Autodesk Nastran 2023 参考手册说明书
FILESPEC ............................................................................................................................................................ 13
DISPFILE ............................................................................................................................................................. 11
File Management Directives – Output File Specifications: .............................................................................. 5
BULKDATAFILE .................................................................................................................................................... 7
目次1总则 (3)2术语和符号 (4)2.1 术语 (4)2.2 符号 (5)3材料及性能 (6)3.1 原材料 (6)3.2 性能 (6)4设计 (8)4.1 一般规定 (8)4.2 性能设计 (8)4.3 结构设计 (9)4.4 附属工程设计 (10)4.5 设计计算 (10)5配合比 (13)5.1 一般规定 (13)5.2 配合比计算 (13)5.3 配合比试配 (14)5.4 配合比调整 (14)6工程施工 (15)6.1 浇筑准备 (15)6.2 浇筑 (15)6.3 附属工程施工 (15)6.4 养护 (16)7质量检验与验收 (17)7.1 一般规定 (17)7.2 质量检验 (17)7.3 质量验收 (18)附录A 发泡剂性能试验 (20)附录B 湿容重试验 (22)附录C 适应性试验 (22)附录D 流动度试验 (24)附录E 干容重、饱水容重试验 (25)附录F 抗压强度、饱水抗压强度试验 (27)附录G 工程质量检验验收用表 (28)本规程用词说明 (35)引用标准名录 (36)条文说明 (37)Contents1.General provisions (3)2.Terms and symbols (4)2.1 Terms (4)2.2 Symbols (5)3. Materials and properties (6)3.1 Materials (6)3.2 properties (6)4. Design (8)4.1 General provisions (8)4.2 Performance design (8)4.3 Structure design (9)4.4 Subsidiary engineering design (9)4.5 Design calculation (10)5. Mix proportion (13)5.1 General provisions (13)5.2 Mix proportion calculation (13)5.3 Mix proportion trial mix (14)5.4 Mix proportion adjustment (14)6. Engineering construction (15)6.1 Construction preparation (15)6.2 Pouring .............................................................. .. (15)6.3 Subsidiary engineering construction (16)6.4 Maintenance (17)7 Quality inspection and acceptance (18)7.1 General provisions (18)7.2 Quality evaluate (18)7.3 Quality acceptance (19)Appendix A Test of foaming agent performance (20)Appendix B Wet density test (22)Appendix C Adaptability test (23)Appendix D Flow value test.................................................................................. .. (24)Appendix E Air-dry density and saturated density test (25)Appendix F Compressive strength and saturated compressive strength test (27)Appendix G Table of evaluate and acceptance for quality (28)Explanation of Wording in this code (35)Normative standard (36)Descriptive provision (37)1总则1.0.1为规范气泡混合轻质土的设计、施工,统一质量检验标准,保证气泡混合轻质土填筑工程安全适用、技术先进、经济合理,制订本规程。
倾向得分匹配模型核密度函数 -回复
1. Z-score标准化:将原始数据转化为标准正态分布的数据,公式为:Z = (X - μ) / σ,其中X为原始数据,μ为原始数据的平均值,σ为原始数据的标准差。
2. Min-max标准化:将原始数据压缩到[0,1]的区间内,公式为:Y = (X - Xmin) / (Xmax - Xmin),其中X为原始数据,Xmin为原始数据的最小值,Xmax为原始数据的最大值。
3. 小数定标标准化:将原始数据除以一个适当的基数,使其绝对值小于1,公式为:Y = X / 10^k,其中X为原始数据,k为合适的指数。
4. 归一化处理:将原始数据除以其范数,使其变为单位向量,公式为:Y = X / ||X||,其中X 为原始数据,||X||为原始数据的范数。
60日均线变色指标源码下面是一个简单的Python源代码,用于计算和绘制60日均线变色指标:```pythonimport numpy as npimport pandas as pdimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltdef calculate_color_indicator(data, window=60):"""计算60日均线变色指标参数:data - 包含日期和价格数据的DataFrame,需将日期列设置为索引window - 均线窗口大小,默认为60返回:color_indicator - 包含日期和指示器数据的DataFrame"""close_prices = data['Close']sma = close_prices.rolling(window=window).mean#计算均线变色指标,1为变红色,-1为变绿色,0为无变化color_indicator = pd.Series(0, index=close_prices.index) color_indicator[window:] = np.where(sma[window:] > sma[:-window], 1, -1)#将指示器数据合并到原始数据中color_indicator = pd.DataFrame(color_indicator,columns=['Indicator'])data_with_indicators = pd.concat([data, color_indicator], axis=1)return data_with_indicatorsdef plot_color_indicator(data_with_indicators):"""绘制60日均线变色指标图表参数:data_with_indicators - 包含日期、价格和指示器数据的DataFrame"""fig, ax = plt.subplotsax.plot(data_with_indicators.index,data_with_indicators['Close'], label='Close')ax.fill_between(data_with_indicators.index, 0,data_with_indicators['Indicator'], facecolor='red',where=data_with_indicators['Indicator'] > 0, interpolate=True) ax.fill_between(data_with_indicators.index, 0,data_with_indicators['Indicator'], facecolor='green',where=data_with_indicators['Indicator'] < 0, interpolate=True) ax.set_xlabel('Date')ax.set_ylabel('Price')ax.set_title('60-day Moving Average Color Indicator')读取价格数据data = pd.read_csv('price_data.csv', parse_dates=['Date']) data.set_index('Date', inplace=True)#计算指标数据data_with_indicators = calculate_color_indicator(data)#绘制图表plot_color_indicator(data_with_indicators)```请确保你的价格数据以以下格式保存在名为`price_data.csv`的CSV文件中:```Date,Close2024-01-01,10.952024-01-02,10.982024-01-03,11.052024-01-04,11.12...```这段代码首先定义了一个名为`calculate_color_indicator`的函数,该函数接受一个包含日期和价格数据的DataFrame以及一个可选的窗口大小参数。
1. 线性核函数(Linear Kernel)
from sklearn import svm
clf = svm.SVC(kernel='linear')
2. 多项式核函数(Polynomial Kernel)
from sklearn import svm
clf = svm.SVC(kernel='poly', degree=3)
3. 径向基函数(Radial basis function,RBF)或高斯核函数(Gaussian Kernel)
from sklearn import svm
clf = svm.SVC(kernel='rbf')
4. Sigmoid核函数(Sigmoid Kernel)
from sklearn import svm
clf = svm.SVC(kernel='sigmoid')
Zeiss 显微镜介绍
1 Zeiss倒置显微镜系列 2 Primo Vert 倒置显微镜介绍 3 Axio Vert.A1 倒置显微镜介绍 4 Axio Observer 倒置显微镜介绍
Primo Vert 倒置显微镜介绍
Carl Zeiss Shanghai Co. Ltd., Microscopy BG
Primo Vert 倒置显微镜介绍
➢ 智能关机,无人工作时,15min 自动关闭,延长光源使用寿命。 ➢ 模块化照明,可选卤素灯或长寿命LED灯,LED 光源色温恒定、照明均匀,能耗
▪明场,相差,PlasDIC,VAREL斜照明,新型 霍夫曼(iHMC),DIC和荧光 ▪兼容活细胞观察的所有反差方式, ▪功能强大,体积小巧,可直接置于超净工作室 内,不占空间。
Carl Zeiss Shanghai Co. Ltd., Microscopy BG
Carl Zeiss Shanghai Co. Ltd., Microscopy BG
Primo Vert 倒置显微镜介绍
无菌检验 蛋白,DNA,RNA 准备前的细胞检验 添加药物后细胞活性和运动的检验 (e. g. 药物学) 区分细胞类型 克隆细胞的特性 细胞生长过程中器官和组织的增长 以上实验的图像数据处理
尼康 NIS-Elements 显微镜软件 digital cameras说明书
