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转发信息库[hw] Forward Information Base
傅里叶变换[hw] Fourier Transform
帧标[hw] frame preamble
成帧,帧形成,帧定位[hw] framing
自由软件[hw] freeware
网关控制协议[hw] gateway control protocol
组件、群件[hw] groupware
高级数据链路控制(规程)[hw] High-level Data Link Control 跳,步跳[hw] hop
整数倍[hw] integer multiple; integral multiple
内部网关协议[hw] Interior Gateway Protocol
国际移动用户识别码[hw] International Mobile Subscriber Identity 因特网控制报文协议[hw] Internet Control Message Protocol
因特网工程师任务组[hw] Internet Engineering Task Force
因特网密匙交换协议[hw] Internet Key Exchange protocol
调用[hw] invoke
IP包[hw] IP packet
借用IP地址[hw] IP unnumbered
链接调用[hw] Linked Invoke
地点[hw] locale
必选定长部分[hw] mandatory fixed part
媒体接入控制[hw] Media Access Control
MPLS垫层[hw] MPLS shim
多链接点到点协议(PPP协议),多链路PPP捆绑[hw] Multilink PPP 多协议标记交换[hw] Multiprotocol Label Switching
线路适应能力[hw] network adaptability
网络控制协议[hw] Network Control Protocol
网络接口栓[hw] Network Interface Tap
网管中心[hw] Network Management Center
节点[hw] node
一号通[hw] One Number Link You
报文[hw] packet
基于SDH/SONET的报封装[hw] Packet Over SONET/SDH
净荷类型[hw] Payload Type
对等网络[hw] peer network
对等网络[hw] peer-to-peer network
永久虚通路、永久虚拟通道[hw] Permanent Virtual Channel
相位[hw] phase
物理媒介子层[hw] Physical Medium sub-layer
明文[hw] plain text
点到点协议[hw] Point-to-Point Protocol
电源线、电线、电源电缆[hw] power cable
原始基准时钟[hw] Primary Reference Clock
原语[hw] Primitive
产品激活[hw] Product Activation
运营商边缘[hw] Provider Edge
总串口配置模式[hw] pseudo-serial configuration mode
公共路由封装协议[hw] Public Routing Encapsulation
公用软件/无版权软件[hw] public-domain software
R2信令, (中国)一号信令;产品目的地国家的随路信令[hw] R2 signaling
随机存取[hw] random access
随机早期检测[hw] Random Early Detection
冗余位[hw] redundancy bit
远端用户拨入鉴权服务[hw] Remote Authentication Dial in User Service
路由管理中心[hw] Router Management Center
路由反射器[hw] router reflector
路由信息协议[hw] Routing Information Protocol
密钥[hw] secret key
分段/重装[hw] Segmenting/reassembling
观看本地图像[hw] selfview/view outgoing video
顺序存取[hw] sequential access
业务中心[hw] Service System
会话[hw] session
共享软件[hw] shareware
七号信令[hw] Signaling System Number 7
单个联系客体[hw] Single Association Object
小型计算机系统接口[hw] Small Computer Systems Interface
软件许可证[hw] software licensing
水平分割更新[hw] split-horizon updates
间谍软件[hw] spyware
独立(式)[hw] stand-alone
交换多兆比特数据业务[hw] Switched Multi-megabit Data Service
交换虚电路[hw] Switched Virtual Circuit
暂时信令连接[hw] temporary signaling connections
终端访问控制器控制系统协议[hw] Terminal Access Controller Access Control System
令牌环网[hw] token ring network
流量整形[hw] Traffic Shaping
通用类[hw] Universal
通用串行总线[hw] Universal Serial Bus
用户数据包协议[hw] User Datagram Protocol
低码率通信视频编码[hw] video coding for low bit rate communication
虚通路标识[hw] Virtual Channel Identifier
虚电路[hw] Virtual Circuit
虚拟私有数据网络[hw] Virtual Private Data Network
静电复印机[hw] xerox
SNMP团体[hw] SNMP community
SNMP团体名[hw] SNMP community name
接入[hw] access
“(全部)”级别[hw] (All) level
操作类别(4类) [hw] 4 classes of operations
缩位拨号[hw] Abbreviated Dialling
记帐卡呼叫[hw] Account Card Calling
ActiveX 数据对象[hw] ActiveX Data Objects
ActiveX 数据对象(多维)[hw] ActiveX Data Objects (Multidimensional) 增强智能外设[hw] Advanced Intelligent Peripheral
计费通知(计费)[hw] Advice of Charge (Charging)
计费通知(信息)[hw] Advice of Charge (Information)
“全部”成员[hw] All member)
美国国家标准学会[hw] American National Standards Institute
