ASTM D 3886-1999_Standard Test Method for Abrasion resistance of textile fabrics (inflated diaphragm
4. IP 71:石油行业研究协会(Institute of Petroleum)发布的标准,用于测量石油产品的粘度。
ASTM D3884耐磨试验方法(中文)
ASTM D 3884-01(2007年审核)Standard Guide forAbrasion Resistance of Textile Fabrics (Rotary Platform, Double-Head Method) 织物耐磨性的试验方法(旋转平台,双头法)1本标准以固定名称D 3384出版发行;紧跟名称后面的数字表示标准最先通过的年代号,或者最后一次修订的年代号。
注1—测试方法D3885,D3886,D4158,D4966和AATCC 61中给出了测定织物耐磨性的其他程序。
1.2 以国际单位制(SI)单位表示的数值被认为是标准值,以英制单位表示的数值仅供参考,两者不完全相等。
2、参考文件2.1ASTM 标准:2D 123 纺织品相关术语D 1776 纺织品调湿与试验标准规程D 3885 纺织品耐磨性试验方法(曲磨法)D 3886 纺织品耐磨性试验方法(充气膜片法)D 4158 纺织品耐磨性试验导则(均匀磨损法)D 4966 纺织品耐磨性试验方法(马丁代尔磨损试验仪法)D 5034 纺织品断裂强力和断裂伸长试验方法(抓样法)D 5035 纺织品断裂强力和断裂伸长试验方法(条样法)2.2其他文件:AATCC 93 纺织品抗耐磨测试(叶轮滚法)33、术语3.1 定义:3.1.1 磨损,名词—一种材料的任意部分与另一表面相摩擦而破损。
3.1.2 耐磨周期,名词——在耐磨试验中,磨料在材料表面或材料表面在磨料上的一种或多种运动,回到初始位置。 详述——一个耐磨周期取决于耐磨仪器的运转方式及所用试验方法。
ASTM D类最新标准目录( 一)D4-86(2004) 沥青含量试验方法D5-06e1 沥青材料的渗透性试验方法D6-95(2000)e1 油及沥青混合物加热损失试验方法D8-02 与道路和路面材料相关的术语D9-05 与木材相关的术语D12-88(1998) 未加工的桐油D13-02 松节油规范D16-03 与涂料、清漆、亮漆和有关产品相关的术语D20-03 路面焦油的蒸馏试验方法D25-99(2005) 圆木桩D29-98 虫胶树脂的抽样和试验方法D34-91(2003) 白颜料化学分析指南D36-95(2000)e1 沥青软化点试验方法(沥青软化点测定器)D38-94(2000)e1 木材防腐剂的抽样试验方法D41-05 铺屋面、防潮及防水用沥青底层D43-00 屋顶、防潮及防水材料用杂酚油底漆D49-83(2002) 铅丹的化学分析D50-90(2005) 含铁和锰的黄色、橙色、红色和褐色涂料的化学分析试验方法D56-05 泰格密闭闪点试验器测定闪点的试验方法D61-75(2004) 硬沥青的软化点的试验方法(水中方块试验法)D69-01 磨擦带的试验方法D70-03 半固态沥青材料的比重和密度的试验方法D71-94(2004) 固体硬沥青和地沥青的相对密度试验方法(变位法)D75-03 集料的抽样D76-99(2005) 纺织材料的抗拉试验机D79-86(2004) 氧化锌颜料D81-87(2003) 碱性碳酸盐铅白颜料D83-84(2002) 铅丹颜料D85-05 赭色颜料规范D86-05 大气压下石油产品蒸馏试验方法D87-04 石蜡熔点的试验方法(冷却曲线)D88-94(2005) 赛波特粘度的试验方法D91-02 润滑油的沉淀值试验方法D92-05a 用克利夫兰德开杯法测定石油产品的闪点和燃点的试验方法D93-02a 用潘斯基-马丁斯仪闭杯闪点测定器测定闪点的试验方法D94-02 石油产品的皂化值试验方法D95-05e1 蒸馏法测定石油产品及沥青材料中水的试验方法D97-05a 石油的倾点的试验方法D98-05 氯化钙D113-99 沥青材料的延展性的试验方法D115-02 电绝缘用含清漆试验溶剂的试验方法D116-86(2006) 电气设备用上釉陶瓷材料的试验D117-02 产自石油的电绝缘油的试验方法和规范导则D120-02a 橡胶绝缘手套D121-05 煤和焦炭术语D123-03 与纺织材料相关的术语D124-88(1998) 脱胶的豆油D126-87(2002) 含铬酸铅和氧化铬绿的黄、橙和绿色颜料的化学分析方法D127-05 石油蜡包括凡士林滴熔点的试验方法D128-98(2003)e1 润滑脂分析试验方法D129-00(2005) 石油产品中硫含量试验方法(通用氧弹法)D130-04e1 用铜条变色法检测石油产品对铜腐蚀性的测试方法D139-95(2001)e1 沥青材料浮选试验的检测方法D140-01 沥青材料的抽样D143-94(2000)e1 洁净木材小样品的试验D146-04 防水与屋面材料用沥青浸渍的油毡和编织物的抽样与试验方法D149-97a(2004) 固体电绝缘材料在工业电源频率下的介电击穿电压和介电强度的试验方法D150-98(2004) 固体电绝缘材料的(恒久电介质)的交流损耗特性和介电常数的测试方法D153-84(2003) 颜料比重测试方法D154-85(2001) 清漆试验D156-02e1 石油产品赛波特比测试方法(赛波特比色计法)D167-93(2004)e1 块焦比重和孔隙度的试验方法D168-94(2000) 杂酚油焦炭渣的测试方法D173-03 屋顶和防水材料用饱和沥青棉织物D176-00 电绝缘用固体充填化合物与浸渍剂的试验方法D178-01(2005) 橡胶绝缘垫子D185-84(1999 颜料,糊剂及涂料中粗颗粒的试验方法D187-94(2003)e1 煤油燃烧质量的测试方法D189-05 石油产品康拉孙残碳测试方法D197-87(2002) 粉煤的取样方法与细度试验方法D198-05a 结构尺寸木料静力试验法D202-97(2002)e1 电绝缘用未浸渍纸的抽样和试验方法D204-02 缝线的测试方法D209-81(2003) 灯黑颜料D210-05 骨炭颜料D211-67(2002) 铬黄和铬橙颜料D215-91(2002) 白色亚麻籽油涂料的化学分析D217-02 润滑剂针入度的测试方法D225-04 表面有矿物颗粒的沥青屋面板D226-06 铺顶和防水用沥青饱和有机毡D227-03 铺顶和防水用焦油沥青饱和有机毡D228-06 沥青屋面卷材,盖板和瓦的试验方法D229-01 电绝缘用硬质薄板及板材的试验方法D233-02 松脂的抽样和测试试验方法D234-82(1998) 生亚麻子油D235-02 矿物溶剂油(石油溶液油)(烃干洗溶液)规格D237-57(1997) 橙色紫胶和其他虫胶D240-02 弹式量热器测定液烃燃料燃烧热的试验方法D242-04 沥青铺路混合料用矿物填料D243-02 规定残渣渗透性测试方法D244-04 乳化沥青的测试方法D245-06 制定目测分等木材的结构等级及有关允许性能的规程D246-04 杂酚油和杂酚油-煤焦油溶液的蒸馏试验方法D256-06 塑料及电绝缘材料的抗冲击性的测试方法D257-99(2005) 绝缘材料的直流电阻或电导的试验方法D260-86(2001) 熟亚麻籽油D261-75(1999) 铁蓝颜料D262-81(1999) 群青蓝颜料D263-05 氧化铬绿颜料D267-82(2003) 黄青铜粉规格D268-01 涂料及其相关涂层和原料用挥发性溶剂及化学中间体的抽样和测试D269-97(2002) 松香和松香衍生物中不溶物的试验方法D276-00a 纺织品中纤维的鉴定方法(AATCC方法20)D279-02 颜料渗出的试验方法D280-01 颜料吸收的水份(及试验条件下挥发的其他物质)的测试方法D281-95(2002) 用刮刀磨损法测定颜料油吸附性的试验方法D283-84(1999) 一氧化铜和铜涂料化学分析试验方法D287-92(2006) 原油和石油产品API比重的试验方法(液体比重计法)D291-86(2002) 烟煤立方英尺重量的试验方法D293-93(2004) 焦炭筛析分析试验方法D295-99(2004) 电绝缘用棉质漆布的试验方法D297-93(2002)e2 橡胶制品的测试方法.化学方法D299-04e1 石棉纱的标准规范D301-95(2004) 可溶性硝化纤维素的试验方法D304-05 n-丁醇(丁醇)D305-84(2003) 黑色涂料中的溶剂萃取材料的试验方法D312-00 屋顶用沥青D315-95(2004)e1 机织石棉带的标准规范D319-04 合成的戊醇D322-97(2002)e1 蒸馏法测定汽油发动机废机油中汽油稀释剂的试验方法D323-99a 石油产品蒸气压力的测试方法D329-02 丙酮D330-93(2001) 2-丁氧基乙醇D331-05 2-乙氧基乙醇D332-87(2004) 白色颜料着色力的试验方法D333-01 透明漆和着色漆的试验方法D341-03 液体石油产品粘度-温度关系曲线图D344-97(2004) 用擦试外规评定法对涂料相对遮盖力的测试方法D345-02 道路和结构用氯化钙的抽样和试验方法D346-04e1 实验室分析用焦炭试样的收集和制备D347-97 杂酚油和煤焦油的体积和比重修正表D348-00 电绝缘用刚性管的测试方法D349-99(2004) 电绝缘用层压圆棒的试验方法D350-01 电绝缘用经处理软套管的试验方法D351-97(2003) 天然白云母块及薄片目检质量分级D352-97(2003) 电绝缘用涂浆云母的试验方法D358-98 涂料耐大气老试验用木片规格D360-89(2001) 紫胶清漆规范D363-90(2000) 磷酸三甲苯酯规格D365-01(2005) 可溶性硝酸纤维素基溶液的试验方法D367-94(2000)e1 杂酚油中苯不溶物的测试方法D368-89(2002) 杂酚油及油质防腐剂比重的试验方法D369-84(2002) 杂酚油馏份与残渣比重的测试方法D370-02e1 油质防腐剂脱水作用的试验方法D372-00(2006) 电绝缘用经处理的软套管规格D374-99(2004) 固体电绝缘厚度的测试方法D374M-99(2005) 固体电绝缘厚度的标准测试方法(米制)D375-95(2004)e1 石棉粗砂的标准规范D378-00 平型橡胶传送带的测试方法D380-94(2006) 橡胶软管的测试方法D381-04 用喷射蒸发法测定燃烧中原在胶的测试方法D387-00 使用机械研磨机测定有色颜料主色和着力色的试验方法D388-05 用排列法测定煤的分类D390-92(1999) 海上,陆地及淡水中用木桩,电杆和木材的防腐处理用煤柏油杂酚油规程D391-94(2000)e1 杂酚油-煤焦油溶液D395-03 橡胶压缩永久变形特性的试验方法D396-05 燃料油规范D402-02 稀释沥青产品蒸馏的测试方法 Standard Test Method for Distillationof Cut-Back Asphalt ic (Bituminous) ProductsD409-02 粉碎机法测定煤炭可磨性的试验方法 Standard Test Method for Grindabilityof Coal by t he Hardgrove-Machine MethodD411-98(2003) 电绝缘用紫胶片试验方法 Standard Test Methods for ShellacUsed for Electrical I nsulationD412-98a(2002)e1 硫化橡胶、热塑橡胶和热塑合成橡胶的拉伸试验方法 Standard Test Methods f or VulcanizedRubber and Thermoplastic Elastomers—TensionD413-98(2002)e1 橡胶特性-与软质基底粘附性的试验方法 Standard Test Methods for RubberPro perty—Adhesion to Flexible SubstrateD420-98(2003) 土壤粒度分析的测试方法 Standard Guide to SiteCharacterization for Engineering, Design, and ConstructionPurposesD421-85(2002) 土壤粒度分析试验方法 Standard Practice for Dry Preparationof Soil Samples for Particle-Size Analysis and Determination ofSoil ConstantsD422-63(2002)e1 土壤粒度分析试验方法 Standard Test Method forParticle-Size Analysis of Soils D425-88(2001) 土壤离心湿度当量试验方法 Standard Test Method for CentrifugeMoisture Equiva lent of SoilsD427-04 用水银法测量土壤收缩系数的测试方法 Test Method for Shrinkage Factors ofSoils by t he Mercury MethodD429-03e1 橡胶特性与硬质基底粘附性的试验方法 Standard Test Methods for RubberProperty—Adhesion to Rigid SubstratesD430-06 橡胶变质的动态疲劳试验方法 Standard Test Methods for RubberDeterioration-Dynamic FatigueD434-95 Standard Test Method for Resistance toSlippage of Yarns in Woven Fabrics Using a St andard SeamD440-86(2002) 煤的跌落粉碎试验 Standard Test Method of Drop ShatterTest for CoalD441-86(2002) 煤的滚筒试验 Standard Test Method of Tumbler Test for CoalD444-88(2003) 锌黄颜料(铬酸锌黄)的化学分析方法 Standard Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Zinc YellowPigment (Zinc Chromate Yellow)D445-06 透明和不透明液体运动粘度的测试方法.(包括动态粘度的计算) Standard Test Method for Kinematic Viscosity ofTransparent and Opaque Liquids (and the Calculation of DynamicViscosity)D446-06 玻璃毛细管运动粘度计操作说明书和规范 Standard Specifications and OperatingInstructi ons for Glass Capillary Kinematic ViscometersD448-03a 道路和桥梁建筑的集料尺寸分类 Standard Classification for Sizes ofAggregate for Roa d and Bridge ConstructionD449-03 防潮和防水用沥青规范 Standard Specification for AsphaltUsed in Dampproofing and WaterproofingD450-96(2006) 铺屋面,防潮与防水用硬煤沥青 Standard Specification for Coal-TarPitch Used in Roofing, Dampproofing, and WaterproofingD451-91(2002) 沥青屋顶制品用粒状矿物铺面材料筛分分析试验方法 Standard Test Method for Si eveAnalysis of Granular Mineral Surfacing For Asphalt RoofingProductsD452-91(2002) 沥青层面制品表面修整用非粒状矿物的筛分试验方法 Standard Test Method for Si eveAnalysis of Surfacing for Asphalt Roofing ProductsD453-94(2000)e1 杂酚油-煤焦油溶液中焦油酸含量的测试方法 Standard Test Method for Tar Aci ds inCreosote-Coal Tar SolutionsD454-04 用加热及空气压力测定橡胶变质的试验方法 Standard Test Method for RubberDeteriorat ion by Heat and Air PressureD459-00 肥皂和其它洗涤剂的术语规范 Standard Terminology Relating toSoaps and Other Deter gentsD460-91(2005) 肥皂和其它洗涤剂粒度的试验方法 Standard Test Methods for Samplingand Che mical Analysis of Soaps and Soap ProductsD464-05 松脂油产品包括妥尔油和其他相关产品的皂化值的试验方法 Standard Test Methods for Saponification Number of Naval Store Products Including Tall Oil and Other Related ProductsD465-05 松脂制品包括妥尔油及其它相关产品酸值的试验方法 Standard Test Methods for Acid N umberof Naval Stores Products Including Tall Oil and Other RelatedProductsD470-05 电线和电缆用交联绝缘与套管的测试方法 Standard Test Methods for CrosslinkedInsulati ons and Jackets for Wire and CableD471-98e2 液体对橡胶性能影响的测试方法 Standard Test Method for RubberProperty-Effect of LiquidsD473-02 萃取法测定原油和燃料油中沉积物的试验方法 Standard Test Method for Sediment inCr ude Oils and Fuel Oils by the Extraction MethodD476-00(2005) 二氧化钛颜料规范 Standard Classification for DryPigmentary Titanium Dioxide P roductsD478-02 锌黄(铬酸锌)颜料 Standard Specificationfor Zinc Yellow (Zinc Chromate) PigmentsD480-88(2003) 铝粉和铝粉浆的抽样和试验方法 Standard Test Methods for Samplingand Testin g of Flaked Aluminum Powders and PastesD482-03 石油产品灰分的测试方法 Standard Test Method for Ash fromPetroleum ProductsD483-04 石油制植物喷洒油不磺化残渣的试验方法 Standard Test Method for UnsulfonatedResidu e of Petroleum Plant Spray OilsD490-92(2005) 道路柏油 Standard Specification for Road TarD494-04 Standard Test Method for Acetone Extraction ofPhenolic Molded or Laminated Products Standard TestMethod for Acetone Extraction of Phenolic Molded or LaminatedProductsD495-99(2004) 固体电绝缘材料的耐高压低电流干电弧性能的测试方法 Standard Test Method for High-Voltage, Low-Current, Dry Arc Resistance of Solid ElectricalInsulationD500-95(2003) 磺化油和硫化油的化学分析和试验方法D501-03 碱性洗涤剂的抽样和化学分析试验方法D502-89(2003) 肥皂和其它洗涤剂粒度的试验方法D509-05 松香分级和抽样试验方法D511-03 水中钙镁离子的测试方法D512-04 测定水中氯离子含量的试验方法D513-02 水中二氧化碳溶解量和总量的试验方法D516-02 水中硫酸铁的试验方法D517-98(2003) 沥青厚板材D518-99 橡胶变质表面龟裂的试验方法D519-04 羊毛条中纤维长度的试验方法D520-00(2005) 锌粉颜料规范D521-02 锌粉(金属锌粉)的化学分析试验方法D522-93a(2001) 用锥形心轴仪测定涂覆有机涂层延伸率的试验方法D523-89(1999) 镜面光泽的试验方法D524-04 石油产品中兰氏残炭的试验方向D525-05 汽油氧化稳定性的试验方法(诱导期方法)D528-97(2002) 纸和纸板的机器定向试验方向D529-04 沥青材料的加速风化试验条件和程序的测试方法(碳弧法)D531-00(2005) 普西和琼斯橡胶压缩试验方法D542-00 透明有机塑料的折射指数的试验方法D543-06 塑料耐化学试剂性能的试验方法D545-99(2005) 混凝土用预制伸缩缝纫填料的试验方法(非挤压和弹性型)D546-05 道路和铺砌材料用矿物填料筛分的测试方法D548-97(2002) 纸张水溶解酸碱度的试验方法D555-84(1998) 干性油试验D558-04 土壤水泥混合物的水分与密度关系的试验方法D559-03 压实的掺土水泥混合物的湿润与干燥的试验方法D560-03 压实的掺土水泥混合物的冻融试验方法D561-82(2003) 涂料用炭黑颜料D562-01(2005) 