MicroscopesSoftwareDigital CamerasNikon offers total software solution covering image capture, archiving, and analysisWhy NIS-Elements?NIS-Elements is an integrated software imaging platform developed by Nikon to achieve comprehensive microscope control, image capture,documentation, data management and analysis.NIS-Elements handles multidimensional imaging tasks flawlessly with support for capture, display, peripheral device control, and datamanagement & analysis of images of up to six dimensions. The system also contributes to experiment efficiency with a database building feature developed to handle archiving, searching, and analysis of large numbers of multidimensional image files.Unified control of the entire imaging system offers significant benefits to users for cutting-edge research, such as live cell imaging.The most sophisticated of the three packages, NIS-Elements AR is optimized for advanced research applications. It features fully automated acquisition and device control through full 6D (X, Y, Z, Lambda (Wavelength), Time,Multipoint) image acquisition and analysis.NIS-Elements BR is suited for standard research applications,such as analysis and photodocumentation of fluorescent imaging. It features acquisition and device control through 4D (up to four dimensions can be selected from X, Y, Z,Lambda (Wavelength), Time, Multipoint) acquisition.NIS-Elements D supports color documentation requirements in bioresearch, clinical and industrial applications, with basic measuring and reporting capabilities.•Highest Quality Optical PerformanceThe world-renowned Nikon CFI60 infinity optical system effectively set a new standard for optical quality by providing longer working distances, higher numerical apertures, and the widest magnification range and documentation field sizes.As a leader in digital imaging technology, Nikon recognized the importance of adapting its optics to optimize the digital image. Nikon’s new objectives and accessories are specifically engineered for digital imaging, with exclusive features, such as the Hi S/N System, which eliminates stray light and provides unprecedented signal-to-noise ratios.Because what you see depends greatly on the quality of your microscope, we strive to power our microscope systems with optical technologies that are nothing but state-of-the-art.•Diverse Line of Powerful Digital CamerasImage capture has become a high priority in microscopy and the demand for products that deliver high quality and versatile functionality has grown considerably in recent years. In accordance, Nikon offers a full line of digital cameras, addressing the varied needs of microscopists in multiple disciplines. Each Nikon digital camera is designed to work seamlessly with Nikon microscopes, peripherals, and software. With Nikon Digital Sight (DS) series cameras, even novice users can take beautiful and accurate microscopic images. For the advanced researcher, hi-resolution image capture and versatile camera control is fast and simple. Together with Nikon’s new software solutions, image processing and analysis have reached new levels of ease-of-use and sophistication.•Intelligent Software SolutionsDesigned to serve the needs of advanced bioresearch, clinical, industrial and documentation professionals, NIS-Elements provides a totally integrated solution for users of Nikon and other manufacturers’ accessories by delivering automated intelligence to microscopes, cameras, and peripheral components. The software optimizes the imaging process and workflow and provides the critical element of information management for system based microscopy.AnnotationsBinary ColorThe NIS-Elements suite is available in three packages scaled to address specific application requirements.Total Imaging SolutionIn designing and bringing to market the mosttechnologically advanced optical systems, Nikon has worked very hard to provide a “total imagingsolution” that meets the ever-evolving demands of the microscope user.As a leading microscope manufacturer, Nikon realizes the importance of providing its customers with system-based solutions to free the user to focus on the work and not the complexities of the microscope. NIS-Elements was designed with this in mind. Never before has a software package achieved such comprehensive control of microscope image capturing and document data management.Optical ConfigurationMicroscope parameters, such as fluorescence filter and shutter combinations, can be saved and displayed as icons in the tool bar,allowing one-click setup. Setting up a CCD camera, applying shading compensation to each objective lens, and saving calibration data is also possible.Multichannel ImageImages using defined filters can be captured to view in various light wavelengths. Simply define the color of channels and the opticalconfiguration that is to be used for capturing the set of images.Z-seriesImages at different Z-axis planes can be captured with a motorized Z-Focus control. NIS-Elements supports two methods of Z-axis capture: Absolute Positioning and Relative Positioning.View SynchronizerThe View Synchronizer allows for the comparison of two or more multidimensional image documents. It automatically synchronizes the views of all documents added.Confocal Image ImportImages acquired with Nikon confocal microscopes C1si and C1plus can be imported.ProcessVarious image views can be selected to study captured data.Time LapseThe sophisticated but user-friendly time-lapse process enables the staggering of image capture simply by defining interval, duration, and frequency of capture.Large Image StitchingThis tool allows composition of large-area images with high magnification. Ultra high-resolution images can be stitched automatically from multiple frames through use of a motorized stage. NIS-Elements uses special algorithms to assure maximal accuracy during stitching. The user can also capture and stitch frames by moving the microscope stage manually.Multipoint ExperimentsWith the motorized stage installed, it is possible to automatically capture images at different XY and Z locations.ViewnD Viewer (Multidimensional image display)Easy-to-use parameters for multidimensional image operation are located on the frame of the screen.T: Time LapseXY: MultipointZ: Z-series (slices)Wavelength: MultichannelVolume renderingMultidimensional image 0 sec.15 sec.30 sec.Image acquisition screenOrthogonal imageRealizing a smooth flow fromimage capture to process and measurementImage AcquisitionDiverse Dimensional Acquisition12312341234Report GeneratorReport Generator enables the user to create customized reports containing images, database descriptions, measured data, user texts, and graphics. PDF files can be created directly from NIS-Elements.Time MeasurementTime Measurement records the average pixel intensities within defined probes during a time interval and can be performed on live or captured data sets. Time measurement also allows for real-time ratios between two channels.Interactive MeasurementNIS-Elements offers all necessary measurement parameters, such as