ANSI 到OEM 转换[hw] ANSI to OEM conversion
模拟显示业务接口服务器[hw] Analogue Display Service Interface server 分析服务器[hw] Analysis server
API 服务器游标[hw] API server cursor
应用上下文[hw] Application Context
应用上下文协商[hw] Application Context Negotiation
应用实体[hw] Application Entity
应用实体调用[hw] Application Entity Invocation
应用接口模块[hw] Application Interface Module
应用编程接口[hw] Application Programming Interface
应用协议数据单元[hw] Application Protocol Data Unit
应用业务单元[hw] Application Service Element
ASCII码[hw] ASCII character
话务员[hw] Attendant
鉴权中心[hw] Authentication Centre
鉴权码[hw] Authorization Code
被叫确认付费[hw] Auto Collect Call
自动更换记帐[hw] Automatic Alternative Billing
自动回呼[hw] Automatic Call Back
自动呼叫分配器/ 排队机[hw] Automatic Call Distributor
自动语音识别[hw] Automatic Speech Recognition
接入信道[hw] access channel
接入码[hw] access code
接入时延[hw] access delay
接入功能[hw] access function
精确度[hw] accuracy
证实消息[hw] acknowledge/acknowledgement message
操作[hw] action
激活[hw] activation
激活的移动台[hw] active MS
活动语句[hw] active statement
特殊连接器名称[hw] ad hoc connector name
附加设备(辅助实体)[hw] adjunct
代理[hw] agent
聚合函数[hw] aggregate function
聚合查询[hw] aggregate query
聚合[hw] aggregation
聚合前缀[hw] aggregation prefix
聚合包装[hw] aggregation wrapper
警报[hw] alert
提醒方式[hw] alerting pattern
别名[hw] alias
命名别名[hw] aliasing
祖先[hw] ancestor
批注属性[hw] annotational property
匿名订阅[hw] anonymous subscription
应用程序角色[hw] application role
应用[hw] applications
存档文件[hw] archive file
参数条款[hw] argument clause
项目[hw] article
资产定位[hw] asset location
资产跟踪[hw] asset tracking
资产状况显现[hw] asset visualization
辅助SSF [hw] assisting SSF
原子的[hw] atomic
特性[hw] attribute
身份验证[hw] authentication
授权[hw] authorization
自动恢复[hw] automatic recovery
独立[hw] autonomy
轴[hw] axis
禁止所有入局呼叫[hw] Barring of All Incoming Calls
禁止所有出局呼叫[hw] Barring of All Outgoing Calls
漫游时,禁止入局呼叫[hw] Barring of Incoming Calls when Roaming Outside the Home PLMN Country
禁止国际出局呼叫[hw] Barring of Outgoing International Calls
禁止所有除归属国PLMN外的国际出局呼叫[hw] Barring of Outgoing International Calls except those directed to the Home PLMN Country
基站控制器[hw] Base Station Controller
基站控制器区域[hw] Base Station Controller (BSC) area
基站收发信台[hw] Base Transceiver Station
基本呼叫处理[hw] Basic Call Process
基本呼叫状态模型[hw] Basic Call State Model
基本速率接口[hw] Basic Rate Interface
布尔型[hw] Boolean
备份设备[hw] backup device
备份文件[hw] backup file
备份媒体[hw] backup media
备份集[hw] backup set
均衡层次结构[hw] balanced hierarchy
基本数据类型[hw] base data type
基表[hw] base table
基本呼叫[hw] basic call
批处理[hw] batch
bcp 文件[hw] bcp files
bcp 实用工具[hw] bcp utility
取缺省值…… [hw] be defaulted to
互斥的[hw] be mutually exclusive
承载控制[hw] bearer control
承载业务[hw] bearer service
binary 数据类型[hw] binary data type
二进制大对象[hw] binary large object
捆绑[hw] bind
绑定[hw] binding
bit 数据类型[hw] bit data type
按位运算[hw] bitwise operation
块[hw] blocks
边界网关[hw] border gateway
浏览模式[hw] browse mode
缓存的[hw] buffered
内置函数[hw] built-in functions
业务规则[hw] business rules
CAMEL业务环境[hw] CAMEL Service Environment
CAMEL签约信息[hw] CAMEL Subscription Information
呼叫控制接入功能实体[hw] Call Control Agent Functional Entity
呼叫控制功能[hw] Call Control Function
呼叫控制功能实体[hw] Call Control Functional Entity
呼叫偏转[hw] Call Deflection
呼叫详细记录[hw] Call Detail Record
呼叫分配[hw] Call Distribution
呼叫前转[hw] Call Forwarding
