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在HC4,HC5,HC6/LV6,HC7四个机座号中,200KW-2000 KW范围内,可选1500r pm(50HZ)或1800rpm(60HZ)、4极的发电机。
机座号位HC4和HC5的发电机,其励磁系统可为使用AS 440或SX421A VR的定子供电或为使用MX341或MX321A VR的永磁发电机(PMG)励磁,机座号位HC6/LV6和HC7的发电机使用MX341或MX321AVR的永磁发电机(PMG)励磁系统。
自励A VR控制的发电机,主机定子通过AS440(或SX421)AVR为励磁机磁场提供励磁源,AVR是调节励磁机磁场励磁电流的控制装置。
A VR根据来自主机定子绕组的电压感应信号作出反馈,通过控制低功率的励磁机磁场调节励磁机电枢的整流输出功率,从而达到控制主机磁场电流的要求。
如果是MX321A VR,则通过一个隔离变压器向来自主机定子绕组的电压感应信号作出反馈,通过控制低功率的励磁机磁场,调节励磁机电枢的整流输出功率,从而达到控制主机磁场电流的要求。
STAMFORD 发电机是按照国际最高质量标准,配备精心选择的零部件,采用先进的世界级工艺制造而成。
1. 保护装置误报“转子回路一点接地”故障处理ﻫ(1)故障现象:
2. 正常调节有功功率引起机组解列的事故处理ﻫ(1)事故现象:
3. 无功调差参数设置不一致切换导致发电机误强励事故分析
ﻫ(2) 事故分析:ﻫ事故发生后,检查B通道和励磁变压器保护装置,结果表明B通道和励磁变压器保护装置均工作正常,重新开机,B通道也能正常带负荷运行。
4. 近端负荷设置负调差引起发电机无功波动故障分析
故障发生后,电厂和厂家技术人员对故障进行技术分析,对试验期间的录波数据和故障时的录波数据进行对比分析,结果显示前后的不同:试验期间发电机的负荷主要输出至高压母线(35KV),再经由高压母线(35KV)供给企业使用;而故障时发电机的负荷主要供给低压母线(6.3K V)使用。
Stanford generatorrepair andmaintenanceﻫStanford generators Profile,ﻫCumminsGenerator Technologies (China) Co., Ltd.(Wuxi new era alternator Co.,Ltd.)Cummins Generator Technologiesin China, theonlywholly-owned enterprises, the initial investmentof $17.6 million. Wasestablished inFebruary 1996, was officiallyopened in November1997.The current annualproduction capacity of65,000 generators.ﻫCummins Generator Te chnologies hasmore than50 years tomeet the customer experience, thepilotof theAC generators technology,Cummins Generator Technologies has a global salesand servicenetwork, and production inthe United Kingdom,theUnitedStates,China,India factory.TheWuxiplant isinfull accordance with the design and technology of theCummins GeneratorTechnologies produces STAMFORDACgenerators.Direct cont rol of product design,materials, production,testing by the Britishofficers. Smallsiz e, light weight,advanced technology, reliable performance,the important features ofSTAMFOR Dgenerators.ﻫCummins Generator TechnologiesSTAMFORDgeneratorswith allthe world diesel engine facilities, such as Cummins,Perkins, Volvo,MTU, and Deutz, Caterpillar and domestic95,130,135,150,190 series such as diesel.Successful range of products supply generator sets manufacturers,widely usedin the field of railways,shipping, postal and telecommunications, military, oil,transportation, high-rise buildings andcold storage containers, etc..
Generator series producedbyCummins GeneratorTechnologies: BC16, BC18,UC224, UC274,HC4,HC5, LV6,HC7.Power range: 6.5KW-2000KW. HCseriesgenerator Brushlessrotating magnetic field structure, thevoltage is up to 660V/50HZ or60HZ,meetthe thirdpartof theBS5000 standard and other international standards.HC4, HC5, HC6/LV6, HC7 fourframe sizes,200KW-2000 KW range,optional1500rpm (50Hz) or 1800rpm(60HZ), 4-pole generator. 224KW-1300KW withinHC6/LV6 and HC7 two, frame size, optional 1000rpm(50Hz) or 1200rpm (60HZ), 6-polegenerator. Frame sizes HC4and HC5generators, excitationsystemto use AS440 orSX421AVR of the statorsupplyorMX341orMX321AVR permanent ma gnet generator(PMG) excitation,machine seatnumber HC6/LV6and HC7 generator MX341 or MX321AVRof permanent magnet generator(PMG)excitation system.
