2006安徽省课改实验区中考模拟试题10(综合 卷1)












作为生产者违反的法律和作为消费者保护自己主要依据的法律分别是()A. 反不正当竞争法、消费者权益保护法B. 民法通则、经济合同法C. 产品质量法、消费者权益保护法D. 合同法、产品质量法6、“同一首歌”四年来,总是不断深入老区、企业、国家重点工程施工现场,以群众喜闻乐见的艺术形式服务于群众、服务于社会。

“同一首歌”的演唱活动是()A. 坚持把改革开放同四项基本原则统一起来的表现B. 营造良好文化环境的形式之一C. 提高人民群众文化素质的唯一途径D. 发展先进文化的中心环节二、判断改错题(下列各题,请在你认为正确的题后括号内打“√”,错误的题后的括号内打“×”并改正过来,共15分,每题3分)7、在我国,公民对自己购买、租借的房屋都拥有合法的财产所有权。







”这位思想家是A 老子B庄子C墨子D孟子2.根据所给的图文信息,将下列历史人物按所处的时代先后顺序排列正确的是①大思想家、大教育家,儒家党派的创始人②立志“以医济民”发明麻沸散的皖籍名医③著《本草纲目》被誉为“东方医学巨典”④著《史记》被誉为“史家之绝唱,无韵之离骚”A①③②④B①④②③C①②③④D③①②④3.欧洲人能穿上中国丝绸制成的衣服最早应在A秦朝B汉朝C唐朝D明朝4.右图所示战役A揭开了中华民族抗日战争的序幕B是抗战以来中国军队取得一次重大胜利C是抗战以来的第一次大捷D大大提高了中国共产党和八路军的威望。

5.主张用教育改造中国社会,提倡“教学做合一”的皖籍伟大人民教育家是A陶行知B胡适C吴汝纶D朱光潜6.小丽同学写了一篇“安徽历史文化之旅”的模拟导游解说词,涉及以下内容,其中出错的是A孙叔敖与芍陂B刘安与《淮南子》C包拯与“桐城派”D西递、宏村与徽州古民居7.“起来,饥寒交迫的奴隶……要为真理而斗争!”这首曾广为传唱的歌曲词作者是A马克思B恩格斯 C 欧仁·鲍狄埃D玻利瓦尔8.以下是某历史网站对罗斯福新政主要特点的概述,其中正确的是A加强国家对经济的干预B整顿金融业C兴建公共工程D调整农业政策9.右图所示日本经济增长的原因是①美国的扶持②坚持“教育先行”③重视科技④资源丰富A①②④B①③④ C②③④D①②③10.某班历史兴趣小组准备举办《中东问题的由来与现状》历史图片展,下列材料中不应该选用的是A《巴勒斯坦地区图》 B阿拉法特照片C《科索沃战争示意图》 D《中东战争示意图》识图辨析(本题4分)11.方寸之间记录历史,下面是4枚主题为《20世纪回顾》的邮票。



安徽省2006年课程改革实验区初中毕业学业考试第二部分英语知识运用(共三大题,满分40分)V. 单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分;满分15分)从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

21. They all looked ________ at the teacher when he told them the good news.A. sadlyB. happilyC. carefullyD. angrily22. Nancy spoke in such a low voice that _______ students in our class could hear her.A. allB. manyC. fewD. most23. --_______?--Nothing serious, but a bit tired.--Better have a rest now, dear.A. Is that allB. Is there anything elseC. What”s thisD. What”s the matter wi th you24. –Shall I tell Sally about it?--No, you _______ . I”ve told her already.A. shouldn”tB. mustn”tC. needn”tD. can”t25. –Who helped you with your English?--________ ! I learned it all by myself.A. NobodyB. AnybodyC. SomebodyD. Everybody26. We can see the notice _______.A. in a restaurantB. at a schoolC. in a cinemaD. on a road27. I think Alice is the right person for the job, because she”s always thinking___________ of others than of herself.A. muchB. moreC. littleD. less28. My father doesn”t like the color of the tie because it is too _______.A. dearB. shortC. thinD. dark29. The doctor ______ t he crying baby, but he couldn”t find out what was wrong with it.A. looked overB. looked afterC. looked forD. looked out30. Brian is so kind that he often gives me a _________ when I”m in trouble.A. replyB. seatC. handD. reason31. --_________?--Size 8 . Can I try one on?A. How much is itB. How many do you wantC. What time is itD. What size do you wear32. –How much did you ________ for the dictionary?--£12.A. buyB. spendC. costD. pay33. –It”s hot today. How about going swimming after sch ool?--________ ! Let”s ask Daniel to go with us.A. That”s OKB. Best wishesC. Good luckD. Good ieda34. Kate, could you _______ the radio a bit? Your father is sleeping now.A. turn downB. turn offC. turn upD. turn on35. –Is that Chris speaking?--Sorry, he isn”t in. He _________ abroad on business.A. goesB. wentC. has goneD. will goIV. 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1分;满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。








第Ⅰ卷 77分一、(6分)1、词语中加点字的注音完全正确的一项是:A.喑哑(àn)甬路(yǒng) B.眼瞳(tóng)泥坯(pēi)C.存恤(xù)咨诹(zōu) D.宫阙(qǜe)冻馁(lěi)2、在下列具体情境中,用语不得体的一项是:A.某教室黑板旁边挂着一块警示牌:“离中考仅有35天!”B.某娱乐场所贴着一幅标语:“请保持环境整洁,让你有一个好心情。

























































生活中下列做法符合该理念的是 A.农作物收割后留下的秸杆可就地焚烧B.废弃的塑料制品可将先切成碎片,然后填埋于土壤中C.逢年过节,少放或不放烟花爆竹D.含磷洗涤剂的洗涤效果比较好,可广泛使用2.A.铜的元素符号为CaB.2H 2O 表示2个水分子C.氯化铁的化学式为FeCl 2D.钠原子结构示意图为 3.类推是化学学习中常用的思维方法。

以下4个类推结果正确的是 A.氧化物都含有氧元素,所以含有氧元素的化合物一定是氧化物B :酸与碱反应生成盐和水,所以生成盐和水的反应一定是酸与碱的反应 C.燃烧一般都伴随发光、放热现象,所以有发光、放热的现象就是燃烧D.醇类物质在空气中完全燃烧生成CO 2和H 2O ,甲醇是醇类的一种,所以甲醇在空气中完全燃烧生成CO 2和H 2O4.下列关于Na 、Na +二种粒子的判断中,正确的是( )①核电荷数相同 ②核外电子数相等 ③电子层结构完全相同 ④质量几乎相等 ⑤质子数相等 ⑥ Na +比Na 稳定A 、①④⑤B 、①③⑤⑥C 、①④⑤⑥D 、②③④5.由碳和氧两种元素组成的气体中,碳与氧的质量比为3:5,则该气体可能是( ) A 、由CO 或CO 2单独组成的纯净物 B 、由CO 或CO 2共同组成的混合物 C 、由CO 或O 2共同组成的混合物 D 、由CO 2或O 2共同组成的混合物6.30℃时C a(O H )2在水中的溶解度为0.16g/100g 水。



