警告 ‒ 危險:磁力!本電器含有永磁鐵。
▶配戴電子植入物的人員應與本電器至少維持10 cm 的距離。
警告 ‒ 受傷風險!進行安裝時,可能會碰觸到尖銳部件,因而導致割傷。
¡電器必需連接至固定的電源裝置,並遵照安裝規範使用經濟部標準檢驗局驗證登錄之觸點 3mm 以上專屬過電流保護斷電器,安裝於使用者可操作的地方。
¡請確認,內嵌家具至少可耐熱90 °C。
页01电镀机操作说明书种类ES/ZY-CW 2-015EVER SHINE半自动1.按下电源的启动按钮,翻开电源,电源指示灯就会亮。
第一版次数第01版页01电镀机操作说明书种类ES/ZY-CW 2-015EVER SHINE全自动1.、将架子鼓放在各个固定地点,在指定起重机的地点上(步骤)图上的主场地点系有三角符号的人,将架子鼓指定的地点点搁置2.确认滚筒能否依据指定的符号搁置,而后将起重机转到指定地点。
PZEM-003技术说明书(改版) 2
8. 电量、运行时间按键清零功能。
9. 带背光功能。
10. 掉电数据保存功能(保存掉电前累计电量、运行时间、电压报警门限、背光亮灭状态)。
11. LCD显示功能(显示电压、电流、电能、功率、累积运行时间)12.反接保护功能B.外形圖,按键功能說明图1平面示意图按键盘/ LCD功能說明C.功能設定一.电压过载及断电门限设置(最大报警、最小报警、最大断电、最小断电)1.正常显示状态下按“上翻”或“下翻”键切换到电压显示菜单。
基本设置流程表达为:电压最大报警(V不闪烁,背光不闪烁)→电压最小报警(V 闪烁,背光不闪烁)→电压断电最大门限(V不闪烁,背光闪烁)→电压断电最小门限(V闪烁,背光闪烁)4 电压报警门限及断电门限默认最大设置值为100.00V,最小值为00.00V。
(1)、 运 行前检 查
(2)、 试 运行方 式
(1)、 保 养检查 注 意事项
(2)、 定 期检查 项 目
(3)、 故 障信息 及 排除方 法
(4)、 故 障及分 析
危险 ● 变频器送电中请勿取下前盖,以防止感电受伤。 ● 在开启故障再启动之功能时,马达在运转停止后会自动再启动,请勿靠近 机器,以免发生意外。 ● 停止开关的功能须设定才有效,与紧急停止开关的用法不同,请注意使用。
! 注意 ● 散热座,刹车电阻等发热元件请勿触摸,以防止烫伤。 ● 变频器可以很容易从低速到高速运转,请确认马达与机械的速度容许范围。 ● 变频器运转中请勿检查电路板上的信号,以免发生危险。 ● 变频器于出厂时均已调整设定,请不要任意加以调整,按所需功能适当调
制 键盘设定方式 可直接以← ∧ ∨ 设定
模拟设定方式 外部电压0-5V,0-10V,4—20mA,0—20mA。
其它功能 频率下限,启动频率,停车频率、三个跳跃频率可分别设定
加减速控制 4段加减速时间(0.1-6500秒)任意选择
V /F曲 线
可 任 意 设 定V /F曲 线
转矩控制 可设定转矩提升,最大10.0%启动转矩在1.0Hz时可达150%
! 注意
● 请勿对变频器内部的零部件进行耐压测试,这些半导体零件易受高压损毁。 ● 绝不可将变频器输出端子U.V.W连接至交流电源。 ● 变频器主电路板CMOS、IC易受静电影响及破坏,请勿触摸主电路板。 ● 只有合格的专业人员才可以安装、调试及保养变频器。 ● 变频器报废请按工业废物处理,严禁焚烧。
当焊接帽丢失并探测到泄漏时,水流在1秒内被关闭。 CAP OFF消息出现,焊接指示器提示停止焊接程序。 ”FAULT“和“VALVE” LED状态指示灯呈现红色。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
4.1 机械安装和供水连接
4.2 电气和DeviceNet®连接
4.3 三种功能测试
6.1 状态故障
6.2 运行故障
3 DeviceNet
1 - Spare
4 2 - 24 VDC 5
1 3 - 0 VDC 4 - Spare
1 - Drain 1 2 - V+
3 - V4 4 - CAN_H
5 - CAN_L
图3: 9WS2G30-002 WeldSaver接线和连接视图
6.3 WeldSaver故障
0201目 录产品技术参数..................04安装和使用方法...............05错误码 (21)产品电器原理图...............22产品装箱清单................22售后服务..................23质保卡 (24)产品执行标准GB4706.1-2005 家用和类似用途电器的安全 通用要求GB4706.23-2007 家用和类似用途电器的安全 室内加热器的特殊要求产品名称:智能电暖器03产品技术参数:型号5T25005T3000功率2500W3000W尺寸(长*宽*高)1500*90*170mm1710*90*170mm重量7.3kg7.9kg建议供暖面积20㎡以下25㎡以下语音提醒有有语音控制有有APP控制有有倾倒保护有有额定电压220V220V电源线长度 3.0m 3.0m电源插座16A16A定时功能有有温度保护有有智能变频支持支持遥控器有有注:产品技术参数如有变更,恕不另行通知,请以实际产品参数为准04第一步:取出支脚(将机器底部朝上)第二步:支脚放到如上图位置,轻轻往下压第三步:支脚按至如上图位置,再向外侧推第四步:支脚放置到位安装方式: 开箱检查:打开包装箱,取出欧伟士电暖器(以下简称产品),确认产品完好,附件齐全。
ModelWizard(含Print it)用户手册Tier Time北京太尔时代科技有限公司2005.6目 录第 1 章 软件简介 (1)1.1 功能简介 (1)1.2 运行环境 (3)第 2 章 启动ModelWizard (4)2.1 安装 (4)2.2 启动 (4)2.3 载入STL模型 (5)2.4 载入CSM和CLI模型 (6)2.5 打印 (7)第 3 章 显示 (8)3.1 显示模式 (8)3.2 投影方式 (9)3.3 视图变换 (9)3.4 剖面显示 (11)第4 章 三维模型操作 (12)4.1 坐标变换 (12)4.2 处理多个三维模型 (13)4.3 三维模型合并,分解及分割 (14)4.4 STL模型检验和修复 (16)4.5 三维模型的测量和修改 (18)4.5.1 测量 (18)4.5.2 修改 (19)第 5 章 分层 (21)5.1 分层前的准备 (21)5.2 分层参数详解 (21)5.3 分层 (24)第 6 章 层片模型 (25)6.1 显示CLI模型 (25)6.2 在二维模型窗口显示 (26)6.3 设定成型位置 (26)第 7 章 三维打印/快速成型 (28)7.1 熔融挤压工艺原理 (28)7.2 三维打印机命令 (29)7.3 手动调试 (30)7.4 打印流程 (31)7.5 准备打印 (31)7.6打印模型 (32)7.7系统工作状态,指令动作 和 错误消除方法 (32)附录A 命令参考 (34)A.1 菜单 (34)A.2 工具条 (36)附录B 从CAD系统输出STL文件 (39)附录C 安装PMAC数控卡及驱动 (43)C.1 安装数控卡的驱动程序: (43)C.2 在串口(COM1)上安装数控卡 (43)附录 D 系统参数 (48)附录 E 系统状态、故障及解决方法 (49)第 1 章 软件简介一键打印 +丰富功能ModelWizard(含Print It)是三维打印/快速成型软件,它接受STL模型,进行分层等处理后输出到三维打印/快速成型系统,可以方便快捷的得到模型原型。
Panduit 型号UPS003LSM PA27224A01的无停电电源负载感应模块使用指南说明书
UPS003LSMPA27224A01 Rev: 02 3-2014UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY LOAD SENSE MODULEOPERATION MANUAL© Panduit Corp. 2014Original InstructionsTO REDUCE THE RISK OF INJURY, USER MUST READ INSTRUCTION MANUALEmail:***********************EU Website:/emeaEU Email:emeatoolservicecenter@Technical Support:Tel: 1-888-506-5400, ext. 83255Panduit Europe • EMEA Service CenterAlmelo, NetherlandsTel: +31-546-580-452 • Fax: +31-546-580-441TABLE OF CONTENTSUPS LSM GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS (2)Model Number (2)Input Power (2)Output Power (2)Environmental (2)Compliance (2)Installation (2)Performance (3)PRECAUTIONS AND GENERAL GUIDELINES (3)Safety Warnings (3)Electrical Safety Practices (4)Personal Safety (4)Service (5)1.INTRODUCTION (5)1.1. BACKGROUND (5)1.2. PURPOSE (5)1.3. TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS (5)1.4. INSTALLATION (6)TABLE OF FIGURESFigure 1: DIN Rail Installation (6)Figure 2: System Block Diagram (6)Figure 3: Load Sense Module (7)Supply Load Sense Module) may also be referred to as “UPS LSM”.UPS LSM GENERAL SPECIFICATIONSModel NumberUPS003LSMInput PowerVoltage: 30.0 VDC MAXCurrent: 5 A MAXOutput PowerVoltage: 30.0 VDC MAXSense: 100 mV MAXCurrent: 5 A MAXEnvironmentalOperating Temperature: -40 to +60°C.Storage (non-operational) Temperature: -40 to +70°C.Humidity: 0 to 95% RH, noncondensingOperational Vibration: 2G at 10 to 500 HzOperational Shock: 20G (11ms 3 bumps / direction, 18 bumps in total)Complianceo UL 1778 and CSA C22.2 No. 107.3-05 “Uninterruptible Power Supply Equipment”o UL 508 and CSA-C22.2 No. 14 “Industrial Control Equipment”o UL 60950-1, 2nd ed, 2011-12-19, CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1-07, 2nd ed, 2011-12"Information Technology Equipment - Safety - Part 1: General Requirements"o (Low-Voltage Directive*) IEC 60950-1:2005+AM 2009, EN 60950-1:2006+A1:2010+A11:2009+A12:2011 "Information Technology Equipment -Safety - Part 1: General Requirements"o ISA 12.12.01:2013, CSA C22.2 No. 213-1987M (R2013) “Standard For Nonincendive Electrical Equipment for Use in Class I and II, Division 2 and Class III, Divisions 1 and 2 Hazardous (Classified)Locations”o FCC Title 47 CFR 15 Subpart B Emissions Class Ao RoHS All materials and components used must meet the material restrictions of European Directive 2002/95/EC on the Restriction of Hazardous Substanceso CAN ICES-3(A)/NMB-3(A), ICES-003 Issue 5o IP20 per IEC 60529o IEC Ex (pending)Voltage / Current / Temp /OutputConformancesApprovalsInstallationTop hat (DIN) rail EN 50022Width: 22.6mm (0.89 in)Depth: 113.3mm (4.46 in)Height: 111.5mm (4.39 in)Weight: 105.7g max (0.233 lbs, max.)Terminals: screw type, accepts #12 to #18 AWG, stranded/solid/terminated The device shall have control wiring along the top edge.PerformanceVoltage Drop: 100 mV maximum at 5 AP R E C A U T IO N S A N D G E N E R A L G U ID E L IN E SThe basic condition for safe use and proper operation of the UPS LSM is the knowledge and attention to the safety information provided in this manual.The following safety information must be observed by all persons who will work with the UPS LSM.All rules and instructions for the work place must be observed, especially those for prevention of accidents.This symbol is used to call your attention to hazards or unsafe practices which could result in an injury or property damage. The signal word, defined below, indicates the severity of the hazard. The message after the signal word provides information for preventing or avoiding the hazard.WARNING Hazards which, if not avoided, COULD result in severe injury or death.CAUTIONHazards or unsafe practices which, if not avoided, MAY result in injury or property damage.Safety WarningsWARNING• Read all safety warning and all instructions. Failure to follow the warningsand instructions may result in electric shock, fire and/or serious injury. • Save all warnings and instructions for future reference.Panduit Corp. recommends the UPS LSM be used with all installed safety features. Customerassumes all liability for injury that could result from improper use of this UPS LSM andresponsibility for all necessary training to ensure safe operation of this UPS LSM. • FOR INSTALLATION AND USE BY TRAINED PERSONNEL ONLY.