1. 学术引擎:如Google学术、PubMed、Microsoft Academic等。
2. 文献数据库:如Web of Science、Scopus、IEEE Xplore、ScienceDirect等。
b. 高级检索实例——输入检索词
限制检索结果 的形式为全文
点击 search
限制检索结 限制检索结 果的时间为 果的来源为 过去3个月内 学术期刊
限制检索 词出现在 题名字段
选择所检索 的数据库
b. 高级检索实例——检索结果显示
文献数据库 :存贮在计算机中的相互关联的文献
信息集合。即各种机读的文摘、索引、书目和文献全 文,如OCLC、EBSCO、ABI等。
事实数据库 :指存贮的数据是某种事实、知识的
数值数据库 :存贮在计算机中的相互关联的数值
数据或数值化了的数据集合, 如中国统计年鉴等。
主要内容 一、外文数据库资源概述 二、外文数据库检索 三、重点外文数据库介绍
1.外文数据库检索途径 2.外文数据库检索策略 3.外文数据库检索步骤
关键词 主题 出版物 索引
图片 词典 公司名录检索 参考文献
1、外文数据库及特点 2、外文数据库类型 3、我馆外文数据库介绍
ProQuest公司数据库: EBSCO:
– ABI/INFORM Global – Social Science Plus – PQDD – Academic Research
人大图书馆收有其系列数据库中的5种: (1)ABI/INFORM Global
收录有关商业、银行、计算机、经济、 环境、保险、法律、管理、市场、电信等领 域的2,600多种商业期刊,可浏览相关内容 的题录及全文。同时提供60000多个公司的相 关信息。
2009 年本馆申报《技术创新方法(TRIZ)培训推广的研究》,获内蒙古科技厅重点软科 学立项支持,合同资助二十万元。
本馆承担着全校学生信息素质教育与创新素质教育的教学任务,开设《网络资源与信息 检检索索》》课和教《学创研造究学改》、革《与发实明践创由新于设成计绩于显实著践,》获三得门2公00共5 选年修度课内程蒙。古其自中治,区《教网学络成资果源二与等信奖息, 并网从上演20示06教级学本相科结生合开、网始上被阅学读校讲定义为与公网共上必提修交课批。改该作课业程相开结创合了、内开科放大式“教课学堂与多研媒究体型教教学学与、 个内性科化大教赢学得了相广结合泛”的的好新评型和教荣学誉模。《式创。造为学高》校基公础共理课论开研设究类论似文课,程分提别供获了中成国功创的造范学例会,也200为6 “创优新设秀创计造 于实成果 践奖》课”、学20生08,“共优申秀报创实造用成新果型二专等利奖与”。外2观00设9计年专5利月以7 项来,,《已创授造权学3》项和。《发明
本馆以收集工科文献为主要特色,兼收管理、文学、理学、法学等各科文献。其中,纸 本文献 94 万余册;中外文数据库检索系统 29 个,分别为:Elsevier Science Direct 数据 库库、、E国ng道in数ee据ri库ng;V外il文la电ge子2图数书据全库文、数据Sp库ri;ngCeNrKLIin知k 识数总据库库、、万EB方SC数Oh据os库t(、B维SP普/AS资P)讯数网据、 龙圣典源人电文子电图子书期;刊司;法超行星政数执字法图电书子馆库、,书爱生迪之科家森数《字网图上书报馆告、厅方》,正中Ap宏ab教i 研数支字持图系书统馆,、时银代符 时代考试题库等。累计引进购入中外文电子图书近 182 万册;中外文电子期刊 3 万多种;学 位论文 133 万余篇;会议论文 100 万余篇。
英文文献信息检索方法和步骤013409108 陈真利用学校图书馆外文数据库SpringerLink进行英文文献检索的步骤:1、打开学校图书馆网页,点击数据库服务中的西文数据库,进入后再点击《Springer Link》数据库,进入SpringerLink数据库网页。
2、进入SpringerLink数据库网页后,找到“Advanced Search”标志,点击后出现一个界面框。
3、在界面框中的“Content”下框中输入“Porous ceramic”,再选择“Title Only”。
选择日期,先点击“Publication Dates Between”,然后再设定日期为01/01/2010到15/04/2012。
在“Order of Results”下面选择“Most Recently Published First”,然后点击“GO”。
4、进入页面后将会出现很多英文论文,在第三页选择一篇名为“Preparation ofmullite bonded porous SiC ceramics by an infiltration method”的文章,点击文章题目进入。
6、摘要内容和翻译如下:Abstract :A powder compact of α-SiC and α-Al2O3 was infiltrated with a liquid precursor of SiO2, which on subsequent heat treatment at 1500 °C produced a mullite bonded porous SiC ceramics. Results showed that infiltration rate could be estimated by using weight gain measurements and theoretical analysis. The bond phase was composed of needle-shaped mullite which was observed to be grown from a siliceous melt formed during the process of oxide bonding. The porous SiC ceramics exhibited a density andporosity of 2 g.cm−3 and 30 vol%, respectively, and also a pore size distribution in a range of 2–15 μm with an average pore size of 5μm. No appreciable degradation of room temperature flexural strength (51 MPa) was observed at high temperatures (1100 °C).翻译:题目:渗透法制备莫来石结合碳化硅多孔陶瓷摘要:用二氧化硅的液态先驱体渗透由α-碳化硅和α-氧化铝混合的粉饼,然后放在1500℃的条件下进行热处理,就可以制备出莫来石结合的碳化硅的多孔陶瓷。
1、检索课题名称:促进我国自主创新的知识产权管理研究2、课题分析:“知识产权管理”是本课题中的主体,“自主创新”是限定“知识产权管理”的内容,而“研究”“促进”是修饰内容,“知识产权管理”能提高我国的“自主创新”,因此“研究”“促进”“我国”都不可作为检索词,由此得出如下检索词:中文关键词:1、知识产权管理2、自主创新英文关键词:1、Intellectual property management 2、Independent innovation3、选择检索工具:(1)CNKI硕士论文库(2)维普期刊数据库4、构建检索策略:因“知识产权管理”为课题的主体,应优先检索,“自主创新”应在检索结果中同时存在。
使用“(知识产权管理)*自主创新”检索运算式,检索范围选择:所有专辑,摘要中检索,检索出记录40 条,数量稍多。
一、根据课程所学内容完成以下填空(每空2分,共60分):1、写出内科大图书馆订购的两种电子期刊数据库(CNKI 维普资讯)2 在我馆的馆藏纸质图书文献中,题名包含“金属冶炼”的全部图书有( 25 )种;我馆收藏的黑色金属冶炼设备是(西安重型机械研究所,鞍山钢铁大学)编写的。
4、世界著名的三大科技文献检索系统是(SCI(科学引文索引)、EI(工程索引)、ISTP(科技会议录索引)) ,5、在中国知网CNKI期刊数据库中,题名包含“冶金”的期刊有(89)种。
6、《CNKI---中国期刊全文数据库》中精确检索主题包含“中间包”的期刊论文全部数据有(2806)条;其中2011年第3期《钢铁》中的期刊论文有(2 )条。
9指引用户到另一信息源以获得原文或其他细节的一类数据库叫(参考数据库)我校订购的是(EI)10、利用EI 检索在摘要中检索含文献类型为期刊来源为中国的含有metall的记录有(16258)条其中A primary study of 8~14 μm band emittance 是于()年发表的。
13、当检索结果输出篇数过少时,缩小检索范围的方法有(增加and的限制概念、用not限制将不相关的文献的输出)14:参考数据库主要由( 文档、记录和字段)层次构成。
15、在EI中的专家检索时,atuostemming off 默认方式是(取消)16、《美国工程索引Ei中国镜像站》是(科学文献)数据库。
常用免费外文全文数据库1.SpringerLINK数据库德国施普林格(Springer-Verlag)是世界上著名的科技出版集团, 通过SpringerLink系统提供其学术期刊及电子图书的在线服务。
2002年7月开始,Springer公司和EBSCO/Metapress 公司在国内开通了SpringerLink服务。
访问全文:(PDF格式)需要使用Acrobat Reader软件,如需安装,可由此下载Acrobat Reader。
3.WorldSciNet数据库WorldSciNet为新加坡世界科学出版社(World Scientific Publishing Co.)电子期刊发行网站,该出版社委托EBSCO / MetaPress 公司在清华大学图书馆建立了世界科学出版社全文电子期刊镜像站.4.Ptics ExpressOptics Express由美国光学学会创办,刊登光学技术领域方面的报告和新进展。
网站地址:/创建者:Optical Society 0f America5.New Journal 0f PhysicsNew Journal 0fPhysics由英国皇家物理学会和德国物理学会出版,提供1998年创刊以来的全部文献。
网站地址:创建者:Institute of Physics & German Physical Society6.The Journal of Machine Learning ResearchThe Journal of Machine Learning Research由麻省理工学院出版,是机械研究领域的优质学术性论文的平台,用户可下载2000年创刊以来的全部文章。
1. 使用学术搜索引擎:如Google学术、百度学术等,这些搜索引擎提供了广泛的学术资源,包括学术论文、期刊、学位论文等。
2. 使用学术数据库:如Web of Science、PubMed、IEEE Xplore等,这
3. 使用图书馆资源:大多数高校图书馆都提供了大量的学术资源,包括期刊、学位论文、会议论文等。
4. 使用开放获取平台:如arXiv、Open Access Library等,这些平台提供
5. 使用专业领域的数据库:针对特定学科领域的数据库,如BIOSIS Previews、ACM Digital Library等,收录了大量相关领域的学术文献。
4 柴油/甲醇组合燃烧方式在增压柴油机上的应用研究 段峰 天津大学 2004年 13 323
5 基于OpenGL的柴油机缸内流场可视化研究 王艳凤 大连理工大学 2007年 1 140
6 基于FIRE的SL1126柴油机燃烧过程数值模拟研究 张红 长安大学 2012年 227
17 乙醇在压燃式发动机上的应用研究 臧继嵩 天津大学 2010年 1 45
18 内燃机工作过程数值模拟 戴建营 西华大学 2007年 8 771
19 基于排气门晚关的可控自燃工质混合状态的模拟研究 任燕红 吉林大学 2011年 39
19 柴油/甲醇组合燃烧发动机在电站机组中的应用研究 秦望峰 合肥工业大学 2006年 66
20 基于虚拟仪器开发的内燃机燃烧分析系统对混合燃料燃烧特性的研究 卢丰翥 广西大学 2013年 11
8、维普二次检索中的在结果中去除,相当于逻辑运算中的(非 )运算。
