


[单选,A1型题]睾丸间质细胞的主要生理功能是()A.营养和支持生殖细胞B.产生精子C.分泌雄激素D.促进精子成熟E.起血睾屏障作用 [单选]定活两便储蓄存期在一年以内的,整个存期按()计息A.活期利率B.支取日整存整取定期储蓄一年期存款利率打六折C.支取日整存整取定期储蓄存款同档次利率打六折D.支取日整存整取定期储蓄一年期存款利率打八折 [单选]Graves病时TRH兴奋试验表现为A.正常反应B.增高反应C.低弱反应或无反应D.延迟反应E.延迟增高反应 [单选,案例分析题]男,45岁,原位肝移植(胆管端端吻合术)术后1周,胆汁分泌每日100ml,ALT由72U/L升至253U/L,TBiL由43μmol/L升至134μmol/L若该患者T管造影显示为吻合口狭窄,首选治疗为()A.胆肠吻合术B.再次肝移植C.内镜治疗D.药物保肝治疗E.胆道冲洗 [单选]有关七氟烷的描述,下列哪项正确()A.血/气分配系数是1.7B.烷化合物C.蒸气压是214D.对气道刺激性强E.体内无降解 [单选]男性,62岁。重度吸烟(每日40支左右)30余年。10年前起咳嗽伴渐进性加重的呼吸困难。近1周卧床不起。尿少,下肢水肿住院。体检心率120次/分。动脉血气:PaC028kPa(60mmHg),PaO26.67kPa(50mmHg)。心电图示肺型P波,VIR/S>1。查房时医生们关于强心剂(洋地黄 血管药物使用有下列不同主张,你认为哪一种较为合理()A.没有应用价值B.先用强心剂C.先用扩血管药物D.两类药物应同时使用E.改善通气,纠正缺氧,利尿剂治疗,若右心衰竭不见好转,可以考虑先试强心剂 [判断题]变速器油正常的工作温度是82度-93度,如果温度超过121度,应当立即关闭发动机。A.正确B.错误 [单选,A1型题]枳实导滞丸的功用是()。A.健脾和胃,消食止泻B.消导化积,清热利湿C.消痞除满,健ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้和胃D.行气导滞,攻积泄热E.分消酒湿,理气健脾 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]胍类消毒剂包括醋酸氯己定和葡萄糖酸氯已定和聚六亚甲基胍等,下列哪项不是其特征()。A.受有机物影响轻微,稳定性差B.属低效消毒剂C.具有速效杀菌作用D.对皮肤黏膜无刺激性E.对金属和织物无腐蚀性 [多选]下列各项中,公民、法人或者其他组织可以依照行政复议法申请行政复议的有()。A.对行政机关作出行政拘留决定不服的B.对行政机关作出的限制人身自由的决定不服的C.不服行政机关对民事纠纷作出的调解D.申请行政机关依法发放抚恤金,行政机关没有依法发放的E.认为行政机关侵犯合 自主权的 [判断题]消防器材、装备设施、不得用于与消防和抢险救援工作无关的事项。A.正确B.错误 [多选]黄疸伴胆囊肿大常见于()。A.急性化脓性胆囊炎B.胰头癌C.壶腹癌D.胆总管癌E.肝硬化 [单选,A1型题]下列哪种情况是类风湿关节炎的典型体征()A.肩关节活动受限B.扳机指C.Finkelstein试验(+)D.鼓槌指E.关节处红肿疼痛 [单选]创伤失血性休克的治疗,下列不恰当的是()A.紧急处理张力性气胸B.血压正常后再手术止血C.输平衡液D.固定骨折E.镇痛 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]按场所分类,不属于健康教育研究领域范畴的是()A.学校健康教育B.社区健康教育C.医院健康教育D.环境保护健康教育E.职业人群健康教育 [多选]以下()是“关闭计算机”对话框中的选项。A、关闭;B、注销;C、等待;D、重新启动。 [单选,A1型题]肯氏三类牙列缺损,支点线和牙弓的关系是()。A.支点线横切牙弓B.支点线纵切牙弓C.支点线斜切牙弓D.支点线构成三角形E.支点线构成多边形 [判断题]用沙土将燃烧盖住,隔离空气,属于隔离法灭火.A.正确B.错误 [单选,A1型题]国家对部分重点中药材购销实行管理,下列属于第一类的为()A.三七B.人参C.牛黄D.甘草E.黄连 [单选]邓小平说,社会主义的优越性归根到底要体现()A.B.它的政治民主化程度比资本主义更高,人民真正成为国家的主人C.它的经济计划性不资本主义更强,更能促进经济稳定协调发展D.它的生产力比资本主义发展得更快更高,并且在此基础上不断改善人民的物质文化生活E.它的社会精神文明水 并能够实现物质文明和精神文明协调发展 [单选]最易引起心房颤动的疾病是()。A.病毒性心肌炎B.高血压性心脏病C.风心病二尖瓣狭窄D.慢性肺心病E.缩窄性心包炎 [单选]属于21世纪的新兴产业是___。A.信息服务行业B.旅游行业C.电子计算机行业D.3G手机 [单选]已知某开发商出售房地产的增值额为20万元,扣除项目金额为10万元,则此开发商应缴纳的土地增值税为()万元。A.5.0B.5.5C.6.5D.8.5 [名词解释]服刑人员控告 [单选,A型题]九仙散主治的病证是()A.脾虚久咳B.肺虚久咳C.肾虚久咳D.肝火久咳E.肺热久咳 [填空题]单阀施行制动时,单独作用管的压力空气推动()右移而进入作用阀鞲鞴下方。 [填空题]马铃薯的薯块是()的变态,而红薯的地下膨大部分是()的变态。 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列关于乙型肝炎病毒抵抗力的描述,正确的是()。A.100℃5分钟灭活B.煮沸10分钟灭活C.60℃10小时灭活D.-20℃可保存10天E.可被紫外线灭活 [问答题,简答题]对于大规模的溢油污染事故中至少应确定多少个取样点?每个取样点采集的样品个数应不少于多少个? [判断题]除尘器停运后可以立即打开人孔门进行冷却。()A.正确B.错误 [名词解释]单纯红细胞再生障碍性贫血 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]一般希望用于过筛实验的分析方法有()A.总有效率高B.准确度高C.高灵敏度D.高特异性E.重复性好 [单选]机体矿物质的生理功能是()。A.合成维生素D的原料B.维持酸碱平衡C.构成氨基酸的重要物质D.提供能量E.合成前列腺素的原料 [单选]客户开立教育储蓄账户时应考虑到期支取时能否取得(),如不能取得“证明”,则无法享受利率和免税优惠,无法获得预期的收益。A.义务教育证明B.非义务教育证明C.贫困证明D.免税证明 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]“组织文化区别于组织其他内容的根本点”描述的是组织文化的()A.文化性B.实践性C.自觉性D.整合性E.综合性

