




4 月11 日,第六届中国电子信息博览会在深圳落幕。

展会期间,显示半导体行业的发展是热议的焦点之一,京东方、LG Display(简称LGD)、夏普等企业均不遗余力地展示新的技术流产品。

展台上,8K 的液晶电视和OLED 电视均被摆放在关键位置,除了OLED 和量子点技术外,Micro LED、Mini LED 也多次被提及。


与此同时,《新型显示产业超越发展三年行动计划(2018-2020 年)》即将发布,该政策将助力国内显示产业完善产业配套、建设产业生态链。

此前,在《2010-2012 年平板显示产业发展规划》、《2014-2016 年新型显示产业创新发展行动计划》实施期间,国内显示产业规模迅速扩大。

4 月10 日,对于如何促进显示产业的进一步发展,工业和信息化部电子信息司司长乔跃山在显示产业的论坛上表示,其一,三年行动计划的初稿已出,通过审核后会尽快发布;其二,在强化4K 产业联盟方面,会持续推
进4K 内容建设;其三,要进一步完善5G 等产业配套以及硬件环境。


过,优化了传统液晶技术的Micro LED 和Mini LED 相关的研究也越来越多,除了京东方、富士康,国内的瑞丰光电、兆驰股份、国星光电等均对Micro LED 或Mini LED 有所布局。







同系列产品:98寸84寸4K2K高清商用液晶电视/触摸电视/裸眼3D电视新型FHD节能技术:能耗降30%产品名称98寸4K高清商用液晶显示器(智能款)产品型号SR980FHD (WLED) (韩国原装进口液晶面板)屏幕尺寸98inch QFHD屏幕类型IPS 液晶屏屏幕保护高透光、防震、抗炫晕钢化玻璃保护屏操作系统内置Android 4.1操作系统可安装上千款安卓应用软件存储空间内置4G存储可扩展至64G容量(约500部100分钟电影)办公无需电脑可直接操作多款office办公软件多媒体图片支持4K高清图片直接播放多媒体视频支持主流MP4、RMVB、AVI、MPEG、FLV等上千种视频格式网络支持WIFI无线网络接入和千兆以太网扩展功能1 RS232控制,方便接驳视频矩阵和多屏处理器及中控等设备扩展功能2 支持IPAD 手机控制开机、关机、频道切换、信道切换等功能扩展功能3 支持中控系统接入,可与会议室其它设备连接,同步控制功能(灯光控制、音响控制、话筒控制、窗帘控制、视频会议控制等)扩展功能4 配置多屏处理器,可以实现开窗、漫游、多画面分割功能音响系统内置高保真立体音响点距0.9405(H)x 0.9405(V)像素排列RGB垂直条状智显模式VGA、HDMI无线音视频传输互动模式支持键盘鼠标操作图像长宽比16:9响应时间8ms色彩8 BIT, 16.7 M亮度≤500cd/ m2对比度10000:1(透射)色温10000K扫描频率120Hz产品重量约:180kg产品尺寸2350×1400×100(mm)外壳五金抗氧化拉丝质感电源AC 100~240V,50/60,Universal,±10%功率580W(待机状态仅为0.1W)使用寿命80000小时(支持24小时开机不间断工作)物理分辨率(4K)3840 x 2160(QFHD)向下兼容安装方式壁挂式、支架式等自然参数节能、画质提升输入接口HDMIx3、VGAx2、4K高清x1、分量x1、PC AUDIOx2、RFx1、USBx3温度工作状态0~50℃储藏状态-20~70℃湿度工作状态20~80%储藏状态20~80%压力工作状态800~1114 hPa(海拔高度:0~2000m)储藏状态600~1114 hPa(海拔高度:0~4500m)产品功能说明★1、安全一体化设计,铝合金外框,机器面框前置式机械按键、机械按键采用嵌入式面框设计、不可以高处面框平面突起,确保在不同的环境下设备运行正常和自身的安全保护:a、安全防护设计,防撞伤设计,工业喷涂技术,光滑均匀,防尘,防潮处理,产品达到V-0阻燃等级要求,外观表面达到抗腐蚀性要求通过10级要求的盐雾试验;b、安全防雷设计,达到4kV 级别要求,信号端子口抗静电干扰确保外连设备间的信号稳定及设备安全;★2、液晶屏尺寸为≥100英寸;色彩度(最大):16.77M 真彩色(双通道8bit);显示屏类型: 3840*2160高清IPS液晶显示屏;亮度: ≥50360 cd/m2;对比度: ≥4000:1;视角(度): 178°;计算机兼容性: VGA/SVGA/XGA/SXGA/UXGA;★3、多媒体功能接口:TV-USB×1(支持MPEG-2,MPEG-4,H.264编码,支持格式:avi、mp4、ts、trp、mkv、mov、mpg、rm、rmvb、dat、vob、mp3、wma、aac、m4a、jpg、jpeg、bmp、png),CVBS×2(A V×1),HDMI×3,VGA×1,PCAUDIO×1,YPBPR×1,RF×1,,可扩展TV-USB×1,RS232×1,VGA×2,PCAUDIO×2;★4、输出接口:A VOUT×1,COAX×1,EARPHONE×1,可扩展HDMI×1,VGA×1;★5、按键面板前置和后置USB≥1★6、电视接收配置:图像制式PAL, NTSC/SECAM(Option);声音制式BG,DK,I,(M/N,L,L Option),频道存储:200个★7、高清信号接入, 即插即用,支持Windows8\7\Vista\XP\2003\2000\CE、Linux、MacOS 等操作系统,显示分辨率为1920X1080,响应时间:5ms;定位精度:±1.5mm;具有自动休眠功能,在不工作状态6分钟后进入休眠状态,延长使用寿命,该时间可以设置;★8、内置两个箱体功放音箱,喇叭最大输出功率15瓦,音频特性: 平衡,自动音量控制,丽音/双语/环绕立体声,光纤模式,均衡器。










在细节方面,夏普LCD-90LX740A电视的设计非常用心,电视机身前部的LOGO 不仅是机身品牌身份的象征,而且给人画龙点睛之感,在灯光的照耀下更显眼。



拥有这些,用户便可以在90英寸的大屏幕上浏览手夏普LCD-90LX740A 12万元机、硬盘、电脑、蓝光机等各种设备的内容,实现丰富的扩展体验。





2021年OLED产业研究报告一、OLED主流趋势显现1.1 OLED产业扬帆起航OLED(Organic Light-Emitting Diode)称为有机发光二极管,是继CRT与LCD技术后的第三代显示技术,具有自发光、每个像素独立照明等特性,广泛应用于手机、智能穿戴设备、笔电、平板等领域。













LG 商业电视 US770H 75英寸 NanoCell 显示器 产品说明说明书

LG 商业电视 US770H 75英寸 NanoCell 显示器 产品说明说明书

* 75 inch* All images are for illustrative purposes only.NanoCell TECHNOLOGY* 75 inch LG Conventional TV* Image shown is for illustrative purpose only. Real 4K Made by Pure ColorsNanoCell TV delivers a broad spectrum of colors and lifelike accuracy with advanced NanoCell technology, making LG Hotel TV virtually flawless. Discover brilliant and clear visual experience with the Real 4K that NanoCell TV delivers.* 75 inch* Image shown is for illustrative purpose only. Nano Bezel Adds Sophisticated AmbianceWith its minimal Nano Bezel, NanoCell is designed to blend into any interior and delivers an immersive and delicate viewing experience.Pro:Centric HOTEL MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONControl RoomServerIP or RFHotel Rooms* Image shown is for illustrative purpose only.Pro:Centric DirectThe hotel content management solution Pro:Centric Direct offers easy and simple editing tools, making it easy to perform service and IP network-based remote management. The Pro:Centric Direct solution enables users to easily edit their interface by providing a customized interface and efficiently manages TVs in the rooms. The current PCD version provides IoT-based in-room control as well as a voice control function through LG Natural Language Processing (NLP). These IoT and voice-related functions will be your starting point to prepare for the hotel rooms of the next generation through artificial intelligence.* Some devices may have limited compatibility with the IoT and Voice Control function.VALUE ADDED FEATURES* Image shown is for illustrative purpose only.More Innovative LG webOS 5.0Explore the latest LG Smart TV features. Newly added Mood Display & Gallery modes enable you to utilize the TV as a customized clock and a piece of artwork which harmonizes with your space and life.* Image shown is for illustrative purpose only.Soft APSoftware-enabled Access Point (Soft AP) is a "virtual" Wi-Fi feature that uses the TV as a wireless hotspot, enabling guests to connect their own devices to the Soft AP . It supports Bridge Mode, allowing administrators to manage in-room Soft AP information such as signal level, Soft AP passwords, etc.* Soft AP should be setup in the installation menu after the TV is turned on.* Smart Mirroring may not be operated at the same time.VALUE ADDED FEATURES* Image shown is for illustrative purpose only.Welcome ScreenWith the capability to display several images, LG CommercialTV allows for a greater variation in greeting messages in hotel rooms which make customers feel more welcomed and cared for.* Image shown is for illustrative purpose only.Public Display Mode (Hotel Mode)From channel selection to volume level, you can control the TV settings in business areas. It also enables you to restore default settings, as required, on the TVs.* Image shown is for illustrative purpose only.USB CloningUSB data cloning makes setting up multiple displays more efficient for optimal operation. Instead of setting up eachdisplay one by one, data can be copied to a USB for one display and can be sent to the other displays via USB plug-in.* Image shown is for illustrative purpose only.IR OutUsing the interactive set-top box, LG Commercial TVs can be controlled with a single remote control.* This feature may have a restriction depending on the TV models.PRODUCT INFORMATION* 75 inchDIMENSION(unit: mm)75"65"55"49"CONNECTIVITY75"VerticalLANAUX LAN ANTENNA/CABLE IN GAME CONTROL/M.P .I.OPTICAL DIGITAL AUDIO OUTTV-LINK CFG Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories, Dolby , Dolby Vision, Dolby Audio, Dolby Atmos, and the double - D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.Side65" / 55" / 49" RearSide* Dimensions & Jack Panels may differ from the above image, so please contact LG sales team to verify before ordering.DownloadLG C-Display+Mobile App Google Play Store/global/business/information-display /c/LGECommercialDisplay /LGInformationDisplay/company/lginformationdisplay /LG_ID_HQLG may make changes to specifications and product descriptions without notice.Copyright © 2020 LG Electronics Inc. All rights reserved. “LG Life’s Good” is a registered trademark of LG Corp. The names of products and brands mentioned here may be the trademarks of their respective owners.。



