



Ink,tempera,and gold leaf on vellum,9x6in.,1406-08
The Cloisters Collection,1954.1.1 folio 26v
西比尔Shous奥古斯Tiburtine维尔京和儿童(细节) 波尔,吉恩和赫尔曼· 林堡,法国,活跃ca.1440-1416 从Belles HEURES的吉恩,贝里公爵油墨,温度/蛋黄颜料; 泛指除油画颜料 和水彩颜料以外的所有颜料,和金箔上牛皮纸,9X6英寸,1406-08 修道院收藏,1954.1.1对开26V
The tiburtine Sybil Shous Augustus the Virgin(/Madonna) and Child(圣母子)(detail) Pol,Jean,and Herman de Limbourg,French,active ca.14401416 From The Belles Heures of Jean,Duc de Berry
Plate F II From Astronomicum(adj. 天文学的,星学的) Caesareum(detail) Petrus Apianus,German(Ingolstadt), ca.1490-1559 Hand-colored woodcut,17x12 in.,1540 Gift of Herbert N.Straus,1925 25.17
C ypre sse s (de ta il) V ince nt va n G ogh ,D utch [dʌtʃ],1853-1890 O il on ca nva s [ˈ kænvəs], 36x29 in .,1889 R oge rs F und ,1949 49.30



Macroeconomics R. GLENN HUBBARD COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY ANTHONY PATRICK O’BRIEN LEHIGH UNIVERSITY MATTHEW RAFFERTY QUINNIPIAC UNIVERSITY Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle RiverAmsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto Delhi Mexico City So Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei TokyoAbout the AuthorsGlenn Hubbard Professor Researcher and Policymaker R. Glenn Hubbard is the dean and Russell L. Carson Professor of Finance and Economics in the Graduate School of Business at Columbia University and professor of economics in Columbia’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences. He is also a research associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research and a director of Automatic Data Processing Black Rock Closed- End Funds KKR Financial Corporation and MetLife. Professor Hubbard received his Ph.D. in economics from Harvard University in 1983. From 2001 to 2003 he served as chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers and chairman of the OECD Economy Policy Commit- tee and from 1991 to 1993 he was deputy assistant secretary of the U.S. Treasury Department. He currently serves as co-chair of the nonpar-tisan Committee on Capital Markets Regulation and the Corporate Boards Study Group. ProfessorHubbard is the author of more than 100 articles in leading journals including American EconomicReview Brookings Papers on Economic Activity Journal of Finance Journal of Financial EconomicsJournal of Money Credit and Banking Journal of Political Economy Journal of Public EconomicsQuarterly Journal of Economics RAND Journal of Economics and Review of Economics and Statistics.Tony O’Brien Award-Winning Professor and Researcher Anthony Patrick O’Brien is a professor of economics at Lehigh University. He received a Ph.D. from the University of California Berkeley in 1987. He has taught principles of economics money and banking and interme- diate macroeconomics for more than 20 years in both large sections and small honors classes. He received the Lehigh University Award for Distin- guished Teaching. He was formerly the director of the Diamond Center for Economic Education and was named a Dana Foundation Faculty Fel- low and Lehigh Class of 1961 Professor of Economics. He has been a visit- ing professor at the University of California Santa Barbara and Carnegie Mellon University. Professor O’Brien’s research has dealt with such issues as the evolution of the U.S. automobile industry sources of U.S. economiccompetitiveness the development of U.S. trade policy the causes of the Great Depression and thecauses of black–white income differences. His research has been published in leading journals in-cluding American Economic Review Quarterly Journal of Economics Journal of Money Credit andBanking Industrial Relations Journal of Economic History Explorations in Economic History andJournal of PolicyHistory.Matthew Rafferty Professor and Researcher Matthew Christopher Rafferty is a professor of economics and department chairperson at Quinnipiac University. He has also been a visiting professor at Union College. He received a Ph.D. from the University of California Davis in 1997 and has taught intermediate macroeconomics for 15 years in both large and small sections. Professor Rafferty’s research has f ocused on university and firm-financed research and development activities. In particular he is interested in understanding how corporate governance and equity compensation influence firm research and development. His research has been published in leading journals including the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis Journal of Corporate Finance Research Policy and the Southern Economic Journal. He has worked as a consultantfor theConnecticut Petroleum Council on issues before the Connecticut state legislature. He has alsowritten op-ed pieces that have appeared in several newspapers including the New York Times. iii Brief Contents Part 1: Introduction Chapter 1 The Long and Short of Macroeconomics 1 Chapter 2 Measuring the Macroeconomy 23 Chapter 3 The Financial System 59 Part 2: Macroeconomics in the Long Run: Economic Growth Chapter 4 Determining Aggregate Production 105 Chapter 5 Long-Run Economic Growth 143 Chapter 6 Money and Inflation 188 Chapter 7 The Labor Market 231 Part 3: Macroeconomics in the Short Run: Theory and Policy Chapter 8 Business Cycles 271 Chapter 9 IS–MP: A Short-Run Macroeconomic Model 302 Chapter 10 Monetary Policy in the Short Run 363 Chapter 11 Fiscal Policy in the Short Run 407 Chapter 12 Aggregate Demand Aggregate Supply and Monetary Policy 448 Part 4: Extensions Chapter 13 Fiscal Policy and the Government Budget in the Long Run 486 Chapter 14 Consumption and Investment 521 Chapter 15 The Balance of Payments Exchange Rates and Macroeconomic Policy 559 Glossary G-1 Index I-1ivContentsChapter 1 The Long and Short of Macroeconomics 1WHEN YOU ENTER THE JOB MARKET CAN MATTER A LOT ........................................................ 11.1 What Macroeconomics Is About........................................................................... 2 Macroeconomics in the Short Run and in the Long Run .................................................... 2 Long-Run Growth in the United States ............................................................................. 3 Some Countries Have Not Experienced Significant Long-Run Growth ............................... 4 Aging Populations Pose a Challenge to Governments Around the World .......................... 5 Unemployment in the United States ................................................................................. 6 How Unemployment Rates Differ Across Developed Countries ......................................... 7 Inflation Rates Fluctuate Over Time and Across Countries................................................. 7 Econo mic Policy Can Help Stabilize the Economy .. (8)International Factors Have Become Increasingly Important in Explaining Macroeconomic Events................................................................................. 91.2 How Economists Think About Macroeconomics ............................................. 11 What Is the Best Way to Analyze Macroeconomic Issues .............................................. 11 Macroeconomic Models.................................................................................................. 12Solved Problem 1.2: Do Rising Imports Lead to a Permanent Reductionin U.S. Employment. (12)Assumptions Endogenous Variables and Exogenous Variables in EconomicModels ........................................................................................................ 13 Forming and Testing Hypotheses in Economic Models .................................................... 14Making the Connection: What Do People Know About Macroeconomicsand How Do They KnowIt .............................................................................................. 151.3 Key Issues and Questions of Macroeconomics ............................................... 16An Inside Look: Will Consumer Spending Nudge Employers to Hire................................ 18Chapter Summary and Problems ............................................................................. 20 Key Terms and Concepts Review Questions Problems and Applications Data Exercise Theseend-of-chapter resource materials repeat in all chapters.Chapter 2 Measuring the Macroeconomy 23HOW DO WE KNOW WHEN WE ARE IN ARECESSION ........................................................... 23Key Issue andQuestion .................................................................................................... 232.1 GDP: Measuring Total Production and Total Income ..................................... 25 How theGovernment Calculates GDP (25)Production and Income (26)The Circular Flow of Income (27)An Example of Measuring GDP (29)National Income Identities and the Components of GDP (29)vvi CONTENTS Making the Connection: Will Public Employee Pensions Wreck State and Local Government Budgets.................................................................... 31 The Relationship Between GDP and GNP........................................................................ 33 2.2 Real GDP Nominal GDP and the GDP Deflator.............................................. 33 Solved Problem 2.2a: Calculating Real GDP . (34)Price Indexes and the GDP Deflator (35)Solved Problem 2.2b: Calculating the Inflation Rate ..........................................................36 The Chain-Weighted Measure of Real GDP ....................................................................37 Making the Connection: Trying to Hit a Moving Target: Forecasting with “Real-Time Data” .................................................................................. 37 Comparing GDP Across Countries................................................................................... 38 Making the Connection: The Incredible Shrinking Chinese Economy ................................ 39 GDP and National Income .............................................................................................. 40 2.3 Inflation Rates and Interest Rates ....................................................................... 41 The Consumer Price Index .............................................................................................. 42 Making the Connection: Does Indexing Preserve the Purchasing Power of Social Security Payments ................................................................ 43 How Accurate Is theCPI ............................................................................................... 44 The Way the Federal Reserve Measures Inflation ............................................................ 44 InterestRates .................................................................................................................. 45 2.4 Measuring Employment and Unemployment .. (47)Answering the Key Question ............................................................................................ 49 An Inside Look: Weak Construction Market Persists.......................................................... 50 Chapter 3 The Financial System 59 THE WONDERFUL WORLD OFCREDIT ................................................................................... 59 Key Issue and Question .................................................................................................... 59 3.1 Overview of the Financial System ...................................................................... 60 Financial Markets and Financial Intermediaries ................................................................ 61 Making the Connection: Is General Motors Making Cars or Making Loans .................... 62 Making the Connection: Investing in the Worldwide Stock Market . (64)Banking and Securitization (67)The Mortgage Market and the Subprime Lending Disaster (67)Asymmetric Information and Principal–Agent Problems in Financial Markets...................68 3.2 The Role of the Central Bank in the Financial System (69)Central Banks as Lenders of Last Resort ..........................................................................69 Bank Runs Contagion and Asset Deflation ....................................................................70 Making the Connection: Panics Then and Now: The Collapse of the Bank of United States in 1930 and the Collapse of Lehman Brothers in2008 (71)3.3 Determining Interest Rates: The Market for Loanable Funds and the Market forMoney .......................................................................................... 76 Saving and Supply in the Loanable Funds Market ........................................................... 76 Investment and the Demand for Loanable Funds ............................................................ 77 Explaining Movements in Saving Investment and the Real Interest Rate (78)CONTENTS .。



RAL色卡颜色大全数字"1"开头的(黄)1000 Green beige 米绿色1001 Beige 米色,淡黄或灰黄1002 Sand yellow 沙黄色1003 Signal yellow 信号黄1004 Goldenyellow 金黄色1005 Honey yellow 蜜黄色1006 Maize yellow 玉米黄1007 Daffodil yellow 灰黄色1011 Brown beige 米褐色1012 Lemon yellow 柠檬黄1013 Oyster white 近于白色的浅灰1014 Ivory 象牙色1015 Light ivory 亮象牙色1016 Sulfur yellow 硫磺色1017 Saffron yellow 深黄色1018 Zinc yellow 绿黄色1019 Grey beige 米灰色1020 Olive yellow 橄榄黄1021 Rape yellow 油菜黄1023 Traffic yellow 交通黄1024 Ochre yellow 赭黄色1026 Luminous yellow 亮黄色1027 Curry 咖喱色1028 Melon yellow 浅橙黄1032 Broom yellow 金雀花黄1033 Dahlia yellow 大丽花黄1034 Pastel yellow 粉黄色1035 Pearl beige 米珍珠色1036 Pearl gold 金黄珍珠1037 Sun yellow 日光黄数字“2”开头的(橙)2000 Yellow orange 黄橙色2001 Red orange 橘红2002 Vermilion 朱红2003 Paster orange 淡橙2004 Pure orange 纯橙2005 Luminous orange 亮橙2007 Luminous bright orange 亮浅橙2008 Bright red orange 浅红橙2009 Traffic orange 交通橙2011 Deep orange 深橙色2012 Salmon orange 鲑鱼橙2013 Pearl orange 珍珠橙数字“3”开头的(红)3000 Flame red 火焰红3001 Signal red 信号红3002 Carmine red 胭脂红3003 Ruby red 宝石红3004 Purple red 紫红色3012 Beige red 米红色3013 Tomato red 番茄红3014 Antique pink 古粉红色3015 Light pink 淡粉红色3016 Coral red 珊瑚红色3017 Rose 玫瑰色3018 Strawberry red 草莓红3020 Traffic red 交通红3022 Salmon pink 鲑鱼粉红色3024 Luminous red 亮红色3026 Luminous bright red 淡亮红色3027 Raspbery red 悬钩子红色3031 Orient red 戈亚红色3005 Wine red 葡萄酒红3007 Black red 黑红色3009 Oxide red 氧化红3011 Brown red 红玄武土色3032 Pearl ruby red 红宝石珍珠红3033 Pearl pink 珍珠红色数字“4”开头的(紫)4001 Red lilac 丁香红4002 Red violet 紫红色4003 Heather violet 石南紫4004 Claret violet 酒红紫4005 Blue lilac 丁香蓝4006 Traffic purple 交通紫4007 Purple violet 紫红蓝色4008 Signal violet 信号紫罗兰4009 Pastel violet 崧蓝紫色4010 Telemagenta 电视品红色4011 Pearl violet 珍珠紫4012 Peal blackberry 珍珠黑数字“5”开头的(蓝)5000 Violet blue 紫蓝色5001 Green blue 蓝绿色5002 Ultramarine blue 群青蓝5003 Sapphire blue 蓝宝石蓝5004 Black blue 蓝黑色5005 Signal blue 信号蓝5007 Brillant blue 亮蓝色5008 Grey blue 灰蓝色5009 Azure blue 天青蓝5010 Gentian blue 龙胆蓝色5011 Steel blue 钢蓝色5012 Light blue 淡蓝色5013 Cobalt blue 钴蓝色5014 Pigeon blue 鸽蓝色5015 Sky blue 天蓝色5017 Traffic blue 交通蓝5018 Turquoise blue 绿松石蓝5019 Capri blue 卡布里蓝色5020 Ocean blue 海蓝色5021 Water blue 不来梅蓝色5022 Night blue 夜蓝色5023 Distant blue 冷蓝色5024 Pastel blue 崧蓝蓝色5025 Pearl gentian blue 珍珠龙胆蓝5026 Pearl night blue 珍珠夜蓝数字“6”开头的(绿)6000 Patina green 铜锈绿色6001 Emerald greet 翡翠绿色6002 Leaf green 叶绿色6003 Olive green 橄榄绿6004 Blue green 蓝绿色6005 Moss green 苔藓绿6006 Grey olrve 橄榄灰绿6007 Bottle green 瓶绿6008 Brown green 褐绿6009 Fir greet 冷杉绿6010 Grass greet 草绿色6011 Reseda green 淡橄榄绿6012 Black green 墨绿色6013 Reed green 芦苇绿6014 Yellow olive 橄榄黄6015 Black olive 黑齐墩果色6016 Turquoise green 绿松石绿色6017 May green 五月红6018 Yellow green 黄绿色6019 Pastel green 崧蓝绿色6020 Chrome green 铭绿色6021 Pale green 浅绿色6022 Olive drab 橄榄土褐色6024 Traffic green 交通绿6025 Fern green 蕨绿色6026 Opal green 蛋白石绿色6027 Light green 浅绿色6028 Pine green 松绿色6029 Mint green 薄荷绿6032 Signal greet 信号绿6033 Mint turquoise 薄荷绿蓝色6034 Pastel turquoies 崧蓝绿松石色6035 Pearl green 珍珠绿6036 Pearl opal green 不透明蓝白绿数字“7”开头的(灰)7000 Squirrel grey 松鼠灰7001 Silver grey 银灰色7002 Olive grey 橄榄灰绿色7003 Moss grey 苔藓绿7004 Signal grey 信号灰7005 Mouse grey 鼠灰色7006 Beige grey 米灰色7008 Khaki grey 土黄灰色7009 Green grey 绿灰色7010 Tarpaulin gey 油布灰7011 Iron grey 铁灰色7012 Basalt grey 玄武石灰7013 Brown grey 褐灰色7015 Slate grey 浅橄榄灰7016 Anthracite grey 煤灰7021 Black grey 黑灰7022 Umbra grey 暗灰7023 Concrete grey 混凝土灰7032 Pebble grey 卵石灰7033 Cement grey 水泥灰7034 Yellow grey 黄灰色7035 Light grey 浅灰色7036 Platinum grey 铂灰色7037 Dusty grey 土灰色7038 Agate grey 玛瑙灰7039 Quartz grey 石英灰7040 Window grey 窗灰色7042 Traffic grey A 交通灰A7043 Traffic grey B 交通灰B7044 Silk grey 深铭灰色7045 Telegrey 1 电视灰17046 Telegrey 2 电视灰27047 Telegrey 4 电视灰47048 Pearl mouse grey 珍珠鼠灰7024 Graphite grey 石墨灰7026 Granite grey 花岗灰7030 Stone grey 石灰色7031 Blue grey 蓝灰色数字“8”开头的(棕)8000 Green brown 绿褐色8001 Ochre brown 赭石棕色8002 Signal brown 信号褐8003 Clay brown 土棕褐色8004 Coper brown 铜棕色8007 Fawn brown 鹿褐色8008 Olive brown 橄榄棕色8011 Nut brown 深棕色8012 Red brown 红褐色8014 Sepia brown 乌贼棕色8015 Chestnut brown 粟棕色 8016 Mahogany brown 桃花心木褐8017 Chocolate brown 巧克力棕色8019 Grey brown 灰褐色8022 Black brown 黑褐色8023 Orange brown 桔黄褐8024 Beige brown 哔叽棕色8025 Pale brown 浅褐色。