• IF ANY DAMAGE TO THE PRODUCT IS APPARENT OR SUSPECTED, DO NOT USE THE PRODUCT. REFER PRODUCT TO QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL.• FCC WARNING: CHANGES OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE PRODUCT COULD VOID THE USER’S AUTHORITY TO OPERATE THE PRODUCT.•USE RECOMMENDED ACCESSORIES. CONSULT THE OWNER’S MANUAL FORRECOMMENDED ACCESSORIES. THE USE OF IMPROPER ACCESSORIES MAY CAUSE RISK OF INJURY TO PERSONS.Electrical Safety PracticesGROUNDING:In the event of a malfunction or breakdown, grounding provides a path of least resistance for electric current which reduces the risk of electrical shock.Improper connection of the equipment grounding conductor can result in a risk of electric shock. The conductor with insulation having an outer surface that is green with or without yellow stripes is the equipment-grounding conductor.Check with a qualified electrician, or service personnel if the grounding instructions are not completely understood; or if in doubt as to whether the UPS LSM is properly grounded.Avoid body contact with earthed or grounded surfaces, such as pipes, radiators, ranges and refrigerators.There is an increased risk of electric shock if your body is earthed or grounded.WARNINGONLY OPERATE THE UPS LSM IN A CLEAN, DRY, INDOOR ENVIRONMENT.DO NOT EXPOSE THE UPS LSM TO RAIN OR WET CONDITIONS. Water entering a UPS LSM will increase the risk of electric shock.KEEP AWAY FROM LIVE CIRCUITS:•Operating personnel must not remove covers.•Replacement of components and internal adjustments must be made by qualified maintenance personnel.•Disconnect power when replacing components.• Dangerous voltages may exist even with the power removed.• To avoid injuries, always disconnect power and turn power switch to OFF.• Input connection to the product must remain accessible as a disconnect device.• DO NOT work on the product; connect or disconnect cables during periods of lightning.•Provide wiring per national and local electrical codes.Warning : A disconnect switch shall be provided by others for DC input circuit and shall be in accordance with the National Electric Code, ANSI/NFPA 70.Personal SafetyWARNINGUse personal protective equipment. Safety glasses must be worn at all times by all persons installing the UPS LSM.Service•Have your UPS LSM serviced by a qualified repair person using only identical replacement parts.Contact Panduit Tool Service at the following locations:Panduit Tool Solutions Division (USA) 16530 W. 163rd Street Lockport, IL 60441Tel.: 1-888-506-5400, ext. 83255Panduit EMEA Service Center (EUR) EMEA Tool Service Center Bedrijvenpark Twente 360 7602 KL Almelo tel + 31 546 580 451The information contained in this manual is based on our experience to date and is believed to be reliable. It is intended as a Web Interface for use by persons having technical skill at their own discretion and risk. We do not guarantee favorable results or assume any liability in connection with its use. Dimensions contained herein are for reference purposes only. For specific dimensional requirements consult thefactory. This publication is not to be taken as a license to operate under, or a recommendation to infringe any existing patents.1. IN T R O D U C T IO NBACKGROUND1.1.The UPS003LSM is designed for redundant power back-up systems. The UPS003LSM is intended to function only with the Panduit UPS003024024015 (UPS) unit. The UPS is rated for a 24 VDC maximum output rating. The UPS LSM is connected to the main power supply line of 24 VDC. The UPS is connected along the secondary power supply line and is connected to the UPS LSM, which allows the UPS to measure the current power consumption of the system. This increases the accuracy of the estimated UPS potential hold time in the event the UPS is required to supply power.PURPOSE1.2.The purpose of this document is to provide the user with the information necessary to connect the UPS LSM.TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS1.3. A.................... A mpereDC ................. D irect CurrentPCB ............... P rinted Circuit BoardUPS ............... U ninterruptible Power Supply UPS LSM ....... U PS Load Sense Module V .................... V olts W ................... W attsINSTALLATION1.4.Figure 1: DIN Rail InstallationNo minimum spacing to other modules is required for proper operation of the device.To install the UPS LSM, place the module with the DIN rail guideway on the top edge of the DIN rail and then snap it downwards and shown in Figure 1.To remove, release the snap-on catch using a screwdriver and then detach the module from the bottom edge of the DIN rail as shown in Figure 1.NOTE: A 5A external overcurrent protection device is required to protect the UPS LSM.Wiring DiagramFigure 2: System Block DiagramFigure 3: Load Sense ModulePins 3 and 4 of the load sense module are connected to the sense input terminals of the UPS. Note that pin 3 of the current sense resistor must be connected to the “+” sense terminal and pin 4 of the current sense resistor must be connected to the “-“sense terminal. Note that these connections may not be reversed. These connections allow the UPS to measure the current flow to the load under normal operation so that it can predict the run time when backup poweris being provided by the UPS.。
eLAN-RF-Wi-003 说明书