遇忙呼叫前转[hw] Call Forwarding on Mobile Subscriber Busy
无法到达呼叫前转[hw] Call Forwarding on Mobile Subscriber Not Reachable 无应答呼叫前转[hw] Call Forwarding on No Reply
无条件呼叫前转[hw] Call Forwarding Unconditional
呼叫间隙[hw] Call Gapping
呼叫保持[hw] Call Hold
具有通知的呼叫保持[hw] Call Hold with Announcement
呼叫实例数据[hw] Call Instance Data
呼叫限制[hw] Call Limiter
呼叫记录[hw] Call Logging
呼叫排队[hw] Call Queueing
重选呼叫路由[hw] Call Rerouting Distribution
呼叫段[hw] Call Segment
呼叫段模型[hw] Call Segment Model
呼叫转移[hw] Call Transfer
呼叫等待[hw] Call Waiting
主叫线识别显示[hw] Calling Line Identification Presentation
主叫线识别限制[hw] Calling Line Identification Restriction
主叫姓名识别显示[hw] Calling Name Presentation
能力集[hw] Capability Set
资源管理台/卡号台[hw] Card Management Point
运营商接入码[hw] Carrier Access Code
分区分时(业务) [hw] Cell and Time Distribution
小区广播自动台[hw] Cell Broadcast Automatic station
小区广播中心[hw] Cell Broadcast Center
小区广播频道[hw] Cell Broadcast Channel
小区广播实体[hw] Cell Broadcast Entity
小区广播维测台[hw] Cell Broadcast Maintenance and Test console
小区广播人工台[hw] Cell Broadcast Manual station
蜂窝消息业务[hw] Cellular Messaging Teleservice
蜂窝寻呼业务[hw] Cellular Paging Teleservice
CHECK 约束[hw] CHECK constraints
电路域[hw] Circuit Switched (CS) domain
电路交换数据[hw] Circuit Switched Data
客户接入代理[hw] Client Access Agent
闭合用户群[hw] Closed User Group
共同管理信息系统[hw] Common Management Information System
遇忙呼叫完成[hw] Completion of Call to Busy Subscriber
会议呼叫[hw] Conference Calling
被叫线识别显示[hw] Connected Line Identification Presentation
被叫线识别限制[hw] Connected Line Identification Restriction
协商呼叫[hw] Consultation Calling
CPU 忙[hw] CPU busy
信用卡呼叫[hw] Credit Card Calling
客户侧管理[hw] Customer Profile Management
移动网络增强逻辑的客户化应用[hw] Customized Applications for Mobile network Enhanced Logic
定制的拨号方案[hw] Customized Dialling Plan
客户规定的记录通知[hw] Customized Recorded Announcement
客户规定的振铃[hw] Customized Ringing
高速缓存老化[hw] cache aging
计算列[hw] calculated column
计算字段[hw] calculated field
计算成员[hw] calculated member
计算条件[hw] calculation condition
计算公式[hw] calculation formula
计算传递[hw] calculation pass
计算子多维数据集[hw] calculation subcube
呼叫控制[hw] call control
遇到呼叫间隙[hw] call gapping encountered
呼叫模型[hw] call model
呼叫方处理[hw] call party handling
呼叫的技能路由[hw] call skill route
调用级接口[hw] call-level interface
呼叫/业务处理[hw] call/service processing
被叫方子地址[hw] called party subaddress
被叫方/用户[hw] called party/user
主叫设备组[hw] calling facility group
主叫设备组成员[hw] calling facility group member
主叫方子地址[hw] calling party subaddress
主叫方/用户[hw] calling party/user
预定义的(短消息)[hw] canned
运营商(商业通信)[hw] carrier (commercial telecommunications) 运营商识别码[hw] carrier identification code
运营商选择[hw] carrier selection
级联删除[hw] cascading delete
级联更新[hw] cascading update
事例[hw] case
事例键[hw] case key
事例集[hw] case set
单元[hw] cell
单元集[hw] cellset
证书[hw] certificate
更改脚本[hw] change script
可更改维度[hw] changing dimension
char 数据类型[hw] char data type
字符格式[hw] character format
字符集[hw] character set
计费号码[hw] charge number
计费方[hw] charged party
检查点[hw] checkpoint
子代[hw] child
城市观光[hw] city sightseeing
业务类别[hw] class of service
子句[hw] clause
客户端应用程序[hw] client application
客户端游标[hw] client cursor
聚集索引[hw] clustered index
聚集[hw] clustering
投币电话[hw] coin line
排序规则[hw] collation
收集地址信息[hw] collected address information 收集位数[hw] collected digits
列[hw] column
