Swedish artillery-二战瑞典火炮


Schneider artillery-斯奈德火炮性能数据

Schneider artillery-斯奈德火炮性能数据

ost interesting gun (for the history standpoint) was Greek "75mm Schneider-Danglies M.1908" mountain gun. It was the modification of Schneider "MPD" commercial model (from 1906), later incorporated into the following models of "MPD" series, commonly known as "Schneider-DangliesMle 06/09" (Sold to Russia and Romania).75 mm M.1908 Schneider (M.P.D.)- Caliber: 75 mm- Barrel: L/16.7- Traverse: 5°- Elevation: -7º 22’ to 19º 50’- Shell weight: 6.5 kg- Muzzle velocity: 350 m/s- Range: 5000 to 5800m- Weight during combat: 616 kg- Gun is divided into 6 loads for mnt. transport(Note that this gun had the shield, missing in all photos due to Italian practise)The most important of all models of Greek gun was new Schneider 75mm model 1919. (Greek infantry divisions were actually "Mountain" type; its artillery regiments had two Mnt. guns battalions (two batteries each) and one Mnt. howitzer battalion (also two batteries), making the 75mm mountain guns the backbone of Greek Artillery).Interesting feature of this gun (as seen on the pictures) was variable mount height, lower for "Gun-mode" (direct fire) and higher for "Howitzer-mode".Canon de 75M Mle1919 Schneider L/19Caliber: 75x190mmRBarrel length: 1405 mmBarrel weight: 217 kgWeight in action: 675 kgWeight during Transport: 721 kgElevation: -10° to +40°Traverse: 10°Rate of fire: up to 28 rpmMax Range: 9000 mShell weight: 6.5 kgMuzzle velocity: 400 m/sCrew : 1 NCO + 6 menGun is divided into 6 to 7 loads for mnt. transportMy favorite Greek gun model was 85mm Schneider one. Very much publicized and token item during 1920s, only the Hellenic Army purchased the gun, becoming its only user (plus the Japanese “adaptation” in 75mm). It was fielded by one artillery battalion of each Corps Hv Arty Rgm. Note that original French gun was produced in 1925, so the Greek model is commonly known as “M.1925/27”.Schneider M.1927Caliber: 85 mmBarrel length: 2 960 mm (L/34.8)Rifled length: 2 305.5 mmWeight in action: 1 985 kgWeight in action: 2 330 kgElevation: - 6°do + 65°Traverse: 54°Muzzle velocity: (depending on shell type) 550 to 670 m/sMax. Range: 15 150 mShell weight: 8.8/10.0 kgOther interesting item was Schneider 105mm gun, improved model over wartime L13S model (with longer barrel, high elevation, split-trail carriage). Again, it was fielded by one artillery battalion of each Corps Hv Arty Rgm. Original French gun was produced in 1925, so the Greek model is commonly known as “M.1925/27” (simply M.1927 for Greeks).Canon de 105 modèle 1925/27 SchneiderCaliber: 105x390mmRBarrel length: 3240 mm (L/30.8)Barrel weight: 936 kgWeight in action: 3260 kgWeight during Transport: 3820 kgElevation: -3° to +60°Traverse: 80°Max Range: 15,500 mShell weight: 15.66 kgMuzzle velocity: 660 m/sHowitzer counterpart of Mle 1919 gun was 105mm howitzer. Hellenic army bough this model also, for use in third (howitzer) battalion of divisional arty regiments. However, the number given above is little high (for me), simply 15 div x 8 guns = 120 pcs, specially because no number for 100mm Skoda M.14/19s was given.Canon de 105M Mle1919 SchneiderCaliber: 105 mm (L/12)Barrel length: 1260 mmWeight in action: 730 kgWeight during Transport: 750 kgElevation: 0° to +60°Traverse: 5°Rate of fire: 8 rpmMax Range: 8000 mMuzzle Velocity: 300 m/sWeight of Shell: 12 kgCrew: 1 NCO + 6 menGun is divided into 7 to 8 loads for mnt. transportHeaviest of “modern” guns was 155mm Schneider howitzer. Commercially made for export during 1920s, they differs little from C17S wartime model (note the new wheel pattern). Fielded by third (howitzer) artillery battalion of Corps Hv Arty Rgm. Data is for C17S (from David Lehmann).Canon de 155mm C (L/15) Mle1917 SchneiderType: Med. howitzerCrew: 1 NCO + 7 menCaliber: 155mmBarrel length: 2332 mm (1737 mm rifling)Weight in action: 3300 kgElevation: 0° to +42°20'Traverse: 6°Ready to fire in 5 minutesRate of fire: 2 rpm during 10 minutes or 0.7 rpm in sustained fireHE ShellMaximum range: 11,900 mProjectile weight: 43 – 43.5 kgV°: 450 m/s。



意大利布雷达M1935 20-L53高炮
德军Sd-1400 X Fritz导弹。









1916年,埃尔斯维克军械公司成功制造出第一门MK I 型12英寸榴弹炮,然而这款火炮却没能令英国军方满意。



新的MK II 型12英寸榴弹炮同样是以9.2英寸榴弹炮为蓝本,甚至连早期9.2英寸榴弹炮用来装土的大铁箱都得以保留。




(MK IV型12英寸榴弹炮,注意前部装土的大铁箱子)随着MK I和MK II 型12英寸榴弹炮投入战场,士兵们很快发现,这些榴弹炮的射程太近了,只有10370米,这使得炮兵阵地会暴露在同盟国火炮的射程内。



“万能火炮” F-22式1936年型76.2mm师属加农炮“万能火炮” F-22式1936年型76.2mm师属加农炮1934年,GVMU设计局(负责人V.G.格拉宾)开发了一个新的76.2mm炮的项目,也就是后来的F-22。























”主要参数炮重1620公斤射速12-15发/分炮手5人穿甲力参数弹种角度距离(米)100 457 915 1372 1829Pz.gr.39 90 133 120 108 9787Pz.gr.39 60 108 98 88 7971Pz.gr.40 90 190 158 130 10684Pz.gr.40 60 152 118 92 7155射击力参数弹种弹重(公斤)初速(米/妙)射程(米)OF-350 6.2 706 13630O-350A 6.21 706 13630D-350 6.45 706 13630BR-350A (AP) ? 690 7000BR-350B (AP) ? 690 7000BR-350SP (AP) ? 690 7000Pz.gr.39 (AP) 7.54 740 4000Pz.gr.40 (APS) 4.05 990 500HL.gr.38 (HEAT) ? 450 1000Sp.gr.39 (Fragm.) 6.2 550 10000来源:本站整理二战苏联轻型野战火炮“除旧立新”-1927年式团属野战炮1926年4月22日,苏维埃炮兵委员会召开了一个特别会议,商讨装备团属火炮的问题。