TEM 8汉译英 1997-2017 真题训练及答案 21篇

TEM 8汉译英 1997-2017 真题训练及答案 21篇

TEM 8 真题训练21篇1997来美国求学的中国学生与其他亚裔学生一样,大多非常刻苦勤奋,周末也往往会抽出一天甚至两天的时间去实验室加班,因而比起美国学生来,成果出得较多。





”这位导师的严格及苛刻是全校有名的,在我所呆的3 年半中,共有14 位学生被招进他的实验室,最后博士毕业的只剩下5人。


19981997 年2 月24 日我们代表团下榻日月潭中信大饭店,送走了最后一批客人,已是次日凌晨3 点了。







日月潭水波不兴,仿佛与我一同在思索……1999加拿大的温哥华1986 年刚刚度过百岁生日,但城市的发展令世界瞩目。


经过百年开发建设,有着天然不冻良港的温哥华,成为举世闻名的港口城市,同亚洲、大洋洲、欧洲、拉丁美洲均有定期班轮,年货物吞吐量达到8,000 万吨,全市就业人口中有三分之一从事贸易与运输行业。



钟点数 (+o'clock) 钟点数+分钟数
分钟数在 分钟数+psst+钟
倒读法 30以内
分钟数正 half past+钟点数 好是30
six (o'clock) six five five past six half past six
知识点 4 home /h??m/ n. 家【四会】
例句: Welcome to my new home !欢迎来到我的新家! 短语: my home 我的家 形近词: some 一些 come 来 整体记忆法: 把几个字母看作一个整体来记忆单词的方法就
是整体记忆法。如:把字母组合“ome”看作一 个整体,在前面加上不同的字母,可以组成的 单词有home, some, come 等。
拓展 还能够用来询问时间的句子有:What's the time? 例句:—What's the time? 几点了? —It is 6 o'clock. 六点。
典例 按要求完成句子。 It's three fifteen.(就画线部分提问) __W__h_a_t_ ___t_im__e__ is it?
There she is. 她在那里。
(2)当句中的主语是名词时,以here/there开头的句型为: Here / There +动词+名词(短语). 例句:Here is your coat.这是你的外套。 There are our new books.那儿是我们的新书。 There comes a bus.那边来了一辆公共汽车。



1995-2010英语专八汉译英及参考答案1CHINESE TO ENGLISH乔羽的歌大家都熟悉。






”ENGLISH TO CHINESEEffort is the gist of it. There is no happiness except as we take on life- engaging difficulties. Short of the impossible, as Yeats put it, the satisfaction we get from a lifetime depends on how high we choose our difficulties. Robert Frost was thinking in something like the same terms when he spoke of “The pleas u re of taking pains”. The mortal flaw in the advertised version of happiness is in the fact that it purports to be effortless.We demand difficulty even in our games. We demand it because without difficulty there can be no game. A game is a way of making something hard for the fun of it. The rules of the game are an arbitrary imposition of difficulty. When someone ruins the fun, he always does so by refusing to play by the roles. It is easier to win at chess if you are free, at your pleasure, to change the wholly arbitrary roles, but the fun is in winning within the rules. No difficulty, no fun.乔羽的歌大家都熟悉。



