泛音砂带机GRIT GX
Fronius MagicWave 2500 3000 和 TransTig 2500 3000 T
MagicWave 2500 / 3000 TransTig 2500 / 3000TIG & MMA weldingGENERAL REMARKSQuiet, tough, stableTIG welders can raise a heartfelt cheer! Specially for them, Fronius has developed a series of machinesthat make their every wish come true: MagicWave 2500/3000 for DC and AC, and TransTig 2500/3000for DC. Active Wave and digitisation are the key technologies underlying this machine concept.These power sources are up-to-the-minute characters that are a pleasure to work with, in every way: Ever-so discreet, with a super-quiet yet highly stable arc. Extremely straightforward to use - in fact, almostself-explanatory. Tough, powerful and totally digitised. What is more, every single one of them is a member of a complete, totally co-ordinated welding system, all of whose components perfectly complement one another. All in all, the upshot is the sort of welding results which up to now you could only dream of.UTILISATIONFlexible and versatileOne of the many things that make the new MagicWave and TransTig machines such a pleasure to work withis the fact that they are designed for both field and production use. They can cope with the toughest conditions imaginable, putting out up to 250/300 A of power.In terms of materials, these welding systems are very suitable for aluminium and its alloys, but also forlow and high-alloy steels and non-ferrous metals, of course. Thanks to their great versatility, the MagicWave 2500/3000 and TransTig 2500/3000 are used right across the entire spectrum of industry – from the construction of chemical plant, tanks and containersto mechanical and plant engineering, pipeline construction, automotive and railway engineering and aerospace, and taking in all site-erection, maintenance and repair firms. Delivering just as perfect results when used for robot welding as in manual welding.Welding made easyECONOMYA pleasing side-effectThis series of TIG machines is a fine example of just how efficient modern welding systems can be. Their efficiency begins with the high-grade componentrythat is used for all Fronius machines. Special mention should also be made of their high degree of power efficiency, extremely low open-circuit power, automatic cooling-unit cut-out (which has a direct and measurable impact on the current consumption), and of course the automatic cap-shaping function, which reduces the working times needed by the welder. All in all, these features result in outstandingly long operational life,a small number of wearing parts, and lower labour costs. And thus in a welding system that is highly cost-effective in every way.TIG robot welding system with integral cold-wire-feeder unit.WELDING PROPERTIESSimply perfectThe ignition plays a vital rôle in TIG welding. On each of the machines, ignition is possible either with or without touchdown. In non-contact ignition, the arc starts immediately with a high-voltage impulse, ensuring perfect ignition right from the first push of the button – even when you’re using extra-long hosepacks. Touchdown ignition is especially valuable in sensitive areas of application. And the important thing here is to make sure that there are no tungsten inclusions. The digital process control takes good care of this, perfectly controlling the entire sequence.Active Wave ensures peace and quietActive Wave makes TIG AC welding a much quieter business: The integrated digital signal processor always computes – in real time – the waveform that will permit the highest possible arc stability with the lowest possible noise-emission levels. Measurement of these noise levels clearly shows that with Active Wave, even when the machine is delivering 300 A of power, the dbA value is still below 80 dbA.TAC: Spot-by-spot tack weldingBefore you can weld, you have to tack. With TAC, one spot is all it takes – because the pulsed arc sets the two weld-pools in motion, making them “jump together”, in next to no time, to make one single weld-pool. This works fast, and is a lot easier than the old method. The TAC function is also very useful when light-gauge sheets are being welded without filler metal, as here too, the pulsed arc helps the weld-pools to merge more thoroughly.Real skill becomes apparent at the endAt the end of the weld, there are two main things to watch out for: The first of these is the end crater. This has to be filled, at a lower amperage. The power sources take care of this, with the end-crater and downslope functions. The second thing is the gas post-flow, to make sure that the electrode and the weld-pool do not oxidise. In the past, the gas post-flow had to be set manually. On the digital machines, the ideal post-flow time is computed automatically.The way welding ought to be60 120 180 240 300 ANoise volume from conventional inverters Reduced noise volume from Active WaveFor sensitive areas of application: Touchdown ignitiondbA 90807060Simultaneous welding on both sidesWhen joining plates, you normally have to weld a root pass first. This then has to be ground and back-welded –a