列筛选[hw] column filter
列级排序规则[hw] column-level collation
列级约束[hw] column-level constraint
命令关系[hw] command relationship
提交[hw] commit
组合索引[hw] composite index
组合键[hw] composite key
计算列[hw] computed column
串联[hw] concatenation
并发[hw] concurrency
会议业务[hw] conferencing services
信心区域[hw] confidence region
连接[hw] connection
连接控制[hw] connection control
连接点[hw] connection point
连接视图状态[hw] connection view state
一致信息发送[hw] consistent messaging
常量[hw] constant
约束[hw] constraint
消费者[hw] consumer
延续媒体[hw] continuation media
控制[hw] control
控制关系[hw] control relationship
控制窗口[hw] control window
控制中断报表[hw] control-break report
控制流语言[hw] control-of-flow language
控制支路[hw] controlling leg
通话中断[hw] conversation abort
对话业务[hw] conversational service
核心特征[hw] core feature
核心网络[hw] core network
相关子查询[hw] correlated subquery
误用[hw] corrupt
覆盖范围[hw] coverage
跨国车辆跟踪[hw] cross-country vehicle tracking 交叉表查询[hw] crosstab query
多维数据集[hw] cube
多维数据集角色[hw] cube role
当前位置[hw] current location
游标[hw] cursor
cursor 数据类型[hw] cursor data type
游标库[hw] cursor library
自定义汇总[hw] custom rollup
自定义规则[hw] custom rule
切割和补偿[hw] cut and paste
数据控制语言[hw] Data Control Language
默认约束[hw] DEFAULT constraint
删除查询[hw] Delete query
提醒被叫用户[hw] Destinating User Prompter
按目标选择路由[hw] Destination Call Routing
检出点[hw] Detection Point
1号数字用户信令系统(DSS 1) [hw] Digital Subscriber Signalling System No. 1 (DSS 1)
不连续接收机制[hw] Discontinuous Reception Mechanism
分布功能平面[hw] Distributed Functional Plane
分布业务逻辑[hw] Distributed Service Logic
分发列表[hw] Distribution List
分发服务器[hw] Distributor
无DSN 连接[hw] DSN-less connection
DTS 包[hw] DTS package
双音多频[hw] Dual Tone Multi-Frequency
数据[hw] data
数据块[hw] data block
数据连接[hw] data connection
数据定义[hw] data definition
数据定义语言[hw] data definition language
数据字典[hw] data dictionary
数据字典视图[hw] data dictionary view
数据爆炸[hw] data explosion
数据文件[hw] data file
数据完整性[hw] data integrity
数据沿袭[hw] data lineage
数据管理[hw] data management
数据操作语言[hw] data manipulation language
数据集市[hw] data mart
数据成员[hw] data member
数据修改[hw] data modification
数据对象[hw] data object
数据抽取[hw] data pump
数据清理[hw] data scrubbing
数据源[hw] data source
数据源名称[hw] data source name
数据模板[hw] data template
数据类型[hw] data type
数据仓库[hw] data warehouse
数据定义查询[hw] data-definition query
数据库[hw] database
数据库目录[hw] database catalog
数据关系图[hw] database diagram
数据库文件[hw] database file
数据库语言[hw] database language
数据库对象[hw] database object
数据库所有者[hw] database owner
数据库工程[hw] database project
数据库角色[hw] database role
数据库架构[hw] database schema
数据库脚本[hw] database script
数据报模式[hw] datagram message mode
数据集[hw] dataset
datetime 数据类型[hw] datetime data type
去激活[hw] deactivation
死锁[hw] deadlock
decimal 数据类型[hw] decimal data type
决策支持[hw] decision support
决策树[hw] decision tree
声明引用完整性[hw] declarative referential integrity 默认[hw] default
默认数据库[hw] default database
默认实例[hw] default instance
默认语言[hw] default language
默认成员[hw] default member
默认结果集[hw] default result set
延迟下发[hw] deferred delivery
延迟定位请求[hw] deferred location request
延期容忍[hw] delay tolerant
分隔符[hw] delimiter
下发的状态报告[hw] delivery receipt
递送报告[hw] delivery report
使非规范化[hw] denormalize
密度[hw] density
拒绝[hw] deny
相关性[hw] dependencies
注销[hw] deregister
后代[hw] descendant
目的对象[hw] destination object