taxonomy, counts, length, semiaxes, area and angle profile.Measurements can be made by drawing the objects directly on the image. All output results can be exported to any spreadsheet editor.Automatic MeasurementNIS-Elements enables automatic measurement by creating a binary image. It can automatically measure length, area, density and colorimetry parameters sets, etc. About 90different object and field features can be measured automatically.ProfileFive possible interactive line profile measurements provide consecutive intensity of a sourced image along an arbitrary path (free line, two-point line, horizontal line, vertical line and polyline).ClassifierClassifier allows segmentation of the image pixels according todifferent user-defined classes, and is based on different pixel features such as intensity values, RGB values, HSI values, or RGB valuesignoring intensity. The classifier enables data to be saved in separatefiles.RAM CapturingRAM Capturing enables the recording of very quick sequences to capture the most rapid biological events by streaming datadirectly to the computer’s video memory.MeasurementImage ProcessingColor Adjustmentcontrast/background subtraction/component mixNIS-Elements is suitable for hue adjustment, independently for each color, and converts the color image to an RGB or HSI component.Filterssmoothing/sharpness/edge detectionNIS-Elements contains intelligent masking filters for image smoothing,sharpness, edge detection, etc. These filters not only filter noise, but also are effective in retaining the image’s sharpness and detail.MorphologyNIS-Elements offers a rich spectrum of mathematical morphology filters for object classification. Morphology filters can be used to segment binary and grayscale images for measurement analysis purposes. Various morphometric parameters mean image processing is easier than ever.•Basic morphology (erosion, dilatation, open, close)•Homotopic transformations (clean, fill holes, contour, smooth)•Skeleton functions (medial axis, skeletonize, pruning) •Morphologic separation and othersMerge ChannelsMultiple single channel images (captured with different optical filters or under different camera settings) can be merged together simply by dragging from one image to another. In addition, the combined images can be stored to a file while maintaining their original bit depths or, optionally, can be converted into an RGB image.Image ArithmeticA+B/A-B/Max/MinNIS-Elements performs arithmetic operations on color images.OriginalBefore using the edge detection filter After using the edge detection filterContourThresholdZones of Influence + SourceThe real-time 2D deconvolution module (from AutoQuant ®) allows the user to observe live specimens with less out-of-focus blur. It allows faint biological processes to be observed that mayotherwise be missed and increases observed signal-to-noise ratio.NIS-Elements can combine X, Y, Z, Lambda (wavelength), Time and Multi-Stage points within one integrated platform formultidimensional imaging. All combinations of multidimensional images can be combined together in one ND2 file sequence using an efficient workflow and intuitive GUI. The user can easily choose the proper parameters for each dimension and the software and hardware will work seamlessly together to provide high quality results. Results may be exported into other supported image and video file formats.The haze and blur of the image that can occur when capturing a thick specimen or a fluorescence image can be eliminated from thecaptured 3D image. Images acquired with Nikon confocal microscopes C1si and C1plus can be imported to NIS-Elements.2D Real-time DeconvolutionMultidimensional Acquisition (4D/6D)3D DeconvolutionNIS-Elements has a powerful image database module that supports image and meta data. Various databases & tables can easily be created and images can be saved to the database via one simple mouse-click. Filtering, sorting and multiple grouping are also available according to the database field given for each image.DatabaseVirtual 3D imageFocused image created from a sequence of Z-stack imagesStereovision image T, XY, Z, λsimultaneous acquisitionConvert sequential images to ND2 fileND documentation exportationMultidimensional image croppingAVI generationBefore deconvolutionAfter deconvolutionVarious convenient plug-ins for advanced imaging and analysis capabilitiesEDF: Extended Depth of FocusExtended Depth of Focus (EDF) is an additional software plug-in for NIS-Elements. Thanks to the EDF function, images that have been captured in a different Z-axis can be combined to create an all-in-focus image. Also, it is possible to create stereovision image & 3D surface image for a virtual 3D image.System Configuration Examples123123123EnFeaturesNIS-Elements AR NIS-Elements BR NIS-Elements DCapture RAM Capture ●Time Lapse ●●●Z-stack●●●Multichannel Fluorescence ●●Multi-position ●●●4D ●6D●Display and process GUI Multi-Window Multi-Window S ingle-WindowAnnotation ●●●Reference ●●●ND Viewer ●●●Filter, Morphology●●Capture, display and multifunction Large Image ●●●EDF●●●3D Deconvolution ●2D RT Deconvolution ●Live Compare ●●●Macro Macro●●●Advanced Interpreter ●●●Measurement Segmentation ●●Time Measurement ●●Auto Measurement ●●●(Available from version 2.3)Report Report Generator ●●●Management Database ●●●Vector Layer●●●Multidimensional File Format●●●Printed in Japan (0605-10.5)T Code No. 2CE-MRPH-2This brochure is printed on recycled paper made from 40% used material.Specifications and equipment are subject to change without any notice or obligation on the part of the manufacturer. May 2006©2006 NIKON CORPORATION* Monitor images are simulated.Company names and product names appearing in this brochure are their registered trademarks or trademarks.NIS-Elements Supported DevicesNikon Devices & CamerasMicroscopes and Accessories Eclipse TE2000-ETE2000-PFS (Perfect Focus System) Eclipse 90iDIH-M/E Digital Imaging Head Eclipse LV100AMotorized Universal Epi-illuminator & Motorized Nosepiece Nikon Motorized Z-Focus Accessory (RFA): optional CamerasDigital Sight 5M/2M Series DS-1QM DQC-FSDXM1200 SeriesOther Cameras & DevicesCamerasRoper cameras: CoolSnap Series, Cascade Series PixelLink camerasHamamatsu ORCA series camerasOptionalPrior (Stage): ProScan, OptiScan Prior Filter wheelsUniblitz (Shutter/Filter wheel) : Uniblitz Shutter Through TE2000-E Hub Sutter Lambda 10-2, 10-3, DG4/5 Z-Focus module: Nikon RFA, Prior Piezo PI E-665Camera Emission Splitter: Optical Insights Dual View and Quad View EXFO (Fiber Illuminator): EXFO X-Cite 120 seriesOperating EnvironmentMinimum PC Requirements: CPU Pentium IV 3.2 GHz or higher RAM 1GB or higher OS Windows XP Professional SP2 English Version Hard Disk 600MB or more required for installation Video 1280X1024 dots, True Color mode●yes ●optionalNIKON INSTRUMENTS (SHANGHAI) CO., LTD.CHINA phone: +86-21-5836-0050 fax: +86-21-5836-0030(Beijing office)phone: +86-10-5869-2255 fax: +86-10-5869-2277(Guangzhou office)phone: +86-20-3882-0552 fax: +86-20-3882-0580NIKON SINGAPORE PTE LTDSINGAPORE phone: +65-6559-3618 fax: +65-6559-3668NIKON MALAYSIA SDN. BHD.MALAYSIA phone: +60-3-78763887 fax: +60-3-78763387NIKON INSTRUMENTS KOREA CO., LTD.KOREA phone: +82-2-2186-8400 fax: +82-2-555-4415NIKON INSTRUMENTS EUROPE B.V.P.O. Box 222, 1170 AE Badhoevedorp, The Netherlands phone: +31-20-44-96-222 fax: +31-20-44-96-298/NIKON FRANCE S.A.S.FRANCE phone: +33-1-45-16-45-16 fax: +33-1-45-16-00-33NIKON GMBHGERMANY phone: +49-211-9414-0 fax: +49-211-9414-322NIKON INSTRUMENTS S.p.A.ITALY phone: + 39-55-3009601 fax: + 39-55-300993NIKON AGSWITZERLAND phone: +41-43-277-2860 fax: +41-43-277-2861NIKON UK LTD.UNITED KINGDOM phone: +44-20-8541-4440 fax: +44-20-8541-4584NIKON INSTRUMENTS INC.1300 Walt Whitman Road, Melville, N.Y. 11747-3064, +1-631-547-8500; +1-800-52-NIKON (within the U.S.A.only) fax: +1-631-547-0306/NIKON CANADA INC.CANADA phone: +1-905-625-9910 fax: +1-905-625-0103NIKON CORPORATIONParale Mitsui Bldg.,8, Higashida-cho, Kawasaki-ku,Kawasaki, Kanagawa 210-0005, Japanphone: +81-44-223-2167 fax: +81-44-223-2182 is compatible with all common file formats, such as JP2, JPG, TIFF, BMP, GIF, PNG, ND2, JFF, JTF, AVI, ICS/IDS. ND2 is a special format for NIS-Elements.ND2 allows storing sequences of images acquired during nD experiments. It contains information about the hardware settings and the experiment conditions and settings.。
SEM一般使用最大似然法估计模型(Maxi-Likeliheod,ML) 分析结构方程的路径系数等估计值,因为ML法使得研究者能够基于数据分析的结果对模型进行修正。
1、 SEM术语
尼康显微镜 E200 说明书
The CFI60 optical systemcombines Nikon'srenowned CF opticaldesign with infinityoptics to overcome thelimitations of thetraditional infinitydesign. CFI60 opticsprovide longer working distances and higher N.A.'s.These new optics deliver startlingly clear images atany magnification because chromatic aberrations andcurvature of field are both corrected over the entirefield of view when the field number is 20mm. Nikondeveloped new dedicated CFI E Plan Achromatobjectives exclusively for the E200. Also, you can useother higher-grade objectives available for the Eclipseseries whenever your laboratory situation calls for it.Anti-mold designMold is a formidable enemy of microscopes. Before you know it, it can begingrowing on the interior optical surfaces of the microscope and ruinperformance. Using anti-mold paint, plus anti-mold agent sealed at criticalplaces inside the microscope, the Eclipse E200 is designed to resist moldgrowth. In tests, an anti-mold treated unit was able to resist the growth ofmold for three consecutive years at an average temperature of 30°C (86°F)and 80% humidity.Ergonomic designequals comfortableoperationComfort is ensured allowing longhours of use, thanks to Nikon’sthoughtful ergonomic design. This isthe same design incorporated intoNikon’s other laboratory and research-grade Eclipse seriesmicroscopes.For example, the focus knob and the stage handle are locatedequidistant from the operator, permitting one-handed operation in anatural posture without twisting the shoulders. Because these controlsare low positioned, you can operate the microscope while resting yourarms comfortably on the desk. Moreover, the low-profile stage makesexchange of specimen slides easy, while the low inclination angleeyepiece tube provides comfortable viewing.Ergonomic binocular tubeWith this option, users can adjust not only the eyepiecetube tilt angle, but the eyepiece length to suit their build,eliminating discomfort and strain during long hours ofobservation.* Use of this accessory in combination with other equipment mayproduce darker images around the periphery.* Must be attached directly to the main body.One-piece construction from arm to base, a stage designwhere its up/down mechanism is located in the base, plusa wide footprint of 188.5mm across the back all providegreater rigidity and resistance to vibrations, contributing tosuperior images.optical systemImprovedEye-level riserUp to two eye-level risers can be mounted to raise the height of the eyepoint—25mm eachfor a total of 50mm.Robust, vibration resistant constructionfocus control knobTilt angle is adjustable 8˚–32˚.Eyepiece length is adjustable±15mm.E200 configured with anergonomic binocular tubeRevolving nosepiece A reversed-type nosepiece creates more space at the front of the stage, making handling of specimen slides fast and easy. In addition, the CFI60 optical design eliminates extra optical elements in the nosepiece for enhanced image sharpness. Another advantage of CFI60 objectives is that their increased objective lengths and longer working distances provide more working space around the nosepiece.Refocusing stage Nikon has created a unique innovation. The Refocusing Stage eliminates the need to refocus the image manually, making specimen handling safer and easier. In this unique design, the stage can be instantly dropped by pushing it down to exchange specimens or oil the slide, then returns to the original position as soon as the hand is removed. The wide stage surface can accommodate two slide glasses at the same time.In addition, this stage has an array of features including:– Increased resistance to vibrations due to the design of the in-base focus mechanism.– Low-profile design that creates more space around the objective for increased freedom in specimen handling and easier operation.– A belt-drive mechanism to eliminate the projection of the rack at the edge of the stage for better ergonomics and smoother movement.– Removable specimen holder for fast hand scanning of slides.