time-consuming procedure which you can speed up by welding from both sides simultaneously. In “both-sides-simultaneously” TIG-AC welding, both arcs have to be synchronised. This is taken care of by the digital MagicWave power sources.Aluminium is differentAluminium always needs special treatment. So Fronius have made sure that it gets it. For example, in TIG AC welding, aluminium is normally not welded with a pointed electrode tip, but with a shaped cap at the tip of the electrode. On fillet welds, this leads to inadequate root fusion. The MagicWave machines use a pointed electrode with a much smaller shaped cap. This results in perfect root fusion.The cap is shaped automatically, by the way, which means huge time-savings. All you need to do is clamp the pointed electrode into the electrode holder and pre-select the cap diameter, and the arc then immediately forms the shape and size of cap that you want. Another interesting function enables you to make variable adjustments to the AC waveform, giving the welder reliable weld-pool control even at high amperages.SAFETYGreen lights all roundAs anybody at all familiar with Fronius machines will know, their safety features are second to none. This, in itself, is a minimum requirement that every appliance has to fulfil. Every power source comes with the CE mark and with the S mark – permitting welding in confined spaces in conditions of enhanced electrical hazard, also when AC welding, of course. What is more, each of the power sources amply fulfils the requirements of IEC “Degree of protection IP 23”, meaning that it is safely protected from dirt and water, for use in the field. The integral fan is thermostat-controlled and so only runs when it is needed. This reduces dirt collection and prolongs the service life of the power source. At Fronius, though, safety starts even sooner: in the development stage. The MagicWave and TransTig machines were designed from the ground up to be so robust and compact that they can take just about anything in their stride.Cap diameter: 3.2 mm Base metal: AIMg3Sheet thickness: 5 mm Welding amperage: 185 A Welding voltage: 15.6 V AC balance: 0Cap diameter: 1 mm Base metal: AIMg3Sheet thickness: 5 mm Welding amperage: 185 A Welding voltage: 15.6 VAC balance: -5HANDLINGSmall on size, big on quality – the ideal welding torch for this power classOf all the components of the welding system that execute a work function, the welding torch is the most important. You can have the world’s most advanced power source and its very best welder – but if the hosepack is under constant strain, it will still spoil the welding result. Fronius is well aware of this, too. Which is why it is continually developing and improving its welding torches – for instance by adding the water-cooled TIG-welding torch TTW 2500, for the power class up to 250 A.Its ergonomically designed handle-shell is smaller and so fits even better in the welder’s hand - in fact, it can even be held like a pencil. The up/down rockers are easy to actuate while wearing gloves. The handle-shell also integrates a perfect anti-kink feature: The hosepack flexes more quickly, resulting in more precise torch guidance. Importantly for uninterrupted water cooling, the hosepack itself cannot be endlesslyAnything elsewe can do for you?The water-cooled TIG welding torch TTW 2500, with integral up/down rockers.Thanks to its ergonomically shaped handle-shell, the welding torch fits superbly well in the welder’s hand. The perfectly integrated anti-kink device enables the torch to be guided with great precision, even when the hosepack is bent.rotated. A final, economic, argument is that the wearing parts from other Fronius welding torches are all compatible with the TTW 2500.For the power class up to 300 A, other Fronius welding torches can be used as well, of course. Mention should also be made of the TIG welding torch with its integral cold-wire feeder unit for manual and automated cold-wire applications.Perfect interplayFronius is a system supplier. Each member of the system is designed to “fit in” optimally with all the others, in perfect harmony. The system takes in everything from the power source to remote-control units, cooling units, trolleys and a wide range of different robot interfaces, as well as complete welding-data documentation and visualisation.Digital weld-process regulation and controlEnergy-saving inverter technologyGenerator-compatibleThermostat-controlled fan / overtemperature protectionEarth leakage monitoringContinuous welding-current adjustment from torchRemote-controllableSwitchover facility between touchdown and HF ignitionAutomatic gas post-flow (dep. on welding current)Gas-test functionAutomatic cooling-unit cut-outAnti-stick functionFreely selectable parameters on the welding torchJob modeAutomatic cap-shaping functionPolarity reversalRPI ignitionKeylock switchRobot interface, analogue / digitalCold-wire controlOperating modes2-step mode / 4-step modeTAC (programmed tack-welding)AC / DCSpecial 4-step modeTIG pulsed-arcSpot weldingDigital indication