Advisor Dr. Ketan Mayer-Patel. Dissertation An Open Architecture for Transport-level Protoc




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美国亚历桑那州立大学教授来护理学系讲学7月15日-17日,美国亚历桑那州立大学护理与健康创新学院Elizabeth Reifsnider教授访问护理学系。

护理学系系主任毛靖、同济医院护理部副主任曾铁英及护理学系教师会见了Elizabeth Reifsnider 教授。

Elizabeth Reifsnider教授就与护理学系共同合作,申报美国国家科学基金会关于婴儿喂养方面的课题进行了商谈。


在校期间,Elizabeth Reifsnider教授还应邀作了《Public Health Nurses Leading in Prevention and Care through Evidence-Based Practice》和《The relationship of maternal BMI,child body size,home environment,and food》主题学术讲座,介绍了公共卫生护士的重要作用、公共卫生护士如何通过循证实践影响护理和卫生决策,以及儿童肥胖与母亲的体重指数、年龄、出生地、儿童的出生地、性别和家庭饮食及其他因素之间的关系。





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313. Robert Cooter and Ariel Porat, Liability Externalities and Mandatory Choices: Should Doctors Pay Less? (November 2006)
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c-tpat 计划的承诺书

c-tpat 计划的承诺书

c-tpat 计划的承诺书英文回答:C-TPAT (Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism) is a voluntary supply chain security program led by U.S. Customs and Border Protection. The program aims to enhance the security of global trade and prevent terrorism by collaborating with businesses to implement best practices and secure supply chains.As a participant in the C-TPAT program, I am committed to fulfilling the requirements and obligations outlined in the C-TPAT agreement. This commitment involves implementing and maintaining effective security measures throughout my supply chain, from the point of origin to the point of distribution.One of the key commitments of the C-TPAT program is conducting a comprehensive risk assessment of my supply chain. This involves identifying potential vulnerabilitiesand implementing appropriate security measures to mitigate those risks. For example, I may conduct background checkson employees, secure cargo and facilities, and establish protocols for handling and inspecting shipments.Another commitment is to maintain a high level of awareness and vigilance within my organization. This includes providing security training to employees, establishing reporting mechanisms for suspicious activities, and regularly reviewing and updating security procedures.By fostering a culture of security consciousness, I canhelp prevent and detect potential security threats.Furthermore, I am committed to cooperating with U.S. Customs and Border Protection and other government agencies to support their efforts in securing the international supply chain. This may involve sharing information, participating in joint security exercises, and facilitating inspections and audits.In addition to these commitments, I understand the importance of ongoing monitoring and continuous improvement.I will regularly review and assess the effectiveness of my security measures, identify areas for improvement, and take necessary actions to enhance the security of my supply chain.中文回答:C-TPAT(海关贸易反恐伙伴计划)是由美国海关和边境保护局领导的自愿供应链安全计划。

