4 线串口数据输入,别名 MISO 或 SDI,内置上拉电阻 5 线串口数据输入 2,内置上拉电阻 4 线串口数据输出,别名 MOSI 或 SDO 5 线串口数据输出 2 4 线/5 线串口时钟输出,别名 SCK 4 线串口片选输出 2#~0# 2 线串口的时钟输出,内置上拉电阻
2 线串口的数据输入输出,内置上拉电阻
4.3. 异步串口方式的引脚
341A 341T
27 19
25 17
26 18
15 无
16 无
17 无
18 无
20 无
21 无
19 无
22 14
类型 三态输出
输出 输出 输出 三态输出 输入 输入 输入 输入 输入
引脚说明 8 位并行数据输出,接 DATA7~DATA0 数据选通输出,低电平有效,接 STROBE 自动换行输出,低电平有效,接 AUTO-FEED 初始化打印机,低电平有效,接 INIT 选中打印机,低电平有效,接 SELECT-IN 打印机出错,低有效,内置上拉,接 ERROR 或 FAULT 打印机联机,高有效,内置上拉,接 SELECT 或 SLCT 打印机缺纸,高有效,内置上拉,接 PEMPTY 或 PERROR 打印机数据接收应答,上升沿有效,内置上拉,接 ACK 打印机正忙,高有效,内置上拉,接 BUSY
转换并口打印机为 USB 打印机 EPP 并口和 MEM 并口
用户如果需要查阅自学习参数可以通过点击自学习参数按钮,此时卡件将回送自学习参数。自 学习参数仅是用户填写设定参数的一个参考,卡件工作所依据的参数是用户设定的参数。
5V 供电电源
24V 供电电源
反馈信号 类型
电流/输入阻抗 电阻
(4~20)mA/100Ω 1kΩ(需要定制)
反馈信号精度 开关量输入(上、下限输入)
输出 控制精度 冗余功能 隔离方式
XP341 使用手册
4.6 组态说明
PAT 信号必须组在回路中进行使用,回路的输出 MV 即 PAT 信号的阀位设定值。PAT 组态和一 般的 I/O 的组态并无太大区别,依次为控制站组态、数据转发卡组态、I/O(卡件)组态和信号点组 态。PAT 通道点组态,通过图 4-3 来进行详细说明:
反馈类型:电阻型和(4~20)mA 电流反馈两种可选,这要根据具体的电动执行机构的反馈类 型选择。XP341 现在只能采集电流反馈信号,但留出了测量电阻信号的接口,如要测电阻反馈信号 需定做卡件。
共模抑制比 串模抑制比 断线检测
<1kΩ:ON 报警;>100kΩ:OFF 24V 有源输出(驱动电流 15mA) 视不同的阀门而定(小于死区)
不能冗余 光电隔离,统一隔离 500VAC 1 分钟(现场侧与系统侧) 250VAC 1 分钟(开关量、模拟量之间)
SIMATIC CP 341 快速入门指南说明书
Primeros pasosEl presente manual le guía, a través de un ejemplo concreto con cuatro pasos de puesta en servicio, hasta una aplicación de funcionamiento real que le permitirá enviar datos a través de la interfaz serie y conocer y supervisar las funciones básicas del CP 341 por cuanto respecta a hardware y a software. Las referencias al manual pretenden darle una primera visión de conjunto de las informaciones que contiene.Dependiendo de la experiencia de que se disponga, para ejecutar el ejemplo se requieren de 1 a 2 horas.RequisitosDeben cumplirse los siguientes requisitos:S Debe contar con un equipo S7-300, formado por una fuente de alimentación y una CPU.S En la PG debe haber instalado correctamente STEP 7 (≥V5.0).S Debe haber creado un proyecto para el equipo S7-300.S La PG debe estar conectada a la CPU.S Dispone de un módulo CP 341, el software de configuración correspondiente y del cable necesa-rio.S Debe haber preparado al interlocutor para la transmisión serie de datos. Si utiliza el CP 341 con interfaz RS232/V.24, también puede emplear como interlocutor una PG que tenga instalado el pro-grama “Hyper Terminal”. El programa “Hyper Terminal” se encuentra en Windows, bajo Inicio →Programas → Accesorios →Hyper Terminal. Más abajo se describe cómo arrancar el programa. Instalar el paquete de configuración en la PGEl paquete de configuración incluye una herramienta de parametrización para el CP 341, una librería con bloques de función y un ejemplo de programación.Arranque el programa de instalación del CD haciendo doble clic en el archivo SETUP.EXE.Siga las instrucciones del programa de instalación.Montar el CP 341 y conectarlo con el interlocutorEnchufe el elemento de ampliación de bus suministrado con el CP 341 en el conector de bus de la CPU. Enganche el CP 341 en el perfil soporte, abátalo hacia abajo y atorníllelo.Conecte los terminales L+ y M de su fuente de alimentación a las conexiones correspondientes del CP.Con el cable de conexión, establezca la conexión entre el CP 341 y su interlocutor. En el anexo B del manual encontrará la ocupación del conector de interfaz.Prueba:Conecte la tensión en la fuente de alimentación.Después de la fase de inicialización se encenderá el LED SF del CP 341. Parametrizar el CP 341Abra su proyecto en el Administrador SIMATIC.Dentro del proyecto, abra la tabla de configuración de HW Config.En el catálogo de hardware seleccione el CP 341 con la referencia correcta (MLFB) y arrástrelo a la ranura prevista.Haciendo doble clic sobre el CP 341 se abre la pantalla “Propiedades CP 341”.Anote bajo “Adress” (Dirección) la dirección del módulo (en el ejemplo 256 →100 Hex). Necesitaráeste valor para la integración en su programa de usuario.Haga clic en el botón Parámetros y seleccione el protocolo “ASCII”. Haga doble clic en el Sobre. Haciendo clic en el botón Aceptar, acepte las pantallas de parametrización con el siguiente ajuste predeterminado: 9600 bit/s, 8 bits de datos, 1 bit de parada, paridad par.Guarde la parametrización con Archivo → Guardar y salga de la pantalla de parametrización con Archivo → Salir. Dentro de la pantalla “Propiedades CP 341”, haga clic en el botón Aceptar.Guarde en su proyecto la configuración que ha creado pulsando Equipo → Guardar y compilar. Estando la CPU en STOP, transfiera la configuración con los comandos Sistema de destino → Cargar en módulo.Los datos se transfieren directamente a la CPU y al CP 341. Si la carga se efectúa sin errores se apaga el LED SF.Cierre HW Config pulsando Equipo → Salir.Integración en el programa de usuarioAl instalar el paquete de configuración ha instalado el proyecto de ejemplo “CP340_41” en la librería \Siemens\STEP7\Examples.Vaya al Administrador SIMATIC y abra el proyecto de ejemplo con los comandos Archivo → Abrir... →Proyectos y haga doble clic en el subproyecto “CP341Protocol 3964” (sirve también para protocolos ASCII).Abra el programa S7 de la CPU de este subproyecto. Haga doble clic en la carpeta “Blocks”(bloques).Copie en su proyecto, además de los datos del sistema, todos los bloques con Equipo SIMATIC300→ CPU3xx → Programa S7 → Bloques.S FC21FC con SENDS FC22FC con RECEIVES DB21, DB22DBs de instancia para los FBs estándarS DB40, DB41DBs de trabajo para los FBs estándarS DB42DB desde el que se envíaS DB43DB en el que se depositan los datos recibidosS OB1OB cíclicoS OB100Rearranque OB (de rearranque en caliente)S VAT1Tabla de variablesS FB7, FB8FBs estándar para RECEIVE, SENDS SFC 58, 59SFCs para los FBs estándarAbra la FC22 de su proyecto con un doble clic y cambie la dirección del módulo “LADDR” “272” por “256” en la primera línea del segmento 1.Guarde los bloques con los comandos Archivo → Guardar.Salga del editor de la FC con los comandos Archivo → Salir.En el Administrador SIMATIC, seleccione Equipo SIMATIC 300 → CPU3xx → Programa S7 → Blo-ques.Cargue en su CPU todos los bloques S7 existentes mediante Sistema de destino → Cargar (CPU en estado STOP).Cambie la CPU a estado RUN. El CP 341 comienza a enviar datos cíclicamente a través de la interfaz serie (el LED “TxD” parpadea).Si envía datos desde su interlocutor, el CP 341 los recibe en el DB 43. El destino estará registrado en los parámetros “DB_NO”, “DBB_NO” del FB7 (P_RCV_RK) en el FC22.Prueba:Haciendo doble clic en la VAT1 de su proyecto, en el directorio “Bloques”, puede observar la transferencia de datos:Cambie a Online con Sistema de destino → Establecer enlace con →CPU configurada.Cambie a Observar con Variable → Observar.Con ayuda del operando “DB42.DBW0” (contador de envíos) puede determinar el número de transferencias. En el “DB41.DBW18” (contador de recepciones) puede ver si ha recibido datos. Si emplea su PG como interlocutor, puede recibir los datos y enviar datos al CP 341 con el programa “Hyper Terminal”. Haciendo doble clic en el archivo “” (en \Siemens\STEP7\s7fptp\Termi-nal\....), “HyperTerminal” arranca con la configuración correcta. Se indican los datos enviados por el CP 341. Pulsando una tecla cualquiera del teclado se envía el carácter correspondiente al CP 341.DiagnósticoCualquier manejo erróneo, cableado incorrecto de la interfaz serie o parametrización incoherente puede producir errores.En el capítulo 8 del manual puede consultar cómo diagnosticar tales errores y mensajes.。
cf卡介绍 Word 文档
CF卡(Compact Flash)CF卡是目前市场上历史悠久的存储卡之一,存储容量大,成本低,兼容性好,这些都是CF卡的优点,缺点则是体积较大。
