J Technology (MSDS) JSU-SRFXX Series(ecocell)




硅油MSDSMaterial Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)Product and Company n:Product Name: Silicone OilProduct Code: 101Product Type: Chemical SolventIngredient Data:Product Formal Name: Silicone OilChemical Category: XiangjiCommon Name: Grease OilOther Names: NoneHazard n:Health Hazards: n of high-XXX.Safety Hazards: This product is XXX。

It will not explode and will not harm the human body if the temperature does not exceed 200℃.Emergency Measures:Skin Contact: XXX.Eye Contact: Lift the XXX.XXX: Quickly leave the scene and move to a place with fresh air。

Keep the XXX difficult。

give oxygen。

If breathing s。

perform artificial XXX.n: Drink XXX.Fire n Measures:Special Danger: This product will ignite when the open XXX 180℃.Extinguishing Equipment: Chemical powder。


carbon xide。

XXX.XXX: Water gun spraying.Protective Equipment: Full-XXX.XXX Measures:Leakage Cleanup Method: XXX for a small amount of leakage。



~10 nm
0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2
0.1 0 60 80 100 Z 背散射电子的产量取决于原子序数的大小 0 20 40
Electron Probe Micro Analyzer
1.样品在真空的环境中,要注意样品容易产生变形,收缩,蒸发。 2.只有导电性好的样品才能在样品仓中进行稳定的观察。 3.如果想进行高放大倍率的观察,必须将样品完全稳固的样品托上.
1.注意样品发生变形. 2.当你制备样品时,请留意流失其他元素。 3.如果你想得到高精度的定量结果,请保证样品表面是平滑的。
1 Electron Probe Micro Analyzer 7
入射电子束 Collector Scintillator Light pipe PMT
Electron Probe Micro Analyzer
A 入射电子束 B
BEI 前置放大器
Electron Probe Micro Analyzer
入射电子 束 Ou tpu Ou tA tpu Dete tB ctor B Specimen


引用文献: ·国家标准化学品安全技术说明书内容和项目顺序(JIS Z 7250) ·日本GHS分类导则是基于日本工业标准JIS Z 7252 (2009)
8.接触控制/个人防护 无
9.物理化学特性 物理的状态 形状:膜 颜色:各种颜色 比重:1.1-1.4
10.安定性/反应性 通常使用条件、保管条件下稳定,无反应性。
11.危险性信息 无
12.生态环境影响 无
13.处理考虑 委托给都道府县专业废弃物处理业者进行处理。
原材料 聚酯树脂 丙烯酸树脂
含量% 14-17 7-11 1-3
原材料 玻璃微珠
含量% 14-20
铝 丙烯酸系接着剂
<1 8-13 40-50
品种 F4312 F4304 F4305 F4306 F4377 F4308 F4394
颜色 白 黄 红 蓝 橙 绿 荧光黄绿
CAS号 -
CAS号 65977-17-3 7429-90-5
2.危险性概述 GHS分类
物理化学的危险性 健康有害性 环境有害性 GHS 标签元素
标识 :无
分类对象外 分类对象外 分类对象外
警告词 :无 有害描述:无 注意事项 无
化学名:反射材 成分及含量:
14.运输信息 国联号:无 指针号:无 国联分类:无 检查确认有无破损。防止冲击、跌落、碰撞、破损等损坏发生。
15.适用相关法规 无 16.其他信息 本说明书所提供的信息是基于我们目前所搜集到的最新相关信息(危害信息、管 理信息等)编制和改定的,没有覆盖到全部的完整信息,如掌握到新的信息将会 对说明书进行追加和修正。此外,本说明书仅供参考,不做保证。

Kraton MD6951, 聚合物 化学品安全技术说明书

Kraton MD6951, 聚合物 化学品安全技术说明书

发布日期: 21-十一月-2017修订日期 10-二月-2023SDS 编号: 14521产品名称: Kraton™ MD6951, 聚合物版本号: 2.0化学品安全技术说明书按照GB/T 163483、GB/T 17519编制。

第1部分 化学品及企业标识Kraton™ MD6951, 聚合物化学品中文名Kraton™ MD6951化学品英文名SDS 包含以下产品的所有字母数字后缀. 后缀指定了制造商所在位置、隔离剂、产品形态 * 第 1节和第 3 节中列出的 Nanoform 声明和二氧化硅、非晶信息仅适用于这些等级含有二氧化硅作为除尘剂的情况(第 2 个后缀 S)。

* 根据 ISO TS 80004-1 的定义和修订的法规 2011/696/EU 的定义,合成非晶二氧化硅是一种纳米结构材料。

* 该二氧化硅除尘剂由中位粒径小于 100 纳米的初级颗粒组成,这些颗粒在所使用的除尘剂中以平均粒径范围超过 100 纳米的聚集物和团聚体形式存在。

别名MD6951产品编号制造商或供应商美国总部名称Kraton Corporation地址15710 John F Kennedy Blvd., Suite 300Houston, TX 77032, 美国电话号码+1 281 504 4700中国名称科腾聚合物贸易(上海)有限公司地址南京西路688号22楼2201室中国上海市静安区,邮编200041电话号码+86 21 20823888Technical Support Line -International+1 800 4 Kraton (572866) ; +1 281 504 4950Technical Support Line -EU +31 (0) 36 546 2800网站 CHEMTREC国内电话:+1 800 424 9300化学品制造商协会化学品运输应急中心- 国际部:+1 703 527 3887SGS ECLN:+32 35 75 03 30推荐用途及限制用途工业用途推荐用途21-十一月-2017发布日期10-二月-2023修订日期07-一月-2020更新日期14521SDS 编号第2部分 危险性概述紧急情况概述GHS 危险性类别未分类。



JAtech气动软管特点JAtech气动软管的特点1. JAtech气动软管是由PVC和橡胶这两种材料的混合聚合物,产品品质远优于两者。

2. JAtech气动软管可制作任何颜色,并可提供1 / 4“/ 3/ 8”/ 1 / 2”这三种管径, 25英尺/50英尺/100英尺这三种长度。

可在最大300 PSI(20.7BAR)的工作压力和-40∘F〜150∘F的环境下正常工作。

3. JAtech气动软管,韧性极强,耐折弯,极好的抗磨损,重量轻,易于操作。

Specialty of JAtech Air HoseJAtech AIR HOSE is made from an engineered hybrid polymer, combining the best qualities of both PVC and Rubber materials, and being superior to both.JAtech Air Hose can be made by any colors, and provides 3 Dia.s, such as1/4 "/ 3/8" / 1/2 ", 3 Lengths, such as 25 feet / 50 feet / 100 feet, could be usedfor Maximum 300 PSI (20.7BAR) working pressure and -40 ∘ F ~ 150 ∘ F working environment.JAtech Air Hose is EXTREME FLEXIBILITY, REINFORCED BEND RESTRICTOR, EXCELLENT ABRASION RESISTANCE, SUPERIOR BEND RADIUS, LIGHT WEIGHT AND EASY TO HANDLE.。