– Improved XY cross travel, providing the comfort and feel similar to Nikon’s higher grade Eclipse series microscopes.Upper limit stopper When using short-working-distance objectives such as 40X or greater, you can set the upper limit of the stage movement, so that the objective doesn’t hit the specimen slide, protecting both from damage. Thanks to this feature,even novices or operators who need to change slides often can perform their job easily and quickly. The limit height can be set in two levels using a stopper bolt—either at the standard position or 2mm lower. This feature isvery useful except when extraordinarily thick specimens are used.New New Eyepiece tubeThe Siedentopf-typeeyepiece tube is inclined at30 degrees to ensurecomfortable viewing in anatural posture. Designedfor use by operators withdifferent builds, thiseyepiece tube has a narrowminimum interpupillarydistance of 47mm, whilethe eyepoint height can beraised 34mm wheninterpupillary distance is64mm by simply swingingthe front part of theeyepiece tube up 180˚. For extremely tall users, eye-level risers are available tocustomize the microscope.EyepiecesThe E200’s new eyepieces feature a wider field of view for amicroscope of this class and are available in 10X (F.O.V. 20) and 15X(F.O.V. 12) types. These eyepieces also feature built-in diopteradjustment that allows the operator to adjust diopters separately forthe right and left easily. In addition, these eyepieces acceptmeasuring reticles that will always be in sharp focus with thespecimen. Moreover, they can be locked, preventing theft andeliminating the possibility of damage during transit.CFI60 objectivesNikon’s exclusive CFI60 objectives provide numerous benefits: longerworking distances, high numerical apertures, flat images over the entirefield of view with virtually no curvature of field when the field number is20mm. To match your laboratory requirements, the E200 provides a wideselection of objectives to choose from. These include the new CFI E PlanAchromat objectives developed for the E200 or other higher-gradeEclipse series objectives.ImprovedCFI E Plan Achromat objectivesLow position High positionE2-TB binocular tube E2-TF trinocular tube* Eyepiece lens is optional.F.O.V. 18 (conventional model)F.O.V. 20 (E200)Wide stage surface with no rack sticking outof the stageCondenserAlthough the stage is low-positioned for comfort, there is ample space around the condenser for easy access. The condenser also features an aperture diaphragm that comes complete with position guide markings for respective objectives to make operation quick and easy. Another plus is that virtually all Eclipse series condensers can be used, except the universal type.Replacing the lamp is safe and easyTurning the microscope upside down to replace the lamp is no longer necessary. Simply open the lens unit cover to make replacement.Model with field diaphragm available.A model with a built-in field diaphragm allows the use of Koehlerillumination. It features:– A field lens unit with a field diaphragm that has position-guide markings forrespective objectives.– Easy and safe lamp replacementprocedure.ImprovedWide variety of condensers Abbe, Phase, and other Eclipse series condensers, except the universal type, can be used with the E200.Phase contrast Simple phase contrast observation at 10X,20X and 40X is possible with a single phase annulus slider. The aperture diaphragm automatically opens when the slider is inserted into the condenser. Phase contrast 100X slider and darkfield slider up to 40X objectives are available as options.Epi-fluorescence The E200-dedicated epi-fluorescence attachment is available for users who want to begin fluorescence observation. Although affordably priced, this attachment allows comprehensive epi-fluorescence as well as UV excitation observations.Simple polarizing This method is ideal for observing amyloid and crystals.To set up, install the polarizer over the field lens and the analyzer—available in ring (Set C) or intermediate (Set A) types.Field diaphragm with position-guidemarkings.E200-FE2 Abbe condenser (left) and E2 phase condenser Simple polarizing set A Simple polarizing set C CFI Achromat DL objectives for phase contrast Filters are optional.Ergonomic binocular tube Drawing tubeAllows accuratesketching of theimage beingobserved.Eye-level riserTwo risers can be inserted toincrease the eyepoint height—25mm per riser for a total of 50mm.Teaching heads Face-to-face* and side-by-side teaching heads are available.* Not recommended for use in conjunction with a photomicrographic system, because it makes the microscope top-heavy.Object markerAllows the point of interest within a specimento be marked with ink.Photomicrographic systemThe FX-III series H-III photomicrographic system can be mounted to the trinoculareyepiece tube. With abuilt-in control box anda reduced number ofswitches, this system issimpler to operate than ever before.Auto exposure, 1%spot, and 35% integratedaverage metering areprovided.Quick setupAll components in the basic set, with the exception of theeyepiece tube, are attached to the main body for quick setup and use. All you need to do is adjust the eyepiece tube.ImprovedBoth eyepiece length and tilt angle are adjustable.411.4 (E y e p o i n t h e i g h t w h e n P D i s 64m m .)191.3315407.4 (M i n i m u m m i c r o s c o p e h e i g h t )414.6 (W h e n P D i s 64m m .)105188.5247.7206.4226.8101.5381.7 (W h e n P D i s 64m m .)Unit : mmOptical systemCFI60 (infinity optical system)Parfocal distance: 60mm Magnification40–1500X for observation 8–500X for 35mm photomicrography Eyepiece tube E2-TB Binocular tube, E2-TF Trinocular tubeSiedentopf type (Inclination: 30°, Interpupillarydistance: 47-75 mm, 360°rotatable)As an option, all E600/E400 tubes can be used.Eyepiece CFI E 10X (F.O.V.: 20mm), CFI E 15X (F.O.V.:12mm)Photo lens PLI projection lens: 2X, 2.5X, 4X, 5XNosepiece Quadruple nosepiece, reversed typeCoarse/fine Fine: 0.2mm per rotation, Coarse: 37.7mm perfocusing rotation, Minimum reading: 2 microns on left-side fine control knob, Coarse motion torqueadjustable, Refocusing system incorporated instage, Stage handle and focusing knob are atequal distance from the operatorStage Rectangular 216 x 150 mm surface stage mountedon the main body. Cross travel 78 x 54 mm usinglow-positioned X/Y coaxial control knobObjectivesCFI E Plan Achromat 4X N.A. 0.10 (F.O.V. 20)CFI E Plan Achromat 10X