新版CCNA-Lab 52~54






2、设置主机IP:A:f0:,s0: s0:;s1:;f0: server: gateway: server: gateway:咨询电话:咨询:实验目的:熟悉RIP协议的配置方法,和使用CISCO发现协议访问其他路由器。

实验要求:熟练配置RIP协议,掌握RIP v1和RIPv2的区别与特点。





咨询电话:咨询:Pc1 Pc21、按上图将pc、交换机和路由器连接好。

2、在特权模式下设置子网掩码的格式,用term ip netmask-format命令。

命令格式为:router#term ip bitcount | decimal | hexadecimal3、为pc和路由器设置IP。










根据您的关注技术,特为您推荐以下精品课程>>CCNA视频课程:NA经典视频教程(29集)2.IT傻博士CCNA基础入门视频全72集3.自学首选-CCNA原创系列视频教程(26集)4.Cisco CCNA系列课程美女讲师版【秦红华】NA200-120新增考点:SNMP、Netflow、HSRP、VRRP、GLBP讲师:安德(周亚军)思科认证讲师,双CCIE(R&S CCIE、ISP CCIE)NA2.0思科路由交换完全加强版视频教程【基础部分】NA2.0思科路由交换完全加强版视频教程【提高操作部分】8.思科CCNA2.0完全加强版视频教程【高级部分完结篇】附综合实9.RSCCIE Version5.0视频教程之路由交换全网首发-限时免费Sect讲师:胡双全思科网络技术学院讲师,网络技术专家10.2013新版CCNA(200-120)认证考试视频教程讲师:刘硕Cisco网络工程师,MCITP微软系统工程师,IT课程培训认证讲师11.1.Cisco初级网络工程师认证课程12.2013年最新录制Cisco CCNA网络工程师认证培训讲师:韩立刚河北师大软件学院网络教室主任,培训讲师,微软MVP,51CTO专家博主13.Cisco网络工程师和网络安全课程【免费版】14.Cisco网络工程师和网络安全课程讲师:谌玺微软MCSE、思科CCNA、CCIE认证工程师高校客作教授NA/MCSE学习:必须渗透分析与取证的基础网络协议NA200-120 OSPF的专题分析演示17.分析与演示DSL网络(PPPOE)接入CCNA200-120NA200-120 生成树(STP)技术专题分析19.思科认证CCNA200-120关于IPsecVPN的实施与部署20.思科CCNA认证的帧中继专题分析(200-120)21.思科CCNA认证EIGRP专题分析(200-120)22.思科CCNA认证IOS网络管理特性(200-120)NA200-120 安全部分(各种中高级ACL)的专题分析演示24.思科CCNA认证远程接入PPP、HDLC、PAP、CHAP(200-120)NA200-120 IPv6专题分析与实验演示NA200-120 思科网络设备入门配置与VLAN实施讲师:吴群资深工程师,高级思科讲师NA项目实验和排错28.零基础2013新版CCNA 教学(真实案例结合)CCNP视频课程:29.WOLF 郑山河CCNP系列视频教程30.Cisco CCNP之OSPF系列课程美女讲师版【秦红华】31.2014最新录制思科CCNP认证系列课程(中级)【刘硕】讲师:谌玺微软MCSE、思科CCNA、CCIE认证工程师高校客作教授NP高级路由篇NP高级路由综合实验与故障排除(偿试版)讲师:马青河北工业职业技术学院信息中心网络工程师,网络规划与设计师34.Cisco CCNP远程教育系列课程之ROUTE(642-902)35.Cisco CCNP远程教育系列课程之课程简介讲师:吴群资深工程师,高级思科讲师36.原创CCNP教学和案例分解37.郑sir版CCNP MPLS/VPN系列视频教程NP案例实验排错H3C视频课程:39.【H3CNE认证】GB190题库视频讲解合集其他精品课程:40.中科院新科海学校cisco培训教学视频IE#15101(红头发)CCIE R&S IP组播视频42.RHCE5 RH133和RH253培训视频教程43.Cisco初级网络工程师认证课程44.GNS3接合VMware仿真虚拟实验室(中低端应用)连续更新bat-Lab实战式NANP免费课程【张鹏】46.PacketTracer GNS3和VMWare搭建网络学习环境【韩立刚】47.路由环路产生和收敛分析视频教程【吴群】讲师:陈鑫杰拼客科技PingingLab创始人,计算机网络技术专家,CCIE讲师48.网络基础视频教程100集(免费部分)【PingingLab CCIE魔鬼训练营】49.网络基础视频教程100集(鸿篇巨制版)【PingingLab CCIE魔鬼训练营】50.高级路由之路由策略专题视频教程【PingingLab CCIE魔鬼训练营】51.高级路由之BGP专题视频教程【PingingLab CCIE魔鬼训练营】更多精彩尽在51CTO视频课程>>亲,一定要告诉我们你的使用体验哦,调查问卷>>。





为了配合Cisco考试类型的调整,国外不少专业认证考试公司推出各种各样的CISCO实验模拟器,比较出名的有思科网络学院FLASH版模拟实验器、Ro utersim和Boson 实验模拟器。




