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Modern frequency changer technical analysis
Cheng Xi(Heilongjiang longrnay mining group co., ltd.)
The general frequency changer by its merits and so on intellectualization, digitization, network receives people's favor more and mare, but along with the general frequency changer application scope's expansion, exposes same questions. In view of these questions, this article carried on has analyzed and proposed the countermeasure.
First, overtane question and caunterl}easure.
The general frequency changer's main circuit form generally by the rectificationpart, the contra variant part and the filter part is composed. The rectification part forthe three-phase bridgE-type uncontrolled rectifier, the inventors part is the IGBTthree-phase bridge-type inventors, and the output is the PWM profile. Because thegeneral frequency changer's rectification part uses the diode uncontrolled bridge-typeleveling circuit, the middle filter part uses the big electric capacity to take the filter, therefore rectifier's input current in fact is capacitor's charging current, assumes ahigher rnorc and precipitous pulse wave, its harmonic component is big. For theharmonic cancellation, t11ay use:
1、Increases the frequency changer electric power supply internal resistance. Usually in the situation, power equipment's internal resistance may play the cushionfrequency changer concurrent filter electric capacity's reactive power role. This l}indof internal resistance is transformers short-circuit impedance. When power sourcecapacity relative frequency changer capacity hour, then the internal resistance valuerelatively is bigger, the harmonic content is smaller; When the power source capacityrelative frequency changer capacity is bigger, then the internal resistance valuerelatively is bigger, the harmonic content is bigger. Therefore best choice short-circuitimpedance big transformer.
2、Installs the reactor. Installs the reactor is actually increases the frequency
changer electric power suppl犷s internal resistance frarn exterior. Installs thedirect-current reactor in frequency changer's exchange side installment exchangereactor or in frequency changer's direct-current side, also or installs,
suppresses theharmonic current.
3、Transformer heterogeneity movement. The general frequency changer's
rectification part 15 51X pl1ISC wave rectifiers, therefore produces the overtone is big. Ifusing transformer's heterogeneity movement, causes phase angle mutual deviation 30o like Y- d,△-△the combination two transformer constitution to be equal to 12pulse wave efFects, then may reduce the low order harmonic current 28%, plays theharmonic suppression role.
4、Adjusts frequency changer's carrier ratio. So long as carrier compared toenough big, is inferior the overtone to be possible to suppress effectively,specially thereference wave peak-to-peak value and the carrier peak-to-peak value are smaller thanl:00, 13 following odd number overtones no longer appear.
5、Special-purpose filter. The special-purpose filter use in examining thefrequency changer harmonic current the peak-to-peak value and the phase, andproduces one with the harmonic current peak-to-peak value to be the same, but thephase just right opposite electric current, passes through in the frequency changer, absorption harmonic current.
Second, matching of load question and countermeasure.
Produces machinery's torque characteristics to divide into three types roughly: Permanent torque loading, air blower pump class lead and permanent powertermination. In view of the different load type, should chose the different type thefrequency changer.
1、Permanent torque loading. The permanent torque loading is refers to the loadmoment to have nothing to do with the rotational speed, under any rotational speed, the torque rnaintains constant. But the permanent torque loading divides into thefriction class load and the potential energy type capacity two kinds.
2、Air blower pump class load. The air blower pump class load is presentindustry field application most equipment, although the pump and air biowcr'scharacteristic arc many and varied, but mainly by the centrifugal pump and thecentrifugal fan application, the general frequency changers are primarily most in thiskind of load application. This kind of load is not high to frequency changer'spcrformance requirement, only requests the efficiency and the reliability, therefore thechoice has
the U/f=const control model frequency changer then, like Mitsubishifrequency changer FR-F540 (L) series. Air blower load in actual movement process, because the rotor inertia is quite big, therefore frequency changer's rise time and thedeceleration time are a very important question. The air blower load's system rotor inertia computation is very important. Whenfrequency changer concrete design, according to the computed result, carries an thesuitable revision, when the frequency changer starts does not occur the overflow tripand the frequency changer decelerate when does not have in the overvoltage tripsituation, choice shortest time. But the pump class load in the actual movementprocess, easy to have the buzz, the build the pressure and the water hangs the effect, therefore time frequency changer shaping, must choose is suitable for the pump classload the frequency changer, and troquency changer in function hypothesis time mustairn at the above question to carry on establishes alone.
