de-humidification 直接directly自由边edges of cut outs 垂流curtaining软底鞋套soft footwear 检验inspection保护protection 验收accepted漆膜paint film 粘度viscosity流平性leveling 预热chalking熟化ripening 沉淀/麻点pocking mark调整/校对adjust 树脂resin多余的excess 油污oil and grease粘土slime 涂布率coverage胶带tape 补焊repair welding拒绝reject 承包人contractor工人workman 工头foreman活络扳adjustable spanner 螺丝刀screwdriver螺栓(螺丝) bolt 螺母(螺帽)nut漆雾paint dust/overspray 干喷漆雾dry spray/over spray 基料base 固化剂curing agent溶剂solvent 稀料thinner底漆undercoat/primer 面漆topcoat旧油漆previous paint 已涂油漆present paint将涂油漆succeeding paint 厚膜涂料high-build coating桥吊:前大梁boom后大梁girder海侧梯形架waterside pylon龙门架(陆侧梯形架) gantry frame海侧上横梁seaside portal beam海侧下横梁seaside sill beam陆侧上横梁landside portal beam陆侧下横梁landside sill beam左海侧立柱left seaside leg右海侧立柱right seaside leg左陆侧立柱left landside leg右陆侧立柱right landside leg左水平联系梁left horizontal beam右水平联系梁right horizontal beam前拉杆forestay后拉杆backstay后撑杆inner backstay门框斜撑frame diagonal行走机构gantry traveling机房底盘machinery house foundation 机房围棚machinery house wall小车架trolley拖架小车catenary trolley维修行车maintenance crane理货室checker’s cab司机室driver’s cab俯仰室boom operation吊具spreader吊具上架headblock梯子平台walkways, ladders and platforms栏杆handrailQuayside container crane 桥吊Rubber tyre gantry crane 轮胎吊Rail-mounted gantry crane 轨道吊船舶:船体hull 轮机machinery电气electricity 舾装outfitting外板shell outside 甲板exposed deck干舷topside 水线boottop直底vertical bottom 平底flat bottom左舷portside 右舷starboard舵叶rudder 水侧字draft上甲板upperdeck 上层建筑superstructure 船台/泊位berth/slipway 舷墙bulwark舱壁bulkhead 球鼻首bulbbow桅杆mast 前桅fore mast灯桅lamp mast 桅屋mast house雷达桅radar mast 桅柱derrick post天线架aerial mast 天蓬awing码头wharf/quay 舱底tank top横梁beam 舷梯gutter way/gangway 船头bow 船尾stern舷窗porthole 舷墙排水孔wash port舷墙方柱walk stay 舷边栏杆gunwale railing 旋梯winding stair 吊艇架davit吊艇臂davit arm 吊货杆cargo boom舵杆rudder stem frame 反顶under deck食品吊provision crane 克林吊crane foundation 汽车吊truck crane 门机gantry crane锚机windlass 锚链筒hawse pipe锚链孔hawse hole 人孔access hole角孔angle hole 甲板排水孔deck drain实肋板人孔manhole of solid floor 水泥cement锌板zinc plate 锌盐zinc salt/white dust 镀锌galvanizing/zincing 镀锌板galvanized steel plate 镀锌铁板galvanized iron 镀锌管galvanized pipe 舭(船底弯曲部)bilge 舭龙骨bilge keel防鼠挡板rat-guard 船首防浪板bow chock首封板forecastle break bulkhead 尾封板poop front bulkhead 波形舱壁corrugated bulkhead 舱壁板bulkhead横隔舱壁thwartship bulkhead 纵舱壁longitudinal bulkhead 中纵舱壁center line bulkhead 挡水板scupper board 花铁板floor plate 龙骨墩keelblock纵缝longitudinal seam 边翼/侧面wing浮船坞floating dock 坞门caisson坞底dock bottom 进坞docking出坞undocking 热风炉air oven导缆器fairlead 导缆孔chock带缆桩bollard 平方米square meter 通风筒ventilator 船体车间hull shop涂装车间coating shop 筛网sieve艏柱stempost 艏灯桅stem light mast 甲板室deck house 货舱cargo hold 螺旋桨propeller 海底阀箱sea chest海底塞bottom plug 舱口hatch way舱底水limber water 花钢板chequered plate 干隔舱cofferdam 空仓void space管弄pipe tunnel 油盘oil pan格栅grating 双层底double bottom 货舱盖hatch cover 箱型舱盖hatch pontoon 舱口围hatch coaming 橡皮槽rubber channel 水沟(槽)gutter water way 锅炉boiler托架pedestal 堵塞chock up起居甲板accommodation deck 驾驶甲板navigating deck 罗经甲板compass deck 桥楼甲板bridge deck船长甲板captain deck 遮阳甲板shade deck首楼甲板forecastle deck 尾楼甲板poop deck救生艇甲板boat deck 接地片lug突出部位profile 凹面recessed area 拆除dismantle 上部涂层upper area 海水试验salt water test 灌满fill up with 污泥mud 淤积物deposit海生物sea animal 海藻sea weed/grass 管虫tubeworm 水解层hydrolyze layer 口头地verbally 便条verbal note 指触干dry to touch 硬干hard dry冰冻freeze 海试sea-trial热井cascard/hot well 测爆gas free牺牲阳极sacrificial anode 阳极保护anode shield 阴极保护cathodic protection 慢挥发溶剂slow-evaporating 艏尖舱fore peak tank 尾尖舱after peak tank 淡水舱fresh water tank 饮水舱drink water tank/potable water tank 压载舱ballast water tank 燃油舱fuel oil tank柴油舱diesel oil tank 货油舱cargo oil tank滑油舱lubricating oil tank 污油舱dirty oil tank污水舱bilge water tank 污水柜sewage tank污水井bilge well 海水舱sea water tank 隔离舱cofferdams tank 溢流舱overflow tank 泄放舱drain tank 锅炉水舱feed water tank 蒸馏水舱distilled water tank 首燃油舱forward F.O.tank 尾燃油舱after F.O.tank 深燃油舱 F.O.deep tank 重柴油舱heavy diesel oil tank 顶边水舱topside tank 舱底水舱bilge water tank 冷却水舱cooling water tank 测深仪舱sounder room 计程仪舱log room含油水舱oily water tank 污油水舱bilge oil water tank 汽缸油柜cylinder oil tank 机舱油柜engine room tank 燃油日用柜 F.O.service tank 燃油沉淀柜 F.O.settling tank 燃油缓冲柜 F.O.buffer tank 燃油溢流舱 F.O.spill tank 滑油循环柜L.O.circulating tank 滑油沉淀柜L.O.settling tank 滑油储存柜L.O.storage tank 滑油储藏舱L.O.storage tank 柴油日用柜 D.O.service tank 污油油渣舱sludge oil tank 轻柴油储存柜light D.O.storage tank 柴油沉淀舱M.D.O settling tank 柴油储存舱M.D.O store tank 舵机舱steering gear room 格栅顶面grating top 深水舱deep tank通海阀箱sea inlet valve chest 边舱wing tank污油水舱slop tank 剩下的舱residual tank 泵舱pump room 居住区域accommodation space 应急消防泵舱emergency fire fight pump tank应急发电机室emergency generator room地板裸露部位floor bare steel甲板机械下部under deck machinery转机设备底座under machinery seat舵机底座下部区域under steering gear seat舵机舱地板裸露部分steering gear room floor bare steel双层底甲板main floor-top of double bottom急救室1st AID Room泡沫材料&防火控制站Foam &Fire Control Station轮机长办公室Engine Office甲板和机舱更衣室Deck &Engine Changing Room苏伊士房间/检疫处Suez Crew Room/Quarantine Room 医务室Hospital被服库Linen Locker洗衣间Ship’s Laundry主楼梯Main Stair Way健身房Gymnasium公共厕所Public Toilet机舱入口E/R Entrance救生设备储存室L/S(Life Save) Equipment Store空调室Air Condition Room油漆储藏间Paint Store水手储藏室Bosun Store干货储藏室Dry Provision Store蔬菜库Vegetable Chamber鱼库Fish Chamber肉库Meat Chamber奶库Dairy Chamber冷藏库Refrigerated Chamber粮食库Provision Chamber油漆库Paint Chamber氧气库Oxygen Room乙炔间Acetylene Room机舱棚Engine Room Casing储物舱Locker液压泵室Hydro Power Unit Room 货物泵舱Cargo Pump Room惰性气体洗气室I.G.S Scrubber Room隔舱Cofferdam官员起居室Officer Living Room货油控制站Cargo Control Room会议室Conference Room船员起居室Crew Living Room官员餐厅Off’s Mess Room电缆&管弄间Cable &P/D Room快餐间Snack Room船员餐厅Crew’s Mess Room船员配餐室Crew Pantry厨房Galley官员配餐室Office Pantry加油工Oiler泵管理员Pump Man甲板实习生Deck Cadet清洁员室Wiper备用船员室Available装配工Fitter轮机实习生Engine Cadet海员室Able Seaman水手长Boat Swain普通海员室Ordinary Seaman通道Passage厨师室Cook服务员室Steward大副休息室Chief Mate Day Room官员洗衣房Officer’s Laundry三副3rd Mate(3/officer)二副2nd Mate(2/officer)船长休息室Captain Day Room船东室Owner轮机长休息室C/Engine Day Room大管2nd Engineer二管3rd Engineer电气工程师室Electric Engine卧室Bed Room检察员室Inspector大副休息室C/Officer Day Room二副休息室2nd Engine Day Room海图桌Chart Table海图区域、无线电区域Chart Space引水员Pilot储存室Store电池间Battery LKR电气储存室Electric LKR英语会话:Hello! / Hi! 你好!Good morning! 早上好!Good afternoon! 下午好!Good evening! 晚上好!How are you? 你好吗?/ Fine, thank you, and you? 很好,谢谢,你呢?My name is …(I’m…) 我叫…Nice to meet you! 很高兴认识你!How do you do! 你好!Thank you! 谢谢!Goodbye. 再见。

作为涂料从业员, 我们都希望自我提升, 面向国际。
英语是最常用的外语, 英语是给外国人仕沟通, 所以要站在他们的文化背景来学习及应用。
可惜目前市面的英汉涂料词典以科技为主,对业务帮助不够, 加上背后的解释又不清楚。
而涂料英语并不是单靠字典可以学习, 必须在业内与了不同国家同业沟通才能真正理解,笔者有幸有此机会累积了一些经验, 藉此与读者分享, 除中译外, 同时加插说明, 描述背后含义。
希望激发起业界关注正确涂料英语述语的应用,共同提升英语水平, 避免一些贻笑大方的英语在涂业界的资料出现。
今期从基础开始, 以后加入市场与销售, 产品技术等, 同时请有识之士,加入一些单词, 以完善涂料行业(不仅是指工业)专用英语中译工作。

