八年级物理下学期期末质量检测试卷附解析1一、选择题1.下列数据与事实符合的是( )A .在海拔3000m 的山上用纸锅烧水,水的沸点可以到达100o CB .“蛟龙号”在6km 深的海里承受的压强大约6×103PaC .一个中学生的重力约为500ND .成年人站在地面上,对地面的压强大约是105Pa2.下图中F 1、F 2是平衡力的是( ) A .B .C .D .3.如图所示,在一辆表面光滑的小车上,放有质量分别为1m 、2m 的两个小球,随车一起作匀速直线运动。
当车突然停止运动,则两小球(设车无限长,其他阻力不计)( )A .一定相碰B .若12m m <,则肯定相碰C .一定不相碰D .无法确定是否相碰4.下列现象中利用了大气压强的是( ) A .雪橇做的比较宽大 B .拦河坝做的下宽上窄 C .用吸管喝饮料D .刀口磨的很锋利5.同一支密度计先后放在甲、乙两杯液体中,静止时的位置如图所示,密度计在两种液体中受到的浮力为F 甲、F 乙,两种液体的密度为ρ甲、ρ乙。
下列判断正确的是( )A .F F >甲乙B .ρρ=甲乙C .F F =甲乙D .ρρ甲乙>6.如图所示的简单机械中,省距离的是( )A . 旗杆上的定滑轮B . 夹东西的筷子C . 开门的把手D . 蜿蜒的盘山公路7.如图所示,水平桌面上放置一圆柱形平底玻璃杯,杯内水面漂浮着一空心冰块(空心部分空气的质量忽略不计),则冰熔化前后比较( )A .玻璃杯中液面的高度升高B .玻璃杯内液体的密度减小C .玻璃杯对桌面的压强增加D .液体对玻璃杯底部的压强不变8.在一个罐子的盖和底各开两个小洞,将小铁块用细绳绑在橡皮筋的中部穿入罐中,橡皮筋两穿过小洞用竹签固定(如图所示)。
下列说法正确的是( )A.加速滚下的过程中,重力势能全部转化为动能B.加速滚下的过程中,弹性势能转化为动能C.沿斜面向上滚动的过程中,弹性势能减小D.沿斜面向上滚动的过程中,动能转化成重力势能二、填空题9.力是物体对物体的 ______,用手把气球压瘪,气球形状的改变叫做 ______;气球力图恢复其原来的形状,会对手产生力,这种力称为 ______。
在新型飞机的研制中,将飞机模型放在风中固定不动,让风(高速流动的空气)迎面吹来,可以模拟飞机在空中的飞行情况,在此情境中以下说法正确的选项是〔〕A.飞机模型相对于地面是运动的B.飞机模型相对于空气是运动的C.空气相对于地面是静止的D.空气相对于飞机模型是静止的3.如图是探究声现象的四种实验情景,以下说法正确的选项是〔〕A.甲实验说明声音的传播需要介质B.乙实验说明钢尺振动的频率越高,响度越大C.丙实验说明音叉的振幅越大,音调越高D.丁实验说明声波不能传递能量4.缺水已是一个世界性问题,因此我们要珍惜每一滴水,一些严重缺水的国家,露水也是重要的水资源,露水的形成属于物态变化中的〔〕A.熔化B.汽化C.液化D.升华5.关于平面镜成像,以下说法正确的选项是〔〕A.平面镜所成像的大小与平面镜的大小有关B.平面镜所成的像是虚像C.平面镜所成的像是由光的折射形成的D.人向平面镜靠近0.2m,像将远离平面镜0.2m6.如以下图,以以下图片中的物理现象能说明光沿直线传播的是〔〕7.在实验室中常借助“沉坠法〞测定蜡块的密度,用天平测出蜡块的质量为m,用量筒测定蜡块的体积如以下图,则蜡块的密度表达式为〔〕A.m V1B.mV2+V3C.mV3-V2D.mV3-V2-V18.射水鱼爱吃生活在水面外的小昆虫,它用射水的方法击中水面外的小昆虫,以下关于射水鱼看见水面上的昆虫的光路图正确的选项是〔〕9.用摄像头扫描二维码(如图)可快速登录网页,访问网络数据。