9、在EI中的专家检索时,atuostemming off 默认方式是( 全字段检索 )。
10请在CNKI期刊数据库中检索出年内蒙古科技大学发表的“国家自然科学基金”支持的论文有( 187 37)篇。
11在ELSEVIER数据库有三种分类浏览方式,分别是按字母、按学科和按(期刊名 )浏览。
12|图书馆所藏纸本图书后附有的光盘可以到图书馆自建的( 内蒙古科技大学非书资源管理系统 随书光盘系统 )数据库下载浏览。
13.在我馆可以看到有关《涉外礼仪》视频的数据库是( 内蒙古科技大学非书资源管理系统 万方学术视频数据库) )。
利用英文全文数据库——Elsevier进行文献信息检索1、检索课题名称:促进我国自主创新的知识产权管理研究2、课题分析:中文关键词为:知识产权管理自主创新英文关键词为:Intellectual property management Independent innovation3、选择检索工具:Elsevier数据库4、构建检索策略:Intellectual property managementANDIndependent innovation5、简述检索过程:选定在Elsevier中期刊、图书、文摘数据库等全部文献资源中检索2000年以后的相关文献。
利用确定的检索策略(Intellectual property managementANDIndependent innovation),文献全文(含文献题目、摘要、关键词)中检索,检到6605篇相关文献;检索2005年以后的相关文献,文献全文(含文献题目、摘要、关键词)中检索,检到5390篇相关文献;6、整理检索结果:从以上文献中选择出3条切题文献1.Drivers of innovation capital disclosure in intellectual capitalstatements:Evidence from EuropeqLucia Bellora*,Thomas W.GuentherTechnische Universit?t Dresden(TU Dresden),Faculty of Business Management and Economics, Chair of Business Management,esp.Management Accounting and Control,D-01062Dresden,GermanyAbstractInnovation is one of the major determinants of competitive success.As a result,there is demand for information on the innovation activities of firms among investors,other stakeholders and the ing content analysis,this paper examines the innovationcapital disclosure(INCD)characteristics(i.e.disclosure quantity and quality)in the intellectual capital statements(ICS)of51European for-profit firms.Additionally,the relationships between INCD characteristics and industry,firm size,region of registered officeand the disclosure guidelines adopted are analysed.Our content analysis detects anaverage of29.16items on innovation capital(INC)per ICS.These are mainly qualitative,non-financial and historically orientated.Furthermore,as expected,industry,firm size,region and disclosure guidelines drive the quantity of disclosure.Prior empirical studies of voluntary disclosure in documents other than ICS have also suggested a relationship between firm size and disclosure quality.Interestingly,our results for INCD in ICS do notsupport this relationship.This provides tentative evidence for a similar qualitative level of innovation capital disclosure across firm size.Furthermore,our findings show mostly homogeneous disclosure patterns across the regions in Europe,suggesting that multinational efforts towards fostering INCD has made the ICS phenomenon more a European thana local phenomenon.Keywords:Content analysisDisclosureInnovation capitalIntellectual capital statements2.International low carbon technology transfer:Do intellectual propertyregimes matter?Varun Rai a,b,*,Kaye Schultz a,Erik Funkhouser aa LBJ School of Public Affairs,The University of Texas at Austin,United Statesb Mechanical Engineering Department,The University of Texas at Austin,United States AbstractTransfer of low carbon technologies to developing countries has been recognized as important in global efforts to limit climate change.Yet the mechanics of international technology transfer, especially around intellectual property rights,have remained a controversial issue in international ing a new dataset on international partnerships in China and India in three key low carbon technologies—solar photovoltaics,electric vehicles,and coal gasification/integrated gasification combined cycle—and complementary expert interviews we study the dynamics of the transfer of intellectual property and the underlying drivers that guide the development of business strategies and partnerships in the context of transitioning intellectual property regimes in emerging markets.We find that weak intellectual property regimes are indeed a hindrance to the diffusion of certain classes of low carbon technologies:(i)for cutting-edge technologies,(ii)for fully-embodied(explicitly codified)technologies,and(iii)for small firms.However,we also find that intellectual property issues do not represent a barrier to the diffusion of the relatively mature and low to medium cost low carbon technologies that are materially(at scale)most important for carbon dioxide emissions reduction in the short to medium petitive technology supply, shifting market dynamics,and increasingly vigorous domestic innovation coupled with mechanisms and opportunities to structure credible intellectual property deals allow for the diffusion of key low carbon technologies to occur within the context of existing business,political, and institutional structures.Article history:Received10May2013Received in revised form2October2013Accepted8 October2013Keywords:Technology transferIntellectual propertyJoint venturesDiffusion of innovationsAbsorptive capacityNational innovation system3.Key factors for the successful evaluation and screening of managers of theintellectual property rights specialityMing-Kuen Wang?,Kevin P.HwangDepartment of Transportation and Communication Management Science,National Cheng Kung University,Tainan,Taiwan,ROCAbstract:This research uses the analytical hierarchy process(AHP)to analyze the key factors in evaluating andscreening managers of the intellectual property rights speciality in Taiwan,related to industry. Industrycan utilize the key factors of human resource management to provide self-growth and obtain competitiveadvantage opportunities for expanding the global