Self-stimulationgenerator AVR control,host statormagneticfieldof the exciter byAS440 (orSX421) AVR excitation source,theAVR is adjustthe exciterfieldexcitationcurrentcontrol device. AVR voltagesensing signalfrom the hostof the statorwindingsto providefeedback, to achieve the control requirementsof the host field current by controlling thelowpower exciter magnetic fieldto adjust the rectifier output poweroftheexciterarmature. AS440AVR by induction two-phaseaverage voltage, toensurethat high voltageregulation, In addition, itis to monitor theenginespeed is lower than the pre-selecte dspeed (Hz) setting,thecorresponding lower output voltage to prevent low enginespeeds national strength, and mitigation of the impactload,in order toreducethe burdenonthe engine. Inaddition to the characteristics of the AS440, the SX421 also has a three-phase rm ssensing characteristics(installed in the switchboard)when usedinconjunction with an externalcircuit breaker,it also providesover-voltage protection.
Permanent magnet generator (PMG) excitation generator MX341(or 321)the AVR-exciter provides excitation source,theAVR is to adjusttheexciter excitation current controldevice. If MX321AVRthrough an isolation transformer to the voltage sense signal from the host of the statorwindings feedback controllow power excitermagnetic field, adjustingthe rectifieroutput powerof the exciter armature,so asto achievethe controlrequirements of the host fieldcurrent. PMGsystem providesaconstant excitation power has nothing to do with thestator load, higher motorstarting affordability is not subject tothe nonlinear load (suchas SCRDC motor) host stator output voltagewaveform distortion interference.MX341AVR to ensurethat the adjustment rate ofthehighervoltage bydetecting the two-phase averagevoltage, theother alsodetectstheengine speed islowerthan thepre-selected speed setting,the output voltage isreduced accordingly,to prevent overexcitation lowengine speeds,and mitigation plus set out the timeof impact,in order toreduce the b
urden on the engine. It also provides a delay overexcitation protection, de-excitation of the generator exciterfield voltage istoo high. Inaddition to providingtheoutsideof the the MX341 giant protectionof the Friends of the engine minusHaute,the MX321, butalso has the characteristics ofthree-phaserms detection and overvoltage protection.ﻫSTAMFORD generator is equipped with carefully selected components,the useof the advancedworld-classmanufacturing process madein accordancewith thehighestinternational qualitystandards.Canadapt tothe harsh environmentof the wholeclassHinsulation winding designand the best efficiency,especially for special occasions, standard12 reconnectionoutlet header to ensure that meet various voltage requirements. International brands, user-friendly design and world-class services STAMFORDmany lifelongcustomers,and broad areasof application.
Typical accident analysisof the generator excitationsystemﻫA protectiondevice false positives "rotor circuit point grounding" Troubleshootingﻫ(1) Fault phenomenon:ﻫExcitationexcitation regulator,the generatorterminalvoltage graduallyestablish astabilized v alueafter a transition process, the rotor circuit ofthe protection device"one point grounding fau lt, thegenerator isoperating normally.
Rotorvoltmeter by measuring thegenerator rotor positive andnegative ground voltage, the bipolar-to-ground voltage is not zero,indicating that the generator rotor is notalittleground fault occurs.Press thereset button oftheprotectiondevice,the rotor circuitpoint grounding faultsignaldisappears.ﻫ (2)failureanalysis:
Analysis of protectiondevice "rotorcircuitpoint grounding theaction principle to know to determine therotor groundfault protection deviceaccording to the rotorvoltage. Issuedearly Reed Excitation Equipment excitation power input command rotor voltage increa ses, the generator voltagerises, afteratime delay,the excitation regulator device autom atically exit early shuntpowerdue to the excitation regulatormachineterminal voltage i nitial machine terminal voltage reference value is lowerthanthe earlyshuntpower generated, sothe original after theexit of the shunt power, therotor voltagesuddenly dropped a lot, and then the rotorvoltage feedback protection, the protection device thatis the rotor circuit short-circuitresulting in a sudden drop in the rotorvoltage , soto protect the reported signal.Excitationregulatorinverter again afterthede-excitation experiments, the excitation of the excitation regulator,manually increase the excitation regulator voltage reference value, to ensure that the generatorterminalvoltage is greater than theearly shuntpowergenerated, and re-excitation boost generator isoperating normally, the protectiondevice is notmade to the rotorcircuit point grounding fault alar m.ﻫ (3) failure treatment:ﻫTheaccident show that the protective devices, pointgroundingof the rotorcircuitfunction is not perfectthe mechanismof its action is not scientific enough, easyto malfunction,it is recommended to improvethe functionofthe rotor circuit point grounding, orreplacement forthe more reliable the rotor circuit point groundin gprotectiondevices.
