

2012ABU Robocon 比赛中文规则

2012ABU Robocon 比赛中文规则

2012年亚太机器人大赛规则&主题Peng On Dai Gat追求繁荣和平向导1.每个参赛队有一个手动机器人,一个自动机器人以及一个馒头机器人。














这种类型的完成被称为“Peng On Dai Gat”。

14.如果任何一个队伍在3分钟之内都没有达成“Peng On Dai Gat”,则得分多的队伍获胜。











2012年第四届全国大学生数学竞赛初赛(非数学类)试卷及参考答案一、简答下列各题(本题共5个小题,每题6分,共30分) 1.求极限()12lim!.n n n →∞【参考答案】:因为2211ln !!,n n n n e而211ln1ln 2ln ln !,12n n n n n且ln lim 0.n n n 所以1ln1ln 2ln lim 0.12n n n n即 21lim ln !0n n n 21lim ! 1.n n n 2.求通过直线2320,:55430x y z L x y z ⎧⎪+-+=⎪⎪⎨⎪+-+=⎪⎪⎩的两个相互垂直的平面12,ππ,使其中一个平面过点()4,3,1.-【参考答案】:过直线L 的平面束方程为 23255430x y z x y z ,即 (25)534230.x y z 若平面1 过点 4,3,1 ,代入得0 ,即 ,从而1 的方程为3410.x y z 若平面束中的平面2 与1 垂直,则 3(25)451340. 解得3, 从而平面2 的方程为2530.x y z 3.已知函数(,),ax byz u x y e+=且20ux y∂=∂∂,确定常数,a b ,使函数(,)z z x y =满足方程20.z z zz x y x y∂∂∂--+=∂∂∂∂ 【参考答案】:(,),ax by z u e au x y x x (,),ax by zu e bu x y y y2(,),ax by z u ue b a abu x y x y x y21(1)(1)(,),ax by z z z u uz e b a ab a b u x y x y x y x y若是上式等于0,只有 1(1)(1)(,)0u ub a ab a b u x y x y,由此可得 1.a b 4.设()u u x =连续可微,(2)1u =,且()()32d d Lx y u x x uu y +++⎰在右半平面上与路径无关,求().u x 【参考答案】:由32u x u x y u yx,得34x u u u ,即214dx x u du u, 这是一个一阶线性微分方程,于是由公式有通解为ln 2ln 2442uux e u edu C uudu C u uC 由(2)1u 得0C ,所以1/3.2x u5.求极限lim d .x x x t +【参考答案】:因为当1x 时,x x xxdt0x所以lim0.x xx第二题:(10分)计算20|sin |d .xe x x +∞-⎰【参考答案】:由于220(1)1|sin ||sin |nn k xxk k ex dx ex dx12(1)11sin nk k x k k e xdx应用分部积分法,有1222(1)11sin 15k k x k k e xdx e e所以有 222011|sin |15n n x k k e x dx e e212221151n e e e e 当(1)n x n 时,(1)2220|sin ||sin ||sin |n x n x x x e x dx e x dx e x dx当n ,由两边夹法则,得2222011|sin |lim |sin |.51xxxx e ex dx ex dx e【注】如果最后不用夹逼准则,而用2222011|sin |lim |sin |.51n xxn e ex dx ex dx e需要先说明20|sin |x e x dx收敛。



















Yarantai Uench ALTAI
Nariin Teel
Erdenetsagaan Bichigt
1000-2000 per day
Future plan-2020 Future investment for road sector-2020
1345.8 6926.83
1439.87 202.96 1261.57
497.9 66.5 276 54.8
Total bridges in Mongolia
î ø
ð õ
A. Mongolian road network - 2005 B. Master plan-1994 - ADB C. “Millennium Road” project – Mongolian government D. Asian Highway Network - 2004




REUTERS Lucas Jackson2012年10月31日,新泽西州遭到桑迪飓风侵袭。


REUTERS Baz Ratner2012年10月9日,一名裸体示威者跑过雅典宪法广场上的议会大楼。

REUTERS John Kolesidis2012年9月29日,西班牙塞维利亚,一名摄影师在消防队员、安保和军方人员抗议工资削减的示威游行中跳过发烟罐。

REUTERS Marcelo del Pozo2012年9月17日,纽约,一名占领华尔街运动分子在参加纪念活动一周年的抗议示威活动期间被逮捕后向他的朋友喊叫。

REUTERS Lucas Jackson2012年9月16日,墨西哥城,21岁的墨西哥斗牛士摩里诺在斗牛比赛时从一头公牛身边逃走。

REUTERS Edgard Garrido2012年9月14日,示威者在开罗解放广场附近帮助一名在冲突中受伤的伤者。

REUTERS Amr Abdallah Dalsh2012年9月3日,加拿大卡耳加里,埃德蒙顿爱斯基摩人啦啦队的成员被高高抛起。



REUTERS Umit Bektas2012年8月1日,詹尼弗-萨拉维亚在公寓外的一个纪念物旁哭泣,她的兄弟和另一名男子在纽约的布鲁克林区被2012年7月27日,演员在伦敦2012年奥运会开幕式时拍手,他们的上面是奥运五环。

REUTERS Kai Pfaffenbach2012年7月12日,北爱尔兰北贝尔法斯特,民族主义者年轻人与防暴警察发生冲突。



全球机场三字代码查询表A奥尔堡,丹麦(AAL) - 奥尔堡机场阿利辛特, 挪威(AES) - Vigra奥胡斯, 丹麦(AAR) - TirstrupAberdeen, 南达科他州, 美国 (ABR) - Aberdeen Regional Airport阿伯丁, 苏格兰, 联合王国 (ABZ) - Dyce阿比让, 科特迪瓦 (ABJ) - Port Bouet阿比林 Abilene, 得克萨斯州, 美国 (ABI) - Municipal阿布扎比, 阿拉伯联合酋长国 (AUH) - Abu Dhabi International阿布·辛拜勒Abu Simbel, 埃及 (ABS) - Abu Simbel阿卡普尔科 Acapulco, Guerrero, 墨西哥 (ACA) - Alvarez International 阿克拉, 加纳 (ACC) - Kotoka阿达纳 Adana, 土耳其 (ADA) - Adana亚的斯亚贝巴, 埃塞俄比亚 (ADD) - Bole阿德莱德, 南澳大利亚, 澳大利亚 (ADL) - Adelaide阿加迪尔 Agadir, 摩洛哥(AGA) - Inezgane阿让 Agen, 法国 (AGF) - La Garenne阿格拉, 印度 (AGR) - Kheria阿瓜迪亚 Aguadilla, 波多黎各, 美国 (BQN)阿瓜斯卡连特斯 Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes, 墨西哥 (AGU)艾哈迈达巴德, 印度 (AMD) - Ahmedabad阿雅克肖 Ajaccio, Corsica, 法国 (AJA) - Campo Dell Oro阿克伦Akron/Canton, 俄亥俄州, 美国 (CAK) - Akron-Canton Regional Airp 阿克雷里 Akureyri, 冰岛(AEY) - Akureyri阿拉莫戈多 Alamogordo, 新墨西哥州, 美国 (ALM)Alamosa, 科罗拉多州, 美国 (ALS) - Bergman Field奥尔巴尼, 纽约州, 美国 (ALB) - 奥尔巴尼国际机场奥尔巴尼, 乔治亚州, 美国 (ABY) - Dougherty County爱伯克奇, 新墨西哥州, 美国 (ABQ) - 爱伯克奇国际机场奥伯利, 新南威尔士州, 澳大利亚 (ABX) - Albury奥尔德尼, 海峡群岛, 联合王国 (ACI) - The Blaye奥尔德肖特 Aldershot, 安大略, 加拿大 ( Aldershot)阿勒颇 Aleppo, 叙利亚(ALP) - Nejrab亚历山大, 安大略省, 加拿大 (XFS) - Alexandria / Via Rail Service亚历山大, 埃及 (ALY) - Alexandria亚历山大, 路易斯安那州, 美国 (ESF) - Esler Field阿尔盖罗 Alghero, Sardinia, 意大利 (AHO) - Fertilia阿尔及尔, 阿尔及利亚 (ALG) - Houari Boumedienne阿利坎特 Alicante, 西班牙 (ALC) - Alicante艾利斯斯普林斯 Alice Springs, Northern Territory, 澳大利亚 (ASP) - Al Allakaket, 阿拉斯加州, 美国 (AET)艾伦镇, 宾夕法尼亚州, 美国 (ABE) - Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton Airport 阿莱恩斯 Alliance, 内布拉斯加州, 美国 (AIA)Almaty, 哈萨克斯坦(ALA) - AlmatyAlmeria, 西班牙 (LEI) - Almeria亚罗士打, 马来西亚 (AOR) - Sultan Abdul HalimAlotau, 巴布亚新几内亚 (GUR) - GurneyAlpena, 密歇根州, 美国 (APN) - Alpena Regional Airport阿尔派, 德克萨斯州, 美国 (ALE) - Alpine Texas阿尔塔 Alta, 挪威 (ALF) - Elvebakken阿尔图纳 Altoona / Martinsburg, 宾夕法尼亚州, 美国 (AOO) - Blair Coun 阿马里洛 Amarillo, 得克萨斯州, 美国 (AMA) - Amarillo International Ai 安布勒 Ambler, 阿拉斯加州, 美国 (ABL)安汶 Ambon, 印度尼西亚 (AMQ) - Pattimura安曼, 约旦 (AMM) - 艾丽亚皇后国际机场安曼, 约旦 (ADJ) - 市民机场阿摩斯, 魁北克, 加拿大 (YEY)阿姆斯特丹, 荷兰 (AMS) - 史基佛国际机场安克拉治, 阿拉斯加州, 美国 (ANC) - 安克拉治国际机场安科纳 Ancona, 意大利 (AOI) - Falconara安德罗斯镇 Andros Town, 巴哈马 (ASD)安圭拉, 安圭拉 (AXA)阿尼亚克 Aniak, 阿拉斯加州, 美国 (ANI)昂儒昂 科摩 Anjouan, Comoros (ANJ)安卡拉, 土耳其 (ESB) - Esenboga安纳巴 Annaba, 阿尔及利亚 (AAE) - Les Salines阿纳西 Annecy, 法国 (NCY) - Annecy-Meythe安尼斯顿 Anniston, 阿拉巴马州, 美国 (ANB) - Municipal安塔利亚 Antalya, 土耳其 (AYT) - Antalya塔那那利佛 Antananarivo, 马达加斯加 (TNR) - Ivato安托法加斯塔Antofagasta, 智利 (ANF) - Cerro Moreno安特卫普, 比利时 (ANR) - Deurne安维克 Anvik, 阿拉斯加州, 美国 (ANV)青森, 日本 (AOJ)阿皮亚 Apia, 萨摩亚 (APW) - Faleolo阿普尔顿 Appleton, 威斯康星州, 美国 (ATW) - Outagamie County Airport 阿喀巴 Aqaba, 约旦 (AQJ) - Aqaba阿拉卡茹 Aracaju, Sergipe, 巴西 (AJU)阿劳卡 Arauca, 哥伦比亚 (AUC)Arcata, 加利福尼亚州, 美国 (ACV) - Arcata/Eureka Airport阿雷基帕 Arequipa, 秘鲁 (AQP) - Rodriguez Ballon阿里卡 Arica, 智利 (ARI) - Chacalluta阿尔汉格尔斯克 Arkhangelsk, 俄罗斯 (ARH) - ArkhangelskArmidale, 新南威尔士州, 澳大利亚 (ARM) - Armidale阿瑟镇 Arthurs Town, 巴哈马 (ATC)阿鲁巴 Aruba, Aruba (AUA) - Reina BeatrixArviat, 西北地区, 加拿大 ( Arviat)旭川, 日本 (AKJ) - 旭川空港艾许维尔/韩德森维尔,北卡罗莱纳州, 美国 (AVL) - 艾许维尔地区机场 Asmara, Eritrea (ASM) - Asmara Intl/Yohannes Iv亚斯本, 科罗拉多州, 美国 (ASE) - Pitkin County Airport Sardy Field 阿斯图里亚斯 Asturias, 西班牙 (OVD) - Asturias亚松森, 巴拉圭 (ASU) - Silvio Pettirossi阿斯旺, 埃及 (ASW) - Daraw雅典, 希腊 (ATH) - Hellinikon雅典, 佐治亚州, 美国 (AHN)阿蒂科肯 Atikokan, 安大略, 加拿大 (YIB)亚特兰大, 佐治亚州, 美国 (ATL) - 哈兹菲尔德国际机场大西洋城, 新泽西州, 美国 (ACY) - 大西洋城国际机场奥克兰, 纽西兰 (AKL) - 奥克兰国际机场奥格斯堡 Augsburg, 德国 (AGB) - Muehlhausen奥古斯塔, 乔治亚州, 美国 (AGS) - Bush Field奥古斯塔, 缅因州, 美国 (AUG) - Maine State奥兰加巴德 Aurangabad, 印度 (IXU) - Chikkalthana奥斯汀, 德克蕯斯州, 美国 (AUS) - Robert Mueller Municipal Airport 阿维尼翁 Avignon, 法国 (AVN) - Caumont艾尔斯岩 Ayers Rock, Northern Territory, 澳大利亚 (AYQ) - Connellan 安康,陜西,中国 (AKA)[编辑]B巴科洛德]]Bacolod, 菲律宾 (BCD) - BacolodBagdogra, 印度 (IXB) - Bagdogra布兰卡港 Bahia Blanca, 布宜诺斯艾利斯, 阿根廷 (BHI) - Commandante 巴林, 巴林(BAH) - Bahrain International Bahrain贝科莫 Baie Comeau, 魁北克, 加拿大 (YBC)贝克湖 Baker Lake, 西北地区, 加拿大 ( Baker Lake)贝克斯菲尔德 Bakersfield, 加利福尼亚州, 美国 (BFL) - Meadows Field 巴库, 阿塞拜疆 (BAK) - Baku巴尔的摩, 马里兰州, 美国 (BWI) - 巴尔的摩-华盛顿国际机场巴马噶 Bamaga, 昆士兰州, 澳大利亚 (ABM)巴马科 Bamako, 马里 (BKO) - Senou斯里班加湾, 汶莱 达鲁萨兰 (BWN) - Brunei International万隆 Bandung, 印度尼西亚 (BDO) - Husein Sastranegara班夫, 艾伯塔, 加拿大 (YBA)班加罗尔, 印度 (BLR) - Hindustan曼谷, 泰国 (BKK) - 曼谷国际机场班戈 Bangor, 缅因州, 美国 (BGR) - Bangor International Airport班吉 Bangui, 中非共和国 (BGF) - Bangui马辰 Banjarmasin, 印度尼西亚 (BDJ) - Syamsudin Noor班珠尔 Banjul, 冈比亚 (BJL) - Yundum International巴港 Bar Harbor, 缅因州, 美国 (BHB)巴塞隆纳, 西班牙 (BCN) - 巴塞隆纳国际机场巴塞隆纳, 委内瑞拉 (BLA) - Gral Jose Antonio Anzoategui巴利, 意大利 (BRI)巴里纳斯 Barinas, 委内瑞拉 (BNS) - Barinas巴尔瑙尔 Barnaul, 俄罗斯 (BAX) - Barnaul Airport巴基西梅托 Barquisimeto, 委内瑞拉 (BRM) - Barquisimeto巴拉岛 Barra / Hebrides Islands, 苏格兰, 联合王国 (BRR) - North Bay 巴兰基亚 Barranquilla, 哥伦比亚 (BAQ) - E Cortissoz巴罗 Barrow, 阿拉斯加州, 美国 (BRW) - Barrow巴塞尔,瑞士 (BSL) - 巴塞尔欧洲机场巴松戈 Basongo, 扎伊尔 - Zaire巴斯蒂亚 Bastia, Corsica, 法国 (BIA) - Poretta巴瑟斯特岛 Bathurst Island, 北部领地, 澳大利亚 (BRT)巴特曼 Batman, 土耳其 (BAL) - Nearest Air Service Through Diyarbakir红杖市, 路易斯安那州, 美国 (BTR) - 红杖都会机场拜罗伊特 Bayreuth, 德国 (BYU) - Bindlacher Berg博蒙特 Beaumont, 得克萨斯州, 美国 (BPT) - Jefferson County贝克利 Beckley, 西弗吉尼亚洲, 美国 (BKW)贝德福德 Bedford, 马萨诸塞州, 美国 (BED) - Bedford贝卡 Beica, 埃塞俄比亚 (BEI) - Beica北京, 中国 (PEK) - 北京首都国际机场北京, 中国 (NAY)贝拉 Beira, 莫桑比克 (BEW) - Beira贝鲁特, 黎巴嫩 (BEY)贝伦 Belem, Para, 巴西 (BEL) - Val De Cans贝尔法斯特, 北爱尔兰, 联合王国 (BFS) - Belfast International贝尔法斯特, 北爱尔兰, 联合王国 (BHD) - Belfast Harbor贝尔格勒, 塞尔维亚与蒙特内格罗 (BEG) - Belgrade-Beograd伯利兹城, 伯利兹 (BZE) - 菲腊高逊国际机场伯利兹城, 伯利兹 (TZA) - 伯利兹民用机场贝尔维尔, 安大略, 加拿大 (XVV) - Belleville / Via Rail Service贝灵厄姆 Bellingham, 华盛顿州, 美国 (BLI) - Bellingham International贝洛奥里藏特 Belo Horizonte /Belo Horizon, Minas Gerais, 巴西 (PLU) - Confi 贝洛奥里藏特 Belo Horizonte /Belo Horizon, Minas Gerais, 巴西 (CNF) - Aerop 伯米吉 Bemidji, 明尼苏达州, 美国 (BJI) - Bemidji Municipal Airport本顿港 Benton Harbor, 密歇根州, 美国 (BEH) - Ross Field贝尔根, 挪威 (BGO) - Flesland柏林, 德国 (THF) - Tempelhof柏林, 德国 (BER) - Schoenefeld柏林, 德国 (TXL) - Tegel柏林, 德国 (SXF) - Schoenefeld百慕达, 百慕达 (BDA) - Kindley Airfield/Civil Air Terminal伯恩, 瑞士 (BRN) - Belp伯恩, 瑞士 (ZDJ) - Berne-Rr Station贝塞尔 Bethel, 阿拉斯加州, 美国 (BET) - Bethel贝济耶 Beziers, 法国 (BZR) - Beziers-ViasBhairawa, 尼泊尔 (BWA) - Bhairawa帕勒德布尔 Bharatpur, 尼泊尔布巴内斯瓦尔 Bhubaneswar, 印度 (BBI) - Bhubaneswar比亚克 Biak, 印度尼西亚 (BIK) - Mokmer比亚里茨 Biarritz, 法国 (BIQ) - Parme毕尔巴鄂 Bilbao, 西班牙 (BIO) - Sondica比灵斯 Billings, 蒙大拿州, 美国 (BIL) - Billings Logan Intnl Airport 比隆 Billund, 丹麦 (BLL) - Billund比米尼 Bimini, 巴哈马群岛 (BIM) - Bimini Island International比米尼 Bimini, 巴哈马群岛 (NSB) - North Seaplane Base宾罕顿, 纽约州, 美国 (BGM) - Edwin Alink Field民都鲁 Bintulu, 沙劳越, 马来西亚 (BTU) - Bintulu伯兹维尔 Birdsville, 昆士兰州, 澳大利亚 (BVI) - Birdsville伯明翰, 英格兰, 联合王国 (BHX) - International伯明翰, 亚拉巴马州, 美国 (BHM) - Seibels/Bryan Airport比什凯克, 吉尔吉斯斯坦 (FRU) - 玛那兹国际机场Biskra, 阿尔及利亚 (BSK) - Biskra俾斯麦, 北达科他州, 美国 (BIS) - Bismarck Mannan Municipal比索, 几内亚比索 (OXB) - Osvaldo Vieira布莱克浦 Blackpool, 英格兰, 联合王国 (BLK) - BlackpoolBlanc Sablon, 魁北克, 加拿大 (YBX) - Blanc Sablon Airport布兰太尔 Blantyre, 马拉维 (BLZ) - 智利ka布隆方丹 Bloemfontein, 南非 (BFN) - Jbm Hertzog布卢明顿 Bloomington, 印地安那州, 美国 (BMG) - Monroe County Airport 布卢明顿 Bloomington, 伊利诺依州, 美国 (BMI) - Normal布卢菲尔德 Bluefield, 西弗吉尼亚州, 美国 (BLF)博阿维斯塔 Boa Vista, Roraima, 巴西 (BVB)Boca Raton, 佛罗里达州, 美国博德 Bodo, 挪威 (BOO) - Bodo博德鲁姆 Bodrum, 土耳其 (BXN) - Imsik Airport波哥大, 哥伦比亚 (BOG) - Eldorado树城, 爱达荷州, 美国 (BOI) - Boise Municipal Arpt (Gowen Field)博罗尼亚, 意大利 (BLQ) - Guglielmo Marconi孟买, 印度 (BOM) - Bombay博奈尔 Bonaire, 荷兰 Antilles (BON) - Flamingo Field博纳旺蒂尔 Bonaventure, 魁北克, 加拿大 (YVB)波昂, 德国 (BNJ) - Train Main Railroad Station波尔多, 法国 (BOD) - Merignac博恩霍尔姆 Bornholm, 丹麦 (RNN) - Arnager波士顿, 麻萨诸塞, 美国 (BOS) - 洛根国际机场博尔德 Boulder, 科罗拉多州, 美国 (WBU)博兹曼 Bozeman, 蒙大拿州, 美国 (BZN) - Gallatin Field布拉得福德 Bradford, 宾夕法尼亚州, 美国 (BFD) - Bradford Regional布雷纳德 Brainerd, 明尼苏达州, 美国 (BRD)布兰普顿 Brampton, 安大略, 加拿大 (XPN) - Brampton / Via Rail Service 布兰登 Brandon, 曼尼托巴, 加拿大 (YBR)布兰特福德 Brantford, 安大略, 加拿大 (XFV) - Brantford / Via Rail Ser 巴西利亚, 联邦特区, 巴西 (BSB) - International布拉迪斯拉发 Bratislava, 斯洛伐克 (BTS) - IvankaBreckenridge, 科罗拉多州, 美国 (QKB)Bremen, 德国 (BRE) - BremenBremerton, 华盛顿州, 美国 (PWT) - Municipal布雷斯特, 法国 (BES) - GuipavasBridgeport, 康涅狄格州, 美国 (BDR) - Sikorsky MemorialBridgetown, 巴巴多斯 (BGI) - Grantley Adams International布里斯班, 昆士兰, 澳大利亚 (BNE) - Brisbane International Airport布里斯托尔, 英格兰, 联合王国 (BRS) - Bristol布利斯托/约翰逊市/金斯波特,田纳西州,美国 (TRI) - 市立三城机场 Brive-La-Gaillarde, 法国 (BVE) - LarocheBrno, 捷克共和国 (BRQ) - Turany布洛克维尔, 安大略, 加拿大 (XBR)Broken Hill, 新南威尔士州, 澳大利亚 (BHQ) - Broken Hill Bronnoysund, 挪威 (BNN) - BronnoyBrookings, 南达科他州, 美国 (BKX) - Brookings Municipal Airport Brownsville, 得克萨斯州, 美国 (BRO) - South Padre Island Intl Brunswick, 佐治亚州, 美国 (BQK) - Glynco Jetport布鲁塞尔, 比利时 (BRU) - NationalBucaramanga, 哥伦比亚 (BGA) - Palo Negro布加勒斯特, 罗马尼亚 (OTP) - Otopeni布加勒斯特, 罗马尼亚 (BBU) - Baneasa布达佩斯, 匈牙利 (BUD) - Ferihegy布宜诺斯艾利斯, 布宜诺斯艾利斯, 阿根廷 (AEP) - Eze - Ezeiza Internati布宜诺斯艾利斯, 布宜诺斯艾利斯, 阿根廷 (AEP) - Jorge Newberry水牛城, 纽约州, 美国 (BUF) - Greater Buffalo Intl AirportBukhara, 乌兹别克斯坦 (BHK)Bulawayo, 津巴布韦 (BUQ) - BulawayoBullhead City, 亚利桑那州, 美国 (IFP) - BullheadBurbank, 加利福尼亚州, 美国 (BUR) - Burbank Glendale Pasadena Airport伯林顿, 爱荷华州, 美国 (BRL) - Burlington Municipal Airport柏林顿, 佛蒙特州, 美国 (BTV) - Burlington International AirportBurns Lake, 不列颠哥伦比亚, 加拿大 (YPZ)Bushehr, 伊朗 (BUZ) - BushehrButte, 蒙大拿州, 美国 (BTM)Butuan, 菲律宾 (BXU) - Butuan[编辑]CCaen, 法国 (CFR) - Carpiquet卡里亚里, Sardinia, 意大利 (CAG) - Elmas凯恩斯, 昆士兰州, 澳大利亚 (CNS) - Cairns开罗, 埃及 (CAI) - International加尔各答, 印度 (CCU) - Calcutta卡尔加里, 艾伯塔, 加拿大 (YYC) - Calgary Intl AirportCali, 哥伦比亚 (CLO) - Alfonso Bonilla Aragon卡利卡特, 印度 (CCJ)Calvi, Corsica, 法国 (CLY) - Ste CatherineCambellton, 纽宾士域, 加拿大 (XAZ) - Campbellton剑桥, 英格兰, 联合王国 (CBG) - CambridgeCamden, 阿肯色州, 美国 (CDH)Campbell River /Campbell Rvr, 不列颠哥伦比亚, 加拿大 (YBL) - Metropolitan A Campinas, 圣保罗, 巴西 (CPQ) - Campinas InternationalCampo Grande, Mato Grosso Do Sul, 巴西 (CGR)Canaima, 委内瑞拉 (CAJ)堪培拉, Capital Territory, 澳大利亚 (CBR) - Canberra坎昆, 墨西哥 (CUN)迦纳, 法国 (JCA) - MandelieuCape Girardeau, 密苏里州, 美国 (CGI) - Municipal Airport开普敦, 南非 (CPT) - D F MalanCapreol, 安大略, 加拿大 (XAW) - Capreol / Via Rail Service卡拉卡斯, 委内瑞拉 (CCS) - Simon Bolivar International Carajas, Para, 巴西 (CKS) - International / Brasilia 巴西 Carbondale, 伊利诺依州, 美国 (MDH) - Southern Illinois Airport Carcassonne, 法国 (CCF) - Salvaza Airport卡地夫, 威尔士, 联合王国 (CWL) - Cardiff-WalesCarlsbad, 加利福尼亚州, 美国 (CLD) - Carlsbad/Palomar Airport Carlsbad, 新墨西哥州, 美国 (CNM)Carriacou Island, 格林娜达 (CRU)Cartagena, 哥伦比亚 (CTG) - Rafael NunezCarupano, 委内瑞拉 (CUP) - CarupanoCasa De Campo, 多米尼加 (LRM)卡萨布兰卡, 摩洛哥 (CMN) - Mohamed VCasper, 怀俄明州, 美国 (CPR) - Natrona County Intl Airport Casselman, 安大略, 加拿大 (XZB) - Casselman / Via Rail Service Castlegar, 不列颠哥伦比亚, 加拿大 (YCG)Catania, 西西里, 意大利 (CTA) - FontanarossaCayenne, 法属圭亚那 (CAY) - RochambeauCayman Brac Island, Cayman Islands (CYB)Cayo Largo Del Sur, 古巴宿雾, 菲律宾 (CEB) - InternationalCedar City, 犹他州, 美国 (CDC)Cedar Rapids, 爱荷华州, 美国 (CID) - MunicipalChadron, 新墨西哥州, 美国 (CDR)Chambery, 法国 (CMF) - Chambery Aix-Les-BainsChambord, 魁北克, 加拿大 (XCI) - Chambord / Via Rail Service香槟, 伊利诺依州, 美国 (CMI) - Univ Of Illinois-Willard Airport Chandler, 魁北克, 加拿大 (XDL) - Chandler / Via Rail Service长沙, 中国 (CSX) - 长沙黄花机场Chania, 克里特岛, 希腊 (CHQ) - SoudaChapleau, 安大略, 加拿大 (YLD)查尔斯顿, 南卡罗来纳州, 美国 (CHS) - 查尔斯敦国际机场查尔斯顿, 西维吉尼亚州, 美国 (CRW) - 耶格机场Charleville, 昆士兰州, 澳大利亚 (CTL) - Charleville夏洛特, 北卡罗来纳州, 美国 (CLT) - 夏洛特道格拉斯国际机场 Charlottesville, 弗吉尼亚州, 美国 (CHO) - Charlottesville/Albemarle Charlottetown, 爱德华王子岛, 加拿大 (YYG) - Charlottetown Chatham, 安大略, 加拿大 (XCM)查塔努加, 田纳西州, 美国 (CHA) - Cha Lovell Field济州岛, 南韩 (CJU) - ChejuChemainus, 不列颠哥伦比亚, 加拿大 (XHS) - Chemainus / Via Rail Servic 成都, 中国 (CTU) - 成都双流国际机场Cherbourg, 法国 (CER) - MaupertusCheyenne, 怀俄明, 美国 (CYS) - Cheyenne Municipal Airport清迈, 泰国 (CNX) - International清菜, 泰国 (CEI) - Chiang RaiChibougamau, 魁北克, 加拿大 (YMT) - Chibougamau芝加哥, 伊利诺伊州, 美国 (MDW) - 中途国际机场芝加哥, 伊利诺伊州, 美国 (ORD) - 欧海尔国际机场Chiclayo, 秘鲁 (CIX) - Cornel RuizChico, 加利福尼亚州, 美国 (CIC) - Chico Municipal Air Terminal Chignik, 阿拉斯加州, 美国 (KCG) - FisheriesChignik, 阿拉斯加州, 美国 (KCL) - LagoonChihuahua, Chihuahua, 墨西哥 (CUU) - GenvillalobosChittagong, 孟加拉国 (CGP) - Patenga基督城, 纽西兰 (CHC) - International圣诞节岛, 圣诞节岛邱吉尔, 曼尼托巴, 加拿大 (YYQ) - Churchill AirportCiego De Avila, 古巴辛辛那提, 俄亥俄州, 美国 (CVG) - 辛辛那堤/北肯塔基国际机场Ciudad Bolivar, 委内瑞拉 (CBL)Ciudad Del Carmen, Campeche, 墨西哥 (CME)Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, 墨西哥 (CJS) - International Abraham Gonzal Ciudad Obregon, Sonora, 墨西哥 (CEN)Clarksburg, 西弗吉尼亚州, 美国 (CKB) - Clarksburg-Benedum Airport克里夫兰, 俄亥俄州, 美国 (CLE) - 霍普金斯国际机场Clovis, 新墨西哥州, 美国 (CVN)Cluj, 罗马尼亚 (CLJ) - ClujCobourg, 安大略, 加拿大 (XGJ) - Cobourg / Via Rail Service Cochabamba, 玻利维亚 (CBB) - San Jose De La BandaCochin, 印度 (COK) - Naval Air StationCoimbatore, 印度 (CJB) - PeelameduColima, Colima, 墨西哥 (CLQ)College Station, 得克萨斯州, 美国 (CLL)科隆, 德国 (QKL) - Train Main Railroad Station科隆/波恩, 德国 (CGN) - Koeln/Bonn科伦坡, 斯里兰卡 (CMB) - Katunayake InternationalColonia, 乌拉圭 (CYR)科罗拉多泉, 科罗拉多州, 美国 (COS) - Colorado Springs Municipal哥伦比亚, 南卡罗来纳州, 美国 (CAE) - Columbia Sc Airport Metropolitan哥伦比亚, 密苏里州, 美国 (COU) - Columbia Regional哥伦布, 俄亥俄州, 美国 (CMH) - Port Columbus Intl Airport哥伦布, 密西西比州, 美国 (GTR) - Golden哥伦布, 乔治亚州, 美国 (CSG) - Columbus Metropolitan / Fort Benning Comodoro Rivadavia, Chubut, 阿根廷 (CRD) - Comodora RivadaviaComox, 不列颠哥伦比亚, 加拿大 (YQQ) - Comox Civil Air TerminalConakry, 几内亚 (CKY) - ConakryConcepcion, 智利 (CCP) - Carriel SurConnaught, 爱尔兰 (NOC) - Rep Of IrelandConstanta, 罗马尼亚 (CND) - KogalniceanuCooma, 新南威尔士州, 澳大利亚 (OOM)哥本哈根, 丹麦 (CPH) - CopenhagenCordoba, Cordoba, 阿根廷 (COR) - Pajas BlancasCordova, 阿拉斯加州, 美国 (CDV)Cork, 爱尔兰 (ORK) - Cork康沃尔, 安大略, 加拿大 (YCC) - RegionalCorpus Christi, 得克萨斯州, 美国 (CRP) - Corpus Christi International Airpo Cortez, 科罗拉多州, 美国 (CEZ) - Montezuma CountyCorumba, Mato Grosso Do Sul, 巴西 (CMG) - CorumbaCoteau, 魁北克, 加拿大 (XGK) - Coteau / Via Rail ServiceCotonou, 贝宁 (COO) - CotonouCourtenay, 不列颠哥伦比亚, 加拿大 (YCA)Cowra, 新南威尔士州, 澳大利亚 (CWT) - CowraCoyhaique, 智利 (GXQ) - Teniente VidalCozumel, Quintana Roo, 墨西哥 (CZM) - Aeropuerto Intl De CozumelCraig, 阿拉斯加, 美国 (CGA)Cranbrook, 不列颠哥伦比亚, 加拿大 (YXC) - Cranbrook AirportCrescent City, 加利福尼亚州, 美国 (CEC) - Crescent City Municipal AirCrooked Island, 巴哈马 (CRI)Cucuta, 哥伦比亚 (CUC) - Camilo DazaCuenca, 厄瓜多尔 (CUE) - Mariscal La MarCuiaba, Mato Grosso, 巴西 (CGB)Culiacan, Sinaloa, 墨西哥 (CUL)Cumana, 委内瑞拉 (CUM)Cumberland, 马里兰州, 美国 (CBE) - MunicipalCuritiba, Parana, 巴西 (CWB) - Afonso Pena库斯科, 秘鲁 (CUZ) - Tte Velazco Astete[编辑]D蚬港, 越南 (DAD)达喀尔, 塞内加尔 (DKR) - YoffDalaman, 土耳其 (DLM) - Dalaman大连, 中国 (DLC) - 大连周水子国际机场达拉斯, 得克萨斯州, 美国 (DAL) - 爱田机场达拉斯, 得克萨斯州, 美国 (DFW) - 达拉斯/沃斯堡国际机场大马士革, 叙利亚 (DAM) - Damascus IntlDangriga, 伯利兹 (DGA) - DangrigaDanville, 弗吉尼亚州, 美国 (DAN)Danville, 伊利诺依州, 美国 (DNV) - Vermilion County AirportDar Es Salaam, 坦桑尼亚 (DAR) - International达尔文, 北方领地, 澳大利亚 (DRW)Dauphin, 曼尼托巴, 加拿大 (YDN)Davao, 菲律宾 (DVO) - MatiDawson Creek, 不列颠哥伦比亚, 加拿大 (YDQ)德顿, 俄亥俄州, 美国 (DAY) - James M Cox Dayton InternationalDaytona Beach, 佛罗里达州, 美国 (DAB) - Daytona Beach International Airport Deadmans Cay / Long Island, 巴哈马 (LGI) - Deadmans CayDecatur, 伊利诺依州, 美国 (DEC) - Decatur Municiple AirportDeer Lake, 安大略, 加拿大 (YVZ)Deer Lake, 纽芬兰, 加拿大 (YDF) - Deer LakeDel Rio, 得克萨斯州, 美国 (DRT)德里, 印度 (DEL) - Delhi International AirportDembidollo, 埃塞俄比亚 (DEM) - DembidolloDenham, 西澳大利亚, 澳大利亚 (DNM)峇里岛, 印度尼西亚 (DPS) - Ngurah Rai丹佛, 科罗拉多州, 美国 (DEN) - 丹佛国际机场Des Moines, 爱荷华州, 美国 (DSM)Destin, 佛罗里达州, 美国 (DSI)底特律, 密执安州, 美国 (DTW) - 底特律大都会国际机场 Devonport, Tasmania, 澳大利亚 (DPO) - DevonportDhahran, 沙特阿拉伯 (DHA) - Dhahran Intl达卡, 孟加拉国 (DAC) - Zia International AirportDibrugarh, 印度 (DIB) - ChabuaDijon, 法国 (DIJ) - LongvicDipolog, 菲律宾 (DPL) - DipologDiyarbakir, 土耳其 (DIY) - Diyarbakia吉布提, 吉布提 (JIB) - AmbouliDodge City, 堪萨斯州, 美国 (DDC) - Dodge City Municipal多哈, 卡达 (DOH) - Doha多米尼加, 多米尼加 (DCF) - Cane Field多米尼加, 多米尼加 (DOM) - Melville Hal-DomDonetsk, 乌克兰 (DOK) - DonetskDortmund, 德国 (DTM) - WickedeDothan, 阿拉巴马州, 美国 (DHN) - MunicipalDouala, 喀麦隆 (DLA) - DoualaDresden, 德国 (DRS) - DresdenDrummondville, 魁北克, 加拿大 (XDM)Dryden, 安大略, 加拿大 (YHD) - Dryden AirportDu Bois, 宾夕法尼亚州, 美国 (DUJ) - Jefferson County杜拜, 阿拉伯联合大公国 (DXB) - 杜拜国际机场Dubbo, 新南威尔士州, 澳大利亚 (DBO) - Dubbo都柏林, 爱尔兰 (DUB) - DublinDubuque, 爱荷华州, 美国 (DBQ) - Dubuque Municipal Airport杜塞尔多夫, 德国 (DUS) - Dusseldorf杜塞尔多夫, 德国 (QDU) - Main Train StationDuluth, 明尼苏达州, 美国 (DLH) - Duluth International Airport Duncan / Quam, 不列颠哥伦比亚, 加拿大 (DUQ) - Quamichan LakeDundee, 苏格兰, 联合王国 (DND) - Dundee但尼丁, 新西兰 (DUD) - MomonaDurango, Durango, 墨西哥 (DGO) - Gen Guadalupe VictoriaDurango, 科罗拉多州, 美国 (DRO) - Durango La Plata County Airport Durban, 南非 (DUR) - Louis BothaDutch Harbor, 阿拉斯加州, 美国 (DUT) - Dutch Harbor[编辑]EEast London, 南非 (ELS) - Ben ShoemanEast Midlands, England, United Kingdom (EMA) - East Midlands复活岛, 智利 (IPC) - MataveriEastsound, 华盛顿州, 美国 (ESD) - Eastsound/Orcas Island Airport Eau Claire, 威斯康星州, 美国 (EAU) - Eau Claire Municipal爱丁堡, 苏格兰, 英国 (EDI) - Turnhouse埃德蒙顿,艾伯塔, 加拿大 (YEG) - Edmonton International埃德蒙顿, 艾伯塔, 加拿大 (YXD) - Edmonton Municipal埃因霍温, 荷兰 (EIN) - Welschap叶卡特琳堡, 俄罗斯 (SVX)El Centro/Imperial, 加利福尼亚州, 美国 - El Centro AirportEl Dorado, 阿肯色州, 美国 (ELD)El Fasher, 苏丹 (ELF) - El FasherEl Paso, 得克萨斯州, 美国 (ELP) - El Paso International Airport El Salvador, 智利 (ESR)Elat, 以色列 (ETH) - Elat埃尔巴岛, 意大利 (EBA) - Marina Di CampoElim, 阿拉斯加州, 美国 (ELI)Elko, 内华达州, 美国 (EKO) - J C Harris FieldElliot Lake, 安大略, 加拿大 (YEL)Elmira / Corning, 纽约州, 美国 (ELM) - Elmira Corning Regional Arpt Ely, 内华达州, 美国 (ELY) - Yelland FieldEmerald, 昆士兰州, 澳大利亚 (EMD) - EmeraldEnid, 俄克拉何马州, 美国 (WDG) - Woodring MunicipalEnschede, 荷兰 (ENS) - TwenteEntebbe/Kampala, 乌干达 (EBB) - EntebbeErfurt, 德国 (ERF) - Erfurt伊利, 宾夕法尼亚州, 美国 (ERI) - Erie InternationalErzurum, 土耳其 (ERZ) - ErzurumEsbjerg, 丹麦 (EBJ) - EsbjergEscanaba, 密歇根州, 美国 (ESC) - Delta County AirportEsperance, 西澳大利亚, 澳大利亚 (EPR) - EsperanceEsquimalt, 不列颠哥伦比亚, 加拿大 (YPF)尤金, 奥勒冈, 美国 (EUG) - Eugene AirportEvansville, 印地安那州, 美国 (EVV) - Evansville Regional Airport Evenes, 挪威 (EVE) - EvenesExeter, 英格兰, 联合王国 (EXT) - Exeter[编辑]FFairbanks, 阿拉斯加州, 美国 (FAI) - Fairbanks International Airport Fairmont, 明尼苏达州, 美国 (FRM) - Fairmont MunicipalFargo, 北达科他州, 美国 (FAR) - Hector AirportFarmington, 新墨西哥州, 美国 (FMN) - Four Corners Regional Airport Faro, 葡萄牙 (FAO) - Faro法罗群岛, 法罗群岛 (FAE) - Faeroe IslandsFayetteville, 阿肯色州, 美国 (FYV) - MunicipalFayetteville, 北卡罗莱纳州, 美国 (FAY) - Fayetteville MunicipalFergus Falls, 明尼苏达州, 美国 (FFM) - Fergus Falls Municipal Airport Fez, 摩洛哥 (FEZ) - FezFlagstaff, 亚利桑那州, 美国 (FLG) - FlagstaffFlint, 密歇根州, 美国 (FNT) - Bishop Int'l Airport佛罗伦萨, 南卡罗来纳州, 美国 (FLO) - Gilbert Field佛罗伦萨, 意大利 (FLR)Flores, 危地马拉 (FRS) - FloresFlorianopolis, Santa Catarina, 巴西 (FLN) - FlorianopolisFloro, 挪威 (FRO) - FloroFormosa, Formosa, 阿根廷 (FMA) - FormosaFort Collins/Loveland, 科罗拉多州, 美国 (FNL) - Fort Collins / Lovela Fort De 法国, Martinique (FDF) - Fort De 法国Fort Dodge, 爱荷华州, 美国 (FOD) - Fort Dodge Regional AirportFort Huachuca/Sierra Vista, 亚利桑那州, 美国 (FHU)劳得岱堡, 佛罗里达, 美国 (FLL) - Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood Intl AptFort Leonard Wood, 密苏里州, 美国 (TBN) - Forney FieldFort Mcmurray, 阿尔伯塔, 加拿大 (YMM) - Fort Mcmurray MunicipalFort Myers, 佛罗里达州, 美国 (RSW) - Regional Southwest AirportFort Simpson, 西北地区, 加拿大 (YFS) - Fort Simpson AirportFort Smith, 西北地区, 加拿大 (YSM)Fort Smith, 阿肯色州, 美国 (FSM) - Fort Smith MunicipalFort St John, 不列颠哥伦比亚, 加拿大 (YXJ) - Fort St John韦恩堡, 印地安纳州, 美国 (FWA) - Baer FieldFortaleza, Ceara, 巴西 (FOR) - Fortaleza法兰克福, 德国 (FRA) - Frankfurt International富兰克林, 宾夕法尼亚州, 美国 (FKL) - Chess LambertonFredericton, New Brunswick, 加拿大 (YFC) - Fredericton Municipal Apt Freeport, 巴哈马 (FPO) - Freeport Intl AirportFresno, 加利福尼亚,美国 (FAT) - Fresno Air TerminalFriday Harbor, 华盛顿州, 美国 (FRD) - Friday Harbor AirportFriedrichshafen, 德国 (FDH) - Friedrichshafen - LowenthalFuerteventura / Puerto Del Rosario, Canary Islands/Fuerteventura Isla 福冈, 日本 (FUK) - 福冈空港Funchal, Madeira Islands, 葡萄牙 (FNC) - Funchal[编辑]GGaborone, 博茨瓦纳 (GBE) - GaboroneGainesville, 佛罗里达州, 美国 (GNV) - Jr Alison MunicipalGalapagos Islands, 厄瓜多尔 (GPS) - BaltraGalena, 阿拉斯加州, 美国 (GAL)Galesburg, 伊利诺依州, 美国 (GBG) - Galesburg Municiple AirportGallup, 新墨西哥州, 美国 (GUP) - Gallup MunicipalGalveston, 得克萨斯州, 美国 (GLS) - Scholes FieldGalway, 爱尔兰 (GWY) - CarnmoreGander, 纽芬兰, 加拿大 (YQX) - Gander Intl AirportGarden City, 堪萨斯, 美国 (GCK) - Garden City Municipal AirportGary, 印地安那, 美国 (GYY)佳斯贝, 魁北克, 加拿大 (YGP)嘎地诺, 魁北克, 加拿大 (YND) - GatineauGauhati, 印度 (GAU) - Borjhar格但斯克, 波兰 (GDN) - Rebiechowo日内瓦, 瑞士 (GVA) - Geneva热内亚, 意大利 (GOA) - Christoforo ColomboGeorge, 南非 (GRJ) - GeorgeGeorge Town, 巴哈马 (GGT) - Exuma InternationalGeorgetown, 安大略, 加拿大 (XHM) - Georgetown / Via Rail Service Georgetown, Guyana (GEO) - TimehriGeraldton, 西澳大利亚, 澳大利亚 (GET) - GeraldtonGerona, 西班牙 (GRO) - Costa Brava直布罗陀, 直布罗陀 (GIB) - GibraltarGillam, 曼尼托巴, 加拿大 (YGX)Gillette, 怀俄明州, 美国 (GCC) - Campbell County AirportGillies Bay, 不列颠哥伦比亚, 加拿大 (YGB)格拉斯哥, 蒙大拿, 美国 (GGW)格拉斯哥, 苏格兰, 联合王国 (PIK) - 格拉斯哥贝勒斯特威怡国际机场格拉斯哥, 苏格兰, 联合王国 (GLA) - 格拉斯哥国际机场Glencoe, 安大略, 加拿大 (XZC) - Glencoe / Via Rail ServiceGlendive, 蒙大拿州, 美国 (GDV)Goa, 印度 (GOI) - DabolimGods River, 曼尼托巴, 加拿大 (ZGI)Gold Coast, 昆士兰州, 澳大利亚 (OOL) - CoolangattaGolfito, 哥斯达黎加 (GLF) - GolfitoGolovin, 阿拉斯加州, 美国 (GLV)Goodland, 堪萨斯州, 美国 (GLD) - Renner Field古斯贝, 纽芬兰, 加拿大 (YYR) - Goose Bay Municipal AirptGoroka, 巴布亚新几内亚 (GKA) - GorokaGorontalo, 印度尼西亚 (GTO) - Tolotio古登堡, 瑞典 (GOT) - Landvetter总督港, 巴哈马 (GHB)Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, 西班牙 (LPA) - Aeropuerto De Gran Canar Granada, 西班牙 (GRX) - Granada大峡谷, 亚历桑纳州, 美国 (GCN)Grand Cayman Island, Cayman Islands (GCM) - Owen Roberts Intl Airport Grand Forks, 北达科他州, 美国 (GFK) - Grand Forks International Airpo Grand Island, 内布垃斯加州, 美国 (GRI) - Central Nebraska Regional Ai Grand Junction, 科罗拉多州, 美国 (GJT) - Walker FieldGrand Rapids, 密歇根州, 美国 (GRR) - Kent County International AirporGrand Turk Is, Turks And Caicos Islands (GDT)Grande Prairie, 阿尔博塔, 加拿大 (YQU) - Grande Prairie AirportGraz, 奥地利 (GRZ) - ThalerhofGreat Falls, 蒙大拿州, 美国 (GTF) - Great Falls International绿湾, 威斯康星州, 美国 (GRB) - Austin/Straybel FieldGreenbrier, 西弗吉尼亚州, 美国 (LWB) - Greenbrier Valley AirportGreensboro / High Point, 北卡罗来那州, 美国 (GSO) - Piedmont Triad InGreenville, 北卡罗来那州, 美国 (PGV)Greenville / Greer, 南卡罗来那州, 美国 - Greenville Spartanburg AirpoGrenoble, 法国 (GNB) - St GeoirsGrimsby, 安大略, 加拿大 (XGY) - Grimsby / Via Rail ServiceGroningen, 荷兰 (GRQ) - EeldeGroton / New London, 康涅狄格州, 美国 (GON) - Groton-New LondonGuadalajara, Jalisco, 墨西哥 (GDL) - Miguel Hidalgo Intl关岛, 关岛 (GUM) - Ab Wonpat Intl Airport广州, 中国 (CAN) - 白云国际机场危地马拉市, 危地马拉 (GUA) - La Aurora Intl AirportGuayaquil, 厄瓜多尔 (GYE) - Simon BolivarGuaymas, Sonora, 墨西哥 (GYM)圭尔夫, 安大略, 加拿大 (XIA) - Guelph / Via Rail ServiceGuernsey, Channel Islands, 联合王国 (GCI) - GuernseyGuerrero Negro, Baja California Sur, 墨西哥 (GUB) - Guerrero Negro Airport 桂林, 中国 (KWL) - 桂林两江机场Gulfport, 密西西比州, 美国 (GPT) - Gulfport/BiloxiGunnison, 科罗拉多州, 美国 (GUC) - Gunnison County Airport奎达, 巴基斯坦 (GWD)[编辑]HHagerstown, 马里兰州, 美国 (HGR) - Washington County Regional Airport 海口, 中国 (HAK) - 海口美兰国际机场Haines, 阿拉斯加, 美国 (HNS)函馆, 日本 (HKD) - 函馆哈利法克斯, 新斯科舍, 加拿大 (YHZ) - 哈利法克斯国际机场Halmstad, 瑞典 (HAD) - Halmstad汉堡, 德国 (HAM) - Fuhlsbuttel汉密尔顿, 新西兰 (HLZ) - Hamilton汉密尔顿, 安大略省, 加拿大 (YHM) - Hamilton International Airport 汉密尔顿岛, 昆士兰州, 澳大利亚 (HTI)Hammerfest, 挪威 (HFT)花卷, 日本 (HNA)Hancock, 密歇根, 美国 (CMX) - Houghton County / Memorial杭州, 中国 (HGH) - 杭州萧山国际机场河内, 越南 (HAN) - Noibai Airport汉诺威, 德国 (HAJ) - LangenhagenHarare, 津巴布韦 (HRE) - Harare哈尔滨, 中国 (HRB) - 哈尔滨太平国际机场Harlingen, 得克萨斯, 美国 (HRL)哈里斯堡, 宾夕凡尼亚, 美国 (MDT) - Harrisburg International Airport Harrison, 阿肯色州, 美国 (HRO) - Boone County哈特福德, 康涅狄格州, 美国 (BDL) - Bradley International Airport Hastings, 内布垃斯加州, 美国 (HSI)合艾, 泰国 (HDY)Haugesund, 挪威 (HAU) - Karmoy哈瓦那, 古巴 (HAV) - Jose MartiHavre, 蒙大拿州, 美国 (HVR) - City CountyHay River, 西北地区, 加拿大 (YHY)Hayden, 科罗拉多州, 美国 (HDN) - Yampa Valley Regional Airport Hayman Island, 昆士兰州, 澳大利亚 (HIS) - Hayman Island Airport Hays, 堪萨斯州, 美国 (HYS) - Hays Municipal Airport海德堡, 德国 (HDB)Helena, 蒙大拿州, 美国 (HLN)Helsingborg, 瑞典 (JHE) - HeliportHelsingborg, 瑞典 (AGH) - Angelholm/Helsingborg赫尔辛基, 芬兰 (HEL) - HelsinkiHeraklion, Crete Island, 希腊 (HER) - HeraklionHermosillo, Sonora, 墨西哥 (HMO) - General Ignacio Pesqueira Garcia Hervey, 魁北克, 加拿大 (XDU) - Hervey / Via Rail ServiceHervey Bay, 昆士兰州, 澳大利亚 (HVB)Hibbing / Chisholm, 明尼苏达州, 美国 (HIB) - Hibbing-Chisholm Hickory, 北卡罗来那州, 美国 (HKY)High Level, 阿尔伯塔, 加拿大 (YOJ) - Footner Lake MuncplHilo, 夏威夷州, 美国 (ITO) - Hilo Hawaii:Hawaii-International 美国Hilton Head, 南卡罗来那州, 美国 (HHH) - Municipal广岛, 日本 (HIJ) - 广岛胡志明市, 越南 (SGN) - 胡志明国际机场Hobart, 塔斯马尼亚, 澳大利亚 (HBA) - HobartHobbs, 新墨西哥州, 美国 (HOB) - Lea County呼和浩特, 中国 (HET) - 呼和浩特据白塔机场Hokitika, 新西兰 (HKK) - HokitikaHollis, 阿拉斯加州, 美国Holman Island, 西北地区, 加拿大 (YHI)Homer, 阿拉斯加州, 美国 (HOM) - Homer Airport香港, 中国 (HKG) - 香港赤腊角国际机场Honiara/Guadalcanal, 所罗门群岛 (HIR) - Henderson International檀香山, 夏威夷州, 美国 (HNL) - 火奴鲁鲁国际机场Hoolehua, 夏威夷州, 美国 (MKK) - MunicipalHoonah, 阿拉斯加州, 美国 (HNH)Hooper Bay, 阿拉斯加州, 美国 (HPB)Hornepayne, 安大略, 加拿大 (YHN)Hoskins, 巴布亚新几内亚 (HKN) - HoskinsHot Springs, 阿肯色州, 美国 (HOT) - Memorial Field休斯敦, 不列颠哥伦比亚, 加拿大 (ZHO)休斯敦, 得克萨斯, 美国 (HOU) - Houston Hobby Airport休斯敦, 得克萨斯, 美国 (EFD) - Ellington Field休斯敦, 得克萨斯, 美国 (IAH) - George Bush Intercontinental花莲, 台湾 (HUN) - HualienHuatulco, Oaxaca, 墨西哥 (HUX)Hudson Bay, 萨斯卡切温, 加拿大 (YHB)顺化, 越南 (HUI)Humberside, 英格兰, 联合王国(HUY) - HumbersideHuntington / Ashland, 西弗吉尼亚州, 美国 (HTS) - Tri-StateHuntsville/Decatur, 阿拉巴马州, 美国 (HSV) - Huntsville-Madison County Jetp Hurghada, 埃及 (HRG)Huron, 南达科他州, 美国 (HON) - Huron Regional AirportHwange National Park, 津巴布韦 (HWN) - Hwange National ParkHyannis, 马萨诸塞州MA, 美国 (HYA) - Barnstable CountyHydaburg, 阿拉斯加州, 美国 (HYG)Hyderabad, 印度 (HYD) - Begumpet[编辑]IIasi, 罗马尼亚 (IAS) - IasiIbiza, 西班牙 (IBZ) - IbizaIdaho Falls, 爱达荷州, 美国 (IDA)Igloolik, 西北地区, 加拿大 (YGT)Iguassu Falls, Parana, 巴西 (IGU)Iguazu, Misiones, 阿根廷 (IGR) - Iguazu InternationalIles De La Madeleine, 魁北克, 加拿大 (YGR) - House Harbour AirportIlford, 曼尼托巴, 加拿大 (ILF)Ilheus, Bahia, 巴西 (IOS) - Eduardo GomesIliamna, 阿拉斯加, 美国 (ILI)Ilo, Moquegua, 秘鲁 (ILQ) - Ilo AirportIloilo, 菲律宾 (ILO) - MandurriaoIlulissat, 格林兰 (JAV)Imperatriz, Maranhao, 巴西 (IMP)Imphal, 印度 (IMF) - MunicipalInagua, 巴哈马 (IGA)Indaselassie, 埃塞俄比亚 (SHC)印地安纳波里斯, 印地安纳州, 美国 (IND) - 印度napolis International Airport Ingersoll, 安大略, 加拿大 (XIB) - Ingersoll / Via Rail ServiceInnsbruck, 奥地利 (INN) - KranebittenInternational Falls, 明尼苏达州, 美国 (INL) - Falls InternationalInuvik, 西北地区, 加拿大 (YEV) - Inuvik International ArptInverness, 苏格兰, 联合王国 (INV) - InvernessInyokern, 加利福尼亚州, 美国 (IYK) - Inyokern AirportIoannina, 希腊 (IOA) - IoanninaIpiales, 哥伦比亚 (IPI) - San Luis怡保, 马来西亚 (IPH) - 怡保Iqaluit, 西北地区, 加拿大 (YFB)Iquique, 智利 (IQQ) - ChucumataIquitos, 秘鲁 (IQT) - Cf Secada伊尔库斯克, 俄罗斯 (IKT) - Irkutsk。