目录第一章安全手册----------------------------------------------31 设备使用维护说明书中的警示符号-----------------------32 采煤机上的标志---------------------------------------33 概述-------------------------------------------------34 正确使用---------------------------------------------45 运输和安装-------------------------------------------56 工作人员---------------------------------------------57 操作、维护及修理-------------------------------------58 环境保护---------------------------------------------79 其它危险 --------------------------------------------7 第二章整机--------------------------------------------------91 概述 ------------------------------------------------92 主要技术特性 ----------------------------------------133 主要组成部分及工作原理 ------------------------------154 结构特点 --------------------------------------------16 第三章牵引机构 --------------------------------------------191 概述 ------------------------------------------------192 牵引机构的机械传动 ----------------------------------193 牵引电机 --------------------------------------------264 液压制动器 ------------------------------------------265 润滑 ------------------------------------------------28 第四章截割机构 --------------------------------------------291 概述 -----------------------------------------------292 截割机构的机械传动 ---------------------------------293 截割机构的润滑 -------------------------------------39 第五章调高液压系统 ----------------------------------------40 1 概述 -----------------------------------------------402 调高液压系统工作原理 -------------------------------403 调高液压系统元件 -----------------------------------42 第六章破碎机构 --------------------------------------------461 概述 -----------------------------------------------462 破碎机构的机械传动 ---------------------------------46 第七章采煤机电气 ------------------------------------------491 概述 -----------------------------------------------492 技术特性 -------------------------------------------513 采煤机控制和保护 -----------------------------------634 使用与维护 -----------------------------------------675 电控系统常见故障分析与处理 -------------------------69 第八章辅助装置 --------------------------------------------771 机身联接 -------------------------------------------772 拖缆装置 -------------------------------------------793 冷却喷雾装置 ---------------------------------------804 斜护板 ---------------------------------------------815 集中润滑装置-----------------------------------------81 第九章使用维护与检修 --------------------------------------821 井上检查与试运转 -----------------------------------822 解体下井运输 ---------------------------------------833 采煤机的操作 ---------------------------------------844 维护和检修 -----------------------------------------85 附录一:导向滑靴和平滑靴的磨损 ------------------------------89 附录二:易损件说明--------------------------------------------90 附录三:铰轴拆卸工具 ----------------------------------------91 附录四:扭矩值------------------------------------------------92编制:审核:审核:批准:第一章安全手册1设备使用维护说明书中的警示符号下面的符号用于设备使用维护说明书中特别重要的说明。
第一章 产品介绍
CPC-3414 是我公司新推出的4U 14 槽3UCompactPCI 板卡系统。 系统为标准19 寸上架机型,可前后出卡。可提供1 个系统槽和13 个 扩展槽,同时增加0号槽位为系统监控模块槽位,系统监控完善,可 靠性高。
第三章 背板说明......................................................................................9 背板接口位置示意图........................................................................9 跳线功能设置..................................................................................10 电源插座..........................................................................................13 风扇插座..........................................................................................14
d) 避免不必要的走动; e) 拿产品部件(尤其是板卡)时仅拿住边缘; f) 将产品部件置于一个接地的无静电的操作平台上。如果可能
PA341DF,PA341CE,PA341DW, 规格书,Datasheet 资料
F < 60Hz
PA341CE RESISTANCE, junction to air
Full Temperature Range
Full Tempera-
junction to air (Note 7) ture Range
5/50 50/200
BIAS CURRENT, vs. supply
OFFSET CURRENT, initial (Note 6)
2.5/50 50/200
COMMON MODE, voltage range
Units V mA mA W
V V °C °C °C °C
Test Conditions
(Note 1)
PA341CE, PA341DF Min Typ Max
OFFSET VOLTAGE, vs. temperature (Note 3)
The PA341CE is packaged in a hermetically sealed 8-pin TO-3 package. The metal case of the PA341CE is isolated in excess of full supply voltage.
The PA341DF is packaged in a 24 pin PSOP (JEDEC MO-166) package. The metal heat slug of the PA341DF is isolated in excess of full supply voltage. The PA341DW is packaged in Apex Precision Power’s hermetic ceramic SIP package. The alumina ceramic isolates the die in excess of full supply voltage.
CF卡CF是与出现更早且尺寸更大的PCMCIA I型内存卡竞争的第一批闪存标准之一,它最初是建立在英特尔的 或非型闪存的基础上,之后改为使用与非型闪存。CF是最老也是最成功的标准之一,尤其适合专业相机市场。它 具有比其它存储方式更长的寿命以及较低的单位容量成本,同时也可以在较小的尺寸上提供较大的容量。
CF卡比早期的PC卡(PCMCIA)I型更细小,然而厚度则和PC卡I及II型相同。CF卡是早期记忆卡规格之中最 成功的,受欢迎程度比Miniature Card、SmartMedia卡及PC卡I型更胜一筹.
CF卡在应用体积较小的器材时,SmartMedia卡曾经是CF卡的主要竞争对手,从市场渗透率而言却一度超越CF 卡。不过,SmartMedia的优势,将因新制式的记忆卡出现而终止(大约于2002-2005年时)。
价格方面,价位从美金399到630元,折合人民币2,722元到4,298元不等,内含4张64GB的CF转SATA 2.5寸转 接盒则是1596美金,折合人民币10,889元。
CF卡(Compact Flash)是1994年由SanDisk最先推出的。CF卡具有PCMCIA-ATA功能,并与之兼容;CF卡重 量只有14g,仅纸板火柴般大小(43mmx36mmx3.3mm),是一种固态产品,也就是工作时没有运动部件。CF卡采 用闪存(flash)技术,是一种稳定的存储解决方案,不需要电池来维持其中存储的数据。对所保存的数据来说, CF卡比传统的磁盘驱动器安全性和保护性都更高;比传统的磁盘驱动器及Ⅲ型PC卡的可靠性高5到10倍,而且CF 卡的用电量仅为小型磁盘驱动器的5%。这些优异的条件使得大多数数码相机选择CF卡作为其首选存储介质。
VISHAY THIN FILM • FRANCE + FAX: + • GERMANY +49.9287.710 FAX: +49 9287.70435 • ISRAEL +972.3.557.0945 FAX: +972.3.558.9121 • ITALY + 39.2.300.11919 FAX: +39.2.300.11999 • JAPAN +81.42.729.0661 FAX: +81.42.729.3400 • SINGAPORE +65.788.6668 FAX: +65.788.0988 • SWEDEN +46.8.594.70590 FAX: +46.8.594.70581 • UK +44 191 514 8237 FAX: +44 1953 457 722 • USA: (610) 407-4800 FAX: (610) 640-9081
PL340 LC140
13 12 11 10 9 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 2 3
13 12 11 10 9 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 2 3 8 7 6 5 4
8 7 6 5 4
PL341 Number of Resistors Number of Leads Type Connection Values Available 19 20 Series 500Ω - 100KΩ
20 LEAD PACKAGE DIMENSIONS in inches [millimeters]
FUJITSU PRIMECENTER M1 19-inch Racks 数据表说明书
Data SheetFUJITSU PRIMECENTER M1 19-inch Racks19-inch Industry Standard Rack SystemsPRIMECENTER M1 19-inch RacksThe Fujitsu PRIMECENTER M1 19-inch Racks are the basis for rack configurations, such as server, storage systems as well as operating controls, such as consoles, switches, power distribution units (PDUs) and uninterruptible power supplies (UPS). As the PRIMECENTER M1 19-inch Racks are based on the industry standards EIA310-D, DIN41494 and IEC 297, they can accommodate commercial products that match such standards. The racks can be extended horizontally and fit into the existing IT scenario.The PRIMECENTER M1 Racks come as asymmetric and symmetric 700 mm wide versions in 24 and 42 height units as well as symmetric 600 mm wide versions in 16, 24 and 42 height units.The symmetric racks offer up to 4 vertical 19-inch slots on left and right front side which can be used for switches or to guide cables from front to rear. The asymmetric racks provide up to 6 vertical 19-inch slots on left front side and space for the patented sideways Fujitsu cable management in the rear. 80% degree of perforation (approximate) and excellent cable management to optimize air flow for cooling and high heat dissipation. The design of the PRIMECENTER M1 Racks ensures easy service and simple maintenance.Technical detailsBase unit Order code Dimensions (W x D x H)VerticalSlots Transport Dimensions(W x D x H)Max. pay load / dynamicloadNet weightPCR M1 724S (24 U symmetrical)S26361-K827-V220700mm x 1050mm x1203mm2800mm x 1200mm x1350mm (approx.)540 kg / 650 kg89 kgPCR M1 742S (42 U symmetrical)S26361-K827-V240700mm x 1050mm x2003mm4800mm x 1200mm x2150mm (approx.)878 kg / 1000 kg122 kgPCR M1 624S (24 U symmetrical)S26361-K827-V320600mm x 1050mm x1203mm700mm x 1200mm x1350mm (approx.)540 kg / 650kg82 kgPCR M1 642S (42 U symmetrical)S26361-K827-V340600mm x 1050mm x2003mm700mm x 1200mm x2150mm (approx.)888 kg / 1000 kg112 kgRack InfrastructureVariants Asymmetrical design 700 mm, 24+4 U and 42+6 U, for patented cable managementSymmetrical design 700 mm, 24+2 U and 42+4 U with standard rack designSymmetrical design 600 mm, 16 U, 24 U and 42 U with space optimized rack designCapacity16 heights units with up to 20 kg loadper horizontal height unit, maximumweight up to 400 kg.24 height units plus up to 4 verticalheight units (depth of up to 300 mmincl. cable space). Up to 20 kg load perhorizontal, 3.5 kg per vertical heightunit, maximum weight up to 650 kg.42 height units plus up to 6 verticalheight units (depth of up to 300 mmincl. cable space). Up to 20 kg load perhorizontal, 3.5 kg per vertical heightunit, maximum weight up to 1000 kg.Doors One-piece front door and two-piece rear door with high percentage of holes (approx. 