物理八年级下学期期末检测试卷带解析1一、选择题1.下列选项中与 1N 力大小相当的是()A.一头大象受到的重力B.一只蚂蚁受到的重力C.两只鸡蛋受到的重力D.一个小孩受到的重力2.如图所示,大人和小孩分别推动同一箱子在相同地面上以不同的速度向右匀速运动,则他们的推力()A.F1>F2B.F1=F2C.F1<F2D.无法判断3.在探究得出牛顿第一定律后,小组同学展开了讨论,其中,你支持的说法是()A.牛顿第一定律是由实验探究直接得出的B.牛顿第一定律是由牛顿首先提出,并由伽利略等人总结出来的C.篮球不受力作用时运动状态将不会改变D.正在滚动的足球所受到的力突然消失了,它将停止4.下列四个实例中,其中能够增大压强的是()A.汽车装有很多轮子B.骆驼宽大的脚掌C .书包带做的很宽D .啄木鸟的喙非常尖锐5.如图所示,物理小组利用体积为1703cm 的潜水艇模型(忽略进气排气管的体积)探究潜水艇在水中如何实现上浮或下沉,下列说法不正确的是(331.010kg/m 10N /kg g ρ=⨯=水,取)( )A .模型浸没在水中受到的浮力为1.7NB .模型浸没后继续下沉的过程中受到的浮力大小不变C .若要让悬浮的模型上浮应使模型中进水D .潜水艇能上浮或下沉是通过改变自重实现的6.如图所示,在调节平衡后的杠杆两侧,分别挂上相同规格的钩码,杠杆处于平衡状态。
如果两侧各去掉一个钩码,则杠杆( )A .仍然平衡B .右端下降C .左端下降D .无法判断7.全球变暖已经日益威胁到生物的生存,如图为一对北极熊母子无助地坐在一块不断熔化缩小的浮冰上,若浮冰和北极熊始终处于漂浮状态,则随着浮冰的熔化( )A.浮冰在水中的体积大小不变B.浮冰受到的浮力在减小C.北极熊对冰块的压力在减小D.浮冰底部受到的压强不变8.如图所示,在大小相同的力F作用下,物体甲、乙、丙(m甲>m乙>m丙)都沿着力F的方向移动了相同距离s,比较力F对三个物体所做的功,正确的是()A.对甲做的功最多B.对乙做的功最多C.对丙做的功最多D.一样多二、填空题9.图甲小朋友用力将气球按扁,说明力可以改变物体的__________。
当物块向左匀速滑动的过程中,若要保持拉力F大小不变,则物块的重力应该()A.始终不变B.一直变大C.一直变小D.先变大后变小7.如图所示,相同体积的四个小球放在盛有水的四个相同容器中保持静止.C球对容器底有压力,D球上的细线处于拉伸状态,四个容器中的水面到容器底的深度相同,四个容器中对桌面产生的压强相等的有()A.1 个B.2 个C.3 个D.4 个8.小刚同学和爸爸一起去登山,登到山顶时,小刚用了15min,爸爸用了20min,爸爸的体重是小刚的1.5倍,小刚和爸爸做功的功率分别记为P1、P2,则()A.P1:P2=3:4 B.P1:P2=2:3C.P1:P2=1:2 D.P1:P2=8:9二、填空题9.网球运动员挥拍击球时,球拍的网面凹陷,说明力可以改变物体的 ______;网球在离开网面时,球网的 ______转化为网球的动能。