目录一、希沃 (1)70寸技术参数 (1)图片示例 (2)二、TCL (3)70寸技术参数 (3)图片示例 (4)65寸技术参数 (5)三、上海广电光显 (6)技术参数 (6)四、长虹 (7)65寸技术参数 (7)五、鸿合科技 (8)70寸技术参数 (8)六、创维光电 (8)70寸技术参数 (9)图片示例 (10)84寸技术参数 (11)65寸技术参数 (12)七、上海仙视 (12)70寸技术参数 (12)图片示例 (14)84寸技术参数 (15)八、夏普 (16)70寸技术参数 (16)80寸技术参数 (17)图片示例 (19)九、创显光电 (19)70寸技术参数 (20)84寸技术参数 (21)图片示例 (22)十、深圳中银科技 (23)70寸技术参数 (23)一、希沃70寸技术参数图片示例70寸图片165寸图片2二、TCL70寸技术参数图片示例70寸图片365寸图片465寸技术参数三、上海广电光显技术参数四、长虹65寸技术参数五、鸿合科技70寸技术参数产品规格:70英寸型号:HD-I7002E背光类型:LED显示比例:16:9可视角度:178°物理解析度:1920*1080Pixel图像制式/声音制式:PAL/DK,I3D功能:——工作电压:AC 90-265V,50/60Hz触摸表面材质:钢化玻璃感应方式:红外感应触摸技术特性:HID免驱触摸点数:多点触控,多点书写书写方式:手指或书写笔触摸分辨率:32767*32767通讯接口: USB存储温度/湿度:-20℃~60℃,10%~90% 工作温度/湿度:5℃~50℃,10%~90% 安装方式:壁挂或移动整机尺寸:1648.9*975.6*112.9mm重量:70KG六、创维光电70寸技术参数图片示例70寸图片565寸图片6七、上海仙视70寸技术参数图片示例八、夏普 70寸技术参数 电力消耗(W ) 230W 待机消耗功率(W ) 0.50电源要求 交流110-240V ,50Hz 屏幕显示语言 英文/中文(简体)/俄语 扬声器 (150mm×34mm )×2音频输出功率 10W×2(AV 输入,负载4欧姆,失真度为10%时) 电视调谐系统 自动预设99个频道视频彩色制式 PAL/SEAM/NTSC3.58/PAL60图像清晰度* RD 模拟信号:水平>=350,垂直>=400以上 SDTV :水平>=450,垂直>=450以上 背光源 LED 重量kg 57.5KG 外型尺寸(cm )宽×深×高 1.625 ×106 ×993mm液晶显示屏 X-GEN 面板分辨力1920(水平)×1080(垂直)下面-数字(天线输入)UHF/VHF 75q DIN 型插座下面-模拟(天线输UHF/VHF 75q DIN 型插座入)后面ー音频输入 HDMI2/电脑共用(直径3.5mm 插孔)RS-232C 9针D-sub 凸型插头电脑 15针小型D-sub,音频输入(与HDMI2共用)(直径3.5mm 插孔)后面—输入5 视频输入,音频输入后面—输入4色差输入(480I,576I,480P,576P,720P/50Hz,720P/60Hz, 1080I/50Hz,10080I/60Hz ),音频输入 后面-HDMI3HDMI(HDMI 输入)(480I,576I,480P,576P,720P/50Hz, 720P/60Hz,1080I50Hz,1080I/60Hz,1080P/50Hz, 1080P/60Hz,1080P/24Hz )侧面-HDMI2HDMI(HDMI 输入)(480I,576I,480P,576P,720P/50Hz720P/60Hz,1080I/50Hz,1080I/60Hz,1080P/50Hz,1080P/60Hz1080P/24Hz)音频输入(与电脑输入公用)(直径3.5mm 插孔))侧面-HDMI 1(ARC )HDMI(HDMI 输入)(480I,576I,480P,576P,720P/50Hz,720P/60Hz,1080I/50Hz,1080I/60Hz,1080P/50Hz,1080P/60Hz,1080P/24Hz ) 侧面-USB2(HDD ) USB2.0 前面 USB12.0侧面ー音频输出/耳机 直径3.5 插孔(音频输出)接收频道 VHF/UHF C1・C12・C13-C57 CATV SECAM/NTSC3.58/PAL60立体声/双语 丽音(NICAM )B/G ,I ,D/K A2 立体声:B/G 接收频率 模拟ATV 44.25-863.25MHz 数字DTV 55.25-863.25MHz电视制式 PAL :B/G,D/K ,I SECAM :B/G,D/K,K/K1 NTSC :M电源 由USB 提供操作系统 Win XP,Win CE,Vista,Win7,Linux,Mac,Android,Win8检测区域 153.9×86.6cmPC 连接器 USB (兼容1.1)书写方式 手指或非透明触控笔触摸定位精度 ± 2mm响应速度(单点连续) 4ms (典型值)触摸点数 6点检测方法 红外线阻隔检测方法80寸技术参数 基本规格电力消耗(W ) 260 待机消耗功率(W ) 0.50 能效指数(EEILCD ) 1.4分辨力1920(水平)×1080(垂直)外型尺寸(cm )宽×深×高 187.6×11.6×113.3液晶显示屏X超晶面板端子DVI-D 端口 1音频输出端子(HP) 1光纤数字音频输出 1Y,Pb,Pr输入端子 1USB端口 2RS-232C端口 1PC输入 1LAN(网络) 无HDMI端口 3复合视频输入端子 2声音声音输出(w) 10W+10W智能光控(opc) 有立体环绕SRS TruSurround HD图片示例九、创显光电图片示例十、深圳中银科技70寸技术参数。

Philips 8200系列4K UHD LED Android TV 164 cm (65英寸)

Philips 8200系列4K UHD LED Android TV 164 cm (65英寸)

