Japan Embassies Consulates Permanent Missions



For more accommodation reviews and recommendations by Lonely Planet authors, check out the online booking service at . You’ll find the true, insider lowdown on the best places to stay. Reviews are thorough and independent. Best of all, you can book online.
Newspapers & Magazines: There are three main English-language daily newspapers in Japan: the Japan Times, Daily Yomiuri and Asahi Shimbun/International Herald Tribune. In the bigger cities, these are available at bookstores, convenience stores, train station kiosks and some hotels. In the countryside, you may not be able to find them anywhere. Foreign magazines are available in the major bookshops in the bigger cities. Radio: Recent years have seen an increase in the number of stations aimed specifically at Japan’s foreign population. InterFM (76.1FM) is a favourite of Tokyo’s expat community, and the Kansai equivalent is FM Cocolo (76.5FM). Electricity: The Japanese electric current is 100V AC. Tokyo and eastern Japan are on 50Hz, and western Japan, including Nagoya, Kyoto and Osaka, is on 60Hz. Most electrical items from other parts of the world will function on Japanese current. Japanese plugs are the flat twopin type. Video Systems: Japan uses the NTSC system. Weights & Measures: Japan uses the international metric system.



国内外主要机构组织中英文名称国务院组成部门Ministries and Commissions under the State Council中华人民共和国外交部Ministry of Foreign Affairs中华人民共和国国防部Ministry of National Defense中华人民共和国国家发展和改革委员会National Development and Reform Commission中华人民共和国教育部Ministry of Education中华人民共和国科学技术部Ministry of Science and Technology中华人民共和国工业和信息化部Ministry of Industry and Information Technology中华人民共和国国家民族事务委员会State Ethnic Affairs Commission中华人民共和国公安部Ministry of Public Security中华人民共和国国家安全部Ministry of State Security* 中华人民共和国监察部Ministry of Supervision中华人民共和国民政部Ministry of Civil Affairs中华人民共和国司法部Ministry of Justice中华人民共和国财政部Ministry of Finance中华人民共和国人力资源和社会保障部Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security中华人民共和国国土资源部Ministry of Land and Resources中华人民共和国环境保护部Ministry of Environmental Protection中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development中华人民共和国交通运输部Ministry of Transport中华人民共和国铁道部Ministry of Railways中华人民共和国水利部Ministry of Water Resources中华人民共和国农业部Ministry of Agriculture中华人民共和国商务部Ministry of Commerce中华人民共和国文化部Ministry of Culture中华人民共和国卫生部Ministry of Health中华人民共和国国家人口和计划生育委员会National Population and Family Planning Commission中国人民银行People's Bank of China中华人民共和国审计署National Audit Office(* 监察部与中共中央纪律检查委员会机关合署办公,机构列入国务院序列,编制列入中共中央直属机构。


Community and ccTLD in Japan
Joint ICANN/ITU-T ccTLD Workshop
July 24, 2004 @Kuala Lumpur
Hiro HOTTA Japan Registry Service (JPRS) <hotta@jprs.co.jp> http://日本レジストリサービス.jp/
- Communication among JPRS, JPG, and JPNIC
4. The Sponsoring Organization Obligations
4.3 JPNIC, as well as JPG, plays a role on behalf of Internet Community
• Spring 2001 – General-use JP Domain Name
– Registration at second level
© Copyright 2004, JPRS hotta@jprs.co.jp
Redelagation of ccTLD Registry
- non-profit organization - IP addresses , domain names
Board shareholders registrars
Partners meeting
Explanation of Registrants Terms and Conditions /Users Public Information consultation (Annual Service Report,…) (Web, etc.) comment
– JPRS obligations



【文史探赜】DOI :10.14182/ki.j.anu.2024.03.006强制留学:抗战时期日本的中国占领区留日警察政策*徐志民(中国社会科学院大学历史学院,北京100101)——————————————————————————————————————————关键词:抗日战争;中国占领区;留日;警察;政策摘要:抗战时期,日本政府强令中国占领区各伪政权选派警察赴内务省警察讲习所留学,各伪政权大多以刚刚成立或财政困难为由,提出不派、缓派、少派请求,但在当地日军、日本使领馆和内务省派遣人员的压力下,不得不按照日本的原定计划选派。



中图分类号:K265文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-2435(2024)03-0052-09Compulsory Study Abroad :The Policy of the Chinese Police in Japanese Occupied Territories to Study in JapanDuring the Anti-Japanese WarXU Zhimin (University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences ,Beijing 100101,China )Key words :Anti-Japanese War ;Japanese occupied territories in China ;study in Japan ;police ;policyAbstract :During the Anti-Japanese War ,the Japanese government enforced various puppet regimes in the occupiedterritories of China to send police officers to study at the Police Training Institute of Home Ministry in Japan.Most ofthe puppet regimes used recent establishment or financial difficulties as an excuse ,put forward requests for not sendingpolice officers ,slowing down the sending of police officers or sending them in small numbers.However ,under pres-sure from the local Japanese army ,Japanese embassies and consulates ,and personnel dispatched by the Home Ministryof Japan ,the puppet regimes were required to make choices in accordance with Japan's original plan.The reception ,education ,and management of these police officers studying in Japan ,are mainly the responsibility of the joint consul-tation between Cultural Affairs Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Police Training Institute of theHome Ministry of Japan.The purpose of the Japanese government is to cultivate "collaborators"who directly serve itscolonial rule and aggressive war policies ,but it ignored the development of Chinese people's national consciousnessduring the Anti-Japanese War ,which ultimately backfired.——————————————————————————————————————————近代中国轰轰烈烈的留日运动潮起潮落,留日学生相对自由地往返于中日之间,但到1931年九一八事变特别是1937年全民族抗战爆发后这种自由度逐渐收窄,无论留日学生人数还是其所学专业,均受制于日本政府和军部的统制政策。


译文一:由于我方总是准时收到贵方的付款,可就本次6月30日 的报表,我方既未收到汇款,也未收到任何报告,深感不解。
译文二:由于我方向来准时收到贵方的付款,可就本次6月30日 的报表,我方既未收到汇款,也未收到任何报告,因此深感不解。
译文三:向来准时付款,但此次例外。督促尽快付款 。
译文一:我要报告给总统我的结论,即为了我们两国人民的利 益,为了全人类的福祉,我们双方一定同舟共济。
译文二:我要向总统报告我的结论,即为了两国人民的利 益,为了全人类的福祉,我们双方一定同舟共济。
The development of a market economy is possible only when there is a free movement of people, goods and capital.
English-Chinese Translation for
International Business 商务英语翻译
一 课前笔译
The Bank of Japan has begun studying the possibility of extending the period for repurchasing government bonds, a system under which it purchases government bonds from financial institutions on condition that they would be repurchased by the financial institutions after a certain period.
日本央行已经开始研究延长回购政府债券期限的可能性。回购政 府债券已经形成一种制度。在此制度下,日本央行从金融机构购买 政府债券,但前提是,这些债券在经过一段时间之后将由金融机构 进行回购。

办证中国工作签证全流程中英文-Immigration Check list

办证中国工作签证全流程中英文-Immigration Check list

外籍办证申请文件清单检查Check list of permits application for Expat.一、新办New Applying就业许可审批Applying for Alien Employment License form6个工作日(包含上网申请时间)---出入境1、营业执照(副本)或登记证、组织机构代码证、地税登记证、公司章程(如有)的复印件,并盖公章;2、外国申请人有效护照的复印件(个人资料页),并盖公章;3、《聘用外国人就业申请表》一式两份(单位盖章);4、外国申请人的工作简历和其从事该项工作的资格证明(学历证书、职位资格证明需同时提供中文翻译原件,特殊工种的证书须经过本国公证机关公证,公证证明应为中文);5、用公司信头纸打印的用人单位聘用外国人就业的申请报告(包括单位和申请人基本情况、单位英文名称、具体聘用理由、被聘用人拟任部门和职位,具体工作内容和期限等),并盖公章;6、用公司信头纸打印的用人单位的聘用意向书,并盖公章和外国申请人签名;7、如属派遣人员,需提供公司信头纸打印的派遣证明,并盖公章和外国申请人签名;8、如外国申请人有在华工作经历的,需提供原单位公司信头纸打印的离职证明,并盖公章;9、按业务需要所要求的其他资料(以市公安出入境管理部门受理为准)。

6 working days (including the on-line application time)---The Exit and Entry Administration1/ Copy of business license or registered certificate、organization code certificate、tax registered certificate、company constitution,and cover stamp;2/ Copy of foreigner’s valid passport(the person data), and cover stamp;3/Two copies of <Application for recruiting foreign worker in China>,and cover stamp;4/ The curriculum vitae of the foreigner and the credentials of the foreigner required for the performance of the job(Chinese translated version is required);5\ The report of reasons for employment in detail,and cover stamp;6\ The letter of intention for employment,signed by foreigner and cover stamp;7\ The letter of dispatch for employment,signed by foreigner and cover stamp;8\ If work experience in China, provide a company letter of leaving certificate and cover stamp;9\ Other documents required by police section.就业许可证书Applying for Alien Employment License7个工作日(包含上网申请时间)---劳动局1、用公司信头纸打印用人单位聘用外国人就业的申请报告(包括本单位基本情况、单位英文名称、具体聘用理由、被聘用人的拟任部门和职位,具体工作内容和期限等),并盖公章;2、用人单位的营业执照(副本)(分支机构的另需提供总公司营业执照(副本))或民办非企业登记证、组织机构代码证的复印件,并盖公章;3、《聘用外国人就业申请表》(经广州市公安局出入境管理部门审核批准并签署意见);4、外国申请人有效护照的复印件(个人资料页),并盖公章;5、用公司信头纸打印用人单位的聘用意向书,并盖公章和外国申请人签名;6、外国申请人完整、详细的工作简历(包括就业单位名称,所在国家城市、起始时间、任部门和职位、具体工作内容等)和教育学历证书和其从事该项工作的职业资格证明复印件,(以上文件如为外文的,须同时提供中文翻译原件并公证确认);7、申请人健康状况证明(有广东国际旅行卫生保健中心出具,地址:广州市天河区天河北路龙口西路207号)(我司可协助办理);所需资料:(需时3个工作日)A.申请人护照原件和复印件(首页、最新签证页和最新入境章页);B.白底小一寸彩照8张;C.人民币700元(费用以实际的为准);D.体检当天不能吃早餐和喝咖啡。