2009年A VN(第26届)颁奖典礼及获奖名单2009A VN(第26届)颁奖典礼及获奖名单moviaddict 发布于:2009-10-15 23:35此次頒獎情況都在預料之中,也在情理之中。

但是要說的是AVN的獎項只能代表西片中美國部分,從整個西片成人世界來說,美國只是一小部分,是A VN的宣傳和推廣做的比歐洲更好,當然從A VN的推廣方面也有我米大可很大功勞,每年我都不予餘力的不要任何回報的為A VN在華人成人論壇推廣和普及,其實我并不是最喜歡美國的成人片。



所以A VN是一個極為發達推廣傳媒。


有美国成人影片「奥司卡」之称的A VN大奖,第26届的结果终於出炉。


会中好色客Hustler老板Larry Flynt作了精彩的演讲,内容当然就是要讽剌布希政府,以及他近日对政府要求的「纾困」方案。

这次大奖中最大赢家要算是美国成人片业界龙头之一的Digital Playground (DG)。

一如预期的,DG的年度大作Pirates II: Stagnetti’s Revenge共获得包括最佳男演员、最佳剧情片导演、最佳剧情片录影带、最佳男配角,最佳女配角、最佳剧本、最佳美术指导、最佳剪接、最佳特别效果、最佳化妆等15个奖项,比起2006年时Pirates第一集还多了四个奖项。

左起:Katsuni, Stoya, Jesse Jane和Riley Steele。








而对于今年在威尼斯大放异彩的《大师》,美国人却似乎不怎么买账,保罗·托马斯·安德森的这部力作未能入选年度十佳,韦恩斯坦的“魔法”失效了么? AFI年度十佳电影《逃离德黑兰》Argo《逃离德黑兰》根据一篇为名“中情局如何依靠一部假冒的电影将美国人带离德黑兰”的杂志文章改编而成,片名“Argo”来源于年伊朗人质危机时期的一个典故。