market share.This research summarizes the evaluationand screening criteria of managers of the intellectual property rights speciality via a questionnaire of29managerial or technical staff from the IP rights-related industries,technology or management expertsfrom the governmental departments related to IP rights industries,and scholars with backgrounds inIP rights related industries who had actually participated in IP rights managers speciality decisions orrelated tasks and who had employed AHP screening criteria.The findings include three key factors inevaluating and screening the managers’speciality:evaluating IP rights competency,locating the core patentgroup competency,and calculating the chance of patents to be granted competency.This research canprovide a reference for Taiwan’s related industry,when evaluating and screening managers of the IPrights speciality.Keywords:Analytical hierarchy processEvaluation and screeningKey factorManagers of intellectual property rightsspeciality6、全文摘录选择一篇:1.Drivers of innovation capital disclosure in intellectual capitalstatements: Evidence from Europeq一、篇名Drivers of innovation capital disclosure in intellectual capitalstatements:Evidence from Europeq二、著者Lucia Bellora*,Thomas W.Guenther三、著者机构Technische Universit?t Dresden(TU Dresden),Faculty of Business Management and Economics,Chair of Business Management,esp.Management Accounting and Control,D-01062Dresden,GermanyBarcelona,Spain Received18December2003?accepted26July2004四、文摘Innovation is one of the major determinants of competitive success.As a result,there is demand for information on the innovation activities of firms among investors,other stakeholders and the ing content analysis,this paper examines the innovationcapital disclosure(INCD)characteristics(i.e.disclosure quantity and quality)in the intellectual capital statements(ICS)of51European for-profit firms.Additionally,the relationships between INCD characteristics and industry,firm size,region of registered officeand the disclosure guidelines adopted are analysed.Our content analysis detects anaverage of29.16items on innovation capital(INC)per ICS.These are mainly qualitative,non-financial and historically orientated.Furthermore,as expected,industry,firm size,region and disclosure guidelines drive the quantity of disclosure.Prior empirical studies of voluntary disclosure in documents other than ICS have also suggested a relationship between firm size and disclosure quality.Interestingly,our results for INCD in ICS do notsupport this relationship.This provides tentative evidence for a similar qualitative level of innovation capital disclosure across firm size.Furthermore,our findings show mostly homogeneous disclosure patterns across the regions in Europe,suggesting that multinational efforts towards fostering INCD has made the ICS phenomenon more a European thana local phenomenon.五、关键词Keywords:Content analysisDisclosureInnovation capitalIntellectual capital statements六、正文1.Introduction and objectives(首段)Innovation capital(INC)is that part of the intellectual capital of a firm that describes the ability of a firm to generate anduse innovative solutions,and related results in terms of intellectual property rights and other tangible,intangible andfinancial assets(Edvinsson&Malone,1997).The transformation of western economies from an industrial to a knowledgebasedstructure increases the relevance of INC.On a macro-economic level,innovation has become a major driver of economicgrowth,while traditional growth enhancers such as investment in physical assets are declining in importance(OECD,2010).On a micro-economic level,innovations are recognised as means of gaining competitive advantage and higher returns(Bowen,Rostami,&Steel,2010).(末段)Our findings also have implications for policy and practice.First,small firms especially may identify ICS as instrumentsadequate for meeting the demand for INCD,as can be seen from the overall use of INCD items in the sample ICS.Second,policymakers may achieve insights into current disclosure practices on INC and find ways to further improve policymaking.For example,policymakers in Nordic countries could recognise in their data the necessity to increase thedisclosure of INC in order to increase the perception of their economies’innovativeness.Finally, guideline-setters mayrecognise that further efforts are needed in order to satisfy the call for homogenisation in disclosure guidelines and thusin disclosure behaviour.七、参考文献ReferencesAbdolmohammadi,M.(2005).Corporate social reporting practices in Western Europe:legitimating corporate behaviour?TheBritishAccounting Review,30(1),1–21.AICPA.(1994).Improving business reporting–A customer focus:Meeting information needs of investors and creditors.Jersey City:AICPA.April,K.A.,Bosma,P.,&Deglon,D.(2003).Intellectual capital measurement and reporting: establishing a practice in South African mining.Journal ofIntellectual Capital,4(2),165–180.Austrian Ministry of Science and Research.(2002).University act.Available on the internet at http://www.bmwf.gv.at/fileadmin/user_upload/wissenschaft/recht/englisch/E_UG.pdf Accessed04.07.10.Austrian Research Centers.