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多重人格症是指一个人同时具有两 种或多种非常不同的人格.每一个人 格在一特定时间占统治地位。这些 人格彼此之间是独立的、自主的, 并作为一个完整的自我而存在每个 人格有其个别的姓名,记忆,特质及 行为方式.通常原来的人格并不知晓 另一个人格的存在,而新出现的人格 则对原来的人格有相当的了解.新人 格的特质通常与原人格特质相当不 同,如原人格是害羞,压抑的,新人格 可能是开放,外向的 。 相对常见的形式是双重人格,通常 其中一种占优势,但两种人格都不 进入另一方的记忆,几乎意识不到 另一方的存在。从一种人格向另一 种的转变,开始时通常很突然,与 创伤性事件密切相关;其后,一般 仅在遇到巨大的或应激性事件、或 接受放松、催眠或发泄等治疗时, 才发生转换。
Noble 身上的第七个“人格”画家名叫KEN,喜欢 画各种颜色的颜料涂成的水纹图案。
From Mimi,Noble’s eighth identity, she likes painting beautiful sightseeing.
From MJ,Noble’s ninth identity, she loves painting some abstract paintings.
Movies about DID
• Tokyo Boy • Identity(《致命 ID》) • Hide and Seek
From the third identity——Anon,she prefers painting some dark colored oil paintings in the early morning.
From the 4th identity—— Dawn,her painting style is gloomy and restless.
Cause & Process of development of DID
• It has been theorized that severe physical, or psychological trauma in childhood predisposes(使倾向于) an individual to the development of DID. • When faced with overwhelmingly traumatic(外伤的,创伤的) situations from which there is no physical escape, a patient may resort to “going away” in his or her head. This ability may be used and is extremely effective defense against acute emotional pain. By this dissociative(解离的) process, thoughts, feelings, memories, and perceptions of the traumatic experiences can be separated off psychologically, allowing the patient to function as if the trauma had not occurred. • Often, even after the traumatic circumstances are long past, the left-over pattern of defensive dissociation remains. Chronic(长期的,习惯性的) defensive dissociation may lead to serious dysfunction(机能障碍 )in work, socห้องสมุดไป่ตู้al, and daily activities. Repeated dissociation may result in a series of separate entities(实体), or mental states, which may eventually take on identities of their own. These entities may become the internal "personality states," Changing between these states of consciousness is described as "switching."
From the 5th identity within Nobel——KEY, she likes drawing images composed of various symbols,resembling a kind of ancient totems.
Noble 身上的第六个 “人格”画家名叫Judy, 喜欢画一些带有黑白格 纹的作品
from Abi, Noble’s first identity , she loves drawing fashionable illustration(插图).
From Bonny, Noble’s second identity,she loves drawing with varied colors.
About the “switching”
• 从一种人格到另一种人格的转化通常是突然发生的,当后继 的人格开始“执政”时,原先的主体人格刚开始是意识不到 的,并忘却业已发生过的事情。 • 长期生活在矛盾之中会使主格与各个人格之间的矛盾激化发 展,从而使所有人格毁灭,也就是死亡或是紊乱(实际意义 的疯子)。 • 当愤怒或不满因为不断的拒绝或惩罚而变得日益增强时,所 引起的愤怒或不满就会越来越多地被压抑入分离的人格部分。 积累的愤怒在大脑中不断分离解剖催化使这种极端愤怒愈是 加剧。由这些外部要求引发的挫折和不满也有可能变得更多! 于是,在“隔墙”的那一边,被压抑的东西就会越来越多, 所占“空间”就会越来越大,从而削弱了主体人格。由于那 个被隐匿和分离的人格过份强烈的要求表现自己,它就会周 期性地接管主体人格,成为后继人格。当后继人格在一特定 时间接管主体人格时,它的攻击和憎恨,以及其他主体人格 无法接受的紊乱行为,会变得格外明显。极端的表现是:如 果这种后继人格指向他人,便会导致杀人;如果指向主体人 格,便会导致自残或自杀。
Multiple-personality Disorders
• Defined as the occurrence of • two or more personalities within the same individual, each of which during sometime in the person's life is able to take control. This is not often a mentally healthy thing when the personalities vie for control. • The patient has at least two • distinct identities or personality states. Each of these has its own, relatively lasting pattern of sensing, thinking about and relating to self and environment。
Kim Noble:Gifted Artist With Dissociative identity Disorder
A English single mother Kim Noble’ body is dwelled in by 12 varied souls— —she is an patient with severe DID. There is an common characteristic among the 12 souls—they are all naturally gifted artists, and their painting styles are widely divergent (大相径庭).