八年级物理下册期末综合检测试卷附解析1一、选择题1.下列物理常识,说法正确的是()A.托起两个鸡蛋的力大约是1NB.一个中学生所受重力大约是45﹣70NC.我们当地的大气压强约为1000 PaD.一个标准大气压可支持的水柱高约为760 mm2.下列与流体压强有关的现象和应用中叙述正确的是()A.小轿车高速行驶时,对水平路面的压力小于其重力B.吊扇在工作时,对天花板的拉力大于其重力C.高速行驶的列车产生的强大的气流会把靠近的人向外推倒D.平行于窗户的风吹过敞开的窗子时,窗帘会被吹向室内一侧3.如图所示是“探究阻力对物体运动的影响”的实验,下列有关叙述正确的是()A.三次实验小车从斜面静止下滑的位置可以不同B.运动的小车最终会停下来,说明物体的运动需要力来维持C.实验表明,小车受到的阻力越小,运动的距离越远D.根据二次实验现象进一步推理可以得出牛顿第一定律4.下列实例中,目的是为了增大压强的是()A.书包带做得较宽B.刀刃做得很薄C.坦克装有宽大的履带D.大型平板拖车装有很多轮子5.在一根表面涂蜡的细木棍的一端绕着适量的铁丝,把它放到甲、乙、丙三种密度不同的液体中,木棍浸入液体里的情况如图所示,则木棍在三种液体中受到的浮力F的大小及三个容器底部受到的液体的压强p的大小关系分别是()A.F甲=F乙=F丙p甲=p乙=p丙B.F甲<F乙<F丙p甲<p乙<p丙C.F甲<F乙<F丙p甲=p乙=p丙D.F甲=F乙=F丙p甲>p乙>p丙6.如图所示,用一个始终水平向右的力F,把杠杆OA从图示位置缓慢拉至水平的过程中,力F的大小将()A.变小B.不变C.变大D.先变大后变小7.如图所示,质量相等的甲、乙两个薄壁圆柱形容器内分别盛有深度相同的A、B两种液体,且ρA=2ρB。
鸡蛋在甲、乙两杯中所受浮力分别为F1和F2,液体对容器底部的压强分别为p1和p2则()A.F1= F2,p1< p2B.F1< F2,p1= p2C.F1> F2,p1> p2D.F1= F2,p1= p26.生活中许多工具都可看作是杠杆,下面几种工具在使用时属于费力杠杆的是()A.羊角锤B.起子C.食品夹D.扳手7.如图,两个完全相同的容器甲和乙放在水平桌面上,盛有不同浓度的盐水,将同一鸡蛋分别放入其中,鸡蛋静止时两容器内盐水的深度相同。
设鸡蛋在甲、乙两容器中所受浮力分别为1F和2F,盐水对甲、乙容器底部压强分别为1p和2p,则()A .12F F > 12p p >B .12F F = 12p p =C .12F F < 12p p =D .12F F = 12p p <8.如图甲所示,小球从竖直放置的弹簧正上方一定高度处由静止开始下落,从a 处开始接触弹簧,压缩至c 处时弹簧最短,从a 至c 的过程中,小球在b 处速度最大,小球的速度v 和弹簧被压缩的长度ΔL 之间的关系如图乙所示,不计空气阻力,则从a 至c 的过程中,下列说法中正确的是( )A .在a 处时小球受到的弹力等于自身重力B .小球在c 处速度为零,处于平衡状态C .在ab 段小球所受弹力小于重力,处于加速运动阶段D .在bc 段弹簧的弹性势能由小球的重力势能转化而来二、填空题9.如图所示,挤压矿泉水瓶,瓶子外形发生变化,表明力能__;用力越大,瓶子形变程度越大,说明力的作用效果跟 __有关,瓶子盖上有很多花纹是为了 __(选填“增大”或“减小”)摩擦。
A. 通过重庆公交车坠江事件,使人们深刻思考是什么原因酿成这次悲剧.
B. 完善义务教育经费保障机制,是我市义务教育资源得到均衡配置.
C. 相关专家呼吁尽快建立防控校园欺凌的有效机制,及早发现、制止和干预欺凌行为.
D. 为了营造更良好的读书氛围,学校开展了“文学名著阅读”系列活动.
A. 赋闲 记载 开恳 张目结舌 殚心竭虑 一丝不苟
B. 马褂 飓风 倦怠 摩肩接踵 杳无消息 深恶痛绝
C. 暴晒 田畴 防御 惟妙惟俏 油光可鉴 为富不仁
第Ⅱ卷 非选择题(共96分)
15. 诗中“____”一字写出了敌军人马众多来势凶猛.“塞上燕脂凝夜紫”从____方面(角度)铺写阴寒惨切的战地气氛.