期间,一位精通伪装技巧的的中情局特工托尼·门德兹(Tony Mendez)策划了一个营救方案,成功地将困在加拿大驻伊朗使馆的6名美国外交官带离伊朗。



《南方的野兽》Beasts of the Southern Wild一场突如其来的暴风雨却让6岁的小女孩认清了面前这个残酷的世界。




Fitch - Complete Sovereign Rating History Last Updated:Country Datelong-term short-term outlook/Watchlong-termAbu Dhabi 2 Jul 2007AA F1+stable AA Angola 23 May 2012BB-B positiveBB-Angola 24 May 2011BB-B stableBB-Angola 19 May 2010B+B positive B+Argentina 12 Jul 2010B B stable B Argentina 18 Dec 2008RD B -B-Argentina 1 Aug 2006RD B -B Argentina 14 Dec 2005RD B -B-Argentina 3 Jun 2005DDD B -B-Argentina 14 Jan 2005D D -B-Argentina 17 Jun 2004DDD D -B-Argentina 26 Apr 2004DDD C -B-Argentina 4 Jan 2002DDD C -C Argentina 3 Dec 2001DDD D -DDD Argentina 6 Nov 2001C C Rating Watch negative C Argentina 2 Nov 2001CC C Rating Watch negative CC Argentina 12 Oct 2001CCC-C negativeCCC-Argentina 11 Jul 2001B-B negativeB-Argentina 28 Mar 2001B+B Rating Watch negative B+Argentina 20 Mar 2001BB-B Rating Watch negativeBB Argentina 21 Sep 2000BB B negative BB+Argentina 3 Dec 1997BB B -BB+Argentina 28 May 1997BB B --Armenia 13 Aug 2009BB-B stable BB-Armenia 3 Jul 2008BB B stable BB Armenia 1 May 2007BB-B positiveBB-Armenia 24 May 2006BB-B stableBB-Aruba 8 Jun 2006BBB F3stable BBB Aruba 12 Jun 2003BBB F3negative BBB Aruba 29 Apr 2002BBB F3stable BBB Australia 28 Nov 2011AAA F1+stable AAA Australia 3 Feb 2003AA+F1+stable AAA Australia 21 Sep 2000AA F1+stable AAA Australia 19 Nov 1998AA F1+-AAA Australia 18 Jun 1998AA F1+Rating Watch negative AAA Australia 25 Jan 1996AA F1+-AAA Austria 21 Sep 2000AAA F1+stable AAA Austria 26 Oct 1995AAA F1+-AAA Austria 10 Aug 1994AAA ---Azerbaijan 11 May 2012BBB-F3stable BBB-Azerbaijan 17 May 2011BBB-F3positiveBBB-Azerbaijan 20 May 2010BBB-F3stableBBB-Azerbaijan 5 Feb 2007BB+B stable BB+Azerbaijan 22 Nov 2004BB B stable BB Azerbaijan 25 Jul 2002BB-B positiveBB-Azerbaijan 20 Jul 2001BB-B stableBB-Azerbaijan 21 Sep 2000B+B positive BB-Azerbaijan 3 Jul 2000B+B -BB-Bahrain 3 Aug 2011BBB F3stable BBB+Bahrain 15 Mar 2011BBB F3Rating Watch negative BBB+Bahrain 3 Mar 2011A-F1negativeA Bahrain 17 Feb 2011A F1Rating Watch negative A+Bahrain 24 Aug 2007A F1stable A+Bahrain 17 Aug 2006A-F1positiveA Bahrain 10 Jan 2003A-F1stableA Bahrain 16 Dec 2002BBB F3Rating Watch positive BBB+Bahrain 27 Nov 2001BBB F3stable BBB+Bahrain 21 Sep 2000BBB-F3stableBBB+Bahrain 16 Feb 2000BBB-F3-BBB+Belgium 27 Jan 2012AA F1+negativeAA Belgium 16 Dec 2011AA+F1+Rating Watch negative AA+Belgium 23 May 2011AA+F1+negative AA+Belgium 2 May 2006AA+F1+stable AA+Belgium 17 Jun 2002AA F1+stable AA Belgium 21 Sep 2000AA-F1+stableAA-Belgium 16 Dec 1998AA-F1+-AA-Belgium 14 Jul 1998AA+F1+-AA+Belgium 26 Oct 1995AA+F1+-AAA Belgium10 Aug 1994AA+---Foreign currency ratingLocal currenForeign currency rating Local curren Benin25 Jan 2012withdrawn withdrawn withdrawn withdrawnBenin15 Sep 2004B B stable BBermuda26 Jun 2012AA F1+stable AA+Bermuda11 Aug 2006AA+F1+stable AAABermuda21 Sep 2000AA F1+stable AAABermuda26 Oct 1995AA F1+-AAABermuda10 Aug 1994AA---Bolivia 5 Oct 2010B+B stable B+Bolivia8 Sep 2009B B stable BBolivia27 Jul 2007B-B stable B-Bolivia17 Jun 2005B-B negative B-Bolivia17 Mar 2004B-B stable B-Brazil 4 Apr 2011BBB F2stable BBBBrazil28 Jun 2010BBB-F3positive BBB-Brazil29 May 2008BBB-F3stable BBB-Brazil9 May 2007BB+B stable BB+Brazil 5 Feb 2007BB B positive BBBrazil28 Jun 2006BB B stable BBBrazil11 Oct 2005BB-B positive BB-Brazil28 Sep 2004BB-B stable BB-Brazil 6 Nov 2003B+B stable B+Brazil 3 Jun 2003B B positive BBrazil10 Mar 2003B B stable BBrazil21 Oct 2002B B negative BBrazil 1 Aug 2002B+B Rating Watch negative B+Brazil20 Jun 2002B+B negative B+Brazil17 Jul 2001BB-B negative B+Brazil21 Sep 2000BB-B stable B+Brazil19 May 2000BB-B-B+Brazil22 Feb 2000B+B-B+Brazil26 Jan 1999B B-BBrazil 3 Dec 1997B+B-BB-Brazil26 Oct 1995B+B--Brazil 1 Dec 1994B+---Bulgaria13 Dec 2011BBB-F3stable BBBBulgaria24 May 2011BBB-F3positive BBBBulgaria30 Apr 2009BBB-F3negative BBBBulgaria9 Nov 2008BBB-F3stable BBBBulgaria30 Jan 2008BBB F3negative BBB+Bulgaria17 Aug 2005BBB F3stable BBB+Bulgaria 4 Aug 2004BBB-F3stable BBBBulgaria24 Jul 2003BB+B positive BBB-Bulgaria29 Oct 2002BB B positive BB+Bulgaria14 Jan 2002BB-B stable BBBulgaria21 Sep 2000B+B positive BBBulgaria17 Apr 1998B+B-BBCameroon30 May 2012B B stable BCameroon 6 Mar 2007B B stable B-Cameroon12 Jun 2006B B stable CCC Cameroon21 Dec 2005B-B positive CCC Cameroon 4 Nov 2005B-B positive CCC+ Cameroon15 Feb 2005B-B stable CCC+ Cameroon 5 Jul 2004B B Rating Watch Negative BCameroon 4 Sep 2003B B stable BCanada12 Aug 2004AAA F1+stable AAACanada 3 Apr 2001AA+F1+stable AAACanada21 Sep 2000AA F1+stable AAACanada26 Oct 1995AA F1+-AAACanada10 Aug 1994AA---Cape Verde22 Jun 2009B+B stable BB-Cape Verde11 Mar 2008B+B positive BB-Cape Verde15 Aug 2003B+B stable BB-Chile 1 Feb 2011A+F1stable AA-Chile10 Nov 2008A F1stable A+Chile15 May 2007A F1positive A+Chile28 Mar 2005A F1stable A+Chile 2 Feb 2004A-F1positive A+Chile24 Feb 2003A-F1stable A+Chile21 Sep 2000A-F1stable AA-Chile 3 Dec 1997A-F1-AA-Foreign currency rating Local curren Chile25 Nov 1996A-F1-AAChile26 Oct 1995A-F1--Chile30 Aug 1995A----Chile10 Nov 1994BBB+---China12 Apr 2011A+F1stable AA-China 6 Nov 2007A+F1stable AA-China13 Sep 2006A F1positive A+China17 Oct 2005A F1stable A+China13 Oct 2003A-F1positive AChina 6 Dec 2001A-F1stable AChina21 Sep 2000A-F1stable-China22 Dec 1998A-F1--China11 Dec 1997A----Colombia22 Jun 2011BBB-F3Stable BBBColombia21 Oct 2010BB+B positive BBB-Colombia21 Jun 2007BB+B stable BBB-Colombia 5 Jun 2006BB B positive BBB-Colombia 3 May 2004BB B stable BBB-Colombia29 Aug 2002BB B negative BBB-Colombia10 Jan 2002BB B stable BBB-Colombia24 Oct 2000BB+B negative BBBColombia21 Sep 2000BB+B stable BBBColombia17 Mar 2000BB+B-BBBColombia 1 Sep 1999BBB-F3-BBB+Colombia20 Mar 1998BBB F3-A-Colombia10 Aug 1994BBB---Costa Rica 4 Mar 2011BB+B stable BB+Costa Rica 4 Oct 2006BB B stable BB+Costa Rica28 Apr 2003BB B negative BB+Costa Rica21 Sep 2000BB B stable BB+Costa Rica11 May 1998BB B-BB+Croatia21 May 2009BBB-F3negative BBBCroatia 6 Jul 2005BBB-F3stable BBB+Croatia8 Jul 2003BBB-F3positive BBB+Croatia28 Jun 2001BBB-F3stable BBB+Croatia21 Sep 2000BB+B positive BBBCroatia29 Apr 1999BB+B-BBBCroatia17 Jan 1997BBB-F3-A-Cyprus25 Jun 2012BB+B negative BB+Cyprus27 Jan 2012BBB-F3negative BBB-Cyprus16 Dec 2011BBB F3Rating Watch negative BBBCyprus10 Aug 2011BBB F3negative BBBCyprus31 May 2011A-F1negative A-Cyprus12 Jul 2007AA-F1+Rating Watch negative AA-Cyprus12 Jul 2007AA-F1+stable AA-Cyprus 4 Nov 2003A+F1positive AACyprus 1 Feb 2002A+F1stable AACzech Republic13 Dec 2011A+F1stable AA-Czech Republic 4 Jun 2010A+F1positive AA-Czech Republic 4 Mar 2008A+F1stable AA-Czech Republic26 Aug 2005A F1stable A+Czech Republic20 Jun 2003A-F2stable ACzech Republic28 Mar 2001BBB+F2stable ACzech Republic21 Sep 2000BBB+F2stable A+Czech Republic22 Dec 1998BBB+F2-A+Czech Republic24 Nov 1997BBB+F2-AA-Czech Republic26 Oct 1995A-F1--Czech Republic10 Aug 1995A----Denmark10 Nov 2003AAA F1+stable AAADenmark29 Sep 2000AA+F1+stable AAADenmark21 Sep 2000AA+F1+positive AAADenmark26 Oct 1995AA+F1+-AAADenmark10 Aug 1994AA+---Dominican Republic 5 Jan 2011B B positive BDominican Republic25 Sep 2008B B stable BDominican Republic26 Sep 2006B B positive BDominican Republic 5 May 2006B B stable BDominican Republic19 Jul 2005B-B stable BDominican Republic11 May 2005DDD D-BDominican Republic 5 May 2005DDD D-CCC+Foreign currency rating Local curren Dominican Republic21 Apr 2005C C Rating Watch negative CCC+ Dominican Republic30 Jan 2004CCC+C Rating Watch negative CCC+ Dominican Republic24 Oct 2003B B Rating Watch negative BDominican Republic8 Oct 2003B+B Rating Watch negative B+Dominican Republic11 Aug 2003B+B stable B+Ecuador8 Nov 2010B-B stable-Ecuador 4 Sep 2009CCC C stable-Ecuador16 Dec 2008RD D--Ecuador17 Nov 2008CCC C Rating Watch negative-Ecuador30 Oct 2007CCC C stable-Ecuador23 Jan 2007CCC C Rating Watch negative-Ecuador29 Aug 2005B-B negative-Ecuador7 Oct 2004B-B stable-Ecuador26 Sep 2003CCC+C stable-Ecuador24 Mar 2003CCC+C positive-Ecuador8 Nov 2002CCC+C stable-Egypt15 Jun 2012B+B negative B+Egypt30 Dec 2011BB-B negative BBEgypt28 Jun 2011BB B negative BB+Egypt 3 Feb 2011BB B Rating Watch negative BB+Egypt28 Jan 2011BB+B negative BBB-Egypt18 Aug 2008BB+B stable BBB-Egypt18 Jun 2007BB+B positive BBBEgypt15 Dec 2004BB+B stable BBBEgypt 2 Dec 2003BB+B stable BBBEgypt21 Aug 2002BB+B stable BBBEgypt22 Jan 2002BBB-F3negative BBB+Egypt22 Aug 2001BBB-F3stable BBB+Egypt21 Sep 2000BBB-F3stable A-Egypt19 Aug 1997BBB-F3-A-El Salvador24 Jul 2012BB B negative BBEl Salvador29 Jul 2011BB B stable BBEl Salvador18 Jun 2009BB B negative BBEl Salvador13 Oct 2008BB+B negative BB+El Salvador31 Jan 2005BB+B stable BB+El Salvador21 Aug 2002BB+B negative BB+El Salvador16 Aug 2001BB+B stable BB+El Salvador21 Sep 2000BB+B stable BBBEl Salvador8 May 2000BB+B-BBBEl Salvador 5 May 1998BB+B-A-El Salvador23 Sep 1996BB B-A-Estonia 5 Jul 2011A+F1stable A+Estonia19 Jul 2010A F1stable AEstonia30 Mar 2010BBB+F2Rating Watch positive A-Estonia 5 Feb 2010BBB+F2stable A-Estonia8 Apr 2009BBB+F2negative A-Estonia 3 Oct 2008A-F1negative AEstonia31 Jan 2008A F1negative A+Estonia31 Aug 2006A F1stable A+Estonia7 Jul 2004A F1positive A+Estonia22 Oct 2003A-F1positive A+Estonia30 Aug 2001A-F1stable A+Estonia30 Jul 2001BBB+F2Rating Watch positive AEstonia28 Sep 2000BBB+F2stable AEstonia7 Aug 2000BBB F3Rating Watch positive AEstonia11 Sep 1997BBB F3-AFinland21 Sep 2000AAA F1+stable AAAFinland 5 Aug 1998AAA F1+-AAAFinland14 Jul 1998AA+F1+-AA+Finland29 Apr 1997AA+F1+-AAAFinland12 Mar 1996AA F1+-AAAFinland26 Oct 1995AA-F1+-AAAFinland10 Aug 1994AA----France16 Dec 2011AAA F1+negative AAAFrance21 Sep 2000AAA F1+stable AAAFrance26 Oct 1995AAA F1+-AAAFrance10 Aug 1994AAA---Gabon 5 Apr 2012BB-B positive BB-Gabon29 Oct 2007BB-B stable BB-Gambia 6 Jul 2007----Foreign currency rating Local curren Gambia21 Dec 2005CCC C stable CCCGambia26 Jan 2005CCC+C stable CCC+Gambia11 Nov 2002B-B stable B-Georgia15 Dec 2011BB-B stable BB-Georgia 3 Mar 2011B+B positive B+Georgia26 Aug 2009B+B stable B+Georgia7 Apr 2009B+B Rating Watch negative B+Georgia8 Aug 2008B+B negative B+Georgia18 Jul 2007BB-B stable BB-Germany21 Sep 2000AAA F1+stable AAAGermany26 Oct 1995AAA F1+-AAAGermany10 Aug 1994AAA---Ghana24 Sep 2010B+B stable B+Ghana 3 Mar 2009B+B negative B+Ghana7 Feb 2008B+B stable B+Ghana 1 Feb 2006B+B positive B+Ghana17 Mar 2005B+B stable B+Ghana 2 Dec 2003B B positive BGreece17 May 2012CCC C-CCCGreece13 Mar 2012B-B stable B-Greece9 Mar 2012RD C-RDGreece22 Feb 2012C C-CGreece13 Jul 2011CCC C-CCCGreece20 May 2011B+B Rating Watch negative B+Greece14 Jan 2011BB+B negative BB+Greece21 Dec 2010BBB-F2Rating Watch negative BBB-Greece9 Apr 2010BBB-F2negative BBB-Greece8 Dec 2009BBB+F2negative BBB+Greece22 Oct 2009A-F1negative A-Greece12 May 2009A F1negative AGreece20 Oct 2008A F1stable AGreece 5 Mar 2007A F1positive AGreece16 Dec 2004A F1stable AGreece28 Sep 2004A+F1Rating Watch negative A+Greece20 Oct 2003A+F1stable A+Greece23 Oct 2002A F1positive AGreece20 Jun 2001A F1stable AGreece21 Sep 2000A-F1stable A-Greece27 Jul 2000A-F1-A-Greece13 Mar 2000BBB+F2Rating Watch positive A-Greece25 Oct 1999BBB+F2-A-Greece10 Aug 1999BBB F3Rating Watch positive-Greece 4 Jun 1997BBB F3--Greece13 Nov 1995BBB-F3--Guatemala22 Feb 2006BB+B stable BB+Hong Kong26 Nov 2010AA+F1+stable AA+Hong Kong12 Jul 2007AA F1+stable AA+Hong Kong24 Jul 2006AA-F1+positive AA+Hong Kong16 May 2004AA-F1+stable AA+Hong Kong24 Apr 2003AA-F1+negative AA+Hong Kong25 Jun 2001AA-F1+stable AA+Hong Kong21 Sep 2000A+F1+stable AA+Hong Kong14 Nov 1996A+F1+-AA+Hong Kong24 Nov 1995A+F1+--Hong Kong26 Oct 1995A+F1--Hong Kong9 Aug 1995A+---Hong Kong10 Aug 1994AA----Hungary 6 Jan 2012BB+B negative BBB-Hungary11 Nov 2011BBB-F3negative BBBHungary 6 Jun 2011BBB-F3Stable BBBHungary23 Dec 2010BBB-F3negative BBBHungary 2 Mar 2009BBB F3negative BBB+Hungary9 Nov 2008BBB F3stable BBB+Hungary15 Oct 2008BBB+F2negative A-Hungary 5 Nov 2007BBB+F2stable A-Hungary20 Sep 2006BBB+F2negative A-Hungary 6 Dec 2005BBB+F2stable A-Hungary12 Jan 2005A-F2negative AHungary15 Jul 2003A-F2negative A+Hungary30 Nov 2000A-F2stable A+Foreign currency rating Local curren Hungary21 Sep 2000BBB+F2positive AHungary29 Oct 1999BBB+F2-AHungary 2 Jul 1998BBB F3-AHungary24 Jun 1997BBB F3-A-Hungary23 May 1997BBB-F3Rating Watch positive BBB+Hungary25 Apr 1996BBB-F3-BBB+Iceland17 Feb 2012BBB-f3stable BBB+Iceland17 May 2011BB+B stable BBB+Iceland 5 Jan 2010BB+B negative BBB+Iceland23 Dec 2009BBB-F3negative A-Iceland8 Oct 2008BBB-F3Rating Watch negative A-Iceland30 Sep 2008A-F2Rating Watch negative AAIceland 1 Apr 2008A+F1negative AA+Iceland15 Mar 2007A+F1stable AA+Iceland21 Feb 2006AA-F1+negative AAAIceland31 Mar 2003AA-F1+stable AAAIceland15 Feb 2002AA-F1+negative AAAIceland21 Sep 2000AA-F1+stable AAAIceland 3 Feb 2000AA-F1+-AAAIndia18 Jun 2012BBB-F3negative BBB-India14 Jun 2010BBB-F3stable BBB-India15 Jul 2008BBB-F3stable BBB-India 1 Aug 2006BBB-F3stable BBB-India21 Jan 2004BB+B stable BB+India22 Nov 2001BB B stable BB+India31 May 2001BB+B negative BBB-India21 Sep 2000BB+B stable BBB-India8 Mar 2000BB+B-BBB-Indonesia15 Dec 2011BBB-F3stable BBB-Indonesia24 Feb 2011BB+B positive BB+Indonesia25 Jan 2010BB+B stable BB+Indonesia14 Feb 2008BB B stable BBIndonesia28 Jan 2007BB-B positive BB-Indonesia13 Feb 2006BB-B stable BB-Indonesia26 Jan 2005BB-B positive BB-Indonesia 4 Oct 2004B+B positive B+Indonesia20 Nov 2003B+B stable B+Indonesia 1 Aug 2002B B stable BIndonesia30 Nov 2001B-B stable B-Indonesia14 Sep 2001B-B positive B-Indonesia21 Sep 2000B-B stable B-Indonesia19 May 2000B-B-B+Indonesia26 Apr 1999B-B-BB-Indonesia16 Mar 1998B-B Rating Watch negative BB+Indonesia21 Jan 1998B+B Rating Watch negative BBB-Indonesia8 Jan 1998BB-B-BBB-Indonesia22 Dec 1997BB+B-BBB+ Indonesia17 Dec 1997BBB-F3Rating Watch negative AIndonesia 4 Jun 1997BBB-F3-AIran24 Apr 2008----Iran24 Apr 2006B+B stable B+Iran 6 Feb 2006BB-B negative BB-Iran14 Dec 2004BB-B stable BB-Iran9 Dec 2003B+B positive B+Iran10 May 2002B+B stable B+Ireland27 Jan 2012BBB+F2negative BBB+Ireland16 Dec 2011BBB+F2Rating Watch negative BBB+Ireland14 Apr 2011BBB+F2negative BBB+Ireland 1 Apr 2011BBB+F2rating watch negative BBB+Ireland9 Dec 2010BBB+F2stable BBB+Ireland 6 Oct 2010A+F1negative A+Ireland 4 Nov 2009AA-F1+stable AA-Ireland8 Apr 2009AA+F1+negative AA+Ireland 6 Mar 2009AAA F1+Rating Watch negative AAAIreland21 Sep 2000AAA F1+stable AAAIreland16 Dec 1998AAA F1+-AAAIreland14 Jul 1998AA+F1+-AA+Ireland26 Oct 1995AA+F1+-AAAIreland10 Oct 1994AA+---Israel11 Feb 2008A F1stable A+Foreign currency rating Local curren Israel18 Dec 2006A-F1positive AIsrael14 Feb 2005A-F1stable AIsrael16 Dec 2003A-F1stable AIsrael22 Oct 2002A-F1negative AIsrael22 Oct 2001A-F1negative A+Israel21 May 2001A-F1Rating Watch negative A+Israel21 Sep 2000A-F1stable A+Israel 6 May 1999A-F1-A+Israel11 Dec 1995A-F2--Israel24 Nov 1995BBB+F2--Italy27 Jan 2012A-F2negative A-Italy16 Dec 2011A+F1Rating Watch negative A+Italy7 Oct 2011A+F1negative A+Italy19 Oct 2006AA-F1+stable AA-Italy25 May 2006AA F1+Rating Watch negative AAItaly29 Jun 2005AA F1+negative AAItaly17 Jun 2002AA F1+stable AAItaly21 Sep 2000AA-F1+stable AA-Italy14 Jul 1998AA-F1+-AA-Italy26 Oct 1995AA-F1+-AAAItaly23 Feb 1995AA----Italy10 Aug 1994AA---Jamaica16 Feb 2010B-B stable B-Jamaica 3 Feb 2010CCC C Rating Watch positive CCCJamaica 3 Feb 2010RD D-RDJamaica14 Jan 2010CCC C negative CJamaica24 Nov 2009CCC C negative CCCJamaica18 Nov 2008B B negative BJamaica29 Aug 2006B+B+stable B+Japan22 May 2012A+F1+negative A+Japan27 May 2011AA F1+negative AA-Japan9 May 2005AA F1+stable AA-Japan21 Nov 2002AA F1+negative AA-Japan26 Nov 2001AA F1+negative AAJapan 2 Mar 2001AA+F1+negative AA+Japan21 Sep 2000AA+F1+stable AA+Japan29 Jun 2000AA+F1+-AA+Japan21 Sep 1998AA+F1+-AAAJapan 1 Sep 1998AAA F1+Rating Watch negative AAAJapan26 Oct 1995AAA F1+-AAAJapan10 Aug 1994AAA---Kazakhstan21 Nov 2011BBB F3positive BBB+ Kazakhstan20 Dec 2010BBB-F3positive BBB Kazakhstan16 Dec 2009BBB-F3stable BBB Kazakhstan 5 Jun 2009BBB-F3negative BBB Kazakhstan19 Feb 2009BBB-F3Rating Watch negative BBB Kazakhstan9 Nov 2008BBB-F3negative BBB Kazakhstan17 Dec 2007BBB F3negative BBB+ Kazakhstan8 Oct 2007BBB F3stable BBB+ Kazakhstan21 Dec 2006BBB F3positive BBB+ Kazakhstan20 Dec 2005BBB F3stable BBB+ Kazakhstan27 Oct 2004BBB-F3stable BBB Kazakhstan19 Nov 2003BB+B positive BBB-Kazakhstan11 Oct 2002BB+B stable BBB-Kazakhstan12 Jul 2001BB B stable BB+ Kazakhstan21 Sep 2000BB-B stable BB Kazakhstan 5 May 2000BB-B-BB Kazakhstan15 Feb 1999BB-B-BBB-Kazakhstan27 Jan 1998BB B-BBB-Kazakhstan 5 Nov 1996BB-B--Kenya16 Jan 2009B+B stable BB-Kenya30 Jan 2008B+B negative BB-Kenya12 Dec 2007B+B stable BB-Korea7 Nov 2011A+F1positive AAKorea 1 Sep 2009A+F1stable AAKorea9 Nov 2008A+F1negative AAKorea23 Oct 2005A+F1stable AAKorea19 Sep 2005A F1Rating Watch positive AA-Korea27 Jun 2002A F1stable AA-Korea13 May 2002BBB+F2Rating Watch positive AForeign currency rating Local curren Korea21 Sep 2000BBB+F2stable AKorea29 Mar 2000BBB+F2-AKorea24 Jun 1999BBB F2-A-Korea26 Apr 1999BBB-F3Rating Watch positive A-Korea19 Jan 1999BBB-F3-A-Korea22 Dec 1998BB+B Rating Watch positive A-Korea19 Jun 1998BB+B-A-Korea 3 Feb 1998BB+B Rating Watch positive A-Korea21 Jan 1998B-B Rating Watch positive BBB-Korea23 Dec 1997B-B Rating Watch negative BBB-Korea12 Dec 1997BBB-F3Rating Watch negative AKorea11 Dec 1997BBB-F3Rating Watch negative AAKorea26 Nov 1997A F2-AAKorea18 Nov 1997A+F1-AA+Korea27 Jun 1996AA-F1+-AAAKuwait 4 Sep 2008AA F1+stable AAKuwait10 Jun 2002AA-F1+stable AAKuwait24 Aug 2001A+F1positive AAKuwait12 Jun 2001A+F1positive-Kuwait21 Sep 2000A F1positive-Kuwait20 Dec 1995A F1--Latvia13 Dec 2011BBB-F3stable BBBLatvia15 Mar 2011BBB-F3positive BBBLatvia 3 Sep 2010BB+B stable BBB-Latvia8 Apr 2009BB+B negative BBB-Latvia23 Dec 2008BBB-F3negative BBBLatvia12 Nov 2008BBB-F3Rating Watch negative BBBLatvia 3 Oct 2008BBB F3negative BBB+Latvia31 Jan 2008BBB+F2negative A-Latvia17 Aug 2007BBB+F2stable A-Latvia 5 Apr 2007A-F2negative ALatvia26 Aug 2005A-F2stable ALatvia7 Jul 2004A-F2positive ALatvia 4 Nov 2003BBB+F3positive ALatvia21 Jul 2003BBB+F3stable ALatvia17 Jul 2001BBB F3positive ALatvia21 Sep 2000BBB F3stable ALatvia29 Jun 1998BBB F3-ALebanon31 Mar 2010B B stable BLebanon14 Jul 2006B-B stable B-Lebanon18 Nov 2005B-B positive B-Lebanon21 Sep 2001B-B stable B-Lebanon 2 Feb 2001B+B stable B+Lebanon21 Sep 2000BB-B negative BBLebanon30 Jun 1999BB-B-BBLebanon 4 Jun 1998BB-B-BB+Lebanon11 Feb 1998BB B Rating Watch negative BBB-Lebanon26 Feb 1997BB B-BBB-Lesotho31 May 2011BB-B negative BBLesotho27 Apr 2010BB-B stable BBLesotho18 Sep 2006BB-B stable BBLesotho 4 Nov 2005BB-B negative BB+Lesotho30 Nov 2004BB-B stable BB+Lesotho26 Sep 2003B+B positive BBLesotho 2 Sep 2002B+B stable BBLibya13 Apr 2011----Libya13 Apr 2011B B stable BLibya 1 Mar 2011BB B Rating Watch negative BBLibya21 Feb 2011BBB F3Rating Watch negative BBBLibya7 May 2009BBB+F2stable BBB+Lithuania13 Dec 2011BBB F3stable BBB+Lithuania 4 May 2011BBB F3positive BBB+Lithuania8 Mar 2010BBB F3stable BBB+Lithuania8 Apr 2009BBB F3negative BBB+Lithuania22 Dec 2008BBB+F2negative A-Lithuania 3 Oct 2008A-F1negative ALithuania7 Dec 2007A F1negative A+Lithuania23 Oct 2006A F1stable A+Lithuania7 Jul 2004A-F2positive ALithuania28 Jan 2004BBB+F2positive AForeign currency rating Local curren Lithuania 4 Nov 2003BBB F3positive A-Lithuania17 Dec 2002BBB F3stable A-Lithuania28 Feb 2002BBB-F3positive BBB+Lithuania16 May 2001BBB-F3stable BBB+Lithuania21 Sep 2000BB+B stable BBB+Lithuania28 Jan 1997BB+B-BBB+ Luxembourg21 Sep 2000AAA F1+stable AAA Luxembourg26 Oct 1995AAA F1+-AAA Luxembourg10 Aug 1994AAA---Macedonia27 Oct 2010BB+B stable BB+ Macedonia21 May 2009BB+B negative BB+ Macedonia 4 Nov 2008BB+B stable BB+ Macedonia14 Aug 2007BB+B positive BB+ Macedonia13 Jun 2006BB+B stable BB+ Macedonia 1 Nov 2005BB B positive BBMalawi25 Aug 2009----Malawi 6 Mar 2007B-B stable B-Malawi21 Dec 2005CCC C positive CCCMalawi30 Jul 2004CCC+C positive CCC+Malawi20 May 2003CCC+C stable CCC+Malaysia9 Jun 2009A-F2stable AMalaysia 1 Feb 2009A-F2stable A+Malaysia9 Nov 2008A-F2stable A+Malaysia22 Jan 2008A-F2positive A+Malaysia8 Nov 2004A-F2stable A+Malaysia 6 Apr 2004BBB+F2positive AMalaysia7 Aug 2002BBB+F2stable AMalaysia9 Apr 2002BBB F2positive A-Malaysia12 Sep 2001BBB F2stable A-Malaysia21 Sep 2000BBB F2positive A-Malaysia7 Dec 1999BBB F2-A-Malaysia9 Sep 1999BBB-F3Rating Watch positive BBBMalaysia26 Apr 1999BBB-F3-BBBMalaysia9 Sep 1998BB B-BBBMalaysia13 Aug 1998BBB-F3-A-Mali 4 Dec 2009----Mali30 Apr 2004B-B stable B-Malta12 Jul 2007A+F1stable A+Malta 4 Nov 2003A F1positive AA-Malta21 Sep 2000A F1stable AA-Malta23 Jun 1998A F1-AA-Malta20 Jul 1996A F1--Mexico23 Nov 2009BBB F2stable BBB+Mexico10 Nov 2008BBB+F2negative A-Mexico19 Sep 2007BBB+F2stable A-Mexico29 Mar 2007BBB F3positive BBB+Mexico7 Dec 2005BBB F3stable BBB+Mexico15 Jan 2002BBB-F3stable BBBMexico21 Sep 2000BB+B positive BBBMexico 3 May 2000BB+B-BBBMexico11 Apr 2000BB B Rating Watch positive BBB-Mexico15 Sep 1997BB B-BBB-Mexico26 Oct 1995BB B--Mexico30 Aug 1995BB---Moldova17 Dec 2009----Moldova15 Sep 2008B-B stable BMoldova18 Jun 2007B-B positive BMoldova 4 Feb 2003B-B stable BMoldova18 Nov 2002DD D Rating Watch positive CCCMoldova28 Jun 2002DD D stable CCCMoldova26 Jun 2001CC C negative CCCMoldova7 Jun 2001CCC+C negative BMoldova21 Sep 2000B-B stable BMoldova25 Nov 1999B-B-BMoldova30 Jul 1998B B-B+Mongolia23 Nov 2010B+B stable B+Mongolia11 Oct 2009B B stable BMongolia19 Jan 2009B B negative BMongolia10 Dec 2008B+B negative B+Mongolia 3 Jun 2008B+B stable B+Foreign currency rating Local curren Mongolia20 Sep 2007B+B positive B+Mongolia18 Jul 2005B+B stable B+Morocco19 Apr 2007BBB-F3stable BBB Mozambique20 Jul 2012B B positive B+ Mozambique15 Jul 2003B B stable B+Namibia9 Dec 2011BBB-F3stable BBBNamibia13 Dec 2010BBB-F3positive BBBNamibia7 Dec 2005BBB-F3stable BBBNigeria21 Oct 2011BB-B stable BBNigeria22 Oct 2010BB-B negative BBNigeria23 May 2008BB-B stable BBNigeria30 Jan 2006BB-B stable BB-Netherlands21 Sep 2000AAA F1+stable AAA Netherlands26 Oct 1995AAA F1+-AAA Netherlands10 Aug 1994AAA---New Zealand29 Sep 2011AA F1+stable AA+New Zealand15 Jul 2009AA+F1+negative AAANew Zealand18 Aug 2003AA+F1+stable AAANew Zealand27 Mar 2002AA F1+stable AAANorway21 Sep 2000AAA F1+stable AAANorway26 Oct 1995AAA F1+-AAANorway13 Mar 1995AAA---Panama 2 Jun 2011BBB F3Stable BBBPanama23 Mar 2010BBB-F3positive BBB-Panama29 Jan 2008BB+B positive BB+Panama 3 Dec 2003BB+B stable BB+Panama24 Oct 2002BB+B negative BB+Panama 4 Sep 2002BB+B Rating Watch negative BB+Panama21 Sep 2000BB+B stable BB+Panama20 Jul 2000BB+B-BB+Panama14 Feb 2000BB+B Rating Watch positive BB+Panama8 Sep 1998BB+B-BB+Papua New Guinea24 Jan 2010----Papua New Guinea13 Mar 2008B+B stable B+Papua New Guinea9 Jan 2007B B positive B+Papua New Guinea10 Jul 2003B B stable B+Papua New Guinea21 Sep 2000B+B stable BB-Papua New Guinea 1 Jan 1999B+B-BB-Peru10 Nov 2011BBB F2stable BBB+Peru 2 Jun 2010BBB-F3positive BBBPeru 2 Apr 2008BBB-F3stable BBBPeru 6 Mar 2007BB+B positive BBB-Peru31 Aug 2006BB+B stable BBB-Peru 4 Nov 2005BB B positive BB+Peru18 Nov 2004BB B stable BB+Peru 4 Jun 2004BB-B positive BB+Peru22 Oct 2003BB-B stable BB+Peru21 Aug 2002BB-B negative BB+Peru29 Apr 2002BB-B stable BB+Peru18 Apr 2001BB-B negative BB+Peru8 Nov 2000BB B Rating Watch negative BBB-Peru21 Sep 2000BB B stable BBB-Peru14 Oct 1999BB B-BBB-Philippines23 Jun 2011BB+B stable BBB-Philippines13 Feb 2006BB B stable BB+ Philippines11 Jul 2005BB B negative BB+ Philippines26 May 2005BB B stable BB+ Philippines7 Dec 2004BB B negative BB+ Philippines12 Jun 2003BB B stable BB+ Philippines25 Nov 2002BB+B negative BBB-Philippines15 Mar 2001BB+B stable BBB-Philippines17 Jan 2001BB+B Rating Watch negative BBB Philippines21 Sep 2000BB+B stable BBB Philippines8 Jul 1999BB+B-BBBPoland18 Jan 2007A-F2stable APoland23 Mar 2005BBB+F2positive APoland 6 May 2004BBB+F2stable APoland 4 Nov 2003BBB+F2positive A+Poland21 Sep 2000BBB+F2stable A+Poland19 Nov 1998BBB+F2-A+Foreign currency rating Local curren Poland7 Jun 1996BBB F3-A-Poland29 Apr 1996BB+B Rating Watch positive-Poland26 Oct 1995BB+B--Portugal24 Nov 2011BB+B negative BB+Portugal 1 Apr 2011BBB-F3Rating Watch negative BBB-Portugal24 Mar 2011A-F2Rating Watch negative A-Portugal23 Dec 2010A+F1negative A+Portugal24 Mar 2010AA-F1+negative AA-Portugal 3 Sep 2009AA F1+negative AAPortugal 1 May 2007AA F1+stable AAPortugal29 Jun 2005AA F1+negative AAPortugal21 Sep 2000AA F1+stable AAPortugal14 Jul 1998AA F1+-AAPortugal 4 Jun 1998AA F1+-AAAPortugal26 Oct 1995AA-F1+-AAAPortugal10 Aug 1994AA----Ras Al Khaimah23 Jan 2008A F1stable ARomania 4 Jul 2011BBB-F3stable BBBRomania 2 Feb 2010BB+B stable BBB-Romania9 Nov 2008BB+B negative BBB-Romania31 Jan 2008BBB F3negative BBB+Romania31 Aug 2006BBB F3stable BBB+Romania17 Nov 2004BBB-F3stable BBBRomania23 Aug 2004BB B positive BB+Romania18 Dec 2003BB B stable BB+Romania24 Sep 2003BB-B Rating Watch positive BBRomania30 Oct 2002BB-B stable BBRomania14 Jun 2002B+B stable BB-Romania14 Nov 2001B B positive B+Romania16 Nov 2000B B stable BRomania21 Sep 2000B-B stable B-Romania24 Mar 1999B-B-B-Romania23 Dec 1998B B-BB-Romania23 Sep 1998BB-B Rating Watch negative BBB-Romania11 Sep 1997BB-B-BBB-Romania 6 Mar 1996BB-B--Russia16 Jan 2012BBB F3stable BBBRussia8 Sep 2010BBB F3positive BBBRussia22 Jan 2010BBB F3stable BBBRussia 4 Feb 2009BBB F3negative BBBRussia9 Nov 2008BBB+F2negative BBB+Russia25 Jul 2006BBB+F2stable BBB+Russia 3 Aug 2005BBB F3stable BBBRussia18 Nov 2004BBB-F3stable BBB-Russia13 May 2003BB+B stable BB+Russia 2 May 2002BB-B positive BB-Russia 4 Oct 2001B+B stable BRussia17 Jul 2001B B positive B-Russia21 Sep 2000B B stable B-Russia29 Aug 2000B B-B-Russia8 May 2000B-B--Russia14 Feb 2000CCC C Rating Watch positive-Russia27 Aug 1998CCC C--Russia17 Aug 1998B-B Rating Watch negative-Russia30 Jul 1998BB-B--Russia7 Jun 1998BB B Rating Watch negative-Russia 5 Jun 1998BB+B Rating Watch negative-Russia10 Mar 1998BB+B--Russia12 Feb 1998BB+B Rating Watch negative-Russia7 Oct 1996BB+B--Rwanda24 Aug 2010B B stable BRwanda16 Dec 2006B-B positive B-San Marino23 Jul 2012BBB+F2negative-San Marino22 Oct 2009A F1negative-San Marino13 May 2009AA-F1+Rating Watch negative-San Marino10 Jan 2001AA F1+stable-Saudi Arabia9 Jul 2008AA-F1+stable AA-Saudi Arabia31 Jul 2007A+F1positive A+Saudi Arabia17 Aug 2006A+F1stable A+。