N.A. 0.25 (F.O.V. 20)CFI E Plan Achromat 40X N.A. 0.65 (F.O.V. 20)CFI E Plan Achromat 100X Oil N.A. 1.25(F.O.V. 20)As an option, CFI Achromat DL and other higher-grade CFI60 objectives can be used Condenser E2 Abbe condenser N.A. 1.25; leaf-type aperture diaphragm with position guide markings for respective CFI E Plan objectives Optional condensers: E2 Phase condenser N.A. 1.25; leaf-type aperture diaphragm with position guide markings for respective CFI Achromat DL objectives Other E600/E400 condensers except Universal Turret condenser (for the model without field diaphragm)Illumination system 6V-20W halogen bulb (6V-30W halogen bulb optional)Intermediate E200 epi-fluorescence attachment, Teaching attachment *head (face-to-face and side-by-side types), Drawing tube, Eye level riser *Maximum intermediate space 50mm WARNING TO ENSURE CORRECT USAGE, READ THE CORRESPONDING MANUALS CAREFULLYBEFORE USING YOUR EQUIPMENT.Specifications and equipment are subject to change without any notice or obligation on the part of the manufacturer. March 2005.©2000-05 NIKON CORPORATIONNIKON CORPORATION /NIKON INSTECH CO., LTD.Parale Mitsui Bldg.,8, Higashida-cho, Kawasaki-ku,Kawasaki, Kanagawa 210-0005, Japanphone: +81-44-223-2167 fax: INSTRUMENTS(SHANGHAI) CO., LTD.CHINA phone: +86-021-5836-0050 fax: +86-021-5836-0030(Beijing office)CHINA phone: +86-10-5869-2255 fax: +86-10-5869-2277NIKON SINGAPORE PTE LTDSINGAPORE phone: +65-6559-3618 fax: +65-6559-3668NIKON MALAYSIA SDN. BHD.MALAYSIA phone: +60-3-78763887 fax: +60-3-78763387NIKON INSTRUMENTS EUROPE B.V.P.O. Box 222, 1170 AE Badhoevedorp, The Netherlands phone: +31-20-44-96-222 fax: +/NIKON FRANCE S.A.S.FRANCE phone: +33-1-45-16-45-16 fax: +33-1-45-16-00-33NIKON GMBH GERMANY phone: +49-211-9414-0 fax: +49-211-9414-322NIKON INSTRUMENTS S.p.A.ITALY phone: + 39-55-3009601 fax: + 39-55-300993NIKON AG SWITZERLAND phone: +41-43-277-2860 fax: +41-43-277-2861NIKON UK LTD. UNITED KINGDOM phone: +44-20-8541-4440 fax: +44-20-8541-4584NIKON INSTRUMENTS INC.1300 Walt Whitman Road, Melville, N.Y. 11747-3064, +1-631-547-8500; +1-800-52-NIKON (within the U.S.A.only) fax: +/NIKON CANADA INC.CANADA phone: +1-905-625-9910 fax: +1-905-625-0103。
cfiledialog 函数
cfiledialog 函数摘要:一、cfiledialog函数简介二、cfiledialog函数的用途三、cfiledialog函数的参数四、cfiledialog函数的返回值五、cfiledialog函数的实例正文:cfiledialog函数是Python中的一个用于文件选择的函数,它属于tkinter 模块,主要用途是在对话框中让用户选择文件。
cfiledialog函数的参数主要有以下几个:- parent:对话框的父窗口,默认为None。
- title:对话框的标题,默认为"选择文件"。
- file:可选参数,表示已经选择的文件,如果为None,则表示没有选择任何文件。
- mode:可选参数,表示选择文件的模式,默认为"r"。
下面是一个使用cfiledialog函数的实例:```pythonimport tkinter as tkdef select_file():file_path = tk.filedialog.askopenfilename()print(file_path)root = ()root.withdraw() # 隐藏主窗口button = tk.Button(root, text="选择文件", command=select_file)button.pack()root.mainloop()```在这个例子中,我们首先导入了tkinter模块,然后定义了一个名为select_file的函数。
公式如下:x(k) + ax^(1)(k) = b其中,x(k)表示第k个时间点上主体的发展状态,a和b为待定参数,x^(1)(k)表示一阶累加生成序列,可通过一次累加得到:x^(1)(k)=∑x(i),i=1,2,…k通过对这个累加生成序列进行紧缩和比例化处理,可以得到控制变量序列:Z^(1)(k)=∑Z(i),i=1,2,…k然后,求得Z^(1)(k)的特征值λ,即级比,再根据级比确定参数a 和b的值。
公式如下:x(k) + ∑(i=1 to n) a(i)x(k-i) = b其中,x(k)表示第k个时间点上主体的发展状态,a(i)和b为待定参数,n为总窗口长度。
公式如下:x(k) + ∑(i=1 to n) a(i)x(k-i) = b其中,x(k)表示第k个时间点上主体的发展状态,a(i)和b为待定参数,n为总窗口长度。
二、Python实现AIC的代码以下是一个简单的Python函数,用于计算AIC:import numpy as npdef aic(y_true, y_pred, df):"""计算赤池信息准则(AIC):param y_true: 真实值:param y_pred: 预测值:param df: 自由度:return: AIC值"""assert len(y_true) ==len(y_pred), "真实值和预测值的长度必须相等"sse = np.sum((y_true - y_pred) **2) # 残差平方和return sse /len(y_true) +2* df在这个函数中,y_true是真实的目标值,y_pred是模型预测的值,df是模型中的自由度。
三、使用示例下面是一个使用这个函数的简单示例:y_true = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])y_pred = np.array([1.1, 2.1, 3.1, 4.1, 5.1])df =1# 假设我们的模型只有一个参数print(aic(y_true, y_pred, df))这个示例将输出AIC的值。
1.基于GM模型的我国主要海洋产业灰色预测分析 [J], 李拓晨;丁莹莹
2.灰色预测GM模型对广东稻米消费需求的预测 [J], 沈敏燕
3.基于灰色预测GM模型的公司财务预警研究 [J], 范沛霄
4.基于灰色预测GM模型的公司财务预警研究 [J], 范沛霄
5.指数与对数累加生成法在灰色预测中的应用 [J], 韩直
近似平均方根误差 (rmsea)、相对拟合指数 (cfi)、非赋范拟合指数 (nfi) 和均方根误差 (RMSE) 是数学建模和数据分析中常见的四个指标,用于评估回归模型的预测性能。
近似平均方根误差 (rmsea) 是预测值与实际值之间的平均残差平方和除以样本容量的平方根。
rmsea 越小,表示模型对数据的拟合越好。
相对拟合指数 (cfi) 是通过比较模型预测值和实际值之间的差异,来计算模型的拟合程度。
cfi 值通常在 0 到 1 之间,越接近 1 表示模型拟合越好。
非赋范拟合指数 (nfi) 也是通过比较模型预测值和实际值之间的差异来计算模型的拟合程度。
与 cfi 不同,nfi 不考虑模型的稳定性和一致性,而是关注模型的预测能力。
nfi 值越小,表示模型的预测能力越强。
均方根误差 (RMSE) 是预测值与实际值之间的平均差异,反映了模型预测的准确性和稳定性。
RMSE 越小,表示模型对数据的拟合越好。
Nikon E200 说明书
The CFI60 optical system combines Nikon's renowned CF optical design with infinity optics to overcome the limitations of the traditional infinity design. CFI60 opticsprovide longer working distances and higher N.A.'s.These new optics deliver startlingly clear images at any magnification because chromatic aberrations and curvature of field are both corrected over the entire field of view when the field number is 20mm. Nikon developed new dedicated CFI E Plan Achromatobjectives exclusively for the E200. Also, you can use other higher-grade objectives available for the Eclipse series whenever your laboratory situation calls for it.Anti-mold designMold is a formidable enemy of microscopes. Before you know it, it can begin growing on the interior optical surfaces of the microscope and ruinperformance. Using anti-mold paint, plus anti-mold agent sealed at critical places inside the microscope, the Eclipse E200 is designed to resist mold growth. In tests, an anti-mold treated unit was able to resist the growth of mold for three consecutive years at an average temperature of 30°C (86°F)and 80% humidity.Ergonomic design equals comfortable operationComfort is ensured allowing long hours of use, thanks to Nikon’sthoughtful ergonomic design. This is the same design incorporated intoNikon’s other laboratory and research-grade Eclipse series microscopes.For example, the focus knob and the stage handle are locatedequidistant from the operator, permitting one-handed operation in a natural posture without twisting the shoulders. Because these controls are low positioned, you can operate the microscope while resting your arms comfortably on the desk. Moreover, the low-profile stage makes exchange of specimen slides easy, while the low inclination angle eyepiece tube provides comfortable viewing.Ergonomic binocular tubeWith this option, users can adjust not only the eyepiece tube tilt angle, but the eyepiece length to suit their build,eliminating discomfort and strain during long hours of observation.