常用船舶涂装英语词汇英文名称英文缩写中文名称1.Paint 涂装、涂料2.Thinner 稀料、稀释剂3.Coat 涂层4. Loss 损耗5.Shopprimer 车间底漆6.Primer 底漆7.Finish coating 面漆、完工漆8. Antifouling 防污的9.Sandblast, sweepblast 喷砂,扫砂10.Grind 打磨11.Clean 清洁12.Dry film thickness DFT 干膜厚度13.Wet film thickness WFT 湿膜厚度14.Second treatment 二次除锈15.Spray-paint 喷漆16.Roller 滚筒、辊子17.Brush 漆刷18. Epoxy 环氧19.Alkyd 醇酸树脂20.Bitumen 沥青21. Acrylic 丙烯酸的22.Stem 船首23.Stern 船尾24.Center line C.L. 中线25.Water line W.L. 水线26.Port P 左舷27.Starboard S 右舷28.Bow 船头29.Hull 船壳30.Deck 甲板31.Topside 干舷32.Hatch cover 舱口盖33.Hatch coaming 舱口围34. Ballast water tank B. W. T. 压载水舱35.Fresh water tank F.W.T. 淡水舱36.Fore peak tank F.P.T. 首尖舱36.After peak tank A.F.T. 尾尖舱37.Dirty water tank 污水舱38.Chain locker C.L. 锚链舱39.Store 贮藏室40.Cargo hold 货舱41.Engine room E.R. 机舱42.Steer gear 舵机舱43.Fuel oil tank F.O.T. 燃油舱44.Diesel oil tank D.O.T. 柴油舱45.Lubricate oil tank L.O.T. 滑油舱46.Cofferdam 隔离空舱47.Tube cooling water tank 艉管冷却水舱48.Sewage tank 生活污水舱49.Bilge tank 舱底水舱50.Double tank 双层底51.Bulwark 舷墙52.Forecastle 艏楼53.Poop 艉楼54.Funnel 烟囱55.Floor 地板56.Platform 平台57.Ceiling 天花58.Wall 墙59.Design draught 设计吃水60.Scantling draught 结构吃水61.Length overall 总长62.Breadth 型宽63.Depth 型深64.Passageway 过道65.Superstructure 上层建筑66.Wheelhouse 驾驶室67.Paint store 油漆间68.Work shop 工作间69.Air condition room 空调机室70.Pipe tunnel 管弄71.Ventilation trunk 风管dder 梯子73.Railings,handrails 栏杆、扶手74.Void 空舱75.Engine control room 机舱控制室76.Bilge well 污水井77.Inspection 检查78.Approve 认可、通过79.Welding 电焊80.Owner representative 船东代表81.Paint supervisor 油漆服务商82.Shipyard 船厂83.Inspector 检验员84.Modified Epoxy 改性环氧85.Tar Epoxy 焦油环氧86.Selfpolishing A/F SPC 自抛光防污漆87.Polyurethane 聚氨脂88.Pure Epoxy 纯环氧89.Zinc Silicate 无机硅酸锌90.Galvanized 镀锌的91.Colour, color 颜色92.Green 绿色93.Yellow 黄色94.Red 红色95.Brown 棕色96.Grey 灰色97.White 白色98.Cream 米黄99.Blue 蓝色100.Orange 桔黄101.Black 黑色101. fore peak 艏尖舱102. aft peak 艉尖舱103. chain locker 锚链舱104. bow thruster room 首侧推舱105. anti heeling pump room 抗横倾泵舱106. fresh water tank 淡水舱107. stern tube cooling water TK 尾管冷却水舱108. deep tank 深压载109. wheel house 驾驶室110. bosun store 水手长储藏室111. paint store 油漆间112. deck store 甲板储藏室113. CO2 room 二氧化碳室114. steering gear room 舵机舱115. log tank 计程仪舱116. bilge water sludge TK舱底水泥渣舱117. cooling water drain TK 冷却水泄放舱118. waste oil TK 废油舱119. sludge TK 油渣舱120. sea chest 海水箱121. cylinder oil service TK 汽缸油日用舱122. D.O. storage TK 柴油贮存舱123. D.O. settling TK 柴油沉淀舱124. HFO overflow TK 燃油溢流舱125. M/E L.O. sump TK 主机滑油循环舱126. M/E dirty L.O. TK 主机污滑油舱127. engine control room 机舱集控室128. boiler water TK 锅炉水舱129. ENG TK 轮机储物间130. engine workshop 机修间131. electrician store 电工储藏室132. double water ballast tank(DB WBT) 双层底压载水舱133. side WBT 边压载舱134. void space 空舱135. stair way 梯道136. wave breaker 防浪罩137. gangway 舷梯138. super structure 上层建筑139. hatch cover 舱口盖140. hatch coming 舱口围141. container stanchion 箱柱142. cell guide 导轨143. grating 格栅144. shell plate 外板145. rudder blade 舵叶146. crane 吊机147. ladder 梯子148. step 踏步149. handrail 扶手150. cargo hold 货舱151. radar mast 雷达桅152. corridor 走廊153. vessel 船154. wharf 码头155. block 分段156. pipe tunnel 管弄157. funnel 烟囱158. vent duct 通风管159. transversal bulkhead 横舱壁160. bulwark 舷墙161. weather deck 露天甲板162. forecastle deck 首楼甲板163. poop deck 尾楼甲板164. compass deck 罗经甲板165. main deck 主甲板166. passage way 走道167. manhole 人孔168. pilot 引水员169.Purifrer 分油机170.Stripe coat 预涂171. staging 脚手架172. insulation 绝缘173. lining 衬板174. floating deck 浮动地板175. emergency 应急176. slipway 船台177. erection joint 合拢缝178. launching 下水179. drydock 干船坞180. delivery 交船181. guarantee 保证182. color scheme 色卡183. seamless pipe 无缝管184. drain hole 流水孔185. propeller 螺旋桨186. dew point 露点187. relative humidity 相对湿度188. recoating interval 复涂间隔189. cracking 开裂190. peeling 剥落191. holiday 露底192. sagging 流挂江苏扬子江船厂有限公司涂装车间整理2008年7月26日。

饱和度 ; saturation
明暗调整色 ; shade
光谱匹配 ; spectral match
标准色浓度 ; standard depth of shade
标准照明体 ; standard illuminant
底色、薄层色 ; undertone
brush mark
calcium carbonate
can opener
ceiling paint
cellar paint
cement rendering
abrasion resisting
助剂, 添加剂
air assist airless spray
airless spray
alkali resisting primer 抗碱底漆

建筑行业英语词汇翻译-常见的油漆词汇A----Accelerate 促动剂Accelerator硬化剂,接触剂Acetic acid 醋酸Acetone 丙酮Achromatic color 无彩色Acid stain 丙烯酸树脂Acrylic丙烯酸Acrylics acid resin 丙烯酸(类)树脂Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene resin ABS树脂,丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯树脂Active agent 活性剂Additive 添加剂Additive mixture 加色混合Adhesive 胶粘剂Adhesive solvent 胶(料)溶剂Adjacent color 类似色Advancing color 进出色Aerosol spraying 简易喷涂After image 残象Air drying 常温干燥Airless spraying 无气喷涂Alcohol stain 酒精着色剂Alert color警戒色Alkyd resin 醇酸树脂Alligatoring 漆膜龟裂Amount of spread 涂胶量Anticorrosive paint 防锈涂料Antifouling paint 防污涂料Antique finish 古式涂料Automatic spraying 自动喷涂B----Baking finish 烤漆喷涂Base boat 底漆Blistering 小泡Blushing 白化Body varnish 磨光漆Brilliant 鲜艳的Brushing 刷涂Brushing mark/streak 刷痕Bubbling 气泡Button lac 精致虫胶C----Caf? 咖啡色Carbamide resin adhesive 尿素树脂胶Catalyst 催化剂,触媒,接触剂Chalking 粉化Cherry 樱桃色Chipping 剥落Chromatic color 有彩色Chromaticity 色度Chromaticity coordinates 色度坐标Chromaticity diagram色度圆Clssing 补漆Clear coating 透明涂层Clear lacquer 透明喷漆Coarse particle 粗粒Coating 涂料Cobwebbing 裂痕Cocos 可可色Cold water paint 水性涂料Color blindness 色盲Color conditioning 色彩调节Color harmony 色彩调和Color in oil 片种特(调色用)Color matching 调色Color number 色号(色之编号或代号) Color paint 有色涂料Color reaction 显色反应Color reproduction 色重现Color tolerance 色容许差Compatibility 相容性Complimentary color 补色Consistency 稠厚度Contractive color 收缩色Col color 寒色,冷色Cooling agent 冷却剂Covering power 覆盖力Cracking 龟裂,裂纹Cresol resin adhesive 甲酚树脂胶Crimping 皱纹Cure 硬化Curing agent 固化剂Curing temperature 固化温度D----Dark 暗Deep 深Degumming 脱胶Dewaxed shellac 胶蜡虫胶Diluent 稀释剂,冲淡剂Dilution ratio 稀释比例Dingy 浊色Dipping 浸渍涂层Dipping treatment 变色Discoloring 变色Discord 不调和色Drier 干燥剂Dry rubbing 干磨Drying time 干燥时间Dulling 失光Dusting 粉化E----Egg-shell 埴孔亚光,显孔亚光electrostatic spraying 静电涂装emulsion adhesive 乳化胶emulsion paint 乳化涂料enamel 色漆,磁漆end-coating 端面涂层end-gluing 端面胶合epoxy finish环氧效果epoxy resin glue环氧树脂胶ethyl cellulose lacquer乙基纤维素喷漆。

油漆涂料英语专业词汇.txt本文由verahappy2011贡献油漆涂料常用英语油漆涂料英语专业词汇A---- Accelerate 促进剂Accelerator硬化剂,接触剂Acetic acid 醋酸Acetone 丙酮Achromatic color 无彩色Acid stain 丙烯酸树脂Acrylic丙烯酸Acrylics acid resin 丙烯酸(类)树脂Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene resin ABS树脂,丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯树脂Active agent 活性剂Additive 添加剂Additive mixture 加色混合Adhesive 胶粘剂Adhesive solvent 胶(料)溶剂Adjacent color 类似色Advancing color 进出色Aerosol spraying 简易喷涂After image 残象Air drying常温干燥Airless spraying 无气喷涂Alcohol stain 酒精着色剂Alert color警戒色Alkyd resin 醇酸树脂Alligatoring 漆膜龟裂Amount of spread 涂胶量Anticorrosive paint 防锈涂料Antifouling paint 防污涂料Antique finish 古式涂料Automatic spraying 自动喷涂B---- Baking finish 烤漆喷涂Base boat 底漆Blistering 小泡Blushing 白化Body varnish 磨光漆Brilliant 鲜艳的Brushing 刷涂Brushing mark/streak 刷痕Bubbling 气泡Button lac 精致虫胶C---- Caf 咖啡色Carbamide resin adhesive 尿素树脂胶Catalyst 催化剂,触媒,接触剂Chalking 粉化Cherry 樱桃色Chipping 剥落Chromatic color 有彩色Chromaticity 色度Chromaticity coordinates 色度坐标Chromaticity diagram色度圆Clssing 补漆Clear coating 透明涂层Clear lacquer 透明喷漆Clear paint 透明涂料Coarse particle 粗粒Coating 涂料Cobwebbing 裂痕Cocos 可可色Cold water paint 水性涂料Color blindness 色盲Color conditioning 色彩调节Color harmony 色彩调和Color in oil 片种特(调色用)Color matching 调色Color number 色号(色之编号或代号)Color paint 有色涂料Color reaction 显色反应Color reproduction 色重现Color tolerance 色容许差Compatibility 相容性第1 页油漆涂料英语专业词汇.txtComplimentary color 补色Consistency 稠厚度Contractive color 收缩色Col color 寒色,冷色Cooling agent 冷却剂Covering power 覆盖力Cracking 龟裂,裂纹Cresol resin adhesive 甲酚树脂胶Crimping 皱纹Cure 硬化Curing agent 固化剂Curing temperature 固化温度D----Dark 暗Deep 深Degumming 脱胶Dewaxed shellac 胶蜡虫胶Diluent 稀释剂,冲淡剂Dilution ratio 稀释比例Dingy 浊色Dipping 浸渍涂层Dipping treatment 变色Discoloring 变色Discord 不调和色Drier 干燥剂Dry rubbing 干磨Drying time 干燥时间Dulling 失光Dusting 粉化E----Egg-shell 埴孔亚光,显孔亚光electrostatic