#1, 沃尔玛(Wal-Mart Stores)沃尔玛所属行业:综合商业(General Merchandisers)公司简介:沃尔玛公司由美国零售业传奇人物山姆·沃尔顿先生于1962 年在阿肯色州成立。

经过40 多年的发展,已经成为美国最大的私人雇主和世界上最大的连锁零售商。

目前,沃尔玛在全球开设了超过7,000 家商场,员工总数190 多万人,分布在全球16 个国家。

每周光临沃尔玛的顾客超过1 亿人次。

首席执行官(CEO):Michael T. Duke雇员人数:2100000国家:美国(U.S)公司总部所在城市:本顿维尔(Bentonville)官方网站:#2, 荷兰皇家壳牌石油公司(Royal Dutch Shell)荷兰皇家壳牌石油公司所属行业:炼油(Petroleum Refining)公司简介:壳牌是一家国际能源和化工集团,总部位于荷兰海牙,Peter Voser(傅赛)担任集团首席执行官。




首席执行官(CEO):Peter Voser雇员人数:102000国家:荷兰(Netherlands)公司总部所在城市:海牙(The Hague)官方网站:#3, 埃克森美孚(Exxon Mobil)埃克森美孚所属行业:炼油(Petroleum Refining)公司简介:埃克森美孚公司是世界领先的石油和石化公司,由约翰·洛克菲勒于1882年创建,总部设在美国得克萨斯州欧文市。


Japan Tobacco International 商业用户测试负担减少指南说明书

Japan Tobacco International 商业用户测试负担减少指南说明书

Who is Japan T obacco International?Japan T obacco International (JTI) is a leading to-bacco product manufacturer, selling its brands in 120 countries. The international division of the company is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. JTI employs approximately 40,000 people around the world at 400 offices, 27 fac -tories, five research and development centres, and five tobacco-processing facilities.Reducing the T esting Burden on Business UsersAs a global organisation, JTI relies on its suite of SAP solutions to keep everything runningsmoothly; from finance to Human Resources, and logistics to manufacturing and distribu-tion. T o reduce the overall risk level when new features or versions are introduced, testing is an important part of the software develop-ment lifecycle. JTI traditionally asked the SAP business users to take responsibility for this, as explained by José Jiménez, SAP Delivery Center T est Management Lead within JTI’s IT Global Development Centre: “T esting used to be a manual effort, involving many SAP users on the business side. We used an in-house developed test management tool, along with a record of test plans and results. As our SAP implementation grew, we were very aware that software testing is not a part of our users’ core job and yet we were asking them to spend more and more time on this effort. We could also see that involving so many users in manual testing makes it an error prone activity and we wor-ried about the quality of our software in the long term.”In a bid to increase efficiency and give the users more time for their core jobs, the team looked at outsourcing regression test execu-tion and introducing functional test automa-tion. SAP and Wipro, the chosen outsource partner, weighed in on the technology selec-tion. After extensive market and vendor re-search, the combined team chose the Micro Focus suite of testing tools, licensed through SAP, to support this effort. Micro Focus ALM/Japan T obacco InternationalAchieving ambitious S/4HANA migration with tried and trustedMicro Focus Application Delivery Management solutionsAt a Glance■Industry Manufacturing ■Location Switzerland ■ChallengeReduce the software testing burden on business users, and support a major migration to S/4HANA with huge testing requirements ■Products and ServicesMicro Focus ALM/Quality CenterMicro Focus LoadRunner Professional Micro Focus UFT OneMicro Focus Business Process T esting ■Critical Success Factors+72% test automation drastically reduces burden on business users+98.8% of defects identified and fixed before go-live+Improved test coverage increases software quality+Highly effective combination of regression testing outsourcing and functional test automation +S/4HANA migration involved 2,000 business users, 160,000 tests, and 16,200 defectsCase StudyApplication Delivery Management“We could support a huge-scale project such as the S/4HANAmigration with trusted tools we were already familiar with. Through testing outsourcing and sophisticated automation, we have drasticallyreduced the burden on our business users, improved our test coverage, and increased the quality of our service.”JOSÉ JIMÉNEZSAP Delivery Center T est Management Lead, IT Global Development Centre Japan Tobacco InternationalCase StudyJapan T obacco InternationalQuality Center was implemented as the central test repository, with Micro Focus LoadRunner Professional deployed for performance test-ing, Micro Focus UFT One for functional test-ing, and Micro Focus Business Process T esting (BPT) to accelerate functional test automation. Moving from Business UserT esting to Outsourced and Automated T estingThe new test suite covered all relevant JTI busi-ness processes and even though business users were still key to the success, the new process drastically reduced their time involved. “ALM/Quality Center tracks and manages the entire testing process and defects for us, and we introduced automation for 72 percent of all test cases,” says José. “Business users don’t need to execute the tests themselves any-more, but through an automated process they review and approve the test results before the SAP release go-live. We saw an immediate pro-ductivity improvement with our business users spending 68 percent less time on their testing activities. Over the next couple of years, we refined and automated our testing processes even further, and saw another 65 percent im-provement against the new baseline numbers. This time saving means the users can focus on their core job functions.”The integration between the Micro Focus solu-tions makes it far easier to create test plans, assign testers, set deadlines, execute the au-tomated test scripts, and record the results for each test. Stakeholder feedback was over-whelmingly positive with comments such as: “Great tool!”Smooth S/4HANA Migration—Huge Undertaking Supportedby Micro Focus SolutionsThis level of automation became especially important when JTI made the strategic decision to migrate its SAP environment toSAP S/4HANA, an ERP solution with built-inintelligent technologies, including AI, machinelearning, and advanced analytics. These capa-bilities align with JTI’s ambition to transform itsbusiness and become more agile and flexible.This huge undertaking involved all businessand IT functions within JTI and it would be areal test for the Micro Focus suite of solutions.Micro Focus was able to offer a more flexiblelicence agreement, better suited to the scaleof the SAP S/4HANA testing effort, which led tothe direct partnership between JTI and MicroFocus. The testing project, managed throughALM/Quality Center, involved over 2,000 JTIpeople from all 120 operating countries, tocover all legal entities. In Madrid, the team intro-duced a purpose-built campus facility wheretesters from all over the world worked duringa two-month period. ALM/Quality Center re-corded a peak activity of over 600 concurrentusers, not surprising when you imagine that al-most 160,000 functional tests were executed.User Acceptance T esting (UAT) required themost testers and test runs –however it is es-sential to the success of any major project re-lated to core business systems. Through thetesting process 16,200 defects were reportedwith over 98 percent of them fixed before thenew solution went into production.When asked how the SAP S/4HANA migra-tion might have been managed without thesupport of Micro Focus solutions, José says:“All IT projects within JTI are driven by busi-ness requirements. Moving to S/4HANA hadvery clear benefits and so the migration wouldhave happened, but without the Micro Focussolutions our test coverage would not havebeen as extensive and fewer defects wouldhave been caught before production. T eamswould have managed the testing effort throughspreadsheets and emails which is inherentlyerror prone and higher risk, so we were gratefulthat we already had experience with an inte-grated set of enterprise-ready testing solu-tions to support us. The direct collaborationwith Micro Focus really helped our productivity.We were impressed with the level of supportwe received.”Defining a New RegressionT est Scope with Micro FocusAlmost as soon as the S/4HANA environmentwent live the world was hit with COVID-19, andJTI was forced to change its traditional work-ing practices quite drastically, in line with manycompanies around the world. ALM/QualityCenter and its ecosystem of Micro Focus test-ing solutions enable effective remote teamcolla b or a tion regardless of location and timezones. José was pleased to report that therewas no disruption at all during the pandemic,and in fact, it showcased to management thatthere is a more efficient and agile way of work-ing through o ut the software developmentorganisation.After the successful go-live of S/4HANA, theteam’s attention turned to preparing for the an-nual SAP upgrade process. “S/4HANA is a verydifferent and new environment, so the majorityof our existing test scenarios and processesno longer applied, and we used ALM/QualityCenter to define a new regression test scope,”comments José. “We carefully analysed andselected 5,000 tests that were adapted to workin our S/4HANA environment. The test execu-tion was outsourced, and we worked closelywith Wipro testers in India on a mix of auto-mated and manual test execution. We receivedreports for 170 defects which we visualised ona heatmap we created on top of ALM/QualityCenter with Microsoft Power BI. This was reallyhelpful for us as it clearly showed the urgencyand severity of each defect and its potentialimpact on our users, focusing and prioritisingthe resolution process.”Micro Focus—a T rusted Partnerin High-Profile ProjectsThe annual S/4HANA upgrade is a high-profile exercise that requires C-level approval in each of JTI’s legal entities. Having the clear reporting and analytics in ALM/Quality Center to show the comprehensive testing effort and the re-sults is key. For the first upgrade, 52 different CFOs were presented with independently isolated testing results enabling them to con-fidently provide go-live sign-off for over 100 JTI legal entities.José concludes: “Having worked with the Micro Focus testing toolset for a number of years now has helped us mature our processes and create a very tangible asset for us as an organ-isation. We could support a huge-scale project such as the S/4HANA migration with trusted tools we were already familiar with. Through testing outsourcing and sophisticated automa-tion, we have drastically reduced the burden on our business users, improved our test cover-age, and increased the quality of our service.”“ALM/Quality Center tracks and manages the entire testing process and defect management for us, and we introduced automation for 72 percent of all test cases.”JOSÉ JIMÉNEZSAP Delivery Center T est Management Lead, IT Global Development CentreJapan T obacco International。