Fujikura 90S+基于核对齐融合接缊设备说明 说明书

Fujikura 90S+基于核对齐融合接缊设备说明 说明书

SingleFiberSplicersFeatures•Cleaver tracking and upkeepwith wireless communication•Improved real-time arc controlfor fibers with poor cleave angles•Automated wind protector,sheath clamps and splice operation•Loose and tight buffer withsame sheath clamp•Lithium-ion battery with300 splices/shrinks per charge•PC software and 90S+ manualdownloaded from splicer•Multi-function transit case withintegrated workstationApplications•Distribution fiber repair•Long-haul network installation•Field termination withsplice-on connectors•Access network installation•Fanout kits, pigtails and splice cassettes•OSP cable installation and repair•Optical modules – splitters, couplers,MUXs, EDFAs and attenuatorsFujikura 90S+ Fusion SplicerThe Fujikura 90S+ core alignment fusion splicer solves common problems seen in the field—from splicing poor quality legacy fiber to automated equipment maintenance and upkeep.The Fujikura 90S+ can be use in multiple field splicing applications including bend-insensitivefibers in drop cables, long-haul terrestrial and submarine LEAF® fibers, loose buffer fiber,splice-on connectors, and the list goes on. The speed and accuracy of the 90S+ make itsuitable for certain production and specialty environments where high output, tight packaging,and low loss requirements are required.Regardless of your scenario, the Fujikura 90S+ is designed to keep you in the field with anextended battery life of 300 splice and heat cycles. With its multiple automated and easy-to-use features, the 90S+ alleviates the need for traditional operation tasks such as frequent arccalibrations, cleaver blade rotations, cleaver usage tracking, and manual splicing operations.A redesigned work tray, cooling tray, and optional cable clamp make the 90S+ kit moreversatile than its predecessors in adapting to varying work conditions and environments.When splicing loose buffer fiber, additional sheath clamps are not needed. The standarduniversal sheath clamp now handles both loose and tight buffer fibers. The new Active FusionControl (AFC) technology improves splice losses for fibers that possess a poor cleave angle.Combined with Active Blade Management between the splicer and cleaver, the Fujikura90S+ contains a robust set of splicing features that will reduce the likelihood of poor spliceinstallations or repairs.Wind Protector Open90S+In Work TrayS i n g l e F i b e r S p l i c e r sFujikura 90S+ Fusion SplicerRecommended Products for the 90S+Ordering InformationV-Groove Cleaning Kit • R emoves environmental contamination from the v-groove of the splicer•Maintains performance and ensures fiber alignmentFiber Holders• Wide range of sizes for various applications • Loose & Tight Buffer options availablePortal T ripod Work Station • S turdy work tray supports the splicer, cleaver and accessories• Tripod supports a load capacity of up to eleven poundsS i n g l e F i b e r S p l i c e r sSpecificationsFujikura 90S+ Fusion Splicer。


第十一部分:Leabharlann 理学信息急性毒性:LD50:LC50:8000ppm 4小时(大鼠吸入)

RJS 用户手册说明书

RJS 用户手册说明书






本手册主要包含以下信息:关节简介关节型号说明关节性能参数电源电压和电流关节配置和安装关节驱动器软件调试制动器功能关节尺寸更多信息如您还需要了解RJS关节模组的更多信息,请登录网站:目录版权说明 (2)前言 (5)1. 安全信息 (6)1.1警告 (7)1.2注意事项 (8)2. 产品质保 (10)2.1产品质量保证 (10)2.2免责声明 (10)3. 产品简介 (11)3.1概述 (11)3.2型号说明 (13)3.3关节参数 (14)3.4电源电压和电流 (17)4. 关节配置和安装 (18)4.1 关节配置 (18)4.2关节电源和通讯线 (19)4.3关节安装 (20)4.4关节旋转限制 (23)4.5 CANopen 终端 (23)5. 关节驱动器 (24)5.1驱动器概述 (24)5.2驱动器接口 (25)6. 软件调试 (27)7. 制动器功能和手动释放制动器 (28)7.1制动器功能 (28)7.2手动释放制动器 (28)8. 关节常见问题及处理 (30)9. 关节尺寸图 (31)前言感谢您购买和使用本公司RJS系列机器人关节模组,我们将为您提供优质的产品服务RJS系列关节模组是本公司推出的一款基于模块化理念设计、轻巧、高精度的协作机器人关节;一体化集成的RJS不仅结构紧凑、安装简便、高性价比,节约您在协作机器人的设计、组装等多个环节投入的成本,同时我们不断的对产品进行升级、优化和定制化服务,提供更丰富的产品选择,方便您更加自由灵活的设计自己的机器人。

ODA Technologies co.,ltd Limited MX-Series User's

ODA Technologies co.,ltd Limited MX-Series User's

MX-Series User's Guide forREV 211216ACopyright ⓒ 2018 ODA Technologies co.,ltd Limited法律通告© ODA Technologies Co., Ltd.2008此文件获得大韩民国政府的批准,获得国际著作权批准,未经(株)ODA Technologies的提前同意,以法律禁止内容的复制、再生产、或翻译成其它国家的语言进行销售。


并且在有关法律允许的最大范围内,(株)ODA Technologies包括指南在本文件中包含的所有信息相关内容都属于此范围。


并且(株)ODA Technologies没有另行合同的情况下,通过本指南发生的问题点在没有根据另行合同的保证或书面合同时,只能用为指南,特此公告。



对支持程序的ODA Technologies的全体系列的仔细内容请咨询就近的ODA技术营业及客服办公室。


******************+82-32-1800-8644电气, 电子设备的 处理附着的产品标签(参考右侧)表示不可在国内家用垃圾废弃电气/电子产品。



指南版本信息Manual Part Number: 018PT-2.0Edition 2, February, 2018 Printed in ROK 包括部分修改和最新更新的重印指南印刷日会相同。




用途与性能本品系单组份氨基聚硅氧烷弹性体织整理剂,其分子具有氨基、羟基活性基团,不加催化剂、交联剂可自交联固化成弹性膜.对合成纤维、天然纤维等各类织物均有极强的亲和力.能与纤维的反应基团在焙烘中进行一步交联.赋予织物耐久洗涤的柔软、滑爽、挺弹风格和好的透气性能,可克服起毛球的缺陷,并有明显的毛料感等. 规格项目参数
PH 值25±2~16±1
使用方法(1)用于织物风格整理剂用量为2-8 克/升,一般为 5 克/升.可单独使用亦可与耐久压树脂或其非离子和阳离子柔软剂混用.
(2)本品用在常规浸轧设备上进行二浸二轧、一浸一轧等.干燥温度40~60 ℃,焙烘温度为100℃~150 ℃.



化学品安全技术说明书依据GB/T 16483-2008和GB/T 17519-2013编写第一部分:化学品及企业标识1.1产品信息中文名称:线路板透明保护剂英文名称:PCB COATING1.2产品用途推荐用途:线路板保护,防潮,防尘,防静电,防腐蚀限制用途:针对具体用途的建议未确认1.3企业信息公司名称:广东好顺欧迪斯科技股份有限公司公司地址:广东省肇庆国家高新技术开发区迎宾大道12A邮编:526238联系电话:************传真:************1.4应急电话:电话*************(24h)第二部分:危险性概述2.1应急综述:易燃液体和蒸汽。





2.2 GHS危险性类别:易燃液体:类别3特定目标器官毒性-单次接触:麻醉效应2.3 GHS标签要素:象形图:警示词:警告2.4 危险/危害的识别:物理化学危害:易燃液体健康危害:急性中毒:吸⼊⾼浓度时烷烃类溶剂蒸⽓,常先有兴奋,后转⼊抑制,表现为乏⼒、头痛、酩酊感、神志恍惚、肌⾁震颤、共济运动失调;严重者出现定向⼒障碍、谵妄、意识模糊等;蒸⽓可引起眼及呼吸道刺激症状,重者出现化学性肺炎。