spraying 静电涂装emulsion adhesive 乳化胶emulsion paint 乳化涂料enamel 色漆,磁漆end-coating 端面涂层end-gluing 端面胶合epoxy finish环氧效果epoxy resin glue环氧树脂胶ethyl cellulose lacquer乙基纤维素喷漆F----Fading退色Filler 腻子,埴料,填充剂Finish code 涂料编号Finshing 涂饰Flaking 剥落Flat paint 消光涂料Flatness 消光Floor paint 地板涂料Foam glue 泡沫胶G----Gelatin 明胶,凝胶Glare 眩目Glue 胶粘剂,胶,胶料Glue and filler bond 动物胶及填料胶结Glue mixer 调胶机Glue spreader 涂胶机Gum 树胶,胶树H----Hardener 硬化剂Hide 皮胶High solid lacquer 高固体分漆Honey color 蜂蜜色I----Illuminant color 光源色J----Jelly strength 胶质强度Joint strength 胶接强度L----Lac 虫胶Lac varnish 光漆Lacquer 漆Latex 乳胶Latex paint 合成树脂乳化型涂料Leveling agent 均化剂第2 页油漆涂料英语专业词汇.txt Light 光亮的Liquid glue 液态胶Long oil varnish 长性清漆Love formaldehyde 低甲醛M---- Make up paint 调和漆Medium oil varnish中油度清漆Melamine resin adhesive 三聚氯胺树脂胶,蜜胺树脂胶Melamine resin sheet 三聚氯胺树脂(片)Methyl alcohol 甲醛Multi-color 多彩漆N---- Natural clear lacquer 清漆N.C lacquer 硝化棉喷漆N.C lacquer enamel 硝色棉色漆N.C lacquer sealer硝化棉底涂料N.C lacquer surfacer 梢化棉中涂整面涂料Nitro-cellulose lacquer 硝化纤维漆,硝基榉Nitro-lacquer 硝基漆Nitrocellulose lacquer 硝化纤维(喷)漆Non toxix finishes无毒喷漆Novolac (线型)酚醛清漆O---- Off- color 变色的,退色的,不标准的颜色Oil paint 油性漆Oil putty 油性腻子Oil solvent 油溶剂Oil stain 油性着色剂Oil staining 油着色Oil stone 油石Oil varnish 油性清漆,上清漆Opacity 不透明度Opaque paint 不透明涂料P---- Paint 涂料,油漆Paint film 涂膜Paint nozzle 涂料喷头Penetrant 渗透剂Phenol aldehyde resin 酚醛树脂胶Polishing varish 擦光(亮)清漆Poly Urethane Resin 聚氨酯(PU)Poly ester 聚酯Polyester resin lacquer 聚酯树脂涂料Polypropylene 聚丙烯Polystyrene聚苯乙烯Polyurethane 聚氨酯Polyvinyl acetate adhesive 聚醋酸乙烯(树脂)胶Polyvinyl adhesive 聚乙烯树脂胶Polyvinyl chloride resin 聚乙烯树脂涂层Pre-coating 预涂Procuring 预固化Preservative 防腐剂Primer 底漆(下涂涂料)Putty 腻子Pyroxylin lacquer 硝基漆Q---- Quick drying paint 速干漆R---- Ready mixed paint 调和漆Refined shellac 精制虫胶Resin adhesive 树脂胶Reverse coater 反向涂料器Roller brush 滚筒刷S---- Sample board 样板Sand blast 喷砂Accelerate 促进剂Accelerator 硬化剂,接触剂Acetic acid 醋酸Acetone 丙酮Achromatic color 无彩色Acid stain 丙烯酸树脂第3 页油漆涂料英语专业词汇.txtAcrylic 丙烯酸Acrylics acid resin 丙烯酸(类)树脂Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene resin ABS 树脂,丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯树脂Active agent 活性剂Additive 添加剂Additive mixture 加色混合Adhesive 胶粘剂Adhesive solvent 胶(料)溶剂Adjacent color 类似色Advancing color 进出色Aerosol spraying 简易喷涂After image 残象Air drying 常温干燥Airless spraying 无气喷涂Alcohol stain 酒精着色剂Alert color 警戒色Alkyd resin 醇酸树脂Alligatoring 漆膜龟裂Amount of spread 涂胶量Anticorrosive paint 防锈涂料Antifouling paint 防污涂料Antique finish 古式涂料Automatic spraying 自动喷涂BBaking finish 烤漆喷涂Base boat 底漆Blistering 小泡Blushing 白化Body varnish 磨光漆Brilliant 鲜艳的Brushing 刷涂Brushingmark/streak 刷痕Bubbling 气泡Button lac 精致虫胶CCafé咖啡色Carbamide resin adhesive 脲醛树脂删除的内容: 尿素树脂胶Catalyst 催化剂,触媒,接触剂Chalking 粉化Cherry 樱桃色Chipping 剥落Chromatic color 有彩色Chromaticity 色度Chromaticity coordinates 色度坐标Chromaticity diagram 色度圆Clssing 补漆Clear coating 透明涂层Clear lacquer 透明喷漆Clear paint 透明涂料Coarse particle 粗粒Coating 涂料Cobwebbing 裂痕Cocos 可可色Cold water paint 水性涂料Color blindness 色盲Color conditioning 色彩调节Color harmony 色彩调和Color in oil 片种特(调色用)Color matching 调色Color number 色号(色之编号或代号)Color paint 有色涂料Color reaction 显色反应Color reproduction 色重现Color tolerance 色容许差Compatibility 相容性Complimentary color 补色Consistency 稠厚度Contractive color 收缩色Col color 寒色,冷色Cooling agent 冷却剂Covering power 覆盖力Cracking 龟裂,裂纹Cresol resin adhesive 甲酚树脂胶Crimping 皱纹Cure 硬化第4页油漆涂料英语专业词汇.txtCuring agent 固化剂Curing temperature 固化温度DDark 暗Deep 深Degumming 脱胶Dewaxed shellac 胶蜡虫胶Diluent 稀释剂,冲淡剂Dilution ratio 稀释比例Dingy 浊色Dipping 浸渍涂层Dipping treatment 变色Discoloring 变色Discord 不调和色Drier 干燥剂Dry rubbing 干磨Drying time 干燥时间Dulling 失光Dusting 粉化EEgg-shell 埴孔亚光,显孔亚光electrostatic spraying 静电涂装emulsion adhesive 乳化胶emulsion paint 乳化涂料enamel 色漆,磁漆end-coating 端面涂层end-gluing 端面胶合epoxy finish 环氧效果epoxy resin glue 环氧树脂胶ethyl cellulose lacquer 乙基纤维素喷漆FFading 退色Filler 腻子,埴料,填充剂Finish code 涂料编号Finshing 涂饰Flaking 剥落Flat paint 消光涂料Flatness 消光Floor paint 地板涂料Foam glue 泡沫胶GGelatin 明胶,凝胶Glare 眩目Glue 胶粘剂,胶,胶料Glue and filler bond 动物胶及填料胶结Glue mixer 调胶机Glue spreader 涂胶机Gum 树胶,胶树HHardener 硬化剂Hide 皮胶High solid lacquer 高固体分漆Honey color 蜂蜜色IIlluminant color 光源色JJelly strength 胶质强度Joint strength 胶接强度LLac 虫胶Lac varnish 光漆Lacquer 漆Latex 乳胶Latex paint 合成树脂乳化型涂料Leveling agent 均化剂Light 光亮的Liquid glue 液态胶Long oil varnish 长性清漆Love formaldehyde 低甲醛MMake up paint 调和漆Medium oil varnish 中油度清漆Melamine resin adhesive 三聚氯胺树脂胶,蜜胺树脂胶Melamine resin sheet 三聚氯胺树脂(片)Methyl alcohol 甲醛第 5 页油漆涂料英语专业词汇.txtMulti-color 多彩漆NNatural clear lacquer 清漆N.C lacquer 硝化棉喷漆N.C lacquer enamel 硝色棉色漆N.C lacquer sealer 硝化棉底涂料N.C lacquer surfacer 梢化棉中涂整面涂料Nitro-cellulose lacquer 硝化纤维漆,硝基榉Nitro-lacquer 硝基漆Nitrocellulose lacquer 硝化纤维(喷)漆Non toxix finishes 无毒喷漆Novolac (线型)酚醛清漆OOff- color 变色的,退色的,不标准的颜色Oil paint 油性漆Oil putty 油性腻子Oil solvent 油溶剂Oil stain 油性着色剂Oil staining 油着色Oil stone 油石Oil varnish 油性清漆,上清漆Opacity 不透明度Opaque paint 不透明涂料PPaint 涂料,油漆Paint film 涂膜Paint nozzle 涂料喷头Penetrant 渗透剂Phenol aldehyde resin 酚醛树脂胶Polishing varish 擦光(亮)清漆Poly Urethane Resin 聚氨酯(PU)Poly ester 聚酯Polyester resin lacquer 聚酯树脂涂料Polypropylene 聚丙烯Polystyrene 聚苯乙烯Polyurethane 聚氨酯Polyvinyl acetate adhesive 聚醋酸乙烯(树脂)胶Polyvinyl adhesive 聚乙烯树脂胶Polyvinyl chloride resin 聚乙烯树脂涂层Pre-coating 预涂Procuring 预固化Preservative 防腐剂Primer 底漆(下涂涂料)Putty 腻子Pyroxylin lacquer 硝基漆QQuick drying paint 速干漆RReady mixed paint 调和漆Refined shellac 精制虫胶Resin adhesive 树脂胶Reverse coater 反向涂料器Roller brush 滚筒刷SSample board 样板Sand blast 喷砂注释:第一次修订由是根据POPO 意见进行修订的修订地方:Carbamide resin adhesive 尿素树脂胶,还有更规范的为脲醛树脂删除的内容: Sand pa1.发混clouding 清漆或稀释剂由于不溶物析出而呈现云雾状不透明现象。

用英语“油漆”怎么造简单的句子1.The decorator had the wood paneling painted to imitate marble.1.油漆工油漆了木质镶板来模仿大理石。
2.Wood is often painted to imitate stone.2.木头常涂上油漆冒充石头。
3.The brightness of the paint has worn off a little.3.油漆的光泽有些磨损了。
4.I diluted the paint with a little oil.4.我用一点汽油来稀释油漆。
5.He now works as a painter and decorator.5.现在他是油漆装潢工。
6.They are daubing paint on the wall.6.他们正在往墙上涂油漆。
7.A coat of paint can hide a multitude of sins.7.一层油漆可以掩盖许多瑕疵。
8.He slapped the paint thickly on the wall.8.他把油漆厚厚地涂在墙上。
9.A blob of paint fell on the floor.9.一滴油漆掉到了地板上。
10.Clean down all the walls before repainting them.10.把墙壁都擦洗干净再刷新油漆。
11.All this house needs is a good clean and a lick of paint.11.这所房子需要彻底打扫并重新油漆一下。
评价该例句:好评差评指正12.She transformed the room by painting it.12.她油漆了房间使它为之一新。
13.A coat of paint will freshen this room up.13.刷一层油漆会使房间焕然一新。