大学三级(B)分类模拟206(总分:30.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、Reading Comprehension(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、1(总题数:1,分数:5.00)The food we eat seems to have profound effects on our health. Although science has made enormous steps in making food more fit to eat, it has, at the same time, made many foods unfit to eat. Some research has shown that perhaps eighty percent of all human illnesses are related to diet and forty percent of cancer is related to the diet as well, especially cancer of the colon. Different cultures are inclined to catch certain illnesses because of the food that is characteristic(典型) in these cultures. That food is related to illness is not a new discovery. In 1945, government researchers realized that nitrates (硝酸盐) and nitrites, commonly used to preserve color in meats, and other food additives(添加剂) , caused cancer. Yet, these carcinogenic (致癌的) additives remain in our food, and it becomes more difficult all the time to know which things on the packaging labels of processed food are helpful or harmful. The additives which we eat are not all so direct. Farmers often give penicillin(青霉素) to beef and poultry and because of this, penicillin has been found in the milk of treated cows. Sometimes similar drugs are given to animals not for medicinal purposes, but for financial reasons. The farmers are simply trying to fatten the animals in order to obtain a higher price on the market. Although the Food and Drug Administration has tried repeatedly to control these procedures, the practices continue.(分数:5.00)(1).According to the passage, 80% of all human illnesses are connected with ______.(分数:1.00)A.diet √B.additivesC.nitratesD.penicillin解析:[解析] 细节题。



有关美丽的国旗的作文英语Title: The Beauty and Symbolism of National Flags。

National flags are more than just pieces of cloth; they are powerful symbols that represent the identity, values, and aspirations of a country and its people. In this essay, we will explore the beauty and significance of national flags, examining how they embody the essence of a nation and inspire pride and unity among its citizens.First and foremost, national flags are visuallystriking symbols of identity. They often feature vibrant colors, distinctive patterns, and meaningful symbols that reflect the unique heritage and culture of a nation. For example, the flag of India is adorned with the iconic Ashoka Chakra, representing progress, while the green, white, and orange stripes symbolize faith, peace, and courage respectively. Similarly, the flag of Japan is characterized by its simple yet elegant design of a red sun disc on a white background, signifying the country's landand rising sun.Moreover, national flags serve as powerful emblems of unity and patriotism. When citizens see their flag waving proudly in the breeze, they are reminded of their shared history, values, and sense of belonging to a larger community. This feeling of unity is particularly evident during national celebrations and sporting events, where people come together to cheer for their country under the banner of their flag. For instance, during the Olympic Games, athletes proudly carry their national flags duringthe opening ceremony, symbolizing their commitment to representing their country with honor and pride.Furthermore, national flags often carry deep historical and cultural significance, serving as reminders of past struggles, triumphs, and sacrifices. For example, the American flag, with its stars and stripes, symbolizes the founding principles of freedom, democracy, and independence. Each star represents a state in the union, while eachstripe represents the original thirteen colonies thatfought for liberty against British rule. Similarly, theflag of South Africa, with its vibrant colors and symbolic elements, represents the country's journey from apartheid to democracy, embodying the ideals of unity, diversity, and reconciliation.In addition to their symbolic value, national flags also play a practical role in international relations, serving as symbols of sovereignty and diplomatic representation. Embassies and consulates around the world proudly display their national flags, signaling their presence and asserting their country's identity on foreign soil. Moreover, flags are often used in diplomatic ceremonies and state visits to signify respect, friendship, and cooperation between nations.In conclusion, national flags are powerful symbols of identity, unity, and pride. They embody the rich heritage, culture, and values of a nation, inspiring citizens to come together and work towards a common purpose. Whether fluttering in the wind or displayed with dignity onofficial occasions, national flags remind us of who we are and what we stand for as a people. As such, they deserve tobe cherished and respected as symbols of the beauty and diversity of our world.。



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http://www.ip.courts.go.jp/vcms_lf/2017_sintoukei_H26-28.pdf 《关于专利侵权诉讼的统计》
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• 东京地方法院/大阪地方法院的 2014年~2016年的统计信息(2017年版) • ①判决/和解的统计信息 • ②判决的统计信息 • ③和解的统计信息 • ④判决中认定的金额 • ⑤和解中约定支付的金额 • ⑥是否进行了无效抗辩/对无效抗辩的判断
http://www.ip.courts.go.jp/vcms_lf/2017_sintoukei_H26-28.pdf 《关于专利侵权诉讼的统计》



日本精算师会机构相关情况介绍导语:下面是为大家的日本精算师会机构相关情况的介绍,希望对大家有所帮助!一、日本精算师协会的创立日本精算协会(The Institute of Actuaries of Japan)创立于1899年,迄今已有近100年的历史,是由专职精算师及赞助会员公司组成的社团法人组织。



三、行为:1. 学习、研究精算科学;2. 组织精算资格考试,以判断申请人是否具有精算从业的知识和能力;3. 为精算人员提供精算从业知识和技能的教育和培训;4. 与国内外精算学术机构或组织进行交流与合作;5. 举办年会,常规的商业会议,研讨会,演讲会,和与传播研究成果,交换意见有关的其他会议;6. 出版发行学术年报、期刊和其他出版物;7. 答复政府对相关问题的询问,并提出建议;8. 进行为实现会宗旨有关的其他活动。

四、会员资格:1. 正会员,符合下列条件之一者:(1) 通过理事会要求的所有考试,并得到理事会的同意;(2) 理事会推荐,会员大会通过。

2. 名誉会员对精算科学或精算事业作出重大贡献的正会员,得到理事会的推荐。

3. 准会员,符合下列条件之一者:(1) 通过精算资格第一阶段的考试课程,得到理事会的同意;(2) 理事长推荐,理事会通过。

4. 见习会员,符合下列条件之一者:(1) 通过资格考试第一阶段的一门或数门,得到理事会的同意;(2) 本人申请,得到理事会的同意。

5. 赞助会员赞同本会宗旨的政府机构或法人团体提出申请,得到理事会的同意的。

五、会员分布(1998年4月1日)正会员准会员见习会员总计生命保险公司 402 416 806 1624信托银行 130 83 128 341损害保险公司 122 133 341 596都市银行 18 34 57 109其他 172 172 442 786总计 844 838 1774 3456六、日本精算师协会的活动有关介绍①举行年会、例会1) 年会每年秋委召开一次全体会员大会以,发表个人研究成果,设专题讨论。



日本知识产权纠纷的仲裁解决机制——兼论我国知识产权纠纷仲裁的困境与出路张 林 西藏民族学院法学院刘永光 厦门大学法学院【内容摘要】 知识产权纠纷是一种新型财产纠纷,依据《日本民事诉讼法》的规定,在知识产权行政管理机关和司法机关行使各自职权的前提下,通过制定《日本仲裁程序规则》,设立专门的知识产权仲裁中心,仲裁成为解决日本知识产权纠纷的新途径,并且通过积极的制度创新和市场推广,仲裁在日本已成为高效、公正解决知识产权纠纷的重要方式。

【关键词】 仲裁法 仲裁程序规则 日本知识产权仲裁中心 ADR日本的仲裁制度始于1890年(明治23年)制定的《民事诉讼法》。






它是今天“日本知识产权仲裁中心”(Japan Intellectual Property Arbitration Center,简称“JIPAC”)的前身。

2000年8月,日本“工业产权仲裁中心”与社团法人“日本网络信息中心”(Japan Network Information Center, 简称“JPNIC”)c 签订协议,成为“JP域名认定的纠纷处理机构”,解决所有在JPNIC注册的网络域名的纠纷问题。