Philips 8200 series4K UHD LED Android TV164 cm (65")Major HDR formats supported P5 Perfect Picture Engine65PUT82154K UHD LED Android TVwith P5 Perfect Picture EngineFamily movie night. The big game. Whatever the occasion, settle down to superb picture quality and great sound. This TV makes all your content look great,Freeview TV | Network channels•Freeview Plus (Australia)•Freeview ( New Zealand )Slim TV. Beautiful light.•Bright 4K LED TV. Vibrant HDR picture. Smooth motion.Smooth motion. Real color. Incredible depth.•Philips P5 Engine. Whatever the source, always perfection.•Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos. Cinematic vision and sound.Android TV-content at your command•Google Play store and Philips app gallery. More to love.•Android TV. Simply smart.•Google Assistant. Control the TV with your voice.•DTS Play-Fi. Multi-room audio.HighlightsFreeview Plus (Australia)Never miss a thing with Freeview! Find out what's on now, next or over the next 7 days with the easy to use TV guide. Looking for your favourite show? Use Search for quick access to all your favourite on demand from ABC iview, SBS On Demand, 7+, 9Now and 10 Play. All in one place, all for free.Freeview ( New Zealand )Freeview brings together the best channels and an 8-day TV guide, all free on your TV. You can watch your favourite shows, stay informed with NZ news and current affairs, or channel-surf your heart out - all subscription-free.P5 Perfect Picture EngineThe Philips P5 engine delivers a picture as brilliant as the content you love. Details have noticeably more depth. Colors are vivid, while skin tones look natural. Contrast is so crisp you'll feel every detail. Motion is perfectly smooth.Dolby Vision and Dolby AtmosSupport for Dolby's premium sound and video formats means the HDR content you watch will look-and sound-gloriously real. Whether it's the latest streaming series or a Blu-Ray disc set, you'll enjoy contrast, brightness, and color that reflect the director's original intentions. And hear spacious sound with clarity, detail, and depth.TV ContentGo beyond traditional TV programming with Google Play Store and Philips App Gallery. Experience endless movies, TV, music, apps and games online. More to love.Android TVMake your Philips Android TV your own. If it's all about Amazon and YouTube this week, and Netflix next week-no problem. A clear,intuitive interface lets you put the content you love front and center. Easily pick up where you left off in the latest series, or check out the new movie releases.Google AssistantControl your Philips Android TV with your voice. Want to play a game, watch Netflix, or find content and apps in the Google Play store? Just tell your TV. You can even command allGoogle Assistant-compatible smart home devices-like dimming the lights and setting the thermostat on movie night. Without leaving the sofa.4K UHDBright 4K LED TV. Vibrant HDR picture. Smooth motion.A Philips 4K UHD TV brings content to life with rich colors and crispcontrast. Images have more depth, and motion is smooth. Movies, shows, games, and more look great no matter the source.DTS Play-FiWith DTS Play-Fi on your Philips TV you can connect to compatible speakers in any room. Got wireless speakers in the kitchen? Listen to the movie while you make a snack, or keep up with the sports commentary while you geteveryone a drink.Issue date 2022-05-16 Version: 10.7.112 NC: 8670 001 69299 EAN: 87 18863 02551 2© 2022 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.SpecificationsPicture/Display•Display: 4K Ultra HD LED•Panel resolution: 3840x2160•Aspect ratio: 16:9•Pixel engine: P5 Perfect Picture Engine •Picture enhancement: Micro Dimming Pro, Ultra ResolutionSupported Display Resolution •Computer inputs on all HDMI: HDR supported, HDR10/ HLG, up to 4K UHD 3840x2160 @60Hz •Video inputs on all HDMI: up to 4K UHD3840x2160@60Hz, HDR10/HLG (Hybrid Log Gamma), HDR10+/Dolby VisionAndroid TV•OS: Android TV™ 9 (Pie)•Pre-installed apps: Google Play Movies*, Google Play Music*, Google Search, YouTube •Memory size(Flash): 16GB*•Memory size to install apps: 5GBSmart TV Features•User Interaction: SimplyShare•Program: Pause TV, USB recording*•Ease of Installation: Auto detect Philips devices, Network installation wizard, Settings assistant wizard•Ease of Use: One-stop smart menu button, Onscreen usermanual•Firmware upgradeable: Firmware auto upgrade wizard, Firmware upgradeable via USB, Online firmware upgrade•Screen Format Adjustments: Basic - Fill Screen, Fit to screen, Advance - Shift, Zoom, stretch •Philips TV Remote app*: Apps, Channels, Control, TV GuideProcessing•Processing Power: Quad CoreTuner/Reception/Transmission•HEVC support•Digital TV: DVB-T/T2•MPEG Support: MPEG2, MPEG4•Video Playback: NTSC, PAL, SECAM•TV Program guide*: 8 day Electronic Program Guide•Signal strength indication Connectivity•Number of HDMI connections: 4•Number of USBs: 2•Wireless connections: Bluetooth 4.2, Wi-Fi802.11n, 2x2, Dual band•Other connections: Digital audio out (optical),Ethernet-LAN RJ-45, Headphone out•HDMI features: 4K, Audio Return Channel•EasyLink (HDMI-CEC): Remote control pass-through, System audio control, System standby,One touch play•HDCP 2.2: Yes on all HDMIMultimedia Applications•Video Playback Formats: Containers: AVI, MKV,H264/MPEG-4 AVC, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4,WMV9/VC1, VP9, HEVC (H.265)•Subtitles Formats Support: .SRT, .SUB, .TXT, .SMI•Music Playback Formats: AAC, MP3, WAV, WMA(v2 up to v9.2), WMA-PRO (v9 and v10)•Picture Playback Formats: JPEG, BMP, GIF, PNG,360 photo, HEIFPower•Mains power: AC 220 - 240 V 50/60Hz•Ambient temperature: 5 °C to 35 °C•Power Saving Features: Auto switch-off timer,Light sensor, Picture mute (for radio)Sound•Output power (RMS): 16W•Sound Enhancement: Clear Sound, Smart Sound,Auto Volume Leveler, Dolby Atmos•Speaker configuration: 2x8W full range speakerDimensions•Box dimensions(W x H x D):1600.0 x 995.0 x 174.0 mm•Set dimensions(W x H x D):1446.3 x 843.7 x 78.6 mm•Set dimensions with stand (W x H x D):1446.3 x 908 x 287 mm•Product weight: 18 kg•Product weight (+stand): 18.4 kg•Weight incl. Packaging: 25.1 kg•VESA wall mount compatible: 300 x 300 mmAccessories•Included accessories: Remote Control, Quick startguide, Legal and safety brochure, Power cord,Table top stand•Included batteries: 2 x AAA BatteriesSmart TV•SmartTV apps*: Netflix*EPG and actual visibility (up to 8 days) is country and operatordependent.*Android App offerings vary per country. For more details please visityour local Google Play Store.*The TV supports DVB reception for 'Free to air' broadcast. SpecificDVB operators may not be supported. An up to date list can befound in the FAQ section of the Philips support website. For someoperators Conditional Access and subscripction are required.Contact your operator for more information.*Philips TV Remote app and related functionalities vary per TV model,operator, and country, as well as smart device model and OS. Formore details please visit: /TVRemoteapp.*Smart TV app offerings vary per TV model and country. For moredetails please visit: /smarttv.*Please note that your Amazon Apps may not always be available inyour country. (Currently Amazon apps works only in UK, Germany,Austria)*Its functionality is subject to ChromeCast built-in apps and smartdevises. For more details, please visit ChromeCast built-in productpages.*Image depicted on the website are non-contractual pictures. Pleasealways refer to the actual TV that are sold in the retail or stores.。

LG LED LCD TV 42LV5400 42英寸类 1080p LED LCD TV (42.

LG LED LCD TV 42LV5400 42英寸类 1080p LED LCD TV (42.