法国外资安全审查法令 Decree

法国外资安全审查法令 Decree

To Our Clients and Friends MemorandumCopyright © 2012 Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP 10/03/2012A Delaware Limited Liability PartnershipAttorney Advertising. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.1 French Decree Requires GovernmentApproval for Foreign Investments in Strategic Business SectorsOn December 30, 2005, the French government issued a decree listing eleven business sectors in which the French Ministry of Economy(“MINEFI”) ha s the right to monitor and restrict foreign investments in France (the “Decree”).1 The Decree was the first regulation to be issued in implementation of a Parliamentary Act dated December 9, 2004 whichsubstantially reformed French foreign investment regulations (the “Reform Law”).2 The Decree specifies which business sectors are subject to foreign investment approval under the Reform Law, and clarifies the functioning of the process for approval of foreign investments by MINEFI. The Decree also introduced a distinction in the application of the Reform Law between EU investors and non-EU investors, with a less restrictive regime applicable to the former. On May 7, 2012, the French government issued a second decree (the “2012 Decree”) which clarifies the definition of investments conducted through French vehicles controlled by foreign interests and removes casinos from the list of strategic protected sectors.BackgroundDuring the debates leading up to the Reform Law and the Decree, members of the French government and Parliament argued that French foreign investment controls were more lenient and less effective than those in place in other countries 3, particularly in the United States.Sponsors of the Decree referred to the resolution passed on June 30, 2005 by the U.S. House of Representatives requesting President Bush to conduct a review under the Exon-Florioprovision of the Defense Production Act (the “Exon -Florio Amendment”)4 of the takeover bid launched by the China National Offshore Oil Company (“CNOOC”) for the Calif ornia energy firm Unocal Corp. Although this resolution proved sufficient in itself to deter CNOOC from pursuing its bid, the Exon -Florio Amendment1 Decree No 2005-1739 dated December 30, 2005 regulating foreign financial relationships, codified under Articles R153-1 et seq. of the French Monetary and Financial Code (the “CMF”) and implementing Article L. 151-3 of the CMF.2 Arti c le 30 of Law No. 2004-1343, dated December 9, 2004, concerning simplification of the law, JO No. 287, December 10, 2004, p. 20857. P lease see our memorandum located at /cmemos/050126_french%20investment.pdf for a full discussion of French foreign investment regulations following the enactment of the Reform Law.3 Bernard Carayon, Information Report No. 1664, French National Assembly, June 9, 2004.4 Under P ub. L. 100-418, 102 Stat. 1107, Sec. 721. or 50 U.S.C. app 2170, investors intending to engage in transactions falling within the scope of the E xon-Florio P rovision must inform the government of their proposed investment in advance, and must recei v e prior approval from the Interagency Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (“CFIUS”).would have enabled the U.S. President to suspend or prohibit the merger on the grounds that it “impaired or threatened to impair” U.S. national security.The Decree presents several similarities to the Exon-Florio Amendment. However, the French government was unable to impose restrictions on strategic investments as broad as in the Exon-Florio Amendment, due to constraints arising from EU law.Controversial political issues in connection with Sanofi’s contested tender offer for Aventis in 2004 and concerns over Texas Pacific Group’s investment in Gemplus, the French “Smart card” producer, drove the French government to tighten the regulatory framework for foreign investment in areas of strategic concern.Scope of the DecreeThe Decree requires that prior to making an investment in specified sectors, foreign investors notify MINEFI of the proposed investment and receive authorization. The Decree imposes more stringent requirements on non EU-based than on EU-based investors so as to pass muster under the case law of the European Court of Justice (th e “ECJ”), which requires that measures restricting the free movement of capital within the European Union be narrowly-tailored to the protection of the public order or public safety.5A revised definition of foreign investorsOnly “foreign investors”or French companies controlled by foreign investors are required to seek authorization from MINEFI under the Decree which distinguishes (i) EU investors, (ii) French investors controlled by foreign investors and (iii) non-EU investors.The following are EU investors for purposes of the Decree:(1)any individual who is a national of one of the Member States of the European Union,6 or one ofthe European Economic Area member states that have signed an administrative cooperation agreement with France (Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein);7(2) a legal entity that has its registered office in one of the states mentioned under (1) above; or(3)an individual who is a French national and a resident of one of the states mentioned under (1)above.8A non-EU investor is an investor who does not fall under any of the categories set forth above.9A French company controlled by foreign investors (“Foreign Controlled French Investors”) is defined as an entity that has its registered office in France, which is controlled (within meaning of Article L 233-3 of the Commercial Code)10 by:(1) a citizen of a country other than France;5See E uropean Court of Justice, Case C-54/99, dated March 14, 2000, located at; Conseil d’E tat, January 6, 1999 : Jurisdata no. 1999-050022.6Although not mentioned by the Decree, this should be with the exception of France as the Reform Law only encompasses “foreign investments.”7Arti c le R. 153-2 of the Regulator y part of the French Monetary and Financial Code (the “RCMF”).8Arti c les R. 153-2 and R. 153-4 of the RCMF.9Arti c le R. 153-2 of the RCMF.10Under Arti c le L. 233-3 of the French Commercial Code, a company is regarded as controlling another: (1) when it holds, directl y or indirectly, a percentage of the stock conferring it the majority of the voting rights in the general meetings of the company; (2) when it holds the majority of the voting rights in this company pursuant to an agreement concluded w ith other shareholders and whi c h is not contrary to the interests of the company; (3) when it actually has the power to make decisions at shareholder meetings due to its voting rights. A company is presumed to control another when it holds, directly or indirectly, a percentage of the voting rights above 40% and w hen no other shareholder holds, directly or indirectly, a percentage higher than its own. When applying this definition, tw o or more persons acting as a group shall be regarded as jointly controlling another when they actually make, under an agreement to implement a common policy, the decisions taken at the general meetings of the latter.(2) a company whose registered office is located outside of France; or(3) a French citizen residing outside of France.A new definition of strategic busine ss sectorsThe Decree identifies eleven business sectors in which MINEFI will have the rig ht to monitor foreign investments.For seven of those sectors, the definition of the sector, and the scope of MINEFI’s regulatory authority, varies in accordance with the EU or non-EU origin of the investor or if it involves a Foreign Controlled French Investor. The definitions are much more restricted when applied to EU investors or Foreign Controlled French Investors, the distinction being in most cases that investments in a defined sector by an EU investor is restricted only to the extent necessary to fi ght terrorism and criminal activities. The table below sets forth the differences between the definition of strategic sectors when applied to EU, non-EU investors and Foreign Controlled French Investors:11Arti c le R. 153-1 of the Regulatory part of the French Monetary and Financial Code (the “RCMF”).12Arti c le R. 153-3 of the RCMF.13Within the meaning of Law No 83-629 of July 12, 1983 regulating private security servi c es.14Arti c le L. 1332-1 of the Defense Code.15Arti c le L. 282-8 of the Civil Aviation Code and Article L. 324-5 of Seaside Harbors Code.16Arti c le L. 1332-1 of the Defence Code.17As enumerated under paragraphs 1C351 and 1C352a.2 of Annex I of Council Regulation (E C) No 428/2009 of 5 May 2009 setting up a Community regime for the control of exports, transfer, brokering and transit of dual-use items.Four of the eleven sectors covered by the Decree are considered extra-sensitive (the “Extra Sensitive Sectors”). For the Extra Sensitive Sectors, the Decree applies a uniform definition of the sector regardless of whether the investor is of EU or non-EU origin or a Foreign Controlled French Investor:(1)businesses involved in providing cryptology goods and services;22(2)businesses involving companies privy to classified information;23(3)businesses involved in the research, development and sale of weapons, munitions, powder, orexplosive substances to be used for military ends or war, and other restricted materials;24(4)businesses involving companies that have entered into a design or equipment supply contractwith the French Defense Ministry, whether directly or through a subcontractor, concerning goods and services involving dual-use items and technology or items listed in (1) th rough (3) above.In contrast to the specificity of the Decree, the Exon-Florio Amendment and its implementing regulations do not precisely define the business activities that fall within the scope of the President’s restrictive authority. This determination is left to the discretion of CFIUS member agencies, and the Exon-Florio Amendment merely lists factors to be considered in reaching a case-by-case decision.25Historically,18See Arti c le L. 226-3 of the Criminal Code.19See Decree No 2002-535 of April 18, 2002.20Within the meaning of Articles L. 4332-1 through L. 1332-7 of the Defense Code.21Defined as “items, including software and technology, whi c h can be used for both civil an d military purposes” under Council Regulation (EC) No 428/2009 of 5 May 2009 setting up a Community regime for the control of exports, transfer, brokering and transit of dual-use items.22P aragraphs III and IV of Article 30 and paragraph I of Arti c le 31 of La w No 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for confidence in the digital economy, JORF of June 22, 2004.23Within the meaning of Decree No 98-608 of July 17, 1998 relating to the protection of classified information.24Within the meaning of Titles III and IV of Book III of the second part of the Defense Code.25In particular, they must consider: (1) domestic production needed for projected national defense requirements; (2) the capability and capacity of domestic industries to meet national defense requirements, including the availability of human resources,most CFIUS filings have involved the defense industry. However, in recent years, an increasing number of CFIUS reviews concern critical infrastructures such as information technology and the telecommunications industry.26A revised definition of foreign investmentsThe Decree has also revised the definition of “foreign investment,” whic h now varies in accordance with the EU or non-EU origin of the investor or if it involves a Foreign Controlled French Investor.Non-EU investors are required to seek prior authorization from MINEFI for any of the following:27(1)the direct or indirect acquisition of a controlling stake in a company having its registered office inFrance (the “stock transfer test”);(2)the acquisition of all or part of a line of business of a company having its registered office inFrance (the “asset transfer test”); or(3)the acquisition of more than 33.33% of the stock or voting rights of a company having itsregistered office in France (the “threshold test”).Once again, the Decree takes a much more circumscribed approach with respect to EU investors and Foreign Controlled French Investors.The threshold test does not apply to EU investors or Foreign Controlled French Investors.28 Nonetheless, as the stock transfer test applies to direct or indirect changes of control, the indirect acquisition of a controlling stake by a foreign investor could arguably trigger the stock transfer test even if the direct stock acquisition is made by a Foreign Controlled French Investor.The stock transfer test applies to EU investors only with respect to the four Extra Sensitive Sectors identified above.29For the remaining seven strategic sectors, EU investors are required to seek authorization from MINEFI only if they trigger the asset transfer test.30Similarly, Foreign Controlled French Investors are required to seek authorization from MINEFI only if they trigger the asset transfer test.For purposes of the asset transfer and threshold tests, the 2012 Decree remove d “explicit” references to “direct or indirect”change of controls. Instead, the preamble to the 2012 Decree states that the 2012 Decree created a new category of Foreign Controlled French Investors subject to the Decree (as discussed above).The grant of loans or guarantees, the purchase of licenses or patents, and the execution of commercial or technical assistance agreements in connection with the acquisition of a French company by a foreign investor are no longer