人教版八年级下册期末综合检测卷(一)英语(满分:100分;考试时间:90分钟)学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________第I卷(选择题)一、单选题(每小题1分,共10分)1.Lang Lang, a great ________ as famous Chinese piano player, got married to Gina Alice who was born in Germany.A.surprise B.achievement C.success D.progress2.If am not sure what's wrong with Tom, it's better for me to ask him ________.A.yourself B.itself C.myself D.herself3.Peter is really hard-working on every subject, so he will ask a lot of questions ________ he sees his teachers.A.although B.as soon as C.whether D.until4.________ unbelievable news from BBC reminds us how important it is to be ________ honest man. A.An, an B.A, the C.An, a D.The, an5.We ________ feel sad to part with certain toys. When getting older, we are quite used to ________ what we need only.A.used to; keep B.are used to; keepingC.used to; keeping D.are used to; keep6.In order to save more pages, you need to ________ many words from your speech.A.cut out B.cut into C.cut off D.cut up7.It's a bad habit to leave our classroom ________ the lights on.A.with B.of C.about D.from8.—Which river is the ________ of the two, the Nile or the Yangtze River?—The Nile. And it is the ________ both in Africa and the world.A.longest; longer B.longest; longestC.longer; longest D.longer; longer9.—May I have a look at the watch? — ________. It doesn't' belong to me.A.No, thanks B.I'm afraid notC.Yes, please D.Never mind10.While she ________ excitedly about what happened yesterday morning, her husband ________ asleep. A.talked; was falling B.was talking; was fallingC.talked; fell D.was talking; fell二、完型填空(每小题1分,共10分)Mr Smith has a small supermarket in a small town. All the people who live nearby like to 11 there. But several years ago, a big chain store appeared in that area. It sold all kinds of things 12the toothbrush to TV and the price was pretty low 13 a lot of small shops closed down except(除了)Mr Smith's. The manager(经理) of the chain store wanted to find out the sceret. He saw a lady buying things there by accident and stopped her 14 and asked, “Madam, could you tell me why don't you buy them in the big chain store?”The lady told him the whole story. Three years ago after her divorce(离婚), she worked hard to raise her family herself. One day, when she bought things in the supermarket, Tom, one of her little children, asked her to buy him a new pair of shoes. He cried, “I had a basketball match, but all the people 15at me because of the shoes.” She wanted to but her money was only 16 for a bottle of milk. “I am sorry but I 17 when we have money...”the mother said. Tom ran away angrily. The woman stood there weeping(哭泣). Later she realized that 18 was patting(轻拍)on her back. It was Mr Smith. He gave her pai r of new shoes and said,“ Don't worry about the money. You can pay me later.”After that, the manager of the chain store knew the 19 of Mr Smith's success. He decided that he would think of the needs of his customers(顾客) 20 making money only .That's what makes a business successful.11.A.buy B.live C.shop D.appear12.A.off B.like C.about D.from13.A.and B.but C.so D.or14.A.angrily B.politely C.sadly D.satisfiedly 15.A.shouted B.smiled C.noticed D.laughed16.A.ready B.enough C.crazy D.perfect17.A.press B.push C.promise D.provide18.A.somebody B.nobody C.anybody D.everybody 19.A.meaning B.stress C.condition D.secret20.A.on the other hand B.in the face of C.in silence D.instead of三、阅读单选(每小题2分,共40分)ATeenagers can’t afford to buy expensive gi fts. So what do you do if you want to givegifts to the important people in your life? In fact, you don’t have to spend much money onholiday gifts. There are many cheap ways to do that.Here are some make-it-yourself gifts ideas to try:To your mom and dad:You can clean the room, sing a song or write a letter to your mom and dad. Youcould also draw a picture if you like that.To your teachers:Sometimes students put their pocket money together and buy a teacher a holidaygift. Some kids would like to give their own gifts. You can send a nice card with the wordsof thanks inside. You might even write down