八六版高中英语课文第一册LESSON 1 HOW MARX LEARNED FOREIGN LANGUAGES马克思怎样学习外语LESSON 2 AT HOME IN THE FUTURE未来的家LESSON 3 THE BLIND MEN AND THE ELEPHANT 盲人和象LESSON 4 GALILEO AND ARISTOTLE伽利略和亚里斯多德LESSON 5 THE LOST NECKLACE丢失的项链LESSON 6 ABRAHAM LINCOLN 亚伯拉罕·林肯LESSON 7 THE EMPEROR'S NEW CLOTHES皇帝的新装LESSON 8 THE EMPEROR'S NEW CLOTHES(Continued)皇帝的新装(续)LESSON 9 LADY SILKWORM蚕花娘子LESSON 10 THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA中国的万里长城LESSON 11 AT A TAILOR'S SHOP在服装店(选自《百万英镑》)LESSON 12 POLLUTION污染LESSON 13 THE FOOTPRINT脚印(选自《鲁滨逊漂流记》)LESSON 14 WATCHING ANTS观蚁LESSON 15 NAPOLEON'S THREE QUESTIONS拿破仑的三个问题LESSON 16 CONTINENTS AND OCEANS大陆和海洋LESSON 17 THE STORY OF WILLIAM TELL 威廉·泰尔的故事LESSON 18 A LITTLE HERO小英雄阅读:Merry Christmas圣诞快乐1. HOW TO USE AN ENGLISH DICTIONARY2. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND3. THAT CRAZY TOWER IN PISA4. THE BEST ADVICE I EVER HAD5. THE FIRST TELEVISION6.THE BOYS BUILD A BRIDGELESSON 1 PORTRAIT OF A TEACHER一位教师的写照LESSON 2 THE TALLEST GRASS最高的草LESSON 3 ALL THESE THINGS ARE TO BE ANSWERED FOR所有这一切都是要偿还的(选自《双城记》)LESSON 4 ALL THESE THINGS ARE TO BE ANSWERED FOR(Continued)所有这一切都是要偿还的(续)LESSON 5 WINTER SLEEP冬眠LESSON 6 ALBERT EINSTEIN阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦LESSON 7 ALBERT EINSTEIN(Continued)阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦(续)LESSON 8 THE PROFESSOR AND HIS INVENTION教授和他的发明LESSON 9 SPORTS AND GAMES体育运动LESSON 10 THE LAST LESSON最后一课LESSON 11 THE LAST LESSON(Continued)最后一课(续)LESSON 12 WALKING IN SPACE太空行走LESSON 13 MADAME CURIE AND RADIUM居里夫人和镭LESSON 14 THE GIFTS礼物LESSON 15 THE GIFTS(Continued)礼物(续)LESSON 16 ADVENTURE ON HIGHWAY 6666号公路历险记VOCABULARYSUPPLIMENTARY READINGS1. THE LAST LEAF2. ESCAPE FROM THE ZOO3. ROBIN HOOD AND HIS MERRY MEN4. THE IMPORTANCE OF ENGLISH5. A THIRSTY WORLD6. HOW THE BODY CELLS LIVELESSON 1 PERSEVERANCE毅力LESSON 2 A GERMAN STAMP一张德国邮票LESSON 3 ON READING谈读书LESSON 4 THREE GOLD MEDALS FOR WILMA威尔玛的三枚金牌LESSON 5 THE SNAKE IN THE SLEEPING BAG睡袋里的蛇LESSON 6 MY TEACHER我的老师(选自海伦·凯勒《我的一生》)LESSON 7 THE TRIAL审判(选自《威尼斯商人》)LESSON 8 CHARLES DARWIN查尔斯·达尔文LESSON 9 THE LANGUAGE OF THE BEES蜜蜂的语言LESSON 10 THE SIXTH DIAMOND 第六颗钻石LESSON 11 A SPEECH BY NORMAN BETHUNE诺尔曼·白求恩的演讲LESSON 12 FROM THE JAWS OF DEATH绝处逢生VOCABULARYSUPPLIMENTARY READINGS1. FACE TO FACE WITH DANGER2. PAPER AND ITS USES3. STICK-UP4. THE EARTHWORM5. A GIFT FOR MOTHER'S DAY6. MYSTERIES OF MIGRATION7. SING FOR ME8. THE DOG THAT SET ME FREE9. TWO POEMS1、HOW MARX LEARNED FOREIGN LANGUAGESKarl Marx was born in Germany, and German was his native language. When he was still a young man, he was forced to leave his homeland for political reasons. He stayed in Belgium for a few years; then he went to France. Before long he had to move on again. In 1849, he went to England and made London the base for his revolutionary work.Marx had learned some French and English at school. When he got to England, he found that his English was too limited. He started working hard to improve it. He made such rapid progress that before long he began to write articles in English for an American newspaper. In fact, his English in one of these articles was so good that Engels wrote him a letter and praised him for it. Marx wrote back to say that Engels' praise had greatly encouraged him. However, he went on to explain that he was not too sure about two things--the grammar and some of the idioms.These letters were written in 1853. In the years that followed, Marx kept on studying English and using it. When he wrote one of his great works, The Civil War in France, he had mastered the language so well that he was bale to write the book in English.In the 1870's, when Marx was already in his fifties, he found it important to study the situation in Russia, so he began to learn Russian. At the end of six months he had learned enough to read articles and reports in Russian. In one of his books, Marx gave some advice on how to learn a foreign language. He said when a person is learning a foreign language; he must not always be translating everything into his own language. If he does this, it shows he has not mastered it. He must be able to use the foreign language, forgetting all about his own. If he can not do this, he has not really grasped the spirit of the foreign language and can not use it freely.2、AT HOME IN THE FUTUREA medical examination without a doctor or nurse in the room? Doing shopping at home? Borrowing books from the library without leaving your home?These ideas may seem strange to you. But scientists are working hard to turn them into realities.Let us suppose we can visit a home at the end of this century. We will visit a boy named Charlie Green. He is not feeling well this morning. His mother, Mrs Green, wants the doctor to see him. That is, she wants the doctor to listen to him. She brings a set of wires to Charlie's room. These wires are called sensors. She places one sensor in his mouth and one on his chest. She puts another one around his wrist and one on his forehead. Then she plugs the sensors into a wall outlet. She says the code "TCP". This means "telephone call placed." A little light flashes on the wall. The Green's wireless telephone is ready for a call.Mrs Green says "2478", the doctor's telephone number. From a speaker on the wall comes the doctor's voice: "Good morning.""Good morning, Dr Scott," answers Mrs Green. "Charlie isn't feeling too well this morning. I've put the sensors on him. I wonder if you can examine him now.""Sure," the doctor's voice says. "Well, he doesn't have a fever. And his pulse is fine. Now, breathe deeply, Charlie."Charlie does so."Just a little cold," says the doctor. "Better stay inside today, Charlie. And take it easy.""Thank you, Doctor," says Mrs Green. "TCC (telephone call completed)." The light on the wall turns off. The phone call and the examination are finished."Charlie," says Mrs Green," since you have to stay at home, why don't you do some shopping? You can pick out your new bicycle. After all, your birthday is only two weeks away.""Great," Charlie answers.Charlie and his mother sit in front of one of the vision phones. There are several in their house."TCP," says Charlie. The word ready appears on the screen of the vision phone."New Forest Bicycle Shop," a voice says. "May I help you?"Charlie answers, "I'd like to see your ten-speed bicycles."In the next few minutes, pictures of many models of the bicycles are flashed on the screen. The price of each model is also shown.Then the voice asks, "Are you interested in any of these models?""Yes, I'm interested in model 6.""Do you wish to place an order at this time?""Not just yet," answers Mrs Green. "My son's birthday is in two weeks' time. Thank