斯氏粘度计测定涂料稠度的试验方法D563-88(1996)e1 醇酸树脂和树脂溶液中苯酐含量的试验方法D564-87(2002) 液体涂料催干剂的试验方法D565-99(2005) 白色矿物油中可碳化物质的试验方法D566-02 润滑脂滴点的试验方法D570-98(2005) 塑料吸水率的试验方法D572-04 用加热法和氧化法进行的橡胶变质的试验方法D573-04 在空气烤炉中作橡胶变质的试验方法D575-91(2001) 橡胶压缩特性的试验方法D578-05 玻璃纤维丝D579-04 原织物玻璃纤维D580-04 机织玻璃纤维带D581-99 机织玻璃纤维套管的编织D584-96(2005) 原毛中羊毛含量实验室测试方法D585-97(2002) 纸张、纸板、纤维板和相关产品的单批取样和验收方法D586-97(2002) 纸中灰分含量的试验方法D589-97(2002) 纸的不透明度的测试方法D590-93(2002) 纸中石油蜡的测试方法D596-01 水分析结果的报告D600-90(2001) 液体涂料催干剂D601-87(1998) 奥气油(永久液体)D602-81(2003) 硫酸钡颜料规范D605-82(2003) 硅酸镁颜料(滑石)D607-82(2003) 湿磨云母颜料D608-05 邻苯二甲酸二丁酯D609-00 涂料、油漆以及改性涂料与相关涂料产品的测试用冷轧钢板的制备D610-01 涂漆钢表面锈蚀程度评价的试验方法D611-04 石油产品和烃类溶剂苯胺点和混合苯胺点的试验方法D612-88(2004) 石蜡中可碳化物质的试验方法D613-05 十六烷法测定柴油燃料燃烧质量的试验方法D618-05 塑料及电绝缘材料的调理方法D619-99(2004) 电绝缘用硫化纤维的测试方法D622-99(2005) 汽车空气制动和真空制动系统用橡胶软管试验方法D623-99e1 橡胶特性-压缩中热的产生及挠曲疲劳的试验方法D624-00e1 橡胶的热塑性弹性的耐老化性的抗撕裂强度的试验方法D628-95(2004)e1 石棉套管的标准规范D629-99 纺织品定量分析试验方法D632-01 氯化钠D633-97(2005) 道路柏油的体积修正表D635-06 自承塑料在水平状态时的燃烧速率或者燃烧蔓延程度及燃烧时间的试验方法D638-03 塑料拉伸性能的试验方法D642-00(2005) 船用集装箱、组合件和单体加载的抗压缩能力的测试方法D643-97(2002) 用厦泊测试仪测试纸的折痕持久性的标准试验方法D644-99(2002) 用烘干法测定纸和纸板中水分的测试方法D645/D645M-97(2002) 纸和纸板厚度的测试方法D646-96(2001) 纸张及纸板的基本重量的试验方法(单位面积的重量)D648-06 在挠曲负荷下塑料的挠曲温度的试验方法D653-05 土壤、岩石和其内部所含液体的相关术语D660-93(2005) 外用漆龟裂程度评价方法D661-93(2005) 外用漆破裂程度评价的试验方法D662-93(2005) 外用漆侵蚀程度评价的试验方法D664-06 电位滴定法测定石油产品酸值的试验方法D665-06 水存在下抑制的矿物油防锈特性的试验方法D668-99(2004) 电绝缘用硬条和硬管尺度测量的测试方法D669-03 层压薄板与层压板的平行于层片的耗散系数和介电常数的试验方法D685-93(2002) 检测调理纸和纸制品D686-93(2002) 纸中矿物填料和矿物涂料的定性测试方法D689-03 纸张的内部耐撕裂的试验方法D692-00(2004) 沥青铺路砌混合用粗集料D693-03a 碎石路面用压碎集料D695-02a 硬质塑料抗压特性的试验方法D696-03 从-30摄氏度到30摄氏度的塑料线性热膨胀系数的试验方法D698-00ae1 实验室中用12000ft-lbt/ft(600KN-m/m)作用力测定土壤压力特性的试验方法D704-99(2004) 三氯氰胺甲醛模制化合物D705-99(2004) 脲甲醛模制化合物D706-05 乙酸纤维素模制和挤压化合物D707-05 醋酸丁酸纤维素模制与挤压料规格D709-01 层压热固材料D710-97(2002) 电绝缘用硫化纤维薄板、条和管D711-89(2004) 路标漆不粘着时间的试验方法D713-90(2004) 路标漆进行路面使用的试验方法D714-02e1 涂料起泡程度的试验方法D715-86(2003) 硫酸钡颜料分析的标准试验方法D716-86(2003) 评定云母颜料的标准试验方法D717-86(2003) 硅酸镁颜料分析的标准试验方法D718-86(2003) 硅酸铝颜料的分析标准试验方法D720-91(2004)e1 煤自由膨胀指数的试验方法D721-05 石油蜡含油量的试验方法D722-93(2002) 纸的抗油脂性标准试验方法D724-99(2003) 纸表面可湿性的测试方法(接触角法)D726-94(2003) 空气中无孔纸的透气性的测试方法D727-96(2001) 真空方法测定屋顶和地板油毡煤油值的试验方法D731-95(1999) 热固模塑料粉末的模塑指数的试验方法D732-02 用穿孔工具测量塑料剪切强度的测试方法D737-04 纺织纤维透气率的试验方法D740-05 丁酮规范D746-04 用冲击法测定塑料及弹性材料的脆化温度的试验方法D747-02 用悬臂梁法对塑料表观弯曲系数的测试方法D748-00(2005)e1 固定式云母介电电容器用天然云母块和云母薄片D750-00 用碳弧型装置和风化装置对橡胶变质的测试方法D751-06 涂层织物的测试方法D763-01 未加工棕土和焙烧棕土颜料D765-87(2003) 未加工黄土和焙烧黄土颜料技术规范D768-01 黄色氧化铁的水合物D769-01 黑色合成氧化铁D770-05 异丙醇规范D772-86(2005) 外部涂料剂落程度评价的试验方法D774/D774M-97(2002) 纸张抗破碎强度的测试方法D776-92(2001) 干热对纸和纸板特性的影响的试验方法D777-97(2002) 经过处理的纸和纸板易燃性的标准试验方法D778-97(2002) 纸萃液(热萃取和冷萃取法)氢离子浓度(pH)的标准试验方法D779-03 纸、纸板和其他印刷材料用干烧指示器法测试耐水性的测试方法D780-95(2003) 纸印刷油墨渗透性的测试方法(蓖麻油试验)D784-03 电绝缘材料用橙色紫胶和其他印度虫胶D785-03 塑料和电绝缘材料的洛氏硬度的测试方法D787-96(2003) 乙基纤维模制和挤压化合物D788-05 甲基丙烯酸酯模制和挤压化合物的分类系统D789-06 聚酰胺相对粘度,熔点和含水量的测试方法D790-03 未增强和增强塑料及电绝缘材料的挠曲性的试验方法D792-00 用位移法测定塑料密度和比重(相对密度)的标准试验方法D800-05 工业用金属除垢剂化学分析试验方法D801-02 二聚戊烯抽样和测试的试验方法D802-02 松油抽样和测试的试验方法D803-03 妥儿油的测试试验方法D804-02 松脂制品包括妥儿油及相关产品的术语D806-00(2006) 掺土水泥混合物中水泥含量的试验方法D807-05 工业锅炉用水引起脆裂倾向的评价方法(美国矿业局的脆变检查器方法)D808-05 新的和使用过的石油产品中氯含量的试验方法(氧弹法)D813-06 测定橡胶龟裂扩展的试验方法D814-95(2005) 橡胶特性挥发性液体蒸汽渗透性的试验方法D816-06 橡胶胶水的试验方法D817-96(2004) 乙酸丙酸纤维素和醋酸丁酸纤维素的试验方法D820-93(2003) 含合成洗涤剂肥皂的化学分析试验方法D822-01 用经过过滤明光碳弧灯和水中曝光装置对涂料及相关涂层和材料上做的导电试验D823-95(2001) 色漆,清漆,喷漆及有关产品制成厚度均匀漆膜试片的方法D824-94(2002) 用皱文纸测定吸水率的测试方法D828-97(2002) 纸和纸板拉力破坏强度的测试方法D829-97(2002) 纸和纸制品湿抗拉断裂强度的标准试验方法D831-94(2004) 电缆及电容器油的气体含量的测试方法D832-92(2001)e1 低温状态下的橡胶试验D841-02 甲苯的硝化定级D843-06 硝化二甲苯D847-04 苯,甲苯,二甲苯,溶剂石脑油和类似的工业芳烃酸度的试验方法D848-03 工业芳烃的酸洗颜色的标准试验方法D849-05 工业芳烃对铜条腐蚀的标准试验方法D850-03 工业芳轻及相关物质的蒸溜法D852-02 苯凝固点的试验方法D853-04 工业芳烃中硫化氢和二氧化硫含量(定性)的标准试验方法D854-06 土壤比重的试验方法D857-02 水中铝含量的测试方法D858-02 水中锰含量的试验方法D859-05 水中二氧化硅的测试方法D861-01a 用特克斯制命名纤维,纱的半制品,纱和其它纺织品线度D865-99(2005) 橡胶的空气中加热变质试验方法(试管法)D866-99(2004) 电线及电缆用丁苯合成橡胶套D868-85(2003) 路标漆渗色程度评价的试验方法D869-85(2004) 涂漆沉降程度评价试验方法D870-02 水浸渍法涂层耐水试验D871-96(2004) 测试乙酸纤维素的试验方法D873-02 航空燃料的氧化稳定性的测试方法D874-06 润滑油和添加剂中硫酸盐类灰分的测试方法D876-00 电绝缘用刚性氧化乙烯聚合物管的测试方法D877-02e1 用圆盘电极测定电绝缘液体介电击穿电压的试验方法D878-01e1 绝缘油中无机氯化物和硫酸盐的测试方法D880-92(2002) 船用集装箱的冲击试验的试验方法D882-02 塑料薄板材抗拉特性的试验方法D883-00 塑料相关术语D885-06 由人造有机纤维制成的轮胎帘子线,轮胎帘布和工业长纱线的测试D887-82(2003)e1 水沉积物抽样D888-05 水中溶解氧的试验方法D889-99(2004) 松香中油挥发性的试验方法D890-98(2003) 液体松脂中水含量的试验方法D891-95(2004) 液态工业化合物的比重,表观比重的测试方法D892-05 润滑油发泡特性的标准试验方法D893-05a 用过的润滑油中不溶物的试验方法D896-04 胶粘剂耐化学试剂粘法的试验方法D897-01e1 胶粘剂粘结力的抗拉性的测试方法D898-05 胶粘剂固体单位面积涂用重量的试验方法D899-00 单位面积涂用液体胶粘剂的重量的测试方法D902-00 电绝缘用挠性涂树脂玻璃布和玻璃布带的测试方法D903-98(2004) 胶粘剂粘结抗剥落或爆皮强度的试验方法D904-99(2005) 人造光(碳弧型)和自然光对胶粘剂试样的曝光D905-03 用压缩荷载法测定胶粘剂的抗剪切强度性能的试验方法D906-98(2004) 用拉力负荷法测定胶合板结构中胶粘剂剪切强度特性的试验方法D907-05e1 胶粘剂术语D909-01e1 增压进料法测定航空汽油抗震性的试验方法(联邦试验方法No.791b) D910-04a 航空汽油技术规范D912-81(1999) 防污涂料用氧化亚铜D913-03e1 路标漆耐磨程度的评价方法D914-00(2006) 乙基纤维的试验方法D918-99(2003) 纸和纸板的抗粘结性试验方法D919-97(2002) 纸和纸板的铜值测试方法D922-00a(2006) 非硬质聚氯乙烯管D923-97 电绝缘液体的抽样方法D924-04 电绝缘液体的损耗因数(或功率因数)和介电常数(电容率)的测试方法D925-06 橡胶特性.表面着色(接触、色移和扩散)的试验方法D926-04 用平行板法测量橡胶的塑性和弹性D928-03 碳酸氢钠D932-85(2002) 水和水沉积物中嗜铁细菌含量试验方法D933-84(2003) 水沉积物的检验和分析结果的报告方法D934-80(2003) 用X射线衍射法作水沉积物中结晶化合物的识别方法D937-04 石油脂的针入度试验方法D938-05 石油蜡(包括凡士林)凝固点的测试方法D942-02 氧弹法测定润滑脂氧化稳定性的试验方法D943-04a 防腐蚀矿物油氧化特性的试验方法D945-06 用机械示波器测定在压缩应力和剪切应力下橡胶特性的试验方法D946-82(2005) 路面建造用按贯入度级配的沥青膏D950-03 胶粘剂抗冲击强度的试验方法D951-99(2004) 用喷射法测定船运集装箱的耐水性的试验方法D952-02 薄板塑料和电绝缘材料粘结强度的试验方法D953-02 塑料支承强度的测试方法D955-00 模制塑料模型尺寸收缩率的测量方法D957-95(2006)e1 塑料生产用模型表面温度的测定D960-02a 生蓖麻油D961-86(2001) 脱水蓖麻油D962-81(2003) 涂料用铝粉和铝浆颜料D964-03 防污漆用铜粉D968-05 用落沙磨蚀法测定有机涂层耐磨性的试验方法D969-85(2003) 路标漆渗色程度的实验室试验方法D971-99a(2004) 环法测定油水界面张力的试验方法D972-02 润滑脂和润滑油蒸发损失的测试方法D974-04 用颜色指示剂滴定法测定酸碱值的标准试验方法D975-06 柴油技术规范D976-04be1 馏分燃料正十六烷指数的计算方法D977-05 乳化沥青D979-01(2006)e1 沥青铺面混合料的取样方法D982-05 Standard Test Method for Organic Nitrogen in Paper andPaperboard D984-97(2002)。
通用磨损性能测试仪简介1,用途通用磨损性能测试仪(Stoll Quartermaster),可检测各类织物包括服装、鞋及产业纺织品的磨损性能及耐磨性。
2,标准:ASTM D3514,D3885,D3886 AATCC 119,120 FTMS 191,5300,5302 FORD EFB 15J2/BN 112-013,适用范围:万能磨耗试验机进行平磨、曲磨、边缘磨、折边磨及抗起霜花、关边和起绒等耐磨试验,可用于机织物、针织物、涂层织物、起绒织物、袜子、毛毡、非织布、深层织物、纱、线绳塑料薄膜、橡胶、皮革、纸张、及其它多种材料。
5,仪器特征:1. 测试在自动模式下运行,既保证了具有重复性的xx测试结果,又省去了操作员评估测试结果的时间;2. 先进的夹取装置保证了恒定的试样拉力;3. 配有平磨测试头(充气膜式耐磨测试法)和曲磨测试头以及所需的砝码及初始磨料;4. 内置计时器及机械循环计数器;5. 本机带有往复工作台,平磨/曲磨测试头装在上面;6. 可提供起霜、起球及边缘摩擦测试附件。
6,技术参数:1. 夹圈内径:94 mm;2. 锁紧环高度: ≤9.5 mm;3. 速度:120±15 /min;4. 动程:25 mm;5. 空气压力:62kPa(9psi);6. 外形尺寸:330×500×460mm(长×宽×高);7. 重量:33kg(72lb);8. 电源:120 /230 V,50/60 Hz,2A/1A。
以下是一些可能与加热老化实验相关的常见标准:1.ASTM D573 - Standard Test Method for Rubber—Deterioration in an Air Oven:该标准适用于橡胶材料,描述了在空气烘箱中进行的加热老化实验的程序。
2.ISO 188 - Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic —Accelerated ageing and heat resistance tests:这是一个国际标准,适用于橡胶材料的老化和耐热性测试。
3.ASTM D3895 - Standard Test Method for Oxidative-Induction Time of Polyolefins by Differential Scanning Calorimetry:用于聚烯烃(polyolefins)的氧化感应时间测定,该测试方法可以用于评估材料的热老化性能。
4.ASTM E1858 - Standard Test Methods for DeterminingOxidation Induction Time of Hydrocarbons by Differential Scanning Calorimetry:该标准适用于石油产品,描述了使用差示扫描量热仪进行氧化感应时间测定的方法。
5.ASTM G85 - Standard Practice for Modified Salt Spray (Fog)Testing:这是一个通用的耐腐蚀性测试标准,包括高温、湿度和盐雾等条件,适用于金属和涂层的老化性能评估。
6.IEC 60068-2-2 - Environmental testing - Part 2-2: Tests -Test B: Dry heat:该标准是国际电工委员会(IEC)的一部分,涉及干热环境测试的规范。
astm d 3886-99(07)织物stoll耐磨试验方法
astm d 3886-99(07)织物stoll耐磨试验方法ASTM D3886-99(07)是一项用于测试织物耐磨性能的试验方法。
该试验方法使用了一种称为Stoll Testing Machine的设备。
ASTM D3886-99(07)试验方法提供了详细的试验步骤和评估标准。
根据ASTM D3886-99(07)试验方法,织物的耐磨性能可以分为5个等级,从最高到最低分别是S级、A级、B级、C级和D级。
ASTM D3886-99(07)试验方法在评估织物耐磨性能方面具有重要的意义。
astmd3882英文标准ASTM D3882 - Standard Test Method for Bow and Skew in Woven and Knitted Fabrics1. Scope:This test method covers the determination of bow and skew in woven and knitted fabrics. Bow is the lateral deviation of the side edges of a fabric from a straight line; while skew is the angular deviation of the filling yarn from a line perpendicular to the warp yarn. This test method is applicable to both woven and knitted fabrics made from any fiber or blend.2. Significance and Use:Bow and skew are important fabric properties that can affect the performance and appearance of finished products. Bow can cause difficulties in fabric handling during manufacturing processes such as cutting and sewing, while skew can affect the quality and fit of garments. This test method provides a standardized procedure for measuring and comparing bow and skew in fabrics.3. Apparatus:3.1 T-square: A rigid, right-angle square with a perfectly straight edge.3.2 Gripping frame: A frame to securely hold the fabric sample during testing.3.3 Measuring device: A suitable device for measuring the lateral deviation of the side edges and angular deviation of the filling yarn.4. Test Specimen:The test specimen should be a representative sample of the fabric,free of creases, folds, or other distortions. It should be large enough to allow the required measurements, typically a rectangular shape with dimensions specified in the test method.5. Procedure:5.1 Preparation - The fabric specimen should be conditioned and relaxed to remove any residual stresses before testing, according to the applicable standard.5.2 Placing the T-square - The T-square should be placed along one side of the fabric, with one leg resting on the edge and the other leg extending over the fabric.5.3 Measuring bow - The lateral deviation of the fabric side edges from a straight line should be measured at a specified distance from the T-square along the width of the fabric.5.4 Measuring skew - The deviation angle of the filling yarn froma line perpendicular to the warp yarn should be measured at a specified distance from the T-square along the length of the fabric.5.5 Repeat measurements - Multiple measurements should be made on different areas of the fabric to ensure representativeness.6. Calculation of Results:The measured bow and skew values should be reported as the average of all measurements, along with the standard deviation to indicate the variation within the fabric sample. The results can be reported in the units specified in the test method.7. Precision and Bias:The precision and bias of this test method have been determined through interlaboratory testing on various fabrics. The applicable standard should be referred to for detailed information on precisionand bias.8. Keywords:Bow, Skew, Woven fabric, Knitted fabric, Fabric testing, Fabric properties.。