1. Introduction (4)2. Installing the application (5)3. Logging in to the web interface eLAN-RF-Wi-003 (6)4. Settings (7)Description of functions (8)Adding RF actuators to the floorplan (16)RF control actuators (17)Starting up scenes (17)Before you beginThe instruction manual provides information on installing and operating the device. The instruction manual is always a part of the supply. Only perform installation after becoming thoroughly familiar with this User Guide and device functions. Problem-free function of the device also depends on the way it was shipped, stored and handled. If you notice any signs of damage, deformation, malfunction or a missing part, do not install this product and return it to the point of sale. At the end of its service life, the product and its parts must be treated as electronic waste. Before starting the installation, make sure that all wires and connected parts are not under voltage. When assembling and performing maintenance, you must uphold safety regulations, standards, directives and special provisions for working with electrical equipment.1.IntroductionCongratulations on purchasing the Smart RF box eLAN-RF-Wi-003 control unit, an element of the RF Control wireless system.• The smart RF box Enables you to control your electrical installation by smartphone,tablet, Samsung smart-watch Gear S2 or SMART TV.• It transmits and receives commands of up to 40 units, and it processes set programs for automatic control, (you can gradually expand installation from 1 unit iNELS RF Control).• Thanks to bi-directional communication, it visualizes the current status of individual units.• The RF Smart box eLAN-RF-Wi003 is connected to the home network (router) using a network LAN cable. After the initial connection a WiFi network can then be used to communicate witha smartphone. The defaults are set on the DHCP Server, for connection to a home network, you must first configure it using a PC. WiFi module functions only if you do not have your own WiFi network and you want to connect directly to an eLAN application.• The intuitive application environment offers central control from one place.• Function of application iHC-MAIRF / iHC-MIIRF / iHC-WTRF:- control of hot water or electric underfloor heating- measuring temperature by wireless sensors- switching appliances (garage door, blinds, fan, sprinklers, sockets, etc.)- dimming lights (LED, energy-saving, halogen or classic lamps)- time switching (delayed switching off of light when leaving room)- video camera integration- scenes (make multiple commands at once with a single press).• Power is supplied to the Smart RF box via adapter 10-27V DC (included in the supply) or PoE by power source (router) 24V DC.• By connecting two Smart RF boxes by LAN cable, you avoid the problem of lack of signal range. • Option of setting via web interface or directly in the application iHC-MAIRF (Android) / iHC-MIIRF (iPhone).• The package includes an internal antenna AN-I, in case the Smart RF box is located in a metal switchboard, you can use the external antenna AN-E for better signal reception.*• Range up to 100 m (in open space), if the signal is insufficient between the Smart RF box and unit, use the signal repeater RFRP-20.• Communication frequency with bidirectional protocol iNELS RF Control.* Max Tightening Torque for antenna connector is 0.56 Nm.Attention:The minimum distance between the controller (system unit) and the actuator must not be less than one centimeter.Setting options:• max. number of actuator - 40• max. number of temperature zones - 16• max. number of time schedules - 16• max. number of central sources - 10• max. number of heating and cooling devices in a heating zone - 10• max. number of intervals in a time schedule – 8List of usable ports:More detailed description of the port use:https:///wiki/List_of_TCP_and_UDP_port_numbers2.Installing the applicationInstall the application in your smartphone:for mobile telephone with OS Android: download the current version at Google Play (under the name iHC-MAIRF).https:///store/apps/details?id=cz.elkoep.ihc_marf_us&hl=enfor mobile telephones with IOS: download the current version under the name iHC-MIIRF in the app store.https:///cz/app/inels-home-control-rf-for-iphone/id1189384684?mt=83. Logging in to the web interface eLAN-RF-Wi-003∙ After connecting the eLAN-RF-Wi-003 to the power source, after around 1 minute you will see displayed in the list of available WiFi networks the name: ELAN-RF-WI∙ Connect to the network by entering the password: 00000000∙ Write into the panel Address (in the Internet browser) the set IP address of the product eLAN-RF-Wi-003. (Upon the first configuration, enter the factory-assigned default IP address:∙ After confirming the entered IP address, the web server's login page will come up.∙ The factory settings for signing in as administrator are:Login: admin Password: elkoepLogin options:▪ It is possible to log into the eLAN-RF-Wi-003 web interface either as the administrator(admin) with full access to controls and settings, or as the user (user), for whom only the panel itself is displayed.▪ The user thus only has the option of controlling the device (the factory setting of the passwordfor logging in as admin and user is: elkoep).▪ Both users log into the same dialog field (Login, Password), but each uses his/her own nameand password.▪ Confirm the log in by pressing: Login.Note :Perform RESET of the eLAN-RF-Wi-003 by a long press of the button on the front panel of the device until the yellow LED begins flashing. eLAN is restarted at the moment the LED stops flashing. The IP address and logindata return to factory settings.4.SettingsAfter logging in your browser opens a window where you can see the devices associated to the room. If you set multiple rooms, you can switch between them by arrows, located in the upper right corner.Clicking on the Settings icon displays the menuDescription of functionsBy clicking on the Setting elan the basic menu settings are displayed.∙By pressing Log out, you will log out of the web interfaceeLAN-RF-Wi-003.∙By pressing the button Accounts, you will display a windowfor changing login data.∙By pressing the button Load settings, you can restore your stored settings, which you have already stored in your PC (the file has the extension .bin).∙By pressing the button Save settings, you can save the current settings of your eLAN-RF-Wi-003 including network settings.∙The button Settings is to configure network settings that you can change any time based on your network.If you leave DHCP enabled selected by default, the eLAN-RF-Wi-003 always assigns you an IP address in the range set by default (192.168.1.x).The IP address of eLAN-RF-Wi-003 can be changed, but in the same range.If you have your own home Wi-Fi network, switch to Static IP and set the IP of the eLAN-RF in the same subnet mask as you have at home. Set the default gateway the same as your network.Press Save to store the settings. If you can connect the eLAN-RF-Wi-003 by ethernet cable into your home network.Note: If you change the IP address, to log into the eLAN-RF-Wi-003 you must use the new IP address. If the new IP address that you entered is not in the same subnetwork, the connection will not work if settings are not changed in the connected device (PC, iMM Client) to the same subnetwork.