80%) for improved servercooling. Ergonomic door handlesFront door One-piece design front door with ergonomic handle bar, right or left hand mounting possible.Rear door Twin doors to optimize needed service spaceOne door with cable entryInternal depth19-inch clearance450.5 mm +1 mm/-0 mmFront/rear 19-inch level740 mmSpace for cabling Up to 100 mm on front sideUp to 180 mm on rear sideCable management and service Optimized cable routing solutions.Cabling openings in the floor groupand in the rear door.Maximum load Up to 10000 N stationary on leveling feets, 200 N per U10000 N dynamic load (movable on castors)Permitted total weight Up to 10000 N / 1000 kg for 42U racksShipment Optionally ex works, fully mounted and tested including cabling. Shipment including 4 heavy-duty castors and 4adjusting feet on a shock-absorbing pallet.Top cover Two break out entries for external cablingSecurityProtection class DIN (EN60529) IP20Security functions Lockable front, rear door and side panels, optional antitiltprotection.Rack accessories Optional available: rack mounting kits; cable management solutions; networking components, I/O switches,mounting kits, accessory kits, shelves, electrical connections, monitoring (rack console, KVM switches),uninterruptible power supply (UPS), power distribution units (PDU)EnvironmentEnvironmental compliance Operation: Class 3K3*, 3M2, 3S2Transport: Class 2K2, 2M2. 2M1Environmental compliance note*Possibly restricted by rack componentsComplianceGermany GSEurope ENComplianceUSA/Canada UL/CSAGlobal CBRoHS (Substance limitations in accordance with global RoHS regulations)WEEE (Waste electrical and electronical equipment)Compliance notes There is general compliance with the safety requirements of all European countries and North America. Nationalapprovals required in order to satisfy statutory regulations or for other reasons can be applied for on request. Compliance link https:///sites/certificatesContactFUJITSU LIMITEDMies-van-der-Rohe-Straße 880807 München GermanyWebsite: 2021-09-06 CE-ENdelivery subject to availability. Any liability that the data and illustrations are complete, actual or correct is excluded. Designations may be trademarks and/or copyrights of the respective manufacturer, the use of which by third parties for their own purposes may infringe the rights of such ownerMore informationAll rights reserved, including intellectual property rights. Changes to technical data reserved. Delivery subject to availability. Any liability that the data and illustrations are complete, actual or correct is excluded.Designations may be trademarks and/or copyrights of the respective manufacturer, the use of which by third parties for their own purposes may infringe the rights of such owner.For further information see /terms_of_use.html Copyright © Fujitsu Technology Solutions。
1 综合介绍1.1 概述DSSD331/DTSD341型(配置号为MB3V7.4)三相电子式多功能电能表是威胜集团有限公司研制生产的新一代智能型高科技电能计量产品,符合GB/T17215、GB/T17882、GB/T17883 和DL/T614 等电能表有关标准,采用DL/T645通信规约(有扩展)。
1.2 工作原理简述本产品由电流互感器、集成计量芯片、微控制器、温补实时时钟、数据接口设备和人机接口设备组成。
图1:工作原理简述(以三相四线表为例)1.3 技术参数1.3.1 主要技术参数1.3.4 继电器输出如果选择了负荷控制功能,将配置“报警”及“跳闸”继电器,“报警”及“跳闸”辅助端子为继电器的常开触点。
继电器的开关能力:纯阻性负载的情况下,220VAC ,130mA 其它数据1.3.6 外形和布局 铅封螺钉锁条下面板下透镜带端子的端子排开盖检测按钮光端盖铅封按钮电池门铅封螺钉1.3.7 安装尺寸1.3.8 主端子接线图注:辅助电源为可选功能,具体接线以表计端盖上接线图为准。
2 仪表主要功能2.1 电量分时计量本仪表有两种配置:TH及TF型(由模式字1的b6设置)。
各种总电量均可以按最大8种费率时段进行分时计量(A、B、C 各元件的电量不分时计量)。
UTC MC3419 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITUTC UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD.1QW-R107-042,ALOW POWER AUDIO AMPLIFIERDESCRIPTIONThe UTC MC3419 is a low power audio amplifierintegrated circuit, intended for the telephone applications, such as in speakerphones. It provides differential speaker outputs to maximize output swing at low supply voltages. Coupling capacitor to the speaker is not required. Open loop gain is 80dB, and the closed loop gain is set with two external resistors. A chips disable pin permits powering down and/or muting the input signal.FEATURES*Wide operating supply voltage: Vcc=2V~16V *Low quiescent supply current (Icc=2.7mA, typ) *Medium output power (Po=250mW at Vcc=6V, R L =32ohm, THD=10%)*Load impedance range (8 to 100ohm) *Low distortion*Mute function (Icc=65µA, typ)*Minimum number of external parts required*Pb-free plating product number: MC3419LBLOCK DIAGRAMUTC MC3419 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITUTC UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD.2QW-R107-042,AABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25°C)PARAMETER SYMBOLVALUE UNIT Supply VoltageVcc -1 to +18 V Output CurrentIo +-250 mA Maximum Input, Ripple Rejection, Mute Pin VoltageVi -1 to +1 V Applied Output Voltage (Output Pin When Disabled)Vo -1 to +1 V Junction TemperatureTj-55 to +150°CPIN CONFIGURATIONSPIN NAME DESCRIPTION1MuteThis pin can be used to power down the IC to converse power, or for muting, or both. When at a logic “LOW” (less than 0.8V), the IC is enabled for normal operation. When at a logic “HIGH” (2V to Vcc), the IC is disabled. If Mute is open, that is equivalent to a logic “LOW”.2 Ripple Rejection A capacitor at this pin increase power supply rejection, and affects turn-on time. This pin can beleft open if the capacitor at pin 1 is sufficient. 3 Input(+) Analog Ground for the amplifiers. A 1µF capacitor at this pin ( with a 5µF capacitor at pin 8)provides 52dB( typ) of power supply rejection. Turn-on time of the circuit is affected by the capacitor on this pin. This pin can be used as an alternative input.4 Input(-) Amplifier input. The input capacitor and resistor set low frequency roll-off and input impedance.The feedback resistor is connected between this pin and output 1.5 Output 1 Amplifier 1’s output. The DC level is about (Vcc~0.7V)/2.6 Vcc DC supply voltage is applied to this pin(Vcc=2~16V).7 GND Ground pin.8 Output 2Amplifier 2’s output. This signal is equal in amplitude, but 180°out of phase with that output 1, the DC level is about (Vcc~0.7V)/2.RECOMMENDED OPERATION CONDITIONS (Ta=25°C)PARAMETER SYMBOL VALUE UNITSupply VoltageVcc 2~16VLoad Impedance Z L 8~100 ΩPeak Load CurrentI L(peak) +-200 mA Differential Gain (5KHz Bandwidth) ∆Gv 0~46 dB Voltage at MuteVi(mute) 0~Vcc V Ambient TemperatureTa -20~+70°CUTC MC3419 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITUTC UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD.3QW-R107-042,AELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Vcc=6V, Ta=25°C, unless