

OptiX 155622H设备PDH接口板介绍

OptiX 155622H设备PDH接口板介绍
OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4 MSTP 光传输系统 用户手PM2S/PM2D/PM2T 板的常见告警和性能事件 ...................................................... 3-11 3.6.5 PM2S/PM2D/PM2T 板的规格 ............................................................................... 3-11 3.7 E3/T3 接口板 PL3 ............................................................................................................ 3-11 3.7.1 PL3 板的特点......................................................................................................... 3-11 3.7.2 PL3 板的接口及说明.............................................................................................. 3-11 3.7.3 PL3 板的逻辑说明 ................................................................................................. 3-11 3.7.4 PL3 板的常见告警和性能事件 ............................................................................... 3-11 3.7.5 PL3 板的规格......................................................................................................... 3-11



EM78P156NP中文资料(E...OTP ROMEM78P156N8位微控制器1.2版OTP ROM规格修订历史记录版1.0 1.1 1.2最初版本改变上电复位内容添加设备特性在6.3节07/01/200307/29/2004内容应用笔记OTP ROM 1.概述EM78P156N是一个8位微处理器设计和低功耗,高速CMOS技术开发..它配备1K * 13位电气一次性可编程只读存储器(OTP-ROM).它提供三个防护护位来防止在OTP存储器用户代码被侵入. 8 OPTION位也可满足用户要求.307.29.2004 (V1.2)OTP ROM 2.特性工作电压范围:2.5V?5.5V工作温度范围:-40°C?85°C工作频率响(基于2个时钟周期):*晶振模式:DC?20MHz在5V,DC?8MHz电压为3V,DC?4MHz 在2.5V.*ERC模式:DC?4MHz电压为5V,DC?4MHz在3V,DC?4MHz在2.5V.低功耗:*在5V / 4MHz不到2毫安*通常为20μA在3V / 32KHz*通常1μA在睡眠模式下1K×13位片内ROM一个安全寄存器防止OTP存储器代码入侵一个配置寄存器以满足用户需求48×8位片内寄存器(SRAM,通用寄存器)2个双向I / O端口5级堆栈用于子程序嵌套8位实时时钟/计数器(TCC),其信号源,触发边缘,和溢出中断每个指令周期两个时钟掉电(休眠)模式三种可用中断*TCC溢出中断*输入端口状态改变中断(唤醒从睡眠模式)*外部中断可编程自由运行看门狗定时器8个可编程上拉引脚7个可编程下拉销8个可编程开漏引脚2个可编程R-option引脚封装类型:*18引脚DIP 300MIL *18引脚SOP 300MIL *20引脚SSOP 209mil : EM78P156NP : EM78P156NM : EM78P156NAS 本规范如有变更,恕不另行通知.407.29.2004 (V1.2)OTP ROM*20引脚SSOP 209mil: EM78P156NKM99.9%单指令周期命令HXT和LXT之间系统频率分界点大约为400KHz 本规范如有变更,恕不另行通知.507.29.2004 (V1.2)。



1US Headquarters TEL +(1) 781-935-4850FAX +(1) 781-933-4318 • Europe TEL +(44) 1628 404000FAX +(44) 1628 404090Asia Pacific TEL +(852) 2 428 8008FAX +(852) 2 423 8253South America TEL +(55) 11 3917 1099FAX +(55) 11 3917 0817Superior elongation and tensilestrength help to prevent tearing in use due to mishandling. Typical properties for CHO-SEAL 1310 and 1273 materi-al are shown on pages 33 and 32respectively.High Shielding PerformanceCHO-SEAL 1310 material provides more than 80 dB of shielding effectiv-ness from 100 MHz to 10 GHz, while CHO-SEAL 1273 material provides more than 100 dB.Low Volume ResistivityBoth materials have exceptionally low volume resistivity, which makes them well suited for grounding appli-cations in which a flexible electrical contact is needed.Low Compression GasketSpacer gaskets are typicallydesigned to function under low deflec-tion forces. Chomerics uses design tools such as Finite Element Analysis (FEA) to accurately predict compres-sion-deflection behavior of various cross section options. Refer to page16.LCP Plastic SpacerLiquid crystal polymer (LCP)spacers, including those made with Vectra A130 material, provide aCHO-SEAL ®1310 or 1273Conductive ElastomersWith EMI spacer gaskets, shielding and grounding are provided by Chomerics’CHO-SEAL 1310 and 1273 conductive elastomers, specifi-cally formulated for custom shape molded parts. They provide excellent shielding and isolation against electro-magnetic interference (EMI), or act as a low impedance ground path between PCB traces and shielding media. Physically tough, these elas-tomers minimize the risk of gasket damage, in contrast to thin-walled extrusions or unsupported molded gaskets.Silicone-based CHO-SEAL 1310and 1273 materials offer excellent resistance to compression set over a wide temperature range, resulting in years of continuous service. CHO-SEAL 1310 material is filled with silver-plated-glass particles, while 1273 utilizes silver-plated-copper filler to provide higher levels of EMI shielding effectiveness.EMI Spacer GasketsThe unique design of Chomerics’EMI spacer gaskets features a thin plastic retainer frame onto which a conductive elastomer is molded. The elastomer can be located inside or outside the retainer frame, as well as on its top and bottom surface. EMI spacer gaskets provide a newapproach to designing EMI gaskets into handheld electronics such as dig-ital cellular phones. Board-to-board spacing is custom designed to fit broad application needs. Customized cross sections and spacer shapes allow for very low closure forcerequirements and a perfect fit in any design or device.Robotic InstallationSpacer gaskets can be installed quickly by robotic application. Integral locater pins in the plastic spacer help ensure accuratepositioning in both manual and pick-and-place assembly. Benefits include faster assembly and lower labor costs.The integrated conductive elastomer/plastic spacer gasket is a low cost,easily installed system for providing EMI shielding and grounding in small electronic enclosures.Figure 1Single Piece EMI Gasket/Locator PinsCHO-SEAL 1310 or 1273 Conductive Elastomer (Inside)Plastic Spacer Around Outsideor InsideApplications for EMI Spacer GasketsThe spacer gasket concept is especially suited to digital and dual board telephone handsets or other handheld electronic devices. It provides a low impedance path between peripheral ground traces on printed circuit boards and components such as:•the conductive coating on a plastic housing•another printed circuit board •the keypad assemblyTypical applications for EMI spacer gaskets include:•Digital cellular, handyphone and personal communications services (PCS) handsets •PCMCIA cards•Global Positioning Systems (GPS)•Radio receivers•Other handheld electronics, e.g.,personal digital assistants (PDAs)•Replacements for metal EMI shield-ing “fences” on printedcircuit boards in wireless tele-communications devicesstable platform for direct, highprecision molding of conductive elas-tomers. The Vectra A130 material described in Table 1 has excellent heat deflection temperature character-istics (489°F, 254°C). For weight con-siderations, the LCP has aspecific gravity of only 1.61. This plas-tic is also 100% recyclable.Typical EMI Spacer Gasket Design ParametersThe EMI spacer gasket concept can be considered using the design parameters shown in Table 2. Some typical spacer gasket profiles are shown below.Figure 2Typical Spacer Gasket Profiles3US Headquarters TEL +(1) 781-935-4850FAX +(1) 781-933-4318 • Europe TEL +(44) 1628 404000FAX +(44) 1628 404090Asia Pacific TEL +(852) 2 428 8008FAX +(852) 2 423 8253South America TEL +(55) 11 3917 1099FAX +(55) 11 3917 0817Finite Element AnalysisChomerics, a division of the Parker Hannifin Corporation’s Seal Group, is the headquarters of Parker Seal’s Elastomer Simulation Group. This unit specializes in elastomer finite element analysis (FEA) using MARC K6 series software as a foundation for FEA capability.Benefits of FEA include:•Quickly optimizing elastomer gasket designs•Allowing accurate predictions of alternate elastomer design concepts •Eliminating extensive trial and error prototype evaluationTypical use of FEA in EMI spacer gasket designs is to evaluate the force vs. deflection requirements of alternate designs.For example, onespacer design features a continuous bead of con-ductive elastomer molded onto a plastic spacer. An alternative designemploys an “interrupted bead,” where the interrup-tions (gaps left on the plastic frame) are sized to maintain the requiredlevel of EMI shielding. Figure 4illustrates these alternative designs.Gasket DeflectionFigure 5 compares the effect of continuous and interrupted elastomer gasket designs in terms of the force required to deflect the conductive elastomer. This actual cellular handset application required a spacer gasket with interrupted bead to meet desired deflection forces.Chomerics Designand Application ServicesChomerics will custom design a spacer for your application. Advice,analysis and design assistance will be provided by Chomerics Applications and Design engineers at no additional fee. Contact Chomerics directlyat the locations listed at the bottom of the page.Figure 3FEA Example of an EMISpacer Gasket Cross SectionFigure 4Continuous (top) and InterruptedElastomer GasketsFigure 5Typical Spacer Gasket Deflection。