现在流行的主要有:Routersim CCNA3.0、Routersim CCNPRouter_Simulator_v4.15Boson router simular 3.55Sybex CCNA Lab思科网络学院的flash练习思科网络学院的ccnp全套labs思科出品的Cisco Interactive Mentor(思科交互式学习指导CIM)二、模拟器的现状:现在的模拟器各有优点和缺点,都不是尽善尽美。


实验教程分的很细致,讲解也很清楚,对于N A的学习者而言,是再好不过的了,它的最大缺点也正是由于完全局限于实验。






CCNA 实验手册

CCNA 实验手册

CCNA 实验手册实验一:1900系列交换机基本配置1.设置交换机的主机名为open-lab2.管理IP地址:默认网关10.1.1.2544.查看交换机IOS版本,运行的配置,IP地址,接口e0/1的信息步骤:1.全局配置模式hostname open-lab会看到显示的变化2.ip address default-gateway version, show running-config, show ip, show int e0/1. 注意Tab和“?”键的使用实验二:路由器的基本配置1.配置主机名:将相应的路由器设置相应的主机名,如路由器1设为R12.设置登陆欢迎信息Welcome to open-lab3.在路由器的一个接口上设置其描述,如R1的s0与R2相连,描述为to R24.查看路由器的IOS版本,IOS文件名,flash大小,flash可用空间。


步骤:1.hostname R12.banner Welcome to open-lab3.interface s0description to R24.show version; IOS文件名有两种方法查看:show flash, show version; show processes实验三:设置路由器或交换机的控制进程1.将VTY的密码设为cisco2.设置进入特权模式的密码为cisco并加密3.配置CONSOLE线,防止通过CONSOLE口的会话超时4.配置CONSOLE线,重新显示被打断的输入信息。

步骤:1.line vty 0 4password cisco2.enable secret cisco3.line con 0exec-timeout 0 04.logging synchronous实验四:路由器间的通讯1.配置接口的IP地址地址规则:前2位是192.168,后两位为X.X。



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作为过来⼈,伯狼就说⼀点经验之谈吧,其实伯狼所接触的模拟器,或者说算得上是模拟器的只有五种,它们分别是:RouterSim4.0、Sybex Virtual Lab、思科⽹络学院Flah Lab、CIM、Boson Netsim5.31。



福建最好的培训中心福建最大的CISCO实验室3名CCIE,100多套CISCO设备PIX防火墙,3550交换机,7000路由器,两条ISDN线路基带MODEM,电话交换机,NETSCREEN防火墙登录微思实验室:远程: telnet://本地: telnet:• Lab 1 - Basic Router Configuration• Lab 2 - Advanced Router Configuration• Lab 3 - CDP• Lab 4 - Telnet• Lab 5 - TFTP• Lab 6 - RIP• Lab 7 - IGRP• Lab 8 - EIGRP• Lab 9 - OSPF• Lab 10 – Catalyst 1900 Switch Configuration• Lab 11 - VLANs & Trunking (Catalyst 1900)• Lab 12 - Catalyst 2950 Switch Configuration• Lab 13 - VLANs and Trunking (Catalyst 2950)• Lab 13-1 Routing inter VLAN(Dot1q)• Lab 14 - IP Access Lists• Lab 15 - NAT/PAT• Lab 16 - PPP & CHAP• Lab 17 - ISDN BRI-BRI using Legacy DDR• Lab 18 - ISDN BRI-BRI using Dialer Profiles• Lab 19 - ISDN PRI using Dialer Profiles• Lab 20 - Frame RelayLAB 1 –基本配置3. 用户模式Router>4. Router> enable //用户模式敲入enable进入到特权模式Router#5. Router# ? //敲入问号看帮助6. Router# disable //特权模式敲入disable退到用户模式Router>7. Router> enable //用户模式敲入enable进入到特权模式Router# configure terminal //特权模式敲入configure terminal进入配置模式Router(config)# //配置模式8. 配置路由器名字(主机名)如…R1‟ (注:如果你用的实验台号是03,则命名为na03r1,如果为12,则命名na12r1,依次类推).Router(config)# hostname na12r1 //把第12号实验台的第一台路由器命名为na12r1na12r1(config)#9. 配置路由器的密码:●配置console 口密码:R1(config)#line console 0R1(config-line)#loginR1(config-line)#password ciscoR1(config-line)#设置密码后:00:29:42: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by consoleUser Access VerificationPassword:Password: //这里要输入console口密码●配置enable 密码//从用户模式到enable模式的密码问题A: when both encrypted and unencrypted enable passwords are configured, which one is used?R1(config)# enable password cisco//密码显示为明文R1(config)# enable secret wisdom//密码为加密过的,显示为乱码注:用命令show running-config 可以看到密码cisco为明文,密码wisdom显示为乱码,当两个密码都配置时,只有enable secret所跟的密码生效,两个密码不可以配置一样的密码.配置vty密码//远程登陆telnet 的密码R1(config)#line vty 0 4R1(config-line)#loginR1(config-line)#password ciscoR1(config-line)#telnet命令的使用: telnet +IP address or hostname of a remote system例如: telnet 配置路由器接口ethernet0的IP address:R1>enableR1#configure terminalR1(config)#interface ethernet 0R1(config-if)#ip address shutdown11. 在Serial0口配置R1(config-if)# int serial 0R1(config-if)# ip address no shutdown12. 测试ctrl-z的作用R1(config-if)# ctrl-z 任何模式下敲入ctrl-z都会退回到特权模式R1# 特权模式13. 退出路由器R1# logout 完全退出路由器14. 回到特权模式R1> enablepassword: cisco 输入enable secret 的密码为ciscoR1#15.显示接口的基本概况:R1# show ip interface brief16. 显示详细信息:show interface +接口类型+接口偏号例如:R1# show interfaces ethernet0 或是show interface serial 0R1#show interfaces ethernet 0Ethernet0 is up, line protocol is downHardware is Lance, address is 0000.0c92.8164 (bia 0000.0c92.8164)Internet address is 1500 bytes, BW 10000 Kbit, DLY 1000 usec, rely 145/255, load 1/255 ……………….…………17.显示内存信息(也就是路由器正在运行的配置):R1# show running-config //当前正在远行的配置18. 显示NVRAM? If not, why not?R1# show startup-config 显示已经保存过的配置19. 保存配置:R1# copy running-config startup-config或是R1#write保存配置:copy running-config startup-config等同于write20. 现在显示NVRAM.R1# show startup-config21. 使用Show version:问题A: What IOS release is running在R1? 查看IOS的版本问题B: What are the contents of the configuration register? 查看寄存器的值R1# show version22. 查看运行的协议问题A:which protocols are currently running on the router?R1# show ip protocols23. 进入另一台Router.Router> enableRouter# configure terminalRouter(config)#24. 配置主机名,配置密码.Router(config)# hostname R2R2(config)# enable secret cisco25. 配置以太网IP.R2(config)# interface e0R2(config-if)# ip address no shutdown26. 显示所有接口简单信息R2(config-if)# ctrl-zR2# show ip interface briefR1#show ip interface briefInterface IP-Address OK? Method Status ProtocolEthernet0 YES manual up down Serial0 unassigned YES unset administratively down down Serial1 unassigned YES unset administratively down down3. 配置登陆信息Banner”Welcome to WISDOM LAB - Authorized Users Only”.R1(config)# banner motd #Welcome to WISDOM LAB - Authorized Users Only #4. 退出路由器,重新登录.R1# logoutenterpassword: ciscoR1> enablepassword: cisco6. 在R1上将R2和12.1.1.2对应起来(相当于Windows里的Hosts文件的作用)。