ofPlain-text displayRun-statusOperating modeParametersWelding voltage, welding amperage (actual value)Service codesJob numberAdjustable parametersWelding amperageElectrode diameterGas pre-flow time / gas post-flow timeCrater-fill current / start-arcUpslope / downslopeHot-Start / arc-force dynamicAC balance / AC frequency / AC waveformAll plain to seeThe machines in this series are available in threedifferent versions – Standard, Job and Comfort, eachwith differing functions. “Job”, for instance, lets youwork in job mode and allows cold-wire control andautomated applications.The “Comfort” model also includes a number of extraplus-points, such as the plain-text display. This isunique, in terms of both handling guidance and user-friendliness, and ranks at the very forefront of moderntechnology. It functions extremely simply and “tells itlike it is”, in plain text. That means no abbreviations,no numerical codes, just straight-to-the-pointannouncements like “Main current”, “Lowered current”or “Electrode diameter”. The additional parameters canbe set very conveniently using a navigation menu. Theplain-text display is easy to read and absolutely self-explanatory, meaning that anyone can learn to use itstraight away. The “Comfort” control panel lives up tothe usual high Fronius standards, and is easy to operateeven when wearing gloves.Control panel of TT 2500 Standard Control panel of MW 2500 Job Control panel of MW 3000 ComfortThe plain-text display on the “Comfort” models makesthe machines easier to operate by showing wholewords, in a choice of languages, and by visualising thefunctional sequence. Additional parameters can be setvery conveniently, by way of navigable menus.•as standard o optionalCHECKLISTMWMWJobMWComfortTTTTJobTTComfort• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • •• • • •• • •• • •• • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • •• • • •• • • •• • • •• •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • •o o o o o oo o o oo o o oTECHNICAL DATAPower sourceMW 2500MW 2500 MV MW 3000MW 3000 MV TT 2500TT 2500 MVTT 3000TT 3000 MVMains voltage 50-60 Hz3×400 V3×200-240 V 3×400 V3×200-240 V 3×400 V3×200-240 V 3×400 V3×200-240 V 3×400-460 V 3×400-460 V 3×400-460 V 3×400-460 V 1×200-240 V1×200-240 V1×200-240 V1×200-240 VMains voltage tolerance ± 15 % ± 10 % ± 15 % ± 10 % ± 15 % ± 10 % ± 15 % ± 10 %Mains fuse protection (slow)3×400 (460) V 16 A 16 A 16 A16 A 16 A16 A 16 A16 A 3×230 V 32 A 32 A 32 A 32 A 1×230 V32 A 32 A32 A32 APrimary contin. power (100% d.c)3×400 (460) V 4.5 kVA 4.5 kVA 5.5 kVA 5.5 kVA 4.5 kVA 4.4 kVA 6.1 kVA 6.1 kVA 3×230 V 4.1 kVA 4.7 kVA 4.1 kVA 5.5 kVA 1×230 V4.1 kVA4.7 kVA4.1 kVA5.5 kVACos phi 10.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99Welding current three-phase TIG3-250 A 3-250 A 3-300 A 3-300 A 3-250 A 3-250 A 3-300 A 3-300 A MMA 10-250 A 10-250 A 10-300 A 10-300 A 10-250 A 10-250 A 10-300 A 10-300 A Welding current single-phase TIG 3-220 A 3-220 A 3-220 A 3-220 A 3-220 A 3-220 A 3-220 A 3-220 AMMA 10-180 A10-180 A10-180 A10-180 A10-180 A10-180 A10-180 A10-180 A Welding current at 10min/40 °C (104 °C)3×400 V 40% d.c. 250 A 40% d.c. 250 A 35% d.c. 300 A 35% d.c. 300 A 50% d.c. 250 A 50% d.c. 250 A 50% d.c. 300 A50% d.c. 300 A 3×460 V on MV 100% d.c. 170 A 100% d.c. 170 A 100% d.c. 190 A 100% d.c. 190 A 100% d.c. 190 A 100% d.c. 190 A 100% d.c. 240 A100% d.c. 240 A 3×230 V 35% d.c. 250 A 30% d.c. 300 A 45% d.c. 250 A 45% d.c. 300 A 100% d.c. 160 A 100% d.c. 170 A 100% d.c. 180 A 100% d.c. 220 A 1×230 V45% d.c. 220 A 40% d.c. 220 A 55% d.c. 220 A 55% d.c. 220 A 100% d.c. 150 A100% d.c. 150 A 100% d.c. 170 A 100% d.c. 190 AOpen-circuit voltage89 V 89 V 89 V 89 V 85 V 85 V 85 V 85 V Standardised working voltage TIG 10.1-20.0 V10.1-20.0 V 10.1-22.0 V 10.1-22.0 V 10.1-20.0 V 10.1-20.0 V 10.1-22.0 V 10.1-22.0 V MMA20.4-30.0 V 20.4-30.0 V 20.4-32.0 V 20.4-32.0 V 20.4-30.0 V 20.4-30.0 V 20.4-32.0 V 20.4-32.0 V Ignition voltage (Up)*10 kV 10 kV 10 kV 10 kV 10 kV 10 kV 10 kV 10 kV Type of cooling/insulation class AF/B AF/B AF/BAF/B AF/B AF/B AF/B AF/B Dimensions LxWxH mm560x250x435 560x250x435560x250x435 560x250x435 560x250x435 560x250x435560x250x435 560x250x435Inches22.0x9.8x17.1 22.0x9.8x17.1 22.0x9.8x17.1 22.0x9.8x17.1 22.0x9.8x17.1 22.0x9.8x17.1 22.0x9.8x17.1 22.0x9.8x17.1Weight26.6 kg 28.2 kg 28.1 kg 30.0 kg 24.2 kg 25.9 kg 24.2 kg 25.9 kg 58.64 lb.62.17 lb.61.95 lb.66.14 lb.53.35 lb.57.10 lb.53.35 lb.57.10 lb.Welding torchTTW 2500TTW 3000Welding current AC180 A 250 A DC250 A 300 A Duty cycle 40 % 60 %Electrode diameter 1.0-3.2 mm 1.0-3.2 mm 0.039-0.126 in. 0.039-0.126 in.Weight0.47kg (1.03 lb.)0.75 kg (1.65 lb.)FK 2500 FK 2500 MV Cooling unitFK 2500 FCFK 2500 MV FCMains voltage 50-60 Hz200-240 V 400 V400-460 V Mains voltage tolerance ± 10 % ± 10 % Power consumption 50 Hz/60 Hz0.6/0.7 A0.6-1.4 A Cooling capacity Q=1l/min +25 °C 800 W 800 W Cooling capacity Q=1l/min +40 °C 500 W 500 W Max. delivery rate 3.5 l/min 3.5 l/min Maximum rise 35 m 35 m (114.8 ft.) 35 m (114.8 ft.)Max. pump pressure 4.2 bar (60.9 psi) 4.2 bar (60.9 psi)Coolant