(2000).Intellectual capital report1999,research report of the Austrian Research Centers.Seibersdorf:Austrian Research Centers.Backhuijs,J.B.,Holterman,W.G.M.,Oudman,R.S.,Overgoor,R.P.M.,&Zijlstra,S.M. (1999).Reporting on intangible assets,final report for the benefit of theDutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and the intangible assets pilot project sounding board group. Amsterdam:Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs.Beattie,V.,&Thomson,S.J.(2007).Lifting the lid on the use of content analysis to investigate intellectual capital disclosure.Accounting Forum,31(2),129–163.Beretta,S.,&Bozzolan,S.(2008).利用英文全文数据库——EBSCO(BSP/ASP)进行文献信息检索1、检索课题名称:促进我国自主创新的知识产权管理研究2、课题分析:中文关键词为:知识产权管理自主创新英文关键词为:Intellectual property management Independent innovation3、选择检索工具:EBSCO(BSP/ASP)数据库4、构建检索策略:Intellectual property management AND Independent innovation5、简述检索过程:选定在EBSCO(BSP/ASP)中xt all text等全部文献资源中检索,利用确定的检索策略(Intellectual property management AND Independent innovation),检到34篇相关文献;6、整理检索结果:从以上文献中选择出3条切题文献1、IP Modularity:PROFITING FROM INNOVATION BY ALIGNING PRODUCT ARCHITECTURE WITH INTELLECTUAL PROPERTYJoachim Henkel Carliss Y.Baldwin Willy ShihAbstractFirms seeking to take advantage of distributed innovation and outsourcing can bridge the tension between value creation and value capture by modifying the modular structure of their technical systems.Specifically,this article introduces the concept of“IP modularity,”which seeks to protect and capture value from intellectual property.The article defines what it means for a system to be “IP-modular,”illustrates the application of this concept in a number of practical situations,and presents a comprehensive framework that can be used to design and evaluate value capture strategies for modular systems.(Keywords:Modularity,Value Appropriation,Distributed Innovation,Open Innovation,Intellectual Property)2、INNOVATION MANAGEMENT CHALLENGES OF ASYSTEM INTEGRATOR IN INNOVATION NETWORKSJAAKKO PAASI,KATRI VALKOKARI and TUIJA RANTALAVTT Technical Research Centre of FinlandP.O.Box1300,FI-33101Tampere,FinlandHENRI HYTÖNENVTT Technical Research Centre of FinlandP.O.Box1000,FI-02044VTT,FinlandSOILI NYSTÉN-HAARALA y and LAURA HUHTILAINENUniversity of Eastern FinlandP.O.Box111,FI-80101Joensuu,FinlandAbstractThe paper describes findings from a multiple case study about the innovation management challenges of a system integrator(SI)whose operation is characterized by a high demandof innovation and whose focus of integration capabilities is,accordingly,changing from component assembly to knowledge integration.The study involved six diverse case firms,and it applied the methodology of qualitative research.Innovation networks orchestratedby the SI were categorized,according to the way in which knowledge and intellectualproperty(IP)were explored and exploited in the network,to sourcing(transaction)andco-creation types of networks.The research question of the study was,what aspects of sourcing networks and of co-creation networks support or hinder networked innovationfrom the viewpoint of a SI and innovation management?After iteratively addressing the lessons learned from literature and empirical case findings,sets of supporting and hindering aspects were presented as implications of the study.Keywords:Open innovation;innovation network;system integrator;innovation management; intellectual property.3、ADOPTING INNOVATION MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE IN UNIVERSITY INNOVATION COMMERCIALIZATIOnNINDRIT TROSHANIUniversity of AdelaideAdelaide,SA5005,AustraliaGISEllE RAMPERSADFlinders UniversityAdelaide,SA5001,AustraliaCAROlIN PlEWAUniversity of AdelaideAdelaide,SA5005,AustraliaAbstractDespite the growing prominence of innovation,limited studies have examined the adoption of information systems that support innovation processes.This study investigates the organizational adoption of an innovation management software.It is based on a case study which incorporates a focus group and sixteen in-depth interviews across R&D,marketing,and administration functions. It contributes to current literature by isolating specific intrinsic characteristics of innovation management software,including communication/information flow,accessibility,and accountability,and how these can jointly shape organizational motivations and capabilities asinnovation organizations respond to environmental pressures,including innovation partners’influence,competition,and regulation.Managerial implications for enhancing the adoption of innovation management software are also offered.keywords:innovation,adoption,case study.6、全文摘录选择一篇:2.INNOVATION MANAGEMENT CHALLENGES OF A SYSTEM INTEGRATOR IN INNOVATION NETWORKS一、篇名INNOVATION MANAGEMENT CHALLENGES OF ASYSTEM INTEGRATOR IN INNOVATION NETWORKS二、著者JAAKKO PAASI,KATRI VALKOKARI and TUIJA RANTALAHENRI HYTÖNENSOILI NYSTÉN-HAARALA and LAURA HUHTILAINEN三、著者机构International Journal of Innovation Management.Dec2010,Vol.14Issue6, p1047-1064.18p.