otherwise specified)PARAMETER SYMBOLTEST CONDITIONS MINTYP MAX UNITDC PARAMETEROperating Current Icc Vcc=3V, Mute=0.8V 2.7 4 mA Vcc=16V, Mute=0.8V 3.3 5 mA Vcc=3V, Mute=2V 65 100 µA Output Voltage Vo R L =16Ω, R1=75K Ω Vcc=3V 1 1.15 1.25 V Vcc=6V 2.65 V Vcc=12V 5.65 V Output Offset Voltage Voo Vcc=6V, Rf=75K Ω,R L =32Ω -30 0 30 mV Output High Level V OH 2V<Vcc<16V, Iout=-75mA Vcc~1 V Output Low Level V OL 2V<Vcc<16V, Iout=75mA 0.16 V Input Bias Current Ibias -100 -200 nA Equivalent Resistance R EQ Pin 1 100 150 220 K Ω Pin 8 18 25 40 K Ω AC PARAMETEROpen Loop Gain of Amp. 1 Gv1 80 dB Open Loop Gain of Amp. 2 Gv2 f=1KHz, R L =32Ω -0.350 0.35 dB Output Power Po Vcc=3V, R L =6Ω, THD<10%55 mW Vcc=6V, R L =32Ω, THD<10%250 mW Vcc=12V, R L =100Ω, THD<10%400 mW Total Harmonic Distortion (f=1KHz) THD Vcc=6V, R L =32Ω, Po=125mW 0.5 1 % Vcc<3V, R L =8Ω, Po=20mW0.5 % Vcc<12V, R L =32Ω, Po=200mW0.6 % Gain Bandwidth Product GBW 1.5 MHz Power Supply Rejection (Vcc=6V, ∆Vcc=3V) PSRR C1=∝, C2=0.01µF 50 dB C1=0.1µF, C2=0, f=1KHz 12 dB C1=1µF, C2=5µF, f=1KHz 52 dB Muting Gv(mute)Mute=2V, 1KHz<f<20KHz 70 dBUTC MC3419 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITUTC UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD.4QW-R107-042,ATYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICSUTC MC3419UTC MC3419UTC MC3419。
磐启微电子 PAN2418 系列 2.4GHz 宽带无线收发芯片说明书
其它特性四线 SPI 接口通信 SPI 接口速率最高支持20MbpsQFN24L 0404封装支持最大数据长度为512字节(两级乒乓FIFO)3M /6Mbps模式,需要晶振精度 ±60ppm 工作电压支持2.2~3.3V工作温度支持-40~+85℃GFSK通信方式 支持自动应答及自动重传支持RSSI检测功能 带自动扰码和CRC校验功能应用方案Babymonitor 无线图像传输玩具可视门铃 监控版本 修订时间 更新内容 相关文档V1.0 2017. 12目录1 命名规则 (4)1.1 PAN2418命名规则 (4)1.2 PAN2418系列产品选择 (4)2 主要电特性 (4)3 极限最大额定值 (3)4 系统结构方框图 (3)5 引脚定义 (4)6 芯片工作状态 (5)6.1 休眠模式 (6)6.2 待机模式-I(STB1) (6)6.3 待机模式-III(STB3) (7)6.4 待机模式-II(STB2) (7)6.5 接收模式 (7)6.6 发射模式 (7)7 数据通信模式 (8)7.1 普通模式 (9)7.2 增强模式 (9)7.3增强发送模式 (10)7.4 增强接收模式 (11)7.5 增强模式下的数据包识别 (11)7.6 增强模式下的PTX和PRX的时序图 (11)7.7 增强模式下的接收端一对多通信 (12)7.8 DATA FIFO (14)7.9 中断引脚 (14)8 SPI控制接口 (14)8.1 SPI指令格式 (15)8.2 SPI 时序 (17)9 控制寄存器 (18)10 数据包格式描述 (43)10.1 普通模式的数据包形式 (43)10.2 增强模式的数据包形式 (43)10.3 增强模式的ACK包形式 (43)11 典型应用电路(参考) (44)12 封装尺寸 (44)13 联系方式 (45)1 命名规则1.1 PAN2418命名规则DR 码率3 6 Mbps M f 6∆调制频偏@6Mbps 1.5 2 MHz M FCH 6频道间隔@6Mbps9 MHz 发射模式指标PRF 典型输出功率 0 17 20 dBm PRFC 输出功率范围-30 20 dBm 1PBW发射带数据调制的20dB 带宽(6Mbps)9MHz接收模式指标(注1)maxRX误码率<0.1%时的最大接收幅度 0 dBm 1RXSENS 接收灵敏度(0.1%BER)@6Mbps-81 dBm 2RXSENS接收灵敏度(0.1%BER)@3Mbps-84dBm接收模式邻道选择性CO C Ι/同频的通道选择性@6Mbps 10 dBc STC 1/Ι第1相邻道选择性@6Mbps 0 dBc ND C 2/Ι第2相邻道选择性@6Mbps -18 dBc RDC 3/Ι第3相邻道选择性@6Mbps -19 dBc 4/TH C Ι 第4相邻道选择性@6Mbps-32 dBc 接收机镜像抑制Image镜像抑制30 dBc 操作条件VDD 供电电压 2.2 3 3.3 V VSS 芯片地 0 V OH V 高电平输出电压 VDD-0.3 VDD V OLV 低电平输出电压 VSS VSS+0.3 V IH V高电平输入电压 VDD-0.3 VDD V IL V低电平输入电压VSSVSS+0.3V3 极限最大额定值表3 PAN2418系列芯片极限最大额定值 特 性条件参数值 单位最小典型最大最大额定值DD V 供电电压 -0.3 3.6 V I V 输入电压 -0.3 3.6 V O V输出电压VSS VDD Pd 总功耗(TA=-40℃~85℃)600 mW OP T 工作温度 -40 85 ℃ STG T存储温度-40125℃* 注1:使用中强行超过一项或多项极限最大额定值会导致器件永久性损坏。
MX341发电机自动电压调节器使用手册版本 1.0日期:2015/07/01MX341版本历史记录:日期版本内容2015-07-01 1.0首次发行目录1.技术参数 (3)2.概述 (4)3.AVR调节表 (5)4.AVR控制调节 (5)4.1.电压调节(VOLT) (5)4.2.稳定调节(STAB) (6)4.3. 4.3.低频保护调节(UFRO) (6)4.4.无功调差(DROOP) (7)4.5.电压修正调节(TRIM) (7)4.6.过励磁调节(EXC TRIP) (7)4.7.电压/频率比例调节(DIP) (7)5.安装和操作 (8)1.技术参数项目参数内容检测输入电压190-264VAC二相或三相频率50/60Hz以跨接铜片选择电源输入电压170~220VAC三相三线电流每相3A频率100~120Hz励磁场输出电压最大120VDC电流连续2.7A(注1),非连续为10秒内6A 电阻最小15Ω电压建立在AVR输入端子需剩磁电压5VAC以上消耗功率最大12Watt电流补偿负载10Ω调压精度<±1%(发动机转速变动在4%内)振动 3.3G@100~2K Hz相对湿度<95%工作温度-40~70℃(注6)储存温度-40一85℃温差称定度每℃变化,电压漂移0.05%(注2)外部电压调节用1ΩKn1Watt电位器时为士10%(注3)电压缓慢建立时间2秒发电机电流输出限制负载1Ω灵敏度范围0.5~1A过励磁保护90V(出厂预设)时间延迟固定为10秒低频保护拐点值95%Hz(出厂预设)(注4)斜率下降至30Hz时为170%电压修正(模拟输入)最大输入±5VDC(注5)灵敏度每1VDC可调节5%发电机电压输入电阻1KΩDROOP无功调差负载10Ω灵敏度0.07A对应5%压降(在PF=0时)最大输入0.33A过电压检知输入300VAC(出厂预设)时间延迟固定为1秒开关跳脱线圈电压10~30VDC/0.5Amp尺寸150mm L*135mm W 重量0.5KG±2%2.概述2.1.励磁电源来自三相永磁式发电机(PMG),如此AVR的控制电路可隔离受非线性负载所引发的影响,并能减低发电机端的射频干扰,能承受发电机的短路电流是PMG发电机的另一特色。
Reel of 250
Reel of 2500
Tube of 50 Reel of 2500
only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under “recommended operating
conditions” is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
• 2.7-V and 5-V Performance • Rail-to-Rail Output Swing • Input Bias Current…1 pA Typ • Input Offset Voltage…0.25 mV Typ • Low Supply Current…100 µA Typ • Low Shutdown Current…45 pA Typ • Gain Bandwidth of 1 MHz Typ • Slew Rate…1 V/µs Typ • Turn-On Time From Shutdown…5 µs Typ • Input Referred Voltage Noise (at 10 kHz)…
Product overviewThe HPE 1410 Switch Series comprises unmanaged Gigabit Ethernet and Fast Ethernet switches, designed for small businesses looking for entry-level low-cost networking solutions that come with a limited lifetime warranty. The series consists of nine models with flexible mounting options to meet different network switching needs. All models have quality of service (QoS) support and IEEE 802.3x flow control features that provide outstanding data efficiency.Simplified plug-and-play convenience is enabled by features such as auto-MDIX and auto-speed negotiation. Hewlett Packard Enterprise has innovated and combined the latest advances in silicon technology to bring you some of the most power-efficient switches—1410-24G-R, 1410-16, and 1410-24 models are advanced IEEE 802.3az-compliant unmanaged Gigabit and Fast Ethernet switches. The switches come with built-in green features and a limited lifetime warranty, making the series the right choice for organizations seeking a networking solution that’s both economical and reliable.A summary of the highlights of the 1410 Switch Series:• Unmanaged Gigabit Ethernet and Fast Ethernet switches • Green features for low power consumption • Fan-less design for silent operation • QoS support• Limited Lifetime warrantyHPE 1410 Switch SeriesData sheetFeatures and benefitsQoS• IEEE 802.1p prioritizationDelivers data to devices, based on the priority and type of traffic• DiffServ Code Point (DSCP) supportAllows real-time traffic prioritization, based on L3 TOS/DSCP parametersConnectivity• Auto-MDIXProvides automatic adjustments for straight-through or crossover cables on all 10/100 and 10/100/1000 portsPerformance• NEW Energy-efficient Ethernet supportSupports new IEEE 802.3az standard; and allows lower power consumption, when operated with IEEE-compliant client devices in 100 Mb/s mode only (JG708A, J9662A, and J9663A)• Half-/full-duplex auto-negotiating capability on every portDoubles the throughput of every port• NEW Jumbo frame supportAllows frames up to 9,216 bytes to be switched through the network (Gigabit Ethernet models)• Mini jumbo-frame supportAllows frames up to 2,048 bytes to be switched through the network, which supports large data transfers (J9662A and J9663A)Ease of use• UnmanagedProvides plug-and-play simplicity• Comprehensive LED display with per-port indicatorsProvides an at-a-glance view of the status, activity, speed, and full-duplex operation of the switches • Flow controlHelps ensure reliable communications during full-duplex operation• Auto-speed negotiationSelects individual port speed automatically, depending on client capabilities; removing the need for manual intervention enables simple plug-and-play operationFlexibility• Fan-less designEnables quiet operation for deployment in open spaces• NEW Internal power supplyDelivers operational convenience and an environment suitable for business operations (JG708A, J9561A, and JD986B)Warranty and support• Limited Lifetime WarrantySee /networking/warrantysummary for warranty and