Python模考试题一、单选题(共57题,每题1分,共57分)1.下面代码的输出结果是( )>>> bin(10)A、‘0d1010’B、‘0x1010’C、‘0b1010’D、‘0o1010’正确答案:C2.二维列表ls=[[1,2,3], [4,5,6],[7,8,9]],以下选项中能获取其中元素9的是( )A、ls[–2][–1]B、ls[–1]C、ls[–1][–1]D、ls[0][–1]正确答案:C3."下面代码的输出结果是( )Def hello_world(): print('ST',end="*") def three_hellos(): for i in range(3): hello_world() three_hellos()"A、STSTST*B、ST*C、STSTD、***正确答案:A4.选出对下列语句不符合语法要求的表达式: for var in ____________ : print varA、(1,2,3)B、{1,2,3,4,5}C、”Hello”D、range(0,10)正确答案:B5.以下关于函数参数传递的描述,错误的是:A、调用函数时,可变数量参数被当做元组类型传递到函数中B、定义函数的时候,可选参数必须写在非可选参数的后面C、Python 支持可变数量的参数,实参用”*参数名”表示D、函数的实参位置可变,需要形参定义和实参调用时都要给出名称正确答案:C6.当打开一个不存在的文件时,以下选项中描述正确的是( )A、文件不存在则创建文件B、一定会报错C、根据打开类型不同,可能不报错D、不存在文件无法被打开正确答案:C7.写出下面代码的运行结果。
def Sum(a, b=3, c=5): print(a,b,c)Sum(a=8, c=2)A、8,3,2B、8 2C、8,2D、8 3 2正确答案:D8."下面代码的输出结果是( ) for s in “HelloWorld”: if s==“W”: break print(s, end="")"A、HelloorldB、HelloC、WorldD、HelloWorld正确答案:B9.下面( )不是有效的变量名。
python一级考试题库带答案1. 以下哪个选项是Python语言中定义列表的正确方式?A. list = {1, 2, 3}B. list = [1, 2, 3]C. list = (1, 2, 3)D. list = 1, 2, 3答案:B2. Python中,以下哪个关键字用于定义函数?A. defB. functionC. methodD. class答案:A3. 在Python中,以下哪个操作符用于比较两个值是否不相等?A. ==B. !=C. =D. <=答案:B4. Python中,以下哪个选项是正确的字符串格式化方式?A. print("Hello, %s" % "world")B. print("Hello, {0}".format("world"))C. print("Hello, {}".format("world"))D. print("Hello, " + "world")答案:A、B、C5. 在Python中,以下哪个选项是正确的字典定义方式?A. dict = {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}B. dict = ("key1": "value1", "key2": "value2")C. dict = ["key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"]D. dict = {key1: "value1", key2: "value2"}答案:A6. Python中,以下哪个选项用于创建一个空集合?A. set = {}B. set = []C. set = set()D. set = ()答案:C7. 在Python中,以下哪个选项是正确的条件语句格式?A. if condition:indented_blockB. if condition {indented_blockC. if condition:indented_blockD. if (condition) {indented_block答案:A8. Python中,以下哪个选项是正确的循环结构?A. for item in iterable:indented_blockB. for item in iterable {indented_blockC. while condition:indented_blockD. while condition {indented_block答案:A、C9. 在Python中,以下哪个选项是正确的异常处理结构?A. try:indented_blockexcept Exception as e:indented_blockB. try:indented_blockcatch Exception as e:indented_blockC. try:indented_blockexcept Exception e:indented_blockD. try:indented_blockcatch Exception e:indented_block答案:A10. Python中,以下哪个选项是正确的列表推导式?A. [x for x in range(10)]B. (x for x in range(10))C. {x for x in range(10)}D. [x: x in range(10)]答案:A结束语:以上是Python一级考试题库的部分题目及答案,希望对您的学习和备考有所帮助。
vb一级考试试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 在Visual Basic中,以下哪个关键字用于声明变量?A. DimB. LetC. ConstD. Function答案:A2. 下列哪个选项不是Visual Basic中的控制结构?A. 顺序结构B. 选择结构C. 循环结构D. 递归结构答案:D3. 在Visual Basic中,以下哪个函数用于计算一个数的绝对值?A. AbsB. RoundC. IntD. Sgn答案:A4. Visual Basic中,以下哪个事件是当窗体被双击时触发的?A. ClickB. DblClickC. MouseDownD. MouseUp答案:B5. 在Visual Basic中,以下哪个属性用于设置文本框的只读状态?A. ReadOnlyB. EnabledC. VisibleD. BackColor答案:A6. Visual Basic中,以下哪个关键字用于循环结构?A. ForB. WhileC. DoD. All of the above答案:D7. 在Visual Basic中,以下哪个方法用于打开一个文件?A. OpenB. CloseC. WriteD. Print答案:A8. Visual Basic中,以下哪个函数用于将字符串转换为数值?A. StrB. ValC. ChrD. Asc答案:B9. 在Visual Basic中,以下哪个属性用于设置窗体的标题?A. CaptionB. TextC. NameD. Title答案:A10. Visual Basic中,以下哪个控件用于显示图像?A. LabelB. PictureBoxC. ImageD. Shape答案:B二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 在Visual Basic中,使用________关键字可以定义一个子程序。
答案:Sub2. 如果需要在Visual Basic中创建一个数组,可以使用________关键字。
代码实现def print_even_numbers(n):for i in range(1, n + 1):if i % 2 == 0:print(i)n = int(input("请输入一个整数n: "))print_even_numbers(n)题目二题目描述编写一个Python程序,要求输入一个字符串,然后统计字符串中每个字符出现的次数,并将结果以字典的形式输出。
代码实现def count_characters(string):char_count = {}for char in string:if char in char_count:char_count[char] += 1else:char_count[char] = 1return char_countstring = input("请输入一个字符串: ")result = count_characters(string)print(result)题目三题目描述编写一个Python程序,要求实现一个简单的计算器,可以进行加法、减法、乘法和除法运算。
代码实现def add(a, b):return a + bdef subtract(a, b):return a - bdef multiply(a, b):return a * bdef divide(a, b):return a / bdef calculator():print("请选择要进行的运算:")print("1. 加法")print("2. 减法")print("3. 乘法")print("4. 除法")choice = int(input("请输入选项: "))a = float(input("请输入第一个数字: "))b = float(input("请输入第二个数字: "))if choice == 1:result = add(a, b)elif choice == 2:result = subtract(a, b)elif choice == 3:result = multiply(a, b)elif choice == 4:result = divide(a, b)else:print("无效选项")returnprint("运算结果:", result)calculator()以上是2022年3月Python一级技能考试的真题及答案,希望对您有帮助。