The Long and Short of Quality Ladders

The Long and Short of Quality Ladders

NBER WORKING PAPER SERIESTHE LONG AND SHORT (OF) QUALITY LADDERSAmit KhandelwalWorking Paper 15178/papers/w15178NATIONAL BUREAU OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH1050 Massachusetts AvenueCambridge, MA 02138July 2009I am especially grateful to my dissertation committee, Irene Brambilla, Penny Goldberg and Peter Schott, for guidance and support. I have benefited from conversations with Steve Berry, Ray Fisman, Juan Carlos Hallak, David Hummels, Kala Krishna, Chris Ksoll, Frank Limbrock, Alex Mcquoid, Nina Pavcnik, Siddharth Sharma, Gustavo Soares, Robert Staiger, Catherine Thomas, Daniel Trefler, Chris Udry, Eric Verhoogen, David Weinstein, Jeffrey Weinstein, and various seminar participants. Special thanks also to Amalavoyal Chari. All errors are my own. The views expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Bureau of Economic Research. NBER working papers are circulated for discussion and comment purposes. They have not been peer-reviewed or been subject to the review by the NBER Board of Directors that accompanies official NBER publications.© 2009 by Amit Khandelwal. All rights reserved. Short sections of text, not to exceed two paragraphs, may be quoted without explicit permission provided that full credit, including © notice, is given to the source.The Long and Short (of) Quality LaddersAmit KhandelwalNBER Working Paper No. 15178July 2009JEL No. F1,F15,F16ABSTRACTPrices are typically used as proxies for countries' export quality. I relax this strong assumption by exploiting both price and quantity information to estimate the quality of products exported to the U.S. Higher quality is assigned to products with higher market shares conditional on price. The estimated qualities reveal substantial heterogeneity in product markets' scope for quality differentiation, or their "quality ladders.'' I use this variation to explain the heterogeneous impact of low-wage competition on U.S. manufacturing employment and output. Markets characterized by relatively shorter quality ladders are associated with larger employment and output declines resulting from low-wage competition. Amit KhandelwalGraduate School of BusinessColumbia UniversityUris Hall 606, 3022 BroadwayNew York, NY 10027and NBERak2796@The Long and Short(of)Quality Ladders∗Amit Khandelwal†Columbia Business School&NBERFirst Draft:November2006This Version:July2009AbstractPrices are typically used as proxies for countries’export quality.I relax this strong assumption by exploiting both price and quantity information to estimate the quality of products exported to the U.S.Higher quality is assigned to products with higher market shares conditional on price.The estimatedqualities reveal substantial heterogeneity in product markets’scope for quality differentiation,or their“quality ladders.”I use this variation to explain the heterogeneous impact of low-wage competition onU.S.manufacturing employment and output.Markets characterized by relatively shorter quality laddersare associated with larger employment and output declines resulting from low-wage competition. Keywords:Quality Ladders;Low Wage Competition;Quality Specialization;Product DifferentiationJEL Classification:F1,F15,F161IntroductionThe quality of products manufactured by countries affects many economic outcomes in international and development economics.Past studies have consistently found that product quality influences cross-border trade;richer countries consume and export higher quality products than developing countries.1The ability ∗I am especially grateful to my dissertation committee,Irene Brambilla,Penny Goldberg and Peter Schott,for guidance and support.I have benefited from conversations with Steve Berry,Ray Fisman,Juan Carlos Hallak,David Hummels,Kala Krishna, Chris Ksoll,Frank Limbrock,Alex Mcquoid,Nina Pavcnik,Siddharth Sharma,Gustavo Soares,Robert Staiger,Catherine Thomas,Daniel Trefler,Chris Udry,Eric Verhoogen,David Weinstein,Jeffrey Weinstein,and various seminar participants. Special thanks also to Amalavoyal Chari.All errors are my own.†Uris Hall,Room606,3022Broadway,New York,NY10027,email:ak2796@,website: /faculty/akhandelwal/.1Support for the demand-side explanation,initially posited by Linder(1961),has been shown by Hallak(2006)and Verhoogen (2008).Studies by Hummels and Klenow(2005)and Schott(2004)provide systematic evidence that richer countries exportof developing countries to transition from low-quality to high-quality products is therefore seen by some as a necessary(but certainly not a sufficient)condition for export success and,ultimately,economic development.2 In addition,quality upgrading features prominently in current debates about the role of international trade in driving wage inequality.But while this research suggests a positive association between quality upgrading and income per capita,Verhoogen(2008)and Goldberg and Pavcnik(2007)argue that quality upgrading also affects the variance of the income distribution through changes in the relative demand for skilled labor. Quality specialization may therefore partly explain why inequality has risen in developing countries following trade liberalizations,in contrast to Stolper-Samuelson predictions.Differences in the quality space may also affect how closely countries’products compete with one another and therefore have implications for the impact of trade on industry employment and output Leamer(2006).These studies stress the importance of understanding why product quality varies across countries and over time,and how it is influenced by policy.The challenge faced by this literature is that product quality is unobserved.Research in the international trade literature has attempted to deal with this problem by using prices(or unit values)to proxy for quality.This approach,while convenient,requires strong assumptions since prices could reflect not just quality,but also variations in manufacturing costs.For example,in1999, the U.S.imported Malaysian and Portuguese women’s trousers(HS6204624020)at unit values(inclusive of transportation and tariffduties)of$146and$371,respectively.If prices are assumed to proxy perfectly for quality,Malaysian trousers would possess about half the quality of Portuguese trousers.However,the annual wage in the apparel sector for Malaysia and Portugal was$3,100and$5,700,respectively(UNIDO, 2005).So the difference in unit values may instead be a reflection of these different factor prices.Why would a consumer ever purchase expensive Portuguese trousers if they,in fact,possess lower quality?One explanation is that a fraction of consumers have a preference for the horizontal attributes of Portuguese trousers(for instance,the cut or color patterns).Indeed,U.S.consumers imported more than82,000dozens of Malaysian trousers compared to only865dozens from Portugal.Idiosyncratic preferences for products’horizontal attributes can therefore break the direct mapping from prices to quality that has been traditionally assumed.This paper estimates the quality of U.S.imports using a procedure that relaxes the strong quality-equals-price assumption.The quality measures are derived from a nested logit demand system,based on Berry(1994),that embeds preferences for both horizontal and vertical attributes.3Quality is the vertical higher quality products.Baldwin and Harrigan(2007),Hallak and Sivadasan(2009),Kugler and Verhoogen(2008)and Johnson (2009)also document the role of product quality in influencing production and trade patterns.2Kremer(1993)provides microeconomic foundations for the quality production function and its implications for economic development(see also Verhoogen(2008)and Kugler and Verhoogen(2008)).Endogenous growth models that highlight the importance of product quality include Grossman and Helpman(1991).Hausmann and Rodrik(2003),Rodrik(2006)and Hidalgo et al.(2007)highlight the importance of export quality for economic performance.3Other studies within international trade that use a nested logit structure include Goldberg(1995)and Irwin and Pavcnikcomponent of the estimated model and captures the mean valuation that U.S.consumers attach to an im-ported product.The procedure utilizes both unit value and quantity information to infer quality and has a straightforward intuition:conditional on price,imports with higher market shares are assigned higher quality.Importantly,the procedure requires no special data beyond what is readily available in standard disaggregate trade data.It is also easy to implement;here,I estimate separate demand curves for approxi-mately hundreds of manufacturing industries.Moreover,the procedure recovers quality at thefinest level of product aggregation available(for the U.S.data,this is the ten-digit HS level).4The inferred qualities indicate that developed countries export higher quality products relative to developing countries.Thisfinding is consistent with Schott(2004)who uses unit values to proxy for quality.However,the estimates also reveal substantial heterogeneity in product markets’scope for quality differentiation,or quality ladders,which I measure as the range of qualities within the product market.In markets with a larger scope for quality differentiation,or a“long”quality ladder,unit values are relatively more correlated with the estimated qualities.In these markets,prices appear to be appropriate proxies for quality.In contrast,prices appear to be less appropriate proxies for quality in markets with a narrow range of estimated qualities(“short”ladder markets).This provides suggestive evidence that expensive imports in short-ladder markets coexist with cheaper rivals due to horizontal product differentiation.That is,although the average U.S.consumer attaches a low valuation to the expensive import,there is a fraction of consumers who still value the product.This heterogeneity underscores the drawback in invoking the quality-equals-price assumption,particularly for products characterized by short quality ladders.I use this heterogeneity in ladder lengths to demonstrate that quality specialization has important implications for the bor market.The public’s fear of globalization is often rooted in the vulnerability or, to use Edward Leamer’s terminology,the contestability of jobs.According to Leamer,the contestable jobs are those where“wages in Los Angeles are set in Shanghai”(Leamer(2006),p.5).A recent study by Bernard, Jensen,and Schott(2006)provides evidence that the probability of U.S.plant survival and employment growth are negatively associated with an industry’s exposure to import penetration,particularly from low-wage countries.5However,while low-wage competition negatively affects output and employment growth, the impact is heterogenous across industries.For instance,between1980and the mid-1990s,electronics (SIC36)experienced greater low-wage import penetration than fabricated metals(SIC34)but experienced (2004)although these papers do not focus on the quality of imported products.4An alternative procedure developed by Hallak and Schott(2007)relies on the similar intuition to infer countries’export quality to the U.S.,but their methodology prevents estimating quality at thefinest level of disaggregation due to data limitations.5Other studies studying the negative relationships between trade and employment include Sachs and Shatz(1994),Free-man and Katz(1991)and Revenga(1992).Bernard,Jensen,and Schott(2006)explicitly connect the relationship between employment and trade with low-wage countries,defined as nations with less than5percent of U.S.per capita GDP.I use their definition of low-wage countries in this paper(see Table1).a smaller employment decline.6Using a simple model developed in Section2,I demonstrate that the impact of low-wage competition on U.S.industries will vary with its quality ladder.My argument is related to a body of research that reject standard model predictions of factor price equalization(FPE).7These studies show that if countries inhabit different cones of(quality)diversification,with developing countries exporting low-quality products,then developed countries will be insulated from movements of wages in developing countries.However,if markets vary in their scope for quality differentiation,developed countries will experience heterogeneity in their exposure to developing countries.In long-ladder markets,developed countries can insulate themselves from the South by using comparative advantage factors(e.g.,skill,capital and/or technology)to specialize atop the quality ladder.In short-ladder markets,however,developed countries will be directly exposed to Southern competition because quality upgrading is infeasible.Thus,a market’s scope for vertical differentiation is important for understanding Leamer’s notion of contestable jobs.Ifind robust support for this hypothesis by matching U.S.industry data and import competition to quality ladders constructed from the estimated qualities.Consistent with Bernard et al.(2006),Ifind that industry employment is negatively associated with import penetration,particularly from low-wage countries. However,the empirical results confirm that import penetration has a weaker impact on employment in industries with long quality ladders:a ten percentage point increase in low-wage penetration is associated with a6percent employment decline in an industry characterized by an average quality ladder length.A similar increase in competition in a long-ladder industry(one standard deviation above the mean)results in only a1.4percent employment decline.Differential impacts on industry output are similar.Importantly,the impact of import competition on short and long-ladder industries is similar in magnitude to the differential impact on low and high capital-intensive industries.In other words,even after controlling for the differential impact through traditional channels,such as capital and skill intensities(see Sachs and Shatz(1994)and Bernard et al.(2006)),the quality ladder remains an important determinant of an industry’s vulnerability to low-wage competition.Moreover,the heterogenous effect is not precisely captured if one simply uses variations in unit values.These results complement the literature studying the relationship between quality specialization and labor markets.But while existing studies focus predominantly on developing countries(see Goldberg and Pavcnik(2007),Verhoogen(2008),Kaplan and Verhoogen(2005)),the evidence here suggests that quality specialization is also important for developed countries.Quality ladders may therefore help identify those markets that are likely to be contested by competition from low-wage countries.6One potential explanation is differences in capital intensity,but in1980,electronics was less capital intensive than fabricated metals.Indeed,this paper offers evidence that capital intensity only partly explains the heterogeneity in U.S.employment outcomes due to import competition.7For instance,see Leamer(1987)and Schott(2003).The remainder of the paper is organized as follows.Section2offers a simple model to illustrate that exposure to low-wage competition is greater in markets with short quality ladders.In Section3,I discuss the approach used to infer quality from trade data.The data and quality estimation results are presented in Section4.Section5applies the quality estimates to test the implications of quality specialization for U.S. employment.I conclude in Section6.2A Model of Contestable JobsThis section develops a simple model that delivers two comparative static results.First,the impact of foreign competition on domestic market shares is larger from low-wage countries.Second,the impact will depend on the market’s quality ladder length.I then use the empirical quality measures derived in Section3to assess the predictions of the model.The model is partial equilibrium and analyzesfirms in two regions,North(N)and South(S),where the Southernfirms freely export to the North.The wages in each country are determined by an outside sector and are therefore treated as exogenous:w N>w S.Each region has J homogenousfirms that compete by manufacturing horizontally and vertically distinct varieties.Following Krugman(1980)and Melitz(2003), horizontal differentiation is costless so in equilibrium,allfirms produce horizontally distinct varieties.But as in Flam and Helpman(1987),vertical(e.g.,quality)differentiation depends on a Ricardian-type comparative advantage given by region c’s technology,Z c.I assume that Northernfirms have access to better technology than the South:Z N>Z S.Firm j uses this technology to manufacture a variety subject to a marginal cost function that is increasing with quality(λj):w c+λ2j,for c∈{N,S}.82Z cThe consumers who live in the North have discrete choice preferences.Consumer n observes the domestic and Southern varieties and chooses the variety j that provides her with the highest indirect utility,V nj=θλj−αp j+ nj.(1) Quality is defined as an attribute whose valuation is agreed upon by all consumers:holding pricesfixed, all consumers would prefer higher quality objects.The vertical component can be interpreted as the clarity or sharpness of a television screen or it can reflect the perceived quality that results from advertising.In either case,quality represents any attribute that enhances consumers’willingness-to-pay for a variety.An alternative interpretation is thatλrepresents a shift parameter in the variety’s demand schedule:holding price p jfixed,demand shifts out when the quality improves(Sutton,1991).The empirical identification of quality relies on this latter intuition.The parameterθreflects the consumers’valuation for quality and,as shown below,represents a proxy for the market’s quality ladder in the model.8One can think of this marginal cost function as arising from afixed-proportions technology that combines labor and capital (with the rental rate on capital being implicitly treated as one).in the proportion1toλ22ZHorizontal product differentiation is introduced in(1)through the consumer-variety-specific term, nj.Following standard practice in the discrete choice literature, nj is assumed to be distributed i.i.d. type-I extreme value.Unlike the vertical attribute,the horizontal attribute has the property that some people prefer it while others do not and on average,it provides zero utility.9Denote the mean valuation for variety j asδj≡θλj−αp j.Under the distributional assumption,the market share of variety j is given by the familiar logit formulam j=eδjkeδk.(2)Afirm from region c maximizes profits in the Northern market by choosing price and quality bysolving the following problemmaxp j,λjp j−w c−λ2j2Z ceδjkeδk(3)The market is characterized by monopolistic competition with a sufficiently large number offirms that no onefirm can influence the market equilibrium prices and qualities.The optimal price charged by variety j is therefore10p∗j=1α+w c+λ∗2j2Z c,∀j∈c(4)Under this pricing rule,firms charge a markup(1α)over their marginal cost.The optimal quality choice equates the marginal benefit of choosing quality to its marginal cost:λ∗j=θZ cα,∀j∈c(5)Equations(4)and(5)indicate that allfirms within a region choose the same price and quality(but recall that allfirms differentiate their varieties in the(costless)horizontal dimension).I therefore drop the subscript j and index the representativefirm’s choice in each region by N or S.Note also that the market share in(2) simplifies to m c=eδcJ(eδN+eδS),c∈{N,S}and the aggregate market share in each region is M c=Jm c.The optimal price and quality choice imply that the mean valuation consumers attach to the representativefirm in region c isδ∗c≡θλ∗c−αp∗c=θ2Z c2α−αw c−1,c∈{N,S}.(6)The Northernfirms manufacture the higher quality varieties since Z N>Z S.11Below,I verify that more advanced countries indeed export higher quality products using the newly proposed quality measures 9For example,comfort is a quality attribute since,ceteris paribus,all consumers prefer more comfort to less.An article of clothing’s fashion or style is a horizontal attribute since at equal prices,not all consumers would purchase the same style(e.g., stripes versus solids).10If afirm takes into account the impact of its decision on the denominator in(2),the optimal price is given by p∗j=1α(1−m j)+w c+λ∗2j2Z c.As discussed in Anderson et al.(1992),monopolistic competition assumes there are a sufficiently largenumber of varieties so that the market share of any one variety is negligible.The optimal price is therefore given by(4).11Since quality is a monotonic function of technology,prices are sufficient statistics for quality in this model.However,if Z N=Z S,all qualities would be identical,but the North would charge higher prices because of higher manufacturing costs. Thus,empirically,prices alone may confound differences in quality and quality-adjusted manufacturing costs.which provides a justification for this assumption.These higher quality Northernfirms will also have larger market shares ifθ2(Z N−Z S)>α(w N−w S),(7)since this implies thatδ∗N >δ∗S.This condition in(7)holds if consumers’valuation for quality is sufficientlyhigh or the North’s technological prowess is sufficient to overcome its disadvantage in manufacturing costs. This assumption is consistent with substantial theoretical and empirical work arguing that higher quality, or more productive,firms have higher output(and market shares).12I define the market’s quality ladder as the difference between the highest and lowest quality(Gross-man and Helpman,1991).As discussed below,the empirical measures cannot separately identifyλfrom the consumers’valuation for quality(θ).I therefore define the market’s quality ladder asLadder(θ)≡θλ∗N−θλ∗S=θ2α(Z N−Z S).(8)The market’s quality ladder can be indexed byθand so as the valuation for quality increases,the quality ladder increases,or lengthens.The scope for quality differentiation will therefore vary according the con-sumers’valuations for quality in each market.13Moreover,as the quality ladder increases,the market sharegains are disproportionately distributed to the manufacturers of the higher quality(∂δ∗N∂θ>∂δ∗S∂θ).This simple model abstracts away from the endogenous“lengthening”of the ladder that may occur in a long-run equilibrium with technological progress or shifts in consumer preferences.Instead,I assume that the quality ladder isfixed which may be appropriate in the short to medium run and mitigate endogeneity concerns in the empirical analysis by assigning a market’s quality ladder its initial length.This assumption is consistent with the data which reports a persistence between a market’s initial ladder length and itsfinal period length.That is,on average,markets with initially“short”ladders are not“long”by the end of the sample,implying that the quality ladder length is an intrinsic attribute of a market characterizing its scope for quality differentiation.14I can now analyze how the aggregate Northern market share changes with Southern wages,and how this impact varies according to a market’s quality ladder length.Thefirst result shows that the North loses market share as Southern manufacturing wages decline:∂M NS =−M N M S∂δ∗SS>0(9)since∂δ∗SS=−α.(10)12For instance,see Melitz(2003)and Bernard et al.(2007).13The ladder length could also vary by changing Z N and the predictions of the model do not change.Hence,the contestable jobs hypothesis does not hinge on the source of the market’s scope for quality differentiation.14A market’s intrinsic scope for quality differentiation is closely related to escalation principle developed in Sutton(1998).Thus,Southernfirms become more competitive as its manufacturing costs falls and this gain comes at the expense of lower market shares for the Northernfirms.This comparative static is quite intuitive and is supported by existing empirical evidence.For instance,Bernard et al.(2006)show that output and employment for U.S.plants are negatively associated with import competition,but the impact is much larger when import competition originates from countries with less than5%of U.S.per capita GDP.Importantly,this model adds quality differentiation to show that the intensity of competition within a market depends on the quality ladder length.In particular,while(9)indicates that the North’s market share falls as Southern wages decline,it suffers a smaller loss in markets characterized by longer quality ladders(highθmarkets).This is seen by differentiating(9)with respect toθ:∂2M N ∂w S∂θ=−∂2δ∗S∂w S∂θM N M S+∂δ∗S∂w SM N∂M S∂θ+M S∂M N∂θ=−∂δ∗S∂w SM N M2S−M2N M S∂δ∗N∂θ−∂δ∗S∂θ=∂δ∗S∂w SM N M S(M N−M S)∂δ∗N∂θ−∂δ∗S∂θ=−θM N M S(M N−M S)(Z N−Z S)<0,(11)since M N>M S.This derivative shows that in long-ladder markets(highθ),the sensitivity of Northern market shares to Southern competitiveness is reduced.As a result,a decrease in the South’s wage results in a smaller decline of the North’s market share in long ladders.The model shows that trading with the South can generate a differential impact on two markets that are otherwise identical but vary according in their quality ladders.This result is related to more general models of international trade that predict a breakdown of FPE when countries are fully specialized in production.In contrast to a single-cone equilibrium,where endowments are such that all countries produce all goods,the conditions required for factor price equalization are not met in multi-cone equilibrium because countries specialize in varieties tailored to their endowments.15Schott(2004)has extended this analysis to within product specialization where endowment differences cause countries to specialize in different segments of a product’s quality ladder.The model here sharpens this analysis by arguing that the scope for quality specialization varies across markets.3Empirical ImplementationThis section describes the procedure that infers quality using price and quantity information from standard disaggregate trade data.The estimated qualities are then used to verify predictions from the model.15For evidence in favor of the hypothesis that countries inhabit multiple cones of diversification,see Leamer(1987),Davis and Weinstein(2001)and Schott(2003).The methodology is based on the nested logit framework by Berry(1994).The nested logit has the advantage over the logit in(1)because it partially relaxes the independence of irrelevant alternatives(IIA) property by allowing for more plausible correlation structures among consumer preferences.To understand why this is important,suppose a consumer is choosing between a Japanese wool shirt and an Italian cotton shirt.If a Chinese cotton shirt enters the market,a logit or CES framework would predict that the market shares for both imports would fall by the same percent.However,we might expect the Italian cotton shirt’s market share to adjust more than the Japanese shirt because the Chinese shirt is also cotton.The nested logit allows for more appropriate substitution patterns by placing varieties into appropriate nests.In order to delineate the nests,I rely on the structure of the U.S.trade data.Feenstra et al.(2002) have compiled U.S.import data which containfive-digit SITC industries that have been mapped to ten-digit HS products denoted by h.The products serve as the nests.An import from country c within a product is called a variety.I model consumer preferences for a single industry and therefore suppress industry subscripts.Fol-lowing Berry(1994),consumer n has preferences for country c’s import into HS product h(e.g.,variety ch) at time t.The consumer purchases the one variety that provides her with the highest indirect utility,given byV ncht=λ1,ch+λ2,t+λ3,cht−αp cht+Hh=1µnht d ch+(1−σ) ncht.(12)Quality is defined asλ1,ch+λ2,t+λ3,cht since it reflects the valuation for variety ch that is common across consumers(notice that these terms are not subscripted by n).This quality term is decomposed into three components.Thefirst term,λ1,ch,is the time-invariant valuation that the consumer attaches to variety ch. The second term,λ2,t,captures for secular time trends common across all varieties.Theλ3,cht term is a variety-time deviation from thefixed effect that is observed by the consumer but not the econometrician.This last term is potentially correlated with the variety’s c.i.f.unit value,p cht.The horizontal component of the model is captured by the random component, Hh=1µnht d ch+(1−σ) ncht.The logit error ncht is assumed to be distributed Type-I extreme value and explains why a variety that is expensive and has low quality is ever purchased.The former term interacts the common valuation that consumer n places on all varieties within product h,µnht,with a dummy variable d ch that takes a value of1if country c’s export lies in product h.This term generates the nest structure because if allows consumer n’s preferences to be more correlated for varieties within product h than for varieties across products.16 An“outside”variety completes the demand system.The purpose of the outside variety is to allow16As discussed in Berry(1994),Cardell(1997)has shown that the distribution of Hh=1µnht d ch is the unique distributionsuch that if is distributed extreme value,then the sum is also distributed type-I extreme value.The degree of within nest correlation is controlled byσ∈(0,1].Asσapproaches one,the correlation in consumer tastes for varieties within a nest approaches one and asσtends to zero,the nested logit converges to the standard logit model.。



哈佛大学法学院教授希瑟. 哈佛大学法学院教授希瑟.格肯指出,由于出现过政党操纵投票 等舞弊问题,各州开始改革投票程序。她说;“美国历史上投票 等舞弊问题,各州开始改革投票程序。她说;“美国历史上投票 一度存在很多舞弊问题,例如1800年代末期和1900年代初期, 一度存在很多舞弊问题,例如1800年代末期和1900年代初期, 出现过政党自己印选票,通过免费提供酒来拉拢选票,以及看 着别人投票的作法。为了阻止这种舞弊行为,各州开始参与到 投票中来,并且对什么人可以参加初选进行调控。现在,各州 在这方面发挥越来越大的作用,但是它不是对人们应该投谁的 票,而是对投票程序、什么时候以及如何投票进行控制,同时 负责清点选票等。”
对于大选初选,有人支持,有人反对,宾夕法尼亚大学 法学院教授纳特..佩尔西利分析了其中的原因。他说: 法学院教授纳特..佩尔西利分析了其中的原因。他说: ‘大选初选’看上去很民主,因为普通党员可以更多地 参与到这个制度中来,而且还可以避免政党内部的欺骗行 为。但是,我们发现,虽然允许更多的人投票可以使政党 更民主化,但是,实际情况是,往往在爱奥华和新罕布什 尔等最初几个州的初选过后,政党总统候选人的提名就基 本确定。从某种意义上说,到了全美大部份州开始举行初 选时,候选人已经被选出,这意味着,很多选民在选谁作 为政党总统候选人的问题上,不能进行有效的投票。”
2000年 2000年6月26号,美国联邦最高法院以7比2的多数判 26号,美国联邦最高法院以 决说,加州的初选法违反了政党的宪法权利,因为美国 联邦宪法确保政党本身,而不是其它什么人,选择本党 候选人的权利。 这项判决一方面否定了加州的初选法,另一方面也 意味着,在竞选法的问题上,例如在谁可以被允许参加 政党初选和由哪个州最先举行初选等问题上,应该由政 党,而不是州做出最后的决定。


26 |
Currency $m Rank Rank 2012 2011
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 3 2 1 4 5 9 13 12 6 10 8 7 11 14 17 18 19 23 16 28 31 15 27 26 25 22 20 32 29 21 44 36 47 33 45 50 38 24 34 55 37 46 42 30 53 43 56 35 52 59
Brand value 2011
27,632 28,944 34,076 26,150 19,150 17,133 15,529 16,643 18,678 17,092 17,194 17,358 16,655 15,169 13,257 13,241 12,012 9,283 13,406 7,069 6,604 13,497 7,336 7,419 7,423 9,526 10,720 6,555 6,857 9,915 4,120 5,476 3,797 5,741 3,931 3,584 4,993 8,153 5,670 3,276 5,416 3,858 4,176 6,621 3,346 4,156 3,189 5,512 3,384 2,97712
3,377 3,330 2,845 2,841 2,841 2,792 2,746 2,701 2,616 2,517 2,476 2,450 2,433 2,395 2,334 2,328 2,316 2,314 2,295 2,291 2,222 2,169 2,165 2,107 2,069 2,061 1,987 1,951 1,907 1,897 1,882 1,841 1,825 1,816 1,808 1,802 1,797 1,797 1,796 1,767 1,760 1,663 1,660 1,637 1,608 1,582 1,571 1,569 1,566 1,561