* 外型尺寸 单位(m m ) A.....32(H)X50(W)X80(D)
*3 采用 PLC 控制 RC-207A/231(HA)时,可预先将程序通过微机输入 EEPROM 内, 而不需要后备电池保持。
B.....27.5(H)X105(W)X56(D) C.....63(H)X105(W)X56(D)
2 1M 8 8 B ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ●
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ASTMC1556-04 表观氯离子扩散系数

ASTMC1556-04 表观氯离子扩散系数

Designation:C 1556–04Standard Test Method forDetermining the Apparent Chloride Diffusion Coefficient of Cementitious Mixtures by Bulk Diffusion 1This standard is issued under the fixed designation C 1556;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon (e )indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1.Scope*1.1This test method covers the laboratory determination of the apparent chloride diffusion coefficient for hardened cemen-titious mixtures.1.2The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard.1.3This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns,if any,associated with its use.It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2.Referenced Documents 2.1ASTM Standards:2C 31/C 31M Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the FieldC 42/C 42M Test Method for Obtaining and Testing Drilled Cores and Sawed Beams of ConcreteC 125Terminology Relating to Concrete and Concrete AggregatesC 192/C 192M Practice for Making and Curing Concrete in the LaboratoryC 670Practice for Preparing Precision and Bias Statements for Test Methods for Construction MaterialsC 1152/C 1152M Test Method for Acid-Soluble Chloride in Mortar and ConcreteC 1202Test Method for Electrical Indication of Concrete’s Ability to Resist Chloride Ion Penetration 2.2NORDTEST Standards:NT BUILD 443,Approved 1995-11,Concrete,Hardened:Accelerated Chloride Penetration (in English)33.Terminology 3.1Definitions :3.1.1For definitions of terms used in this test method,refer to Terminology C 125.3.2Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.2.1apparent chloride diffusion coeffıcient,D a ,n —a chlo-ride transport parameter calculated from acid-soluble chloride profile data obtained from saturated specimens exposed to chloride solutions,without correction for chloride binding,that provides an indication of the ease of chloride penetration into cementitious mixtures.3.2.2chloride binding ,v —the chemical process by which chloride ion is removed from solution and incorporated into cementitious binder hydration products. —Chloride binding is primarily associ-ated with hydration products formed by the aluminate phase of cement and mixtures containing ground granulated blast fur-nace slag.3.2.3chloride penetration ,v —the ingress of chloride ions due to exposure to external sources.3.2.4exposure liquid ,n —the sodium chloride solution in which test specimens are stored prior to obtaining a chloride profile.3.2.5exposure time ,n —the time that the test specimen is stored in the solution containing chloride ion.3.2.6initial chloride-ion content,C i ,n —the ratio of the mass of chloride ion to the mass of concrete for a test specimen that has not been exposed to external chloride sources.3.2.7profile grinding ,v —the process of grinding off and collecting a powder sample in thin successive layers from a test specimen using a dry process.3.2.8surface chloride content,C s ,n —the theoretical ratio of the mass of chloride ion to the mass of concrete at the interface between the exposure liquid and the test specimen.4.Summary of Test Method4.1Obtain a representative sample of the cementitious mixture prior to exposure to chloride ion.Separate each sample into a test specimen and an initial chloride-ion content speci-men.Crush the initial chloride-ion content specimen and determine the initial acid-soluble chloride-ion content.Seal all sides of the test specimen,except the finished surface,with a1This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C09on Concrete and Concrete Aggregates and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C09.66on Concrete’s Resistance to Fluid Penetration.Current edition approved June 1,2004.Published July 2004.Originally approved in st previous edition approved in 2003as C 1556–03.2For referenced ASTM standards,visit the ASTM website,,or contact ASTM Customer Service at service@.For Annual Book of ASTM Standards volume information,refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website.3Published by NORDTEST,P.O.Box 116FIN-02151ESPOO Finland,Project 1154-94,e-mail:nordtest @vtt.fi,website:http://www.vtt.fi/nordtest1*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard.Copyright ©ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA 19428-2959,United States.suitable barrier coating.Saturate the sealed specimen in a calcium hydroxide solution,rinse with tap water,and then place in a sodium chloride solution.After a specified exposure time,the test specimen is removed from the sodium chloride solution and thin layers are ground off parallel to the exposed face of the specimen.The acid-soluble chloride content of each layer is determined.The apparent chloride diffusion coefficient and the projected surface chloride-ion concentration are then calculated using the initial chloride-ion content,and at least six related values for chloride-ion content and depth below the exposed surface.5.Significance and Use5.1This test method is applicable to cementitious mixtureshave not beenexposed to external chloride ions,other than negligible quantity of chloride ion exposure from sample preparation using potable water,prior to the test.5.2The calculation procedure described in this test method is applicable only to laboratory test specimens exposed to a sodium chloride solution as described in this test method.This calculation procedure is not applicable to specimens exposed to chloride ions during cyclic wetting and drying.N OTE 1—The diffusion of ionic species in concrete occurs within the fluid-filled pores,cracks and void spaces.The concentration and valence of other ionic species in the pore fluid also influence the rate of chloride diffusion,and therefore,the apparent diffusion coefficient as determined by this test procedure.5.3In most cases,the value of the apparent chloride diffusion coefficient for cementitious mixtures changes over time (See Note 2).Therefore,apparent diffusion coefficients obtained at early ages may not be representative of perfor-mance in service.N OTE 2—The rate of change of the apparent diffusion coefficient for cementitious mixtures containing pozzolans or blast-furnace slag is typically different than that for mixtures containing only portland cement.5.4The apparent chloride diffusion coefficient is used in Fick’s second law of diffusion to estimate chloride penetration into cementitious mixtures that are in a saturated condition.5.5The apparent chloride diffusion coefficient is commonly used in chloride ingress models based on Fick’s second law of diffusion.The apparent diffusion coefficient determined by this method includes chemically bound chloride,so proper use of the apparent chloride diffusion coefficient to predict chloride ingress requires consideration of chloride binding.5.6The resistance to chloride penetration is affected by such factors as the environment,finishing,mixture composition,workmanship,curing,and age.6.Apparatus6.1Balance ,accurate to at least 60.01g.6.2Thermometer ,accurate to at least 61.0°C.6.3Controlled Temperature Laboratory or Chamber .The laboratory or chamber shall maintain the temperature of a water bath at 2362°C.6.4Plastic Container ,with tight-fitting lid.Select a con-tainer size in accordance with provisions in for grinding off and collecting powder from concrete,mortar,or grout specimens in layers of approximately 2mm thickness.Refer to Figs.1and 2for examples of satisfactory equipment (See Note 3).N OTE 3—A lathe or milling machine equipped with a short-barrel carbide-tipped,or diamond-tipped,core drill bit has been found satisfac-tory for profile grinding.6.6Resealable Polyethylene Bags ,200-to 300-mm wide by 250-to 300-mm long,and sheet thickness not less than 0.1mm.6.7Equipment for crushing concrete,mortar or grout.Suit-able equipment is described in Test Method C 1152/C 1152M.6.8Equipment for chloride analysis as described in Test Method C 1152/C 1152M.6.9Slide Caliper ,accurate to at least 60.1mm.7.Reagents and Materials7.1Distilled or De-ionized Water .7.2Calcium Hydroxide [Ca(OH)2],technical grade.7.3Calcium Hydroxide Solution ,saturated,(approx.3g/L).7.4Sodium Chloride [NaCl],technical grade.7.5Exposure Liquid —An aqueous NaCl solution prepared with a concentration of 16561g NaCl per L of solution.7.6Two-component Polyurethane or Epoxy-resin Based Paint ,capable of forming a barrier membrane that is resistant to chloride ion diffusion.8.Test Specimens8.1Drilled cores,molded cylinders,or molded cubes are acceptable test specimens.One sample consists of at least two test specimens representative of the cementitious mixture under test (See Note 4).Specimens must be free of defects such as voids or cracks visible to the unaided eye (See Note 5).The minimum dimension across the finished surface of each test specimen must be at least 75mm,but not less than three times the nominal maximum aggregate particle size.The specimen depth must be at least 75mm.N OTE 4—The material between the exposed surface and the outermost layer of reinforcement is often of interest because it is here that the protection against chloride penetration is needed.Furthermore,the quality of the material in this particular area can deviate from that in the rest of the system,as this region is often affected by construction practices.N OTE 5—Specimens with voids deeper than the profile layer thickness can increase the apparent rate of chloride penetration,and increases test variability.8.2Unless otherwise specified,provide 28days of labora-tory standard moist curing in accordance with Practice C 31/C 31M or C 192/C 192M prior to sample preparation for immersion in the exposure liquid.8.2.1Describe any variance from standard curing practice in the report.8.3For drilled cores obtained according to Test Method C 42/C 42M,prepare the test specimen by cutting off the outermost 75mm of the core.The test specimen thus obtained has one face that is the original finished surface,and the other face that is a sawn surface as shown in Fig.3.8.4For specimens prepared in accordance with Practice C 31/C 31M or C 192/C 192M,the test specimen is prepared by cutting parallel to the finished surface.The top 75mm is used as the test specimen (see Fig.3).8.5From the remainder of the drilled core,or molded specimen,cut a slice that is at least 20-mm e this slice to determine the initial chloride-ion content,C i .8.6Rinse the specimens with tap water immediately after cutting.Scrub the surface with a stiff nylon brush,and rinse again.Prior to sealing specimen surfaces,air dry until no moisture can be removed from the surface with a dry paper towel (See Note 6).8.6.1Exposure specimens must be surface-dry but inter-nally moist prior to sealing.This condition is satisfiedbyFIG.1Profile Grinding Using a MillingMachineFIG.2Profile Grinding Using aLathestandard moist-cured specimens allowed to air dry for no more than 24h in laboratory air maintained at 2362°C and 5063%RH.N OTE 6—Specimens cured in a saturated calcium hydroxide water bath are normally covered by residual lime particles.If this residue is not removed and test specimens are allowed to temporarily dry in air,a calcium carbonate layer can form on the surface of the specimen.This carbonate layer may interfere with the test result,which is why cleansing and rinsing with tap water after cutting or removal from the saturated calcium hydroxide water bath is required.8.7Seal all sides of the exposure specimen except for the finished surface following the procedure described in Test Method C 1202.8.8Determine the initial mass of the test specimen when the coating has hardened.8.9Immerse the test specimen in the saturated calcium hydroxide water bath at 2362°C in a tightly closed plastic container.The container must be filled to the top to prevent carbonation.After 24h of immersion,remove the specimen,blot the surface