四、文摘The paper describes findings from a multiple case study about the innovation management challenges of a system integrator(SI)whose operation is characterized by a high demandof innovation and whose focus of integration capabilities is,accordingly,changing from component assembly to knowledge integration.The study involved six diverse case firms,and it applied the methodology of qualitative research.Innovation networks orchestrated by the SI were categorized,according to the way in which knowledge and intellectualproperty(IP)were explored and exploited in the network,to sourcing(transaction)andco-creation types of networks.The research question of the study was,what aspects of sourcing networks and of co-creation networks support or hinder networked innovationfrom the viewpoint of a SI and innovation management?After iteratively addressing the lessons learned from literature and empirical case findings,sets of supporting and hindering aspects were presented as implications of the study.五、关键词Keywords:Open innovation;innovation network;system integrator;innovation management;intellectual property六、正文1.Introduction and objectives(首段)Since the1990s,there has been a strong trend towards outsourcing in Western companies. Outsourcing is nowadays used for a variety of activities,including core processes such as new product development.Global corporations are typically seeking a few suppliers from whom to buy more complete and complex systems or subsystems.Accordingly,the locus of competition through innovation has been shifting from discrete product innovations to innovations in increasingly complex products,and also then to the design and development process of these complex products itself(Pavitt,2002).Such complex products often consist of pieces from various suppliers put together by an actor called system integrator(SI)(Hobday et al.,2005)(末段)Further studies of the innovation management challenges of SIs in innovation networks should therefore focus on sectoral analyses(and consider similarities between product system integration and high-volume system integration in the automotive and consumer electronics industries),as well as to broaden the perspective beyond innovation management to a wider viewpoint of business management.七、参考文献ReferencesArgyres,N and K Mayer(2007).Contract design as afirm capability:An integration of learning and transaction cost perspectives.Academy of Management Review,32,1060–1077.Arora,A,A Fosfuri and A Gambardella(2001).Markets for Technology:The Economicsof Innovation and Corporate Strategy.MIT Press,Cambridge.Axelrod,RM(1984).The Evolution of Cooperation.Basic Books,New York.Becker M,PH Johnson and N Ruijsenaars(2003).Collaborative Product Development—Case Study within the Swedish Automotive Industry.Lund Institute of Technology,Lund.Brusoni,SA,A Prencipe and K Pavitt(2001).Sharing intellectual property rights—an exploratory study of joint patenting amongst companies.Industrial and Corporate Change,12,1035–1050.Hanel,P(2006).Intellectual property rights business management practices:A survey of the literature.Technovation,26,895–931.Hobday,M,A Davies and A Prencipe(2005).Systems integration:A core capability ofthe modern corporation,Industrial and Corporate Change,14,1109–1143.Jarimo,T(2008).Innovation Incentives and the Design of Value Networks.D.Sc.Thesis.Helsinki University of Technology,Espoo.Järvensivu,T and K Möller(2009).Metatheory of network management:A contingency perspective,Industrial Marketing Management,38,654–mbert,M(1983).Long-term Contracts and Moral Hazard.Bell Journal of Economics,14,441–452.Lee,N(2009).Exclusion and coordination in collaborative innovation and patent law, International Journal of Intellectual Property Management,3,79–93.Leiponen,A(2008).。
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利用确定的检索策略(biomedical AND Composite materials),文献全文(含文献题目、摘要、关键词)中检索,检到20919篇相关文献;在文献题目、摘要和关键词中检索,检索到182篇相关文献;在文献关键词中检索到2篇相关文献;在文献题目中检索到33篇相关文献。
6、整理检索结果:从以上文献中选择出3条切题文献Biomedical applications of polymer-composite materials: a review Original Research Article Composites Science and Technology, Volume 61, Issue 9, July 2001, Pages 1189-1224S. Ramakrishna, J. Mayer, E. Wintermantel, Kam W. LeongAbstract:An overview of various biomedical applications of polymer-composite materials reported in the literature over the last 30 years is presented in this paper. For the benefit of the readers, general information regarding structure and function of tissues, types and purpose of implants/medical devices, and various other materials used, are also briefly presented. Different types of polymer composite that are already in use or are investigated for various biomedical applications are presented. Specific advantages of using polymer-composite biomaterials in selected applications are also highlighted. The paper also examines the critical issues and scientific challenges that require further research and development of polymer composite materials for their increased acceptance in the biomedical industry.6、全文摘录选择一篇:1. Biomedical applications of polymer-composite materials: a review Original Research ArticleComposites Science and Technology, Volume 61, Issue 9, July 2001, Pages 1189-1224S. Ramakrishna, J. Mayer, E. Wintermantel, Kam W. Leong一、篇名. Biomedical applications of polymer-composite materials: a review二、著者S. Ramakrishna, J. Mayer, E. Wintermantel, Kam W. Leong三、著者机构Composites Science and Technology, Volume 61, Issue 9, July 2001, Pages 1189-1224四、文摘 AbstractAn overview of various biomedical applications of polymer-composite materials reported in the literature over the last 30 years is presented in this paper. For the benefit of the readers, general information regarding structure and function of tissues, types and purpose of implants/medical devices, and various other materials used, are also briefly presented. Different types of polymer composite that are already in use or are investigated for various biomedical applications are presented. Specific advantages of using polymer-composite biomaterials in selected applications are also highlighted. The paper also examines the critical issues and scientific challenges that require further research and development of polymer composite materials for their increased acceptance in the biomedical industry.