* Use of this accessory in combination with other equipment may produce darker images around the periphery.* Must be attached directly to the main body.One-piece construction from arm to base, a stage design where its up/down mechanism is located in the base, plus a wide footprint of 188.5mm across the back all providegreater rigidity and resistance to vibrations, contributing to superior images.optical systemImprovedEye-level riserUp to two eye-level risers can be mounted to raise the height of the eyepoint—25mm each for a total of 50mm.Robust, vibration resistant constructionfocus control knobView angle is adjustable by 10º to 30º.Eyepiece length can be extended by up to 40mm.E200 configured with an ergonomic binocular tubeRevolving nosepieceA reversed-type nosepiece creates more space at the front of the stage, making handling of specimen slides fast and easy. In addition, the CFI60 optical design eliminates extra opticalelements in the nosepiece for enhanced image sharpness. Another advantage of CFI60 objectives is that their increased objective lengths and longer working distances provide more working space around the nosepiece.Refocusing stageNikon has created a unique innovation. The Refocusing Stage eliminates the need to refocus the image manually, making specimen handling safer and easier. In this unique design, the stage can be instantly dropped by pushing it down to exchange specimens or oil the slide, then returns to the original position as soon as the hand is removed. The wide stage surface can accommodate two slide glasses at the same time.In addition, this stage has an array of features including:– Increased resistance to vibrations due to the design of the in-base focus mechanism.– Low-profile design that creates more space around the objective for increased freedom in specimen handling and easier operation.– A belt-drive mechanism to eliminate the projection of the rack at the edge of the stage for better ergonomics and smoother movement.– Removable specimen holder for fast hand scanning of slides.– Improved XY cross travel, providing the comfort and feel similar to Nikon’s higher grade Eclipse series microscopes.Upper limit stopperWhen using short-working-distance objectives such as 40X or greater, you can set the upper limit of the stage movement, so that the objective doesn’t hit the specimen slide, protecting both from damage. Thanks to this feature,even novices or operators who need to change slides often can perform their job easily and quickly. The limit height can be set in two levels using a stopper bolt—either at the standard position or 2mm lower. This feature isvery useful except when extraordinarily thick specimens are used.NewNewEyepiece tubeThe Siedentopf-typeeyepiece tube is inclined at 30 degrees to ensure comfortable viewing in a natural posture. Designed for use by operators with different builds, thiseyepiece tube has a narrow minimum interpupillary distance of 47mm, while the eyepoint height can be raised 34mm wheninterpupillary distance is 64mm by simply swinging the front part of theeyepiece tube up 180˚. For extremely tall users, eye-level risers are available to customize the microscope.EyepiecesThe E200’s new eyepieces feature a wider field of view for amicroscope of this class and are available in 10X (F.O.V. 20) and 15X (F.O.V. 12) types. These eyepieces also feature built-in diopteradjustment that allows the operator to adjust diopters separately for the right and left easily. In addition, these eyepieces accept measuring reticles that will always be in sharp focus with the specimen. Moreover, they can be locked, preventing theft and eliminating the possibility of damage during transit.CFI60 objectivesNikon’s exclusive CFI60 objectives provide numerous benefits: longer working distances, high numerical apertures, flat images over the entire field of view with virtually no curvature of field when the field number is 20mm. To match your laboratory requirements, the E200 provides a wide selection of objectives to choose from. These include the new CFI E Plan Achromat objectives developed for the E200 or other higher-grade Eclipse series objectives.ImprovedHigh positionE2-TB binocular tubeE2-TF trinocular tube* Eyepiece lens is optional.F.O.V. 18 (conventional model)F.O.V. 20 (E200)Wide stage surface with no rack sticking out of the stageCondenserAlthough the stage is low-positioned for comfort, there is ample space around the condenser for easy access. The condenser also features an aperture diaphragm that comes complete with position guide markings for respective E Plan objectives to make operation quick and easy.Replacing the lamp is safe and easyTurning the microscope upside down to replace the lamp is no longer necessary. Simply open the lens unit cover to make replacement.Model with field diaphragm available.A model with a built-in field diaphragm allows the use of Koehler illumination. It features:– A field lens unit with a field diaphragmthat has position-guide markings for respective objectives.– Easy and safe lamp replacementprocedure.ImprovedWide variety of condensersAbbe, Phase, and other Eclipse seriescondensers, except the universal type, can be used with the E200.Phase contrastSimple phase contrast observation at 10X,20X and 40X is possible with a single phase annulus slider.The aperture diaphragm automatically opens when the slider is inserted into the condenser. Phase contrast 100X slider and darkfield slider up to 40Xobjectives are available as options.Epi-fluorescenceThe E200-dedicated epi-fluorescence attachment is available for users who want to begin fluorescence observation. Although affordably priced, this attachment allows comprehensive epi-fluorescence as well as UV excitation observations.Simple polarizingThis method is ideal for observing amyloid and crystals.To set up, install the polarizer over the field lens and the analyzer.Field diaphragm with position-guide markingsE200-FE2 Abbe condenser (left) and E2 phase condenserSimple polarizing set CCFI Achromat DL objectives for phase contrastErgonomic binocular tube Drawing tubeAllows accuratesketching of theimage beingobserved.Eye-level riserTwo risers can be inserted toincrease the eyepoint height—25mm per riser for a total of50mm.Teaching headsFace-to-face* and side-by-side teaching heads are available.