2006年安徽省课程改革实验区初中毕业学业考试数学试题考生注意:本卷共八大题,计 23 小题,满分 150 分,考试时间 120 分钟.一、选择题(本题共 10 小题,每小题 4 分,满分 40 分)每一个小题都给出代号为 A 、 B 、 C 、 D 的四个结论,其中只有一个是正确的,把正确结论的代号写在题后的括号.每一小题:选对得 4 分,不选、选错或选出的代号超过一个的(不论是否写在括号内)均不得分.1.计算 2 一9的结果是 A . 1 B -1 C .一 7 D . 52 .近几年安徽省教育事业加快发展,据 2005 年末统计的数据显示,仅普通初中在校生就约有334 万人,334 人用科学记数法表示为A . 3 . 34 ⨯ 106 人 B . 33 .4 ⨯ 10 5人 C 、334 ⨯ 104 人 D 、 0 . 334 ⨯107 人 3 .计算(-21a 2b )3的结果正确的是: A. 2441b a B.3816b a C.-3681b a D.-3581b a 4 .把过期的药品随意丢弃,会造成对土壤和水体的污染,危害人们的健康.如何处理过期药品,有关机构随机对若干家庭进行调查,调查结果如图.其中对过期药品处理不正确的家庭达到A . 79 %B . 80 %C . 18 %D . 82 % 5 .如图,直线a //b ,点B 在直线b 上,且AB ⊥BC ,∠1 二 55 º ,则∠2 的度数为 :A . 35 ºB . 45 ºC . 55 ºD . 125º6.方程01221=---x x 的根是: A .-3 B .0 C.2 D.37 .如图, △ ABC 中,∠B = 90 º ,∠C 二 30 º , AB = 1 ,将 △ ABC 绕顶点 A 旋转 1800 ,点 C 落在 C ′处,则 CC ′的长为A . 42 B.4 C . 23 D . 2 58.如果反比例函数Y=X K 的图象经过点(1,-2),那么K 的值是: A 、-21 B 、21 C 、-2 D 、2 9.如图, △ABC 内接于 ⊙O , ∠C = 45º, AB =4 ,则⊙O 的半径为A . 22B . 4C . 23D . 5第9题10 .下图是由10 把相同的折扇组成的“蝶恋花”(图 l )和梅花图案(图 2 )(图中的折扇无重叠), 则梅花图案中的五角星的五个锐角均为A . 36ºB . 42ºC . 45ºD . 48º第10题二、填空题(本题共 4 小题,每小题 5 分,满分 20 分)11. 因式分解: ab 2-2ab + a =12 .一次函数的图象过点(-l , 0 ) ,且函数值随着自变量的增大而减小,写出一个符合这个条件的一次函数解析式: 13 .如图,直线 L 过正方形 ABCD 的顶点 B , 点A 、C 到直线 L 的距离分别是 1 和 2 , 则正方形的边长是L第13题14.某水果公司以 2 元/千克的单价新进了 10000千克柑橘,为了合理定出销售价格,水果公司需将运输中损失的水果成本折算到没有损坏的水果售价中.销售人员从柑橘中随机抽取若干柑橘统计柑橘损坏情况,结果如下表。



