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1)要有自信,不要慌。banker都是很有个性的人,你一定要有气场,在气势上镇住,但是也要对interviewer有足够的尊重和礼貌。讲话一定要气势。问到不懂的问题没关系,要显得沉着冷静,很多时候interviewer就是要看howyou approach a question you don\t know。他们value your approach morethan your answer. 然后不知道的technical问题都跟一句but I pick up things veryfast and I have a strong willingness to learn. 要有一个positiveattitude.

2)宁愿讲得简单点清楚点也不要把东西讲得很复杂很乱。clear andconcise是最重要的。人紧张的时候很容易把一样的东西用不同的话讲很多遍,作为interviewer已经面了很多人无聊到死的时候,你还这样肯定要挂。我喜欢把所有东西都成三个point,这样就显得思路很清楚。很多时候是不是看howmuch you know,而是看how you deliver an idea,这才是更重要的。

3)目标是两点:fit in & stand out. Fit in是要证明你的skillset和personality可以适合这家公司和这个division。Standout就是要从peer中脱颖而出,要靠你的卖点和别人不同的地

方。第一个比较容易,但其实一般有面试的人都能fitin。第二个比较难,你需要考虑一下,每个人的方法也都不同。我当时是说I am a well-rounded person withdiversified background because I have worked at various locationssuch as China, Hong Kong and the U.S. and for different types ofinsitutions including investment bank, corporate andgovernment.


Behavioral Questions:

Behaviral questions每个division都问得差不多。一般最常见的有这么一些:

Why Goldman Sachs/Moragn Stanley...?

给个example吧。我当时面Goldman pWM我说了三点原因:

1)Brand name: Goldman is the best of the best. And as a starter,brand name is important.

2) people: I cannot find too much difference on the way ofoperations among different banks on the street. And I believe thatwhat really makes a difference is the people. Goldman people arenice, helpful and sincere. I have met ...

3) Strategy: a) suessful localization in China and goodplatform 高盛高华 2) hiring less people but give each person moreresponsibility.

Why pWM/IBD/S&T?


1)Combine the role of relationship manager and investmentrepresentative -> client exposure and productexposure, soft skill and technical skill training at the sametime

2)Emphasis on long-term and personal relationship-> I find those relationships to be more secure,reliable and fortable. 3)I believe that the best job is a job that is different everyday. -> pWM is one of them for two reasons: a) weare on the market side and the market is changing every day so itis different every day; b) our clients e from diversifiedbackground and they could be first-generation entrepreneurs,previous bankers and etc. so every day is a new day.

What is your strength and weakness?

Tell me an example how you work in a team.

What is your biggest failure?

What have you learned from this work/leadershipexperience? Why are you interested in XXX on your resume?