volume 4 l (1.1 gal.) 4 l (1.1 gal.)Degree of protection IP 23IP 23Dimensions LxWxH 625x240x225 mm 625x240x225 mm 24.1x9.4x8.9 in. 24.1x9.4x8.9 in.Weight9 kg (20 lb.)11,6 kg (25.6 lb.)IP 23*The arc-ignition feature complies with the Standards governing manual operation.Welding torchTTG 2200TTG 2600Welding current AC180 A 220 A DC220 A 260 A Duty cycle 35 % 35 %Electrode diameter 1.0-4.0 mm 1.0-4.0 mm 0.039-0.157 in. 0.039-0.157 in.Weight0.96 kg(2.11 lb.)0.57 kg (1.25 lb.)w w w .r e k l a m e b u e r o .a t40,0006,2811 (1/07)FRONIUS INTERNATIONAL GMBHBuxbaumstrasse 2, P.O.Box 264,A 4602 Wels, AustriaTel: +43 7242 241-0, Fax: +43 7242 241-3940E-Mail:*****************T e x t a n d i l l u s t r a t i o n s t e c h n i c a l l y c o r r e c t a t t i m e o f g o i n g t o p r i n t . W e r e s e r v e t h e r i g h t t o m a k e m o d i f i c a t i o n s .T h i s d o c u m e n t m a y n o t b e c o p i e d o r o t h e r w i s e r e p r o d u c e d , w h e t h e r i n p a r t o r i n i t s e n t i r e t y , w i t h o u t t h e e x p r e s s p r i o r w r i t t e n c o n s e n t o f F r o n i u s I n t e r n a t i o n a l G m b H . **********************。
7 221 73
7 221 74
7 221 77
WSG 12-125 PQ
WSG WSG WSG 15-125 PQ 15-125 PSQ 15-150 PQ
附带配件 订货编号
护罩 1 个,快速夹紧螺母 1 个,防震动手柄 1 个, 扳手 1 个 7 221 76 7 221 79 7 221 81 7 221 83
外部法兰 M 14,适用于弹性磨盘和锥形刷。
3 21 19 124 01 0
6 38 01 154 00 7
3 39 01 119 00 0
传承 100 多年专业经验,创造工业级品质。
碳刷寿命提高 30 %
+ 30%
▶创新型的技术、优化的通风装置以及极低的内部温 ▶ 度,使得这款碳刷在市场同类产品中拥有最长的使用 寿命。 ▶更低的维护成本以及更长的维修间隔可有效节省时间 ▶ 和维护费。 ▶通过两个维修盖快速更换碳刷。 ▶
FEIN 原装配件
护罩 内法兰 弹性磨盘 带法兰 M 14,用于 直径125毫米的纤维砂 纸。
订货编号 宽度 mm 115 125 150
6 38 01 120 00 6
订货编号 3 18 10 287 01 0 3 18 10 288 01 0 3 18 10 289 01 0
外法兰 M 14,用于粗加工和切割轮以及百叶碟和编 织钢刷。
快速夹紧螺母 M 14,更换砂轮片时,无需使用额外工具,高 度仅 8 mm。
3 39 01 118 01 0
防振动手柄 M 8,减振功能,适用于长时间工作
6 38 02 191 010
德国FEIN泛音电动工具德国泛音(C.&E.FEIN GmbH),简称FEIN,是一家德国电动工具生产商,也是全球第一家专业电动工具生产商。
总部位于德国SchwäbischGmünd的Bargau,占地15000 m2。
1895 年,C.&E.FEIN发明了第一台手持式电钻,这项发明奠定了高可信电动工具的基石。
140 多年以来,FEIN泛音始终是全球领先的电动工具制造商,只研发牢固耐用的电动工具,直至今天德国泛音已拥有800多项有效专利和产权,以至这家位于 Schwaben(施瓦本)的传统企业在全球工业和手工业界都备受尊崇。
公司名称:德国泛音公司公司性质:股份制外文名称:C.&E.FEIN GmbH 总部地点:德国施瓦本成立时间:1867年营业范围:电动工具公司简介泛音(英文名称:C.&E.FEIN GmbH)创建于1867年,是全球最大的专业电动工具公司之一。
公司总部位于德国SchwäbischGmünd的Bargau,占地15000 m2。
KRAMER ELECTRONICS LTD. USER MANUALMODEL:Dolev 82-Way, Bi-Amplified Studio-Grade SpeakerP/N: 2900-300418 Rev 1Contents1Introduction 1 2Getting Started 2 2.1Achieving the Best Performance 2 2.2Recycling Kramer Products 3 3Overview 4 4Defining the Dolev 8 5 5Installing the Speaker 6 5.1Choosing the Best Location 6 5.2Setting up Mid/Near-Field Installation 6 5.3Setting up Far-Field Installation 7 5.4Installing the Speaker 8 6Technical Specifications 9FiguresFigure 1: Dolev 8 Active 2-Way, Bi-Amplified Studio-Grade Speaker 5 Figure 2: setting the Dolev 8 at head height 6 Figure 3: Dolev 8 Optimum positioning 7 Dolev 8 –Contents1 IntroductionWelcome to Kramer Electronics! Since 1981, Kramer Electronics has beenproviding a world of unique, creative, and affordable solutions to the vast range ofproblems that confront video, audio, presentation, and broadcasting professionalson a daily basis. In recent years, we have redesigned and upgraded most of ourline, making the best even better!Our 1,000-plus different models now appear in 13 groups that are clearly defined byfunction: GROUP 1: Distribution Amplifiers; GROUP 2: Switchers and Routers;GROUP 3: Control Systems; GROUP 4: Format/Standards Converters; GROUP 5:Range Extenders and Repeaters; GROUP 6: Specialty AV Products; GROUP 7:Scan Converters and Scalers; GROUP 8: Cables and Connectors; GROUP 9:Room Connectivity; GROUP 10: Accessories and Rack Adapters; GROUP 11:Sierra Video Products; GROUP 12: Digital Signage; and GROUP 13: Audio.Congratulations on purchasing your Kramer Dolev8 2-Way, Bi-Amplified Studio-Grade Speaker, which is ideal for the following typical applications:∙Home theater ∙Sports bars∙Luxurious BoardroomsDolev 8 - Introduction 12 Getting StartedWe recommend that you:∙Unpack the equipment carefully and save the original box and packaging materials for possible future shipment∙Review the contents of this user manualGo to /support/product_downloads.aspto check for up-to-date user manuals, application programs, and to check iffirmware upgrades are available (where appropriate).2.1 Achieving the Best PerformanceTo achieve the best performance:∙Use only good quality connection cables (such as the KramerC-XLQM/XLQF) to avoid interference, deterioration in signal quality due topoor matching, and elevated noise levels (often associated with low qualitycables)∙Do not secure the cables in tight bundles or roll the slack into tight coils∙Avoid interference from neighboring electrical appliances that may adversely influence signal quality∙Position your Kramer Dolev 8 away from moisture, excessive sunlight and dustThis equipment is to be used only inside a building. It may only beconnected to other equipment that is installed inside a building.Do not open the housing of the speaker; doing so may reduce thequality of the