五、关键词 Keywords: Durability; Biomaterials; Biocomposites; Polymer composites; Implants; Prosthesis; Medical devices; Biomedical engineering; Bioengineering六、正文1. Introduction (首段)Biomaterials are materials of natural or man-made origin that are used to direct, supplement, or replace the functions of living tissues of the human body [21]. Use of biomaterials dates far back into ancient civilizations. Artificial eyes, ears, teeth, and noses were found on Egyptian mummies [256]. Chinese and Indians used waxes, glues, and tissues in reconstructing missing or defective parts of the body.(末段)However, for successful application, surgeons must be convinced with the long term durability and reliability of polymer composite biomaterials. Monolithic materials have long been used and there is considerable experimental and clinical data supporting their continued usage. Such data with respect to polymer composite biomaterials is relatively small. This requires further research efforts to elucidate the long-term durability of composite biomaterials in the human body conditions.七、参考文献References1. D. Adams, D.F. Williams and J. Hill, Carbon fiber-reinforced carbon as a potential implant material. J. Biomedical Materials Research12 (1978), pp. 35–42. Full Text via CrossRef | View Record in Scopus | Cited By in Scopus (32)3. P. Aebischer and M.B. Goddard, Tissue reaction to fabrics coated with turbostratic carbon: subcutaneous versus vascular implants. Biomaterials9 1 (1988), pp. 80–85. Abstract | PDF (2212 K) | View Record in Scopus | Cited By in Scopus (27)4. M. Akay and N. Aslan, Numerical and experimental stress analysis of a polymeric composite hip joint prostheses. J. Biomedical Materials Research31 (1996), pp. 167–182. Full Text via CrossRef | View Record in Scopus | Cited By in Scopus (40)5. M.S. Ali, G.W. Hastings, T. Rae, N. Rushton, E.R.S. Ross and C.H. Wynn-Jones, Carbon fiber composite bone plates. J. Bone and Joint Surgery72-B 4 (1990), pp. 586–591. View Record in Scopus | Cited By in Scopus (30)6. L. Ambrosio, Carotenuto and L. Nicolais, Composite materials. In: J Black and G Hastings, Editors, Handbook of Biomaterial Properties, Editors, Chapman and Hall, London, UK (1998), pp. 214–269.7. L. Ambrosio, R. De Santis, S. Iannace, P.A. Netti and L. Nicolais, Viscoelastic behavior of composite ligament prostheses. J. Biomedical Materials Research42 1 (1998), pp. 6–12. Full Text via CrossRef | View Record in Scopus | Cited By in Scopus (10)8. L. Ambrosio, P.A. Netti, S. Iannace, S.J. Huang and L. Nicolais, Composite hydrogels for intervertebral disc prostheses. J. Materials Science: Materials in Medicine7 (1996), pp. 251–254. Full Text via CrossRef | View Record in Scopus | Cited By in Scopus (15)9. H.C. Amstutz et al., Mechanism and clinical significance of wear debris-induced osteolysis. Clinical Orthopedics and Related Research276 (1992), pp. 7–18. View Record in Scopus | Cited By in Scopus (374)10. G.B.J. Andersson, Intervertebral disk. In: V Wright and E.L. Radin, Editors, Mechanics of human joints: physiology, pathophysiology, and treatment, Marcel Dekker Inc, New York (1993), pp. 293–311.11. A.G. Andreopoulos, M. Evangelatou and P.A. Tarantili, Properties of maxillofacial silicone elastomers reinforced with silica powder. J. Biomaterials Applications13 (1998), pp. 66–73. View Record in Scopus | Cited By in Scopus (4)13. S.P. Arnoczky, P.A. Torzilli et al., Biologic fixation of ligament prostheses and augmentations. An evaluation of bone in growth in the dog. Am J Sports Med.16 2 (1988), pp. 106–112. Full Text via CrossRef | View Record in Scopus | Cited By in Scopus (28)14. Baidya KP, Ramakrishna, S, Rahman M, Ritchie A. Quantitative radiographic analysis of fiber reinforced polymer composites. J Biomaterials Applications 2001;15(3):279–89.15. Baidya KP, Ramakrishna S, Rahman M, Ritchie A. Advanced textile composite ring for ilizarov external fixator system. J Engineering in Medicine, IME UK 2001;215(H1):11–23.。