The Ruling Class and the Ruling Ideas

The Ruling Class and the Ruling Ideas

1The Ruling Class and the Ruling Ideas9The Ruling Class andthe Ruling IdeasKarl Marx and Friedrich Engels1.The Ruling Class and the Ruling Ideas: How the HegelianConception of the Domination of the Spirit in History Arose[30] The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas: i.e., the class which is the ruling material force of society is at the same time its ruling intellectual force. The class which has the means of material production at its disposal, con-sequently also controls the means of mental production, so that the ideas of those who lack the means of mental production are on the whole subject to it. The rulingideas are nothing more than the ideal expression of the dominant material relations, the dominant material relations grasped as ideas; hence of the relations which make the one class the ruling one, therefore, the ideas of its dominance. The individuals composing the ruling class possess among other things consciousness, and therefore think. Insofar, therefore, as they rule as a class and determine the extent and com-pass of an historical epoch, it is self-evident that they do this in its whole range, hence among other things rule also as thinkers, as producers of ideas, and regulate the production and distribution of the ideas of their age: thus their ideas are the ruling ideas of the epoch. For instance, in an age and in a country where royal power, aristocracy and bourgeoisie are contending for domination and where, there-fore, domination is shared, the doctrine of the separation of powers proves to be the dominant idea and is expressed as an “eternal law”.The division of labour, which we already saw above (pp. [15–18])a as one of the chief forces of history up till now, manifests itself also in the ruling class as the division of mental and [31] material labour, so that inside this class one part appearsa See Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels: Collected Works, vol. 5, 1976, pp. 44–8. [Editor’s note to that volume]From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, “The ruling class and the ruling ideas.” In Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels: Collected Works, vol. 5, pp. 59–62. Translated by Richard Dixon. New York: International Publishers, 1976.10Karl Marx and Friedrich Engelsas the thinkers of the class (its active, conceptive ideologists, who make the forma-tion of the illusions of the class about itself their chief source of livelihood), while the others’ attitude to these ideas and illusions is more passive and receptive,because they are in reality the active members of this class and have less time to make up illusions and ideas about themselves. Within this class this cleavage can even develop into a certain opposition and hostility between the two parts, but whenever a practical collision occurs in which the class itself is endangered they automatically vanish, in which case there also vanishes the appearance of the ruling ideas being not the ideas of the ruling class and having a power distinct from the power of this class. The existence of revolutionary ideas in a particular period presupposes the existence of a revolutionary class; about the premises of the latter sufficient has already been said above (pp. [18–19, 22–23]).bIf now in considering the course of history we detach the ideas of the ruling class from the ruling class itself and attribute to them an independent existence, if we confine ourselves to saying that these or those ideas were dominant at a given time, without bothering ourselves about the conditions of production and the producers of these ideas, if we thus ignore the individuals and world conditions which are the source of the ideas, then we can say, for instance, that during the time the aristo-cracy was dominant, the concepts honour, loyalty, etc., were dominant, during the dominance of the bourgeoisie the concepts freedom, equality, etc. The ruling class itself on the whole imagines this to be so. This conception of history, which is common to all historians, particularly since the eighteenth century, will necessarily come up against [32] the phenomenon that ever more abstract ideas hold sway, i.e.,ideas which increasingly take on the form of universality. For each new class which puts itself in the place of one ruling before it is compelled, merely in order to carry through its aim, to present its interest as the common interest of all the members of society, that is, expressed in ideal form: it has to give its ideas the form of universal-ity, and present them as the only rational, universally valid ones. The class making a revolution comes forward from the very start, if only because it is opposed to a class, not as a class but as the representative of the whole of society, as the whole mass of society confronting the one ruling class.1 It can do this because initially its interest really is as yet mostly connected with the common interest of all other non-ruling classes, because under the pressure of hitherto existing conditions its interest has not yet been able to develop as the particular interest of a particular class. Its victory, therefore, benefits also many individuals of other classes which are not winning a dominant position, but only insofar as it now enables these individuals to raise themselves into the ruling class. When the French bourgeoisie overthrew the rule of the aristocracy, it thereby made it possible for many proletarians to raise themselves above the proletariat, but only insofar as they became bourgeois. Every new class, therefore, achieves domination only on a broader basis than that of the class ruling previously; on the other hand the opposition of the non-ruling class to the new b See Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels: Collected Works, vol. 5, 1976, pp. 48–9 and 52–3. [Editor’s note to that volume]The Ruling Class and the Ruling Ideas11 ruling class then develops all the more sharply and profoundly. Both these things determine the fact that the struggle to be waged against this new ruling class, in its turn, has as its aim a more decisive and more radical negation of the previous conditions of society than [33] all previous classes which sought to rule could have. This whole appearance, that the rule of a certain class is only the rule of certain ideas, comes to a natural end, of course, as soon as class rule in general ceases to be the form in which society is organised, that is to say, as soon as it is no longer neces-sary to represent a particular interest as general or the “general interest” as ruling. Once the ruling ideas have been separated from the ruling individuals and, above all, from the relations which result from a given stage of the mode of production, and in this way the conclusion has been reached that history is always under the sway of ideas, it is very easy to abstract from these various ideas “the Idea”, the thought, etc., as the dominant force in history, and thus to consider all these separate ideas and concepts as “forms of self-determination” of the Concept develop-ing in history. It follows then naturally, too, that all the relations of men can be derived from the concept of man, man as conceived, the essence of man, Man. This has been done by speculative philosophy. Hegel himself confesses at the end of the Geschichtsphilosophie c that he “has considered the progress of the concept only” and has represented in history the “true theodicy” (p. 446). Now one can go back again to the producers of “the concept”, to the theorists, ideologists and philosophers, and one comes then to the conclusion that the philosophers, the thinkers as such, have at all times been dominant in history: a conclusion, as we see, already expressed by Hegel.The whole trick of proving the hegemony of the spirit in history (hierarchy Stirner calls it) is thus confined to the following three attempts.[34] No. 1. One must separate the ideas of those ruling for empirical reasons, under empirical conditions and as corporeal individuals, from these rulers, and thus recognise the rule of ideas or illusions in history.No. 2. One must bring an order into this rule of ideas, prove a mystical connec-tion among the successive ruling ideas, which is managed by regarding them as “forms of self-determination of the concept” (this is possible because by virtue of their empirical basis these ideas are really connected with one another and because, conceived as mere ideas, they become self-distinctions, distinctions made by thought). No. 3. To remove the mystical appearance of this “self-determining concept” it is changed into a person – “self-consciousness” – or, to appear thoroughly materialistic, into a series of persons, who represent the “concept” in history, into the “thinkers”, the “philosophers”, the ideologists, who again are understood as the manufacturers of history, as the “council of guardians”, as the rulers.2Thus the whole body of materialistic elements has been eliminated from history and now full rein can be given to the speculative steed.This historical method which reigned in Germany, and especially the reason why, must be explained from its connection with the illusion of ideologists in general, c G. W. F. Hegel, Vorlesungen über die Philosophie der Geschichte. [Editor’s note to Collected Works]12Karl Marx and Friedrich Engelse.g., the illusions of the jurists, politicians (including the practical statesmen), from the dogmatic dreamings and distortions of these fellows; this is explained perfectly easily from their practical position in life, their job, and the division of labour. [35] Whilst in ordinary life every shopkeeper d is very well able to distinguish between what somebody professes to be and what he really is, our historiography has not yet won this trivial insight. It takes every epoch at its word and believes that everything it says and imagines about itself is true.Notes1[Marginal note by Marx:] (Universality corresponds to 1) the class versus the estate, 2) the competition, world intercourse, etc., 3) the great numerical strength of the ruling class, 4) the illusion of the common interests, in the beginning this illusion is true, 5) the delusion of the ideologists and the division of labour.)2[Marginal note by Marx:] Man=the “thinking human spirit”.d This word is in English in the manuscript. [Editor’s note to Collected Works]。



劳尔色卡色号,中英文颜色名称对照列表RAL 3004 Purple red 紫红色 RAL 3007 Black red RAL 3011 Brown red RAL 3005 Wine red RAL 3009 Oxide red 番茄红 RAL 3013 Tomato red RAL 3014 Antique pink 淡粉红色 RAL 3015 Light pink RAL 3018 Strawberry red 交通红 RAL 3020 Traffic redRAL 3017 Rose 玫瑰色 古粉红色 草莓红RAL 3012 Beige red 米红色 RAL 3016 Coral red 珊瑚红色 RAL 3027 Raspbery red色悬钩子红 RAL 3031 Orient red 戈亚红色 RAL 4001 Red lilac 丁香红 RAL 4002 Red violet 紫红色 RAL 4003 Heather violet石南紫 RAL 4004 Claret violet 酒红紫 RAL 4005 Blue lilac 丁香蓝 RAL 4006 Traffic purple 交通紫 RAL 4007 Purple violet紫红蓝色 RAL 4008 Signal violet 信号紫罗兰 RAL 4009 Pastel violet崧蓝紫色 RAL 4010 Telemagenta 电视品红色 RAL 5000 Violet blue 紫蓝色 RAL 5001 Green blue 蓝绿色 RAL 5002 Ultramarine blue 蓝 群青 RAL 5003 Sapphire blue 蓝宝石蓝 RAL 5004 Black blue 蓝黑色 RAL 5005 Signal blue 信号蓝 RAL 5007 Brillant blue 亮蓝色 RAL 5008 Grey blue 灰蓝色 RAL 5009 Azure blue 天青蓝 RAL 5010 Gentian blue 龙胆蓝色 RAL 5011 Steel blue 钢蓝色 RAL 5012 Light blue 淡蓝色 RAL 5013 Cobalt blue 钻蓝色 RAL 5014 Pigeon blue 鸽蓝色 RAL 5015 Sky blue 天蓝色 RAL 5017 Traffic blue 交通蓝鮭鱼粉红色 RAL 3022 Salmon pink绿松石海蓝色 RAL 5020 Ocean blue 夜蓝色 RAL 5022 Night blue 崧蓝蓝色 RAL 5024 Pastel blue 翡翠绿 RAL 6001 Emerald greet 橄榄绿 RAL 6003 Olive green 苔藓绿 RAL 6005 Moss green 淡橄榄绿 RAL 6011 Reseda green 芦苇绿 RAL 6013 Reed green RAL 6017 May green 崧蓝绿色 RAL 6019 Pastel green 浅绿色 RAL 6021 Pale green 交通绿 RAL 6024 Traffic green 蛋白石绿色 RAL 6026 Opal green 松绿色 RAL 6028 Pine green 信号绿 6032 Signal greet RAL 7001 Silver grey RAL 5018 Turquoise blue RAL 6034 Pastel turquoies 绿松石RAL 6009 Fir greet 冷杉绿 银灰色 RAL 6007 Bottle green 瓶绿 RAL 6015 Black olive 黑齐墩果色 五月绿 崧蓝 RAL 5019 Capri blue 卡布里蓝色 RAL 5021 Water blue 不来梅蓝色 RAL 5023 Distant blue RAL 6000 Patina green RAL 6002 Leaf green RAL 6004 Blue green RAL 6006 Grey olrve RAL 6008 Brown green RAL 6010 Grass greet RAL 6012 Black green RAL 6014 Yellow olive RAL 6016 Turquoise green RAL 6018 Yellow green RAL 6020 Chrome green RAL 6022 Olive drab RAL 6025 Fern green RAL 6027 Light green RAL 6029 Mint green RAL 6033 Mint turquoise RAL 7000 Squirrel grey RAL 7002 Olive grey 冷蓝色 铜锈绿色叶绿色 蓝绿色 橄榄灰绿 褐绿草绿色 墨绿色 橄榄黄 绿松石绿黄绿色 铭绿色 橄榄土褐色 蕨绿色 浅绿色 薄荷绿 薄荷绿蓝色 松鼠灰 橄榄灰绿色)探圳印刷包験設計咗產* 主页I联系公司概况产品展示印刷设备印刷常识合作流程联系我们招聘英才颜色中英文对照表温馨提示:快速查找颜色请按Ctrl+F油色#817936 绀桔梗#444693赤白橡#deab8a肌色#fedcbd 伽罗色#7f7522橙色#f47920 青丹#80752c花色#2b4490瑠璃色#2a5caa灰茶莺色琉璃绀银煤竹#4a3113 千草色#77ac98薄色#918597涅色青緑薄鼠#412f1f #007d65 #6f6d85 胡桃色浅緑鸠羽鼠#845538 #84bf96 #594c6d 香色緑菖蒲色#8e7437 #45b97c #694d9f 国防色草色江戸紫#69541b #225a1f #6f599c 练色木贼色紫#d5c59f #367459 #8552a1 肉色常盘色灭紫#cd9a5b #007947 #543044 人色緑青色葡萄鼠#cd9a5b #40835e #63434f 土色千歳緑古代紫#b36d41 #2b6447 #7d5886 小麦色深緑暗红#df9464 #005831 #401c44 琥珀色萌葱色葡萄#b76f40 #006c54 #472d56 木兰色青白橡茄子绀#ad8b3d #375830 #45224a 栀子色革色紫绀#dea32c #274d3d #411445 朽叶麹尘浓色#d1923f #375830 #4b2f3d 萱草色仙斎茶二蓝#c88400 #27342b #402e4c 黄金若竹色菖蒲色#c37e00 #65c294 #c77eb5 金色青磁色牡丹色#c37e00 #73b9a2 #ea66a6 金茶青竹色赤紫#e0861a #72baa7 #f173ac卵色铁色白#ffce7b #005344 #fffffb山吹色锖鼠胡粉色#fcaf17 #122e29 #fffef9黄土色铁御纳戸生成色#ba8448 #293047 #f6f5ec朽叶色青緑灰白#896a45 #00ae9d #d9d6c3空五倍子色锖浅葱石竹色#76624c #508a88 #d1c7b7 莺茶水浅葱象牙色#6d5826 #70a19f #f2eada向日葵色新桥色乳白色#ffc20e #50b7c1 #d3d7d4 郁金色浅葱色薄钝#fdb933 #00a6ac #999d9c砂色白群银鼠#d3c6a6 #78cdd1 #a1a3a6芥子色御纳戸色茶鼠#c7a252 #008792 #9d9087淡黄瓮覗鼠色#dec674 #94d6da #8a8c8e亜麻色水色薄墨色#b69968 #afdfe4 #74787c 枯色蓝鼠利休鼠#c1a173 #5e7c85 #7c8577鸟子色秘色铅色#dbce8f #76becc #72777b黄色空色灰色#ffd400 #90d7ec #77787b蒲公英色青钝色#ffd400 #009ad6 #4f5555中黄蓝色煤竹色#ffe600 #145b7d #6c4c49以下资料内容为包装印刷提供 所有内容仅供学习参考 ■■格式■GHH LightPi nk 浅粉红#FFB6C1 255,182,193 Pink 粉红#FFC0CB 255,192,203 ■ Crims on 猩红#DC143C 220,20,60 O Lave nderBlush 脸红的淡紫色#FFF0F5 255,240,245 O PaleVioletRed 苍白的紫罗兰红色#DB7093 219,112,147 HotP ink 热情的粉红#FF69B4 255,105,180 DeepPi nk 深粉色#FF1493 255,20,147 MediumVioletRed 适中的紫罗兰红色#C71585 199,21,133 Orchid 兰花的紫色#DA70D6 218,112,214D Thistle蓟 #D8BFD8 216,191,216 刈安色 #f0dc70 黄檗色 #fcf16e 緑黄色 #decb00 鶸色 #cbc547 海松色 #6e6b41 勿忘草色 #7bbfea 露草色 #33a3dc 缥色 #228fbd 浅缥 #2468a2 黒茶 #563624 黒橡 #3e4145 浓鼠 #3c3645 墨 #464547 鶸茶 #596032 #2570a1 #281f1d 山鸠色 薄花色 蝋色 #525f42 #2585a6 #2f271d 生壁色 绀青 紫黒 #5f5d46 #1b315e #1d1626薄缥 黒plumVioletMagentaFuchsiaDarkMagentaPurpleMediumOrchidDarkVoiletDarkOrchidIndigoBlueVioletMediumPurpleMediumSlateBlueSlateBlueDarkSlateBlueLavenderGhostWhite■Blue〔MediumBlueMid nightBlueDarkBlue■Navy〔RoyalBlueCorn flowerBlue| | LightSteelBlue| LightSlateGray 李子#DDA0DD 221,160,221 紫罗兰#EE82EE 238,130,238 洋红#FF00FF 255,0,255 灯笼海棠(紫红色)#FF00FF 255,0,255 深洋红色#8B008B 139,0,139 紫色#800080 128,0,128 适中的兰花紫#BA55D3 186,85,211 深紫罗兰色#9400D3 148,0,211 深兰花紫#9932CC 153,50,204 丰宀士靛冃#4B0082 75,0,130深紫罗兰的蓝色#8A2BE2 138,43,226 适中的紫色#9370DB 147,112,219 适中的板岩暗监灰色#7B68EE 123,104,238 板岩暗监灰色#6A5ACD 106,90,205 深岩暗监灰色#483D8B 72,61,139 熏衣早花的淡紫色#E6E6FA 230,230,250 幽灵的白色#F8F8FF 248,248,255 纯监#0000FF 0,0,255适中的蓝色#0000CD 0,0,205午夜的蓝色#191970 25,25,112 深蓝色#00008B 0,0,139海军蓝#0000800,0,128皇军蓝#4169E1 65,105,225 矢车菊的监色#6495ED 100,149,237 淡钢蓝#B0C4DE 176,196,222 浅石板灰#778899 119,136,153□ SnowI LightCoralWhiteDI WhiteSmokeGainsboro 深鲜肉(鲑鱼)色番茄薄雾玫瑰鲜肉(鲑鱼)色雪淡珊瑚色玫瑰棕色印度红纯红棕色耐火砖深红色栗色纯白白烟Gain sboro浅灰色银白色深灰色灰色暗淡的灰色纯黑#E9967A#FF6347#FFE4E1#FA8072#FFFAFA#F08080#BC8F8F#CD5C5C#FF0000#A52A2A#B22222#8B0000#800000#FFFFFF#F5F5F5#DCDCDC#D3D3D3#C0C0C0#A9A9A9#808080#696969#000000233,150,122255,99,71255,228,225250,128,114255,250,250240,128,128188,143,143205,92,92255,0,0165,42,42178,34,34139,0,0128,0,0255,255,255245,245,245220,220,220211,211,211192,192,192169,169,169128,128,128105,105,1050,0,0以上资料内容为包装印刷提供所有内容仅供学习参考。