dry with a paper towel,and determine the mass of the specimen in the surface-dry condition.8.10The test specimen is immersed in a saturated calcium hydroxide water bath until the mass does not change by more than 0.1%in 24h (See Note 7).An acceptable alternative procedure is to vacuum saturate the specimens with saturated calcium hydroxide solution using a vacuum chamber similar to the system described in Test Method C 1202.N OTE 7—Typically,the mass of moist-cured specimens stabilizes within 48h.9.Procedure9.1Exposure :9.1.1Remove the saturated test specimen from the calcium hydroxide water bath,immediately rinse the specimen surface with tap water,place the specimen in the exposure container,fill the container with the exposure liquid,and then seal the container.Place the container in a temperature-controlled chamber or room maintained at 2362°C.Record the start date and start time to the nearest hour.9.1.2It is permitted to place multiple specimens in a single container as long as the specimens are placed in the container such that the entire exposure surface is unobstructed.Maintain the exposed surface area to exposure liquid volume ratio within the range of 50630cm 2/L (See Note 8).N OTE 8—The volume of exposure liquid required for nominal 100-mm diameter cylinder or core exposure specimens is approximately one liter per specimen.9.1.3The specimens must remain in the exposure liquid for at least 35days (See Note 9).N OTE 9—The exposure time should be extended for mixtures such as those that are more mature,were made with low w/cm,or high-performance mixtures containing supplementary cementitious materials.9.1.4If evaporation of water from the exposure liquid or a container leak allows the specimen surface to dry during the exposure time,the test is not valid (See Note 10).N OTE 10—It is suggested to monitor the mass of the sealed container if evaporation of water from the exposure solution is expected.9.1.5Record the exposure time to the nearest hour.9.2Profile Grinding :9.2.1Remove the test specimen from the exposure liquid,rinse with tap water,and dry for at least 24h in laboratory air maintained at 2362°C and 5063%RH.9.2.2When grinding is to be performed longer than 48h after removal from the exposure solution,store the specimens in watertight resealable polyethylene bags until time of grind-ing.When grinding is to be performed longer than 7days after removal from the exposure solution,store the bagged speci-mens in a freezer maintained at -15°C (65°C)until time of grinding.9.2.3Obtain the powder samples by grinding off material in layers parallel to the exposed surface.Do not grind closerthanFIG.3Sketch of Specimens Obtained from a Typical SampleTABLE 1Recommended Depth Intervals (in mm)for Powder Grinding Aw/cm 0.250.300.350.400.500.600.70Depth 10-10-10-10-10-10-10-1Depth 21-21-21-21-31-31-31-5Depth 32-32-32-33-53-53-65-10Depth 43-43-43-55-75-86-1010-15Depth 54-54-65-77-108-1210-1515-20Depth 65-66-87-910-1312-1615-2020-25Depth 76-88-109-1213-1616-2020-2525-30Depth88-1010-1212-1616-2020-2525-3030-35ALuping,Tang and Sørensen,Henrik,“Evaluation of the Rapid Test Methods for Measuring the Chloride Diffusion Coefficients of Concrete,”NORDTEST Project No.1388-98,Swedish National Testing and Research Institute,SP Report 1998:42.N OTE —For cementitious mixtures with pozzolan or slag,the depth intervals in the column one place to the left should be applied.For example,use the depth intervals for w/cm =0.35for silica fume concrete with w/cm =0.40.5mm from the edge of the specimen to avoid edge effects and disturbances from the coating.9.2.4For the minimum exposure time of35days,grind off eight layers in accordance with Table1.For longer exposure times,select depth increments such that a minimum of6points span the range from1mm below the exposed surface to a depth with a chloride-ion content equal to,or slightly greater than, the initial chloride-ion content.9.2.5The following alternate profiling procedure is permit-ted if the exposure time is sufficient to allow chloride penetra-tion deeper than40mm.Slice the test specimen parallel to the exposure surface using a water-cooled diamond saw in5-to6-mm increments,minimizing the time specimens are exposed to water.Dry the slices for24h in laboratory air,then crush and prepare the powder sample as described in Test Method C1152/C1152M.9.2.6Obtain a sample of at least10g of powder from each layer.Determine the distance from the exposure surface to the mid-depth of each layer.For example,the layer thickness and mid-depth are determined from measurements of the specimen before and after powder sample collection.Calculate the depth below the exposed surface as the average offive uniformly distributed measurements using a slide caliper.9.3Chloride Analysis:9.3.1Determine the acid-soluble chloride-ion content of the powder samples,C x(mass%),to60.001%according to Test Method C1152/C1152M.9.3.2Obtain the initial chloride-ion content,C i(mass%), from the20-mm thick slice by crushing and prepare a powder sample as described in Test Method C1152/C1152M.9.4Record any deviations from the requirements of this method.10.Calculations10.1Test Results:10.1.1Determine the values of surface concentration and apparent chloride diffusion coefficient byfitting Eq1to the measured chloride-ion contents by means of a non-linear regression analysis using the method of least squares.Omit the chloride-ion content determined from the exposure surface layer in the regression analysis.All other chloride-ion content measurements are included in the regression analysis.C~x,t!5C s2~C s2C i!·erf S x=4·D a·t D(1)where:C(x,t)=chloride concentration,measured at depth x and exposure time t,mass%,C s=projected chloride concentration at the interfacebetween the exposure liquid and test specimen thatis determined by the regression analysis,mass%, C i=initial chloride-ion concentration of the cementi-tious mixture prior to submersion in the exposuresolution,mass%,x=depth below the exposed surface(to the middle ofa layer),m,D a=apparent chloride diffusion coefficient,m2/s,t=the exposure time,s,anderf=the error function described in Eq2.erf~z!52/=p·*0z exp~2u2!du(2) 10.1.2Tables with values of the error function are given in standard mathematical reference books.4The error function is also included as a library function in most electronic calcula-tion software.10.1.3The test results are: initial chloride concentration,C i(mass%), stated to three significant digits. projected surface chloride concentration at the exposed surface,C s(mass%),stated to three significant digits. apparent chloride diffusion coefficient,D a (m2/s),stated to2significant digits.10.2Non-linear Regression Analysis—Perform the regres-sion analysis by minimizing the sum given in Eq3.Refer to Fig.4for clarification.S5(n52ND C2~n!5(n52N~C m~n!2C c~n!!2(3)where:S=sum of squares to be minimized,(mass%)2,N=the number of layers ground off,D C(n)=difference between the measured and calculatedchloride concentration of the n th layer,mass%, C m(n)=measured chloride concentration of the n th layer,mass%,andC c(n)=calculated chloride concentration in the middle ofthe n th layer,mass%.10.3Other Calculations:10.3.1Plot the measured chloride contents at all points versus depth below the surface.Plot the best-fit curve on the same graph(see Fig.4).11.Report11.1Report the following information if known:11.1.1Name and address of the laboratory,and the place at which tests were performed,if different from the laboratory address.11.1.2Date and identification number of the test report. 11.1.3Method of sampling and other circumstances(date and person responsible for sampling).11.1.4Description of the tested object including specimen type,identification marks,mixture proportions,the date the tested object was cast,curing regimen employed,and age at the start of exposure.11.1.5Start date and duration of the exposure time.11.1.6Conditioning of the test specimens,and a description of the exposure conditions during the test,such as temperature, evidence of evaporation.11.1.7Identification of the test equipment and instruments used.11.1.8Any deviation from the test method together with other information of importance for judging the result.4Beyer,W.H.,ed.,CRC Handbook of Mathematical Sciences,5th Edition,CRC Press,Boca Raton,FL,1978.11.1.9A table listing the chloride-ion content measurements of each layer and mid-depth for each layer.11.1.10A plot showing the measured chloride-ion contents for each layer and the best-fit curve from the regression analysis.11.1.11The measured value of C i and the values of C s ,and D a determined from the regression analysis.11.1.12Date and signature.12.Precision and Bias12.1Precision —There has been no interlaboratory study of this test method.However,there are precision data 5from an interlaboratory study of NORDTEST NT Build 443,from which this test method was developed.The report includes data from two interlaboratory studies involving three concrete mixtures and three to five laboratories participated,depending on the mixture.Average values of D a among the mixtures ranged from 2.1to 14.73(10-12)m 2/s.Average values of C s among the mixtures ranged from 0.61to 1.0%.Table 3summarizes the single-laboratory and multiple-laboratory co-efficient of variation and maximum difference expected be-tween duplicate determinations in 95%of such comparisons.Therefore,the apparent diffusion coefficient results of two properly conducted tests should not differ by more than 39.8%of the mean value.12.2Bias —Since there is no accepted reference material suitable for determining the bias of this test method,no statement on bias is made.13.Keywords13.1chloride;concrete;corrosion;diffusion;ion transport;service life5Luping,Tang and Sørensen,Henrik,“Evaluation of the Rapid Test Methods for Measuring the Chloride Diffusion Coefficients of Concrete,”NORDTEST Project No.1388-98,Swedish National Testing and Research Institute,SP Report1998:42.FIG.4Sample Regression AnalysisTABLE 2Example CalculationC s (mass %)C i (mass %)D a (m 2/s)t (yr)Sum (Error)20.6050.085 4.86E-13 1.00 2.2151E-03x (mm)Measured Value Predicted Value Error,D C (n )(Meas.-Pred.)(Error)210.3680.53020.4500.458-8.19E-03 6.72E-0530.4100.391 1.94E-02 3.76E-0440.3260.329-3.31E-03 1.10E-0550.2660.275-9.49E-039.01E-0560.2310.230 1.25E-03 1.55E-0670.1750.192-1.71E-02 2.93E-0480.1830.162 2.08E-02 4.34E-0490.1320.139-7.07E-03 5.00E-05100.1240.122 2.16E-03 4.66E-06150.1170.089 2.85E-028.12E-04200.0800.085-5.16E-03 2.66E-05250.0780.085-7.00E-034.90E-05TABLE 3Precision Estimates ACoefficientStatistic Single Laboratory Multiple Laboratory D a CV B 14.220.2d2s %39.856.6C sCV 13.318.1d2s %37.250.7AThese statistics represent the CV (1s %)and d2s %statistics as defined in Practice C 670.BCoefficient ofvariation.SUMMARY OF CHANGESCommittee C09has identified the location of selected changes to this test method since the last issue, C1556–03,that may impact the use of this test method.(Approved June1,2004)(2)Freezing requirement added to9.2.2.(1)Added Note1to Significance and Use,increment referencenumbers for all existing notes.ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this ers of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights,and the riskof infringement of such rights,are entirely their own responsibility.This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed everyfive years and if not revised,either reapproved or withdrawn.Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standardsand should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters.Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of theresponsible technical committee,which you may attend.If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you shouldmake your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards,at the address shown below.This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959, United States.Individual reprints(single or multiple copies)of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the aboveaddress or at610-832-9585(phone),610-832-9555(fax),or service@(e-mail);or through the ASTM website().。