身管火炮是一种常见的火炮类型,它的英语缩写为“Tube Artillery”。






在英语中,身管火炮的缩写“Tube Artillery”可以用来表示这一火炮类型。


例如,在军事领域,它可以缩写为“SPA”(Self-Propelled Artillery);在学术研究中,它可以缩写为“TA”(Tubular Artillery)等。












“阿莫斯”系AMOS的音译名称,英文全称为Advanced Mortar System,意为“先进迫击炮系统”。












例如“没有头”(AE 阶段1:那我走?)的Strv103和UDES XX20铰接式坦克(如上图)等...在自行火炮发展上,瑞典人同样是脑洞不小。




当时,为满足瑞典军方的需求,博福斯公司打起了Strv 103底盘的主意。

在结合L/50 155MM榴弹炮后,最终搞出一款自行火炮。










瑞典陆军的新选择——“雷神之锤”新型自行迫击炮作者:陈友龙来源:《坦克装甲车辆》 2020年第13期陈友龙在北欧神话中,雷神的锤子(Mjolner,音译为“姆乔尔尼尔”)是一种最可怕的武器,其强大威力能够夷平山脉。


这种被瑞典称为GRKPBV 90 Mjolner(“雷神之锤”)的自行迫击炮是由BAE系统公司下属的瑞典赫格隆(Hagglunds)分公司开发的。


独特的炮口装填设计,是其区别于“阿莫斯”(AMOS ,英文“先进迫击炮系统”的简称)自行迫击炮的最明显特征。


发展历程十多年前,BAE系统公司的赫格隆分公司和芬兰帕特里亚(Patria)公司就合资开发了设计迥异的“阿莫斯”(AMOS ,英文“先进迫击炮系统”的简称)自行迫击炮系统,瑞典公司负责研制炮塔,芬兰公司负责开发后膛装弹的120毫米迫击炮。












二战小国重炮——瑞典博福斯M31 150MM榴弹炮口径:150mm初速:580m/s炮弹重:42kg重量:5.6吨水平射界:45°高低射界:-5°to +45°炮管长:3.6米 24倍口径最大射程:14.6千米此炮性能优良,绝不输于同时代美德同级别的榴弹炮,一研发来就出口泰国和匈牙利,据说评价很不错,匈牙利还购买了生产许可证。

瑞典博福斯M37式152毫米加农炮口径:152.4毫米最大射程:23千米初速:825米/秒弹丸重量:46千克高低射界:45度方向射界:60度身管长: 43倍口径牵引全重:14800千克博福斯M37火炮是一款优秀的远程压制火炮,它非常便于机动。




总重量2,260千克(4,982磅)全长 5.94米(19英尺)炮管长度22倍径:2.31米(8英尺)宽度 2.21米(7英尺)全高 1.73米(6英尺)炮弹105x372R口径105毫米(4英寸)后膛闭锁系统水平闭锁后座缓冲系统固定液压,42英寸(107厘米)行程炮架或载具种类纵向分离双炮尾拖架最大射击仰角-5°至+66°最大回旋角度46°枪口初速472米/秒(1,548尺/秒)最大射程11,270米(7英里)M39式150毫米榴弹炮口径:150毫米初速:580米/秒炮弹重:41.5千克重量:约5.2吨水平射界:M39A 45度、M39B 60度高低射界:-5——+65度炮管长: 23倍口径最大射程:14.6千米。


































编制如下:炮兵第1旅(瑞典博福斯Bofors式75山炮L/20)炮兵第1团装备博福斯山炮二十四门(第1营、第2营)炮兵第5团装备博福斯山炮二十四门(第1营、第2营)炮兵第2旅(瑞典博福斯Bofors式75山炮L/20)炮兵第2团装备博福斯山炮二十四门(第1营、第2营)炮兵第3团装备博福斯山炮二十四门(第1营、第2营)炮兵第6旅(德制克虏伯式野炮Krupp,75野炮,L/29)炮兵第7团克虏伯式野炮(第1营、第2营、第3营)36门炮兵第12团克虏伯式野炮(第1营、第2营、第3营)36门炮兵第8旅(辽十四式L/30 77式野炮)炮兵第15团(第1营、第2营、第3营)36门炮兵第16团(第1营、第2营、第3营)36门独立炮兵第4团(日三八式75野炮)L/30 36门独立炮兵第6团(日三八式75野炮)L/30 36门独立炮兵第8团(辽十四式十五生榴弹炮L/12)16门独立炮兵第17团(辽十四式十五生榴弹炮L/12)16门独立山炮第一、第二、第三营每营12门博福斯山炮独立野炮第四、第五、第六营每营12门克式野炮以上编制合计:山炮132门,野炮252门,榴弹炮32门。