* Not recommended for use in conjunction with a photomicrographic system, because it makes the microscope top-heavy.Object markerAllows the point of interest within a specimento be marked with ink.ND filter for objective lenses (ND3)When this filter is used in combination with a 4x or 10xobjective lens, image brightness can be adjusted to nearlyequal to that of a 40x objective lens.Digital Sight series digitalcamera systemWhen the trinocular eyepiece tube is used, adigital camera can be attached.* The DS-Fi1-L2,a color camera head combined with a standalonecontrol unit, enables focusing and viewing ofimages on the built-in 8.4-in. LCD monitor withoutthe need for a PC.The optimum imaging conditionsthat match the observationtechnique in use can beautomatically set by clicking onthe appropriate “scene mode.”Storing optimal images is easy.*With a 4x objective lens, the image may showuneven illumination depending on the camera used.Plastic storage caseThe rugged, lightweight storage case ishandy for transporting and storing the E200.Both eyepiece length and tilt angle are adjustable.。
4.基于Landsat TM图像棉花面积提取中线状地物的扣除方法研究
灰色关联模型 python代码
灰色关联模型 python代码灰色关联模型(Grey Relational Analysis)是一种常用的多变量关联分析方法,可以用于解决多变量间的关联性问题。
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Cover glass thickness — 0.17 0.17 0-0.17 0.17 0.17 0.11-0.23 0.17 0.17 0.17 1.2 0.17 1.2 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 — — 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.11-0.23 0.11-0.23 0.17 0.15-0.18 0.15-0.19 0.17 0.17 0 0.17 0.11-0.23 0.11-0.23 0.17 0.17 0.15-0.19 0.15-0.19 0.17 0.13-0.19 (23℃) 0.15-0.21(37℃) 0.13-0.19 (23℃) 0.14-0.20(37℃)
Use 4x 10x 20x
NA 0.13 0.30 0.50
W.D. (mm) 17.10 16.00 2.10 0.51-0.35 0.51-0.34 0.49-0.33 0.66 0.20 0.40-0.31 0.22 0.16 0.20 16.40 16.00 15.20 2.10 0.66 0.66 0.16 0.66 0.16 8.50 20.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 0.21 (0.25-0.16) 0.15 (0.21-0.11) 0.13 0.31-0.28 0.17 0.13 0.13 0.16 1.00 0.21 (0.25-0.16) 0.15 (0.21-0.11) 0.13 0.13 0.18 0.60 0.14 0.12 0.12
CFI60 Objectives
Use 4x 10x LWD 20x Brightfield (CFI) 40x LWD 40xC 60x 100x Oil 100xSH (with iris) P 4x P 10x Polarizing (CFI) LWD P 20x P 40x Achromat P 100x Oil DL 10x LWD DL 20x LWD DL 20xF Phase contrast DL 40x (CFI) LWD DL 40x DL 100x Oil BM 10x Apodized LWD ADL 20xF phase contrast LWD ADL 40xF (CFI) LWD ADL 40xC Advanced NAMC 10x modulation LWD NAMC 20xF contrast (CFI) LWD NAMC 40xC UW 1x UW 2x 4x Brightfield (CFI Plan) 10x 20x 40x 50x Oil Plan Achromat 100x Oil LWD IMSI 100xC DL 10x Phase contrast DL 20x (CFI Plan) DL 40x DL 100x Oil No cover glass NCG 60x (CF objective)*1 (CFI Plan) NCG 100x Super long WD SLWD 50x (CFI L Plan EPI) SLWD 100x Brightfield (CFI ELWD 40xC S Plan Fluor) ELWD 60xC Apodized phase ELWD ADM 20xC contrast (CFI S ELWD ADM 40xC Plan Fluor) ELWD ADL 60xC Advanced modulation ELWD NAMC 20xC contrast (CFI S Plan ELWD NAMC 40xC Fluor) 4x 10x S Fluor*3 Brightfield (CFI S Fluor) 20x 40x 40x Oil 100xSH (with iris) P 5x No cover glass P 10x polarizing P 20x (CFI LU Plan P 50x Fluor EPI) P 100x Universal Plan Fluor Oil Oil ELWD 20xC SLWD 20x NCG 40x Oil Oil Oil ADL 10x Oil Oil Oil Oil Model Immersion NA 0.10 0.25 0.40 0.65 0.55 0.80 1.25 0.5-1.25 0.10 0.25 0.40 0.65 1.25 0.25 0.40 0.40 0.65 0.55 1.25 0.25 0.25 0.40 0.55 0.55 0.25 0.40 0.55 0.04 0.06 0.10 0.25 0.40 0.65 0.90 1.25 0.85 0.25 0.40 0.65 1.25 0.65 0.85 0.90 0.35 0.45 0.70 0.45 0.60 0.70 0.45 0.60 0.70 0.45 0.60 0.20 0.50 0.75 0.90 1.30 0.5-1.3 0.15 0.30 0.45 0.80 0.90 W.D. (mm) 30.00 7.00 3.90 0.65 2.7-1.7 0.30 0.23 0.23 30.00 7.00 3.90 0.65 0.23 7.00 3.90 3.10 0.65 2.7-1.7 0.23 7.00 6.20 3.10 2.10 2.7-1.7 6.20 3.10 2.7-1.7 3.20 7.50 30.00 10.50 1.20 0.56 NCG0.35 0.25 1.3-0.95 0.25 10.50 1.20 0.56 0.20 0.48 0.35 0.26 24.00 17.00 6.50 8.2-6.9 3.6-2.8 2.6-1.8 8.2-6.9 3.6-2.8 2.6-1.8 7.40 3.10 15.50 1.20 1.00 0.30 0.22 0.20 23.50 17.50 4.50 1.00 1.00 Cover glass Correction thickness ring — — 0.17 0.17 0-2.0 0.17 0.17 0.17 — — 0.17 0.17 0.17 — 0.17 1.2 0.17 0-2.0 0.17 0.17 1.2 1.2 1.2 0-2.0 1.2 1.2 0-2.0 — — — — 0.17 0.17 — 0.17 0.6-1.3 — 0.17 0.17 0.17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-2.0 0-2.0 0.1-1.3 0-2.0 0-2.0 0.1-1.3 0-2.0 0-2.0 — 0.17 0.17 0.11-0.23 0.17 0.17 — 0 0 0 0 √ √ √ √ √ √ w/stopper √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Spring loaded Brightfield Darkfield ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ○ ○ ○ ○ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ △ ○● ● ● ○● ○● ○● ● ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ △ ○● ○● ○● ● ● ○● ○● ○● ○● ○● ○● ○● ○● ○● ○ ○ ○ ◎ PH1 ◎ PH2 ◎ PH2 △ ○● ○● ● ○*5 ◎ PH1 ◎ PH1 ◎ PH2 ◎ PH3 △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ ○● ○● ○● △ ○● ◎ PH1 ◎ PH1 ◎ PH1 ◎ PH2 ◎ PH2 ◎ PH3 ◎ PH1 ◎ PH1 ◎ PH1 ◎ PH1 ◎ PH2 △ ○● ○● ○● △ ○● ○● ○● ● DIC Phase contrast Fluorescence Simple polarizing Visible light UV △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ◎ ◎ ◎ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ Wide ◎ Wide ◎ Wide ◎ Wide ◎ Wide ◎ Wide ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ● ● ● ● ◎ ◎ ◎ ○ ○ ○ ● ● ● ● Ti-E PFS Type S Plan Fluor*2
*1 To use with the CFI60 optics microscope (not possible in E400), an objective conversion adapter is necessary. *2 Axial chromatic aberration is corrected in shorter wavelength ranges than the Plan Fluor series to improve image clarity. *3 Transmits an ultraviolet light up to a 340nm wavelength *4 Dedicated for FN1 (CFI75 objective) *5 Compatible with IMSI only Note 1. Model numbers The below letters, when attached to the end of model numbers, indicate the respective features. F: for use with 1.2mm-thick cover glass C: with correction ring NCG: for use without cover glass SH: with iris WI: water immersion type W: water dipping type Mi: multi immersion (oil, water, glycerin) type Note 2. Cover glass thickness — : can be used without cover glass 0 : use without cover glass Note 3. Darkfield microscopy Possible with the following △ : universal condenser (dry) and darkfield ring ○ : above and darkfield condenser (dry) ● : darkfield condenser (oil) Note 4. Phase rings are classified by objective NA PHL: for Plan Fluor 4x PH1: NA 0.25 - 0.5 PH2: NA 0.55 - 0.95 PH3: NA 1.0 - 1.40 PH4: NA 1.45 - 1.49 EXT: compatible with external phase contrast of the Ti series