颜色:Grey 灰色Plum 洋红Purple 紫色Red 红色Black 黑色Brown 棕色Green 绿色White 白色Silver 银色(metallic silver 金属银色)Cream 淡黄色Clear 透明Buff 浅黄色涂料种类:C: Conventional Paint 常规涂料B: Bituminous Paint 沥青系涂料C/R: Chlorinated Rubber Paint 氯化橡胶系涂料P/E: Pure Epoxy Paint 纯环氧涂料T/E: Coal Tar Epoxy Paint 环氧沥青系涂料V/T: Vinyl Tar Paint 乙烯沥青系涂料P/U: Polyurethane Paint 聚氨脂涂料I/Z: Inorganic Zinc Silicate 无机硅酸锌涂料SPC: Self Polishing Copolymer 自抛光涂料B/E: Bleached Type Tar Epoxy Paint 漂白型环氧沥青A.C: Anti-corrosive Paint 防腐漆R.P: Rust Preventive Paint 防锈漆A.F: Anti-fouling Paint 防污漆T.S: Topside Paint 干弦漆D.P: Deck Paint 甲板漆F.P:: Finish Paint 面漆U.C: Under Coat 底漆(中间漆)B.C: Binder Coat 过渡层漆货舵漆H.P: Hold PaintH.R: Heat Resistance Paint 耐热漆O.R: Oil Resistance Paint 耐油漆A.R: Acid Resistance Paint 耐酸漆R.I: Rust Inhibitive Oil 防锈油A.P: Aluminium Paint 铝粉漆H.B: High-built Type 厚膜漆N.S: Non-slip Type 防滑型W.S: Water Soluble Type 水溶性涂料G.P: Paint For Galvanized Parts 镀锌件底漆N.B: Non-bleed Type 非渗色型S.P: Shop Primer 车间底漆Wash Primer: 磷化底漆Varnish: 清漆Luminescent Paint: 荧光漆Epoxy Paint: 环氧漆Alkyd Paint: 醇酸漆月份:一月Jan 二月Feb 三月Mar五月May 六月Jun 四月Apr Sept 九月七月July 八月Aug十一月Nov Dec 十二月Oct 十月星期:Monday 星期一Wednesday Tuesday 星期二星期三Thursday 星期四星期五Friday Saturday 星期六Sunday 星期日相关术语:局部修补settling 修补touch-up刷涂brushing 漏涂holidays复涂overcoating 满涂full coat预涂stripe coat 空气喷涂air spray无气喷涂airless spray 光泽gloss失光loss of gloss 半光semi-gloss开裂cracking/checking glossy 光滑blistering起泡sagging/running 流挂结露condensation/dewing sweating/perspiration 出汗/ 露点缩孔露底crater dew pointcolor difference floating 色差发花bleeding 渗色色斑stainingshrinkage/ wrinkling orange peel /收缩起皱桔皮遮盖力结皮hiding power skinning adhesion 遮盖力弱lack of hiding 附着力发白blushing lifting 咬底peeling off peeling 剥落翘皮刷痕烧损brush mark burn damage腻子mechanical damage putty机械损伤grinding/griting spatter/spattering 飞溅打磨rerusting 锈rusting 返锈氧化皮mill scale 除锈derustinginsulation/illumination 绝缘抹布rag铲刀scraper 铲/敲chipping/scraping刷子brush roller 滚刷(筒)sanding 口罩mask/respirator 砂纸打磨sandpaper wire wheel 钢丝盘刷砂皮纸disc-sand 叉车fork lifter盘型砂纸pocking/pitting/blister点蚀/麻点pitting 点蚀.喷溅麻点spatting 手电筒flashlight/electric torch 针孔pinhole 气孔blowhole焊渣slag 熔渣burn slag焊条electrode 焊丝wire焊接weld 温度计thermometer湿度计hygrometer 测厚仪thickness gauge湿膜仪wet film thickness gauge 干膜厚度dry film thickness humidity wet film thickness 湿膜厚度湿度leakage oxygen 氧气渗漏electricity 电气machinery 轮机车间platform/flat 平台workshop码头beam 横梁wharf/quayladder 梯子栏杆handrail/rail吊杆staging/scaffold 脚手架boom跳板foot board stage plant 脚手架踏板接地支架bracket 三角板/ ceiling 天花板scupper 流水孔R孔scallopdrain hole/scupper 排水孔小孔orificechannel bar 角钢槽钢angle barbulbangle steel flat 扁钢球边钢H-beam bulb plate/bar 球扁钢工字钢酸洗高压淡水冲洗HPFW pickingchemical cleaning picking tub(bath) 酸洗池化学清洗external 外部内部internal脱脂degreasing oil removing 除油去油剂detergent / 油脂黄油grease砂sand/grit hammer 锤子container 有坡度砂斗/斜面slopingupper hopper 下斜坡上斜坡lower hopper agitator/mixer搅拌器agitation 搅拌喷漆泵spray pump 喷枪spray gun枪嘴spray nozzle 肋骨frame加强肋骨web frame 边肋骨side frame斜肋骨cant beam 斜梁cant beam加强衍stiffening girder 加强板stiffener/stiffening plate加强筋stiffening rib 分段block水密的watertight 焊缝weld seam foundation 底座/基座大接缝master butt 除湿机roughness 粗糙度dehumiditifier compressor 压缩机air conditioner 空调机vacuum recovery 吸砂机压缩空气compressed air集尘器水分离器dust collector water-separatorash粉尘dust 灰尘喷砂扫喷砂sand sweeping grit/sand blastingwet blasting 湿喷砂spot blasting 点喷砂熔块/金属渣regulusgrit blasting 棱角钢砂喷砂surface treatment 表面处理表面处理surface preparation steel surface 受热面heating surface 钢板表面挥发粉化evaporate chalking crosion 雾化风化atomizationwind direction 风力wind force 风向自然干燥复涂间隔natural seasoning recoating interval the time interval 间隔时间复涂间隔期recoating limits contamination 污染paint scheme 油漆配套仓库wear house application 施工等级grade attachment 配件edge 边(缘)eye edge 开口边缘cutting edge /咬边下陷切割边缘under cutassembly 条件condition 装配/组装lamination毛刺underout 咬口.油迹oil residue 通风ventilation湿气moisture 建议recommendation 相对湿度the relative humidity 保持maintain满意satisfactory 清洁clean标准standard 符合in accordance with 矿质磨料mineral abrasive 残留磨料spent abrasive锈层scale 电导率conductivity de-humidification directly 除湿直接curtaining 垂流edges of cut outs 自由边inspection 检验soft footwear 软底鞋套accepted 验收保护protection粘度viscosity 漆膜paint filmchalking 预热leveling 流平性pocking mark 沉淀/麻点熟化ripeningresin 调整/校对树脂adjustoil and grease 多余的油污excessslime 涂布率粘土coveragerepair welding tape 补焊胶带拒绝contractor 承包人reject工头工人foreman workmanadjustable spanner 活络扳螺丝刀screwdriverbolt nut螺母(螺帽)螺丝螺栓()干喷漆雾dry spray/over spray 漆雾paint dust/overspray固化剂基料base curing agentthinner 溶剂solvent 稀料底漆undercoat/primer 面漆topcoatprevious paint 已涂油漆旧油漆present paint将涂油漆high-build coating厚膜涂料succeeding paint桥吊:前大梁boom后大梁girder海侧梯形架waterside pylon龙门架(陆侧梯形架) gantry frame海侧上横梁seaside portal beam海侧下横梁seaside sill beamlandside portal beam 陆侧上横梁landside sill beam 陆侧下横梁left seaside leg 左海侧立柱right seaside leg 右海侧立柱left landside leg 左陆侧立柱right landside leg 右陆侧立柱left horizontal beam 左水平联系梁right horizontal beam 右水平联系梁forestay 前拉杆backstay 后拉杆inner backstay 后撑杆frame diagonal 门框斜撑行走机构gantry travelingmachinery house foundation 机房底盘machinery house wall 机房围棚trolley 小车架拖架小车catenary trolleymaintenance crane 维修行车理货室checker's cab 司机室driver's cab boom operation 俯仰室spreader吊具.吊具上架headblock梯子平台walkways, ladders and platforms栏杆handrailQuayside container crane 桥吊Rubber tyre gantry crane 轮胎吊Rail-mounted gantry crane 轨道吊船舶:船体hull 轮机machineryoutfitting 舾装电气electricity甲板shell outside exposed deck 外板干舷boottop topside 水线平底直底flat bottom vertical bottom portside 右舷starboard 左舷draft rudder 舵叶水侧字上层建筑上甲板superstructure upperdeck berth/slipway bulwark 舷墙泊位船台/bulkhead 舱壁bulbbow 球鼻首桅杆fore mast mast 前桅桅屋灯桅mast house lamp mast桅柱雷达桅derrick post radar mast aerial mast 天蓬天线架awing wharf/quay 舱底码头tank topbeam 舷梯gutter way/gangway 横梁bow 船尾船头stern 舷墙排水孔porthole 舷窗wash portwalk stay 舷边栏杆gunwale railing 舷墙方柱davit吊艇架winding stair 旋梯吊艇臂davit arm 吊货杆cargo boom舵杆rudder stem frame 反顶under deck食品吊provision crane 克林吊crane foundation 汽车吊truck crane 门机gantry crane锚机windlass 锚链筒hawse pipe锚链孔hawse hole 人孔access hole角孔angle hole 甲板排水孔deck drain cement 水泥实肋板人孔manhole of solid floorzinc salt/white dust 锌盐锌板zinc plate galvanized steel plate 镀锌板镀锌galvanizing/zincinggalvanized pipe 镀锌管galvanized iron 镀锌铁板bilge keel 舭龙骨舭(船底弯曲部)bilge bow chock 船首防浪板防鼠挡板rat-guard首封板poop front bulkhead 尾封板forecastle break bulkheadbulkhead 舱壁板波形舱壁corrugated bulkhead纵舱壁longitudinal bulkhead 横隔舱壁thwartship bulkhead scupper board 挡水板中纵舱壁center line bulkhead keelblock 龙骨墩花铁板floor plate纵缝wing 边翼/侧面longitudinal seam坞门caisson 浮船坞floating dockdocking 进坞dock bottom 坞底air oven 热风炉undocking 出坞chock fairlead 导缆孔导缆器带缆桩bollard 平方米square meterhull shop 船体车间通风筒ventilator 涂装车间sieve coating shop 筛网艏柱stempost 艏灯桅stem light mast cargo hold deck house 甲板室货舱sea chest海底阀箱propeller 螺旋桨.海底塞bottom plug 舱口hatch way舱底水limber water 花钢板chequered plate 干隔舱cofferdam 空仓void space管弄pipe tunnel 油盘oil pan格栅grating 双层底double bottom 货舱盖hatch cover 箱型舱盖hatch pontoon 舱口围hatch coaming 橡皮槽rubber channel boiler gutter water way 锅炉水沟(槽)pedestal chock up 堵塞托架navigating deck 起居甲板accommodation deck 驾驶甲板bridge deck 桥楼甲板compass deck 罗经甲板船长甲板captain deck 遮阳甲板shade deck poop deck forecastle deck 首楼甲板尾楼甲板boat deck 救生艇甲板lug 接地片recessed area 突出部位凹面profiledismantle 拆除上部涂层upper areafill up with 灌满salt water test 海水试验deposit 淤积物mud 污泥sea weed/grass 海生物sea animal 海藻管虫tubeworm 水解层hydrolyze layer verbal note verbally 口头地便条hard dry dry to touch 指触干硬干sea-trial freeze 冰冻海试gas free cascard/hot well 测爆热井sacrificial anode anode shield 牺牲阳极阳极保护慢挥发溶剂阴极保护cathodic protection slow-evaporating艏尖舱fore peak tank 尾尖舱after peak tank淡水舱fresh water tank 饮水舱drink water tank/potable water tankfuel oil tank燃油舱ballast water tank 压载舱.柴油舱diesel oil tank 货油舱cargo oil tank滑油舱lubricating oil tank 污油舱dirty oil tank污水舱bilge water tank 污水柜sewage tank污水井bilge well 海水舱sea water tank 隔离舱cofferdams tank 溢流舱overflow tank 泄放舱drain tank 锅炉水舱feed water tank 蒸馏水舱distilled water tank 首燃油舱forward F.O.tank F.O.deep tank 深燃油舱尾燃油舱after F.O.tanktopside tank heavy diesel oil tank 顶边水舱重柴油舱cooling water tank 舱底水舱冷却水舱bilge water tank 计程仪舱测深仪舱log room sounder roombilge oil water tank 污油水舱oily water tank 含油水舱engine room tank cylinder oil tank 机舱油柜汽缸油柜F.O.settling tank F.O.service tank 燃油日用柜燃油沉淀柜F.O.spill tank 燃油缓冲柜燃油溢流舱 F.O.buffer tankL.O.settling tank 滑油沉淀柜滑油循环柜L.O.circulating tank L.O.storage tank L.O.storage tank 滑油储藏舱滑油储存柜柴油日用柜 D.O.service tank 污油油渣舱sludge oil tank M.D.O settling tank 轻柴油储存柜柴油沉淀舱light D.O.storage tank steering gear room 舵机舱M.D.O store tank 柴油储存舱deep tank 深水舱grating top 格栅顶面sea inlet valve chest wing tank 通海阀箱边舱residual tank 剩下的舱污油水舱slop tank居住区域pump room 泵舱accommodation space 应急消防泵舱emergency fire fight pump tank应急发电机室emergency generator room地板裸露部位floor bare steel甲板机械下部under deck machineryunder machinery seat转机设备底座.