42L LG’s LED technology provides a slim profile and delivers amazing brightness, clarity and color detail, as well as greater energy efficiency compared toconventional LCD TVs.TruMotion 120Hz technology lets you see sports, video games and high-speed action with virtually no motion blur. Now your TV can keep up withyour fast- moving entertainment.A revolutionary, easy way to access virtually limitless content, thousands of movies, customizable apps, videos and browse the web all organized in a simple to use interface.IS IT A TV? OR SOMETHING BETTER?Dazzling LED picture quality? Check. Nearly unlimited entertainment and apps straight from the Internet to your TV with LG Smart TV? Affirmative. Perfect for fast action and sports with TruMotion 120Hz? Oh yeah. If you're looking for an outstanding TV that's going to take your entertainment to the next level, you've found it with the LV5400.FEATURES• LG Smart TV 1• LED Backlighting • TruMotion 120Hz• Wi-Fi® Ready (Adapter Included)• Magic Motion Remote Compatible (Sold seperately)• Full HD 1080p Resolution • DLNA Certified®• ENERGY STAR® Qualified • Picture Wizard II • Intelligent Sensor • Smart Energy Saving • ISFccc® ReadyLG Electronics U.S.A., Inc.1000 Sylvan Avenue Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632Customer Service and Technical Support: (800) 243-0000PANEL SPECIFICATIONSScreen Size 42" Class (42.0" measured diagonally)Resolution1920 x 1080p TruMotion (Frame Rate)120Hz Contrast Ratio (DCR)5,000,000:1BROADCASTING SYSTEMAnalog NTSCDigitalATSC/NTSC/Clear QAM (1 Tuner)VIDEOXD Engine•Aspect Ratio Correction 5 Modes (16:9/Just Scan/Original/4:3/Cinema Zoom)Color T emperature Control 3 Modes (Warm/Medium/Cool)Picture Mode 7 Modes (Intelligent Sensor/Vivid/Standard/Cinema/Game/isf Expert 1/isf Expert 2)Just Scan 0% OverScanHDMI 1080p/1080i/720p Component 1080p/1080i/720p RF1080i/720p24p Real Cinema (24p 5:5/2:2 Pull Down)• (HDMI 1080 24p)Expert Mode/ISFccc Ready •xvYCC•AV Mode (Picture & Sound)• (Cinema/Game/Sport)Picture Wizard II (Easy Self Calibration)•AUDIOMono/Stereo/Dual (MTS/SAP)•Audio Output (Watts - THD 10%)10W + 10W Speaker System 1 Way 2 Speakers Dolby Digital Decoder •Surround System Infinite Surround Bass/Treble/Balance •Auto Volume Leveler •Sound Mode 5 Modes (Standard/Music/Cinema/Game/Sports)Clear Voice II•CONNECTIVITYLG Smart TV •LG App Store •Web Browser •Wi-Fi® Ready • (Adapter Included)DLNA Certified®• (Movie/Photo/Music)Windows 7 Certified •SIMPLINK (HDMI CEC)•Wireless HD Ready (2D Only)•SPECIAL FEATURESMagic Motion Remote • (Not Included)Smart Energy Saving •Intelligent Sensor •1080p Source InputHDMI 60p/30p/24p Component 60p/30p/24p RGB60p (WXGA)AV Input Navigation •Input Labeling •Child Lock •Closed Caption•CONVENIENCE FEATURESLanguageEnglish/Spanish/French/Korean Auto Tuning/Programming •Channel Add/Delete•CONVENIENCE FEATURES (Continued)Favorite Channel Programming •Auto/Manual Clock •On/Off Timer •Sleep Timer •Auto Off/Auto Sleep•AV INPUTS/OUTPUTSRF In (Antenna/Cable) 1 (Rear)AV In2 (Rear)Component Video In (Y , Pb, Pr) + Audio 2 (Rear)HDMI™/HDCP Input 4 (Side)USB 2.02 (Side)Digital Audio Out (Optical) 1 (Rear)RGB In (D-Sub 15 Pin) - PC 1 (Rear)PC Audio Input 1 (Rear)LAN1 (Rear)RS-232C (Control/Service) 1 (Rear)Headphone Out 1 (Rear)Wireless Control1 (Rear)CABINETSwivel20º/20ºVESA Compatible • (400mm x 400mm)Remote ControlStandard (Backlit)POWERENERGY STAR® Qualified •Voltage. Hz 100V ~ 240V, 50/60Hz Consumption (Max.)155W Consumption (Average)125W Standby Mode<0.1WDIMENSIONS/WEIGHTTV without Stand (WxHxD)39.8" x 24.3" x 1.2"TV with Stand (WxHxD)39.8" x 26.9" x 10.0"Shipping Dimensions (WxHxD)46.5" x 29.3" x 4.3"TV without Stand Weight 29.1 lbs TV with Stand Weight 34.2 lbs Shipping Weight41.2 lbsWARRANTY/UPCLimited Warranty 1 Year Parts & Labor UPC71919257994142L V540042” Class 1080p LED LCD TVDesign, features and specifications are subject to change without notice. Non-metric weights and measurements are approximate.© 2011 LG Electronics USA, Inc. All rights reserved. “LG Life’s Good” is a registered trademark of LG Corp. All other product and brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. 03/22/111Internet connection & subscriptions required and sold separately. The Magic Motion Remote does not come equipped with all LG Smart TV enabled TVs and a separate purchase maybe required. The Hulu Plus service is projected to be available via a firmware update in June 2011. The LG web browser does not support Flash 10 or HTML 5, therefore, access to certain web content may be limited or unavailable.。

LG 液晶电视机 32LS3158-CB 使用说明书

LG 液晶电视机 32LS3158-CB 使用说明书
• 建议每年一次联络服务中心清理电视机内部。 聚集的灰尘可能引起机械故障。
• 向服务中心要求维修服务。不论电视机因何种方式损坏,如电源线或插头 损坏,液体流入或物体落入电视机内,电视机暴露在雨中或潮湿的地方后 无法正常使用,电视机跌落,都可以邀请维修。
• 冷机状态下打开电视机时可能会出现些微“闪烁”,这是正常现象,电视 机没有故障。
• 长时间显示一个固定图像(如广播频道标识、屏幕菜单、电视游戏场景) 可能损伤屏幕,导致图像残留,这就是图像拖尾。 图像拖尾不会覆盖在电视机上。 避免观看一个固定图像超过一小时。 如果长时间使用4:3的画面比率观看电视,面板边缘可能发生图像拖尾。 这种现象也可能出现在第三方产品中,不能退换。
• 杂音 “破裂”声:观看电视或关闭电视机时,塑料因为温度和湿度的原因发热 收缩从而产生破裂声,这是会发生热变形的产品的普遍现象。 电路或面板的“嗡嗡”声:电路高速开关过程中产生的大量电流会导致低 频噪音,这种情况因产品不同而有所差异。 产生的杂音不影响电视机性能。
输入 / 快捷菜单 / AV 模式 /节目列表/ 喜爱节目/Simplink 28 基本功能设置介绍 图像设置 / 声音设置 / 搜台设置 / 时间设置 / 锁定 / 选项设置 / 客户支持
40 使用 USB 设备 41 浏览文件 42 影片列表 44 图片列表 46 音乐列表
48 观看 3D 影像注意事项 49 观看 3D 视频 49 3D 选项设置 50 3D 影像支持文件格式 50 HDMI-PC模式
• 请使用制造商指定配件或附件。
• 请由专业人员安装天线。 可能发生火灾或电击。
5~7 times
• 我们建议您在观看电视时最少与电视机保持屏幕对角线尺寸2到7倍的距离。

LG OLED电视产品说明书

LG OLED电视产品说明书

© 2018 LG Electronics USA, Inc. All rights reserved. “LG Life’s Good” is a registered trademark of LG Corp. All other product and brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Design, features and specifications are subject to change without notice. Non-metric weights and measurements are approximate. Some features may require Internet access. Content and services may vary by product and are subject to change without notice. 02/08/18Ultra-Thin Cinema ScreenThe Best TV Ever just got even better with the new LG OLED-exclusive α9 intelligent processor, LG ThinQ AI, and 4K Cinema HDR, plus Dolby Atmos® audio. The Blade Slim design accentuates the LG OLED screen without distraction from the LG ThinQ AI4K Cinema HDRLG—the industry leaders of OLED TVs—made the Best TV Ever even better by developing the α9 Intelligent Processor. LG’s most powerful processor provides true-to-life images with incredibly rich colors, sharpness and depth for LG ThinQ AI televisions become the hub for all of your connected smart devices. Beyond apps and entertainment, LG ThinQ AI uses intelligent voice control with Google Home built in, plus Amazon Echo compatibility to create a Smart TV platform for the Internet of Things.LG OLED TVs support the most premium content choices, all optimized scene-by-scene. The comprehensive high dynamic range lineup now includes cinema-standard Dolby Vision®, Advanced HDR by Technicolor®—the movie industry’s color experts—plus HDR10 and HLG.Bring big-screen surround sound to the living room: crickets chirping all around, a monster roaring from behind, or a plane soaring overhead. Dolby Atmos® creates a more detailed sound experience that appears to come from everywhere for a wonderfully realistic, immersive experience.Disclaimer: Dolby, Dolby Atmos and the double-D symbol are registered trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. Ultra-Thin Cinema ScreenA beautifully slender bezel accentuates the premium LG OLED screen along the four sides without distraction from the breathtaking picture.55"OLED C8PUA Series4K HDR Smart AI OLED TV w/ThinQSPECIFICATIONS。


2013年1月,LG电子在CES上全球首次发 布LG曲面OLED电视,这表明全球进入了大尺 寸OLED时代。9月13日,LG电子在北京召开电 视新品发布会,推出中国第一款LG曲面OLED 电视——LG55EA9800-CA,这标志着中国的 OLED电视时代正式来临。
等离子电视 败退原因
从产品本身来讲,等离子的表现甚至好于液晶,至 于在市场上最后落后于液晶,很重要的原因就是等离子 过去的心态过于保守。十几年前这两大技术刚刚开始兴 起的时候,还看不出哪种技术能代表未来平板电视发展 方向。以松下为主的等离子的阵营在发展过程当中采取 了相对比较保守的战略,比如不愿意跟别人分享它的技 术,不愿意跟别人分享面板资源,导致加入这个阵营的 企业越来越少。而液晶产业相对是一个比较开放的心态, 技术可以共享,这样就导致加入液晶阵营的企业越来越 多。而且,液晶面板可以在智能手机、电脑和平板电脑 上使用,这不仅扩大了其规模优势,也给它们的库存和 过期技术找到了消化的途径,同时也有效摊薄了成本。
早期LCD液晶电视,其成像原理是通过电视 内部的CCFL灯管(冷阴极荧光灯管,也就是我们 常见的日光灯)照明。由于受到灯管体积的限制, 因此电视厚度都不太理想。不过,相比传统的 CRT电视,已经让很多用户为之心动。
LED电视其实与LCD电视在显示技术上并 没有本质上的区别,同样采用了不能自发光 的液晶显示技术,只是更换了液晶显示屏背 后的背光源。相对于lcd的荧光灯管背光源, led电视使用led灯珠,色彩显示更加细腻,在 色彩饱和度提升之外,画面的动态调整可以 使得在显示不同画面时,亮度与对比可以动 态修正,以达到更好的画质。