第三部分:成分/组成信息物质或混合物:混合物主要成分信息:第四部分:急救措施4.1措施概述吸入:将人转移到空气新鲜处, 保持呼吸舒适体位。






Sensata Technologies APL UPL系列产品说明说明书

Sensata Technologies APL UPL系列产品说明说明书

“Existing Design-In Only”A P L /U P LINTRODUCTIONIMPORTANT NOTICE: The APL/UPL is a legacy product and no new design-in orders are being accepted. We are also discontinuing the 205 series (APL with dust proof enclosure). If the specifications for any of these products are necessary for your system, Sensata T echnologies recommends utilizing the Airpax™ IAL series.The APL/UPL magnetic circuit protector provides reliable, low-cost power switching, circuit protection and circuit control. The handle opens and closes a circuit, under normal load conditions, similar to an ON-OFF switch. Upon overload, the internal mechanism trips, opens the contacts and forcibly returns the handle to the OFF position. Since the protector is “trip free,” the internal contacts will not remain closed in the presence of an overload, even though the handle is held in the ON position.The APL/UPL line offers many configurations including series, shunt and relay with a choice of delays and ratings. APL/UPL multi-pole assemblies are available with a mix of current ratings, delays and internal circuit configurations.While designed for industrial, military and information processing applications, the APL is suitable for use in any situation where precision operation is required. Most versions of the APL family are recognized by UL per UL STD. 1077 as supplementary protectors and certified by CSA per CSA STD. C22.2–No. 235as supplementary protectors and are designated with the UPL prefix..675Note: Tolerance ± .015 [.38]unless noted. Dimensions inbrackets [ ] are millimeters.MULTI-POLE CIRCUIT PROTECTORSMulti-pole protectors are combined in an assembly with the actuating handles linked and the trip mechanisms internally coupled. A fault in either protected circuit opens all poles simultaneously. Applications include use in two-phase circuits, single-phase three-wire systems or in two or more related but electrically isolated circuits. A mix of delays, ratings and configurations is possible, with the series type having any of the auxiliary switches listed. Combinations up to nine poles are available.(SEE TABLE)“A”.75 ± .015[19.05 ± .38](TYP)ONON1.448[36.78].432[10.97]2.280[57.91].750[19.05].432[10.97]1.448[36.78]2.060[52.32]1.530[38.86]Ø 4X .156[3.96].432[10.97]1.448[36.78]Ø 2X .156[3.96].755[19.18]2.060[52.32].750[19.05].750[19.05]2.060[52.32]Ø 6X .156[3.96]One PoleTwo PoleThree PoleMounting Details Panel Mounting Tolerances: ±.005 [.13] unless noted.MULTI-POLE DIMENSIONS2 pole “A” 1.515 [38.48] max3 pole “A” 2.265 [57.53] max4 pole “A” 3.015 [76.58] max 5 pole “A” 3.765 [95.63] max6 pole “A” 4.515 [114.68] max7 pole “A” 5.265 [133.73] max8 pole “A” 6.015 [152.78] max9 pole “A”6.765 [171.83] maxNote: Dimension “A” varies with # of polesA P L /U P LSeries TripThe most popular configuration for magnetic protectors is the series trip where the sensing coil and contacts are in series with the load being protected. The handle position conveniently indicates circuit status. In addition to providing conventional over-current protection, it’s simultaneously used as an on-off switch.Auxiliary Switch(Applies to Series Trip Only)This is furnished as an integral part of a series pole in single or multi-pole assemblies. Isolated electrically from the protector’s circuit, the switch works in unison with the power contacts and provides indication at a remote location of the protector’s on-off status.Auxiliary switch contacts actuate simultaneously with the main breaker contacts, and will open regardless of whether the breaker contacts are opened manually or electrically. For auxiliary switch ratings below 6Vac or 5Vdc, an auxiliary switch with gold contacts is available. Gold contacts are not recommended for load current above 100 milliamps.The contacts on our optional RS auxiliary switch will open only in the event of an electrical trip of the circuit breaker.Shunt TripThe shunt trip is designed for controlling two separate loads with one assembly. The control is established by providing overload protection for the critical load. When the current through this load becomes excessive and reaches the trip point, the protector will open and remove power from both loads simultaneously. The total current rating of both loads must not exceed the maximum contact rating.Relay TripThis permits the overload sensing coil to be placed in a circuit which is electrically isolated from the trip contacts. The coil may be actuated by sensors monitoring pressure, flow, temperature, speed, etc. Other typical applications include crowbar, interlock and emergency/rapid shutdown circuitry. Trip may be accomplished by voltage or current, which must be removed immediately upon tripping.Dual CoilDual coil protectors provide remote shut down option and normal overcurrent protection in the confines of a single breaker pole. This construction saves space by eliminating the need for an additional pole for the voltage trip function.Voltage TripSometimes called “dump circuits” or “panic trip circuits,” these units make it possible to open main power contacts with lower power inputs from one or more sources. This configuration is becoming increasingly more important for sensitive circuitry and denser packaging in automation systems. Available in series, shunt, relay or dual coil configurations.APL/UPL CONFIGURATIONS.187[4.75].312[7.92].187[4.75].110[2.79].295[7.49]REG 4REC 4REG 5REC 5RS.281 ± .020(7.14 ± 0.51)1.940[49.28]BREAKER IN OFFPOSITIONLINELOADNC NO C( 50 AMP)LOAD LINE (>50 AMP)LOADLINE.625 ± .031(15.88 ± 0.79).281 ± .020(7.14 ± 0.51).675 ± .050(17.15 ± 1.27).280(7.11)1.940(49.28)1.290 ± .031(32.77 ± 0.79).280 ± .031(7.11 ± 0.79)1.056 ± .031(26.82 ± 0.79).648 ± .031(16.46 ± 0.79).667 ± .020[16.94 ± 0.51]1.940[49.28].281 ± .020[7.14 ± 0.51].625 ± .031[15.88 ± 0.79].667 ± .020[16.94 ± 0.51]1.275 ± .020[32.38 ± 0.51]1.940[49.28].281 ± .020[7.14 ± 0.51].625 ± .031[15.88 ± 0.79]TRIP SHUNTTRIPNO VOLTAGECOIL DUAL RATING DUAL TRIP RELAY COIL DUAL LOADLINECOIL.V LINELOAD LOADLOAD LINE LOAD RELAYRELAYLINE COILCOIL LINE LOADCOIL COILLINELOADSeries Trip (See Note A)Series Trip with Auxiliary SwitchShunt, Relay and Dual CoilNotes:Tolerance ± .015 [.38] unless noted. Dimensions in brackets [ ]are millimeters.A T erminal sizes:10-32 THD (<50 AMP), ¼ -28 THD (>50 AMP) Metric Terminals (Optional), M5 x 0.8 THD (<50 AMP).B Minimum useable thread length: 10-32 THD (.250 on breakers without terminal boards, .160 with terminal boards) ¼ -28 THD (.200).A P L /U P LInrush Pulse Tolerance (typ)The following table provides a comparison of inrush pulse tolerance with and without the inertial delay feature for each of the 50/60Hz delays. Pulse tolerance is defined as a single pulse of half sine wave peak current amplitude of 8milliseconds duration that will not trip the circuit breaker.APL/UPL OPERATING CHARACTERISTICSAll trip curves and trip currents are specified with the breaker mounted in the normal vertical position at ambient temperature of +25°C. Protectors do not carry current prior to application of overload.Delays 64, 65 and 66Delays 64, 65 and 66 are the latest 50/60Hz delays with short, medium and long trip times respectively. The patented protector design provides both increased tolerance to high inrush induced nuisance tripping and longer trip times at 600 percent. These delays are ideally suited for applications where thermal devices are presently used, such as motor protection or where short duration, high inrush currents are experienced. As shown in a typical motor start-up curve, the delay 66 will provide locked rotor and overload protection. Nuisance tripping is avoided since acceptable short periods of overload will not trip the protector.where known inrush exists). Delay 71 has a short delay for general purpose applications. Delay 72 is long enough to start certain types of motors and most transformer and capacitor loads. Delay 73 is an extra long delay primarily for special motor applications.PERCENT OF RATED CURRENT .001.01110T I M E I N S E C O N D S125PERCENT OF RATED CURRENT.001.011001000110T I M E I N S E C O N D S125PERCENT OF RATED CURRENT.001.011001000.1110T I M E I N S E C O N D S125.001.011001000.1110T I M E I N S E C O N D SPERCENT OF RATED CURRENT.001.01100.1110T I M E I N S E C O N D SDC Delay Curves (typ)A choice of delays is offered for DC applications. Delays 50 and 59 provide fast acting, non-delayed tripping to protect sensitive electronic equipment (not recommended where known inrush exists). Delay 51 has a short delay