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韦穗简介: 韦穗简介:
女,出生于 1946 年 2 月,籍贯,广西,1969 年毕业于原南京工学院(现东南大学)电子工程系。现为安徽大学教 授、博导、安徽大学计算智能和信号处理教育部重点实验室主任、中国图像图形学会副理事长、安徽省人民政府 参事。1996-2007 年曾任安徽大学副校长,教育部科学技术委员会委员。1979-1996 在中国科学院智能机械研究 所研究员。1983 年 4 月至 1985 年 9 月在美国密执安大学及弗吉尼亚多理学院作访问学者。1991—1998 担任国家 863 智能机器人主题专家组成员。长期从事计算机视觉、成像与显示等领域的研究。
内容简介: 内容简介: Thus far, three big technologies of stereoscopy, integral imaging and holography have been mostly employed for implementation of 3D imaging and display systems. Particularly, this year of 2009 is the 171th, 101th and 61th anniversary since the stereoscopy, holography and integral photography has been born in 1838, 1908 and 1948, respectively. In my presentation, development progresses of these technologies are overviewed and their future development prospects are also discussed. In addition, recent R&D activities and business on 3D information technologies in Korea including the 3DRC are presented. Eun-Soo Kim 简介: 简介: He received his B.S and Ph. D degrees in electronic engineering from the Yonsei University in 1978 and 1984, respectively. In 1981 he joined the faculty of Kwangwoon University, Seoul, Korea, where he is presently a professor at the Department of Electronic Engineering. He was a Visiting Professor at the laboratory was honored and sponsored as a National Research Laboratory (NRL) of 3D Media by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Korea in 2000.
DMD TI as a spatial light modulator (SLM) (pitch 17μ×17μ); while another SLM 12μ×12μ. The research on their principle for diffraction imaging and results as well as the algorithm for computer-generated display holograms is given. At last the lesson we have learnt and future work are also include.
演讲题目: 演讲题目: 3D@Home Consortium Overview and 3D Industry Trends in the US 演讲人: 演讲人:Representative of 3D@Home Consortium Mr. Keith Jack
内容简介: 内容简介: The 3D@Home Consortium was formed to speed the commercialization of 3D Video into homes and provide the best possible viewing experience by facilitating the development of standards, roadmaps and education for the entire 3D industry - from content, hardware and software providers to consumers. With so many standards organizations working on various aspects of 3D Video, 3D@Home serves as the central depository of development and educational efforts. An overview of the 3D Video market in the USA is also presented, including new standards development, new CE products, and how on-line content is also rapidly moving to 3D. Keith Jack 简介: 简介: Keith Jack is Director of Product Marketing at Sigma Designs, offering high-performance System-on-Chip (SoC) solutions for the CE and cable/IPTV set-top box markets. He also serves on the Board of Directors of 3D@Home and is the company's representative for Blu-ray Disc Association (BDA), Open IPTV Forum, Home Gateway Initiative, CEA, ITU, DVB, SCTE, and SMPTE. Mr. Jack has also served in various marketing positions at Harris Semiconductor, Brooktree, and Rockwell Semiconductor.
演讲题目: 演讲题目:中国 3D 产业及市场现状 演讲人: 演讲人:中国立体视像产业联盟(C3D)秘书长 唐斌 内容简介: 内容简介: 简要介绍中国 3D 立体信息技术及产业发展。内容包括立体电视系统、立体电视实时转播试验、互 联网 3D 视频、3D 游戏、3D 工业设计等等。 唐斌简介: 唐斌简介: 2008. 10 当选中国立体视像产业联盟(C3D)秘书长 2008. 06 当选中国数字家庭产业联盟副秘书长 2004.06 在中国电子视像行业协会 (CVIA)和中国计算机世界传媒集团 (CCW)联合支持下,创办 《中国数字电视》杂志(月刊) ,负责杂志的运营及战略管理,曾任职 COO 及副社长等职。 1998.10 涉足 IT 产业,入职原信息产业部电子情报所 演讲题目: 演讲题目:视频全息系统 演讲人: 演讲人:安徽大学教授、博导、安徽大学计算智能和信号处理教育部重点实验室主任 韦穗 内容简介: 内容简介:
演讲题目: 演讲题目:无处不在的 3D,立体影像的魅力 演讲人: 演讲人: 中国 3D 产业联盟首席专家顾问、国家知识产权局副局长 李玉光 内容简介: 内容简介: 立体摄影, 除了作为一门数字科技与摄影技术融合而生的视觉享受艺术外, 凭借其为人们带来了 前所未有的还原真实世界的感受和体验,也在其它越来越多的领域得到了大量应用,如地理测绘、医 学影像诊疗、模拟仿真、工业设计、教育培训、刑侦等等。立体将无所不在!立体影像作品,可以将 观者的视觉穿越时间和空间的界限, 对眼前的事物产生了触手可及的感觉和身临其境的享受, 这种把 记忆无限地趋近真实的还原和长久地保存在物理介质中,并可以随时地、完美地再现出来的特质,这 正是立体影像作品所独有的魅力! 李玉光简介: 李玉光简介: 中国重庆人。在取得德国柏林工业大学工学博士学位后,又在位于 Erlangen 的德国西门子公司 总部博士后工作站完成博士后研究。 李玉光博士先后受聘于德国不来梅大学, 德国西门子公司和意大 利航空航天公司, 在欧洲学习生活 14 年后于 1995 年回到中国, 任广东省佛山市电器工业总公司副总 经理兼总工程师。1998 年起,连任两届佛山市人民政府副市长。任第九届、第十届、第十一届全国 政协委员。2003 年起,任中华人民共和国国家知识产权局副局长至今。 演讲题目: 演讲题目:Innovation of 3D Fusion Industry in Korea 演讲人: 演讲人:President of 3DFIC, Korea Prof. Eun-Soo Kim
演讲题目: 演讲题目:Recent 3D Image Technologies Developed In Chinese Taipei 演讲人: 演讲人 : Secretary General of Chinese Taipei 3D Interaction and Display Alliance (3DIDA) Tzuan-Ren Jeng Dr.
在报告中, 我们给出 2 个视频全息的实验系统, 一个系统的空间光调制器由数字微镜装置 DMD (间距 17μ×17μ) , 而另一个由 Lcos(间距 12μ×12μ)构成。介绍我们关于它们衍射成像原理的理论和成像结果以及计算机产生全息图 的算法研究进展和展望。In this report, two Holographic Video Systems for a proof-of-concept are presented, one of them is constructed by
内容简介: 内容简介: In this talk, the recent 3D image technologies developed from ITRI and Chinese Taipei’s industry will be introduced. These technologies include 3D content manufacture, 2D to 3D conversion technology, 3D modeling, stereo display with glass, and auto-stereo display. Their current achievements will be also presented. Tzuan-Ren Jeng 简介: 简介: Tzuan-Ren Jeng received his Ph. D degree in electrical engineering from National TsingHua University of Chinese Taipei in 1995. Currently, he is the Director of Electrical and Optoelectronics Research Laboratories of ITRI, and in charge of development project related to 3D image technologies. He is also the secretary general of Chinese Taipei 3D Interaction and Display Alliance (3DIDA).