∙The button Update firmware is used to update the firmware (FW).When updating the eLAN-RF-Wi-003, proceed according to the following instructions:1 Download the latest firmware version from the website: /products/inels-rf-control/system-units/smart-rf-box-elan-rf-wi-003-8487/2 Click on the button Update firmware, select the downloaded file (the update file must alwaysinclude the extension *.bin ), and click on it. After confirming by pressing OK, the update of your firmware in your eLAN-RF-Wi-003 automatically starts.Note: do not turn off device or use the Reset button when updating the firmware. the eLAN-RF-Wi-003 restarts after updating. After the firmware update, all settings will remain preserved. This means that the set IP, login data, visualization panel will remain the same as with the SW version prior to the update.Perform the FW update if you are connected to the application in the local network. Using a public address, the upgrade may not always succeed (this also applies to VPN connections).The button RF mode is used to switch the mode of your eLAN-RF-Wi-003.RepeaterThe Repeater function is an independent function of eLAN-RF-Wi-003 and is used to increase range between RF controllers (system elements) and RF elements.Use: an eLAN-RF-Wi-003 device configured for a repeater can only be connected to the supply voltage, and it will then function just the same as the RFRP-20. This means if it receives a command from the RF controller or RF detector, it resends it to a designated RF element and vice-versa.▪ Oasis CompatibleEnables the repeater function to serve unidirectionally communicating units (RF Key, RFWB, RFIM, detectors, etc.).▪ RF Touch compatibleEnables the repeater function to serve bidirectionally communicating units (RF Touch, RF Pilot, etc.).▪ List of addressesRepeated address settings - write into the list of addresses those elements with which you want the eLAN RF. If you set the eLANs to the router mode, the same addresses must be set for both eLANs…After setting the function Repeater, eLAN restarts.RouterThe Router function is used to extend the distance and control of RF elements by connecting two eLANs into the LAN network.▪The first eLAN (so-called Master ) must be set during configuration in the Router function, it receives all RF commands of controllers via an RF signal. It assess the limitations and permissions of addresses.▪The second eLAN (so-called Slave) assess all commands from the eLAN Master determined for sending by RF signal. It sends valid messages by RF signal to controlled elements. If a response comes from an element, it sends it to the eLAN Master.It is necessary to enter into the settings the LAN parameters of the second eLAN -Slave (IP address, login data).The second eLAN Slave can be configured in two ways.▪Active function Repeater – this receives commands via the Ethernet network and via the RF network.Example: eLAN Slave catches the RF signal of the RF controller, saves it as Repeater(signal repeater), and sends the RF signal further along.▪Active function Router – eLAN is in its basic setting. eLAN only receives commands from the Ethernet network, and ignores all RF signals.▪Oasis CompatibleThe sames as with the Repeater function.▪RF Touch CompatibleThe sames as with the Repeater function.▪List of addressesThe sames as with the Repeater function. The same addresses must be set for both eLANs.After setting the function Router, eLAN restarts.∙Button Reboot –to restart the device eLAN-RF-Wi-003.Button Date & TimeHere the IP address of the NTP server is set by default, which determines for the eLAN the precise time via the Internet. You can also set the time zone in which the eLAN is located. By selecting Daylight Saving Time, you can manually set the daylight saving time.Time of eLAN-RF-Wi-003 is automatically set from NTP server.If your eLAN-RF-Wi-003 is not connected to internet network, then time is always set to 12:00 AM, the current day is set manually with button Manual.During power failure, time information is erased from eLAN memory.∙Button Wifi settings –used to change the name of the WiFi network and password for the connection.Button Devices is used for adding RF actuators to the eLAN-RF-Wi-003.Button (+) - add a new RF element:1. Product Type– select RF element2. Address– enter the address of the RF element that is listed right on the box of the addedEF element (six-character code).3. Label - any naming of the element, e.g. "Kitchen light".4. Type - select the type of icon (e.g. light), which will be displayed on the floorplan.Create, you will store the RF actuator in the eLAN-RF-Wi-003.Button - remove all elements.Button Rooms displays created rooms.By pressing the button (+).If you click on the button (+), a table is displayed in which you fill in:1. Label gives an arbitrary name to the room (you can use diacritical marks, gaps and others...)2. Type– here you select the type of room or type of icon that you will then display after enteringthe floorplan on the desktop.3. Floorplan– here select the floorplan (image) that you added before in the tab Floorplans.By pressing you can remove all added rooms.Name of roomButtonl Scenes– Here any scenes are created based on user requirements.It is possible to create scenes only after you add rooms and actuators.Button (+) - add a new scene:1. Label- enter any name of the scene (you can use diacritical marks and spaces inbetween…).2. Actions - (+) – add an RF element.When adding an actuator, its function-action is set switching, dimming, etc.).If for an actuator, you select the function ON, you must still confirm this function by its precise status in the table Choose value, e.g. true– for switching on or false– switching off.After adding all actuators and their required functions, click on Create, thereby saving the entire scene.Button Floorplans here you can add floorplans (images, layouts….).Button (+) - add a new floorplan:1. Select the required image for the floorplan (stored in your PC).2. ID – enter the name of the floorplan. Confirm by pressing OK.The number of floorplans is limited by the memory size of the eLAN-RF-Wi-003.Memory Status, see the icon on the top toolbar.Adding RF actuators to the floorplanClick on Rooms in the room panel, where you want to add the required RF components. On the desktop menu the room appears (there any correction can be made).Click the Continue button to display a list components associated with the eLAN. Click on individual elements to add to the room.- If a floor plan is assigned to a room, you can move the components in the room freely.- If a floor plan is not assigned to a room, the components are ranked next to each other and you cannot assign them to move over the area freely.Save by clicking on the Create button.Deleting components from the room is carried out using the Helpapplication.RF control actuators-Mobile phone help application-Clicking on the component icon (1) to start the function settings (switch-off delay ...).-Click on the name of the component (2) to display all its functions, where you can select which function is performed (delayed closing - including setup time, brightness adjustment ...). Thermal components can only be controlled by the application on your phone; on the web interface only the information about the measured / set temperature is displayed.Starting up scenes- Clicking on the icon Scenes (3) displays a list of pre-set scenes.- Click on the scene you want to start setting the scene (turn off all-delay ...).。