Swedishartillery-⼆战瑞典⽕炮转⾃:/doc/0ca85aea27284b73f342501d.html /viewtopic.php?f=12&t=16419357mm Kanon m/95Caliber: 57 mmBarrel lenght: 25,9 calProjectile Weight: 2,72 kgMuzzle Velocity: 485 m/sMax elevation: 12°Range: 4 500 mTraverse: N/ATrail: SingleGun weight in action: 900 kgRate of Fire: You tell meProlonged Rate of Fire: N/AAmmunition: N/ADesign: FinspongWheels: Spoked woodShield: YesYear of delivery: N/AQuantity: 24 in 1939Mobile coast artillery piece, still in use in ww2 to protect coastal mine lines.7,5cm Kanon m/02Caliber: 75 mmBarrel lenght: 27 cal Projectile Weight: 6,8 kg Muzzle Velocity: 489 m/s Max elevation: 16°Range: 5 500 m Traverse: 2°Trail: SingleGun weight in action: 970 kg Rate of Fire: You tell me Prolonged Rate of Fire: N/A Ammunition: 7,5cm m/00 Design: Krupp Wheels: Spoked wood Shield: YesYear of delivery: 1903-04, 1905-07 and 1910Quantity: 314, 200 in 1939 (of which 144 was on good shape), 155 in 1945.This was the standard Krupp 75mm Field Gun model 1900/1904 in Swedish service. They were bought from Krupp (104) and produced on licence (210). This was the first really modern artillery in Sweden and it served throghout ww2, in line duty, the last pieces still serving in one division (batallion) of A4 in 1945. These guns had inadequate range and hitting power for ww2, and can be regarded as hopelessly obselete by the outbreak of ww2, even though the gun was light and small, whichmade it suitable for Swedish terrain.Sources part on the fate of these guns, some claim most were converted to 7,5cm Kanon m/02-33, other still claim that they were stored away in mothball. At least 12 were converted to 7,5cm Kanon m/02-10 and 108 were converted to 7,5cm Kanon m/02-33 and at least 12 still remained as 7,5cm Kanon m/02 in 1945. According to one source, 8 guns were converted to AA guns in 1917 (7,5cm Lvkan m/18), however, I do not know if these guns were scrapped or returned to field gun role later. The rest were probably used for the local defence units and/or built into various defence installations.7,5cm Kanon m/02-10Caliber: 75 mmBarrel lenght: 27 calProjectile Weight: 6,8 kgMuzzle Velocity: 489 m/sMax elevation: 43°Range: 10 000 mTraverse: 2°Trail: BoxGun weight in action: 1 225 kgRate of Fire: N/AProlonged Rate of Fire: N/AAmmunition: 7,5cm m/00Design: Krupp/BoforsWheels: Spoked woodShield: YesYear of delivery: 1933Quantity: 12In 1933, the old 7,5cm Kanon m/02 was considered as obselete, especially since it had such a short range. The Army wanted new guns, preferably with higher range and heavier shell, but the funds were not available. Thus, it was decided to improve some of the existing 7,5cm Kanon m/02. The guns were simply put on the carriage of the 10,5cm Haubits m/10, thus enabling a max elevation of 43° (as opposed to the 16° of the 7,5cm Kanon m/02) and a max range of 10 000 meters. The conversion of 12 guns were considered as a step forward, but not perfect, and further work led to the 7,5cm Kanon m/02-33 conversion.7,5cm Kanon m/02-33Caliber: 75 mmBarrel lenght: 27 calProjectile Weight: 6,6 kgMuzzle Velocity: 496 m/sMax elevation: 43°Range: 10 000 mTraverse: 50°Trail: SplitGun weight in action: 1 400 kgRate of Fire: N/AProlonged Rate of Fire: N/AAmmunition: 7,5cm m/00Wheels: Spoked wood or rubber covered steelDesign: Krupp/BoforsShield: YesYear of delivery: 1933, probably later tooQuantity: 108The 7,5cm Kanon m/02-33 was a decent improvement of the old 7,5cm Kanon m/02. On a completely new lavette (some sources seem to indicate that this was the same lavette as the 7,5cm Kanon m/40) the elevation was improved to 43° and the traverse to 50°. The increased elevation allowed for the range to increase to 10 000 meters. Some of the guns (no source I have indicate how many) had rubber rim steel wheels instead of the old spoked wood wheels, to make them suitable for high-speed motor towing. The new lavette made the gun heavy though, almost too heavy for the standard horse set used by the Swedish artillery to move their guns.7,5cm Kanon m/40Caliber: 75 mmBarrel lenght: 37,5 calProjectile Weight: 6,6 kgMuzzle Velocity: 225-525 m/sMax elevation: 45°Range: 10 700 mTraverse: Probably 50°Trail: SplitGun weight in action: 1 435 kgRate of Fire: N/A (probably high due to automatic opening and closing of the breech) Prolonged Rate of Fire: N/A Ammunition: 7,5cm m/00Design: BoforsWheels: Spoked wood or rubber covered steelShield: YesYear of delivery: 1940 and 1942Quantity: 64 (28 m/40S, 16 m/40A and 20 m/40)The 7,5cm Kanon m/40 was a sound and modern design by Bofors, intended for the export market. Siam had ordered 80 and Argentina 224 of these guns, the 52 that were finished were seized by Swedish authorities as war broke out in Europe 1939. After negotiations, the Finns bought 8 of Argentina's guns, thus Sweden kept 44 of the guns (designated 7,5cm Kanon m/40S and m/40A, S for Siam and A for Argentina) and ordered a further 20 from Bofors. The gun had a smaller version of thelavette for 10,5cm Kanon m/34 and 15cm Haubits m/39, which meant it could be deployed in sloping terrain.8,4cm Kanon m/81Caliber: 84 mmBarrel lenght: 24,6 calProjectile Weight: 6,72 kgMuzzle Velocity: 470 m/sMax elevation: 21°Range: 5 900 mTraverse: N/ATrail: Single/poleGun weight in action: 1 015 kgRate of Fire: N/A (probably low due to no recoil system)Prolonged Rate of Fire: N/AAmmunition: 8,4cm m/04Design: KruppWheels: Spoked woodShield: NoYear of delivery: 1881Quantity: 204 (about 150 in 1945)The old 8,4cm Kanon m/81 was still in use in some local defence units and in some fortifications during the early years of ww2. In case of an invasion in 1940, some would probably have been taken out of their mothball and would have seen use. The gun was breech loaded but had no recoil system. Landstormen raised 8 batteries and 64 single gun units (the last one mixed up with 7,5cm guns) of these guns 1940.8,4cm Kanon m/83Caliber: 84 mmBarrel lenght: 27,4 calProjectile Weight: 6,72kgMuzzle Velocity: 470 m/sMax elevation: N/ARange: 6 000 mTraverse: N/ATrail: Single/poleGun weight in action: 1 015 kgRate of Fire: N/A (probably low due to no recoil system)Prolonged Rate of Fire: N/AAmmunition: N/ADesign: BoforsWheels: Spoked woodShield: YesYear of delivery: N/AQuantity: 10Uses as a flare gun for the emplaced coastal artillery. 