LG OLED电视机参数说明说明书

LG OLED电视机参数说明说明书

LG OLED TV's perfect-black screens and self-lighting pixels provide optimum pictureperformance with over 1 billion vividly explosive colours.OLED DisplayActive HDR dynamically enhances the contrast detail of all content scene-by-scene and incorporates industry-leading Dolby Vision™ HDR technology. Combined with stunning colours, LG OLED TVs deliver a truly cinematic viewing experience.Active HDR -with Dolby Vision™The 60W eight speaker Dolby Atmos® sound bar is integrated with the Wallpaper TV to create a rich and atmospheric sound.Dolby Atmos® Sound barLG Smart TV webOS delivers an incredible range of streamed content including Netflix, Stan, Amazon Video and YouTube. Used in conjunction with the LG Magic Remote, it's easy to point, click and select your favourite shows.Smart TV*LG SIGNATURE Wallpaper TV incorporates a 6mm thin, perfect black OLED screen, Dolby Atmos® sound and an image that displays over 1 billion explosive colours.* Internet connection & streaming services membership (where applicable) required. Internet usage charges and conditions apply.Freeview Plus uses HbbTV technology which combines broadcast and broadband streaming. Contents and features will vary from time to time without notice. webOS internet browser supports HTML5, VP9 and HEVC.OLED77W7TLG SIGNATURE OLED TV WPicture and Display QualityOLED Panel (Self Lighting)4K UHD (3840 x 2160)Active HDR (High Dynamic Range)Dolby Vision™Perfect BlackEnhanced Motion Clarity Infinite Contrast Ratio Wide Colour GamutConvenience FeaturesOLED GalleryMagic Remote & Voice Commands Quad-Core ProcessorSmart Share (Intel's WiDi, Miracast)Time Machine Compatible HDR Game Mode Multi ViewSmart TV FeaturesLG Smart TV -webOS 3.5Netflix, Stan, Amazon Video, YouTube Netflix Recommended TV FreeviewPlusAudio60W Total OutputDolby Atmos® Sound barOverview* Internet connection & streaming services membership (where applicable) required. Internet usage charges and conditions apply. Freeview Plus uses HbbTV technology which combines broadcast and broadband streaming. Contents and features will vary from time to time without notice.webOS internet browser supports HTML5, VP9 and HEVC.DISPLAY & PICTURE QUALITY SMART SHAREScreen Type OLED Network File Browser ●Screen size 77" (195cm)Miracast 8●Resolution3840 x 2160Intel® Wireless Display (WiDi)9●Field Refresh Rate (Hz)-Smartphone Remote App 10LG TV Plus Response TimeLess than 1msAUDIO FEATURES HDR10 - High Dynamic Range 1●Audio Output 60WDolby Vision ™●Speaker System 3 way 8 speaker (4 x Tweeters, 2 x Mid-range, 2 xWoofers)HLG (Hybrid Log Gamma)●Audio Decoder WMA/MPEG-1/MPEG-2/MP3/Dolby Digital/Dolby Digital Plus/LPCM/ADPCM/DTS/DTS-HD/AAC/Dolby Atmos®Wide Colour Gamut●Surround Mode ULTRA SurroundNano Cell Display Technology -Dolby Atmos®●Backlight Type None harman/kardon® design -Perfect Black ●Sound Modes 6 (Standard, Cinema, Clear Voice III, Cricket, Music,Game)Local Dimming ● (Pixel)Magic Sound Tuning ●ULTRA Luminance ●Smart Sound Mode●Screen Design Flat Sound Sync Wireless (Bluetooth)11●Colour Bit Depth 10-bit Audio Return Channel (ARC)12● (HDMI 2)Colour Master Engine ●CONNECTIONS Picture Modes 9 (Vivid, Standard, APS, Cinema, Cricket, Game, HDR Effect, ISF Bright Room, ISF Dark Room)HDMI 2.0a 13● (4)HDR Picture Modes5 (Vivid, Standard, Cinema Home, Cinema, Game)USB 3.0 Input ● (1)Dolby Vision ™ Picture Modes 5 (Vivid, Standard, Cinema Home, Cinema, Game)USB 2.0 Input● (2)SDR>HDR Converter ●RF Antenna Input● (1)HDR Game Mode ●Component/Composite Input ● (Phone Jack Type - Shared Audio)Processor Quad-CoreHeadphone (3.5mm) Output ● (1)TunerMPEG-2/4 DVB-T2 (Single)Digital (Optical) Audio Output ● (1)Resolution Upscaling ● (6-Step)LAN Port● (1)CONVENIENCE FEATURES DIMENSIONS / REGULATORY Magic Remote ● (Premium)TV with Stand (WxHxD)Panel: 1721mm x 989mm x 6mm Soundbar: 1460mm x 84mm x 208mmAdditional Remote ●TV without Stand (WxHxD)N/AVoice Commands 2●Net Weight with Stand (kg)Panel: 12.3kg Soundbar: 13.1kg Wall Bracket: 5.0kgUSB Video Playback FormatsASF/WMV/AVI (Xvid, H.264/AVC)/MP4/M4v/MOV (H.264, MPEG-4, HEVC)/ MKV (MPEG-2, MPEG-4, H.264, VP8, VP9, HEVC) /TS/TRP/TP/MTS/MPG/MPEG/DAT/VOB/HEVC(Up to 4096x2160p@60p 50Mbps)Net Weight without Stand (kg)N/AUSB Music Playback Formats MP3/WAV/WMA/OGG/FLACCarton (WxHxD)1923mm x 1222mm x 330mmUSB Photo Playback Formats JPEG/PNG/BMPGross Weight of Carton (kg)49.3kgUser Guide (Built-in)●VESA sizeWall Bracket supplied with TVTime Machine Compatible 3●Energy Star Rating 4 Stars Time Shift 3●EAN8806084441775Universal Remote Feature 4●WARRANTY EPG (SI - 8 days)●Warranty Period1 Year Warranty - Parts and LabourOLED Gallery ●FURTHER INFORMATIONMulti-View ●Magic Zoom●Simplink (HDMI CEC)●SMART TV FEATURES Smart TV Operating System 5webOS 3.5Wi-Fi Built-In ● (802.11ac)4K UHD Streaming 7●Web Browser 5●FreeviewPlus (HbbTV)6●Netflix7●Netflix Recommended TV 7●My Channels●1 Supports HDR10 format, via HDMI, USB and selected streaming services.2 Voice recognition feature is not available in all languages and dialects. Actual performance may vary depending on the language spoken and surrounding environment including ambient noise.3 Dedicated USB Hard Drive (min. 40GB) required for longer recordings and live playback function (sold separately).4 Some brands not supported, check website for details: w /appspc/oss/support.lge5 Internet connection required. Internet usage charges and conditions apply. webOS internet browser supports HTML5, VP9 and HEVC.6 FreeviewPlus uses HbbTV technology which combines broadcast and internet streaming. Internet connection is required. Data usage charges and conditions apply.7 Netflix provides content in SD, HD and 4K Ultra HD. Netflix requires a steady internet connection speed of at least 25mbps to stream 4K Ultra HD content, otherwise content will be downscaled to either HD or SD quality based on the available bandwidth. Speeds of 25mbps available in limited locations and may vary depending on time of day. Please check with your internet service provider to confirm the bandwidth speed for your connection. Data usage charges apply. 8 Miracast compatible Android device required for this feature. 9 Intel's WiDi enabled PC must be in range of the TV.10 'LG TV Plus' on compatible Android devices (minimum Android version 4.2) and iOS devices (minimum iOS version 6.1). Device must be in range, on the same Wi-Fi network as the TV. 11 Uses Bluetooth® 3.0 technology to send audio to compatible LG home audio products. 12 Designed to work with compatible LG Audio only.13 HDMI ports support HDCP 2.2 and 60fps @ 2160p.All product specifications correct at time of printing. Specifications may change without prior notice. Customers are advised to check with your retailer before purchase.OLED77W7TLG SIGNATURE OLED TV W。