2024年1月全国计算机二级Python考试选择题英文版National Computer Level Two Python Exam Multiple Choice Questions January 20241. Which of the following is a built-in Python data type?a) Integerb) Stringc) Listd) All of the above2. What is the output of the following code snippet?x = 5y = 3print(x + y)a) 8b) 53c) 35d) Error3. Which of the following is used to declare a function in Python?a) defb) functionc) defined) func4. What does the 'elif' keyword represent in Python?a) Else ifb) Else loopc) Elif loopd) None of the above5. How do you comment out a single line of code in Python?a) // commentb) /* comment */c) # commentd) <!-- comment -->6. What is the output of the following code snippet?my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]print(my_list[2])a) 3b) 1c) 5d) Error7. Which of the following is NOT a valid Python comparison operator?a) ==b) !=c) <=d) ><8. What is the correct way to import a module named 'math' in Python?a) import mathb) include mathc) from math import *d) use math9. What is the purpose of the 'break' statement in Python?a) To skip the current iterationb) To exit the loopc) To start a new loopd) To print a message10. How do you check the length of a list named 'my_list' in Python?a) len(my_list)b) count(my_list)c) size(my_list)d) length(my_list)。
驾校题库 python 代码
驾校题库 Python 代码随着科技的不断发展,计算机编程已经成为了一种必备的技能。
1. 导入题目数据我们需要准备驾校题库的数据。
示例代码如下:```pythondef import_questions(file_path):questions = []with open(file_path, 'r') as file:for line in file:question, answer = line.strip().split(',')questions.append({'question': question, 'answer': answer}) return questions```2. 随机抽取题目接下来,我们可以编写代码来实现随机抽取题目的功能。
示例代码如下:```pythonimport randomdef select_question(questions):return random.choice(questions)```3. 用户答题和答案判断现在,我们已经可以随机抽取题目了,接下来需要编写代码来实现用户答题和答案判断的功能。
示例代码如下:```pythondef m本人n():file_path = 'questions.txt'questions = import_questions(file_path)while True:question = select_question(questions)print(question['question'])user_answer = input('请输入您的答案:')if user_answer == question['answer']:print('回答正确!')else:print('回答错误!正确答案是:', question['answer'])continue_or_not = input('是否继续答题?(输入yes继续,输入其他任意字符退出):')if continue_or_not != 'yes':breakif __name__ == '__m本人n__':m本人n()```4. 总结通过以上代码示例,我们可以看到,利用Python代码可以很方便地实现驾校题库的功能。
Python考试模拟题(含参考答案)一、单选题(共57题,每题1分,共57分)1.下面代码的输出结果是( )x=[] for num in range(2, 10): if num > 1: for i in range(2, num): if(num % i) != 0: break else: x.append(num) print(x)A、[4,4,8,8]B、[2,3,5,7]C、[2,4,6,8]D、[4,6,6,8]正确答案:D2.关于Python组合数据类型,以下选项中描述错误的是( )A、*Python的str、tuple和list类型都属于序列类型B、序列类型是二维元素向量,元素之间存在先后关系,通过序号访问C、组合数据类型可以分为3类:序列类型、集合类型和映射类型D、*Python组合数据类型能够将多个同类型或不同类型的数据组织起来,通过单一的表示使数据操作更有序、更容易正确答案:B3.字典对象的______________方法返回字典的“值”列表A、items()B、key()C、keys()D、values()正确答案:D4.关于高维数据,以下选项中描述错误的是( )A、高维数据可用于表达一二维数据B、高维数据用来表达索引和数据之间的关系C、高维数据只能表达键值对数据D、“键值对”是高维数据的主要特征正确答案:C5.以下( )类型不可以进行切片操作 ( )A、strB、tupleC、dictD、list正确答案:C6.对于序列s,能够返回序列s中第i到j以k为步长的元素子序列的表达是( )A、s[i; j; k]B、s(i, j, k)C、s[i:j:k]D、s[i, j, k]正确答案:C7.以下关于Python循环结构的描述中,错误的是( )A、Python通过for、while等保留字构建循环结构B、continue只结束本次循环C、break用来结束当前次语句,但不跳出当前的循环体D、遍历循环中的遍历结构可以是字符串、文件、组合数据类型和range()函数正确答案:C8.Python语句:f = open(),以下选项中对f的描述错误的是( )A、将f当作文件对象,f.read()可以读入文件全部信息B、表达式print(f)执行将报错C、*f是一个Python内部变量类型D、*f是文件句柄,用来在程序中表达文件正确答案:B9.给定字典d,以下选项中对d.get(x, y)的描述正确的是( )A、返回字典d中键为y的值,如果不存在,则返回yB、返回字典d中键为x的值,如果不存在,则返回yC、返回字典d中值为y的值,如果不存在,则返回xD、返回字典d中键值对为x:y的值正确答案:B10.对于一个列表aList和一个元组bTuple,以下函数调用错误的选项是( )?A、sorted(aList)B、bTuple.sort()C、aList.sort()D、sorted(bTuple)正确答案:B11.以下程序的输出结果是( ) for i in “the number changes”: ifi == ‘n’: break else: print( i, end= “”)A、the umber chagesB、theC、theumberchagesD、thenumberchanges正确答案:B12.len(“abc”)的长度是3,len(“老师好”)的长度是( )A、6B、1C、9D、3正确答案:D13.关于Python程序中与“缩进”有关的说法中,以下选项中正确的是( )A、缩进在程序中长度统一且强制使用B、缩进统一为4个空格C、缩进可以用在任何语句之后,表示语句间的包含关系D、缩进是非强制性的,仅为了提高代码可读性正确答案:A14.以下选项中可访问字符串s从右侧向左第三个字符的是( )A、s[:-3]B、s[-3]C、s[0:-3]D、s[3]正确答案:B15.下列表达式中返回为True的是 ( )A、(3,2) > (‘a’,‘b’)B、‘abc’ > ‘xyz’C、0x56 > 56D、3 > 2 > 2正确答案:C16.