the favorite things you’ve learned in theteacher’s class this year. It will make the teacher feel happy. To the kids who need a friend:The holidays are a good time to think about people who are lonely. Maybe there issomeone in your class who doesn’t seem to have any friends. Try to do something for thisperson. It could be giving a Christmas card or just chatting with him or her. It’s a smallthing, but it could mean a lot to him or her. 21.According to the passage, teenagers don’t have to ______ their parents as a gift.A.sing a song to B.draw a picture forC.write a letter to D.buy an expensive gift for22.If you want to send your teacher a card, what will you write in it?A.Ways to improve your grades.B.The names of the students you don’t like.C.Something you’ve learned in the teacher’s class.D.The importance of making nice gifts by yourself.23.Which of the following is NOT true?A.You should spend much money buying gifts for your teacher.B.Chatting with a classmate who has few friends is also a good holiday gift. C.A small gift during holidays may mean a lot to someone who feels lonely. D.Sometimes students put their pocket money together to buy a teacher a gift. 24.You might see this passage in a(n) ______ .A.notice B.science book C.school newspaper D.advertisement 25.What’s the best title for the passage?A.Making Friends by Giving GiftsB.Making Holiday Gifts by YourselfC.How to Save Money During HolidayD.How to Choose Gifts for Different PeopleB26.Which film was released the earliest?A.Bao. B.Coco. C.Avengers. D.Totoro.27.Who is the director of Avengers:Endgame?A.Domee Shi. B.Miyazaki Hayao.C.Lee Edward Unkrich and Adrian Molina. D.Anthony Russo and Joe Russo.28.What can we learn from the information above?A.All of the films won Oscar Awards. B.Avengers: Endgame is a cartoon film.C.Only the director of Coco is from America. D.Coco and Totoro are both about adventures. 29.What's the purpose of writing these passages?A.To teach how to make friends. B.To ask people to watch TV.C.To introduce some films to people. D.To tell people how to make cartoons.30.Where can you find this passage?A.On the Internet. B.In a newspaper. C.In a textbook. D.In a novel.CThere is nothing worse than being cheated. Now body language expert Judi James tells you the key signs to find out whether someone is telling a lie. Here are some ways to help you.The long stop: Telling a lie is quite difficult for the body and brain to deal with. First your brain produces the truth. Then, you have to hide the truth and invent a lie. After that, you tell the lie. This often leads to a longer stop before answering.The eye dart: Humans have more eye expressions than any other animal and our eyes can look around if we're trying to hide something. When we look up to our left, we're often recalling memory. But when our eyes roll up to our right, we are thinking new ideas. Also, the guilt(内疚)of a lie often makes people use an eye contact cut-off gesture, such as looking down or away.The lost breath: Bending the truth causes a sudden stress response in most people. The mouth dries, the body sweats more, the pulse rate (心率) becomes quick and the rhythm of the breathing changes to shorter, shallower breaths that can often be both seen and heard.The poker face: Some people prefer to have the poker face, because they think less is more and almost show less movement and eye contact when they are telling lies.The face hide: When someone tells a lie they often want to hide their face from their audience. This can lead to a cut-off gesture like nose-touch or mouth-cover.Self-comfort touches: People often move from side to side, touch their hair or play with wedding rings when they have stress. Most people use self-comfort gestures but this will increase greatly when someoneis lying.31.Why do people have a long stop before telling a lie?A.Because they have stress.B.Because they are recalling memory.C.Because they don't want to say anything.D.Because they are thinking of a lie instead of the truth.32.What may people do if they have the feeling of guilt?A.Their eyes