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Unit 6 Find the Right Words

Part I Gett ing ready Audioscript:

The En glish Ian guage can be traced back to prehistoric

In do-Europea n through the West Germa nic line. However, many other in flue nces have shaped the developme nt of Moder n English. Wewill review someimportant dates in the history of the En glish Ian guage. The first three are Lati n

in flue nces:

1. In 5,5 . Caesar conquered Britain and the Celtic people.

2. In 4

3. . Rome coloni zed the isla nd.

3. The Roma ns remained for 400 years (the first four

centuries of the Christian Era).

The next sig ni fica nt dates were:

4. The year 499 (which was the year of the An glo-Sax on

conq uest of the isla nd).

5. From 500 on, the West Germanic Ianguage was the basic

Ian guage of Brita in (or En gla nd).

In flue nces from other Ian guages con ti nued however.

6. In the sixth and seve nth cen turies En gla nd was

Christia ni zed by missi on aries sent by the Pope (so that

Lati n in flue nee con ti nu ed).

The n,

7. In the eigllth and ninth een turies the Norseme n

(Vik in gs), i nvaded En gla nd with their Old Norse Ian guage.

8. In 1066. the Norma n Conq uest brought French lin guistie

in flue nee.

9. The French in flue nee continued for 300 years (the ninth een tury through the 11th een tury).

10. And fin ally, in the fiftee n and sixtee n hun dreds, whe n classical lear ning was revived, there was continued Lat in

Ian guage in flue nee.


1. People are delighted if you can speak their Ian guage,

and they don't care how well you speak it. They are not upset whe n you make mistakes. I thi nk in order to learn, you must n't be afraid of maki ng mistakes.

2. I'm a very shy person and it's not easy for me to talk

to stra ngers. But you have to force yourself to talk to people. That's what I did and it really helped me.

3. I think the best Ian guage lear ners are people with a

sense of humor. Try to laugh at your own mistakes and don't take yourself too seriously. You'll find that other people will be

sympathetic whe n you make mistakes.

4. I took two courses in bus in ess studies. I read, studied, liste ned to lectures and took no tes in En glish. It was a

very good experie nee for me because I did n't have time to think about the Ianguage. I recommendforgetting about the grammar and thi nking about the meaning in stead.

5. In my experienee, learning a foreign Ianguage always

invoIves a lot of time, a lot of boring work and lots of

problems! In short, if you want to lear n ano ther Ian guage you have to work hard.

6. Try to read as much as you can. I think that's the best way to improve your En glish and to lear n more new words.

I always try to read somethi ng in En glish everyday.

Part II Skills to com muni cate bad

n ews


Avi Arditti : rm Avi Arditti with RosanneSkirble, and this week on Wordmaster: giving doctors better skills to com muni cate

bad n ews.

Rosanne Skirble : Anthony Back is a medical oncologist at

the Un iversity of Wash ington and the Fred Hutch inson