舵机底座下部区域under steering gear seat舵机舱地板裸露部分steering gear room floor bare steel双层底甲板main floor-top of double bottomst AID Room1急救室泡沫材料&防火控制站Foam &Fire Control Station 轮机长办公室Engine Office甲板和机舱更衣室Deck &Engine Changing RoomSuez Crew Room/Quarantine Room 苏伊士房间/检疫处Hospital 医务室Linen Locker 被服库Ship' s Laundry 洗衣间Main Stair Way 主楼梯Gymnasium 健身房公共厕所Public ToiletE/R Entrance机舱入口L/S(Life Save) Equipment Store 救生设备储存室空调室Air Condition RoomPaint Store 油漆储藏间水手储藏室Bosun Store干货储藏室Dry Provision StoreVegetable Chamber 蔬菜库Fish Chamber鱼库Meat Chamber 肉库Dairy Chamber 奶库Refrigerated Chamber 冷藏库Provision Chamber 粮食库Paint Chamber 油漆库Oxygen Room氧气库Acetylene Room乙炔间.机舱棚Engine Room Casing储物舱Locker液压泵室Hydro Power Unit Room货物泵舱Cargo Pump Room惰性气体洗气室I.G.S Scrubber Room隔舱Cofferdam官员起居室Officer Living Room货油控制站Cargo Control RoomConference Room 会议室Crew Living Room 船员起居室Off's Mess Room 官员餐厅Cable &P/D Room 电缆&管弄间Snack Room 快餐间'Crew s Mess Room 船员餐厅船员配餐室Crew PantryGalley 厨房Office Pantry 官员配餐室加油工OilerPump Man 泵管理员Deck Cadet 甲板实习生清洁员室WiperAvailable 备用船员室装配工FitterEngine Cadet 轮机实习生Able Seaman 海员室Boat Swain 水手长Ordinary Seaman 普通海员室通道PassageCook厨师室.服务员室Steward大副休息室Chief Mate Day Room官员洗衣房Officer's Laundryrd Mate(3/officer) 3 三副nd Mate(2/officer) 2 二副船长休息室Captain Day Room船东室Owner轮机长休息室C/Engine Day Roomnd Engineer 2 大管rd Engineer 3 二管电气工程师室Electric Engine卧室Bed Room检察员室Inspector大副休息室C/Officer Day Roomnd Engine Day Room 2 二副休息室海图桌Chart Table海图区域、无线电区域Chart Space引水员Pilot储存室Store电池间Battery LKR电气储存室Electric LKR英语会话:Hello! / Hi! 你好!Good morning! 早上好!Good afternoon! 下午好!Good evening! 晚上好!很好,谢谢,你呢?/ Fine, thank you, and you? 你好吗?How are you?My name is …(I'm…) 我叫…Nice to meet you! 很高兴认识你!How do you do! 你好!Thank you! 谢谢!Goodbye. 再见。

材料英语单词材料英语单词为:1. Material - 材料2. Substance - 物质3. Component - 组成部分4. Element - 元素5. Alloy - 合金6. Metal - 金属7. Steel - 钢铁8. Iron - 铁9. Aluminum - 铝10. Copper - 铜11. Zinc - 锌12. Plastic - 塑料13. Polymer - 聚合物14. Rubber - 橡胶15. Glass - 玻璃16. Ceramic - 陶瓷17. Composite - 复合材料18. Fiber - 纤维19. Wood - 木材20. Bamboo - 竹子21. Paper - 纸张22. Fabric - 织物23. Textile - 纺织品24. Leather - 皮革25. Rubber - 橡胶26. Adhesive - 粘合剂27. Glue - 胶水28. Tape - 胶带29. Cement - 水泥30. Concrete - 混凝土31. Mortar - 灰泥32. Paint - 油漆33. Varnish - 清漆34. Dye - 染料35. Ink - 墨水36. Wax - 蜡37. Pigment - 颜料38. Coating - 涂层39. Lacquer - 漆料40. Plaster - 灰泥41. Insulation - 绝缘材料42. Foam - 泡沫43. Rubber - 橡胶44. Insulator - 绝缘体45. Resin - 树脂46. Thermoforming - 热塑性47. Casting - 铸造48. Molding - 成型49. Extrusion - 挤压50. Injection - 注塑52. Welding - 焊接53. Soldering - 焊接54. Brazing - 焊接55. Joining - 连接56. Polishing - 抛光57. Finishing - 表面处理58. Cutting - 切割59. Sawing - 锯割60. Grinding - 磨削61. Drilling - 钻孔62. Forming - 成型63. Machining - 机械加工64. Heat treatment - 热处理65. Annealing - 退火66. Hardening - 硬化67. Tempering - 回火68. Quenching - 淬火69. Forging - 锻造70. Rolling - 热轧71. Beating - 冷轧72. Extruding - 挤压73. Molding - 压铸74. Casting - 熔铸75. Melting - 熔化76. Solidification - 凝固77. Corrosion - 腐蚀79. Rust - 生锈80. Degradation - 降解81. Wear - 磨损82. Friction - 摩擦83. Strength - 强度84. Hardness - 硬度85. Toughness - 韧性86. Elasticity - 弹性87. Flexibility - 灵活性88. Density - 密度89. Conductivity - 导热性90. Insulation - 隔热性91. Transparency - 透明度92. Opacity - 不透明度93. Porosity - 多孔性94. Viscosity - 粘度95. Tensile strength - 抗拉强度96. Compressive strength - 抗压强度97. Shear strength - 抗剪强度98. Fatigue strength - 疲劳强度99. Creep resistance - 蠕变抗性100. Thermal expansion - 热膨胀以上为材料英语单词,希望对你有所帮助!。

.油漆涂料英语专业词汇Accelerate 促进剂Accelerator硬化剂,接触剂Acetic acid 醋酸Acetone 丙酮Achromatic color 无彩色Acid stain 丙烯酸树脂Acrylic丙烯酸Acrylics acid resin 丙烯酸(类)树脂Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene resin ABS树脂,丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯树脂Active agent 活性剂Additive 添加剂Additive mixture 加色混合Adhesive 胶粘剂Adhesive solvent 胶(料)溶剂Adjacent color 类似色Advancing color 进出色Aerosol spraying 简易喷涂After image 残象Air drying 常温干燥Airless spraying 无气喷涂Alcohol stain 酒精着色剂Alert color警戒色Alkyd resin 醇酸树脂Alligatoring 漆膜龟裂Amount of spread 涂胶量Anticorrosive paint 防锈涂料Antifouling paint 防污涂料Antique finish 古式涂料Automatic spraying 自动喷涂Baking finish 烤漆喷涂Base boat 底漆Blistering 小泡Blushing 白化Body varnish 磨光漆Brilliant 鲜艳的Brushing 刷涂Brushing mark/streak 刷痕Bubbling 气泡Button lac 精致虫胶Caf咖啡色Carbamide resin adhesive 尿素树脂胶Catalyst 催化剂,触媒,接触Chalking 粉化Cherry 樱桃色Chipping 剥落Chromatic color 有彩色Chromaticity 色度Chromaticity coordinates 色度坐标Chromaticity diagram色度圆Clssing 补漆Clear coating 透明涂层Clear lacquer 透明喷漆Clear paint 透明涂料Coarse particle 粗粒Coating 涂料Cobwebbing 裂痕Cocos 可可色Cold water paint 水性涂料Color blindness 色盲Color conditioning 色彩调节Color harmony 色彩调和Color in oil 片种特(调色用)Color matching 调色Color number 色号(色之编号或代号)Color paint 有色涂料Color reaction 显色反应Color reproduction 色重现Color tolerance 色容许差Compatibility 相容性Complimentary color 补色Consistency 稠厚度Contractive color 收缩色Col color 寒色,冷色Cooling agent 冷却剂Covering power 覆盖力Cracking 龟裂,裂纹Cresol resin adhesive 甲酚树脂胶Crimping 皱纹Cure 硬化Curing agent 固化剂Curing temperature 固化温度Dark 暗Deep 深Degumming 脱胶Dewaxed shellac 胶蜡虫胶.Diluent 稀释剂,冲淡剂Dilution ratio 稀释比例Dingy 浊色Dipping 浸渍涂层Dipping treatment 变色Discoloring 变色Discord 不调和色Drier 干燥剂Dry rubbing 干磨Drying time 干燥时间Dulling 失光Dusting 粉化Egg-shell 埴孔亚光,显孔亚光electrostatic spraying 静电涂装emulsion adhesive 乳化胶emulsion paint 乳化涂料enamel 色漆,磁漆end-coating 端面涂层end-gluing 端面胶合epoxy finish环氧效果epoxy resin glue环氧树脂胶ethyl cellulose lacquer乙基纤维素喷漆Fading退色Filler 腻子,埴料,填充剂Finish code 涂料编号Finshing 涂饰Flaking 剥落Flat paint 消光涂料Flatness 消光Floor paint 地板涂料Foam glue 泡沫胶Gelatin 明胶,凝胶Glare 眩目Glue 胶粘剂,胶,胶料Glue and filler bond 动物胶及填料胶结Glue mixer 调胶机Glue spreader 涂胶机Gum 树胶,胶树Hardener 硬化剂Hide 皮胶High solid lacquer 高固体分漆Honey color 蜂蜜色Illuminant color 光源色Jelly strength 胶质强度Joint strength 胶接强Lac varnish 光漆Lacquer 漆Latex 乳胶Latex paint 合成树脂乳化型涂料Leveling agent 均化剂Light 光亮的Liquid glue 液态胶Long oil varnish 长性清漆Love formaldehyde 低甲醛Make up paint 调和漆Medium oil varnish 中油度清漆Melamine resin sheet 三聚氯胺树脂(片)Methyl alcohol 甲醛Multi-color 多彩漆Natural clear lacquer 清漆N.C lacquer 硝化棉喷漆N.C lacquer enamel 硝色棉色漆N.C lacquer sealer硝化棉底涂料N.C lacquer surfacer 梢化棉中涂整面涂料Nitro-cellulose lacquer 硝化纤维漆,硝基榉Nitro-lacquer 硝基漆Nitrocellulose lacquer 硝化纤维(喷)漆Non toxix finishes无毒喷漆Novolac (线型)酚醛清漆Off- color 变色的,退色的,不标准的颜色Oil paint 油性漆Oil putty 油性腻子Oil solvent 油溶剂Oil stain 油性着色剂Oil staining 油着色Oil stone 油石Oil varnish 油性清漆,上清漆Opacity 不透明度Opaque paint 不透明涂料Paint 涂料,油漆Paint film 涂膜Paint nozzle 涂料喷头Penetrant 渗透剂.Phenol aldehyde resin 酚醛树脂胶Polishing varish 擦光(亮)清漆Poly Urethane Resin 聚氨酯(PU)Poly ester 聚酯Polyester resin lacquer 聚酯树脂涂料Polypropylene 聚丙烯Polystyrene聚苯乙烯Polyurethane 聚氨酯Polyvinyl acetate adhesive 聚醋酸乙烯(树脂)胶Polyvinyl adhesive 聚乙烯树脂胶Polyvinyl chloride resin 聚乙烯树脂涂层Pre-coating 预涂Procuring 预固化Preservative 防腐剂Primer 底漆(下涂涂料)Putty 腻子Pyroxylin lacquer 硝基漆Quick drying paint 速干漆Ready mixed paint 调和漆Reverse coater 反向涂料器Roller brush 滚筒刷Sample board 样板Sand blast 喷砂。