LG UP80 UHD TV商品介绍说明书

LG UP80 UHD TV商品介绍说明书

UP80UHD TV with LG AI ThinQWhether it's cinema, sports or games, UHD TV displays realistic images with vivid colour, fine detail and up to four times the pixels of Full HD. Take your entertainment to a new level 2.*Native 4K content is required for full 4K resolution effect.Real 4K UHD. Unreal immersion *LG AI ThinQ is here to maximise your smart TV experience. Use yourfavourite voice assistant to control your TV, and discover the convenience of an all-new Home screen.12Think you know smart? Think againUnlock the brightness, colour and detail in High Dynamic Range 1movies and games. Cinema HDR helps reveal the enhanced picture quality of Dolby Vision and other HDR10 content, so that images look as close as possible to how they were mastered.Cinema HDR Original colours13/05/2021Version 286"Stunning TV, powered by technology. The α7 Gen4 AI processor at the core of NanoCell uses machine learning algorithms to analyse and optimise your entertainment. With automatic adjustments to picture and sound, whatever you watch can appear spectacular.2α7 Gen4 AI Processor 4K Powerful to the coreDive into the latest movies, TV shows, documentaries, live sports and more, with Disney+, Stan, Amazon Prime, Optus Sports, the Apple TV app, Foxtel, and Netflix. It's all in the one place, so just sit back and enjoy.12 13 15Entertainment. Home to all your Favourites86UP80。



LG酒店电视新品L Y340C引领入住宜居体验随着酒店行业的快速发展,入住客人要求不断提高,作为全球商用电视领域的市场领导者,LG电子一直秉承“专业、创新”的理念,凭借丰富完整的电视产品线和整体解决方案,不但为入住客人带来宾至如归的舒适体验,更是有效提高酒店服务品质,引领极致视听体验和完美入住体验的新潮流。

近日,LG电子为酒店行业量身定制最新推出酒店电视产品L Y340C,轻薄外观设计之外蕴藏无穷魅力,拥有1920*1080全高清分辨率,可提供细腻的画质表现,带给用户更为震撼的视觉体验。



图:LG商用电视L Y340C人性化欢迎界面提升入住体验一家酒店能否给客人留下美好印象,能否让老顾客口碑宣传,细节表现至关重要。

LG L Y340C商用电视提供人性化设置功能为入住客人量身定制欢迎画面,当旅客初入房间时看到电视屏幕正显示亲切温暖的问候语和专属的个人信息时,一定倍感温馨,并被这份细致入微的关怀所打动,由此不仅为宾客营造更好的入住氛围,更是有助酒店用户提高顾客品牌忠实度。

图:LG L Y340C欢迎画面有效提升客人入住体验为满足酒店内不同应用场所的使用需求,LGL Y340C系列覆盖了32英寸到60英寸六款不同尺寸,带给客人不一样的使用体验,更好的服务于酒店行业。



图:LG L Y340C多媒体娱乐功能为酒店服务增值图:MHL共享视频内容智能分享体验LG L Y340C的“频道地图”功能方便入住客人在一个频道列表上编辑和添加各种类型的频道节目,这样客人在众多信号源之间便可轻松切换了。

Hisense Google TV U7系列4K电视65寸说明书

Hisense Google TV U7系列4K电视65寸说明书

U7 Series Quantum Hisense Google TVModel 65U7Hinches65The entertainment you love. With a little help from Google. Google TV brings together movies, shows, live TV and more from across your apps and subscriptions and organizes them just for you. Discover new things to watch with recommendations based on what you watch and what interests you, from across your subscriptions and content available to you. Ask Google to find movies and shows, answer questions, control smart home devices, and more, with your voice. And with the Google TV app you can watch anywhere, anytime.The 2022 Hisense U7H series is packed with features for tech, content, and gaming fans alike. ULED technology improves picture depth, clarity, color accuracy and motion delivering a unique experience only found in Hisense ULED television sets. The U7H gets a user interface and content upgrade with Google TV which can be accessed hands-free through the in-bezel microphones and, for gamers, there’s not only 480 motion rate but 4k 120Hz variable refresh rate, Dolby Vision Gaming, FreeSyncPremium and auto-low latency game mode to maximize the next-generation console experience. The Hisense U7H’s picture quality and extensive list of features make it one of the most affordable premium televisions available.Game Mode ProAll the most advanced gaming tech, all in this TV. HDMI 2.1 inputs recognize gaming sequences to automatically adjust settings for smooth, uninterrupted play. The automatic low-latency mode (ALLM), 120Hz variable refresh rate (VRR) minimize input lag, screen jitter, and frame tearing.Quantum Dot Wide Color GamutQuantum Dot produces purer, richer, more brilliant and accurate colors than a regular LED TV. Creating over a billion color combinations bring vibrant images to life in a way non-QLED TVs can’t.Dolby Vision ™• Dolby Atmos®Dolby Vision HDR * picture and Dolby Atmos sound are cinema technology for your home. They provide amazing realism you can see and hear in every scene.Peak Brightness/Full Array Local Dimming ZonesThe average TV is 250-350 nits. Anything over 500 nits is extremely good. This television is up-to-1000nits peak brightness across up-to-120 local dimming zones. Above average peak brightness and local dimming are critical to correctly reproducing HDR content.Smooth Motion and 120Hz Native refresh rateSmooth Motion removes the digital ‘noise’ that can affect moving objects. The TV’s native 120Hz refresh rate is the foundation for its 480motion rate. These technologies work in concert to make fast-action scenes to ensure moving objects have minimal blurring.Google AssistantThe Google Assistant* is built into Google TV. Tell it to turn on the lights,change the thermostat, add stuff to your grocery list, or just play that video of your friend falling over for the millionth time. And with universal search, you can even get recommendations with Google TV.Voice RemoteThe voice remote control makes controlling your TV easier. Open apps, turn the volume up or down, search for your favourite shows. And if the actual remote goes missing, use the buttons on the TV to activate ‘Find My Remote’. Works with AlexaThis television works with Alexa through any of your Alexa-enabled devices. Just ask Alexa to switch the TV on or off, change channels and lots more.*Google Assistant-compatible products required to use voice commands*HDR viewing experience will vary by model, content availability and internet connection.4K ULED ™Hisense’s proprietary ULED technologies boost color, contrast, brightness, and motion. This suite of patented hardware and software technologies delivers an engaging and completely unique picture that can only be delivered by Hisense.Dolby Vision GamingThis television can support Dolby Vision for gaming at 4k 120Hz.Bluetooth ™ConnectivityWirelessly connect Bluetooth-compatible soundbars, headphones or stereo components to your TV. This quick and convenient connection eliminates unwanted and unsightly cords while providing a secure connection to your audio source.FilmMaker ModeBy disabling all post-processing (e.g.motion smoothing) and preserving the correct aspect ratios, colors and frame rates, Filmmaker Mode enables your TV to display the movie or television show’s content precisely as it was intended by the filmmaker.Metal Stand, Bezel-less designA bezel-less design gives this television a sleek aesthetic that won’t ‘overpower” the room with an unnecessarily large frame. The metal stand provide sturdysupport for this feature-packed television.Hands Free Voice ControlPut down the remote. Change the channel, find the latest movie, stream your favourite video and more with your voice. The quicker, easier way to find whatever you want to watch.TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSAll product, product specifications, and data are subject to change without notice to improve reliability, function, design or otherwise. ©2020Hisense USA, All rights reservedHisense USA Corporation7310 McGinnis Ferry Road, Suwanee, GA,30024 1-888-935-8880*HDR viewing experience will vary by model, content availability and internet connection.U7 Series Quantum Hisense Google TVModel 65U7Hinches65DIMENSIONS/WEIGHTTV Dimensions (without the stand)57.0×33.1×3.5inches (with the stand)57.0×35.5×10.7nches TV Stand Width48.0×10.7inches 36.5×10.7inches TV Weight (without the stand)43.0lbs (with the stand)44.1lbsCarton Dimensions (WxHxD)63.1×38.9×7.0 inches Shipping Weight 65.5 lbsDISPLAYActual Screen Size (Diagonal)65‘’Screen Class 65‘’Screen Type LED backlight LCD TV TYPE OF TV Smart TV Yes, Google TVApp Store Yes (Google Play store)PICTURE QUALITY Response Time (ms) 6.5ms Screen Resolution 3840*2160Local Dimming Yes 90 zones Peak Brightness 1000nits Wide Color Gamut Yes Motion Rate 480Aspect Ratio 16:9HDR*Yes (DolbyVision/HDR10/HDR10+/HLG)Color Depth1.07G/(8bit + FRC)Backlight Type Source FULL ARRAY AUDIOAudio Output Power (Watts)10W x 2Dolby Atmos Yes IMAX Enhanced Yes LANGUAGES On-screen Display Eng/Fre/Spa POWERPower Consumption 300W Standby Consumption <0.5WPower Supply (Voltage/Hz)AC 120V/220V,50/60Hz CONNECTIVITY Wi-Fi Built In 802.11 acDual band (2.4/5 GHz)Bluetooth®Yes (v5.0)PORTS HDMI4 (2 x up to 4K@120Hz, 2 x up to 4K@60Hz)HDMI eARC & CEC Yes Ethernet (LAN)YesOTHER FEATURES Noise Reduction Digital Noise Reduction Parental Control Yes ALLMYes Closed Caption YesVRRYes (48-120Hz)FreeSync Premium Yes Dolby Vision Gaming Yes Room Audio Correction Yes Sleep Timer Yes Google Assistant Yes Alexa Yes Chromecast YesWeb BrowserYes (Google Play store)Hands Free Voice Control Yes Remote Finder Yes MEMC Yes 4K Upscale YesWALL MOUNT VESA VESA Standard (300*200) M6ACCESSORIES Remote 1 (Voice Remote)Quick Start Guide and/or User Manual English/Spanish/French Power Cable 1WARRANTY/UPC Warranty 2 yearsUPC Code888143013213USB 2 (USB3.0+USB 2.0)RF Antenna1RCA Composite Video Input1 (3.5mm with adapter)L/R Audio Input for Composite 1 (3.5mm with adapter)Digital Audio Output 1 Optical Earphone/Audio Output1。