considered to be foreign investments subject to MINEFI authorization. This is a significant departure from prior rules as such transactions used to be considered to be foreign investments subject to MINEFI authorization.31products, technology, materials, and other supplies and services; (3) the control of domestic industries and commercial activ ity by foreign citizens as it affects the capability and capacity of the United States to meet national security requirements; (4) the potential effects of the proposed or pending transaction on sales of military goods, equipment, or technology to any country identified under applicable law as (a) supporting terrori s m or (b) a country of concern for missile proliferation or the proliferation of chemical and biological w eapons; (5) the potential effects of the proposed or pending transaction on U.S. international technological leadership in areas affecting national security.26Jeanne Archibald, Conference on Foreign Investments and National Security held on October 10, 2005 in P aris.27Arti c le R. 151-3 of the RCMF.28Arti c le R. 153-3 of the RCMF.29Arti c le R. 1543-4 of the RCMF.30Arti c le R. 153-5 of the RCMF.31See Arti c le 1-4, III of the Decree N°2003-196 of March 4, 2003.Even if prior authorization is no longer required for a particular foreign investment, an administrative notification may still need to be filed with the MINEFI at the time the investment is made.32Prior authorization requests must be sent in three original copies to MINEFI at the following address: Direction générale du Trésor, 139, rue de Bercy, 75572 Paris Cedex 12.Review and AuthorizationOnce MINEFI has received notification of a proposed foreign investment, it will conduct a review of the reported transaction, which must be completed within 2 months.33 If MINEFI fails to respond within this time frame, the authorization will be deemed granted.34In practice, the review process will provide MINEFI with the opportunity to impose conditions on or changes to the terms of the proposed investment to safeguard national interests. While MINEFI has negotiated with parties informally in the past,35the Reform Law formally empowers MINEFI to impose conditions to ensure that foreign investments will not jeopardize national interests.36 The Reform Law thus gave MINEFI additional leverage to obtain concessions from investors.The Decree specifies the conditions that MINEFI has the authority to impose: (i) a duty to continue the business’s operations in the future or (ii) an undertaking to protect its industrial, research and developmental capabilities, related know-how or the safety of its supply chain.37 Additional conditions may be imposed on companies which have their registered office in France to ensure that they continue to perform under procurement contracts, whether as contractor or subcontractor, or contracts concerning public safety, national defense or research, or the production or trading of weapons, ammunitions, or explosive powder or substances. In the event the strategic business for which authorization is required is only an ancillary business of the target, MINEFI may condition its consent to the transaction on the sale of the ancillary business to a company independent from the foreign investor. The Decree specifies that the conditions imposed by MINEFI must be proportional to the protection of the national interest being safeguarded. 38It seems safe to assume that given the breadth of its ability to impose conditions, MINEFI should be able to obtain commitments similar to those CFIUS has obtained from investors in U.S. companies. Under the Exon-Florio Amendment, parties can enter into binding contractual agreements with relevant U.S. governmental agencies, such as the Department of Commerce, the FBI, the Department of Defense or the Department of Homeland Security. Commitments can include adding American citizens to the company’s Board of Directors, guaranteeing that the Board of Directors be exclusively comprised of Americans, granting full access to U.S. law enforcement agencies, or undertaking to continue research and development in the United States.39Safe HarborsMINEFI authorization is not required (or “deemed granted”)when the investment involves companies belonging to the same corporate group, meaning that more than 50% of their stock or voting rights are held, directly or indirectly, by a common shareholder.40 However, this safe harbor does not apply when32See Arti c le R 152-5 of the RCMF.33Arti c le R. 153-8 of the French Regulation.34Id.35See for example the 2004 acquisition of the “Saft” batteries business of Alcatel, for which, the French government imposed stringent conditions to its approval of the sale, including a requirement that the Saft headquarters remain in France, along with all research centers and production facilities serving French military purchasers.36Arti c le L. 151-3, II of the CMF.37Arti c le R. 153-9 of the RCMF.38Id.39Fact Sheet - Committee on Foreign Investments in the United States, Organization of International Investments.40Arti c le R. 153-6, I of the RCMF.the reported transaction is intended to transfer abroad all or part of one of the strategic businesses involved.41Similarly, an investor who has already been authorized to acquire a controlling stake in a strategic sector company is exempt from seeking a new authorization from MINEFI if it increases its ownership interest, directly or indirectly, beyond 33.33% of the stock or voting rights of such company.42Grounds for RejectionMINEFI is required to refuse to authorize the proposed transaction if it finds that there is a strong probability that the investor is likely to commit one of the following crimes:43(i) drug trafficking;44(ii) criminal exploitation of a person’s weakness or ignorance;45(iii) procuring and related crimes;46(iv) money laundering;47 (v) acts of terrorism or financing terrorism;48 (vi) corruption and influence peddling;49 and (vii) acting in a conspiracy. 50In addition, MINEFI must refuse to authorize the reported transaction if the implementation of any conditions MINEFI is authorized to impose would not suffice to safeguard national interests and (i) the continuity of the business, its industrial, research and development capacities or related know-how could not be protected in the future; (ii) the safety of its supply chain could be jeopardized; or (iii) the performance by companies that have their registered office in France under procurement contracts, whether as contractor or subcontractor, or contracts concerning public safety, national defense or research, or the production or trading of weapons, ammunitions, or explosive powder or substances, could be compromised.51In any event, if MINEFI decides to reject a transaction, it must explain the grounds for its refusal.52Right of RecoursePursuant to the Reform Law, MINEFI decisions are subject to “full review” (recours de plein contentieux) by administrative law courts.53 Under this procedure, French administrative law judges are given broad powers to substitute their determinations for those of MINEFI and to overrule MINEFI authorizations or rejections, order new conditions imposed, or hold the government liable for damages to the investor.54 Additionally, an investor can challenge a MINEFI decision under European Community law in French courts if it can demonstrate that the French regulatory framework restricts the free movement of capital and is not narrowly tailored to the protection of the public interest at issue.55 A legal challenge on this basis was made successfully by the Church of Scientology of Paris under the prior French regulatory regime. The ECJ has found that France violated European Community law by prohibiting a London-based 41Id.42Arti c le R. 153-6, II of the RCMF.43Arti c le R. 153-10 of the RCMF.44Within the meaning of Article L. 222-34 to 222-39 of the French Criminal Code.45Within the meaning of Article L. 223-15-2 of the French Criminal Code.46Within the meaning of Article L. 225-5, 225-6 and 225-10 of the French Criminal Code.47Within the meaning of Article L. 324-1 of the French Criminal Code.48Within the meaning of Article L. 421-1 to 421-2-2 of the French Criminal Code.49Within the meaning of Article L. 433-1 of the French Criminal Code.50Within the meaning of Article L. 450-1 and L. 321-6 of the French Criminal Code.51Arti c le R. 153-10, 2° of the RCMF.52Arti c le R. 153-10 of the RCMF.53Arti c le L. 151-3, III of the CMF.54By contrast, the E xon-Florio Amendment specifi c ally exempts the U.S. P resident’s deci s ions from judicial review. How ever,E xon-F lorio’s implementing regulations allow companies to file a request for w ithdrawal at any time prior to a final decision.After CFIUS approves an application’s w ithdrawal, any subsequent re-filing is considered a ne w, voluntary notice. An investor who faces strong opposition from CFIUS can thus file for review again later by making new propositions to CFIUS.55E uropean Court of Justice, Case C-54/99, dated March 14, 2000, located at; Conseil d’E tat, January 6, 1999 :Jurisdata no. 1999-050022.investment fund from making an investment in the Church of Scientology of Paris, on the grounds that the previous French foreign investment regulations “defined the investments concerned only in general ter ms, as investments of a sort calling into question public order and public safety, so that interested parties could not recognize specific circumstances in which prior authorization is necessary.”56 The Reform Law was intended to respond to the ECJ’s conce rns by eliminating public health from the list of protected sectors, and mandating the issuance of the Decree to limit the list of protected sectors. It is thus unclear whether such recourse would be successful in the future.Finally, the European Commission, which oversees competition policy and guarantees the free movement of goods and capital in the European Union, may itself decide to bring an action against the Fr ench government before the ECJ. In fact, shortly after the French government unveiled its plans to issue the Decree, the European Commission expressed serious concerns as to whether the draft Decree was in line with applicable EU competition laws and indicated it would follow the matter closely.57Following undisclosed negotiations between the European Commission and the French Government, the European Commission’s concerns may have been alleviated, and the European Commission has not reiterated its opposition since publication of the Decree. By removing casinos from the list of strategic business sectors, the 2012 Decree may have addressed one of the European Commission’s concerns.SanctionsUnder the Reform Law, MINEFI may impose a wide range of sanctions for failure to respect the authorization regime.58 An investment made without MINEFI approval or in contravention of the conditions imposed by MINEFI may be enjoined; additional conditions, such as maintenance of local production, may be imposed on the investment; or the parties may be required to return to the status quo ante at their own expense.59 If ordered, rescission must be accomplished within no more than 12 months.60Failure to comply with an injunction may be punished by a civil fine of up to twice the amount of the non-complying investment. In contrast to the prior foreign investment rul es, the Reform Law specifies that fines must be proportional to the gravity of the offense.61Additionally, any agreement, understanding or contractual provision purporting to effectuate a foreign investment in one of the sectors identified by the Decree, without due authorization from MINEFI is null and void (nul) and will therefore be unenforceable.62Finally, criminal sanctions may be imposed on the investor, including imprisonment for up to 5 years, seizure of the investment, and a fine of up to twice the amount of the investment.63This fine can be multiplied by five in the case of legal entities held liable for the offense.64ConclusionIn drafting the Decree, the French government had to perform a careful balancing act to maintain control over a wide range of industries in strategic sectors while making restrictions on foreign investment sufficiently narrow to pass muster under ECJ case law. Whether the right balance has been struck will be determined by future legal challenges. Nevertheless, the net effect of the Decree for foreign investors is a broadening of the type of transactions requiring prior governmental authorization, but with a clearer framework for negotiations to obtain clearance.56Id.57P ress conference of E U Commission Spokesman Gregor Kreuzhuber on August 30, 2005.58These injunctive remedies are codi f ied as Article L 151-3 of the French Monetary and Financial Code.59Such injunctions may be ordered 15 days after the Ministry has noti f ied the parties of its objection to the transaction.60Arti c le R. 153-11 of the RCMF.61Arti c le L 151-3 of the CMF.62Arti c le L 151-4 of the CMF.63Arti c le L 165-1 of the French Monetary and Financial Code referring to Article 459 of the French Customs Code.64Arti c le L. 131-38 of the French Criminal Code.New York Washington, DC London Paris Frankfurt Hong Kong Shanghai 9 Authors:Eric CafritzOlivier GenicotThis memorandum is not intended to provide legal advice, and no legal or business decision should be based on its contents. If you have any questions about the contents of this memorandum, please call your regular Fried Frank contact or the attorney listed below: Contacts:Eric CafritzPartner+ eric.cafritz@。