Dissociative Disorders
• 人格分裂在学名上称 为“解离症”,它的 主要特征是患者将引 起他内在心里痛苦的 意识活动或记忆,从 整个精神层面解离开 来以保护自己,但也 因此丧失其自我 (Identity)的整体性。 • four major dissociative disorders: • Dissociative amnesia (心因性失忆症) • Dissociative identity disorder(多重人格症) • Dissociative fugue(解 离性漫游症) • Depersonalization disorder(自我感丧失)
Noble 身上的第七个“人格”画家名叫KEN,喜欢 画各种颜色的颜料涂成的水纹图案。
From Mimi,Noble’s eighth identity, she likes painting beautiful sightseeing.
From MJ,Noble’s ninth identity, she loves painting some abstract paintings.
Movies about DID
• Tokyo Boy • Identity(《致命 ID》) • Hide and Seek
From the third identity——Anon,she prefers painting some dark colored oil paintings in the early morning.
From the 4th identity—— Dawn,her painting style is gloomy and restless.
Cause & Process of development of DID
• It has been theorized that severe physical, or psychological trauma in childhood predisposes(使倾向于) an individual to the development of DID. • When faced with overwhelmingly traumatic(外伤的,创伤的) situations from which there is no physical escape, a patient may resort to “going away” in his or her head. This ability may be used and is extremely effective defense against acute emotional pain. By this dissociative(解离的) process, thoughts, feelings, memories, and perceptions of the traumatic experiences can be separated off psychologically, allowing the patient to function as if the trauma had not occurred. • Often, even after the traumatic circumstances are long past, the left-over pattern of defensive dissociation remains. Chronic(长期的,习惯性的) defensive dissociation may lead to serious dysfunction(机能障碍 )in work, socห้องสมุดไป่ตู้al, and daily activities. Repeated dissociation may result in a series of separate entities(实体), or mental states, which may eventually take on identities of their own. These entities may become the internal "personality states," Changing between these states of consciousness is described as "switching."
From the 5th identity within Nobel——KEY, she likes drawing images composed of various symbols,resembling a kind of ancient totems.
Noble 身上的第六个 “人格”画家名叫Judy, 喜欢画一些带有黑白格 纹的作品
from Abi, Noble’s first identity , she loves drawing fashionable illustration(插图).
From Bonny, Noble’s second identity,she loves drawing with varied colors.
About the “switching”
• 从一种人格到另一种人格的转化通常是突然发生的,当后继 的人格开始“执政”时,原先的主体人格刚开始是意识不到 的,并忘却业已发生过的事情。 • 长期生活在矛盾之中会使主格与各个人格之间的矛盾激化发 展,从而使所有人格毁灭,也就是死亡或是紊乱(实际意义 的疯子)。 • 当愤怒或不满因为不断的拒绝或惩罚而变得日益增强时,所 引起的愤怒或不满就会越来越多地被压抑入分离的人格部分。 积累的愤怒在大脑中不断分离解剖催化使这种极端愤怒愈是 加剧。由这些外部要求引发的挫折和不满也有可能变得更多! 于是,在“隔墙”的那一边,被压抑的东西就会越来越多, 所占“空间”就会越来越大,从而削弱了主体人格。由于那 个被隐匿和分离的人格过份强烈的要求表现自己,它就会周 期性地接管主体人格,成为后继人格。当后继人格在一特定 时间接管主体人格时,它的攻击和憎恨,以及其他主体人格 无法接受的紊乱行为,会变得格外明显。极端的表现是:如 果这种后继人格指向他人,便会导致杀人;如果指向主体人 格,便会导致自残或自杀。
Multiple-personality Disorders
• Defined as the occurrence of • two or more personalities within the same individual, each of which during sometime in the person's life is able to take control. This is not often a mentally healthy thing when the personalities vie for control. • The patient has at least two • distinct identities or personality states. Each of these has its own, relatively lasting pattern of sensing, thinking about and relating to self and environment。
Kim Noble:Gifted Artist With Dissociative identity Disorder
A English single mother Kim Noble’ body is dwelled in by 12 varied souls— —she is an patient with severe DID. There is an common characteristic among the 12 souls—they are all naturally gifted artists, and their painting styles are widely divergent (大相径庭).
Dissociative Disorders
• 人格分裂在学名上称 为“解离症”,它的 主要特征是患者将引 起他内在心里痛苦的 意识活动或记忆,从 整个精神层面解离开 来以保护自己,但也 因此丧失其自我 (Identity)的整体性。 • four major dissociative disorders: • Dissociative amnesia (心因性失忆症) • Dissociative identity disorder(多重人格症) • Dissociative fugue(解 离性漫游症) • Depersonalization disorder(自我感丧失)