for general purposeapplications. Delay 52 is long enough to start certain types of motors. Delay 53 is an extra long delay used primarily for special motor applications.DELAY 408007006005004003002001501251000T I M E I N S E C O N D S101.11000100.0110000.001PERCENT OF RATED CURRENT1000900DELAY 418007006005004003002001501251000T I M E I N S E C O N D S101.11000100.0110000.001PERCENT OF RATED CURRENT1000900DELAY 429001000PERCENT OF RATED CURRENT.00110000.011001000.1110T I M E I N S E C O N D S100125150200300400500600700800DELAY 439001000PERCENT OF RATED CURRENT.00110000.011001000.1110T I M E I N S E C O N D S100125150200300400500600700800DELAY 499001000PERCENT OF RATED CURRENT.00110000.011001000.1110T I M E I N S E C O N D S100130150200300400500600700800M A Y T R I PM A Y T R I PM A Y T R I PM A Y T R I PM A Y T R I P400Hz Delay Curves (typ)A choice of delays is offered for 400Hz applications. Delays 40 and 49 are fast acting, non-delayed tripping to protect sensitive electronic equipment (not recommended where known inrush exists). Delay 41 has a short delay for general purposeapplications. Delay 42 is long enough to start certain types of motor and most transformers and capacitor loads. Delay 43 is an extra long delay primarily for special motor applications.A P L /U P LTrip FreeWill trip open on overload, even when the handle is forcibly held on or restrained. This prevents operator from damaging the circuit by holding the handle in the ON position. Trip IndicationThe operating handle moves positively to the OFF position on overload.Ambient OperationOperates normally in temperatures between –40°C and +85°C.Insulation ResistanceNot less than 100 megohms at 500Vdc.Dielectric StrengthWithstands 1500Vac at 60Hz for 60 seconds or 1800Vac for one second from terminal to terminal, and from auxiliary switch terminal to main terminal.EndurancePer UL 1077 (6000 operations at rated load plus 4000operations with no load). Tested at a maximum rate of 6 times per minute. Rating above 50 amperes operate a minimum of 5000 operations.ShockWithstands 100G or more without tripping while carrying full rated current per MIL-Std-202, Method 213, Test Condition I. Instantaneous types (delay 40, 50, 60 and 49, 59, 69) and dual coil configurations are tested at 80% of rated current. Protectors mounted in the handle down position are to be tested with no current applied (per MIL-PRF-55629).VibrationWithstands 10G without tripping while carrying full rated current per MIL-Std-202, Method 204, Test Condition A.Instantaneous types (delay 40, 50, 60 and 49, 59, 69) and dual coil configurations are tested at 80% of rated current.Dual Coil Ratings5-65Vdc and 5-250Vac for three terminal configurations. 5-120Vac and 5-120Vdc for four terminal configurations. Not available in delays 64, 65 and 66.APL Ratings0.050-50 amperes, 65Vdc, 250Vac maximum, 50/60Hz or 400Hz. 51-100 amperes at 65Vdc and 120Vac maximum. Ratings of 0.050-20 amperes at 277Vac, 50/60Hz are available upon request.Auxiliary Switch RatingsREC4 and REC5 are rated at 10 amperes, 250Vac or 3amperes, 50Vdc. REG4 and REG5 are rated at 0.1 amperes, 125Vac.UPL RatingsUPL protectors are UL STD. 1077 (File No. E-66410) and CSA STD. C22.2–No. 235 (File No. LR-26229) recognized assupplementary protectors in the following configurations and ratings. Consult factory for further information.ConfigurationsSeries, Shunt, Relay, Auxiliary Switch, Switch Only, Dual Coil, No Voltage.PolesOne through nine.Moisture ResistanceDesigned to meet the requirements of MIL-PRF-55629 when tested in accordance with Method 106 of MIL-Std-202.Salt Spray (Corrosion)Designed to meet the requirements of MIL-PRF-55629 when tested in accordance with Method 101 of MIL-Std-202.APL/UPL SPECIFICATIONSMoisture ResistanceDesigned to meet the requirements of MIL-PRF-55629 when tested in accordance with Method 106 of MIL-Std-202.Salt Spray (Corrosion)Designed to meet the requirements of MIL-PRF-55629 when tested in accordance with Method 101 of MIL-Std-202.MPL RatingsMPL protectors are UL (File No. E-41607) and CSA (File No. LR-26229) recognized as manual, across the line starters, in the following configurations and ratings. Consult factory for further information.ConfigurationsSeries only with and without auxiliary switch.PolesOne, two or three.ShockWithstands 100G or more without tripping while carrying full rated current per MIL-Std-202, Method 213, Test Condition I. Instantaneous types (delay 40, 50, 60 and 49, 59, 69) are tested at 80% of rated current. Breakers mounted in the handle down position are to be tested with no current applied (per MIL-PRF-55629).VibrationWithstands 10G without tripping while carrying full rated current per MIL-Std-202, Method 204, Test Condition A. Instantaneous types (delay 40, 50, 60 and 49, 59, 69) are tested at 80% of rated current.MPL SPECIFICATIONSAPL/UPL DECISION TABLESHow to OrderThe ordering code for APL/UPL circuit protectors may be determined by following the steps in the decision tables shown here.The coding given permits a self-assigning part number; other configurations may require a factory assigned part number. Typical examples are units with mixed ratings, combinations of styles or constructions not listed in the third decision table, etc. With these, it is suggested that order entry be by description and/or drawings and a part number will be assigned. Additionally, it is a standard policy to establish a factory assigned part number wherever a descriptive drawing exists to provide cross reference, traceability and manufacturing control.When specifying a protector for AC motor start or high inrush applications, the peak amplitude and surge duration should be specified for factory assistance in rating selection.For example, the code shown is the code for a two pole UPL protector with series trip, 20 ampere rating, 50/60Hz. short time delay construction in all poles.To determine the ordering number for your particular APL/UPL unit, simply follow the steps shown. You may use this number to place an order or as a reference for further questions you may have.Notes:A T he most common current values for 100% of rated current arethose listed. Please consult an Airpax office orsales representa-tive for other values.B A ll APL/UPL protectors are constructed with stainless steelsprings and plated parts. As noted in the specifications, all meet normal requirements for moisture and salt spray resistance. If fungus resistance is required in addition to moisture and saltspray resistance, special procedures and markings are employed.C T erminals will be supplied as #10-32 threaded studs up to 50amperes. Above this amperage terminals will be ¼ -28 threaded studs. All standard units will be supplied with a hex nut and two flat washers on each threaded terminal.D W hen metric threaded inserts are specified, breakers rated at50 amperes and below will be supplied with metric threadedterminals. For breakers rated above 50 amperes, ¼ -28 threaded terminals will be supplied.E Black handle standard.Copyright © 2023 Sensata Technologies, Inc.Datasheets provided by Sensata Technologies, Inc., its subsidiaries and/or affiliates (“Sensata”) are solely intended to assist third parties (“Buyers”) who are developing systems that incorporate Sensata products (also referred to herein as “components”). Buyer understands and agrees that Buyer remains responsible for using its independent analysis, valuation, and judgment in designing Buyer’s systems and products. Sensata datasheets have been created using standard laboratory conditions and engineering practices. Sensata has not conducted any testing other than that specifically described in the published documentation for a particular datasheet. Sensata may make corrections, enhancements, improvements, and other changes to its datasheets or components without notice.Buyers are authorized to use Sensata datasheets with the Sensata component(s) identified in each particular datasheet. HOWEVER, NO OTHER LICENSE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, BY ESTOPPEL OR OTHERWISE TO ANY OTHER SENSATA INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT, AND NO LICENSE TO ANY THIRD PARTY TECHNOLOGY OR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT, IS GRANTED HEREIN. SENSATA DATASHEETS ARE PROVIDED “AS IS”. SENSATA MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS WITH REGARD TO THE DATASHEETS OR USE OF THE DATASHEETS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY , INCLUDING ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS. 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Edexcel BTEC Level 2和3信息技术系统和原则通信技术单元指南说明书

