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more than 这两个词可分可合,还可与不同的词性搭配,因此,意义也各不相同,现将各种情形分类总结如下,以供大家参考。
一、 more than :
1、 more than+名词:“不仅仅;超过”
Hibernation is more than sleep. 冬眠不仅仅是睡眠。
Bamboo is used for more than building. 竹子不仅仅用于建筑。
I had had so little experience. I myself was hardly more than
a child. 我几乎没有什么经验,因为我自己也差不多还是个孩子。
More than any other form of literature, poetry plays with sounds, words and grammar. 诗歌胜过任何其它的文学形式,它灵活运用声音、词汇和语法。
I love China more than other countries. 我爱中国胜过别的国家。
It hurts the hater more than the hated. 这种做法对痛恨者的伤害比被痛恨者还要厉害。
More cigarettes are smoked in China than anywhere else. 中国比任何别的地方抽烟都多。
2、 more than+数词:“超过”
Altogether there are more than 500 different kinds of bamboo. 总共有五百余种竹子。
The Great Wall is actually more than 6,000 kilometers long, 6---7meters high and 4---5meters wide. 长城实际上有六千多公里长,六、七米高, 四、五米宽。
It was almost on top of me before I realize what was happening, and as it swung around it didn’t miss running over me by more than an inch. 我尚未意识到发生了什么情况,它(拖拉机)几乎已经在我上方了。
I must have been around four years old when I first entered
Mr. Wigden’s candy shop, but the smell of that wonderful world of penny treasures still comes back to me clearly more than a half-century later. 我第一次走进威格登先生的糖果店时,大概只有四岁。
The population of Beijing has more than doubled in the past five years. 在过去的五年里,北京的人口增长了一倍多。
3、 more than+形容词:“很,非常”
If you tell your father what you’ve done, he’ll be more than a little angry. 假如你把你做的事情告诉你父亲,他不只是生气而已。
We were more than happy to hear of your escape. 听说你逃了出来,我们分外的高兴。
He was more than upset by the accident. 这次意外让他惊心之极。
The money is more than enough for his marriage. 这些钱用于他的婚事绰绰有余。
In doing scientific experiments, one must be more than careful with the instruments. 做科学实验时,要分外小心。
4、 more than+动词:
They more than respect him. They all envy him. 他们不只是佩服他,还都很羡慕他。
5、 more than+代词:“胜过”
Really, it was love of children more than anything else that made him want a pack of his own.真的,是由于爱孩子而不是别的什么,才使得他想要一群自己的孩子。
6、 more than+句子:“超过……的程度”
A feather falls slower than a stone only because the air holds the feather back more than it does the stone. 羽毛比石头落得慢,只是因为空气对羽毛的阻力大于石头。
I love you more than I can say. 爱你在心口难开。
He had a wife named Polly Ann whom he loved more than words could tell. 他有个妻子叫玻莉·安,他对她的爱不是笔墨所能形容的。
His words were almost more than I can bear. 他的话几乎让我受不了。
The cold was more than the children could bear. 天冷得孩子们受不了。
Always independent, Mary used her earnings from baby-sitting and clerking in a pharmacy to pay for drugs---but never more than she could afford. 一直独立的玛丽用自己看护婴儿和在药房上班挣的钱买毒品——可是从未花超过。
The weather turned out to be very good, which was more than we could expect. 结果天气很好,远远出乎我们的预料。
二、 more---than--- :肯定more后面的,否定than后面的:
1、 more+名词+than+名词:
Hawks eat more field mice than chickens. 鹰吃的田鼠比吃的小鸡多。
The book seems to be more a dictionary than a grammar. 这与其说是一本语法书,倒不如说是一本词典。
In her eyes, Peter was more of a businessman than his elder brother. 在她看来,皮特比他哥哥更像一个生意人。
More people in the USA can buy a gun and more people die by the gun than any other country in the world. 美国比其它国家买枪的人多,被枪打死的人也多。
All of us apparently had taken more notice of them than we had let on. 很明显,我们对她们更留意了,可是没太怎么表现出来。
It was the other you, who had far more sense than expected. 那是另一个你,比预料的要有头脑得多。
These cow bugs drink much more sap than they can use. 这
There were a lot more people in the room than I had expected. 房间里的人比我预料的要多得多。
2、 more+形容词+than+形容词:
The child was more frightened than hurt. 这个孩子的伤倒不算什么,只是受惊不小。
----Anne acts quite unfriendly. ——安妮表现得挺不友好的。
----I think she’s more shy than unfriendly ——我想她不是不友好,而是更害羞。
He’s more mad than stupid. 与其说他笨,不如说他疯。
He thought the Prime Minister a wise honest man who was more fit for his office than anyone else. 他认为丞相是个聪明、诚实的人,比任何别的人都称职。
Generally speaking, boys are more interested in such activities than girls. 一般说来,这样的活动男孩子比女孩子更感兴趣。
Perhaps even more distressing than the news was the calm, level tone of the child’s voice. 这孩子的声调镇静、平淡,也许再没有什么能比用这种声调叙述更令人感到痛苦不堪。
3、 more+动词+than+动词:
I knew there was something more going on in there than a woman learning to type. 我知道,那里不只是一位妇女在学打字,而且还有着比这更重要的意义。
Our pulses raced more at the thought of holding a bat handle than a girl’s hand. 一想到要握球棒,我们的脉搏比想到要握女孩子的手跳得还要快。
4、 more+介词短语+than+介词短语:
Many years ago there lived an Emperor, who cared more for fine new clothes than for anything else. 许多年前有个皇帝,他喜欢好的新衣服胜过任何别的东西。
He’s more like a spear than anything else. 他更像一只长矛,
三、 no more than+名词、动词、数词、句子等:意为:只不过;和……一样:
The officials could see no more than the Emperor, but they all shouted, “ Beautiful! Excellent! Magnificent!” 那些官员和皇帝一样什么也没看见,但是,他们都大叫道: “漂亮!优秀!华丽!”
His whole school education added up to no more than one year. 他整个的学校教育加起来不过一年。
At five past four I found most of them waiting for me at the door, a good 20 children, but making no more noise than if they were being kept in after school. 四点五分时,我看到大多数孩子已经在校门口等着我,足有二十个。
It was clear that Dad could do no more than he was doing already. 很显然,父亲已经尽其所能。
Even if they got another farm, Fortunato could do no more than support his family on it. 即使福图内托能够再租到一块地,也只能养家糊口而已。
四、 not more than+名词、数词、代词、动词等:意为:仅仅,只有,不超过:
There on some hay on the ground lay a peasant boy of not more than seventeen. 地面干草上躺着一个不到十七岁的农家孩子。
五、 not+谓语+more than+---:不超过
This car can’t do more than 80mph. 这辆车时速超不过八十英里。
I realized they now expected everything from me, though I didn’t know much more than they.我知道他们现在一切都指望我了,尽管我也同样地不知所措。
六、谓语+not more +---+than+---:不超过
He is not more a good student than I am. 他不是个比我好的
I had found more in this experience than I had received all the peptalks and patriotic speeches I had ever heard. 这次经历的收获比我听过的所有鼓励的话和爱国演说都要多。