conventional paint 常规涂料bituminous paint 沥青涂料chlorinated rubber 氯化橡胶pure epoxy 纯环氧coal tar epoxy 沥青环氧vinyl tar 乙烯沥青bleached type tar epoxy漂白环氧沥青modified epoxy 改性环氧polyurethane 聚氨脂inorganic zinc silicate 无机硅酸锌acrylic resin paint丙烯酸树脂涂料self polishing conpolymer自抛光涂料anti-corrosive paint 防腐涂料rust preventative paint 防锈涂料anti-fouling paint 防污涂料boottopping paint 水线涂料topside paint 干舷涂料deck paint 甲板涂料finish paint 面漆under coat 底漆或中间漆binder coat 过渡层漆hold paint 货舱涂料heat resistance paint 耐热涂料oil resistance paint 耐油涂料acid resistance paint 耐酸涂料rust inhibitive oil 防锈油aluminium paint 铝料涂料high-built type 厚膜型non-slip type 防滑型water soluble type 水溶性涂料primer for galvanized surface镀锌件底漆non-bleed type 非渗色型shop primer 车间底漆a second coat of paint 第二层油漆anchor coat 结合层; 打底胶浆; 初层anti-acid coat 耐酸涂层anti-corrosive prime coat 防锈底涂层anti-freezing coat 防冻(面)层antirustcoat 防锈(面)层,防锈镀层antitrackingcoat 抗漏电涂层base coat底漆腻子; 头道底漆; 中间涂层body coat 底质涂料; 硬质油灰bond coat 粘合层; 初层brush coat 刷涂ceramic coat陶瓷涂层; 难熔金属覆层finish coat 面漆, 表面涂层finishing coat (绘画等)最后一道涂工floating coat 中涂层flow coat 流涂; 浇涂(涂料) flush coat 磨光层friction coat 耐摩涂层gel coat 凝胶涂层grip coat (搪瓷)底层涂料heat insulating coat 隔热涂层insulating coat 绝缘敷层intermediate coat 二道底漆knife coat 刮涂法lacquer coat 漆涂层metal coat 金属镀mist coat 流平罩光涂层muffle coat 消音涂装primary coat 底涂, 初涂, 初次镀层roller coat 辊涂tie coat 粘结层tack coat 粘结层waterproofing plaster coat 防水涂层acid-proof paint 耐酸涂料, 耐酸油漆acid seal paint 防酸封漆acoustic paint 吸声漆; 吸音漆acrylic paints 丙烯颜料(用颜料加丙烯聚合乳剂和塑性材料制成的各种颜料)acrylic resin paint 丙烯酸树脂漆alkali-resisting paint 耐碱漆aluminium paint 铝涂料, 银灰漆aluminium bronze paint铝粉漆; 银粉漆aluminium mo(u)ld paint铸铝件砂型涂料anti-carburizing paint渗碳防护涂料anti-corrosive paint防锈漆, 防腐涂料anti-fouling paint船底防污漆antirust paint防锈漆; 防锈涂料antiseptic paint 防腐涂料, 防腐漆anti-slip paint 防滑漆asphalt paint 沥青漆baffle paint 覆盖漆, 盖面涂料baking epoxy ester paint环氧酯烘漆beaded paint 涂料油漆(特指色漆) chlorinated rubber paint氯化橡胶漆(防水防锈用) contact leaching anti-fouling paint接触渗毒型防污漆damp-proof fungicidal paint防潮防霉漆deck paint 甲板漆dispersion paint分散性涂料; 乳化漆emulsion type acrylic resin paint乳液型丙烯酸树脂漆enamel paint 瓷漆epoxy-(coal) tar paint 环氧沥青漆fire-retardant paint 防火漆flat paint 无光涂料; 平光涂料floor paint 地板漆gel paint 凝胶漆glass paint 玻璃涂料ground coat paint 底涂(油)漆heat-resistant paint耐热油漆[颜料、涂料] heat-sensitive paint 示温漆hot venetian type ship bottom paint热喷涂溶解型船底漆hold paint 船舱漆identification paint 标志用涂料inorganic zinc rich paint 无机富锌漆insulated paint 绝缘漆jelly paint 凝胶漆ketimine cured paint 亚胺固化涂料latex (water) paint 乳胶漆lead paint 铅涂料lead cyanamide rust-proof paint碳氮化铅防锈涂料lead-free paint 无铅涂料lead suboxide anti-corrosive paint一氧化二铅防锈漆; 黑铅粉防锈漆maintenance paint维修用漆; 保养漆marine paint 船舶漆non-slip deck paint 甲板防滑漆non-toxic paint 无毒漆protective paint 防护漆quick drying paint 快干漆red lead paint 红丹涂料; 红铅漆radiator paint 散热器用漆red lead anti-corrosive paint红丹防锈漆refinishing paint 维修漆; 修补漆refractory paint耐火涂料; 耐火漆; 耐热漆rust-proof paint 防锈漆ship bottom paint for steel ship钢壳船底漆silent paint 隔音涂料silicate paint硅酸盐涂料; [俗]水玻璃涂料silver paint 银粉漆; 铝粉漆spray paint 喷漆stack paint 烟囱涂料steel mo(u)lder's paint 铸钢涂料synthetic quick drying rust-resisting paint合成快干防锈漆synthetic resin paint合成树脂涂料underwater paint 防水漆, 防水涂料venetian ship-bottom paint(基料)溶解型船底漆vermillion paint 银朱涂料, 朱红涂料vinyl sol paint 乙烯基熔胶涂料warning paint 报警信号漆water paint 水性涂料; 水性漆water soluble air drying paint水溶性自干涂料water soluble baking paint水溶性烘漆waterthinnable paint 水烯释涂料white lead paint 白铅漆white zinc paint 白锌(油)漆yellow lead paint 黄铅油漆zinc dust anticorrosion paint锌粉防锈漆zinc-rich paint 富锌涂料two coats of paint 两层(度)漆The paint is rubbed off. 漆已剥落There's paint on your clothes.你衣服上有油漆。

油漆的英语说法1:paint油漆的英语说法2:oil paint油漆的相关短语:油漆店 Paint Shop ; paint store油漆厂 Paint Factory ; Cement Plant上油漆 painting ;油漆间japanning room ; paint room ; paint store ; paint-locker无光油漆 flat paint ; flatting ; Paint Flat ; matte paint防水油漆 water-repellent paint ; water-resistant paint ; water-repellen tpain国际油漆International Paint ; International Protective Coatings油漆滚筒 paint roller ; Roller Brush油漆瓶 daub bottle ; paint bottle油漆的英语例句:1. They pried open a sticky can of blue paint.他们撬开了一个黏糊糊的蓝色油漆桶。
2. My room needed a lick of paint to freshen it up.我的房间只要刷一点油漆就能焕然一新。
3. The wagon's paint was badly chipped on the outside.马车外边油漆斑驳。
4. We got some paint remover and scrubbed it off.我们弄了一些油漆清除剂,把它清理掉了。

Primer 底漆The second coat第二道漆The middle coat中间漆The finish coat 面漆Protective coat防护涂料Anti-rush paint防护漆Shot-blasting喷丸除锈Sand-blasting 除砂De-rusting除砂Roller coat滚涂Spray喷涂Coat with brush 刷涂Grind with sand paper 用砂纸磨Spray dust 漆雾Stripe coat 预涂装Touch up 执补Mix the paint 搅拌油漆散Sebonding 剥离Orange peel 皱皮Thickness meter 膜厚度Roughness meter 表面粗糙度Humidity meter 温度计Airless sprayer无气喷枪Nozzle 枪嘴Dry film 干膜Wet film 湿膜Sagging 不重挂流Tear 较轻微流挂Cleaning oil 抹油Aikyd paint 醇酸漆Polyurethane resin paint 聚氨酯漆Even color 颜色均匀Re-coat interval 重涂间隔Roughness 表面粗糙度Temperature 温度Humidity湿度Flash point 闪点Dry to touch 表干Fully cured 实干Oxide skin 氧化皮Cleaning 清洁Zinc-rich paint 富锌漆Sandblasting 打砂Epoxy paint 环氧漆Steel wire wheelAnti-fouling paint 防护漆Main deck 主甲板Deck house甲板房Paint store roomBallast water tank 压载舱Long walk bridge 天桥架Fore mast 前桅Superstructure 上建Engine office 轮机部办公室Mess office 船员餐厅Locker 储藏室Vegetable room 蔬菜库Beverage room 饮料库meat room 肉库diety linen locker 污衣间ratis laudry 船员洗衣室dress room 更衣室medicine locker 药房fire store 消防设备间air conditioning unit room 空调机室refrigerator unit 冷冻机室fan room 风机室engine control room 集控室hydraulic control room 液压控制室emergency generator room 应急发电室compass deck 罗经甲板poop deck 艉楼甲板life jacket 救生衣radar mast 雷达桅funnel 烟囱window 窗子boiler water tank 锅炉水舱rait 扶手engine working room 机修室cascade room 热井间hydraulic pump room 液压泵室engine store room 轮机储物间soot & rain collector tank 烟灰雨水收集柜lubrication oil sludge tank 滑油油渣渣柜steering gear oil storage tank 舵机液压油储油柜stufe box drain tank 填料函滑油泄放柜diesel oil tank for incinerator 气缸油日用柜petrol lubrication oil gravity tank应急发电机柴油柜chemical cleaning tank 化学清洗柜fresh water expansion tank 淡水膨胀水箱hot water pressure tank unit 热水压力柜单元oil tank for windlass & winch 锚绞车液压油柜foam tank 泡沫间accommodation 生活区tally office 理货办公室smoking office 吸烟室dry provision 干粮库rice store 米库fish room 鱼库galley 厨房dry room 干衣室line locker 被服间gymnasium健身房hospital 病房oxygen/acetylene room 氧气/乙炔间CO2 bottle room 二氧化碳室rope store 帆滥室inert gas room 惰性气体室battery room 电池室cable room 电缆室emergency fire pump room 应急消防泵室navigation room 驾驶甲板davit 艇架lifebuoy 救生圈light post 灯桅/灯栏swimming pool 游泳池fresh water tank 淡水仓engine casing 机舱棚steering gear room 舵机室electrician room 电工间main generator room 主发电机室supply oil room 供油间scavenge box drain room 扫气箱泄放柜incinerator’s sludge tank 焚烧炉污泥柜fuel oil sludge tank 燃油油渣柜vertical bottom 直底flat bottom 平底toilet unit 卫生单元topside干舷draft mark 水尺grating 花钢板insulation 绝缘up staging 架上bitts 缆柱bollards 缆桩fair leader 导两轮bopeller tonner 导流罩air compressor 压缩空气equipment 设备especially 特殊oil gutter 油槽spill tank 油盆gutter way 流水槽 尾 首Crane 克令吊Deck 甲板Sterm pipe 蒸汽管Cascade TK 热中间Vapor 蒸汽Cofferdam 空隔仓Wood block 墩位Deck house 甲板房Fon room 风机室Stripe coat 预涂Fitting 舾装件Main deck 主甲板Deck house 甲板室Paint store room 油漆间Ballast water tank 压载水舱Long walk bridge 天桥Depth sounder trunk 测深仪舱Hose hangding crane 克令吊Sea chest 海底门Staging 脚手架Weld spatter 飞溅Flange 法兰Passage way 通道Anchor 锚Compress air bottle 压缩空气瓶Slide 滑道Humidity 温度计Brush 刷子Bow thruster 艏侧推舱Bolt 螺栓Shutter 百叶窗Cable chain 锚链Dust 灰尘Forecastle deck 艏楼甲板Bow store room 艏楼储物室Ballast pump room 压载Void space 空舱Cargo oil tank 货油舱Speed log room 计程仪舱Escape exit of engine room 机舱逃生口Upper platform 上平台Pinhole 针孔Stainless steel 不锈钢Garage 车库Rudder horn 挂舱臂Chain locker 锚链舱Thinner 稀释剂Spray dust 漆雾Weather deck 露天甲板Roller 滚筒。