气泡点如 CA, 0,2 µm, 3,5 bar
2 cos
p BP =
pBP: : : r: K:
Bubble Point Pressure Surface Tension Wetting Angle Radius of the capillary Correction Factor resulting from the Pore Structure
Sartocheck 3
Sartocheck Junior BP plus
压缩空气: 测试压力: 2,5 bar for Sartobran-P Capsule, CA, 0,2 µm
最大允许扩散流 for 0,2 m2 : 5ml/min
扩散流测试原 理
Atmospheric pressure: bad solubility of air: degasing Test pressure e.g. 2,5 bar: good solubility of compressurized air in the wetting medium.
GMP对完整性测试的规定(澳大利亚) Australian Code of Good Manufacturing Practice for Therapeutic Goods (1990)
Page 65,1617::
"Before and after each use of a filtration system (including gas filtration) an appropriate check of system integrity should be made. After use, the system should be re-examined for incorrect assembly."
1. 灼热丝测试仪,确保设备的稳定性和准确性,按照设备说明书进行操作。
2. 测试样品,根据需要选择合适的材料样品,确保样品的尺寸和形状符合测试要求。
1. 准备工作,将测试仪器进行预热,并按照设备说明书进行相关设置。
2. 样品准备,将样品按照规定的尺寸和形状进行切割或制备。
3. 固定样品,将样品固定在灼热丝测试仪上,确保样品与灼热丝的接触紧密且稳固。
4. 开始测试,启动测试仪器,将灼热丝加热至设定温度,保持一定时间后进行观察。
5. 观察测试,观察样品在高温下的表现,包括表面变化、气味、烟雾等情况。
6. 记录数据,记录测试过程中的温度变化、时间、样品表现等相关数据。
1. 样品表面变化,根据样品在高温下的表面变化情况,评估其热稳定性能。
2. 气味和烟雾,观察样品在测试过程中释放的气味和烟雾情况,评估其热稳定性能。
3. 数据分析,根据记录的数据对样品的热稳定性能进行分析和评估。
1. 安全第一,在进行灼热丝测试时,务必注意安全,避免发生意外事故。
2. 测试环境,测试时应保持环境稳定,避免外界因素对测试结果的影响。
3. 样品选择,选择合适的样品进行测试,确保测试结果的准确性和可靠性。
4. 数据记录,对测试过程中的数据进行准确记录,以便后续分析和评估。
1. GB/T 2406.2-2008 塑料确定热稳定性的方法灼热丝法。
2. ASTM D1238-13 Standard Test Method for Melt Flow Rates of Thermoplastics by Extrusion Plastometer。
(完整版)ASTMD类最新标准目录(四).docASTM D类最新标准目录(四).docD1720-03 硝酸纤维素溶液中活性溶剂稀释比的试验方法D1721-97(2001) 磷酸三甲苯酯高锰酸盐时间的测试方法D1722-98(2004) 水溶性溶剂的水混溶性试验方法D1725-04 树脂溶液粘度的测试方法D1726-03 液体环氧树脂中水解氯含量的试验方法D1729-96(2003) 不透明材料色差的目测评估D1730-03 涂漆铝和铝合金表面预处理D1731-03 涂漆热浸铝表面预处理D1732-03 涂漆镁合金表面预处理D1734-93(2003) 涂料面漆测试用水泥板和瓦工板的制备D1735-04 用水雾仪作涂层耐水性试验D1739-98(2004) 降尘(可沉降粒状物)的收集和测量的试验方法D1740-01 航空涡轮机燃料发光计值的试验方法D1742-06 贮存过程中油从润滑脂中分离的试验方法D1743-05ae1 润滑脂防腐蚀性能的测试方法D1746-03 塑料薄板透明度的试验方法D1747-99(2004)e1 粘性材料折射指数的测试方法D1748-02 在湿润箱中用金属保护剂防止金属生锈的试验方法D1749-93(2002) 纸和纸制品试验方法的实验室间评估D1751-04 混凝土铺面和结构建筑用预制伸缩缝填料(非挤压的弹性沥青型)D1752-04a 混凝土铺面和结构建筑用预制微孔橡胶与软木伸缩缝填料D1754-97(2002) 加热和空气对沥青材料影响的试验方法(薄膜炉试验)D1755-92(2001) 聚氯乙烯树脂规范D1756-02 煤中二氧化碳的测试方法D1757-03 煤灰和焦灰中硫含量的测试方法D1758-06 用木桩现场试验评定木材防腐剂D1760-01 木材产品的加压处理D1761-06 木结构用机械紧固件的测试方法D1762-84(2001) 木炭的化学分析D1763-00(2005) 环氧树脂D1765-05ae1 橡胶制品用碳黑的分类系统D1766-05 橡胶化学制品的试验方法.溶解性D1767-89(2003) 肥皂或合成洗涤剂中乙二胺四乙酸盐(EDTA)含量的测试方法D1768-89(2003) 用紫外线吸收法对合成洗涤剂中烷基苯磺酸钠含量的测试方法D1770-94(2000)e1 羊毛条中毛结,植物性物质与有色纤维含量测试方法D1776-04 试验用调湿织物D1777-96(2002) 测量纺织材料的厚度D1779-98(2004) 传声材料附着力试验方法D1780-05 金属对金属之间胶粘剂引起蠕变的试验D1781-98(2004) 胶粘剂攀缘卷筒剥离的试验方法D1782-95(2001) 粒状阳离子交换材料使用性能的测试方法D1783-01 水中苯酚类化合物的测试方法D1784-03 硬质聚氯乙烯化合物和氯化聚氯乙烯化合物D1785-06 聚氯乙烯塑料管.40,80及120号表D1786-01(2006)e1 甲苯二异氰酸盐D1790-02 用冲击法测定塑料薄板的脆化温度的试验方法D1791-93(2004) 液态水乳化地板擦亮剂加速老化的试验方法D1792-06 乳化地板擦亮剂长期可除污性的测试方法D1793-92(2002) 地板擦亮乳剂水斑的测试方法D1795-96(2001)e1 纤维素固有粘度的测试方法D1796-04 离心法测定燃料油中水分及沉淀物的试验方法(实验室法)D1799-03a 碳黑.包装装运物抽样D1807-00(2005) 电绝缘液体折射指数和比光散度的试验方法D1813-00(2005) 皮件试样厚度测量D1814-70(2005) 测量皮件厚度的测试方法D1815-00(2005) 皮革吸水率(静态)的测试方法D1816-04 用VDE电极测量石油制绝缘油的介电击穿电压的测试方法D1817-05 橡胶化学制品的试验方法.密度D1822-06 对断裂塑料及电绝缘材料的拉伸冲击能量的测试方法D1823-95(2001) 用挤压粘度计测定在高速剪切时塑料溶胶和有机溶胶的表观粘度的试验方法D1824-95(2002) 在低剪切速率下塑料溶胶和有机溶胶的表观粘度的测试方法D1825-03 电气试验用镀铜电绝缘材料及热固层压材料的浸蚀和清洗D1826-94(2003) 用连续记录量热器测定天燃气范围中煤气热值的测试方法D1827-92(2002) 用二氧化碳置换法测定绝缘液体中气含量(非酸性物)的试验方法D1828-01e1 粘接接口和结构的空气暴露D1830-99(2005) 用弧形电极法测定电绝缘挠性薄片材料热稳定性的试验方法D1831-00(2006) 润滑脂滚轧稳定性的试验方法D1832-04 石油蜡过氧化值的测试方法D1833-87(2004) 石油蜡气味的测试方法D1834-90(2000) 蜡纸的20度镜面光泽的试验方法D1835-05 液化石油(LP)气D1836-02 商品己烷D1837-02a 液化石油气挥发性的试验方法D1838-06 液化石油气对铜片腐蚀性的试验方法D1839-91(2005) 柴油燃料中硝酸戊脂的测试方法D1840-03 紫外线分光光度法测定航空涡轮机燃料中萘烃的试验方法D1841-63(1998) 馏出的椰子脂肪酸D1842-63(1998) 馏出的玉米脂肪酸D1843-63(1998) 分馏和馏出的棉子脂肪酸D1844-86(2003) 碱式硅铬酸铅的化学分析测试方法D1845-86(2003) 铬酸锶颜料的化学分析测试方法D1847-93(1998) 环氧树脂中总氯量的试验方法D1849-95(2003) 涂料包装耐久性的测试方法D1854-02 热浇注弹性型抗喷气燃料的混凝土接缝密封料D1856-95a(2003) 用阿布松(Abson)法从溶液中回收沥青的试验方法D1857-04 煤和焦炭灰的可溶性试验方法D1858-63(2000) 杂酚油-石油溶液D1859-71(2000) 与杂酚油掺合用的石油D1860-95(2000) 木材中水份及杂酚油型防腐剂的试验方法D1863-05 组合屋面用矿物集料D1864-89(2002) 组合屋面用矿物集料中水分的测试方法D1865-89(2002) 组合屋面用矿物集料硬度的试验方法D1867-01 印制线路用镀铜热固层压板D1868-93(1998) 电绝缘系统评定中的局部放电(电晕)脉冲的检查和测量的方法D1869-95(2005) 石棉水泥管用橡胶垫圈D1871-04 单根钢丝对橡胶附着力的测试方法D1874-62(2004) 纤维板船运箱顶盖自动机密封用水可溶或溶剂可溶的液体胶粘剂D1875-03 流体胶粘剂密度的测试方法D1876-01 胶粘剂的抗剥离性的试验方法(T型剥离试验)D1879-06 暴露在高能辐射下的胶粘剂样品D1881-97(2002)e1 在玻璃器皿中发动机冷却剂的起泡倾向的试验方法D1882-96(2001) 汽车用冷却系统化学溶液对车辆有机面漆产生影响的测试方法D1883-05 实验室压实泥土的加利福尼亚承载力比的试验方法D1886-03 水中镍含量的测试方法D1889-00 水的混浊度的测试方法D1890-05 水的β粒子放射性的测试方法D1894-06 塑料薄膜及薄板的静态和动态摩擦系数的测试方法D1895-96(2003) 塑料材料的表观密度,容积因素和可倾注性的试验方法D1896-99(2004) 热固化合物传递模塑试样D1900-94(2002) 碳黑.散装装运物抽样D1901-00(2004) 卤化有机溶剂及其掺合物的相对蒸发时间的测试方法D1903-03 阿斯卡列电介液和石油制造的电绝缘液的热膨胀系数的测试方法D1907-01 用绞纱法测定纱线支数的标准试验方法D1909-04 纤维纺织品商品回潮率表D1912-00(2005)e1 家具革耐冻裂性的试验方法D1913-00(2005) 服装革抗湿性的试验方法(喷雾法)D1914-95(2004)e1 有关大气分析的换算单位和换算系数D1916-93(1997) 胶粘剂渗透性的测试方法D1917-03 橡胶性能的测试方法.丁苯橡胶生胶和混炼胶的收缩性D1918-95(2004)e1 石棉织物石棉含量的标准测试法D1921-06 塑料粒度(筛析)的试验方法D1922-06a 用摆锤法测定塑料薄膜与薄板抗扩展扯裂性的测试方法D1926-00(2006) 纤维素羧基含量的测试方法D1929-96(2001)e1 塑料引燃性能的测试方法D1931-99(2004) 电绝缘用完全硫化的硅橡胶涂层玻璃布和玻璃带D1932-04 韧性电绝缘清漆的耐热性的试验方法D1933-03 作为电绝缘材料的氮气D1934-95(2005) 用开杯法作电绝缘石油的氧化老化的试验方法D1937-05 颗粒碳黑的测试方法.质量强度D1938-02 用一次撕裂法测定塑料薄膜与薄板的抗撕裂扩展性的试验方法D1941-91(2001) 用帕夏尔斜槽(Parshall)进行水的明沟流量测量的试验方法D1943-05 水的α粒子放射性的测试方法D1945-03 气相色谱法分析天燃气的测试方法D1946-90(2006) 用气相色谱法作重整气分析D1957-86(2001) 脂肪油和脂肪酸羟基值的试验方法D1959-97 干性油及脂肪酸碘值的试验方法D1963-85(1996) 干性油,清漆,树脂及相关原料在25/25℃时比重的试验方法D1965-87(1998) 干性油,脂肪酸和聚合脂肪酸中不皂化物的测试方法D1966-69(1998) 生亚麻油油脚的标准试验方法D1968-02a 与纸和纸产品相关的术语D1969-01 2-乙基己醇(合成物)D1970-01 冰坝防护用作为陡斜屋面衬底的自粘聚合物改良型沥青板材料D1971-02 用火焰原子吸收或等离子发射光谱法对金属测定用试样的蒸煮D1972-97(2005) 塑料产品的类别标记D1974-98(2003) 封口,密封及加固纤维板海运集装箱的方法D1975-95(2001)e1 塑料注模开口桶抗环境应力断裂的试验方法D1976-02 用电感耦合氩等离子原子发射光谱法对水中元素的测试方法D1977-03 用氢氟酸/硫酸分解和原子光谱分析测定FCC平衡催化剂中镍和钒的测试方法D1978-91(2002) 电镀试样分析D1979-97 氨基树脂中游离甲醛含量的测试方法D1980-87(1998) 脂肪酸和聚合脂肪酸中酸值的试验方法D1981-02 脂肪酸加热后测量颜色的试验方法D1982-85(2004) 脂肪酸冻点测试方法D1985-03 测试连接和裂缝粘合用密封胶用混凝土块的制备D1986-91(2002) 聚乙烯蜡的表观粘度测量的测试方法D1987-95(2002) 土工织物或泥土/土工织物的生物阻塞的测试方法D1988-06 用色斑长度检测管测定天然气中的硫醇的试验方法D1990-00(2002)e1 确定实尺样品分级试验中目测级量度木材的允许参数D1991-05 橡胶化学试验方法.二巯基苯并噻唑(MBT).化验D1992-91(2001) 橡胶用合成增塑剂试验D1993-03 用多点布-埃-特氮气吸附法对沉积二氧化硅表面面积的测试方法D1994-95(2000) 测量热溶胶粘剂酸值的测试方法D1995-92(2004) 胶粘剂(压合式粘合剂)多种强度试验的试验方法D1996-97(2003) 用液体色层分离法(LC)对低浓度聚乙烯中酚醛抗氧剂和棕榈纤维酰胺润滑添加剂的测试方法D1997-91(2001) 用干燥物质作泥炭样品纤维含量的试验室测定的测试方法D1998-04 聚乙稀立式贮藏箱D2000-06 汽车用橡胶制品的分类系统D2001-92(2002) 汽油和石脑油脱戊烷的试验方法D2007-03 粘土凝胶吸附色谱法测定橡胶增量及作业油和加工油中特性基团的试验方法D2008-91(2006) 石油产品紫外线吸收率和吸收系数的试验方法D2010/D2010M-98(2004) 用二氧化铅蜡烛法评定大气中活性硫化物总含量的测试方法D2013-04 分析用煤样品的制备D2014-97(2004) 用底部加热炉对煤的膨胀性和收缩性的测试方法D2017-05 Standard Test Method of Accelerated Laboratory Test ofNatural Decay Resistance ofWoodsD2019-97(2002) 纸和纸板中杂质的测试方法D2020-92(2003) 纸和纸板的耐霉性的测试方法D2022-89(2003) 含氯漂白剂的抽样和化学分析的测试方法D2023-89(2003) 洗涤剂中甲苯磺酸钠分析的测试方法D2024-65(2003) 非离子表面活性剂的混浊点的测试方法D2026-97(2004) 稀释沥青(慢凝型)D2027-97(2004) 稀释沥青(中凝型)D2028-97(2004) 稀释沥青(快凝性)D2029-97(2003) 用露点法测定电绝缘气体中蒸汽含量的试验方法D2035-80(2003) 水的凝聚絮凝瓶试验D2036-06 水中氰化物的测试方法D2041-03a 沥青铺砌混合料最大理论比重和密度的试验方法D2042-01 沥青材料在三氯乙烯中溶解度的试验方法D2043-94(2002) 用纸对银失去光泽的测试方法D2047-04 用杰门机对擦亮涂覆地板表面静摩擦系数的测试方法D2048-92(2002) 地板擦亮膜粉化的测试方法D2050-04 有关拉链的名词术语D2051-03 拉链表面耐洗性能的测试方法D2052-05 拉链耐干洗色牢度的测试方法D2053-99(2004) 拉链耐光照色牢度的试验方法D2054-99(2004) 拉链布带耐磨擦色牢度的标准试验方法D2057-05 洗涤时拉链色牢度的测试方法D2058-03 拉链干洗后耐久性的试验方法D2059-03 拉链抗盐雾(雾状)腐蚀的试验方法D2060-00(2005)e1 测量拉链尺寸的方法D2061-03 拉链强度的测试方法D2062-03 拉链可用性的试验方法D2063-91(2002) 带连续线性封合的包装件用持久扭矩测量的测试方法D2064-91(2003) 建筑涂料抗污染性的标准试验方法D2065-03 在表面活化剂加速潮湿应力下测量组合木材产品边棱性能的测试方法D2066-06 印刷油墨色散的相对着色力测试方法D2067-97(2003) 印刷油墨分散剂中粗颗粒的测试方法D2068-04 馏出燃料油过滤器阻塞倾向的测试方法D2070-91(2001) 液压油热稳定性的试验方法D2071-87(1998) 脂族氮制品的试验方法D2072-92(1998)e1 脂族氮化合物中水的试验方法D2073-92(1998)e1 仲裁电势测定法测定脂肪胺,酰胺基胺及二元胺的总胺值,伯胺值,仲胺值和叔胺值的试验方法D2074-92(1998) 交替指示剂法测定脂肪胺中总胺值,伯胺值,仲胺值和叔胺值的试验方法D2075-92(1998) 脂肪胺,酰胺基胺及二元胺碘值的试验方法D2076-92(1998) 脂族季铵氯化物中酸值和胺值的测试方法D2077-92(1998) 脂族季铵氯化物中灰分的测试方法D2079-92(1998) 脂族季铵氯化物中不挥发物质(固体)的测试方法D2080-92(1998) 脂族季铵氯化物平均分子量的测试方法D2081-92(1998) 脂族季铵氯化物中pH值的测试方法D2082-92(1998) 脂族氮化合物中非胺物百分比的测试方法D2083-92(1998) 脂肪胺中伯,仲,叔胺百分比的计算测试方法D2084-01 橡胶性能的测试方法.用振动圆盘硫化计测量硫化作用。
