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Part 1
My name is Liao Mei and I'm 20 years old. I'm an only child, and my friendships are very important to m e. Ever since I was a kid, m y parents always m ade sure that I had other children to play with, so I never felt lonely. I've also been very lucky because I've always had a best friend, someone who I've been really close to.
My best friend since the age of 11 was a girl called Wang Chaosu. We m et at secondary school. We'd both just started there. I rem ember m eeting her for the first tim e. I was walking hom e from school and she was going the sam e way. So we walked home together and discovered that we lived very near each other. We got on with each other immediately. We're two of a kind, Wang Chaosu and I—we're both quite lively. We found that we shared a lot of the sam e interests. She loved all kinds of sport and so did I. We soon becam e best friends. We used to go around to each other's houses all the tim e. Our parents got on very well too.
But having said this, I must say that Wang Chaosu and I quarrel from time to tim e. We had a really serious quarrel when I was 16. I becam e friendly with two girls that she didn't get on with, and I stopped seeing her for a while. It wasn't a nice thing to do and I regret doing that now. Wang Chaosu was really hurt. She didn't talk to m e for about six m onths. But then we m ade up and becam e friends again. Part 2
Wang Chaosu and I stayed best friends up to the age of 18, but then we both went to different colleges. She stayed in our home town and I went to a college 200 kilometres away. We're still good friends, but we're not best friends anymore. It's difficult when you're so far away from someone. I think that to keep your friends, there are certain things you have to do. For exam ple, you m ust remember to keep in touch if you want to stay friends with someone. Wang Chaosu and I keep in touch through em ail when we're at college, and of course, we see each other when I com e
back hom e. We always have a lot to say to each other. We talk about our feelings and are very honest with each other. I think that's very important.
I regret to say that I have lost touch with four or five friends since I've been at college. It's a pity, but I've changed and they've changed too. We just don't click anym ore. I think the reason why Wang Chaosu and I are still friends, as I said earlier, is because we have similar personalities, and we're both still crazy about sport. It's my guess that we'll always be good friends. I hope so.。