Edexcel BTEC Level 2和3信息技术系统和原则通信技术单元指南说明书

Unit 29: Communication TechnologiesUnit code: F/601/7264QCF Level 3: BTEC SpecialistCredit value: 10Guided learning hours: 60Aim and purposeThe aim of this unit is to ensure learners understand the communication principles of computer networks, know the elements of data communications systems and develop the skills to implement network communications.Unit introductionNew and developing communication technologies are used within the business world to maximise productivity and access information, whether an employee is working an office or travelling the world.This unit focuses on communication technologies, examining their use within social and business communities. Learners will explore the devices and communication technologies they use on a daily basis and gain an understanding of systems, including mobile internet. Learners will look at network topologies and services, connection software and access methods amongst other areas. They will investigate the OSI and TCP/IP models. Communications technology includes a large range of devices, which are used in the business and social communities. Devices include many of the next generation wireless devices, games consoles and newer generations of mobile phones with voice and video streaming. This unit explores these devices along with their transmission methods and the underlying protocols that enable connectivity and transmission of data including signal theory and data elements. Learners will appreciate why particular transmission methods are chosen for particular situations and be able to compare the effectiveness of the different methods.Finally, learners will be able to use their knowledge and understanding to directly connect communication devices between users.This unit could be delivered as part of a system support and networking focus including other units with networking content. Although largely theoretical, the emphasis in this unit should be on practical activity to learners to understand how modern IT can be used to enhance the commercial and personal environment. This unit has links directly to other network units and the vendor units.Learning outcomes and assessment criteriaIn order to pass this unit, the evidence that the learner presents for assessment needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria determine the standard required to achieve the unit.On completion of this unit a learner should:Learning outcomes Assessment criteria1 Understand thecommunication principlesof computer networks 1.1 explain how networks communicate1.2 identify communication protocols and models2 Know the main elementsof data communicationssystems 2.1 identify different types of communication devices 2.2 describe what data elements are and why theyare important2.3 describe the principles of signal theory2.4 describe different transmission methods used3 Be able to implementdifferent forms of networkcommunications 3.1 create direct network communication betweentwo users3.2 set up interconnection devices for directcommunicationUnit content1 Understand the communication principles of computer networksComputer networks: types eg LAN, WAN, wireless; network topologies eg star; mesh;bus; tree (or hierarchical); ring; network services eg packet switched, ISDN,multiplexed, ATM, WAP, broadband; network software eg network operating system;network connection software; access methods eg CSMA/CD, CSMA/CA, token passing Network components: servers; workstation; network cards eg Ethernet, wireless, token ringInterconnection devices: eg switches, routers, bridges, wireless access points, mobile base stationsModels: eg open system interconnection (OSI) model, TCP/IP modelProtocols: eg Bluetooth®, Wifi, IrDa, cellular radio, GSM/UMTS, WAP, WML, 802.11 standards, TCP/IP, wireless security protocols2 Know the main elements of data communications systemsMain elements: communication devices; data elements; electronic communication methods; transmission media and methodsCommunication devices: wired devices eg data terminal equipment (DTE), data circuit terminating equipment (DCE); wireless devices eg 3G, GPRS, mobile phone, laptop, netbookSignal theory: digital signalling methods; representing data electronically (bits, bytes, packet structures); synchronous transmission; asynchronous transmission; error detection; error correction; bandwidth limitation; bandwidth noise; channel types eg telephone, high frequency (HF) radio, microwave, satellite; other issues egbandwidth, data compressionData elements: checksum eg cyclic redundancy check (CRC); encapsulation egframes, packets, datagrams; addresses; sequence numbersElectronic communication: methods eg simplex, duplex, half-duplex communication, parallel, universal serial bus, serial, infra red, Bluetooth, WiFi, 3GTransmission: methods eg coaxial, optical fibre, unshielded twisted pair (UTP),shielded twisted pair (STP), infrared, radio, microwave, satellite3 Be able to implement different forms of network communicationsInternet communication: terminology eg HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SMTP; uniform resource locator; worldwide web; other eg blogs, wikis, video conferencing, vlogs, socialnetworkingSystem requirements: wired or mobile systems; communication services eg email, video, internet, software, configurationDirect communication: eg instant messaging, video communication, email, webphone, social networking, web conferencing, desktop sharingInterconnection devices: eg switches, routers, bridges, wireless access points, mobile base stationsEssential guidance for tutorsDeliveryThis unit could be delivered as part of a system support and networking focus which includes other units with networking content. The emphasis is on practical activity to enable learners the to understand how modern IT can be used to enhance the commercial and personal environment. This unit links directly to other network units and the practical element in 3.1 and 3.2 could link with the vendor units.Delivery of the theoretical aspects should focus on the most up-to-date technology available, including all the latest developments in mobile communications such as third generation technology.The practical aspects of the unit that are practical should be opportunities to use the main technologies listed in the unit content, such as 3G hardware and mobile computing technology, for example, a wireless PDA. Ideally, the tutor should try to secure as many of these technologies as is feasible. For those that the centre cannot provide, it is recommended that the tutor tries and sources outside examples of this form of technology to demonstrate to learners.As an addition to the practical element, it may be useful for learners to have some input from an IT communications technology specialist, who can give an insight into career progression within this sector, as well as providing up to the minute technical knowledge that learners can draw on.Outline learning planThe outline learning plan has been included in this unit as guidance and can be used in conjunction with the programme of suggested assignments. The outline learning plan demonstrates one way in planning the delivery and assessment of this unit.Topic and suggested assignments/activities and/assessmentIntroduction to the unitThe main elements of data communications systems:•whole-class exercise – tutor presentation on communication devices•directed research – using tutor-provided materials on signal theory•whole-class exercise – tutor presentation on data elements•whole-class exercise – tutor presentation on methods of electronic communication, followed by whole class•practical•whole-class exercise – tutor presentation on transmission media and methods, followed by whole class•practical.Communication principles of computer networks:•individual exercise – use tutor-provided materials to understand the features of networks•whole-class exercise – tutor demonstrates network components to class•whole-class exercise – tutor demonstrates interconnection devices to class. Assignment 1 – From End to EndTransmission protocols and models:•whole-class exercise – tutor presentation on the open system interconnection (OSI) model and the TCP/IP•model, followed by a practical•individual exercise – learn about different electronic communication protocols from tutor-provided materials.Assignment 2 – A Bespoke SolutionImplementing different forms of internet communications:•whole-class exercise – tutor presentation on internet communication terminology, followed by practical tasks•whole-class exercise – tutor presentation on system requirements, followed by practical tasks•whole-class exercise – tutor presentation on direct communication methods, followed by practical tasks.Assignment 3 – LAN ManagerAssessmentThis unit can be assessed using three assignments as outlined in the Programme of suggested assignment table. However, there are other valid ways of assessment and the programme of suggested assignment is only a suggestion.Suggested Assignment 1 – From End to EndEvidence for this assignment could be in the form of a series of leaflets, posters or web pages which are suitably illustrated and annotated.1.1 requires learners to explain how networks communicate. This can be evidenced diagrammatically with annotations and notes, or it could be part of a presentation.For 1.2, communication protocols and models should be described using graphics where appropriate.For 2.1, learners must identify different types of communication devices, addressing the prescriptive elements of the unit content.For 2.2, learners must describe what data elements are and why they are important. Learners need to describe the different elements, and their importance, in their own words.Suggested Assignment 2 – A Bespoke SolutionA presentation is the suggested evidence format for this assignment.2.3 requires learners to describe the principles of signal theory as outlined in the unit. 2.4 is about transmission methods.Suggested Assignment 3 – LAN Manager3.1 is practical, and each learner must create a direct communication link between two networked devices. This could be a short video, observation evidence, or a written summary.3.2 is also practical. In this case, learners must create interconnection devices for direct communication. As with 3.1, evidence could be a short video, observation evidence, or a written summary.Programme of suggested assignmentsThe table below shows a programme of suggested assignments that cover the assessment criteria in the assessment and grading grid. This is for guidance and it is recommended that centres either write their own assignments or adapt any Edexcel assignments to meet local needs and resources.Criteria covered Assignment title Scenario Assessment method1.1-2.2 From End toEnd An ISP hascommissioned you towrite publicity materialsexplaining some of thebasics of ITcommunication.Leaflets or poster.2.3, 2.4 A BespokeSolution A client wishes to knowmore abouttransmission signals.Produce a presentationto describe theprinciples and methodsused.Presentation.3.1, 3.2 LAN Manager The ISP has asked youto create a system thatwill enable two users tomake directcommunication. Observation records. Witness statement. Notes.Links to National Occupational Standards, other BTEC units, other BTEC qualifications and other relevant units and qualificationsThis unit forms part of the BTEC in IT sector suite. This unit has particular links with: Level 1 Level 2 Level 3Systems ArchitectureArchitectureSystemsSetting up an IT Network Networking PrinciplesNetworking Principles Computer NetworksAn Introduction toCommunicationTechnologiesThis unit maps to some of the underpinning knowledge from the following areas of competence in the Level 3 National Occupational Standards for IT (ProCom):4.7 Systems Design5.1 Systems Development5.3 IT/Technology Solution Testing.Essential resourcesLearners will need access to practical resources and suitable technology; they can also use simulators or multimedia tools to gain prior experience before handling live resources.Employer engagement and vocational contextsVisits to a local ISP or using the centre’s network would provide a suitable vocational context.Indicative reading for learnersTextbooksDodd AZ – The Essential Guide to Telecommunications, 4th edition (Prentice Hall, 2005) ISBN-10 0131487256, ISBN-13 978-0131487253Hallberg B – Networking: A Beginner’s Guide, 5th Edition (Osborne/McGraw-Hill US, 2009) ISBN-10 0071633553, ISBN-13 978-0071633550Lowe D – Networking All-in-One Desk Reference for Dummies, 3rd Edition (John Wiley & Sons, 2008) ISBN-10 0470179155, ISBN-13 978-0470179154Schiller J – Mobile communications, 2nd Edition (Addison Wesley, 2003) ISBN-10 0321123816, ISBN-13 978-0321123817WebsitesFunctional Skills — Level 2Skill When learners are …ICT – Using ICTcreating network communicationsSelect, interact with and use ICTsystems safely and securely fora complex task in non-routineand unfamiliar contextsICT – Developing, presenting andcommunicating informationsetting up communication devicesUse communications software tomeet requirements of a complextaskexplaining protocols and transmission methods. Combine and presentinformation in ways that are fitfor purpose and audience。