有人总结,四种PI不能碰,AP(assistant professor),F(female),C/T(Chinese/Taiwanese), U nmarried.当然这些都是一家之言,个人对这些说法持保留态度,细节需要继续探究。

有一个标准可以用于大家加入某lab之前的预先判断,就是PI的变态程度和lab里中国大陆人加上印度人占总人数的比例成正比,因为大陆人和印度人都是典型的吃苦耐劳又老实(聪明与否另说),所以要不是对这方面有特殊需求的PI,是不会故意招很多中国人和印度人的,具体来说,这个比例在三分之一以内的,正常;三分之一到三分之二的,仍属正常,只是人比较tough,可能订立了一些关于工作时间、进度的严格的规定;三分之二以上的,不变态的少所以我想以后曝光就曝这个原则的特例就好了:中国人印度人少但是PI还很BT 的,或者中国人印度人一大群,PI却不是BT的当然有特例,如果是15个人以上的大实验室,可能特例会多一些Biology方向Albany Medical CollegeDorina Avram来自罗马尼亚的女老板,对手下人特别Mean, 尤其是女生,已经把实验室无数人骂哭,学生都跑光了,博后也都不久。

但她在招人或Rotation的时候都装的特nice, 一旦定下来就完全另一幅嘴脸。



Never go to her lab, otherwise your life will be miserable and destroyed.Albert Einstein1. Luciano D\'Adami 一个nuts的意大利人2. Carl Schildkraut @ Albert Einstein College of MedicineCITBiology Division曝一个吧Caltech Varsavsky Uniquin功能的发现者,很多重要技术的创造者,好像包括Chip,以前是诺贝尔奖的热门人物,上次Ubiquitin发奖居然没有他,现在我觉得戏不大了。



创新思维卓越贡献特立独行传奇人生纪念艾伦·图灵百年诞辰刘瑞挺/文艾伦·麦席森·图灵(Alan Mathison Turing)1912年6月23日生于英国伦敦梅达维洛(Maida Vale, London),今年正好是他100周年诞辰。


正当他具有奔流不息的思维源泉和将其付诸实践的巨大热情时,1954年6月7日图灵在英国柴郡的韦姆斯洛(Wilmslow, Cheshire)住所不幸意外辞世,差半个月才满42岁,一代科学巨星陨落。










家族的格言是:“幸运帮助有胆量的人”(拉丁文Fortuna audentes juvat)。


17世纪初,当时威廉·图灵(Sir William Turyn)从英王詹姆斯一世(1566-1625,其间1567-1625为苏格兰国王,1603年起为英格兰国王)接受了骑士爵位后,才在词尾加了“g”,成为后来的英国姓氏Turing。

Michael Pettis

Michael Pettis

北京大学光华管理学院金融和经济学教授,卡内基亚洲项目 驻北京高级研究员,中国经济问题专家,具有华尔街及欧洲 的金融从业经历,主要研究领域为中国金融市场。曾先后任 职于美国汉华银行(现合并为摩根大通银行)和贝尔斯登公司, 2002至2004年任教于清华大学经济管理学院,著有《波动 的机器:新兴经济体和金融崩溃的威胁》(The Volatilih, Machine:Emerqing Economies and the Threat of Financial Collapse)等。
Michael非常喜欢中国的民间音乐民谣音乐,他相信音乐能够改变人生, 所以他在工作之余成立了唱片公司——兵马司唱片,酒吧——D22来支 持自己喜欢的事情。如果你晚上去酒吧,看见站在吧台里喝着金汤力, 跟大家聊天的那个美国人便是大名鼎鼎的Michael了。
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51Business 商业·公司Apr1 - Apr15,2012WORLD VISION 2012.NO.07·专栏2012年3月13日,美联储宣布了银行压力测试的结果:美国有19家银行参加测试,其中15家银行合格通过。


















