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1 目的Objective

The objective of this procedure is to ensure that the purchased raw materials and components conform to the specifications and that they are under effective control.
2 适用范围Applicable Scope

This is applicable to the purchase of raw materials and components.
3 职责Responsibility
3.1 工程技术部负责提供原材料、协配件的图样和技术标准等文件。

The Engineering Department is responsible for providing sample drawings and technical
standards related to the raw materials and components.
3.2 采购物流部负责采购计划的编制和实施采购。

The Purchase & Logistics Department is responsible for formulating purchase plan and
implementing purchase activities.
3.3 主管领导负责采购计划和采购资料的审批。

The supervisory managers are responsible for the examination and approval of purchase
plan and data.
3.4 质量部负责采购产品的检验和试验。

The Quality Department is responsible for the inspection and test of the purchased
4 工作程序Work Procedures
4.1 采购文件的编写与审批Compilation & Approval of Purchase Documents
4.1.1 每月25日前采购物流部根据公司每月生产计划和仓库库存情况,编制采购计划,报主管领导审

Before 25 of each month, the Purchase & Logistics Department shall formulate purchase
plan in accordance with the monthly production plan and inventories, and then submit it to the supervisory manager for approval.
4.1.2 采购物流部根据采购计划在〈合格分承包方名录〉中优先选择A类分承包方作为采购对象。


The Purchase & Logistics Department shall, based on the “List of Qualified suppliers” , prioritize the purchase from the Class A suppliers and implement “Supplier Sele ction & Assessment Control Procedures”.
4.1.3 采购物流部制订《采购合同》,《采购合同》必须明确品名、数量、质量标准、付款方式、运输

The Purchase & Logistics Department shall formulate the purchase contract, in which the
product description, quantity, quality standards, payment, transport, package, inspection & acceptance, delivery time and both parties’ responsibilities for breach of contract must be
clearly stated.
4.1.4 除书面合同外,也可以采用传真合同,电报、电话合同方式,但必须有传真或电报、电话记录,

Besides written contact, the telefax contract, telex contract and telephone contract are also acceptable, but must be attached with the telefax, telex or telephone records. The terms
and conditions are the same as the description in Clause 4.1.3.
4.1.5 采购合同、订单均应由部门经理审批、分承包方代表同意后生效实施。

The purchase contracts and orders enter into force subject to the approval and signature of department managers.
4.1.6 因生产需要应急采购原材料、协配件时,由采购物流部提出应急采购申请,经主管领导审批后

If the raw materials and components need to be temporarily purchased due to production
requirements, the Purchase & Logistics Department shall submit a temporary purchase
application to the supervisory manager for approval.
4.2 采购产品的验证Verification of Purchased Products
4.2.1 原材料、协配件到公司后,由采购物流部采购员和仓库管理员验证产品数量、名称、厂名、合

At the arrival of raw materials and components, the purchase representative and
warehouse administrator of the Purchase & Logistics Department shall verify the product
quantity, product description, manufacturer’s name and quality certi ficate or material quality
report, and then fill in Out-sourced Parts Inspection Application Form and submits it to the
Quality Department for inspection. Implement the “Inspection & Test Control Procedures”. 4.2.2 顾客到分承包方处验货,由采购物流部安排采购员协助实施,但不能免除我方的验证、检验或

If the customer plans to inspect the products at the place of sub-contractors, the Purchase & Logistics Department shall arrange purchase representative to provide assistance, but
this will not release AICQ from the responsibilities of verification, inspection or test.
4.2.3 应急采购的生产急需物资,按4.2.1条款执行。

For emergency purchase of urgent materials, follow Clause 4.2.1.
4.3 管理说明Notes to Management
The Purchase & Logistics Department must set up an assurance and control system, guaranteeing that the Suppliers accomplish 100% on-time delivery. In this system it may:
a. 依据分承包方的特点(生产能力、距离、运输方式、正常交货周期等)规定下发订货计划的
Specify the length of advance release of the purchase plan according to the characteristics of the supplier (production capability, distance, transport means, normal delivery cycle, etc).
b. 专人监督分承包方的生产进度(回传生产计划、进行生产过程监控);
Specify a special personnel to supervise the production progress of the suppliers (feed back the production plan, supervise the production process).
c. 规定分承包方原材料、在制品、成品库存量;
Specify the sub-contractor’s stock size of raw materials, products under production and finished products.
d. 应急时应该采取的纠正措施;
Specify the corrective actions at emergency.
e. 进行逐次交货情况统计;
Make statistics of each delivery.
f. 必须进行附加运费的记录(分别包括供方和分承包方)等;
Include the records of additional freight costs (for the supplier and sub-contractor, respectively).
g. 在采购合同中,应明确注明要求分承包方必须100%准时交付,如分承包方未按期交付采购

In the purchase contract, it shall clearly specify that the sub-contractor must accomplish the delivery 100% on time. If the sub-contractor does not deliver on time, the Purchase & Logistics Department must require the sub-contractor to immediately formulate corrective and preventative actions. If there are no improvements for a long time, cancel the sub-contractor’s qualification.
4.4 采购物流部采购员必须熟悉业务和采购所依据的产品标准和公司的质量要求,执行《培训控制

The purchase representatives working in Purchase & Logistics Department must be
familiar with the operation skills and understand the product standards and company’s
quality requirements. Implement the “Training Control Procedures”.
5 相关文件Specific Documents
5.1 AICQ/WI-0602-01 《分承包方选择评价控制程序》
AICQ/WI-0602-01 Supplier Selection and Assessment Control Procedures
6 质量记录Quality Records
6.1 AICQ/QR-0602-01 《采购合同》
AICQ/QR-0602-01 “Purchase Contract”
6.2 AICQ/QR-0602-02 《采购计划》
AICQ/QR-0602-02 Purchase Plan
6.3 AICQ/QR-0602-03 《外购件、外协件检验申请单》
AICQ/QR-0602-03 Out-sourced Parts Inspection Application Form。