外国人在中国就业管理规定 英文

外国人在中国就业管理规定 英文


外国人在中国就业管理规定英文版 Chapter l General ProvisionsArticle 1 These Rules are formulated in accordance with the provisions of the relevant laws and decrees for the purpose of strengthening the administration of employment of foreigners in ChinaArticle The term “foreigners” in these Rules refers to the persons,who under the Nationality Law of the People’s Republic of China, do not have Chinese nationality. The term “employment of foreigners in China” in these Rules refers to acts of foreigners without permanent residence status to engage in remunerative work within Chinese territory in accordance with the laws.Article These Rules shall apply to employed foreigners within Chinese territory and their employers. These Rules shall not apply to foreigners who enjoy diplomatic privileges and immunitiesemployed by foreign embassies or consulates,or the offices of the United Nations and other international organizations in China.Article The labour administrative authorities of the people’s government of the provinces,autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government and those at the prefecture and city level with their authorization are responsible for the administration of employment of foreigners in China. Chapter II Employment LicenseArticle The employer shall apply for the employment permission if it intends to employ foreigners and may do so after obtaining approval and The People’s Republic of China Employment License for Foreigners(hereinafter referred to as the “Employment License”).Article The post to be filled by the foreigner recruited by the employer shall be the post of special need,a post that cannot be filled by any domestic candidates for the time being but violates no government regulations. No employer shall employ foreigners to engage in commercialized entertainingperformance, except for the persons qualified under Article(3)of these Rules.Article Any foreigners seeking employment in China shall meet the following conditions:(1)1years of age or older and in good health(2)with professional skills and job experience required for the work of intended employment;(3)with no criminal record;(4)a clearly-defined employer;(5)with valid passport or other international travel document in lieu of the passport(hereinafter referred to as the “Travel Document”).Article Foreigners seeking employment in China shall hold the Employment Visas for their entry(In case of agreement for mutual exemption of visas,the agreement shall prevail.), and may wok within Chinese territory only after they obtain the Employment Permit for Foreigner(hereinafter referred to as the “Employment Permit”)and the foreigner residence certificate.Foreigners who have not been issued residence certificate (i.e. holders of F,L,C or G-types visas),and those who are under study or interim programs in China and the families of holders of Employment Visas shall not work in China.In special cases,employment may be allowed when the foreigner changes his status at the public security organs with the Employment License secured by his employer in accordance with the clearance procedures under these Rules. Foreigners changes his status at the public security organs with the Employment License and receives his Employment Permit and residence certificate.The employment in China of the spouses of the Personnel of foreign embassies, consulates,representative offices of the United Nations System and other international organizations in China shall follow the Provisions of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China Concerning the Employment of the Spouses of the Personnel of Foreign Embassies,Consulates and the Representative Offices of the United Nations System in China and be handled in accordance with the clearance procedures provided for in the second paragraph of this article.The Employment License and the Employment Permitshall be designed and prepared exclusively by the Ministry of Labour.Article Foreigners may be exempted from the Employment License and Employment Permit when they meet any of the following conditions:(1)foreign professional technical and managerial personnel employed directly by the Chinese government or those with senior technical titles or credentials of special skills recognized by their home or international technical authorities or professional associations to be employed by Chinese government organs and institutions and foreigners holding Foreign Expert Certificate issued by China’s Bureau of Foreign Expert Affairs;(2)foreign workers with special skills who wok in offshore petroleum operations without the need to go ashore for employment and hold “Work Permit for Foreign Personnel Engaged in the Offshore petroleum Operations in the People’s Republic of China”;(3)foreigners who conduct commercialized entertaining performance with the approval of the Ministry of Culture and hold “Permit for TemporaryCommercialized Performance”.Article 10 Foreigners may be exempted from the Employment License and may apply directly for the Employment Permit by presenting their Employment Visas and relevant papers after their entry when they meet any of the following conditions:(1)foreigners employed in China under agreements or accords entered into by the Chinese government with foreign governments or international organizations for the implementation of Sino-foreign projects of cooperation and exchange;(2)chief representatives and representatives of the permanent offices of foreign enterprises in China. Chapter III Application and ApprovalArticle 11 The employer when intending to employ a foreigner,shall fill out the Application Form for the Employment of Foreigners(hereinafter referred to as the”Application Form”)and submit it to its competent trade authorities at the same level as the labour administrative authorities together with the following documentations:(1)the curriculum vitae of the foreigner to beemployed;(2)the letter of intention for employment;(3)the report of reasons for employment;(4)the credentials of the foreigner required for the performance of the job;(5)the health certificate of the foreigner to be employed;(6)other documents required by regulations. The competent trade authorities shall examine and approve the application in accordance with Articles and of these Rules and relevant laws and decrees.Article 1After the approval by the competent trade authorities,the employer shall take the Application Form to the labour administrative authorities of the province,autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government or the labour administrative authorities at the prefecture and city level where the said employer is located for examination and clearance.The labour administrative authorities described above shall designate a special body(hereinafter referred to as the”Certificate Office”) to take upthe responsibility of issuing the Employment License.The Certificate Office should take into consideration of the opinions of the competent trade authorities and the demand and supply of labour market,and issue the Employment License to the employer after examination and clearance.Article 1Employers at the Central level or those without the competent trade authorities may submit their application directly to the Certificate Office of the labour administrative authorities for the Employment License.The examination and approval by the competent trade authorities is not required for foreign-funded enterprises to employ foreigners,and such enterprises may submit their applications directly to the Certificate Office of the labour administrative authorities for the Employment License,bringing with them the contract, articles of association, certificate of approval, business license and the documents referred to in Article 11of these Rules.Article 1Employers with permission to employ foreigners shall not send the Employment License northe letter of visa notification directly to the foreigners to be employed and they must be sent by the authorized unit.Article 1Foreigners with permission to work in China should apply for Employment Visas at the Chinese embassies,consulates and visa offices, bringing with them the Employment License issued by the Ministry of Labour,the letter or telex of visa notification sent by the authorized unit and the valid passport or Travel Document.Personnel referred to in Article(1)of these Rules should apply for the Employment Visas by presenting their letter or telex of visa notification by authorized unit;personnel referred to in Article(2) should apply for the Employment Visas by presenting their letter or telex of visa notification issued by the China National Offshore Oil Corporation;personnel referred to in Article9(3)should apply for the Employment Visas by presenting their letter or telex of visa notification issued by the foreign affairs, office under the people’s gov ernment of provinces, autonomous regions or municipalitiesdirectly under the Central Government and the relevant documents of approval of the Ministry of Culture (addressed to the Chinese embassies,consulates or visa offices).Personnel referred to in Article 10(1)of these Rules should apply for the Employment Visas by presenting their letter or telex of visa notification by authorized unit and the documentation on projects of cooperation and exchange;personnel referred to in Article 10(2)should apply for the Employment Visas by presenting their letter or telex of visa notification by the authorized unit and the registration certification issued by the administrative authorities of industry and commerceArticle 1The employer should,within fifteen days after the entry of the employed foreigner, take to the original Certificate Office the Employment License, the labour contract with the said foreigner and his passport or Travel Document to receive his Employment Permit while filling out the Foreigner Employment Registration Form. The Employment Permit shall be effective only within the area specified by theCertificate Office.Article 1Foreigners who received their Employment Permit should,within thirty days after their entry,apply for the residence certificate with the public security organs bringing with them their Employment Permit. The term of validity of the residence certificate may be determined in accordance with the term of validity of the Employment Permit.Chapter IV Labour AdministrationArticle 1The employer and its foreign employee should,in accordance with law,conclude a labour contract,the term of which shall not exceed five years. Such contract may be renewed upon expiration after the completion of clearance process in accordance with Article 1of these Rules.Article 1The Employment Permit of the employed foreigner shall cease to be effective upon the expiration of the term of the labour contract between the foreigner and his employer.If renewal is required,the employer should,within thirty days prior to the expiration of the contract,submit an application to the labour administrative authorities for theextension of term of employment,and after approval is obtained,proceed to go through formalities for the extension of the Employment Permit.Article0 The foreign employee should,within ten days after obtaining the approval for extension of his term of employment in China or the change of his employment location or his employer, go through formalities for the extension or change of his residence certificate at the local public security organs.Article1 After the termination of the labour contract between the foreign employee and his employer,the employer should promptly report it to the labour and public security authorities,return the Employment Permit and the residence certificate of the said foreigner,and go through formalities for his exit from ChinaArticleThe wage paid to the foreign employee by the employer shall not be lower than the minimum wage in the locality.ArticleThe working hours,rest and vacation,work safety and hygiene as well as the social security ofthe foreign employees in China shall follow the relevant provisions of the state.ArticleThe employer of the foreign employee in China shall be the same as specified in his Employment License. When the foreigner switches employers within the area designated by the Certificate Office but stays in a job of the same nature,the change must be approved by the original Certificate Office and recorded in his Employment Permit. If the foreigner is to be employed outside the area designated by the Certificate Office or switch employer within original designated area while taking up jobs of a different nature,he must go through formalities for a new Employment License.ArticleFor foreigner whose res1dence status is revoked by public security organs due to his violation of Chinese law, his Labour Contract should be terminated by his employer and his Employment Permit be withdrawn by the labour administrative authorities. ArticleShould labour disputes arise between the employer and its foreign employee, they should be handled in accordance with the Labour Law of the People’s Republic of China and the Regulations of thePeople’s Republic of China on Settlement of Labour Disputes in Enterprises.ArticleThe labour administrative authorities shall conduct an annual inspection of the Employment Pemit within thirty days prior to the end of every year of employment of the foreigner.the employer should go through formalities of the annual inspection at the Certificate Office of the labour administrative authorities. The Employment Permit shall automatically cease to be effective when the deadline is passed. In case of loss or damage of the Emp1oyment Permit during the term of his employment in China the foreigner should promptly report it to the original Certificate Office and go through formalities for the issuance of the Employment Permit.Chapter V Penalty ProvisionsArticleViolatlon of these Rules,i.e. Foreigners who work without the Employment Permit or employers which hire foreigners without the Employment License, shall be handled by the public security organs in accordance with Articleof the Rules Governing the implementation of the Law of the People’s Republic ofChina on the Entry and Exit of Aliens.ArticleFor foreigners who refuse to have their Employment Permit inspected by the labour administrative authorities,change their employers and professions at will or extend their term of employment without permission, the labour administrative authorities shall withdraw their Employment Permit and recommend that their residence status be canceled by the public security organs. In case of deportation, the costs and expenses shall be borne by the said foreigner or their employers.Article0 For foreigners and employers who forge, alter, falsely use, transfer, buy and sell the Employment Permit and the Employment License, the labour administrative authorities shall take over the Employment Permit and the Employment License in question, confiscate the illegal proceeds and impose a fine between ten thousand and one hundred thousand RMB Yuan. In serious cases which constitute a crime, their criminal responsibility of the perpetrators shall be looked into by the judicial authorities.Article1 In case of abuse of power, illegalcollection of fees, and fraudulent practices on the part of official personnel of the Certificate Office or other department, they shall be investigated in accordance with the law for their criminal responsibility if crimes are committed, or they shall be subject to administrative disciplinary measures if the cases do not constitute a crime.Chapter VI Supplementary ProvisionsArticleThe employment in the mainland of the residents of Tai Wan, Hong Kong and Macao regions of China shall follow the Rules for the Administration of the Employment in the Mainland of Residents of Tai Wan, Hong Kong and Macao.ArticleThese Rules do not apply to the employment of foreigners in China’s Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao regions.ArticleIndividual economic organizations and private citizens are prohibited from employing foreigners.ArticleThe labour administrative authorities of the provinces,autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government may formulatetheir own rules for implementation of these Rules in conjunction with the public security and relevant authorities in the locality,and report it to the Ministry of Labour,Ministry of Public Security,Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation for putting on record. ArticleThe Ministry of Labour shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Rules.Article3These Rules shall enter into force as of 1 May 1996.The Provisions Concerning the Employment in China of the Foreigners Who Have Not Yet Obtained Residence Certificate and Foreigners Who Study in China jointly promulgated by the former Ministry of Labour and Personnel and the Ministry of Public Security on October 198shall be annulled simultaneously.外国人在中国就业管理规定英文相关文章:1.公司管理规定英文版2.外国人出入境管理规定3.企业名称登记管理规定英文4.外国人来不及申请中国签证怎么解决5.事业单位网上名称管理规定6.一款国外很流行的英文简历模板。