10,5cm Haubits m/10Caliber: 105 mmBarrel lenght: 14 cal Projectile Weight: 14,6 kg Muzzle Velocity: 293 m/s Max elevation: 43°Range: 5 800 m Traverse: 5,5°Trail: BoxGun weight in action: 1 100 kgRate of Fire: N/AProlonged Rate of Fire: N/AAmmunition: 10,5cm m/10 (charge 1-5)Design: BoforsWheels: Spoked woodShield: YesYear of delivery: 1911-12 and 1916-19Quantity: 156 (149 in 1945)The 10,5cm Haubits m/10 was a decent artillery piece when introduced. In ww2, it was already outdated, even though it was a light and agile gun, it lacked range and traverse, forcing the crew to re-position the gun often. It was the first gun that Bofors designed single-handedly. 5 divisions (batallions) were still using the 10,5cm Haubits m/10 in 1945, despite the introduction of the 10,5cm Haubits m/39 and 10,5cm Haubits m/40.10,5cm Kanon m/17Caliber: 105 mmBarrel lenght: 32,3 calProjectile Weight: 18,2 kgMuzzle Velocity: 590 m/sMax elevation: N/ARange: 11 200 mTraverse: N/ATrail: BoxGun weight in action: 2 755 kgRate of Fire: N/AProlonged Rate of Fire: N/AAmmunition: 10,5cm m/17Design: KruppWheels: Spoked woodShield: YesYear of delivery: 1917Quantity: 12 (11 in 1945)The 10,5cm Kanon m/17 was one of the few purchases that Sweden could do during ww1. The guns were used as corps artillery until 1941, when they were retired from line army service. None of my sources mention where they went, but I assume they were transferred to local defence units.10,5cm Berghaubits m/10-24Caliber: 105 mmBarrel lenght: Probably 14 calProjectile Weight: 14,6 kgMuzzle Velocity: 293 m/sMax elevation: 43°Range: 8 000 mTraverse: 5,5°Trail: BoxGun weight in action: 1 100 kgRate of Fire: N/AProlonged Rate of Fire: N/AAmmunition: 10,5cm m/10Design: BoforsWheels: Spoked woodShield: YesYear of delivery: 1926-27Quantity: 4, 4 in 1939, 0 in 1945The 10,5cm Berghaubits m/10-24 was the only mountain artillery in Sweden. Based on the design of the 10,5cm Haubitsm/10, the 10,5cm Berghaubits m/10-24 could be broked down in several loads and transported on horseback. Extensive testing took place in the 30s, but mountain artillery was deemed as too expensive and not suitable for the Swedish terrain. Mortars were considered a better option, as they were cheaper, lighter and smaller. All of these guns were lended to Finland during the winter war and were not returned until 1944.10,5cm Haubits m/39Caliber: 105 mmBarrel lenght: 28 cal Projectile Weight: 15,5 kg Muzzle Velocity: 470 m/s Max elevation: 42°Range: 10 900 m Traverse: 57°Trail: SplitGun weight in action: 1 985 kgRate of Fire: N/AProlonged Rate of Fire: N/AAmmunition: 10,5cm m/39Design: Rheinmetall-BorsigWheels: Spoked wood or Rubber covered aluminiumShield: YesYear of delivery: 1940-43Quantity: 142, 138 in 1945The 10,5cm Haubits m/39 was the German 10.5 leFH18 howitzer. Sweden purchased 142 of these guns from 1940 to 1943. As all other ways of importing arms were closed, Sweden bought weapons from Germany. These guns were still in service with some local defence units in the early 80s. As a design, it was considered modern and sound in Sweden, but inferior to the Bofors 10,5cm Haubits m/40.10,5cm Haubits m/40Caliber: 105 mmBarrel lenght: 18,4 cal(L22)Projectile Weight: 15,5 kgMuzzle Velocity: 449 m/sMax elevation: 45°Range: 10 600 mTraverse: 60°Trail: SplitGun weight in action: 1 970 kgRate of Fire: N/AProlonged Rate of Fire: N/AAmmunition: 10,5cm m/39Design: BoforsWheels: Spoked wood or Rubber covered aluminiumShield: YesYear of delivery: 1940-44Quantity: 242The 10,5cm Haubits m/40 were designed as an export gun by Bofors, and when war broke out, Sweden seized 16 guns intended for Siam (10,cm Haubits m/40S) and 16 guns intended for The Netherlands (10,5cm Haubits m/40H). In 1941, another 210 howitzers were ordered and they were delivered between 1941 and 1943. The 10,5cm Haubits m/40S had spoked wood wheels, while all later guns had solid rubber ringed aliminium wheels suitable for motor towing.10,5cm Kanon m/34Caliber: 105 mmBarrel lenght: 39,9 calProjectile Weight: 15,5 kgMuzzle Velocity: 450-785 m/sMax elevation: 42°Range: 17 300 mTraverse: 30°Trail: SplitGun weight in action: 4 000 kgRate of Fire: N/AProlonged Rate of Fire: N/AAmmunition: 10,5cm m/34 (charge 1-3)Design: BoforsWheels: Rubber covered steelShield: YesYear of delivery: 1934, 1936-40 and 1944Quantity: 64 (4 m/27-34, 64 m/34, minus 12 sent to Finland, 8 m/34B), 48 in 1939, 64 in 1945The 10,5cm Kanon m/34 was a modern, high-powered long-range cannon. The lavette was the same as on the 15cm Haubits m/38 and the 15cm Haubits m/39. The lavette had an innovative suspension that allowed the gun to be set up and fired in a sloping hillside, a big advantage in rough terrain. The orginal guns were part of the mobile coastal artillery (10,5cm Kanon m/27-34) but were in 1942 turned over to the Army where they, together with the 10,5cm Kanon m/34 and m/34B formed 4 corps artillery divisions (batallions). My sources does not mention if the 12 guns given to Finland during the Winter War was returned or not.12cm Kanon m/85Caliber: 117 mmBarrel lenght: 28,5 cal Projectile Weight: 16,8 kg Muzzle Velocity: 475 m/sMax elevation: 35°Range: 8 600 mTraverse: 2,5°Trail: Single/poleGun weight in action: 2 485 kg Rate of Fire: N/AProlonged Rate of Fire: N/A Ammunition: 12cm m/85Design: KruppWheels: Spoked WoodShield: NoYear of delivery: Probably 1885Quantity: 53The old 12cm Kanon m/85 were still in use in some fortifications during the early years of ww2. If Sweden had been invaded in 1940, they would probably have been taken out of mothball and been pressed into service. This was an old breech loaded gun without recoil system and hopelessly outdated, even in 1939. Still used as a flare gun for the heavier coastal artillery throughout the war.15cm Positionshaubits m/06Caliber: 149,1 mmBarrel lenght: 12,1 calProjectile Weight: 41 kgMuzzle Velocity: 300 m/sMax elevation: 43°Range: 6 700 mTraverse: 2,5°Trail: BoxGun weight in action: 2 150 kgRate of Fire: N/AProlonged Rate of Fire: N/AAmmunition: 15cm m/06Design: KruppWheels: Spoked SteelShield: NoYear of delivery: Probably 1906Quantity: 56, 54 in 1939, 51 in 1945The 15cm Positionshaubits m/06 was practically the only heavy field artillery available in Sweden as ww2 broke out. It was already obselete in 1939, with its low range and inflexible design, but had to soldier on in Line Army duty until after 1941, when newer howitzers finally where available in numbers to replace it. It served on, however, in local defence units throughout ww2.15cm Haubits m/19Caliber: 149,1 mmBarrel lenght: N/A Projectile Weight: 40,6 kg Muzzle Velocity: 183-422 m/s Max elevation: N/A。