5. Lift the pump cover inwards at an angle and remove.
6. Remove any remnants of food and foreign bodies in the area
Eco 50°
1) 4:55 2) 0,836 3) 9,5
Silence 50 1
1) 4:00 2) 1,050 3) 11,0
Express 65° - 1h
1) 1:00 2) 1,300 3) 10,5
Machine Care
1) 2:10 2) 1,350 3) 15,2
1) Duration [h:min] 2) Energy [kWh] 3) Water [l]
Intensive 70°
1) 2:05 - 2:15 2) 1,300 - 1,400 3) 11,5 - 14,0
Auto 45-65°
1) 1:40 - 2:45 2) 0,900 - 1,500 3) 7,0 - 15,5
3. Press
repeatedly until the right
water hardness has been set.
4. To save the settings, press
for 3 seconds.
3. Add the special salt to the dispenser. The water in the dispenser is displaced and forced out. Never add detergent.
EDPF-NT Plus系统软件安装手册版本 1.0编号 UG003北京国电智深控制技术有限公司2006年4月北京国电智深控制技术有限公司版权声明本手册版权归北京国电智深控制技术有限公司所有。
修订历史版本 日期 说 明 修订者 REV 1.0 2006-04 第1版 吕大军北京国电智深控制技术有限公司目录目录 (I)第1章概述................................................................................................................................- 1 - 1.1简介 (1)1.2安装前的准备 (1)1.3安装的主要步骤 (1)第2章 MMI站的安装...............................................................................................................- 2 - 2.1简介 (2)2.2安装操作系统 (2)2.3配置操作系统 (6)2.4安装支撑软件 (8)2.5安装EDPF-NT P LUS (11)2.6配置MMI (19)第3章 DPU站的安装..............................................................................................................- 22 - 3.1简介. (22)3.2安装 (22)第4章备份和恢复..................................................................................................................- 24 - 4.1简介. (24)4.2卸载 (24)Rev 1.0 III北京国电智深控制技术有限公司第1章概述1.1 简介本手册介绍EDPF-NT Plus系统的MMI站和DPU站的操作系统、应用软件的安装,软件的卸载,数据的备份、恢复。
APW WYOTT 1.5 kW 电源 操作指南说明书
Phone:+1 (307) 634-5801 Fax: +1 (307) 637-8071 Toll Free:+1 (800) 752-0863 Website: E-mail:*****************INSTALLATION ANDOPERATING INSTRUCTIONSINTENDED FOR OTHER THAN HOUSEHOLD USERETAIN THIS MANUAL FOR FUTURE REFERENCEP/N 8802715 11/08APW WYOTTP .O. Box 1829Cheyenne, WY 82003This equipment has been engineered to provide you with year-round dependable service when used according to the instructions in this manual and standard commercial kitchen practices.RCHDT SeriesDrop-In Hot & Cold PansModels: CHDT-2, CHDT-3, CHDT-4, CHDT-5 & CHDT-6APW Wyott takes pride in the design and quality of our products. When used as intended and with proper care and maintenance, you will experience years of reliable operation from this equipment. To ensure best results, it is important that you read and follow the instructions in this manual carefully.Installation and start-up should be performed by a qualified installer who thoroughly read, understands and follows these instruction.If you have questions concerning the installation, operation, maintenance or service of this product, write Technical Service Department APW/Wyott Foodservice Equipment Company, P .O. Box 1829, Cheyenne, WY 82003.SAFETY PRECAUTIONSBefore installing and operating this equipment be sure everyone involved in its operation are fully trained and are aware of all precautions. Accidents and problems can result by a failure to follow fundamental rules and precautions.The following words and symbols, found in this manual, alert you to hazards to the operator, service personnel or the equipment. The words are defined as follows:X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XX X X X X X X XCONTENTSSafety Precautions2 Electrical Specifications4 Features & Operating Controls 4 Precautions & General Information 5 Agency Listing Information5 Installation6 Operation11 Cleaning Instructions12 Troubleshooting Suggestions13 Maintenance Instructions14 Parts Lists & Exploded Views16 Wiring Diagram20 Warranty23 LOCATION OF DATA PLATE:The data plate for the Hot & Cold Pans is located on the right side of the control box.IMMEDIATELY INSPECT FOR SHIPPING DAMAGEAll containers should be examined for damage before and during unloading. The freight carrier has assumed responsibility for its safe transit and delivery. If equipment is received damaged, either apparent or concealed, a claim must be made with the delivering carrier.A) Apparent damage or loss must be noted on the freight bill at the time of delivery. It must then be signed by the carrier representative (Driver). If this is not done, the carrier may refuse the claim. The carrier can supply the necessary forms.B) Concealed damage or loss if not apparent until after equipment is uncrated, a request for inspection must be made to the carrier within 15 days. The carrier should arrange an inspection. Be certain to hold all contents and packaging material.Installation and start-up should be performed by a qualified installer who thoroughly read, understands and follows these instructions.ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONSFEATURES & OPERATING CONTROLS Temperature Control Hot OperationThis appliance is intended for use in commercial establishments only, and is intended to hold previously prepared food for human consumption. Food may be held either hot or cold. No other use is recommended or authorized by the manufacturer or its agents.Operators of this appliance must be familiar with the appliance use, limitations and associated restrictions. Operating instructions must be read and understood by all persons using or installing this appliance.For hot operation, the appropriate water level must be maintained at all times. Food must be kept in appropriate inserts. Never place food directly into the tank.Cleanliness of this appliance is essential to good sanitation. Read and follow all included cleaning instructions and schedules to ensure the safety of the food product.Disconnect this appliance from electrical power before performing any maintenance or servicing.DO NOT submerge this appliance in water. This appliance is not jet stream approved. Do not direct water jet or steam jet at this appliance, or at any control panel or wiring. Do not splash