Reference Type Journal Article

Reference Type Journal Article

Reference Type: Journal ArticleRecord Number: 21Author: Anderson, BenedictYear: 1987Title: How did the generals Die?Journal: IndonesiaVolume: 43Pages: 109-135Short Title: How did the generals Die?Notes: Analysis about newspaper propaganda that led toward 1965 massacre Reference Type: Journal ArticleRecord Number: 28Author: AnonymYear: 1986Title: Report from East JavaJournal: IndonesiaVolume: 41Pages: 135-149Short Title: Report from East JavaNotes: This article is written probably by army intelligent officer who conducted assessment about relations of force in East Java province during the period of massacre. Reference Type: BookRecord Number: 19Author: Aveling, HerryYear: 1975Title: Gestapu: Indonesian Short Stories on the Abortive Coup of the 30th September 1965City: HonoluluPublisher: Southeast Asian Studies Program, University of HawaiiShort Title: Gestapu: Indonesian Short Stories on the Abortive Coup of the 30th September 1965Notes: The first published account about the massacre from the literary point of view. Reference Type: BookRecord Number: 26Author: Brackman, Arnold C.Year: 1969Title: The Communist Collapse in IndonesiaCity: New YorkPublisher: W W NortonShort Title: The Communist Collapse in IndonesiaNotes: Description from US anticommunist writerReference Type: Magazine ArticleRecord Number: 43Author: Contenay, JeanYear: 1967Title: Another BloodbathMagazine: Far Eastern Economic ReviewPages: 357-367Date: 23 NovemberShort Title: Another BloodbathReference Type: Edited BookRecord Number: 16Editor: Cribb, RobertYear: 1990Title: The Indonesian Killings 1965-1966: Studies from Java and BaliCity: MelbournePublisher: Centre for Southeast Asian Studies, Monash UniversityShort Title: The Indonesian Killings 1965-1966: Studies from Java and Bali Notes: It contains academic articles, journalistic and personal account of massacre Reference Type: Book SectionRecord Number: 17Author: Cribb, RobertYear: 1990Title: Introduction: Problems in the Historiography of the Killings in Indonesia Editor: Cribb, RobertBook Title: The Indonesian Killings 1965-1966: Studies from Java and BaliCity: MelbournePublisher: Centre for Southeast Asian Studies, Monash UniversityShort Title: Introduction: Problems in the Historiography of the Killings in Indonesia Notes: This article provide an evaluation to the historiography of massacre Reference Type: Book SectionRecord Number: 18Author: Cribb, RobertYear: 2001Title: How Many Deaths?: Problems in the Statistics of Massacre in Indonesia (1965-1966) and East Timor (1975-1980)Editor: Wimhofer, Ingrid Wessel & GeorgiaBook Title: Violence in IndonesiaCity: HamburgPublisher: Abera Verlag Markus VossShort Title: How Many Deaths?: Problems in the Statistics of Massacre in Indonesia (1965-1966) and East Timor (1975-1980)Notes: Comparative analysis about ET and Indonesian massacre, with statistical number of deathReference Type: Journal ArticleRecord Number: 23Author: Farram, StevenYear: 2002Title: Revolution, Religion and Magic The PKI in West Timor, 1924-1966Journal: Bijdragen tot de Taal, Land en VolkenkundeVolume: 158Short Title: Revolution, Religion and Magic The PKI in West Timor, 1924-1966 Notes: It contain historical development of communist movement and the massacre from outside JavaReference Type: BookRecord Number: 10Author: Flanagan, Julie Southwood & PatrickYear: 1983Title: Indonesia: Law, Propaganda and TerrorCity: LondonPublisher: Zed PressShort Title: Indonesia: Law, Propaganda and TerrorNotes: Contain some analysis about the work of army propaganda in the massacre against communist, and the language of anti-communist terror.Reference Type: BookRecord Number: 42Author: Green, MarshallYear: 1990Title: Indonesia: Crisis and Transformation, 1965-1968City: Washington DCPublisher: Compas PressShort Title: Indonesia: Crisis and Transformation, 1965-1968Reference Type: BookRecord Number: 41Author: Griswold, DeirdreYear: 1975Title: Indonesia, the Second Greatest Crime of the CenturyCity: New YorkPublisher: World View PublishersShort Title: Indonesia, the Second Greatest Crime of the CenturyReference Type: BookRecord Number: 2Author: Heffner, Robert W.Year: 1990Title: The Political Economy of Mountain Java: An Interpretative History.City: CaliforniaPublisher: University of California PressShort Title: The Political Economy of Mountain Java: An Interpretative History. Notes: The last chapter of this book contain information about massacre in the Pasuruan district, East Java province.Reference Type: BookRecord Number: 3Author: Heffner, Robert W.Year: 2000Title: Civil Islam: Muslims and Democratization in IndonesiaCity: PrincetonPublisher: Princeton University PressShort Title: Civil Islam: Muslims and Democratization in IndonesiaNotes: The second chapter of this book contain analysis about the role of Muslim organizations in the massacreReference Type: Journal ArticleRecord Number: 15Author: Heryanto, ArielYear: 1999Title: Where Communism Never Dies: Violence, Trauma and Narration in the Last Cold War Capitalist Authoritarian StateJournal: International Journal of Cultural StudiesVolume: 2Issue: 2Pages: 147-177Short Title: Where Communism Never Dies: Violence, Trauma and Narration in the Last Cold War Capitalist Authoritarian StateReference Type: BookRecord Number: 4Author: Hughes, JohnYear: 1967Title: Indonesia UpheavalCity: New YorkPublisher: Mc.KayShort Title: Indonesia UpheavalNotes: This is a journalistic account of massacre based on interviews following the massacre in Central and East Java.Reference Type: ReportRecord Number: 20Author: International, AmnestyYear: 1977Title: Indonesia, An Amnesty International ReportCity: LondonInstitution: Amnesty InternationalShort Title: Indonesia, An Amnesty International ReportReference Type: Edited BookRecord Number: 25Editor: Jonge, Frans Husken & Huub deYear: 2002Title: Violence and Vengeance: Discontent and Conflict in New Order Indonesia City: HamburgPublisher: Verlag fur Entwirkclungspolitik SaarbruckenShort Title: Violence and Vengeance: Discontent and Conflict in New Order Indonesia Reference Type: Government DocumentRecord Number: 27Author: Keefer, Edward C.Year:2001Title:Indonesia; Malaysia-Singapore; PhilippinesDepartment: Foreign Relatios of the United States, 1964-1968Publisher: United States Government Printing OfficeVolume: XXVIReference Type: Unpublished WorkRecord Number: 6Author: Lyon, Margo L.Year:1970Title of Work:Bases of Conflict in Rural JavaInstitution: University of California, BerkeleyType of Work: Working PaperNotes: This paper is an analysis about socio-economic background of Javanese rural society (especially about land-conflict) that provide analytical background of the massacre.Translated Title: Dasar-Dasar Konflik Di JawaReference Type: BookRecord Number: 5Author: May, BrianYear: 1978Title: The Indonesian TragedyCity: SingaporePublisher: Graham BashShort Title: The Indonesian TragedyNotes: The book contain narrative analysis about the military coup and massacre that followed.Reference Type: Journal ArticleRecord Number: 7Author: McGregor, Katherine E.Year: 2002Title: Commemoration of 1 October, "Hari