“卡尔古斯塔夫”无后坐力炮有24条膛线概况“卡尔·古斯塔夫” 84毫米无后坐力炮是迄今服役最久的班组武器之一。

与他同时出现的班组武器只能出现在博物馆了,如美国的Ml “巴祖丰”火箭筒、英国的PIAT反坦克榴弹以及纳粹德国的“铁拳”火箭筒。











“卡尔·古斯塔夫”M2结构图早期的“卡尔·古斯塔夫” M2重14千克,同时期苏联的B-10无坐力炮重达几十千克,即使是美国的M-67也重达17千克。



古斯塔夫巨炮各项数据作文The Gustav Gun, also known as the Schwerer Gustav, was a massive railway gun used by Nazi Germany during World War II. It was one of the largest artillery pieces ever built, with a caliber of inches (800 mm) and a length of 155 feet (47 meters). This enormous weapon was designed to be used against heavily fortified targets, such as the French Maginot Line and the Soviet fortresses on the Eastern Front.古斯塔夫巨炮,也被称为沉重的古斯塔夫,是纳粹德国在二战期间使用的一种巨大的铁路炮。



The Gustav Gun was originally conceived as a siege artillery piece to be used against the Maginot Line, an extensive system of fortifications built by France along its border with Germany. However, the gun was ultimately used on the Eastern Front during the Siege of Sevastopol in 1942. Its massive size and firepower made it a fearsome weapon of destruction, capable of firing shells weighing up to 7 tons over 29 miles (47 kilometers).古斯塔夫炮最初被构想为一种用于攻击马奇诺线的攻城炮,马奇诺线是法国沿德国边境建造的一套庞大的防御工事系统。







)毫米加农炮瑞典博福斯M37式152毫米加农炮口径:152.4毫米毫米最大射程:23千米千米初速:825米/秒弹丸重量:46千克千克高低射界:45度方向射界:60度身管长:身管长: 43倍口径倍口径牵引全重:14800千克千克博福斯M37火炮是一款优秀的远程压制火炮,它非常便于机动。







苏联M1935 Br-2 152毫米加农炮毫米加农炮口径:152.4毫米毫米最大射程:27千米千米初速:880米/秒弹丸重量:49千克千克高低射界:0-+60度方向射界方向射界8度 身管长:7米 46倍口径倍口径牵引全重:19500千克千克战斗全重:18200千克千克苏联1930年代开发的重型加农炮,采用了203毫米(B4)榴弹炮的炮架。




德国同重量级别的火炮是17cm k18(运输全重:23375千克,战斗全重:17520千克)。



厘米加农炮德国的k18和k39 15厘米加农炮德国在二战前后研发了两款加农炮。





原型炮于1932年3月完成,但是为了提高射击精度而被迫提高全炮重量至800千克(几乎是pak35/36的两倍),除了炮栓锁闭结构沿用德国技术外,余下的设备都是博福斯自主设计,瑞典军方于1934年开始采购,前前后后造一千多门(因为没有找到瑞典的官方命名,以下将以她的外销名称Bofors 37 mm来称呼她。

)瑞典的SM/31坦克装备的就是Bofors 37 mm此款火炮在设计初期就提出了可随时拆卸运输的要求,在有必要时整座火炮可以分解为11个部件让整座火炮可以用驮马甚至人力运输,其中最重的部件为43公斤的炮身,其他部件大多在30公斤上下,整门火炮拆卸或组装运用可在四分钟内完成,如果在拖曳状态可以在30秒内完成发射准备。


同时,Bofors 37 mm可能是世界上最畅销的37毫米反坦克炮了,身为瑞典军工的绝对骄傲,博福斯自然凭借自己扬名海外的名誉来促进Bofors 37 mm的外销,有超过十二个国家或政权采购买过Bofors 37 mm。

波军第七枪骑兵团的Bofors 37 mm(瞧着性感的炮盾)依然是波军第七枪骑兵团以下为几个比较大的订单:芬兰1936年获得授权并交由Tampella公司生产,自产版本称为37mm Pansarvärnskanon m/36,由于生产进度过慢因此向瑞典原厂购买114门以及3万2千枚炮弹应急,所有火炮在冬季战争前以及战争期间陆续运交,在冬季战争后向德国购买42门波兰制同款火炮,同时在1939-1941年间自行生产了355门。














它装备的是一型专门开发的型号:Canon de 75 modèle 1934型山地炮。




















艇名建造单位开工日期下水日期服役日期退役日期哥特兰考库姆造船公司1992.11.20 1995.2.2 1996.4.1 在役乌普兰1994.1.14 1996.9.27 1997.10.1 在役哈兰1994.10.21 1996.2.19 1997.7.1 在役艇长60.4米艇宽 6.2米吃水 5.6米水上排水量1240吨水下排水量1600吨浮航航速10节潜航航速20节潜航深度300米自持力15天艇员编制25人维斯比级轻型隐身护卫舰说起瑞典海军的水面装备,由于瑞典背靠波罗的海。








一、弓箭手炮兵系统1.1 高度的自动化随着科技的不断发展,军事上的相关装备已经实现了自动化,而弓箭手就实现了自动化,并且达到了很高的自动化程度。







1.2 具有强大的底盘相对于其他国家所设计的车载炮来说,弓箭手所使用的底盘与其他国家不同,它采用了铰接式卡车底盘的异类,瑞典这个国家是一个很小的国家,国家所处的地理位置错综复杂,那里的森林较多,道路通常较崎岖,所以瑞典赛射击车载报时对车辆所设计的是越野形式的。