Dimensions: [mm]Scale - 5:174404054047BC74404054047T e m p e r a t u r eT pT L74404054047Cautions and Warnings:The following conditions apply to all goods within the product series of WE-LQS of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG:General:•This electronic component is designed and manufactured for use in general electronic equipment.•Würth Elektronik must be asked for written approval (following the PPAP procedure) before incorporating the components into any equipment in fields such as military, aerospace, aviation, nuclear control, submarine, transportation (automotive control, train control, ship control), transportation signal, disaster prevention, medical, public information network etc. where higher safety and reliability are especially required and/or if there is the possibility of direct damage or human injury.•Electronic components that will be used in safety-critical or high-reliability applications, should be pre-evaluated by the customer. •The component is designed and manufactured to be used within the datasheet specified values. If the usage and operation conditions specified in the datasheet are not met, the wire insulation may be damaged or dissolved.•Do not drop or impact the components, the component may be damaged.•Würth Elektronik products are qualified according to international standards, which are listed in each product reliability report. Würth Elektronik does not warrant any customer qualified product characteristics beyond Würth Elektroniks’ specifications, for its validity and sustainability over time.•The responsibility for the applicability of the customer specific products and use in a particular customer design is always within the authority of the customer. All technical specifications for standard products also apply to customer specific products.Product specific:Soldering:•The solder profile must comply with the technical product specifications. All other profiles will void the warranty.•All other soldering methods are at the customers’ own risk.•Strong forces which may affect the coplanarity of the components’ electrical connection with the PCB (i.e. pins), can damage the part, resulting in avoid of the warranty.Cleaning and Washing:•Washing agents used during the production to clean the customer application might damage or change the characteristics of the wire insulation, marking or plating. Washing agents may have a negative effect on the long-term functionality of the product.•Using a brush during the cleaning process may break the wire due to its small diameter. Therefore, we do not recommend using a brush during the PCB cleaning process.Potting:•If the product is potted in the customer application, the potting material may shrink or expand during and after hardening. Shrinking could lead to an incomplete seal, allowing contaminants into the core. Expansion could damage the components. We recommend a manual inspection after potting to avoid these effects.Storage Conditions:• A storage of Würth Elektronik products for longer than 12 months is not recommended. Within other effects, the terminals may suffer degradation, resulting in bad solderability. Therefore, all products shall be used within the period of 12 months based on the day of shipment.•Do not expose the components to direct sunlight.•The storage conditions in the original packaging are defined according to DIN EN 61760-2.•The storage conditions stated in the original packaging apply to the storage time and not to the transportation time of the components. Packaging:•The packaging specifications apply only to purchase orders comprising whole packaging units. If the ordered quantity exceeds or is lower than the specified packaging unit, packaging in accordance with the packaging specifications cannot be ensured. Handling:•Violation of the technical product specifications such as exceeding the nominal rated current will void the warranty.•Applying currents with audio-frequency signals may result in audible noise due to the magnetostrictive material properties.•The temperature rise of the component must be taken into consideration. The operating temperature is comprised of ambient temperature and temperature rise of the component.The operating temperature of the component shall not exceed the maximum temperature specified.These cautions and warnings comply with the state of the scientific and technical knowledge and are believed to be accurate and reliable.However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies or incompleteness.Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KGEMC & Inductive SolutionsMax-Eyth-Str. 174638 WaldenburgGermanyCHECKED REVISION DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)GENERAL TOLERANCE PROJECTIONMETHODChrB.001.0062022-10-01DIN ISO 2768-1mDESCRIPTIONWE-LQS SMT Semi-ShieldedPower Inductor ORDER CODE74404054047SIZE/TYPE BUSINESS UNIT STATUS PAGEImportant NotesThe following conditions apply to all goods within the product range of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG:1. General Customer ResponsibilitySome goods within the product range of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG contain statements regarding general suitability for certain application areas. These statements about suitability are based on our knowledge and experience of typical requirements concerning the areas, serve as general guidance and cannot be estimated as binding statements about the suitability for a customer application. The responsibility for the applicability and use in a particular customer design is always solely within the authority of the customer. Due to this fact it is up to the customer to evaluate, where appropriate to investigate and decide whether the device with the specific product characteristics described in the product specification is valid and suitable for the respective customer application or not.2. Customer Responsibility related to Specific, in particular Safety-Relevant ApplicationsIt has to be clearly pointed out that the possibility of a malfunction of electronic components or failure before the end of the usual lifetime cannot be completely eliminated in the current state of the art, even if the products are operated within the range of the specifications.In certain customer applications requiring a very high level of safety and especially in customer applications in which the malfunction or failure of an electronic component could endanger human life or health it must be ensured by most advanced technological aid of suitable design of the customer application that no injury or damage is caused to third parties in the event of malfunction or failure of an electronic component. Therefore, customer is cautioned to verify that data sheets are current before placing orders. The current data sheets can be downloaded at .3. Best Care and AttentionAny product-specific notes, cautions and warnings must be strictly observed. Any disregard will result in the loss of warranty.4. Customer Support for Product SpecificationsSome products within the product range may contain substances which are subject to restrictions in certain jurisdictions in order to serve specific technical requirements. Necessary information is available on request. In this case the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge should be contacted who will be happy to support in this matter.5. Product R&DDue to constant product improvement product specifications may change from time to time. As a standard reporting procedure of the Product Change Notification (PCN) according to the JEDEC-Standard inform about minor and major changes. In case of further queries regarding the PCN, the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge should be contacted. The basic responsibility of the customer as per Section 1 and 2 remains unaffected.6. Product Life CycleDue to technical progress and economical evaluation we also reserve the right to discontinue production and delivery of products. As a standard reporting procedure of the Product Termination Notification (PTN) according to the JEDEC-Standard we will inform at an early stage about inevitable product discontinuance. According to this we cannot guarantee that all products within our product range will always be available. Therefore it needs to be verified with the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge about the current product availability expectancy before or when the product for application design-in disposal is considered. The approach named above does not apply in the case of individual agreements deviating from the foregoing for customer-specific products.7. Property RightsAll the rights for contractual products produced by Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG on the basis of ideas, development contracts as well as models or templates that are subject to copyright, patent or commercial protection supplied to the customer will remain with Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG. Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG does not warrant or represent that any license, either expressed or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right relating to any combination, application, or process in which Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG components or services are used.8. General Terms and ConditionsUnless otherwise agreed in individual contracts, all orders are subject to the current version of the “General Terms and Conditions of Würth Elektronik eiSos Group”, last version available at .Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KGEMC & Inductive SolutionsMax-Eyth-Str. 174638 WaldenburgGermanyCHECKED REVISION DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)GENERAL TOLERANCE PROJECTIONMETHODChrB.001.0062022-10-01DIN ISO 2768-1mDESCRIPTIONWE-LQS SMT Semi-ShieldedPower Inductor ORDER CODE74404054047SIZE/TYPE BUSINESS UNIT STATUS PAGE。