ColiComplete 产品说明书

ColiComplete 产品说明书

Page 1 of 2 ColiComplete ®AOAC Official Method 992.30General DescriptionColiComplete ® contains 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-ß-Dgalactopyranoside (X-Gal) and 4-methyl umbelliferyl-ß-D-glucuronide (MUG). Discs are added to LST inoculated with selected dilutions of samples. Samples are incubated at 35–37 °C and examined after 24 and 48 ±2 h for confirmed total coliforms and after 30 ±2 h for confirmed E. coli results. ß-Galactosidase, from coliforms present in samples, cleaves X-Gal into 5-bromo-4-chloro-indoxyl intermediate which undergoes oxidation to yield water-insoluble blue dimer, visually detectable on disc or in surrounding medium as confirmed positive result for total coliform activity. ß-Glucuronidase, from E. coli present in samples, cleaves MUG into glucuronide and methyl umbelliferone which fluoresces under long wave UV light (366 nm) as confirmed positive result for E. coli presence.NOTE : As E. coli O157:H7 does not produce ß-glucuronidase, ColiComplete ® is not suitable for the detection of E. coli O157:H7.A. Sample PreparationPrepare appropriate serial dilutions as indicated in FDA Bacteriological Analytical Manual (BAM), or AOAC Official Methods of Analysis according to sample type.B. InoculationInoculate LST tubes with appropriate sample dilution series selected to determine MPN levels or presence/absence of total coliforms and E. coli in sample. Aseptically add a single ColiComplete ® disc to each tube. Incubate at 35–37 °C.C. Reading ColiComplete ®a. For total coliforms — After at least 24 h incubation, examine each tube for visually detectable blue color on disc or in surrounding medium. Presence of blue color indicates confirmed positive result for total coliforms.NOTE: A wide range of blue color intensity may be expected, depending on sample composition and microflora. All blue reactions are positive regardless of intensity of color.Reincubate at 35–37 °C. After additional 24 ±2 h re-examine. Continued absence of blue indicates negative result; presence of blue indicates confirmed positive result for total coliforms. Read and record the MPN code or presence/absence of total coliforms in the sample.b. For E.coli — After 30 ±2 h from start of initial incubation, examine tubes under long-wave UV light (366 nm). Fluorescent tubes indicate confirmed positive result for E. coli. Read and record the MPN code or presence/absence of E. coli in the sample.D. CONTROLSPositive and negative controls should be used to facilitate interpretation of MUG fluorescent reaction. Use one known positive E. coli tube and two negative controls - one non -E. coli /coliform tube (e.g., Klebsiella spp.) and one uninoculated media tube.NOTE: Use borosilicate glass tubes, flint glass gives fluorescence that may be misinterpreted for a positive result.Lit. No. MK_UG4655EN Merck KGaAFrankfurter Strasse 25064293 DarmstadtGermanyPage 2 of 2 E. Method Modification for Certain JuicesApplicable to juice products/processors which rely on treatments that do not come into direct contact with all parts of the juice, as contained in 21 CFR Part 120: Rules and Regulations. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HAACP); Procedures for the Safe and Sanitary Processing and Importing of Juice; Final Rule. Vol 66 No. 13. 6137-6202. Use the modified method “Analysis for Escherichia coli in Citrus Juices - Modifi cation of AOAC Official Method 992.30” as stated in Section 120.25 (a).F. StorageStore unused discs at 2–8 °C (36–46 °F) in a sealed container, with desiccant.G. DisposalAfter use, all tubes must be steam-sterilized at 121 °C for at least 30 min before discarding. For in-vitro diagnostic use only.Manufacturing EntityBioControl Systems, Inc, 12822 SE 32nd St, Bellevue, WA 98005, USA.BioControl Systems, Inc is an affiliate of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany.。



Curriculum Vitae: Rudy Bellani CONTACT INFORMATION:Rudy Bellani1230 York Ave.Box #232New York, New York 10021(480) 353-6150****************************EDUCATION:Jul 05 – Current The Rockefeller UniversityNeuroscience (expected degree: Ph.D.)Ph.D.Advisors: Fernando Nottebohm, Tao SunAug 00 – Jul 05 Barrett Honors College, Arizona State UniversityPsychology (B.S.)Honors Thesis: "Anxiety can predict spatial memory impairmentsfo llowing chronic stress but not HPA axis characteristics”Thesis Advisor: Dr.Cheryl D.ConradBiology (minor)RESEARCH EXPERIENCE:Jan 01 - Feb 02 Evolutionary Biology – Arizona State UniversitySusan M.Bertram, Ph.D.Studied environmental factors that may influence male cricket calling behavior.Feb 02 – July 05 Behavioral Neuroendocrinology – Arizona State UniversityCheryl D.Conrad, Ph.D.Studied the morphological and behavioral changes that occur due to stress in rats.In my honors researchproject, investigated what subject-dependent factors make individuals susceptible to the effects of chronicstress.Additional projects under my supervision included the effects of stress on memory retrieval.June 04 – Feb 06 Developmental Neuroendocrinology – Rockefeller UniversityBruce S.McEwen, Ph.D.Worked on multiple projects studying the development of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis during puberty.May 04 – June 04 Behavioral Neuroendocrinology – Stanford UniversityRobert M.Sapolsky, Ph.D.Investigated the effects of chronic stress on the corticosterone dose response curveand memory function.Jan 07 – Current Behavioral and Molecular Neurobiology – Rockefeller UniversityFernando Nottebohm, Ph.D.(Ph.D Advisor)Tao Sun, Ph.D.(Cornell University)Finding the developmental program that guides brain asymmetry and thelateralization of cognitive function.PUBLICATIONS:Oct 2007 Romeo, R.D., Ali, F.S., Karatsoreos, I.N., Bellani, R., Chhua, N., Vernov,M.& McEwen, B.S.Glucocorticoid receptor mRNA expression in thehippocampal formation of male rats before and after pubertal development inresponse to acute or repeated stress.Neuroendocrinology, Online: Oct 8Jun 2007 Hunter, R.G., Bellani, R., Bloss, E., Costa A., Romeo, R.D.& McEwen,B.S.(2007).Regulation of CART mRNA by stress and corticosteroids in thehippocampus and amygdala.Brain Research, 4 (11): 234-240.Apr 2006 Romeo, R.D., Bellani, R., Karatsoreos, I.N., Chhua, N., Vernov, M.A.,Conrad, C.D., & McEwen B.S.(2006).Stress history and pubertaldevelopment interact to shape hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axisplasticity.Endocrinology, 147: 1664-1674.Jan 2006 Bellani, R., Luecken, L.& Conrad, C.D.(2006).Peripubertal anxiety profilecan predict predisposition to spatial memory impairments following chronicstress.Behavioural Brain Research, 166: 263-270.Dec 2005 Romeo, R.D., Bellani, R., & McEwen, B.S.(2005).Pubertal changes in stress-induced progesterone secretion.Stress, 8: 265-271.Nov 2004 Bertram, S.M., Orozco, X., & Bellani, R.(2004).Temporal shifts inconspicuousness: mate attraction displays of the Texas field cricket Gryllustexensis.Ethology, 110 (12): 963-975.Jul 2002 Bertram, S.M., & Bellani, R.(2002).Influence of photoperiod on temporalmate signaling patterns in the Texas field cricket, Gryllus texensis.Journal ofInsect Behavior, 15(4): 607-615.(References available upon request)AWARDS/ HONORS:Mar 2006 National Science Foundation (NSF) FellowshipAwarded fellowship on a competitive basis.Mar 2006 Neurobiology Course: Marine Biological Laboratory (Woods Hole)Accepted on a competitive basis.Nine week lecture/lab course onelectrophysiology, imaging, and molecular biology.4Aug 2005 Charles H.Turner Award: Animal Behavioral Society/NSFGrant recipientTravel, lodging, and food costs were provided to attend the Animal BehaviorSociety conference in Snowbird Colorado.Aug 2005 Animal Behavior Society Diversity AwardAward includes registration fee for the Animal Behavior meeting.Apr 2005 Ernest Lindholm Award: Arizona State UniversityAwarded to the outstanding senior in BiopsychologyApr 2005 Western Alliance to Expand Student Opportunities (WAESO)Grant RecipientReceived $250 stipend to attend meeting, present research and explore jobopportunities in academia and industry.Jun – Aug 04 FASEB-MARC Summer Research FundingGrant RecipientFederal funding for minority students to perform summer research.Fundingserved as reimbursement to Rockefeller University’s summer SURFprogram.Jun – Aug 04 Accepted to the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF)Funding to perform research at Rockefeller University for 2.5months.Includes housing, travel, and $2500 stipend.Jun – Aug 04 Accepted to the Stanford Summer Research Program (SSRP)Funding to perform research at Stanford University for 2 months.Includeshousing, travel, and $2000 stipend.May 2004 Stanford Undergraduate Psychology Conference (SUPC)Presentation capability awarded on a selective basis.Mar 2004 Western Alliance to Expand Student Opportunities (WAESO)Grant RecipientReceived $250 stipend to present research and learn of minority opportunities inacademia.Jan 04 – May 05 Admission to Undergraduate Honors Sequence in PsychologyAdmission awarded on a competitive basis.A year long forum involving 12-credit hours to enrich research background and complete my Honors Thesis.Aug 03 – Jun 05 Minority Access to Research Careers (MARC)Grant RecipientReceiving funds from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to conductundergraduate research under a faculty mentor for a period of two years.Monthly stipend, tuition, travel money, research money, and health insurance were awarded.May 02 - Aug 03 Biology Research Experience for Undergraduates (BREU)Grant RecipientReceived funds from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) to conduct undergraduate research undera faculty mentor for a period of up to two years.Monthly stipend, travel money, andresearch money were awarded.Apr 2003 Western Alliance to Expand Student Opportunities (WAESO)Grant RecipientReceived $500 to present research and explore academia as a possible career.May 2002 Charles H.Turner Award: Animal Behavioral Society/NSFGrant recipientTravel, lodging, and food were provided to attend the Animal Behavior Society conference at Indiana State University.Feb 2001 Hexapodium Center for Insect Science Poster Presentation AwardTied for 2nd place(Competed against all levels, undergraduate – Ph.D.).$250 research award.Aug 00 - May 02 Undergraduate Mentoring in Environmental Biology (UMEB)Grant RecipientReceived funds from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to conduct undergraduate research under a faculty mentor for a period of two years.Monthly stipend, travel money, and research money were awarded. MENTORING EXPERIENCE:Aug 2007 Minority Access to Research Careers (MARC: Arizona State University) Invited and paid to travel to speak to undergraduates about graduate school Mar 2006 S3 Program (Barnard College)Presenter and mentor for female high school studentsNov 2005 Society for Neuroscience Mentorship ProgramStudent mentor for an undergraduateJun 05 – Aug 05 Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURF)Student leaderPRESENTATIONS /POSTERS:Invited Talks:6Jun 2005 Math-Science Honors Program, Arizona State University.Bellani,R.(2005).Real-life Superheroes: How neuroscience is changing the way weunderstand “normal.”Jan 2004 Harold and Margaret Milliken Hatch Laboratory of Neuroendocrinology,Bruce McEwen Lab, The Rockefeller University.Bellani, R. (2004).Anxietycan predict susceptibility to the effects of chronic psychological stress.Additional Oral Presentations:May 2005 7th Annual Minority Access to Research Careers (MARC) symposium.(2005).Bellani, R.Anxiety predicts spatial memoryimpairment following chronic stress.Apr 2005 West Coast Biological Sciences: Undergraduate ResearchConference.Bellani, R.(2005).Peripubertal anxiety predicts HPAaxis characteristics and spatial memory impairment followingchronic stress.May 2004 Stanford Undergraduate Psychology Conference.Bellani, R.(2004).Anxiety can predict spatial memory deficits following chronic stress.Primary Poster Presenter:Aug 2005 Animal Behaviour Society.Snowbowl UT.Bellani, R.,Harman, J.H., Wright, R.L.& Conrad, C.D.(2005).Anxiety profilein rats can predict stress reactivity.Apr 2005 Western Alliance to Expand Student Opportunities(WAESO).Bellani, R., Koeneman, B.A.& Capco, D.G.(2005).TheEffects of Stress on Stem Cell Differentiation in the PrepubertalRat Brain.Oct 2004 Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 316.1.San Diego,CA.Bellani, R.& Conrad, C.D.(2004).Prepubertal anxiety canpredict spatial memory impairment following chronic restraintstress in adulthood.Apr 2004 Western Alliance to Expand Student Opportunities(WAESO).Bellani, R., Conrad, C.D.(2004).Anxiety can predictspatial memory deficits following chronic stress.Feb 2004 Undergraduate Biology Enrichment Program (UBEP).Bellani, R., & Conrad, C.D.(2004).Arizona State University.Prepubertalanxiety can predict susceptibility to chronic stress-induced spatialmemory impairment: the interaction between the environment andthe self in experience.Nov 2003 Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 29: 507.5.New Orleans, LA.Conrad, C.D., Wright, R.L., Harman, J.S., Bellani, R., Hobbs, R.J., Grote, K.A., & Lyon,B.(2003). Acute stress reduces context discrimination, a hippocampal-dependent task.Apr 2003 Western Alliance to Expand Student Opportunities (WAESO).Bellani, R., & Conrad, C.D.(2003).Prepubertal anxiety may predict susceptibility to chronic stress-induced effects on the hippocampus.Feb 2003 Undergraduate Biology Enrichment Program (UBEP).Bellani, R., & Conrad,C.D.(2003).Arizona State University.(2003).Prepubertal anxiety may predictsusceptibility to chronic stress-induced effects on the hippocampus.Jul 2002 Animal Behavior Society.Indiana State University.Bellani, R., Orozco, X., & Bertram, S.M.(2002).Effects of female crickets and acoustically orientating parasitoid flies on male courtship behavior in the Texas field cricket, Gryllus texensis.Apr 2002 Hexapodium Center for Insect Science.University of Arizona.Bellani, R.,Orozco, X., & Bertram, S.M.(2002).Effects of female crickets andacoustically orientating parasitoid flies on male courtship behavior in theTexas field cricket, Gryllus texensis.Feb 2002 Undergraduate Biology Enrichment Program (UBEP).Bellani, R., Orozco, O., & Bertram, S.M.(2002).Arizona State University.Crickets know they’ stuff: effects of potential mates and parasitoids on male calling behavior in the field cricket Gryllus texensis.Jul 2001 Animal Behavior Society.Oregon State University.Bellani, R., & Bertram,S.M.(2001).Influence of photoperiod on acoustic mating signals of the Texasfield cricket, Gryllus texensis.Apr 2001 Hexapodium Center for Insect Science.University of Arizona.Bellani, R., & Bertram, S.M.(2001).Influence of photoperiod on acoustic mating signals ofthe Texas field cricket, Gryllus texensis.PRINTED ABSTRACTS:National:Nov 2005 Society for Neuroscience Abstracts.Washington D.C.Romeo, R.D., Bellani, R., Karatsoreos, I.N., Chhua, N., Vernov M., Conrad, C.D.& McEwen,B.S.(2005).Stress history and pubertal development interact to shapehypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis plasticity.8Nov 2005 Society for Neuroscience Abstracts.Washington D.C.Hunter, R.G., Romeo,R.D., Bellani, R.& McEwen B.S.(2005).Differences in CART mRNAexpression between adult and adolescent rats in Hippocampus and Amygdala. Nov 2005 Society for Neuroscience Abstracts.Washington D.C.Wright, R.L., Baran,S.E., McLaughlin, K.J., Harman, J.S., Bellani, R., Gomez, J.& Conrad,C.D.(2005).Reducing corticosterone on the day of behavioral assessmentprevents chronic stress-induced spatial memory impairments on the Y-maze. Aug 2005 Animal Behaviour Society.Snowbowl UT.Bellani, R., Harman, J.H., Wright, R.L.& Conrad, C.D.(2005).Anxiety profile in rats can predict stress reactivity. Apr 2005 Western Alliance to Expand Student Opportunities (WAESO).Bellani, R.,Koeneman, B.A.& Capco, D.G.(2005).The Effects of Stress on Stem CellDifferentiation in the Prepubertal Rat Brain.Apr 2005 West Coast Biological Sciences: Undergraduate Research Conference.Bellani, R., Harman, J.S.& Conrad, C.D.(2005).Peripubertal anxiety predicts HPAaxis characteristics and spatial memory impairment following chronic stress. Oct 2004 Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 316.1.San Diego, CA.Bellani, R.&Conrad, C.D.(2004).Prepubertal anxiety can predict spatial memoryimpairment following chronic restraint stress in adulthood.Oct 2004 Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 316.3.San Diego, CA.Wright, R.L.,Lightner, E.L., Bellani, R., Harman J.S.& Conrad, C.D.(2004).Chronic stress-induced spatial memory deficits are prevented by metyrapone treatment onthe day of behavioral assessment.May 2004 Stanford Undergraduate Psychology Conference (SUPC).Bellani, R., Wright R.L., Lightner, L., Conrad, C.D.(2004).Anxiety can predict spatial memorydeficits following chronic stress.May 2004 Western Psychological Alliance (WPA).Wright, R.L., Harman, J.S., Bellani, R., Baran, S.E., Jackson, J.L., Kleen J.K., McLaughlin, K.J., Tsekhanov, S.,Zachow, K.& Conrad, C.D.(2004).Chronic Stress impairs spatial memoryselectively on the Y-maze.May 2004 Western Psychological Alliance (WPA).McLaughlin, K.J., Baran, S.E.,Wright, R.L., Jackson, J.L., Kleen J.K., Bellani, R., Harman, J.S., Weiczorek,L., Tsekhanov, S.& Conrad, C.D.(2004). Estrogen replacement affectschronically stressed female rats differently than controls.Apr 2004 Western Alliance to Expand Student Opportunities (WAESO).Bellani, R.,Conrad, C.D.(2004).Anxiety can predict spatial memory deficits followingchronic stress.Nov 2003 Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 29: 507.3.New Orleans, LA.McLaughlin, K.J., Baran, S.E., Wright, R.L., Jackson, J.L., Kleen, J.K., Bellani, R.,Harman, J.S., Wieczorek, L., Tsekhanov, S., & Conrad,C.D.(2003).Overectomized rats exposed to chronic stress show functionalspatial memory regardless of estrogen replacement, whereas controls areimpaired with estrogen replacement.Nov 2003 Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 29: 507.4.New Orleans, LA.Wright, R.L., Harman, J.S., Bellani, R., Baran, S.E., Jackson, J.L., Kleen, J.K., McLaughlin,K.J., Tsekhanov, S., Zackow, K., & Conrad, C.D.(2003).Chronic stress andhippocampal lesion impair Y-maze performance when salient internal cuesare absent but not when salient internal cues are present.Nov 2003 Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 29: 713.5.New Orleans, LA.Baran, S.E., Campbell, A.M., Wright, R.L., Bellani, R., Zackow, K.A., Kleen, J.K.,Wieczorek, L., Conrad, C.D., & Diamond, D.M.(2003).Chronicpsychological stress produces dendritic atrophy in the hippocampus only instressed rats fed a high fat diet.Nov 2003 Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 29: 507.5.New Orleans, LA.Conrad, C.D., Wright, R.L., Harman, J.S., Bellani, R., Hobbs, R.J., Grote, K.A., & Lyon,B.(2003). Acute stress reduces context discrimination, a hippocampal-dependent task.Apr 2003 Western Alliance to Expand Student Opportunities (WAESO).Bellani, R., & Conrad, C.D.(2003).Arizona State University.(2003).Prepubertal anxiety may predict susceptibility to chronic stress-induced effects on the hippocampus.Jul 2002 Animal Behavior Society.Indiana State University.Bellani, R., Orozco, X., & Bertram, S.M.(2002).Effects of female crickets and acoustically orientating parasitoid flies on male courtship behavior in the Texas field cricket, Gryllus texensis.Apr 2002 Hexapodium Center for Insect Science.University of Arizona.Bellani, R.,Orozco, X., & Bertram, S.M.(2002).Effects of female crickets andacoustically orientating parasitoid flies on male courtship behavior in theTexas field cricket, Gryllus texensis.Jul 2001 Animal Behavior Society.Oregon State University.Bellani, R., & Bertram,S.M.(2001).Influence of photoperiod on acoustic mating signals of the Texasfield cricket, Gryllus texensis.10Apr 2001 Hexapodium Center for Insect Science.University of Arizona.Bellani, R., & Bertram, S.M.(2001).Influence of photoperiod on acoustic mating signals ofthe Texas field cricket, Gryllus texensis.Local:May 2005 7th Annual Minority Access to Research Careers (MARC)symposium.(2005).Bellani, R.Anxiety predicts spatial memory impairmentfollowing chronic stress.Mar 2005 Undergraduate Biology Enrichment Program (UBEP).Harman, J., Bellani, R., & Conrad, C.D.(2005).Arizona State University.Peri-pubertal anxiety profilesin male rats may predict HPA-axis characteristics in adulthood.Feb 2004 Undergraduate Biology Enrichment Program (UBEP).Bellani, R., & Conrad,C.D.(2004).Arizona State University.Prepubertal anxiety can predictsusceptibility to chronic stress-induced spatial memory impairment: theinteraction between the environment and the self in experience.Feb 2003 Undergraduate Biology Enrichment Program (UBEP).Bellani, R., & Conrad,C.D.(2003).Arizona State University.(2003).Prepubertal anxiety may predictsusceptibility to chronic stress-induced effects on the hippocampus.Feb 2002 Undergraduate Biology Enrichment Program (UBEP).Bellani, R., Orozco, O., & Bertram, S.M.(2002).Arizona State University.Crickets know they’ stuff:effects of potential mates and parasitoids on male calling behavior in the fieldcricket Gryllus texensis.。