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Page 1 of 3November 06, 2008Test Report No. F690501/LF-CTSAYAA08-29496Issued Date:J-TECHNOLOGY #1-35Gumjeon-dong Gunpo-cityGYEONGGI-DO KOREATo:The following merchandise was submitted and identified by the client as :For further details, please refer to following page(s)Test Performed :SGS Testing Korea tested the sample(s) selected by applicant with following resultsTest Results :Received Date :October 31, 2008Product Name :JSU-SRFXX SGS File No.:AYAA08-29496Test Performing Date :November 03, 2008LG,SAMSUNG,SONY Buyer(s):SGS Testing Korea Co. Ltd.Jeff Jang / Chemical Lab MgrPluto KimMonet JeongBilly Oh / Testing PersonThis document is issued by the Company under its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf or available on request and accessible at /terms_and_conditions.htm. Attention is drawn to the limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction issues defined therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company ’s findings at the time of its intervention only and within the limits ofPage 2 of 3November 06, 2008Test Report No. F690501/LF-CTSAYAA08-29496Issued Date:Sample No. :AYAA08-29496.001Item No./Part No.:Sample Description :JSU-SRFXXN/AMaterial is polyurethane.Comments :Heavy MetalsTest ItemsUnit Test Method MDL Results0.5US EPA 3052(1996), US EPA 6010B(1996), ICP mg/kgCadmium (Cd)N.D.5US EPA 3052(1996), US EPA 6010B(1996), ICP mg/kg Lead (Pb)N.D.2US EPA 3052(1996), US EPA 6010B(1996), ICP mg/kg Mercury (Hg)N.D.1US EPA 3060A(1996), US EPA 7196A(1992), UVmg/kgHexavalent Chromium (Cr VI)N.D.Flame Retardants-PBBs/PBDEsTest ItemsUnit Test MethodMDLResults5US EPA 3540C, GC/MS mg/kgMonobromobiphenyl N.D.5US EPA 3540C, GC/MS mg/kg Dibromobiphenyl N.D.5US EPA 3540C, GC/MS mg/kg Tribromobiphenyl N.D.5US EPA 3540C, GC/MS mg/kg Tetrabromobiphenyl N.D.5US EPA 3540C, GC/MS mg/kg Pentabromobiphenyl N.D.5US EPA 3540C, GC/MS mg/kg Hexabromobiphenyl N.D.5US EPA 3540C, GC/MS mg/kg Heptabromobiphenyl N.D.5US EPA 3540C, GC/MS mg/kg Octabromobiphenyl N.D.5US EPA 3540C, GC/MS mg/kg Nonabromobiphenyl N.D.5US EPA 3540C, GC/MS mg/kg Decabromobiphenyl N.D.5US EPA 3540C, GC/MS mg/kg Monobromodiphenyl ether N.D.5US EPA 3540C, GC/MS mg/kg Dibromodiphenyl ether N.D.5US EPA 3540C, GC/MS mg/kg Tribromodiphenyl ether N.D.5US EPA 3540C, GC/MS mg/kg Tetrabromodiphenyl ether N.D.5US EPA 3540C, GC/MS mg/kg Pentabromodiphenyl ether N.D.5US EPA 3540C, GC/MS mg/kg Hexabromodiphenyl ether N.D.5US EPA 3540C, GC/MS mg/kg Heptabromodiphenyl ether N.D.5US EPA 3540C, GC/MS mg/kg Octabromodiphenyl ether N.D.5US EPA 3540C, GC/MS mg/kg Nonabromodiphenyl ether N.D.5US EPA 3540C, GC/MSmg/kgDecabromodiphenyl etherN.D.(1) N.D. = Not detected.(<MDL)(2) mg/kg = ppm(3) MDL = Method Detection Limit (4) - = No regulation(5) ** = Qualitative analysis (No Unit)(6) Negative = Undetectable / Positive = DetectableNOTE:This document is issued by the Company under its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf or available on request and accessible at /terms_and_conditions.htm. Attention is drawn to the limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction issues defined therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company ’s findings at the time of its intervention only and within the limits ofPage 3 of 3November 06, 2008Test Report No. F690501/LF-CTSAYAA08-29496Issued Date:Sample No. :AYAA08-29496.001Item No./Part No.:Sample Description :JSU-SRFXXN/AMaterial is polyurethane.Comments:Halogen ContentsTest ItemsUnit Test Method MDL Results30EN 14582:2007 , IC mg/kgBromine(Br)N.D.30EN 14582:2007 , IC mg/kg Chlorine(Cl)N.D.30EN 14582:2007 , IC mg/kg Fluorine(F)N.D.30EN 14582:2007 , ICmg/kgIodine(I)N.D.Picture of Sample as Received:*** End ***(1) N.D. = Not detected.(<MDL)(2) mg/kg = ppm(3) MDL = Method Detection Limit (4) - = No regulation(5) ** = Qualitative analysis (No Unit)(6) Negative = Undetectable / Positive = DetectableNOTE:This document is issued by the Company under its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf or available on request and accessible at /terms_and_conditions.htm. Attention is drawn to the limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction issues defined therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company ’s findings at the time of its intervention only and within the limits of。