埃及金字塔和尼罗河分别对应天上星座和银河Giza 金字塔,是位于埃及开罗市的一个历史文物古迹,被称为古文明七大奇景之首,亦是七大奇景唯一仍现存的古建筑。

历史上,很多考古学家都认为这些位于尼罗河畔,为数大约有 80 至 100 的金字塔群,是数千年前几个埃及皇朝的陵墓。









从图上看尼罗河就是代表银河,而金字塔群正是代表那五十颗星最北边的阿布拉瓦须(Abu Rawash)金字塔对比天空中最亮的恒星大犬座的天狼星。


狮身人面像指向银河右边狮子座中最亮的星 Regulus。


太阳神殿(Nyuserre Ini Sun Temple)对比伯利恒之星。


南塞加拉(South Saqqara )金子塔群对比飞马座。


全球私人银行排名(PWM)Global Private Banking Awards 2012

全球私人银行排名(PWM)Global Private Banking Awards 2012

PROFESSIONAL WEALTH MANAGEMENT Global Private Banking Awards 2012Professional Wealth Management is the only magazine devoted to the growing model of using third-parties to distribute financial products to high net worth, mass affluent and retail investors across Europe. Produced by the renowned Financial Times Group and with an ABC certified circulation of almost 10,000, Professional Wealth Management is the premier publication on solutions for European distributors.And the winners are...Best Global Private Bank Citi Private Bank Highly Commended: UBS, Bank Julius BaerBest Private Bank in Asia UBS Highly Commended: HSBC Private Bank, Standard Chartered Private BankBest Private Bank in Europe Pictet & Cie Highly Commended: UBS, Lombard Odier & CieBest Private Bank in Central and Eastern Europe Erste Private Banking Highly Commended: UBSBest Private Bank in the Middle East HSBC Private Bank Highly Commended: Standard Chartered Private BankBest Private Bank in the US Northern Trust Highly Commended: JP Morgan Private Bank, Wells Fargo Private BankBest Private Bank in Latin America ItaúPrivate Bank Highly Commended: Santander Private Banking, JP Morgan Private BankBest Private Bank in BrazilItaú Private Bank Highly Commended: Bradesco Private BankBest Private Bank in ChinaChina Merchants Bank Highly Commended: Agricultural Bank of China, ICBC Private Banking Best Private Bank in India Standard Chartered Private Ban Highly Commended: HDFC Bank Best Private Bank in RussiaBank Zenit Highly Commended: Nomos Bank腹有诗书气自华Best Private Bank in Hong KongUBS Highly Commended: Citi Private Bank, HSBC Private Bank Best Private Bank in SingaporeDBS Bank Highly Commended: Standard CharteredBest Private Bank in Malaysia CIMB Private BankingBest Private Bank in KoreaHana Bank Highly Commended: Shinhan BankBest Private Bank in TaiwanChinatrust Commercial BankHighly Commended: Taipei Fubon Bank, Taishin International Bank Best Private Bank in ThailandKasikornbankgroupBest Private Bank in LebanonAudi Saradar Private Bank Highly Commended: Blominvest Bank Best Private Bank in TurkeyAkbank Private BankingHighly Commended: Garanti Masters Private BankingBest Private Bank in United Arab EmiratesNational Bank of Abu DhabiHighly Commended: Emirates NBD Private BankingBest Private Bank in BelgiumING Private Banking腹有诗书气自华Highly Commended: KBC Private BankingBest Private Bank in FranceBNP Paribas Wealth ManagementHighly Commended: ABN AMRO Private BankingBest Private Bank in GermanyBerenberg BankHighly Commended: Deutsche Bank Private Wealth Management Best Private Bank in ItalyBanca GeneraliHighly Commended: Intesa Sanpaolo Private BankingBest Private Bank in LuxembourgSociété Générale Private BankingHighly Commended: BNP Paribas Wealth ManagementBest Private Bank in the NordicsSEB Private BankingHighly Commended: Danske BankBest Private Bank in SpainBBV A Banca PrivadaHighly Commended: Caixa BankBest Private Bank in SwitzerlandPictet & Cie腹有诗书气自华Highly Commended: Bank Julius Baer, Lombard Odier & Cie Best Private Bank in the UKCouttsHighly Commended: Schroders Private BankingBest Private Bank in CanadaRBC Welath ManagementHighly Commended: Scotia Private Client GroupBest Private Bank in ChileLlarrainVialBest Brand in Private BankingPictet & CieHighly Commended: UBSBest Private Banking BoutiqueSchroders Private BankingHighly Commended: Fieldpoint PrivateBest Private Bank for Customer ServiceCiti Private BankHighly Commended: Pictet & Cie, BNZ Private BankBest Private Bank for InnovationNorthern TrustHighly Commended: Danske Bank, Hana Bank, CouttsBest Private Bank for Socially Responsible Investing腹有诗书气自华Northern TrustHighly Commended: Bank SarasinBest Private Bank for Philanthropy ServicesBNP Paribas Wealth ManagementHighly Commended: UBSBest Management TeamCredit SuisseHighly Commended: Bank Julius BaerMost Improved Management TeamJP Morgan Private BankHighly Commended: Fieldpoint PrivateBest leader in private bankingBoris Collardi, CEO, Bank Julius Baer出师表两汉:诸葛亮先帝创业未半而中道崩殂,今天下三分,益州疲弊,此诚危急存亡之秋也。

list of aircraft manufacturers

list of aircraft manufacturers

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, searchThis is a list of aircraft manufacturers sorted alphabetically by International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)/common name. It contains the ICAO/common name, manufacturers name(s), country and other data, with the known years of operation in parenthesis.The ICAO names are listed in bold. Having an ICAO name does not mean that a manufacturer is still in operation today, just that some of the aircraft produced by that manufacturer are still flying.See also:aircraft, list of aircraft engine manufacturersA B-C D-G H-L M-P Q-S T-Z∙A2I2 - see Allied Aerospace Industries∙AAA - see Advanced Amphibious Aircraft∙AAC - see Advanced Aircraft Corporation∙AAC - see Amphibian Airplanes of Canada∙Aachen Flugzeugbau (Germany) - founded 1914, renamed Aachener Segelflugzeugbau in 1921∙Aachener Segelflugzeugbau (Germany) - renamed from Aachen Flugzeugbau 1921, absorbed into Junkers in 1923∙AAI - see Aircraft Armaments Incorporated∙AAI - see Aviation Association Ilyushin∙AAI Corporation (United States) - renamed from Aircraft Armaments Incorporated in 1985, currently operational∙AAMSA - see Aeronáutica Agrícola Mexicana SA∙AAS - see Ateliers Aãronautiques de Suresnes∙AASI - see Advanced Aerodynamics and Structures Inc. - filed for bankruptcy in 2004 (defunct)∙AAT - Unknown, (1945–1950)∙AAT - Advantage Aviation Technologies Inc. (United States) - Cleburne Texas - FAA certified repair station and parts manufacturer - from 1993–present∙A-B Helicopters (United States)∙ABAP - Unknown, (1958-?)∙Abaris Aircraft Corporation (United States) - formed 2001, currently operational∙Abbot (E. D. Abbott Ltd.) (United Kingdom∙ABC Motors Ltd. (United Kingdom) - formed 1912, absorbed into Vickers in 1951∙ABHCO - see Arab British Helicopter Company∙Abraham, Abraham - France∙Abrams Air Craft Corporation (United States), formed 1937, defunct 1940∙ABS, ABS Aircraft - Germany, (1985-?)∙ABS, ABS Aircraft AG - Switzerland, (1985-?)∙AC Mobil 34, AC Mobil 34 - France∙ACAZ - Ateliers de Construction Aãronautique de Zeebruges, Belgium ∙ACBA, Aãro Club de Bas Armagnac - France∙Ace, Ace Aircraft Manufacturing and Supply - United States∙Ace, Ace Aircraft Manufacturing Company - United States, (1929–1931) > Corben Aircraft Company∙Ace, Ace Aircraft Manufacturing Inc - United States∙Aceair, Aceair SA - Switzerland∙Aces High, Aces High Light Aircraft Ltd - Canada∙ACS, Advanced Composites Solutions - United States∙ACME, Air Craft Marine Engineering - United States, (1954-?)∙Acme, Acme Aircraft Corp - United States, (1929-?)∙Acro Sport, Acro Sport Inc - United States, (?-present)∙AD Aerospace, AD Aerospace Ltd - United Kingdom∙ADA, Aeronautical Development Agency - India, (1984–present) ∙Adam (1), Roger Adam - France, (1948–1955)∙Adam (2), Adam Aircraft Industries LLC - United States, (1998, defunct 2008) (AAI)∙Adamoli-Cattani, Adamoli-Cattani - Italy∙Adams Aero, Adams Aeronautics Company, Inc - United States∙Adams, Adams Industries Inc - United States∙Adams-Toman, Adams-Toman Aircraft Co - United States∙Adams-Wilson, Adams-Wilson Helicopters Inc - United States∙Adaro, Adaro - Spain∙ADC Aircraft, Aircraft Disposals Company - United Kingdom, (1920–1930)∙Adcox, Adcox Aviation Trade School - United States∙Adkisson, Earl and Jerry Adkisson - United States∙Adler, Adler (Adlerwerke vorm Heinrich Kleyer) - Germany, (1934-?) ∙Admiralty, British Admiralty Air Department - United Kingdom, (AD) ∙Advanced Aerodynamics and Structures, Inc. (AASI) (United States) - founded 1989, renamed to Mooney Aerospace Group in 2002 ∙Advanced Aeromarine, Advanced Aeromarine - United States, > Keuthan Aircraft∙Advanced Aircraft Corporation (AAC) - United States∙Advanced Amphibious Aircraft (AAA) - Germany/Italy, (1988-?)∙Advanced Aviation, Advanced Aviation Inc - United States∙Advanced Soaring Concepts, Advanced Soaring Concepts - United States∙Adventure Air, Adventure Air - United States∙AD-Y, Antonov Dnipropetrovsk-Pivdenmash - Ukraine∙AEA, Aeronautical Engineers Australia Research Pty Ltd - Australia, (1978–present)∙AEA, Aerial Experiment Association - Canada, (1907–1909) > Curtiss Aeroplane and Motor Company∙AEC, Aircraft Engineering Corp - United States∙AEG, Allgemeine Elektrizitäts-Gesellschaft - Germany, (1910–1918) (General Electricity Company)∙AEKKEA-RAAB, AEKKEA - Greece (1935–1940)∙AER, Aer Aircraft Corp. - United States∙Aer Lualdi, Aer Lualdi & C SpA - Italy∙Aer Pegaso, Aer Pegaso - Argentina∙Aerauto, Aerauto - Italy, (1950–1953)∙Aereon, Aereon - United States, (1967-?)∙Aerfer, Aerfer-Industrie Aerospaziali Meridionali SpA - Italy, (1955–1969) > Aeritalia∙Aerfer, Aerfer-Industrie Meccaniche Aeronautiche Meridionali SpA - Italy∙Aerfer-Aermacchi, see AERFER and AERMACCHI - Italy∙Aerial Distributors, Aerial Distributors - United States, (1967-?) ∙Aerial Service Corporation, Aerial Service Corporation - United States, (1920-?) > Mercury Aircraft∙Aãriane, Aãriane - Belgium∙Aeritalia, Aeritalia-Società Aerospaziale Italiana pA - Italy, (1969–1981) > Alenia∙Aeritalia-Aermacchi, see AERITALIA and AERMACCHI - Italy∙Aermacchi, Aermacchi SpA - Italy, (1913–present)∙'Aermacchi, Aeronautica Macchi SpA - Italy∙Aero (1), Aero Design and Engineering Company - United States, (1944–1960) > Rockwell∙Aero (2), Aero Vodochody AS - Czech Republic, (1994–present) ∙Aero (2), Aero Vodochody Národní Podnik - Czechoslovakia/Czech Republic, (1919–1994)∙Aero (3), Aero Sp z oo - Poland∙Aero Adventure, Aero Adventure Inc - United States∙ A.E.R.O. Aircraft Services, LLC, United States - manufacturer of Lake amphibian aircraft∙Aero Boero, Aero Boero SA - Argentina, (1952–present)∙Aero Boero, Aero Boero SRL - Argentina∙Aero Boero, Aero Talleres Boero SRL - Argentina∙Aero Bravo, Aerobravo Industria Aeronautica Ltda - Brazil, (1993–present)∙Aero Commander, Aero Commander Inc - United States∙Aero Composites, Aero Composites - United States∙Aero Design Associates - United States∙Aero Designs, Aero Designs Inc - United States∙Aero Gare, Aero Gare - United States∙Aero Jaen, Aeronautica de Jaen - Spain∙Aero Kuhlmann, Aero Kuhlmann - France∙Aero Mercantil, Aero Mercantil SA - Colombia∙Aero Mirage, Aero Mirage Inc - United States∙Aero Mod, Aero Mod General - United States∙Aero Resources - United States∙Aero Spacelines, Aero Spacelines Inc - United States, (1961–1974) > Tracor∙AeroCad, AeroCad Inc - United States∙Aero-Cam, Aero-Cam Pty Ltd - (South Africa)∙Aerocar, Aerocar Inc - United States∙Aerocar International, Aerocar International - United States, (1945–1961)∙Aãrocentre, Sociãtã Nationale de Constructions Aãronautiques du Centre - France, (SNCAC)∙Aero-Club, Aero-Club der Schweiz - Switzerland∙Aerocomp, Aerocomp Inc - United States∙Aero-Composites, Aero-Composites Technologies Inc - United States ∙Aero-Craft, Aero-Craft - Unknown∙Aero-Difusión, Aero-Difusión SL - Spain (1955- )∙Aãrodis, Aãrodis SARL - France∙Aero-Flight, Aero-Flight - United States∙Aerion Corporation - United States∙Aero-Jodel, Aero Flugzeugbau Hubert Zuerl - Germany∙Aerokopter, OOO Aerokopter - Ukraine∙AeroLites, Aerolites Inc - United States∙Aeromarine, Aeromarine Plane and Motor Co. - United States, (1908–1935) (Prior to 1914 was the Boland Aeroplane and Motor Co.) > Burnelli∙Aeromere, Aeromere SpA - Italy∙Aeromot, Aeromot Industria Mecanico-Metalurgica Ltda - Brazil ∙Aeromot, Aeronaves e Motores SA - Brazil∙Aeronautica Agrícola Mexicana SA (AAMSA) (Mexico) - founded 1971, dissolved 1984∙Aeronautical Engineering Co., Aeronautical Engineering Co. - United States∙Aeroneering - United States∙Aeronca, Aeronautical Corporation of America - United States, (1928–1951)∙Aeronca, Aeronca Manufacturing Corporation - United States∙Aeroplastika, Aeroplastika - Lithuania∙Aeropract, Aeropract JSC - Russia∙Aeropract, KB Aeropract - Russia∙Aeropract, LM Aeropract Samara - Russia∙Aeropract, OKB Aeroprakt - Russia∙Aeropract, Aeroprakt Firma - Ukraine∙Aeropract, Aeroprakt ooo - Ukraine∙Aeropro, Aeropro sro - Slovakia∙Aeroprogress, Aeroprogress Corporation - Russia∙Aeroric, Aeroric Nauchno-Proizvodstvennoye Predpriyatie OOO - Russia∙AEROSPACE MANUFACTURING Inc United States∙Aeros, Aeros - Ukraine∙Aerospace General - United States∙Aãrospatiale, Sociãtã Nationale Industrielle Aerospatiale - France, (1970–1999) (SONACA) > Aãrospatiale-Matra∙Aãrospatiale-Matra, Aãrospatiale-Matra - France, (1999–2000) > EADS∙Aerospool, Aerospool spol sro - Slovakia∙Aerosport, Aerosport Inc - United States∙Aerostar, SC Aerostar SA - Romania∙Aerostar Aircraft, Aerostar Aircraft Corporation - United States ∙Aãrostructure, Aãrostructure SARL - France∙Aerosud, Aerosud - (South Africa)∙Aerotaller, Aerotaller - Argentina∙Aerotec, Aerotec SA Industria Aeronáutica - Brazil, (1962–1987) ∙Aerotechnik, Aerotechnik CZ SRO - Czech Republic∙Aerotãcnica - Spain∙Aerotek (1), Aerotek Inc - United States∙Aerotek (2), Aeronautical Systems Technology - (South Africa) ∙Aero-Volga, NPO Aero-Volga - Russia∙Aesl, Aero Engine Services Ltd - New Zealand∙AFIC, AFIC Pty Ltd - (South Africa)∙AFU - Switzerland∙Ag-Cat, Ag-Cat Corporation - United States∙AGO Flugzeugwerke, Ago Flugzeugwerke - Germany∙Agro-Copteros, Agro-Copteros Ltda - Colombia∙Agrolot, Fundacja Agrolot - Poland∙Agrolot, Wyposazen Agrolotniczych - Poland∙Agusta, Agusta SpA - Italy, (1907–present)∙Agusta, Agusta, Division of Finmeccanica - Italy∙Agusta, Costruzioni Aeronautiche Giovanni Agusta SpA - Italy∙Ahrens, Ahrens Aircraft Corp. - United States (1975-?)∙AI(R), Aero International (Regional) - UK/France/Italy∙AIAA, Atelier Industriel de l'Aãronautique d'Alger - Algeria, (1948–1960)∙Aichi Kokuki, Aichi Kokuki KK - Japan, (1931–1945) (Aichi Aircraft Company)∙AICSA, Aero Industrial Colombiana SA - Colombia∙AIDC, Aero Industry Development Center - Republic of China (Taiwan) ∙AIDC, Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation - Republic of China (Taiwan)∙AIEP, Aeronautical Industrial Engineering and Project Management Company Ltd - Nigeria∙AII, Aviation Industries of Iran - Iran, (1993–present)∙AIL, Aeronautics (India) Ltd - India∙AIR, Aircraft Investor Resources LLC - United States∙Air & Space, Air & Space America Inc - United States∙Air & Space, Air & Space Manufacturing Inc - United States∙Air Command, Air Command International Inc - United States∙Air Parts, Air Parts (NZ) Ltd - New Zealand∙Air Products, Air Products Company Inc - United States∙Air Tractor, Air Tractor Inc - United States, (1972–present) ∙Airbus, Airbus SAS - European Union, (1970–present)∙Airbus, GIE Airbus Industrie - European Union∙Airco, Aircraft Manufacturing Company - United Kingdom, (1912–1920) > de Havilland∙Airconcept, Airconcept Flugzeug und Gerätebau GmbH und Co KG - Germany∙Aircraft Armaments Incorporated (AAI) (United States) - founded 1950, renamed to AAI Corporation 1985∙Aircraft Cooperative, Aircraft Cooperative - United States∙Aircraft Designs, Aircraft Designs Inc - United States, (1986–present) (ADI)∙Aircraft Hydro-Forming, Aircraft Hydro-Forming Inc - United States ∙Aircraft Parts, Aircraft Parts and Development Corporation - United States∙Aircraft Spruce & Specialty Co, Aircraft Spruce & Specialty Company - United States∙Aircraft Technologies, Aircraft Technologies Inc - United States ∙Air-Fouga, Air-Fouga - France∙Airmaster, Airmaster Inc - United States∙Airspeed, Airspeed Ltd - United Kingdom, (1931–1951) > de Havilland∙Airtech (1), Airtech Canada Aviation Services Ltd - Canada∙Airtech (2), Aircraft Technology Industries - Indonesia/Spain ∙AISA, Aeronautica Industrial SA - Spain∙AJEP, AJEP Developments - United Kingdom∙AJI, American Jet Industries Inc - United States∙Akaflieg Berlin, Akademische Fliegergruppe Berlin eV - Germany ∙Akaflieg Braunschweig, Akaflieg Braunschweig - Germany∙Akaflieg Darmstadt, Akademische Fliegergruppe Darmstadt eV - Germany∙Akaflieg Hannover, Akaflieg Hannover - Germany∙Akaflieg Karlsruhe, Akademische Fliegergruppe Karlsruhe eV - Germany∙Akaflieg Munchen, Akademische Fliegergruppe München eV - Germany ∙Akaflieg Stuttgart, Akaflieg Stuttgart - Germany∙Akron, Akron Aircraft Company Inc - United States∙Akrotech, Akrotech Aviation Inc - United States∙Akrotech Europe, Akrotech Europe SA - France∙Alanne, Pentti Alanne - Finland∙Alaparma - Italy∙Albatros, Fabrika aviona Albatros - Yugoslavia∙Albatros Flugzeugwerke, Albatros Flugzeugwerke - Germany, (1910–1931) > Focke-Wulf∙Albatros-Flugzeugwerke, Ostdeutsche Albatros Werke - Germany, (East German Albatros Works)∙Alenia, Alenia - Italy, (1981–present)∙Alenia, Alenia Aerospazio, Division of Finmeccanica - Italy∙Alexander Aircraft Company, Englewood/Colorado Springs, Colorado - United States (1926–1932)∙Alfa-M, Alfa-M Nauchno-Proizvodstvennoye Predpriyatie AOOT - Russia∙Alisport, Alisport - Italy∙All American - USA∙Alliance Aeroplane Company, Alliance Aeroplane Company Ltd, United Kingdom∙Alliant, Alliant Techsystems - United States∙Allied Aerospace Industries - United States, (?-present)∙Allied Aviation - United States∙Allison, Allison Gas Turbine Division GMC - United States∙Alon, Alon Inc - United States, (1964–1967) > Mooney∙Alpavia, Alpavia SA - France, (1959–1966) > Sportavia-Putzer∙Alpavia, Sociãtã Alpavia - France∙Alpha, Alpha - Poland∙Alpi, Alpi Aviation Srl - Italy∙Alpla, Alpla-Werke Alwin Lechner OHG - Austria∙Altair Coelho, Altair Coelho - Brazil∙Alturair, Alturair - United States∙Alvarez, Joseph P. Alvarez - United States∙Amax, Amax Engineering - Australia∙Ambrosini, Societa Aeronautica Italiana Ing. A. Ambrosini & Companie - Italy, (1934–1958)∙Amc, Aircraft Manufacturing Company - United States, (1917–1920) ∙Amd, Aircraft Manufacturing and Development Company Inc - United States∙Ameagle, AmEagle Corporation - United States∙American, American Aviation Corporation - United States∙American Affordable, American Affordable Aircraft - United States, (AAA)∙American Aircraft, American Aircraft Inc - United States∙American Airmotive - United States∙Ameri-Cana Ultralights - Canada∙American Autogyro, American Autogyro Inc - United States∙American Champion, American Champion Aircraft Corporation - United States∙American Eagle, American Eagle Aircraft Corporation - United States ∙American General, American General Aircraft Company - United States ∙American Homebuilts, American Homebuilts' Inc - United States ∙American Sportscopter, American Sportscopter Inc - United States ∙American Utilicraft, American Utilicraft Corporation - United States∙Ameur Aviation SA (or simply "Ameur") - France∙Ameur Aviation Technologie (or simply "Ameur") - France∙Amiot, Amiot - France, (1915–1945) (Amiot-Peneau) > Ateliers Aeronautiques de Colombes, SNCAC∙Amoy, Amoy - Unknown, (1930–1935)∙Amphibian Airplanes of Canada (AAC) - Canada, (1998-?)∙AMS-Flight, AMS-Flight DOO - Slovenia∙AMX, AMX International Ltd - Italy/Brazil∙Anahuac, Fabrica de Aviones Anahuac SA - Mexico∙Anatra - Russia∙ANBO- Antanas Gustaitis at the Lithuanian Army Aviation Workshops - Lithuania∙Anderson, Anderson Aircraft Corporation - United States∙Anderson, Earl Anderson - United States∙Anderson-Greenwood, Anderson, Greenwood and Company - United States∙Andreasson, Björn Andreasson - Sweden∙ANF Mureaux, ANF Mureaux - France, (1918–1937) > SNCAN∙Angel, Angel Aircraft Corporation - United States∙Anglin, Anglin Engineering - United States∙Anglin, Anglin Special Aero Planes Inc - United States∙Anglo Normandy, Anglo Normandy Aero Engineering - United Kingdom ∙Ansaldo - Italy, (1916–1928)∙Antoinette, Antoinette - France, (1906–1912)∙Antoniewski, Tomek Antoniewski - Poland∙Antonov, Antonov OKB - Ukraine, (1947–present)∙Antonov, Aviatsionny Nauchno-Tekhnichesky Kompleks Imeni O K Antonova - Ukraine∙AOI, Arab Organisation for Industrialisation, Aircraft Factory - (Egypt)∙Apex Aircraft - France∙Applebay, Applebay Inc - United States∙Applegate & Weyant, Applegate & Weyant - United States∙Aquaflight, United States (1946)∙Aquila, Aquila Technische Entwicklungen GmbH - Germany∙Arab British Helicopter Company (ABHCO) (Egypt)∙Arado, Arado Flugzeugwerke GmbH - Germany, (1925–1945)∙Arc Atlantique, Arc Atlantique Aviation - France∙Arctic, Arctic Aircraft Company - United States∙ARDC, Air Force Research and Development Center - Philippines ∙Arkhangelski, Arkhangelski OKB - Russia∙Armstrong Siddeley, Armstrong Siddeley - United Kingdom, Possibly engine maker∙Armstrong Whitworth, Sir W. G. Armstrong Whitworth Aircraft Ltd - United Kingdom, (1913–1958) > Hawker Siddeley∙Arnet Pereyra, Arnet Pereyra Aero Design - United States∙Arocet - United States∙Arpin, M. B. Arpin & Co. - United Kingdom∙Arrow (1), Arrow Airplane & Motors Corporation - United States ∙Arrow (2), Arrow Aircraft Company - Canada∙Arrow Aircraft, Arrow Airplane Company - United States, (1931–1935)∙Arrow Aircraft Ltd. - United Kingdom∙Arsenal de l'Aeronautique, Arsenal de l'Aeronautique - France, (1936–1953) > SFECMAS∙ARV, ARV Aviation Ltd - United Kingdom∙ASAP, Aircraft Sales & Parts - Canada∙ASJA - Sweden∙ASL, ASL Hagfors Aero AB - Sweden∙Asso Aerei, Asso Aerei Srl - Italy∙Associated Air, Associated Air - United States∙ASTA, Aerospace Technologies of Australia Pty Ltd - Australia, (1987–present)∙Astra, Astra Societe de Constructions Aeronautiques - France, (1909–1921) > Nieuport∙ATB, First Naval Air Technical Bureau (abbreviated Kugisho) - Japan, (1969–1996) > Aeronautical Development Agency∙Ateliers Aeronautiques de Colombes, Ateliers Aeronautiques de Colombes - France, -1945∙Ateliers Aãronautiques de Suresnes (AAS) (France) - founded 1945, now defunct∙Ateliers, Ateliers de Construction Aãronautique de Zeebrugge - Belgium, (1923–1933) (ACAZ) (Zeebrugge Aeronautical Construction Company) (ZACCO)∙Atlantic-Fokker, Atlantic Fokker Corporation (American Fokker) - United States∙Atlas, Atlas Aircraft Company - USA (1948)∙Atlas, Atlas Aircraft Corporation of South Africa (Pty) Ltd - (South Africa), (1965–present)∙Atlas, Atlas Aviation (Pty) Ltd - (South Africa)∙Atlas, Atlas Aviation, Division of Denel (Pty) Ltd - (South Africa)∙ATR, GIE Avions de Transport Rãgional - France/Italy, (1981–present)∙Aubert, Aubert Aviation - France, (1932–1940, 1945–1959)∙Aurora Flight Sciences, Aurora Flight Sciences Corp. - United States (1989–present)∙Auster, Auster Aircraft Ltd - United Kingdom, (1946–1961)∙Austflight, Austflight ULA Pty Ltd - Australia∙Austin Motors, Austin Motors Ltd. - United Kingdom∙Australian Aircraft & Engineering, Australian Aircraft & Engineering - Australia, (1910–1923)∙Australian Aircraft Consortium, Australian Aircraft Consortium - Australia, (1982–1985) (A joint venture between the Government Aircraft Factory, the Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation and Hawker de Havilland.) > Hawker de Havilland∙Australian Autogyro - Australia (1984-?)∙Australite, Australite Inc - United States∙Auto-Aero, Auto-Aero - Hungary∙Avcraft, AvCraft Aviation LLC - United States∙AVE, Advanced Vehicle Engineers - United States, (1971–1973) ∙Avia (1), Azionari Vercellese Industrie Aeronautiche - Italy ∙Avia (2), Avia-Zavody Jirího Dimitrova - Czechoslovakia, (1919–1958)∙Avia (3), Nauchno-Proizvodstvennoe Obedinenie Avia - Russia∙Avia Baltika, Avia Baltika Aviation Ltd - Lithuania∙Aviabellanca, AviaBellanca Aircraft Corporation - United States, (1983–present)∙Aviafiber - Switzerland∙Aviamilano, Aviamilano Costruzioni Aeronautiche SRL - Italy, (1959-?)∙Aviastroitel, AviaStroitel Ltd - Russia∙Aviat, Aviat Aircraft Inc - United States∙Aviat, Aviat Inc - United States∙Aviatik, Österreichische-Ungarische Flugzeugfabrik Aviatik - Austria, (1910–1918) (Automobil und Aviatik)∙Aviatika, Aviatika JSC - Russia∙Aviatika, Kontsern Aviatika - Russia∙Aviation, Aviaton Nauchno-Proizvodstvennaya Aviatsionnaya Firma - Russia∙Aviation Association Ilyushin (Russia) - Formed 1992∙Aviation Composite Technology, Aviation Composite Technology - Philippines, (1990-?) (ACT)∙Aviation Development, Aviation Development International Ltd - United States∙Aviation Farm, Aviation Farm Ltd - Poland∙Aviation Industries of Iran, Iran∙Aviation Scotland, Aviation Scotland Ltd - United Kingdom∙Aviation Traders, Aviation Traders (Engineering) Ltd - United Kingdom, (1949–1962)∙Avibras, Avribras Aeroespacial SA - Brazil, (1963–1967) (Aviation Brazil)∙Avid, Avid Aircraft Inc - United States∙Avioane Craiova, SC Avioane Craiova SA - Romania∙Aviones Colombia, Aviones de Colombia SA - Colombia∙Avions Fairey, Avions Fairey SA - Belgium, (1931–1978) > Aärospatiale∙Avions Fairey, Fairey SA - Belgium∙Avions JDM - France∙Aviotechnica, Aviotechnica Ltd - Bulgaria/Russia∙Avipro, AviPro Aircraft Ltd - United States∙AVIS, AVIS Aircraft - Unknown, (1917–1923) -1941∙Avro, A. V. Roe & Company - United Kingdom, (1910–1963) > Hawker Siddeley∙Avro, A. V. Roe & Company Ltd - United Kingdom∙Avro, Avro International Aerospace Ltd - United Kingdom∙Avro Canada, Avro Aircraft Canada - Canada, (1945–1962) > Hawker Siddeley∙Avtek, Avtek Corporation - United States∙Ayres, Ayres Corporation - United States, (?-2001) > Thrush Aircraft∙Clãment Ader, Ader, Clement - France, (1886–1897)∙B&B Manufacturing Company Inc Valencia Ca, ∙B/E Aerospace - United States, UK, UAE, ∙B&W, Boeing & Westervelt - United States, (1916) > Pacific Aero ∙British Aircraft Corporation (BAC) Ltd - United Kingdom, (1959-1977) > British Aerospace∙Bach Aircraft - United States∙Bachem, Bachem - Germany, (1944-1945)∙BAE Systems, BAE Systems PLC - United Kingdom, (1999-present) ∙BAE Systems Australia, BAE Systems Australia Ltd - Australia∙BAI, Bureau of Aircraft Industry - Republic of China, (1946-1969) > Air Technical Bureau∙Bakeng, Bakeng Aircraft - United States∙Bakeng, Gerald Bakeng - United States∙Ball-Bartoe - United States∙Barkley-Grow, Barkley Grow Aircraft Corporation - United States ∙Barnett, Barnett Rotorcraft - United States∙Barr, Barr Aircraft - United States∙Barrows, Bob Barrows - United States∙Bartel - Poland∙Bartlett Aircraft - United States∙Basler, Basler Turbo Conversions Inc - United States∙BAT, British Aerial Transport Co. Ltd. - United Kingdom∙Bay Aviation, Bay - United States∙Bayerische Flugzeugwerke, Bayerische Flugzeugwerke - Germany, (1926-1938) (BFW - Bavarian Aircraft Works) > Messerschmitt∙Bd-Micro, BD-Micro Technologies Inc - United States∙Beagle, Beagle Aircraft (1969) Ltd - United Kingdom, (?-1970) > Scottish Aviation∙Beagle, Beagle Aircraft Ltd - United Kingdom∙Beagle-Auster, Beagle-Auster Ltd - United Kingdom∙Beardmore, William Beardmore & Co - United Kingdom∙Beaujon Aircraft - United States∙Bede, BD Micro Technologies Inc - United States∙Bede, Bede Aircraft Corporation - United States∙Bede, Bede Aircraft Inc - United States∙Bede, Bede Aviation Corporation - United States∙Bede, Bede Jet Corporation - United States∙Bede, BEDEAmerica Aerosport LLC - United States∙Beech, Beech Aircraft Corporation - United States, (1932-1980) > Raytheon > Hawker Beechcraft∙Beech-Sferma, see BEECH and SFERMA - United States/France∙Beecraft, Bee Aviation Associates, Inc. - United States, (1948-1960)∙Beets, Glenn Beets - United States∙Beijing Keyuan, Beijing Keyuan Light Aircraft Industrial Company Ltd - China∙Belairbus, Belairbus - Belgium, (1979-present)∙Bel-Aire, Bel-Aire Aviation - United States∙Bell, Bell Aircraft Corporation - United States, (1935-1960)∙Bell, Bell Helicopter Company, Division of Bell Aerospace Corporation - United States, (1960-present)∙Bell, Bell Helicopter Textron Inc - United States∙Bell, Bell Helicopter Textron, Division of Textron Canada Ltd - Canada∙Bell, Bell Helicopter Textron, Division of Textron Inc - United States∙Bell-Agusta, Bell-Agusta Aerospace Company - United States/Italy ∙Bellanca, Bellanca Aircraft Corporation - United States, (1927-1983) > AviaBellanca∙Bellanca, Bellanca Aircraft Engineering - United States∙Bellanca, Bellanca Inc - United States∙Bellanca, Bellanca Sales Manufacturing Inc - United States∙Bell-Boeing, see BELL and BOEING - United States∙Beneš & Hajn, Beneš & Hajn - Unknown, (1923) > Avia∙B eneš-Mráz - Czechoslovakia∙Bengis, Bengis Aircraft Company (Pty) Ltd - South Africa∙Bensen, Bensen Aircraft Corporation - United States, (?-1987) ∙Bereznyak-Isayev, Alexander Yakovlevich Bereznyak and Alexei Mikhailovich Isayev - Soviet Union∙Berger, Hans Berger - Switzerland∙Beriev, Beriev OKB - Russia, (1934-present) (Beriev Aircraft Company)∙Beriev, Berieva Aviatsionnyi Kompaniya - Russia∙Beriev, Taganrogsky Aviatsionnyi Nauchno-Tekhnicheskiy Kompleks Imeni G. M. Berieva - Russia∙Berkut, Berkut Engineering Inc - United States∙Berliner, Berliner Aircraft Co. - United States, (1926-1929) > Berliner-Joyce∙Berliner-Joyce, Berliner-Joyce Aircraft Corp. - United States, (1929-?)∙Bernard, Sociãtã des Avions Bernard - France∙Berwick, FW Berwick and Company Ltd. - United Kingdom∙Besson, Besson - France, (1915-1928) > ANF Mureaux∙Best Off, Best Off - France, (?-present)∙Bharat, Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd - India∙Billie, Billie Aero Marine - France∙Binder, Binder Aviatik KG - Germany∙Birdman, Birdman Aircraft, USA∙Birdman, Birdman Enterprises, Canada∙Bisnovat, Bisnovat - Russia∙Bitz, Bitz Flugzeugbau GmbH - Germany∙Bitz, Fa. Josef Bitz - Germany∙Blackburn, Blackburn Aircraft Ltd - United Kingdom, (1914-1949) > General Aircraft Ltd∙Blãriot, Sociãtã Blãriot Aãronautique - France, (1906-1914) > Blãriot-SPAD∙Blãriot-SPAD, Blãriot-SPAD - France, (1914-1936) > Sud-Ouest∙Blãriot-Voisin, Blãriot-Voisin - France, (1903-1906) > Blãriot, Voisin∙Bloch, Societã des Avions Marcel Bloch - France, (1930-1936) (1945) > Sud-Ouest, Dassault∙Blohm + Voss, Blohm + Voss - Germany, (1930-1969) > Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm∙Blue Yonder, Blue Yonder Aviation Inc - Canada∙Blume, Walter Blume - Germany∙B-N Group, B-N Group Ltd - United Kingdom, (1964-present) (Britten-Norman)∙Boeing, Boeing Aircraft Company - United States, (1917-present) ∙Boeing, The Boeing Airplane Company - United States∙Boeing, The Boeing Company - United States∙Boeing Canada, Boeing Aircraft of Canada Ltd - Canada∙Boeing North American, Boeing North American, Inc. - United States, (1996-present)∙Boeing Vertol, Boeing Vertol Company - United States∙Boeing-Sikorsky, see BOEING and SIKORSKY - United States∙Boeve, Boeve Fiberglass Components Inc - United States∙Bohemia, Bohemia - Czechia∙Boisavia, Sociãtã Boisavia - France∙Bolkow, Bölkow-Apparatebau GmbH - Germany, (1948-1968) > Messerschmitt-Bölkow∙Bolkow, Bölkow-Entwicklungen GmbH - Germany∙BOOTH AEROSPACE North America - United States∙Bombardier, Bombardier Inc - Canada, (1986-present)∙Borel, Etablissements Borel, France > SGCIM∙Boulton & Paul Ltd United Kingdom, (1914-1934)∙Boulton Paul Aircraft Ltd - United Kingdom, (1934-1961)∙Bowers, Peter M. Bowers - United States∙Bradley, Bradley Aerospace - United States∙Brandenburg, Brandenburg - Germany∙Brandli, Max Brändli - Switzerland∙Brantly, Brantly Helicopter Corporation - United States∙Brantly, Brantly Helicopter Industries USA Company Ltd - United States。