you. TCC."The vision phone shuts off.Such would be our home in the future.2-1、A VISIT TO THE LIBRARY IN THE FUTUREThe shopping is finished. Charlie's parents tell him they have to go out for a little while. "Why don't you visit the library while we're out?" says Charlie's dad. "I know they have some new books on basket-ball, your favourite game."Charlie goes to one of the visionphones. He places a call to the library. He asks to see one of the new books on basket-ball.Basket-ball Giant, the name of the book, is flashed on the screen. "Turn," says Charlie. The first page of the book is shown on the screen. Then the second, and the third. Charlie has read about fifty pages of it. Then he hears his mother's voice coming through a speaker on the wall. Charlie turns off the visionphone. He says hello to his mother."Where are you?" he adds."We're driving on the freeway," Mrs Green says. "This is taking a little more time than we thought. We won't be back until two o'clock. Better get some lunch for yourself.""What are you doing?" Charlie asks."We'll explain later," she says."O.K." says Charlie.3、The Blind Men and the ElephantOnce upon a time there were six blind men who lived in a village in India. Every daythey went to the road nearby and stood there begging. They had often heard of elephants, but they had never seen one, for, being blind, how could they?One morning an elephant was led down the road where they stood. When they heard that an elephant was passing by, they asked the driver to stop the beast so that they could have a "look".Of course they could not look at him with their eyes, but they thought they might learn what kind of animal he was by touching and feeling him. For, you see, they trusted their own sense of touch very much.The first blind man happened to place his hand on the elephant's side. "Well, well," he said. "This beast is exactly like a wall."The second grasped one of the elephant's tusks and felt it. "You're quite mistaken," he said. "He's round and smooth and sharp. He's more like a spear than anything else."The third happened to take hold of the elephant's trunk. "You're both completely wrong," he said. "This elephant is like a snake, as anybody can see."The fourth opened both his arms and closed them round one of the elephant's legs. "Oh, how blind you are!" he cried. "It's very clear that he's round and tall like a tree."The fifth was a very tall man, and he caught hold of one of the elephant's ears. "Even the blindest person must see that this elephant isn't like any of the things you name," he said. "He's exactly like a huge fan."The sixth man went forward to feel the elephant. He was old and slow and it took him quite some time to find the elephant at all. At last he got hold of the beast's tail. "Oh, how silly you all are!" cried he. "The elephant isn't like a wall, or a spear, or a snake, or a tree; neither is he like a fan. Any man with eyes in his head can see thathe's exactly like a rope."Then the driver and the elephant moved on, and the six men sat by the roadside all day, quarrelling about the elephant. They could not agree with one another, because each believed that he knew just what the beast looked like.It is not only blind men who make such stupid mistakes. People who can see sometimes act just as foolishly.4、GALILEO AND ARISTOTLEAbout 2300 years ago, there lived in Greece a great thinker named Aristotle. He observed that feathers fell to the ground slowly, while stones fell much faster. He thought it over carefully and concluded that heavy objects always fell faster than light ones. His conclusion certainly sounded reasonable. But we now know that it is not true.In those days people seldom did experiments to test their ideas. When they observed anything that happened, they thought about it and then drew a conclusion. Once Aristotle made up his mind that heavy objects always fell faster than light objects, he taught it as a truth to his students. And because he was Aristotle, the great thinker, no one questioned his idea for almost 2000 years.Then, almost 400 years ago, an Italian scientist named Galileo began to question Aristotle's theory of falling objects. He was not ready to believe something just because Aristotle said so. He decided to do some experiments to test Aristotle's theory.Galileo lived in the city of Pisa, where there is a leaning tower about 180 feet high. From the top of the tower Galileo dropped a light ball and a heavy ball at exactly the same time. They both fell at about the same speed and hit the ground together. He tried the experiments again and again. Every time he got the same result. At last, he decided that he had found the truth about falling objects. As we know now, heavy objects and light objects fall at the same speed unless air holds them back. A feather falls slower than a stone only because the air holds the feather back more than it does the stone.When Galileo told people of his discovery, no one would believe him. But Galileo was not discouraged. He went on doing experiments to test the truth of other old ideas. He built a telescope through which he could study the skies. He collected facts that proved the earth and all the other planets move around the sun.Today we praise Galileo and call him one of the founders of modern science. He observed things carefully and never took anything for granted. Instead, he did experiments to test and prove an idea before he was ready to accept it.An experiment was done on the moon in July, 1971. One of the US astronauts who made the first deep space walk on the moon dropped a hammer and a feather together. They both landed on the surface of the moon at the same time. This experiment proved that Galileo's theory of falling objects is true.4-1、PENICILLINIf you leave a piece of bread in a warm damp place, mould will soon grow on it. When this happens, we say the bread "has gone mouldy". Mould can grow on all kinds of things besides food. It grows from spores which are in the air. If the conditions are right, a spore can quickly get around and form a mould. This happens quite commenly. We have all probably seen it.In 1928, Sir Alexander Fleming found that mould had killed some germs he was trying to grow in his lab. If he had not noticed this, the world would have lost one of the greatest discoveries of the century. Fleming called the substance "penicillin".Because penicillin can kill germs, doctors use it to treat diseases. It has saved millions oflives. Scientists grow large quantities of common mould so that they can get penicillin from it in order to make antibiotics, that is, substances that kill germs. Next time you see some mould on a