2006安徽省课改实验区中考模拟试题10(综合-卷1)D2006安徽省课改实验区中考模拟试题10(综合卷1)第2页尊重本人知识产权2006安徽省课改实验区中考模拟试题10(综合卷1)第3页尊重本人知识产权A. went back homeB. picked up a piece of chalkC. drew a sun on the wall13、When David noticed the teacher coming, .A. he covered the drawing with his backB. he cleaned the wall with his handC. he turned around and ran away14、What did David find on the wall after the teacher left? .A. He found a sun on the wallB. He found a picture on the wallC. He found nothing on the wall15、Where was David’s drawing at last?A. It was on the wall.B. It was on David’s backC. It was taken away by his teacher笔试部分(100分)Ⅴ单项选择(每小题1分,满分15分)( ) 21. wonderful music it is! I like Beethoven’s better than anybody else’s.A. WhatB. How aC. What aD. How( ) 22. It was useful information that the company much money on it.A. so a, paidB. such, spentC. so an, paidD. such a , spent ( ) 23.—is it from the cinema to the history museum?—less than ten minutes’ ride.A. How longB. How muchC. How farD. How soon? ( ) 24. —Do you know ? —Only ten months old.A. When does Tiger Woods start golfingB. When did Tiger Woods start golfingC. When Tiger woods starts golfingD. When Tiger Woods started golfing( ) 25. —W hy don’t you like Kate?—She thinks of herself, but of others.2006安徽省课改实验区中考模拟试题10(综合卷1)第4页尊重本人知识产权A. much, a little.B. little, muchC. many, fewD. much, little ( ) 26. —We can use MSN to talk with each other on the Inter now.—Really? Will you please show me it?A. what to useB. how to useC. how can I useD. where can I use ( ) 27. Tian an men is always with lots of people on it every day.A. aliveB. lovelyC. livingD. lively( ) 28. —Have a nice holiday! —!A. You do, too.B. The same to you.C. I think so.D. You have it, too.( ) 29. They each other since ten years ago.A. knewB. got to knowC. have knownD. have got to know ( ) 30. We hoped he back before all the guests .A. will come, leftB. would come, would leaveC. would come, leftD. came, would leave( ) 31. It’s too noisy. Would you please the radio a little?A. turn upB. turn downC. turn onD. turn off( ) 32. —How many people will come to Beijing for the Olympic Games in 2008.—It’s hard to say. people, I think.A. Million ofB. Millions ofC. Two millions ofD. Two millions( ) 33. —I’m going to HangZhou for a holiday this weekend.—you are there, could you buy some green tea?A. BecauseB. WhileC. AfterD. Though( ) 34. —Why not swim in this river?—Oh, no. Mum warned me here. It’s dangerous.A. will swimB. to swimC. to not swimD. not to swim( ) 35. The following are all traffic signs except .Ⅵ完形填空(共20小题,每小题1分;满分20分)(A)In the 36 world, advertising is everywhere!Some people think that ads are great. 37 hate ads, saying that they make our cities and countryside 38 .Many ads are specially 39 teenagers, and some young people see more than 100 advertisements a day. It’s true that so me ads can be very useful. 40 , they can help you to compare two different products 41 you can buy the one you really need. They can also help you 42 money . When prices are listed, you can go to 2006安徽省课改实验区中考模拟试题10(综合卷1)第5页尊重本人知识产权2006安徽省课改实验区中考模拟试题10(综合 卷1)第6页 尊重本人知识产权the store with 43 price. Ads also tell you when stores are having sales. However, some advertising can be 44 .Sometimes the words sound good but don’t really tell you anything about the quality of the product. At other times, the picture in an ad looks a lot better than the real thing. And you have to be 45. At times an ad can lead you to buy something you don’t need at all.( )36.A.old B. now C. modern D.ancient( )37.A. Others B. The others C.Another D.The other( )38.A.be more beautiful B. be more colorful C.look ugly D.look clean( )39.A. aimed at ughed at C.pointed at D.looked after( )40.A.Such as B.For the examples C.As for D. For instance( )41.A. so that B.in order to C.such that D.even if( )42.A.make B. save C.raise D.steal( )43.A.the highest B. the lowest C.dearestD.cheapest( )44.A.confused or misleading B.confused and misleadC.confusing or leadingD.confusing or misleading( )45.A. patient B. careful C.helpful D.hard-working (B)Food is very important to our 46 .Everyone needs to eat well 47__ he or she wants to have a strong body.Our minds, __48__ our bodies, always the need best food. This kind of food is knowledge. We start 49 knowledge when we are very young. Studying on our own 50 us the most knowledge. When we get 51 , we should enjoy reading and learning about all kinds of things. If we 52 accept (接受)answers without thinking about 53 , we never learn well. When we study in the right 54 and get knowledge on our own, we enjoy learning. We 55 learn more and understand better.( ) 46. A.head B. mouth C. health D. country( ) 47.A.so B. if C. before D. until( ) 48.A.in B. to C. like D. by( ) 49.A.get B. gets C. got D. getting( ) 50.A.brings B. takes C. sends D.makes( ) 51.A.young B. old C. healthy D. strong( ) 52.A.ready B. often C. just D. first( ) 53.A.it B. them C. her D. they( ) 54.A.day B. way C. time D. place( ) 55.A.either B. both C. also D. lastⅦ阅读理解(每小题2分 ;满分40分)(A)T he summer vacation is over. It’s true that time always fl ew fast.During the vacation, the weather was hot and I could not do much work, but I lived happily.As the afternoon was hot, I did my work in the morning. I used to get up at 6:30 and take a walk in the garden for half an hour. After breakfast, I began reading English and Chinese and did some exercises in maths. These would take me three hours or more. I worked quite hard and I believe I made good progress.I spent the afternoon outside. I went to swim and it was full of fun. I would not go home until it was late at about five or six o’clock. Sometimes a fr iend of mine would come to see me and we would spend some hours listening to music.In this way I spent my vacation happily. And I not only studied well but also became a good swimmer. Now I am in good health and high spirits.( ) 56. What does the text mainly(主要地)tell us?A. How the writer spent his summer holidays.B. What’s the weather like in summer.C. When the writer got up in the summer holidays.D. Where the writer took a walk in the summer holidays.( ) 57. How long did it take the writer to do his homework?A. Half an hour.B. Three hours or more.C. Only one hour.D. Two hours and a half.( ) 58. The writer spent most of the afternoon .A. listening to musicB. visiting his friends.C. walking in the gardenD. swimming( ) 59. The writer had very good summer holidays because he .A. worked very hard and made good progressB. learned to swim and did his homework wellC. got up early and went home lateD liked swimming better than studying( ) 60. Which of the following is NOT true?A. The writer made progress in his lessons.B. The writer took a walk for half an hour before breakfast.C. The writer began studying as soon as he got up.D. The writer spent more time swimming than listening to music.(B)Travel Arrangements(安排)Date: 15 April 2002 For: Wang Mei2006安徽省课改实验区中考模拟试题10(综合卷1)第7页尊重本人知识产权( ) 61. How many days will Wang Mei’s holiday last?A. 14.B. 16.C. 19.D. 20.( ) 62. At what time does Wang Mei have to be at the airport for her flight from Beijing?A. 8:00 a.m.B. 9:30 a.m.C. 10:00 a.m.D. 11:00 a.m.( )63. When she arrives in Perth, Wang Mei will travel from the airport.A. by taxiB. in a carC. on the travel-busD. with her host family( ) 64. Where will Wang Mei be on May 16?A. In a hotel in PerthB. On her return to SydneyC. On a flight to SingaporeD. On a trip to Monkey Mia( ) 65. In which country will Wang Mei stay before she returns to Beijing?A. PerthB. SydneyC. SingaporeD. Monkey Mia(C)Last year more than 13 Korean TV series were introduced in China. Turn on the TV, and Korean beauties are appearing during peak viewing times(黄金时段). 2006安徽省课改实验区中考模拟试题10(综合卷1)第8页尊重本人知识产权Some of the dramas(戏剧)are being repeated, but audiences continue to watch them. Why are the South Korean TV series loved by so many Chinese people? Cheng Yi-Ting , a student from East China Normal University, gives us her reasons. She thinks that the good looking actors with cool clothes and the beautiful sight in the dramas are the selling points for South Korean TV dramas. But what attracted the young audiences most is the pure and moving love stories.And it seems that South Korean TV series has also won the hearts of middle-aged people. They are touched by the morals(道德)in the shows. These include the importance of respecting elders and social order. Though some people think South Korean TV series are too slow and too long, most of the Chinese audiences like them. Maybe we are really tired of Western TV series. Compared (比较)with that, South Korean TV series are not bad.( )66. What does the underlined word repeated in the third line mean?A. 大长今B.流行C. 重播D. 垃圾时段( )67. Which of the following is not mentioned about South Korean TV series in the passage ?A. LoveB. MoralsC. Social orderD. the youth self-respect( )68. What is the main reason why South Korean TV series are popular?A. Because they are slow and longB. The actors wear cool clothesC. The stories with morals in them are pure and moving.D. The actors are cool( )69. What do you know about South Korean TV series from the passage?A. Thirteen more South Korean TV series will be introduced to China.B. Young audiences like South Korean TV series better than middle-aged peopleC. All the South Korean TV series will be repeated this year.D. Some Chinese think part of South Korean TV series are worth watching twice.( )70. What does the writer want to tell us?A. We are fed up with South Korean TV series.B. South Korean TV series is a great success and popular in China.C. South Korean TV series are better than Chinese TV series.D. We can learn a lot from Korean TV series so we need to watch them again and again.(D)How old is “old”? The answer has changed over the years. Two Hundred years 2006安徽省课改实验区中考模拟试题10(综合卷1)第9页尊重本人知识产权ago, you were old at 35. At the beginning of the 20th century, the average life span(平均寿命) was 45. In 1950, 70-year-olds were really old. Today,a healthy 70-year-old is still thought young.So, how old is “old”? The answer is one you’ve heard many times, from all kinds of people. “You are as old (or young) as you feel. ” Your age simply tells you how many years you have lived. Your body tells you how well you’ve lived.“Nobody grows old by living a number of years, ” Wrote a writer. “People grow old when they don’t have their ideals(理想).” People shouldn’t have the wrong ideas about aging. Sometimes, older minds can be as bright as young minds. Alice Brophy once said, “It makes me unhappy when people say, ‘You look young for your age.’ What does that mean? You know you can die old at 30 and l ive young at 80.”( ) 71. About 100 years ago, the average life span was .A. 35B. 45C. 70D. 80( ) 72. The meaning of the word “aging” is.A. growing oldB. staying youngC. keeping healthyD. feeling unhappy( ) 73. According to the passage, which of the following is true?A. Old people are not as bright at young people.B. All older people are healthy and strong.C. Aging does not mean you become unhealthy.D. Most older people are unhealthy and poor.( ) 74. Which question is not answered in the passage?A. Can older people be as bright as young people?B. What tells you how well you’ve lived?C. How old is “old”?D. What is the average life span today?( ) 75. The passage is mainly(主要地) about .A. the average life spanB. agingC. the 20th centuryD. older people and young peopleⅧ根据对话内容,从A—E中选择适当的句子完成下列对话, 有1个是多余的——(76) Mary? Got any plans?——Nothing special. Why?——Want to see a movie? “Thunderstorm” is on at the Friendship Cinema. ——Yeah, why not?(77)——Let’s go to the early show, and we could do something afterward. Maybe go to KFC or a coffee shop.——(78)——(79)——I’ll come to your house to pick you up at 6 pm.2006安徽省课改实验区中考模拟试题10(综合卷1)第10页尊重本人知识产权Ⅸ书面表达(20分)你的家乡环境优美,附近有一条小河。



