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Sec. 210.1 Status of current good
manufacturing practice regulations。

210.1 cGMP的法规地位。

(a)The regulations set forth in this part and in parts 211 through 226 of this chapter contain the minimum current good manufacturing practice for methods to be used in, and the facilities or controls to be used for, the manufacture,processing, packing, or holding of a drug to assure that such drug meets the requirements of the act as to safety, and has the identity and strength and meets the quality and purity characteristics that it purports or is represented to possess. (a)在本部分及本章第211-226部分中所陈述的法规,为现行GMP最低要求,适用于药品制造、加工、包装或贮存中所采用的方法及所使用的设施或控制手段,以保证该药品符合《联邦食品、药品及化妆品法案》(以下简称法案)对安全性的要求,具有均一性和效价(或含量)并符合或代表其生产过程的质量及纯度等特征。

(b)The failure to comply with any regulation set forth in this part and in parts 211 through 226 of this chapter in the manufacture, processing, packing,or holding of a drug shall render such drug to be adulterated under section 501(a) (2)(B) of the act and such drug, as well as the person who is responsible for the failure to comply,shall be subject to regulatory action。

(b)凡是在药品生产、加工、包装或贮存过程中存在任何不符合本部分及21CFR 211—226部分中陈述的法规的药品,依据联邦食品、药品及化妆品法501 (a)(2)—(B),该药应被视为劣药,同时导致该事故发生的负责人应受相应的法规的制裁。

(c) Owners and operators of establishments engaged in the recovery, donor screening, testing (including donor testing),processing, storage, labeling,packaging,or distribution of human cells, tissues, and cellular and tissue-based products (HCT/Ps),as defined in 1271.3(d)of this chapter, that are drugs (subject to review under an application submitted under section 505 of the act or under a biological product license application under section 351 of the Public Health Service Act), are subject to the donor—eligibility and applicable current good tissue practice procedures set forth in part 1271 subparts C and D of this chapter, in addition to the regulations in this part and in parts 211 through 226 of this chapter. Failure to comply with any applicable regulation set forth in this part,in parts 211 through 226 of this chapter, in part (c)人类细胞、组织和细胞组织底物产品(HCT/Ps),根据本章§1271。

的《现行良好组织操作规程》的约束.在药品制造、加工、包装或贮存过程中,如存在不符合本部分及21CFR第211—226部分、21CFR 第1271部分的C子部分或21CFR第1271

1271 subpart C of this chapter,or in part 1271
subpart D of this chapter with respect to the
manufacture,processing,packing or holding
of a drug, renders an HCT/P adulterated under
section 501(a)(2)(B)of the act。

Such HCT/P,
as well as the person who is responsible for the
failure to comply,is subject to regulatory

Sec. 210。

2 Applicability of current good
manufacturing practice regulations。


2 cGMP法规的适用性
(a)The regulations in this part and in parts 211 through 226 of this chapter as they may pertain to a drug; in parts 600 through 680 of this chapter as they may pertain to a biological product for human use;and in part 1271 of this chapter as they are applicable to a human cell,tissue, or cellular or tissue—based product (HCT/P) that is a drug (subject to review under an application submitted under section 505 of the act or under a biological product license application under section 351 of the Public Health Service Act); shall be considered to supplement,not supersede, each other, unless the regulations explicitly provide otherwise。

In the event of a conflict between applicable regulations in this part and in other parts of this chapter, the regulation specifically applicable to the drug product in question shall supersede the more general. (a)本部分及21CFR211—226适用于普通药品,21CFR 600-680适用于人用生物制
品,21CFR 1271部分适用于人类的细胞、组织或是细胞组织底物产品(HCT/P) 类药品(按照《法案》第505节递交的申请或按照《公共健康服务法案》第351节进行的生物制品许可申请接受审核),它们之间应该是相互补充而不是相互取代,法规另有明确规定除外。