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Search Results:73 articles found in Compendex for 1969-2014: ((((Recycling of resources) WN All fields) AND ((Metallurgy) WN All fields)) AND ((Two resources) WN All fields))1. Impact of recycling measures on resource- and energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions in the iron, steel and zinc industryBartusch, Hauke (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute for Industrial Production (IIP), Hertzstrae 16, 76187 Karlsruhe, Germany); Schwaderer, Frank; Alcalde, Ana Maria Fernández; Fröhling, Magnus; Schultmann, Frank Source: Proceedings - European Metallurgical Conference, EMC 2011, v 5, p 1539-1552, 2011, Proceedings - European Metallurgical Conference, EMC 2011Database: Compendex2. Recycling potentials of the two refractory metals tantalum and niobiumAngerer, Thomas (Montanuniversität Leoben, Department of Nonferrous Metallurgy, Franz-Josef-Strae 18, 8700 Leoben, Austria); Luidold, Stefan; Antrekowitsch, Helmut Source: European Metallurgical Conference, EMC 2013, p 1069-1084, 2013, European Metallurgical Conference, EMC 2013Database: Compendex3. Equipment and technology for recycling nonferrous metalsLuzgin, V.I. (Ural State Technical University, Ural Polytechnic Institute, Russ. Elec. Eng. Co. RÉLTEK); Petrov, A.Yu.; Timofeev, A.I. Source: Metallurgist, v 48, n 9-10, p 536-538, September 2004Database: Compendex阅读文摘:1. Impact of recycling measures on resource- and energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions in the iron, steel and zinc industryBartusch, Hauke1; Schwaderer, Frank1; Alcalde, Ana Maria Fernández1; Fröhling, Magnus1; Schultmann, Frank1Source: Proceedings - European Metallurgical Conference, EMC 2011, v 5, p 1539-1552, 2011, Proceedings - European Metallurgical Conference, EMC 2011; ISBN-13: 9783940276407; Conference: European Metallurgical Conference, EMC 2011, June 26, 2011 - June 29, 2011; Publisher:GDMB-InformationsgesellschaftAuthor affiliation:1 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute for Industrial Production (IIP), Hertzstrae 16, 76187 Karlsruhe, GermanyAbstract:Rising resource and energy prices as well as climate change have a significant impact on Germany's metal industry. Internal recycling of residues or external recycling in specialised processes are measures to meet these challenges by enhancing resource efficiency and decreasing the dependency on primary resources. As individual measures to increase efficiency become more and more complex, potentials to enhance the resource efficiency may exist if the focus is widened from a single plant to a network wide view. Residue flows can be the central element in such considerations. Steel production with Electric Arc Furnaces (EAFs) and Basic Oxygen Furnaces (BOFs) leads to zinc-bearing dusts. For these residues external recycling processes exist, which produce secondary zinc concentrates for the zinc industry. These material flows connect the processes of the steelmaking, recycling and zinc industry to a network. One possible approach to enhance resource efficiency network wide is a systematic search for external recycling options for materials which are currently disposed. Another possibility is to analyse different internal recycling rates under consideration of the effects on the connected internal and external processes. To evaluate theimpacts of internal and external recycling measures resource efficiency must be seen in context with the results on energy demand and CO2 emissions. Focussing on the residues from an EAF and a BOF this paper presents two example scenarios where actors of the iron and steel industry and the zinc industry are considered in an integrated way. Basing on simulation models of an example EAF, an integrated steelwork, a Waelz kiln, the DK Process and a hydrometallurgical zinc plant mathematical descriptions of the processes are obtained. Afterwards, a scenario analysis is carried out for a systematic examination of possibilities to increase resource efficiency under consideration of economic effects, energy consumption and CO2 emissions.(10 refs)Main heading: Iron and steel industryControlled terms: Basic oxygen converters - Carbon dioxide - Climate change - Complex networks - Computer simulation - Dust - Electric furnaces - Energy efficiency - Energy utilization - Gas emissions - Greenhouse gases - Metallurgy - Recycling - Steelmaking - ZincUncontrolled terms: BOF-dust - EAF-dust - Electric arc furnace - Mathematical descriptions - Recycling options - Resource efficiencies - Systematic searches - Zinc industryClassification Code: 804.2 Inorganic Compounds - 723.5 Computer Applications - 722 Computer Systems and Equipment - 546.3 Zinc and Alloys - 545.3 Steel - 545 Iron and Steel - 532.3 Electric Metallurgical Furnaces - 531.1 Metallurgy - 525.3 Energy Utilization - 525.2 Energy Conservation - 452.3 Industrial Wastes - 451.1 Air Pollution Sources - 451 Air PollutionDatabase: Compendex2. Recycling potentials of the two refractory metals tantalum and niobiumAngerer, Thomas1; Luidold, Stefan1; Antrekowitsch, Helmut1Source: European Metallurgical Conference, EMC 2013, p1069-1084, 2013, European Metallurgical Conference, EMC 2013; Conference: 7th European Metallurgical Conference, EMC 2013, June 23, 2013 - June 26, 2013; Sponsor: Recylex; Aurubis; Befesa; Berzelius Metall; Oschatz; Publisher:GDMB-InformationsgesellschaftAuthor affiliation:1 Montanuniversität Leoben, Department of Nonferrous Metallurgy, Franz-Josef-Strae 18, 8700 Leoben, AustriaAbstract:Tantalum and niobium are two outstanding elements of technological metals. Their applications are widespread and the substitution is only possible in few cases. Europe has no primary mining of the two chemical related elements, so the domestic industry is forced to process secondary raw materials in order to diminish dependencies on