2006新课标中考模拟试题及答案(一)-中考数学试题、初中数学中考试卷、模拟题、复习资料-初中数学试卷-试卷下载---------------------------------------第四部分:中考模拟训练2006年新课标中考模拟试题(一)(120分,90分钟)(286)一、选择题:(每题3分,共30分)1、下列计算中.正确的有()A、a8÷a4=a2B、C.D.2.天安门广场的面积约为44万平方米,请你估计一下,它的百万分之一大约相当于()A.教室地面的面积B.黑板面的面积C、课桌面的面积D.铅笔盒面积3.下列图形中,既是中心对称图形又是轴对称图形的是()A.平行四边形B.等腰三角形C.矩形D.等边三角形4.图4-1-1是由图4-1-2中的()在平面内经过平移或旋转而得到的.5.若互为相反数,则xy的值是{)6.二元一次方程的正整数解有()A.4组B.5组C.6组D.3组7.若x<0,之间的大小关系是()8.在直角梯形ABCD中,AD∥BC,AB∥AD,AB=10,AD、BC的长是方程x2-20x+75=0的两根,那么以D为圆心,AD为半径的圆与以点C 为圆心,BC为半径的圆的位置关系是()A.外切B.外离C.内切D.相交9.若函数的图象过原点和第二、三、四象限,则a、b,c应满足的条件是()A.a<0,b>0,c<0 B.a>0,b<0,c=0C.a<0,b<0,c= 0D.a<0,b>0,c= 010 ∥ABC中,∥C=90°,cosB=,则AC:BC:AB=()A.3:4:5B.4:3:5C.3:5:4D.5:3:4二、填空题(每题3分,共30分)11 袋中有3个红球,2个黄球,它们除了颜色外都相同,任意从中摸出一球,记下颜色后放回袋中,充分摇匀后,再任意摸出一球,两次都摸到红球的概率是___________12 当m=______时,函数是个二次函数.13 已知等腰三角形周长是8,边长为整数,则腰为___14 初三(2)班40名学生献爱心捐款,情况如下表:捐款的中位数是_______,平均数是_________.15 如图4-1-3所示,在ABC中,F点分AC为AF:FC=1:2,G是BF中点,直线AG与BC相交于E点,则BE:EC=__________16 一个正方体的每个面分别标为数字1,2,3,4,5,6,根据图4-1-4中该正方体三种状态所显示数字,可推出“?”处的数字为___________.17 若一个三角形三边长满足方程=0则此三角形的周长为_________.18如图4-1-5所示,有一个边长为2cm的等边三角形ABC,要剪一张圆形纸片完全盖住这个图形,则这个圆形纸片的最小半径是_________.19 已知扇形的圆心角为150°,弧长为20cm,则这个扇形的半径为__________.20考查下列式子,归纳规律并填空:三、解答题(21题8分,22题6分,23、24题各10分,25、26题各13分,共60分)21 一个商标图案如图4-1-6所示,矩形ABCD中,AB=2BC,且AB=8cm,以A为圆心,AD长为半径作半圆,求商标图案(阴影)的面积.22 画出下列物体(图4-1-7)的三视图.23 如图4-l-8所示,转盘被均匀分为37格,分别标以0~36这37个数,且所有写有偶数门除外)的格子都涂成了黑色,写有奇数的格子都涂成了白色,而0所在的格子被涂成了红色.游戏者用此转盘做游戏,每次游戏者需交游戏费1元.游戏时,游戏者先押一个数字,然后快速地转动转盘,若转盘停止转动时,指针所指格子中的数字信为游戏者所押数字,则游戏者将获得奖励36元.该游戏对游戏者有利吗?转动多次后,游戏者平均每次将获利或损失多少元?24 二次函数的图象如图4-l-9所示的CAHBD曲线,以x轴为折痕把x轴下方的曲线AHB 对折到x轴上方的AH′B 的位置,求新曲线CAH′BD的解析式.25 如图4-l-10(1)正方形ABCD的边长为4,在AB、AD边上分别取点P、S,连接PS,将Rt∥SAP绕正方形中心O旋转180°得Rt∥QCR,从而得四边形PQRS,回答以下问题(只写出结论,不必证明)∥四边形PQRS的形状是__________;∥当PA与SA满足关系式_________时,四边形PQRS矩形(不是正方形),请在图4-l-10∥中画出一个符合要求的图形;∥当PA与SA满足关系式________时,四边形PQRS为正方形,请在图4-l-10∥中画出一个符合要求的图形;∥上述四边形PQRS能否为不是正方形的菱形____(填“能”或“不能”).26 如图4-1-11所示,在直角坐标系中,矩形OBCD的边长OB=m,OD=n,m >n,m、n是方程3x2+8(x-l)x2=10x(x-1)的两个根.∥求m和n;∥ P是OB上一个动点,动点Q在PB或其延长线上运动,OP=PQ,作以PQ为一边的正方形PQRS,点P从O点开始沿射线OB方向运动,设OP=x,正方形PQRS与矩形OBCD重叠部分的面积为y,写出y与x的函数关系式,并画出函数图象;∥已知直线:y=ax-a都经过一定点A,求经过定点A且把矩形OBCD面积平均分成两部分的直线的解析式和A点的坐标.感谢阅读,欢迎大家下载使用!。



2006年中考模拟试题(一)(满分:120分 考试时间:120分钟)一、基础知识及运用。

(共19分)1.美的书写能给人以美的享受,下列词语你能根据拼音提示补充完整或将词语中的错别字改正过来,并将其书写美观吗?(4分)⑴海誓山(m éng )盟 ⑵千山万(h è)壑 ⑶(c āng )沧海桑田 ⑷长(x ū)吁短叹⑸藏污纳后 ⑹粗制乱造 ⑺无可质疑 ⑻暗然失色①俱怀逸兴壮思飞, 。

(李白《宣州谢月兆楼饯别校书叔云》) ②剪不断,理还乱, ,。

(李煜《相见欢》)③ , ,人比黄花瘦。

(李清照《醉花阴》)④列国周齐秦汉楚, , ; , 。


(7分)我到一座花园,看到园中的花正盛开,树郁苍翠,忍不住a. (赞叹 赞美 赞颂)地说:“这些花和树是多么的美呀。


”花园主人的说法令我感到意外,确实,世上没有一棵树是丑的,也没有一朵花是丑的,我以前怎么没有发现呢?相对于一棵树或一朵花,作为人的我们就显得各种分别:是非、善恶、高低、美丑,高尚得像一颗树, (完美 美丽 完好)得如一朵花的人,是多么少见呀。