新版CCNA 考试流程及注意事项1,关于CCNA 备考CC NA 备考主要以题库为主,考试会考58-53道题目,其中实验题考3道,拖图题考1-5道,其余的是选择题。


实验题考试的时候参数会有所变化,考查的知识点和做题的方法不变,新版CCNA 实验会考题库中的EIGRP 、ACL-1、ACL-2或ACL-3。

VTP 实验不考了。

2,关于CCNA 考试CCNA 考试总共1000分,825分通过,考试时间120分钟,英文版考试是140分钟。



不要有只是背选择题和拖图题就能pass 的想法。

NA 考试考场流程提前预约考试,确认之后考试当天提前去考场(提前去开始提前开始的,但是不能迟到),别忘了带两个有效证件,身份证是必须的,其他一个证件可以是驾照,学生证,暂住证等等。

在考场之后考场MM (也可能是GG )会拿去你的证件复印(也可自己带复印件),好了之后在VUE 上签名,照相等。





4、问卷调查考试前有三个调查必须要填写:(1)问你是否已满18周岁,一定要选已满18周岁(YES )。

(2)问你是否同意CISCO 的协议,这个一定要选“同意”,如果您选“不同意”,那么你也就不用考试了。



这个问题可以选择(NO )。




CCNA部分 (1)L AB 1路由器的基本配置 (1)L AB 2配置静态路由 (6)L AB 3配置动态路由协议 (8)L AB 4配置网络控制列表 (12)L AB 5配置帧中继 (16)L AB 6配置网络地址转换 (18)CCNP路由部分(BSCI) (22)L AB 1静态路由和RIP的巩固和加深 (22)L AB 2配置EIGRP及其高级特性 (28)L AB 3配置OSPF基本特性 (36)L AB 4OSPF在不同网络类型上的操作实验拓扑 (41)L AB 5配置集成IS-IS (44)L AB 6操纵路由选择更新 (46)L AB 7配置DHCP (50)L AB 8配置组播 (52)L AB 9配置IP V6路由 (55)L AB 10配置BGP (58)CCNP 多层交换部分(BCMSN) (66)L AB 1实施和配置VLAN (66)L AB 2 VLAN间路由 (70)L AB 3配置和实施STP (74)L AB 4配置C ATALYST交换机的Q O S (83)L AB 5配置多层交换机的HSRP (87)L AB 6配置HSRP的高级特性 (91)L AB 7配置交换机安全 (96)CCNP 安全部分(ISCW) (99)L AB 1配置MPLS VPN (99)L AB 2配置C ISCO IOS的站点到站点IPS EC VPN (106)L AB 3加强路由器远程管理的安全性 (112)L AB 4使用SDM配置EASY VPN (114)L AB 5使用CLI配置IOS防火墙 (125)CCNP优化部分(ONT) (131)L AB 1IP服务质量(Q O S)案例分析和实施 (131)CCIE PRE-LAB部分 (148)LAB1CCIE R&S模拟实验 (148)LAB2CCIE S ERVICE P ROVIDER 模拟实验 (161)央邦IT培训实验手册CCNA部分Lab 1 路由器的基本配置实验要求1.掌握路由器的用户模式、特权模式、配置模式的切换。