(b)If a person engages in only some operations subject to the regulations in this part,in parts 211 through 226 of this chapter, in parts 600 through 680 of this chapter,and in part 1271 of this chapter, and not in others,that person need only comply with those regulations applicable to the operations in which he or she is engaged. (b)如果一个人的具体操作仅涉及到21CFR 中的本部分,211到226部分,600到680部分和1271部分,而不参与到其他部分中,这个人仅仅需要遵守他/她所涉及的相关操作的规范。

(c) An investigational drug for use in a phase 1 study,as described in 312.21(a)of this chapter, is subject to the statutory requirements set forth in 21 U.S。



The production of such drug is exempt from compliance with the regulations in part (c)在21CFR 312。

21(a)部分描述的要调查的第一阶段研究的药品要服从在21 U.S.C. 51(a)(2)(B)中陈述的法规要求。



211 of this chapter。

However,this exemption does not apply to an investigational drug for use in a phase 1 study once the investigational drug has been made available for use by or for the sponsor in a phase 2 or phase 3 study,as described in 312。

21(b) and (c) of this chapter,or the drug has been lawfully marketed。

If the investigational drug has been made available in a phase 2 or phase 3 study or the drug has been lawfully marketed,the drug for use in the phase 1 study must comply with part 211. (b)&(c)描述的那样,或是药品已经合法上市,那前面所述的第一阶段的一个要调研用药并不适用于免除。


[69 FR 29828,May 25, 2004,as amended at
73 FR 40462,July 15,2008]
Sec. 210.3 Definitions. 210.3定义
(a)The definitions and interpretations contained in section 201 of the act shall be applicable to such terms when used in this part and in parts 211 through 226 of this chapter。

(a)在联邦食品、药品及化妆品法201部分中包含的定义和解释、说明适用于部分及21CFR 211-226部分中的术语。

(b) The following definitions of terms apply to this part and to parts 211 through 226 of this chapter。

(b)下面术语的定义同样适用于本部分及21CFR 211—226部分中的术语
(1) Act means the Federal Food,Drug,and Cosmetic Act,as amended (21 U。


C. 301et seq。


指联邦食品、药品及化妆品法,修订版(21 U。


C 301 et seq.)。

(2) Batch means a specific quantity of a drug or other material that is intended to have uniform character and quality, within specified limits,and is produced according to a single manufacturing order during the same cycle of manufacture。

(3) Component means any ingredient intended for use in the manufacture of a drug product,including those that may not appear in such drug product。

(4) Drug product means a finished dosage form,for example, tablet, capsule, solution, etc。

,that contains an active drug ingredient generally, but not necessarily,in association with inactive ingredients. The term also (4)药品

includes a finished dosage form that does not contain an active ingredient but is intended to be used as a placebo.
(5) Fiber means any particulate contaminant with a length at least three times greater than its width. (5)纤维
(6) Non fiber releasing filter means any filter, which after appropriate pretreatment such as washing or flushing, will not release fibers into the component or drug product that is being filtered。


(7) Active ingredient means any component that is intended to furnish pharmacological activity or other direct effect in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation,treatment,or prevention of disease,or to affect the structure or any function of the body of man or other animals. The term includes those components that may undergo chemical change in the manufacture of the drug product and be present in the drug product in a modified form intended to furnish the specified activity or effect. (7)活性成份


(8) Inactive ingredient means any component other than an active ingredient.(8)非活性成份
(9) In—process material means any material fabricated, compounded,blended, or derived by chemical reaction that is produced for,and used in, the preparation of the drug product。


(10) Lot means a batch,or a specific identified portion of a batch, having uniform character and quality within specified limits;or,in the case of a drug product produced by continuous process,it is a specific identified amount produced in a unit of time or quantity in a manner that assures its having uniform character and quality within specified limits。