目的地路由地址[hw] destination routing address
目的用户[hw] destination user
被拨号码[hw] dialled digits
对话[hw] dialogue
字典条目[hw] dictionary entry
差异数据库备份[hw] differential database backup
维度[hw] dimension
维度层次结构[hw] dimension hierarchy
维度表[hw] dimension table
直接连接[hw] direct connect
直接对象[hw] direct object
直接响应模式[hw] direct response mode
目录号码[hw] directory number
脏页[hw] dirty pages
脏读[hw] dirty read
调度业务[hw] dispatching services
分发[hw] distribute
分布式查询[hw] distributed query
分发数据库[hw] distribution database
分发保持期[hw] distribution retention period
分发业务[hw] distribution services
域[hw] domain
域完整性[hw] domain integrity
转出网[hw] donor network
双字节字符集[hw] double-byte character set
深化/浅化[hw] drill down/drill up
钻取[hw] drill through
双向消息交互[hw] duplex/two-way message exchange
动态配置/去配置[hw] dynamic arming/disarming
动态游标[hw] dynamic cursor
动态数据[hw] dynamic data
动态筛选[hw] dynamic filter
动态锁定[hw] dynamic locking
动态恢复[hw] dynamic recovery
动态SQL 语句[hw] dynamic SQL statements
动态快照[hw] dynamic snapshot
电子信息协会[hw] Electronic Messaging Association
电子编码[hw] Electronic Numbering
邮件服务器[hw] Email Server
加强呼叫路由[hw] Enhanced Call Routing
设备标识寄存器[hw] Equipment Identity Register
ESME接收方[hw] ESME receiver
ESME收发方[hw] ESME transceiver
ESME发送方[hw] ESME transmitter
事件检测点[hw] Event Detection Point
事件检出点(动态检出点)-通知[hw] Event Detection Point-Notification 事件检出点(动态检出点)-请求[hw] Event Detection Point-Request
显式呼叫转移[hw] Explicit Call Transfer
扩展简单邮件传输协议[hw] Extended Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
扩展用户接口服务器[hw] Extended User Interface Server
外部机器接口[hw] External Machine Interface
扩展短消息实体[hw] External Short Message Entity
窃听[hw] eavesdropping
单元[hw] element
基本功能[hw] elementary function
紧急提醒业务[hw] emergency alert services
紧急业务网络[hw] emergency services network
加密触发器[hw] encrypted trigger
加密[hw] encryption
增强多级优先和抢占[hw] enhanced Multi Level Precedence and Preemption 实体[hw] entity
实体完整性[hw] entity integrity
枚举[hw] enumeration
同等联接[hw] equijoin
删除[hw] erasure
错误码[hw] error code
错误日志[hw] error log
错误状态号[hw] error state number
转义符[hw] escape character
事件[hw] event
排它锁[hw] exclusive lock
执行进程[hw] executive process
显式事务[hw] explicit transaction
表达式[hw] expression
扩展存储过程[hw] extended stored procedure
扩展盘区[hw] extent
外部服务器[hw] external server
设备限制级别[hw] Facility Restriction Level
联邦信息处理标准[hw] Federal Information Processing Standard
有限状态机[hw] Finite State Machine
有线智能网[hw] Fixed Intelligent Network
跟我转移[hw] Follow-me Diversion
框架[hw] Framework
被叫集中付费[hw] Freephone
前置机、前端处理机[hw] Front End Processor
合格域名[hw] Fully Qualified Domain Name
功能实体[hw] Functional Entity
功能实体动作[hw] Functional Entity Action
设备代码[hw] facility code
设备组[hw] facility group
设备组成员[hw] facility group member
事实[hw] fact
事实数据表[hw] fact table
特征[hw] feature
特征码[hw] feature code
特征交互[hw] feature interaction
特征交互管理器[hw] feature interactions manager
提取[hw] fetch
字段[hw] field
字段长度[hw] field length
字段终止符[hw] field terminator
文件[hw] file
文件DSN [hw] file DSN
文件存储类型[hw] file storage type
文件组[hw] filegroup
填充因子[hw] fill factor
筛选[hw] filter
有限状态机模型[hw] finite state machine model
流水游标[hw] firehose cursor
首位超时[hw] first digit time out
固定数据库角色[hw] fixed database role
固定服务器角色[hw] fixed server role
平展界面[hw] flattened interface
平展行集[hw] flattened rowset