课程2:155622H设备2.1目的1、155622H外观2、155622H单板:OI2S、OI2D、OI4、SP1S、SP1D、PD2S、PD2D、PD2T、SP2D3、各个单板能插的槽位以及各个槽位的总线4、155622H双向无保护链型配置5、155622H单向PP环配置6、155622H交叉能力7、ECC、时钟、公务配置2.2 155622H外观OptiX 155622H设备采用集成式设计,由机合、风扇板、电源滤波板、插板区、防尘网构成,满足IEC297 19英寸2U标准插箱设计规范。



2.3 155622H设备槽位简介IU1-IU4每个槽位的总线为4*VC4,因此最大能插STM-4或4*STM-1的单板。



2.4 155622H的交叉连接能力155622H的交叉能力:16*16VC4的空分。



SBS-M N2.5 155622H的业务总线分布2.6 155622H 组网配置155622H 可以组的有无保护链、单向通道保护环、单向SNCP 环、单向复用段保护环、双向复用段保护环。


2.6.1 无保护链如图的业务配置和连纤方向。

A 点配置::cfg-set-gutumap<sys1>:gw1,11,oi2s,0;:cfg-create-vc12:sys1,gw1,1&&4,sys1,t3,1&&4; :cfg-create-vc12:sys1,t3,1&&4,sys1,gw1,1&&4; B 点配置::cfg-set-gutumap<sys1>:gw1,11,oi2d,1; :cfg-set-gutumap<sys1>:ge1,11,oi2d,2;:cfg-create-vc12:sys1,gw1,1&&2,sys1t3,1&&2; :cfg-create-vc12:sys1,t3,1&&2,sys1,gw1,1&&2;:cfg-create-vc12:sys1,gw1,3&4,sys1,ge1,3&&4; :cfg-create-vc12:sys1,ge1,3&4,sys1,gw1,3&&4;C 点配置::cfg-set-gutumap<sys1>:gw1,11,oi2s,0;:cfg-create-vc12:sys1,gw1,3&&4,sys1,t3,1&&2;2*2M:cfg-create-vc12:sys1,t3,1&&2,sys1,gw1,3&&4;以A->C之间的第一个2M说明一下信号流向:交换->2M电缆->(A)SP1S端口3 IN->SP1S->X42->OI2S OUT光口->光缆->(B)OI2D-1 IN光口->X42->OI2D-2 OUT光口->光缆->(C)OI2S IN 光口->X42->SP1S端口1 OUT->2M电缆->交换可以自己分析一下C->A等其他的业务流向。
















赛德乐(SATLER)采用目前全球最高质量的低纱高密度聚酯丝(HT PES LOW WICK)。







One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood. MA 02062-9106, U.S.A.Tel: 617/329-4700 Fax: 617/326-8703REV. PrDInformation furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use , nor for any infringe me nts of pate nts or othe r rights of third partie s which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices.=FEATURES :On-Board Reference, Oscillator, Control Logic and BuffersEasy interface to printer port of PCPC Software for Control and Data Analysis Stand Alone Capability to ease design Analog and Digital Prototype Area Preliminary Technical Data Evaluation BoardAD1555/AD1556 24-Bit ⌺-⌬ ADCEVAL-AD1555/56EBGENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe EVAL-AD1555/56EB is an evaluation board for the AD1555 and AD1556 24-bit ⌺-⌬ ADC chip-set. TheAD1555/AD1556 chip-set can convert a high dynamic range input signal, operates from +5V and -5V supplies and uses a serial interface.The AD1555/AD1556 evaluation board is designed to demonstrate the ADC's performance and operation. A full description of the AD1555/AD1556 is available in theAD1555/AD1556 data sheet and should be consulted when utilizing this evaluation board.FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAMThe EVAL-AD1555/56EB is ideal for use either as a stand-alone evaluation board to interface with a customer applica-tion or with any compatible PC using the parallel printer port.On-board components include an AD780 3V ultra low noise bandgap reference, a crystal oscillator, and digital control logic. The board has both a Centronics male connector to interface with PC printer port and a 50-pin connector for stand-alone operation.Software is provided to allow simple demonstration and evaluation of the AD1555/AD1556 chip-set.元器件交易网PRELIMINARY TECHNICAL DATAEVAL-AD1555/AD1556 OPERATING THE EVAL-AD1555/56EBThe EVAL-AD1555/56EB is a two-layer board carefully laidout and tested to demonstrate the specific high dynamicperformance of the chip-set.Figure 4 shows the schematics of the evaluation board.The layout of the board is given in the next four figures :Figure 5 shows the Top side silk-screen.Figure 6 shows the Top layer.Figure 7 shows the Bottom side silk-screen.Figure 8 shows the Bottom layer.The available test points are listed in Table I and a descriptionof each selectable jumper is listed in Table II. The componentlist is provided in Table III.Power Supplies and Grounding :The EVAL-AD1555/56EB has three power supply blocks: asingle +5V supply Vcc(SJ1) for the evaluation board digitalsection, another +5V or +3.3V supply VL(SJ2) for the digitalsupply of AD1555 only and a +/-5V supply (SJ3) for theanalog section of AD1555.The evaluation board ground plane is separated into three sections: a DGND plane for the AD1556 and the digital interface circuitry, a LGND plane for the digital section of AD1555 and an analog AGND plane for the AD1555, its analog input and external reference circuitry. To facilitate grounding connections of test equipment and attain high performance the board was designed with a good isolation barrier between the AD1555 and the rest of the digital functions. This isolation barrier is not required in applications where the analog and digital ground are not tied together externally. That is achieved using optocouplers and high value resistors. The analog ground and AD1555 digital ground can be tied together close to the AD1555 using JP2 which is the optimal configuration.Analog inputs :Fully differential signals could be applied on either AINandTINinputs through SMB plugs. The analog input ranges have to be compatible with the PGA gain settings used as described in the AD1555/AD1556 datasheet. The modulator section of the AD1555 can be separately evaluated using thePGA_MOD SMB plug.TABLE I. EVAL-AD1555/56EB Test PointsTest Point Available SignalTP1REFIN (3V)TP2DGND ( FPGA )TP3DGND ( AD1556 )TP4CB0TP5CB1TP6CB2TP7CB3TP8CB4TP9MDATATP10MCLKOUTTP11MFLG RUNNING THE EVAL-AD1555/56EB SOFTWARE Software Description :The EVAL-AD1555/56EB comes with software for analyzing the AD1555/AD1556 chip-set. This software allows compre-hensive control and evaluation of the AD1555/AD1556 chip-set or the AD1555 and the AD1556 separately. The front-end PC software has only one screen shown in Figure 1. This screen is partitioned into five windows which allows the user to select the configuration, launch the sampling sequence, perform computation on the output signal and display the results. The choices for display are Time domain response, Spectral response and histogram chart. Different measure-ments as Dynamic range, equivalent input noise, Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) and DC offset can be done. Figure 1 describes the steps to follow for proper software operation.Software Installation :The EVAL-AD1555/56EB software runs under Windows95. It requires a minimum of 7MB hard-disk space available and a display with a minimum resolution of 800 by 600. Due to the real-time operation, it is recommended that other programs be closed when using the EVAL-AD1555/56EB software. The EVAL-AD1555/56EB software installation process is:- Run Setup.exe using the EVAL-AD1555/56EB disk 1 and follow the instructions. The files can be stored in any direc-tory at the user convenience using the destination folder field. The default folder is C:\Program Files\Ad1555_56.- Run AD1555_56.exe to launch the software. It will open the window in figure 1.- If the window in figure 1 exceeds the actual screen, the display resolution needs to be increased by openingStart>Settings>Control Panel>Display then settings>800*600 for desktop area >apply>OK.TABLE II. JUMPER DESCRIPTIONJumper FunctionSW1To get all the software functionality, SW1should be in the position where the identification dot onthe core of the switch is visible.When SW1 is in the other position ( the switchhole is hidden ), the AD1556 could be controlledexternally using the 50-pin connector P2.( seechapter using the EVAL-AD1555/56EB incustomized system for details ).JP1JP1 controls the input signal applied to theAD1555 modulator input MODIN. In position A,the PGA output is applied to MODIN. Inposition B, the signal on PGA_MOD SMB plug isapplied to MODIN.JP2JP2 allows LGND and AGND to be tied together close to the AD1555 which is generally thepreferred configuration.元器件交易网PRELIMINARY TECHNICAL DATA–2–REV. PrDREV. PrD –3–EVAL-AD1555/AD1556- The software uses a special font which can be installed using Start>Settings>Control Panel>Fonts>File>install new fonts>then select ADILogo Regular in the working directory then OK.- To operate the software, follow the 5 steps described in figure 1.Using the EVAL-AD1555/56B in the customized system : The EVAL-AD1555/56EB is also designed to ease theevaluation and the design of the AD1555 and the AD1556 in the customized system. The useful interface signals can be connected to the customized system using the connector P2.The switch SW1 in the position where the identification dot of the switch is hidden changes the configuration of U1 as follows :- The AD1556 CLKIN at 1.024MHz is supplied by U1 (exact division by 8 of U5 oscillator ).- U1 transmits the AD1556 MCLK output ( 256kHz ) to the AD1555 MCLK with the appropriate phase ( one inversion is done by U1 in order to cancel the U9 inversion).- U1 output pins PGA0-4, CS*, R/W*, DINM1, BW0-2,H/S*, RSEL, CSEL, PWRDN, RESET, SYNC, SCLKOUT,TDATA are Hi-Z .This configuration allows the control of these signals by the customized system. The AD1555 and AD1556 clock are still generated by the EVAL-AD1555/56EB.Integrated Circuits U1FPGA EPM7128ELC84-15.U2AD1556AS.U3AD1555AP.U4reference AD780AN.U5Oscillator 8.192MHz.U6Buffer 74HC245.U7Invertor 74HC04.U8,U9Optocoupler HCPL2630.CapacitorsC1-C6,C8-C9,C11-C12,C14-C16,C22-C24,C27,C29-C31,C33,C34100nF Ceramic Capacitors.C7,C10,C13,C17-C18,C21,C25,C26,C2810␮F Tantalum Capacitors.C2022␮F Tantalum Capacitor 6.3v.TABLE III. Component List.Resistors R6,R10-R1547.5K ⍀ Resistor.R1-R513K ⍀ Resistor.R8,R94.7K ⍀ Resistor.R17,R21,R222K ⍀ Resistor.R18-R20402⍀ Resistor.R1610⍀ Resistor.Sockets P250pin Male ribbon cable connector.P125pin DB-25 connector.JP2 2 Position Male jumper strip.PB1SMT push-button.SW1,JP1Slide Switch.SMB1-SMB5SMB Connector.元器件交易网PRELIMINARY TECHNICAL DATA–4–REV. PrDEVAL-AD1555/AD1556Step 2 Configuration menu : Selects Configuration, Signal input, PGA gain setting, AD1556 filter selection, power controls, interface settings.Display window : displays either Time domain or Frequency domain or Histogram and/or performance values such as dynamic range, equivalent input noise level, THD and DC offset.Step 3 Sampling menu : after the desired samples number is selected, SAMPLE launches a sampling sequence. When complete, "Successful" will appear in the status window. If not, verify the configuration and the hardware setup. When the configuration or sampling menu is modified, a sampling sequence should be done again. F2 is the key command for "sample". "Continuous" allows continuous running sampling and computing (F4 is the key command key for "continu-ous"). "Average" allows the averaging between successive sampling.Step 4 Computation menu : COMPUTE launches the specified computation data process before display, allowing windowing, software filtering or measurements computation if desired. Compute sequence should be done again after changes into computation, sampling, configuration menus.F3 is the key command for "compute".Step 5 Display menu : selects Time/Frequency domain or histogram, controls display parameters ( scales, zoom,cursor...), and controls outputs ( save to file or print ).Figure 1. Software main screen.Step 1 Start execution: click on the double-arrows icon to start execution.元器件交易网PRELIMINARY TECHNICAL DATAREV. PrD –5–EVAL-AD1555/AD1556Figure 2. Frequency domain screen with measurements.Measurement enable : This button enables the measure-ments computation when on. 50 Hz or 60 Hz rejection filter can be used before noise computation. The number of harmonics uses in the THD computation is selectable.Measurements display : This window displays the measure-ments. When a signal approximately at least 10 times higher than the noise floor is detected, the THD is measuredotherwise, the dynamic range and equivalent input noise aredisplayed.元器件交易网PRELIMINARY TECHNICAL DATA–6–REV. PrDEVAL-AD1555/AD1556Figure 3. Time domain screen with AD1556 Status register content.Status enable : This button enables the AD1556 Statusregister reading. This feature is only available in time domain.Status Register display : This window displays each bit of the AD1556 status register. The displayed value is the status register value corresponding to the data value marked withthe cursor in the time domain display.元器件交易网PRELIMINARY TECHNICAL DATA元器件交易网 PRELIMINARY TECHNICAL DATAEVAL-AD1555/AD1556Figure 4. Schematics.REV. PrD–7–REV. PrDEVAL-AD1555/AD1556元器件交易网PRELIMINARY TECHNICAL DATA元器件交易网 PRELIMINARY TECHNICAL DATAEVAL-AD1555/AD1556。