颜色的代码数字"1"开头的1000 Green beige 米绿色1001 Beige 米色,淡黄或灰黄1002 Sand yellow 沙黄色1003 Signal yellow 信号黄1004 Goldenyellow 金黄色1005 Honey yellow 蜜黄色1006 Maize yellow 玉米黄1007 Daffodil yellow 灰黄色1011 Brown beige 米褐色1012 Lemon yellow 柠檬黄1013 Oyster white 近于白色的浅灰1014 Ivory 象牙色1015 Light ivory 亮象牙色1016 Sulfur yellow 硫磺色1017 Saffron yellow 深黄色1018 Zinc yellow 绿黄色1019 Grey beige 米灰色1020 Olive yellow 橄榄黄1021 Rape yellow 油菜黄1023 Traffic yellow 交通黄1024 Ochre yellow 赭黄色1026 Luminous yellow 亮黄色1027 Curry 咖喱色1028 Melon yellow 浅橙黄1032 Broom yellow金雀花黄1033 Dahlia yellow 大丽花黄1034 Pastel yellow 粉黄色1035 Pearl beige 米珍珠色1036 Pearl gold 金黄珍珠1037 Sun yellow 日光黄数字“2”开头的2000 Yellow orange 黄橙色2001 Red orange 橘红2002 Vermilion 朱红2003 Paster orange 淡橙2004 Pure orange 纯橙2005 Luminous orange 亮橙2007 Luminous bright orange 亮浅橙2008 Bright red orange 浅红橙2009 Traffic orange 交通橙2011 Deep orange 深橙色2012 Salmon orange 鲑鱼橙2013 Pearl orange 珍珠橙数字“3”开头的3000 Flame red 火焰红3001 Signal red 信号红3002 Carmine red 胭脂红3003 Ruby red 宝石红3004 Purple red 紫红色3012 Beige red 米红色3013 Tomato red 番茄红3014 Antique pink 古粉红色3015 Light pink 淡粉红色3016 Coral red 珊瑚红色3017 Rose 玫瑰色3018 Strawberry red 草莓红3020 Traffic red 交通红3022 Salmon pink 鲑鱼粉红色3024 Luminous red 亮红色3026 Luminous bright red 淡亮红色3027 Raspbery red 悬钩子红色3031 Orient red 戈亚红色3005 Wine red 葡萄酒红3007 Black red 黑红色3009 Oxide red 氧化红3011 Brown red 红玄武土色3032 Pearl ruby red 红宝石珍珠红3033 Pearl pink 珍珠红色数字“4”开头的4001 Red lilac 丁香红4002 Red violet 紫红色4003 Heather violet 石南紫4004 Claret violet 酒红紫4005 Blue lilac 丁香蓝4006 Traffic purple 交通紫4007 Purple violet 紫红蓝色4008 Signal violet 信号紫罗兰4009 Pastel violet 崧蓝紫色4010 Telemagenta 电视品红色4011 Pearl violet 珍珠紫4012 Peal blackberry 珍珠黑数字“5”开头的5000 Violet blue 紫蓝色5001 Green blue 蓝绿色5002 Ultramarine blue 群青蓝5003 Sapphire blue 蓝宝石蓝5004 Black blue 蓝黑色5005 Signal blue 信号蓝5007 Brillant blue 亮蓝色5008 Grey blue 灰蓝色5009 Azure blue 天青蓝5010 Gentian blue 龙胆蓝色5011 Steel blue 钢蓝色5012 Light blue 淡蓝色5013 Cobalt blue 钴蓝色5014 Pigeon blue 鸽蓝色5015 Sky blue 天蓝色5017 Traffic blue 交通蓝5018 Turquoise blue 绿松石蓝5019 Capri blue 卡布里蓝色5020 Ocean blue 海蓝色5021 Water blue 不来梅蓝色5022 Night blue 夜蓝色5023 Distant blue 冷蓝色5024 Pastel blue 崧蓝蓝色5025 Pearl gentian blue 珍珠龙胆蓝5026 Pearl night blue 珍珠夜蓝数字“6”开头的6002 Leaf green 叶绿色6003 Olive green 橄榄绿6004 Blue green 蓝绿色6005 Moss green 苔藓绿6006 Grey olrve 橄榄灰绿6000 Patina green 铜锈绿色6001 Emerald greet 翡翠绿色6032 Signal greet 信号绿6033 Mint turquoise 薄荷绿蓝色6034 Pastel turquoies 崧蓝绿松石色6035 Pearl green 珍珠绿6036 Pearl opal green 不透明蓝白绿6007 Bottle green 瓶绿6008 Brown green 褐绿6009 Fir greet 冷杉绿6010 Grass greet 草绿色6011 Reseda green 淡橄榄绿6012 Black green 墨绿色6013 Reed green 芦苇绿6014 Yellow olive 橄榄黄6015 Black olive 黑齐墩果色6016 Turquoise green 绿松石绿色6017 May green 五月红6018 Yellow green 黄绿色6019 Pastel green 崧蓝绿色6020 Chrome green 铭绿色6021 Pale green 浅绿色6022 Olive drab 橄榄土褐色6024 Traffic green 交通绿6025 Fern green 蕨绿色6026 Opal green 蛋白石绿色6027 Light green 浅绿色6028 Pine green 松绿色6029 Mint green 薄荷绿数字“7”开头的7000 Squirrel grey 松鼠灰7001 Silver grey 银灰色7002 Olive grey 橄榄灰绿色7003 Moss grey 苔藓绿7004 Signal grey 信号灰7005 Mouse grey 鼠灰色7006 Beige grey 米灰色7008 Khaki grey 土黄灰色7009 Green grey 绿灰色7010 Tarpaulin gey 油布灰7011 Iron grey 铁灰色7012 Basalt grey 玄武石灰7013 Brown grey 褐灰色7015 Slate grey 浅橄榄灰7016 Anthracite grey 煤灰7021 Black grey 黑灰7022 Umbra grey 暗灰7023 Concrete grey 混凝土灰7032 Pebble grey 卵石灰7033 Cement grey 水泥灰7034 Yellow grey 黄灰色7035 Light grey 浅灰色7036 Platinum grey 铂灰色7037 Dusty grey 土灰色7038 Agate grey 玛瑙灰7039 Quartz grey 石英灰7040 Window grey 窗灰色7042 Traffic grey A 交通灰A 7043 Traffic grey B 交通灰B 7044 Silk grey 深铭灰色7045 Telegrey 1 电视灰1 7046 Telegrey 2 电视灰27047 Telegrey 4 电视灰4 7048 Pearl mouse grey 珍珠鼠灰7024 Graphite grey 石墨灰7026 Granite grey 花岗灰7030 Stone grey 石灰色7031 Blue grey 蓝灰色数字“8”开头的8000 Green brown 绿褐色8001 Ochre brown 赭石棕色8002 Signal brown 信号褐8003 Clay brown 土棕褐色8004 Coper brown 铜棕色8007 Fawn brown 鹿褐色8008 Olive brown 橄榄棕色8011 Nut brown 深棕色8012 Red brown 红褐色8014 Sepia brown 乌贼棕色8015 Chestnut brown 粟棕色8016 Mahogany brown 桃花心木褐8017 Chocolate brown 巧克力棕色8019 Grey brown 灰褐色8022 Black brown 黑褐色8023 Orange brown 桔黄褐8024 Beige brown 哔叽棕色8025 Pale brown 浅褐色8028 Terra brown 浅灰褐色8029 Pearl copper 珍珠铜棕色数字“9”开头的9001 Cream 彩黄色9002 Grey white 灰白色9003 Signal white 信号白9004 Signal black 信号黑9005 Jet black 墨黑色9006 White aluminium 白铝灰色9007 Grey aluminium 灰铝色9010 Pure white 纯白色9011 Graphiack 石墨黑9016 Traffic white 交通白9017 Traffic black 交通黑9018 Papyrus white 草纸白9022 Pearl light grey 珍珠浅灰9023 Pearl dark grey 珍珠深灰RAL工业国际标准色卡对照表2009-06-06 21:54RAL工业国际标准色卡对照表ral 1000 ral 1001 ral 1002 ral 1003 ral 1004 ral 1005 ral 1006 ral 1007 ral 1011 ral 1012 ral 1013 ral 1014 ral 1015 ral 1016 ral 1017 ral 1018 ral 1019 ral 1020 ral 1021 ral 1023 ral 1024 ral 1027 ral 1028 ral 1032 ral 1033 ral 1034 ral 2000 ral 2001 ral 2002 ral 2003 ral 2004 ral 2008 ral 2009 ral 2010 ral 2011 ral 2012 ral 3000 ral 3002ral 3009 ral 3012 ral 3013 ral 3014 ral 3015 ral 3016 ral 3017 ral 3018 ral 3020 ral 3022 ral 3027 ral 3031 ral 4001 ral 4002 ral 4003 ral 4005 ral 4006 ral 4008 ral 4009 ral 5000 ral 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SANFORD 马克笔色卡(中—英) Page-1PM— 1 Process Red- 2 Crimson Red 深红- 3 Scarlet Lake 鲜红- 6 Carmine Red 洋红-7 Magenta 红紫-8 Pink 粉红-10 Blush Pink 羞红-11 Deco Peach 装饰桃色-12 Light Peach 浅桃色*-13 Poppy Red 罂粟红(深红)-14 Pale Vermilion 浅朱红-15 Yellowed Orange Tangerine黄桔色-16 Orange 桔*-17 Sunburst Yellow 浅阳光黄-18 Yellow Ochre 黄赭石-19 Canary Yellow 淡黄-21 Tulip Yellow 郁金香黄-23 Cream 奶黄-24 Yellow Chartreuse 黄.黄绿*-25 Spring Green 春黄*-26 Light Olive Green 浅橄榄绿-27 Chartreuse 黄绿色-28 Olive Green 橄榄绿*-31 Dark Green 暗绿*-32 Parrot Green鹦鹉绿-33 Hunter Green 猎人绿-36 Lime Green 酸橙绿*-37 Aquamarine 绿玉、碧绿-38 Teal Blue 水鸭蓝*-39 True Blue 纯蓝*-40 Copenhagen Blue 哥本哈根蓝-42 Violet Blue 紫罗兰蓝-43 Indigo Blue 靛青*-44 Ultramarine 群青(深蓝)-45 Navy Blue 海军蓝-46 Light Aqua 浅水绿*-47 Light Blue 浅蓝-48 Light Cerulean Blue 浅天蓝*-50 Violet 紫罗兰-51 Black Grape 黑葡萄-55 Rhodamine 荧光红Page 259 Lavender 淡紫(薰衣草)53 Mulberry 深紫红60 Violet Mist 紫罗兰(薄)61 Dark Umber 暗茶色*62 Sepia 棕褐色*65 Sienna Brown 赭石69 Goldenrod 秋麒麟草*70 Sand 沙色*71 Buff 浅黄色(软皮)72 Eggshell 蛋壳黄73 Flagstone Red 石板红78 Brick Beige 砖米色*79 Brick White 砖白*80 Putty 灰泥82 Terra Cotta 土黄??86 Cherry 梅红88 Dark Brown 深棕*89 Light Walnut 浅胡桃木90 Walnut 胡桃木93 Burnt Ochre 烧赭石(赤土色)95 Light Tan 浅棕褐色96 Blond Wood97 Warm Black暖黑98 Black*黑99~107 Warm Gray 10%~90%108~116 Cool Gray 10%~90%117。



Towing Capacity1: 3,500 lbs••••••Comfort and ConvenienceDESCRIPTIONPower Windows with Auto-Up/Down Driver’s and Front Passenger’s WindowProgrammable Power Door and Tailgate LocksCruise ControlTilt and Telescopic Steering ColumnDriver’s and Front Passenger’s Illuminated Vanity Mirrors Map Lights (all rows)Front Bag HookLockable Glove CompartmentAmbient Console LightingBeverage Holders (all rows)Chrome Door HandlesCoin HolderPassenger-Assist Grips (front and 2nd-row)Garment Hooks (2nd and 3rd row, 4 total)Remote Fuel Filler Door ReleaseFront Door Courtesy LightsRear Window Defroster •••••••••••••••••LX•••••••••••••••••EX•••••••••••••••••SE•••••••••••••••••TOURING•••••••••••••••••EX-L•••••••••••••••••TOURING ELITEIntegrated Sunshades2nd Row3rd RowHonda DVD Rear Entertainment Systemwith High-Resolution WVGA (800x480) ScreenHonda DVD UltraWide Entertainment System with HDMI® Technology4 with High-Resolution WVGA (800x480) Screen •••••••••••••Available3Available3••••••Customizable Feature SettingsBluetooth® HandsFreeLink®5Bluetooth® Streaming Audio5Pandora®16 Compatibility6SMS Text Message Function7USB Audio Interface8MP3 / Auxiliary Input JackMP3 / Windows Media®9 Audio (WMA) Playback CapabilityRadio Data System (RDS)Integrated Glass AntennaHondaLink® Featuring Aha™10 CompatibilityAudio Touch-ScreenSiriusXM® Radio11Honda Satellite-Linked Navigation System™12Voice RecognitionFM TrafficHD Radio™13240-Watt AM / FM / CD Audio System with 7 Speakers, including Subwoofer270-Watt AM / FM / CD Audio System with 7 Speakers, including Subwoofer •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Available3Available3Available3without Navigation•••••••••••••••••Passive SafetyDESCRIPTIONAdvanced Compatibility Engineering™ (ACE™) Body Structure Dual-Stage, Multiple-Threshold Front Airbags (SRS) SmartVent® Front Side Airbags3-Row Side Curtain Airbags with Rollover SensorDriver’s and Front Passenger’s Active Head Restraints3-Point Seat Belts at All Seating PositionsFront 3-Point Seat Belts with Automatic Tensioning System Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children (LATCH)Lower Anchors (2nd-Row All, 3rd-Row Outboard)Tether Anchors (2nd-Row All, 3rd-Row All)Driver’s and Front Passenger’s Seat-Belt ReminderChild-Proof Rear Door Locks LX••••••••••••EX••••••••••••SE••••••••••••TOURING••••••••••••EX-L••••••••••••TOURING ELITE••••••••••••Daytime Running Lights (DRL) Rearview Camera with Guidelines16 Multi-AngleForward Collision Warning (FCW)17 Lane Departure Warning (LDW)18••••••with Navigation•••••••••••••••©2016 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. All information contained herein applies to U.S. vehicles only.Please see our Privacy Policy and Legal Terms and Conditions .Requires surge-type or electric trailer brakes and available Honda accessory towing package and hitch ball. Premium unleaded fuel recommended when towing. Please see your Honda dealer for details.HomeLink® is a registered trademark of Gentex CorporationThe Honda Satellite-Linked Navigation System™ and DVD Rear Entertainment System are only available separately on EX-L models.A separate source device is required to use split-screen function. HDMI, the HDMI Logo, and High-Definition Multimedia Interface are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing, LLC, in the United States and other countries.The Bluetooth ® word mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc., and any use of such marks by Honda Motor Co., Ltd., is under license.Pandora, the Pandora logo, and the Pandora trade dress are trademarks or registered trademarks of Pandora Media, Inc. Used with permission. Compatible with select smartphones. See: /everywhere/mobile. Not all devices compatible with USB connection. Your wireless carrier’s rate plans apply.Compatible with select phones with Bluetooth®. Your wireless carrier’s rate plans apply. State or local laws may limit use of texting feature. Only use texting feature when conditions allow you to do so safely.The USB Audio Interface is used for direct connection to and control of some current digital audio players and other USB devices that contain MP3, WMA or AAC music files. Some USB devices with security software and digital rights-protected files may not work. Please see your Honda dealer for details.Windows Media® is a trademark or registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.Compatible smartphone required. All Aha platform feeds are audible, not visual in nature. Vehicle does not provide any feeds. Some state laws prohibit the operation of handheld electronic devices while operating a vehicle. Launch smartphone applications only when the vehicle is safely parked. Aha is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Inc. Your wireless carrier’s rates may apply.SiriusXM services require a subscription after any trial period. If you decide to continue your SiriusXM service at the end of your trial subscription, the plan you choose will automatically renew and bill at then-current rates until you call SiriusXM at 1-866-635-2349 to cancel. See our Customer Agreement for complete terms at . Fees and programming subject to change. XM satellite service is available only to those at least 18 years and older in the 48 contiguous United States and D.C. ©2016 SiriusXM Radio Inc. Sirius, XM and all related marks and logos are trademarks of SiriusXM Radio Inc.The Honda Satellite-Linked Navigation System™ is available on EX-L models and standard on Touring models in the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico. (FM Traffic service only available in the United States, except Alaska). Please see your Honda dealer for details.HD Radio is a proprietary trademark of iBiquity Digital Corporation.VSA is not a substitute for safe driving. It cannot correct the vehicle’s course in every situation or compensate for reckless driving. Control of the vehicle always remains with the driver.For optimal tire wear and performance, tire pressure should be checked regularly with a gauge. Do not rely solely on the monitor system. Please see your Honda dealer for details.Always visually confirm that it is safe to drive before backing up; the rearview camera display does not provide complete information about all conditions and objects at the rear of your vehicle.FCW cannot detect all objects ahead and may not detect a given object; accuracy will vary based on weather, speed and other factors. System operation affected by extreme interior heat. FCW does not include a braking function. Driver remains responsible for safely operating vehicle and avoiding collisions.LDW only alerts drivers when lane drift is detected without a turn signal in use. LDW may not detect all lane markings or lane departures; accuracy will vary based on weather, speed and road condition. System operation affected by extreme interior heat. Driver remains responsible for safely operating vehicle and avoiding collisions.。