look around. B.They look down or away.C.They look up to their left. D.Their eyes roll up to their right.33.What may people do when they feel stressful suddenly?A.They have the poker face. B.They have less movement.C.Their hearts beat more quickly. D.They have more eye expressions.34.How many key signs of telling lies are written in the passage?A.4. B.5. C.6. D.7.35.The writer wants to tell us…A.the problem of telling lies. B.the reason why people tell lies.C.the importance of body language. D.the ways to discover people telling lies.DParents often find children watch cartoons for three to four hours a day. Studies show that children start watching cartoons on TV at an early age of six months, when they reach the age of two or three, they become cartoon fans and they would like to spend much time on it. Parents often see this as a problem because most of the children are found to become addicted (上瘾的) to watching cartoons. Parents think if children spend too much time on cartoons, they will fall behind (落后) in study.Some people think cartoons are worth watching. It helps the working parents a lot because they can do much work by making their children watch cartoons on TV.When they watch educational cartoons, they can learn many things. They also help to improve their language Educational cartoons help them to try different languages. Children can learn English well with the help of those cartoons. At the same time, some children can learn about the friendship and teamwork from the cartoons.So sometimes we needn’t stop kids from watching cartoons, but parents should make sure that theirchildren are watching the right things.36.When do children start to watch cartoons on TV?A.When they are six months old. B.When they are two years old.C.When they are six years old. D.When they are three years old.37.Why are children addicted to TV in the passage?A.Because their parents don’t take care of them.B.Because they have nothing to do at home. C.Because they are not cartoon fans. D.Because they like to watch cartoons. 38.According to the passage, what cant children learn from cartoons?A.Different languages B.FriendshipC.Teamwork D.History39.Who is the passage mainly written for?A.Teachers B.Children C.Parents D.Cartoon makers 40.What is the writer’s opinion about cartoons?A.Children can’t watch any kinds of cartoons.B.It’s useful to stop children from watching cartoon.C.Children can spend time watching cartoons on weekend.D.Parents should let their kids spend some time watching the right cartoons.第II卷(非选择题)四、任务型阅读(每小题2分,共10分)A teenage boy couldn’t stand his parents’ family rules, so he left home. He wanted to be famous, but he had a poor education. He couldn’t find a job and had to beg(乞讨) for food on the street.Years later, his mother died. Although his father was old, he was still looking for his son. He looked in every corner of the city. Wherever he went, he put up a big photo of himself on the wall. On the lower part of the photo, he wrote, “I still love you, my dearest son. Please come back home!”One day, the son saw one of the photos on the wall. “Is that my father?” He moved closer and read the words, “I still love you …” Tears ran down his face. He decided to go back and see his dad.He got home and knocked on the door. Nobody answered, although the door was unlocked(没锁). He ran into his father’s bedroom. His father was sleeping. The boy woke his father up. “It’s me! Your son is back home!” The father and the son held each other with tears in their eyes. They finally met 15 years later. The son asked, “Why is the door unlocked? A thief could get in.” The father answered in a soft voice, “The door has never been locked since you left.”根据短文内容, 回答下列问题。
物理八年级下册期末综合检测试卷带解析1一、选择题1.下列估测符合实际情况的是()A.一个鸡蛋的重力为1N B.一本八年级物理教材的质量约为300g C.中考体育1000m测试的达标时间为6min D.教学楼每层的高度约为6m2.如图所示,小明用水平推力推静止在水平地面上的箱子,但箱子却没有运动,下列说法正确的是()A.箱子没有运动,此时箱子所受推力小于箱子所受摩擦力B.箱子此时在水平方向上和竖直方向上受到的合力均为零C.地面对箱子的支持力和箱子对地面的压力是一对平衡力D.箱子所受重力和地面对箱子的支持力是一对相互作用力3.下列关于力与运动的例子中,说法正确的是()A.人不拉车,车就不动,说明力是使物体运动的原因B.跳远时助跑可以增大惯性,从而提高成绩C.子弹从枪膛里射出后能继续飞行,是由于受到火药推力的作用D.斜向上抛出的石块会落地,是因为它受到重力的作用4.下列事例中利用大气压的是()A.飞机起飞B.坦克装有宽大的履带C.护士推动活塞给病人注射药液D.用吸管将杯中饮料吸入口中5.如图是小明自制的一个“浮沉子”他将装有适量水的小玻璃瓶瓶口朝下,使其漂浮在矿泉水瓶内的水面上,拧紧瓶盖使其密封。