(11) Lot number,control number, or batch number means any distinctive combination of letters, numbers, or symbols, or any (11)批号
combination of them, from which the complete
history of the manufacture, processing,
packing, holding,and distribution of a batch or
lot of drug product or other material can be

(12) Manufacture,processing, packing, or holding of a drug product includes packaging and labeling operations, testing,and quality control of drug products. (12)药品的生产、加工、包装或贮存
(13) The term medicated feed means any Type B or Type C medicated feed as defined in 558.3 of this chapter. The feed contains one or more drugs as defined in section 201(g) of the act. The manufacture of medicated feeds is subject to the requirements of part 225 of this chapter. (13)药用物料
指在21CFR 558。


该物料含有联邦食品、药品及化妆品法201(g)部分中定义的一种或一种以上的药物,药用物料的生产应符合21CFR 225部分中的要求。

(14) The term medicated premix means a Type A medicated article as defined in 558。

3 of this chapter。

The article contains one or more drugs as defined in section 201(g) of the act. The manufacture of medicated premixes is subject to the requirements of part 226 of this chapter. (14)药用预混合料
指21CFR 558.3中定义的A型药用物料。


药用预混合料生产应符合21CFR 226部分中的要求。

(15) Quality control unit means any person or organizational element designated by the firm to be responsible for the duties relating to quality control。


(16) Strength means:
(i)The concentration of the drug substance (for example,weight/weight, weight/volume,or unit dose/volume basis), and/or
(ii) The potency,that is, the therapeutic activity of the drug product as indicated by appropriate laboratory tests or by adequately developed and controlled clinical data (expressed,for example,in terms of units by reference to a standard). (16)规格

(17) Theoretical yield means the quantity that would be produced at any appropriate phase of manufacture,processing, or packing of a (17)理论产量
[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 21, Volume 4]
[Revised as of April 1,2009]
[CITE: 21CFR211]
Subpart A-—General Provisions A——总则
Sec. 211。

1 Scope. 211.1范围
(a) The regulations in this part contain the minimum current good manufacturing practice for preparation of drug products for administration to humans or animals。

(b)The current good manufacturing practice regulations in this chapter as they pertain to drug products; in parts 600 through 680 of this chapter,as they pertain to drugs that are also biological products for human use;and in part 1271 of this chapter,as they are applicable to drugs that are also human cells,tissues, and cellular and tissue—based products (HCT/Ps)and that are drugs (subject to review under an application submitted under section 505 of the act or under a biological product license application under section 351 of the Public Health Service Act);supplement and do not supersede the regulations in this part unless the regulations explicitly provide otherwise。

In the event of a conflict between applicable regulations in this part and in other parts of this chapter, or in parts 600 through 680 of this chapter, or in part 1271 of this chapter,the regulation specifically applicable to the drug product in question shall supersede the more general. (b)在21CFR里的这些针对普通药品的现行GMP条例和21CFR 600至680的所有部分针对人用生物制品的现行GMP条例,在21CFR 的1271部分中,法规适用于人类细胞,组织和细胞组织为底物的产品(HCT/Ps)和一些药品,这些药品(符合《法案》505部分的关于提交申请的审核部分或是《公共健康服务法案》351部分的生物产品申请许可)除非明确另有说明者外,应认为是对本部分条例的补充,而不是代替。


(c) Pending consideration of a proposed exemption,published in the Federal Register of September 29, 1978, the requirements in this part shall not be enforced for OTC drug products if the products and all their ingredients are ordinarily marketed and consumed as human foods,and which products may also fall within the legal definition of drugs by virtue of their intended use。

Therefore,until further notice, regulations under part 110 of this chapter, and where applicable,parts 113 to 129 of this chapter,shall be applied in determining whether these OTC drug products (c)在考虑经提议的,发表在1978年9月29日联邦注册表(FR)上的一个免除项是,若产品及其所有成份是以人用食品形式作一般销售和消费且这些产品根据其预期用途,亦可列入药品的范围内,则不应对这些非处方药(OTC)实施本部分条例,直至进一步的通知为止.21CFR 110部分和113至119部分的条例用于鉴别这些OTC药品是否按照GMP的要求生产、加工、包装和贮存。

that are also foods are manufactured,
processed,packed,or held under current
good manufacturing practice.
Sec. 211。