or pour water on, in or over any controls, control panel or wiring. Do not wash floor around this appliance with water or steam jet.Exposed surfaces of this appliance during hot operation can be hot to the touch and may cause burns.Do not operate this appliance if the control panel is damaged. Call your Authorized Wells Service Agent for service.The technical content of this manual, including any wiring diagrams, schematics, parts breakdown illustrations and/or adjustment procedures, is intended for use by qualified technical personnel.Any procedure which requires the use of tools must be performed by a qualified technician.This manual is considered to be a permanent part of the appliance. This manual and all supplied instructions, diagrams, schematics, parts breakdown illustrations, notices and labels must remain with the appliance if it is sold or moved to another location.This appliance is made in the USA. Unless otherwise noted, this appliance has American sizes on all hardware.PRECAUTIONS AND GENERAL INFORMATIONThis appliance is performance tested to NSF Standard 4 for holding hot foods. This appliance conforms to NSF Standard 4 for sanitation only if installed in accordance with the supplied Installation Instructions and maintained according to the instructions in this manual.This appliance performance tested to NSF Standard 7 for storage of potentially hazardous foods. This appliance meets NSF Standard 7 only when pan rails are installed in the lowest position.Components used in the manufacture of this unit are Underwriters Laboratory recognized.AGENCY LISTING INFORMATIONSTD 4STD 7INSTALLATIONUNPACKING & INSPECTIONCarefully remove the appliance from the carton. Remove all protective plastic film, packing materials and accessories from the appliance before connecting electrical power or otherwise performing any installation procedure.Carefully read all instructions in this manual and the Installation Instruction Sheet packed with the appliance before starting any installation.Read and understand all labels and diagrams attached to the appliance.Carefully account for all components and accessories before discarding packing materials. Store all accessories in a convenient place for later use.COMPONENTS(2 Ea.) Pan Rail, Side(2 Ea.) Pan Rails, End(1 - 5 Ea.) Pan Rails, Intermediate ( Qty Differs With Unit)(1 Ea.) Drain Screen(1 Ea.) Backflow Preventer Assembly(1 Ea.) Drain Valve PREPARATIONCutout dimensions for tank units and control panels are listed on the Installation Instructions provided with the unit.Countertop must be flat and level before the unit is installed. After cutout is made, add stiffeners or bottom braces to counter as required to support unit weight.Provide louvered grills and service access below control panel.Verify that provided sealants are applied to the underside of the top flange prior to setting the unit into the cutout.After installation, apply a thin bead of food-grade silicone sealant around the flange to seal it to the counter.ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION1. Refer to the nameplate. Verify the electrical service power. Voltage and phase must match thenameplate specifications. Wiring the unit to the wrong voltage can severely damage the unit or cause noticeably decreased performance.2. Available electrical service amperage must meet or exceed the specifications listed on thespecification sheet provided with the unit. Connect to the terminal block in the control unit. Wiring must be secured to the control unit with an appropriate strain relief (provided by installer).IMPORTANT:* L1 to L2 must be 208 to 240 volts AC.* L2 to Neutral must be 120 volts AC3. Tank and control unit must be connected to an appropriate building ground. Ground connection willbe marked “GND” or “ G” .NOTE: Wire gauge, insulation type and temperature rating , as well as type, size and construction of conduit, must meet or exceed applicable specifications of local codes and of the National Electrical Code.PLUMBING INSTALLATIONIMPORTANT:All plumbing installations must be performed by a qualified plumber.NOTE:Plumb connections must be made in compliance with all Federal, State and Local Plumbing Codes and Ordinances.NOTE:All water line connections are made OUTSIDE of the control unit.1. Install provided 1" drain valve on unit drain. Plumb to an appropriate waste as required by localplumbing and sanitation ordinances.2. Install provided backflow preventer assembly to the tank water inlet. Attach water outlet tubing fromwater connection (located on bottom left of control unit) to the inlet of the backflow preventer.NOTE:While a backflow preventer is incorporated into the unit, local codes may require an additional backflow preventer or vacuum breaker in the water inlet line.3. The unit must be connected to a potable cold water supply line with average pressure between 20PSI and 90 PSI. If your water pressure exceeds 90 PSI at anytime, a pressure regulator must be installed in the water supply line to limit the pressure to not more than 90 PSI in order to avoid damage to lines and solenoid. Install water supply to inlet fitting (located on left side of control unit) with a 1/4" female flare.4. A water shut-off valve should be installed on the incoming water line in a convenient location (Use alow restriction type valve, such as a 1/4-turn ball valve, to avoid loss of water flow thru the valve.5.Test the operation of the autofill in the HOT operation mode.7.MINIMUM CLEARANCE REQUIRED FROMOPERATIONHOT OPERATION1. Verify that drain valve is CLOSED, the DRAIN SCREEN is in place, and the ELEMENT COVER isproperly positioned over the heating element.2. Turn SELECTOR SWITCH to HOT. The red HOT indicator will glow and the tank will begin filling withwater.3. Set the TEMPERATURE CONTROL to the desired temperature. When the water in the tankreaches