Helbako 电子制造商供应链管理软件使用指南说明书

Helbako 电子制造商供应链管理软件使用指南说明书

Helbako Helbako drives greater efficiency, ensures high standards and frees its IT team from administrative tasks by automating end-point management with ZENworks Configuration Management.Overview Electronics manufacturer Helbako is a lead-ing supplier to the automotive industry. The company develops and produces fuel pump control systems, electronic power steering, lighting and convertible roof control solutions. Headquartered in Heiligenhaus, Germany, Helbako also operates manufacturing facilities in Romania and China, producing over 5 million electronic modules every year. The family-run company employs 320 people worldwide and reports annual revenues of EUR 60 million.Challenge Disruptive trends and digital technologies are driving major change in the automotive industry. T oday’s cars are smarter and more connected than ever, while advances in IoT and autonomous driving technology look set to make cars even more intelligent in the future. The electronics in modern cars are extremely complex. Helbako uses state-of-the-art de-velopment and manufacturing techniques to make the cars of tomorrow safer, more efficient and more comfortable.T o guarantee the highest quality standards for its cutting-edge electronic components, every product needs to undergo a number of tests. Around 200 standalone PCs are used for qual-ity management on production lines. Stephan Hösel, a member of Helbako’s IT team, explains: “Strict quality control is essential in our indus-try. We use headless PC workstations as part of our streamlined manufacturing processes, which must run reliably around the clock to meet our production goals.”With sophisticated IT processes underpinning all business functions, employees at Helbako need easy access to applications and files. But manually managing each workstation was put-ting the small IT team under pressure. Stephan Hösel adds: “Walking around the com-pany from desk to desk to provide support was fine when we only had 100 or so workstations to manage. But as the company grew and we expanded abroad, this manual approach wasno longer viable.”At a Glance ■ Industry Automotive ■ Location Heiligenhaus, Germany ■ Partner Dirk Hallen Datensysteme ■ Challenge Producing innovative electronic solutions for the automotive industry, supplier Helbako must ensure its components meet high quality standards.■ Products and Services ZENworks Configuration Management ZENworks Patch Management ■ Success HIghlights + Increases reliability and performance of automated quality management processes across 200 production-line workstations + Reduces business risk through faster deployment of security patches +Frees IT team from routine administration tasks by automating provisioning, software distribution and updates + Boosts IT efficiency and facilitates user support with remote monitoring and management“With the new release ZENworks Configuration Management 2017, besides enjoying the more comprehensive reporting, we’re also looking forward to boosting standardization with the new ZENworks Configuration Management mobile management functionalities across platforms.”STEPHAN HÖSEL IT T eam Helbako Case StudySolutionAfter evaluating offerings from several ven-dors, Helbako selected OpenT ext TM ZENworks Configuration Management and OpenT ext TM ZENworks Patch Management. Stephan Hösel recalls: “ZENworks is an in-dustry-leading s olution a nd c ame h ighly r ecom-mended by our long-term technology partner, Dirk Hallen Datensysteme. ZENworks Configur­a t ion Management and ZENworks Patch Man­agement met all our requirements then, and still do today.”Helbako successfully integrated its fleet of 200 quality management workstations and 200 employee PCs into ZENworks Configuration Management, so the company can now con-trol all endpoints centrally. Software updates and security patches can be rolled out across the company with just a few clicks. Eager to take advantage of the tool’s latest features to support its upcoming Windows 10 migration, Helbako chose to upgrade to ZENworks Configuration Management 2017.“We worked with Dirk Hallen Datensysteme to move to the latest version of ZENworks Configuration Management,” says Stephan Hösel. “The support we received was excellent. They worked closely with us at every stage of the project to make it a success. Our experi-ence with Micro Focus (now part of OpenT ext TM) support services is also very good. They re-spond very quickly, we always get clear and useful replies to our questions.”ResultsBeing able to flexibly optimize the performance of its quality management workstations helps Helbako to maximize production output and increase the operational efficiency of its plants.In addition, Helbako benefits from compre-hensive inventory management features in ZENworks, enabling the company to prioritize replacements and empower its support team. Stephan Hösel comments: “Assessing which PCs are compatible with Windows 10 is key for a successful migration. We’re planning to use ZENworks Configuration Management to roll out Windows 10 across all our sites, which will save us lots of time and effort.”Automated deployment of new PCs and re-mote management has relieved the burden on the company’s IT team. Now, freed from routine installation and administration tasks, staff have more time to focus on user support, while de-ploying about four new PCs every week. Next, Helbako wants to standardize the soft-ware deployment of Microsoft Office 365 cloud applications with the aim of simplifying the user experience and getting staff set up with new productivity tools more quickly. Stephan Hösel concludes: “We have been very impressed with the capabilities and flexibility of ZENworks Configuration Management over the years. Being able to roll out security fixes much faster helps us protect our network from threats. T o improve security further, we’re now looking to add ZENworks Full Disk Encryption268-000146-001 | O | 06/23 | © 2023 Open T ext to our configuration. With the new release ZENworks Configuration Management 2017, besides enjoying the more comprehensive reporting, we’re also looking forward to boost-ing standardization with the new ZENworks Configuration Management mobile manage-ment functionalities across platforms.”Learn more at/opentext。



columbus英文介绍生平含译文Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer and navigator who is widely credited with the discovery of the New World. He was born in Genoa, Italy in 1451 and grew up in a family of weavers. As a young man, he became interested in exploration and navigation, and spent years studying maps and charts.In 1492, Columbus set sail from Spain with three ships, the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria. His goal was to find a new route to Asia by sailing west across the Atlantic Ocean. After weeks at sea, Columbus and his crew spotted land on October 12th, and they landed on an island in the Bahamas that they named San Salvador.Over the next few years, Columbus made three more voyages to the Americas, exploring much of the Caribbean and Central America. He claimed these lands for Spain and established several colonies, but his actions also led to the forced migration and enslavement of many indigenous peoples.Columbus died in 1506 while on a final voyage to the Americas. Despite his controversial legacy, he remains an important figure in history for his role in opening up the New World to European exploration and colonization.译文:克里斯托弗·哥伦布是一位意大利探险家和航海家,因发现新大陆而受到广泛赞誉。



Curriculum Vita - Chiao-Yao (Joe) SheEducation:1957 - B.S., Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan1961 - M.S., North Dakota State University, Fargo, North Dakota1964 - Ph.D., Stanford University, Stanford, CaliforniaExperience:1975-Present Professor of Physics, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO1968- 1971 Assistant Professor of Physics, Colorado State University1971- 1975 Associate Professor of Physics, Colorado State University1964 - 1968 Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, The University of Minnesota Honors, Memberships and Services:Fellow of the Optical Society of AmericaMember of APS, AGU1976 Research Publication Award, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D.C.1978 President of the Rocky Mountain Section of OSA.1987 Burlington Northern Faculty Achievement Award, Colorado State University 1988-1989 Golden Screw (Teaching) Award, Colorado State University1988, 1995 On NSF Review Panels for Research Initiation Awards, Lightwave Technology Program, and Optical Science and Engineering, respectively1992-1994 Member, AMS Committee on Laser Studies of the Atmosphere1993-1995 Member, CLEO/IQEC Program Committee1994-1997 Member, Arecibo Users and Scientific Advisory Committee, N.A.I.C.1989-2005 Fellow, Coop. Institute for Research in the Atmosphere, Colorado State University1997-2000 Member, NSF CEDAR Science Steering Committee2000-2001 Fulbright Research Award, Norway2003NSF/CEDAR Workshop – CEDAR Lecture Prize2003AGU Editor’s Citation – Outstanding Reviewer for Geophysics Research Letters 2005 Included in the 60th Diamond Edition of Marquis Who’s Who in AmericaBook Chapter and EditingWilliam B. Grant, Edward V. Browell, Robert T. Menzies, Kenneth Sassen and Chiao-Yao She (Editors), Selected Papers on Laser Applications in Remote Sensing, SPIE Milestone Series, MS 141 (1997).Research Interest and Current SupportThe research interests of Prof. She have been broad and often interdisciplinary. He has developed new laser measurement techniques for solving basic as well as applied problems. For the past 25 years, he has made a series of innovations in two high-spectral-resolution lidars: Rayleigh-Mie lidar and narrowband sodium lidar for atmospheric temperature and wind measurements, respectively in the lower and upper atmosphere. The narrowband sodium lidar, now capable of measuring mesopause region (80-110km in altitude) temperature and wind on 24-hour continuous basis, has enjoyed considerable success with continued NSF funding for upper atmospheric research since 1989. Its technology and innovations were and are beingduplicated by National and International Middle and Upper Atmospheric Research Facilities. In the past ten years, Prof. She’s research has been supported by NSF, NASA and AFOSR.Research PublicationsProfessor She has co-authored about 170 papers in refereed journals. A selected list since 1998:109. She, C. Y. and U. von Zahn, The concept of two-level mesopause: Support through new lidar observation, J.Geophys. Res., 103, 5855 - 5863, 1998.110. She, C. Y., S. W. Thiel and D. A. Krueger, Observed episodic warming at 86 and 100 km between 1990 and 1997: Effects of Mount Pinatubo eruption, Geophys. Res. Lett., 25, 497 - 500, 1998.114. She, C. Y., and R. P. Lowe, Seasonal temperature variations in the mesopause region at mid-latitude: comparison of lidar and hydroxyl rotational temperatures using WINDII/UARD OH height profiles, J. Atmo.Solar-Terr. Physics, 60, 1573-1583, 1998.119. She, C. Y., S. S. Chen, Z. L. Hu, J. Sherman, J. D. Vance, V. Vasoli, M. A. White, J. R. Yu, and D. A.Krueger, Eight-year climatology of nocturnal temperature and sodium density in the mesopause region (80 to 105 km) over Fort Collins, CO (41o N, 105o W), Geophys. Res. Lett., 27, 3289 - 3292, 2000.120. She, Chiao-Yao, Spectral structure of laser light scattering revisited: bandwidths of nonresonant scattering lidar, Appl. Opt. 40, 4875-4884, 2001.124. She, C. Y., Joe D. Vance, B. P. Williams, D. A. Krueger, H. Moosuller, D. Gibson-Wilde, and D. C. Fritts, Lidar studies of atmospheric dynamics near polar mesopause, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 83 (27), P.289 and P.293, 2002.125. She, C. Y., Songsheng Chen, B. P. Williams, Zhilin Hu, David A. Krueger and M. E. Hagan, Tides in the mesopause region over Fort Collins, CO (41o N, 105o W) based on lidar temperature observations coveringfull diurnal cycles, Jour. Geophys. Research, 107, N. 0, 10.1029/2001JD001189, 2002.134. She, C. Y., Jim Sherman, Tao Yuan, B. P. Williams, Kam Arnold, T. D.Kawahara, Tao Li, LiFang Xu, J. D.Vance and David A. Krueger, The first 80-hour continuous lidar campaign for simultaneous observation of mesopause region temperature and wind, Geophys. Res. Lett.30, 6, 52, 10.1029/2002GL016412, 2003.136. She, C. Y., and D. A. Krueger, Impact of natural variability in the 11-year mesopause region temp erature observation over Fort Collins, CO (41N, 105W), Adv. Space Phys. 34, 330-336, 2004.137. Beig, G.; Keckhut, P.; Lowe, R. P.; Roble, R. G.; Mlynczak, M. G.; Scheer, J.; Fomichev, V. I.; Offermann,D.; French, W. J. R.; Shepherd, M. G.; Semenov, A. I.; Remsberg,E. E.; She, C. Y.; Lübken,F. J.; Bremer, J.;Clemesha, B. R.; Stegman, J.; Sigernes, F.; Fadnavis, S. (2003), Review of mesospheric temperature trends,Rev. Geophys., Vol. 41, No. 4, 1015, 10.1029/2002RG000121.138.Chiao-Yao She, Initial full-diurnal-cycle mesopause region lidar observations: Diurnal-means and tidal perturbations of temperature and winds over Fort Collins, CO (41N, 105W), PSMOS 2002, J. Atmo. Solar-Terr. Phys. 66, 663-674, 2004.139. She, C. Y.,Tao Li, Biff P. Williams, Tao Yuan and R. H. Picard (2004), Concurrent OH imager and sodium temperature/wind lidar observation of a mesopause region undular bore event over Fort Collins/Platteville, CO, J. Geophys. Res. 109, D22107, doi:10.1029/2004JD004742.140. She, C.Y., T. Li, R. C. Collins, T. Yuan, B. P. Williams, T. D. Kawahara, J. D. Vance, P. Acott, D. A. Krueger,H.-L. Liu, and M. E. Hagan (2004), Tidal perturbations and variability in the mesopause region over FortCollins, CO (41N, 105W): Continuous multi-day temperature and wind lidar observations, Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L24111, doi:10.1029/2004GL021165.142. Fritts, D. C., B. P. Williams, C. Y. She, J. D. Vance, r. Rapp, F.-J. L¨ubken, A. F. J. Schmidlin, A. M¨ullemann R. A. Goldberg (2004) Observations of extreme temperature and wind gradients near the summer mesopause during the MaCWAVE/MIDAS rocket campaign, Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L24S06, doi:10.1029/2003GL019389.144. Tao Li, C. Y. She, Bifford P. Williams, Tao Yuan, Richard L. Collins, Lois M. Kieffaber and Alan W.Peterson (2005), Concurrent OH imager and sodium temperature/wind lidar observation of localized ripples over Northern Colorado, J. Geophys. Res. 110, D13110, doi:10.1029/2004JD004885146. Chiao-Yao She (2005), On atmospheric lidar performance comparison: from power aperture to power–aperture–mixing ratio–scattering cross-section, Modern Optics, 52, 2723-2729, DOI:10.1080/09500340500352618.147. She, C. Y., B. P. Williams, P. Hoffmann, R. Latteck, G. Baumgarten, J. D. Vance, J. Fiedler, P. Acott, D. C.Fritts, F.-J. Luebken (2006): Observation of anti-correlation between sodium atoms and PMSE/NLC in summer mesopause at ALOMAR, Norway (69N, 12E), J. Atmos. Solar-Terres. Phys. 68, 93-101.148. Yuan, T., C. Y. She, M. E. Hagan, B. P. Williams, T. Li, K. Arnold, T. D. Kawahara, P. E. Acott, J. D. Vance,D. A. Krueger and R. G. Roble (2006), Seasonal variation of diurnal perturbations in mesopause-regiontemperature, zonal, and meridional winds above Fort Collins, CO (40.6°N, 105°W), J. Geophys. Res. 111, D06103, doi:10.1029/2004JD005486.149. Xu, Jiyao, C. Y. She, Wei Yuan, C. J. Mertens, Marty Mlynzack, J. R. Russell (2006), Comparison between the temperature measurements by TIMED/SABER and Lidar in the midlatitude, J. Geophys. Res., 111, A10S09, doi:10.1029/2005JA011439.150. Xu, J., A. K. Smith, R. L. Collins, and C.-Y. She (2006), Signature of an overturning gravity wave in the mesospheric sodium layer: Comparison of a nonlinear photochemical-dynamical model and lidar observations, J. Geophys. Res., 111, D17301, doi:10.1029/2005JD006749.151. Sherman, J. P., and C.-Y. She (2006), Seasonal variation of mesopause region wind shears, convective and dynamic instabilities above Fort Collins, CO: A statistical study, J. Atmo. Solar-Terr. Physics, 68, 1061-1074. 154. Davis, D. S., P. Hickson, G. Harriot and C. Y. She (2006), Temporal variability of the telluric sodium layer, Optics Lett. 31, 3369-3371.155. She, Chiao-Yao, J. D. Vance, T. D. Kawahara, B. P. Williams, and Q. Wu (2007), A proposed all-solid-state transportable narrowband sodium lidar for mesopause region temperature and horizontal wind measurements, Canadian Journal of Physics, 85, 111 – 118.156. Gumbeli, J., Z. Y. Fan, T. Waldemarsson, J. Stegman, G. Witts, E. J. Llewellyn, C.-Y. She and J. M. C. Plane (2007), Retrieval of global mesospheric sodium densities from the Odin satellite, Geophys. Res. Lett.,. 34, L04813, doi:10.1029/2006GL028687.157. Li, T., C.-Y. She, H.-L. Liu, and M. T. Montgomery (2007), Evidence of a gravity wave breaking event and the estimation of the wave characteristics from sodium lidar observation over Fort Collins, CO (41_N, 105_W) , Geophys. Res. Lett.,. 34, L05815, doi:10.1029/2006GL028988.158. She, C.-Y., J. Yue and Z.-A. Yan, J. W. Hair, J.-J. Guo, S.-H. Wu and Z.-S. Liu (2007), Direct-detection Doppler wind measurements with a Cabannes-Mie lidar: A. Comparison between iodine vapor filter and Fabry-Perot interferometer methods, Applied Optics 46, 4434-4443.159. She, C.-Y., J. Yue and Z.-A. Yan, J. W. Hair, J.-J. Guo, S.-H. Wu and Z.-S. Liu (2007), Direct-detection Doppler wind measurements with a Cabannes-Mie lidar:B. Impact of aerosol variation on iodine vapor filter methods, Applied Optics 46, 4444-4454.161. Tao Li, C.-Y. She, Scott E. Palo, Qian Wu, Han-Li Liu, and Murry L. Salby (2008), Coordinated Lidar and TIMED observations of the quasi-two-day wave during August 2002-2004 and possible quasi-biennial oscillation influence, Advanced Space Research 41, 1462-1470.162. Liu, H.-L., T. Li, C.-Y. She, J. Oberheide, Q. Wu, M. E. Hagan, J. Xu, R. G. Roble, M. G. Mlynczak, and J. M.Russell III (2007), Comparative study of short term diurnal tidal variability, J. Geophys. Res.(In press).163. She, Chiao-Yao, and David A. Krueger (2007), Laser-Induced Fluorescence: Spectroscopy in the Sky, Optics & Photonic News (OPN), 18(9), 35-41.164. Li, T., C. -Y. She, H.-L. Liu, T. Leblanc, and I. S. McDermid, Sodium lidar observed strong inertia-gravity wave activities in the mesopause region over Fort Collins, CO (41°N, 105°W) J. Geophys.Res. 112, D22104, doi:10.1029/2007JD008681.165. Yuan T., C.-Y. She and D. A. Krueger, F. Sassi, R. Garcia, R. Roble, H.-L. Liu, and H. Schmidt (2008), Climatology of mesopause region temperature, zonal wind and meridional wind over Fort Collins, CO (41ºN, 105ºW) and comparison with model simulations, J. Geophys. Res. 113, D03105, doi:10.1029/2007JD008697. 166. Liguo Su, R. J. Coolins, D. A. Krueger and C.-Y. She, Statistical Analysis of Sodium Doppler Wind-Temperature Lidar Measurements of Vertical Heat Flux, J. Atm. Oceanic Tech. (In press).167. Yuan, T., C. Y. She, Hauke Schmidt, David A. Krueger, Steven Reising, Seasonal variations of semidiurnal tidal-period perturbations in mesopause region temperature, zonal and meridional winds above Fort Collins, CO(40.6°N, 105°W), J. Geophys. (In oress).168. Yue, J., S. L. Vadas2, C-Y She, et al. (2008), A study of OH imager observed concentric gravity waves near Fort Collins on May 11, 2004, Geophys. Res. Lett. (submitted).169. Vadas, S. L., J. Yue, C.-Y. She and P. Stamus (2008), The effects of winds on concentric rings of gravity waves from a thunderstorm near Fort Collins in May 2004, J. Geophys.Res., (submitted).。