piece of bread, remember that it is one of man's greatest friends!5、The Lost NecklacePlace: a park in ParisTime: a summer afternoon in 1870People: Mathilde Loisel, wife Pierre Loisel, husband(Jeanne is sitting in the park. Mathilde walks towards her, she stops and speaks to Jeanne.) Mathilde: Good afternoon, Jeanne.Jeanne : (Looking at the other woman) I’m sorry, but I don,t think I know you. Mathilde: No, you wouldn’t but many years ago you knew me well. I,m Mathilde Loisel.Jeanne : Mathilde! My old school friend. Is it possible? But yes, of course it is .Now I remember. Where have you been all these years, Mathilde? I hope you were n’t ill . Mathilde: No, Jeanne, I was n’t ill . You see here an old woman. But it’s because of hard work—ten years of hard work.Jeanne : But I don,t understand, Mathilde . There,s only one year between us ; I’m thirty-five and you’re thirty-four. Can hard work change a person that much?Mathilde : Yes, it can . Years of hard work, little food, only a cold room to live in and never, never a moment to rest. That has been my life for these past ten years.Jeanne : Mathilde! I did n’t know. I’m sorry. But what happened?Mathilde: Well, I would rather not tell you.Jeanne : Oh , come, Mathilde. Surely you can tell an old friend.Mathilde: Well, …Well, it was all because of that neckla ce . Your necklace.Jeanne : My necklace ?Mathilde: Do you remember one afternoon ten years ago when I came to your house and borrowed a diamond necklace?Jeanne : Let me think . Ten years ago … Oh, yes, I remember. You were going to the palace with your husband, I think.Mathilde: Right. Pierre was working in a government office, and for the first time in our lives we were invited to an important ball.(The scene changes to that evening in the home of Pierre and Mathilde Loisel.)Pierre : Yes , Mathilde, we,re going to the ball, the palace ball !Mathilde: I can,t believe it!Pierre : But it,s true.Mathilde: Oh, Pierre, how wonderful! But I haven,t got a dress for the ball !Pierre : What does a new evening dress cost?Mathilde: About four hundred francs.Pierre : Four hundred ! That,s a lot of money . But perhaps, just this once, we’ll use what we have to get a new dress for you. This ball is very important to me. I was the onlyperson in my office who was invited.Mathilde: Thank you, Pierre, you,re so kind. Oh! But there,s one other thing…Pierre : What is it, Mathilde?Mathilde: I…I have no jewelry .Pierre :Jewelry? Do you need jewelry? Why not just a flower?Mathilde: To go to the palace with just a flower is to say “I’m poor . I haven’t got any jew elry.”Pierre : Can’t you borrow some jewelry from a friend , Mathilde ?Mathilde: Which friend ? My friends are all poor, too.Pierre : Let me think . How about Jeanne? She married well. Perhaps she has some. Mathilde: Ah, yes, Jeanne. She married a ma n with a lot of money. I’ll go and see her on Friday, after I get the new dress.Pierre : I,m sure she has something you can borrow.(The scene changes back to the park. Mathilde continues to tell Jeanne her story.)Mathilde: One Friday I came to see you, Jeanne. Remember?Jeanne : Yes , Mathilde, I remember.Mathilde: You were very kind. You brought out your jewelry and told me to take anything I wanted.Jeanne : (Smiling) You were like a little girl. Your eyes became so big.Mathilde: There were so many things and they were all beautiful. It was hard to choose. Jeanne : Until you saw the diamond necklace.Mathilde: Yes, and then I knew I wanted to borrow the necklace. I didn’t want anything else , only the necklace.Jeanne : I,m sure you looked beautiful that evening, Mathilde. You were always a very pretty girl.Mathilde: Perhaps in those days I was, but everything changed after that night at the palace. Jeanne : Didn’t you have a good time at the ball ?Mathilde: Yes, a very good time, but that was the last time…the last happy evening for the next ten years.Jeanne : But why , Mathilde?Mathilde: On the way home I looked down at my dress and saw that the necklace was gone. I told Pierre. We returned to the palace and looked in every room, but couldn’t find it.I never saw your necklace again, Jeanne.Jeanne : But Mathilde, you brought it back to me the next afternoon. I remember very well. Mathilde: Yes, Jeanne, I brought a necklace to you. It was exactly like your necklace but it wasa different one. I hope it was as good as the one you lent me. It cost us thirty-sixthousand francs.Jeanne : Thirty-six thousand !Mathilde: Yes, Pierre and I borrowed the money and bought it. During the next ten years we both worked night and day to pay for it. That is why you see this old woman beforeyou now, Jeanne. Well, after all these years we’ve at last paid off all our debts. Jeanne : But Mathilde, my dear friend, that wasn’t a real diamond necklace you borrowed from me. It was made of glass. It was worth five hundred francs at the most.5-1、THE VAIN STAGOne hot day a big stag that had a pair of very large antlers stood on the bank of a river. He was thirsty and went down to the water to drink. Suddenly he saw his reflection in the water. He was very pleased with what he saw. “Oh,” he said. “What a beautiful pair of antlers I’ve got! How fine my head is! How proud I look! Nobody has such beautiful antlers as I have. Perhaps some people will say that my antlers are too b ig, but I don’t think so. I like them very much.” And the vain stag looked again at his reflection in the water.Suddenly he heard the barking of dogs. Three hunters and their dogs came out of the forest. The stag ran across the field into the forest. He was already far from the dogs, but he caught hisantlers in the branches of some low trees and could not get away.The dogs ran up to him and pulled him to the ground. Then the hunters came up and killed him.6、ABRAHAM LINCOLNAbraham Lincoln, the son of a poor family, was born in Kentucky on February 12, 1809. He spent his childhood in hard work, helping his father on their small farm. His mother, who he loved dearly, died in 1818. Happily for him, his father' s second wife was kind to him too. When she saw that Abraham liked reading, she did all she could to help him. But the family was poor and the boy could not get many books. Abraham Lincoln later said himself that he only went to school a little now and little then. His whole school education added up to no more than one year.As a young man he was a storekeeper and later a postmaster. He studied law in his spare time and became a lawyer. He was active in politics and strongly against slavery. In all his political life, he thought of building a free state for all the people.In 1860, Abraham Lincoln was elected President of the United States. Then