第3章 OptiX 155622H单板介绍(OptiX 155622H高级培训手册 共8章)

第3章 OptiX 155622H单板介绍(OptiX 155622H高级培训手册 共8章)

OptiX 155/622H 高级培训手册目录目录第1章OptiX 155/622H单板介绍 (1)1.1 SCB板 (1)1.1.1 SCB板上的ID开关 (1)1.1.2 SCB板上的外部时钟源时钟跳线 (1)1.2 SP1板 (5)1.2.1 SP1板的2M 75Ω非平衡电接口跳线 (5)1.2.2 SP1板的2M 120Ω平衡电接口跳线 (6)1.2.3支路板2M信号线引出和连接电缆接口 (8)1.3 SM1板 (9)1.4 PD2 (10)1.5 OI2 (10)1.6 OI4 (12)第1章 OptiX 155/622H单板介绍1.1 SCB板1.1.1 SCB板上的ID开关如图3-1所示,A为2组2位拨码开关(S5,S3),组成IP的第三字节的后四位。


AB接手条方向图1-1网元ID拨码开关示意图1.1.2 SCB板上的外部时钟源时钟跳线SS42SCB板上的跳线主要在时钟单元部分,位于单板的左下角(从拉手条方向看),具体说明如下:外同步时钟源选择跳线位置如图3-2所示。

拉手条图1-2 SCB 板时钟单元跳线组1. IN Ⅰ外时钟输入跳线选择IN Ⅰ外时钟输入的跳线是JP1、JP13、JP36。

当IN Ⅰ需要输入2MHz 时:JP13的1、2短接,JP1短接,JP36的1、2短接,如图3-3所示。

JP36123123JP1JP13图1-3 IN Ⅰ输入为2MHz 时的跳线当IN Ⅰ需要输入2Mbit/s 时:JP13的2、3短接,JP1不短接,JP36的2、3短接,如图3-4所示。

JP36123123JP1JP13图1-4 IN Ⅰ输入为2Mbit/s 时的跳线2. 外时钟输入IN Ⅱ选择IN Ⅱ外时钟输入的跳线是JP12、JP16、JP35。

当IN Ⅱ需要输入2MHz 时: JP16的1、2短接,JP12短接,JP35的1、2短接,如图3-5所示。

【中文翻译】ASTM C1556-03

【中文翻译】ASTM C1556-03

ASTM C1556-03使用容积扩散法测定胶结混合剂表观氯化物扩散系数的试验方法1本标准发布在固定标识号C1556下;紧接着标识号后面的数字表示的最初收录的年份或在修订的情况下,最后一次修订的年份。



1.范围1.1 本测试方法涵盖了实验室测定胶结混合剂表观氯化物扩散系数。

1.2 SI规定的值被视为标准。

1.3 这个标准并不解决所有的主旨安全问题,如果有的话,与其使用相关。


2.参考文献2.1 美国材料试验协会标准C 31/C 31M Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field2C 42/C 42M Test Method for Obtaining and Testing Drilled Cores and Sawed Beams of Concrete2C 125 Terminology Relating to Concrete and Concrete Aggregates2C 192/C 192M Practice for Making and Curing Concrete in the Laboratory2C 670 Practice for Preparing Precision and Bias Statements for Test Methods for Construction Materials2C 1152/C 1152M Test Method for Acid-Soluble Chloride in Mortar and Concrete2C 1202 Test Method for Electrical Indication of Concrete’s Ability to Resist Chloride-ion Penetration22.1 北欧测试合作组织标准NT BUILD 443, Approved 1995-11, Concrete, Hardened:Accelerated Chloride Penetration (in1这种测试方法是在ASTM委员会C09关于混凝土和混凝土集料课题管辖下的,是小组委员会C09.66关于混凝土抵抗液体渗透课题直接责任的。