常用欧文缩略语的中、日译语对照AIDS: 後天性免疫不全症候群、エイズ爱滋病APEC: アジア太平洋経済協力閣僚会議、エイペック亚太经济合作组织首脑会议BOA: アメリカ銀行美国银行BOE: イングランド銀行英格兰银行BOJ: 日本銀行日本银行CAAC(CA):中国民航中国民航CATV: 有線テレビ有线电视CIA: (米)中央情報局(美)中央情报局DPI: 障害者インターナショナル国际伤残者组织EC: 欧州共同体欧洲共同体(简称:欧共体)FBI: (米)連邦捜査局(美)联邦调查局GATT: 関税貿易に関する一般協定、ガット关税贸易总协定(简称:关税总协定)IAEA: 国際原子力機関国际原子能机构IPR: 知的所有権知识产权IRC: 国際赤十字社国际红十字会ITO: 国際貿易機関国际贸易组织JPN: 日本、日本人日本、日本人Ltd.: 有限会社有限公司MFN: 最恵国最惠国NAM: 非同盟運動非同盟运动NATO: 北大西洋条約機構北大西洋公约组织NCNA: 新華社通信新华社通讯NGO: 非政府組織非政府组织OAEC: アジア経済協力機構亚洲经济合作组织OCOG(OOC):オリンピック組織委員会奥林匹克组委会、奥委会OPEC: 石油輸出国機構、オペック石油输出国组织,欧佩克PKO: (国連)平和維持活動(联合国)维持和平行动(简称:维和运动)PKF: (国連)平和維持軍(联合国)维持和平部队(简称:维和部队)SC(UNSC)(国連)安全保障理事会(联合国)安全保障理事会SMG: 国際身体障害者スポーツ大会国际伤残人运动会SSE: 上海証券取引所上海证券交易所TAC: (国連)技術援助委員会(联合国)技术援助委员会TDB(UNTDB)(国連)貿易開発理事会(联合国)贸易开发理事会UNESCO: 国連教育科学文化機関、ユネスコ联合国教科文组织UFO: 未確認飛行物体、ユーフォー空飛ぶ円盤不明飞行物,飞碟UNICEF: 国連児童基金、ユニセフ联合国儿童基金VIP: 重要人物重要人物WFC: (国連)世界糧食理事会(联合国)世界粮食理事会WH: 米国大統領宮邸、ホワイトハウス白宫WTO: 国際貿易機構国际贸易组织。






国际知识产权保护协会日本分会 (AIPPI ・JAPAN )国际知识产权保护协会日本分会(AIPPI JAPAN ) 邮政编码:105-0001日本国东京都港区虎之门1-14-1 邮政福祉琴平大厦4层电话:81 3 3591-5301 传真:81 3 3591-1510 E-mail :japan@aippi.or.jpInternational Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property of Japan中华人民共和国国家工商行政管理总局:您好!十分感谢贵国提供本次机会,让我们能够对《工商行政管理机关禁止滥用知识产权排除、限制竞争行为的规定(征求意见稿)》阐述意见。






我们就您所提出的《工商行政管理机关禁止滥用知识产权排除、限制竞争行为的规定(征求意见稿)》在AIPPI 日本分会进行了研讨,现将归纳内容附上,望商讨为盼。

此致敬礼AIPPI 日本分会 会长 片山 英二 2014年7月10日AIPPI日本分会针对国家工商行政管理总局《工商行政管理机关禁止滥用知识产权排除、限制竞争行为的规定(征求意见稿)》提出的意见说明条款编号修改内容修改理由第四条经营者之间不得利用行使知识产权的方式达成《反垄断法》第十三条、第十四条所禁止的垄断协议。