车队和资产管理业务[hw] fleet and asset management services
float 数据类型[hw] float data type
外键[hw] foreign key
外表[hw] foreign table
前向兼容多媒体信息发送[hw] forward compatible multimedia messaging 只进游标[hw] forward-only cursor
转发路径[hw] forward-path
前转路径[hw] forwarded leg
前转的多媒体短消息[hw] forwarded MM
前转MMS用户代理[hw] forwarding MMS user agent
前转用户[hw] forwarding subscriber
碎片[hw] fragmentation
完整外部联接[hw] full outer join
全文目录[hw] full-text catalog
全文启用[hw] full-text enabling
全文索引[hw] full-text index
全文查询[hw] full-text query
全文服务[hw] full-text service
功能[hw] function
函数[hw] function
功能程序[hw] functional routine
网关GPRS支持节点[hw] Gateway GPRS Support Node (GGSN)
网关移动定位中心[hw] Gateway Mobile Location Center
短消息关口MSC [hw] Gateway MSC For Short Message Service
总功能平面[hw] Global Functional Plane
总业务逻辑[hw] Global Service Logic
总虚拟网业务[hw] Global Virtual Network Services
GPRS会话[hw] GPRS session
GPRS附着[hw] GPRS-attach
GPRS分离[hw] GPRS-detach
群呼寄存器实体[hw] Group Call Register (GCR) entity
GSM家族网络[hw] GSM family networks
GSM业务控制功能[hw] GSM Service Control Function
GSM专用资源功能[hw] GSM Specialized Resource Function
网关[hw] gateway
基本名称[hw] generic name
全局控制[hw] global control
全局默认值[hw] global default
全局属性[hw] global properties
全局规则[hw] global rule
全局订阅[hw] global subscriptions
全局变量[hw] global variable
授权[hw] grant
粒度[hw] granularity
群呼区域[hw] group call area
来宾[hw] guest
高可用数据复制[hw] High-availability Data Replication
高级SIB [hw] High-Level SIB
归属环境[hw] Home Environment
归属环境增殖业务提供商[hw] Home Environment Value Added Service Provider 超文本标记语言[hw] Hypertext Markup Language
行进方向[hw] heading
异类数据[hw] heterogeneous data
层次结构[hw] hierarchy
高可用性SME [hw] high availability SME
家庭网络[hw] home network
同类数据[hw] homogeneous data
跃点[hw] hop
水平精确度[hw] horizontal accuracy
水平分区[hw] horizontal partitioning
巨型维度[hw] huge dimension
智能网概念模型[hw] IN Conceptual Model
智能网数据库[hw] IN DataBase
智能网数据库管理系统[hw] IN DataBase Management System
智能网域[hw] IN domain
智能交换管理[hw] IN Switching Manager
智能交换状态模型[hw] IN Switching State Model
智能业务[hw] IN supported service
信息流[hw] Information Flows
融合智能网[hw] Integrated Intelligent Network
综合业务数字网[hw] Integrated Services Digital Network
智能网[hw] Intelligent Network
智能网应用规程[hw] Intelligent Network Application Protocol
智能外设[hw] Intelligent Peripheral
交互式语音应答系统[hw] Interactive Voice Response System
国际电子技术委员会[hw] International Electrotechnical Commission 国际标准化组织[hw] International Organization for Standardization 可支持Internet 的[hw] Internet-enabled
查询PLMN [hw] Interrogating PLMN
短消息互通MSC [hw] Interworking MSC For Short Message Service 可用IP [hw] IP available
IP多点传送业务[hw] IP Multicast
IPSSP能力[hw] IPSSP capabilities
ISDN用户部份[hw] ISDN User Part
标识符[hw] identifier
标识列[hw] identity column
标识属性[hw] identity property
空闲时间[hw] idle time
image 数据类型[hw] image data type
立即定位请求[hw] immediate location request
即时更新[hw] immediate updating
即时更新订阅[hw] immediate updating subscriptions
隐性事务[hw] implicit transaction
暗示性权限[hw] implied permission
带内信令[hw] inband signalling
入呼[hw] inbound call
入呼/来话[hw] incoming call
增量更新[hw] incremental update
索引[hw] index
索引OR 运算[hw] index ORing
索引页[hw] index page
间接宾语[hw] indirect object
信息流[hw] information flow
信息模型[hw] information model
初始位置[hw] initial location
初始媒体[hw] initial media
初始快照[hw] initial snapshot
