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Language points
flurry: a small amount (as of snow or wind) that suddenly appears for a short time and moves in a rushed, swirling way (=whirl) Snow flurries had been predicted. Their front runners collided, sending up a flurry of sparks. ordinance: (formal) official rule or order; regulation In 1972 the city passed an ordinance compelling all outdoor lighting to be switched off at 9:00 p.m.
Illegal; unauthorized/ unlawful/illicit / illegal/illegitimate/ lawless Farebeater: Fare beaters" are those people who jump subway turnstilesand don't pay the subway fare. turnstiles(十字转门:一种用来控制从一个公共区域到另一个公 共区域的通道的机械装置, 典型的样子是从中心一根垂直的柱子 上放射状地伸出几根水平的旋转臂,只允许个人走路通过. BEAT: To avoid or counter the effects of, often by thinking ahead; beat the traffic. 设法躲开交通拥挤
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exempt from: not affected or bound by (=excused) These houses are exempt from paying rates. convert: change into a different form (=transform) A solar cell takes radiation from the sun and converts it into electricity. Energy is converted from one form to another.
A Red Light for Scofflaws
Orgaቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱization of the Text
Part I. Para.1 The trend of minor wrongdoings. Part II. Analysis of the trend Para 2—3. Scofflaw cases and their dangers. Para. 4—5. Red-light running as a typical example and its significance. Para 6—9: The pervasiveness of scofflaw spirit, its devastating effects and the ultimate cause. Part III. Warning
duck out of: avoid doing, esp. by making an excuse (=back out) It was too late to duck out of going with them. Beer-soaked=drunken (attrib)=drunk Hooliganism is the behaviour and actions of hooligans. Hooligan==阿飞 =hoodlum= ruffian =bully=goon= thug pot (sl 俚) marijuana 大麻烟. Joint sl 俚) cigarette containing marijuana 含 大麻的香烟. 大麻的香烟
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ethic: idea or moral belief that influences the behavior, attitudes, and philosophy of life of a group of people (=principle) the American ‘frontier ethic of expansion and opportunity’ the Protestant work ethic ethics: moral beliefs and rules about right and wrong a conscious, rational, scientific code of ethics the basic ethics which any religion sets forward
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a matter of course: If sth. is done as a matter of course, it is done as part of a normal situation and is not regarded as unusual or exceptional. (=automatically) The father does his share of the housework as a matter of course when at home. abound: ~ in/with sth have sth in great numbers or quantities 有大量某物: The river abounds in/with fish. 这条 河里有很多鱼. The hills abound with/in streams and waterfalls. (+with/in: =teem with to exist in very large numbers Examples of this abound in her book.
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take liberties (with sb/sth) behave in a presumptuous disrespectful way 放肆: She told him to stop taking liberties, ie treating her with too much familiarity. 她告诉他不要太随 便了(对她过分亲昵). The film-makers took too many liberties with the original novel take the liberty of doing sth I took the liberty of cancelling your reservation. be at liberty to do sth formal to have the right or permission to do something I am not at liberty to discuss these matters. supposedly: allegedly a robot supposedly capable of understanding spoken commands
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Jaywalker:乱穿越马路者 乱穿越马路者 flagrant: Conspicuously bad or offensive Horrible, infamous fester: (of a cut or wound) become infected and filled with pus (指伤口)溃烂, 化脓: 2. (a difficult or unpleasant situation, feeling, or thought) grow worse and be characterized by increasing bitterness, anger, and hatred. His memories festered into hate. an anger that must find outlet or fester inwardly
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let alone: used after a negative statement to indicate that a particular situation is extremely unlikely or impossible , because sth. much less difficult or unusual has never happened. (=never mind, still less) No one was sure exactly what had happened, let alone how. She had scarcely ever talked to a policeman, let alone gone out with one.
A Red Light for Scofflaws
1. Metonymy e.g. He took to the bottle. The pen is mightier than the sword. THEME: 勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为 Don’t do evil though it can be trivial. Do good though it’s not worth the effort. No matter how trivial, do good rather than veil. 2. Compound noun~V+n(object) pickpocket callboy 3. Compound and highly condensed phrases: law-andorder longest-running best-loved law-breakers outlaw litter tax cheating illicit noise motorized anarchy 3
Graffiti: drawings or writing on a public wall, usu humorous, obscene or political. (b) (in compounds) liable or susceptible to sth specified. The child is rather `accident-prone. strike-prone industries paper that is prone to yellowing; children who are prone to mischief.
Language points
plague: to cause pain, suffering, or trouble to someone, especially for a long period of time harass/ annoy /haunt be plagued by/with sth He was plagued by eye troubles. Financial problems continued to plague the company. The system is still plagued by technical faults. He suffered severe back injuries, which plague him to this day. I don’t know why we have been plagued with such ill luck. .