3 Definitions 211.3定义
The definitions set forth in 210。

3 of this chapter
apply in this part.
21CFR 210∙3中解释的定义适用于本部分
Subpart B—-Organization and Personnel B—-组织机构和人员


22 Responsibilities of quality control
(a)There shall be a quality control unit that shall have the responsibility and authority to approve or reject all components, drug product containers, closures,in-process materials, packaging material,labeling, and drug products, and the authority to review production records to assure that no errors have occurred or, if errors have occurred, that they have been fully investigated。

The quality control unit shall be responsible for approving or rejecting drug products manufactured, processed,packed, or held under contract by another company。


(b)Adequate laboratory facilities for the testing and approval (or rejection) of components, drug product containers, closures,packaging materials,in-process materials, and drug products shall be available to the quality control unit. (b)质量控制部门要可以获得足够的实验室设备用于检验和批准(或拒收)各种组份、药品容器、密封器、包装材料及中间体。

(c)The quality control unit shall have the responsibility for approving or rejecting all procedures or specifications impacting on the identity, strength,quality,and purity of the drug product. (c)本部门有批准或驳回影响药品的均一性、规格、质量和纯度的所有程序或质量标准的职责。

(d) The responsibilities and procedures applicable to the quality control unit shall be in writing; such written procedures shall be followed. (d)适用于本部门的职责与程序,应成文件,并应遵循执行。


211.25 Personnel qualifications. 211。

(a) Each person engaged in the manufacture,processing,packing, or holding of a drug product shall have education, training, and experience,or any combination thereof, to (a)每位从事药品生产、加工、包装或储存工作人员,应接受培训、教育及有实践经验,完成委派的各项任务。

培训是按照现行GMP(包括21-CFR 211部分中的现行GMP条例和这些条
enable that person to perform the assigned functions。

Training shall be in the particular operations that the employee performs and in current good manufacturing practice (including the current good manufacturing practice regulations in this chapter and written procedures required by these regulations) as they relate to the employee's functions。

Training in current good manufacturing practice shall be conducted by qualified individuals on a continuing basis and with sufficient frequency to assure that employees remain familiar with CGMP requirements applicable to them. 例要求的文件)中涉及员工的职能。


(b)Each person responsible for supervising the manufacture,processing, packing,or holding of a drug product shall have the education,training, and experience, or any combination thereof, to perform assigned functions in such a manner as to provide assurance that the drug product has the safety,identity,strength, quality,and purity that it purports or is represented to possess。



(c)There shall be an adequate number of qualified personnel to perform and supervise the manufacture, processing, packing,or holding of each drug product。


Sec. 211。

28 Personnel responsibilities. 211。

(a) Personnel engaged in the manufacture, processing, packing, or holding of a drug product shall wear clean clothing appropriate for the duties they perform。

Protective apparel,such as head, face, hand,and arm coverings, shall be worn as necessary to protect drug products from contamination. (a)从事药品生产、加工、包装或储存的人员,应穿着适合于其工作的清洁服装。


(b)Personnel shall practice good sanitation
and health habits.
(c)Only personnel authorized by supervisory personnel shall enter those areas of the buildings and facilities designated as limited—access areas. (c)只有经监督人员授权的人员才可以进入建筑物和设施的限制区域。