我深信,花与树的完美,是来自于它们不会有丑陋低俗的意念;因此我深信,人如果 。


(2分)a. ;b. 。













(李白《行路难》)(3)春蚕到死丝方尽,_______________ 。



(《诗经?秦凤》)(6)_______________ ,病树前头万木春。


(苏轼《江城子》)(8)_______________ ,柳暗花明又一村。















2006安徽省课改实验区中考模拟试题(初三部分卷1)听力部分(20分)笔试部分(100分)Ⅴ单项选择(每小题1分,满分15分)( )21. --- How do you learn English? ----______.A. I learn English for the peopleB. I learn English by working with some studentsC. I don't like EnglishD. I also like English( )22. He ______ up early. But now he doesn't get up early.A. is used getB. used to getC. was used to getD. used getting( )23. Would you mind ________ smoking? _______, I'll do it in a few days.A. to give up, Not at allB. giving up, Of courseC. giving up, It's pleasureD. giving up, Not at all( )24. She is terrified ______the dark. She often goes to bed with her bedroom light _______.A. of…onB. of…offC. about..outD. for..off ( )25. What are you like? _________.A. I like funny and energetic thingsB. I'm funny and energeticC. I look like my funny and energetic fatherD. I feel energetic( )26.I have a lot of rules at home. _________.A. So has Peter.B. So Peter has .C. So does Peter.D. Neither Peter has( )27.________ should not to be allowed to work at night.A. Sixteen-year-oldsB. Sixteen-years-oldC. Sixteen year oldsD. Sixteen years old( )28. She has trouble ____________ the car started.A. gettingB. to getC. getD. got( )29. What _____ you do if you won one million dollars ?I would give it to the charities.A. willB. canC. wouldD. did( )30.It might belong Alice. She plays guitar.A .to; the B. to;/ C. for; the D. with; the ( )31.You can’t make a person is pretending be asleep.A. who;/B. that; forC. who; toD. which; with ( )32.I haven’t seen my cat for two days. I’m very about her.A. carefulB. strangeC. anxiousD. worried ( )33.Other people are cool because they don’t follow what does.A. some one elseB. everyone elseC. else someoneD. else everyone ( )34.We should to design our school uniforms.A. be allowingB. be allowedC. allowedD. are allowing ( )35.Where’s Lucy?—I’m not sure. She ________ in the school library.A. maybeB. must beC. may beD. will beⅥ完形填空(共20小题,每小题1分;满分20分)(A)Mr.Brown, a teacher in a primary school, often fell asleep in class, but he didn’t want his 36 to know and do that. One day he again fell asleep 37 .When he woke up, one of the 38 , Tom, asked him, “Why did you fall asleep in class just now, dear sir?”Mr. Brown's face turned 39 . “I…I…The Sungod (太阳神) asked me to visit him in my dream.” he said.Tom wanted to say something, 40 he said nothing. The next day, Tom also 41 in class.When the teacher saw him, he 42 Tom up and asked him, “Why did you fall asleep in class and not 43 me, Tom?”Tom answered with a smile on his 44 ,“The Sungod asked me to visit him, too. ”The teacher became 45 when he heard this and asked,”What did he say to you, then?”He told me he didn't see you yesterday.( )36. A. teachers B. students C. parents D. workers ( )37. A. at table B. in class C. in hospital D. in bed( )38. A. boys B. girls C. men D. women ( )39. A. black B. red C. yellow D. green( )40. A. but B. and C. or D. so( )41. A. went to bed B. got up C. fell asleep D. went to work ( )42. A. woke B. threw C. hung D. brought ( )43. A. hear from B. hear of C. listen to D. look at( )44. A. head B. nose C. face D. ear( )45. A. angry B. happy C. sad D. pleased(B)My parents took me to Japan when I was little. I lived there for five years. 46 I came back, my Japanese was very good. “Can I do something useful with my Jap anese?” I asked myself. Then, one day last spring, I got a good opportunity. Everyone was afraid of SARS, so I stayed at home with 47 to do. My father brought me a Japanese book. “Why don’t you translate it into Chinese? It will be better than 48 com puter games all day.” I promised to do 2,000 words each day. But 49 I found it was hard to keep the promise. One day in May, the weather was beautiful. But I couldn’t go out. Those 2,000 words were still 50 me. After translating only three pages, I a lready lost interest in the book. I looked at it for a long time. But I couldn’t make myself turn the pages. How wished I could just go outside and 51 football with my friends! I counted the words again and again. I just wanted to give up. I felt as if two people were fighting 52 my mind. One said, “Don’t give up! Keep working hard, and you’ll do well!” But then the other one said, “Go and play! It will be more 53 than translating. Do your work tomorrow.” I stood up and would 54 the computer. But then I remember 55 my parents had told me: “Whatever you do, don’t stop halfway(半途/中途).” So I sat down and went on with it.( )46. A. Because B. Until C. Since D. When( )47. A. nothing B. something C. everything D. anything( )48. A. be played B. playing C. played D. plays( )49. A. just then B. right now C. soon D. suddenly( )50. A. talking to B. looking at C. smiling at D. waiting for( )51. A. play B. give C. buy D. watch( )52. A. in B. with C. about D. for( )53. A. fun B. important C. useful D. dangerous( )54. A. turn on B. turn off C. open D. close( )55. A. how B. where C. which D. whatⅦ阅读理解(每小题2分;满分40分)(A)Yao Ming, the center of the Chinese National Men’s Basketball Team, servedthe Huston Rockets in the 2002 NBA. The 2.26 m, 120 kg center becomes the first one to come from a foreign team.Yao Ming was born in Shanghai in September, 1980. His mother was a centerand captain of the Chinese National Women’s Team. His father played basketball, too.Yao Ming is widely known in China. He came to be a very important basketball player in China Basketball Association (联赛).It’s short for CBA. During the 2000~2001 season, he got 27. 1 scores for the Shanghai Oriental (东方) Sharks in every match.Yao Ming joined the Houston Rockets in November, 2002. He said this was anew start in his basketball life. He would do his best to learn from the NBA and improve himself.Sport analyst (分析家) Bill Walton said, “Yao Ming has the potential (潜力), the capability(能力) of changing the future of basketball.”( )56.The Houston Rockets is name for a _________team.A. table tennisB. volleyballC. basketballD. golf( )57.Both Yao Ming’s father and mother were_________.A. football playersB. basketball playersC. the centers of the Chinese National TeamD. the Captains of the Chinese National Team( )58.Yao Ming_________ in CBA during the 2000~2001 season.A. does wellB. is goodC. was goodD. did well ( )59.Yao Ming_________ the Houston Rockets in November, 2002.A. did his best to joinB. was well-know inC. became a member ofD. took part in( )60.Sport analyst Bill Walton thought Yao Ming was able to _______.A. learn from the NBAB. change the future of basketballC. improve himselfD. become the captain of the Houston Rockets(B)THE world has seen some shocking(令人震惊的) pictures from Iraq伊拉克) over the past two weeks. Those pictures are making people angry. What's this all about?The pictures show Iraqi POWs (战俘) being treated very badly by American and British soldiers.The first person to show the photos to others was an American soldier in Iraq. He couldn't stand(忍受)to see other soldiers doing such terrible things to the POWs.During the Iraq war(战争), more than 8,000 Iraqis(伊拉克人)became POWs. Newspapers report that 25 Iraqi POWs have died in prisons(监狱) , and some of them were killed.People say American soldiers have also treated children badly. One Iraqi boy of 15, also a POW, got sick. But American soldiers didn't take him to a doctor. They made him keep running. If he stopped, they told him they would beat him.US President George W. Bush(布什总统) and British Prime Minister Tony Blair(布莱尔首相) told the world last week that they were sorry. They said soldiers who treatedPOWs badly should be punished (惩罚).( )61. Who was the first person to show the photos to others?A. An Iraqi soldier.B. An American soldier.C. A British soldier.D. An Iraqi boy of 15.( )62. In the report, how many Iraqi POWs were killed in prisons?A. 25 Iraqi POWs.B. More than 25 Iraqi POWs.C. Less than 25 Iraqi POWs.D. 8,000 Iraqi POWs.( )63. Was that Iraqi boy of 15 taken to a doctor when he was ill?A. Yes, he was.B. No, he wasn't.C. Sorry, I don't know.D. No, he was killed at once.( )64. American and British soldiers treated Iraqi POWsA. very badlyB. very wellC. very politelyD. very kindlyThese days, more and more young people wish to be more beautiful, so they turn to plastic surgery (整形手术) for help. They spend thousands of yuan on these painful(痛苦的) surgeries to fix (修理)their nose, to change their eyelids (眼皮) or to take off weight from their stomachs.In fact, most people are not pleased with the way they look. Even the most beautiful actresses often wish they could change something about their looks. Should we live our whole lives believing we are ugly? Why can't we raise our head high and believe that we are as beautiful as others? A smile is beautiful on any face, whether fat, oily or hairy. And a kind heart is much more beautiful than a pretty look.So, let's feel grateful that we all have beautiful and healthy bodies that do not need surgeries ! Today, I call on(呼吁) you to make an easy change:hold your head high, smile and be kind to others. If you do these, you will be full of confidence, beauty, and warmth everywhere you go.( )66. are more and more interested in plastic surgeries.A. Old peopleB. Young peopleC. MenD. Women ( )67. What do people think they can do to make their dreams come true?A. Sleep more.B. Eat less.C. Do sports.D. Have surgery. ( )68. How can we feel great about ourselves according to the author? _______A. Hold your head up.B. Smile.C. Be kind.D. A,B and C ( )69. The author(作者) suggests we should believe we are as as others.A. confidentB. goodC. beautifulD. clever( )70. Which is Not true?A. Actresses never worry about their looks.B. It costs a lot of money to have plastic surgeries.C. We only need to make a small change to feel beautiful enough.D. A good look is less important than a kind heart.(D)Dear Rose,I like your programmers very much. I’m now writing to ask you something about American social customs (社交习惯).My American friends want me to join them in their dinner party. I am very happy and have decided to go, but I’m a little worried about it, too. The social customs in my country are very different from here, so I’m afraid of making mistakes. Should I bring a present, such as sweets or flowers? Should I arrive on time or a little late? At the dinner table, how can I know which fork or knife to use? How can I let the family know that I’m thankful for their kindness?Wang Lin Dear Wang Lin,It’s a good idea to bring a small present when you go to a dinner party. Flowers are always nice, or you may bring a bottle of wine if you know that your friends drink it. You should arrive on time or five to ten minutes late. Don’t get there early. If you’re going to be more than fifteen minutes late, you should call and tell them. Try to be free at the dinner table. If you don’ t know about choosing the right fork or knife, just watch the other people, and follow them. If you still have no idea of what to do, ask the person next to you. If you like the food, say so. Of course, you’ll thank them for the meal and for their kind ness. It’s also a good idea to send a thank you card the day after.Rose( )71.Wang Lin wants to .A. make friends with RoseB. know some social customs for a dinner partyC. make her friends happyD. give her friends a surprise( )72.Rose is possibly .A. a good housewifeB. a TV hostessC. a member of the din ner partyD. a friend of Wang Lin’s( )73. If you’re asked to a dinner party but not sure about what to bring as a present, it’s good to bring.A. some fruitsB. a bottle of wineC. some flowersD. a knife and fork ( )74.Which of the following is NOT proper(适当的)for joining in a dinner party? A.Get there 15 minutes earlier. B. Make yourself at home.C. Follow others to use forks and knives.D. Thank your friends for the meal. ( )75.From the letters we’ve learned that it’s very to know something about American social customs.A. difficultB. friendlyC. enjoyableD. helpfulⅧ根据对话内容,从A—E中选择适当的句子完成下列对话, 有1个是多余的(Tom has just come from school. He is talking to his mother.)Tom: Can I go out and play now?Mother: If you have finished your homework.Tom: 76Mother: Oh no! Just sit down and finish it now. You’d never do any if I didn’t make you, would you?Tom: Yes, I would 77 .Mother: Never mind about football. You will never do well at school if you don’ finish your homework.Tom: 78 .Mother: Well, we would . What would your father say if you came out at the bottom of the class again? Tom: I don’t know. But just think how pleased he’d be if I got on the football team. Mother: 79Tom: 80Ⅸ书面表达(20分)假设你陪你校的外籍教师Mr. White 去某音乐厅听音乐,在门口的布告栏里看见一张听众须知,内容如下:提前30分钟入场。