support information included with your product purchase.HPE 1410 Switch SeriesSPECIFICATIONS HPE 1410-8G Switch (J9559A)HPE 1410-16G Switch (J9560A)HPE 1410-24G-R Switch (JG708A) Ports8 RJ-45 autosensing 10/100/1000ports (IEEE 802.3 Type 10BASE-T,IEEE 802.3u Type 100BASE-TX,IEEE 802.3ab Type 1000BASE-T);Media Type: Auto-MDIX; Duplex:10BASE-T/100BASE-TX: half or full;1000BASE-T: full onlySupports a maximum of 8 autosensing10/100/1000 ports16 RJ-45 autosensing 10/100/1000ports (IEEE 802.3 Type 10BASE-T,IEEE 802.3u Type 100BASE-TX,IEEE 802.3ab Type 1000BASE-T);Media Type: Auto-MDIX; Duplex:10BASE-T/100BASE-TX: half or full;1000BASE-T: full onlySupports a maximum of 16 autosensing10/100/1000 ports24 RJ-45 autosensing 10/100/1000ports (IEEE 802.3 Type 10BASE-T,IEEE 802.3u Type 100BASE-TX,IEEE 802.3ab Type 1000BASE-T);Media Type: Auto-MDIX; Duplex:10BASE-T/100BASE-TX: half or full;1000BASE-T: full onlySupports a maximum of 24 autosensing10/100/1000 portsPhysical characteristicsWeight6.14(w) x 3.8(d) x 0.96(h) in(15.6 x 9.65 x 2.45 cm)0.74 lb (0.34 kg)8.21(w) x 4.41(d) x 1.73(h) in(20.85 x 11.2 x 4.4 cm) (1U height)1.43 lb (0.65 kg)17.32(w) x 6.81(d) x 1.73(h) in(44 x 17.3 x 4.4 cm) (1U height)6.61 lb (3 kg)Memory and processor 4 Kb EEPROM capacity;packet buffer size: 192 KB512 Kb flash; packet buffer size: 512 KB 1 MB flash; packet buffer size: 512 KBMounting Wall, desktop and under-table mounting Mounts in an EIA standard 19-inch telcorack (hardware included); wall, desktopand under-table mountingMounts in an EIA standard 19-inch telco rack(hardware included); desktop mountingPerformance100 Mb Latency1000 Mb LatencyThroughputSwitching capacityMAC address table size< 3.6 µs (LIFO 64-byte packets)< 1.2 µs (LIFO 64-byte packets)up to 11.9 million pps (64-byte packets)16 Gb/s4096 entries< 8.0 µs (LIFO 64-byte packets)< 3.6 µs (LIFO 64-byte packets)up to 23.8 million pps (64-byte packets)32 Gb/s8192 entries< 8.0 µs (LIFO 64-byte packets)< 3.6 µs (LIFO 64-byte packets)35.7 million pps (64-byte packets)48 Gb/s8192 entriesEnvironmentOperating temperatureOperating relative humidityNonoperating/Storage temperatureNonoperating/Storage relative humidityAltitudeAcoustic32°F to 104°F (0°C to 40°C)15% to 95% @ 104°F (40°C), noncondensing-40°F to 158°F (-40°C to 70°C)15% to 90% @ 149°F (65°C), noncondensingup to 10,000 ft (3 km)Power: 0 dB No fan32°F to 104°F (0°C to 40°C)15% to 95% @ 104°F (40°C), noncondensing-40°F to 158°F (-40°C to 70°C)15% to 90% @ 149°F (65°C), noncondensingup to 10,000 ft (3 km)Power: 0 dB No fan32°F to 104°F (0°C to 40°C)5% to 95% @ 104°F (40°C), noncondensing-40°F to 158°F (-40°C to 70°C)15% to 90% @ 149°F (65°C), noncondensingup to 16,404 ft (5 km)Power: 0 dB No fanElectrical characteristicsFrequencyMaximum heat dissipationVoltageCurrentMaximum power rating50/60 Hz41 BTU/hr (43.26 kJ/hr)100-240 VAC1.0 A12 WNotesMaximum power rating and maximumheat dissipation are the worst-casetheoretical maximum numbers providedfor planning the infrastructure withfully loaded PoE (if equipped), 100%traffic, all ports plugged in, and allmodules populated.The exact input voltage and frequencyrating are determined by the specificpower adaptor part number ordered.Please select the correct power adaptorcountry option.50/60 Hz44 BTU/hr (46.42 kJ/hr)100-240 VAC1.1 A13 WMaximum power rating and maximumheat dissipation are the worst-casetheoretical maximum numbers providedfor planning the infrastructure withfully loaded PoE (if equipped), 100%traffic, all ports plugged in, and allmodules populated.The exact input voltage and frequencyrating are determined by the specificpower adaptor part number ordered.Please select the correct power adaptorcountry option.50/60 Hz55 BTU/hr (58 kJ/hr)100-240 VAC0.3 A16 WMaximum power rating and maximumheat dissipation are the worst-casetheoretical maximum numbers providedfor planning the infrastructure withfully loaded PoE (if equipped), 100%traffic, all ports plugged in, and allmodules populated.This model provides internal powersupply. Please select the correct powercord country option.SPECIFICATIONS HPE 1410-8G Switch (J9559A)HPE 1410-16G Switch (J9560A)HPE 1410-24G-R Switch (JG708A)Safety CSA 22.2 No. 60950; EN 60950/IEC 60950; UL 60950-1 CSA 22.2 No. 60950; UL 60950-1;IEC 60950-1; EN 60950-1CSA 22.2 No. 60950; UL 60950-1;IEC 60950-1; EN 60950-1Emissions FCC Rules Part 15, Subpart B Class A FCC Rules Part 15, Subpart B Class A FCC Rules Part 15, Subpart B Class A ImmunityGenericENESDRadiatedEFT/BurstSurgeConductedPower frequency magnetic field Voltage dips and interruptions HarmonicsFlicker EN 55022 CISPR 22EN 55024, CISPR 24IEC 61000-4-2IEC 61000-4-3IEC 61000-4-4IEC 61000-4-5IEC 61000-4-6IEC 61000-4-8IEC 61000-4-11IEC 61000-3-2IEC 61000-3-3EN 55022 CISPR 22EN 55024, CISPR 24IEC 61000-4-2IEC 61000-4-3IEC 61000-4-4IEC 61000-4-5IEC 61000-4-6IEC 61000-4-8IEC 61000-4-11IEC 61000-3-2IEC 61000-3-3EN 55022 CISPR 22EN 55024, CISPR 24IEC 61000-4-2IEC 61000-4-3IEC 61000-4-4IEC 61000-4-5IEC 61000-4-6IEC 61000-4-8IEC 61000-4-11IEC 61000-3-2IEC 61000-3-3NotesIEEE 802.3az Energy Efficient Ethernet protocol is supported by the HPE 1410-24G-R (JG708A), HPE 1410-16 (J9662A) and HPE 1410-24 (J9663A) Switches.Services Refer to the Hewlett Packard Enterprisewebsite at /networking/servicesfor details on the service-level descriptionsand product numbers. For details aboutservices and response times in your area,please contact your local Hewlett PackardEnterprise sales office. Refer to the Hewlett Packard Enterprisewebsite at /networking/servicesfor details on the service-level descriptionsand product numbers. For details aboutservices and response times in your area,please contact your local Hewlett PackardEnterprise sales office.Refer to the Hewlett Packard Enterprisewebsite at /networking/servicesfor details on the service-level descriptionsand product numbers. For details aboutservices and response times in your area,please contact your local Hewlett PackardEnterprise sales office.(CONTINUED)HPE 1410 Switch SeriesSPECIFICATIONS HPE 1410-24G Switch (J9561A) HPE 1410-8 Switch (J9661A)HPE 1410-16 Switch (J9662A)Ports22 RJ-45 autosensing 10/100/1000 ports (IEEE 802.3 Type 10BASE-T, IEEE 802.3u Type 100BASE-TX, IEEE802.3ab Type 1000BASE-T); Media Type: Auto-MDIX; Duplex: 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX: half or full; 1000BASE-T: full only2 dual-personality ports; each port can be used as either an RJ-45 10/100/1000 port (IEEE 802.3 Type 10BASE-T, IEEE 802.3u Type 100BASE-TX, IEEE 802.3ab 1000BASE-T Gigabit Ethernet) or an open mini-GBIC slot (for use with mini-GBIC transceivers)Supports a maximum of 24 Gigabit Ethernet ports8 RJ-45 autosensing 10/100 ports(IEEE 802.3 Type 10BASE-T, IEEE 802.3u Type 100BASE-TX); Duplex: half or full Supports a maximum of 8 autosensing 10/100 ports16 RJ-45 autosensing 10/100 ports(IEEE 802.3 Type 10BASE-T, IEEE 802.3u Type 100BASE-TX); Duplex: half or full Supports a maximum of 16 autosensing 10/100 portsPhysical characteristics Weight13.23(w) x 6.65(d) x 1.73(h) in (33.6 x 16.9 x 4.4 cm) (1U height)2.98 lb (1.35 kg)6.14(w) x 3.74(d) x 0.97(h) in (15.6 x 9.5 x 2.46 cm) 0.74 lb (0.34 kg)8.21(w) x 4.21(d) x 1.73(h) in(20.85 x 10.69 x 4.39 cm) (1U height)1.43 lb (0.65 kg)Memory and processor 512 Kb flash; packet buffer size: 512 KB 16 Kb EEPROM; packet buffer size: 96 KB 16Kb EEPROM; packet buffer size: 2 Mb MountingMounts in an EIA standard 19-inch telco rack (hardware included); wall, desktop and