ASTM美國試驗與材料協會標準(紡織部分)標準代號標準名稱ASTM D1059-2001基於短長度樣品的紗線支數試驗方法ASTM D1060-1996為測定淨毛纖維百分率從成包原毛中心取樣的標準操作規程ASTM D1113a-1990洗淨羊毛中植物性物質和其它鹼性不溶雜質的標準測試方法ASTM D1117-2001無紡織物評價的標準指南ASTM D1230-1994服裝紡織品的易燃性的標準測試方法ASTM D1230-1994服裝紡織品的易燃性的標準測試方法ASTM D123-2002與紡織品相關的標準術語ASTM D1234-1985含脂羊毛的手扯長度的取樣和試驗方法ASTM D1244-1998紗線結構的名稱與符號ASTM D1282-1996用氣流阻力表示羊毛毛條,生條和洗淨羊毛的平均纖維直經的標準測試方法ASTM D1283-1985羊毛堿溶性的測試方法ASTM D1294a-19951英寸(25.4毫米)長度的羊毛纖維束拉伸強度和斷裂強度的標準試驗方法ASTM D1334-1996原毛毛含量的標準試驗方法.商業尺度ASTM D1422-1999退撚加撚法測定單細紗撚數的標準試驗方法ASTM D1423-2002直接計數法測定紗線撚數的標準試驗方法ASTM D1424-1996埃爾曼多夫落錘儀測定機織物抗撕裂的標準試驗方法ASTM D1425-1996用電容測試設備測定紗線條幹不勻度的標準試驗方法ASTM D1440-1996棉纖維長度和長度分佈的標準試驗方法(列陣法)ASTM D1441-2000試驗用棉纖維取樣的標準操作規程ASTM D1442-2000棉纖維成熟度的標準試驗方法(燒鹼膨脹與偏振光法)ASTM D1445-1995棉纖維的斷裂強度和延伸率的標準試驗方法(扁纖維束法)ASTM D1447-2000用纖維照影機測量法測定棉纖維的長度和長度均勻度的標準試驗方法ASTM D1448-1997棉纖維的馬克隆尼讀數的標準試驗方法ASTM D1464-1990棉花染色差異性的標準試驗方法ASTM D1518-1985紡織材料的熱傳導的標準試驗方法ASTM D1571-1995石棉布的標準規範ASTM D1575-1990洗淨羊毛及生條中羊毛纖維長度的測試方法ASTM D1576-1990用爐烘乾法測定羊毛內水分的試驗方法ASTM D1578-1993絞紗形式下紗線的斷裂強度的試驗方法ASTM D1684-1996顏色分級用棉分級室的照明的標準操作規程ASTM D1770-1994羊毛條中毛結,植物性物質與有色纖維含量標準測試方法ASTM D1776-1998試驗用調濕織物ASTM D1777-1996測量紡織材料的厚度的標準試驗方法ASTM D1909-1996紡織纖維商品回潮率標準表ASTM D1913-2000服裝革抗濕性的標準試驗方法(噴霧法)ASTM D1987-1995土工織物或泥土/土工織物的生物阻塞的標準試驗方法ASTM D204-2002縫紉線的標準試驗方法ASTM D2052-2001拉鍊耐乾洗色牢度的測試方法ASTM D2052-2001拉鍊耐乾洗色牢度的測試方法ASTM D2053-1999拉鍊耐光照色牢度的試驗方法ASTM D2053-1999拉鍊耐光照色牢度的試驗方法ASTM D2062-1987拉鍊可用性的試驗方法ASTM D2062-1987拉鍊可用性的試驗方法ASTM D2118-1996羊毛及其製品中標準水份含量的確定ASTM D2130-1990顯微投影法測定羊毛和其它動物纖維直徑的標準試驗方法ASTM D2165-1994羊毛及類似動物纖維的水萃取物pH值的標準測試方法ASTM D2252-1996各類阿爾帕卡毛細度的標準規範ASTM D2257-1998紡織材料中可萃取物的試驗方法ASTM D2258-1999試驗用紗線的抽樣ASTM D2259-2002紗線收縮性的標準試驗方法ASTM D2260-2002各種支數標定制中測得的對等紗線支數表和換算標準係數表ASTM D2261-1996切口(單幅撕裂)法(恒速拉伸試驗機)測定紡織物撕裂強度的標準試驗方法ASTM D2402-2001紡織纖維保水性的標準試驗方法(離心機法)ASTM D2462-1990用甲苯蒸餾法測定羊毛中水分的試驗方法ASTM D2475-2001毛氈標準規範ASTM D2494-2002紗線或人造纖維或纖維束貨包的商業品質的標準試驗方法ASTM D2495-2001用烘乾法測定棉花中水分的標準試驗方法ASTM D2497-2001人造有機長絲單紗標準公差ASTM D2497-2001人造有機長絲單紗標準公差ASTM D2524-1995毛纖維抗斷裂強度的試驗方法.平列纖維束法.1/8英寸(3.2毫米)規範長度的標準試驗方法ASTM D2525-1990測定羊毛水分的取樣的標準操作規程ASTM D2589-1988石棉纖維的麥克涅特濕法分類的標準試驗方法ASTM D2590-1998溫石棉取樣的試驗方法ASTM D2594a-1999低彈針織物彈性的標準試驗方法ASTM D2612-1999靜態試驗條件下紗條和毛條中纖維粘附力的標準試驗方法ASTM D2644-2002毛織品系統的細紗標準公差ASTM D2645-1995棉紗或毛紗系統中的細紗的標準公差ASTM D2646-1996背襯織物的標準試驗方法ASTM D2692-1998輪胎簾布織物、輪胎簾布、輪胎簾線及紗線氣體芯吸效應的試驗方法ASTM D2720-1994商業用各種洗淨羊毛、毛條及短毛的商業公定重量和產量計算的標準實施規程ASTM D2724-1987粘結的、熔合的和疊層衣用織物的標準試驗方法ASTM D2752-1988石棉纖維透氣性的測試方法ASTM D276a-2000識別紡織品中纖維的標準試驗方法ASTM D2812-1995棉花中含雜量的試驗方法ASTM D2816-1995開士米毛線中粗毛節含量的標準試驗方法ASTM D2817-1991開士米毛線中最大粗毛節含量的測定ASTM D2859-2002精製紡織地板覆蓋物著火特性的標準試驗方法ASTM D2904-1997產生正常分佈資料的紡織試驗法的實驗室間試驗的標準實施規程ASTM D2905-1997紡織品樣品的數值表的標準實施規程ASTM D2906-1997織物精密度和偏差表的標準實施規程ASTM D2947-1988石棉纖維篩選分析的試驗方法ASTM D2968-1995用顯微投影法測定羊毛和其它動物纖維中的有髓纖維和死毛纖維的標準試驗方法ASTM D2985-1992石棉顏色的試驗方法ASTM D2987-1988石棉纖維水分含量的標準測試方法ASTM D3025-2001校正棉花標準用標準棉花纖維試驗結果ASTM D3106-2001彈性紗永久變型的標準試驗方法ASTM D3108-2001紗與固體材料磨擦係數的標準試驗方法ASTM D3135-1987粘合的、熔凝纖維的及疊層衣料的性能ASTM D3136-2000服裝、紡織品、傢俱織物和皮革製品用保養說明標籤的標準術語ASTM D3136-2000服裝、紡織品、傢俱織物和皮革製品用保養說明標籤的標準術語ASTM D3181-1995在紡織品上進行磨損試驗的標準指南ASTM D3217-2001線圈或打結的人造紡織纖維斷裂強度標準試驗方法ASTM D3217-2001a線圈或打結的人造紡織纖維斷裂強度標準試驗方法ASTM D3218-2001聚烯烴單絲標準規範ASTM D3333-2001試驗用人造短纖維、次等化學纖維或亞麻短纖維的取樣標準實施規程ASTM D3333-2001試驗用人造短纖維、次等化學纖維或亞麻短纖維的取樣標準實施規程ASTM D3374-1999乙烯塗覆的玻璃絲標準規範ASTM D3412-2001紗與紗之間摩擦係數的標準試驗方法ASTM D3511-2002用刷型起球試驗器測定紡織物纖維的抗起球性及其有關的表面變化的標準試驗方法ASTM D3512-2002用隨機轉筒起球試驗器測定紡織物表面的抗起球性及其它有關表面變化的試驗方法ASTM D3513-1996人造短纖維中超長纖維含量的標準試驗方法ASTM D3513-1996人造短纖維中超長纖維含量的標準試驗方法ASTM D3514-2002用彈性護墊試驗器測定紡織物表面的抗起球性及其它有關表面變化的試驗方法ASTM D3562-1999機織耐乾洗外套織物的標準性能規範ASTM D3655-2002男子及婦女用梳條編織外衣和夾克織物的標準性能規範ASTM D3656-1997塗乙烯的玻璃纖維紗編的防蟲罩及排氣孔遮布ASTM D3657-1988拉鍊尺寸ASTM D3691-2002機織帶狀針織家用窗簾和帶皺折編織物的標準性能規範ASTM D3692-1989標籤標明衣物及家用裝飾物用拉鍊的選擇規定ASTM D3692-1989標籤標明衣物及家用裝飾物用拉鍊的選擇規定ASTM D3773-1990紡織品長度的試驗方法ASTM D3774-1996紡織品寬度的標準試驗方法ASTM D3775-2002機織物經緯密度的標準測試方法ASTM D3776-1996紡織品單位面積(重量)品質的標準試驗方法ASTM D3777-1997紡織品記錄規範ASTM D3779a-2002婦女及女孩用機織雨衣與適合各種用途的防水上膠織物的標準性能規範ASTM D3780a-2002男人及男孩用機織套裝織物及機織運動夾克、運動褲及褲子織物的標準性能規範ASTM D3781-2002男人及男孩用針織雨衣和適合各種用途防水上膠織物的標準性能規範ASTM D3781-2002男人及男孩用針織雨衣和適合各種用途防水上膠織物的標準性能規範ASTM D3782-2002男人及男孩用針織套裝織物和針織運動夾克、運動褲及褲子織物的標準性能規範ASTM D3782-2002男人及男孩用針織套裝織物和針織運動夾克、運動褲及褲子織物的標準性能規範ASTM D3782-2002男人及男孩用針織套裝織物和針織運動夾克、運動褲及褲子織物的標準性能規範ASTM D3783a-2002男人及男孩衣服用機織平紋襯裡織物的標準性能規範ASTM D3784a-2002男人及男孩用機織浴衣及睡衣織物的標準性能規範ASTM D3785-2002機織領帶及圍巾織物的標準性能規範ASTM D3787-2001針織品破裂強度測試方法.恒速橫向移動球式破裂試驗ASTM D3787-2001針織品破裂強度測試方法.恒速橫向移動球式破裂試驗ASTM D3787-2001針織品破裂強度測試方法.恒速橫向移動球式破裂試驗ASTM D3819a-1995男人及男孩用機織睡衣織物的標準性能規範ASTM D3820a-2002男人及男孩用機織內衣織物的標準性能規範ASTM D3822-2001單支紡織品纖維張力性能的標準試驗方法ASTM D3823-2001測定縫紉線標籤數目的標準實施規程ASTM D3882-1999機織和針織織物中弓緯和緯斜的試驗方法ASTM D3882-1999機織和針織織物中弓緯和緯斜的試驗方法ASTM D3883-1999機織織物中紗線捲曲性或捲繞性的標準試驗方法ASTM D3884-2001紡織品耐磨性的標準試驗方法(旋轉平臺,雙頭法)ASTM D3885-2002紡織纖維的耐磨性的標準試驗方法(撓曲及磨損法)ASTM D3886-1999紡織品耐磨性的標準試驗方法(充氣膜法)ASTM D3887-1996針織物公差的標準規範ASTM D3887-1996針織物公差的標準規範ASTM D3888-1995自由端紡紗的相關標準術語ASTM D3937-2001人造短纖維捲曲率的標準試驗方法ASTM D3937-2001人造短纖維捲曲率的標準試驗方法ASTM D3938-2000服裝和其它紡織消費產品用提示標籤的確定或確認標準指南ASTM D3938-2000服裝和其它紡織消費產品用提示標籤的確定或確認標準指南ASTM D3939a-1997織物的抗鉤絲標準試驗方法(MACE試驗法)ASTM D3990-1999紡織品缺陷的相關標準術語ASTM D3991-1994羊毛和馬海毛細度及分級的標準規範ASTM D3992-1994羊毛條和馬海毛條細度及分級的標準規範ASTM D3994a-2002機織泳裝織物的標準性能規範ASTM D3995-2002男人及婦女用針織職員工作服織物的標準性能規範ASTM D3995-2002男人及婦女用針織職員工作服織物的標準性能規範ASTM D3996-2002針織泳裝織物的標準性能規範ASTM D3996-2002針織泳裝織物的標準性能規範ASTM D4029-1997精整機織玻璃織物標準實施規程ASTM D4030-1999玻璃纖維繩和縫紉線規格ASTM D4031-2001變形紗線膨松特性的標準試驗方法ASTM D4032-1994用圓形彎曲法測定織物挺度的標準試驗方法ASTM D4035-2002針織領帶和圍巾織物的標準性能規範ASTM D4035-2002針織領帶和圍巾織物的標準性能規範ASTM D4037-2002機織、針織或植絨床罩織物的標準性能規範ASTM D4038a-1995婦女及女孩用機織服裝和襯衫織物的標準性能規範ASTM D4038a-1995婦女及女孩用機織服裝和襯衫織物的標準性能規範ASTM D4109a-2002男人及男孩用機織連衣褲工作服、勞動布工作服、工裝褲及車間塗層織物的標準性能規範ASTM D4110-2002男人及男孩用針織浴衣、晨衣和睡衣的標準性能規範ASTM D4110-2002男人及男孩用針織浴衣、晨衣和睡衣的標準性能規範ASTM D4111-2002家用及公共機構用機織餐巾和臺布織物的標準性能規範ASTM D4112a-2002機織傘布織物的標準性能規範ASTM D4114a-2002婦女及女孩衣服用機織平面襯裡織物的標準性能規範ASTM D4115-2002婦女及女孩用針織和機織服裝、手套織物的標準性能規範ASTM D4115-2002婦女及女孩用針織和機織服裝、手套織物的標準性能規範ASTM D4115-2002婦女及女孩用針織和機織服裝、手套織物的標準性能規範ASTM D4116-2001婦女及女孩用針織和機織緊身束腰胸衣織物的標準性能規範ASTM D4116-2001婦女及女孩用針織和機織緊身束腰胸衣織物的標準性能規範ASTM D4117-2001婦女及女孩用機織浴衣、長睡衣、睡衣、長襯裙、帶肩帶長內衣和內衣織物的標準性能規範ASTM D4118-2001婦女用機織工作服、勞動布、工裝褲及車間塗層織物的標準性能規範ASTM D4119-2001男人及男孩用針織襯衫織物的標準性能規範ASTM D4119-2001男人及男孩用針織襯衫織物的標準性能規範ASTM D41-1994鋪屋面、防潮及防水用瀝青底層的標準規範ASTM D4120-2001粗紗、梳條和毛條中纖維內聚力動態試驗的標準試驗方法ASTM D4154-2001男人和男孩用針織和機織海濱服和運動衫織物的標準性能規範ASTM D4155-2001婦女和女孩用機織運動服裝、短褲、寬鬆的長褲和套服織物的標準性能規範ASTM D4156-2001婦女和女孩用針織運動服織物的標準性能規範ASTM D4158-2001針織織物的耐磨損性的標準試驗方法(均勻磨損法)ASTM D4232-2001男人和婦女用服裝及職業工作人員工作服織物的標準性能規範ASTM D4232-2001男人和婦女用服裝及職業工作人員工作服織物的標準性能規範ASTM D4233-2001婦女和女孩用針織和機織胸罩織物的標準性能規範ASTM D4233-2001婦女和女孩用針織和機織胸罩織物的標準性能規範ASTM D4234-2001婦女和女孩用針織浴衣、便服、長睡衣、睡衣、長襯裙和女內衣織物的標準性能規範ASTM D4234-2001婦女和女孩用針織浴衣、便服、長睡衣、睡衣、長襯裙和女內衣織物的標準性能規範ASTM D4235-2001婦女和女孩用針織女襯衫和服裝織物標準性能規範ASTM D4235-2001婦女和女孩用針織女襯衫和服裝織物標準性能規範ASTM D4235-2001婦女和女孩用針織女襯衫和服裝織物標準性能規範ASTM D4270-1995制定和編寫試驗方法用現行規則的標準指南ASTM D4271-1988紡織品測試取樣的編寫規程ASTM D4356-1984建立一致的試驗方法公差的規程ASTM D4389-1999粗紗精製玻璃布標準規範ASTM D4391a-1993紡織品燃燒特性的標準術語ASTM D4466-2002多成分紡織纖維的標準術語ASTM D4467-1994獲得非正式分佈資料的紡織品試驗方法的實驗室間試驗的標準實施規程ASTM D4522-1986羽絨填充製品的性能規範ASTM D4524-1986羽衣成分的標準試驗方法ASTM D461-1993氊子的試驗方法ASTM D4686-1991頻率分佈的識別和轉換ASTM D4697-1995在用戶實驗室中維護試驗方法的標準指南ASTM D4720-1987軟窗簾性能評定的標準實施規程ASTM D4721-1989可機器洗滌的和乾洗的床罩與附屬品性能的評定ASTM D4723-1999紡織品耐熱性和易燃性試驗方法和性能規範的描述和標準索引ASTM D4769-1988紡織品和較舒適經紗針織品ASTM D4769-1988紡織品和較舒適經紗針織品ASTM D4772-1997絲絨紡織品表面吸水性的標準試驗方法(水流試驗法)ASTM D4845-1996有關羊毛的標準術語ASTM D4848-1998紡織品的強度、變形性及其有關特性的標準規範ASTM D4849b-2002與紗和纖維相關的標準術語ASTM D4851-1997建築用塗層織物和層壓織物的標準試驗方法ASTM D4852-1988懸掛的裝飾織物的評定ASTM D4853-1997還原試驗變異性的標準指南ASTM D4854-1995從取樣方案的期望原始資料中估算變異性幅度的標準指南ASTM D4911-1994平行精紡式開良精紡系統中手工織短纖維紗線的公差ASTM D4920-1998有關紡織材料水分的標準術語ASTM D4966-1998紡織品耐磨性的標準試驗方法(馬丁代爾磨擦試驗儀法)ASTM D4970-2002紡織纖維品的耐起球和其他有關表面變化的標準試驗方法(馬丁戴爾壓力檢驗機法) ASTM D5034-1995紡織品的伸長和斷裂強度的標準試驗方法(織物抓樣強力試驗)ASTM D5035-1995紡織纖維的伸長率和斷裂力的標準測試方法(剝離法)ASTM D5038-2001紡織材料保存的標準術語ASTM D5070-1990用電位測量滴定法對紡織品軟化劑中合成季銨鹽的試驗方法ASTM D5103-2001人造短纖維長度和長度分配的標準試驗方法(單纖維試驗)ASTM D5104-2002紡織纖維收縮的標準測試方法(單纖維試驗)ASTM D5141-1996使用特定場地土壤的淤泥柵欄用土工織物的篩選效益和流動率測定的標準試驗方法ASTM D519-1990羊毛條中纖維長度的標準試驗方法ASTM D5219-1999服裝量度用與人體尺寸相關的標準術語ASTM D5253-1996鋪地織物和傢俱裝飾布用的書寫管理指令和一般刷新程式標準術語ASTM D5264-1998用蘇瑟蘭德-板印試驗機對印刷材料抗磨性的標準試驗方法ASTM D5278-1992窄幅織物深長的試驗方法(靜態負載試驗)ASTM D5344-1999部分取向紗延展力的標準試驗方法ASTM D5362a-1997織物耐鉤私性的標準試驗方法(豆袋試驗法)ASTM D5378-1993單位和家用編織和針織浴簾的標準性能規範ASTM D5430-1993織物目視檢驗分級的標準試驗方法ASTM D5431-1993公共機構和家用編織及針織薄片製品的標準性能規範ASTM D5431-1993公共機構和家用編織及針織薄片製品的標準性能規範ASTM D5432-1993公共機構和家用毛毯製品的標準性能規範ASTM D5433-2000公共機構和家用毛巾製品的標準性能規範ASTM D5446-2002測定在充氣減振中用的織物、紗線和縫合線的物理性能的標準試驗方法ASTM D5489-2001a紡織品提示標籤用提示符號的標準指南ASTM D5497-1994c鈕扣術語ASTM D5585-1995成年女子號型的人體測量標準表,2號規格ASTM D5586-200155歲以上婦女人體測量的標準表(全部號型)ASTM D5684-2002絨面地板覆蓋物標準術語ASTM D5733-1999非織造織物抗撕裂強度的梯形法標準試驗方法ASTM D5735-1995非織造織物的榫舌(單撕裂)抗撕裂強度標準試驗方法(恒定伸長率拉伸試驗機) ASTM D579-1997本色布紡織玻璃布標準規範ASTM D5793-1995絨頭紗線地板覆蓋物每單位長度或寬度結接點的標準試驗方法ASTM D580-1999本色布機織玻璃纖維帶ASTM D581-1999玻璃纖維編織套管ASTM D584-1996原毛中羊毛含量實驗室標準試驗方法ASTM D5848-1998絨頭紗線地板覆蓋物單位面積品質的標準試驗方法ASTM D5884-2001內增強土工薄膜扯裂強度測定的標準試驗方法ASTM D6192-1998女孩人體測量的標準表,尺碼為7-16ASTM D6193-1997針角和縫合的標準操作規程ASTM D6240-1998尺寸為34至60的男性身體測量的標準表ASTM D629-1999紡織品定量分析標準試驗方法ASTM D6413-1999織物火焰抗性的標準試驗方法(垂直試驗)ASTM D6544-2000紫外線(UV)透射試驗前紡織品製作的標準實施規程ASTM D6545-2000兒童睡衣用紡織品易燃性的標準試驗方法ASTM D6613-2002測定尼龍或聚脂纖維尺寸的標準實施規程ASTM D6614-2000紡織織物拉伸性能的標準試驗方法.CRE法ASTM D6650-2001測定淨室中使用的無紡織物動擦除效率、濕顆粒去除能力和織物粒子作用的標準試驗方法ASTM D6651-2001無紡織物吸附率和吸附能力測定的標準試驗方法ASTM D6652-2001測定無紡織物留下的纖維狀碎屑的標準試驗方法ASTM D6663-2001單位和家用編織和針織蓋被及附屬品的標準規範ASTM D6664-2001單位和家用編織、針織和棉的床褥品的標準規範ASTM D6767-2002用毛細管流量試驗測定紡織物的標準試驗方法ASTM D6775-2002測定紡織品厚邊帶、線帶和飾帶的拉伸和撕裂強度的標準試驗方法ASTM D681-1987電氣與包裝用黃麻粗紗和合股線的規格ASTM D737-1996紡織纖維透氣率的試驗方法ASTM D76-1999紡織材料的拉伸試驗機ASTM D861-1995用特克斯制命名纖維,紗的半製品,紗和其它紡織品線度的標準操作規程ASTM D885-2002人造有機纖維制輪胎簾子線、輪胎簾布和工業長紗線的試驗ASTM D885-2002人造有機纖維制輪胎簾子線、輪胎簾布和工業長紗線的試驗ASTM E1684-2000顏色分級用棉分級室的照明的標準操作規程ASTM E1716-1995使用可呼吸碳化矽金屬須的人用的人身保護設備選擇與使用標準規範ASTM E2016-1999工業紡織金屬絲布規範ASTM E2225-2002紡織品和繩索檢驗論證用標準指南ASTM E2228-2002紡織纖維的顯微鏡檢驗用標準指南ASTM F1001a-1999防護服裝材料評估用化學試劑的選擇標準指南ASTM F1002-1996防止工人遭受特種熔化物質和有關高溫侵害用防護服裝的性能規範ASTM F1045-1999冰球運動用頭盔的性能規範ASTM F1060-2001表面接觸熱的防護服裝材料的熱防護性能的標準試驗方法ASTM F1117-1993介電防護鞋ASTM F1163-2001騎馬運動和騎馬行駛用防護帽的標準規範ASTM F1194-1999防護服裝材料化學試劑滲透性檢驗結果的報告編制ASTM F1291-1999通過加熱的人體模型測量服裝隔熱性能的試驗方法ASTM F1301-1990化工防護套服用標籤的標準實施規程ASTM F1342-1991防護服裝耐穿刺能力的測試方法ASTM F1358-2000主要不是用於耐火的防護服用材料遇火效應的標準試驗方法ASTM F1359a-1999淋噴狀態下人體模型上防護服裝或套裝耐液體滲透性的標準試驗方法ASTM F1383a-1999間斷接觸條件下防護服裝材料耐液體或氣體滲透性的標準試驗方法ASTM F1407a-1999化學防護服裝材料耐液體滲透性的標準試驗方法.滲透杯法ASTM F1407a-1999化學防護服裝材料耐液體滲透性的標準試驗方法.滲透杯法ASTM F1414-1999測量矮身材者(短腿)穿防護服裝耐鏈鋸切割性的標準試驗方法ASTM F1446a-2001評估防護帽性能特徵的設備和程式的標準試驗方法ASTM F1449-2001耐燃燒、耐熱、耐電弧性防護服裝的養護和維修標準指南ASTM F1458-1998測量護腳設備的鏈鋸切割阻力的標準試驗方法ASTM F1461-1993化工防護服的設計ASTM F1506-2000遭受暫態電弧和相關熱危害的電工用耐磨服裝紡織材料的標準性能規範ASTM F1506a-2002暴露到暫態電弧和相關熱危害環境的電工用耐磨服裝紡織材料抗燃的標準性能規範ASTM F1506a-2002暴露到暫態電弧和相關熱危害環境的電工用耐磨服裝紡織材料抗燃的標準性能規範ASTM F1518-2000紡織材料的熱傳導的標準試驗方法ASTM F1671b-1997使用Φ-X174噬菌體穿透率的試驗系統測試防護服裝材料抗血液攜帶病原體穿透率的標準試驗方法ASTM F1731-1996消防和救援人員制服及其他隔熱保護服裝的人體測量與尺寸標注的標準規程ASTM F1790-1997測量防護服用材料的耐切割的標準試驗方法ASTM F1816-1997兒童外上衣上綜線的標準安全規範ASTM F1819-1998用機械壓力技術測定防護服裝材料抗人造血滲透性的標準試驗方法ASTM F1868-1998用焊接熱板測定服裝材料耐熱和耐蒸發的標準試驗方法ASTM F1891b-2002雨衣耐電弧和耐火的標準規範ASTM F1932-1998測量睡袋紡織纖維回彈力的標準試驗方法ASTM F1939a-1999耐火服裝材料的抗輻射性能的標準試驗方法ASTM F1958/F1958M-1999使用人體模型的電弧暴露法測定服裝用不耐火焰材料易燃性的標準試驗方法ASTM F1959/F1959M-1999測定服裝材料電弧熱性能值的標準試驗方法ASTM F2050-2001有關拉鍊的名詞術語ASTM F2050-2001有關拉鍊的名詞術語ASTM F429-2001橄欖球運動用防護頭盔的減衝擊性能的標準試驗方法ASTM F739a-1999連續接觸條件下防護服材料耐液體或氣體滲透的標準試驗方法ASTM F903a-1999防護服材料耐液體滲透的標準試驗方法ASTM F914-1998航空人員隔音裝置用聲發射的試驗方法ASTM F955-1996評定通過接觸熔融物質的防護服裝材料的傳熱性的試驗方法ASTM G24-1997自然光透過玻璃進行曝光Standard Practice for Conducting Exposures to Daylight Filtered Through Glass。