下列判断正确的是()A.甲杯液体中物体A 受的浮力小于乙杯液体中物体 A受的浮力B.甲杯中的液体密度大于乙杯中的液体密度C.甲杯中液体对容器底的压强等于乙杯中液体对容器底的压强D.甲烧杯对桌面的压力小于乙烧杯对桌面的压力8.“蹦极”是运动员将一端固定的长弹性绳绑在躁关节处,从高处竖直跳下的一种极限运动。
已知物体A重6 N,物体B重4 N时,物块恰好静止,若细绳与定滑轮之间的摩擦不计,此时物块受到的摩擦力大小为2N。
7.如图是国产月球车首次登月工作时的照片,月球车整体构成相当于一个100 kg的“公交车”,同时搭载了20 kg的仪器在工作。
已知物体在月球表面附近受到的重力仅为在地球表面附近所受重力的1,月球车轮与月球6表面的接触面积约为250 cm2,则月球车工作时对月球表面产生的压强为8×103Pa(g=10 N/kg)。
如果半日按4个小时计算,1 km等于2里,请算出这艘船的平均速度为12.5km/h。
9.把一长方体木块放入水中,静止时恰好有一半的体积露出水面,放入某种液体中静止时有3的体积露出液面,8则这种液体的密度是0.8×103kg/m3(ρ水=1.0×103 kg/m3)。
江苏南京市八年级下册期末质量检测卷(一)英语学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________注意事项:1. 本试卷共8页。
2. 请认真核对监考教师在答题卡上所粘贴条形码的姓名、考试证号是否与本人相符合,再将自己的姓名、考试证号用0. 5毫米黑色墨水签字笔填写在答题卡及本试卷上。
3. 答选择题必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应的答案标号涂黑。
答非选择题必须用0. 5毫米黑色墨水签字笔写在答题卡的指定位置,在其他位置答题一律无效。
1.—This is really _______ ugly bird.—But it is _______ useful bird. It can help fishermen catch fish.A.an; a B.an; anC.a; a D.a; an2.Computer technology makes________possible for many people to work at home.A.this B.that C.it D.them3.In China,fewer and fewer people think about what they can do________others on the way.A.help B.to help C.helping D.helps.4.I invited Tom’s whole family to my party, but Tom came________.A.alone B.lonely C.late D.here.5.We should________ways to slove the environmental problems.A.come up with B.catch up with C.hand out D.give up6.________he is your best friend, ________ you should still tell him that copying others’ homework is wrong.A.Although, but B.But, though C.Although, / D.Because, so 7.—Look! A new piano stands________the wall .It will belong to you.—Thanks, mom. It’s my dream to own such a good piano.A.in B.over C.under D.against 8.—I shouted at you at the gate, but you didn’t hear me.—Really? I ________ a telephone call to a friend.A.make B.was making C.made D.have made 9.I used to________ clothes in shops, but now I’m used to ________ them online. A.buying; buying B.buy; buy C.buying; buy D.buy; buying 10.—Would you like to go to a movie with me tonight?—I'd love to, but I haven't finished my homework ________.A.already B.yet C.ever D.still 11.—________ you have trouble in English study, please tell me.—OK, I will. Thank you.A.Whenever B.However C.Whatever D.Wherever 12.—________ is the population of China now?— About 1,400,050,000.A.How many B.How much C.What D.How 13.—Could you spare time to come to my New Year's party?—Well, I don't know ________.A.that I could finish my work by then B.when can I finish my workC.if I can finish the work by then D.how can I finish the work by then 14.—Shall we go shopping at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon?—________. Will three o'clock be OK?A.Sorry, I can't make it. B.No problem.C.Sure, it's up to you. D.Sorry, I'm not free today. 15.—What's wrong, mom? Why are you so angry?—Look at your room! Nothing is in its ________ place. Clean it right now!A.normal B.typical C.proper D.natural 二、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
下列说法正确的是()A.人对车的压力和车对人的支持力是一对平衡力B.蹬地时,地面对脚的摩擦力方向是向前的C.停止蹬地后,车最终会停下来,说明运动需要力来维持D.车在滑行过程中所受的力突然全部消失,车将立即停下来4.下列实例中,目的是为了增大压强的是()A.书包带做得较宽B.刀刃做得很薄C.坦克装有宽大的履带D.大型平板拖车装有很多轮子5.很多动物为了适应自身生存的环境,进化出了符合一定物理规律的身体部位,对此,从物理学的角度给出的下列解释中正确的是( )A .骆驼的蹄比马的大,可以减小压力,从而使其在沙摸中行走自如B .鱼类体内有鳔,通过鳔的调节作用从而改变自身重力来实现下沉和上浮C .壁虎的脚掌上有许多“吸盘”,从而增大了摩擦力使其在玻璃窗上也不会掉下来D .啄木鸟的喙很尖细,可以增大压强,从而凿开树皮。
捉到躲在深处的虫子6.《墨经》最早记述了秤的杠杆原理,如图所示,“标”、“本”表示力臂,“权”、“重”表示力,以下说法符合杠杆平衡原理的是( )A .“权”小于“重”时,A 端一定上扬B .“权”大于“重”时,“标”一定大于“本”C .增大“重”时,应把“权”向A 端移D .减小“重”时,应更换更大的“权”7.把木块放入装满水的溢水杯中,溢出水的体积为V 1(如图甲);用细针将该木块全部压入水中,溢出水的总体积为V 2(如图乙),忽略细针的体积.则A .木块的质量为ρ水V 2B .缓慢下压木块的过程中,溢水杯底部受到水的压强变大C .木块全部压入水中静止时,细针对木块的压力大小为ρ水gV 2D .木块的密度为12V V 水8.如图所示是蹦极运动的简化示意图,弹性绳一端固定在O 点,另一端系住运动员,运动员从O 点自由下落,到A 点处弹性绳自然伸直,B 点是运动员受到的重力与弹性绳对运动员拉力相等的点,C 点是蹦极运动员到达的最低点(忽略空气阻力),下列说法正确的是( )A.从O点到C点运动员速度一直减小B.从O点到C点运动员的机械能一直在增大C.从O点到A点运动员的机械能不变D.运动员在A点时速度最大二、填空题9.“北风卷地百草折”中“百草折”表明力可以改变物体的______(选填“形状”或“运动状态”);在《茅屋为秋风所破歌》中,大风向上卷走了作者的屋顶,是因为屋顶上方空气流速大,压强______(选填“大”或“小”)。