CCNA Discovery企业中的路由和交换简介实验 9.3.4 排除 EIGRP 默认路由重分布故障设备主机名 Fast Ethernet 0/0 IP 地址 Serial 0/0/0 IP 地址 Serial0/0/0 类型 Serial0/0/1IP 地址使能加密口令 使能、vty 和控制台 口令 Router 1 R1 DCE 不适用class cisco Router 2 R2 DTE class cisco ISP ISP NA209.165.201.2/30DCE 不适用 class cisco PC1 H1 PC2 H2 PC3 H3 NA目标•在路由器上配置 EIGRP。


•用show ip eigrp topology命令检查拓扑表。

•用show ip eigrp traffic命令检查统计信息。

•用 show ip route 命令检查路由表。

•用 debug ip eigrp 命令观察路由活动。

背景/准备工作在本实验中,您将学习如何使用拓扑图中所示的网络排查路由协议 EIGRP 的故障。

本实验使用 1841 路由器和Cisco IOS 命令。


例如,可以使用 800、1600、1700、1800、2500、2600、2800 系列路由器或其任何组合。

本实验的说明信息同样适用于 1841 路由器。



例如,在某些路由器上,Serial 0 可能是 Serial 0/0 或 Serial 0/0/0,而 Ethernet 0 则可能是 FastEthernet 0/0。


选择适合自学Βιβλιοθήκη 教材 CCNA的考试用书主要有两本:一本是Cisco press(思科出版社)出的考试用书,书名叫:《Cisco CCNA Exam #640-507 Certification Guide》,作者是Wendell Odom。另一本是SYBEX公司出版的考试用书,书名叫《CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide》,作者是Todd Lammle(在国内可以买到电子工业出版社出版的这本书) 。对于学习者来说,第二本适合于初学者。而第一本更适合志向高的朋友(比如想考CCIE的朋友)。当然最好的路还是两本书兼而看之。