astm d 3886-99(07)织物stoll耐磨试验方法
astm d 3886-99(07)织物stoll耐磨试验方法
ASTM D3886-99(07)是ASTM国际标准化组织发布的关于织物耐磨性能测试方法的标准。
1. 准备样品:从织物中切割出一定大小的测试样品。
2. 准备磨损测试仪:按照设备说明书准备测试设备,并校准仪器。
3. 将织物样品固定在磨损测试仪上的夹持装置上。
4. 设置测试条件:根据要求的测试条件,例如负荷、磨损时间等,设定磨损测试仪的参数。
5. 开始测试:启动磨损测试仪,使样品受到磨损。
6. 结束测试:根据所设定的测试时间或其他指标,停止测试。
7. 检查样品:检查织物样品的磨损程度,可以使用放大镜或显微镜进行观察。
8. 记录结果:根据标准要求,记录测试结果,包括织物样品的磨损程度、磨损面积等。
ASTM D3886-99(07)标准详细规定了关于织物耐磨性能测
1、ICI钉锤勾丝性试验机符合标准:ASTM D3939.GB11047.可快速检测织物在正常穿着条件下勾丝现象的难易程度。
7、45度燃烧试验机符合标准:ASTM D1230, FTMS191-5908, CFR 16-1610, CALIF TB117.8、50度干洗试验机符合标准:ASTM D1230,ASTM F963,EN71。
9、电动摩擦色牢度试验机符合标准:AATCC 8/165, BS4655, BS 1066 D02, M&S C8, NEST 6, ISO105X12/D02.10、毛布燃烧试验机,表面燃烧试验机,玩具易燃性试验机符合EN71,BS4569。
ASTMD3884耐磨试验⽅法(中⽂)ASTM D 3884-01(2007年审核)Standard Guide forAbrasion Resistance of Textile Fabrics (Rotary Platform, Double-Head Method) 织物耐磨性的试验⽅法(旋转平台,双头法)1本标准以固定名称D 3384出版发⾏;紧跟名称后⾯的数字表⽰标准最先通过的年代号,或者最后⼀次修订的年代号。
注1—测试⽅法D3885,D3886,D4158,D4966和AATCC 61中给出了测定织物耐磨性的其他程序。
1.2 以国际单位制(SI)单位表⽰的数值被认为是标准值,以英制单位表⽰的数值仅供参考,两者不完全相等。
2、参考⽂件2.1ASTM 标准:2D 123 纺织品相关术语D 1776 纺织品调湿与试验标准规程D 3885 纺织品耐磨性试验⽅法(曲磨法)D 3886 纺织品耐磨性试验⽅法(充⽓膜⽚法)D 4158 纺织品耐磨性试验导则(均匀磨损法)D 4966 纺织品耐磨性试验⽅法(马丁代尔磨损试验仪法)D 5034 纺织品断裂强⼒和断裂伸长试验⽅法(抓样法)D 5035 纺织品断裂强⼒和断裂伸长试验⽅法(条样法)2.2其他⽂件:AATCC 93 纺织品抗耐磨测试(叶轮滚法)33、术语3.1 定义:3.1.1 磨损,名词—⼀种材料的任意部分与另⼀表⾯相摩擦⽽破损。
3.1.2 耐磨周期,名词——在耐磨试验中,磨料在材料表⾯或材料表⾯在磨料上的⼀种或多种运动,回到初始位置。 详述——⼀个耐磨周期取决于耐磨仪器的运转⽅式及所⽤试验⽅法。
ASTM D3882-99
parallel to the selvage.4.2Skew —The straight-line distortion of a marked fillingyarn,knitting course,designated printed line,or designateddesign is measured from its normal perpendicular to theselvage or edge.5.Significance and Use5.1This test method is considered satisfactory for accep-tance testing of commercial shipments.5.1.1If there are differences of practical significance be-tween reported test results for two laboratories (or more),comparative tests should be performed to determine if there isa statistical bias between them,using competent statisticalassistance.As a minimum,the test samples to be used are ashomogeneous as possible,are drawn from the material fromwhich the disparate test results were obtained,and are ran-domly assigned in equal numbers to each laboratory for testing.Other fabrics with established test values may be used for thispurpose.The test results from the two laboratories should becompared using a statistical test for unpaired data,at aprobability level chosen prior to the testing series.If a bias isfound,either its cause must be found and corrected,or futuretest results must be adjusted in consideration of the knownbias.5.2Individual rolls are normally accepted or rejected on thebasis of the maximum amount of bow or skew in a specific rollof fabric.The average bow or skew in a roll or lot or the rangeof bow or skew in a roll may be determined but are notnormally used in the trade for acceptance or rejection.5.3Bow or skew can be induced during fabric manufactur-ing,dyeing,tentering,finishing,or other operations where apotential exists for uneven distribution of tensions across thefabric width.Bow and skew are more visually displeasing incolored,patterned fabrics such as plaids and horizontal stripesrather than in solid colors because the contrast makes thedistortion more prominent.These defects may cause sewingproblems in such fabrics and draping problems in finishedproducts.In some cases,a specified amount of skew is needed,for example,to prevent trouser leg twisting.Matching plaidsfrom distorted patterns may create serious problems for thegarment manufacturer or home sewer.Wavy or sharp breaks in the bow line are more detrimental to the appearance of small parts of a garment (such as collars,pockets,and so forth)than a gradual slope from a straight line.6.Apparatus 6.1Measuring Stick or Steel Tape ,graduated in 1-mm (1⁄16-in.)divisions and longer than the width of the fabric that is to be measured.6.2Rigid Straightedge ,longer than the width of the fabric that is to be measured.6.3Flat Surface ,of sufficient length to unroll or unfold the fabric (see 6.4).6.4Fabric Inspection Table (Optional),to unroll and roll fabric rolls or unfold and fold fabric bolts with sufficient lighting that provides transmitted light from underneath the fabric to make the defect more clearly visible.7.Sampling and Test Specimens 7.1Primary Sampling Unit —Consider rolls or bolts of fabric or fabric components of fabricated systems to be the primary sampling unit,as applicable.7.2Laboratory Sampling Unit —As a laboratory sampling unit take the entire roll or bolt after removing a first 1-mm (1-yd)length.For fabric components of fabricated systems,use the entire system.7.3Test Specimens —As test specimens,select 3test areas from each laboratory sampling unit.Exclude the first and last fifth of the roll or bolt or piece length.Select test areas at random but no closer to one another than one fifth of the roll or bolt or piece length.8.Conditioning 8.1Condition the test specimens to moisture equilibrium for testing in the standard atmosphere for testing textiles in accordance with Practice D 1776or,if applicable,in the specified atmosphere in which the testing is to be performed.8.1.1When full rolls or bolts of fabric cannot be properly conditioned in a reasonable time with available facilities,perform the test without conditioning and report the actual condition prevailing at the time of the test.Such results may not correspond with the results obtained when testing condi-tioned specimens at the standard atmosphere for testing tex-tiles.9.Procedure 9.1Test the test specimens in the standard atmosphere for testing textiles in accordance with Section 8.9.2Handle the test specimens carefully to avoid altering the natural state of the material.9.3Lay the fabric on a smooth,horizontal surface without tension in any direction or use the optional fabric inspection table.9.4Bow :9.4.1Measure the bow in three places spaced as widely as possible along the length of the fabric or along a minimum of 1m (1yd).If possible,make no measurement closer to the ends of the roll or piece of fabric than 1m.9.4.2If evident,follow a distinctive color yarn or pattern line across the width of the fabric.Otherwise,trace one fillingTABLE 1Critical Differences,95%Probability Level,for Bowand Skew for the Conditions NotedProperty Number of Observations inEach Average Critical Differences for the Conditions Noted A ,%Repeatability Reproducibility(Single-Operator)Precision (Within-Laboratory)Precision (Between-Laboratory)PrecisionBow 10.800.800.8030.460.460.4660.330.330.33120.230.230.23240.160.160.16Skew 1 2.99 2.99 3.183 1.73 1.73 2.046 1.22 1.22 1.63120.860.86 1.38240.610.61 1.24A The critical differences for Table 1were calculated using t 51.960,which isbased on infinite degrees offreedom.yarn,knitting course,or printed line across the full width of thefabric using a soft pencil or suitable marker.9.4.3Place a rigid straightedge across the fabric connectingthe points at which the distinctive color yarn or pattern line,ormarked yarn meets the two selvages or edges.9.4.4Measure the distance along the straightedge betweenthe two selvages or edges to the nearest 1mm (1⁄16in.)andrecord as the baseline distance (BL). certain end uses where several narrow panels aresewn in a garment,it will be necessary to measure the bowacross a narrower distance than the total width of the fabric,forexample,a width of 38cm (15in.).This distance is used as thefabric width when calculating the bow.9.4.5Measure the greatest distance parallel to the selvagesor edges between the straightedge and the distinctive color yarnor pattern line,or marked yarn to the nearest 1mm (1⁄16in.)andrecord as the bow distance (D )including the type.(See Fig.1). double bow is evident,measure and record bothdistances.N OTE 1—Fig.1represents typical examples of bows in a fabric that donot have any skew.Many variations in the shape or deepest portion of thearc can occur in actual fabrics.No provision is made to measure bow inthe presence of skew.9.5Skew :9.5.1Measure the skew in three places spaced as widely aspossible along the length of the fabric or along a minimum of1m (1yd).If possible,make no measurement closer to theends of the roll or piece of fabric than 1m.9.5.2If evident,follow a distinctive color yarn or patternline across the width of the fabric.Otherwise,trace one fillingyarn,knitting course,or printed line across the full width of thefabric using a soft pencil or suitable marker (Line AC ifright-hand skew,Line AD if left-hand skew).9.5.3Place a rigid straightedge across the fabric widthperpendicular to the selvage or edge such that it coincides withthe lower point on the fabric at which the distinctive color yarnor pattern line,or marked yarn meets one of the selvages oredges (Line BC).9.5.4Measure the distance along the straightedge betweenthe two selvages or edges (Line BC)to the nearest 1mm (1⁄16in.)and record as the fabric width (W ).