MSDS-HIATTACH_HR -5104 series-2016-01-29

MSDS-HIATTACH_HR -5104 series-2016-01-29

HANDLING INFORMATION SHEET1. PRODUCT & COMPANY IDENTIFICA TIONPRODUCT NAME:HIATTACH HR-5104 seriesNAME OF MANUFACTURER:Goi Works, Hitachi Chemical Company, Ltd.ADDRESS:14, Goi Minami Kaigan, Ichihara, Chiba, 290-8567 JapanNAME OF SECTION:Advanced Performance Materials R&D DivisionProtection Film R&D Dept.R. FurutaniTELEPHONE NUMBER:+81-436-23-8697(Japan)FAX NUMBER:+81-436-22-2236 (Japan)EMERGENCY CALL:Goi Works, Hitachi Chemical Company, Ltd.+81-436-21-6141 (Japan) (24hours)FOR OTHER INFORMATION:+81-436-21-6141 (Japan)FORM NO.:GIE-E9538-03T o all users:This product is an ‘article’ and is not an object that is required to issue SDS by laws/regulations regarding chemical substance.This handling information sheet offers necessary information for safe handling and the responsible concern for the environment. Please observe the following matters, and use it for securing health and safety and environmental protection measures.・Compliance to the corresponding laws/regulations in the country where to be used・Notice to all users including your company and the related companies that will use/handle this product2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONPHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL HAZARDS:Combustible solidsADVERSE HUMAN HEALTH EFFECTS:・In normal operation, this material hardly has harmful influence on human health.However, it might rarely induce irritation to eyes, skin and mucous membrane.・Inhalation or ingestion might be harmful to human healthENVIRONMETAL EFFECTS:Not availableHIATTACH HR-5104 series GIE-E9538-03HIATTACH HR -5104 series GIE -E9538-033. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSSUBSTANCE/MIXTURE :NOT APPLICABLE (FILM/ARTICLE)INGREDIENTS AND COMPOSITION :Laminated film consisting of cover film, adhesive film,cohesive layer, and base filmLayer Chemical Name Content(wt%) CAS. No.Cover film PolyethyleneT erephthalate-25038-59-9 Epoxy Resin A 5-15 Trade Secret Epoxy Resin B 10-20 Trade Secret Phenol Resin 10-20 Trade Secret SiO 2 Filler 45-55 Trade Secret (Meta)AcrylicCopolymer10-20 Trade SecretCohesive Acrylic Resin - Trade Secret Base film Polyolefin -Trade Secret4. FIRST -AID MEASURESINHALATION :When you inhale the fragments, get medical attention at once. SKIN CONT ACT :Wash your skin with soap and a large amount of water.When irritation persists, get medical attention at once.EYE CONTACT :Wash your eye with a large amount of water.When bad feeling or irritation persists, get medical attention at once.INGESTION :The residual fragments in your mouth must be washed out at once.When you ingest the fragments, get medical attention at once.5. FIRE -FIGHTING MEASURES FLAMMABLE PROPERTIES :Flashing point (adhesive film) / ca. 350℃. EXTINGUISHING MEDIA :Water, carbon dioxide, foam, dry sand or powderSPECIFIC HAZARDS WITH REGARD TO FIRE -FIGHTING MEASURES : ・Dry chemical powder, carbon dioxide, dry sand and/or water spray should be used for small fires. ・Large fires are best controlled by extinguishing foam. ・Move product from fire areas if it can be done without risk. ・Firefighters should wear proper protective and respiratory equipment. ・Evacuate non -essential personnel into safety area.HAZARDOUS COMBUSTION PRODUCTS :Carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides might be formed.6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Personal precaution : ・Use protective gloves. Method for cleaning up :・Recover material by sweeping. Environmental precaution :・Burn in a chemical incinerator with an afterburner and scrubber.Adhesive film7. HANDLING AND STORAGEHANDLING:・Use protective gloves to avoid cut from sharp edges of film or knife.・Use at the well-ventilated area since it is possibility that volatile compounds are generated at the high temp.・Use by the machine which eliminate the static electricity.STORAGE:・Store in a cool (below 5 ºC ) and dark place to avoid high temperature and humidity.8. EXPOSURE CONTROL/PERSONAL PROTECTIONENGINEERING MEASURES:・It is recommended to use in the well-ventilated areas.PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT:・Use protective gloves and safety goggles.9. PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL PROPERTIESAPPEARLANCE:White-color (Adhesive film)DENSITY:1.40 (Adhesive film)SOLUBILITY IN WATER:Insoluble(Adhesive film)10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYSTABILITY:・Stable below 5ºC・Dangerous polymerization does not occur under normal condition.MATERIALS TO AVOID:・Adhesive film should not be dissolved with strong acid, strong base, and organic solvents.HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCT:・Decomposition will not occur under normal condition.HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION:・Dangerous polymerization does not occur under normal condition.HIATTACH HR-5104 series GIE-E9538-0311. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMA TIONEpoxy Resin A 1)Acute T oxicity:Oral LD50(rat)>10000 mg/kgIrritation:The substance irritates mildly the skin and the eyes.Mutagenicity:No data.Epoxy Resin B 2)Acute T oxicity:Oral LD50(rat) >2000 mg/kgIrritation:The substance irritates the eyes and the skin.Mutagenicity:Mutation might be induced.・T o the best of our knowledge, it is reported that the other materials have no significant toxicity, stimulatory, and mutagenicity.12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMA TION・No data available13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERRA TION・Burn in a chemical incinerator equipped with an afterburner and scrubber.14. TRANSPORT INFORMA TION・Keep away from source of ignition.・Follow all regulation on the transport in your local, state and federal laws and regulations.15. REGULATORY INFORMA TION・Hitachi Chemical Company is not able to check up the regulatory information in regardto the substances in your county or region, therefore, we request this matter would be filledby your responsibility.16. OTHER INFORMA TIONReferences:1) Safety Data Sheet (2012), provided by Raw Material Company2) Safety Data Sheet (2010), provided by Raw Material Company・Although the information herein is given in good faith, no warranty on the described information is made.・Final determination of suitability of any material is the sole responsibility of the user. All materials may present unknown hazards and should be used in caution. Although certain hazards aredescribed herein, we cannot guarantee that these are the only hazards which exist.HIATTACH HR-5104 series GIE-E9538-03。



R129Headband Microphones and Lavalier MicrophonesPT-RMSOrder No. 0236870External mute button (cough button)• For tie clip microphones and headband microphones from JTS• Selectable switching mode (ON/OFF, momentary ON, momentary OFF)• 4-pole mini XLR connection• Compatible with any pocket transmitter from JTSCM-804IFOrder No. 0236090Electret headband microphone• Lightweight, very comfortable to wear, expressive sound• Adjustable neckband, lockable• Integrated drip ring protects cartridge from moisture • Folding ear hook• Connection cable with strain relief, screwed-on • Connection cable 801TG with 3.5 mm plug for use with our tour guide systems is available at option• Supplied with bag, windshield and collar clipCM-801FOrder No. 0235900Electret earband microphone• Ultra-light earband microphone for stage and podium • Optimum speech intelligibility • Movable drip ring• Screwed-on cable, easy to replace• Clip for strain relief; makes microphone more comfor-table to wear and enhances stable positioning • Connection cable 801TG with 3.5 mm plug for use with our tour guide systems is available at option• Supplied with bag and windshieldHSE-340/SKOrder No. 1000026Professional headband microphone, with cardioid polar pattern and a high-quality sound which is suitable for any vocal or speech application. Innovative design features ensure a maximum suppression of both the impact sound and structure-borne noise as well as an extra low acoustic feedback, very comfortable to wear.Beige version.• Corrosion-resistant neckband, easy to clean • Drip ring (protects cartridge from moisture)• Unobtrusive and secure fit due to cable routing in neck area incl. strain relief and cable bending protection• Stable positioning• Microphone windshield• 4-pole mini XLR inline jack for connection to pocket transmitters from JTS or a pocket transmitters of thesame design from other brand manufacturersModelCM-804IF Polar pattern omnidir.SystemelectretAudio frequency range 60-15,000 Hz Nominal impedance 1.8 kΩSensitivity6.3 mV/Pa Max. sound pressure 130 dBPower supply pocket transmitter IN/PT/UF series or PS-500Weight 20 gConnection4-pole mini XLR(optional: 3.5 mm stereo plug, 3-pole mini XLR or 4-pole Hirose connector)ModelCM-801F Polar pattern omnidir.SystemelectretAudio frequency range 60-15,000 Hz Nominal impedance 1.8 kΩSensitivity6.3 mV/Pa Max. sound pressure 130 dBPower supply pocket transmitters of the IN/PT/UF series or PS-500Weight 16 gConnection4-pole mini XLR(optional: 3.5 mm stereo plug, 3-pole mini XLR or 4-pole Hirose connector)ModelHSE-340/SK Polar pattern cardioid SystemelectretAudio frequency range 50-18,000 Hz Nominal impedance 2 kΩSensitivity2.3 mV/Pa Max. sound pressure 120 dB Power supply 1.5-9 VWeight 18 g (w/o cable and plug)Connection 4-pole mini XLR。














传感器特点·独家柔性压力传感器技术·柔性防水封装·灵敏度高·检测范围宽·响应速度快·功耗低·稳定性优异·生物相容性好·材料体系安全应用领域·压力感知·人机交互·智能机器人·电子医疗器械·可穿戴设备·生理健康检测技术指标项目参数传感器尺寸60.0*18.0mm,传感面积Φ18.0mm量程范围0~5kg检测限2g响应时间100ms恢复时间400ms大于60%重复性±5%@100g工作温度-20℃~60℃工作电源典型值DC2V尺寸外观尺寸:60.0mm x18.0mm x0.085mm,其中敏感区的面积为Φ18mm。