sound.2 Dolev 8 - Getting Started2.2 Recycling Kramer ProductsThe Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive 2002/96/EC aimsto reduce the amount of WEEE sent for disposal to landfill or incineration byrequiring it to be collected and recycled. To comply with the WEEE Directive,Kramer Electronics has made arrangements with the European AdvancedRecycling Network (EARN) and will cover any costs of treatment, recycling andrecovery of waste Kramer Electronics branded equipment on arrival at the EARNfacility. For details of Kramer’s recycling arrangeme nts in your particular country goto our recycling pages at /support/recycling/. Dolev 8 - Getting Started 33 OverviewThe Dolev 8 is a high-quality, high-fidelity, studio grade speaker designed andcrafted for superior clarity and detail for high-end applications or any other task thatrequires precise, accurate and detailed sound, even at high volume levels.The Dolev 8 ensures that you hear exactly what is happening in the music andreveals all the original nuances of the sound, without adding to or subtracting fromthe signal. Premium components, an advanced cabinet design, and efficient bi-amplification come together to provide superior full-range sound—from crystal-clearhighs, to deep, rich bass tones. You can be confident that your music sounds itsbest in any listening environment.The Dolev 8 features:∙ A Two-way, bass-reflex, bi-amplified speaker∙ A 8” fiberglass woofer and a 1” neodymium dome tweeter∙ 1 unbalanced and 2 balanced audio inputs∙Four-position high-frequency gain control∙ A volume adjustment control knob∙Magnetic shielding4 Dolev 8 - Overview4 Defining the Dolev 8This section defines the powered Dolev 8:Figure 1: Dolev 8 Active 2-Way, Bi-Amplified Studio-Grade SpeakerDolev 8 - Defining the Dolev 8 55 Installing the SpeakerThis section explains how to:∙Choose the best location for your speakers (see Section 5.1)∙Setup mid/near-field (see Section 5.2) or far-field (see Section 5.3) Installation∙Install the speaker (see Section 5.4)5.1 Choosing the Best LocationFor optimum installation:∙Speakers should be positioned at least 50cm from the walls∙Install the Dolev 8 so that the center point between the tweeter and the woofer are at ear level. If required, use a speaker stand∙If required, use sound absorbing materials around the room∙Place the speaker facing towards the listener to minimize the distance and reflections from the walls and get the best stereo image5.2 Setting up Mid/Near-Field InstallationMid-field or near-field installation is usually directed towards a specific listener orlisteners in a specific location of the room. To maximize your listening experience:1. Make sure that the speakers are set at head height (whether you will be usingthe speakers sitting down or standing up).Figure 2: setting the Dolev 8 at head height6 Dolev 8 - Installing the Speaker2. Position the speaker at an angle so that together with the listener, anequilateral triangle is created.3. Try to keep the speakers at a distance of about 50cm from the walls4. Try to keep a distance of about 1.5 to 2 meters between the speakers.Figure 3: Dolev 8 Optimum positioningiNote that even though the illustration in Figure 3 shows twospeakers each Dolev 8 package includes one speaker.5.3 Setting up Far-Field InstallationFar-field positioning is suitable for a large amount of listeners (unlike the near-fieldpositioning where the speakers are directed at a specific listener). To maximize thelistening experience:1. Make sure that the speakers are facing the center of the room.2. Make sure that both speakers are placed along the same wall in the room(not facing each other).3. Aim to achieve the largest sweet spot.For optimum results we recommend that you either experiment and locate thesweet spot by trial-and-error or alternatively, consult an acoustic engineer.Dolev 8 - Installing the Speaker 75.4 Installing the SpeakerTo install the speaker, do the following:1. Connect one of the following inputs:▪An unbalanced input (for example, a computer sound card, portableplayer or DVD/CD player – C-A35M/2RAM) to the UNBALANCEDINPUT RCA connector▪ A balanced input (for example, a professional mixer or audio interfaces) to the BALANCED INPUT 6.35mm TRS connector▪ A balanced input (for example, a professional mixer or audio interfaces) to the BALANCED INPUT XLR connector2. Set the volume on the Dolev 8 to 12 o’clock (0dB)3. Connect the power.4. Set the volume on the input source to the minimum.5. Switch the Dolev 8 power on.6. On the input source, increase the volume control slowly until the desired levelis achieved.7. Adjust the high frequency response according to the room conditions:▪ A heavily dampened room requires raised high frequencies▪ A resonant room requires reduction of the high frequencies8 Dolev 8 - Installing the Speaker6 Technical SpecificationsDolev 8 - Technical Specifications 9For the latest information on our products and a list of Kramer distributors, visit our Web site where updates to this user manual may be found. We welcome your questions, comments, and feedback.Web site: E-mail: *****************P/N: 2900-300418 Rev: 1!SAFETY WARNING Disconnect the unit from the power supply before opening and servicing。
