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第33卷第2期 2012年3月

展布,圈闭界限明显,储集体发育毫米级一微米级孔喉系统,浮力成藏。非常规油气聚集包括致密砂岩油和气、致密碳酸盐岩油和 气、页岩油和气等,一般源储共生,大面积连续或准连续分布于盆地斜坡或中心,圈闭界限不明显,页岩系统储集体广泛发育纳米级
孔喉,浮力作用受限,油气以原位滞留或短距离运移为主。以中国重点盆地致密油和致密气为例,系统分析了其地质特征与勘探潜 力。非常规油气储集空间主体为纳米级孔喉系统,局部发育微米一毫米级孔隙,其中页岩气储层孔径为5~200 nm,致密灰岩油储


a short distance into reservoirs that are close tO source rocks because buoyancy is limited.The present paper systematically analyzed geo— logical characteristics and exploration potential of tight hydrocarbons in some typical basins of China,where pores in nanometer scale with partial micrometer-millimeter pores dominate the reservoir space of unconventional hydrocarbons,the diameter of reservoir pores is 5~200 nm in gas shale.40~500 nm in tight oil limestone。50~900 nm in tight oil sandstone and 40 700 nm in tight gas sand.In terms of the rapid development of globe petroleum industry and nano—technology,3 concept of nano—hydrocarbons is proposed in this pa— per that indicates that“nano—hydrocarbon”is the development direction of oil and gas industry in the future-urgently requiring develo— ping vicarious technologies,such as nano—hydrocarbon perspective viewing mirror,nano—hydrocarbon displacement agent and nano hy drocarbon exploitation robots.Petroleum intellectualization times will come in following. Key words:conventional hydrocarbon;unconventional hydrocarbon;shale play;nano—hydrocarbon;tight oil;tight sand gas;shale
PetroChina,Xi’an 710021,China;4.Southwest Oil&Gas Company,PetroChina,Chengdu 610051,China)
Abstract:It is an inevitable trend for oil and gas industry to transform exploration&development domain from conventional hydrocarbon accumulations to unconventional hydrocarbon ones,which are obviously different in types,geological features and genesis. Conventional petroleum focuses on accumulation mechanism,and the key answer is whether the trap contains petroleum,otherwise,unconventional petroleum focuses on the reservoir space。and the key answer is how much the reservoirs capture petroleum. Unconventional hydrocar— bon resources are mainly characterized by continuous distribution and no natural oil and gas production from per well.Currently,uncon— ventional problems occur in the exploration and development of conventional hydrocarbon resources,thus it is necessary to transform un— conventional hydrocarbon resources into new“conventional”hydrocarbon resources.With technology development。unconventional hy— drocarbons can be transformed into conventional ones.Generally,conventional hydrocarbon deposits consist of structural and 1itho—stra— tigraphic hydrocarbon reservoirs,where oil and gas are distributed in an isolated structure or a larger structure group with clear trap boundaries and pore-throat systems in millimeter-micrometer scale.Oil and gas in this case accumulate by buoyancy tO form hydrocarbon pools.However,unconventional hydrocarbon accumulations,including tight sandstone oil and gas,tight carbonate oil and gas,shale oil and gas,coal—bed methane,oil shale,oil sand,hydrate,etc.,are distributed continuously or quasi-continuously in basin's slopes or centers.Commonly,they are characterized by source-reservoir paragenesis and have no distinct trap boundaries.Pore-throat systems in nanometer scale are well—developed in unconventional reservoir rocks,and related hydrocarbons are mainly detained in situ or migrate for
Vol-33 Mar.
NO.2 2()12
邹才能h2 朱如凯1’2 吴松涛1’2 杨 智1 陶士振1 袁选俊1 侯连华1 杨 华3 徐春春4 李登华1 白 斌1’2 王 岚1
gas;shale oil;continuous oil—and—gas accumulation
伴随世界油气需求的持续增长与常规油气产量的 不断下降,具有较大资源潜力的非常规油气逐渐成为 新的领域,受到各个国家和石油公司的高度重视,并引 起石油地质学理论的创新。从背斜理论[1‘3]、圈闭理 论[4。5]、油气生成与运移理论[6。9]、含油气系统理论[6。13] 到具有中国特色的陆相生油理论[14。1 5I、源控论[16。1 7|、 复式油气聚集带理论[18{o]、煤成气与天然气成藏理 论[-21-233和岩性一地层油气藏与大面积成藏理论[24’2 6I,传 统的石油地质研究强调从烃源岩到圈闭的油气运移, 寻找有效的聚油圈闭是油气勘探的核心;非常规油气 系统[27-283和大面积连续型油气聚集理论[29。341的提出, 淡化了圈闭成藏概念,强调原位滞留或短距离运移的 页岩系统源储共生型油气聚集,寻找有效储集体成为 油气勘探的核心。勘探理念的转变推动了非常规油气 的一系列重要突破,储量和产量快速增长,在全球能源 供应中的地位日益凸显。2008年全球非常规石油资 源规模达4 495×108t,与常规石油资源基本相当,非常 规石油产量快速上升,以美国致密油为例,2011年产量 达3000×104t,预计到2020年产量达1.5×108t;全球非 常规天然气资源规模达3 921×1012 m3,是常规天然气资 源的8倍,非常规天然气产量快速上升,已占到天然气 产量的18%E3 4。。2010年,中国非常规油气探明储量已 占新增探明储量的75%,成为储量增长的主体。
Types,characteristics,genesis and prospects of conventional and unconventional hydrocarbon accumulations:taking ta as an instance
面明显不同。常规油气研究的灵魂是成藏,目标是回答圈闭是否有油气;非常规油气研究的灵魂是储层,目标是回答储集有多少油 气。非常规油气主要表现在连续分布、无自然工业产量。目前,常规油气面临非常规的问题,非常规需要发展成新的“常规”。伴随
(1.中国石油勘探开发研究院北京100083; 2.提高石油采收率国家重点实验室北京 100083 3.中国石油长庆油田公司 陕西西安 710021 4.中国石油西南油气田公司 四川成都610051)
ZOU Cainen91'2 ZHU Rukail’2 WU Songta01·2 YANG Zhil TAO Shizhenl
HOU Lianhual YANG Hua3 XU Chunchun4 LI Denghual BAI Binl·2
YUAN Xuanj un WANG Lanl
(1.Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration&Development,PetroChina,Beij ing 1 00083,China; 2.State Key Laboratory of Enhanced Oil Recovery,Beijing 100083,China;3.Changqing Oilfield Company,
层孔径为40~500 nm,致密砂岩油储层孔径为50~900am,致密砂岩气储层孔径为40~700 nm。针对全球石油工业和纳米等技术
基金项目:国家重大科技专项“岩性地层油气藏成藏规律、关键技术及目标评价”(2011ZX05001)资助。 第一作者及通讯作者:邹才能.男,1963年9月生,1987年毕业于西南石油学院,现任中国石油勘探开发研究院副院长兼总地质师、博士生导师、李四