(See Fig.2.)9.5.5Measure the distance parallel to the selvages or edges between the straightedge and the distinctive color yarn or pattern line,or marked yarn to the nearest 1mm (1⁄16in.)(Line AD,or BD)and record including the skew direction,right-hand“Z,”left hand “S,”and whether evident on the face or back of the fabric.(See Fig.2.)N OTE 2—Fig.2represents a schematic drawing of typical skew;variations may occur in actual fabric.Examination of Fig.2will show that the skew in a fabric will be consistently categorized as left-hand (or right-hand)regardless whether the fabric is being fed from the top or bottom roll of the viewing frame or whether the direction of skew is measured from the right or left selvage or side,provided either the face or back of the fabric is being viewed.10.Calculation 10.1Bow,Individual Measurements —Calculate the maxi-mum bow of individual specimens to the nearest 0.1%using Eq 1.Bow,%5100~D /BL !(1)where:D 5maximum bow distance,mm (in.),(from 9.4.5),and BL 5baseline distance,mm (in.),(from 9.4.4).10.1.1If double bow is present,calculate the larger of the two bows.10.2Skew,Individual Measurements —Calculate the skew of individual specimens to the nearest 0.1%using Eq 2or Eq 3,as applicable.Skew,%,right 2hand 5100~AB !/BC (2)Skew,%,left 2hand 5100~BD !/BC (3)where:AB 5skew distance,right hand,mm (in.),(from 9.5.5),BD 5skew distance,left hand,mm (in.),(from 9.5.5),and BC 5width of fabric,mm (in.),(from 9.5.4).11.Report 11.1Report that the skew or bow were determined as directed in Test Method D 3882.Describe the material or product sampled and the method of sampling used.11.2Report the following information for each laboratory sampling unit:11.2.1Bow : bow in units of measurements and percent, bow in units of measurements and percent, width,and of bow observed,for example,double bow,double reverse bow,double hooked bow,hooked bow,or other variation.11.2.2Skew : skew in units of measurements and percent, skew in units of measurements and percent, width, of skew,right-hand “Z,”left-hand “S”,andFIG.1Typical BowConditions11.2.2.5Side of fabric where skew was observed,face orback.12.Precision and Bias12.1Summary —In comparing two averages of three deter-minations when using the procedures in this test method,thedifferences should not exceed the single-operator precisionvalues shown in Table 1for the respective number of tests in 95out of 100cases when all the observations are taken by thesame well-trained operator using the same piece of equipmentand specimens randomly drawn from the sample of material.Larger differences are likely to occur under all other circum-stances.12.2Interlaboratory Test Data 5—An interlaboratory testwas run in 1981in which randomly drawn specimens of threematerials were tested in each of three laboratories for fabricbow and in each of four laboratories for fabric skew.Twooperators in each laboratory each tested two specimens of eachmaterial for bow and skew using Test Method D 3882.Theprecision statement is based upon a testing plan described inPractices D 2904and D 2906.The three fabrics were:(1)65%polyester/35%cotton plaid approximately 3.9oz/yd 2(2)50%polyester/50%cotton fancy weave of 3.8oz/yd 2,and (3)100%cotton denim of approximately 15.2oz/yd 2.Fabric bowranged from 1.7to 2.6%for Fabric A,0.6to 2.3%for FabricB,and 0.9to 1.2%for Fabric C.Skew ranged from 3.6to8.2%for Fabric A,8.2to 12.3%for Fabric B,and 5.4to 7.4%for Fabric C.The components of variance for bow and skew expressed as standard deviations were calculated to be the values listed in Table 2.12.3Precision —For the components of variance reported in Table 1,two averages of observed values should be considered significantly different at the 95%probability level if the difference equals or exceeds the critical differences listed in Table 1.N OTE 3—The tabulated values of the critical differences should be considered to be a general statement,particularly with respect to between-laboratory precision.Before a meaningful statement can be made about two specific laboratories,the amount of statistical bias,if any,between them must be established,with each comparison being based on recent data obtained on specimens taken from a lot of material of the type being evaluated so as to be as nearly homogeneous as possible and then randomly assigned in equal numbers to each of the laboratories.N OTE 4—Since the interlaboratory test included only three laboratories for bow and four laboratories for skew,estimates of between laboratory precision may be either underestimated or overestimated to a considerable extent and should be used with special caution.12.4Bias —The procedure of this test method produces a 5Supporting data are available from ASTM Headquarters.Request RR:D-13-1070.FIG.2Typical Skew ConditionsTABLE 2Components of Variance Expressed as Standard Deviations A Properties Components of Variance Expressed as Standard Deviations A ,%Repeatability Reproducibility (Single-Operator)Component (Within-Laboratory)Component (Between-Laboratory)Component Bow 0.2890.0000.000Skew 1.0790.0000.390A The square roots of the components of variance are being reported to express the variability in the appropriate units of measure rather than as the squares ofthose units ofmeasure.test value that can be defined only in terms of a test method.There is no independent,referee method by which bias may bedetermined.This test method has no known bias.13.Keywords 13.1bow;knitted fabric;skew;woven fabricThe American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this ers of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights,and the risk of infringement of such rights,are entirely their own responsibility.This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and if not revised,either reapproved or withdrawn.Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters.Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee,which you may attend.If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards,100Barr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA19428.。
答:ASTM D3882是英语中关于织物皱褶回复性能的测试标准。
它的英文名称是《Standard Test Method for Recovery of Woven Fabrics After Repeated Home Laundering》,中文意思为《机织物经家庭反复洗涤后的外观平整度保持性的标准测试方法》。
ASTM D3882标准规定了采用家庭洗涤方式,通过视觉与仪器相结合的方法来评定织物洗后外观平整度保持性的测试方法。
ASTM D3882标准的主要内容包括:
1. 原理:通过模拟家庭洗涤条件,对织物进行多次洗涤,然后评定其洗后外观平整度保持性。
2. 设备和材料:包括洗衣机、烘干机、洗涤剂和评定用标准样照等。
3. 试样:从待测试织物上裁取规定尺寸的试样。
4. 操作步骤:按照规定的洗涤程序进行洗涤、干燥和评定。
5. 结果评定:通过比较洗后试样的外观平整度与标准样照的差异,评定织物的洗后外观平整度保持性。
6. 报告:记录试样的来源、洗涤条件、评定结果等信息,并出具测试报告。
ASTM D3882标准是评价织物洗后外观平整度保持性的重要方法之一,对于纺织品的生产和质量控制具有重要意义。
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Designation:D3886–99An American National Standard Standard Test Method forAbrasion Resistance of Textile Fabrics(Inflated Diaphragm Apparatus)1This standard is issued under thefixed designation D3886;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.Asuperscript epsilon(e)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1.Scope1.1This test method2covers the determination of the resistance to abrasion of woven and knitted textile fabrics,both conditioned and wet,using the inflated diaphragm tester.This procedure is not applicable tofloor coverings.N OTE1—Other procedures for measuring the abrasion resistance of textile fabrics are given in Test Methods D3884,D3885,D1175,and AATCC Test Method93.1.2The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard;the values in English units are provided as informa-tion only and are not exact equivalents.1.3This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns,if any,associated with its use.It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2.Referenced Documents2.1ASTM Standards:D123Terminology Relating to Textiles3D1776Practice for Conditioning Textiles for Testing3D2904Practice for Interlaboratory Testing of a Textile Test Method that Produces Normally Distributed Data3D2906Practice for Statements on Precision and Bias for Textiles3D3884Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of Textile Fabrics(Rotary Platform,Double Head Method)4D3885Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of Textile Fabrics(Flexing and Abrasion Method)4D4157Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of Textile Fabrics(Oscillatory Cylinder Method)42.2AATCC Standard:Test Method93Abrasion Resistance of Fabrics:Accelerator Method53.Terminology3.1Definitions:3.1.1abrasion,n—the wearing away of any part of a material by rubbing against another surface.3.1.2For definitions of other textile terms used in this test method,refer to Terminology D123.4.Summary of Test Method4.1A specimen is abraded by rubbing either unidirection-ally or multidirectionally against an abradant having specified surface characteristics.A specimen is held in afixed position and supported by an inflated rubber diaphragm which is held under constant pressure.A specimen is abraded by rubbing either unidirectionally or multidirectionally against an abradant having specified surface characteristics.The resistance to abrasion is determined using Option1,the number of cycles to wear a hole in the specimen,or Option2,visual assessment of the specimen surface after a specified number of cycles.5.Significance and Use5.1The measurement of the resistance to abrasion of textile and other materials is very complex.The resistance to abrasion is affected by many factors,such as the inherent mechanical properties of thefibers;the dimensions of thefibers;the structure of the yarns;the construction of the fabrics;and the type,kind,and amount offinishing material added to thefibers, yarns,or fabric.5.2The resistance to abrasion is also greatly affected by the conditions of the tests,such as the nature of abradant,variable action of the abradant over the area of specimen abraded,the tension of the specimen,the pressure between the specimen and abradant,and the dimensional changes in the specimens.5.3Abrasion tests are all subject to variation due to changes in the abradant during specific tests.The abradant must accordingly be discarded at frequent intervals or checked periodically against a standard.With disposable abradants,the abradant is used only once or discarded after limited use.With1This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D-13on Textiles and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D13.60on Fabric Test Methods, Specific.Current edition approved June10,1999.Published September1999.Originally published as D3886–st previous edition D3886–92.2This test method is based upon the development described by R.G.Stoll,in “Improved Multipurpose Abrasion Test and Its Application for the Wear Resistance of Textiles,”Textile Research Journal,July1949,p.394.3Annual Book of ASTM Standards,V ol07.01. 