Kesaktian Pancasila": A Post Mortem Analysis. Journal: Asian Studies ReviewVolume: 26Issue: IPages: 39-72Short Title: Commemoration of 1 October, "Hari Kesaktian Pancasila": A Post Mortem Analysis.Reference Type: ManuscriptRecord Number: 22Author: McVey), Benedict Anderson (with Ruth T.Year: 1971Title: A Preliminary Analysis of the October 1, 1965 Coup in IndonesiaCollection Title Modern Indonesian Project Cornell UniversityCity: IthacaShort Title: A Preliminary Analysis of the October 1, 1965 Coup in Indonesia Reference Type: ReportRecord Number: 39Author: Mortimer, RexYear: 1972Title: The Indonesian Communist Party and Land ReformCity: MelbourneInstitution: Monash Paper on Southeast Asia No. 1Short Title: The Indonesian Communist Party and Land ReformReference Type: BookRecord Number: 38Author: Mortimer, RexYear: 1974Title: Indonesian Communism Under Soekarno: Ideology and Politics, 1959-1965 City: IthacaPublisher: Cornell University PressShort Title: Indonesian Communism Under Soekarno: Ideology and Politics, 1959-1965 Notes: The last chapter of this book contain analysis about 1965 coup and massacre that followed.Reference Type: Magazine ArticleRecord Number: 40Author: Moser, DonYear: 1966Title: Where the rivers ran crimson from butcheryMagazine: LifePages: 26-29Date: 1 JulyShort Title: Where the rivers ran crimson from butcheryReference Type: BookRecord Number: 37Author: Palmer, LeslieYear: 1973Title: Communist in Indonesia: Power Pursued in VainCity: New YorkPublisher: Anchor PressShort Title: Communist in Indonesia: Power Pursued in VainReference Type: Journal ArticleRecord Number: 29Author: Rey, LucienYear: 1966Title: Dossier of the Indonesian DramaJournal: New Left ReviewVolume: 36Pages: 26-40Short Title: Dossier of the Indonesian DramaReference Type: Journal ArticleRecord Number: 30Author: Robinson, GeoffreyYear: 1988Title: State, Society and Political Conflict in Bali, 1945-1965Journal: IndonesiaVolume: 45Pages: 37-56Short Title: State, Society and Political Conflict in Bali, 1945-1965Notes: Theoritical analysis about the massacre in Bali and its relation with the nature of state formation at local level.Reference Type: Journal ArticleRecord Number: 8Author: Rochijat, PipitYear: 1985Title: Am I PKI or Non-PKIJournal: IndonesiaIssue: 40Pages: 37-56Short Title: Am I PKI or Non-PKINotes: Personal account of massacre in Kediri district, East Java, from the personal point of view of those participated in the massacre.Reference Type: ThesisRecord Number: 31Author: Sarwa, I NyomanYear: 1988Title: Pergolakan Sosial Politik di Bali Sejak Pemilihan Umum 1955-1965Academic Department: Faculty of LIteratureCity: DenpasarUniversity: University of Udayana, BaliDegree: BAShort Title: Pergolakan Sosial Politik di Bali Sejak Pemilihan Umum 1955-1965 Translated Title: Social and Political Unrest in Bali since election 1955-1965 Reference Type: BookRecord Number: 1Author: Sasongko, HaryoYear: 2003Title: Menembus Tirai Asap (Kesaksian Tahanan Politik 1965)City: JakartaPublisher: Yayasan LontarShort Title: Menembus Tirai Asap (Kesaksian Tahanan Politik 1965)Notes: Personal account about 1965 event from the perspective of ex-political prisoners. Translated Title: Testimony of 1965 Political PrisonersReference Type: Government DocumentRecord Number: 32Author: Service, United States InformationYear:1966Title:Surabaya Press SumarryNotes: This is a summary of press report in East Java province from local newspaper, collected by US consulate officials stationed at East Java province.Reference Type: BookRecord Number: 9Author: Siregar, M.R.Year: 2000Title: Naiknya Para JendralCity: MedanPublisher: Sumatera Human Rights Watch NetworkShort Title: Naiknya Para JendralNotes: Analysis about the 1965 coup and massacre from the left point of view. Translated Title: The Rise of GeneralsReference Type: BookRecord Number: 14Author: Sulistyo, HermawanYear: 2000Title: Palu Arit di Ladang Tebu: Sejarah Pembantaian Massal Yang Terlupakan,1965-1966City: JakartaPublisher: GramediaShort Title: Palu Arit di Ladang Tebu: Sejarah Pembantaian Massal Yang Terlupakan, 1965-1966Original Publication: (Diss) The Forgotten Years: The Missing History of Indonesia's Mass Slaughter (Jombang-Kediri 1965-1966)Notes: Indonesia's translation of Ph.D dissertation about 1965 massacre taken from research in Jombang and Kediri area in East Java provinceLanguage: IndonesiaReference Type: BookRecord Number: 13Author: Sundhaussen, UlfYear: 1982Title: The Road to Power: Indonesian MIlitary POlitics, 1945-1967City: Kuala Lumpur & New YorkPublisher: Oxford University PressShort Title: The Road to Power: Indonesian MIlitary POlitics, 1945-1967Notes: The last chapters contain information about the massacre from the perspective of national politicsReference Type: Magazine ArticleRecord Number: 33Author: Sutton, HoraceYear: 1967Title: Indonesia's Night of Terror: Exclusive Report from Jakarta on the Red Purge Magazine: Saturday ReviewPages: 25-81Date: 4 February 1967Short Title: Indonesia's Night of Terror: Exclusive Report from Jakarta on the Red Purge Reference Type: BookRecord Number: 34Author: Thornquist, OlleYear: 1984Title: Dilemmas of Third World Communism: The Destruction of the PKI in Indonesia City: LondonPublisher: Zed BooksShort Title: Dilemmas of Third World Communism: The Destruction of the PKI in IndonesiaReference Type: Journal ArticleRecord Number: 35Author: Uttrecht, ErnstYear: 1972Title: Class Struggle and Politics in JavaJournal: Journal of Contemporary AsiaVolume: 2-3Pages: 269-288Short Title: Class Struggle and Politics in JavaReference Type: Journal ArticleRecord Number: 36Author: Walkin, JacobYear: 1969Title: The Moslem-Communist Confrontation in East Java, 1964-1965Journal: OrbisVolume: 13Pages: 822-847Short Title: The Moslem-Communist Confrontation in East Java, 1964-1965Notes: The author was US consulate official stationed at East Java province at the time of massacre. It contain evaluation about the Moslem determination in the fight against the communist in this province.Reference Type: Journal ArticleRecord Number: 24Author: Webb, R.A.F. PaulYear: 1986Title: The Sickle and the Cross: Christian and Communist in Bali, Flores, Sumba and Timor, 1965-1967Journal: Journal of Southeast Asian StudiesVolume: XVIIIssue: 1Date: MarchShort Title: The Sickle and the Cross: Christian and Communist in Bali, Flores, Sumba and Timor, 1965-1967Reference Type: Book SectionRecord Number: 12Author: Young, Kenneth R.Year: 1990Title: Local and National Influences in the Violence of 1965Editor: Cribb, RobertBook Title: The Indonesian Killings 1965-1966: Studies from Java and BaliCity: Clayton, VictoriaPublisher: Centre of Southeast Asian Studies, Monash UniversityShort Title: Local and National Influences in the Violence of 1965Notes: It contain short analysis about 1965 massacre in Kediri area, and brief comparison with other areas in Java.Reference Type: Journal ArticleRecord Number: 11Author: Zurbuchen, Mary S.Year: 2002Title: History, Memory and the '1965 Incident' in IndonesiaJournal: Asian SurveyVolume: XLIIIssue: 4Pages: 561-581Short Title: History, Memory and the '1965 Incident' in Indonesia。