ERouting Final Exam CCNA Exploration路由协议和概念答案

ERouting Final Exam CCNA Exploration路由协议和概念答案

ERouting Final Exam-CCNA Exploration:路由协议和概念(Version4.0)1.Which of the following are required when adding a network to the OSPF routing process configuration?network addressloopback addressa utonomous system numbersubnet maskwildcard maskarea ID2.Which of the following are primary functions of a router?(Choose two.)packet switchingmicrosegmentationdomain name resolutionpath selectionflow control3.Refer to the exhibit.When troubleshooting a network,it is important to interpret the output of various router commands.On the basis of the exhibit,which three statements are true?(Choose three.)The missing information for Blank1is the command show ip route.The missing information for Blank 1 is the command debug ip route.The missing information for Blank 2 is the number 100.The missing information for Blank2is the number120.The missing information for Blank 3 is the letter R.The missing information for Blank3is the letter C.4.Refer to the exhibit.Packets destined to which two networks will require the router to perform a recursive lookup?(Choose two.) would the network administrator use the ip bandwidth-percent eigrp as-number percent command?when there is a low bandwidth connectionwhen the connection is on a shared mediumwhen the connection is serial instead of Ethernetwhen the link is always busy6.Refer to the exhibit.Cost for each path are shown.If all routers are configured to use OSPF,what would be the path of a packet sent from Router C to Router D if Router A was down?C-B-E-DC-B-A-D C-F-E-DC-F-B-A-D C-F-E-A-D7.What OSPF packet type is used to elect the designated router(DR)and backup designated router(BDR)on multiaccess networks?helloLSULSRDBDLSAck8.Refer to the exhibit.The hosts on the R1LAN are unable to access the Internet.What is incorrectly configured?the IP address of the Fa0/0 interface at R1the IP address of the S0/0/1 interface at R2the IP address of the S0/0/0interface at R1the subnet mask of the S0/0/1 interface at R29.Refer to the exhibit.Which summarization should R1use to advertise its networks to R2? to the exhibit.What are two of the routes added to the routing table of R1? (Choose two.)R [120/1] via, 00:00:24, Serial0/0/0R192.168.1.0/24[120/1]via172.16.2.1,00:00:24,Serial0/0/1R [120/1] via, 00:00:24, Serial0/0/0R192.168.100.0/24[120/1]via172.16.1.1,00:00:24,Serial0/0/0R [120/1] via, 00:00:24, Serial0/0/011.A router boots and enters setup mode.What is the reason for this?The IOS image is corrupt.Cisco IOS is missing from flash memory.The configuration file is missing from NVRAM.The POST process has detected hardware failure.12.Refer to the exhibit.A router learns a route to the192.168.6.0network,as shown in the output of the show ip rip database command.However,upon running the show ip routecommand,the network administrator sees that the router has installed a different route to the192.168.6.0network learned via EIGRP.What could be the reason for the missing RIP route?Compared to RIP,EIGRP has a lower administrative distance.Compared to EIGRP, RIP has a higher metric value for the route.Compared to RIP, the EIGRP route has fewer hops.Compared to RIP, EIGRP has a faster update timer.13.All routers in a network are configured in a single OSPF area with the same priority value.No loopback interface has been set on any of the routers.Which secondary value will the routers use to determine the router ID?The highest MAC address among the active interfaces of the network will be used.There will be no router ID until a loopback interface is configured.The highest IP address among the active FastEthernet interfaces that are running OSPF will be used.The highest IP address among the active interfaces will be used.14.Refer to the exhibit.Routers R1and R2are directly connected via their serial interfaces and are both running the EIGRP routing protocol.R1and R2can ping the directly connected serial interface of their neighbor,but they cannot form an EIGRP neighbor adjacency.What action should be taken to solve this problem?Enable the serial interfaces of both routers.Configure EIGRP to send periodic updates.Configure the same hello interval between the routers. Configure both routers with the same EIGRP process ID.15.Refer to the exhibit.The interfaces of all routers are configured for OSPF area0.R3can ping R1,but the two routers are unable to establish a neighbor adjacency.What should the network administrator do to troubleshoot this problem?Check if the interfaces of the routers are enabled.Check the hello and dead intervals between the routers.Check the process ID of both routers.Check if CDP is enabled on all the routers.16.Refer to the exhibit.The hosts that are connected to R2are unable to ping the hosts that are connected to R1.How can this problem be resolved?Configure the router ID on both routers.Configure the R2router interfaces for area0.Configure a loopback interface on both routers.Configure the proper subnet masks on the router interfaces.17.Refer to the exhibit.The command ip route0. run on router R2. What are the two results of this command?(Choose two.)A static route will be updated in the routing table.The traffic from the Internet will be directed to R2.The traffic from the source network will be blocked.The route will be specified as the default route for all networks not defined in the routing table.All the broadcasts will be forwarded via the S0/0/0 interface of R2.18.Refer to the exhibit.All routers are properly configured with default configurations and are running the OSPF routing protocol.The network is fully converged.A host on the is communicating with a host on the192.168.2.0/24network.Which path will be used to transmit the data?The data will be transmitted via R3-R2.The data will be transmitted via R3-R1-R2.The traffic will be load-balanced between two paths — one via R3-R2, and the other via R3-R1-R2.The data will be transmitted via R3-R2, and the other path via R3-R1-R2 will be retained as the backup path.19.Refer to the exhibit.What is the meaning of the highlighted value120?It is the metric that is calculated by the routing protocol.It is the value that is used by the DUAL algorithm to determine the bandwidth for the link.It is the administrative distance of the routing protocol.It is the hold-down time, measured in seconds, before the next update.20.In a complex lab test environment,a router has discovered four paths to192.168.1.0/24 via the use of the RIP routing process.Which route will be installed in the routing table after the discovery of all four paths?R [120/3] via, 00:00:17, Serial0/1/0R [120/2] via, 00:00:17, Serial0/0/0R192.168.1.0/24[120/1]via192.168.100.1,00:00:17,Serial0/0/1R [120/4] via, 00:00:17, Serial0/1/121.Refer to the exhibit.PC1is unable to access the Internet.What is the cause of the problem?An incorrect IP address is configured between the two routers. No static route is configured on Router2.A routing loop has occurred.No routing protocol is configured on either of the two routers.22.How does route poisoning prevent routing loops?New routing updates are ignored until the network has converged.Failed routes are advertised with a metric of infinity.A route is marked as unavailable when its Time to Live is exceeded.The unreachable route is cleared from the routing table after the invalid timer expires.23.Which statement is true about the metrics used by routing protocols?A metric is a value used by a particular routing protocol to compare paths to remote networks.A common metric is used by all routing protocols.The metric with the highest value is installed in the routing table.The router may use only one parameter at a time to calculate the metric.24.Which statement correctly describes a feature of RIP?RIP is a link-state routing protocol.RIP uses only one metric—hop count—for path selection.Advertised routes with hop counts greater than 10 are unreachable.Messages are broadcast every 10 