常用专业英语单词-油漆和焊接类ENGLISH 中文油漆类检验gloss level 光泽度colour difference 色差sagging/runs 油漆下垂,下挂drips 下滴orange peel 桔皮crater 弹坑lack of coverage 露底pinhole/cissing 针孔、鱼眼wrinkling 起皱纹scratches/scuffing/chips/impact mark/ 刮伤,碎片toughness 柔韧性:adhesive (adhesion) 附着力:come off 脱落:bubble 起泡:luster 光泽:colour retention 保色性、色泽稳定性colour fastness 色牢度colorimetry 比色法phosphating 磷化(金属表面处理)solvents 溶剂curing 干燥特性exfoliation 剥落fragile 易碎的、脆的detachment 油漆脱落油漆类名词epoxy primer 环氧底漆polyurethane topcoat 聚氨脂面漆acrylic polyurethane topcoat 丙烯酸聚氨脂面漆finish,finish coat,top coat 面漆:brand No. 牌号viscosity of paint 油漆粘度:composition of paint 油漆成分:固化剂: 1.hardener2. firming agent3. curing agent4. curing compound5. solidified agent.varnish 清漆、凡立水油漆类工艺及设备类名称调漆paint mixing浸涂dip-coating涂底漆priming补漆paint repair喷面漆topcoating热喷漆hot spray打腻子puttying老化weathering人工干燥artificial drying自然干燥air dry干打磨dry grinding凉干(流平)flash off遮蔽masking喷漆室booth干式喷漆室dry spray booth水过滤式喷漆室water wash spray booth下吸式喷漆室down draft spray booth侧抽风喷漆室spray booth of side exhaust油漆调制室paint mixing room打磨间scuff sand booth通过式烘干室passing through type baking oven 桥式烘干室bridge type baking oven辐射对流烘干室joint radiation convection oven 吊具sling推杆悬链double-chain conveyer悬挂运输链overhead conveyer油水分离器oil-water separator油漆调制罐paint mixing tank除尘装置dust collector静电除尘装置electrostatic dust collector油漆前处理去油(脱脂)degreasing碱法脱脂alkaline degreasing蒸气脱脂vapor degreasing去离子水demin-water除锈derusting水洗rinse热水清洗hot water rinse电泳涂层electophoretic coating喷丸处理shot blasting磨光(抛光) burnishing出光glaring罩光glazing磷化预处理phosphating pretreatment酸洗pickling磷化phosphating薄膜磷化处理thin amorphous phosphating 砂纸abrasive paper,sandpaper emerypaper焊接类weld spatter 焊渣飞溅residual shot 残留丸weld seam 焊缝welding deformation 焊接变形welding distortion 焊接变形Etching 浸蚀arc welding 电弧焊flow instrument 流量计welding rod 焊条filler metal 焊料, 焊丝weld reinforcement 焊缝补强ultrasonic weld 超音波熔接fuse 保险丝、熔丝、熔合Notch/under cut 槽口、咬边porous 多孔的、welding tip 焊丝最前的尖端处draught 气流taper 锥形、锥度welding nozzles 焊接喷嘴welding torch 焊接枪plasma cutting 等离子切割weld bead 焊接焊珠tungsten 钨表面处理类其他表面处理anodizing 阳极氧化处理anode effect 阳极效应anodize = anodic treatment 陽極處理barrel plating 滚镀barrel tumbling 滚筒打光blackening 黑化bonderizing 磷酸盐皮膜处理texture 咬花embossing 压花etching 表面蚀刻hot dipping 热浸镀phosphating 磷酸盐皮膜处理physical vapor deposition 物理蒸镀passivating 钝化skinning 结皮现象wrinkling 起皱electroplating 电镀striking 预镀(冲镀)resist 防镀(止镀)non-cyanide plating 无氰电镀electroless plating 化学电镀vapor plating 气相电镀rack 挂镀mechanical plating 机械电镀immersion plating 浸镀stripping 退镀barrel plating 滚镀electrowinning 电解沉积turbidity 混浊度fretting 侵蚀maceration 侵渍作用hydrophilic 亲水的hydrophobic 疏水的flocculant 絮凝剂bright coating 光亮镀层coating for protection against corrosion 防腐镀层chemical plating 化学电镀chemical vapor deposition 化学蒸镀plating 電鍍vacuum splattering 真空濺鍍sand blast 噴砂。
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涂料专业术语入门-英语Extender(filler) 体质颜料颜色三属性:色调hue , 明度lightness,饱和度saturation color matching, complementary color 互补色Tinting strength 着色力lighting power 消色力light fastness 耐光性hiding power遮盖力heat resistance 耐热性bleeding 渗色thixotropy 触变性freeze-thaw resistance耐冻融性storage ability 贮存稳定性compatibility of a product with the substratecontrast ratio 对比率surface drying time 表干时间practical drying time 实干时间leveling, flow 流平性blush resistance 防白性film thickness膜厚度gloss 光泽aging 老化salt spray(fog) resistance 耐盐雾性stages in drying 干燥阶段water vapor transmission 水汽透过性humid-dry cycling resistance 耐干湿交替性temperature change resistance耐温变性gloss retention 保光性artificial weathering 人工老化weathering resistance 耐候性fungus(mold) resistance 防霉性scrub resistance 耐擦洗性consistency 稠度chalking 粉化curtaining 幕式流挂flaking 片状剥落lifting 咬底pinhole 针眼exudation 融出wrinkling 起皱matting agent 消光剂color difference 色差pigment volume concentration 颜料体积浓度agglomerate附聚体practical spreading 实际涂布率efflorescence 泛碱lithopone 立德粉,锌钡白baryte重晶石粉precipitated calcium carbonate 沉淀碳酸钙preservative 防腐剂ethyl cellulose 羟乙基纤维素titanium dioxide 二氧化钛synthetic silica 合成二氧化硅asbestos石棉primary color 原色undertone底色color of clear liquids water content of coating涂料水分ash content of coating 涂料灰分condition in container容器中状态application property施工性mildew-growing长霉heavy body高稠度full-bodied highly dispersivity 高分散性high solid lacquer 高固体漆high gloss finish 高光泽面漆dispermix, dispersal mixer 分散混合机dispersion disc 分散盘chalk rating粉化级别edge sealing封边en capping封端coverage 覆盖率HSD, high speed dissolver 高速分散机forklift *车platform. balance 台秤, 地磅balance 天平tare 称皮重application range 应用范围applicator 涂膜器applicator blade 刮漆刀applicator roll 上漆辊子ardomorite 膨润土tale powder 滑石粉natural calcium silicate 硅灰石in accordance with 按照brush out cards = hiding power chart 黑白格纸,遮盖力试验纸brush marks 刷痕hacking knives 铲刀all purpose primer 通用底漆abrasive paper 砂布acceptability of color match 容许色差coat the reverse sides of the test specimens, coat the edges and the sides of the test specimens 封边texture coating 浮雕涂料color floating 浮色pot sauce pan 釜adhesion tester 附着力测定仪pull off test of adhesion (附着力)拉脱实验adhesion strength 附着强度fineness gauge 刮板细度计black and white check board 黑白格板coalescing agent 成膜助剂thixotropy, shear thinning 触变性protective clothing 防护工作服guard mask 防护面罩water repellent agent 防水剂flake 剥落anti-mildew agent 防霉剂anti dripping agent anti-sagging agent 防流挂剂clouding 发浑discoloration变色thickening 增稠fattening 变厚livering 肝化flocculation 絮凝gelling 凝胶化skinning 结皮settling沉淀caking结块seedy 有粗粒pig skin返粗floating发花flooding浮色bubbling起气泡pinholes针眼wrinkling 起皱orange skin橘皮blushing发白runs ,sags, curtains 流挂ropiness丝纹brush mark 刷痕cissing收缩cratering缩孔fat edge厚边creeping蠕变miss漏涂区lapping defect接痕piling堆漆lifting咬底bleeding渗色non-hiding不盖底flashing闪光loss of gloss失光softening软化blistering起泡whitening变白swelling溶胀cracking 开裂deep cracks 深裂growing长枚rusting生锈peeling剥落flaking片落chalking粉化embrittlening脆化after tack回粘midew-test panel, the number of the test panelstore the coated test specimens at standard conditions(23±2℃) and (50±5)relative humidity in accordance with ~ for max 28 daysDetermination of residue on sievewhiteness 白度kaolin, china clay 高岭土ultra-fine 超细mica powder 云母粉PH value of aqueous suspension 水悬浮液PH值outward appearance 外观oil adsorption 吸油量mesh residue 孔筛余物residue on sieve 筛余物water soluble substance 水溶物PH of water extract水萃取液PH值Abrasion Resistance 抗磨性The ability of a coating to resist degradation due to mechanical wear.Accelerated Weathering 耐候性试验A test designed to simulate but at the same time intensify and accelerate the destructive action of natural outdoor weathering.Acid resistance 抗酸性Acrylic Latex 丙烯酸乳液An aqueous dispersion of acrylic resins.Acrylic Resin 丙烯酸树脂A clear resin attained by polymerizing various acrylic monomers either alone or in combination.Adhesion 附着力Aggregate 骨料Airless Spray 无气喷涂A spraying system in which paint is atomized using high hydraulic pressure rather than compressed air.Alkali 碱An aqueous liquid which has a pH value of between 7 and 14. A base or caustic material.Algae 藻菌、霉菌Alligatoring 