(d)Any person shown at any time (either by medical examination or supervisory observation) to have an apparent illness or open lesions that may adversely affect the safety or quality of drug products shall be excluded from direct contact with components, (d)任何人,在任何时间(无论是通过医学检查或是监控观察),患有危及药品安全性和质量的疾病或开放性损伤,都应避免接触各种组份、药品容器、包装设备、密封器、中间体和最终产品,直至健康状况已恢复或是有资格的医学人员确认该员工不会对药品安全性和质量有危
drug product containers,closures,in—process materials, and drug products until the condition is corrected or determined by competent medical personnel not to jeopardize the safety or quality of drug products. All personnel shall be instructed to report to supervisory personnel any health conditions that may have an adverse effect on drug products。



Sec. 211。

34 Consultants。


34 顾问
Consultants advising on the manufacture,processing, packing,or holding of drug products shall have sufficient education,training, and experience,or any combination thereof,to advise on the subject for which they are retained。

Records shall be maintained stating the name,address, and qualifications of any consultants and the type of service they provide。


Subpart C——Buildings and Facilities C-—建筑和设施

211.42 Design and construction

(a)Any building or buildings used in the manufacture, processing,packing,or holding of a drug product shall be of suitable size, construction and location to facilitate cleaning, maintenance,and proper operations。


(b)Any such building shall have adequate space for the orderly placement of equipment and materials to prevent mixups between different components, drug product containers, closures,labeling,in—process materials, or drug products, and to prevent contamination. The flow of components, drug product containers,closures,labeling, in-process materials,and drug products through the building or buildings shall be designed to prevent contamination. (b)建筑物有足够空间来有条理地摆放设备和物料,避免不同类的组份、药品容器、密封器、标签、中间体或药品等相互混放,防止污染。


(c)Operations shall be performed within specifically defined areas of adequate size。

There shall be separate or defined areas or su ch other control systems for the firm’s operations as are necessary to prevent contamination or mixups during the course of the following procedures:(c)操作应在明确规定的、大小适中的区域内进行。


(1) Receipt,identification,storage, and (1)放行给生产或包装前,由质量控制部门取
withholding from use of components, drug product containers, closures, and labeling, pending the appropriate sampling,testing,or examination by the quality control unit before release for manufacturing or packaging; 样、检测和检查期间,药品的组份、容器、密封器及标签,监督接收、鉴别、储存及拒收过程:
(2) Holding rejected components, drug product containers, closures,and labeling before disposition;(2)拒收组份、药品容器、密封器及标签处理前的储存过程;
(3)Storage of released components,drug product containers,closures,and labeling; (3)已放行的组份、药品容器、密封器及标签的储存;
(4)Storage of in—process materials; (4)中间体的储存;
(5)Manufacturing and processing operations; (5)生产与加工操作;
(6) Packaging and labeling operations; (6)包装和贴标签操作;
(7)Quarantine storage before release of
drug products;
(7)药品放行前的待验隔离储存;(8) Storage of drug products after release; (8)放行后药品的储存;
(9) Control and laboratory operations;(9)控制与实验室的操作;
(10) Aseptic processing, which includes as
(i)Floors,walls, and ceilings of smooth,hard surfaces that are easily cleanable;(i)地板、墙壁和天花板平滑、坚硬、表面易清洁;
(ii) Temperature and humidity controls;(ii)温度与湿度控制;
(iii)An air supply filtered through high-efficiency particulate air filters under positive pressure, regardless of whether flow is laminar or nonlaminar ; (iii)不管是层流或非层流,空气在正压下经高效过滤器过滤;
(iv)A system for monitoring environmental
(v)A system for cleaning and disinfecting the room and equipment to produce aseptic conditions;(v)用来创造无菌条件的房间和设备清洁、消毒的系统;
(vi)A system for maintaining any equipment
used to control the aseptic conditions。

(d) Operations relating to the manufacture,processing, and packing of penicillin shall be performed in facilities separate from those used for other drug products for human use. (d)青霉素生产、加工及包装的操作所用设备与生产其他人用药品的设备分开;
[43 FR 45077,Sept。