一、设备检查1.1 确保电源和开关处于关闭状态,插头已拔出插座。
1.2 检查砂带机的电源线、开关、插头等电气部件是否有损坏或老化现象。
1.3 检查砂带机的砂带、磨盘等磨具是否安装牢固,无松动现象。
二、操作准备2.1 穿戴好劳动防护用具,如护目镜、手套等。
2.2 调整砂带机的工作台高度和角度,确保工件加工时稳固、方便。
2.3 检查砂带机的冷却系统是否正常,确保设备在运行过程中不会过热。
三、操作步骤3.1 打开电源,启动砂带机,观察设备是否正常运转。
3.2 将待加工的工件放置在工作台上,调整砂带机的工作速度和加工深度。
3.3 操作时要保持注意力集中,避免操作失误造成安全事故。
四、加工注意事项4.1 避免在砂带机运转时进行调整或更换磨具,以免发生意外。
4.2 加工过程中要定期检查砂带、磨盘等磨具的磨损情况,及时更换。
4.3 加工完成后,及时关闭砂带机电源,清理工作台和砂带机表面的切屑和灰尘。
五、设备维护5.1 定期对砂带机进行清洁和润滑,保持设备的正常运转。
5.2 定期检查砂带机的各个部件是否有松动或磨损现象,及时进行维修或更换。
5.3 存放砂带机时要避免受潮、受阳光直射等,确保设备的长期使用寿命。
地址:528313 广东省佛山市顺德区陈村镇赤花社区居民委员会广隆工业园兴业四路顺联机械城24栋首层110-114、137、138号
Sennheiser SR IEM G4 半机械式立体音频传输器说明书
FEATURES• Half-rack stereo transmitter in a full-metal housing with OLED display for full control• Easy and flexible wireless synchronization between transmitter and receiver via infrared• Compatible with Sennheiser WSM control software for flexible frequency allocation• Up to 16 compatible channels• Up to 42 MHz bandwidth with 1680 selectable frequen-cies, fully tunable in a stable UHF range• Transmission Range: up to 100 meters / 300 feet• High RF output power (up to 50 mW) depending on country regulations DELIVERY INCLUDES• SR IEM G4 stereo transmitter • rod antenna• power supply• GA 3 rackmount set• quick guide• safety guide• manufacturer declaration sheetHalf-rack stereo transmitter in a full-metal housing with OLED display for full control delivering clarity along the whole frequency spectrum for daily use on stage with evolution wireless G4 In Ear Monitoring systems.PRODUCT VARIANTSMade in GermanySR IEM G4-A1470 - 516 MHz Art. no. 507842 SR IEM G4-A516 - 558 MHz Art. no. 507843 SR IEM G4-GB606 - 648 MHz Art. no. 507844 SR IEM G4-G566 - 608 MHz Art. no. 507845 SR IEM G4-B626 - 668 MHz Art. no. 507846 SR IEM G4-C734 - 776 MHz Art. no. 507847 SR IEM G4-E823 - 865 MHz Art. no. 507848Assembled in USASR IEM G4-A1470 - 516 MHz Art. no. 508181 SR IEM G4-A516 - 558 MHz Art. no. 508182 SR IEM G4-AS520 - 558 MHz Art. no. 508183 SR IEM G4-G566 - 608 MHz Art. no. 508184 SR IEM G4-B626 - 668 MHz Art. no. 508185 SR IEM G4-C734 - 776 MHz Art. no. 508186 SR IEM G4-D780 - 822 MHz Art. no. 508187SPECIFICATIONSRF characteristicsModulation Wideband FM stereo(MPX pilot tone) Frequency ranges A1: 470 - 516 MHzA: 516 - 558 MHzAS: 520 - 558 MHzG: 566 - 608 MHzGB: 606 - 648 MHzB: 626 - 668 MHzC: 734 - 776 MHzD: 780 - 822 MHzE: 823 - 865 MHz Transmitting frequencies Max. 1680 frequencies,adjustable in 25 kHz steps20 frequency banks, eachwith up to 16 factory-presetchannels, no intermodula-tion6 frequency banks withup to 16 programmablechannelsSwitching bandwidth up to 42 MHzNominal/peak deviation±24 kHz / ±48 kHzMPX pilot tone(frequency/deviation)19 kHz/±5 kHz Frequency stability±10 ppmAntenna output BNC socket, 50 ΩRF output power at 50 Ωswitchable:Low: typ. 10 mWStandard: typ. 30 mWHigh: typ. 50 mWAF characteristicsCompander system Sennheiser HDXAF frequency response25 Hz to 15 kHzAF inputBAL AF IN L (I) + MONO/BAL AF IN R (II)2x XLR-3/¼" (6.3 mm) jackcombo socket, electroni-cally balancedMax. input level+22 dBuTotal harmonic distortion(THD)<0.9 %Signal-to-noise ratio (atnominal load and peakdeviation)>90 dBAF outputLOOP OUT BAL L (I)/LOOP OUT BAL R (II)¼" (6.3 mm) stereo jacksocket,balancedOverall deviceTemperature range-10 °C to +55 °CPower supply12 V DCCurrent consumption max. 350 mA Dimensions Approx. 202 x 212 x 43 mm Weight Approx. 980 gCONNECTIONSDIMENSIONSARCHITECT‘S SPECIFICATIONThe wireless stereo rack-mount transmitter shall be for use with a companion receiver as part of a wireless RF monitoring system.The transmitter shall operate within nine UHF frequency ranges, with a switching bandwidth of up to 42 MHz: 470 –516 M Hz, 516 – 558 M Hz, 520 – 558 M Hz, 626 – 668 M Hz, 734 – 776 M Hz, 780 – 822 M Hz, 823 – 865 M Hz, 566 – 608 MHz, 606 – 648 M Hz; transmitting frequencies shall be 1,680 per range and hall be tunable in 25 kHz steps. The transmitter shall feature 20 fixed frequency banks with up to 16 compatible frequency presets and 6 user banks with up to 16 user programmable frequencies.The transmitter shall be menu-driven with a backlit OLED display showing the current frequency, frequency bank and channel number, metering of AF level, transmission status, transmission power, equalizer setting, input sensitivity, and lock status. An auto-lock feature shall be provided to prevent settings from being accidentally altered.The parameters of associated receivers shall be configurable in the transmitter menu and synchronized with the receivers via an integrated infrared interface.Frequency stability shall be ±10 ppm. RF output power at 50 Ω shall be switchable between 10 mW (low), 30 mW (stan-dard) and 50 mW (high).The stereo audio input shall utilize two discrete (left/right) electronically balanced ¼" (6.3 mm) jack/XLR-3F combo sockets; the audio output shall utilize a balanced ¼" (6.3 mm) jack socket; an audio loop output