主权财富基金排名根据美国主权财富基金研究所(Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute )2012年7月发布的数据,世界上排名为Country Fund Name Assets$BillionInception OriginUAE – Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi InvestmentAuthority$627 1976 OilNorway Government Pension Fund– Global$593 1990 OilChina SAFE Investment Company $567.9** 1997 Non-Commodity Saudi Arabia SAMA Foreign Holdings $532.8 n/a OilChina China InvestmentCorporation$439.6 2007 Non-CommodityKuwait Kuwait InvestmentAuthority$296 1953 OilChina – HongKongHong Kong MonetaryAuthority Investment Portfolio $293.3 1993 Non-CommoditySingapore Government of SingaporeInvestment Corporation$247.5 1981 Non-CommoditySingapore Temasek Holdings $157.5 1974 Non-Commodity Russia National Welfare Fund $149.7 2008 OilChina National SocialSecurity Fund $134.5 2000 Non-CommodityQatar Qatar InvestmentAuthority$100 2005 OilAustralia Australian Future Fund $80 2006 Non-CommodityUAE – Dubai Investment Corporationof Dubai$70 2006 OilUAE – AbuDhabiInternationalPetroleum Investment Company$65.3 1984 OilLibya Libyan InvestmentAuthority$65 2006 OilKazakhstan Kazakhstan NationalFund$58.2 2000 OilAlgeria Revenue Regulation Fund $56.7 2000 Oil UAE – Abu Dhabi Mubadala DevelopmentCompany$48.2 2002 OilSouth Korea Korea Investment $43 2005 Non-CommodityCorporationUS – Alaska Alaska Permanent Fund $40.3 1976 OilMalaysia Khazanah Nasional $36.8 1993 Non-Commodity Azerbaijan State Oil Fund $30.21999 OilIreland National PensionsReserve Fund$302001 Non-Commodity Brunei Brunei InvestmentAgency$301983 OilFrance Strategic InvestmentFund$282008 Non-Commodity US – Texas Texas Permanent SchoolFund$24.41854 Oil & Other Iran Oil Stabilisation Fund $231999 OilNew Zealand New ZealandSuperannuation Fund $15.92003 Non-Commodity Canada Alberta’s HeritageFund$15.11976 Oil Chile Social and EconomicStabilization Fund$152007 Copper US – New Mexico New Mexico StateInvestment Council$14.31958 Non-Commodity Brazil Sovereign Fund ofBrazil$11.32008 Non-Commodity East Timor Timor-Leste PetroleumFund$10.22005 Oil & Gas Bahrain Mumtalakat HoldingCompany$9.12006 Non-Commodity Oman State General ReserveFund$8.21980 Oil & Gas Peru Fiscal StabilizationFund $7.11999 Non-Commodity BotswanaPula Fund$6.91994 Diamonds & Minerals Mexico Oil RevenuesStabilization Fund of Mexico$6.02000 Oil Saudi Arabia Public Investment Fund $5.32008 OilChina China-AfricaDevelopment Fund $5.02007 Non-Commodity US – Wyoming Permanent WyomingMineral Trust Fund$4.71974 Minerals Chile Pension Reserve Fund $4.42006CopperTrinidad & Tobago Heritage andStabilization Fund $2.9 2000 OilUS – Alabama Alabama Trust Fund $2.5 1985 Oil & Gas Italy Italian Strategic Fund $1.4 2011 Non-Commodity UAE – Ras Al Khaimah RAK InvestmentAuthority$1.2 2005 OilNigeria Nigerian SovereignInvestment Authority $1 2011 OilPalestine Palestine InvestmentFund$0.8 2003 Non-CommodityVenezuela FEM $0.8 1998 OilVietnam State CapitalInvestment Corporation $0.5 2006 Non-CommodityKiribati Revenue EqualizationReserve Fund$0.4 1956 PhosphatesGabon Gabon Sovereign WealthFund$0.4 1998 OilIndonesia Government InvestmentUnit$0.3 2006 Non-CommodityMauritania National Fund forHydrocarbon Reserves$0.3 2006 Oil & GasUS – North Dakota North Dakota LegacyFund$0.1 2011 Oil & GasEquatorial Guinea Fund for FutureGenerations $0.08 2002 OilUAE – Federal Emirates InvestmentAuthority n/a 2007 OilOman Oman Investment Fund n/a 2006 Oil UAE – Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi InvestmentCounciln/a 2007 OilPapua New Guinea Papua New GuineaSovereign Wealth Fund n/a 2011 GasMongolia Fiscal Stability Fund n/a 2011 Minerals Total Oil & Gas Related $2,863.9 Total Other $2,155.2 TOTAL $5,019.1All figures quoted are from official sources, or, where the institutions concerned do not issue statistics of their assets, from other publicly available sources. Some of these figures are best estimates as market values change day to day.Recent Sovereign Wealth Fund Market Size by QuarterSep2007 Dec2007Mar2008Jun2008Sep2008Dec2008Mar2009Jun2009Sep2009Dec2009Mar2013,265 3,259 3,427 3,916 4,054 4,140 3,749 3,790 3,914 4,022 4,052Jun2010 Sep201Dec201Mar2011Jun2011Sep2011Dec2011Mar2012Jun20124,107 4,154 4,406 4,551 4,731 4,847 4,830 4,995 5,019 Source: /view/1174598.htm。

2012秋广交会外贸国外客户资料齐全的采购商名录buyer list-01

2012秋广交会外贸国外客户资料齐全的采购商名录buyer list-01

公司名称地区公司简介需求商品名称采购清单需求信息2联系电话联系人传真MAXCYRUS(THA 泰国小型机械小型机械bearings 小型机械66-02-683313PONTISAK TAN 66-02-693328CNG INDUSTRY 马来西亚小型机械小型机械cutting,grin 小型机械006-012-2201LAW SIEW FOONG Magic Gobi 蒙古大型机械及设备大straight lin 大型机械及设97688067191Tungalag chimeg Siantar Madj 印度尼西亚大型机械及设备大大型机械及设62317668888Herry Liputr 62317663549dika konstru 印度尼西亚大型机械及设备金金属切削机床62217457615wijaya 62217457615Rod Bird 澳大利亚大型机械及设备大truck tyres 大型机械及设006174092619Rod 006174092321ALMAWOJ TECH 沙特阿拉伯大型机械及设备木Furniture 木工机械96626524893MAJDI 96626530662abu dhabi na 阿联酋大型机械及设备大大型机械及设971025543003WALID KHAROU 971025543005Jimstar 南非大型机械及设备大Office furni 大型机械及设270514422156Jimmy 270866636688VALIANT OVER 印度大型机械及设备包Ceramic Tile 包装机械91-281-30155Kalrav Malav 91-2480807AL.Mutlaq 沙特阿拉伯大型机械及设备金金属切削机床009614723943Ehthishan 009614737998HAKIMI TOOL 印度大型机械及设备金金属切削机床912024489150m murtaza repuestos ag 西班牙大型机械及设备大大型机械及设34926513746alejandro ro 34926502148Grandpin Co,马来西亚We are very 大型机械及设备大大型机械及设006032545123Mani 006032545125asian sales 印度大型机械及设备包包装机械912223437910manoj kothar 912223426256SRD TOOLS 印度小型机械小型机械grinding whe 小型机械08042070635Manjunatha.R ginan co,.lt 叙利亚大型机械及设备大vehicle spar 大型机械及设009621227907Mo.Rihawi 009621227907GNNCL 阿富汗<img style="大型机械及设备大Alternators,大型机械及设009370704827Khairullah009370704827Petro-Consul 苏丹大型机械及设备大Food 大型机械及设249911322448Ahmed Hassan 249153993204LDDE VERTRIE 奥地利大型机械及设备金金属切削机床0043-681-202Reinhard Ruff MENDOPE S.A.厄瓜多尔大型机械及设备大大型机械及设2334906Danilo Mendoza Wiscot 委内瑞拉小型机械小型机械vehicle spar 小型机械005841235654Daniel 005841235654CELLIT LIMIT 尼日利亚大型机械及设备食granite tile 食品加工机械234805505705OLUDAYO ONAS 234805505705TM WELDING S 意大利小型机械小型机械welding mach 小型机械39-031-82206Dino Camdzic 39-031-33575synthesis de 印度小型机械小型机械小型机械918041217294mohammad tazimrmwat DI-CO LTD 加拿大<img style="大型机械及设备大大型机械及设备JOHN UD. KARYA JA 印度尼西亚小型机械通用机械Bearing 通用机械62--21426265Stephanie Am 62--21426017AL-MUTAWA TR 以色列大型机械及设备大大型机械及设97317701115yasser moh‘97317701188bolivia merc 玻利维亚小型机械小型机械小型机械octavio maceda nacho ZODD ENTERPR 澳大利亚大型机械及设备金金属切削机床610295464487Manuel Mateu 610295465578EGYPTIAN 埃及小型机械小型机械小型机械002 012 0000Gamil Willian babbs intern 意大利小型机械小型机械小型机械393382023261antonio babba LANNA TOOLS 泰国小型机械小型机械小型机械66532338001SUMIN TUPEIROHJ.D.IMPORT-E 巴拉圭小型机械小型机械bottle fitti 小型机械SHEKER REDDY DWI MAKMUR 印度尼西亚小型机械小型机械bearing 小型机械6242489marshall joe 6599130Seeco Steel 斯里兰卡小型机械小型机械CRCA小型机械94752691691A.M.G Dissan 94472232115A.M.Saifuddi 印度大型机械及设备大pillow block 大型机械及设39855971 A.S.joharal tamam tra 科威特小型机械小型机械小型机械96626490399nadeem akhta 96626477243vensent 海地大型机械及设备其其他机械设备5095682411vensent5095682412Macrocosm Po 台湾省小型机械小型机械Fire control 小型机械童金钟huakatiprodu 泰国大型机械及设备包包装机械66029433622Mrs.suchittr 66029433266giverny 泰国大型机械及设备大bakery machi 大型机械及设27173520supamas phon 23188337duntiallo 几内亚大型机械及设备金Food product 金属切削机床22464720292sharif22464720292Waseem Sohai 巴基斯坦大型机械及设备大PPRC Pipe an 大型机械及设0092-42-1117Muhammad Soh 0092-42-3761MECHATRONIX 巴基斯坦大型机械及设备其Automated Bo 其他机械设备0092-423-588Rashid Salee 0092--588372three horses 埃及大型机械及设备金computer har 金属切削机床2025920630moustafa moh 2025920630Star Manufac 印度小型机械小型机械小型机械911126014344Hitesh Brahm 911126017776Maisons Bois 法国大型机械及设备大flooring lam 大型机械及设33630991227Richard INAB 33534602620POTENCIA IND 墨西哥小型机械小型机械hydraulic fi 小型机械524777070800David Fajard 524777070810CYP 2805 RL 委内瑞拉大型机械及设备大poker table 大型机械及设001158251441HERMINDO MOR VZLA00258251gandhi print 印度大型机械及设备大大型机械及设009171227376nilesh gandh 009171227376YEM-OLA GOLD 英国YEM-OLA GOLDEN 大型机械及设备成motorcycles 成套设备441517213285EBENEZER BAB 441517213285coletiva Tra 巴西We are a sourcing 大型机械及设备大electric tro 大型机械及设553188685110Mr. Leonardo 553138915110Makori 南非大型机械及设备金plate,soup p 金属切削机床27832795427makori0865427345BLUEMONDE 印度大型机械及设备金passenger mo 金属切削机床910974605360Rajesh Kumar 910123456789ASHIQUE ENTE 孟加拉大型机械及设备大Sand Paper, 大型机械及设88027168081Khalilur Rah 88027219274Fredshiao 台湾省大型机械及设备其Brass Garden 其他机械设备886225033793Fred Shiao886225037942GOODNESS AND 沙特阿拉伯大型机械及设备塑handbags 塑料机械8373569Ahmed QuraaniCozinhas Ita 巴西大型机械及设备大vehicle spar 大型机械及设861369426285Mateus Grou 861369426285AL-RUBAIE TR 阿曼小型机械电子仪器granite电子仪器SaifGENERAL INDU 印度小型机械小型机械bearings 小型机械009122234225PATEL009122234365HETALTOOLS 印度Hetal Tools a 大型机械及设备大大型机械及设910792213817Viral Gandhi 910792213847MODULO FERRE 秘鲁we are impor小型机械小型机械full extensi 小型机械0051 1424205Dario Suclup 005114242055SPECIAL LEBA 黎巴嫩大型机械及设备金ice makers 金属切削机床9613797432ALAA EL HALA 9615300331QUADCO 110 L 肯尼亚大型机械及设备木木工机械254-700-6863George Maing 254-700-6863TGI 俄罗斯Trast Global大型机械及设备金金属切削机床159********Evgeniy83915142020Badalotti Lo 意大利Our company大型机械及设备大dairy produc 大型机械及设备Laura Bertol 020********A.K.Modern 科威特小型机械小型机械construction 小型机械9651844844Eng.Ashish J 96524843020Pishonanc co 韩国we are a trading 大型机械及设备大大型机械及设860203454600James Han 860203454834sasco indust 埃塞俄比亚大型机械及设备大大型机械及设251911204349sadik251111567000VAISHALI SAL 印度大型机械及设备大tct saws 大型机械及设383723-2382-Sheth Jay Sheth Geo Internat 香港特别行政区大型机械及设备印Food product 印刷机械852*******Pirabu Deen 852*******Pacific Impo 巴基斯坦We are inter大型机械及设备塑塑料机械009242357117Faisal Yaqoo 009242358888apex mill st 孟加拉APEX MILL ST大型机械及设备大rubber v-bel 大型机械及设88027116556mohammad jas 88029569827ARTDECO - RE 德国小型机械小型机械sand paper 小型机械3202711Rene,Gilbert ErmeryJ&D C.A 委内瑞拉Publicista a大型机械及设备金金属切削机床005842656720Jean Carlos 005826176282Global eleme 委内瑞拉大型机械及设备塑furniture 塑料机械005821228542Andreina her 005821228544MIDLAND HARD 阿联酋大型机械及设备金金属切削机床97165321910MR KAIDJOHAR 97165321911MADI AL HAJI 沙特阿拉伯traders and大型机械及设备大sanitary war 大型机械及设009603893913shanavas sai 8975421R.N.SURESH T 印度We are manuf大型机械及设备其chain hoist 其他机械设备9821023109Mr. Khanna912226002593Galleon Ind.香港特别行政We are a toys 大型机械及设备食Toys,Dolls,P 食品加工机械852********Jimmy Chu 852********ZAAFARANIE T 阿联酋大型机械及设备大galvanized c 大型机械及设009714273463amin afshar 009714273463egsa 智利Metalúrgica “大型机械及设备金Solar panels 金属切削机床56-02-679221ROBERT FERNA 56-02-697221intec sarl 阿尔及利亚小型机械小型机械motorcycle p 小型机械213555484188rai aflah 21336873985SODEXO 印度尼西亚大型机械及设备食bed sheet 食品加工机械62-21-788458Alain ROYOT 62-78845875S.C.I. LA VA 法国大型机械及设备木doors 木工机械68322216LEBECEL THIB 68322216TYRO INDIA 印度大型机械及设备金SHOES金属切削机床912228793528Virendra 912228793538Stalker 乌克兰We are "Stal大型机械及设备大radiators 大型机械及设380673821218Dmitry+30562234347s.n industri 巴基斯坦大型机械及设备金金属切削机床009241260204shahnawaz 009241263718BONAJO STORI 斯洛文尼亚小型机械小型机械Washing ball 小型机械38641691450BOGDAN JORDA 38641691450professional 埃及<img style="大型机械及设备木Abrasive clo 木工机械020*********MR.ibrahim a 020*********Azure shine 台湾省trading hard大型机械及设备木木工机械033611391Penny033611391OHIOHARDWARE 阿根廷we are the p小型机械小型机械generators 小型机械130********adrian laigh 130********Agilex FZCO 阿联酋We are gener大型机械及设备金Horticulture 金属切削机床971503787674Farhad97143213978PLC STOROZHU 乌克兰小型机械小型机械小型机械044-5582749Valentyn Sto 044-5582749panorama(HK)澳大利亚We introduce大型机械及设备大大型机械及设001652356987Jai001652356387ETS IKARY 塞内加尔大型机械及设备木Chemical Raw 木工机械338217082EMILE KARI338223033SEZGINLER MA 土耳其大型机械及设备大hardware 大型机械及设902242714921Gokhan Sezgi 902242543866Seiwa Spray 日本We are importer 小型机械电工设备Descaling ma 电工设备81534856171T. Wada81534856180skdecoration 印度We are popul大型机械及设备塑Floor mat 塑料机械00914222395163009142223951Madd Al Ryad 沙特阿拉伯大型机械及设备大大型机械及设009665544714Moaaz Megahe 009662556345Pak United T 巴基斯坦大型机械及设备大RFID Tags 大型机械及设009230066222M SARFRAZ NA 009247762217NEXX LTD 毛里求斯大型机械及设备大Pump大型机械及设2302332968Norbert Gell 2302332422AJIAL ALUMIN 沙特阿拉伯大型机械及设备金金属切削机床96614468828KHALED96612423360CHINA TINHAI 香港特别行政区小型机械小型机械hardware 小型机械852-852-2787OCEAN WANG852-852-2790leyarc 菲律宾leyarc is an大型机械及设备金modern light 金属切削机床63322531863lawrence 63322531862SUMINISTROS 委内瑞拉大型机械及设备大大型机械及设0058-241-871Gerson Contr 0058--871427ovais enterp 巴基斯坦hello ,大型机械及设备金disposable r 金属切削机床922132729484muhammad anw 922132729484Wire and Wir 印度大型机械及设备金welding cons 金属切削机床91-044-26242Meyyappan 91-044-26251517CARRIER INTE 马来西亚大型机械及设备金I Want to bu 金属切削机床6-03-8961778LIEW KEN WAI 6-03-8961773AL ABBAS ASS 巴基斯坦We are inden大型机械及设备大fishing net 大型机械及设241235859Safdar Moraw 92212420875MR ROBERTO D 厄瓜多尔We are looking 大型机械及设备大textile mach 大型机械及设59332460255Mr Roberto D 59332421639DIAMANTINO E 巴西大型机械及设备塑wire,mesh,ce 塑料机械55-19-212905Wilson Corde 55-19-212905Felistar hom 乌干达we are a wholesale 大型机械及设备木I am looking 木工机械256700124927Alele Ronald 256700124927MUEBLES Y DE 西班牙Our company小型机械电子仪器电子仪器34669001566pedro or jul 965717492 沙特阿拉伯小型机械实验室仪WPVC实验室仪器966-2-668998Faisal F. Al 966-2-668991TECHOS Y COB 秘鲁大型机械及设备大大型机械及设51-1-9981233Luis Kitsuta 51-1-3230833Shalini Inte 印度Shalini Internati 小型机械小型机械spray pump ,小型机械+91942068745shahajee Ith +91248728120Goldstar Bld 阿联酋Goldstar Bldg Mat 大型机械及设备金fibreglass m 金属切削机床971508081389Alvin Liu 97165748058SINO LIGHTIN 印度尼西亚小型机械电工仪器电工仪器62-778-45774TANG ATI 62-778-45172YOUNGKING IN 香港特别行政区大型机械及设备金金属切削机床852-*******OCEAN WANG852-*******arktach tach 乌兹别克斯坦大型机械及设备大screws,drawe 大型机械及设(998 71)298 Komoliddin F (998 71) 298EVERSHINE SH 印度尼西亚小型机械小型机械小型机械0091-283-220JAGDISH MOTW 0091-283-234HHA CLAIMS 美国WE MERGE WORLDS BY 大型机械及设备其CAR AUDIO,CA 其他大型机械14698778234JAY BROWN 14695195550HAMED WARAST 阿富汗related offi大型机械及设备其paper,statio 其他机械设备009379913131khaled waras 009714393970METALLOPLAST 美国大型机械及设备金Machinery & 金属切削机床961-3-670 43Hilmi ZaidanMODERN LOCK 印度小型机械小型机械machines 小型机械0091-571-240UMESH KUMAR 0091-571-240MAGHORF TUNI 突尼斯小型机械小型机械machines 小型机械00216-73-342Lotfi ben Ma 00216-73-342MOHSIN HARDW 阿联酋大型机械及设备大NUT-BOLT MAN 大型机械及设971-4-224725MURTAZA ALI 971-4-229497UGUR HIRDAVA 土耳其大型机械及设备大cutting tool 大型机械及设90-262-75151mr.selman ar 90--7515108SEA AFLOAT A 阿联酋小型机械小型机械Machinery 小型机械l 00971-6-5260imatra gofon 马来西亚manufacture小型机械小型机械小型机械60377280021k l wong 60377280298ETS BOUSSEKE 阿尔及利亚WE IMPORT AL大型机械及设备塑塑料机械21331662000Mahfouf Haro 21331662021WOS STEFFEN 德国Now i import 小型机械显微镜shower panel 显微镜0049-178-376Steffen Gier 0049-392-669PT Creative 印度尼西亚Our business小型机械小型机械electronics 小型机械062317881688Herlinyanto 062317881688ASKS 孟加拉Since 1983 o大型机械及设备包Rechargeable 包装机械008802895685Mahfuz Ali Q 0088-02-8956PAN EAST GRO 约旦大型机械及设备金金属切削机床962788563396Ali AlbaghdadiA&I Technolo 拉脱维亚A&I Technolog 大型机械及设备大gates,doors 大型机械及设37167630702Dana37167630702Cidra co. lt 苏丹we cidra com大型机械及设备制制药机械249154988715F.M.Ibrahim 249154988715Emson Enterp 加拿大Wholesale of 小型机械小型机械pump,contact 小型机械16047621186Ruben 16049526008CARRIERS FOR 香港特别行政We are offer大型机械及设备大Auto Radiato 大型机械及设008613601737Monsar 852********CITRA MANDIR 印度尼西亚大型机械及设备金valve 金属切削机床+62-21-56945Lie Nie / Ha +62-21-56945XI WANG LIMI 香港特别行政区大型机械及设备锻shirt锻压机械008-52-97007CHAN008-52-53960567VESAM-Planet 墨西哥大型机械及设备木木工机械0052-777-364Asaf G. Vene 0052-777-163SIDDIHIVINAY 印度小型机械电子仪器Water Purifi 电子仪器91--26402214Dharmesh Bar +912640220 5GOODWILL TRA 印度trading and大型机械及设备塑school furni 塑料机械91-11-451282Sanjeev Bhar 91-11-451282Soumya Int'l 印度we are expor小型机械小型机械小型机械867572618093G.K.Pillai867572618081Aspirelabs C 美国Welcome to the 大型机械及设备金金属切削机床866338919075Diane866338919075ibridelight 法国.大型机械及设备金金属切削机床0613521859alexander 0613521859O.O OKULAJA 英国大型机械及设备金Central air 金属切削机床44-020-79304O.G Okulaja 44-020-84295GIHAN ENTERP 斯里兰卡大型机械及设备金DVD金属切削机床2233570-Gihan Gaika 2233570-彥昕實業有限台湾省大型机械及设备金金属切削机床886225170157李彥璋886225079233GUPER S.A.C.秘鲁大型机械及设备大Machinery, e 大型机械及设005151951977Eugenio Guti 0051-51-3631NEW BHARAT T 印度小型机械小型机械ball bearing 小型机械911123978574pankaj malho 911142351800AL AMARA TRA 卡塔尔大型机械及设备金金属切削机床008653986009Ms. Yuan 00865398600974(BR.) SAIF H 阿联酋大型机械及设备金金属切削机床042273222hussain042278877NOBLE EXPORT 印度小型机械小型机械ball bearing 小型机械91-11-232770RAJESH GUPTA 911123277074China 2 you 菲律宾zinc,al ,stainles 小型机械小型机械printing mac 小型机械Maherchalali abde 摩洛哥.大型机械及设备金金属切削机床002126615163chalali abde 002125229966ACE SYSTEMS 印度大型机械及设备木medical equi 木工机械00962-79-553LUIZ BINNO J 00962-79-554SINAR MERCUS 印度尼西亚大型机械及设备木木工机械62-81-260891Dermawan 62-61-456833A.MICALLEF I 马耳他We have been大型机械及设备金power tools 金属切削机床00356-21-374A.Micallef I 00356-21-374AFROUZ TRADI 阿联酋大型机械及设备金金属切削机床0097-14-2385REZA AFROUZ 0097-14-2385GLOBAL RESOU 香港特别行政区大型机械及设备金I am looking 金属切削机床25416842SHUI HWE SHINGBAKED IN 澳大利亚大型机械及设备食食品加工机械61-03-598803Savvas Leont 61-03-598803ACURA COMPAN 香港特别行政区大型机械及设备木architectura 木工机械852********David Koo 852********AMPERSAND GR 香港特别行政区小型机械电子仪器Lawn and Gar 电子仪器852--2411379Gerry Geltne 852--2413656NG 也门大型机械及设备金food金属切削机床00967 3 2270ALI ALAZIZ00967 3 2270DUZ IT ALL I 坦桑尼亚小型机械小型机械I Want to bu 小型机械255-774-7860SULTANALI RE 255-774-7860Venus Chain 巴基斯坦大型机械及设备包locks包装机械2474505BilalGradient 俄罗斯小型机械小型机械小型机械380675463003Andriy Vorot 380577054745SNATIC SARL 摩洛哥大型机械及设备其Pot Cleaning 其他大型机械212 522 600 AFOUAR AHMED 212 522 628 SANPRAS LIMI 香港特别行政区大型机械及设备成Furniture 成套设备008523050178Vivek 008523050695Sai Paris 埃及小型机械小型机械diesel engin 小型机械Blooming Har 新加坡大型机械及设备大door control 大型机械及设备李五福apex interna 印度小型机械小型机械小型机械RAMA TRADING 印度We are indus小型机械小型机械HIGH TENSILE 小型机械91-891-25673RAJIV KEDIA 91-891-25663pt.shieata t 印度尼西亚小型机械小型机械dairy machin 小型机械6221 8990 75566221 897 4860BAGANDOOH TR 沙特阿拉伯大型机械及设备金watches金属切削机床966 2 631706saleh a.b.966 2 632214b.h.karims h 马拉维this is a fo小型机械小型机械roofing nail 小型机械002651524878bilal002651524878FARDAOUS 突尼斯大型机械及设备木graphic card 木工机械861376334188KELILA MAHER Mawalamyine 圣卢西亚小型机械小型机械farming tool 小型机械9519000976SOE MOE OO9519000976acer industr 印度小型机械小型机械cable lies 小型机械amit kosbtjACE LIMITED 冈比亚小型机械小型机械blowing mach 小型机械2204390015Dayal DARY A 2204393358raison inves 加拿大小型机械小型机械小型机械6043283986charn rai 7782180674HAMAMO 美国大型机械及设备大大型机械及设20227362697EDMOND J DOYLEHONG KONG MA 香港特别行政区大型机械及设备金Ceramic tile 金属切削机床芦燕021-********HUSIRAZ ENGI 印度大型机械及设备大大型机械及设9970178526,9Husain Gangardiwala almacen la p 危地马拉we import pr小型机械小型机械小型机械50223889700jorge briz50223889799J.V.Import A 印度We are india 大型机械及设备金金属切削机床009128122244Ajay Joshi009128122264M/s Cupro In 印度We are a Tra小型机械小型机械小型机械911212440719Mr. Vibhu Go 911212440718SSR ENTERPRI 印度大型机械及设备塑塑料机械23079045Mr Kalva Kri 23075790ACE SYSTEMS 印度小型机械电子仪器电子仪器0091-484-237LUIZ BINNO J 0091-484-237Growflo 印度Hi, This is大型机械及设备大大型机械及设914443081354Bodi Sriniva 914443081354Lion Power e 尼泊尔we deal with 大型机械及设备金金属切削机床00977 1 4423Mr. Nilmani 00977 1 4412Mihir Enterp 印度Mihir Enterp大型机械及设备木木工机械912226786876Mihir Trived 912226786876KENTAVR 俄罗斯.大型机械及设备大大型机械及设7498662-37-7Boroday Nick 7498662-37-7PENBINAAN PU 马来西亚SUPPLY MATER大型机械及设备金金属切削机床606066014195CHUNG CHENG 606066014193CRAFTY俄罗斯小型机械小型机械小型机械2759797Dmitry 2759797Alex Build 埃及大型机械及设备大water pumps 大型机械及设002010020183Walic Morsy 002-03-39216Guest Compan 沙特阿拉伯We are a company 大型机械及设备金金属切削机床966-1-810345nemer966-1-244776BENS VARITY 加拿大We are estab小型机械小型机械SAFETY SHOES 小型机械1-416-494188Mr. Nilesh K 1-416-494188MAGIC WORLD 罗马尼亚company hold大型机械及设备大General Buil 大型机械及设40314111465Athanasios K 40314111465RICHMAN -USA 美国Richman-usa小型机械电子仪器电子仪器001847361562Mohammad Ala 001847837192CSM TRADE 香港特别行政区小型机械小型机械小型机械9258 3163Qian Shun Me 852 2787 701Eucart Assoc 尼日利亚Eucart Assoc大型机械及设备金float glass 金属切削机床234042-66014Nwokocha Chr 234042-30237P.D. INTERNA 泰国大型机械及设备其decoration m 其他大型机械6626869888Pingduan 6653275780LAUDISTON VA 澳大利亚At Big Rig we 大型机械及设备金金属切削机床36302028Daisy Raue36302027HERROTULOOCA 委内瑞拉Our company大型机械及设备大concrete scr 大型机械及设0058 4166 37JEAN5321301NORTHERN TOO 巴基斯坦大型机械及设备大hardware 大型机械及设009242763866SOHAIB HAYEal fallg al 阿曼my company n大型机械及设备大大型机械及设009689928820hamed bin ka 009689928820STRASSE REST 西班牙大型机械及设备金Air Conditio 金属切削机床34-922-21050MrISIDORO AR 34-922-21050FARBAPLAST I 巴西Importer and小型机械其他光学Paint brushe 其他光学仪器55-11-405129Leon Czarlin 55-11-405129yaman Auto J 土耳其Benim i?im 大型机械及设备金金属切削机床902124465357Mustafa YAMA 902124465357QF INTERNATI 香港特别行政QF Internati 大型机械及设备金plush toys 金属切削机床852********RAYMOND SHEK 852********Deppo 荷兰inkoop en verkoop 大型机械及设备包包装机械0031-2454021M. Ozbicer0031-181-617quimica mote 秘鲁大型机械及设备大大型机械及设备manuel telloalfkhama 科威特小型机械小型机械I am looking 小型机械0096524600jarrah alaneziEVERGREEN AG 马来西亚大型机械及设备金金属切削机床08966068CHAN WANG FU 08967528NEFISA KHELI 美国大型机械及设备大大型机械及设0112751104EMRAN ABDULA 0112755157Charmin Trad 加拿大大型机械及设备大I am looking 大型机械及设备Kasim AbdoolCECITO 香港特别行政区大型机械及设备大大型机械及设备MERIM KOZHOK 020********ZamKATT EL-尼日利亚小型机械小型机械小型机械234803584460PRINCE CHARLES UZORconstrutora 葡萄牙小型机械小型机械material 小型机械239439418NUNO TEIXEIR 239439418ANDIKA GENER 阿联酋大型机械及设备大大型机械及设971-4-971427DINESH SUKUM 971--9714271SEMA 秘鲁大型机械及设备大大型机械及设4628996ricardo mart 4628996LIANT METAL 菲律宾大型机械及设备金金属切削机床63-2-4553238Johnny Liang 63-2-9266341shambil mill 孟加拉大型机械及设备大大型机械及设88029561684mohammad arman campbell tub 新西兰小型机械小型机械小型机械6478688007charles webs 6478688010MEGADYNE 意大利大型机械及设备大大型机械及设390119268052Marco Bassi 390119268487ROYAL PLASTI 莫桑比克大型机械及设备大大型机械及设25826212950HASSNEN RAZA 25826212967SARVO印度大型机械及设备大I am looking 大型机械及设911294022333SATISH JAIN 91129405352ALJ OUTDOOR 沙特阿拉伯大型机械及设备大大型机械及设96626289795ARER QUADRI 96626289836lamiya marke 印度大型机械及设备大大型机械及设919048264554abdul rasheed mVINAY TOOLS 印度小型机械小型机械power tools.小型机械22427011J.SHETH24246327ajouri co.lt 以色列大型机械及设备大大型机械及设009702232008abu karam 0097022320270C.Q.S. Enter 台湾省小型机械小型机械I am looking 小型机械886228829898Alice Tsal886228829897fcl lda watn 莫桑比克大型机械及设备大大型机械及设258 21305579axelino fond 258 4305 479ALBAB AL M 埃及小型机械小型机械小型机械20225894411Ahmed & Sedk 20225881572HOBOCNONPCAR 俄罗斯大型机械及设备大Containers 大型机械及设备JIN RAHH CHUNG YEANG 泰国大型机械及设备大大型机械及设备CHOU SHU HUIm.s.s.叙利亚大型机械及设备橡橡胶加工机械U.D.EMPAT JA 印度尼西亚our company 小型机械小型机械小型机械+62 31 35321PETERBismillah Tr 巴基斯坦小型机械小型机械小型机械924237721475Muhammad Yas 924237709959REAL AIR FAN 印度Our company小型机械小型机械engines小型机械RiddhiKATUMANAN HA 比利时大型机械及设备大大型机械及设34440943444060EGYPTION OFF 埃及WE ARE EGYPTIAN 小型机械电子仪器电子仪器22531345SAAD ELDIN22531345BITRUST 赞比亚大型机械及设备大大型机械及设260211224547Isaac Mulund 260211220716Alkhiami Int 叙利亚We are a wholesale 大型机械及设备大metal and wo 大型机械及设2228873Issam Alkhia 2456000ELCOM ELECTR 多米尼加共和国大型机械及设备大大型机械及设8096856111Jose Amaury 8092216765RUNGTA IMPEX 尼泊尔大型机械及设备大大型机械及设97751521648C.S. ROONGTAal-jalil ent 巴基斯坦大型机械及设备金金属切削机床92 21 345951akbar khan q 92-21-272783Middle East 伊朗小型机械小型机械小型机械98 21 886527Afshin abdol 98 21 886527drion corp 美国大型机械及设备大大型机械及设582418242322miguel angel romero DAVAO GO LIO 菲律宾小型机械小型机械小型机械006382225168LOUIE GOUni-weld 澳大利亚大型机械及设备大大型机械及设006135336088Kevin Wilde 006135354323HABIBULLAH G 罗马尼亚大型机械及设备大producing st 大型机械及设042223649huabibullah 042223687SMP ENTERPRI 尼泊尔小型机械小型机械小型机械159********PRASHIL ACHARYA SHAHBA PUMPS 叙利亚HUSAM MASRI小型机械小型机械小型机械963216310713Husam masri 963216310713Morgen Inter 孟加拉We are impor小型机械小型机械water pump 小型机械880 2 711102Md. Niaz Ali 880 2 716362E.M.ENTERPRI 孟加拉WE ARE DOING大型机械及设备大water pump 大型机械及设880-2-711712EMRAN ALI CHOWDHURYDarshana Eng 斯里兰卡小型机械小型机械小型机械372238764Jagath Darsh 374935593SUAREZ /NTCO 巴西小型机械小型机械小型机械5511 2414 38SUMEZA.K SON COMM 印度小型机械小型机械小型机械91981115781Anil Sehgal 91112321345Teh engineer 泰国大型机械及设备大大型机械及设备TEH LIANG BE 6629974600sea gulf 卡塔尔小型机械小型机械小型机械9744691963mujeeb m.k.9744582528CHEHAB 黎巴嫩小型机械小型机械小型机械Imad ChehabS.A.S.LTD 英国大型机械及设备大大型机械及设01782505506JASON TAFT0870*******KHATTAR RESO 尼日利亚khattar group is 大型机械及设备大大型机械及设0809 8969 68Ibe NkemMTSDIDAC CNC 泰国大型机械及设备大大型机械及设662 9600338PERAPONG 662 960033900VIKE CO.,LTD 玻利维亚INTRODUCE CH大型机械及设备木木工机械59133466142VIVIAN 59133461142STAHL 德国小型机械小型机械小型机械Werner StahlKAMI ALUMWAR 马来西亚小型机械小型机械kitchenware 小型机械6097472929LIM LIN THUA 6097446977Red Comercia 哥伦比亚大型机械及设备大大型机械及设001152123235Giovanni Rivera I.T.S. DISTR 意大利大型机械及设备包包装机械390522981042fausto nevia 390522981873Stella Maris 利比里亚Stella Maris大型机械及设备大大型机械及设231077012376Jay Exodus F 231077012376KON CORPORAT 俄罗斯大型机械及设备木木工机械7907788Denis-VIJAY TRADE 印度VIJAY TRADE 大型机械及设备大大型机械及设912223421956Mitali Shah 912266336336PRESTIGE AGE 印度Ours is a pr大型机械及设备大大型机械及设912223400085Mitali Shah 912266336336CHANNEL INTE 土耳其小型机械小型机械I Want to bu 小型机械0090-322-247erol alper0090-322-247ABDULLAH ALL 沙特阿拉伯Abdullah All小型机械小型机械小型机械96626372784Mr. Mohammed 96626372784RUSHI TECHNO 印度Im Nilesh Patel 大型机械及设备大CNC Routers 大型机械及设91-079-26563710-09376191-079-26563Instrone Tec 尼日利亚Instrone Technolog 大型机械及设备大大型机械及设234(0)802 34Ayo Olalusi 234(0)1 2136itp 伊朗my Company 大型机械及设备大大型机械及设008613143376rozbeh amiri 009821885778Moula and co 英国general serv大型机械及设备纺纺织机械440779105506hamed moula 440207370494Triple X Tra 缅甸We are curre小型机械小型机械小型机械951296439Mr. Kyaw Win 951249002INVERSIONES 委内瑞拉小型机械小型机械drywall scre 小型机械258041452475julian Alvar 258251254490Shri Navnit 印度Our company 小型机械小型机械Grinding Whe 小型机械91-281-23891Amit Sheth91-2389086Sunline Comm 阿联酋We are leading 大型机械及设备橡blankets 橡胶加工机械97142249428Mr.Santhosh 97142249438Tariq Trader 巴基斯坦Tariqtraders 小型机械小型机械小型机械009299730423Kamran009299730443GUEMA 喀麦隆GueMA Group大型机械及设备金tires 295/80金属切削机床NGUESSI ETIE 87951816Al Aqmar Tra 埃及Dealers In Hand 小型机械电子仪器Plier,Callip 电子仪器002022591240Mohammed Z M 002022787734FAHAD YAHYA 沙特阿拉伯Buycounstruc 大型机械及设备金金属切削机床009663819112FAHAD ASKAR 009663818742Bubi Corp 加拿大We are in th小型机械小型机械food,beverag 小型机械177**** ****Edmond Wolf 151**** ****BESTHOUSE DE 阿根廷1.We 大型机械及设备木porcelain-wa 木工机械54114544857dan54114544877FRANZETTI PI 西班牙We are in bu小型机械电子仪器pumps fittin 电子仪器34952931558Rodolfo Davi 34952931558PT.Sumbertam 印度尼西亚Air Tools, A小型机械小型机械小型机械622189906862Toni Woen 622189900852GREAT TRADI 香港特别行政The creation小型机械小型机械小型机械88825440986oberta 88825440987BST Industry 新加坡We are a distribut 小型机械小型机械小型机械6594239969Paul Soong6567609359ZIAD BOU EZZ 黎巴嫩Manufacturin大型机械及设备金knitted cott 金属切削机床961361968Tarek BouEzz 961524068Pat ceegon c 尼日利亚大型机械及设备大大型机械及设234803404379Eqeony pat rccu Shuruk 委内瑞拉小型机械小型机械小型机械58-0241-6149RABAD DUQQA 58-0241-6149Jinsung 韩国小型机械小型机械小型机械82-31-906-14An Young mi 82-31-906-41MARPICO S.A.哥伦比亚大型机械及设备大power tools 大型机械及设(57-1)623 55GUATACO ADOL (57-1)611 39FUNERARIA SA 菲律宾小型机械小型机械小型机械JESSE E.YAPThien Thuong 越南小型机械小型机械小型机械+84908244188THLI LE +84838112956Simton Commu 几内亚大型机械及设备大大型机械及设备MarcelLANDMARK BUI 印度大型机械及设备大大型机械及设90-40-234315Suraj Prasad 90-40-234351SAABQOUD LTD 加纳大型机械及设备大大型机械及设00233-21-664ADU BROWN 00233-21-672HAM-MIAD LTD 以色列大型机械及设备大copper tube 大型机械及设97246516537AMIN-NASSER 97246516402voyage-bagag 德国I am looking小型机械小型机械小型机械49(0)8031/14Klaus Rienac 49(0)8031/15TASSOULAS TR 巴西Trading company 大型机械及设备大Steel Coil 大型机械及设554730418190Georges Tass 554133281268TAKSA 伊朗design and 大型机械及设备大大型机械及设77290590S.HASSAN ZAD 77290589CHACERY LYE 多米尼加共和国小型机械小型机械小型机械809 492 2222yocari peterson Jagat Projec 印度大型机械及设备大大型机械及设919810092820SauravDELTA MOTORS 阿联酋小型机械小型机械小型机械00971-6-5572Sarkis Chari 00971-6-5572Drohedoca 多米尼加共和国大型机械及设备大大型机械及设8093994070BernardV. 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中國於1985 年加入世界遺產公約,至2002年底止,共有28個項目被聯合國教科文組織列入《世界遺產名錄》。

