RAL 3017 Rose
RAL 3018 Strawberry red草莓红
RAL 3020 Traffic red
RAL 3022 Salmon pink
RAL 3027 Raspberry red
RAL 3031 Orient red
RAL 9001 Cream
RAL 9002 Grey white
RAL 9003 Signal white
RAL 9004 Signal black
RAL 9005 Jet black
RAL 9010 Pure white
RAL 9011 Graphite black
RAL 1033 Dahlia yellow
RAL 1034 Pastel yellow
RAL 2000 Yellow orange
RAL 2001 Red orange
RAL 2002 Vermilion
RAL 2003 Pastel orange
RAL 1000 Green beige
RAL 1001 Beige
RAL 1002 Sand yellow
RAL 1003 Signal yellow



“外研社·国才杯”全国英语阅读大赛样题赛题分值说明:1. 线上初赛:题型仅为客观题,即Read and Know,Read and Reason,Read and Question三个模块,共40题,答题时间为110分钟,满分100分。


2. 复赛和决赛:题型包含客观题和主观题,即Read and Know,Read and Reason,Read and Question,Read and Create四个模块,共41题,答题时间为150分钟,满分100分。



Part I Read and KnowIn Part I, you will read short texts of various kinds. Read the instructions carefully and answer the questions. (Time allowed: 20 minutes)Questions 1-3 (Suggested completion time: 3 minutes)Directions: Read the following quotes. Match the quotes with the people. Please note there are two extra options you do not need.Question 4 (Suggested completion time: 2 minutes)Directions: Read the text and answer the question according to the text.To ensure the high standards of facilities we need to build new wards, laboratories and consulting rooms. In short, we need your help now. Complete the coupon today and rest assured that your donation is going to the best possible cause.4. Where is the piece of text taken from?A. an advertisementB. an instruction bookletC. a storyD. a newspaperQuestion 5 (Suggested completion time: 2 minutes)Directions: Read the text and answer the question according to the text.Few corners of the world remain untainted by intrepid tourists, and their impact is often devastating. Too frequently they trample heedlessly on fragile environments, displacing wildlife and local populations in their insatiable quest for unexplored locations.5. What is the best title for this text?A. The Future of TourismB. The Role of TourismC. The Price of TourismD. The Benefits of TourismQuestion 6 (Suggested completion time: 2 minutes)Directions: Read the text and answer the question according to the text.With E-book sales increasing by more than 300% for the second year, publishers delivering new revenue streams through E-book Apps, and academic publishers long having derived some 90% of their revenue online, it is a travesty to describe all this as the publishing world being "in denial" about digital.6. What is the main idea of this text?A. Publishers are making profits from E-book sales.B. Not all publishers are threatened by digital storms.C. E-books become a main source of revenue for publishers.D. Traditional publishing industry is dying out.Question 7 (Suggested completion time: 2 minutes)Directions: Read the text and answer the question according to the text.With our travel agency, the holiday you book is the holiday you get. If you arrive and find we've failed to live up to our promises, let us know what the problem is within one day of your arrival. We'll spend 24 hours doing everything possible to sort the problem out. In the unlikely event that we can't resolve your problem and make you happy within 24 hours, we'll fly you home and give your money back.7. The text could best be described as__________.A. a commitmentB. an appealC. a warningD. a vowQuestion 8 (Suggested completion time: 2 minutes)Directions: Read the text and answer the question according to the text.The new digital cameras are great fun and very easy to use. They let you review your pictures the moment you take them, so you can re-shoot right away if you're not satisfied. But remember, a digital camera is just a computer ***. It's not a replacement for your ordinary camera.8. What is the meaning of the missing word XXXX in the text?A. "something that is poor quality"B. "an item that is not essential, something extra"C. "something expensive but good value for money"D. "a fashion which always remains popular"Question 9 (Suggested completion time: 2 minutes)Directions: Read the text and answer the question according to the text.She had gone alone, but the children were to go to the station to meet her. And loving the station as they did, it was only natural that they should be there a good hour before there was any chance of Mother's train arriving, even if the train were punctual, which was most unlikely.9. What can you say about their mother's train?A. It would probably be early.B. It would probably be on time.C. It would probably be late.D. It had been cancelled.Question 10 (Suggested completion time: 5 minutes)Directions: The bar chart shows the number and proportion of undernourished people in the developing regions, from 1990-1992 to 2014-2016. Answer the question according to the information in the chart.Source: The Millennium Development Goals (MDG) Report 201510. Choose the INCORRECT description about the chart.A. The latest estimates suggest that nearly one in nine individuals do not have enough to eat between 2014 and 2016.B. Projections indicate that the 2015 MDG target is nearly reached, with 12.9 per cent of undernourished population.C. The situation noticeably improved during the years 1995-1999, but went down in the first five years of the new millennium.D. The proportion of undernourished people in the developing regions has fallen by almost half since 1990.Part II Read and ReasonIn Part II, you will read short texts on different subjects. Read the instructions carefully and answer the questions based on logical inference and reasoning. (Time allowed: 55 minutes)Question 11 (Suggested completion time: 4 minutes)Directions: Read the following definition of a logical fallacy. Answer the question according to the definition.11. Which of the following provides a typical example of poisoning the well?A. That's my stance on funding the education system, and anyone who disagrees with me hates children.B. You are so weird. That means—we are pretty much sure—that your whole family is weird, too.C. God exists because the Bible says so. The Bible is inspired. Therefore, we know that God exists.D. I don't care what you say. We don't need any more bookshelves. As long as the carpet is clean, we are fine.Question 12 (Suggested completion time: 4 minutes)Directions: Look at the following picture and then answer the question.12. Which of the following logical fallacies does the picture illustrate?A. False Dilemma: an argument that presents a limited set of two possible categories and assumes that everything in the scope of the discussion must be an element of that setB. Guilt by Association: a fallacy used to discredit an argument for proposing an idea that is shared by some socially demonized individual or groupC. No True Scotsman: an argument coming up after someone has made a general claim about a group of things and then been presented with evidence challenging that claimD. Hasty Generalization: a fallacy committed when one forms a conclusion from a sample that is either too small or too special to be representativeQuestions 13-14 Reasoning (Suggested completion time: 10 minutes)13. Many people report that exposure to certain foods and drinks such as cheese, chocolate, and red wine, is associated with the onset of migraine headaches. Other people report that exposure to certain smells (especially strong perfumes) seems to trigger a migraine headache, and some note that exposure to bright and flickering lights can be followed by a migraine. It would seem that a person with a tendency to get migraines should try to find out which of these situations is associated with the onset of the headache and then avoid this stimulus.All of the following, if true, would make the above recommendation impractical except:A. The time delay between the trigger and the onset of the headache can make it exceptionally difficult to identify the trigger.B. The presence of a known trigger doesn't always cause a migraine.C. In a high proportion of cases the patients report multiple triggers for their headaches.D. Most of the known triggers are common and almost unavoidable features of modern life.14. Richard: The national budget should provide significant increases in all levels ofeducation in the upcoming year.Natalie: That's not fair. A reduction in defense spending in peacetime may bring us excessive risks. We can't afford it.Which of the following is the best interpretation of Natalie's argument?A. Funds saved from defense have been diverted to all levels of education.B. Highlighting spending on education dangerously impacts on spending on the military.C. The size of the military budget reflects a state's ability to fund educational activities.D. Compared with military spending, investing in education will create a financial crisis.Questions 15-17 (Suggested completion time: 6 minutes)Directions: Read the text about a science discovery. Answer the questions according to the text.Manipulating MemoryMemory is notoriously malleable. Our recollections fade and take on new meanings; sometimes we remember things that never even happened. But 15 .Recently, however, scientists have started to grasp and tinker with memory's physical basis. Last year, in work evocative of films such as Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Inception, researchers discovered ways to manipulate specific memories in mice using optogenetics, a powerful technique that can trigger nerve cells in animals' brains by zapping them with beams of laser light. In a series of experiments, they showed that they could delete existing memories and "incept" false ones.This year, researchers went even further: switching the emotional content of a memory in mice from bad to good and vice versa. Under the laser, for example, male mice that had once associated a certain room with being shocked were tricked into acting as though they had once met friendly female mice there instead.Whether the mice in these experiments actually experienced vivid false memories or just a fuzzy sense of pleasure or fear is unclear. Nor is it clear whether the findings apply to the tricks of memory so familiar to people. Long-sought therapeutic advances, such as treatments for post-traumatic stress disorder, could remain far off. One thing is certain, however: Once considered beyond scientific dissection, memory is finally starting to yield its secrets.15. Which of the following best fits the numbered space in the text?A. what is really happening in our brain as memories are remodeled remains mysteriousB. scientists are curious about why people are oblivious to what have happened to themC. advanced technology has helped scientists discover the workings of our brainD. some scientists argue that what we observe about human memory is not what it really is16. The word "incept" is closest in meaning to ________.A. operateB. startC. detectD. occupy17. Which of the following can be inferred from the text?A. People's false memories result from the impact of different emotion provoked by later experience on the same spot.B. The success in research indicates that it won't be long that a therapy is worked out for people disturbed by painful memory.C. By zapping the brain cells of mice with light, researchers are able to create, erase, or alter their memories, good or bad.D. Many fancy ideas in science fictions or movies that are based on them actually draw greatly upon scientific achievement.Questions 18-19 (Suggested completion time: 4 minutes)Directions: Read the text about cholera. Decide whether the statements are True or False according to the text.A child receives the oral cholera vaccine ShancholCholera is caused by a bacterial infection of the intestine. Approximately one in 20 people infected with cholera has a serious case, with symptoms including severe diarrhea, vomiting, and leg cramps. These symptoms quickly cause dehydration and shock, and can result in death within hours if the infected person doesn't receive treatment. Cholera is typically transmitted by contaminated food or water. In areas with poor treatment of sewage and drinking water, the feces of people with cholera can enter the water supply and spread quickly, resulting in an epidemic. The cholera bacterium may also live in the environment in some coastal waters, so shellfish eaten raw can be a source of cholera in affected areas.18. Cholera is known to be a life-threatening disease which easily causes death of most of the patients.True ( ) False ( )19. Cholera typically occurs in areas near the sea or the river where contaminated food is a major source of the disease.True ( ) False ( )Questions 20-21 (Suggested completion time: 5 minutes)Directions: Read the abstract of a research paper from the DeepMind website. Decide whether the statements are True or False according to the abstract.Teaching Machines to Read and ComprehendAuthors: K. M. Hermann, T. Kočiský, E. Grefenstette, L. Espeholt, W. Kay, M. Suleyman, P. BlunsomPublished: NIPS 2015Abstract: Teaching machines to read natural language documents remains an elusive challenge. Machine reading systems can be tested on their ability to answer questions posed on the contents of documents that they have seen, but until now large scale training and test datasets have been missing for this type of evaluation. In this work we define a new methodology that resolves this bottleneck and provides large scale supervised reading comprehension data. This allows us to develop a class of attention based deep neural networks that learn to read real documents and answer complex questions with minimal prior knowledge of language structure.20. Previous studies didn't take constant effort to evaluate the reading ability of artificial intelligence machines, which was why the present research was conducted.True ( ) False ( )21. One implication of the research is that a methodology that helps gather and handle big data is indispensable to artificial intelligence related studies.True ( ) False ( )Questions 22-23 (Suggested completion time: 6 minutes)Directions: Read the text about the "Think small" advertising campaign. Answer the questions according to the text.Think SmallI f you're interested in marketing and advertising, Volkswagen's "Think small" campaign for the Beetle when it was first introduced to North America in 1959 looms large as one of the greatest advertising campaigns of all time. It wasn't just a revolution in automotive advertising; it changed the entire industry.Until the Beetle hit the market, automotive marketing copy was full of bluster, and the images were flights of fancy, emphasizing low, long lines and a fantasy lifestyle.The clean, simple photography on a white background that emphasized the Beetle's compact, practical form may seem commonplace these days, but it was a revolution in a world where Americans grew up obsessed with muscle cars, horsepower, and tire smoke. Making the car small, when the convention was to makeit fill the page, was also novel. The simplistic approach to design and layout was totally contrary to the advertising conventions of the time.__ __22_____ The text was minimalist in both look and content, presenting the facts simply instead of trying to weave tall tales and fantasies; and instead of bluster, it ushered in an intelligent sense of humor that made readers feel like they were in on the joke. The message was one of smart anti-luxury, and took gentle aim at an industry obsessed with superficiality and styling, rather than the substance underneath the car bodies.Not only does "Think small" continue to inspire Volkswagen advertising to this day, it ushered in a creative revolution in the advertising business and changed the world of marketing forever. "Think small" showed the power of humor and honesty, and its photographic and design principles brought about a major shift in the look and feel of marketing around the world.22. Which of the sentences below best fits the numbered space in the text?A. What defined the ad even more than its visual style was the tone of its copy.B. This ad starts off doing the exact opposite of what you would expect in a car ad.C. This was an exercise in minimalism and a very accurate reflection on the product itself.D. The car wasn't depicted as an integral piece of the daily lives of a middle class family.23. It can be inferred that the advertising conventions of the 1950s were reflected in the following except that ___________.A. The ads in the 1950s typically showed proud owners and passengers evoking great joy about new shiny big acquisitions.B. The marketing concept then focused on providing as much information as possible to the reader such as the way it's created.C. The marketing schemes associated the advertised product with an idea or a way of living from average consumers' perspective.D. The marketing practice may attach importance to a sense of humor brought by the use of exaggerated language.Questions 24-25 (Suggested completion time: 4 minutes)Directions: Read the following six remarks concerning the crowd. Four of them are taken from Gustave Le Bon's book, The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind. Choose the two remarks that may NOT be taken from the book.24-25. _______The CrowdA. In crowds it is stupidity and not mother wit that is accumulated.B. Crowds most envy the lonely man who walks confidently as if he is walking with the great crowds!C. A crowd is not merely impulsive and mobile. Like a savage, it is not prepared to admit that anything can come between its desire and the realization of its desire.D. I walked with them, as crowds have that effect on me, I want to do what they do, to journey towards some point of revelation, which of course never comes.E. Crowds, being incapable both of reflection and of reasoning, are devoid of the notion of improbability; and it is to be noted that in a general way it is the most improbable things that are the most striking.F. …the individual forming part of a crowd acquires, solely from numerical considerations, a sentiment of invincible power which allows him to yield to instincts which, had he been alone, he would perforce have kept under restraint.Questions 26-28 (Suggested completion time: 5 minutes)Directions: Read the text about a fly. Answer the questions according to the text.The FlyAt that moment the boss noticed that a fly had fallen into his broad inkpot, and was trying feebly but desperately to clamber out again. "Help! Help!" said those struggling legs. But the sides of the inkpot were wet and slippery; it fell back again and began to swim. The boss took up a pen, picked the fly out of the ink, and shook it on to a piece of blotting-paper. For a fraction of a second it lay still on the dark patch that oozed round it. Then the front legs waved, took hold, and, pulling its small, sodden body up, it began the immense task of cleaning the ink from its wings. Over and under, over and under, went a leg along a wing, as the stone goes over and under the scythe. Then there was a pause, while the fly, seeming to stand on the tips of its toes, tried to expand first one wing and then the other. It succeeded at last, and, sitting down, it began, like a minute cat, to clean its face. Now one could imagine that the little front legs rubbed against each other lightly, joyfully. 27 .26. Which of the following is NOT true according to the text?A. The boss saved the fly out of his broad inkpot.B. The fly was trapped by the thick ink on its wings.C. The passage describes how a fly survived an accident.D. The passage shows how a fly conquered a challenge.27. Which of the following statement can best fit in the numbered space?A. The horrible danger was over; it had escaped; it was ready for life again.B. The boss was relieved now, reassured that the fly had been out of danger.C. But the front legs waved, caught hold, and, more slowly this time, the task restarted.D. But such a grinding feeling of wretchedness seized him that he felt positively frightened.28. The tone of the text can be described as a complex mixture of anything but _______.A. sympatheticB. humorousC. cheerfulD. depressingQuestions 29-30 (Suggested completion time: 7 minutes)Directions: Read the text about Chaco Culture. Answer the questions according to the text.The "Chaco Culture", as modern-day archaeologists call it, flourished between roughly the 9th and 13th centuries A.D. and was centered at Chaco Canyon in what is now New Mexico.The people of the Chaco Culture built immense structures that at times encompassed more than 500 rooms. They also participated in long-distance trade that brought cacao, macaws (a type of parrot), turquoise and copper to Chaco Canyon.29_______, researchers have to rely on the artifacts and structures they left behind, as well as oral accounts that have been passed on through generations, to reconstruct what their lives were like.Archaeologists generally agree that Chaco Canyon was the center of Chaco Culture. Today the canyon is a national park and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The National Park Service estimates that there are about 4,000 archaeological sites in the park, including more than a dozen immense structures that archaeologists sometimes call "Great Houses". Archaeological research has revealed many discoveries, including a system of roads that connected many Chaco Culture sites, and evidence of astronomical alignments that indicate that some Chaco Culture structures were oriented toward the solstice sun and lunar standstills.“There has been more archaeological research conducted in Chaco and o n the subject of Chaco than on any other prehistoric district in North America,” says a National Park Service statement posted on Chaco Culture National Historical Park's website."Today, twenty Puebloan groups in New Mexico, as well as the Hopi in Arizona, claim Chaco as their ancestral homeland and are tied to this place through oral traditions and clan lineages. A number of Navajo clans are also affiliated with Chacoan sites through their traditional stories," the National Park Service statement says.Despite the fact that there has been an immense amount of archaeological research carried out at Chaco Canyon, and at other Chaco Culture sites in the American Southwest, modern-day archaeologists disagree over what the people of the Chaco Culture were like.Some archaeologists think that the people of the Chaco Culture were not politically united, while some think they controlled an empire centered on Chaco Canyon. "What was Chaco? Opinions vary widely, perhaps wildly. Interpretations range from a valley of peaceful farming villages to the monumental capital of an empire," wrote Stephen Lekson, a professor at the University of Colorado Boulder, in an article published in the book The Architecture of Chaco Canyon, New Mexico (University of Utah Press, 2007).Lekson noted that there are different interpretations among archaeologists as to what the Great Houses were. Some archaeologists believe that they were villages inhabited by thousands of people, while others think that they were elite residences that housed a small number of residents.29. Which of the following best fits in the numbered space in the text?A. The people of the Chaco Culture did not use a writing system and as suchB. While archaeologists are not certain what caused this dramatic population bumpC. When thinking about archaeological sites, we tend to think of them as deadsilentD. Since Chaco's national monument status may not protect it from development pressures30. Which of the following statements can we know from the text?A. The people of the Chaco culture were good at foreign trade.B. "Great Houses" were built from approximately the 9th to 13thcentury A.D.C. Most descendants of ancient Chaco people live in New Mexico now.D. Archaeologists hold different ideas about how the people of the Chaco Culture lived.Part III Read and QuestionIn Part III, you will read passages on the same subject. You will be required to identify the writer's position and evaluate the effectiveness of the writer's arguments. (Time allowed: 35 minutes)Questions 31-40 (Suggested completion time: 35 minutes)Directions: Read three passages about fashion. Answer the questions according to the passages.Passage AIt's not that easy to answer the question, "what is fashion?" because it means different things to different people. Fashion is an art. It's a religion. It's a job. It's a peek into a personality. It's playfulness. It's an escape or a disguise. It is a feast for the eyes. But ultimately, 32 . French fashion designer Coco Chanel once said, "Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening."It's true. Fashion isn't defined solely by our clothing choices, but is also conveyed through the way we carry ourselves, our personalities and our views of the world. At its most fundamental, fashion is simply the prevailing style or custom, as in dress or behavior.So, who exactly answers the question "what is fashion"? Who decides what's fashionable and what isn't? What's in or what's out?Fashion Designers. The iconic fashion houses—Prada, Gucci, Chanel—are referred to as haute couture, French for "high sewing". These designers lead the way in creating trend-setting fashion. While some of their designs are outrageous andcompletely unrealistic when it comes to everyday wear, generally the theme is adapted into versions suitable for wearing.Media. Fashion trends are often sparked by characters on popular television shows and movies as well as adopted from magazine pages. "Sex and the City", "The Devil Wears Prada", these shows introduced us to new, cutting-edge designs. While you might not be caught dead wearing a Carrie Bradshaw original, you might take ideas inspired from her look and piece together your own creation.Celebrities. A prime example of a celebrity-driven fashion trend? UGGs. Until Kate Hudson and Jessica Simpson were spotted wearing them around L.A. several years ago, no one had given any thought to UGG boots. Now they are everywhere.Musicians. Musicians have always been very influential when it comes to dictating fashion. Rock 'n' roll is fashion. Elvis is an iconic example. In the 1950s, everyone wanted to dress like Elvis. What about the heavy metal hair bands so popular in the 1980s? Axl Rose reinvented the head bandana while Poison, Motley Crue and Bon Jovi set the pace for big, rocker hair.Just because you don't know if a Prada bag is fall 2007 or spring 2008 doesn't matter. All that matters is that you like it and it's an expression of you. That is fashion. Passage B[A]Fashion is more prevalent in modern society than in primitive tribes or peasant communities. The modern society is an open society where class distinctions are not so rigid as in primitive society. Its urban and mobile class structure enables people to cultivate individual taste and adopt new course. [B]Our standards of judgment have also changed. Today the individual is rated more by observable externalities than by his ancestry, his character or his genuine accomplishments. The clothes a man wears, the language he speaks, the manners he shows have more weight in ascribing a status than his simplicity, patriotism and integrity.If he can keep himself up to date in the matters of his dress, speech and manners, he will assure himself a high social esteem. [C]Not only the mobile and urban character of modern society but its affluence also speaks for greater prevalence of fashion in it. Men today are richer than their ancestors and have more leisure. They have the necessary means and time to play with luxuries and to think of fashion. Maclver writes: We do not think of fashion in overalls; there is more of fashion in the body of an automobile than in its chassis. There is no fashion in steam shovels.[D]Consequently the higher the standard of living the more material there is for fashion to operate upon.Passage CAs summer has officially faded into the colder weather of autumn, I assumed the days of Nike shorts, comically large T-shirts and polos would be only a memory of yesterday. This has not been the case.。