In therotor circuit pointgrounding protection feature is not perfect,the initial reference valueadjustment Excitation Equipment excitation voltageinitial reference value isg
ﻫ2adjus reaterthan the early shunt power generated by thegenerator terminal voltage.ﻫ
tthe activepowercaused the unit running out of thedealwiththe accident
(1) accident phenomenon:
The normaloperation of apower plant generatingunits,the requirementslloadoperation, according tothe tone, increase theactivepower, reactive power ofthe generator output by 50MVar suddenly reduced to-80Mvar Excitation Equipmentissued to thelow excitatio nlimit signaltransformer group protectiondevicesreportedmissing magnetic protection action,generator columnsolution,theexcitationswitch tripping.ﻫ (2) Accident analysis:ﻫ After the accident, checkingall theprotection andabnormal signal transformerunitprotection devicesin addition to loss of excitation protection action any otheraccid
ent alarm, fault recorder revealed that the failure occurs, the generator terminal voltage drop s,reactive powerinto In to80Mvarloss of field protection of the rightaction;
Excitation Equipment In additionto theissueofthe low excitation limit signal noother incidentalarm signal Excitation Equipment recorded waveanalysisshows that the excitationregulator device ofpower system stabilizer outputsagsto the lower limit of the amplitud e(5%of the rated terminal voltage) generator Thesharp decline inreactive phase advanc eis running low excitation limit the start of theexcitation regulatordevice, but notenough time to adjust the generator into the depth to meet the operating conditions ofloss ofexcitation protection.ﻫWasthe only active powerto increase theoperation,the generator excitation regulator PSS-1A power systemstabilizer,soanalysts believe that the accidentis causedbecause the PSS antitune. PSS-1A power system stabilizer, PSSitself unabletodetermine the generatoractive power increaseis causedbythelowfrequencyoscillation causedby or motivatedby the originalregulation, whentheprime mover to increase the active power output,the PSSoutput will reducethe power generation excitationcurrent, therebyreducingthe generator reactive power,which is the PSS-1A-type anti-tune"phenomenon.PSS-1Agenerator excitationcurrentisadjusted according to changes inthe activepower,when the upward change of generator activepower, its "anti-tune the rate is proportional tothe activepowerchangesin amplitudedue to theincreasethe amplitude ofgenerator active power,speed, morePSS"Anti-tune" adirect result of the sudden decrease ofthe excitation current causedby thedepthof phase,resulting in the generator loss offield protection action splitting.ﻫ (3) deal with the accident:
The PSS-1Aanti-tune "the phenomenon of power plants and systems areunfavorablefor the PSS-1A-type power system stabilizerincreasedatresia PSS output function in the regulation of activepower, power system donot recommend this approach;Toeliminate this phenomeno nof"anti-tune" themost effectivemethod is touse the PSS-2Aor PSS-2Bmodel,a thomeand abroad over the excitation regulatorclassmodel of powersystem stabilizer, andget alotof use in the project.ﻫThe lowexcitation limit function of the excitation regulator perfect accident process excitationregulatorwas first issuedbythe signal of low-excitation limit, but due to the low excitationlimitthe function of slow, there is nolimit to the generator reactive powerreductionwasaresult of generatorloss offieldprotection action, the industry in the lowexcitation limitadjustmentmethod,there are two: one using themethod of increasing the voltagereferencevalue in the lowexc itationlimit limit reactive power decreased, this methodis theadjustmentprocess is relativelystable, butregulator slower; another switch directly in thelow excitation limitaction for reactive power closed-loop regulation to beadjustedaccording tothedecrease of reactive powerandspeed, thespeed ofthis method of adjustment, help generatorreactive power is quickly restoredtonormal operatingrange.ﻫ
(3) reactive themobility parameter settings donot match theswitchtocause thegenerator mistaken for strong excitationaccident analysisﻫ(1)accident phenomenon:
Of 200MW unit in the power generation state, theactive 200MW to +100Mvar reactive. The normal work of the excitation regulator,theA,channel-basedchannel, B channelfrom thechannel isinstandby mode excitation debuggingpersonneltoobserve the excitation current, channel switching test,afterthe issue ofthe channelswitching command (chann el A to B channel),the excitation current the sudden increase of the excitation transformer pr otection action,acting on the generatorrunning out of the trip.