菲利普OLED+ 4K UHD Android TV 产品说明说明书

菲利普OLED+ 4K UHD Android TV 产品说明说明书

Philips OLED+4K UHD Android TV - Bowers&Wilkins SoundSound by Bowers & Wilkins 4-sided Ambilight TVP5 AI dual picture engine164 cm (65") Android TV65OLED936Superb. From what you see to what you hear. OLED+ 4K UHD Android TVA TV that any sofa would be proud to point at. Be captivated by inky blacks and rich OLED colour, the crystal clarity of Bowers & Wilkins Sound. And Ambilight - filling the room with the excitement of everything you watch - or play.Designed to thrill.•The difference is real. Philips OLED+ TV with HDR.•The magic of Ambilight. Only from Philips.•Thrilling 3D sound. Bowers & Wilkins meets Dolby Atmos.•Eye catching. Premium design from stand to remote.•Great for gaming. Low latency on any console.Incredible picture. Bowers & Wilkins sound.•Whatever you watch, a picture so real. P5 AI Dual engine.•3.1.2 sound system. Up-firing speakers for Dolby Atmos•Integrated sub-woofer and full-range drivers•Tweeter-on-top design. For pristine dialogue.•Cinematic vision and sound. Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos.Content at your command.•Simply smart. Android TV.•Voice control. The Google Assistant. Works with Alexa.HighlightsSound by Bowers & Wilkins.A car chase. A whisper. The music. Theexclusive Bowers & Wilkins sound enclosure brings a thrillingly lifelike performance to whatever you're watching. The iconic tweeter-on-top design keeps dialogue pristine. Up-firing speakers let you get the most out of immersive Dolby Atmos.P5 AI Dual engineTwin processors with AI deliver a picture so real it feels like you could step right into it. A deep-learning algorithm processes images in a manner similar to the human brain. No matter what you're watching, you get lifelike detail and contrast, rich color, smooth motion.Philips OLED+ TV with HDRA Philips 4K UHD OLED+ TV is compatible with all major HDR formats. Whether it's a must-watch series or the latest game, every scene will be full of rich detail. If you'rewatching or playing in a brightly lit room, your TV automatically adjusts the picture so it still looks amazing.Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos.Support for Dolby's premium sound and video formats means the HDR content you watch-and play-will look and sound glorious. You'll enjoy a picture that reflects the director's original intentions and experience spacious sound with real clarity and depth. Great for every movie, show, and game.Premium materials.Premium materials make all the difference to this OLED+ TV. The micro-mesh speaker grille is topped with Kvadrat's acousticallytransparent wool-blend speaker fabric, which allows the sound to flow freely into the room. The backlit remote is finished with soft, responsibly sourced Muirhead leather.Simply smart. Android TVYour Philips Android TV gives you the content you want-when you want it. You cancustomize the home screen to display your favorite apps, making it simple to startstreaming the movies and shows you love. Or pick up where you left off.HDMI 2.1 VRR and low latencyYour Philips OLED+ TV lets you make the most of your next-gen gaming gear. When you switch on your console, your TV automatically enters a special gaming mode-which ensures fast, responsive gameplay and incredibly smooth graphics. Ambilight's gaming mode brings the thrill into the room.DTS Play-Fi compatibleWith DTS Play-Fi on your Philips TV you can connect to compatible speakers in any room. Got wireless speakers in the kitchen? Listen to the movie while you make a snack or keep up with the sports commentary while you get everyone drinks.AI voice controlPush a button on the remote to talk to the Google Assistant. Control the TV or Google Assistant-compatible smart home devices with your voice. Or ask Alexa to control the TV viaAlexa-enabled devices.Issue date 2022-10-25 Version: 7.2.112 NC: 8670 001 76695 EAN: 87 18863 02943 5© 2022 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.SpecificationsAmbilight•Ambilight Version: 4-sided•Ambilight Features: Built in Ambilight+hue, Ambilight Music, Game Mode, Wall colour adaptive, Lounge mode, AmbiSleep, Sunrise Alarm, AmbiWakeupPicture/Display•Display: 4K Ultra HD OLED•Diagonal screen size: 65 inch / 164 cm•Panel resolution: 3840x2160•Aspect ratio: 16:9•Picture engine: P5 AI Dual Picture Engine •Picture enhancement: Ultra Resolution, Wide Color Gamut 99% DCI/P3, Dolby Vision, HDR10+, Perfect Natural Motion, A.I. PQ mode, CalMAN Ready, ISF Color Management, Micro Dimming PerfectSupported Display Resolution •Computer inputs on HDMI1/2: HDMI2.1 supported., up to 4K 120 Hz*, HDR supported, HDR10+/HLG•Computer inputs on HDMI3/4: HDMI2.0 supported.•Video inputs on HDMI1/2: HDMI2.1 supported, up to 4K 120Hz*, HDR supported, HDR10+/HLG •Video inputs on HDMI3/4: HDMI2.0 supported. Android TV•OS: Android TV™ 10 (Q)•Pre-installed apps: Google Play Movies*, Google Play Music*, Google Search, YouTube, BBC iplayer, Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Amazon instant video, Disney+, Fitness App, Spotify•Memory size(Flash): 16GB*Smart TV Features•Interactive TV:HbbTV•Program: Pause TV, USB recording*•Ease of Installation: Auto detect Philips devices, Device connection wizard, Network installation wizard, Settings assistant wizard•Ease of Use: One-stop smart menu button, Onscreen usermanual•Firmware upgradeable: Firmware auto upgrade wizard, Firmware upgradeable via USB, Online firmware upgrade•Screen Format Adjustments: Basic - Fill Screen, Fitto screen, Advance - Shift, Zoom, stretch, Widescreen•Remote Control: with Voice, with Key light, withMuirhead leather•User Interaction: SimplyShare•Voice assistant*: Google Assistant built-in, RC withMic., Works with AlexaProcessing•Processing Power: Quad CoreTuner/Reception/Transmission•HEVC support•Digital TV: DVB-T/T2/T2-HD/C/S/S2•MPEG Support: MPEG2, MPEG4•Video Playback: PAL, SECAM•TV Program guide*: 8 day Electronic ProgramGuide•Signal strength indication•Teletext: 1000 page HypertextConnectivity•Number of HDMI connections: 4•Number of USBs: 3•Wireless connection: Wi-Fi 802.11ac, 2x2, Dualband, Bluetooth 5.0•Other connections: Common Interface Plus (CI+),Digital audio out (optical), Ethernet-LAN RJ-45,Headphone out, Satellite Connector, Serviceconnector•HDMI features: 4K, Audio Return Channel•EasyLink (HDMI-CEC): Remote control pass-through, System audio control, System standby,One touch play•HDCP 2.3: Yes on all HDMI•HDMI ARC: Yes for all ports•HDMI eARC: Yes on HDMI2•HDMI VRR: FreeSync Premium, Yes on HDMI1 &HDMI2Multimedia Applications•Video Playback Formats: Containers: AVI, MKV,H264/MPEG-4 AVC, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4,VP9, HEVC (H.265), AV1•Subtitles Formats Support: .SRT, .SUB, .TXT, .SMI•Music Playback Formats: AAC, MP3, WAV, WMA(v2 up to v9.2), WMA-PRO (v9 and v10)•Picture Playback Formats: JPEG, BMP, GIF, PNG,360 photo, HEIFEU Energy card•EPREL registration numbers: 716197•Diagonal screen size (inch): 65•Diagonal screen size (metric): 164•Energy class for SDR: G•On mode power demand for SDR: 136 Kwh/1000h•Energy class for HDR: G•On mode power demand for HDR: 117 Kwh/1000h•Networked standby mode: <2.0 W•Off mode power consumption: n.a.•Panel technology used: OLEDSound•Audio: Sound by Bowers & Wilkins, 3.1.2 Channel,Output power : 70 Watt (RMS)•Codec: AC-4, Dolby Atmos, DTS-HD(M6), DolbyDigital MS12 V2.5•Speaker configuration: 10W x2, 5W x1, woofer20W, height 12.5W x2•Sound Enhancement: A.I. Sound, Clear Dialogue,Dolby Atmos, Dolby Bass Enhancement, DolbyVolume Leveler, Night mode, A.I. EQ*4K2K 120Hz input format is internally scaled to 4K1K resolution*EPG and actual visibility (up to 8 days) is country and operatordependent.*Android App offerings vary per country. For more details please visityour local Google Play Store.*Philips TV Remote app and related functionalities vary per TV model,operator, and country, as well as smart device model and OS. Formore details please visit: /TVRemoteapp.*Smart TV app offerings vary per TV model and country. For moredetails please visit: /smarttv.*USB recording for digital channels only, recordings may be limited bybroadcast copy protection (CI+). Country and channel restrictionsmay apply.*This television contains lead only in certain parts or componentswhere no technology alternatives exist in accordance with existingexemption clauses under the RoHS Directive.*Memory size (Flash) : 16G, the actual available disc space may differ(dependant on e.g. (pre-)installed apps, installed operating system,etc.)*Amazon, Alexa and all related logos are trademarks of ,Inc. or its affiliates. Amazon Alexa is available in selected languagesand countries.*Amazon Prime is available in selected languages and countries.*Disney+ subscription required. Subject to terms at https:// (c) 2020 Disney and its related entities.Disney+ is available in selected languages and countries.*The TV supports DVB reception for 'Free to air' broadcast. SpecificDVB operators may not be supported. An up to date list can befound in the FAQ section of the Philips support website. For someoperators Conditional Access and subscripction are required.Contact your operator for more information.*Google Assistant is available on Philips Android TVs running onAndroid O (8) or higher OS version. Google Assistant is available inselected languages and countries.*Netflix subscription required. Subject to terms at https://*Rakuten TV is available in selected languages and countries.。