Scholastic Fluency Formula与Scholastic RED的专业培训-200

Scholastic Fluency Formula与Scholastic RED的专业培训-200

*From the Guidance for the Reading First Program and the Reading First Criteria for Review of State Applications, United States Department of Education
The Fluency Formula Assessment System measures the number of words read correctly per minute (WCPM) and provides specific suggestions for building fluency based on a student’s proficiency level. This assessment system also includes comprehension questions that help teachers gauge the fuller picture of whether students understand what they read.
Assessments that are aligned with the instructional program and that measure progress in the five essential elements of reading instruction (phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension)
Fluency. Students learn fluency skills, including punctuation fluency, pacing, phrasing, and intonation, through direct instruction and modeling. Students practice skile, practice independently, read phrase-cued text, and do phonics speed drills.



A T N EBB-4240™NI MI C R O B I AL PR O T E C T I OL A Y E Rrendering (very similar to the halogen light spectrum) and an integratedPolarisation attachments for standard microscopes are available optionallyNeo LEDadjustable 1 W NeoLED™ illumination system for increased light outputMonocular models are supplied with an adjustable 1W LED illuminationThe models for polarization are supplied with H-LED illumination forcorrect color rendering (very similar to the halogen light spectrum) and anintegrated 100-240 V power supply. However 20 W halogen illumination isll BioBlue microscopes are supplied with rechargeable AA batteries andintegrated 100-240 V power supply for cordless operation. LCD versions doPolarization model EBB-4260-P-HLEDEBB-4225EBB-4200-LCDATNATN™NIMICROBIALP R O T E C T I OLAYER™NIMICROBIALP R O T E C T I OLAYER™ | D I G I T A L S O L U T I O N S || L I F E S C I E N C E || E D U C A T I O N |PROD UC T DATAS HEE T(1)EVO models are supplied with WF 10x/20 mm eyepieces and Köhler NeoLED (tm) illumination (2)P olarization models are supplied with H-LED illumination - very similar light spectrum to the halogen illumination - and an eyepiece with crosshairs for centering. 20 W halogen illumination is also available for polarization models on special requestMOD EL SMonoBinoLCD*4/10/40x SMP objectivesS60x SMP objectiveS100x SMP objectiveMechanical X-Y stage1W LEDNeoLED™Weight (Kg)EBB-4205••• 2.9EBB-4225•••• 3.4EBB-4245••••• 3.4EBB-4255•••••3.4EBB-4267••••• 4.1EBB-4269•••••4.1EBB-4200-LCD ••• 2.9EBB-4220-LCD••••3.4* Models with a 7” LCD screen, 1920x1080 pixels, SD card for images and video. LCD versions do not run on batteriesM ODE L SMono Bino Trino4/10/40x SMP objectives S60x SMP objective S100x SMP objective Mechanical X-Y stageLED NeoLED™Köhler illumination (1)Polarization (2)EBB-4200•••EBB-4220••••EBB-4240•••••EBB-4250•••••EBB-4260•••••EBB-4260-E ••••••EBB-4263•••••EBB-4243•••••EBB-4253•••••EBB-4253-E••••••EBB-4220-P-HLED ••••EBB-4240-P-HLED •••••EBB-4250-P-HLED •••••EBB-4261-P-HLED ••••EBB-4263-P-HLED •••••EBB-4260-P-HLED •••••EBB-4241-P-HLED ••••EBB-4243-P-HLED •••••EBB-4253-P-HLED•••••D I G I TA L M O DE L S ACCESS ORIES AND SPARE PARTSE Y E P I E C E SEAE-5571 Wide field eyepiece WF 5x/18 mm EAE-5572 Wide field eyepiece WF10x/18 mmEAE-5572-E Wide field eyepiece WF 10x/20 mm for BB EVO EAE-5573 Wide field eyepiece WF15x/12 mmEAE-5573-E Wide field eyepiece WF 15x/12 mm for BB EVO EAE-5574 Wide field micrometer eyepiece 10mm/100EAE-5581 Wide field eyepiece WF10x/18 mm with pointerEAE-5581-E W ide field eyepiece WF 10x/20 mm with pointer for BB EVO EAE-5582 Wide field eyepiece WF20x/11.5 mmEAE-5582-E Wide field eyepiece WF 20x/12.5 mm for BB EVO EAE-5365 Eyecup for 28 mm eyepiecesEAE-5365-E Pair of eyecups for eyepieces for BB EVOO B J E C T I V E S 45 M M PA R F O C A LEAE-5591 Semi plan objective 4x/0.10. Working distance 37.5 mm EAE-5593 Semi plan objective 10x/0.25. Working distance 6.54 mm EAE-5594 Semi plan objective 20x/0.40. Working distance 1.2 mm EAE-5597 Semi plan objective S40x/0.65. Working distance 0.68 mm EAE-5599 Semi plan objective S60x/0.75. Working distance 0.2 mm EAE-5601 S emi plan objective S100x/1.25 oil immersion.Working distance 0.22 mmEBB-9602EAE-9918 EAE-9912 EBB-4300 EPB-5275EPB-5255EPB-5245EPB-5165EAE-5154EAE-5155-PEAE-5152EAE-5156| E D U C A T P Not suitable for the BioBlue EVO modelsEAE-5150。


威尼斯红---Venice red
镉绿—--Cadmium green
铬绿---Chrom.oxide green
铅铬绿-—-Chrome green
辰砂绿—--Cinnabar green
钴绿-—-Cobalt green
粉绿—--Emerald green
马斯红—-—Mars red
萘酚红———Naphthol red
永固红—-—Permanent red
?红-——Perylebe red
土红---Red ocher
桃红-——Thioindigo pink
透明铁红—-—Transparent iron red
熟褐——-Burnt umber
深赭——-Deep ochre
绿褐-—-Greenish umber
马斯棕--—Mars brown
波佐里棕---Pozzuoli earth
透明铁棕-——Transp。oxide brown
凡—代克棕-——Vandyke brown
生褐——-Raw umber
赭石———Burnt sienna
深褐-—-Brown ochre deep
熟褐——-Burnt umber
深赭—--Deep ochre
绿褐—--Greenish umber
马斯棕—-—Mars brown
波佐里棕——-Pozzuoli earth



Authorized By: Jim Fox Review Date: 01/16/191.0 Application:Ladle addition for alloying purposes.2.0 Chemical Analysis and Material Properties:Element Absolute min. Preferred min. Preferred max. Absolute max.Chromium 60% 70%Carbon 6.0% 8.0%Silicon 3.0%Phosphorous 0.030%Sulfur 0.50%Nitrogen 0.050%Manganese .75%Nickel .50%Vanadium .50%3.0Packaging:3.0 20 lb contained Cr (all sizing / forms for manual addition use) poly-mesh bags in 55 gal. drums bandedto winged pallets that have horizontal slats extending beyond the vertical 2x4 main members (wings) to facilitate lifting via pallet chain / bar lifting rig. Packages must be stenciled with the North StarBlueScope Raw Materials Number (AL52), contained Cr weight (lbs) per package, and material name (abbreviated) when ordered this way.3.1 50 lb bulk weight polymesh bags in 55 gal. steel drums– 2500 lb / pallet or specified order weight (allsizing / forms for manual additions), banded to winged pallets that have horizontal slats extendingbeyond the vertical 2x4 main members (wings) to facilitate lifting via pallet chain / bar lifting rig.Packages must be stenciled with the North Star BlueScope Raw Materials Number (AL52), bulk weight (lbs) per package, and material name (abbreviated) when ordered this way.3.2 3000 – 4400 lb bulk weight supersacks or as specified for trial (all sizing and forms approved for bulkaddition use) polymesh sacks with lifting loops at top 4 corners and no bottom spout (flat bottom) – shrunk wrapped for outside storage when packaged this way, packages must be stenciled with North Star BlueScope Raw Materials Number (AL52), bulk weight (lbs) per package, and material name (abbreviated) when ordered this way3.3 Bulk Dump Truck, trucks must be tarped and material dry - each shipment to be identified with lotnumber.3.4 The North Star BlueScope Steel Raw Material Number must appear on all shipping and billingpaperwork.3.5 Prefer (packaged material) shipped on flatbed but can take specified tailgate delivery from van.4.0 Sizing:4.1 4 in. By 2 in. with 10% max retained on 4” screen (not to be larger than 4 ½”) and less than 10%passing 2” screen. (Review sizing verbiage at time of contract bids) – approved for bulk additions4.2 2 in. By ½ in for 50 lb. bulk weight bags. & 20 lb. contained weight bags – approved for manualadditions5.0 Certification and Control:5.1 Each lot received to include statements of conformity and certification. These documents must behanded in at the scales and include:•Certification for Chromium, Carbon, Silicon, Phosphorous, and Sulfur.•Quantity•Name of materialAuthorized By: Jim Fox Review Date: 01/16/19 •Lot number5.1 All chemical constituents not expressed but are contained in the subject material may not exceed 0.5%(except for Al) collectively. Any material lot exceeding 0.5% must have prior approval by purchasing before shipment is made and analysis included on certification.5.2 Material is subject to inspection at North Star BlueScope Steel to test adherence to specification.5.3 All material supplied to this specification must be equivalent in all respects to the material on whichapproval was originally granted.6.0 Relevant Industry Standards (e.g. ASTM):ASTM A101 – Grade C7.0 Hazardous Material:If this material is hazardous or requires special handling or storage, this information must be clearly labeled on containers and shipping documents. MSDS Sheets must also be sent to purchasing manager for new materials.8.0 Attachments/Reference Documents:N/A。