under-table mountingWall, desktop and under-table mountingMounts in an EIA standard 19-inch telco rack (hardware included) wall, desktop and under-table mountingPerformance 100 Mb Latency 1000 Mb Latency ThroughputSwitching capacity MAC address table size< 8.0 µs (LIFO 64-byte packets) < 3.6 µs (LIFO 64-byte packets)up to 35.7 million pps (64-byte packets) 48 Gb/s 8192 entries< 3.7 µs (LIFO 64-byte packets) up to 1.1 million pps (64-byte packets) 1.6 Gb/s 1024 entries< 10.6 µs (LIFO 64-byte packets) up to 2.3 million pps (64-byte packets)3.2 Gb/s 8192 entriesEnvironmentOperating temperature Operating relative humidityNonoperating/Storage temperature Nonoperating/Storage relative humidity Altitude Acoustic32°F to 104°F (0°C to 40°C)15% to 95% @ 104°F (40°C), noncondensing -40°F to 158°F (-40°C to 70°C)15% to 90% @ 149°F (65°C), noncondensing up to 10,000 ft (3 km) Power: 0 dB No fan 32°F to 104°F (0°C to 40°C)15% to 95% @ 104°F (40°C), noncondensing -40°F to 158°F (-40°C to 70°C)15% to 90% @ 149°F (65°C), noncondensing up to 10,000 ft (3 km) Power: 0 dB No fan 32°F to 104°F (0°C to 40°C)5% to 95% @ 104°F (40°C), noncondensing -40°F to 158°F (-40°C to 70°C)15% to 90% @ 149°F (65°C), noncondensing up to 16,404 ft (5 km)Power: 0 dB No fanSPECIFICATIONS HPE 1410-24G Switch (J9561A) HPE 1410-8 Switch (J9661A) HPE 1410-16 Switch (J9662A) Electrical characteristicsFrequencyMaximum heat dissipation VoltageDC voltageCurrentMaximum power rating 50/60 Hz75 BTU/hr (79.13 kJ/hr)100-240 VAC0.3 A22 WNotesMaximum power rating and maximumheat dissipation are the worst-casetheoretical maximum numbers providedfor planning the infrastructure withfully loaded PoE (if equipped), 100%traffic, all ports plugged in, and allmodules populated.This model provides internal powersupply. Please select the correct powercord country option.50/60 Hz13 BTU/hr (13.72 kJ/hr)100-240 VAC12 V0.3 A3.6 WMaximum power rating and maximumheat dissipation are the worst-casetheoretical maximum numbers providedfor planning the infrastructure withfully loaded PoE (if equipped), 100%traffic, all ports plugged in, and allmodules populated.The exact input voltage and frequencyrating are determined by the specificpower adaptor part number ordered.Please select the correct power adaptorcountry option.50/60 Hz13 BTU/hr (13.72 kJ/hr)100-240 VAC12 V0.3 A3.6 WMaximum power rating and maximumheat dissipation are the worst-casetheoretical maximum numbers providedfor planning the infrastructure withfully loaded PoE (if equipped), 100%traffic, all ports plugged in, and allmodules populated.The exact input voltage and frequencyrating are determined by the specificpower adaptor part number ordered.Please select the correct power adaptorcountry option.Safety CSA 22.2 No. 60950; UL 60950-1;IEC 60950-1; EN 60950-1UL 60950-1; CSA 22.2 60950-1;IEC 60950-1:2005;EN 60950-1:2006 + A11:2009UL 60950-1; CSA C22.2 60950-1;IEC 60950-1:2005;EN 60950-1:2006 + A11:2009Emissions FCC Rules Part 15, Subpart B Class A FCC Rules Part 15, Subpart B Class A FCC Rules Part 15, Subpart B Class A ImmunityGenericENESDRadiatedEFT/BurstSurgeConductedPower frequency magnetic field Voltage dips and interruptions HarmonicsFlicker EN 55022 CISPR 22EN 55024, CISPR 24IEC 61000-4-2IEC 61000-4-3IEC 61000-4-4IEC 61000-4-5IEC 61000-4-6IEC 61000-4-8IEC 61000-4-11IEC 61000-3-2IEC 61000-3-3EN 55022 CISPR 22EN 55024, CISPR 24IEC 61000-4-2IEC 61000-4-3IEC 61000-4-4IEC 61000-4-5IEC 61000-4-6IEC 61000-4-8IEC 61000-4-11IEC 61000-3-2IEC 61000-3-3EN 55022 CISPR 22EN 55024, CISPR 24IEC 61000-4-2IEC 61000-4-3IEC 61000-4-4IEC 61000-4-5IEC 61000-4-6IEC 61000-4-8IEC 61000-4-11IEC 61000-3-2IEC 61000-3-3NotesUse only supported genuine Hewlett Packard Enterprise mini-GBICs with your switch.IEEE 802.3az Energy Efficient Ethernet protocol is supported by the HPE 1410-24G-R (JG708A), HPE 1410-16 (J9662A) and HPE 1410-24 (J9663A) Switches.(CONTINUED)SPECIFICATIONS HPE 1410-24G Switch (J9561A) HPE 1410-8 Switch (J9661A) HPE 1410-16 Switch (J9662A)Services Refer to the Hewlett Packard Enterprisewebsite at /networking/servicesfor details on the service-level descriptionsand product numbers. For details aboutservices and response times in your area,please contact your local Hewlett PackardEnterprise sales office. Refer to the Hewlett Packard Enterprisewebsite at /networking/servicesfor details on the service-level descriptionsand product numbers. For details aboutservices and response times in your area,please contact your local Hewlett PackardEnterprise sales office.Refer to the Hewlett Packard Enterprisewebsite at /networking/servicesfor details on the service-level descriptionsand product numbers. For details aboutservices and response times in your area,please contact your local Hewlett PackardEnterprise sales office.(CONTINUED)HPE 1410 Switch SeriesSPECIFICATIONS HPE 1410-24 Switch (J9663A)HPE 1410-24-R Switch (JD986B)HPE 1410-24-2G Switch (J9664A) Ports24 RJ-45 autosensing 10/100 ports(IEEE 802.3 Type 10BASE-T, IEEE 802.3uType 100BASE-TX, IEEE 802.3abType 1000BASE-T); Duplex:10BASE-T/100BASE-TX: half or full;1000BASE-T: full onlySupports a maximum of 24 autosensing10/100 ports24 RJ-45 autosensing 10/100 ports(IEEE 802.3 Type 10BASE-T, IEEE 802.3uType 100BASE-TX, IEEE 802.3abType 1000BASE-T); Duplex:10BASE-T/100BASE-TX: half or full;1000BASE-T: full onlySupports a maximum of 24 autosensing10/100 ports24 RJ-45 autosensing 10/100 ports(IEEE 802.3 Type 10BASE-T, IEEE 802.3uType 100BASE-TX); Duplex: half or full2 RJ-45 autosensing 10/100/1000 ports(IEEE 802.3 Type 10BASE-T, IEEE 802.3uType 100BASE-TX, IEEE 802.3abType 1000BASE-T); Duplex:10BASE-T/100BASE-TX: half or full;1000BASE-T: full onlySupports a maximum of 24 autosensing10/100 ports plus 2 autosensing10/100/1000 portsPhysical characteristicsWeight13.23(w) x 6.65(d) x 1.73(h) in(33.6 x 16.89 x 4.39 cm) (1U height)2.98 lb (1.35 kg)17.32(w) x 6.81(d) x 1.73(h) in(44 x 17.3 x 4.4 cm) (1U height)4.41 lb (2.0 kg)13.23(w) x 6.65(d) x 1.73(h) in(33.6 x 16.89 x 4.39 cm) (1U height)2.98 lb (1.35 kg)Memory and processor16 Kb EEPROM; packet buffer size: 2 Mb8kb EEPROM; packet buffer size: 2 Mb 2 Kb EEPROM; packet buffer size: 2.5 MbMounting Mounts in an EIA standard 19-inch telcorack (hardware included); wall, desktopand under-table mountingMounts in an EIA standard 19-inchtelco rack (hardware included); desktopmountingMounts in an EIA standard 19-inch telcorack (hardware included); wall, desktopand under-table mountingPerformance100 Mb Latency1000 Mb LatencyThroughputSwitching capacityMAC address table size< 11 µs (LIFO 64-byte packets)up to 3.5 million pps (64-byte packets)4.8 Gb/s8192 entries< 11 µs (LIFO 64-byte packets)3.5 million pps (64-byte packets)4.8 Gb/s8192 entries< 5.6 µs (LIFO 64-byte packets)< 2.2 µs (LIFO 64-byte packets)up to 6.5 million pps (64-byte packets)8.8 Gb/s8192 entriesEnvironmentOperating temperatureOperating relative humidityNonoperating/Storage temperatureNonoperating/Storage relative humidityAltitudeAcoustic32°F to 104°F (0°C to 40°C) )15% to 95% @ 104°F (40°C), noncondensing-40°F to 158°F (-40°C to 70°C)15% to 90% @ 149°F (65°C), noncondensingup to 10,000 ft (3 km)Power: 0 dB No fan32°F to 104°F (0°C to 40°C)15% to 95% @ 104°F (40°C), noncondensing-40°F to 158°F (-40°C to 70°C)15% to 90% @ 149°F (65°C), noncondensingup to 10,000 ft (3 km)Power: 0 dB No fan32°F to 104°F (0°C to 40°C5% to 95% @ 104°F (40°C), noncondensing-40°F to 158°F (-40°C to 70°C)15% to 90% @ 149°F (65°C), noncondensingup to 16,404 ft (5 km)Power: 0 dB No fanSPECIFICATIONS HPE 1410-24 Switch (J9663A)HPE 1410-24-R Switch (JD986B)HPE 1410-24-2G Switch (J9664A) Electrical characteristicsFrequencyMaximum heat dissipation VoltageDC voltageCurrentMaximum power rating 50/60 Hz17 BTU/hr (17.93 kJ/hr)100-240 VAC12 V0.4 A4.8 WNotesMaximum power rating and maximumheat dissipation are the worst-casetheoretical maximum numbers providedfor planning the infrastructure withfully loaded PoE (if equipped), 100%traffic, all ports plugged in, and allmodules populated.The exact input voltage and frequencyrating are determined by the specificpower adaptor part number ordered.Please select the correct power adaptorcountry option.50/60 Hz21 BTU/hr (22 kJ/hr)100-240 VAC3.3 V1.1 A3.6 WMaximum power rating and maximumheat dissipation are the worst-casetheoretical maximum numbers providedfor planning the infrastructure withfully loaded PoE (if equipped), 100%traffic, all ports plugged in, and allmodules populated.This model provides an internal powersupply. Please select the correct powercord country option.50/60 Hz37 BTU/hr (39.03 kJ/hr)100-240 VAC12 V0.9 A10.8 WMaximum power rating and maximumheat dissipation are the worst-casetheoretical maximum numbers providedfor planning the infrastructure withfully loaded PoE (if equipped), 100%traffic, all ports plugged in, and allmodules populated.The exact input voltage and frequencyrating are determined by the specificpower adaptor part number ordered.Please select the correct power adaptorcountry option.Safety UL 60950-1; CSA 22.2 60950-1;IEC 60950-1:2005; EN 60950-1:2006 +A11:2009UL 60950-1; CSA 22.2 60950-1;IEC 60950-1:2005; EN 60950-1:2006 +A11:2009UL 60950-1; CSA 22.2 60950-1;IEC 60950-1:2005; EN 60950-1:2006 +A11:2009Emissions FCC Rules Part 15, Subpart B Class A FCC Rules Part 15, Subpart B Class A FCC Rules Part 15, Subpart B Class A ImmunityGenericENESDRadiatedEFT/BurstSurgeConductedPower frequency magnetic field Voltage dips and interruptions HarmonicsFlicker EN 55022 CISPR 22EN 55024, CISPR 24IEC 61000-4-2IEC 61000-4-3IEC 61000-4-4IEC 61000-4-5IEC 61000-4-6IEC 61000-4-8IEC 61000-4-11IEC 61000-3-2IEC 61000-3-3EN 55022 CISPR 22EN 55024, CISPR 24IEC 61000-4-2IEC 61000-4-3IEC 61000-4-4IEC 61000-4-5IEC 61000-4-6IEC 61000-4-8IEC 61000-4-11IEC 61000-3-2IEC 61000-3-3EN 55022 CISPR 22EN 55024, CISPR 24IEC 61000-4-2IEC 61000-4-3IEC 61000-4-4IEC 61000-4-5IEC 61000-4-6IEC 61000-4-8IEC 61000-4-11IEC 61000-3-2IEC 61000-3-3NotesIEEE 802.3az Energy Efficient Ethernet protocol is supported by the HPE 1410-24G-R (JG708A), HPE 1410-16 (J9662A) and HPE 1410-24 (J9663A) Switches.(CONTINUED)Page 11 Data sheetSPECIFICATIONS HPE 1410-24 Switch (J9663A)HPE 1410-24-R Switch (JD986B)HPE 1410-24-2G Switch (J9664A)Services Refer to the Hewlett Packard Enterprisewebsite at /networking/servicesfor details on the service-leveldescriptions and product numbers. Fordetails about services and response timesin your area, please contact your localHewlett Packard Enterprise sales office.Refer to the Hewlett Packard Enterprisewebsite at /networking/servicesfor details on the service-leveldescriptions and product numbers. Fordetails about services and response timesin your area, please contact your localHewlett Packard Enterprise sales office.Refer to the Hewlett Packard Enterprisewebsite at /networking/servicesfor details on the service-leveldescriptions and product numbers. Fordetails about services and response timesin your area, please contact your localHewlett Packard Enterprise sales office.Standards and Protocols (applies to all products in series)General protocols IEEE 802.1p Priority IEEE 802.3ab 1000BASE-T GigabitEthernet over twisted pair (10/100/1000models only)IEEE 802.3i 10BASE-T Ethernet overtwisted pair IEEE 802.3u 100BASE-TX Fast Ethernet, 100BASE-FX with auto negotiation IEEE 802.3x Flow Control(CONTINUED)Data sheetHPE 1410 Switch Series accessoriesCables HPE 0.5 m Multimode OM3 LC/LC Optical Cable (AJ833A)HPE 1 m Multimode OM3 LC/LC Optical Cable (AJ834A)HPE 2 m Multimode OM3 LC/LC Optical Cable (AJ835A)HPE 5 m Multimode OM3 LC/LC Optical Cable (AJ836A)HPE 15 m Multimode OM3 LC/LC Optical Cable (AJ837A)HPE 30 m Multimode OM3 LC/LC Optical Cable (AJ838A)HPE 50 m Multimode OM3 LC/LC Optical Cable (AJ839A)HPE Premier Flex LC/LC Multi-mode OM4 2 fiber 1m Cable (QK732A)HPE Premier Flex LC/LC Multi-mode OM4 2 fiber 2m Cable (QK733A)HPE Premier Flex LC/LC Multi-mode OM4 2 fiber 5m Cable (QK734A)HPE Premier Flex LC/LC Multi-mode OM4 2 fiber 15m Cable (QK735A)HPE Premier Flex LC/LC Multi-mode OM4 2 fiber 30m Cable (QK736A)HPE Premier Flex LC/LC Multi-mode OM4 2 fiber 50m Cable (QK737A)HPE 1410-24G Switch (J9561A)HPE X121 1G SFP LC SX Transceiver (J4858C)HPE X121 1G SFP LC LX Transceiver (J4859C)HPE X111 100M SFP LC FX Transceiver (J9054C)Learn more at/networkingSign up for updatesRate this document© Copyright 2010-2011, 2013-2015 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP. The information contained herein is subject to changewithout notice. The only warranties for Hewlett Packard Enterprise products and services are set forth in the express warranty statementsaccompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. Hewlett PackardEnterprise shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.4AA1-1585ENW, November 2015, Rev. 6。
松下 CF-D1系列 便携式计算机 说明书
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AMD Picasso 激光器产品介绍说明书
AMD Picasso LaserWith the launch of the Picasso Laser in 2009, the dental laser industry was foreverchanged. The Picasso series has been loved, celebrated and endorsed byclinicians, universities, hospitals, dental clinics, and patients around the world.AMD Lasers mission is simple; provide dental diode lasers at affordable priceswithout compromising quality and with the Picasso Laser, they've done just that!The AMD Picasso range of lasers offer 3-7 watts of power at the tip, multi-tiptechnology allowing you the freedom to switch between a range of pre-cleavedtips in a range of lengths, suitable for most soft tissue and endo procedures.Picasso Plus Picasso LiteYour choice. Your laser.The award winning Picasso laser technology offers unprecedented versatilityperforming a wide variety of soft-tissue and periodontal procedures at an ultra-affordable price point.Plus Picasso ClarioPicasso PlusWith the launch of the Picasso Laser in 2009, the dental laser industry was forever changed. The Picasso series has been loved, celebrated and endorsed by clinicians, universities, hospitals, dental clinics, and patients around the world.The Picasso Plus is a multi-functional soft tissue diode laser that offers comprehensive clinical results in surgical procedures, periodontal therapy and bleaching.Picasso Plus offers the complete laser solution for dentists who want the flexibility to integrate laser technology throughout their practice. The Picasso’s innovative design, 7 watts of power, 8 programmable presets, color touch screen, multi-lingual menu, option of disposable tip system or strippable fiber, wireless foot control, standard one-year warranty, and low annual operating cost makes Picasso Plus the complete laser solution for dentists.What's in the box1x 7 Watt Picasso Plus Laser1x Cardboard padded travel case1x Assorted box of multi tips1x Multi tip handpiece3x Pairs of safety glasses1x Universal power supply1x Wireless foot pedal1x Quick start guide1x Instruction manual1x 3 Disc DVD Clinical and safety training.DEVICE PRICINGPicasso Plus Picasso Tips $6495 $329All prices exclude GSTPicasso Lite+Picasso Lite Plus is the most celebrated, awarded and endorsed laser in the industry. Designed for the first-time laser dentist. Its affordable price point, ease of use, and sleek design make it the perfect replacement for a scalpel and electro-surge for the use of treating soft-tissue.Picasso Lite Plus cuts and coagulates tissue with reduced trauma, bleeding, and necrosis of tissue and is used for soft-tissue surgical procedures.Picasso Lite Plus offers 3 watts of power and four customizable presets. Picasso Lite Plus comes complete with multiple accessories, world power adapter, and wireless foot control.What's in the box1x 3 Watt Picasso Lite Laser1x Cardboard padded travel case1x Assorted box of multi tips1x Multi tip handpiece3x Pairs of safety glasses1x Universal power supply1x Wireless foot pedal1x Quick start guide1x Instruction manual1x 3 Disc DVD Clinical and safety training.DEVICE PRICING Picasso Lite Picasso Tips $4995 $329All prices exclude GSTPicasso ClarioWith the launch of the Picasso Clario in 2018, AMD Lasers once again revolutionised the dental market.Picasso Clario is the first diode laser specifically designed for Dental Hygienists and sports its symbolic purple colour.The streamlined navigation and pre-set parameters based on diagnosis facilitate simple, controlled and appropriate use of the laser for hygiene treatments.Portable and affordable, Picasso Clario puts the power and art of laser in the hands of the hygienist.What's in the box1x 1.2 Watt Picasso Clario Laser1x Cardboard padded travel case1x Assorted box of multi tips1x Multi tip handpiece3x Pairs of safety glasses1x Universal power supply1x Wireless foot pedal1x Quick start guide1x Instruction manualDEVICE PRICINGPicasso Clario$3995Picasso Tips $329All prices exclude GSTMulti-tipsDisposable tips are the easiest and fastest way to switch between patients and procedures. All AMD disposable laser tips come ready to slip on to your Multi-Tip Handpiece. No more changing spools between procedures causing unnecessary chair time.PRICING20X 200µm 60° 20mm $329 *25X 300µm 60° 5mm $329 *25X 300µm 60° 10mm $329 *25X 400µm 60° 5mm $32925X 400µm 60° 10mm $329 MOST POPULAR 25 Variety pack $329Multi-tip upgradeYou can upgrade your old cleavable fibre laser with this upgrade kit. Disposable tips are the easiest and fastest way to switch between patients and procedures. All AMD disposable laser tips come ready to slip on to your Multi-Tip Handpiece. No more changing spools between procedures causing unnecessary chair time.PRICINGMulti-tip upgrade$690*SPECIAL ORDERAll prices exclude GSTCalibrationThe Clario, Picasso Plus, and Picasso Lite Plus Dental Laser units are factory calibrated upon sale. For accurate treatment results, the unit(s) should be calibrated every 12 months following the date of purchase. The calibration procedure requires specialised equipment and technical expertise. Improper calibration could lead to instrument damage and failure to calibrate the laser.What's included in the price:Pickup of ONE laser unit.Calibration of ONE laser unit.Cleaning of ONE laser unit.Return shipping of ONE laser unit.PRICINGCleaning & Calibration $549Safety glasses 800 - 820nm 5+ OD Specialty coated plastic lenses Includes protective pouch CE certified goggles Universal frame Fit-over 1 or Wrap-around 2PRICINGSafety glasses each $29912Check out our website .auor join us on facebook @OsseoGroupANZ and be the first to find out about our latest promotions, events, offers and courses.OSSEOGROUP .COM.AU1300 029 383 (AUS)09-973 5342 (NZ)A N D 2020-10-P I C A S S O -V 81。
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Plastic Leadless Chip Carrier
PL341 LC141
PL342 Number of Resistors Number of Leads Type Connection Values Available 19 20 Common 500Ω - 100KΩ
PL342 LC142
VISHAY THIN FILM • FRANCE + FAX: + • GERMANY +49.9287.710 FAX: +49 9287.70435 • ISRAEL +972.3.557.0945 FAX: +972.3.558.9121 • ITALY + 39.2.300.11919 FAX: +39.2.300.11999 • JAPAN +81.42.729.0661 FAX: +81.42.729.3400 • SINGAPORE +65.788.6668 FAX: +65.788.0988 • SWEDEN +46.8.594.70590 FAX: +46.8.594.70581 • UK +44 191 514 8237 FAX: +44 1953 457 722 • USA: (610) 407-4800 FAX: (610) 640-9081
VISHAY THIN FILM • FRANCE + FAX: + • GERMANY +49.9287.710 FAX: +49 9287.70435 • ISRAEL +972.3.557.0945 FAX: +972.3.558.9121 • ITALY + 39.2.300.11919 FAX: +39.2.300.11999 • JAPAN +81.42.729.0661 FAX: +81.42.729.3400 • SINGAPORE +65.788.6668 FAX: +65.788.0988 • SWEDEN +46.8.594.70590 FAX: +46.8.594.70581 • UK +44 191 514 8237 FAX: +44 1953 457 722 • USA: (610) 407-4800 FAX: (610) 640-9081
3 2 1 20 19 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 18 17 16 15 14
PL340 Number of Resistors Number of Leads Type Connection Values Aห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ailable 10 20 Isolated 500Ω - 100KΩ
0.320 0.150 [8.13] [3.81] -----
Example: PL340-20-10-1000-F-F-B-C, 20 Lead PLCC, 1000Ω Isolated Resistors, Absolute Tolerance: 1.0%, Ratio Tolerance: 0.1%, Absolute TCR: 25ppm/°C, Ratio TCR: 2ppm/°C. PL340 20 10 1000 F F B C MODEL NUMBER OF NUMBER OF RESISTANCE ABSOLUTE RATIO ABSOLUTE TCR RATIO TCR LEADS RESISTORS VALUE TOLERANCE TOLERANCE PPM/°C PPM/°C % % (To RREF) The first 3 digits are significant PL341 B = 0.1* D = 0.050* B = 25 C = 2* figures and the last specifies the PL342 C = 0.2* F = 0.100 D = 50 D = 3* number of zeros to follow. D = 0.5 H = 0.250 E = 100 F = 5* “R” designates the decimal F = 1.0 J = 0.500 G = 10 point. G = 2.0 K = 1.000 X = N/A Example: 100 ohms = 1000 J = 5.0 X = N/A 1000 ohms = 1001 K = 10.0 M = 20.0 *Value dependent NOTE: Factory will covert order number into final part number.
PL340 LC140
13 12 11 10 9 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 2 3
13 12 11 10 9 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 2 3 8 7 6 5 4
8 7 6 5 4
PL341 Number of Resistors Number of Leads Type Connection Values Available 19 20 Series 500Ω - 100KΩ
PL340, 341, 342
Vishay Thin Film
Plastic Leadless Chip Carrier
The Vishay Thin Film PL340 series of precision resistor networks in 20 pin J-lead chip carriers provide the largest number of resistors in a single surface mount package. In addition to providing excellent TCR tracking and long-term stability within a large multi-resistor network, costs are minimized. These devices are suitable for all industrial applications as well as in military applications where plastic packaging is acceptable. Custom configurations, values, and tolerance combinations are available with fast turnaround.
Document Number: 61066 Revision 14-Nov-02
Document Number: 61066 Revision 14-Nov-02
PL340, 341, 342
Vishay Thin Film
20 LEAD PACKAGE DIMENSIONS in inches [millimeters]
A MINIMUM 0.385 [9.78] NOMINAL 0.390 [9.91] MAXIMUM 0.395 [10.03] A1 0.348 [8.84] 0.350 [8.89] 0.352 [8.94] B 0.385 [9.78] 0.390 [9.91] 0.395 [10.03] B1 0.348 [8.84] 0.350 [8.89] 0.352 [8.94] C --0.045 [1.14] --C1 --0.045 [1.14] --D --0.015 [0.38] --D1 --0.015 [0.38] --E ------F --0.178 [4.52] --G --0.108 [2.74] --I 0.026 0.66 ----J --P ---
Product may not be to scale
Resistance Range Absolute Resistance Tolerance Resistance Ratio Tolerance (Reference Resistor on Pin 1) Absolute TCR Ratio TCR Absolute Resistor Stability Ratio Resistor Stability Package Power Dissipation Operating Temperature Range 500Ω to 100K 1% to 0.05% 0.1% to 0.05% ± 50ppm standard ± 5ppm standard 1000ppm/2000hours @ 70°C 300ppm/2000hours @ 70°C 500mW/ 70°C - 40°C to + 85°C, - 55°C to + 125°C