Philips 4000 seriesFull HD Ultra Slim LED TV with Digital Crystal Clear121 cm (48") Full HD LED TV DVB-T/C/S/S248PFK4101Full HD Slim LED TVWith Digital Crystal ClearThe stylish design of the Philips 4100 Series with Digital Crystal Clear brings great value to your home. Enjoy its full HD picture quality with Perfect Motion Rate and clear sound for an effortless entertainment experience.The right features presented elegantly•Razor-thin blade stands in black•Ultra Slim lines for a refined profileA clear, vivid picture every time•Full HD LED TV—brilliant LED images with incredible contrast•Picture Performance Index improves every viewing element•Digital Crystal Clear for precision you’ll want to shareTelevision viewing at your convenience•Two HDMI inputs and Easylink for integrated connectivity•USB for multimedia playbackHighlightsUltra Slim profileSleek. Cutting edge. Refined. Precise. The Philips Ultra Slim silhouette. That something so slim can inspire so much interest shouldn’t be surprising, given how much sophistication it will bring to your décor.Black blade standsDark, mysterious and incredibly strong. The Philips black blade stands take your TV to another level. Durable construction in an ultra-thin design meticulously exude the elegance and style of your new TV. And with their powerful stance, it's a wonder how something so small can do so much.Digital Crystal ClearFor natural looking pictures from any source, Philips created Digital Crystal Clear. Whether you’re indulging in your favorite shows,movies, the news, or are simply having a few friends over for a night in, you'll enjoy it all in optimal contrast, color and sharpness.Picture Performance IndexPicture Performance Index combines Philips display technology and advanced pictureprocessing engines to improve the elements of perception: sharpness, motion, contrast and color. No matter the source, you’ll always enjoy razor sharp pictures with incredibledetail and depth, the deepest blacks, the brightest whites, and the most vivid, brilliant colors as well as natural, lifelike skin tones every time.Two HDMI inputs with EasylinkAvoid cable clutter with a single HDMI cable to carry both picture and audio signals from your devices to your TV. HDMI uses uncompressed signals, ensuring the highest quality from source to screen. Together with PhilipsEasylink, you’ll need only one remote control to perform most operations on your TV, DVD, Blu-ray, set top box or home theatre B (photos, music, video)Share the fun. Connect your USB memory-stick, digital camera, mp3 player or other multimedia device to the USB port on your TV to enjoy photos, videos and music with theeasy to use onscreen content browser.Issue date 2022-07-14 Version: 4.0.112 NC: 8670 001 34994 EAN: 87 18863 00768 6© 2022 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.SpecificationsPicture/Display•Peak Luminance ratio: 65 %•Display: LED Full HD•Diagonal screen size: 48 inch / 121 cm•Panel resolution: 1920x1080p•Aspect ratio: 4:3/16:9•Brightness: 200 cd/m²•Picture enhancement: Digital Crystal Clear User Interaction•Program: Pause TV, USB Recording*•Ease of Use: One-stop Home button •Firmware upgradeable: Firmware auto upgrade wizard, Firmware upgradeable via USB•Signal strength indication•Teletext: 1000 page Hypertext•Electronic Program Guide*: 8days Electronic Program Guide•Screen Format Adjustments: Autozoom, Superzoom, Movie expand 16:9, Unscaled, 4:3, 16:9Sound•Output power (RMS): 16W•Sound Enhancement: Incredible Surround, Clear Sound, Auto Volume Leveler, Bass Control, Smart SoundConnectivity•Number of HDMI connections: 2•Number of scarts(RGB/CVBS):1•Number of USBs: 1•Other connections: Common Interface Plus (CI+), Digital audio out (optical), Audio in (DVI), Headphone out, Service connector, Antenna IEC75•EasyLink (HDMI-CEC): Remote control pass-through, System audio control, System standby, One touch playMultimedia Applications•Video Playback Formats: Containers: AVI, MKV, H264/MPEG-4 AVC, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, WMV9/VC1•Subtitles Formats Support: .SMI, .SRT, .SSA, .SUB,.TXT, .ASS•Music Playback Formats: AAC, MP3, WAV, WMA(v2 up to v9.2)•Picture Playback Formats: JPEG, BMP, GIF, PNGSupported Display Resolution•Computer inputs: up to 1920x1080 @ 60Hz•Video inputs: 24, 25, 30, 50, 60 Hz, up to1920x1080pTuner/Reception/Transmission•Digital TV: DVB-T/C/S/S2•MPEG Support: MPEG2, MPEG4•Video Playback: NTSC, PAL, SECAMPower•Mercury content: 0 mg•Presence of lead: Yes*•Mains power: AC 220 - 240 V 50/60Hz•Ambient temperature: 5 °C to 35 °C•Eu Energy Label power: 56 W•Annual energy consumption: 82 kW·h•Energy Label Class: A+•Standby power consumption: <0.3W•Off mode power consumption: 0.5•Power Saving Features: Auto switch-off timer, Ecomode, Picture mute (for radio)Dimensions•TV stand width distance: 640.1 mm•Box dimensions(W x H x D):1160 x 715 x 131 mm•Set dimensions (W x H x D): 1082 x 637 x 78 mm•Set dimensions with stand (W x H x D):1082 x 676 x 231 mm•Product weight: 12.4 kg•Product weight (+stand): 12.6 kg•Weight incl. Packaging: 15.5 kg•Wall mount compatible: 200 x 200 mmAccessories•Included accessories: Remote Control, 2 x AAABatteries, Table top stand, Power cord, Quick startguide, Legal and safety brochure*EPG and actual visibility (up to 8 days) is country and operatordependent.*Energy consumption in kWh per year, based on the powerconsumption of the television operating 4 hours per day for 365days. The actual energy consumption will depend on how thetelevision is used.*The TV supports DVB reception for 'Free to air' broadcast. SpecificDVB operators may not be supported. An up to date list can befound in the FAQ section of the Philips support website. For someoperators Conditional Access and subscripction are required.Contact your operator for more information.*(Philips) only compatible with specific Philips player device.。

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