内联接[hw] inner join
输入成员[hw] input member
输入集[hw] input set
输入源[hw] input source
不感知游标[hw] insensitive cursor
插入查询[hw] insert query
插入值查询[hw] insert values query
实例[hw] instance
int (integer) 数据类型[hw] int (integer) data type
整型[hw] integer
集成安全性[hw] integrated security
完整性约束[hw] integrity constraint
意向锁[hw] intent lock
位间超时[hw] inter digit time out
互动业务[hw] interactive service
交互式结构化查询语言[hw] interactive structured query language 拦截/截取[hw] intercept
接口[hw] interface
(v.)与……接口[hw] interface
接口含义[hw] interface implication
内部标识符[hw] internal identifier
对接;相容[hw] interoperability
进程间通讯[hw] interprocess communication
联网功能[hw] interworking function
调用[hw] invocation
不规则形式[hw] irregular form
不规则形式类型[hw] irregular form type
隔离级别[hw] isolation level
作业[hw] job
联接[hw] join
联接列[hw] join column
联接条件[hw] join condition
联接字段[hw] join field
联接筛选[hw] join filter
联接运算符[hw] join operator
联接路径[hw] join path
联接表[hw] join table
连接表[hw] junction table
内核参数[hw] kernel parameter
键[hw] key
键列[hw] key column
键范围锁[hw] key range lock
键集驱动游标[hw] keyset-driven cursor
关键字[hw] keyword
LCS客户端[hw] LCS client
LCS客户接入禁止列表[hw] LCS client access barring list
LCS开户概况[hw] LCS client subscription profile
LCS特性[hw] LCS feature
LCS服务器[hw] LCS server
定位测量单元[hw] LMU indicator
本地交换局[hw] Local Exchange(local central office)
本地移动台标识[hw] Local Mobile Station Identity
位置区域[hw] Location Area
定位测量单元[hw] Location Measurement Unit
定位业务[hw] Location Service
大级别[hw] large level
上次已知位置[hw] last known location
延迟[hw] latency
合法拦截业务[hw] lawful interception services
层[hw] layer
叶[hw] leaf
叶级[hw] leaf level
叶成员[hw] leaf member
左向外联接[hw] left outer join
支路[hw] leg
级别[hw] level
级别层次结构[hw] level hierarchy
库[hw] library
链接多维数据集[hw] linked cube
链接服务器[hw] linked server
链接表[hw] linked table
链接表[hw] linking table
侦听SME [hw] listening SME
活锁[hw] livelock
本地多维数据集[hw] local cube
本地分发服务器[hw] local distributor
本地登录标识[hw] local login identification
本地服务器[hw] local server
本地业务[hw] local service
本地订阅[hw] local subscription
局部变量[hw] local variable
区域设置标识符[hw] locale identifier
地方化广告[hw] localized advertising
按位置计费[hw] location based charging
依靠位置的内容广播[hw] location dependent content broadcast 位置估计[hw] location estimate
位置号[hw] location number
位置状态[hw] location status
基于位置的信息业务[hw] location-based information services 锁[hw] lock
锁升级[hw] lock escalation
日志文件[hw] log file
逻辑名称[hw] logical name
逻辑运算符[hw] logical operators
登录(帐户)[hw] login (account)
登录安全模式[hw] login security mode
查找表[hw] lookup table
低可用性SME [hw] low availability SME
低延期[hw] low delay
邮件传送代理[hw] Mail Transfer Agent
维测服务器[hw] Maintenance and Test Server
恶意呼叫识别[hw] Malicious Call Identification
大众呼叫[hw] Mass Calling
会聚式会议电话[hw] Meet-me Conference
消息等待指示[hw] Message Waiting Indication
消息等待通知[hw] Message Waiting Notification
消息等待[hw] Messages-Waiting
消息等待数据[hw] Messages-Waiting-Data
消息等待指示[hw] Messages-Waiting-Indication
消息应用程序接口[hw] Messaging Application Programming Interface
多媒体消息生成[hw] MM creation
多媒体短消息下发[hw] MM delivery
多媒体短消息提交[hw] MM submission
多媒体消息时间标记[hw] MM time stamping
MMS客户端[hw] MMS Client
运营商控制的多媒体消息[hw] MMS control by the operator
用户控制的多媒体消息[hw] MMS control by the user
MMS封装[hw] MMS encapsulation
MMS发送端/发送方MMS手机[hw] MMS originating terminal
MMS发送者[hw] MMS originator