3、Permanent power termination. The permanent power terrninatian refers to theload which the torque roughly and the rotational speed is in reverse proportion, liketoiler, unwinding toiler and so on. Speaking of certain speed change scope, whenactuates the permanent power termination using the frequency changer, usually theconsideration selects the permanent torque velocity modulation method below samerotational speed, when is higher than this rotational speed only then selects thepermanent power velocity modulation method. Usually is called this rotational spedspats the base frequency, but this point correspondence's voltage outputs the ratedvoltage for the frequency changer.
Third, gives off heat the question and the countermeasure.
Frequency changer's giving off heat is produces by the internal loss. Carries onthe radiation to the frequency changer, usually use:
1、Uses the ventilator radiation. Frequency chang's internal installationventilator lnay carry aff frequency changer's box boy interior radiation, if theventilator cannot the nornlal Work, immediately stop the frequency changermovement.
2、Reduces installs the ambient ternperaturc. General frequency changer'senviromnent operating temperature general request in-50℃-50℃,if can take themeasure to reduce the frequency changer operating temperature as far as possible,
then frequency changer's service life lengthens, the performance is also quite stable. May adopt two methods regarding this question: First, constructs the independentfrequency changer low pressure, the interior installs the air conditioning, maintainsthe low pressure the temperature in +15℃to +200C℃between, Second, frequencychanger's installment space needs to satisfy the frequency changer instruction for usethe request.
The above talks about the frequency changer gives off heat is refers to the frequency changer in the rated range the normal operation loss. When the frequencychanger has the unusual movement (for example overflow, when crosses pressure, theloss which overload and so on) produces, must avoid this kind of phenomenonthrough the normal shaping the occurrence.
Regarding the air blower pump class load, tale Mitsubishi frequency changer FR-F54D as the example, when the frequency changer is opposite in its rated load120% overloads, its duration is 60 seconds, and does not allow within 300 seconds topresent the second overload. When the frequency changer presents the overload, because the power unit it winds through the excess current elevates temperature, causes the frequency changer overheated,be must cause its temperature decrease tocause frequency changer's overheated protection movement as soon as possible toeliminate, this undercooking is frequency changer's overload cycle. The differentfrequency changer, its overload multiple, the overload time and the overload cycle arenot same, and its overload multiple is bigger, the overload time is shorter.
Electrical machinery which actuates regarding the frequency changer, maydivide into two kinds according to its working condition:Long-term working systemand redundant short-time working systems The long-term working system's electricalmachinery may accord its name brand stipulation data long-term movement.In viewof this kind of load, the frequency changes- may carry on the shaping according to theelectrical machinery data plate data, like continuous running oil pump, if its electricalmachinery power is time 22kW, may choose the FR-F54a-22k frequency changer then. The redundant short-time working system electrical machinery, its characteristic is theduplication and short-time, namely electrical machinery's operating time and the idletune carries on alternate以moreover
is quite short, the two sum, according to thecountry stipulated that do not surpass far 60 seconds. The redundant short-tuneworking system electrical machinery permits its overload, and has certain elevation ofternpcrature. This time, if chooses the frequency changer according to the electricalmachinery data plate data, will create frequency changer's damage inevitably In viewof this king of load, the frequency changer in the reference electrical machinery dataplate data's situation must according to the electrical machinery load diagram andfrequency changer's overload multiple, the overload time, and the overload cyclecomes the shaping. If is redundant the short-time movement the elevator, its electricalmachinery power is 18.5kW, rnay choose the FR-A540-22K frequency changer.
Through has the problem to the general frequency changer moverncnt process inthe analysis, proposed solves these question actual countermeasure, along with thenew technology and the new theory unceasingly on frequency changer's application, frequency changer existence's these questions hapcfully solves through frequencychanger's function and the compensation.Will enhancc unceasingly along with theindustry scene and the social environment to frequency changer's requcst, satisfy theactual need the falsehood "the green" the frequency changer also soon to appear onthe market.
针对该类负载,变频器可根据电机铭牌数据进行选型,如连续运行的油泵,若其电机功率为22kW 时,可选择FA-F540-22k变频器即可。