2006年中考全真模拟试卷(一)参考答案一、选择题二、填空题13、2.4×101114、略(所举事件应在抛两枚骰子的情境下,且不应出现“不可能”等判断性词语) 15、20π16、∠ACE 的度数和线段BD 的长 17、90 18、17元三、解答下列各题19、原式=22213112-+÷⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛----x x x x x =222142+-∙--x x x x=2)1(21)2)(2(+-∙--+x x x x x=42-x当x=12121-=+时原式=6224)12(2-=--20、⑴如图见右图⑵四边形OCED 为菱形证明:∵DE ∥OC ,CE ∥OD ∴四边形OCED 为平行四边形∵四边形ABCD 为矩形∴AC=BD ,OA=OC=1/2AC ,OB=OD=1/2BD ∴OC=OD (2分)∵四边形OCED 为平行四边形 且OC=OD ∴四边形OCED 为菱形21、⑴68%,74%,78%,69%,70.5%,70.1% ⑵当n 很大时,频率将会接近70% ⑶获得可乐的概率为30%,圆心角约为360º×30%=108º⑷模拟实验方案:在一不透明口袋内放置红球3个、蓝球7个,搅均后从中随机摸出一个球,摸出红球获得可乐,摸出蓝球获得铅笔. (本方案仅供参考,其他方案酌情加分) 22、⑴直线BE 垂直平分线段AC ;C 为BD 中点(或C 为半圆圆心),点A 放在角的一边上,角的另一边与半圆相切,BE 经过角的顶点. ⑵∵BE 垂直平分AC ∴EA=EC∵EA=EC 且EB ⊥AC ∴∠AEB=∠BEC ∵EF 为半圆切线 ∴CF ⊥EF ∵CB ⊥EB ,CF ⊥EF 且CB=CF ∴∠BEC=∠CEF∴∠AEB=∠BEC=∠CEF23、⑴设抛物线解析式为y=a(x-14)2+32/3 ∵经过点M (30,0) ∴a=-1/24∴y=-1/24(x-14)2+32/3 当x=0时y=5/2 ∵y=2.5>2.44∴球不会进球门 ⑵当x=2时,y=14/3 ∵y=14/3>2.75∴守门员不能在空中截住这次吊射. 24、图形不唯一,符合要求即可.25、⑴5n+21-8(n-1)>0 5n+21-8(n-1)<5 解得8<n<29/3 ∵n 为整数 ∴n=9∴物资总吨数=5×9+21=66吨⑵设载重量5吨的汽车辆数为x, 载重量8吨的汽车辆数为y, 则 5x+8y=66, 200x+300y=2600解得 x=10 y=2 ∴载重量5吨的汽车10辆, 载重量8吨的汽车2辆. ⑶设汽车总辆数为y ,载重量5吨的汽车辆数为x (x ≥0) 则y=x+(66-5x)/8=(3x+66)/8由函数解析式知当x 最小且使3x+66为8的倍数时y 最小 ∴当x 最小=2时y 最小=9 26、(1) 33+-=x y (2) D ⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-23,23 (3) 符合条件的点M存在,⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-23,231M 或⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-235,232M2006年中考全真模拟试卷(二)参考答案一、选择题二、填空题 13、x ≥314、a=12或-12, b 为一个完全平方数15、略(形式为y=xk,k <0) 16、∠A =∠D 或∠ABC =∠DCB 或AC=DB 17、内切 18、20三、解答下列各题19、因为原式=0 与x 的取值无关. 所以x=2004错抄成x=2040不影响结果.20、四边形AEBC 为平行四边形, 证明略.21、(1)由中位数可知,8 5分排在第2 5位以后,从位次讲不能说8 5分是上游;但也不能单纯以位次来判定学习的好差,小刚得8 5分,说明他对这阶段的学习内容掌握较好,从掌握学习内容讲也可以说属于上游.(2)初三(1)班成绩的中位数为8 7分,说明高于8 7分的人数占一半以上,而均分为7 9分,标准差又很大,说明低分也多,两极分化严重,建议加强对学习困难者的帮助.初三(2)班成绩的中位数和均分都为7 9分,标准差又小,说明学生之间差别较小,学习很差的学生少,但学习优异的学生也少,建议采取措施提高优生率. 22、(1)A (1,0),B (0,2) 易证△ADC ≌△BOA 得AD=OB=2 (2)易得抛物线对称轴为直线x=2∴设抛物线解析式为y=a (x-2)2 +k ∵过点A (1,0)、B (0,2) ∴a+k=0 , 4a+k=2 ∴a=32 , k=-32 ,解析式为y=32(x-2)2- 3223、(1) 树状图如下: 列表如下:有6种可能结果:(A ,D ),(A ,E ),(B ,D ),(B ,E ),(C ,D ),(C ,E ).(2) 因为选中A 型号电脑有2种方案,即(A ,D )(A ,E ),所以A 型号电脑被选中的概率是31(3) 由(2)可知,当选用方案(A ,D )时,设购买A 型号、D 型号电脑分别为x ,y 台,根据题意,得⎩⎨⎧=+=+.10000050006000,36y x y x 解得⎩⎨⎧=-=.116,80y x 经检验不符合题意,舍去;当选用方案(A ,E)时,设购买A 型号、E型号电脑分别为x ,y 台,根据题意,得⎩⎨⎧=+=+.10000020006000,36y x y x 解得⎩⎨⎧==.29,7y x 所以希望中学购买了7台A 型号电脑.24、⑴同学乙的方案较为合理,因为相似的等腰三角形底角α和顶角β大小不变, 保证了相似三角形的“正度”相等;而同学甲的方案不能保证相似三角形的“正度”相等. ⑵同学甲的方案可修改为:用式子1-b a 来表示“正度”, 1-ba的值越小,表示等腰三角形越接近正三角形(仅供参考, 方案合理即可); ⑶用式子60-α、60-β、123-+b a a 、123-+ba b来表示“正度”,“正度”的值越小,表示等腰三角形越接近正三角形(仅供参考, 方案合理即可).25、(1)设存水量y 与放水时间x 的解析式为y=kx +b 把(2,17)、(12,8)代入y=kx +b 得172812k b k b =+⎧⎨=+⎩解得k=-910,b=945 y=-910x +945 (2≤x ≤1889)(2)由图可得每个同学接水量是0.25升,则前22个同学需接水0.25×22=5.5升存水量y=18-5.5=12.5升∴12.5=-910x +945∴x=7 ∴前22个同学接水共需7分钟. (3)当x=10时 存水量y=-910×10+945=495,用去水18-495=8.2升8.2÷0.25=32.8 ∴课间10分钟最多有32人及时接完水.或 设课间10分钟最多有z 人及时接完水,由题意可得 0.25z ≤8.2 z ≤32.826、(1)(2)不变,(3)22y x =(13x <<), (3)存在,30°、90°、133.2°或346.8°2006年中考全真模拟试卷(三)参考答案二、填空题:13. x(xy +2)(xy -2) 14. 1/5 15. 3a16. 17. 三18.(2,5)或(4,4) 三、解答题:19、去分母,得3227()()x x -≤- 去括号,得36142x x -≤- 移项、合并同类项,得520x ≤ x ≤4∴不等式的正整数解是:,,,123420. 说明:本题共有四个命题,其中命题二、命题三是真命题,命题一、命题四是假命题. 命题一:在△ABC 和△DEF 中,B 、E 、C 、F 在同一直线上, AB=DE ,AC = DF ,∠ABC=∠DEF 。



