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achievements to rally the group)
Steps Managers Can Take To Enhance the Two Types of
Group Cohesiveness (continued)
Instrumental Cohesiveness Regularly update and clarify the group’s goal(s) Give every group member a vital ‘piece of the action’ Channel each group member’s special talents toward
Organizational Behaviour 2nd European Edition
Teams and Teamwork for the 21st Century
Tuckman’s Five-Stage Theory of Group Development
Forming Independence
Group Issues
‘Why are we here?’
‘Why are we fighting over who’s in charge and who does what?’
‘Can we agree
on roles and ‘Can we do the
work as a
job properly?
collective outcomes and products.
Types of Work Teams
Advice teams (help broaden information base for managerial decisions).
Production teams (perform day-to-day operations).
personality conflicts). Too much emphasis on results, not enough on team processes and
group dynamics. Unanticipated obstacle causes team to give up. Resistance to doing things differently. Poor interpersonal skills (aggressive rather than assertive
How to Build Trust Communication (keep everyone informed; give feedback; tell the
truth). Support (be available and approachable). Respect (delegate; be an active listener). Fairness (give credit where due; objectively evaluate performance). Predictability (be consistent; keep your promises). Competence (demonstrate good business sense and
Team Effectiveness
Team Effectiveness Criteria Performance
- Team output meets users’ expectations. Viability
- Members satisfied with team experience. - Members willing to continue contributing to team effort.
The Evolution of a Team
A work group becomes a team when: Leadership becomes a shared activity. Accountability shifts from strictly individual to both individual
Team: ‘A small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable.’
Individual ‘How do I fit ‘What’s my
Issues in?’
role here?’
‘What do the ‘How can I best
others expect perform my
me to do?’
Why Work Teams Fail
Mistakes typically made by management
Teams cannot overcome weak strategies and poor business practices.
Hostile environment for teams (command-and-control culture; competitive/individual reward plans; management resistance).
communication, destructive conflict, win-lose negotiation). Poor interpersonal chemistry (loners, dominators, self-appointed
experts do not fit in). Lack of trust.
Dependence/ interdependence
Performing Adjourning
Return to Independence
Tuckman’s Five-Stage Theory of Group Development (continued)
Basic Distinctions Among
Quality Circles, Virtual Teams and
Self-Managed Teams
Type of team (see Table 13-2)
Type of empowerment (see Table 16-2)
Quality Circles Advice
Trust: ‘Reciprocal faith in others’ intentions and behavior.’
Propensity to trust: ‘A personality trait involving one’s general willingness to trust others.’
Interpersonal Trust Involves a Cognitive Leap
Cognitive leap
Faith in the other person’s good intentions
Assumption that other person will behave as desired
Characteristics of an Effective Team
Clear purpose Informality Participation Listening Civilized disagreement Consensus decisions Open communication Clear roles and work assignments Shared leadership External relations Style diversity Self-assessment
the status and prestige of belonging Encourage interaction and co-operation Emphasize members’ common characteristics and
interests Point out environmental threats (e.g. competitor’s
Teams adopted as a fad, a quick-fix; no long-term commitment. Lessons from one team not transferred to others (limited
experimentation with teams). Vague or conflicting team assignments. Inadequate team skills training. Poor staffing of teams. Lack of trust.
Firsthand knowledge of other person’s reliability and integrity
Steps Managers Can Take To Enhance the Two Types of Group Cohesiveness
Socio-Emotional Cohesiveness Keep the group relatively small Strive for a favourable public image to increase
Project teams (apply specialized knowledge for creative problem solving).
Action teams (collection of highly-coordinated specialists who exhibit peak performance on demand).
and collective. The group develops its own purpose
or mission. Problem solving becomes a way of life,
not a part-time activity. Effectiveness is measured by the group’s
the common goal(s) Recognize and equitably reinforce every member’s
contributions Frequently remind group members they need each other
to get the job done
Virtual Teams
Advice or project (usually project)
Consultation, participation, or delegation
Self-Managed Teams
Production, project, or action

Why Work Teams Fail (continued)
Problems typically experienced by team members Team tries to do too much too soon. Conflict over differences in personal work styles (and/or