im155-6pn使用说明书SIMATIC IM155-6PN 接口模块;基本型,带 PROFINET 接口•最多 12 个 I/O 模块,无 PROFIsafe 模块,具有全面诊断支持功能•对于每个模块和每个站的输入和输出数据,每种情况下最多为 32 字节•时间更新时间:典型值 1 ms•通过 2 个集成式 RJ45 接口进行 PROFINET 连接(集成式 2 端口交换机)•包括服务模块的套件SIMATIC IM 155-6PN 标准型,配有用于连接 SIMATIC 总线适配器的 PROFINET 接口•最多 32 个 I/O 模块,还提供有具有全面诊断功能的 PROFIsafe 模块•可通过 ET 200AL 系列中的最多 16 个模块、使用 BU-Send 基本单元和 BA-Send 总线适配器进行扩展•对于每个模块的输入和输出数据,每种情况下最多为 256 字节;对于每个站,最多 512 字节(取决于配置)•时间更新时间:典型值 1 ms•通过 SIMATIC 总线适配器选择 PROFINET 的连接类型(仅限于铜缆总线适配器)•两种类型的交付:o作为带有 IM155-6PN ST 的套件,配有预组装式总线适配器 BA 2xRJ45,包括服务模块o作为带有总线适配器的 IM155-6PN ST 套件,包括服务模块SIMATIC IM 155-6PN 高性能型,配有用于连接 SIMATIC 总线适配器的 PROFINET 接口•最多 64 个 I/O 模块,还提供有具有全面诊断功能的 PROFIsafe 模块•可通过 ET 200AL 系列中的最多 16 个模块、使用 BU-Send 基本单元和 BA-Send 总线适配器进行扩展•对于每个模块的输入和输出数据,每种情况下最多为 288 字节;对于每个站,最多 1440 字节(取决于配置)•快速数据刷新时间:250 µs 等时同步模式•S2 系统冗余•通过 SIMATIC 总线适配器选择 PROFINET 的连接类型和物理连接。















欧博M100SE(推挽机,可调栅负压,俄罗斯Sovtek EL34)试过多种功率管,有曙光EL34A,EL34B,KT66,KT88,KT88-98,6550,6550A-98,结果我感觉:EL34A,KT88力度不足,低频松散。





TP1561 TP1562 TP1564系列3PEAK微功耗运算放大器

TP1561 TP1562 TP1564系列3PEAK微功耗运算放大器


它们结合了3PEAK的专有和专利设计技术,以6MHz的带宽,4.5V /μs的压摆率和低失真实现了非常好的交流性能。


输入共模电压范围超出V–和V +超过300mV,输出摆幅为轨到轨。




在输入和输出处实现轨到轨摆幅的能力使设计人员能够在单电源系统中缓冲CMOS DAC,ASIC或其他宽输出摆幅器件。

特点:●电源电压:2.5V至6.0V●低电源电流:每通道典型值为600μA●轨到轨输入和输出●带宽:典型的6 MHz●摆率:典型4.5V /μs●优异的EMI抑制性能●失调电压:最大±3mV●失调电压温度漂移:典型值1μV/°C●低噪声:1kHz时典型值为19 nV /√Hz●高输出能力:典型值100mA●–40°C至125°C的工作温度范围●绿色流行型包装应用:白色商品电机控制Pin ConfigurationTable of ContentsFeatures (1)Applications (1)Description (1)Pin Configuration (1)Table of Contents (2)Revision History (3)Order Information (3)Absolute Maximum Ratings Note1 (4)ESD Rating (4)Thermal Information (4)Electrical Characteristics (5)Typical Performance Characteristics (7)Application Information (10)Low Supply Voltage and Low Power Consumption (10)Ground Sensing and Rail to Rail Output (10)Driving Large Capacitive Load (10)Tape and Reel Information (11)Package Outline Dimensions (12)SC70-5 (12)SOT23-5 (13)SOIC-8 (13)TSSOP-8 (14)MSOP-8 (14)DFN-8 2*2 (15)SOIC-14 (16)TSSOP-14 (16)Revision HistoryDate Revision Notes2017/3/1 Rev.Pre Pre-Release Version2017/7/5 Rev.0 Release Version, confirm spec limit2017/10/28 Rev.0.01 TP1564AL1-TR sample is ready. TP1562AL1-VR(MSL1) sample is ready.Correct the max of Common-mode Input Voltage Range in Electrical Characteristics from (V+) -0.1 to (V+) + 0.1.Correct Operating Temperature Range in Maximum Ratings from –45 to 125°C to –40 to 125°C. 2017/12/26 Rev.0.02 Correct mark information of TP1562AL1-VR: XXXX change to XXXXL2018/5/30 Rev.0.03 Update ESD condition to JS001/0022018/8/30 Rev.A Update full temperature spec, update Vos spec at 5V Vcm2019/2/25 Rev.A01 Add New Part: TP1561AUL1-CR, TP1562AL1-FRAdd Spec: Ib: min and max at 25°C and 125°C; open loop SR: min at 25°C, 85°C and 125°CUpdate Package Outline Dimensions to newest factory data.Order InformationOrder Number Operating TemperatureRangePackage Marking Information MSLTransport Media,QuantityTP1561AL1-TR -40 to 125°C 5-Pin SOT23 61LXX Note 2 1 Tape and Reel, 3000 TP1561AL1-CR Note 1 -40 to 125°C 5-Pin SC70 61LXX Note 2 1 Tape and Reel, 3000 TP1561AUL1-CR -40 to 125°C 5-Pin SC70 61UXX Note 2 1 Tape and Reel, 3000TP1562AL1-SR -40 to 125°C 8-Pin SOIC 1562AXXXXL Note 31 Tape and Reel, 4000TP1562AL1-TSR -40 to 125°C 8-Pin TSSOP 1562AXXXXL Note 31 Tape and Reel, 3000TP1562AL1-VR -40 to 125°C 8-Pin MSOP 1562AXXXXL Note 31 Tape and Reel, 3000TP1562AL1-FR -40 to 125°C 8-Pin DFN 2*2 562 Note 1XXXXL Note 11 Tape and Reel, 3000TP1564AL1-SR -40 to 125°C 14-Pin SOIC 1564AXXXXL Note 31 Tape and Reel, 2500TP1564AL1-TR -40 to 125°C 14-Pin TSSOP 1564AXXXXL Note 31 Tape and Reel, 3000Note 1: The sample will be ready in 1 month.Note 2: XX is the date code.Note 3: XXXX is date code, L is the symbol of L1 product.Absolute Maximum Ratings Note1Parameters RatingSupply Voltage, (+V S)– (-V S) 7 VInput Voltage (-V S) – 0.3 to (+V S) + 0.3Differential Input Voltage ±7VInput Current: +IN, –IN Note 2 ±10mAOutput Short-Circuit Duration Note 3 InfiniteMaximum Junction Temperature 150°COperating Temperature Range –40 to 125°CStorage Temperature Range –65 to 150°CLead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec) 260°C注1:超出绝对最大额定值列出的压力可能会导致设备永久损坏。



第二章带式输送机机电设备参数第一节B11胶带机一、机械部分1.3联轴器1.4.1 AACM散热器(1#--5#)1.5制动闸(1#--5#)1.5.1制动闸机械机构(1#--5#)1.5.2制动器(1#--5#)1.6减速机1.6.4减速机散热器电机(1#--5#)1.6.4减速机循环油泵电机(1#--5#)1.6.5减速机循环油泵 (1#--5#)1、7胶带机托辊1.9 清扫器2.0液压张紧站2.0.4液压拉紧控制箱二、电气部分技术参数1、高压部分1.4高压电机出线柜2、变压器2.1主变压器3、低压部分3. 7 照明电源箱3. 8 加热器电源箱第二节B12胶带机一、机械部分1.3联轴器1.4.1 AACM散热器(1#--2#)1.4.2 AACM换热器电机(1#--2#)1.5制动闸(1#--2#)1.5.1制动闸机械机构(1#--2#)1.5.2制动闸器(1#--5#)1.6减速机1.6.1减速机(1#、2#)(左右侧型号未标注重新核对分别标注)1.6.2减速机散热器(1#--2#)1.6.3减速机散热器电机(1#--2#)1.6.5减速机循环油泵 (1#--2#)1、7胶带机托辊1、8滚筒1.9 清扫器2.0液压张紧站2.0.1输送机液压拉紧2.0.3液压拉紧控制箱二、电气部分技术参数1、高压部分1.1高压进线柜联络柜1.5高压电机出线柜21.6高压电机出线柜32.1主变压器3.2.1#低压出线柜3.32#低压出线柜3.4 AACM柜(2驱)第二节B13胶带机一、机械部分1.3联轴器1.4.1 AACM散热器(1#--3#)1.4.2 AACM换热器电机(1#--3#)1.5制动闸(1#--3#)1.5.1制动闸机械机构(1#--3#)1.5.2制动闸器(1#--3#)1.6减速机1.6.1减速机(1#、3#)(左右侧型号未标注重新核对分别标注)1.6.2减速机散热器(1#--3#)1.6.3减速机散热器电机(1#--3#)1.6.5减速机循环油泵 (1#--3#)1、7胶带机托辊1、8滚筒1.9 清扫器二、电气部分技术参数1、高压部分1.3联络柜1.4高压电机出线柜12、变压器2.1主变压器3.1 低压进线柜3.4 AACM柜。