(2) Accident analysis:ﻫ Afterthe accident, check the B channel andthe excitation transfo rmer protection devices, the results show that the Bchannel and the excitation transformerpr otection devices are working properly, reboot, and B channels can normallyrun with a load.Butwhen thegenerator load, the Achannel and B channelswitching, generator stator voltagewithout disturbance;Achannel and B channel switching when the load of the generator,the generator stator voltage significantly offsetthe defendant's The causeofthe
accident analysisto focusonthe A channel and Bchannelparametersare differences on the comparison:A channel without the mobility coefficient is0, the coefficientof themobilityof B-channelreactive mistakenly set to -15%.ﻫ Reactive tothemobility factor isdefined asthe generatorreactivepower is theratedcapacity, superimposed thepercentageof t he value of the generator statorvoltagein the voltage measurement. -15%Of the meaning ofreactive power coefficient of the mobility when the generator reactive power for the rated capacity,the generator stator voltage measurement equivalentto 15% reduction, representing an increase of 15%increase in excitation current until the generator stator voltage when the accidentoccurred,no reactivepower (100MVar)approximation for therated capacity(235M VA),42.5%,due to channel A, the reactivepower coefficient ofthemobilityforthe B-channel reactive powertune aberration coefficient of -15%,when the excitation fromA channel operation switch totheB-channeloperation, equivalent to thegenerator vo ltage to anincreaseof 6.37%,a sharp increasein the excitation current,overexcitation tra nsformer protectionofthe start value, delay Tripping the generatorrunning outof de-exci tation.ﻫ (3) deal with theaccident:
Re-set the reactive powercoefficient of the mobility, thesame value ofA channel andB channel,the re-generator grid of channel A andBchannel switchingtest, the testiss uccessful completion of thegenerator statorvoltage,reactivepowerand excitation c urrentchanged.
Check theexcitation regulator excitation currentoverexcitation limitsetvalue andthe excitation transformerprotectiondevicevalue to copewith thesituation,toensure that misuse strong excitation occurs,theexcitation regulator excitation current overexcitationlimit actionto reduce the excitation current,excitationtransformer protection ca
ﻫProximalload set annot beappear first action inthe generator solution column.ﻫ
negative tone difference caused by the generator reactive power fluctuationsfault analysisﻫ(1) Fault phenomenon:
A large state-owned enterprises-ownedpower plant 60MW unit,the original excitationsystem for the old-fashionedanalog excitationregulator,theuse of maintenance period to replacethe microprocessor-based excitation regulator,after commissioning excitation regulator, generator, grid test,during the test generator reactivepower and stable operation, a f ew dayslater,the generator re-boot, the generator terminal voltage and reactive power fluctuations in thephenomenonof long-term subsided.
(2) failure analysis:ﻫ Failure,power plants and factory techniciansfailure of technical analysis, comparative analysisof the recorded data when the recorded data and failure of the test period,before andafterthe resultsshowthat different:the loadduring thetest generator outputtohigh-pressure bus (35KV), and thenthrough thesupplyof high voltagebus(35KV) enterprise;fault when the generatorload supplyuse by the low-voltage bus (6.3KV).Re-valuation accounting, themobility coefficientof reactive poweris set to-4%,the generatormainconnection unit wiring,debuggingpersonnel according to the excitation standard reactive powertransfers toanother set of recommendations, the mobility coefficient of reactive -4%,butignored the role of low-voltage busload forthe bus load, the generator stator and load impedanceis zero, the physical meaning ofthereactive powerof themobility coefficient, the heavier-side load generator sets itsreactive powercoefficientofthe mobility must be a positive.ﻫ (3)failuretreatment:ﻫReactive power coefficient of themobilityis changed to4%,the generator reactive power fluctuations quickl ysubsided, stable operation.。