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2. 能源安全:有效、可持续地使用能源,保证能源安全。

3. 低碳/气候变化:降低温室气体排放量的增幅,把全球平均气温控制在高于工业革命前的温度2摄氏度水平内。

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As a seasoned film critic,I find myself drawn to films that not only entertain but also challenge the mind.Frequency,released in the year2000, is one such film that has left an indelible mark on my cinematic experience. Directed by Gregory Hoblit and starring Dennis Quaid and Jim Caviezel, the movie weaves a compelling narrative around the concept of time travel, albeit through a unique and emotional lens.The film opens with a scene that immediately sets the tonea father and son bonding over a shared love for baseball,a moment that is both heartwarming and nostalgic.The father,Frank Sullivan Dennis Quaid,is a firefighter,and his son,John Sullivan Jim Caviezel,is a young man with an affinity for ham radio.The year is1969,and the stage is set for a tragedy that will forever change their lives.Fast forward to1999,and we find John,now a grown man and a police officer,stumbling upon his old ham radio.In a twist of fate,he manages to establish a connection with his father from the past.The premise is intriguing,and the execution is nothing short of brilliant.The film masterfully handles the complexities of time travel,avoiding the pitfalls of paradoxes and inconsistencies that often plague such narratives.What truly sets Frequency apart,however,is its emotional core.The relationship between Frank and John is the heart of the film,and the actors deliver performances that are both powerful and nuanced.Quaids portrayal of a father grappling with the knowledge of his impending death is heartwrenching,while Caviezels John is a testament to the resilience and determination of a son trying to save his father.The films pacing is another aspect that deserves praise.It never feels rushed or dragged out,maintaining a steady rhythm that keeps the audience engaged throughout.The plot unfolds at a pace that allows for the development of the characters and their relationships,while also providing enough suspense to keep viewers on the edge of their seats.One cannot discuss Frequency without mentioning its visual and auditory elements.The cinematography is topnotch,capturing the essence of both the1960s and the late1990s with a keen eye for detail.The soundtrack, composed by David Arnold,complements the films emotional beats perfectly,enhancing the overall viewing experience.However,its not just the technical aspects that make Frequency a standout film.Its the themes it exploreslove,loss,and the power of human connectionthat resonate deeply with audiences.The film poses the question:If given the chance,would you change the past to alter the future?Its a question that lingers long after the credits roll,inviting viewers to reflect on their own lives and the choices theyve made.In conclusion,Frequency is a film that transcends the boundaries of its genre,offering a thoughtprovoking and emotionally charged experience. Its a testament to the power of storytelling and the impact that cinema can have on its audience.For those who appreciate films that challenge the mind and touch the heart,Frequency is a mustwatch.Its a movie that has left a lasting impression on me as a film critic,and I believe it will continue to resonate with viewers for years to come.。

压力限制肿瘤增长翻译 中英

压力限制肿瘤增长翻译 中英



众所周知当生长细胞中的DNA发生突变时就会形成肿瘤并发展为癌症, .但是这种发展是如何受到肿瘤周围环境的影响仍是一个需要讨论的课题。




肿瘤在这种自由的状态下会继续生长两周或者三周, 直到达到细胞的死亡和分裂刚好平衡的稳态。

糖分的严厉打击为了找出在这个生长过程中是什么影响到了压力, 小组在此方案中加入了很多糖分这些糖分由于颗粒太大而无法穿过袋子的微小孔洞所以仍在袋子外面,造成了一种浓度的不平衡,而使其迫切的要解决掉袋子外的溶液以努力恢复其浓度的平衡,袋子外较大浓度的溶液随即对袋子产生了力度的压迫,并且这种压迫被里面的肿瘤所感应到。







国外学者对并购风险的观点1.引言1.1 概述并购活动作为企业扩张和增长的一种重要手段,一直以来备受关注。


















文章结构如下:1. 引言1.1 概述1.2 文章结构1.3 目的在正文部分,将重点介绍国外学者对并购风险的观点。










表1国外放射性废物处置公众沟通职能机构Table1Foreign functional organizations of public communication in radioactive waste disposal项目处置方委员会国家法国Andra①地方信息委员会(包括当地官员、工会、环保协会和商业界代表等)②核安全透明与信息高级委员会(包括国会议员、参议员、工会、环保协会、科学院、核安全部门代表等)③国家公众辩论委员会(包括国会议员、地方官员、法院、审计、协会、工会代表等)④道德与社会委员会(包括卫生、环境、法律、参与治理、科学技术、经济专业代表等)芬兰Posiva①核能咨询委员会(属于贸易与工业部KTM)②核安全咨询委员会(属于辐射和核安全中心STUK)瑞典SKB①核废物基金管理委员会(由政府指定资金管理的专业人员)②核废物管理咨询委员会(包括工艺、自然科学、伦理学、法律和社会科学专家等)韩国Korad①核安全委员会(包括核电、环境、卫生、科学技术、公共安全、法律、人文专业人员等)②乏燃料管理公众参与委员会(包括人文社科、工程技术专家、非政府组织成员代表、当地居民代表等)所调研的4个国家都拥有较为健全的法律保障体系,保障放射性废物管理过程的合规有效,并在法律法规中指定负责开展放射性废物处置工作的机构。



比较研究方法①[美]戴维·科利尔著章远译戴维·科利尔(David Collier)生于1942年,是比较政治学以及方法论等研究领域的知名美国学者。

本篇《比较研究方法》原收录于埃达·W.费尼弗特(Ada W.Finifter)主编的《政治科学:学科的现状(二)》文集之中,全文是在早前收录于《比较政治的动力:全球研究视角》(1991年出版)文集中同名文章的修正和补充。


科利尔认为标准的“比较研究方法”指的是针对小规模样本、或者说少量案例的研究方法,这种研究方法显然适用632①In Ada W.Finifter,ed.,Political Science:The State of the Discipline II(Washington D.C.:American Political Science Association,1993).本文是早先发表的Dankwart A.Rustow and Kenneth Paul Erickson,eds.,Comparative Political Dynamics:Global Research Perspective(New York:Harper Collins,1991)的修正版本。