Description BLUESIL™ RTV 1556 is a two component, high strength, addition cure, room temperature or heat vulcanized silicone rubber compound. Designed specifically for moldmaking applications, it offerslow viscosity, high tear cut resistance, and easy release for long lasting molds. BLUESIL™ RTV1556 has high temperature and chemical resistance with excellent flexibility, low shrinkage, andexcellent detail reproduction which makes it well suited for production and prototyping use with alltypes of casting resins.Applications • Conventional production and prototype molds • Giftware, furniture, and artistic molding• Finished rubber parts • Electronic encapsulation• Stereolithography (SLA) molds • Epoxy laminate molding• Picture frames, mirrors, and furniture moldingTypical PropertiesPlease note: The typical properties listed in this data sheet are not intended for use in preparing specifications for any particular application of BLUESIL™ silicone materials. Please contact our Technical Service Department for assistance in writing specificationsMixing Guidelines1. Stir the base (Part A) well before use (except when machine dispensing).2. Shake the curing agent container (Part B) well before use.3. Weigh the desired amount of base into a clean mixing container. Tip the container and rollthe base all the way around the side wall up to two inches from the top. This will prevent the curing agent from being absorbed into the container. Do not fill the container more than 1/3 full to allow sufficient room for expansion during the deaeration procedure.4. Weigh the proper amount of curing agent into the container.5. Mix the base and curing agent together by stirring with a stiff, flat ended metal spatula until auniform color is obtained. Scrape the container walls and bottom to assure a thorough mix.If mechanical mixer is used, do not exceed 150 rpm.6. Place the container into a vacuum chamber and evacuate the entrapped air from the mixtureusing a vacuum pump capable of achieving 29 inches of vacuum. The mixture will rise, crest and then collapse in the container. Interruption (bumping) of the vacuum may be necessary to prevent overflowing the container. Keep the mixture under a full vacuum for 5-10 minutes after the material has receded in the container.7. Bleed air slowly into the vacuum chamber. When the chamber is at atmospheric equilibrium,remove the cover plate and take out the container.8. Pour the deaired material slowly in a steady stream from one end of the mold box so thatthe material flows evenly over the pattern. This will minimize the entrapment of air bubbles under the flowing rubber. A "print" coat may be poured first over the pattern, which will also reduce the possibility of entrapping air in the cured rubber. A mold release (petroleum jelly) may be applied on the pattern first to improve release if desired.9. CURING:A. ROOM TEMPERATURE CURING SYSTEMS: Allow the rubber to cure for 16-24 hours at75°F (24°C) before removing the cured rubber from the pattern. For best results, allowthe mold to air cure an additional 24 hours after the initial overnight cure before puttingmold into production. Room temperature curing assures the lowest possible shrinkage. Ifcure acceleration is desired, mild heat may be employed. To minimize shrinkage, curerubber at 100-130°F (38-54°C) for 4-6 hours. Higher temperatures may cause excessiveshrinkage to occur.B. HEAT CURING SYSTEMS: Bluestar Silicones heat-curing systems are primarily used forroll and transfer print pad applications where long work life and pot life are needed.CURE SCHEDULE: Time required to develop cured properties; 3 days at 24°C (75°F30 minutes at 100°C (212°F); 2 hours at 65°C (150°F); 15 minutes at 150°C (300°F)10. For bonding to wood or metals, use BLUESIL™ V-04 primer. Follow recommendations onthe BLUESIL™ V-04 primer technical data sheet for best results.Mixed Processing Properties will be affected by temperature Variations • A decrease in work life and pot life may be expected to occur at temperatures exceeding 75°F (24°C). Room temperature curing moldmaking rubbers are particularly sensitive to highertemperatures. Refrigeration of the base (Part A) prior to use in hot environments has shown to improve the handling properties of these materials.• Lower temperatures will increase the work life and pot life of this material. Cure temperatures below 68°F (20°C) are not recommended, and have been found to cause a reduction in finalcure hardness and physical properties.• This system contains a platinum catalyst, which may be inhibited by materials found in some organic polymer systems, chlorinated solvents, and some substrates. Especially troublesome materials are: amine cured epoxies, sulfur cured organic rubber systems such as naturalrubber, polysulfide rubber, latex rubber and adhesives, sulfur containing modeling clays, PVC coated surfaces, and tin catalyzed silicone RTV rubbers. A patch test to determine compatibility is recommended when doubt exists.Storage and shelf life When stored in its original unopened packaging, at a temperature of 24°C (75°F),BLUESIL ™ V 1556 may be stored for 18 months from the date of manufacture. Beyond this date, Bluestar Silicones no longer guarantees that the product meets the sales specifications. Safety Please consult the Safety Data Sheet. The curing agent for this material can generate a flammable gas upon contact with acidic, basic, or oxidizing materials. Precautions to avoidcontact of this curing agent with these materials should be exercised. To obtain a material safety data sheet for this product contact Bluestar Silicones at 866-474-6342.BLUESIL ™ RTV 1556 is available in 20 kg and 200 kg containers.PackagingBLUESIL ™ is a Trademark of Bluestar SiliconesEUROPEBluestar Silicones France21 Avenue Georges Pompidou F69486 Lyon Cedex 03 FRANCETel. (33) 4 72 13 19 00 Fax (33) 4 72 13 19 88NORTH AMERICABluestar Silicones USATwo Tower Center Boulevard Suite 1601East Brunswick, NJ 08816-1100 United StatesTel. (1) 732 227 2060 Fax (1) 732 249 7000LATIN AMERICABluestar Silicones Brazil Ltda. Av. Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco G -1º Andar05804-902 - São Paulo - SP - BrazilASIA PACIFICBluestar Silicones Hong Kong Trading Co. Ltd. 29thFloor, 88 Hing Fat Street Tel. (55) 11 3747 7887 Fax (55) 11 3741 7718 Causeway Bay Hong KongTel. (852) 3106 8200 Fax (852) 2979 0241Warning to usersThe information contained in this document is given in good faith based on our current knowledge. It is only an indication and is in no way binding, particularly as regards to infringement of or prejudice to third party rights through the use of our products. BLUESTAR SILICONES warrants that its products comply with its sales specifications. This information must not be used as a substitute for necessary prior tests, which ensure that a product is suitable for a given use. Determination of the suitability of product for the uses and applications contemplated by user and others shall be the sole responsibility of user. Users are responsible for ensuringcompliance with local legislation and for obtaining necessary certifications and authorizations. Users are requested to ensure that they are in possession of the latest version of this document; please contact BLUESTAR SILICONES for the latest version and any additional information.。

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Photo Modules for PCM Remote Control Systems Available types for different carrier frequencies
The TSOP15.. – series are miniaturized receivers for
infrared remote control systems. PIN diode and
preamplifier are assembled on lead frame, the epoxy
package is designed as IR filter.
The demodulated output signal can directly be
decoded by a microprocessor. The main benefit is the
reliable function even in disturbed ambient and the
protection against uncontrolled output pulses.
Max Unit 1.5mA
mA 5.5V
Suitable Data Format
The circuit of the TSOP15.. is designed in that way that unexpected output pulses due to noise or disturbance signals are avoided. A bandpassfilter, an integrator stage and an automatic gain control are used to suppress such disturbances.
The distinguishing mark between data signal and disturbance signal are carrier frequency, burst length and duty cycle.
The data signal should fullfill the following condition:
•Carrier frequency should be close to center frequency of the bandpass (e.g. 38kHz).
•Burst length should be 10 cycles/burst or longer.•After each burst which is between 10 cycles and 70 cycles a gap time of at least 14 cycles is neccessary.
•For each burst which is longer than 1.8ms a corresponding gap time is necessary at some time in the data stream. This gap time should be at least 4 times longer than the burst.
/m ) Figure 4. Sensitivity vs. Electric Field Disturbances
1 kHz
E e
V O V OH V OL Optical Test Signal (IR diode TSAL6200, I Output Signal
t d1)
E e
Optical Test Signal
Document Number 82029
f x
f y–30
d rel – Relativ
e Transmission Distance 0.6
94 8152
–40Figure 13. Vertical Directivity ϕy 94 8153–30
d rel – Relativ
e Transmission Distance
Figure 14. Horizontal Directivity ϕx
Dimensions in mm
96 12116
Ozone Depleting Substances Policy Statement
It is the policy of
1.Meet all present and future national and international statutory requirements.
2.Regularly and continuously improve the performance of our products, processes, distribution and operating
systems with respect to their impact on the health and safety of our employees and the public, as well as their impact on the environment.
It is particular concern to control or eliminate releases of those substances into the atmosphere which are known as ozone depleting substances (ODSs).
The Montreal Protocol (1987) and its London Amendments (1990) intend to severely restrict the use of ODSs and forbid their use within the next ten years. Various national and international initiatives are pressing for an earlier ban on these substances.
Vishay Semiconductor GmbH
ODSs listed in the following documents.
1.Annex A, B and list of transitional substances of the Montreal Protocol and the London Amendments respectively
2.Class I and II ozone depleting substances in the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 by the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) in the USA。