关于 Python 语言的注释,以下选项中描述错误的是( )A、Python 语言的多行注释以 ' ' '(三个单引号)开头和结尾B、Python 语言的单行注释以单引号 ' 开头C、Python 语言的单行注释以#开头D、Python 语言有两种注释方式:单行注释和多行注释正确答案:B17.random.uniform(a,b)的作用是( )A、生成一个[a, b]之间的随机整数B、生成一个(a, b)之间的随机数C、生成一个均值为a,方差为b的正态分布D、生成一个[a, b]之间的随机小数正确答案:D18.以下哪个不属于面向对象的特征( )A、封装B、继承C、多态D、复合正确答案:D19.以下不合法的表达式是A、x-6>5B、e>5 and 4==fC、3=aD、x in [1,2,3,4,5]正确答案:C20.Python 3.x语句 print(1, 2, 3, sep=':' ) 的输出结果是A、123B、1 2 3C、1:2:3D、1,2,3正确答案:C21.语句x=input()执行时,如果从键盘输入12并按回车键,则x的值是A、‘12’B、12.0C、(12)D、12正确答案:A22.以下选项中能够实现Python循环结构的是( )A、whileB、ifC、loopD、do…for正确答案:A23.下列选项中,幂运算的符号为( )A、**B、%C、*D、++正确答案:A24."下面代码的执行结果是( )>>> x = "Happy Birthday to you!" >>> x * 3"A、系统报错B、Happy Birthday to you!C、Happy Birthday to you!Happy Birthday to you!Happy Birthday to you!’D、Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you!正确答案:C25.与关系表达式x==0等价的表达式是A、x=0B、x!=1C、xD、not x正确答案:D26.下列表达式的值为True的是A、2!=5 or 0B、5+4j>2-3jC、3>2>2D、1 and 5==0正确答案:A27.Python 3.x 版本的保留字总数是( )A、27B、33C、29D、16正确答案:B28.以下关于函数参数传递的描述,错误的是:A、函数的实参位置可变,需要形参定义和实参调用时都要给出名称B、Python 支持可变数量的参数,实参用”*参数名”表示C、调用函数时,可变数量参数被当做元组类型传递到函数中D、定义函数的时候,可选参数必须写在非可选参数的后面正确答案:B29.以下选项中,符合Python语言变量命名规则的是( )A、TemplistB、(VR)C、!1D、5_1正确答案:A30.以下选项中,不是具体的Python序列类型的是( )A、元组类型B、数组类型D、列表类型C、字符串类型正确答案:B31.Python表达式中,可以控制运算有限顺序的是A、尖括号<>B、大括号{}C、方括号[]D、圆括号()正确答案:D32.选出对下列语句不符合语法要求的表达式: for var in ____________ : print varA、(1,2,3)B、range(0,10)C、{1,2,3,4,5}D、”Hello”正确答案:C33.以下选项中不是文件操作函数或方法的是( )A、readlinesB、readC、loadD、writelines正确答案:C34."当键盘输入”3”的时候,以下程序的输出结果是( ) r = input("请输入半径:")Ar = 3.1415 * r *r print("{:.0f}".format(ar))"A、28B、28.27C、29D、Type Error正确答案:D35.以下程序的输出结果是: n=5 while n>2: print(n) n=n-1A、5 4 3;B、5C、5 4 3 2 1D、5 4 3正确答案:D36.以下选项中描述正确的是( )A、条件24<=28<25是合法的,且输出为FalseB、条件35<=45<75是合法的,且输出为FalseC、条件24<=28<25是不合法的D、条件24<=28<25是合法的,且输出为True正确答案:A37.以下选项中可用作Python标识符的是( )A、3B9909B、classC、___D、it’s正确答案:C38.以下不能创建一个字典的语句是( )A、dict = {(4,5,6):‘dictionary’}B、dict= {4:6}C、dict = {}D、dict = {[4,5,6]:‘dictionary’}正确答案:D39.关于Python的元组类型,以下选项中描述错误的是( )A、元组一旦创建就不能被修改B、一个元组可以作为另一个元组的元素,可以采用多级索引获取信息C、Python中元组采用逗号和圆括号(可选)来表示D、元组中元素不可以是不同类型正确答案:D40.Python定义私有变量的方法为( )。
Python模拟习题(附答案)一、单选题(共57题,每题1分,共57分)1.下列不合法的Python变量名是( )A、Hello$WorldB、N_xC、Python2D、sum正确答案:A2.以下选项不属于 Python 整数类型的是( )A、十进制B、二进制C、十二进制D、八进制正确答案:C3.以下选项中,不是Python IDE的是( ) -A、PyCharm -B、Jupyter Notebook-C、Spyder-D、R studio正确答案:D4.使用( )关键字来创建python自定义函数。
A、functionB、funcC、procedureD、def正确答案:D5.以下语句的运行结果是>>>Python = “ Python”>>> print (“ study” + Python)A、语法错误B、“study“PythonC、study PythonD、studyPython正确答案:C6.下列( )语句在Python中是非法的A、x = (y = z + 1)B、x, y = y, xC、x += yD、x = y = z = 1正确答案:A7.关于列表数据结构,下面描述正确的是( )A、不支持 in 运算符B、必须按顺序插入元素C、可以不按顺序查找元素D、所有元素类型必须相同正确答案:C8.以下选项中,对CSV格式的描述正确的是( )A、CSV文件以英文特殊符号分隔元素B、CSV文件以英文逗号分隔元素C、CSV文件以英文空格分隔元素D、CSV文件以英文分号分隔元素正确答案:B9.关于Python的无限循环,以下选项中描述错误的是( )A、无限循环通过while保留字构建B、无限循环也称为条件循环C、无限循环一直保持循环操作,直到循环条件不满足才结束D、无限循环需要提前确定循环次数正确答案:D10."下面代码实现的功能描述为( )Def fact(n): if n==0: return 1 else:Return n*fact(n-1)Num =eval(input("请输入一个整数:")) print(fact(abs(int(num))))"A、接受用户输入的整数N,输出N的阶乘值B、接受用户输入的整数N,判断N是否是素数并输出结论C、接受用户输入的整数N,判断N是否是水仙花数D、接受用户输入的整数N,判断N是否是完数并输出结论正确答案:A11.下列函数中,用于返回元组中元素最小值的是( )A、minB、maxD、len正确答案:A12.关于函数的关键字参数使用限制,以下选项中描述错误的是( )A、关键字参数必须位于位置参数之前B、关键字参数顺序无限制C、不得重复提供实际参数D、关键字参数必须位于位置参数之后正确答案:A13.给出下面代码: k=10000 while k>1: print(k) k=k/2 上述程序的运行次数是( )A、1000B、14C、13D、15正确答案:B14.字符串是一个字符序列,例如,字符串s,从右侧向左第2个字符用( )索引?A、s[0:-2]B、s[2]C、s[:-2]D、s[-2]正确答案:D15.下列运算符的使用错误的是( )A、-10 % -3B、3 * ‘abc’C、[1, 2, 3] + [4, 5, 6]D、1 + ‘a’正确答案:D16.下面代码的执行结果是( )>>> def area(r, pi = 3.14159): return pi * r * r>>> area(3.14, 4)A、39.4384B、出错C、50.24正确答案:A17."下面代码的输出结果是( ) for a in ‘mirror’: print(a, end="") if a == ‘r’: break"A、miB、mirrorC、mirD、Mirror正确答案:C18.使用( )关键字声明匿名函数A、funcB、functionC、defD、lambda正确答案:D19.下面代码的输出结果是>>> hex(255)A、‘0bff’B、‘0xff’C、'0offD、'0eff正确答案:B20.已知x=2,语句x*=x+1执行后,x的值是( )A、6B、3C、2D、4正确答案:A21.已知x=10,y=20,z=30;以下语句执行后x,y,z的值是()。