多媒体消息网关[hw] MMS Proxy-Relay
多媒体消息网关/调度中心[hw] MMS Relay/Server
MMS接收者[hw] MMS recipient
MMS接收端/接收方MMS手机[hw] MMS recipient terminal
MMS服务器(多媒体消息调度中心) [hw] MMS Server
MMS终端/MMS手机[hw] MMS terminal
MMS用户代理[hw] MMS user agent
MMS增值业务应用[hw] MMS VAS applications
监控模块[hw] MONitor
移动设备[hw] Mobile Equipment
移动台[hw] Mobile Station
移动台内存溢出标志[hw] Mobile-Station-Memory-Capacity-Exceeded-Flag 移动台不可达标志[hw] Mobile-Station-Not-Reachable-Flag
移动台不可达原因[hw] Mobile-Station-Not-Reachable-Reason
移动梦网[hw] Monternet
消息待发[hw] More-Messages-To-Send
MSC区域[hw] MSC area
多呼[hw] Multicall
多维表达式[hw] Multidimensional Expressions
多媒体短消息[hw] Multimedia Message
多媒体信息业务[hw] Multimedia Messaging Service
多媒体信息业务环境[hw] Multimedia Messaging Service Environment
多媒体信息业务网络结构[hw] Multimedia Messaging Service Network Architecture
多方通话[hw] MultiParty Service
多重关联控制功能[hw] Multiple Association Control Function
多方呼叫[hw] Multiway Calling
机器DSN [hw] machine DSN
生成表查询[hw] make table query
管理功能构件[hw] management building block
管理功能[hw] management function
必须的[hw] mandatory
多对多关系[hw] many-to-many relationship
多对一关系[hw] many-to-one relationship
master 数据库[hw] master database
主定义位置[hw] master definition site
主文件[hw] master file
主位置[hw] master site
平均比特率[hw] mean bit rate
度量值[hw] measure
度量[hw] measurement
媒体描述[hw] media description
媒体家族[hw] media family
媒体格式转换[hw] media format conversion
媒体格式[hw] media formats
媒体首部[hw] media header
媒体名称[hw] media name
媒体服务器[hw] media server
媒体集[hw] media set
媒体类型[hw] media type
媒体种类转换[hw] media type conversion
成员[hw] member
成员委派[hw] member delegation
成员组[hw] member group
成员键列[hw] member key column
成员名列[hw] member name column
成员属性[hw] member property
成员变量[hw] member variable
备注[hw] memo
合并[hw] merge
合并复制[hw] merge replication
消息体[hw] message body
消息元素[hw] message element
消息前转[hw] message forwarding
消息头[hw] message header
消息格式[hw] message layout
消息编号[hw] message number
消息限制[hw] message qualification
消息过滤[hw] message screening
消息业务[hw] messaging service
元数据[hw] meta data
方法[hw] method
挖掘模型[hw] mining model
镜像[hw] mirroring
混合模式[hw] mixed mode
移动号码可携带[hw] mobile number portability
移动台[hw] mobile station
移动台漫游号码[hw] mobile station roaming number
移动终止[hw] mobile termination
移动黄页[hw] mobile yellow pages
模型[hw] model
model 数据库[hw] model database
模型相关性[hw] model dependency
模块[hw] module
取模[hw] modulo
money 数据类型[hw] money data type
监视关系[hw] monitor relationship
监视窗口[hw] monitor window
多点传送业务[hw] multicast service
多维OLAP [hw] multidimensional OLAP
多维结构[hw] multidimensional structure
多重继承[hw] multiple inheritance
多实例[hw] multiple instances
多线程服务器应用程序[hw] multithreaded server application
多用户[hw] multiuser
网络接入点[hw] Network Access Point
网络决定的用户忙[hw] Network Determined User Busy
网络功能体系[hw] Network Functional Architecture
网络管理[hw] Network Manager
北美紧急业务路由位[hw] North American Emergency Services Routing Digits 北美紧急业务路由密钥[hw] North American Emergency Services Routing Key 北美平等接入业务[hw] North American Equal Access
北美GSM号码可携带[hw] North American GSM Number Portability
北美编号方案[hw] North American Numbering Plan
编码方案识别[hw] Numbering Plan Identity
名称句式[hw] name phrasing
命名实例[hw] named instance
命名管道[hw] named pipe
命名集[hw] named set
命名关系[hw] naming relationship
本机格式[hw] native format
导航[hw] navigation。