科利尔以阿伦·利帕特(Arend Lijphart)发表于1971年的《比较政治学和比较研究方法》为分析起点。



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David E. Ott Dept. of Computer ScienceUniversity of North CarolinaSitterson Hall, CB 3175Chapel Hill, NC 27514 (919) 962-1848 Office (919) 914-5900 Home ott@ /~ottResearch Interests Networking, distributed systems, transport-level protocol design, middlewareservices and architectures, programmable networks, router design, congestioncontrol, network security, network performance analysis, operating systems. Education Ph.D., Computer Science. UNC at Chapel Hill. Anticipated May 2005.Advisor: Dr. Ketan Mayer-Patel. Dissertation: An Open Architecture forTransport-level Protocol Coordination in Distributed MultimediaApplications. Looks at the problem of coordinating application data flowssharing a common intermediary path across the Internet. An openarchitecture, called the Coordination Protocol, is proposed for exchangingstate information between flows to facilitate network resource allocation andother types of domain-specific coordination.M.S., Computer Science. UNC at Chapel Hill. December 2000.Selected coursework: Advanced Networking, Multimedia Networking, Topicsin Multimedia Systems, Protocols and Network Management, DistributedSystems, Real-time Systems, Advanced Operating Systems, Parallel andDistributed Computing, Computer Architecture and Implementation,Software Design and Implementation.B.S., Computer Science, SUNY at Buffalo. May 1997.M.A., Applied Linguistics (TESOL), U. Illinois at Chicago. April 1990.B.A., English, Oberlin College. December 1988.Publications D. Ott and K. Mayer-Patel. “An Open Architecture for Transport-level ProtocolCoordination in Distributed Multimedia Applications”, ACM Transactionson Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications. (Undersubmission.)D. Ott and K. Mayer-Patel. “Coordinated Multi-streaming for 3D Tele-immersion”, ACM Multimedia. October 2004.D. Ott, T. Sparks, and K. Mayer-Patel., "Aggregate Congestion Control forDistributed Multimedia Applications", IEEE INFOCOM. March 2004.D. Ott and K. Mayer-Patel, “Transport-level Protocol Coordination inDistributed Multimedia Applications”, ACM Multimedia DoctoralSymposium. November 2003.D. Ott and K. Mayer-Patel., "A Mechanism for TCP-Friendly Transport-levelProtocol Coordination", USENIX. June 2002.D. Ott and K. Mayer-Patel., "Transport-level Protocol Coordination in Cluster-to-Cluster Applications", Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems(IDMS), September 2001.M. Christiansen, K. Jeffay, D. Ott, and F.D. Smith, "Tuning RED for WebTraffic", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Volume 9, Number 3,June 2001, pages 249-264.F. Donelson Smith, F. Hernández Campos, K. Jeffay, and D. Ott, "What TCP/IPProtocol Headers Can Tell Us About the Web", ACM SIGMETRICS, June2001.M. Christiansen, K. Jeffay, D. Ott, and F.D. Smith, "Tuning RED for WebTraffic", Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM, August-September 2000, pages139-150.J. Anderson, R. Jain, and D. Ott, "Wait-Free Synchronization in Quantum-BasedMultiprogrammed Systems ", Proceedings of the 12th InternationalSymposium of Distributed Computing, pp. 34-48 September 1998.Curriculum Vitae David E. Ott Page Two Invited Talks “Coordinated Multi-streaming for 3D Tele-immersion”. ACM Multimedia,New York, NY, October 10-16, 2004.“Aggregate Congestion Control for Distributed Multimedia Applications”.IEEE INFOCOM, Hong Kong, China, March 7-11, 2004.“Transport-level Protocol Coordination in Distributed MultimediaApplications”. ACM Multimedia Doctoral Symposium, Berkeley, CA,November 2-8, 2003,.“A Mechanism for TCP-Friendly Transport-level Protocol Coordination”.USENIX, Monterey, CA, June 10-15, 2002.“A distributed network performance analyzer for video and voice over IP”.SURA/ViDe Digital Video Workshop, Atlanta, GA, March 19-21, 2001. Teaching Office of Computer Services, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University.Nonthaburi, Thailand. June - July 1997. Lecturer. Taught two-month staffdevelopment workshop in HTML, CGI programming with Perl, and JavaComputer Information Technology, SUNY at Buffalo. June - August 1996.Workshop Instructor. Taught workshops in HTML and X-Windows.English Language Institute, SUNY at Buffalo. May 1995 - October 1996.Workshop Instructor. Taught workshops in electronic mail, wordprocessing software, and the World Wide Web.English Language Institute, SUNY at Buffalo. May - December 1995.Summer instructor / teaching assistant. Taught English as a SecondLanguage (ESL) courses to foreign university students, including speakingand grammar skill areas.Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Ubon Ratchathani University,University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce. Thailand. June 1990 -July 1994. Foreign Lecturer. Taught English as a Foreign Language (EFL)and English for Special Purposes (ESP) courses, and worked on curriculumdevelopment for the above public and private universities.Department of Linguistics, U. Illinois at Chicago. January 1989 - March1990. Teaching assistant. Taught English as a Second Language (ESL)courses in academic writing and grammar for foreign students.Recent Employment Distributed and Real-time Systems Lab. Department of Computer Science,UNC at Chapel Hill. August 1998 - Present. Research Assistant.Research efforts in Internet traffic analysis, active queue management, andmore recently transport-level protocol coordination. Along the way, haveassisted extensively with the setup and administration of private networks forresearch and academic use.Center for Advanced Video Network Engineering and Research. UNC atChapel Hill. September 2000 - May 2001. Research Assistant.Created Web-based network performance utility called Scout. The utility,written in Perl and Tcl, uses NetIQ's Chariot as its underlying performancetesting engine, but adds pre-configured libraries, an interactive endpointdirectory, and searchable results archive.CISCO Systems. Research Triangle Park, NC. May - September 2000, May2001. Summer Intern.Wrote automated software tools for testing advanced features of multi-platformrouter load-balancing architecture. Platforms included Cisco 7200 seriesrouters, Catalyst 6000 family switches, and units under development.Osprey Technologies. Morrisville, NC. May-August 1998. Summer Intern.Created software test suite for platform independent software interfaceto high-performance, multi-algorithm audio/video capture card.Curriculum Vitae David E. Ott Page Three Honors and Awards North Carolina Networking Initiative (NCNI) Graduate Fellowship. UNCat Chapel Hill. 2000-2001.Board of Governor's Fellowship. UNC at Chapel Hill. 1997-2000.Phi Beta Phi, Golden Key Honor Societies. SUNY at Buffalo. 1997.Skills Languages: C/C++, Perl, Python, Tcl, OTcl, Java, shell (bash, csh), assembly,ML, LISP, Ada, and Prolog.Platforms: UNIX (especially FreeBSD, Linux, Solaris) and Windows.Web-related: HTML/XHTML, CSS, CGI, JavaScript, PHP, Dreamweaver,Fireworks, Photoshop, and Apache.Miscellaneous: TCP/IP, ns2, Matlab, GSL, STL, SQL, CVS, and LaTeX. Selected Projects •Multi-streaming for 3D tele-immersion. 2003-4.•Coordination Protocol (CP). 2001-3.•Scout network performance testing. 2000-1.•IP profiling of OC3 traffic traces. Fall 1999.•IMA ADPCM audio codec with RTP-based streaming. Fall 1999.•HTTP traffic generation and packet arrival analysis. Fall 1998.•Distributed object storage using Java RMI. Spring 1998.•Parallel n-body simulation using the Cray T3E and shmem. Spring 1998.References Dr. Ketan Meyer-Patel (Advisor)Assistant Professor(919) 962-1709kmp@ Department of Computer Science University of North Carolina Sitterson Hall, CB 3175 Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3175Dr. Kevin Jeffay Professor (919) 962-1938 jeffay@ Department of Computer Science University of North Carolina Sitterson Hall, CB 3175 Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3175Dr. Don Smith Research Professor (919) 962-1884 smithfd@ Department of Computer Science University of North Carolina Sitterson Hall, CB 3175 Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3175。