大学js考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. JavaScript中,用于声明变量的关键字是?A. varB. letC. constD. function答案:A2. 下列哪个选项不是JavaScript中的原始数据类型?A. NumberB. StringC. ObjectD. Boolean答案:C3. 以下哪个方法可以用来创建一个新的对象?A. new Object()B. {}C. Object.create()D. 以上都是答案:D4. 在JavaScript中,哪个函数可以用来将字符串转换为小写?A. toLowerCase()B. toUpperCase()C. toLocaleLowerCase()D. toLocaleUpperCase()答案:A5. 下列哪个选项是JavaScript中的全局对象?A. windowB. documentC. navigatorD. 以上都是答案:D6. 在JavaScript中,如何获取当前日期和时间?A. new Date()B. Date.now()C. Date()D. getTime()答案:A7. 以下哪个选项是JavaScript中用于数组的迭代方法?A. forEach()B. map()C. filter()D. 以上都是答案:D8. 在JavaScript中,如何判断一个变量是否是数组类型?A. Array.isArray()B. typeofC. instanceofD. 以上都是答案:A9. 下列哪个选项是JavaScript中用于创建函数的关键字?A. functionB. varC. letD. const答案:A10. 在JavaScript中,如何声明一个立即执行的函数表达式?A. (function() { ... })()B. function() { ... }()C. let x = function() { ... }D. 以上都是答案:A二、填空题(每题3分,共30分)1. 在JavaScript中,使用________关键字可以声明一个全局变量。
Python 学生成绩管理系统代码开源代码一、介绍1. Python 学生成绩管理系统是一款使用 Python 编程语言开发的学生成绩管理系统,旨在帮助教师和学生更轻松地管理学生成绩信息,提高教学和学习效率。
2. 该系统具有管理学生信息、录入成绩、查询成绩等功能,操作简单方便,适合各类学校和教育机构使用。
二、功能1. 学生信息管理- 实现学生信息的录入、删除、修改等操作,包括学号、尊称、性别、芳龄、班级等基本信息。
2. 成绩录入- 支持教师录入学生成绩信息,包括各科目成绩、总成绩等,方便进行成绩分析和统计。
3. 成绩查询- 学生和教师可以通过系统进行成绩查询,快速准确地了解个人或班级成绩情况。
4. 数据分析- 系统提供成绩分析功能,支持各类成绩报表的生成和导出,方便教师进行成绩分析和评估。
三、代码开源1. 该学生成绩管理系统的代码完全开源,任何人都可以获取并自由使用、修改和分发。
2. 欢迎各类开发者参与进来,为系统的改进和完善贡献自己的力量,共同推动教育信息化的发展。
四、使用方法1. 下载安装 Python 开发环境2. 获取学生成绩管理系统的源代码3. 打开 Python 集成开发环境(IDE),导入系统代码4. 运行系统代码,即可在本地搭建起学生成绩管理系统五、系统截图[这里可以插入系统界面截图,展示系统的操作界面和功能模块]六、未来展望1. 在系统开源的基础上,期待引入更多先进的技术和功能,例如人脸识别、智能推荐等,实现更智能、更便捷的学生成绩管理。
2. 不断优化系统的用户体验和操作界面,提高系统的稳定性和安全性,为广大教育工作者和学生提供更好的服务。
七、结语1. Python 学生成绩管理系统代码开源,是为了促进科技和教育的良性互动,让技术更好地服务于教育事业。
2. 愿我们的努力能够为教育信息化的进步和发展贡献自己的一份力量,让教学和学习变得更加高效和便捷。
以上是关于 Python 学生成绩管理系统代码开源代码的介绍,欢迎大家下载使用,并提出宝贵的意见和建议,让我们一同推动教育信息化事业的发展。
Python等级一考试-2022年3月原题详解(答案及代码)问题1nums = [4, 5, 6, 7, 8]result = []for num in nums:if num % 2 == 0:result.append(num)print(result)解析该代码段的目的是从给定的列表`nums`中筛选出所有的偶数,并将它们存储在`result`列表中。
答案结果:[4, 6, 8]问题2def calculate_average(nums): total = 0for num in nums:total += numaverage = total / len(nums) return averagestudent_grades = {'Alice': [85, 90, 92],'Bob': [78, 82, 80],'Charlie': [90, 88, 92]}averages = {}for student, grades in student_grades.items():averages[student] = calculate_average(grades)print(averages)解析该代码段定义了一个名为`calculate_average`的函数,该函数接受一个数字列表作为参数,并返回该列表中所有数字的平均值。
FCRA考试题-1⼊门基础1. (多选)以下⽅式中属于FineReport中预览模式的有( )A.填报预览B.分页预览C.数据分析D.表单预览答案:ABC。
分页预览、填报预览、数据分析、新填报预览、移动端预览----------------------------------------------------------------------2. (判断)FineReport报表⼯具必须购买激活码后才能使⽤。
----------------------------------------------------------------------3. (多选)访问帮助⽂档的⽅式有哪些?答案:1.设计器中社区菜单下》帮助⽂档;2. 直接访问;3. 论坛⾸页-⽂档-FineReport帮助⽂档;4. 官⽅⾸页-学习园地-帮助⽂档----------------------------------------------------------------------4. (单选)FineReport⽬前可以在应⽤中⼼下载⼤量的插件进⾏扩展应⽤,应⽤中⼼的⽹址是()答案:https:///----------------------------------------------------------------------5. (多选)FineReport设计好的模板可以导出的格式种类有()答案:PDF、WORD、Excel----------------------------------------------------------------------6. (多选)FineReport设计好的模板在形成报表预览时可以导出的格式种类有()答案:PDF:导出PDF格式⽂件;Excel:导出Excel格式⽂件,⼜分为分页导出、原样导出、分页分Sheet导出,详细请查看Excel多种导出⽅式⽂档;Word:导出Word格式⽂件,不⽀持导出悬浮元素,详细请查看Word导出Image:导出为图⽚,⼜分为JPG、PNG、GIF和BMP四种格式。
按键精灵一级考试答案一、单选题(每题2分,共10分)1. 按键精灵中,用于循环执行某段代码的命令是:A. 循环B. 判断C. 等待D. 跳转答案:A2. 在按键精灵中,如何表示按键按下事件?A. KeyDownB. KeyUpC. KeyPressD. KeyRelease答案:A3. 按键精灵支持的脚本语言是:A. VBScriptB. JavaScriptC. PythonD. Lua答案:A4. 按键精灵中,用于获取当前系统时间的函数是:A. GetTimeB. GetDateC. GetDateTimeD. GetNow答案:C5. 在按键精灵中,如何表示按键弹起事件?A. KeyDownB. KeyUpC. KeyPressD. KeyRelease答案:B二、判断题(每题1分,共5分)1. 按键精灵可以模拟鼠标和键盘操作。
(对)2. 按键精灵不支持循环结构。
(错)3. 按键精灵中,可以使用“等待”命令来暂停脚本执行。
(对)4. 按键精灵只能模拟键盘操作,不能模拟鼠标操作。
(错)5. 按键精灵支持多线程操作。
(对)三、填空题(每题2分,共10分)1. 在按键精灵中,使用________命令可以结束当前循环。
答案:ExitLoop2. 按键精灵中,________函数用于获取当前的系统时间。
答案:GetDateTime3. 按键精灵支持的脚本语言是________。
答案:VBScript4. 在按键精灵中,使用________命令可以创建一个新的循环。
答案:For 或 While5. 按键精灵中,________函数用于获取当前的系统日期。
答案:GetDate四、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. 请简述按键精灵的主要功能。
2. 按键精灵中如何实现条件判断?答案:在按键精灵中,可以使用If...Then...Else...End If结构来实现条件判断。
第一部分:选择题(每题5分,共计25分)1. 以下哪个关键字用于定义一个类的构造函数?A. `new`B. `create`C. `initialize`D. `setup`答案:C. `initialize`2. Ruby中,哪个方法用于获取数组中元素的索引?A. `index`B. `find_index`C. `each_index`D. `pos`答案:A. `index`3. 以下哪个方法用于将字符串转换为大写?A. `upcase`B. `uppercase`C. `to_upper`D. `up`答案:A. `upcase`4. 在Ruby中,如何定义一个方法的参数默认值?A. 使用`=`赋值B. 使用`:`赋值C. 使用`=>`赋值D. 使用`|`赋值答案:C. 使用`=>`赋值5. 以下哪个符号表示Ruby中的模块?A. `::`B. `%`C. `$`D. `@`答案:A. `::`第二部分:填空题(每题5分,共计25分)1. 在Ruby中,定义一个类的方法时,需要使用____关键字。