he worked still harder for freedom for the slaves. Soon the Southern states rebelled. They set up a state of their own, where they would be free to keep Negroes as slaves. Lincoln said that it was not right for the south to break away from the Union. Fighting broke out between the North and the South. This was the American Civil War. The war lasted four years before the North won in the end. The nation was reunited and the slaves were set free.In 1864, Lincoln was elected President of the United States for the second time. But his enemies, the slave owners in the South and the bankers in big cities, who had grown rich on the work of the slaves, could not let Lincoln continue his work. He, who led the United States through these years, was shot on April 14, 1865, at a theatre in Washington, D.C. and died early the next morning. The whole nation was in deep sorrow at this news, for the people had come to love him as an inspiring leader, and a wise, warm-hearted, honest man.About seventeen months before his death, at the opening of a memorial to the many men who lost their lives fighting for the freedom of the Negroes, Abraham Lincoln told his people that the living must finish the work of those dead; that they must fight for freedom forall-Negroes and whites; that America must strengthen government of the people, by the people and for the people.Today, Abraham Lincoln is regarded as one of the greatest of all American presidents.6-1、GEORGE WASHINGTON AND HIS HATCHETWhen George Washington was quite a little boy,his father gave him a hatchet. It was bright and new,and George took great delight in going about and chopping things with it.He ran into the garden,and there he saw a tree which seemed to say to him,“Come and cut me down!”George had often seen his father's men chop down great trees in the forest,and he thought that it would be fine sport to see this tree fall with a crash to the ground. So he set to work with his little hatchet,and,as the tree was a very small one,it did not take long to chop it down.Soon after that,his father came home.“Who cut my fine young cherry tree?”he cried.“It was the only tree of this kind in this country,and it cost me a great deal of money.”He was very angry when he came into the house.“If only I knew who killed that cherry tree,”he cried,“I would ... yes,I would ...”“Father!”cried little George.“I chopped the tree down with my hatchet.”His father forgot his anger.“George,”he said,and he took the little fellow in his arms,“George,I am glad that you told me about it. I would rather lose a dozen cherry trees than that you should tell one lie.”7、8、THE EMPEROR'S NEW CLOTHESMany years ago there lived an Emperor, who cared more for fine new clothes than for anything else. He had different clothes for every hour of the day.One day two cheats came to see the Emperor. They called themselves weavers and said that they knew how to weave cloth of the most beautiful colors and designs in the world. They also said that the most interesting thing about the cloth was that clothes made of it would be invisible to anyone who was either stupid or unfit for his office."Ah, what splendid clothes!" thought the Emperor. "They are just what I shall have. When I put them on, I shall be able to find out which men in my empire are unfit for their offices. And I shall be able to tell who are wise and who are foolish. This cloth must be woven for me right away."The Emperor gave the cheats some gold in order that they might begin their work at once.So the two men set up two looms and pretended to be working very hard. They asked for the most beautiful silk and the best gold thread. This they kept for themselves. And then they went on with their work at the empty looms until late into the night.After some time had passed, the Emperor said to himself, "I wonder how the weavers are getting along with my cloth." Then he remembered that those who were either fools or unfit for their offices could not see the cloth. Though he believed that he ought to have nothing to fear for himself, he wanted someone else to look at the cloth first.The Emperor thought a while and decided to send his old Prime Minister to see the cloth. He thought the Prime Minister a wise, honest man who was more fit for his office than anyone else.So the old Prime Minister went into the hall where the cheats were working at the empty looms."God save me!" thought the old man, opening his eyes very wide. "I can't see anything atall." But he was careful not to say so.The men who were pretending to weave asked him to come closer. They pointed to the empty looms and asked him if he liked the design and the colors.The poor old Prime Minister opened his eyes wider, but he could see nothing on the looms."Dear me," he said to himself, "Am I foolish or unfit for my office? I must never tell anyone that I could not see the cloth.""Oh! it's most beautiful!" said the Prime Minister quickly. "The design and the colors! I will tell the Emperor how wonderful they are."The Emperor was pleased by what the Prime Minister told him about the cloth. Soon after, he sent another official to find out how soon the cloth would be ready. The same thing happened. The official could see nothing, but he sang high praise for the cloth. When he got back, he told the Emperor that the cloth was beautiful indeed.All the people in the city were now talking about this wonderful cloth which the Emperor had ordered to be woven for so much money. And they were eager to know how wise or foolish their friends and neighbors might be.Now at last the Emperor wished to go himself and see the cloth while it was still on the looms. He took with him a few of his officials, including the old Prime Minister and the official who had already been there.As soon as the weavers heard the Emperor coming, they pretended to work harder than ever, though they were not weaving a single thread through the empty looms."Isn't the cloth magnificent?" said the official and the Prime Minister. "What a splendid design! And what colors!" they said, while pointing to the empty looms. They thought that everyone else could see the wonderful work of the weavers though they could not see it themselves."What on earth can this mean?" said the Emperor to himself. "I don't see anything. This is horrible! But I mustn't let anyone know.""The cloth is beautiful," he cried out loud. "Beautiful! I am very pleased with it."The officials could see no more than the Emper or, but they all shouted, ‘Beautiful! Excellent! Magnificent!" and other such expressions. They told the Emperor that he should have new clothes made of this splendid cloth for the coming great procession.。