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转自:/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=16419357mm Kanon m/95Caliber: 57 mmBarrel lenght: 25,9 calProjectile Weight: 2,72 kgMuzzle Velocity: 485 m/sMax elevation: 12°Range: 4 500 mTraverse: N/ATrail: SingleGun weight in action: 900 kgRate of Fire: You tell meProlonged Rate of Fire: N/AAmmunition: N/ADesign: FinspongWheels: Spoked woodShield: YesYear of delivery: N/AQuantity: 24 in 1939Mobile coast artillery piece, still in use in ww2 to protect coastal mine lines.7,5cm Kanon m/02Caliber: 75 mmBarrel lenght: 27 cal Projectile Weight: 6,8 kg Muzzle Velocity: 489 m/s Max elevation: 16°Range: 5 500 m Traverse: 2°Trail: SingleGun weight in action: 970 kg Rate of Fire: You tell me Prolonged Rate of Fire: N/A Ammunition: 7,5cm m/00 Design: KruppWheels: Spoked wood Shield: YesYear of delivery: 1903-04, 1905-07 and 1910Quantity: 314, 200 in 1939 (of which 144 was on good shape), 155 in 1945.This was the standard Krupp 75mm Field Gun model 1900/1904 in Swedish service. They were bought from Krupp (104) and produced on licence (210). This was the first really modern artillery in Sweden and it served throghout ww2, in line duty, the last pieces still serving in one division (batallion) of A4 in 1945. These guns had inadequate range and hitting power for ww2, and can be regarded as hopelessly obselete by the outbreak of ww2, even though the gun was light and small, which made it suitable for Swedish terrain.Sources part on the fate of these guns, some claim most were converted to 7,5cm Kanon m/02-33, other still claim that they were stored away in mothball. At least 12 were converted to 7,5cm Kanon m/02-10 and 108 were converted to 7,5cm Kanon m/02-33 and at least 12 still remained as 7,5cm Kanon m/02 in 1945. According to one source, 8 guns were converted to AA guns in 1917 (7,5cm Lvkan m/18), however, I do not know if these guns were scrapped or returned to field gun role later. The rest were probably used for the local defence units and/or built into various defence installations.7,5cm Kanon m/02-10Caliber: 75 mmBarrel lenght: 27 calProjectile Weight: 6,8 kgMuzzle Velocity: 489 m/sMax elevation: 43°Range: 10 000 mTraverse: 2°Trail: BoxGun weight in action: 1 225 kgRate of Fire: N/AProlonged Rate of Fire: N/AAmmunition: 7,5cm m/00Design: Krupp/BoforsWheels: Spoked woodShield: YesYear of delivery: 1933Quantity: 12In 1933, the old 7,5cm Kanon m/02 was considered as obselete, especially since it had such a short range. The Army wanted new guns, preferably with higher range and heavier shell, but the funds were not available. Thus, it was decided to improve some of the existing 7,5cm Kanon m/02. The guns were simply put on the carriage of the 10,5cm Haubits m/10, thus enabling a max elevation of 43° (as opposed to the 16° of the 7,5cm Kanon m/02) and a max range of 10 000 meters. The conversion of 12 guns were considered as a step forward, but not perfect, and further work led to the 7,5cm Kanon m/02-33 conversion.7,5cm Kanon m/02-33Caliber: 75 mmBarrel lenght: 27 calProjectile Weight: 6,6 kgMuzzle Velocity: 496 m/sMax elevation: 43°Range: 10 000 mTraverse: 50°Trail: SplitGun weight in action: 1 400 kgRate of Fire: N/AProlonged Rate of Fire: N/AAmmunition: 7,5cm m/00Wheels: Spoked wood or rubber covered steelDesign: Krupp/BoforsShield: YesYear of delivery: 1933, probably later tooQuantity: 108The 7,5cm Kanon m/02-33 was a decent improvement of the old 7,5cm Kanon m/02. On a completely new lavette (some sources seem to indicate that this was the same lavette as the 7,5cm Kanon m/40) the elevation was improved to 43° and the traverse to 50°. The increased elevation allowed for the range to increase to 10 000 meters. Some of the guns (no source I have indicate how many) had rubber rim steel wheels instead of the old spoked wood wheels, to make them suitable for high-speed motor towing. The new lavette made the gun heavy though, almost too heavy for the standard horse set used by the Swedish artillery to move their guns.7,5cm Kanon m/40Caliber: 75 mmBarrel lenght: 37,5 calProjectile Weight: 6,6 kgMuzzle Velocity: 225-525 m/sMax elevation: 45°Range: 10 700 mTraverse: Probably 50°Trail: SplitGun weight in action: 1 435 kgRate of Fire: N/A (probably high due to automatic opening and closing of the breech) Prolonged Rate of Fire: N/AAmmunition: 7,5cm m/00Design: BoforsWheels: Spoked wood or rubber covered steelShield: YesYear of delivery: 1940 and 1942Quantity: 64 (28 m/40S, 16 m/40A and 20 m/40)The 7,5cm Kanon m/40 was a sound and modern design by Bofors, intended for the export market. Siam had ordered 80 and Argentina 224 of these guns, the 52 that were finished were seized by Swedish authorities as war broke out in Europe 1939. After negotiations, the Finns bought 8 of Argentina's guns, thus Sweden kept 44 of the guns (designated 7,5cm Kanon m/40S and m/40A, S for Siam and A for Argentina) and ordered a further 20 from Bofors. The gun had a smaller version of the lavette for 10,5cm Kanon m/34 and 15cm Haubits m/39, which meant it could be deployed in sloping terrain.8,4cm Kanon m/81Caliber: 84 mmBarrel lenght: 24,6 calProjectile Weight: 6,72 kgMuzzle Velocity: 470 m/sMax elevation: 21°Range: 5 900 mTraverse: N/ATrail: Single/poleGun weight in action: 1 015 kgRate of Fire: N/A (probably low due to no recoil system)Prolonged Rate of Fire: N/AAmmunition: 8,4cm m/04Design: KruppWheels: Spoked woodShield: NoYear of delivery: 1881Quantity: 204 (about 150 in 1945)The old 8,4cm Kanon m/81 was still in use in some local defence units and in some fortifications during the early years of ww2. In case of an invasion in 1940, some would probably have been taken out of their mothball and would have seen use. The gun was breech loaded but had no recoil system. Landstormen raised 8 batteries and 64 single gun units (the last one mixed up with 7,5cm guns) of these guns 1940.8,4cm Kanon m/83Caliber: 84 mmBarrel lenght: 27,4 calProjectile Weight: 6,72kgMuzzle Velocity: 470 m/sMax elevation: N/ARange: 6 000 mTraverse: N/ATrail: Single/poleGun weight in action: 1 015 kgRate of Fire: N/A (probably low due to no recoil system)Prolonged Rate of Fire: N/AAmmunition: N/ADesign: BoforsWheels: Spoked woodShield: YesYear of delivery: N/AQuantity: 10Uses as a flare gun for the emplaced coastal artillery. 