foreign raw material suppliers. The comprehensive analysis of material flow startsat the mining, followed by the processing of the ore and the reduction, goes beyond the further processing of diverse intermediate products up to the applications (end product). To find potential secondary resources for these two metals it's very important to know their main as well as the minor application areas and accordingly the whole production cycles of the different products. The scrap, generated during the production (pre consumer scrap) represents an important secondary source of raw materials. Post consumer scrap is also an attractive source but in many cases the lack of a recycling infrastructure hampers the use of it. Another complicacy is the dissipation of tantalum and niobium in the end products and so in the waste materials. In an economical view an extraction is not possible. If one or both metals are enriched in residuals of other recycling processes - e.g. indirect recycling of hard metal scrap - the recovering of niobium and/or tantalum could be an opportunity. Recycling in direction of the two refractory metals is a balancing act between technological and economical feasibilities and sustainable use. The study identifies potentials of secondary sources of Nb and Ta referring to their end products and discusses furthermore some established and newtechnologies for the processing of secondary raw materials.(63 refs)Main heading: Scrap metal reprocessingControlled terms: Metallurgy - Metals - Niobium - Ore analysis - Ore reduction - Ores - Raw materials - Recycling - Reduction - Refractory materials - Refractory metals - Scrap metal - TantalumUncontrolled terms: Comprehensive analysis - Economical feasibility - Intermediate product - Material Flow - Post consumer scraps - Raw material suppliers - Scrap - Secondary Raw MaterialsClassification Code: 951 Materials Science - 812.2 Refractories - 802.2 Chemical Reactions - 801 Chemistry - 549.3 Nonferrous Metals and Alloys excluding Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals - 543.4 Tantalum and Alloys - 531.1 Metallurgy - 531 Metallurgy and Metallography - 505 Mines and Mining, Nonmetallic - 504 Mines and Mining, Metal - 502 Mines and Quarry Equipment and Operations - 452.4 Industrial Wastes Treatment and Disposal - 452.3 Industrial WastesDatabase: Compendex3. Equipment and technology for recycling nonferrous metalsLuzgin, V.I.1; Petrov, A.Yu.1; Timofeev, A.I.1Source: Metallurgist, v 48, n 9-10, p 536-538, September 2004; ISSN: 00260894; DOI: 10.1007/s11015-005-0021-2; Article number: 21; Publisher: Kluwer Academic/Plenum PublishersAuthor affiliation:1 Ural State Technical University, Ural Polytechnic Institute, Russ. Elec. Eng. Co. RÉLTEKAbstract:The capabilities of medium- and high-frequency induction furnaces developed by RE´ company for convertingnonferrous-metal wastes into a standard product were discussed. The use of two-frequency electromagnetic fields in refining and casting helps to recycle a wide range of metallic wastes in various states of aggregation. It also improves the chemical composition and homogeneity of the melt. The results show that the equipping the induction refining furnaces with casting modules gives maximum flexibility to obtained shaped castings and also makes them highly cost-effective means of recycling nonferrous-metal wastes and scrap.Main heading: Nonferrous metalsControlled terms: Aluminum alloys - Composition - Cost effectiveness - Electromagnetic field effects - Energy resources - Furnaces - Hydraulics - Impurities - Metal casting - Metal refining - Metallurgy - Rare earth elements - Raw materials - RecyclingUncontrolled terms: Ferrous metallurgy - Metallurgical processing - RE´LTEK company (CO) - Recycled products Classification Code: 801 Chemistry - 701.1 Electricity: Basic Concepts and Phenomena - 632.1 Hydraulics - 547.2 Rare EarthMetals - 541.2 Aluminum Alloys - 911.2 Industrial Economics - 534.2 Foundry Practice - 532 Metallurgical Furnaces - 531.1 Metallurgy - 525.1 Energy Resources and Renewable Energy Issues - 452.3 Industrial Wastes - 533.2 Metal RefiningTreatment: Theoretical (THR) - Experimental (EXP) Database: Compendex7、标示原文线索:用中文标示各检索结果的著录事项第一篇文献:一、篇名: Impact of recycling measures on resource- and energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions in the iron, steel and zinc industry二、第一责任者:Bartusch, Hauke三、第一责任者单位:Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute for Industrial Production (IIP), Hertzstrae 16, 76187 Karlsruhe, Germany四、文献来源:Proceedings - European Metallurgical Conference, EMC 2011, v 5, p 1539-1552, 2011, Proceedings - European Metallurgical Conference, EMC 2011第二篇文献:一、篇名:Recycling potentials of the two refractory metals tantalum and niobium二、第一责任者:Angerer, Thomas三、第一责任者单位:Montanuniversität Leoben, Department of Nonferrous Metallurgy, Franz-Josef-Strae 18, 8700 Leoben, Austria四、资料来源:European Metallurgical Conference, EMC 2013, p 1069-1084, 2013, European Metallurgical Conference, EMC 2013 第三篇文献:一、篇名:Equipment and technology for recycling nonferrous metals二、第一责任者:Luzgin, V.I.三、第一责任者单位:Ural State Technical University, Ural Polytechnic Institute, Russ. Elec. Eng. Co. RÉLTEK四、资料来源:Metallurgist, v 48, n 9-10, p 536-538, September 2004。