( )5 B 4。 ( )2。 D 15

正方形 A C 的顶点 曰, BD
() A 一3
( ) BO
( ) D3

, , , ,
点 A C到 直线 z 、 的距 离
分别是 1和 2 则 正方 形 . 的边 长是— — . 1 . 水 果 公 司 以 4某
量关系 .
于点 a o3 , 轴分别交于 日 1O、 (,) ( ,)与 (,)c 5O两点 . () 1求此抛物线 的解析式 ; () 2 若点 J D为线段 的一 个三 等分点 , 求直线 D C的解 析式 ; () 3若一个动点 P 自O A的中点 J 出发 , 到达 I 】 f 先 轴上 的某 点 ( 为点 , 到达抛 物线 的对称 轴 设 再 上某点 ( 设为点 F , 后运动到点 A. )最 求使点 P运动 的总路径最短 的点 E、 F的坐标 , 求出这个 最短 点 并 总路径 的长 . 2 . 分 ) 们给 出如下 定义 : S( 8 我 若一 个 四边形 的 两条对 角线 相等 , 则称 这个 四边形 为 等对 角线 四边
请你参 考这个 作 全等
三角形 的方法 。 解答下列 问题 :
图l 5
() l 1, 1J 图 6 在△ A C中 , A B是 直角 , B= S B C
6 D C 0 、 E分别 是 B C B A的 平 分线 ,D、 OA 9 A、 C A C E相交于点 F 请 你判 断并 写出 F . E与 F D之 间的数
( ) A1 () B 一1
({‘ An ) 6 (一 n c 吉‘ ) 6
(吉‘ Bn ) 6 (一 n D { ) 6














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()1、A. An hour every day. B. At two o‟clock.C. Twice a month.( )2、A. Three years ago. B. For three years.C. Every three years.( )3、A. No, it is. B. No, it wasn‟t. C. Yes, it is.( )4、A. What do you mean? B. Don‟t worry. I‟ll help you.C. Please tell me about it.( )5、A. I‟m sorry, but you can‟t. B. I‟m pleased, but I need it now.C. Sorry you can‟t. I need i t now.二、对话理解下面你将听到5段对话,请根据听到的对话,选出正确的选项,将其序号填入题前括号内。

听下面5段对话,完成第6-10小题6、Where are they talking?A. In a restaurant.B. In a shop.C. At home.7、What‟s Li Lei asked to do?A. Take care of a baby.B. Take off shoes.C. Look after Polly.8、How does the woman like the fridge?A. The fridge is very strange. B, She likes the fridge.C. She thinks something is wrong with the fridge.9、Which day can‟t the woman see Mr. Smith?A. Today.B. Tomorrow.C. The day after tomorrow.10、Whom was the girl sending the card to?A. To her friend.B. To anybody else.C. To nobody.三、短文理解下面你将听到2篇短文,请根据听到的短文,选出正确的选项,将其序号填入题前括号内。