29, 1978,as amended
60 FR 4091,Jan. 20,1995]
Sec. 211。

44 Lighting 211.44照明。

Adequate lighting shall be provided in all

Sec. 211。

46 Ventilation, air filtration, air 211。

heating and cooling。

(a)Adequate ventilation shall be provided. (a)应提供足够的通风
(b) Equipment for adequate control over air pressure, micro—organisms,dust, humidity, and temperature shall be provided when appropriate for the manufacture,processing, packing,or holding of a drug product。

(c)Air filtration systems, including prefilters and particulate matter air filters,shall be used when appropriate on air supplies to production areas。

If air is recirculated to production areas,measures shall be taken to control recirculation of dust from production. In areas where air contamination occurs during production, there shall be adequate exhaust systems or other systems adequate to control contaminants. (c)适当的时候,应对输送至生产区域的空气使用空气过滤系统,该系统包括预过滤器和微粒物质空气过滤器.如果空气再循环到生产区,应采取措施控制来自生产的灰尘循环。


(d)Air—handling systems for the manufacture, processing, and packing of penicillin shall be completely separate from those for other drug products for human use。


211.48 Plumbing。

(a)Potable water shall be supplied under continuous positive pressure in a plumbing system free of defects that could contribute contamination to any drug product。

Potable water shall meet the standards prescribed in the Env ironmental Protection Agency’s Primary Drinking Water Regulations set forth in 40 CFR part 141。

Water not meeting such standards shall not be permitted in the potable water system。




(b) Drains shall be of adequate size and,where connected directly to a sewer, shall be provided with an air break or other mechanical device to prevent back—siphonage。

[43 FR 45077,Sept。

amended at 48 FR 11426, Mar. 18,1983]
Sec. 211。

50 Sewage and refuse. 211.50污水和废料
Sewage, trash, and other refuse in and from the building and immediate premises shall be disposed of in a safe and sanitary manner。


Sec. 211.52 Washing and toilet facilities 211。

Adequate washing facilities shall be provided, including hot and cold water,soap or detergent,air driers or single—service towels, 提供足够的洗涤和盥洗设备,包括冷热水、肥皂或清洁剂、空气干燥器或是专用毛巾和干净的盥洗设备,以便进入工作区域.
and clean toilet facilities easily accesible to
working areas.
Sec. 211.56 Sanitation. 211。

(a)Any building used in the manufacture,processing,packing, or holding of a drug product shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition,Any such building shall be free of infestation by rodents, birds,insects,and other vermin (other than laboratory animals)。

Trash and organic waste matter shall be held and disposed of in a timely and sanitary manner。



(b)There shall be written procedures assigning responsibility for sanitation and describing in sufficient detail the cleaning schedules,methods, equipment,and materials to be used in cleaning the buildings and facilities;such written procedures shall be followed. (b)制定并执行程序来分配清洁职责,详细描述清洁计划、方法、设备、清洁厂房和设施的材料。

(c) There shall be written procedures for use of suitable rodenticides,insecticides,fungicides,fumigating agents, and cleaning and sanitizing agents。

Such written procedures shall be designed to prevent the contamination of equipment, components, drug product containers, closures, packaging, labeling materials,or drug products and shall be followed. Rodenticides, insecticides,and fungicides shall not be used unless registered and used in accordance with the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (7 U.S.C. 135)。





(d) Sanitation procedures shall apply to work performed by contractors or temporary employees as well as work performed by full-time employees during the ordinary course of operations. (d)卫生程序要在合同工和临时工的工作中执行,同时也要在全职工作人员日常操作中执行。

Sec. 211.58 Maintenance. 211。

Any building used in the manufacture,processing, packing,or holding of a drug product shall be maintained in a good state of repair。


Subpart D——Equipment D-—设备

211.63 Equipment design,size,and
211.63设备的设计、尺寸及位置Equipment used in the manufacture, 药品生产、加工、包装或储存中使用的设备,。