the minimum water level the heating elements are energized and the water will begin heating. The HEAT indicator will glow while the unit is heating.a. Temperature range is (OFF) - 85ºF to 205ºF.b. When the HEAT indicator goes out, the water in the tank is up to the set temperature.4. Install the pan rails.a. Side rails are installed first. For normal hot operation, install the side rails on the upper pan railsupports.b. Install the end rails, then any intermediate rails.5. Install pans or insets on the pan rails.IMPORTANT: Always use a pan or inset.Never place food directly into the tank.6. Cover pans and insets to maintainconsistent temperature. Stir thick foodsfrequently.SHUT DOWN PROCEDURE1. Turn SELECTOR SWITCH to OFF.The red HOT indicator will turn off.2. Remove all pans and insets.3. Open drain valve.COLD OPERATION1. Verify that drain valve is OPEN, and the ELEMENT COVER is properly positioned over the heatingelement. The tank must be dry.2. Turn SELECTOR SWITCH to COLD. The white COLD indicator will glow. When the tank cools to100ºF or less, the refrigeration system will start.3. The temperature is factory set to NSF 7 required of 33ºF - 41ºF.4.Install the pan rails.a. Side rails are installed first. For normal cold operation, install the side rails on the upper pan railsupports. For holding potentially hazardous foods, install the side rails on the lower pan rail supports.b.Install the end rails, then any intermediate rails.5. Install pans or insets on the pan rails.IMPORTANT: Always use a pan or inset. Never place food directly into the tank.IMPORTANT: For NSF 7 operation, use12" x 20" x 4" deep pans, and use the lowerpan rail supports which are recessed 3" from tank top.SHUT DOWN PROCEDURE1. Turn SELECTOR SWITCH to OFF.The white COLD indicator will turn off.2. Remove all pans and insets.CLEANING INSTRUCTIONSPREPARATIONS: Turn temperature control knob and selector switch to OFF. Allow tank to cool beforeproceeding. Remove any insets, pans and/or adapter tops ( if used). Drain water from tank.FREQUENCY: DailyTOOLS: Warm Water and Mild Detergent Solution: 10 Parts Warm Water to 4 Parts Vinegar, Plasticscouring Pad, Clean Cloth or Sponge, Food-Grade Silicone Sealant.1. Remove pan rails, element cover and drain screen. Wipe interior of tank using a clean cloth or sponge and mild detergent.2. Use a plastic scouring pad to remove any mineral deposits from water level probes.3. Rinse tank thoroughly with a vinegar and water solution to neutralize all detergent/cleanser residue.4. Pan rails and element cover may be washed in a sink or dishwasher. Allow to dry thoroughly, then reinstall.5. Check drain screen, clean if necessary and reinstall.6. Periodically inspect warmer flange-to-counter seal. Reseal with food-grade silicone sealant if necessary.7. Inspect tank and control panel for damage. Contact your Authorized APW Wyott Service Agency for repairs if water or grease contamination is suspected.8.Inspect cooling louvers in counter. Remove any lint or debris. (Procedure is complete)TROUBLESHOOTING SUGGESTIONSMAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSCARE OF STAINLESS STEEL1. The surface can be damaged by mechanical abrasion, hard water deposits and chlorine:a.NEVER use steel wool, wire brushes or metal scrapers to clean the appliance. These willdamage the surface.b. Hard water deposits left behind when water is evaporated will attack the surface and allow thestainless steel to rust.c. Chlorides from chlorinated cleansers, calcium / lime / rust removers (e.g. muriatic acid), evenheavily chlorinated city water will attack the surface and allow the stainless steel to rust.d. DO NOT use any highly caustic cleaners. Use of highly caustic cleaners will damage thesurface.e. LIMIT USE of strong caustic cleaners on warmers. Rinse thoroughly with a vinegar and watersolution to neutralize any residue. Failure to do so may cause damage to the surface and allowthe stainless steel to rust.f. Cleansers containing ammonia will attack the surface and allow the stainless steel to rust.2. Use the proper tools in the proper way to clean your Wells warmer:a. Soft cloth and plastic scouring pads are safe to use on stainless steel surfaces.b. Stainless steel pads may be used ONLY IF the scrubbing motion is in the direction of the visiblegrain. DO NOT use a circular motion.c. In the absence of visible grain, use only soft cloth or plastic pads. Scrub only in a linear motionalong the longest axis of the equipment.3. Use only non-chloride and non-ammonia cleansers:a. DO NOT use any cleanser listed as “chlorinated”.b. DO NOT use any cleanser listing “ammonia” or “ammonium” in its contents.c. Contact your cleaning materials supplier for suitable alkaline cleansers.4. Keep your APW Wyott hot and cold pan clean. Clean frequently to avoid build-up of hard, stubbornstains and hard-to-remove deposits:a. Rinse thoroughly with a vinegar and water solution to neutralize any residue.b. For discoloration caused by using the warmer in dry operation, use a cleaner made specificallyfor stainless steel.c. Wipe dry with a soft, clean, dry cloth.d. Restore the surface by using a polishing product specifically made for stainless steel after eachcleaning.5. In areas where tap water has a high mineral content, warmers may develop lime deposits. Use anon-chloride de-liming agent to remove lime deposits. It is important to use Lime and Scale Cleaner for Warmer Pans often to prevent a difficult-to-remove build-up of lime deposits.LIME AND SCALE CLEANER INSTRUCTIONSAPW Wyott Lime and Scale Cleaner for Warmer Pans (instructions modified for use in Hot and Cold Pan) NOTE: Perform weekly, or whenever lime or scale is seen accumulating on the sides of the tank.1. Add water to tank until water is at normal operating level or until water covers accumulated scale.2. Turn SELECTOR SWITCH to