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Embassies Consulates Permanent MissionsEmbassy Addresses ASIABANGLADESHEm bassy of Japan,Plot No.5 & 7, Dutabash Road, Baridhara, Dhaka, Bangladesh.Tel:(880-2)8810087Fax:(880-2)8826737, 9882700Em bassy of Japan, No.1 & No. 3 Jalan Jawatan Dalam , House No.33, Sim pang 122, Kam pong Kiulap, Bandar Seri Begawan BE1518, Negara Brunei Darussalam .(Mailing Address:Em bassy of Japan, P.O.Box 3001 Bandar Seri Begawan BS8675, Negara Brunei Darussalam )Tel:(673-2)229265 Fax:(673-2)229481Em bassy of Japan,No 194, Moha Vithei Preah Norodom ,Sangkat Tonle Bassac, Khan Cham kar Mon, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.P.O.Box 21, Phnom Penh, Cam bodia.Tel:(855-23)217161~4 Fax:(855-23)216162Em bassy of Japan,7 Ri Tan Road, Jian Guo Men Wai, Beijing, People's Republic of China.Tel:(86-10)6532-2361 Fax:(86-10)6532-4625Consulate-General of Japan,37/F, Metropolitan Tower, No.68 Zourong Road,Central District, Chongqing, 400010, People's Republic of China.Tel:(86-23)6373-3585 Fax:(86-23)6373-3589Branch Office in Dalian,Consulate-General of Japan at Shenyang, 3rd Floor, Senm ao Building, 147 Zhongshan Road,Xigang District, Dalian, Liaoning, China. (Post Code 116011)Tel:(86-411)8370-4077 Fax:(86-411)8370-4066GuangzhouConsulate-General of Japan,Garden Tower, 368 Huanshi Dong Lu, Guangzhou, People's Republic of China.Tel:(86-20)8334-3009 Fax:(86-20)8333-8972Hong KongConsulate-General of Japan,46th & 47th Floors, One Ex change Square, 8 Connaught Place, Central, Hong Kong.Tel:(852)25221184 Fax:(852)28680156Consulate-General of Japan, 8 Wan Shan Road,Shanghai, People's Republic of China.Tel:(86-21)5257-4766 Fax:(86-21)6278-8988Consulate-General of Japan,50 Shisi Wei Lu, He ping Qu Shenyang, Liaoning, People's Republic of China.Tel:(86-24)23227490 Fax:(86-24)23222394Em bassy of Japan,50-G, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi 110021, India.Tel:(91-11)2687-6564, 2687-6581~3 Fax:(91-11)2688-5587BangaloreConsular Office of Japan,No. 809 Prestige Meridian-1, No. 29, M.G. Road, Bangalore-560001, India.Tel:(91-80)4166-0111 Fax:(91-80)4166-0114ChennaiConsulate-General of Japan, No.12/1, Cenetoph Road Ist Street,Teynam pet,Chennai 600-018, India.Tel:(91-44)2432-3860~3 Fax:(91-44)2432-3859KolkataConsulate-General of Japan,55, M.N. Sen Lane, Tollygunge, Kolkata 700-040, India.Tel:(91-33)2421-1970 Fax:(91-33)2421-1971Consulate-General of Japan,No.1, M.L.Dahanukar Marg, Cum balla Hill, Mum bai-400 026, India.Tel:(91-22)2351-7101 Fax:(91-22)2351-7120Em bassy of Japan,Jl. M.H. Tham rin No.24, Jakarta 10350, Indonesia.Tel:(62-21)324308 Fax:(62-21)325460DenpasarConsulate-General of Japan,Jalan Raya Puputan, No. 170, Renon, Denpasar,Bali, Indonesia.(P.O. Box No. 3432)Tel:(62-361)227628 Fax:(62-361)265066JakartaConsulate-General of Japan,Menara Tham rin Bldg, Jl. M. H Tham rin, Kav.3 Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta, Indonesia.Tel:(62-21)324308 Fax:(62-21)325460MakassarConsulate-General of Japan,Tel:(62-411)871030, 872323Jalan Jenderal Sudirm an No.31, Makassar, Indonesia. (P.O. Box 222)Fax:(62-411)853946MedanConsulate-General of Japan,Wism a BII 5th Floor, Jl.P.Diponegoro No.18, Medan,North Sum atra, Indonesia.Tel:(62-61)457-5193 Fax:(62-61)457-4560SurabayaConsulate-General of Japan,Jl. Sum atera 93, Surabaya, Indonesia.Tel:(62-31)503-0008 Fax:(62-31)503-0037Em bassy of Japan,18-11, Junghak-dong Jongro-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea.Tel:(82-2)2170-5200, 739-7400 Fax:(82-2)734-4528, 739-7410BusanConsulate-General of Japan,1147-11 Choryang-3 dong, Dong-gu, Busan, Republic of Korea.Tel:(82-51)465-5101~6 Fax:(82-51)464-1630Consulate-General of Japan, 977-1 Nohyong-dong, Jeju-shi, Jeju-do, Republic of Korea.Tel:(82-64)742-9501 Fax:(82-64)743-5544Em bassy of Japan,Road Sisangvone, Vientiane,Lao People's Dem ocratic Republic.Tel:(856-21)41-4400~03 Fax:(856-21)41-4406Em bassy of Japan,11, Pesiaran Stonor, Off Jalan Tun Razak, 50450 Kuala Lum pur, Malaysia.Tel:(60-3)2142-7044 Fax:(60-3)2167-2314Johor BahruConsular Office of Japan in Johor Bahru, Em bassy of Japan in Malaysia,Suite 15B, Level 15, Manara Ansar, No. 65 Jalan Trus,8000 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia.Tel:(60-7)221-7621 Fax:(60-7)221-7629Kota KinabaluConsulate-General of Japan,18th Floor, Wism a Perindustirian, Jalan Intiadat, Likas 88400,Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. (P.O.Box 11001,88811)Tel:(60-88)254169 Fax:(60-88)236632PenangConsulate-General of Japan,Level 28, Manara BHL, No.51 Jalan Sultan Ahm ad Shah,10050 Penang, Malaysia.Tel:(60-4)226-3030 Fax:(60-4)226-1030Em bassy of Japan,Olym pic Street, Sukhbaatar District, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. (Central P.O.Box 1011)Tel:(976-1)320777 Fax:(976-1)313332Em bassy of Japan,No.100, Natm auk Road, Bahan Township, Yangon, Union of Myanm ar. (P.O.Box 841)Tel:(95-1)549644~8 Fax:(95-1)549643Em bassy of Japan,1253, Narayan Gopal Sadak Panipokhari, ward No.3 Kathm andu (North), Nepal. (P.O.Box No.264)Tel:(977-1)4426680 Fax:(977-1)4414101Em bassy of Japan,Plot No.53-70, Ram na 5/4,Diplom atic Enclave 1, Islam abad, Pakistan. (P.O.Box 1119)Tel:(92-51)279320 Fax:(92-51)279340KarachiConsulate-General of Japan,6/2 Civil Lines, Abdullash Haroon Road, Karachi, 75530, Pakistan.(G.P.O. Box No. 3745)Tel:(92-21)522-0800 Fax:(92-21)568-0820Em bassy of Japan, 2627 Roxas Boulevard, Pasay City, Metro Manila, 1300, Philippines. (Mailing Address:Em bassy of Japan,P.O.Box No.414, Pasay Central Post Office, Pasay City, Metro Manila, Philippines)Tel:(63-2)551-5710 Fax:(63-2)551-5780 CebuConsular Office of Japan in Cebu, Em bassy of Japan in the Philippines 7th Floor, Keppel Center, Sam ar Loop cor. Cardinal Rosales Avenue, Cebu Business Park, Cebu City, Philippines.(P.O.Box 1250, Cebu City, 6000, Philippines)Tel:(63-32)231-7321, 231-7322 Fax:(63-32)231-6843 DavaoConsular Office of Japan in Davao, Suite B305 3rd Floor, Plaza de Luisa Com plex, 140R. Magsaysay Ave., Davao City 8000, Philippines.(P.O.Box No.80637)Tel:(63-82)221-3100 Fax:(63-82)221-2176 ManilaConsulate-General of Japan,Tel:(63-2)551-57102627 Roxas Boulevard, Pasay City, Metro Manila, 1300, Philippines.Fax:(63-2)551-5780Em bassy of Japan,16 Nassim Road, Singapore, 258390, Republic of Singapore.Tel:(65)2358855 Fax:(65)7331039Em bassy of Japan,No.20, Gregory's Road, Colom bo 7,Dem ocratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. (P.O.Box 822 Colom bo)Tel:(94-11)2693831~3 Fax:(94-11)2698629Em bassy of Japan,177 Witthayu Road, Lum phini, Pathum Wan, Bangkok 10330, Thailand.Tel:(66-2)696-3000, 207-8500 Fax:(66-2)207-8510Consulate-General of Japan,Unit 104-107, Airport Business Park, 90 Mahidol Rord, T. Haiya, A. Muang, Chiang Mai, 50100, Thailand.Tel:(66-53)203367 Fax:(66-53)203373Em bassy of Japan, Pertam ina 6, Dili,Dem ocratic Republic of Tim or-Leste.Tel:(670)3323131~2 Fax:(670)3323130Em bassy of Japan, 27 Lieu Giai , Ba Dinh District, Hanoi, Viet Nam .(Mailing Address:c/o Em bassy of Japan in Thailand, 1674, New Petchburi Road, Bangkok 10320 Thailand)Tel:(84-4)846-3000 Fax:(84-4)846-3043 Ho Chi MinhConsulate-General of Japan, 13-17 Nguyen Hue, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam .Tel:(84-8)8225314 Fax:(84-8)8225316Em bassy of Japan,112 Empire Circuit, Yarralumla, Canberra A.C.T.2600, Australia.Tel:(61-2)6273-3244 Fax:(61-2)6273-1848Consulate-General of Japan,17th Floor, Com alco Place, 12 Creek Street, Brisbane, Queensland 4000, Australia.Tel:(61-7)3221-5188 Fax:(61-7)3229-0878CairnsBranch Office of Japan in Cairns,Consulate-General of Japan at Brisbane,Tel:(61-7)4051-5177 Fax:(61-7)4051-5377Level 15, Cairns Corporate Tower,15 Lake Stret, Cairns QLD 4870, Australia.Consulate-General of Japan,45th Floor, Melbourune Central Tower, 360 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne, Victoria, 3000, Australia.Tel:(61-3)9639-3244 Fax:(61-3)9639-3820Consulate-General of Japan, 21st Floor, The Forrest Centre, 221 St.George's Terrace, Perth, W.A.6000, Australia.(P.O.Box 7347, Cloisters Square, Perth W.A.6850)Tel:(61-8)9480-1800 Fax:(61-8)9321-2030Consulate-General of Japan, Level 34, Colonial Centre, 52 Martin Place, Sydney, N.S.W. 2000, Australia.(G.P.O.Box No.4125 Sydney 2001)Tel:(61-2)9231-3455 Fax:(61-2)9221-6157Em bassy of Japan,2nd Floor, Dom inion House,1Suva, Fiji. (G.P.O.Box 13045)Tel:(679)3304633 Fax:(679)3302984Embassy of Japan,A-1 Lojkar Village, Majuro,Republic of the Marshall Islands.(P.O. Box 300, Majuro, Marshall, 96960)Tel:(692)247-7463, 247-7483 Fax:(692)247-7493Em bassy of Japan,"Pami Building", 3rd Floor, Kolonia, Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia 96941.Tel:(691)320-5465 Fax:(691)320-5470Em bassy of Japan,Level 18, Majestic Centre, 100 Willis Street, Wellington 1, New Zealand. (P.O. Box 6340)Tel:(64-4)473-1540 Fax:(64-4)471-2951Consulate-General of Japan, Level 12 , ASB Bank Centre, 135 Albert Street, Auckland, 1, New Zealand. (P. O. Box 3959)Tel:(64-9)303-4106 Fax:(64-9)377-7784 Consular Office of Japan,Tel:(64-3)366-5680, 9030Level 5, Forsyth Barr House, 764 Colom bo Street,Christchurch 1, New Zealand.Fax:(64-3)365-3173Em bassy of Japan,Palau Pacific Resort, Arakebesang, Koror, Republic of Palau 96940 (P.O. Box 6050)Tel:(680)488-6455, 6456 Fax:(680)488-6458Em bassy of Japan,1st & 2nd Floor, Cuthbertson House, Cuthbertson St. Port Moresby, NCD, Papua New Guinea.