Mitutoyo MDH-25MB高精度数字微米器说明书

Mitutoyo MDH-25MB高精度数字微米器说明书

S m a l l T o o l I n s t r u m e n t s a n d D a t a M a n a g e m e n tHIGH ACCURACYPosition and Merits of MDH-25MBHigh accuracyStandard accuracy• M easuring accuracy equivalent to a laser micrometer • N o jig, etc. needed to be fabricated • S imple measurement enabled even for very small parts • P ortable and compatible with standard workpiece measurement techniques, similar to conventional micrometers • E conomical - low investment in equip-ment compared with other choicesStandard price High priceThis micrometer allows easy, rapid and high-accuracy measurement of workpieces that require a measuring accuracy of 1 μm or less, such as medical parts, precision instruments and auto-parts regarded as being difficult to accurately measure with conventional micrometers.Beyond the Usual Micrometer!Many More Kinds of High-accuracy Parts Now Measurable.APPLICATIONHypodermic needle measurementPin gage measurementMedical careManufacturing To reduce injection pain as much as possible, the outside diameter of hypodermic needle tips has become much thinner. Some needles have a tip diameter of just 0.2 mm, thus requiring high-accuracy measurement.Pin gages are widely used for measurement of the diameter or center-to-center distance of holes. The periodic calibration of a high-preci-sion pin gage requires high-accuracy measure-ment.Automobile/office equipmentBearing measurementHigh-accuracy measurement is required for the component parts of anti-friction ball and roller bearings that are required to support vibra-tion-free rotation in high-quality products.Catheter measurementMedical careHigh-accuracy measurement is needed when manufacturing the fine tubing widely used in the medical field, such as a catheter that plays a crucial part in dilating a blood vessel.Fiber optics measurementElectric/electronic devices The optical-transmission cylindrical "core" made of quartz glass is 0.01 to 0.05 mm in diameter. Since its thickness is similar to a strand of hair, high accuracy is required for its measurement.Gap gage calibrationManufacturingGap gages are widely used for easy measurement of small gaps in assem-blies. Periodic gage calibration is indispensable for accuracy control to detect undue wear.Implant measurementMedical care An abutment is used for dental implants. Abutments have various lengths, angles, and materials. Each abutment needs to be made and measured very accurately.Cutting tool measurementMachine tools The diameter of extremely small drills used for manufacturing precision tools and instruments requires high accuracy measurement.Gear tooth measurementAutomobile and machine tools As gears decrease in size and weight, the MDH allows for convenient high accuracy evaluation.MDH simply enables accuracy evaluation with it on hand for the customer demand of high accuracy.Optical film measurementElectric/electronic devices Optical films are widely used to display still images or moving images on a car navigation device or LCD TV. The micrometer accuracy is a must for measuring film thickness.TECHNOLOGYHeat transfer reduction with a heat shieldThe influence of heat transferred to the micrometer frame during measurement through hands has been reduced with this micrometer by fitting the supplied heat shield. The graph below shows the heat shield almost eliminates thermally induced error by minimiz-ing thermal expansion of the frame.Ratchet thimble with an anti-friction bearingMeasurement repeatability has been improved by changing from sliding to rolling friction to dramatically reduce the torque needed to operate the constant-force device. This makes measurement even more consistent even for operators new to this micrometer.The development of a 5000-division rotary encoder has achieved the unprecedented resolution of 0.1 μm in a hand-held micrometer.The commercialization of this ABS (absolute) encoder also improves its reliability. Addition-ally, since the spindle-thread pitch accuracy directly affects measuring accuracy, Mitutoyo has developed a series of technologies from thread cutting technology to thread evaluation technology, thereby guaranteeing the achievement of high accuracy.ABS (absolute) rotary encoder with a resolution of 0.1 μm and high-accuracy thread cutting technologyUSABILITYMeasurement Data Recording Tools (Optional)DP-1VA LOGGERReliable operationThe sound of the ratchet provides a reliableoperation and repeatable measurements.Absolute encoderThe ABS (absolute) rotary encoder eliminatesthe need for origin point setting at everypower-on, allowing immediate starting ofmeasurement. This encoder achieves highreliability without causing an overspeed error.Zero-setting functionThis function allows the display to be zero setat any position, thus facilitating comparativemeasurement. Also the absolute value fromthe origin can be restored.Built-in "Hold" functionThis function can hold (freeze) the displayedvalue. Enables the micrometer to be removedfrom a workpiece when the readout is noteasily viewable so the measurement value canbe read at your convenience.Wear-resistant carbide tipThe ø3.2 mm carbide tip on the measuringface is highly resistant to wear, allowingaccurate measurement for an extended periodof time.Enhances productivity, ease of useThis micrometer is equipped with manyversatile and time-saving functions such asresolution switching (0.0001 mm/0.0005 mm),function lock, and presetting.• Wired Connection to PC via USB Input Tool Series(Refer to Catalog E12007)USB-ITN-B (2 m):06AFM380BUSB-ITN-BSensor Systems Test Equipmentand Seismometers Digital Scale and DRO SystemsSmall Tool Instrumentsand Data Managementbasis.Mitutoyo America CorporationOne Number to Serve You Better1-888-MITUTOYO (1-888-648-8869)M3 Solution Centers:Aurora, Illinois (Headquarters)Boston, MassachusettsCharlotte, North CarolinaCincinnati, OhioDetroit, MichiganLos Angeles, CaliforniaBirmingham, AlabamaSeattle, WashingtonHouston, Texas3M 0818-04 • Printed in USA • August 2018©218MitutoyoAmericaCorporationFind additional product literatureand our product catalogNote: All inform ation regarding our products, and in particular the illustrations, drawings, dim ensional and perform ancedata contained in this printed matter as well as other technical data are to be regarded as approximate average values. Wetherefore reserve the right to make changes to the corresponding designs. The stated standards, similar technical regulations,descriptions and illustrations of the products were valid at the time of printing. In addition, the latest applicable version of ourGeneral Trading Conditions will apply. Only quotations submitted by ourselves may be regarded as definitive. Specificationsare subject to change without notice.Mitutoyo products are subject to US Export Administration Regulations (EAR). Re-export or relocation of our products mayrequire prior approval by an appropriate governing authority.Trademarks and RegistrationsDesignations used by companies to distinguish their products are often claimed as trademarks. In all instances where MitutoyoAm erica Corporation is aware of a claim, the product nam es appear in initial capital or all capital letters. The appropriatecompanies should be contacted for more complete trademark and registration information.。

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Product details JSU (Silicone & Urethane Foam Film)Commercial Name : JSU-SRFXX Series
J Technology
#1-35, Gumjung-Dong, Gunpo-City, Gyunggi-Do, Korea Tel. +82. 31. 455. 0492.Fax. +82. 505. 459. 07925
Homepage www.jtechnology.co.kr
Email jtechnology@
(%)Polyurethane 53504-41-950~55Polyester 113669-95-740~45Color
Hazard designation
After skin contact
After contact with the molten product, cool with cold water and consult a doctor
CAS No.3. Hazard identification
4. First aid measures
Material Safety Data Sheet
(이 자료는 산업안전보건법 제 41조 규정에 의거 작성된 것임.)
1.Identification of Substance and manufacturer/supplier
2. Composition/data about components
5. fire fighting measures
Suitable extinguishing agents :CO2 or Water jet
Special hazards caused by the material, tis
products of combustion or resulting gases avoid to breath the fumes.
Put on breathing apparafus
Protective equipment
6. Accidental release measures
Personrelated safety precaution :Void
Measures for environmental protection :Void
Measure for cleaning/collecting :Void
7. Handling and storage
Information for safe handling No special requirements
Information about protection against
explosions and fires Keep breathing equipment ready
Requirements to be met by storeroonms
and containers keep away the flames
Further information about storage
conditions :Storage preferably in cover places
8. Exposure controls and personal protection
Personal protective equipment
Gneral protective and hygienic measures :Avoid skin contact with the molten material
9. Physical and chemical properties
Form :Solid in various forms
Color :According to product specification
Odor :Light
Change in cndition Value / Range Method
Melting point :Urethan foam : 90~125℃ DSC
PET Film : 140~150℃ DSC
Flash point :420~440℃ ASTMD1929
Ignition temperature :Not applicable
Density at 23℃ :
Solubility with water :Insoluble
10. Stability and reactivity
Stability :Stable
Thermal decomposition/conditions to be
avoided :No decomposition
dangerous products of decomposition :the thermal decomposition can produce fumes with carbon
11. Toxicologic information
Acute toxicity :
Primary irritant effect :
On the skin :No irradiation effect
Additional toxicological information :When used and handled properly according to the standard
conversion systems, the product dose not have any harmful
effects according to our experience and the information
provided to us.
12. Environmental protection
Environmental hazard Not applicable
13. Disposal considerations
Product Recommendation :Not applicable
14. Transport information
Land transport ADR/RID(cross-border) :Not applicable
Substance Index Number :
Maritime transport IMDG :
Correct technical name :
Transport/Additional information :Not classified as dangerous goods according to
International transport regulations
15. Regulatory information
Korea Std.Not applicable
US Std.Not applicable
16. Other information
The above information is based on data of which we are aware is believed to be correct as of the date hereof. Since the information contained herein may be applied under conditions beyond our control and with which we may be unfamiliar and since data made available subsequent to the date hereof may suggest modifications of the information, we do not assume any responsibility for the results of its use.
This information is furnished upon the condition that the person receiving it shall make his own determination of the suitability of the materical for his particular purpose.
Therefore, no warranty either expressed or implide of merchantability or fitness for particular purpose is made with respect to the product or the information contained herein.。