10,5cm Haubits m/10Caliber: 105 mmBarrel lenght: 14 cal Projectile Weight: 14,6 kg Muzzle Velocity: 293 m/s Max elevation: 43°Range: 5 800 m Traverse: 5,5°Trail: BoxGun weight in action: 1 100 kgRate of Fire: N/AProlonged Rate of Fire: N/AAmmunition: 10,5cm m/10 (charge 1-5)Design: BoforsWheels: Spoked woodShield: YesYear of delivery: 1911-12 and 1916-19Quantity: 156 (149 in 1945)The 10,5cm Haubits m/10 was a decent artillery piece when introduced. In ww2, it was already outdated, even though it was a light and agile gun, it lacked range and traverse, forcing the crew to re-position the gun often. It was the first gun that Bofors designed single-handedly. 5 divisions (batallions) were still using the 10,5cm Haubits m/10 in 1945, despite the introduction of the 10,5cm Haubits m/39 and 10,5cm Haubits m/40.10,5cm Kanon m/17Caliber: 105 mmBarrel lenght: 32,3 calProjectile Weight: 18,2 kgMuzzle Velocity: 590 m/sMax elevation: N/ARange: 11 200 mTraverse: N/ATrail: BoxGun weight in action: 2 755 kgRate of Fire: N/AProlonged Rate of Fire: N/AAmmunition: 10,5cm m/17Design: KruppWheels: Spoked woodShield: YesYear of delivery: 1917Quantity: 12 (11 in 1945)The 10,5cm Kanon m/17 was one of the few purchases that Sweden could do during ww1. The guns were used as corps artillery until 1941, when they were retired from line army service. None of my sources mention where they went, but I assume they were transferred to local defence units.10,5cm Berghaubits m/10-24Caliber: 105 mmBarrel lenght: Probably 14 calProjectile Weight: 14,6 kgMuzzle Velocity: 293 m/sMax elevation: 43°Range: 8 000 mTraverse: 5,5°Trail: BoxGun weight in action: 1 100 kgRate of Fire: N/AProlonged Rate of Fire: N/AAmmunition: 10,5cm m/10Design: BoforsWheels: Spoked woodShield: YesYear of delivery: 1926-27Quantity: 4, 4 in 1939, 0 in 1945The 10,5cm Berghaubits m/10-24 was the only mountain artillery in Sweden. Based on the design of the 10,5cm Haubits m/10, the 10,5cm Berghaubits m/10-24 could be broked down in several loads and transported on horseback. Extensive testing took place in the 30s, but mountain artillery was deemed as too expensive and not suitable for the Swedish terrain. Mortars were considered a better option, as they were cheaper, lighter and smaller. All of these guns were lended to Finland during the winter war and were not returned until 1944.10,5cm Haubits m/39Caliber: 105 mmBarrel lenght: 28 cal Projectile Weight: 15,5 kg Muzzle Velocity: 470 m/s Max elevation: 42°Range: 10 900 mTraverse: 57°Trail: SplitGun weight in action: 1 985 kgRate of Fire: N/AProlonged Rate of Fire: N/AAmmunition: 10,5cm m/39Design: Rheinmetall-BorsigWheels: Spoked wood or Rubber covered aluminiumShield: YesYear of delivery: 1940-43Quantity: 142, 138 in 1945The 10,5cm Haubits m/39 was the German 10.5 leFH18 howitzer. Sweden purchased 142 of these guns from 1940 to 1943. As all other ways of importing arms were closed, Sweden bought weapons from Germany. These guns were still in service with some local defence units in the early 80s. As a design, it was considered modern and sound in Sweden, but inferior to the Bofors 10,5cm Haubits m/40.10,5cm Haubits m/40Caliber: 105 mmBarrel lenght: 18,4 cal(L22)Projectile Weight: 15,5 kgMuzzle Velocity: 449 m/sMax elevation: 45°Range: 10 600 mTraverse: 60°Trail: SplitGun weight in action: 1 970 kgRate of Fire: N/AProlonged Rate of Fire: N/AAmmunition: 10,5cm m/39Design: BoforsWheels: Spoked wood or Rubber covered aluminiumShield: YesYear of delivery: 1940-44Quantity: 242The 10,5cm Haubits m/40 were designed as an export gun by Bofors, and when war broke out, Sweden seized 16 guns intended for Siam (10,cm Haubits m/40S) and 16 guns intended for The Netherlands (10,5cm Haubits m/40H). In 1941, another 210 howitzers were ordered and they were delivered between 1941 and 1943. The 10,5cm Haubits m/40S had spoked wood wheels, while all later guns had solid rubber ringed aliminium wheels suitable for motor towing.10,5cm Kanon m/34Caliber: 105 mmBarrel lenght: 39,9 calProjectile Weight: 15,5 kgMuzzle Velocity: 450-785 m/sMax elevation: 42°Range: 17 300 mTraverse: 30°Trail: SplitGun weight in action: 4 000 kgRate of Fire: N/AProlonged Rate of Fire: N/AAmmunition: 10,5cm m/34 (charge 1-3)Design: BoforsWheels: Rubber covered steelShield: YesYear of delivery: 1934, 1936-40 and 1944Quantity: 64 (4 m/27-34, 64 m/34, minus 12 sent to Finland, 8 m/34B), 48 in 1939, 64 in 1945The 10,5cm Kanon m/34 was a modern, high-powered long-range cannon. The lavette was the same as on the 15cm Haubits m/38 and the 15cm Haubits m/39. The lavette had an innovative suspension that allowed the gun to be set up and fired in a sloping hillside, a big advantage in rough terrain. The orginal guns were part of the mobile coastal artillery (10,5cm Kanon m/27-34) but were in 1942 turned over to the Army where they, together with the 10,5cm Kanon m/34 and m/34B formed 4 corps artillery divisions (batallions). My sources does not mention if the 12 guns given to Finland during the Winter War was returned or not.12cm Kanon m/85Caliber: 117 mmBarrel