(P.O. Box 1040, Port Moresby 121)Tel:(675)321-1800, 1483, 1305 Fax:(675)321-4868Port MoresbyConsulate-General of Japan,1st & 2nd Floor, Cuthbertson House, Cuthbertson St. Port Moresby, NCD, Papua New Guinea.(P.O.Box 1040, Port Moresby 121)Tel:(675)321-1800, 1483, 1305 Fax:(675)321-4868Em bassy of Japan, 3rd Floor, National Provident Fund Building, Mendana Avenue, Honiara, Solom on Islands. (P.O. Box 560)Tel:(677)22953 Fax:(677)21006Em bassy of Japan,Hessgasse 6, 1010 Wien, Austria.Tel:(43-1)531920 Fax:(43-1)5320590Em bassy of Japan,Hyatt Tower III, 6th Floor, Izm ir Str. 1033, 370065 Baku, Azerbaijan.Tel:(994-12)4907818, 4907819 Fax:(994-12)4907817, 4907820BELARUSEm bassy of Japan,Pr. Pobediteley 23/1, 8th Floor, 220004, Minsk, Republic of Belarus.Tel:(375-17)2236233, 2234481 Fax:(375-17)2102169Em bassy of Japan, Avenue des Arts 58, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium . Tel:(32-2)513-2340, 500-0580 (Consul Section)Fax:(32-2)513-1556Em bassy of Japan,Bistrik 9, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.Tel:(387-33)277-500 Fax:(387-33)209-583Em bassy of Japan,Ul.Lyulyakova Gradina 14, Sofia, Bulgaria.Tel:(359-2)971-2708, 971-3437 Fax:(359-2)9711095Em bassy of Japan,Boskoviceva 2, 10000, Zagreb, Republic of Croatia.Tel:(385-1)4870-650 Fax:(385-1)4667-334Embassy of Japan,Maltezske nam esti 6, Praha 1-Mala Strana, Czech Republic.Tel:(420-2)5753-3546, 5701-1011 Fax:(420-2)5753-2377Embassy of Japan,Pilestraede 61,1112,Copenhagen K, Denm ark.Tel:(45)33-11-33-44 Fax:(45)33-11-33-77Embassy of Japan,3rd Floor, Tallinn Business Center,6 Harju Street, 15069 Tallinn, Estonia.Tel:(372-6)310-531, 310-532 Fax:(372-6)310-533Em bassy of Japan, Unioninkatu 20-22, 00130 Helsinki, Finland. Tel:(358-9)686-0200Fax:(358-9)633012Em bassy of Japan,7, Avenue Hoche, 75008 Paris, France.Tel:(33-1)4888-6200 Fax:(33-1)4227-5081 Consulate-General of Japan,70, Avenue de Ham bourg, 13008 Marseille, France.(Mailing Address: Consulat Général du Japon, 70, Avenue deTel:(33-4)91-16-81-81 Fax:(33-4)91-72-55-46Ham bourg, B.P.199, 13268 Marseille Cedex 08, France)Consulate-General of Japan, "Tour Europe"20, Place des Halles67000 Strasbourg, France.Tel:(33-3)88-52-85-00 Fax:(33-3)88-22-62-39Em bassy of Japan,Hiroshim astrasse 6, 10785Berlin, Bundesrepublik Deutschland.Tel:(49-30)210940 Fax:(49-30)21094222Consulate-General of Japan,Imm erm annstr. 45, 40210 Duesseldorf, C/O.Deutsch-Japanisches Center, Bundesrepublik Deutschland.Tel:(49-211)164820Fax:(49-211)357650FrankfurtConsulate-General of Japan, Taunustor 23. OG, Taunustor 2, 60311 Frankfurt am Main, Bundesrepublik Deutschland.Tel:(49-69)2385730 Fax:(49-69)230531HamburgConsulate-General of Japan,Rathausm arkt 5, 20095 Ham burg, Bundesrepublik Deutschland.Tel:(49-40)3330170 Fax:(49-40)30399915Consulate-General of Japan,Karl-Scharnagl-Ring 7, 80539 Muenchen, Bundesrepublik Deutschland.Tel:(49-89)4176040 Fax:(49-89)47-05-710Em bassy of Japan,46, Ethnikis Antistasseos St.,Halandri, 152 31 Athens, Greece.Tel:(30-210)670-9900 Fax:(30-210)670-9980Em bassy of Japan,1125 Zalai ut 7, Budapest, XII, Hungary.(P.O.Box 78)Tel:(36-1)398-3100 Fax:(36-1)275-1281Em bassy of Japan,Laugavegur 182, P.O.Box 5380, 105 Reykjavik, Iceland.Tel:(354)510-8600 Fax:(354)510-8605Em bassy of Japan,Nutley Building, Merrion Centre, Nutley Lane, Dublin 4, Ireland.Tel:(353-1)202-8300 Fax:(353-1)283-8726ITALYEm bassy of Japan,Via Quintino Sella, 60 00187 Rom a, Italy.Tel:(39)06487991 Fax:(39)064873316Consulate-General of Japan, Via Privata Cesare Mangili 2/4, 20121, Milano, Italy.Tel:(39)026241141 Fax:(39)026597201Em bassy of Japan,6F, Kosm onavtov Str.62,Micro-district Chubary, Astana City, Republic of Kazakhstan.Tel:(7-7172)97-78-43 Fax:(7-7172)97-78-42Em bassy of Japan, Alm aty OfficeKazibek Bi Str. 41, Alm aty, Republic of Kazakhstan.Tel: (7-727)298-06-00Fax:(7-727)298-06-01Em bassy of Japan,Frunze street 503, Bishkek, 720033, Kyrgyz Republic.Tel:(996)312-61-1875, 61-1880Fax:(996)312-61-1882Em bassy of Japan,Kr. Valdem ara iela 21, Riga LV1010, Republic of Latvia.Tel:(371)781-2001,2002 Fax:(371)781-2004Em bassy of Japan,M. K. Ciurlionio 82 b, 03100, Vilnius, Lithuania.Tel:(370-5)2310462 Fax:(370-5)2310461Em bassy of Japan,62, avenue de la Faiencerie, L-1510 Luxem bourg, Grand-Duché de Luxem bourg. (B.P.92 L-2010)Tel:(352)4641511 Fax:(352)464176Em bassy of Japan,Tobias Asserlaan 2, 2517 KC, The Hague, The Netherlands.Tel:(31-70)3469544 Fax:(31-70)3106341Em bassy of Japan,Wergelandsveien 15, 0244, Oslo, Norway.Tel:(47-22)99-1600 Fax:(47-22)44-25-05Em bassy of Japan,Ul. Szwolezerow 8, 00-464, Warszawa, Poland.Tel:(48-22)696-5000 Fax:(48-22)696-5001Em bassy of Japan,Av. da Liberdade, 245-6 1269-033 Lisboa, Portugal.Tel:(351-21)311-0560 Fax:(351-21)353-7600Em bassy of Japan,8th Floor, Am erica House East Wing, Sos. Nicolae Titulescu, Nr.4-8 Sector 1 Bucharest 011141, Rom ania.Tel:(40-21)319-1890, 1891 Fax:(40-21)319-1895, 1896Em bassy of Japan,Grokholsky Pereulok 27, 129090, Moscow, Russia.Tel:(7-495)229-2550, 229-2551 Fax:(7-495)229-2555, 229-2556Consulate-General of Japan,Ulitsa Turgeneva 46, Khabarovsk, Khabarovsky krai, 680000, Russia.Tel:(7-50985)2-1002: International Satellite connection(7-4212)413044/413045/413046:International ground-line connection and calls from within RussiaFax:(7-50985)2-1003: International Satellite (7-4212)413047: International ground-lineconnection and calls from within RussiaConsulate-General of Japan, Lenin St. 234, 5th Floor, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Sakhalinskaya Oblast 693000, Russia. Tel:(7-50985)61002: International satellite connection (7-4242)72-60-55, 72-55-30: Internationalground-line connecti on and calls from within RussiaFax:(7-50985)61003: International Satellite (7-4242)72-55-31: International ground-line connection and calls fromwithin RussiaConsulate-General of Japan, Nab. Reki Moiki 29,Sankt-Peterburg, 191065 Russia.Tel:(7-812)314-1434, 314-1418 Fax:(7-812)710-6970Consul Section / Public Relations & Cultural Section,Ulitsa Millionnaya 30A, Sank t-Peterburg, 190000 Russia.Tel:(7-812)449-4770: Consul SectionTel:(7-812)449-4771: Public Relations & Cultural SectionConsulate-General of Japan,Ulitsa Verkhne Portovaya 46, Vladivostok, Prim orsky Krai, 690600, Russia.Tel:(7-50985)1-1001,1-1003: International Satellite connection(7-4232)26-75-02, 26-75-13, 26-74-81Fax:(7-50985)1-1002: International Satellite (7-4232)26-75-41Em bassy of Japan,Genex Apartments, Vladim ira Popovica 6, 11070 Novi Beograd, Serbia.Tel:(381-11)3012800~4 Fax:(381-11)311-8258Embassy of Japan,Hlavne nam estie 2, Bratislava 1, Slovak Republic.Tel:(421-2)5980-0100 Fax:(421-2)5443-2771Em bassy of Japan,Trg republike 3/XI, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Republic of Slovenia.Tel:(386)1-2008281, 1-2008282Fax:(386)1-2511822Em bassy of Japan,Calle Serrano, 109, 28006-Madrid, Spain.Tel:(34)91-590-7600 Fax:(34)91-590-1321Consulate-General of Japan, Av. Diagonal, 640, 2o, D Edificio Caja Madrid08017 Barcelona, Spain.Tel:(34)93-280-3433Fax:(34)93-280-4496, (34)93-204-5439Las PalmasConsulate-General of Japan, Calle Santiago Rusiñol No.12,35005-Las Palm as de Gran Canaria, Spain. (ApartadoPostal No.733)Tel:(34)928-24-4012, 3466 Fax:(34)928-297290Embassy of Japan, Gärdesgatan 10, 115 27 Stockholm , Sweden. Tel:(46-8)579-353-00 Fax:(46-8)661-8820Em bassy of Japan,Engestrasse 53, 3012 Berne, Switzerland.Tel:(41-31)300-22-22 Fax:(41-31)300-22-55GeneveConsulate-General of Japan,80-82 rue de Lausanne 1202, Geneve, Switzerland.Tel:(41-22)716-9900 Fax:(41-22)716-9901Em bassy of Japan, DUSHANBE OFFICE, 80A Khlopkozavodskaya St.Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan.Tel:(992)372-213970, (992)372-213724 Fax:(992)91-901-5030TURKMENISTANEm bassy of Japan,Trading Centre "Paytagt",Street 1945, building 60 Ashgabat, Turkm enistan 744000.Tel:(7-501)4910-746, (993-12)477081~2 Fax:(7-501)4911-361, (993-12)477083Em bassy of Japan,Business Centre Europe, 7th & 8th Floor, 4, Muzeyny Lane, 01901 Kyiv, UkraineTel:(380-44)490-5500~1, 462-0019~20 Fax:(380-44)490-5502Em bassy of Japan,101-104, Piccadilly, London, W1J 7JT, U.K.Tel:(44-20)7465-6500Fax:(44-20)7491-9348Consulate-General of Japan, 2 Melville Crescent, Edinburgh EH3 7HW, U.K. Tel:(44-131)225-4777 Fax:(44-131)225-4828LondonConsulate-General of Japan,101-104, Piccadilly, London, W1J 7JT, U.K.Tel:(44-20)7465-6500 Fax:(44-20)7491-9348Em bassy of Japan,1-28, Sadyk Azim ov St., Tashkent, 700047, Republic of Uzbekistan.Tel:(998-71)120-80-60~63 Fax:(998-71)120-80-77Am basciata del Giappone presso la Santa Sede,Via Virgilio 30, 00193 Rom a, Italia.Tel:(39)066875828, 066875878 Fax:(39)0668807543Em bassy of Japan,255 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 9E6, Canada.Tel:(1-613)241-8541 Fax:(1-613)241-2232CalgaryConsulate-General of Japan #2300 Trans Canada Tower, 450-1st Street S.W.Calgary, Alberta T2P 5H1, Canada.Tel:(1-403)294-0782 Fax:(1-403)294-1645MontrealConsulate-General of Japan, 600, rue de la Gauchetière ouest, Suite 2120, Montréal, Québec, H3B 4L8, Canada.Tel:(1-514)866-3429Fax:(1-514)395-6000Consulate-General of Japan, Suite 3300, Royal Trust Tower, 77 King St. W.,Toronto, Ontario, M5K 1A1, Canada.