shall be provided utilizing two balanced ¼" (6.3 mm) jack sockets. A headphone output with headphone volume control shall be provided and shall utilize a ¼" (6.3 mm) stereo jack socket. The transmitter shall have an Ethernet port (RJ-45) for remote network-based monitoring and control using the Sennheiser Wireless System Manager software. One 50 Ω BNC-type input socket shall be provided for connecting the antenna.Nominal/peak deviation shall be ±24 kHz/±48 kHz. The transmitter shall incorporate the Sennheiser HDX compander system and shall include a 19-kHz MPX pilot tone with a ±5 kHz deviation. The audio frequency response shall range from 25 –15,000 Hz. Maximum input level shall be +22 dBu. Total harmonic distortion (THD) at 1 mV and nominal deviation shall be < 0.9 %. Signal-to-noise ratio at nominal load and peak deviation shall be > 90 dB.The transmitter shall operate on 12 V power supplied from the NT 2-3 mains unit (for 100 – 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz). Power consumption shall be 350 mA. The transmitter shall have a rugged metal housing; dimensions shall be approximately 202 x 212 x 43 mm (7.95" x 8.35" x 1.69"). Weight shall be approximately 980 grams (2.16 lbs). Operating temperature shall range from −10 °C to +55 °C (+14 °F to +131 °F).The transmitter shall be the Sennheiser SR IEM G4.Sennheiser electronic GmbH & Co. KG · Am Labor 1 · 30900 Wedemark · Germany · 。
ryobi利优比(良明) 砂带机 BE-4240 分解图 爆炸图
R4"带式砂光机637837A26918065名牌39040420S9040420半圆头攻丝螺丝 B 黑色 4X20 46882380S6882380集尘盖56150761S6150761集尘袋69000512S9000512圆头小螺丝 M5X12 黑色79570500S9570500平金座86490427S6490427风扇99060520S9060520半圆头攻丝螺丝 B 黑色 5X20 106821291S6821291内箱11989620000S989620000轴承#GY 6200LLH 126034622S6462925转子136900219S6900219防尘套环14989620000S989620000轴承#GY 6200LLH 156490428S6490428风扇罩166500771S6500771定子179060545S9060545半圆头攻丝螺丝 B 5X45 189550500S9550500弹簧垫板196832564S6832564手柄盖206430372S6430372控制回路216550816S6550816开关226550888S6550888电容239060408S9060408半圆头攻丝螺丝 B 黑色246430367S6430367三极管组立256520759S6520759电源线269060414S9060414半圆头攻丝螺丝 4X14 276560239S6560239导线压板286560045S6560045线夹296803385S6803385马达箱309060418S9060418半圆头攻丝螺丝 M4X18 319060408S9060408半圆头攻丝螺丝 M4X8 326860058S6860058小皮带轮336860065SS6860065聚氨硝皮带346803392S6803392尾罩359060418S9060418半圆头攻丝螺丝366922094名牌376570119S6570119刷柄386541750S6541750碳刷396570136S6570136碳刷帽406131628S6131628旋扭螺钉416180123S6180123调节弹簧426900258S6900258推力垫圈436100025S6100025平行键446080438S6080438驱动轴组件-6320099S6320099驱动轴成型-6100090S6100090驱动轴456900252S6900252推力垫圈46-16760043S6760043含油轴承46-26750168S6750168滚针轴承46-36960044S6960044砂带476900252S6900252推力垫圈486200083S6200083末端齿轮496900299S6900299垫圈509511200S9511200C型止动轮516200081S6200081小齿轮52981620000S981620000轴承#GY 6200LLB 536930022S6930022垫圈546820297S6820297齿轮箱盖559040410S9040410半圆头攻丝螺丝 M4X10 566860062S6860062大滑轮579040410S9040410半圆头攻丝螺丝 M4X10 586881547S6881547盖596180672S6180672滑板606180122S6180122伸缩弹簧619060518S9060518半圆头攻丝螺丝 M5X18 626900259S6900259平金座5X10X1 A 636090645S6090645张紧辊组立 B7210 646100091S6100091张紧滚轴 B7210 656900252S6900252推力垫圈12X8X1 666860064S6860064张力滚66-16760043S6760043含油金属12X16X20 676900252S6900252推力垫圈689511200S9511200C形止动轮696900260S6900260平金座4X10X0.8 B 706131595S6131595尼龙螺母 M4 716900261S6900261套筒5.1X6.3X4 726831916S6831916控制杆739020512S9020512半圆头攻小螺丝 黑色5X12 746390258S6390258软木板756154640S6154640皮带滑板769040410S9040410半圆头攻丝螺丝 4X10 5006075210S6075210积尘袋6611050S6611050砂纸。
砂带机操作流程1. 准备工作在进行砂带机操作之前,确保已经完成以下准备工作:- 确认砂带机和相关设备的正常工作状态。
- 准备所需的砂带及配件。
- 检查砂带机的安全措施,确保其完好无损。
2. 设置参数在开始操作砂带机之前,需要进行参数设置。
按照以下步骤进行设置:1. 打开砂带机的控制面板。
2. 根据工作要求,调整砂带的速度和张力。
3. 检查砂带的跟踪情况,并进行必要的调整,以保证砂带在工作中的稳定性。
4. 根据具体工作任务,设置砂带机的工作时间和周期。
3. 安全操作在进行砂带机操作时,请始终遵循以下安全操作规程:1. 佩戴适当的个人防护装备,如安全眼镜、手套和耳塞。
2. 在操作期间保持机器周围的区域干净整洁,确保没有杂物堆积和杂散物。
3. 确保机器的电源已断开,并在进行任何维护和调整之前切断电源。
4. 在更换砂带或进行清洗维护时,务必等待机器完全停止并断电。
5. 禁止将手指或其他物体放入运转的砂带中。
6. 严禁在砂带机工作时穿着宽松服装或长发。
4. 操作步骤根据砂带机的具体型号和功能,操作步骤可能会有所不同。
基本的操作步骤如下:1. 打开砂带机的电源,并确保机器处于待机状态。
2. 将工件放置在砂带机的工作台上,并根据需要进行固定。
3. 开始砂带机的运转,根据工作要求将工件移动到砂带的工作区域。
4. 在砂带机运转过程中,保持良好的平衡和姿势,确保操作的精度和安全性。
5. 完成工作后,停止砂带机的运转,并及时清理工作区域。
5. 维护与保养定期维护和保养砂带机可以延长其使用寿命和保持工作效果。
以下是一些常见的维护建议:1. 每日清洁工作区域和砂带机的外部表面,确保无尘和杂物。
2. 定期检查砂带的磨损情况,如有需要及时更换。
3. 清洗和润滑机器的运动部件,如导轨和滚轮。
4. 定期检查砂带机的电源线和电气连接,确保安全可靠。
侯费克(HOUFEK)HUSKY系列带式砂光机(Belt Sander)2200 2500 3000
E N|HUSKY, BASSET, HBKBelt sanders, Oscillating edge sander Reliability, stability and excelent precisionSanding the flat desks and parts Work table length up to 3000 mm Motor power up to 3 kW Electric desk lift up to 420 mmFeaturesApplicationsSanding the flat desks and parts placed on height adjustable worktop using the support ruler system preventing the part shiftingHusky belt sander is suitable for small and medium woodworking facilitiesHusky seriesMaximum performance and precision with belt sanders HUSKY2200 / 2500 / 3000IntroductionStandard and Optional equipment T echnical Specifications Houfek machinesHusky is belt sander based on Basset series. The parameters and robust construction make it the belt sander of the highest class of the production program of HOUFEK. Belt sander HUSKY is designed for sanding woodenworkpieces or wood base composite