高考英语第一轮总复习课件:必修三Unit5 Canada-“The True North”——加拿大——“真正的北方”

高考英语第一轮总复习课件:必修三Unit5 Canada-“The True North”——加拿大——“真正的北方”

3.We listened to the news with a mixture ____________(混合) of surprise and happiness. 4.There is a harbour ____________(海港) near our city,where you can find many big ships in and out.
Unit 5
望) the broad St Lawrence River, a young man sat down with them.
6.独立主格句型 It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall, some measuring over 90 metres _____________________________ ____(一些高达90多米).
5.People found the little match girl dead in the street dawn at ____________(黎明). 6.Seeing that scene,Jenny felt terrified ____________(恐惧的) and just wanted to go home.
4.as far as的用法
as It’s too bad you can’t go far as

《To China,with Love》Great People (ppt)课件

《To China,with Love》Great People (ppt)课件

( 反对)
(bad或 badly的最高级.最坏的,最糟糕的)
Learn the phrases:
eg: 1.I like T.B. coffee without suga肺r_. _结__核____
6.Anti-Japanese War 抗__日__战__争
5. What did the government do to remember Bethune? To remember him, the government set up Bethune
Medical School and Bethune International Peace Hospital in Shijiazhuang.
B. said C. to say D. saying
C 3. ( ) The old woman is too hungry to move. She is _____.Who can help her?
A. dead B. dieing C. dying D. death
C 4. ( ) _______the bus ,we must leave now.
接受了一次手术。 The doctor is __________ ____ a boy.
What did the government do to remember Bethune?
3.He once operated for sixty-nine hours
straight without stopping.









译文:We live in an ascending scale when we live happily, one thing leading to another in an endless series. There is always a new horizon for onward-looking men, and although we dwell on a small planet, immersed in petty business and not enduring beyond a brief period of years, we are so constituted that our hopes are inaccessible, like stars, and the term of hoping is prolonged until the term of life. To be truly happy is a question of how we begin and not of how we end, of what we want and not of what we have.英语专八翻译汉译英练习:渴望原文:渴望是永远的乐趣,一笔如地产般真实稳固的财富,用之不尽,取之不竭。






Read the passage carefully and learn some useful expressions.
After the opening ceremony and some amazing performances, the wrestling competition began. Mongolian wrestling is different from wrestling in the Olympic Games. There are no rounds, and wrestlers are not separated by weight. The wrestler loses if any part of his body above his knee touches the ground. After singing some songs, the competitors danced onto the green field, waving their arms in the air as if they were eagles. I was quite moved by their show of strength and grace.
A brief summary about the experience: what you have learnt/ how it made you feel.
Learn for expressions
The festival falls on the fourth day of the sixth month of the lunar calendar, usually lasting for three days.
Learn for expressions


4.She goes to look for stamps, but she has no luck. 考向:luck的用法(1)常见短语: good luck意为“好运” bad luck意为“倒霉” have no luck doing sth.意为“做某事不走运”(2)重点:luck的形容词为lucky,副词为luckily.反义词在其前加un-.
Some birthday presents
1.试着拼读单词thirteenth, tape, post英国(mail美国), yet, address, top, stamp.2.英汉互译(1)给……最美好的祝福 (2)在……顶上(3)一切都准备好了 (4)未能如愿;不走运(5)make sb. sth.=make sth. for sb. (6)send… to(7)put…into
Presents from Canada!
1. 知识与技能: (1)New words and phrases: thirteenth, tape, post英国(mail美国), yet, address, top, stamp (2)Some important sentences.2. 过程与方法:Asking, answering, listening, speaking, reading, and practicing. 3.情感态度与价值观:Learn to prepare presents for others.
1.Best wishes to you on your ______ (thirteen) birthday.2. We can see some snow on the t_____ of the mountain. 3. Do you know her a_______ I want to visit her.4. We are going to _____ (send) the letter to Li Ming. 5. I’m m_____ a birthday card for my mother. 6. Best wishes ____ you.7. I wish you ______ (write) to me soon.8. Could you p____ the pen 9. Please put your book i____ your schoolbag.


❖ 丰富你的人生
71、既然我已经踏上这条道路,那么,任何东西都不应妨碍我沿着这条路走下去。——康德 72、家庭成为快乐的种子在外也不致成为障碍物但在旅行之际却是夜间的伴侣。——西塞罗 73、坚持意志伟大的事业需要始终不渝的精神。——伏尔泰 74、路漫漫其修道远,吾将上下而求索。——屈原 75、内外相应,言行相称。——韩非
26、机遇对于有准备的头脑有特别的 亲和力 。 27、自信是人格的核心。
28、目标的坚定是性格中最必要的力 量泉源 之一, 也是成 功的利 器之一 。没有 它,天 才也会 在矛盾 无定的 迷径中 ,徒劳 无功。- -查士 德斐尔 爵士。 29、困难就是机遇。--温斯顿.丘吉 尔。 30、我奋斗,所以我快乐。--格林斯 潘。