答案:def2. Ruby中的数组可以使用____符号进行索引。
答案:[]3. 若想将一个变量定义为整数类型,需要在数值后面加上____符号。
答案:4. 在Ruby中,若想执行一个方法的块,需要使用____关键字。
答案:do5. 若想在Ruby中执行一个循环直到条件为假,需要使用____关键字。
答案:until第三部分:代码填空题(每题10分,共计30分)1. 请将以下代码补充完整,使其输出结果为"Hello, World!"。
NCT Python编程一级模拟测试题(一)
Python编程一级模拟测试题一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1.以下哪个是Python中的合法变量名?A. 1numberB. number_1C. number-1D. number 12.在Python中,打印输出信息的函数是:A. input()B. print()C. output()D. display()3.以下哪个符号用于注释单行代码?A. //B. /*C. #D. --4.如果a = 10,b = 3,那么a % b的值是:A. 1B. 3C. 0D. 105.哪个数据类型用于存储小数?A. intB. floatC. strD. bool6.以下哪个是Python中的逻辑运算符?A. andB. notC. orD. 以上都是7.要获取用户输入的信息,应使用哪个函数?A. input()B. print()C. get()D. read()8.下列哪种循环结构可以遍历一个列表中的每个元素?A. if循环B. for循环C. while循环D. do...while循环9.以下哪个是Python中的正确缩进方式?A. 使用空格或Tab键,保持每级代码缩进一致B. 任意使用空格或Tab键,无需一致C. 不需要缩进D. 用分号代替缩进10.要导入Python的标准库模块,如math,应使用哪个语句?A. include mathB. import mathC. using mathD. require math二、填空题(每题4分,共20分)1.在Python中,__________用于表示字符串。
( )2.在Python中,=用于比较两个值是否相等。
下列程序的功能是:计算 1+(1+2)+(1+2+3)+……,求累加到第 几项的时候它的和超过50000。 * 请填空: Option Explicit Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim i%, _____ %, s! i=0 t=0 s=0 ______ While _____ <= 50000 _____ = i + _____ _____ = t + _____ _____ = s + _____ Loop Print i End Sub 程序运行的结果是 ______
1、t 2、Do 3、s 4、i 5、1 6、t 7、i 8、s 9、t 10、66
* 下列程序的功能是:求个位数是6,且能 被3整除的所有四位数之和。 * 请填空: __________ Explicit Private Sub Command1_Click() _______ s!, _____ % s = _____ For _____ = 1000 To 9999 If _________ (i, 1) = 6 And i Mod 3 = 0 Then _____ = s _____ _____ End If Next i Print s End Sub 程序运行的结果是 ___________
1、KeyPress 2、+ 3、Text
下列程序的功能是:有200元钱需要兑换成零钱,零钱有10 元,5元,1元三种面额,输出所有的兑换方法。 * 请填空 Option Explicit Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim n%, i%, j%, k% n=0 For i = _____ To ______ For j = _____ To ______ For k = _____ To _______ If i * 10 + j * 5 + _____ = _______ Then n = n + _____ End If Next k
答案:pip install -- upgrade numpy3.使用pip工具查看当前已安装的Python扩展库的完整命令是_____________。
答案:pip list4.查看变量类型的Python内置函数是________________。
答案:type( )5.使用运算符测试集合包含集合A是否为集合B的真子集的表达式可以写作_______。
答案:A<B6.语句x = 3==3, 5执行结束后,变量x的值为_____________。
答案:(True, 5)7.已知x = 3,那么执行语句x += 6 之后,x的值为_______________。
答案:98.假设列表对象aList的值为[3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17],那么切片aList[3:7]得到的值是______________________。
答案:[6, 7, 9, 11]9.使用列表推导式生成包含10个数字5的列表,语句可以写为_______________。
答案:[5 for i in range(10)]10.假设有列表a = ['name', 'age', 'sex']和b = ['Dong', 38, 'Male'],请使用一个语句将这两个列表的内容转换为字典,并且以列表a中的元素为“键”,以列表b中的元素为“值”,这个语句可以写为_____________________。
答案:c = dict(zip(a, b))11.已知 a = [1, 2, 3]和 b = [1, 2, 4],那么id(a[1])==id(b[1])的执行结果为___________。
Python练习题库及答案一、单选题(共57题,每题1分,共57分)1.用()函数接收用输入的数据A、readline()B、input()C、accept()D、login()正确答案:B2.关于Python遍历循环,以下选项中描述错误的是( )A、遍历循环可以理解为从遍历结构中逐一提取元素,放在循环变量中,对于所提取的每个元素只执行一次语句块B、无限循环无法实现遍历循环的功能C、遍历循环中的遍历结构可以是字符串、文件、组合数据类型和range()函数等D、遍历循环通过for实现正确答案:B3.使用( )关键字来创建python自定义函数。
A、funcB、procedureC、defD、function正确答案:C4.字典对象的______________方法返回字典的“值”列表A、key()B、keys()C、values()D、items()正确答案:C5.下列哪项不是Python中对文件的读取操作( )A、readlinesB、readlineC、readallD、read正确答案:C6.以下选项中,不是Python对文件的读操作方法的是( )A、readB、readlinesC、readtextD、readline正确答案:C7."下面代码的输出结果是( ) for i in range(1,6): if i%3 == 0: break else: print(i,end =",")"A、1,2,3,4,5,B、1,2,C、1,2,3,D、1,2,3,4,5,6正确答案:B8.给出如下代码: MonthandFlower={“1月”:“梅花”,“2月”:“杏花”,“3月”:“桃花”, “4月”:“牡丹花”,\ 5月:“石榴花”,“6月”:“莲花”,“7月”:“玉簪花”,“8月”:“桂花”,“9月”:“菊花”,10月:“芙蓉花”,“11月”:“山茶花”,“12月”:“水仙花”} n = input(“请输入1-12的月份:”) print(n + “月份之代表花:” + MonthandFlower.get(str(n)+ “月”)) 以下选项中描述正确的是( )A、*MonthandFlower是一个列表B、*MonthandFlower是一个集合C、代码实现了从键盘上获取一个整数(1-12)来表示月份,输出该月份对应的代表花名D、*MonthandFlower是一个元组正确答案:C9.在print函数的输出字符串中可以将( )作为参数,代表后面指定要输出的字符串A、%cB、%dC、%sD、%t正确答案:C10.关于文件的打开方式,以下选项中描述正确的是( )A、文件只能选择二进制或文本方式打开B、所有文件都可能以文本方式打开C、文本文件只能以文本方式打开D、所有文件都可能以二进制方式打开正确答案:D11.关于Python语言的特点,以下选项中描述错误的是( )A、Python语言是多模型语言B、Python语言是非开源语言C、Python语言是脚本语言D、Python语言是跨平台语言正确答案:B12.面代码的输出结果是( )>>> oct(–255)A、‘–0o377’B、‘–0d377’C、‘0o–377’D、‘0d–377’正确答案:A13.下列表达式的值为True的是A、2!=5 or 0B、1 or TrueC、1 and 5==0D、3>2>2正确答案:A14.关于函数的参数,以下选项中描述错误的是( )A、可选参数可以定义在非可选参数的前面B、一个元组可以传递给带有星号的可变参数C、在定义函数时,可以设计可变数量参数,通过在参数前增加星号(*)实现D、在定义函数时,如果有些参数存在默认值,可以在定义函数时直接为这些参数指定默认值正确答案:A15.下面代码的输出结果是( ) str1=“k:1|k1:2|k2:3|k3:4” str_list=str1.split(’|’) d= {} for l in str_list: key,value=l.split(’:’) d[key]=value print(d)A、[‘k’:‘1’, ‘k1’:‘2’, ‘k2’:‘3’,‘k3’:‘4’]B、{k:1,k1:2,k2:3,k3:4}C、{‘k’: ‘1’, ‘k1’: ‘2’, ‘k2’: ‘3’, ‘k3’: ‘4’}D、[k:1,k1:2,k2:3,k3:4]正确答案:C16.下列运算符的使用错误的是( )A、1 + ‘a’B、3 * ‘abc’C、-10 % -3D、[1, 2, 3] + [4, 5, 6]正确答案:A17.写出下面代码的运行结果。