Course of Renewal for ADCO Concession Expiring in 2014Takashi Matsumoto, Senior Economist,Global Energy Group 1, Strategy Research Unit1. IntroductionAbu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) contains three major oil development and operating companies: Abu Dhabi Company for Onshore Oil Operations (ADCO – established October 1978), a company develops onshore oil fields, and Abu Dhabi Marine Operating Company (ADMA-OPCO – established 1977) and Zakum Development Company (ZADCO – established November 1977), companies develop offshore oil fields. Even before their establishment, international oil capital (oil majors1) had begun development of oil fields, but when independence from United Kingdom protectorate status was gained in December 1971, the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC – established November 1971) began capital participation. In each operating company there are a number of concession holders, including oil majors, but many concession agreements that lasted around 40-50 years are up for renewal2 from 2010 onward. Japan’s area of concern is that many Japanese oil development companies, starting with the Japan Oil Development Co., Ltd (JODCO) are participating in Abu Dhabi’s offshore oil concessions, and from the viewpoint of securing our own-developed crude oil and for the safety of our fuel supply it is important to explore the movement of ADCO and the concession renewal, which is nearing its time limit.2. ADCO Up to the Present2-1 History of ADCOThe history of ADCO starts when the first concession contract in Abu Dhabi (then the Trucial State of Abu Dhabi) was concluded with Petroleum Development (Trucial Coast) Ltd.3on January 1, 1939. With the outbreak of World War II, geological exploration did not start until February 1950. The first oil field discovery leading to commercial production was1The seven companies that almost completely dominated the production of petroleum up to the 1970s were known as the Seven Sisters (Standard Oil of New Jersey [later Esso], Royal Dutch Shell,Anglo-Persian Oil [later BP], Standard Oil New York [later Mobil], Standard Oil of California [later Chevron], Gulf Oil [later Chevron], Texaco [later Chevron]) and with the addition of CompagnieFrançaise des Pétroles (CFP – later TOTAL) were known as the Eight Majors.2Following ADCO’s concession limit in January 2014, ADMA-OPCO’s limit is in 2018, while ZADCO has extended the concession limit to 2026 with the participation of Exxon Mobil in March 2006. In January 2011, Abu Dhabi Oil Co., Ltd. of Japan obtained a 30-year extension of its concession starting from December 2012.3One of the 100% subsidiaries of Turkish Petroleum Company (established 1912: renamed to Iraq Petroleum Company in 1929) established for making inroads into the Middle EastBab, in 1960, and export of crude oil started from the Jebel Dhana Terminal on December 14, 1963.In 1962, the previous year, Petroleum Development (Trucial Coast) Ltd. was renamed to the Abu Dhabi Petroleum Company (ADPC) and Abu Dhabi, which joined the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) in 1967, began business participation, riding the wave of resource nationalism4that was gaining momentum in the oil producing countries. Specifically, with the Tehran Treaty in February 1971 and Tripoli Treaty in March, OPEC succeeded in strengthening the pricing rights of crude oil (pricing determined by discussions with the oil majors). Following this, with the Riyadh Treaty in December 1972, OPEC agreed with the international oil companies on the oil extraction business itself, to promote the transfer of rights from the oil majors to the oil producing countries. Backed by these, on January 1, 1973, ADNOC took a 25% stake in ADPC. On January 1, 1974, this was raised to 60%, and with the Emir Decree issued on October 8, 1978, it became the Abu Dhabi Company for Onshore Oil Operations (ADCO) and controlled all operations in the concession area.During this time, discoveries of new oil fields with commercial production quantities continued, with Bu Hasa in 1962, Asab in 1965, Shah in 1966 and Sahil in 1967. There are now 10 oil fields in production: Bab, Bu Hasa, Asab, Shah and Sahil mentioned above, with Huwaila to the southwest of Bab, Al Dabbi’ya northwest of Bab, Rumaitha, Shanayel and Jarn Yaphour.2-2 Participants and Concession ShareThe current ADCO participants are ADNOC, BP, TOTAL, Shell, ExxonMobil and Partex. ADNOC participated when it was nationalized in 1973 as the national oil company, but the holdings of foreign capital reflect the concession structure of the Iraq Petroleum Company as of the year 1935. That is to say, the concession structure of the Iraq Petroleum Company then consisted of the Anglo-Persian Oil Company (now BP), CFP (now TOTAL), Anglo-Saxon Oil Company (now Royal Dutch Shell), a US-based consortium (in which Socony and Mobil are now ExxonMobil), and Partex, a privately-owned company of Calouste Gulbenkian. The share of participation in the Iraq Petroleum Company was also 23.75% for each oil major and 5% for Partex, and this share among the five companies is reflected proportionately in the 40% private concession share in ADCO.4A move for independently managing and developing resources that exist in the country, based on a resolution for “Permanent Sovereignty Over Natural Resources” adopted by the UN in 1962.Holding ratio of concessionIraq Petroleum ParticipationADCO Participation Abu Dhabi National Oil Company - 60.0% Anglo-Persian Oil Co. (BP) 23.75% 9.5% CFP (TOTAL)23.75% 9.5% Anglo-Saxon Oil Co. (RD Shell) 23.75%9.5%Near East Development Co. (US Consortium *1)23.75% 9.5%Participation and Investment Company *25.00% 2.0%Source: ADCO website, Petroleum Industry Structure of UAE (IEEJ, Dec. 2004)*1Standard Oil of New Jersey (50%), Socony-Mobil (50%) *2Private company owned by Calouste Gulbenkian FoundationForeign capital participation in the offshore operating company, ADMA-OPCO and ZADCO are different than those for ADCO, however, for all oil concessions in Abu Dhabi, 60% is held by ADNOC as the government stake and the remaining 40% is provided as the foreign capital stake 5.2-3 Outline of ADCO Production and Future Development PlanThe UAE’s total production of crude oil was 2.85 million bpd according to BP statistics. The breakdown of this has not been publicized, but Abu Dhabi produces the majority. Almost all has been produced by the three largest oil development and operating companies (ADCO, ADMA-OPCO and ZADCO) and production from small- to medium-sized oil fields, some of which are operated by Japanese oil development companies, is marginal. As of 2010, estimated production by operating companies is as follows:Exported crude oil names and estimated production of operating companies (2010)Operating CompanyExported crude oil, condensate nameProduction (1,000 bpd)ADCO Murban 1,400 ADMA-OPCOLower Zakum, Umm Shaif6005The only exception is the former UDECO (Umm Al Dalkh Development Company) concession thatwas absorbed into the ZADCO organization in 1988, in which the ADNOC stake is 88%.ZADCO UpperZakum560 Three largest operating companiessubtotal2,560Abu Dhabi Oil Co., Ltd (Japan) Mubarras blend 24United Petroleum Development Co., Ltd.(Japan)Lower Zakum 14JODCO (included in ADMA-OPCO/ZADCO) Lower/Upper Zakum,Umm Shaif-INPEX ABK Abu al Bukhoosh 25UAE (Crude oil total) 2,620 Others (condensate, other emirates) Uweinat*1, Dubai, etc. 230TOTAL UAE (Grand total) 2,850 (Source: Estimates made from various information magazines)*1These are condensates. Other production includes Sharjah condensate and Tamama condensate.Of the above, ADCO’s current crude oil production is estimated at around 1.4 mmbpd.ADCO breaks the area down into four large areas for management.(1) Bab oil fieldADCO’s first oil field to enter commercial production has been in operation since 1960.This is the largest onshore oil field in Abu Dhabi, with its area of oil field structure covering approximately 1,200 square kilometers. Production from the oil field accounts for about25% of the total ADCO production. It also produces gas and makes up about 75% ofADCO’s gas production. There is also the Mirfa oil field, where development has notbegun.Estimated production by oil field and forecasts(Unit: 1,000 bpd)ProductionOil field 2010estimate2017forecastRemarksBab oil fieldBab 336 435 Discovered 1960, Tamama layer development, water injectionBab South WestassetBu Hasa 532 530 Discovered 1962, water, gas injectionHuwaila 28 30Bida Al-Quemzan 0 54 Production commenced 2012Bab South EastassetAsab 281 345 Discovered 1965, gas injectionSahil 53 70 Discovered 1967, water injectionShah 49 60 Discovered 1966, production wells addedQusahwira 0 50 Production to commence in 2013Mender 0 16 Production to commence in 2017North East BabAl Dabbi’ya 82 130 Drilling commenced 1982Rumaitha 19 30 Drilling commenced 1969, CO2 injection 2009 Shanayel 10 20 Drilling commenced 1983Jarn Yaphour 10630 Production commenced 2009Total 1,400 1,800(Source: Estimated from ADCO website and other information journals)(2) Bab South East assetThis asset is centered on the Bu Hasa oil field, the second oil field discovered in ADCO. Bu Hasa, together with the Huwaila oil field, produces about 40% of total ADCO crude oil production. There is also the Bida Al-Quemzan oil field, planned to shoulder 3.5% of ADCO crude oil production and expected to be on-stream in 2012, and the Ruwais 2, Gazira, Dhafra and Mushash oil fields, where development has not yet begun.(3) Bab South East assetCentered on the Asab oil field, the third oil field to be discovered in ADCO, this consists of the Sahil oil field to the north and Shah oil field to the south, and the production share of each in the Bab - South East asset was announced as 73.4%, 13.9% and 12.9%, respectively7. In addition is the Qusahiwra oil field, to start production in 2013, and Zarrarah, Mender, Bu Qalla, Haliba, Riqeah and Arjan oil fields, where development has not begun.6Expected to start operations at 10,000 bpd initial production rate in 2009, according to Diamond Gas Operations magazine Oct 10, 2008 issue.7Production share as indicated on ADCO website for South East Assets.(4) North East BabNorth East Bab (NEB) consists of Al Dabbi’ya oil field, followed by the Rumaitha, Shannayel and Jarn Yaphour oil fields. These oil fields have been developed more recently than the other oil fields mentioned earlier.ADCO currently produces 1.4 mmbpd from its 10 operating oil fields, but is now investing US$10 billion to increase this to 1.8 mmbpd in 2017. To accomplish this, both the Bida Al Quemzan oil field, planned to commence production in 2012 and Qusahwira oil field, planned to commence production in 2013, are expected to contribute to increased production. Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods such as water, gas and CO2 injection are also being applied to existing oil fields. It still has many undeveloped concession mine sites and achieving the production increase has become its mission through the starting of development.Oil distribution of Abu Dhabi(Source) Based on JOGMEC material with additions3. Movements of Companies and Nations Involved in the Concession, and the Situation ofthe Oil Producing Country3-1 Existing Concession HoldersInternational oil companies participating in ADCO concessions are requesting the extension of mining rights of their existing concessions up for renewal rather than new expansions that would come at a cost. Both ExxonMobil and TOTAL are also strongly requesting a review of the current ADCO margin (determined when the crude oil price was around US$10/bbl, while the current margin is around $1/bbl)8.3-1-1 BPLooking at the capital participation status of BP in Abu Dhabi’s energy sector, in addition to 9.5% of ADCO’s onshore oil development concession, BP participates in 14.67% of the offshore ADMA concessions, and has one-third equity in the small- to medium-sized offshore El Bunduq (BQ) oil field and a 3% stake of its concession (the sale of this stake is entrusted to United Petroleum Development, which holds the remaining 97%), and also holds 10% of Abu Dhabi Gas Liquefaction Company (ADGAS) shares9. In 2000, there was an opportunity to obtain the offshore ZADCO concession together with TOTAL, but ADNOC changed its plans in 2002 in view of the many international oil companies expressing their interest in ZADCO participation, and put it up for international bidding10. As a result, ExxonMobil, to be discussed later, was the subsequent winner.Although it is currently suspended since the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) from 2012 has not been finalized, BP participated in a hydrogen-based power generating plant project related to the CCS project in Masdar City from 2010 to 201111.3-1-2 TOTALIn addition to its 9.5% stake in the onshore ADCO concession, TOTAL has a 13.33% stake in the offshore ADMA concession and 75% of small- to medium-sized offshore Abu Al Bukhoosh (ABK) oil field, one-third capital participation in the Bunduq Oil Producing8Petroleum Argus, January 20, 20129Abu Dhabi is one of the few oil producing countries that allow upstream oil operations by foreign oil companies based on traditional oil concession agreements that grant 100% concession, in addition to operator-contract-type oil operations participated in by ADNOC. On the other hand, for natural gas sector, based on the Gas Nationalization Act promulgated in 1974, ADNOC manages thedevelopment, production and sales, and is provided with the right to operate independently or jointly with foreign capital, at its own discretion. This being the case, ADGAS, together with GASCO described later, has no gas concession.10IEEJ. Petroleum Industry Structure of UAE (IEEJ, Dec. 2001)11PIW, February 14, 2011Company (BQ), 15% of the shares of onshore Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. (GASCO) and 5% of offshore ADGAS shares. It owns one-third of FERTIL, a fertilizer manufacturing company and has 20% equity in Al-Taweelah A-1 power generation and a desalination project of IWPP.Since July 2007, TOTAL is also a participant and shareholder12in the natural gas import project (pipeline capacity: 3.2 billion cfd, i.e., approximately 33 billion m3/year) operated by Dolphin Energy Limited (DEL). (The largest shareholder is Mubadala Development, the national investment company of Abu Dhabi, with 51%, with TOTAL and Occidental holding 24.5% each.)TOTAL sold off 48.83% of its shares of CEPSA, a Spanish oil company owned by TOTAL, to Abu Dhabi’s International Petroleum Investment Company (IPIC) on August 2, 2011, and is involved in the de-facto control of CEPSA by IPIC13.3-1-3 ShellShell only owns 15% of the onshore GASCO shares, in addition to its onshore ADCO concession of 9.5%. Compared with other international oil companies, Shell’s activities in Abu Dhabi are not quite as vigorous. In the Bab sour gas project being promoted by ADNOC, as of May 2012, BP, TOTAL, ExxonMobil, Chevron, South Korea’s KNOC and others have been invited to bid, but Shell, together with ConocoPhillips, which pulled out of the Shah gas field development project, described later, has not been invited to bid14.3-1-4 ExxonMobilIn addition to a 9.5% stake in the onshore ADCO concession, ExxonMobil owns 28% of the offshore ZADCO concession.Participation in the ZADCO concession is fairly recent, with ADNOC selecting ExxonMobil as its strategic partner in March 2006, granting it 28% of the concession together with operatorship15. Subsequently, based on ADNOC’s plans to increase production of the Upper Zakum oil field from the current 550,000 bpd to 750,000 bpd by 2015, ExxonMobil’s technology to drill down to 30,000 feet (approximately 9,100 m) has been used since November 2011 to carry out the plan.12For joint operations with foreign participation, ADNOC is required to hold 51% or more of the concession. In this project, the upstream natural gas operations are conducted overseas (Qatar), soADNOC’s participation requirement clause is not applied, and Mubadala Development, a company fully owned by the Government of Abu Dhabi, owns 51% of the entire concession.13As of March 2009, IPIC has acquired 47.0% of CEPSA shares, and with the purchase of TOTAL’s holdings at €27/share (total €3.7 billion), it now owns more than 95% of the shares.14MEES, May 14, 201215MEES, April 11, 20123-1-5 PartexPartex only has a 2% share in the onshore ADCO concession and also owns 2% of onshore GASCO shares.Partex is a company registered in Portugal by Calouste Sarkis Bulbenkian, referred to as Mr. Five Percent, and holds a 2% concession of Petroleum Development Oman (PDO) in the neighboring Sultanate of Oman.3-2 Countries and Companies Vying for Participation3-2-1 Movements by US PartiesShah gas field development project●ConocoPhillips participated in the Shah gas field development project joint venture withADNOC in July 2009 and signed an interim agreement in July 2010. However, with a rapid increase in construction costs suspending the work, the company announced its decision to pull out of the project.●In partner selection with ExxonMobil, Shell and Occidental (Occidental Petroleum [US]:OXY) in November 2011, as the final candidates, ADNOC selected OXY as the development company for the Shah gas field in February 2012. (The shareholding of the Al-Hosn Gas Company, the operator, is ADNOC: 60%, OXY: 40%).●OXY plans to invest US$1 billion in 2011 in the Shah sour gas development project, andan additional US$3 billion by the start of operations in 2014. This marks a groundbreaking for sour gas (gas with high hydrogen sulfide content) development in Abu Dhabi. Its development has been slow due to its technical difficulties, and there are high expectations for the outcome with the rapid increase in future gas demand in the UAE. At the Shah gas field, 1 billion cfd (approximately 1.03 billion m3/year) of high sulfur gas will be purified to produce 500 million cfd (approximately 5.17 billion m3/year) of natural gas and 50,000 bpd of condensate and NGL16.3-2-2 ChinaThrough official visits to Abu Dhabi by Premier Wen Jiabao in August 2009 and First Secretary Xi Jinping in October 2010, national diplomacy has begun as a national project and the following relationships are now being established.Crude oil purchase contracts●In July 2011, ADNOC concluded a deal to sell 200,000 bpd of crude to China NationalPetroleum Corp. (CNPC) from 2014 for 20 years17.16Petroleum Argus, March 2, 201217Platt’s Oilgram News, July 18, 2011Joint survey of undeveloped concession mine sites●On January 17, 2011, ADNOC and CNPC signed an agreement to jointly survey AbuDhabi’s undeveloped concession mine sites18.Construction of a pipeline to circumnavigate the Strait of Hormuz●CNPC has been involved in construction of a crude oil pipeline from Abu Dhabi toFujairah. (The pipeline was completed by the end of April 2012 and oil run tests are being conducted as of May.)Construction of a crude oil terminal in Fujairah●Petrochina is aiming at construction of a crude oil terminal with 1 million KL storagecapacity with the Government of Fujairah19.3-2-3 South KoreaThrough top-level diplomacy by its President Lee Myung-bak, South Korea, like China, is establishing relations with Abu Dhabi’s energy sector.Capacity improvement of Ruwais Refinery●TAKREER has concluded an EPC contract amounting to US$9.6 billion to add 417,000bpd refining capacity by the year 2014 to the current 400,000 bpd capacity of the Ruwais Refinery with the South Koreans in November 2009. Construction is now underway.Nuclear power plant construction project●On December 27, 2009, a South Korean consortium won a US$20.4 billion order for theconstruction of a 2,800 MW nuclear power plant. Construction is now underway.Oil concessions●South Korea’s Ministry of Knowledge Economy announced on March 5, 2012 that thecountry had concluded a concession agreement that was agreed at the time of the meeting between the President of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and emir of Abu Dhabi Sheik Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahayan and South Korean President Lee during Lee’s visit to Abu Dhabi in March 2011. The concession share is 60% for ADNOC, with the Korea National Oil Corporation (KNOC) taking 34% and 6% held by GS Energy. The agreement period is 30 years. South Korea will be the fifth country to participate in Abu18Argus Media, January 18, 2012. No specific concession mine sites have been named.19Reuters, March 23, 2011Dhabi. The concession mine site has not been announced, but according to industry insiders it reportedly consists of three blocks – two onshore oil fields (around the Dhafra oil field and directly north of the Qusahiwira oil field) and one offshore oil field (directly north of Zakum oil field) – with an expected total deposit of 570 million barrels.Production is to start in 2014 at a maximum said to be 43,000 bpd20.IWPP Project●KEPCO participated in capital in IWPP’s power generation and desalination project(Shuwaihat S3) in February 2011. It is to go on stream in 2014.Use of storage terminal● A plan to construct a crude oil storage terminal by South Korea and lease it to the UAEto store UAE crude oil is now being promoted. In times of emergency, South Korea will receive priority.3-2-4 JapanStarting with the concession obtained by Abu Dhabi Oil Co., Ltd. in 1968, Japan has been obtaining concessions in sequence by United Petroleum Development Co., Ltd. and Japan Oil Development Co., Ltd. (JODCO), and unlike China or South Korea, it has succeeded in establishing a long and deep-running relationship not only in the energy sector, but also in culture and human resources development and exchange. Some of the recent relationships are as follows:Masdar project●In November 2008 Cosmo Oil placed an order jointly with Masdar to Mitsui Engineeringand Shipbuilding for construction of a beam-down solar energy demonstration testing plant with a light concentration of 100 kilowatts. The total project cost is 1 billion yen and the demonstration test began in January 2010 and closed in March 2011.Nuclear agreement●The Government of Japan signed a cooperation document to support the introduction ofnuclear power generation in the UAE. This will start with human resource development and legislation development to enforce prevention of nuclear proliferation and risk management. It aims at providing expertise for introduction of nuclear power generation in the UAE, whose power demand is growing, while aiming to link it with obtaining the UAE’s natural resources like crude oil.20JoongAng Daily, March 5, 2012. Petroleum Argus, March 9, 2012, PIW, March 12, 2012, etc.Use of storage terminal●The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) reached an agreement with theSupreme Petroleum Council (SPC) of Abu Dhabi for joint storage of crude oil. ADNOC’s crude oil is stored at the Kiire Terminal of the Nippon Oil Corporation (currently JX Nippon Oil & Energy Corporation) and if an emergency situation occurs wherein Japan’s domestic crude oil runs low, Japan has priority for purchasing the stored crude.The amount stored is 600,000 KL and is equivalent to approximately one day of crude oil consumption for Japan.Investment in environment-related investment funds●In January 2010, the Nippon Oil Corporation (currently JX Nippon Oil & EnergyCorporation) formed a consortium with JBIC and JODCO and announced that it would invest in the DB Masdar Clean Tech Fund, an environment-related investment fund established jointly by Masdar of Abu Dhabi and Deutsche Bank. The fund will start operations with initial capital of US$265 million, and the three companies will each invest US$25 million. The Development Bank of Japan will also invest US$15 million.The targets of the investment will be startup companies that develop new technologies in areas such as solar power generation, wind power generation, storage batteries, waste disposal, energy efficiency improvements and cutting-edge materials.Oil concessions●In February 2011, an agreement was reached for a 30-year renewal of the offshoreUAE Abu Dhabi concession held by Abu Dhabi Oil Co., Ltd. At the same time, access toa new offshore concession mine site, the Hail oil field, was obtained in addition to thethree existing oil fields, with production expected to be in the same level (24,000 bpd in 2009) as the existing oil fields. The Hail oil field is targeting production start around 2017-2018.●Business collaboration, loan agreementsIn February 2011, JBIC and ADNOC signed a memorandum for business collaboration and a loan agreement. The ceiling of the agreement is US$3 billion, and the loan is provided to ADNOC for the purpose of securing a stable supply of crude oil from ADNOC. Further strengthening of ties with ADNOC through the conclusion of the memorandum and the loan is expected to support the moves to extend the existing concessions or obtaining of new concessions by Japanese companies, with the aim of contributing to the stable supply of energy for Japan.IWPP project●In February 2011, the Sumitomo Corporation, together with KEPCO, was granted a partof the business concession for the Shuweihat S3 power generation project in Abu Dhabi, and signed a long-term power sales contract with ADWEA.Internship with the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology●In May 2012, under support from METI, the Japan International Cooperation Center(JICE) announced it would receive five UAE national graduate school students of the Masdar Institute Science and Technology on a summer internship program. They will intern at Chiyoda Chemical Engineering and Construction, JGC Corp, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (two students) and Toray.3-2-5 OthersThe following three companies have reportedly shown interest in acquiring ADCO concessions. Their involvement in Abu Dhabi’s energy sector is briefly summarized here. OMV●OMV has capital participation in the petrochemical company Borealis, owned 64% byIPIC and 36% by OMV and Borouge, owned 50% by ADNOC and 50% by Borealis.Statoil●Interest of Statoil (Norway) in acquiring concessions in Abu Dhabi was first reported inthe January 19, 2010 issue of the UAE English-language newspaper, The National. At one time, Statoil had a 50% stake in Borealis mentioned above, with IPIC and OMV holding 25% respectively. It concluded an MOU with ADNOC in 2008 to conduct joint studies for deep offshore gas field exploration, development and production. According to The National dated January 21, 2012, Statoil’s experience and technology made it one of the finalists for the pilot test project of Masdar’s Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) to store carbon dioxide underground.Wintershall●According to the website of Wintershall (Germany), the company established its MiddleEast Office in Abu Dhabi on May 3, 2010 to strengthen its ties with ADNOC and to structure new businesses.Both Statoil and Wintershall have been invited to bid for the Bab sour gas project mentioned earlier.3-3 ADNOCAs for the oil producers, in Abu Dhabi it is structured so that ADNOC plans the oil policy, and after review and approval by the Supreme Petroleum Council (SPC), the plan is implemented by ADNOC itself or by the individual operating company under ADNOC’s instructions. We will try to organize the basic measures toward oil development of ADNOC as the oil policy planner, as well as the statements made concerning the renewal of ADCO concessions.Basic policy of ADNOC toward oil developmentADNOC is seeking to increase production of crude oil and some time ago was targeting 3.77 mmbpd by the end of 2012. However, it revised its plans downward and as of March 2009, the production target was 3.5 mmbpd by the end of 2017. The global economic slump and the rapid rise in construction costs have been blamed, but moves toward increased production are picking up.For onshore oil field development, it concluded service contracts in October 2010, which included foreign capital companies, and announced its plan to increase the current production of 1.4 mmbpd to 1.8 mmbpd by 2017 with investment of US$10 billion. To achieve this, it is now proceeding with production from new oil fields, implementing EOR on existing oil fields and starting on undeveloped concession mine sites.For offshore oil field development, in August 2010 it planned to boost production capacity of the ADMA concession mine site at the Lower Zakum oil field from 300,000 bpd to 400,000 bpd by the second quarter of 2012, and engaged McDermott (US) to upgrade the offshore production facilities in the Lower Zakum oil field by investing US$350 million. In November 2010, ADNOC also planned improvement of production capacity for the Upper Zakum oil field at the ZADCO concession mine site from the current 550,000 bpd to 750,000 bpd by 2015, and brought in ExxonMobil’s deep drilling technology for this purpose (mentioned earlier).Top management’s comments on ADCO concession renewalOn June 25, 2011, Yousef Omair bin Yousef, CEO of ADNOC and secretary general of the Supreme Petroleum Council, resigned from his posts. H.E. Abdullah Nasser Al-Suwaidi, former vice CEO, succeeded the CEO post and H.H. Dr. Juaan Salem Al-Dhaheri, chairman of the Abu Dhabi Department of Municipality Affairs, succeeded the secretary general position. H.E. Al Suwaidi inherited ADNOC’s plan for increased crude oil production, but his comments concerning ADCO’s concession issues have now changed from what he said immediately after being appointed CEO. Initially he believed in extension for the current。