December sixth December ninth December twenty-fourth December twenty-fifth December twenty-sixth December thirty-first
New Expressions
hopeΒιβλιοθήκη 希望Australia澳大利亚
be /come from
in the picture
during winter holidays 寒假期间
write to sb.
How’s the weather in China? Do you have any plans for your holidays? Happy Holidays and Happy New Year! Yours Jenny
Read and answer the questions:
Pair Work
Where are you from? What’s the weather in your city? What do you like to do on holidays?
I’m from… It’s… I like…
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Th在e 这Id儿ea,l欢暑P迎l假a来c活e到动f新o丰r罕富Y布多ou什彩r尔,S州u全m风家m景都e优能r美享V的a受c湖到a区t无io。穷n的乐趣。
①Welcome to the scenic Lakes Region of New 新边Hay罕风onaudm布景rape什如csnthi尔画tviirri州,teei.ev森到②sa林c处tHoae茂都teirone密是nty我e.,幽or③们tu绿然aLi也wn树寂oi能oyl长静l想okf为iui青的减nn你gad,好缓nfa提do泉去一hr供y水处o下ao服su蜿。s生trl务oo蜒活ffwa。而f的meur流in节lpye,a奏fvco湖e吗ern?ts in带st上ea野d餐? ④,再W加e c上a一n h本e好lp书w,ith舒th舒at服a服s w坐e下ll.来⑤好H好er欣e 赏in一下 n这ew儿H优am美p的s景hir色e ,th你er会e a感re到m心a旷ny神o怡pp。ortunities to find a peaceful spot hidden among the lush forests of tall evergreens and hard-woods or next to a rambling brook or pictorial lake. ⑥Pack a picnic lunch, bring along a good book, sit back and enjoy the views and delight in the splendor of this beautiful region.
I. Review and comments on the assignments
Vancouver is one of the very few multinational cities in the world. in the present 1.8 million residents in Vancouver, half are not native(not born in this city, and one in every four is (a quarter are) of Asian origin. The 250,000 Chinese play a crucial role in Vancuver’s economic transformation. Half of the Chinese have come to the city just in the past five years and made it the largest Chinese gathering center outside Asia.
II. Passages translation
如果真有这么一个问题---对于这一点我要 人们总是不在揣谈冒论昧“地青表年示人怀问疑题---”那。也是年长者造出
来的, 而不是青年人自己造成的。
在青①y他o年Pu们人etho前和”p.头l老e②,年让承Iaf而r人我认teh老之们青ea年r间认 年elw人只i真人as的y有考毕so辉n一虑竟et煌a点-一是-l已-k不w下人in经h同问-gi-留c-,题是ha在b的跟那I o他t根他就au们kt源们是e的“吧长青lte身h,辈a年e后v一人e而,p样t的r且oo或的光b我dl许人oe辉们mu这。未b要就t来-o-f是th问e题n 之it所is在o。lder people who create it, not the young
温哥华的辉煌是温哥华人的智慧和勤奋的结晶, 其中包括多 民族的贡献。加拿大地广人稀,国土面积比中国还大,人口却不 足3000万。吸收外来移民,是加拿大长期奉行的国策。可以说, 加拿大除了印第安人外,无一不是外来移民, 不同的是时间长短 而已。温哥华则更是世界上屈指可数的多民族城市。现今180完 温哥华居民中,有一半不是在本地出生的,每4个居民中就有一 个是亚洲人。而25万华人对温哥华的经济转型起着决定性作用, 其中有一半是近5年才来到温哥华地区的, 使温哥华成为亚洲以 外最大的中国人聚居地。
themselves. ③Let us get down to fundamentals and agree that the young are after all human beings---people just like their elders. ④There is only one difference between an old man and a young one: the young man has a glorious future before him and the old one has a splendid future behind him: and maybe that is where the rub is.
III. Text translation
① No matter what you fancy is, you will never be at a loss of what to do. ② Within the locales of this lovely region, we offer 273 lakes and ponds of all 总之s,iz在es这, f儿am可il以y 找att到ra各ct种io乐ns趣, l和ak休e c闲ru方is式es。, swimming, summer theater, hiking, biking, fishing, scenic 在怡co然u自nt得ry的dr气iv氛es中, m,u能se享um受s各a种nt乐iq趣uin。g所, c以ra,ft 许fai多rs人a年nd复一年 都要fe回st到iva新ls罕a布nd什o尔f c州ou宁rs静e的…湖sh区op来p避ing暑. 度③假Th。e possibilities of fun and relaxation are endless. ④ W风it景h区so有m2a7n3个y f大un大th小in小g的s t湖o 泊do,in正a是n一at家mo人s的ph避er暑e 胜th地at。 p你ro们m可ot以es坐re上la游xa艇ti在on湖, i上t is巡n游o,w也on可de以r 在so湖m里an游y泳,或在 p湖eo边p钓le鱼re;tu或rn到to山th间e乡se下re徒n步ity旅o行f N,.H骑.’s自l行ak车es游y览ea,r 或驾 a车fte观r 赏ye美ar丽. 的乡野景色;你们也可以上夏日剧院欣赏戏剧, 去寻幽访古,参观手工艺品展览会,参加丰富多彩的节日 活动,……当然不要忘记购物。
III. 新T罕e布x什t 尔tr州a湖n区s,l自a然ti风o光n优美,旅舍餐馆林立。此外,
还有各种户外活动和孩子们所喜欢的各种游戏;当然还有 购物的好去处。这儿的湖区无疑是度假的天堂。
但瓦2idn8,i弗号nn不ia博n和①tg到u罗1F,r0瓦ooa位9rul弗号tb于tdhe博公oe温aou罗路b尼rtey,直as皮,cta还通t邵tnihv不瓦基aiettni能弗e湖Nos说博re的,mwa到罗东ottH过u。r面aas新cm,atip罕ro是rsan布h湖ysi什rok东efi尔dh的losa州d一sog美ft个ioan丽l活gol ,的f动ffei湖nr中e区心。, ages will love, and great shopping, the Lakes Region is a vacation wonderland. ②A trip to the scenic Lakes Region of N.H. is incomplete without visiting Wolfeboro which is the center of activity on the eastern side of Lake Winnipesaukee and can be reached by driving Routes 28 or 109.
I. Review and comments on the assignments
The glory of Vancouver is the result of the intelligence and industry of the Vancouverers, including the contributions by a variety of other ethnic groups. Canada is a vast country with a sparse population. Its territory is larger than China, while its population is less than 30 ,000,000. It is its long pursued national policy to absorb immigrants. (To attract immigrants is one of Canadian long-term policies.) It can be said that all Canadians, except the Indian aboriginals, are immigrants who are different from each other only in the length of time they have settled there.
III. Passages translation If conditions permit, some enterprises can gradually
To beatdteorpitmapnlemwednist trhibeudtisotnribsyustitoenmp, rfionrceipxlaemopfl“et,ofiexaincgh accowrdaignegstoachcisorwdoinrgk”t,oththeesatabtielitwy,iltlomwaikdeeneftfhoertgsatpo control the inbcertewaeseeninthteothailgwheasgteasnadntdhaelloweesnttienrcporimsees. Itnotsheist uwpay,