(听两遍)听第2篇短文,完成第11~15小题11、The teacher told the pupils .A. to keep quiet after classB. not to draw on the wallC. no to stand against the wall12、After the class was over, David .A. went back homeB. picked up a piece of chalkC. drew a sun on the wall13、When David noticed the teacher coming, .A. he covered the drawing with his backB. he cleaned the wall with his handC. he turned around and ran away14、What did David find on the wall after the teacher left? .A. He found a sun on the wallB. He found a picture on the wallC. He found nothing on the wall15、Where was David‟s drawing at last?A. It was on the wall.B. It was o n David‟s backC. It was taken away by his teacher笔试部分(100分)Ⅴ单项选择(每小题1分,满分15分)( ) 21. wonderful music it is! I like Beethoven‟s better than anybody else‟s.A. WhatB. How aC. What aD. How( ) 22. It was useful information that the company much money on it.A. so a, paidB. such, spentC. so an, paidD. such a , spent ( ) 23.—is it from the cinema to the history museum?—less than ten minutes‟ ride.A. How longB. How muchC. How farD. How soon? ( ) 24. —Do you know ? —Only ten months old.A. When does Tiger Woods start golfingB. When did Tiger Woods start golfingC. When Tiger woods starts golfingD. When Tiger Woods started golfing( ) 25. —W hy don‟t you like Kate?—She thinks of herself, but of others.A. much, a little.B. little, muchC. many, fewD. much, little ( ) 26. —We can use MSN to talk with each other on the Inter now.—Really? Will you please show me it?A. what to useB. how to useC. how can I useD. where can I use( ) 27. Tian an men is always with lots of people on it every day.A. aliveB. lovelyC. livingD. lively( ) 28. —Have a nice holiday! —!A. You do, too.B. The same to you.C. I think so.D. You have it, too.( ) 29. They each other since ten years ago.A. knewB. got to knowC. have knownD. have got to know( ) 30. We hoped he back before all the guests .A. will come, leftB. would come, would leaveC. would come, leftD. came, would leave( ) 31. It‟s too noisy. Would you please the radio a little?A. turn upB. turn downC. turn onD. turn off( ) 32. —How many people will come to Beijing for the Olympic Games in 2008.—It‟s hard to say. people, I think.A. Million ofB. Millions ofC. Two millions ofD. Two millions( ) 33. —I‟m going to HangZhou for a holiday this weekend.—you are there, could you buy some green tea?A. BecauseB. WhileC. AfterD. Though( ) 34. —Why not swim in this river?—Oh, no. Mum warned me here. It‟s dangerous.A. will swimB. to swimC. to not swimD. not to swim( ) 35. The following are all traffic signs except .Ⅵ完形填空(共20小题,每小题1分;满分20分)(A)In the 36 world, advertising is everywhere!Some people think that ads are great.37 hate ads, saying that they make our cities and countryside 38 .Many ads are specially 39 teenagers, and some young people see more than 100 advertisements a day. It‟s true that some ads can be very useful. 40 , they can help you to compare two different products 41 you can buy the one you really need. They can also help you 42 money . When prices are listed, you can go to the store with 43 price. Ads also tell you when stores are having sales. However, some advertising can be 44 .Sometimes the words sound good but don‟t really tell you anything about the quality of the product. At other times, the picture in an ad looks a lot better than the real thing. And you have to be 45. At times an ad can lead you to buy something you don‟t need at all.( )36.A.old B. now C. modern D.ancient( )37.A. Others B. The others C.Another D.The other( )38.A.be more beautiful B. be more colorful C.look ugly D.look clean ( )39.A. aimed at ughed at C.pointed at D.looked after ( )40.A.Such as B.For the examples C.As for D. For instance ( )41.A. so that B.in order to C.such that D.even if( )42.A.make B. save C.raise D.steal ( )43.A.the highest B. the lowest C.dearest D.cheapest ( )44.A.confused or misleading B.confused and misleadC.confusing or leadingD.confusing or misleading( )45.A. patient B. careful C.helpful D.hard-working(B)Food is very important to our 46 .Everyone needs to eat well 47__ he or she wants to have a strong body.Our minds, __48__ our bodies, always the need best food. This kind of foodis knowledge. We start 49 knowledge when we are very young. Studying on our own 50 us the most knowledge. When we get 51 , we should enjoy reading and learning about all kinds of things. If we 52 accept(接受)answers without thinking about 53 , we never learn well. When we study in the right 54 andget knowledge on our own, we enjoy learning. We 55 learn more and understand better.( ) 46. A.head B. mouth C. health D. country( ) 47.A.so B. if C. before D. until( ) 48.A.in B. to C. like D. by( ) 49.A.get B. gets C. got D. getting( ) 50.A.brings B. takes C. sends D. makes( ) 51.A.young B. old C. healthy D. strong( ) 52.A.ready B. often C. just D. first( ) 53.A.it B. them C. her D. they( ) 54.A.day B. way C. time D. place( ) 55.A.either B. both C. also D. lastⅦ阅读理解(每小题2分;满分40分)(A)T he summer vacation is over. It‟s true that time always fl ew fast.During the vacation, the weather was hot and I could not do much work, but I lived happily.As the afternoon was hot, I did my work in the morning. I used to get up at 6:30 and take a walk in the garden for half an hour. After breakfast, I began reading English and Chinese and did some exercises in maths. These would take me three hours or more.I worked quite hard and I believe I made good progress.I spent the afternoon outside. I went to swim and it was full of fun. I would not go home until it was late at about five or six o‟clock. Sometimes a friend of mine would come to see me and we would spend some hours listening to music.In this way I spent my vacation happily. And I not only studied well but also became a good swimmer. Now I am in good health and high spirits.( ) 56. What does the text mainly(主要地)tell us?A. How the writer spent his summer holidays.B. What‟s the weather like in summer.C. When the writer got up in the summer holidays.D. Where the writer took a walk in the summer holidays.( ) 57. How long did it take the writer to do his homework?A. Half an hour.B. Three hours or more.C. Only one hour.D. Two hours and a half.( ) 58. The writer spent most of the afternoon .A. listening to musicB. visiting his friends.C. walking in the gardenD. swimming( ) 59. The writer had very good summer holidays because he .A. worked very hard and made good progressB. learned to swim and did his homework wellC. got up early and went home lateD liked swimming better than studying( ) 60. Which of the following is NOT true?A. The writer made progress in his lessons.B. The writer took a walk for half an hour before breakfast.C. The writer began studying as soon as he got up.D. The writer spent more time swimming than listening to music.(B)Travel Arrangements(安排)Date: 15 April 2002 For: Wang Mei( ) 61. How many days will Wang Mei‟s holiday last?A. 14.B. 16.C. 19.D. 20.( ) 62. At what time does Wang Mei have to be at the airport for her flight from Beijing?A. 8:00 a.m.B. 9:30 a.m.C. 10:00 a.m.D. 11:00 a.m.( )63. When she arrives in Perth, Wang Mei will travel from the airport.A. by taxiB. in a carC. on the travel-busD. with her host family( ) 64. Where will Wang Mei be on May 16?A. In a hotel in PerthB. On her return to SydneyC. On a flight to SingaporeD. On a trip to Monkey Mia( ) 65. In which country will Wang Mei stay before she returns to Beijing?A. PerthB. SydneyC. SingaporeD. Monkey Mia(C)Last year more than 13 Korean TV series were introduced in China. Turn on the TV, and Korean beauties are appearing during peak viewing times(黄金时段). Some of the dramas(戏剧)are being repeated, but audiences continue to watch them. Why are the South Korean TV series loved by so many Chinese people? Cheng Yi-Ting , a student from East China Normal University, gives us her reasons. She thinks that the good looking actors with cool clothes and the beautiful sight in the dramas are the selling points for South Korean TV dramas. But what attracted the young audiences most is the pure and moving love stories.And it seems that South Korean TV series has also won the hearts of middle-aged people. They are touched by the morals(道德)in the shows. These include the importance of respecting elders and social order. Though some people think South Korean TV series are too slow and too long, most of the Chinese audiences like them. Maybe we are really tired of Western TV series. Compared(比较)with that, South Korean TV series are not bad.( )66. What does the underlined word repeated in the third line mean?A. 大长今B.流行C. 重播D. 垃圾时段( )67. Which of the following is not mentioned about South Korean TV series in the passage ?A. LoveB. MoralsC. Social orderD. the youth self-respect( )68. What is the main reason why South Korean TV series are popular?A. Because they are slow and longB. The actors wear cool clothesC. The stories with morals in them are pure and moving.D. The actors are cool( )69. What do you know about South Korean TV series from the passage?A. Thirteen more South Korean TV series will be introduced to China.B. Young audiences like South Korean TV series better than middle-aged peopleC. All the South Korean TV series will be repeated this year.D. Some Chinese think part of South Korean TV series are worth watching twice. ( )70. What does the writer want to tell us?A. We are fed up with South Korean TV series.B. South Korean TV series is a great success and popular in China.C. South Korean TV series are better than Chinese TV series.D. We can learn a lot from Korean TV series so we need to watch them again and again.(D)How old is “old”? The answer has changed over the years. Two Hundred years ago, you were old at 35. At the beginning of the 20th century, the average life span(平均寿命) was 45. In 1950, 70-year-olds were really old. Today,a healthy 70-year-old is still thought young.So, how old is “old”? The answer is one you‟ve heard many times, from all kinds of people. “You are as old (or young) as you feel. ” Your age simply tells you how many years you have lived. Your body tells you how well you‟ve lived.“Nobody grows old by living a number of years, ” Wrote a writer. “People grow old when they don‟t have their ideals(理想).” People shouldn‟t have the wrong ideas about aging. Sometimes, older minds can be as bright as young minds. Alice Brophy once said, “It makes me unhappy when people say, …You look young for your age.‟ What does that mean? You know you can die old at 30 and live young at 80.”( ) 71. About 100 years ago, the average life span was .A. 35B. 45C. 70D. 80( ) 72. The meaning of the word “aging” is.A. growing oldB. staying youngC. keeping healthyD. feeling unhappy( ) 73. According to the passage, which of the following is true?A. Old people are not as bright at young people.B. All older people are healthy and strong.C. Aging does not mean you become unhealthy.D. Most older people are unhealthy and poor.( ) 74. Which question is not answered in the passage?A. Can older people be as bright as young people?B. What tells you how well you‟ve lived?C. How old is “old”?D. What is the average life span today?( ) 75. The passage is mainly(主要地) about .A. the average life spanB. agingC. the 20th centuryD. older people and young peopleⅧ根据对话内容,从A—E中选择适当的句子完成下列对话, 有1个是多余的——(76) Mary? Got any plans?——Nothing special. Why?——Want to see a movie? “Thunderstorm” is on at the Friendship Cinema. ——Yeah, why not?(77)——Let‟s go to the early show, and we could do something afterward. Maybe go to KFC or a coffee shop.——(78)——(79)——I‟ll come to your house to pick you up at 6 pm.Ⅸ书面表达(20分)你的家乡环境优美,附近有一条小河。