seconds.25.Refer to the exhibit.OSPF is used for the routing protocol and all interfaces are configured with the correct IP addresses and subnet masks.During testing,it is found that router R1is unable to form an adjacency with R2.What is the cause of this problem?Both routers have been configured with incorrect router IDs.Both routers have been configured in different OSPF areas.Both routers have been configured with an incorrect network type.Both routers have been configured with different hello and dead intervals.26.A network administrator is in charge of two separate networks that share a single building.What device will be required to connect the two networks and add a common connection to the Internet that can be shared?hubrouteraccess pointEthernet switch27.Which network and mask combination requires the use of a classless addressing solution? company is using static routes that are configured with an administrative distance of “1”on all routers in the network.The network administrator decides to introduce a dynamic routing protocol to reduce the manual configurations for the static routes.Which optionidentifies the correct procedure for the dynamic routing to take place in the network?The static routes and the dynamic routes will have the traffic alternate between them.The static routes will be automatically removed once the dynamic routing is configured.The static routes will be automatically updated with the next hop IP address once the dynamic routing is configured.The static routes must be manually removed from all routers in order for the dynamic routes to be installed in the routing table.29.Refer to the exhibit.Based on the partial output in the exhibit,why can users establish a console connection to this router without entering a password?The login command was not entered on the console line.The enable password should be an enable secret password.No username and password combination has been configured.Console connections cannot be configured to require users to provide passwords.30.Refer to the exhibit.When a static IP address is being configured on the host,what address should be used for the default gateway? to the exhibit.The entire192.168.1.0network has been allocated to address hosts in the diagram.Utilizing VLSM with contiguous address blocks,which set of addresses andprefixes could be used to create an addressing solution with a minimum waste of IP addresses?Correct answer is image4.32.Refer to the exhibit.The network is configured for OSPF routing with default settings. The bandwidths have been configured correctly for each link.If the T1link between router A and router E fails,what path will a packet from router A take to reach the LAN attached to router F when the network has converged?A, B, C, FA, B, C, E, FA, D, G, E, FA,D,G,H,F33.Which candidate route has the longest match for a packet with a destination address of10.30.16.48? to the exhibit.The network is configured with RIPv2.However,network administrators notice that communication cannot be successfully completed from one LAN to another.A network administrator issues the show ip route command on the HQ router. Based on the output,what should be done to correct the problem?Disable the load balancing feature of RIPv2.Issue the no auto-summary command for RIPv2.Replace RIPv2 with EIGRP which supports VLSM.Make sure that the network statements include the correct subnet mask.35.Which multicast address does EIGRP use to send hello and updates packets? to the exhibit.Why is the state of the serial0/0/0interface administratively down?An IP address has not been configured on the interface.The WIC was installed into the incorrect slot on the router.The default encapsulation on the interface has been modified.The no shutdown command has not been executed on the interface.37.Refer to the exhibit.How was the OSPF default gateway entry for R2determined? Default routes are automatically injected by OSPF into all advertisements.A static default gateway route is defined in the configuration of R2.The default-information originate command is applied on R1.The ISP defines the gateway of last resort and automatically passes it to R1 and R2.The ip default-gateway command is applied on R2.38.Refer to the exhibit.RIPv1has been properly configured on all routers in the network. However,users on LAN2have intermittent connectivity with the users on LAN1and LAN3. What is the cause of the problem?Both LAN networks are separated from router R2 with a variably subnetted Class C network router R1 nor router R3 has a static route configured that points to the variably subnetted networks.Both routers R1and R3are sending the summarized172.16.0.0/16network to R2in their RIPv1routing updates.Both networks and are configured with a subnet mask different from the default classful mask.39.Which default EIGRP configuration must be modified to allow an EIGRP router to advertise subnets that are configured with VLSM?split horizonmetric K valuesautosummarizationhello and dead intervals40.What is a successor for a destination network in an EIGRP network?the next hop on the primary route with the largest feasible distance to the destinationthe next hop on the primary route with the smallest feasible distance to the destination41.Refer to the exhibit.Which route will be removed from the routing table if manual EIGRP summarization is disabled on the Serial0/0/0interface of Router3? port can be used for initial router configuration?AUXvty 0s0/0/0console43.Which two link-state routing protocol challenges does OSPF resolve through the election of a DR?(Choose two.)the extensive flooding of LSAs throughout the OSPF areathe excessive adjacencies when the number of routers increasesthe requirement for link-state database updates to be propagated between OSPF areasthe heavy CPU load that is imposed because each router must compute shortest paths by using the SPF algorithmthe requirement for each router to build a topological database of the internetwork to determinet he shortest paths between networks44.A routing table shows an EIGRP route to192.168.1.0/24with a metric of301440.What other term also describes this EIGRP metric value?feasible distancereported distancefeasible successorfeasibility condition45.Refer to the exhibit.The network administrator has run the following command on R1.R1(config)#ip route192.168.2.0255.255.255.0172.16.1.2What is the result of running this command?Traffic for network192.168.2.0is forwarded to172.16.1.2.This route is automatically propagated throughout the entire network.Traffic for all networks is forwarded to command invokes a dynamic routing protocol for to the exhibit.What will happen if interface Serial0/0/1goes down on Router1? The Dijkstra algorithm will calculate the feasible successor.DUAL will query neighbors for a route to network192.168.1.0.Neighbor will be promoted to the feasible successor.Traffic destined to the network will be dropped immediately due to lack of a feasible successor.47.Refer to the exhibit.A network administrator is accessing router R1from the console port.Once the administrator is connected to the router,which password should the administrator enter at the R1>prompt to access the privileged EXEC mode?Cisco001Cisco123Cisco789Cisco90148.Refer to the exhibit.Which option will provide the configuration that is needed for router R1to dynamically learn routes to the192.168.100.16/28,,and static routeswith a routed protocolwith a routing protocolwith directly connected routes49.Refer to the exhibit.What will happen when the router reloads?It will boot into ROMMON mode.It will ignore the start-up configuration file.It will look for the start-up configuration file on the TFTP server.It will attempt to load the start-up configuration file that is stored in NVRAM.50.On a router,which actions can be performed in user mode?perform password recoverymake global configuration changesview status of various router functionsmake changes to a specified interface。