伯莫克勒кси拉克酯在 latex 涂料产品指南说明书

伯莫克勒кси拉克酯在 latex 涂料产品指南说明书

Growth driven by innovationWe invest significantly in R&D to drive growth through innovation, create more profitable, safer, and more sustainable products and processes, develop our own capabilities, and improvethe way we work. We believe that being open to the ideas and enthusiasm of outside collaborators will help our company achieve its maximum potential and lead the way to a more sustainable chemical industry.Sustainability is a cornerstoneof our overall strategy to achievelong term successWe have long been an industry leader in sustain-ability and our commitment to sustainability remains unchanged going forward. We take pride in improving our environmental impact and maximizing our positive societal impact.On a daily basis we strive to do more with less, reducing carbon emissions through a combi-nation of improved energy efficiency, increased use of renewable energy, and higher use of bio- based raw materials in production.Downstream, we focus on expanding our portfolio of eco-premium products, which have a significant sustainability benefit over common alternatives.Backed up by our commitment to Product Stewardship we believe that supplying the right chemistry goes beyond just selling products. Our efforts have been rewarded. The ISO 9001 and ISO 14001certification awarded for innovation, purchasing, operations, marketing and distribution of Bermocoll® are only the first steps on the roadto fulfilling our ambitions - to meet customers’ request for competitive, environmentally sound, and profitable products today and tomorrow.Bermocoll® is a registered trademark inmany countries.We see sustainability not just as the right thing to do, but as a true business opportunity that delivers value to everyone involved.Committed to sustainability and innovation2Bermocoll makes a difference with reliable rheologyWe at Nouryon have been serving the paint industry around the world for more than 75 years with our brand Bermocoll ®, a range of non-ionic cellulose ethers. Bermocoll ® is used as a rheology modifier, stabilizer and water retaining agent for water-based decorative paints.Bermocoll ® cellulose ethers are manufactured by a unique, solvent-free process, ensuring our customers a low carbon footprint. They are available in all required viscosities and a range of modifications to ensure we meet every customers’ needs.Rheology of coatingsRheology is the science of deformation and flow of materials. Every material is influenced by external forces. For paint, these forces can range from gravitational forces, which influence phenomena such as sedimentation, leveling and sagging, to the very high shear forces that act on the paint when it is brushed, rolled or sprayed. Viscosity is a measure of a material’s resistance to flow.Bermocoll ® cellulose ethers are manu- factured by a unique, solvent-free process, ensuring you a reliable product with a low carbon footprint.Our Bermocoll portfolioWe know that a high application viscosity is essential for good film build and hiding power. That’s why our Bermocoll Prime contributes to the medium and high shear viscosity to a much greater extent than regular cellulose ethers.Bermocoll Prime has been developed as the next generation of cellulose ethers. It can be used in all types of latex paints ranging from low to high PVC. This new product is suitable for all types of interior and exterior paints and the advantages are most apparent in flat to semigloss finishes.Superior color stability and excellent color developmentExcellent color stability is achieved with Bermocoll Prime within a wide range of colorants and latex binders. Bermocoll Prime is designed with particular attention to color acceptance and color development and offers reliable color performance. This means that the color appears in a uniform homogenous manner and at the expected color strength. Color acceptance is related to the compatibility, distribution and stability of the colorant in the base paint.Efficient thickening andgood stability at low addition ratePaints formulated with Bermocoll Prime show very stable and constant viscosity even when stored at elevated temperatures and are very versatile with respect to compatibility with different kinds of binders.Prime grades Viscosity (mPa.s) in1% water solutionBermocoll Prime 1000 500 – 900Bermocoll Prime 1500 900 – 1500Bermocoll Prime 2500 2200 – 3200Bermocoll Prime 35003000 – 4000Bermocoll ® Prime– high performance gradesPerformance advantages• Advanced color compatibility and rheology control to enhance touch up properties• Optimal rheology profile • VersatileReliable rheology solutions4Superior color stability and excellent color developmentFlat paint formulationBermocoll Prime was tested in a system known to be sensitive with respect to color acceptance. The tinters used were of different color shades that are known to be problematic. A range of different dispersants were tested.Optimal rheology profileBermocoll Prime is less shear thinning thanB ermocoll Standard. With a comparable viscos i ty in paint Bermocoll Prime has lower Brookfield viscosity in water solution.Color acceptance, violet 3% – typical dispersing agentsSalt of acrylic polymerdE(00)Sodium hexameta p hosphateSalt of hydrophobic copolymerSalt of carboxylic acid polymerGood color acceptance Poor color acceptance0. 1.0010.00100.0100010 000Viscosity in water solution (Pa.s)Shear rate (1/s)Brookfield viscosityIn can viscosity Application viscosityStandard Bermocoll Bermocoll Prime5EHM Extra EHM 200EHM 300EHM 500StandardBelow, from left to right, spatter from:Spatter resistanceHM-HEC 1HM-HEC 2EHM ExtraEHM 200EHM 300EHM 500Standard CEBermocoll ® EHM is a non-ionic associative cellulose-based polymer with enhanced enzymatic resistance. We developed it in order to improve the rheological properties in latex paints. Bermocoll ® EHM combines the performance of low viscosity cellulose with high thickening efficiency.EHM grades Viscosity (mPa.s) in1% water solutionBermocoll EHM 200 350 – 700Bermocoll EHM 300 1700 – 3000Bermocoll EHM 500 7000 – 10 000Bermocoll EHM Extra250 – 450Bermocoll ® EHM – associative gradesPerformance advantages• Combines advantages of cellulose ethers with rheological properties of synthetic associative thickeners • Low spatter • Good leveling• Enhanced brushing viscosity123456789It’s a matter of spatter6EBS 481 FQHiding powerEHM Extra EHM 500Bermocoll EHM ExtraBermocoll EHM 200HM-HECHECBermocoll EHM ExtraBermocoll EHM 200HM-HECHECApplication (ICI) viscosityICI viscosity (P)Bermocoll EHM Extra is specially developed to meet the demand for high-quality paint and next generation cellulose derivatives. It maintains all of the advantages of existing hydrophobically modified products, while boosting additional properties such as higher application (ICI) viscosity, color acceptance, reduced color float and enhanced storage stability.Paint rheology, higher ICI viscosityWith equal dosage and Stormer viscosity (KU), Bermocoll EHM Extra achieves higher ICI viscosity than competitor products – demonstrating the robust and reproducible thickening character of our product. The higher ICI viscosity contributes to an improved film build and thus better coverage.Bermocoll ® EHM Extra– high performing associative gradePerformance advantages • Excellent applicationproperties for outstanding coverage and film build • Superior storage stability with minimal syneresis • Extremely good application properties, such as spatter and sag resistance0. choosing the viscosity type of Bermocoll you should consider its influences on a number of properties in the paint. Leveling, hiding powerand spatter will be better when using mediumand low viscosity grades due to their more Newtonian character. On the other hand the higher viscosity grades offer improved cost efficiency and water resistance because of lower addition levels.Performance advantagescellulose ethers versus synthetics• W ater retention - Bermocoll helps to retain the water within the paint film and also to delay it from penetrating into the substrate or evaporating. This gives an increased open time.• C ontribute to dispersion by improving flow during grinding.• C ontribute to stabilization(prevent flocculation) of pigments.• Robust/Stable viscosity and creamy texture.• N atural renewable polymer with chief component wood pulp or cotton linters.Storage stability (50° C, 2 weeks)Color floating (50° C, 2 weeks)Bermocoll BermocollSynthetic thickenerSynthetic thickenerOpen timeStandard grades Viscosity (mPa.s) in water solution1% 2%Bermocoll E 230 FQ 260 – 360Bermocoll E 320 FQ 1850 – 2650Bermocoll EBS 351 FQ5000 – 6000Bermocoll EBS 451 FQ 3000 – 4000Bermocoll EBS 481 FQ 4000 – 6000Bermocoll EM 7000 FQ6000 – 8000Biostable and well-provenPerformance advantages: Low viscous • Maximum open time/water retention • Leveling• High application (ICI) viscosity Performance advantages: High viscous • Efficiency • Texture • Economic Bermocoll ® E, EBS and EM – standard grades8High viscosity products with enhanced stability. Our EBM grades are especially appreciated in high PVC formulations like joint compounds, distempers and putties because of their good compatibility with fillers. Bermocoll EBM is suitable for both paint and building applications.Unique enzyme resistanceBermocoll ® EBM 10 000 is specially developed to meet the demand for a high viscous thickener with an excellent stability against enzymatic attack.High efficiency and excellent stabilityEBM grades Viscosity (mPa.s) in 1% water solutionBermocoll EBM 5500 5000 – 6500Bermocoll EBM 8000 7000 – 9000Bermocoll EBM 10 00010 000 – 15 000Performance advantages • High viscosity grades hence highly efficient• Outstanding enzyme stability • Especially appreciated in high PVC formulations• Excellent storage stability and color acceptanceEnzyme resistanceRetained viscosity in %10095908580757065605550BermocollEBMBermocoll PrimeBiostable HECRegular HECMHPCBermocoll ® EBM– high viscosity grades910ProblemCause Cure ManufacturingLump formation duringdissolving of Bermocoll • Wrong type of Bermocoll used • pH of water too high• pH of solution too high• Use only Bermocoll paint grades • Add acetic acid • A dd Bermocoll directly after adding water – then add alkaline ingredients, e.g. pigment dispersant Too slow dissolving • Neutral or acidic water• Temperature too low• Increase pH Too fast dissolving • pH too high• Hard water/ high pH• Temperature too high• Decrease pH Foam development during grinding • S urface active products (Bermocoll,s urfactants, pigment dispersant)• A dd the right foam suppressor before Bermocoll and other surface active products Final viscosity too low • Inadequate amount of Bermocoll• P ost addition of slurry of Bermocoll or polyurethane thickener Final viscosity too high • Incorrect amount or type of Bermocoll • Use lower addition level• Use lower viscosity gradeApplicationSpatter from roller • Too elastic thickener • U se Bermocoll low viscosity gradeor EHM grade• U se polyurethane thickener incombination with BermocollBrush resistance too low • Low application viscosity • U se Bermocoll low viscosity gradeor EHM gradePoor open time • Insufficient water retention • Increase Bermocoll addition level• Add glycolPoor hiding power • Low application viscosity• U se Bermocoll low viscosity gradeor use EHM grade Dried filmPoor gloss• C ellulose ethers not suitable in high gloss paints • Use polyurethane thickener Poor leveling • R heological character of the paint • U se Bermocoll low viscosity grade or EHM grade• U se polyurethane thickener incombination with BermocollInadequate wet scrub resistance • Water sensitivity of film• Reduce surface active ingredients StorageDrop in viscosity • Enzymatic degradation• Bacterial contamination• Use enzyme stable Bermocoll grades • Clean production equipment • Change bactericide Increase in viscosity • Insufficient amount of dispersant• Interaction Bermocoll / Latex• Increase pigment dispersant • Use non-ionic surfactants • Use new generation Bermocoll Separation • Low shear viscosity too low• I ncrease Bermocoll addition or use higher viscosity grade Syneresis• Insufficient colloidal stabilization • A dd non-ionic surfactants• Use new generation Bermocoll Causes and curesGuidance for latex paint formulation with Bermocoll ®11The method of choice for incorporating Bermocoll is yours. We will make sure you will get the high quality you deserve.Bermocoll cellulose ethers can be incorporated into the paint in different ways and at several stages during the manufacturing process. We recommend the following three main addition methods to be considered: as a dry powder (“batch in one”), as a slurry, and as a stock solution. All three methods have their pros and cons. Your choice of method will mainly be dependent upon the type of equipment and process you use.As a dry powderBermocoll paint grades can be added as a dry powder directly to the batch of water in the pigment grind. When added, the water should be neutral or slightly acid. Alkaline ingredients are added after thorough dispersion of the cellulose ether. We have seen that with this method, the dispersion power of Bermocoll is utilized during the subsequent grinding.As a slurry Slurries containing up to 15–20% Bermocoll are readily made by dispersing a Bermocoll paint grade either in water or in a suitable organic solvent. Such slurries are generally usable within half an hour after preparation. When working with aqueous slurries of Bermocoll paint grades, the pH must be 7 or less. As a stock solution Stock solutions are made by adding Bermocoll powder to water and stirring until the thickener is dissolved. We recommend a concentration of 2–5% depending on the Bermocoll type. When using a Bermocoll paint grade, the water should be neutral or slightly acid. If it is alkaline when adding Bermocoll paint, the thickener will dissolve too quickly, forming an insoluble gel instead of a solution. If you’re planning to store stock solutions for a prolonged length of time, we recommend that stock solutions should be protected from micro-organisms by using a suitable preservative.Incorporating Bermocoll Bermocoll paint grade, influence of pH at 20°C.Relative viscosity in %10080 60 40 20700102030405060Time, minutes pH 10pH 8pH 7Bermocoll paint grade, influence of temperature at pH 7.Dissolving time, minutes 120100 80 60 40 20 04510152025303540Temperature °C 12Bermocoll is also suitablefor use in eductors wherethe slurry concentration canbe even higher, up to 30%.13Nouryon is a global, specialty chemicals leader. Markets and consumers worldwide rely on our essential solutions to manufacture everyday products, such as personal care, cleaning goods, paints and coatings, agriculture and food, pharmaceuticals, and building products. Furthermore, the dedication of more than 7,900 employees with a shared commitment to our customers, business growth, safety, sustainability and innovation has resulted in a consistently strong financial performance. We operate in over 80 countries around the world with a portfolio of industry-leading brands.Bermocoll locations:Who we are andwhat we doYour partner in essential solutions for a sustainable futurePaints and Coatings, one of the Nouryon business lines, have a unique technology base and profound experience of high quality cellulose ethers as well as surfactants.Reliable rheology solutions Bermocoll ®, our well-known range of non-ionic cellulose ethers, are used as rheology modifiers, stabilizers and water retaining agents for water-based decorative paints and coatings.Our research and product development has always been guided by our customers and their requirements. We strive to be the most reliable and dedicated supplier of cellulose ethers to the water-based paint industry.Our surfactants brand names are: Berol, Ethylan, Phospholan, Alcosperse, Amadol among others.1415Bermocoll® is a registered trademark in many countries.。

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VoCATS Course Blueprint
Agriculture Education 6831 Agricultural Mechanics I
Special thanks to the following educators who assisted with the development of this blueprint.
The blueprint should be used by teachers to plan the course of work for the year, prepare daily lesson plans, construct instructionally valid interim assessments. Statewide assessments are aligned directly with the course blueprint. For additional information about this blueprint, contact program area staff. For additional information about VoCATS, contact program area staff or VoCATS, Career-Technical Education, Division of Instructional Services, North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, 6358 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-5358, 919/807-3876, email: rwelfare@.
Public Schools of North Carolina State Board of Education • Department of Public Instruction Curriculum and School Reform Services Division of Instructional Services
Comp# Obj.# Unit Titles/Competency and Objective Statements (The learner will be able to:) Time Hours Course Weight Cognitive Performance Type Behavior Integrated Skill Area Core Supp
3 4&5
Career-Technical Education conducts all activities and procedures without regard to race, color, creed, national origin, gender, or disability. The responsibility to adhere to safety standards and best professional practices is the duty of the practitioners, teachers, students, and/or others who apply the contents of this document.
Kevin Beam, Fred T. Foard High School John Best, Tuscola High School Steve Burns, Rutherford-Spindale High School Karen Cox, C.B. Aycock High Roy Eubanks, Career Dev. Coord., Wayne Co. Schools Benjie Forrest, North Carolina State University David Mooring, North Lenoir High School David Overcash, South Rowan High School Kendall Parker, South Johnston High School Mark Payne, Lake Norman High School Jimmy Roberts, Lumberton Senior High School Tom Sawyer, East Carteret High School Dr. Marshall Stewart, North Carolina State University Mike Sutton, Jones Senior High School Kenneth Waddell, East Columbus High School Tim Warren, Hobbton High School Bryant Wellons, Princeton High School
VoCATS Course Blueprint
A course blueprint is a document laying out the framework of the curriculum for a given course.
Shown on the blueprint are the units of instruction, the core competencies in each unit, and the specific objectives for each competency. The blueprint illustrates the recommended sequence of units and competencies and the cognitive and performance weight of the objective within the course.
Raleigh, North Carolina Winter 2004
This blueprint has been reviewed by business and industry representatives for technical content and appropriateness for the industry. Contact benjie_forrest@ for more information.
Interpretation of Columns on VoCATS CourseБайду номын сангаасBlueprints
No. 1 2 Heading Comp# Obj.# Unit Titles/Competency and Objective Statements Time Hrs Course Weight Cognitive Performance 6 7 8 Type Behavior Integrated Skill Area Core Supp Column information Comp=Competency number (two digits); Obj.=Objective number (unique course identifier plus competency number and two-digit objective number). Statements of unit titles, competencies per unit, and specific objectives per competency. Each competency statement or specific objective begins with an action verb and makes a complete sentence when combined with the stem “The learner will be able to. . .” (The stem appears once in Column 2.) Outcome behavior in each competency/objective statement is denoted by the verb plus its object. Space for teachers to calculate time to be spent on each objective based on the course blueprint, their individual school schedule, and analysis of students' previous knowledge on the topic. Shows the relative importance of each objective, competency, and unit. Weight is broken down into two components: cognitive and performance. Add the cognitive and performance weights shown for an objective in columns 4 and 5 to determine its total course weight. Course weight is used to help determine the percentage of total class time that is spent on each objective. The breakdown in columns 4 and 5 indicates the relative amount of class time that should be devoted to cognitive and performance activities as part of the instruction and assessment of each objective. Objectives with performance weight should include performance activities as part of instruction and/or assessment. Classification of outcome behavior in competency and objective statements. (C=Cognitive; P=Performance) Shows links to other academic areas. Integrated skills codes: A=Arts; E=English Language Arts; CD=Career Development; CS=Information/Computer Skills; H=Healthful Living; M=Math; SC=Science; SS=Social Studies. Designation of the competencies and objectives as Core or Supplemental. Competencies and objectives designated "Core" must be included in the Annual Planning Calendar and are assessed on the statewide assessments..