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Exam 11.aw ard:10 out of10 pointsA doctor completes a surgical procedure on a patient without error. The patient dies anyway. In operations management terms, we could refer to this doctor as being efficient but not effective.TrueFalse2.aw ard:10 out of10 pointsOperations and supply management is defined as the design, operation, and improvement of the systems that create and deliver the firm's primary products and services.TrueFalse5.aw ard:0 out of10 pointsReturning involves processes for receiving worn-out, defective, and excess products back from customers but does not involve support for customers who have problems with the product.TrueFalse→6.aw ard:10 out of10 pointsServices are defined and evaluated as a package of features that affect the five senses.TrueFalse9.aw ard:10 out of10 pointsEffectiveness means doing the right things to create the most value for the customer and the company.TrueFalse11.aw ard:10 out of10 points"Operations" refers to manufacturing and service processes used to transform resources employed by a firm into products desired by customers.TrueFalse13.aw ard:10 out of10 pointsBusiness process reengineering is contrasted to total quality management which commonly advocates incremental change.TrueFalse16.aw ard:10 out of10 pointsOperations management is essential because every organization has a production system to produce outputsTrueFalse17.aw ard:0 out of30 pointsA reason for studying operations management (OSM) is which of the following?Most business graduates do OSM work regardless of their job title.OSM is essential for understanding organizational behavior.All managers should understand the basic principles that guide the design of transformation processes.→OSM is the most rigorous business discipline.OSM is a required course in all business degree programs.18.aw ard:30 out of30 pointsThe Goods-Services Continuum consists of which set of the following categories?No goods, some goods, even mix, some service, no servicePure goods, core goods, core services, pure servicesNo service, some service, good service, excellent serviceSelf-service, help desk service, face-to-face service, service-with-a-smileNone of the above19.aw ard:0 out of30 pointsCurrent issues in OSM do not include:Making senior management aware that OSM can be a competitive weapon.The triple bottom line.Increasing global servitization networks.→Managing customer touch points.Coordinating relationships between organizations.21.aw ard:30 out of30 pointsWhich of the following is not a way that operations and supply processes are categorized?PlanningReturnSelectingDeliveryMaking22.aw ard:0 out of30 pointsOne of the package of features that make up a service are:PackagingCostFacilitating goods→Implied useAppearance24.aw ard:0 out of40 pointsAs Operations Manager, you are concerned about being able to meet sales requirements in the coming months. You have just been given the following production report.Jan Feb Mar AprUnits produced 2,460 1,740 2,990 2,860Hours per machine 342 185 394 322Number of machines 2 5 4 5Required:Find the average monthly productivity (units per hour). (Round your answer to 2 decimal places.)Average productivity 1.69 units per hourAs Operations Manager, you are concerned about being able to meet sales requirements in the coming months. You have just been given the following production report.Jan Feb Mar AprUnits produced 2,460 1,740 2,990 2,860Hours per machine 342 185 394 322Number of machines 2 5 4 5Required:Find the average monthly productivity (units per hour). (Round your answer to 2 decimal places.)Explanation:Average productivity (3.60 + 1.88 + 1.90 + 1.78)/4 = 2.29aw ard:25. 