CCNA 实验手册

CCNA 实验手册

CCNA实验手册Version 3.0By @红茶三杯 敏捷的网络工程师之路修订记录文档说明目录1实验准备 (4)1.1通过Console接口登录设备 (4)1.2Cisco IOS基础 (10)1.3GNS模拟器 (13)2路由篇 (21)2.1路由器基础配置 (21)2.2静态路由 (27)2.3RIPv2 (33)2.4EIGRP (40)2.5OSPF单区域 (45)2.6OSPF多区域 (49)3交换篇 (54)3.1二层交换基础 (54)3.2使用以太网子接口实现VLAN之间的互访 (57)3.3二层交换机的管理VLAN (60)3.4使用SVI实现VLAN间的互访 (67)4安全篇 (70)4.1标准ACL (70)4.2扩展ACL (72)4.3NAT (75)4.4DHCP (81)4.5综合实验1 (83)4.6综合实验2 (86)5广域网篇 (90)5.1PPP(PAP认证) (90)5.2PPP(CHAP单向认证) (92)5.3PPP(CHAP双向认证) (94)5.4帧中继基础实验 (95)5.5帧中继Hub&Spoke模型基础实验 (98)5.6帧中继P2P子接口实验 (102)6综合实验 (105)6.1综合实验1 (105)6.2综合实验2 (116)1 实验准备1.1 通过Console接口登录设备图1-1 数据网络在网络工程领域,数据网络(Data Network),如图1-1所示,指的是由各种网络设备(例如路由器、交换机、防火墙、负载均衡器)、终端及服务器等搭建而成的一张网。







2、2台设备能够ping 通。












3、配置如下:设备命名:Router(config)#hostname dongguanDongguan(config)#关闭DNS查询:Router(config)#no ip domain-lookup注释:IOS软件会把未知的命令当做网络上设备的主机名称,通过广播去查找这台设备,这个过程需要比较久的时间,用这个命令可以避免DNS查询过程,节省时间。

启用光标跟随:Router(config)#line console 0Router(config-line)#logging synchronous注释:IOS软件会对系统状态变化自动的跳出提示信息,这会打乱我们的命令输入会影响我们命令的输入,启动光标跟随可以解决这个问题。

设置超时时间Router(config)#line console 0Router(config-line)#exec-timeout 0(分) 0 (秒)『永不超时』注释:当我们一段时间没有对设备进行操作后,会自动跳出登录,好比windows系统在多长时间没有活动后自动锁定,需要我们重新登录。



writer)才能参加Cisco试验室操作考试(CCIE lab)。

CCIE的考试分笔试和实验两部分,笔试称为Qualification exam,即资格考试,顾名思义,必须通过了笔试部分的考试,才能参加实验部分的考试,目前中国只能考Routing& Switching的实验。




(注:旧版考试为100道题目,120分钟,中国等非英文语种国家是180分钟,考试通过分数线为70%)从2002年11月4日起,下面的主题将不在作为CCIE Routing and Switching exam的考试内容:IGRPToken RingToken Ring SwitchingIPX注意:DLSw+将仍在考试内容要求中新的笔试内容大纲3小时考试结束后,打印机在打印成绩单的时候,屏幕会告诉你,pass or failed,如果屏幕上是congratulations,那么你就可以准备lab了。



CCIE labCCIE实验设备,查看中国思科培训网CCIE实验室。

Routing&Switching(R&S)路由交换CCIEService Provider(SP)电信运营商CCIESecurity安全CCIEVoice语音CCIEStorage Networking存储CCIE关于CCIE考试任何一类CCIE的考试都分笔试和实验两部分,笔试称为Qualification exam,即资格考试,顾名思义,必须通过了笔试部分的考试,才能参加实验部分的考试。

3GPP 5G基站(BS)R16版本一致性测试英文原版(3GPP TS 38.141-1)

3GPP 5G基站(BS)R16版本一致性测试英文原版(3GPP TS 38.141-1)