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19 August 2012ABU Asia-Pacific Robot Contest 2012 Hong Kong Host Organizing Committee1.One Manual Robot,one Automatic Robot and one Collector Robot are requiredfor each team.2.Manual Robot’s operator navigates Manual Robot to the T oken Stand.3.Manual Robot picks up the T oken and carries it to the Tunnel.4.Manual Robot inserts the T oken into the T oken Box of the Tunnel.5.Automatic Robot picks up the Basket in the Common Zone and puts it in anyplace of Manual Robot Zone.6.Manual Robot goes through the T unnel and picks up Collector Robot.7.Manual Robot unloads Collector Robot when the Manual Robot is in L1.A utomaticRobot carries Collector Robot across the Bridge and unloads Collector Robot inside L2 or L3.8.Manual Robot picks up the Basket and puts the Basket in the Basket Area on theIsland.9.Collector Robot can either leave Automatic Robot and climbs the stairs onto theIsland from L2,or it can be lifted up to the Island by Manual Robot from L3. 10.Collector Robot picks up the Buns in the Middle and the Lowest Layer and putthe Buns into the Basket.11.After at least one Bun from each of the two lower layers were already put intothe Basket,Collector Robot can touch Buns from the T op Layer of the Bun T ower while itself is being lifted up by Manual Robot.12.During the last one minute of the game,Manual Robot may extend its own armsto pick up Buns directly from the Lowest Layer of the Bun T ower and put them into the Basket.13.Once Collector Robot put the T op Bun into the Basket after successfully put atleast one Bun from each of the two lower layers into the Basket,the match will immediately end.This type of achievement will be called “Peng On Dai Gat”. 14.If neither team achieves the “Peng On Dai Gat” within 3 minutes,the winner shallbe decided by the total scores of the team in this match.15. A match lasts 3 minutes.History of Bun Festival 4Game Rules and Robot Design 101.Robot Set Up 112.Game Field and Objects 113.Game Procedure & Competition T asks 154.Restarting Points 185.Game Duration 206.General Restrictions 207.Deciding the Winner 228.Violations 239.Disqualification 2410.Robot Specification 2411.Importance of Safety 2612.Safety for the Robots 2613.Safety for Manual Robot Operators 2714.Domestic Contests in Each Country and Region 2715.T eams 2816.Others 28 Appendix 29-34 Figure 35-48The Tsing Ma Bridge of Hong Kong *Hong Kong is hilly with a rich landscape that includes over 200 islands,leading to a particularly strong need of bridges and tunnels.Among these we have the Cross Harbour Tunnel linking up Kowloon and Hong Kong Island across Victoria Harbour,while the Tsing Ma Bridge is the world’s longest road-and-rail suspension bridge that brings Lantau Island closer to us.T hanks to these bridges and tunnels,Hong Kong now boasts a well-developed traffic network.Peng On Bun *Banner in parade, with the Chinese words meanstimely wind and rain.Bun TowerOn Cheung Chau, one of those little islandsof Hong Kong, the Jiao-festival has beencelebrated for more than 100 years. CheungChau was once devastated by a plague in thelate Qing dynasty; accordingly local residentsset up a sacrificial altar in front of Pak T aiT emple to pray for peacefulness. Eventually,the plague ended after performing such rituals.Since then, residents on Cheung Chau haveorganised a Bun Festival every year to expresstheir thankfulness. The residents’ annualparticipation allows the ritual to pass alonggenerations.Lion dance *Meanwhile,the festival is also a platform for residents to perform their folk crafts,such as making paper-mache effigies,setting up the bamboo scaffolding of the Bun Mountain,and making handmade buns in preparation for the Bun Festival.T his is accompanied by folk performing arts like music,a parade,lion dances,qilin dances and drumming.Y ear after year,elderly residents participate in such festive activities with theiroffspring,allowing the experience to pass fromone generation to the next.And for tourists allover the world,the festival is also a carnival for thefamily,attracting tens of thousands of tourists.Asan additional note,the Cheung Chau Jiao-festivalis also listed as a State-level Intangible CulturalHeritage of China.Peng On BunThe contestants, who had already passed a priorclimbing test, secured by safety ropes, climbed ahigh tower for buns.*Float Procession in the parade * The children are acting the well-known love storyin Chinese history, the Emperor Xuanzong of TangDynasty and his concubineYang Guifei.The weeklong festival climaxes with a large,carnival-like street procession featuringcostumed children on stilts held aloft abovethe crowd, lion dances and so on. The paradewinds its way through the narrow streets,which are highlighted by the enormousbamboo towers, studded with sweet whitebuns, and where the main festivities take place.At midnight, athletes scramble up one of thetowers in a tough contest of both intellect andphysique, to grab the top-most ‘luckiest’ bunsas told in traditions so as to achieve “Peng OnDai Gat”, that means peace and prosperity. Itis from this bun-grabbing contest, an attractionfor local and foreign tourists in itself, that comesthe festival’s other name – the “Bun MountainFestival”.Traditional Chinese opera showed at the day of Bun Festival.Hong Kong will be the host city of the 11th ABU Robot Contest in 2012.By then,students from the Asia-Pacific region will gather in Hong Kong,directing robots to cross bridges and tunnels,land the island,climb the bun tower,snatch the lucky buns and achieve “Peng On Dai Gat”.Who will be the winner of the ABU Asia-Pacific Robot Contest 2012 after a great “journey” in Hong Kong? Let’s see!The night view of Victoria Harbour *1. Robot Set Up1.1 One Manual Robot,one Automatic Robot and one Collector Robot are required for eachteam.1.2 One minute is given for setting of robots before the game starts.1.3 Only the three registered members of each team,including the Manual Robot Operator,can engage in the setting up of robots.Any team that fails to complete setting of the robots within one minute can resume the setting process once the game starts.2. Game Field and Objects2.1 The field consists of an area having the dimension of 13,000mm x 13,000mm and surroundedby a wooden fence with a height of 100mm and a thickness of 50mm.The wooden fence is fixed to the field with screws.The game field is divided equally for two teams by a wooden fence with a height of 100mm and a thickness of 50mm.The competing teams are Red and Blue T eams.(Figures 1-4)2.2 The game field consists of Manual Robot Zone,Automatic Robot Zone,Starting Points,Restarting Points,Loading Areas,Common Zone and an Island.The symbols of points and areas such as A,C,M,L1,L2,L3,S1 and S2 are not necessary to be painted on the floor of the real game field.2.3 Manual Robot Zone & Automatic Robot Zone2.3.1 White lines with a width of 30mm made of matt sticker are drawn on the floor ofAutomatic Robot Zone.Each side of the square inside the white lines is 470mm.The wooden fence with a height of 100mm and a thickness of 50mm is presentedas a par tition between Manual Robot Zone and Automatic Robot Zone.(Figures 2, 3)2.4 Starting Points2.4.1 Manual Robot must start in Manual Robot Starting Point (M).2.4.2 Collector Robot is placed in Collector Robot Starting Point (C) and will be pickedup by Manual Robot.2.4.3 Automatic Robot must start in Automatic Robot Starting Point (A).(Figures 1) 2.5 Common Zone2.5.1 Common Zone has a rectangular shape with a height of 100mm,a width of 500mmand a length of 1985mm painted in yellow color.T wo notches with a depth of12mm and a diameter of 452mm are located at the surface of the Common Zone.T wo Baskets are placed in these two notches separately before the game starts.Each team can collect one Basket from the Common Zone only.(Figures 2,13) 2.6 The Basket2.6.1 The two Baskets are placed at two notches separately in the Common Zone.ABasket consists of three parts;a Basket with a diameter of 450mm and a height of400mm made of HIPS (475) sheet and plastic net or nylon net (joined by mild steelmale thread rod),a bottom base with a diameter of 450mm made of HIPS (475)sheet,a cylinder with a diameter of 80mm and a height of 388mm made of PVCTube.The weight of a Basket is 2.85kg.(Figures 8 & 11)2.7 Bun T ower2.7.1 The Bun T ower is placed on a square stage,the Island.It consists of three layers.The details of each part are explained as follows: Number of Buns in different layers: T op Layer:2 T op Buns (One for Blue T eam,One for Red T eam) Middle Layer:6 Buns (Three for Blue T eam,Three for RedT eam) Lowest Layer:8 Buns (Four for Blue T eam,Four for Red T eam) The weight of the Buns2. The T op Bun for the T op Layer:105gm2. The Buns for the Middle and the Lowest Layers:47gm2.7.1.3 The size of the Buns2. The T op Bun:200mm in diameter,150mm in height2. The Buns for the Middle and the Lowest Layers:150mm indiameter,100mm in height2.7.1.4 The diameter of the three layers2. T op Layer:500mm2. Middle Layer:850mm2. Lowest Layer:1200mm2.7.1.5 The height of the Bun T ower2. The T ower is 1850mm high in total (measured from the topsurface of the Island). The height of the three layers surface from the Island are:T op Layer:1500mmMiddle Layer:1000mmLowest Layer:500mm2. The base of the Bun T ower is 497mm high (measured from thetop surface of the Island to the bottom of the Lowest Layer).2.7.2 Positioning of the cylindrical donut shaped is fixed by centering-studs laid out in acircular fashion on each level of the conical T ower.2.7.3 The angular placement of the Buns in one layer is different with the Buns in otherlayers.(Figures 9,10)2.8 Island2.8.1 Island is a lifted up platform with a height of 400mm,a width of 3,030mm and alength of 3,050mm.It is divided equally for Red and Blue T eams.Each part consistsof a half side of Bun T ower and a notch at the corner,which presents as the BasketArea,with a depth of 12mm and a diameter of 500 mm.A Basket will be placed atthe Basket Area of the Island by Manual Robot.(Figures 2,13)2.9 Loading Areas2.9.1 Loading Area 1 (L1) is located at the floor surface of Manual Robot Zone and islocated nearby the Automatic Robot Starting Point with a length of 1,965mm anda width of 1520mm.(Figures 2)2.9.2 Loading Area 2 (L2),which is presented as the stair up to the Island,is a squareplatform with a height of 200mm and a length of 1,500mm.It is located at the sideof the Island.(Figures 13)2.9.3 Loading Area 3 (L3) is located near by the T unnel.It is a rectangular platform with aheight of 200mm,a length of 1,550mm and a width of 1000mm.(Figures 2,3,13)2.10 Tunnel & T oken Box2.10.1 A Tunnel is located at the Manual Robot Zone.The inner size of the Tunnel is2040mm in length,1200mm in width,and 1600mm at the highest point.The ceilingof the T unnel is arched.(Figures 7)2.10.2 A T oken Box is placed at the side of the T unnel.The slot of the T oken Box is 100mmin width and 400mm in length.(Figures 6)2.11 T oken2.11.1 The T oken is placed at the T oken Stand.The size of the T oken is 300mm in diameter,20mm in thickness.The weight of a T oken is 170gm.(Figure 5)2.11.2 The T oken is made of low density polystyrene with two sides of stickers covered.The graphic on two sides of the T oken surface is subject to the design of each team.In the international contest,the host organization of ABU Robocon 2012 willproduce the T oken sticker for each team.The individual contestant has to send theirsoftcopies of the T oken sticker to the host organization after the representativeteam is confirmed.Details will be provided later.2.12 T oken Stand2.12.1 The T oken Stand is fixed on the ground of Manual Robot Zone.It consists of threesections:a frame,a pole and the bottom.T he arc-shaped frame is made of mild steelwith an indent inside.2.12.2 The thickness of the frame is 40mm and the width of space inside the indent is22mm.The pole is made of mild steel with a diameter of 40mm and a height of742mm.The bottom of the T oken Stand is a round mild steel plate with a diameterof 350mm and a thickness of 3mm.(Figures 5)2.13 Bridge2.13.1 The Bridge is located in Automatic Robot Zone.It has a three-dimensionaltrapezoidal shape with a length of 3500mm and a width of 1970mm.The top of theBridge is 300mm high.(Figures 13)2.14 Obstructions2.14.1 Wooden Obstructions with a height of 100mm and a thickness of 50 mm areplaced at both Manual Robot Zone and Automatic Robot Zone.Robots have tonavigate through the zigzag path in which obstacles are presented.3. Game Procedure & Competition Tasks3.1 Manual Robot’s operator rides on Manual Robot before the game starts.3.2 Manual Robot’s operator navigates Manual Robot from Manual Robot Starting Point to theT oken Stand.3.3 Manual Robot picks up the T oken at the T oken Stand and carries it.3.4 Manual Robot’s operator navigates Manual Robot to the Tunnel.3.5 Arriving at the T unnel,Manual Robot inserts the T oken into the T oken Box.No part ofManual Robot is allowed to touch the T oken Box.Manual Robot is not allowed to start going through the T unnel before inserting a T oken into the T oken Box for the first time to cross the Tunnel.3.6 When the T oken is totally put inside the T oken Box,motion of Automatic Robot can be selfstarted or started by “one push button” by a team member after the signal from referees.Automatic Robot may start picking up the Basket in the Common Zone and puts it in any place of Manual Robot Zone.Or,Automatic Robot may start later as the strategy of the team.The task of putting the Basket in Manual Robot Zone will be considered as “Completed” when the Basket is put in Manual Robot Zone and is standing on its own on its bottom base;it means there is no contact between the Basket and neither Automatic Robot nor Manual Robot.3.7 Automatic Robot of each team is allowed to touch only one of the two Baskets in theCommon Zone and a team can only pick up the same Basket which they have touched before and if it is available.3.8 Manual Robot goes through the T unnel and proceeds to Collector Robot Starting Point. 3.9 Manual Robot picks up Collector Robot at Collector Robot Starting Point.3.10 Manual Robot carries Collector Robot and navigates through the zigzag path in whichobstacles are present.3.11 When all the contact surface of Manual Robot is totally inside the Loading Area 1,ManualRobot can unload Collector Robot.Manual Robot is allowed to extend over the space above the Automatic Robot Starting Point only during the unloading of Collector Robot.Collector Robot is not allowed to touch any part of the game field during the unloading process in L1.3.12 When Collector Robot is completely separated from Manual Robot and transferred toAutomatic Robot,motion of Automatic Robot can be self started or be started by a team member by “one push button”.There is no rule to guide the sequence for Automatic Robot to pick up the Basket and the Collector Robot.The team can pick up both items simultaneously.3.13 Automatic Robot carries Collector Robot across the Bridge towards Collector RobotLoading Area 2 or Loading Area 3.3.14 After transferring Collector Robot to Automatic Robot,Manual Robot is allowed to pick upthe Basket when it is placed in Manual Robot Zone and puts the Basket in the Basket Area on the Island.When the Basket was placed at the Basket Area,no robot is allowed to touch the Basket.3.15 Automatic Robot must unload Collector Robot inside Loading Area 2 or LoadingArea 3.Collector Robot is not allowed to touch the game field before being unloaded inside Loading Area 2 or Loading Area 3.3.16 Collector Robot can either leave Automatic Robot and climbs the stairs onto the Islandfrom Collector Robot Loading Area 2,or it can be lifted up to the Island by Manual Robot from Collector Robot Loading Area 3.3.17 The actions of Collector Robot must start-up by push-button to be pushed by AutomaticRobot / Manual Robot,or,a non-radio signal emitted by Automatic Robot or Collector Robot can automatically start itself.3.18 Collector Robot can accept the command from Manual Robot when Manual Robot picks upCollector Robot and is in physical contact with Collector Robot.While in physical contact, Manual Robot is allowed to communicate with Collector Robot by non-RF communication methods.3.19 Buns in the Middle and the Lowest Layer can be picked up and put into the Basket byCollector Robot itself while it is not in touch with Manual Robot and stands on the Island by itself.Buns will be considered as “Collected” only when they were picked up and clearly put into the Basket.Buns dropped on the game field can not be used again.3.20 A team’s Collector Robot can only pick up Buns placed on its side of the T ower.Invadingonto the opponent’s side of the T ower and the space above is not allowed,which will be a Violation.3.21 Manual Robot can directly pick up Buns from the Lowest Layer of the T ower during the lastone minute of the game,therefore 2 minutes from the start.It is not allowed to pick up Buns from the upper two layers.3.22 After at least one Bun from each of the Middle and Lowest Layers were picked up and putinto the Basket,the Bun at the T op Layer can be touched and picked up by Collector Robot while Collector Robot is being lifted up from the surface of the Island by Manual Robot. 3.23 Buns will only be counted when they are put into the Basket of the team.3.24 Once Collector Robot puts the T op Bun into the Basket after successfully put at least oneBun from each of the two lower layers into the Basket,the match will immediately end.This is called “Peng On Dai Gat”.If neither team achieves the “Peng On Dai Gat” within 3 minutes,the winner will be decided by the total scores of the team in this match.4. Restarting Points4.1 In the case of mechanical problem,or failing of a task,the robot can be brought back to itsRestarting Point to restart with the consent of referees.Restarting Points will be set up as follows:4.2 Manual Robot Starting Point (M)(after Manual Robot has left Manual Robot Starting Point (M)) -4.2.1 If the T oken was not successfully put inside the T oken Box,Manual Robot has torestart from Manual Robot Starting Point M and the T oken will be put back to thestand.4.2.2 Robot has to use Point M until it has completely entered S1.4.3 Manual Robot Restarting Point S1(after Manual Robot has gone through the T unnel successfully) -4.3.1 If Manual Robot failed to transfer Collector Robot to Automatic Robot,ManualRobot must restart at the Restarting Point S1,and Collector Robot must be putback in Collector Robot Starting Point (C).4.3.2 If Manual Robot failed to pick up the Basket or failed to put it in the Basket Area onthe Island,Manual Robot must restart from Restarting Point S1.The Basket will beput back in the place where Automatic Robot has put it in Manual Robot Zone. 4.4 Automatic Robot Starting Point (A)(after Automatic Robot has left Automatic Robot Starting Point) -4.4.1 If Automatic Robot failed to pick up the Basket in the Common Zone or failedto put the Basket in Manual Robot Zone,Automatic Robot must restart fromAutomatic Robot Starting Point (A) and the Basket will be put back to where it wasin the Common Zone.4.4.2 If the Basket is indeterminate to be grabbed by any team and the two robotsare standing still (such as the case when both team’s Automatic Robot trying tograb the same Basket at the same time),a “Compulsory Retry” for two AutomaticRobots of two teams is needed.The two Automatic Robots have to restart atAutomatic Robot Starting Point (A) after the signal from referees.“CompulsoryRetry” is commanded by a referee and both teams should follow the instruction.4.4.3 If Automatic Robot successfully completed the task of putting the Basket in ManualRobot Zone but it failed to go back to Automatic Robot Starting Point (A) toreceive the Collector Robot,Automatic Robot can be brought back to AutomaticRobot Starting Point (A) to restart after the consent of referees.4.4.4 Once Automatic Robot carried Collector Robot which was successfully detachedfrom Manual Robot and if a retry is needed,Automatic Robot can restart fromAutomatic Robot Starting Point (A) with the Collector Robot.4.5 Restarting Point S2(after Automatic Robot has crossed the Bridge successfully) -4.5.1 If Collector Robot failed to climb up the stairs onto the Island by itself at LoadingArea 2,or Automatic Robot failed to carry Collector Robot to Loading Area 3,orManual Robot is unable to pick up Collector Robot in Loading Area 3,AutomaticRobot and Collector Robot must restart together at S2.4.6 Collector Robot Loading Area 24.6.1 If Collector Robot is unloaded in Loading Area 2 and it successfully stands on theIsland and if a retry is needed,it can restart from Loading Area 2.4.7 Collector Robot Loading Area 34.7.1 If Collector Robot has been unloaded in Loading Area 3 and a retry is neededafterwards,Collector Robot will be placed in Loading Area 3 and Manual Robot hasto restart from Manual Robot Starting Point (M).5. Game Duration5.1 Each match lasts three minutes at most.5.2 In any of the following cases,the match ends immediately (even before three minutes).5.2.1 When “Peng On Dai Gat” is achieved.5.2.2 Disqualification is announced in the knockout.5.2.3 When the referee judges that the game can not continue.6. General Restrictions6.1 Substitution of Manual Robot’s Operator is not allowed in a single match.6.2 Manual Robot’s Operator can not touch the T oken,Collector Robot,Automatic Robot,Basket or any other parts of the game field after the game has started.The feet of the operator can not touch any surface of the game field as well.6.3 Manual Robot is not allowed to move beyond the fence and to touch the floor of AutomaticRobot Zone.However,part of Manual Robot can extend over the space above Automatic Robot Starting Point (A),the Loading Area 3 and the space above the Island.6.4 None of the robot is allowed to touch any parts of the T oken Box.6.5 Automatic Robot of each team is only allowed to touch one of the two Baskets and it canonly pick up the same Basket which it has touched and if this Basket is available.6.6 After being picked up by Manual Robot at Collector Robot Starting Point (C),CollectorRobot cannot touch any part of the game field until it is unloaded in Collector Robot Loading Area 2 or Loading Area 3.6.7 After starting the Automatic Robot,the team members who perform the starting actionmust leave the game field immediately.6.8 Automatic Robot can not extend over the space above all the area of opponent team.6.9 Automatic Robot is not allowed to touch the game field in Loading Area 1, LoadingArea 2,Loading Area 3,Manual Robot Zone,Common Zone and the Island.6.10 Automatic Robot is not allowed to extend itself into the space above Loading Area 1,Loading Area 2,Loading Area 3,the Island,Common Zone and Manual Robot Zone.Automatic Robot is allowed to extend over the space above Common Zone and Manual Robot Zone only when picking the Basket from Common Zone and placing the Basket in Manual Robot Zone.6.11 Manual Robot should not use any part of the T ower as mechanical support.Manual Robotmay momentarily touch the Lowest Layer of the Bun T ower during picking up the Buns,but not the T op Layer and the Middle Layer.6.12 When Manual Robot is lifting up Collector Robot,all parts of Collector Robot must nottouch the Island.6.13 The Buns at the T op Layer cannot be touched unless at least one Bun from the Middle andthe Lowest layers have already picked up and put into the Basket.6.14 Manual Robot Operator cannot directly drive any mechanical motions.All the actions of therobots must be driven by robotic means.6.15 A team’s robots can only pick up Buns placed on its side of the T ower.It is not allowed toinvade onto the opponent’s side of the T ower and the space above.6.16 Robots are not allowed to reach or to enter their respective restricted areas.6.17 Manual Robot can communicate with Collector Robot when they are in physical contact.6.18 Automatic Robot can communicate with Collector Robot by non-radio signal.ManualRobot is allowed to switch on the Collector Robot while they are in physical contact.6.19 Communication between Manual Robot and Automatic Robot is not allowed.ManualRobot cannot communicate with Automatic Robot via Collector Robot.6.20 Communications with any robot in the game field is not allowed except mentioned in 6.17and 6.18.7. Deciding the Winner7.1 “Peng On Dai Gat”7.1.1 First,the team picks up at least one Bun from each of the Middle Layer and theLowest Layer and put them into the Basket.Secondly,the team picks up the Bunin the T op Layer and put it in the Basket.It will achieve ‘Peng On Dai Gat’and thematch ends immediately.7.1.2 The achievement of “Peng On Dai Gat” will lead to victory directly.7.1.3 If the two teams achieve “Peng On Dai Gat” at the same time,the winner shall bedecided by the total scores after deduction of Violations points in that match.7.1.4 If the two teams achieve “Peng On Dai Gat” at the same time with the same earningscores,the winner shall be decided by time record of the first Bun being put into theBasket.7.2 If neither team achieves the “Peng On Dai Gat” within 3 minutes,the winner shall bedecided by the total score after deduction of Violation points in that match.The team that earns higher score is the winner.The score of each task is described as follows:7.2.1 Manual Robot slots the T oken in the T oken Box.[10 scores]7.2.2 Automatic Robot puts the Basket in Manual Robot Zone.[20 scores]7.2.3 Manual Robot puts Collector Robot on Automatic Robot.[10 scores]7.2.4 Automatic Robot unloads Collector Robot either in Loading Area 2 or LoadingArea 3.[30 scores]7.2.5 Manual Robot puts the Basket in the Basket Area on the Island.[10 scores]7.2.6 Buns in the Lowest Layer are collected.[10 scores per Bun]7.2.7 Buns in the Middle Layer are collected.[25 scores per Bun]7.2.8 The Bun in the T op Layer is collected.[Peng On Dai Gat,game ends]7.3 If the two teams have the same final scores,the winner is determined by the time record ofthe first Bun being put into the Basket.7.4 If both teams could not put any Bun in the Baskets and finished with the same scores,theteam with the best time record of inserting the T oken into the T oken Box will be the winner.7.5 If both teams can not insert the T oken into the T oken Box,the winner will be decided by theJudges.7.6 If teams in the same group during group match have the same number of “Peng On DaiGat”,the team with the best time record of “Peng On Dai Gat” (with the fastest completion time of the whole game) will be the winner.In the knockout,it will be regulated by 7.1-7.5.8. Violations8.1 The team with five Violations in a match will be disqualified.Negative scores may appear insome cases.8.2 When the Violation occurs,the team will be deducted 10 points and the team has to bringthe violating robot back to the point which the referee indicates.The Violations are categorized as follows:8.2.1 Any parts of any robot or objects held by a robot enter the opposing teamAutomatic Robot Zone or the space above it.8.2.2 Any part of any robot or the object held by a robot cause obstruction or difficultyto the opposing team.8.2.3 Any Basket is pushed down onto the opposing team area.8.2.4 Any parts of any robots enter their respective restricted areas.8.2.5 The Bun at the T op Layer is picked up before at least one Bun from the Middle andthe Lowest Layers were picked up and put them into the Basket.8.2.6 Any parts of robots enter the opposing team Automatic Robot Zone and physicallytouch the robots or Buns of the opposing team,except in the Common Zone.8.2.7 Other actions that infringe on the rules without mentioning in the Disqualificationare considered as Violations.。