0 out of40 pointsSailmaster makes high-performance sails for competitive windsurfers. Below is information about the inputs and outputs for one model, the Windy 2000.Units sold 1,214Sale price each $ 1,560Total labor hours 46,662Wage rate $ 13.1 /hourTotal materials $ 46,000Total energy $ 4,300Required:Calculate the productivity in sales revenue/labor expense. (Round your answer to 2 decimal places.)3.12Sailmaster makes high-performance sails for competitive windsurfers. Below is information about the inputs and outputs for one model, the Windy 2000.Units sold 1,214Sale price each $ 1,560Total labor hours 46,662Wage rate $ 13.1 /hourTotal materials $ 46,000Total energy $ 4,300Required:Calculate the productivity in sales revenue/labor expense. (Round your answer to 2 decimal places.)Explanation:((1,214×1,560)/(46,662×13.1))=3.1026.aw ard:0 out of40 pointsA retail store had sales of $35,500 in April and $69,500 in May. The store employs six fulltime workers who work a 40 - hour week. In April the store also had seven part-time workers at 10 hours per week, and in May the store had eleven part-timers at 15 hours per week (assume four weeks in each month).Required:Using sales dollars as the measure of output, what is the percentage change in productivity from April to May? (Round your ans wer to 2 decimal places. Omit the "%" sign in your response.)4.98 %A retail store had sales of $35,500 in April and $69,500 in May. The store employs six fulltime workers who work a 40 - hour week. In April the store also had seven part-time workers at 10 hours per week, and in May the store had eleven part-timers at 15 hours per week (assume four weeks in each month).Required:Using sales dollars as the measure of output, what is the percentage change in productivity from April to May? (Round your ans wer to 2 decimal places. Omit the "%" sign in your response.)Explanation:Month Output inDollarsInput inHoursProductivity(Output/Input) Percentage ChangeApril $ 35,500 1,240 28.63May $ 69,500 1,620 42.90 (42.90-28.63)/28.63 = 49.85%27.aw ard:0 out of40 pointsA parcel delivery company delivered 102,000 packages in 2009, when its average employment was 78 drivers. In 2010 the firm handled 121,100 deliveries with 100 drivers.Required:What was the percentage change in productivity from 2009 to 2010? (Negative amount should be indicated by a minus sign. Round your ans wer to 2 decimal places. Omit the "%" sign in your response.)-.73 %A parcel delivery company delivered 102,000 packages in 2009, when its average employment was 78 drivers. In 2010 the firm handled 121,100 deliveries with 100 drivers.Required:What was the percentage change in productivity from 2009 to 2010? (Negative amount should be indicated by a minus sign. Round your ans wer to 2 decimal places. Omit the "%" sign in your response.)Explanation:YearOutputin PackagesInputin DriversProductivity(Output/Input) Percentage Change2009 102,000 78 1,307.692010 121,100 100 1,211.00 (1,211.00 - 1,307.69)/1,307.69 = -7.39% 28.aw ard:40 out of40 pointsAcme Corporation received the data below for its rodent cage production unit.Output Input59,000 cages Production time 613 labor hoursSales price: $3.5 per unit Wages $8.4 per hourRaw materials (total cost) $28,000Component parts (total cost) $15,400Required:Find the total productivity. (Round your ans wer to 2 decimal places.)4.25Acme Corporation received the data below for its rodent cage production unit.Output Input59,000 cages Production time 613 labor hoursSales price: $3.5 per unit Wages $8.4 per hourRaw materials (total cost) $28,000Component parts (total cost) $15,400Required:Find the total productivity. (Round your ans wer to 2 decimal places.)Explanation:(59,000 × 3.5)/((613 × 8.4) + 28,000 + 15,400) = 4.2529.aw ard:40 out of40 pointsThe total output from a production system in one day is 900 units and the total labor necessary to produce the 900 units is 900 hours. Using the appropriate productivity measure, what is the resulting productivity ratio?1.0001.4280.7000.411None of the above30.aw ard:40 out of40 pointsVarious financial data for SunPath Manufacturing for 2010 & 2011 follow.What is the percentage change in the multifactor labor and raw materials productivity measure for SunPath between 2010 & 2011?2.33-2.88-0.53-9.2210.3931.aw ard:40 out of40 pointsVarious financial data for SunPath Manufacturing for 2010 & 2011 follow.What is the percentage change in the energy partial productivity measure for SunPath between 2010 & 2011?