lenght: 28,5 cal Projectile Weight: 16,8 kg Muzzle Velocity: 475 m/sMax elevation: 35°Range: 8 600 mTraverse: 2,5°Trail: Single/poleGun weight in action: 2 485 kg Rate of Fire: N/AProlonged Rate of Fire: N/A Ammunition: 12cm m/85Design: KruppWheels: Spoked WoodShield: NoYear of delivery: Probably 1885Quantity: 53The old 12cm Kanon m/85 were still in use in some fortifications during the early years of ww2. If Sweden had been invaded in 1940, they would probably have been taken out of mothball and been pressed into service. This was an old breech loaded gun without recoil system and hopelessly outdated, even in 1939. Still used as a flare gun for the heavier coastal artillery throughout the war.15cm Positionshaubits m/06Caliber: 149,1 mmBarrel lenght: 12,1 calProjectile Weight: 41 kgMuzzle Velocity: 300 m/sMax elevation: 43°Range: 6 700 mTraverse: 2,5°Trail: BoxGun weight in action: 2 150 kgRate of Fire: N/AProlonged Rate of Fire: N/AAmmunition: 15cm m/06Design: KruppWheels: Spoked SteelShield: NoYear of delivery: Probably 1906Quantity: 56, 54 in 1939, 51 in 1945The 15cm Positionshaubits m/06 was practically the only heavy field artillery available in Sweden as ww2 broke out. It was already obselete in 1939, with its low range and inflexible design, but had to soldier on in Line Army duty until after 1941, when newer howitzers finally where available in numbers to replace it. It served on, however, in local defence units throughout ww2.15cm Haubits m/19Caliber: 149,1 mmBarrel lenght: N/AProjectile Weight: 40,6 kgMuzzle Velocity: 183-422 m/sMax elevation: N/ARange: 10 400 mTraverse: 2,5°Trail: BoxGun weight in action: 3 300 kgRate of Fire: N/AProlonged Rate of Fire: N/AAmmunition: 15cm m/19Design: BoforsWheels: Spoked woodShield: N/AYear of delivery: Probably 1919Quantity: 12The 15cm Haubits m/19 was used by the coastal artillery. It was a mobile artillery piece intended for coastal defence. Since coastal artillery units often joined Army manouvres and were placed under Army command during several mobilisations, one can assume that these guns would have been part of the Swedish defence against an invador, regardless of where he was coming from.15cm Haubits m/38Caliber: 149,1 mmBarrel lenght: 22 calProjectile Weight: 37 kgMuzzle Velocity: 190-503 m/sMax elevation: N/ARange: 11 100 mTraverse: 60°Trail: SplitGun weight in action: 4 200 kgRate of Fire: N/AProlonged Rate of Fire: N/AAmmunition: 15cm m/19Design: BoforsWheels: Probably Rubber covered SteelShield: N/AYear of delivery: 1940-41Quantity: 16The 15cm Haubits m/38 seems to have been the fore-runner of the 15cm Haubits m/39. They used the same lavette as the 10,5cm Kanon m/34, which enabled the 15cm Haubits m/38 to be placed in sloping terrain. The 15cm Haubits m/38 served in a corps artillery division (batallion) from 1940 to war's end.15cm Haubits m/39Caliber: 149,1 mmBarrel lenght: 23 calProjectile Weight: 41,5 kgMuzzle Velocity: 580 m/sMax elevation: 65°Range: 14 600 mTraverse: 45° (m/39) or 60° (m/39B)Trail: SplitGun weight in action: 2 150 kg(5 720 kg)Rate of Fire: 4-6 shots per minuteProlonged Rate of Fire: N/AAmmunition: 15cm m/39Design: BoforsWheels: Probably Rubber covered SteelShield: NoYear of delivery: 1941-45Quantity: 113, 28 in 1939The famous Bofors 15cm Haubits m/39 was a modern, sound and effective howitzer with a good lavette that enabled it to be positioned in and fire from sloped terrain. It had a good range and a heavy shell, making it one of the best field artillery pieces available to the Swedish Army during ww2. The last guns were not withdrawn from service until 1991. At the end of the war, it equipped 6 corps artillery divisions (battalions).15,2cm Kanon m/37Caliber: 152,4 mmBarrel lenght: 43 calProjectile Weight: 46 kg Muzzle Velocity: 500-825 m/s Max elevation: 45°Range: 23 000 mTraverse: 60°Trail: SplitGun weight in action: 14 800 kg Rate of Fire: N/AProlonged Rate of Fire: N/AAmmunition: 15,2cm m/37Design: BoforsWheels: SteelShield: NoYear of delivery: 1941 and 1945Quantity: 23The 15,2cm Kanon m/37 was the finest among the mobile coastal artillery in Sweden. It was a highly mobile cannon, designed for motor towing and quick limbering and unlimbering. Even though my sources on this gun are scarce, they all concur on the fact that this was an excellent artillery piece. The gun was transported by the 6x6 Volvo TVB m/4021cm Haubits m/17Caliber: 210 mmBarrel lenght: 14,5 calProjectile Weight: 120 kgMuzzle Velocity: 394 m/sMax elevation: 70°Range: 10 200 mTraverse: 4°Trail: BoxGun weight in action: 7 530 kgRate of Fire: N/AProlonged Rate of Fire: N/AAmmunition: 21cm m/17Design: KruppWheels: SteelShield: NoYear of delivery: 1918-19Quantity: 12 (minus 4 sent to Finland)The 21cm Haubits m/17 was the German Langer Mörser 1916. In ww1, the need for siege artillery was realised, and Sweden managed to buy 12 guns to equip one division (batallion) of siege artillery. In february 1940, 4 of the guns were sent to Finland as a part of the Swedish aid during the Winter War. My sources do not indicate if these guns were returned or not.21cm Kanon m/42Caliber: 210 mmBarrel lenght: 46 calProjectile Weight: 133 kgMuzzle Velocity: 550, 650 or 800 m/sMax elevation: 45°Range: 30 000 mTraverse: 360°Trail: BoxGun weight in action: 33 000 kgRate of Fire: N/AProlonged Rate of Fire: N/AAmmunition: 21cm m/43Design: Skoda 135/800Wheels: NoneShield: NoYear of delivery: 1944Quantity: 9The 21cm Kanon m/42 was not really a field artillery piece, yet it was designed to be broken up in three parts and moved. It was the heaviest movable gun in Sweden during ww2. It had superior range and hitting power, and the 9 guns could be deployed at any quickly prepared site.。