HOT. Heat water to maximum temperature (190ºF or higher).3. For CHDT-2, use two packages, -3 use 3 packages, -4 use 4 packages, -5 use 5 packages, -6 use 6packages:Pour contents packages into tank. Stir to dissolve cleaner. Cover tank.4. Allow solution to soak at least one hour, or overnight for heavy scale buildup.5. After soak period, turn control to OFF position.6. Drain hot water from pans. Scrub with a plastic scouring pad. Rinse thoroughly with hot water thendry.7. Refill tank and resume operation.8. Heavy scale buildup may require additional treatments.CONDENSER COIL CLEANING INSTRUCTIONSThe condenser coil must be kept clean to allow adequate air flow for proper heat dissipation. Recommend this procedure be performed monthly.1. Turn selector switch to OFF. Disconnect appliance from electrical power.2. Remove louvers or access panel to allow coil to be reached.3. Using a stiff bristle brush, brush lint and debris from the condenser fins. Brush vertically, top tobottom. Collect and discard all lint and debris gathered from this operationIMPORTANT: The fins of the condenser coil are delicate and easily damaged. Use care to brush only in a vertical motion to avoid damaging the coil fins.4. Wipe the fan blades to remove accumulated lint.95. Reconnect to electrical power. Refer to COLD Operation (page) and test for proper operation.PARTS LISTS w/EXPLODED VIEWSWIRING DIAGRAMRPhone:+1 (307) 634-5801Fax: +1 (307) 637-8071Toll Free:+1 (800) 752-0863 APW WYOTT。
Simco便携式数字静电测量仪欧阳光明(2021.03.07)型号 FMX-003指导书安装/操作/维护注意在你试图安装或者操作之前仔细阅读和理解这些指导是非常重要的。
没有这么做可能会造成严重的个人受伤及 [或] 损坏仪器. 在这一本手册最后部分提供有一手写的保证证书。
请小心地保存起来.使用者注意事项注意此仪器没有设计在机密的 (危险的) 环境下使用. 它不能够被暴露用于易起火的或腐蚀的材料和气体中.注意此仪器专门用于静电的处理,需要远离水,油,溶剂和其他具有传导性的污染物. 对暴露在如此的污染物中将会引起产品的电气绝缘故障. 特别小心确定环境没有露珠形成. 此仪器应该在一个湿度小于 60% 的环境下保存和使用.不要插入任何的物体于用于固定感应器的口子里;不要有任何异物进入感应器的开口.这个仪器不能在有腐蚀性的酸/碱烟或腐蚀性的气体如氯之类的环境中使用操作.这个仪器是用电池操作的,不要连接任何其他电线. 正常的操作条件在它的名牌上有列出. 当不使用的时候,请关闭仪器.为了仪器精确的测量请将他正确的接地.如果跌落,此仪器很容易损坏。
如果发生此类事情,它应该交由授权的技术人员做仔细的检查和必要的修理. 此仪器为电子设备,其包含的传感器可能对机械的震动和冲击非常敏感. 当然它也包含有一个微型处理芯片和电子电路,所以它不能在有许多电子噪音的环境中使用.当电压读数超出测定范围之外的时候会中止测量. 如果超过量程使用,有可能损坏感应器.在离子化的空气中使用该产品是可能的。
但是在这种情况下正描述的10% 精度不能够被保证.不要在 LCD 屏幕的上方施加任何压力.此仪器在 25 ± 0.5 毫米的测定距离已经被校正. 对于超出此距离校正是无效的. 不要干预感应器位置和LED方向,否则可能改变测定距离.该仪器在 Simco 日本公司装配和检查. 请不要试图拆解或改变它的构造. 如果你不清楚有关它的操作事项和维护,请联系你所在区域的Simco 日本公司的授权代理人.第1页谢谢你购买 Simco 产品. 当仪器被正确的安装和维护后,将会迎合你的要求并提供安全的操作.仪器清单请小心地将仪器从硬纸盒移出并且检查. 注意任何可能在运输期间发生的损坏. 倒空硬纸盒确定没有小部份被丢弃.如果在运输期间发生任何的损害,请立刻通知当地的运输员. 损坏报告应该立即寄到 SIMCO 日本公司. 地址和其他的相关信息在背面封页上有写.包装项目和配件(1) FMX-003 静电场测试……………………………………………………… 1件(2) 离子平衡盘...............................................................................1件(3) 1 m 长接地线...........................................................................1件(4) 软皮包. (1)件(5) 电池 (类型 6 F22,9 V)…………………………………………………….. 1件(6) 操作手册 /证书 (这一本书) ……………………………………………….. 1件请检查是否有部件不见或没有满意的完成. 如果这样的情况发生,请连络我们或我们的代理人.第2页内容使用者注意 (1)收到仪器 (2)包装项目和配件 (2)目录 (3)第一节一般的描述 (4)第二节特征 (5)第三节规格 (6)第四节外观 (7)第五节电源 (8)第六节静电荷测量 (9)第七节离子平衡测量 (14)第八节功能表 (20)第九节故障解决 (21)SIMCO 仪器设备维修保证………………………………………………………符号的解释:警告注意 /小心电击危险第3页第一节一般的描述SIMCO FMX-003 型号静电测试仪是一个专门用于测定静电电压的简单仪器. 它小巧 (口袋大小) ,便携,便利容易使用.它内部有一个微处理器. 通过电源开关 (红色的) 可以将静电测试仪打开或者关闭. 一个标着零的灰色按键是用来做归零调整的. 一个标着HOLD的绿色按键是用来保持显示数据的,这在当测量过程中显示很难辨认时是非常有用的.SIMCO FMX-003 能在 25 ㎜位置能够准确的测量出静态电压在± 20000 V 内的静电电压. 在感应器旁边的两个LED光环是用来帮助定位测量仪到电荷体之间的正确距离. 传导性外壳和易接地端口容易方便接地,以便正确测量.FMX-003 也可以作为静电压离子平衡电压地测量. 通过安装一个离子平衡盘,并且将标有 IB 的蓝色按钮转换至 IB 状态,便可以对离子平衡电压为± 200 V 的电压进行测量。
0.5-1 min
7.2 不能对讲
7.2.1 检查通话线是否接触良好,如不行则重新焊接;
7.2.2 检查室内分机扩音器、扬声器是否正常,如不正常则应更换;
7.2.3 检查室内分机放大电路,重点检查三极管直至故障排除。
6.1.2 检查输入信号,一般应为90db;
6.1.3 如果输入信号满足要求(90db),调整低频增益、高频增益至最大,而输出仍不能达到要求应拆修放大器。
6.2 分配器;
6.2.1 检查输入、输出插头是否脱、氧化、生锈,如是则应整修或更换插头;
6.2.2 检查分配器输入、输出信号强弱,如果输出信号比输入信号减少5db以上,则应更换分配器。
5.1 观察法:
5.1.1 有无虚焊、松脱、烧焦的元器件;
5.1.2 有无异常的声音;
5.1.3 观察图象效果。
5.2 静态测量法:
5.2.1 短路电阻测量法;
5.2.2 电流测量判断法;
5.2.3 电压测量判断法。
6.0 天线系统维修
6.1 放大器:
6.1.1 检查输入、输出插头是否松弛、氧化、生绣,如是则应整修或更换插头;
6.3 分接盒:
6.3.1 检查分接盒输入、输出插头是否松脱、氧化、生锈,如是则应整修或更换插头;
6.3.2 检查分接盒输入、输出信号强弱,如果输出信号比输入信号减少2db以上则应更换分接盒。
6.4 插座:
6.4.1 检查分接盒输入、输出插头是否松脱、氧化、生锈,如是则应整改插头,整改达不到要求的应更换;
8.2 通话无声音:
8.2.1 检查听筒与室内机的接线是否牢固,否则应重新接好(烫锡、焊接);
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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7.3.1 程序与流程控制时间
7.3.2 工艺流程参数控制
7.3.3 药水参数控制
7.4 药液开缸及步骤
表5 全板镀铜线药液开缸及步骤表
A 相关资源:手套、面罩、眼罩、水鞋和扫把
B 根据化验室的分析结果,添加药水至工作控制范围,开启各电镀缸的冷却控制系统,检查
C 开启并检查各过滤泵是否正常(包括过滤机排气、压力表的压力),检查各药水缸液位是
D 开启各逆流水洗的进水阀,检查各水洗缸液位是否正常。
E 开启摇摆、鼓风、震动,检查电脑控制及火牛控制系统是否正常。
F 检查电镀浮架有无走位,挡板是否脱离,钛篮是否排列均匀整齐(如图3)。
G 检查光剂自动加药桶内是否有足够药水及添加系统是否正常(如图4、5)。
H 确定天车操作范围内无人员及其它物件。
I 擦洗好各缸的飞巴及“V”座(如图6)。
正常生产情况下,每班在飞巴吊走时用清水擦洗一次,保证V 座的良好导电状态。
A 把飞巴依次排放在 1#、2#、4#、5#、10#、12-17#缸位,A 车停放2#缸位,
B 车停放14#缸位;
B 天车A 步骤为0当前位置2#,B 车步骤为0当前位置为14#;
D 料号投入:上板时单击槽号01上料/下料前面的空白方格(图12标识①),打开资料库选
E 添加新料号:资料库内如无此料号,需增加料号,单击资料库(标识①),打开板资料的对话匡,在对话匡(标识②)内按电流纸将此料号的资料名称、板面积、镀锡和镀铜电流密度(asd)、镀铜时间和备注(板单元数)输入电脑,然后单击添加确认(标识③),显示资料已保
B 戴上手套,同时洗干净手套,将板从放置于养板缸内子篮中逐一取出夹到飞巴上(图14),
C 双手拿板边并且一次只能拿一片,避免镀后留下手指印(图15);
D 取板、放板都要轻拿轻放,谨防擦伤板面单元内;
E 上板时一定要分清夹板飞巴、剥挂飞巴:夹板飞巴上面沾满水珠,下板飞巴会响报警且飞
F 上件时如果板不够一个飞巴,要求两边同时加边条,挂板夹测试孔(即尾孔)大孔指向之短
A 在吊车系统控制画面上关闭多次循环,让天车走完一个循环后自动停下来;
B 依次关闭各缸过滤、循环、振动、摇摆、自动添加和冷水机;
C 关闭鼓气机、抽风机、各水洗缸水洗阀门及冷水机进水阀门;
D 关闭电脑整流器,打到手动,最后关闭总电源
A 浸酸:减轻前处理清洗不良对电镀铜缸液的污染,并保持电镀铜缸液中硫酸含量的稳定。
B 电镀铜:通过电镀铜,实现PCB板表面、孔壁之铜厚度要求,保证其优良之导电性能。
C 剥挂:用硝酸去除飞巴上夹具表面被电镀上的金属铜。
7.6.2 摇摆与振动控制:
7.6.3 电流计算:
CS面或SS面电流(A)= 单块板CS或SS面面积(dm2)*电流密度(ASD)*上板块数+总辅助板条(陪镀)面积(dm2)*电流密度(ASD)。
A 阳极面积(M2)=钛篮表面积³铜球分散度系数³钛篮数;
B 钛篮表面积=钛篮圆周长³钛篮长度+钛篮底面积;
C 铜球分散度系数:新铜球分散度1.5,旧铜球分散度2.5;
D 电铜厚度计算公式:电流密度(ASD)*受镀时间(MIN)*0.21,单位是um。
A 铜槽光亮剂ST-901C每1000AH自动添加80ml,每周保养时由工艺部工程师对铜槽进行自
B 铜缸盐酸由化验室人员进行添加;其它药水根据化验单结果进行补加。
8.1自动全板电镀铜线点检表 WZ-WI-PTH-003-01/00 8.2全板电镀生产记录表 WZ-WI-PTH-003-02/00 8.3振幅测试记录表 WZ-WI-PTH-003-03/00 8.4碳处理周期表 WZ-WI-PTH-003-04/00 8.5板电线返工记录表 WZ-WI-PTH-003-05/00 8.6 FA首件表 WZ-WI-PTH-003-06/00 8.7自动添加泵测试记录 WZ-WI-PP-009-05/00 8.8过滤棉、碳芯更换记录表 WZ-WI-PP-009-07/00。