4Annual Book of ASTM Standards,V ol07.02.5Available from American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists,P.O.Box12215,Research Triangle Park,NC27709.1Copyright©ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959,United States.permanent abradants that use hardened metal or equivalent surfaces,it is assumed that the abradant will not change appreciably in a specific series of tests.Similar abradants used in different laboratories will not change at the same rate,due to differences in usage.Permanent abradants may also change due to pick up of finishing or other material from test fabrics and must accordingly be cleaned at frequent intervals.The mea-surement of the relative amount of abrasion may also be affected by the method of evaluation and may be influenced by the judgment of the operator.5.4The resistance of textile materials to abrasion as mea-sured on a testing machine in the laboratory is generally only one of several factors contributing to wear performance or durability as experienced in the actual use of the material.While “abrasion resistance”(often stated in terms of the number of cycles on a specified machine,using a specified technique to produce a specified degree or amount of abrasion)and “durability”(defined as the ability to withstand deteriora-tion or wearing out in use,including the effects of abrasion)are frequently related,the relationship varies with different end uses,and different factors may be necessary in any calculation of predicted durability from specific abrasion boratory tests may be reliable as an indication of relative end-use performance in cases where the difference in abrasion resis-tance of various materials is large,but they should not be relied upon where differences in laboratory test findings are small.In general,they should not be relied upon for prediction of actual wear-life in specific end uses unless there are data showing the specific relationship between laboratory abrasion tests and actual wear in the intended end-use.5.5These general observations apply to all types of fabrics,including woven,nonwoven,and knit apparel fabrics,house-hold fabrics,industrial fabrics,and floor coverings.It is not surprising,therefore,to find that there are many different types of abrasion testing machines,abradants,testing conditions,testing procedures,methods of evaluation of abrasion resis-tance and interpretation of results.5.6All the test methods and instruments so far developed for measuring abrasion resistance may show a high degree of variability in results obtained by different operators and in different laboratories;however,they represent the test methods now most widely in use.5.7Because there is a definite need for measuring the relative resistance to abrasion,standardized test methods are needed and useful and may clarify the problem and lessen the confusion.5.8Because of the conditions mentioned above,technicians frequently fail to get good agreement between results obtained on the same type of testing instrument both within and between laboratories,and the precision of these test methods is uncer-tain.5.9Test Method D 3886is not recommended for acceptance testing of commercial shipment because of the poor between-laboratory precision.5.9.1In cases of a dispute arising from differences in reported test results when using this test method for acceptance testing of commercial shipments,the purchaser and the sup-plier should conduct comparative tests to determine if there is a statistical bias between their petent statis-tical assistance is recommended for the investigation of bias.As a minimum,the two parties should take a group of test specimens which are as homogeneous as possible and which are from a lot of material of the type in question.The test specimens should then be randomly assigned in equalnumbersFIG.1Schematic Diagram of Inflated Diaphragm AbrasionTesterto each laboratory for testing.The average results from the two laboratories should be compared using appropriate statistical analysis for unpaired data and an acceptable probability level chosen by the two parties before the testing begins.If a bias is found,either its cause must be found and corrected or the purchaser and the supplier must agree to interpret future test results in the light of the known bias.6.Apparatus6.1Inflated Diaphragm Abrasion Tester ,shown in Fig.16and Fig.2with the following essential parts:6.1.1Surface Abrasion Head —The specimen is mounted in a circular clamp over a rubber diaphragm by means of a clamping ring and a tightening collar.The circular opening of the clamping ring is 94.061.3mm (3.7060.05in.)in diameter and that of the collar 95.3mm (3.75in.)or more.The height from the surface of the clamped-in specimen to the upper edge of the tightening collar shall not exceed 9.5mm (3⁄8in.).The clamping area of the body of the clamp and the ring should have gripping surfaces to prevent slipping of the specimen and leakage of air pressure during the test.Means should be provided for supplying air pressure to the body of the clamp so that the pressure under the diaphragm can be controlled between 0and 41kPa (0and 6psi)with an accuracy of 65%of range.6.1.2Diaphragm —The rubber diaphragm should be 1.4060.25mm (0.05560.010in.)in thickness.A metallic contact pin 3.2mm (1⁄8in.)in diameter is sealed into the center of the diaphragm flush with the diaphragm surface.Provision should be made for a flexible electrical connection from this contact pin to the ground of the machine.The strain distribution on the diaphragm must be uniform so that when inflated without the specimen,it assumes the shape of a section of a sphere.Pressure can be controlled from 0to 41kPa (0to 6psi).6.1.3Driving Mechanism —The design of the driving mechanism is such that the circular clamp makes a reciprocal motion of 115615double strokes per minute of 25-mm (1-in.)stroke length.Provision shall be made for rotation of the clamp in addition to the reciprocating motion so that one revolution can be completed in 100610double strokes.6.1.4Balance Head and Abradant Plate —The abradant is mounted upon a plate,which is rigidly supported by a double-lever assembly to provide for free movement in a direction perpendicular to the plane of the reciprocating specimen clamp.The abradant plate assembly should be well balanced to maintain a vertical pressure equivalent to a mass of 0to 2.2kg (0to 5lb)by means of dead weights.Provision should be made to mount different abradants such as abrasive paper,fabrics,etc.,on this plate,and to stretch them into an even position.An electrically insulated contact pin,adjustable to the thickness of the abradant is mounted into this plate on the length axis at one of the turning points of the center of the clamp.6The Stoll-Quartermaster has been found suitable and is available from Custom Scientific Instrument,Inc.,13Wing Drive,Whippany,NJ07981.FIG.2One Type of Commercial Inflated Diaphragm AbrasionTester6.1.5Some testers can also be equipped with a continuous changing abradant head which is optional.N OTE2—The machine manufacturer does not provide adequate instruc-tions for the use of the continuous changing abradant head.Work is being done with the manufacturer to write a set of instructions.6.1.6Machine Stopping Mechanism—Contact between the adjustable pin on the lower side of the abradant plate and the contact pin inserted into the center of the diaphragm closes a low-voltage circuit and stops the machine.6.1.7Indicators—Means should be provided for indicating the diaphragm pressure,and the number of abrasion cycles(1 cycle=1double stroke).6.1.8Fig.2shows a commercially available machine that conforms to the requirements of this method.7.Sampling7.1Lot Sample—As a lot sample for acceptance testing, take at random the number of rolls of fabric directed in an applicable material specification or other agreement between the purchaser and the supplier.Consider rolls of fabric to be the primary sampling unit.N OTE3—An adequate specification or other agreement between the purchaser and the supplier requires taking into account the variability between rolls of fabric and between test specimens from a swatch from a roll of fabric to produce a sampling plan with a meaningful producer’s risk,consumer’s risk,acceptable quality level,and limiting quality level.7.2Laboratory Sample—Take a laboratory sample from each roll or piece of fabric in the lot sample.The laboratory sample should be full width and at least50cm(approximately 