BS type 1-H.................................................................................................................................................. 26
Base station classes............................................................................................................................................27
1 Scope.......................................................................................................................................................13
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以太网业务测试方法目录一、系统适应性测试 (4)1.1、上电测试 (4)1.2、各槽位适应性测试 (5)1.3、混插测试 (5)1.4、满框测试 (6)1.5、时钟盘切换测试 (6)1.6、交叉盘切换测试 (7)1.7、SDH保护倒换测试 (8)1.8、盘保护倒换测试 (9)二、网管测试 (10)2.1、告警功能测试 (10)2.2、性能统计测试 (10)2.3、配置参数测试 (11)2.4、状态上报测试 (11)2.5、控制命令测试 (12)2.6、交叉功能测试 (12)三、功能测试 (13)3.1、最小帧长度 (13)3.2、最大帧长度 (13)3.3、异常包检测 (14)3.4、特殊包传输特性 (14)3.5、端口自适应功能 (15)3.6、自动协商功能 (15)3.7、以太网帧格式测试 (16)3.8、单播帧测试 (17)3.9 组播帧测试 (18)3.10、广播帧测试 (18)3.11、静态MAC地址配置功能 (19)3.12、MAC地址动态学习功能 (20)3.13、MAC地址老化时间测试 (20)3.14、MAC地址表容量测试 (21)3.15、MAC地址学习速度测试 (22)3.16、VLAN功能测试 (23)3.16.1、用户安全隔离测试 (23)3.16.2、VLAN Trunk功能 (23)3.16.3、设备VLAN条目数量 (24)3.16.4、VLAN支持的ID标识 (25)3.16.5、VLAN优先级测试 (25)3.16.6、PVID功能 (26)3.16.7、VMAN功能 (27)3.17、水平分割测试 (27)3.18、GFP封装测试 (29)3.18.1、GFP封装帧格式 (29)3.18.2、GFP告警检测和产生 (29)3.18.3、GFP误码监测和处理 (30)3.19、LCAS功能测试 (30)3.19.1、多径传输及最大时延差测试 (30)3.19.2、多径保护 (31)3.19.3、LCAS标准性测试 (31)3.19.4、LCAS保护时间 (32)3.19.5、时隙告警保护功能 (33)3.20、流量控制(仪表到设备) (33)3.21、流量控制(设备到仪表) (34)3.22、流量控制(拥塞形成流控) (34)3.23、端口聚合 (35)3.24、端口镜像功能 (36)3.25、生成树测试 (37)3.26、快速生成树测试 (38)3.27、基于端口优先级测试 (39)3.28、二层流功能 (39)3.29、端口接收包类型配置 (40)3.30、PING功能测试 (41)3.31、端口环回检测测试 (41)3.32、LPT功能 (42)四、指标性能测试 (43)4.1、吞吐量 (43)4.2、时延 (44)4.3、过载丢包率 (45)4.4、背靠背 (45)4.5、GE光口指标 (45)4.5.1、平均发送光功率 (46)4.5.2、接收灵敏度 (46)4.5.3、中心波长测试 (47)4.5.4、光谱宽测试 (47)4.5.5、消光比测试 (48)4.5.6、上升时间测试 (48)4.5.7、下降时间测试 (49)4.5.8、数据相关抖动测试 (49)4.5.9、发送眼图 (50)五、稳定性测试 (51)六、对通组网测试 (52)6.1、常规组网测试 (52)6.2、数据文件传送 (54)6.3、多媒体应用 (54)七、环境测试 (54)7.1、温循试验 (54)7.2、高低温性能测试 (55)7.3、电源拉偏试验 (55)7.4、单盘功耗 (56)7.5、单盘重量 (56)八、一致性测试 (56)一、系统适应性测试系统适应性测试主要针对单盘与能够使用的系统和各单盘是否进行良好的配合,单盘是否能适应各种不同的组网方式和环境变化。

Falcon 10 飞行手册说明书

Falcon 10 飞行手册说明书

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实验–配置交换机安全功能拓扑地址分配表设备接口IP 地址子网掩码默认网关R1 G0/1 N/AS1 VLAN 99 NIC目标第 1 部分:设置拓扑并初始化设备第 2 部分:配置基本设备设置并检验连接第 3 部分:配置并检验 S1 上的 SSH 访问•配置 SSH 访问。

•修改 SSH 参数。

•检验 SSH 配置。

第 4 部分:配置并检验 S1 上的安全功能•配置并检验常规安全功能。


背景/场景在 PC 和服务器上锁定访问和安装良好的安全功能十分常见。


在本实验中,您将会参考一些在 LAN 交换机上配置安全功能的最佳做法。

您将仅允许 SSH 和安全的 HTTPS 会话。

还将配置并检验端口安全,以阻止任何具有交换机无法识别的 MAC 地址的设备。

注意:CCNA 动手实验所用的路由器是采用 Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M3(universalk9 映像)的 Cisco 1941 集成多业务路由器 (ISR)。

所用的交换机是采用 Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)(lanbasek9 映像)的 Cisco Catalyst 2960。

也可使用其他路由器、交换机以及 Cisco IOS 版本。

根据型号以及 Cisco IOS 版本不同,可用命令和产生的输出可能与实验显示的不一样。




所需资源• 1 台路由器(支持 Cisco IOS 15.2(4)M3 版通用映像的 Cisco 1941 或同类路由器)• 1 台交换机(支持 Cisco IOS 15.0(2) lanbasek9 版映像的 Cisco 2960 或同类交换机)• 1 台 PC(采用 Windows 7、Vista 或 XP 且支持终端仿真程序,比如 Tera Term)•用于通过控制台电缆配置 Cisco IOS 设备的控制台端口•如拓扑图所示的以太网电缆第 1 部分:设置拓扑并初始化设备在第 1 部分中,您需要建立网络拓扑,并在必要时清除所有配置。

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《Interconnecting CiscoNetworking Devices》
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