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II. What is style?
style as rhetoric — Gorgias(风格即 修辞);
style as form — Aristotle(风格即形 式);
style as eloquence — Cicero (风格即 雄辩术);
proper words in proper places —
Langue(语言)(Longman Dictionary P382)
The French word for “language”. The
term was used by the linguist Saussure

to mean the system of a language, that is the arrangement of sounds and
interpretation of the text; or in order to
relate literary effects to linguistic
‘causes’ where these are felt to be
relevant…. Stylisticians want to avoid
situationally-distinctive uses of
language, with particular reference to
literary language, and tries to establish
principles capable of accounting for the
saying the right thing in the most effective way — Enkvist(以最有效 的方式讲恰当的事情) ;
II. What is style?
style as deviation — Spitzer (对于常规的 变异);
style as transformation — Ohmann(语 言结构的转换);
style as personal idiosyncrasy — Murry
2021/7/2(6 个人表达上的特点) ;
II. What is style?
style as technique of exposition — Murry (解说技巧) ;
style as the highest achievement of literature — Murry(文学的最高成 就) ;
typical of a writer or speaker (LONGMAN
III. What is stylistics?
(1) A branch of linguistics which
studies the characteristics of
style as foregrounding — Mukarovsky
II. What is style?
*An instrument made of metal, bone, etc., having one end sharp-pointed for incising letters on a wax tablet, and the other flat and broad for smoothing the tablet and erasing what is written: = stylus (The oxford English Dictionary, New Edition,1991)
Some key aspects of stylistics are *the use of linguistics (the study of language) to
approach literary texts **the discussion of texts according to objective criteria
Common cores of “stylistics”
Stylistics is concerned with the idea of ‘style’, with the analysis of literary texts, and the use of linguistics. ‘Style’ is usually understood within this area of study as the selection of certain linguistic forms or features over other possible ones.
linguistics are felt to be relevant.
(Wales, 1989: A Dictionary of Stylistics) 12
III. What is stylistics?
(3) A branch of linguistics which applies the theory and methodology of modern linguistics to the study of style. It studies the use of language in specific contexts and attempts to account for the characteristics that mark the language use of individuals and social groups.
vague and impressionistic judgments
about the way that formal features are
manipulated. As a result, stylistics
draws on the models and terminology
provided by whatever aspects of
II. What is style?
Le style, c’est l’homme meme — Buffon(文如其人) ;
Le style, C’est ajouter a une pensee donnee toutes les circonstances propre a produire tout l’effect que produire cette pensee. — Stendhal (赋予既定思想并适合产生出它应有效 果的全部形式) ;
style as meaning potential — Halliday (风格即意义潜势);
style as expressiveness — Ullman(认知 意义的表达)。
Language is the dress of thought. — Samuel 2021/7/26 Johnson (语言就是思想的外衣)6
**A) A general manner of doing something which
is typical or representative of a person or group,
a time in history, etc. B) The particular choice of
words or manner of expression used by or
particular choices made by individuals
and social groups in their use of
language 2021/7/26
(The Fontana Dictionary of Modern Thought, 19170 7,
2nd edn 1988)
rather than according purely to subjective and impressionistic values ***emphasis on the aesthetic properties of language 2(02f1o/7/r26example, the way rhyme can give pleasure) 14
II. What is style?
style as a shell surrounding a pre-
existing core of thought or expression — Enkvist(环绕已存在的 思想感情或感情内核的外壳) ;
style as the choice between alternative expressions — Enkvist(在不同表达方 式中的选择) ;
III. The Needs for Stylistics:
(i) Style is an integral part of meaning.
(ii) Stylistics may help us to acquire a “sense of style”
(iii) Stylistics prepares the way to the intrinsic study of literature.
style as a set of collective
characteristics — Enkvist (集合特点的
综合) ; 2021/7/26
II. What is style?
style as those relations among linguistic
entities that are statable in terms of wider
The First Step to Stylistics
I. Key words: Style(文体); stylistics(文体学) Variety of English (语体) Langue (语言) Parole(言语) Text (篇章) Discourse(/语篇/话语) Context(语境); register(语域) Occasion(场合) A2p02p1/7r/2o6 priacy / Appropriateness得体(性) 2
III. What is Stylistics?
(2) The study of style;…just as style can be viewed in several ways, so there are several different stylistic approaches. This variety in stylistics is due to the main influences of linguistics and literary criticism. By far the most common kind of material studied is literary; and attention is largely text-centered….The goal of most stylistics is not simply to describe the formal features of texts for their own sake, but in order to show 2021/7/26 their functional significance for the 11
spans of text than the sentence — Enkvist(超出句子以外的语言单位之间的 关系) ;
style as equivalence — Jakobson and Levi Strauss(结构的对等);
style as function — The Prague School approach(风格即功能);