20in.)long and should not be taken any closer to the end of the roll or piece of fabric than1m(1yd).7.3Test Specimens—Testfive specimens from each labora-tory sampling unit.Cut the specimens112mm(43⁄8in.)in diameter and space them on a diagonal to represent different machine and cross-machine direction areas of the laboratory sampling units.Take no specimen within one tenth of the fabric width from the edges.8.Conditioning8.1Precondition and condition samples or specimens as directed in Practice D1776.Consider equilibruim to have been reached when the increase in mass of the specimen in succes-sive weighings made at intervals of not less than2h does not exceed0.1%of the mass of the specimen.9.Procedure9.1Test the specimen in the standard atmosphere for testing textiles,which is7062°F(2161°C)and6562%relative humidity.9.2Place the specimen over the rubber diaphragm in a smooth condition,clamp the specimen in place without dis-torting it.9.3Place the abrasive paper or other abradant on the abradant plate under sufficient tension to be held smooth and in such a position that the contact pin,reaching through a hole in the abradant,is even with the surface of the abradant.No.0 emery polishing paper is the standard abradant.The method may be modified to use other abradants but this information should be included in thefinal report.N OTE4—If the continuous changing abradant head is used,it should be noted that,although the weight of the head is counter-balanced,the balance changes during use as the paper passes from the back roll to the front roll unless the continuous changing abradant head is used.N OTE5—Unless the continuous changing abradant head is used,it is recommended that the abradant paper be changed at some regular frequency,such as every100to300cycles.As this frequency is dependent upon the type of fabric being tested,the task group is working on devisinga more extensive system.9.4Set the air pressure under the diaphragm and force on the abradant plate.The air pressure should be28kPa(4psi) and the load on the abradant should be454g(1lb).Be sure that the air pressure control and contact between inflated specimen and loaded abradant is in a state of equilibrium before abrasion is started.To ensure consistent inflation of the diaphragm,inflate to a higher air pressure(25%)and then reduce to testing pressure.9.5Direction of Abrasion:9.5.1Standard Multidirection—Engage the rotation mecha-nism of the specimen clamp.9.5.2Unidirection—When this is used,disengage the rota-tion mechanism of the specimen clamp and bring the specimen into the desired direction by turning and setting the clamp after the diaphragm has been inflated.Include this information in the final report.9.6Remove pills of mattedfibers interfering with proper contact between the specimen and abradant during the test if they cause a marked vibration of the abradant plate.9.7If the specimen slips in the clamp or the air pressure does not remain constant during the test or an anomalous wear pattern is obtained,discard such individual measurements and test an additional specimen.9.8This table is intended as a guide for visual assessment:oz/yd2assess@cycle#under3oz.10003-5oz.3000over5oz.50009.9If abrasion of wet specimens is desired,cover the dry clamped-in specimen with10ml of distilled water at a temperature of2062°C(7062°F).10.Interpretation of Results10.1Determine the end point by one of the following methods as specified by the requesting individual.10.1.1Option1,Failure—Abrade the specimen until all fibers in the center of the abrasion area are worn off so that the contact pin in the abradant plate comes in contact with the pin in the diaphragm,actuating an electrical relay and stopping the machine.10.1.2Option2,Visual Rating—Abrade the specimen a specified number of cycles and then evaluate visually for the effect of the abrasion on luster,color,or fabric structure as follows:Abrasion AssessmentGrade Description5No,or essentially no luster,color,or fabric structure change4Slight change in color with no broken threads3Moderate change in color with visual fraying2Substantial change in color with2or less broken threads1Severe change in color with more than2broken threadsN OTE6—Unless the continuous changing abradant head is used,itisrecommended that the abradant paper be changed at some regular frequency,such as every100to300cycles.As this frequency is dependent upon the type of fabric being tested,the task group is working on devisinga more extensive system.11.Report11.1State that the specimens were tested as directed in Test Method D3886.Describe the material or product sampled and the method of sampling used.11.2Report the following information:11.2.1Type of abradant,11.2.2Frequency with which abradant paper was changed, 11.2.3Air pressure under the diaphragm and load on the abradant plate,11.2.4Type of abrasion(unidirectional or multidirectional), 11.2.5Number of cycles to reach the end point as deter-mined by electrical contact,11.2.6Effect of abrasion on luster,color,and fabric struc-ture at a specified number of cycles recorded by qualitative orcomparative ranking,and11.2.7Any deviations from the standard test procedure.12.Precision and Bias12.1Summary—Based upon limited information from two laboratories,the single-operator,within-laboratory,and between-laboratory components of variation and critical dif-ferences shown in Tables1and2are approximate.These tables are constructed to illustrate what two laboratories found when all the observations are taken by well-trained operators using specimens randomly drawn from the sample of material.For these laboratories,in comparing two averages,it was found that differences should not exceed the single-operator precision values shown in Table2for the respective number of tests in95 out of100cases.Differences for other laboratories may be larger or smaller.12.2Single-laboratory Test Data7—A two-laboratory test was run in1997in which randomly drawn samples of three materials were tested.Two operators in each laboratory each tested ten specimens(five on each of two days)from each fabric material using the cycles to failure procedure in Test Method D3886.Analysis of the data was conducted using Practices D2904and D2906and the Adjunct“Tex-Pac.”The components of variance for inflated diaphragm abrasion ex-pressed as standard deviations were calculated to be the values listed in Table1.12.3Precision—Because tests were conducted in only two laboratories,estimates of between laboratory precision may be either underestimated or overestimated to a considerable extent and should be used with special caution.Before a meaningful statement can be made about two specific laboratories,the amount of statistical bias,if any,between them must be established,with each comparison being based on recent data obtained on specimens taken from a lot of material of the type being evaluated so as to be as nearly homogeneous as possible and then randomly assigned in equal numbers to each of the laboratories.However,when agreed upon between the contrac-tual parties,for the approximate components of variance reported in Table1,two averages of observed values may be considered significantly different at the95%probability level if the difference equals or exceeds the critical differences listed in Table2,for inflated diaphragm abrasion cycles to failure. Tex-Pac grouped materials into two seperate groups,therefore, the components of variance and the critical differences are reported separately.Consequently no multi-material compari-sons were made.12.4Bias—The value of inflated diaphragm abrasion cycles to failure of textile fabrics can only be defined in terms of a test method.Within this limitation,Test Method D3886has no known bias.13.Keywords13.1abrasion;woven fabric;and knitted fabric7A copy is available from ASTM Headquarters,100Barr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959.TABLE1Grand Average and Components of Variance AExpressed as Standard Deviations for Inflated DiaphragmAbrasion Cycles to FailureGrand Averageand ComponentMaterial1Material2Material3Grand average45101585309Single-operator component47522676 Within-laboratory component029068 Between-laboratory component57300A The square roots of the components of variance are being reported to express the variability in the appropriate units of measure rather than as the squares of those units of measure.TABLE2Critical Differences for Inflated Diaphragm Abrasion Cycles to Failure for the Conditions Noted AMaterialsNumber ofObservations inEach AverageSingle-OperatorPrecisionWithin-LaboratoryPrecisionBetween-LaboratoryPrecision 11131613162061293093018415588588169410416416164221626101810182443917917528085085010198827827 3121228428421502412415952122121067201201A The critical differences were calculated using t=1.960,which is based on infinite degrees offreedom.ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this ers of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights,and the risk of infringement of such rights,are entirely their own responsibility.This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed everyfive years and if not revised,either reapproved or withdrawn.Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters.Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee,which you may attend.If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards,at the address shown below.This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959, United States.Individual reprints(single or multiple copies)of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at610-832-9585(phone),610-832-9555(fax),or service@(e-mail);or through the ASTM website ().。