鳄裂Surface imperfections of a coating film having the wrinkled appearance of alligator skin.Ambient Temperature 室温/环境温度Room temperature or the existing temperature of the surroundings.Asphalt 沥青A black resinous material of petroleum origin.Binder 基料The nonvolatile portion of the vehicle of a coating which holds together the pigment particles.Blistering 起泡The formation of blisters in paint films by the local loss of adhesion and lifting of the film from the underlying substrate.Blushing 发白A film defect which manifests itself as a milky appearance which is generally caused by rapid solvent evaporation or the presence of excessive moisture during the curing process.Brushability 涂刷性The ease of applying a coating by brush.Chalking 粉化The formation of a friable powdery coating on the surface of a paint film, generally caused by exposure to ultraviolet radiation resulting in a loss of gloss.Carbonation depth 碳化深度Clear top coat 罩面漆、罩光漆Coat 涂料The paint applied to a surface in a single application to form. a film when dry.Coating System 涂料系统A number of coats separately applied, in a predetermined order, at suitable intervals to allow for drying and curing, resulting in a completed job.Color Retention 保色性The ability to retain its original color during weathering or chemical exposure.Corrosion 腐蚀The decay, oxidation or deterioration of a substance (steel, concrete, and others) due to interaction with the environment. See also "Rust"Coverage 覆盖率Cement 水泥Concrete 混凝土Compressire strength 抗压强度Cracking 裂缝Splitting of a paint film usually as a result of aging.Crosslinking 交联The setting up of chemical links between molecular chains to form. a three dimensional network of connected molecules.Density 密度Mass per unit volume, usually expressed as grams per milliliter or pounds per gallon.Dilute 稀释剂Dew Point 露点The temperature of a surface, at a given ambient temperature and relative humidity, at which condensation of moisture will occur.DelaminationDiscolorationDry Time 干燥时间Time allotted for an applied coating film to reach a set stage of cure or hardness.Efflorescence 风化、粉化Water soluble salts, deposited as moisture evaporates, on the exterior of brick or concrete.Elastic 弹性Emulsion 乳胶A two phase liquid system in which small droplets of one liquid are immiscible in and are dispersed uniformly throughout a second continuous liquid phase.Enamel 磁漆A term used to characterize a coating which has a glossy smooth finish. A common term for alkyd coatings.Exterior 外墙Fading 失光Loss of gloss or sheen.Filler 腻子A compound used to extend or bulk a coating to provide extra body or hiding power.Film 漆膜A layer of coating or paint.Finish coat 面漆Flash Point 闪点The lowest temperature of a liquid at which sufficient vapor is provided to form. an ignitable mixture when mixed with air.Fungus 真菌类Gloss 光泽Semi-gloss 半光Matt 无光The sheen or ability to reflect light.Gloss Retention 保光性The ability to retain the original sheen during weathering.Glass deterioration 失去光泽Grease 剥落Hardener 硬化剂An activator curing agent, catalyst or cross linking agent.Hiding 遮盖The ability of a coating to obscure the surface to which it is applied.Impact Resistance 抗冲击性The ability to resist deformation or cracking due to a forceful blow. InterionLead-Free Contains, by weight, less than 0.5% lead for industrial products and less than 0.6% lead in consumer products.Lifting 咬底Softening and raising or wrinkling of a previous coat by the application of an additional coat; often caused by coatings containing strong solvents.Mastic 厚浆A term used to describe a heavy bodied coating.Masonry 砖石结构Mil (厚度单位)One one-thousandth of an inch; 0.001 inches. Commonly used to denote coating thickness.Mildew 霉菌A superficial growth of living organic matter produced by fungi in the presence of moisture; results in discoloration and decomposition of the surface.Mosaic 马赛克Moisture contrentNonvolatile 不挥发The portion of the paint left after the solvent evaporates; solids.Opacity 遮盖力The ability of a paint film to obliterate or hide the color of the surface to which it is applied.Panel board 预制板Peeling 剥落、脱皮A film of paint or coating lifting from the surface due to poor adhesion. Peeling normally applies to large pieces. (See chipping )Permeability 渗透性The degree to which a membrane or coating film will allow the passage or penetration of a liquid or gas.Pigment 颜料A finely ground natural or synthetic, insoluble particle adding color and opacity or corrosion inhibition to a coating film.Pigment/Binder 颜料/基料A ratio of total pigment to binder solids in paint.Plaster 抹灰Polymer 聚合物A substance of molecules which consist of one or more structural units repeated any number of times.Porosity 孔隙度The presence of numerous minute voids in a cured material.Primer 底漆The first coat of paint applied to a surface, formulated to have good bonding, wetting and inhibiting properties.Putty 腻子Relative Humidity 相对湿度The ratio, expressed as a percent, of the quantity of water vapor actually present in the air to the greatest amount possible at a given temperature.Resin 树脂A group of organic materials, either natural or synthetic, which can be molded or dissolved.Repeated warning and coolingRetrofitt 翻新Refurbishment 翻新Rigid 刚性Roller 滚筒A cylinder covered with lamb“s wood, felt, foamed plastics or other materials used for applying paint.Rust 生锈The corrosion of steel or iron is an electrochemical phenomena wherein the base metal reverses to a lower, more stable energy state. If the corrosive environment is water or brine, then the corrosion product formed is commonly known as rust. In the case of other chemicals, such as alkalies or acids, other combinations of iron salts are formed as part of the corrosion product.Sag Resistance 抗流挂The ability of a paint to be applied at proper film thicknesses without sagging.Satin Finish 无光饰面A descriptive term generally referenced to paints with a 60 degree gloss reading between 10 and 40.Shelf Life 贮存期The maximum time interval in which a material may be kept in a usable condition during storage.Skinning (油漆桶内表面)起皮、结皮The formation of a solid membrane on the top of a liquid, caused by partial curing or drying of the coating during storage.Solution 溶液Solvent 溶剂Scruf 擦洗Stain 沾污Suspen ded 吊篮Scaffolding 吊篮Substrate assessment 基面评估Stripp 剥落Solids by Volume 固体含量The percentage of the total volume occupied by nonvolatile compounds.Substrate 基底The surface to be painted.Thixotropic 触变性An adjective which describes full bodied material which undergoes a reduction in viscosity when shaken, stirred or otherwise mechanically disturbed but which readily recovers its original full bodied condition upon standing.Thinners 稀释剂A liquid (solvent) added to a coating to adjust viscosity.Texture coating 结构漆Undercoat 底漆The coat appli ed to the surface after preparation and before the application of a finish coat.Vinyl Copolymer 乙烯聚合物A resin produced by copolymerizing vinyl acetate and vinyl chloride.Vapor Transmission Rate 透气性The rate at which moisture passes through a material or coating.V olatile Organic Compounds (VOC)A measure of the total amount of organic compounds evaporating from a coating film, excluding water.Viscosity 粘度Water permeability 水渗透Weather resistant 耐风化Water vapour diffusion 水汽扩散性。