materials, and some plastic materials.Considering the features the belt sander HUSKY is designed for small and medium workshops.12354Standard equipment·Motorized table height adjustment ·Motor 3 kW, 1440 RPM, 17 m/s·Work table dimension 800 x 2200, 800 x 2500, 800 x 3000 mm ·T able lift 420 mm·T able horizontal movement 700mm·Sanding belt 150 x 6200 mm, 150 x 6800 mm, 150 x 7800 mm ·Sanding belt speed 17m/s·Exhaust hoods on both sides Ø 2 x 180 mm·CE certificationOptional equipment·Motor 4 kW (5,5 HP)·Two speed motor 14, 28 m/s ·T able vertical stroke 750 mm ·Reverse belt direction·Sanding belt motor frequency inverter - speed 4,5 - 27 m/s ·Phase monitor relay ·T able lighting·Additional dust extraction hood Ø 100 mm ·Diameter of rollers 300 mm·Modification for closed frame sanding1. CONTROL PANEL2. ELECTRIC DESK LIFT3. SANDING PAD4. SANDING BELT REVERSE OPERATION5.WORK TABLEIntroductionStandard and Optional equipment Technical SpecificationsHoufek machinesIntroductionStandard and Optional equipment T echnical Specifications Houfek machines1000 / 2200 / 2500 / 3000Basset seriesSimple and verified constructionSanding the flat desks and parts placed on height adjustable worktop using the support ruler system preventing the part shiftingHusky belt sander is suitable for small and medium woodworking facilitiesFeaturesSanding the flat desks and parts Work table length up to 3000 mm Motor power up to 3 kW Working unit rotation 90 °ApplicationsClassic belt sander based on the series Eco. It is designed for sanding wooden workpieces or wood base composite materials, and some plastic materials. The machine can be completed with a range of specific accessories, and in comparison with Eco series, Basset enables the machining of larger parts.Considering these features, the belt sander BASSET is designed in small and medium workshops.23415Standard equipment·Manual table height adjustment, vertical stroke 540 mm ·Motor 3 kW, 17 m/s·Exhaust hood on both sides Ø 2 x 100 mm ·Tiltable sanding head·T able horizontal movement 700 mm·Work table dimension 800 x 1000, 800 x 2200, 800x 2500, 800 x 3000 mm·Sanding belt size 150 x 4000, 150 x 6400, 150 x 7000, 150 x 8000 mm sanding belt ·CE certificationOptional equipment· 1 phase, 230 / 50Hz, motor 2,2 kW ·Two speed motor 14, 28 m/s ·Motorized table lift ·Reverse belt direction·Sanding belt motor frequency inverter - speed 4,5 - 27 m/s ·Phase monitor relay ·T able lighting·T able vertical stroke 750 mm ·Longitudinal table tilting·Modification for closed frame sanding1. CONTROL PANEL2. MANUAL DESK LIFT3. SANDING PAD4. BELT TENSION5. WORK TABLEIntroductionStandard and Optional equipment Technical SpecificationsHoufek machinesIntroductionStandard and Optional equipment T echnical Specifications Houfek machines3200HBKPractical and reliable edge sander HBKSanding round and radius edges and surfaces of parts placed on the worktableHBK belt sander is suitable for staircase producing facilitiesFeaturesSanding flat and bent edges Work table length up to 1000 mm Motor power up to 3 kW Pneumatic belt stretchingApplicationsHBK 3200 completes the series of edge oscillation sanders with wide scope of use. High performance machine with specially adjusted sanding unit is suitable in particular for sanding the curve edges. The miller is applied for the staircase producing.23415Standard equipment·Sanding belt size 150 mm x 3200 mm ·Motor 3 kW, 950 RPM, 15 m/s ·Height adjustable sanding unit ·Pneumatic sanding belt tensioning ·Oscillating sanding unit ·Work table length 2180 mm ·Work table width 1030 mm·Exhausting in table, exhaust outlet Ø 150 mmOptional equipment·Motor 4 kW (5,5 HP) ·Motor with brake·Sanding belt motor frequency inverter - speed 6 - 17m/s ·Motorized sanding unit height adjustment ·Rubbered drive roller·Supporting ruler for sanding against the rubbered roller ·Mitre fence·Exhaust hood with magnetic tips ·Modification for power feed unit·Carriage with 4 wheelsIntroductionStandard and Optional equipment Technical SpecificationsHoufek machines1. CONTROL PANEL2. BELT TENSION3. MOTOR4. HEIGHT ADJUSTABLE SANDING UNIT5.WORK TABLESurface planers and thicknessersEUROPEAN UNIONEuropean Regional Development Fund Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovations for CompetitivenessHoufek a.s.Obora 797582 82 Golčův JeníkovCzech Republic+420 569 430 700+420 737 243 917+420 737 243 911*****************PragueGermanyAustriaPolandSlovakiaGolčův JeníkovBrnoWe export to 45 countriesworldwide.Our machines run alsoin overseas states.Ver. 19.1。
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泛音砂带机GRIT GX
泛音砂带机GRIT分为GRIT GX系列、GRIT GI系列、GRIT GI独立式三种系列。
GRIT GX系列是固定式砂带磨削机适合使用于手工业和小批量加工。
GIRT GI系列是固定式砂带磨削机适合使用于工业和批量加工。
GRIT GIS是固定式砂带磨削机适合大量生产可立即使用。
泛音砂带机GRIT GX是根据组件设计原理制造的,适用于手工业应用,也就是说,以完整的砂带磨削机作为工作的基础。
GRIT GX砂带磨削机可简单地进行改装,用于其他应用领域。
使用GRIT GX系列产品非常经济:无论是粗磨还是最后一道工序,都能快速、安全地使用GRIT GX机器进行作业,并且加工质量高。
泛音砂带机GRIT GX应用:
泛音砂带机GRIT GX优点
泛音砂带机GRIT GX型号
75mm 2档速度,砂
额定消耗功率(KW) 3 1.5/2 0.18 0.12 空载转速(rpm)3000 1500/3000
砂带尺寸(mm)75*2000 75*2000 75*2250 75*2000
重量(kg)75 75 54 48 8.6。