-9.22-0.5322.222.332.8832.aw ard:40 out of40 pointsVarious financial data for SunPath Manufacturing for 2010 & 2011 follow.What is the percentage change in SunPath's total productivity measure between 2010 & 2011?2.88-0.53-9.222.3310.3933.aw ard:40 out of40 pointsThe total output from a production system in one day is 500 units and the total labor necessary to produce the 500 units is 350 hours. Using the appropriate productivity measure, which of the following numbers represents the resulting productivity ratio?1.0001.4280.7000.411None of the above34.aw ard:10 out of10 pointsThe triple bottom line considers evaluating the firm against social, economic, and environmental criteria.TrueFalse36.aw ard:10 out of10 pointsWall Street analysts are not particularly concerned with how efficient companies are from an operations and supply management view.TrueFalse38.aw ard:10 out of10 pointsInfrastructure decisions within operations strategy include the selection of the logic associated with the planning and control systems.TrueFalse39.aw ard:0 out of10 pointsInfrastructure decisions within operations strategy include the selection of the appropriate technology, the role of inventory and the location of facilities.TrueFalse→41.aw ard:10 out of10 pointsAn operations and supply strategy must be integrated with the organization's corporate strategy.TrueFalse43.aw ard:10 out of10 pointsAn order qualifier is a set of screening criteria that permits a firm's products to be considered as possible candidates for purchase.TrueFalse44.aw ard:10 out of10 pointsActivity-system maps are useful in understanding how well a system of activities fits the overall company's strategy.TrueFalse47.aw ard:30 out of30 pointsWhich of the following is not a major strategic operational competitive dimension that forms a company'scompetitive position?Management acumenCost or priceDelivery speedDelivery reliabilityCoping with changes in demand49.aw ard:30 out of30 pointsWhich of the following is not a measure of operations and supply management efficiency used by Wall Street?Inventory turnoverAsset turnoverReceivable turnoverEarnings per shareRevenue per employee50.aw ard:30 out of30 pointsWhich of the following is a partial measure of productivity?Output/MaterialsOutput/(Labor + Capital + Energy)Output/All resources usedOutput/InputsAll of the above51.aw ard:0 out of30 pointsWhich of the following is a total measure of productivity?Output/MaterialsOutput/(Labor + Capital + Energy)Output/LaborOutput/Inputs→All of the above52.aw ard:30 out of30 pointsIf all you knew about a production system was that total daily output was 400 units and the total labor necessary to produce the 400 units was 350 hours, and the total materials used were 425 units, what kind of productivity measure could you use to compute productivity?Partial measureMultifactor measureTotal measureA andB aboveB andC above53.aw ard:0 out of30 pointsWhich of the following individuals showed that the division of labor and specialization increases productivity?Henry FordHenry GanttFrank GilbrethPatrick HenryAdam Smith→54.aw ard:0 out of30 pointsIn the long run, which aspect(s) of productivity is/are important? I. Productivity growth rate. II. Productivity levelsII onlyI and III only→Neither I nor II55.aw ard:30 out of30 pointsWhich of the following concept suggests that different operations strategies can co-exist without confusion in the same facility?StraddlingPlant-within-PlantStructural DecisionsActivity Map57.aw ard:0 out of30 pointsIf unit costs decrease then which of the following is/are TRUE?TFP has increased→Multi factor Productivity has increasedFactor Intensity has decreasedAll of these are TRUEPartial Productivity has increased59.aw ard:0 out of30 pointsEfficiency is to Effectiveness as:JIT is to NATTactics is to strategy→BPR is to TQMStrategy is to tacticsTQM is to BPR。