(P.O. Box 10 Toronto-Dom inion Centre)Tel:(1-416)363-7038 Fax:(1-416)367-9392Consulate-General of Japan, 900-1177 West Hastings Street,Vancouver, B.C., V6E 2K9, Canada.Tel:(1-604)684-5868 Fax:(1-604)684-6939Em bassy of Japan, 2520 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.,Washington D.C., 20008-2869, U.S.A.Tel:(1-202)238-6700 Fax:(1-202)328-2187 Consular Office of Japan, 3601 C Street, Suite 1300,Anchorage, Alaska 99503, U.S.A.Tel:(1-907)562-8424Fax:(1-907)562-8434Consulate-General of Japan, One Alliance Center, Suite1600, 3500 Lenox Rd.,N.E., Atlanta, GA 30326, U.S.A.Tel:(1-404)240-4300 Fax:(1-404)240-4311Consulate-General of Japan, Federal Reserve Plaza,14th Floor 600 Atlantic Avenue,Boston, Massachusetts 02210, U.S.A.Tel:(1-617)973-9772~4 Fax:(1-617)542-1329ChicagoConsulate-General of Japan, Olym pia Centre, Suite 1100, 737, North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60611, U.S.A.Tel:(1-312)280-0400 Fax:(1-312)280-9568DenverConsulate-General of Japan,1225 17th Street, Suite3000 Denver, CO 80202, U.S.A.Tel:(1-303)534-1151Fax:(1-303)534-3393Consulate-General of Japan,400 Renaissance Center, Suite 1600, Detroit, Michigan 48243, U.S.A.Tel:(1-313)567-0120, 0179Fax:(1-313)567-0274Consulate-General of Japan,Suite 604, Guam International Trade Center Building,590 South Marine Drive Tam uning, Guam 96911, U.S.A. (Mailing Address:Consulate-General of Japan, P.O. Box AG, Hagatna,Guam 96932, U.S.A.)Tel:(1-671)646-1290, 5220Fax:(1-671)649-2620Consulate-General of Japan,1742 Nuuanu Avenue, Honolulu, Hawaii 96817-3201, U.S.A.Tel:(1-808)543-3111 Fax:(1-808)543-3170Consulate-General of Japan,2 Houston Center, 909 Fannin, Suite 3000, Houston, Texas 77010, U.S.A. Tel:(1-713)652-2977 Fax:(1-713)651-7822Consulate-General of Japan,350 South Grand Avenue, Suite 1700, Los Angeles, California 90071, U.S.A. Tel:(1-213)617-6700 Fax:(1-213)617-6727Consulate-General of Japan,Brickell Bay View Centre, Suite 3200,80 S.W.8th Street, Miam i, Florida 33130, U.S.A. Tel:(1-305)530-9090 Fax:(1-305)530-0950NashvilleConsular Office of Japan,1801 West End Avenue, Suite 900, Nashville, TN 37203, U.S.A. Tel:(1-615)340-4300 Fax:(1-615)340-4311New YorkConsulate-General of Japan,299 Park Avenue, New York, N Y 10171, U.S.A. Tel:(1-212)371-8222 Fax:(1-212)319-6357PortlandConsulate-General of Japan,2700 Wells Fargo Center, 1300 S.W.,5th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97201, U.S.A. Tel:(1-503)221-1811 Fax:(1-503)224-8936SaipanConsular Office of Japan,2nd floor, Bank of Hawaii Bldg,Puerto Rico,Saipan, MP96950, U.S.A. (P.O.Box 500407 Main Post Office, Saipan, MP 96950-0407, U.S.A.) Tel:(1-670)323-7201, 7202 Fax:(1-670)323-8764Consulate-General of Japan,50 Frem ont Street, Suite 2300,San Francisco, California 94105, U.S.A. Tel:(1-415)777-3533 Fax:(1-415)974-3660Consulate-General of Japan,601 Union Street, Suite 500, Seattle, Washington 98101, U.S.A. Tel:(1-206)682-9107~10 Fax:(1-206)624-9097Em bassy of Japan, Bouchard 547 Piso-17, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Tel:(54-11)4318-8200 Fax:(54-11)4318-8210Em bassy of Japan, Calle Rosendo Gutiérrez No.497 esq.Sanchez Lim a, La Paz, Bolivia. (P.O.Box 2725)Tel:(591-2)241-9110~3 Fax:(591-2)241-1919Santa-CruzLa Oficina del Cónsul del Japón, Calle Saavedra No.314, Esquina Cochabam ba,Santa-Cruz, Bolivia. (Casilla No. 543)Tel:(591-3)333-1329, 335-1268 Fax:(591-3)335-1022Em bassy of Japan, SES Avenida das Nações, Quadra 811, Lote 39, 70425-900, Braília, D. Federal, Brasil.(Caixa Postal 07-391)Tel:(55-61)3442-4200 Fax:(55-61)3242-0738BelémConsulate-General of Japan,Avenida Magalhäes Barata, 651, Edifício Belém Office Center, 7 andar 66063-240, Belém , Pará, Brasil. (Caixa Postal 912)Tel:(55-91)3249-3344 Fax:(55-91)3249-3655CuritibaConsulate-General of Japan,Rua Marechal Deodoro, 630-18 andar, 80010-912 Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil. (Caixa Postal 2028)Tel:(55-41)3322-4919 Fax:(55-41)3222-0499Porto AlegreConsular Office of Japan, Av. Joäo Obino, 467 Petrópolis, 90470-150, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.Tel:(55-51)3334-1299, 3334-1135 Fax:(55-51)3334-1742Consulate-General of Japan,Rua Fortaleza, 416-Bairro Adrianopolis,CEP: 69057-080, Manaus, Am azonas, Brasil (Caixa Postal 4188)Tel:(55-92)3232-2000 Fax:(55-92)3232-6073RecifeConsulate-General of Japan, Rua Padre Carapuceiro, 733, 14° andar, Edf. Em presarial Center I, Boa Viagem , 51020-280, Recife Pernam buco, Brasil. (Caixa Postal 502)Tel:(55-81)3465-9115 Fax:(55-81)3465-9140Rio de JaneiroConsulate-General of Japan,Praia do Flam engo, 200-10 andar, 22210-901, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.Tel:(55-21)3461-9595 Fax:(55-21)3235-2241Consulate-General of Japan, Avenida Paulista 854, 3-andar, CEP 01310-913 Säo Paulo, Brasil.Tel:(55-11)3254-0100Fax:(55-11)3254-0110Em bassy of Japan, Av. Ricardo Lyon 520,Providencia, Santiago, Chile. (Mailing Address: Em bajada del Japón, Casilla 124, Correo 35, Santiago, Chile)Tel:(56-2)232-1807 Fax:(56-2)232-1812Em bassy of Japan,Carrera 7 No.71-21,Torre B (Piso 11) Edifício Avenida Chile,Santa fe de Bogota, Colom bia.(Apartado Aereo 7407, Bogota, Colom bia)Tel:(57-1)317-5001 Fax:(57-1)317-4989Em bassy of Japan, Sabana Norte, 300m oeste y 25m norte del I.C.E.,Torre la Sabana Piso 10. P.O.BOX 501-1000. San Jose, Costa Rica.Tel:(506)232-1255 Fax:(506)231-3140Em bassy of Japan, Centro de Negocios Miram ar, Edi, 1-5 to. Piso, Ave. 3ra, Esq. a 80, Miram ar, Playa, Habana, Cuba.(Apartado No.752) (Mailing Address:Em bajada del Japon en Cuba,Gaveta Postal 6673 Habana 6 C.P.10600 Cuba.)Tel:(53-7)204-3355 Fax:(53-7)204-8902Em bassy of Japan,Torre BHD 8 Piso, Avenida Winston Churchill, Esquina Luis F. Thom én Santo Domingo, República Dom inicana. (P.O.Box 1236)Tel:(1-809)567-3365 Fax:(1-809)566-8013Em bassy of Japan,Avenida Am azonas y Calle Arizaga,Edf. Am azonas Plaza, Piso 11, Quito, Ecuador.(P.O.Box 1721-01518, Quito, Ecuador)Tel:(593-2)2278-700 Fax:(593-2)2449-399Em bassy of Japan,89 Av. Norte y C. El Mirador 6 Nivel,Tel:(503)2528-1111Fax:(503)2264-6061, 2528-1100Torre 1, World Trade Center, Colonia Escalon, San Salvador, El Salvador, C.A.(Apartado Postal #115)Em bassy of Japan, 10 Piso, Edificio Torre Internacional, Avenida Reform a 16-85, Zona 10,Ciudad de Guatem ala, 01010 Guatem ala, C.A. (Apartado Postal No.991-A)Tel:(502)2382-7300 Fax:(502)2382-7310Em bassy of Japan, Villa Bella Vista No.2,Im passe Tulipe Desprez, Port-au-Prince, Haiti.(P.O.Box 2512, Port-au-Prince, Haiti)Tel:(509)245-5875, 245-3333 Fax:(509)245-8834, 245-9472Embassy of Japan,Col. San Carlos, Calzada Rep. Paraguay, Tegucigalpa,M.D.C.,Honduras,C.A. (Apartado Postal 3232)Tel:(504)236-5511, 236-2628~9 Fax:(504)236-6100Em bassy of Japan,NCB Towers, North Tower,6th Floor, 2 Oxford Road, Kingston 5,Jam aica.(P.O.Box 8104, C.S.O. Jam aica)Tel:(1- 876)929-3338~9 Fax:(1- 876)968-1373Em bassy of Japan,Paseo de la Reform a No.395, Col. Cuauhtémoc, 06500 México, D.F., México.(Apartado 5-101)Tel:(52-55)5211-0028 Fax:(52-55)5207-7743Em bassy of Japan, Plaza España 1 cuadra abajo y 1 cuadra al lago, Bolonia, Managua, Nicaragua. (Apartado Postal 1789)Tel:(505-2)668668~71, 661773, 660924, 663206Fax:(505-2)668566 Em bassy of Japan,Calle 50 y 60E, Obarrio,Apartado No.0816-06807, Panam á 1, República de Panam á.Tel:(507)263-6155Fax:(507)263-6019Em bassy of Japan, Avenida Mariscal López No.2364, Asunción, Paraguay.(Casilla de Correo No.1957)Tel:(595-21)604-616, 604-617, 603-682, 606-900Fax:(595-21)606-901EncarnaciónLa Ofi cina del Cónsul del Japón,Calle Carlos Antonio López No.1290, Encarnación, Paraguay. (Casilla de Correo No.55)Tel:(595-71)202287, 202288 Fax:(595-71)205130Em bassy of Japan,Avenida San Felipe 356, Jesús María, Lim a, Perú .(Apartado No.3708)Tel:(51-1)218-1130 Fax:(51-1)463-0302LimaConsulate-General of Japan, Avenida San Felipe 356, Jesús María, Lim a, Perú .(Apartado No.3708)Tel:(51-1)218-1130 Fax:(51-1)463-0302Em bassy of Japan,5 Hayes Street, St. Clair,Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I. (P.O.Box 1039)Tel:(1-868)628-5991 Fax:(1-868)622-0858Em bassy of Japan, Bulevar Artigas 953,Montevideo Uruguay, Uruguay. (Casilla de Correo 1273)Tel:(598-2)418-7645 Fax:(598-2)418-7980Em bassy of Japan,Edificio Bancaracas Piso 11,Av. San Felipe Con 2a Transversal, La Castellana, Municipio Chacao, Estado Miranda, Venezuela. (Mailing Address: Em bajada del Japón,Apartado No.68790, Altam ira, Caracas 1062-A, Venezuela)Tel:(58-212)261-8333 Fax:(58-212)261-6780。
